Tweak to how grouping works in case of intersect iterator (done to speed up hard case queries), a=chris

Author Chris Pollett <>
Author date 2013-11-18 06:Nov:th
Author local date 2013-11-17 22:Nov:th -0800
Committer Chris Pollett <>
Committer date 2013-11-18 06:Nov:th
Committer local date 2013-11-17 22:Nov:th -0800
Commit a60f727d122e8d6396aa5c43a8d1f4cd90a9a191
Tree e0a7d75e679b6d2965fe031cf2344c4c45414f9b
Parent c12d49c3b4070debabedd61c59827a1e9087b40d
Tweak to how grouping works in case of intersect iterator (done to speed up hard case queries), a=chris
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