Attempt to reduce query retrieval time by sending less data in raw=1 case take 4, a=chris

Author Chris Pollett <>
Author date 2019-07-11 18:Jul:th
Author local date 2019-07-11 11:Jul:th -0700
Committer Chris Pollett <>
Committer date 2019-07-11 18:Jul:th
Committer local date 2019-07-11 11:Jul:th -0700
Commit a38ea94adc9c59791b01e6b1a95aedff11bfc971
Tree becc6c95dc55df72741022dbb47604dc31d9c28f
Parent 695bc314df769f1e8d471d7847dda0764d944703
Attempt to reduce query retrieval time by sending less data in raw=1 case take 4, a=chris
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