Rewrote load save methods of IndexShard to make more memory efficient, a=chris

Chris Pollett [2010-10-17 07:Oct:th]
Rewrote load save methods of IndexShard to make more memory efficient, a=chris
diff --git a/lib/index_shard.php b/lib/index_shard.php
index 5a8b3f211..019c18e21 100644
--- a/lib/index_shard.php
+++ b/lib/index_shard.php
@@ -427,8 +427,8 @@ class IndexShard extends PersistentStructure implements CrawlConstants
             $add_last_string = substr($word_docs_offset, 4, 4);
             $tmp = unpack("N", $add_last_string);
             $add_last_offset = $tmp[1];
-            $add_count = substr($word_docs_offset, 8, 4);
-            $tmp = unpack("N", $add_count);
+            $add_count_string = substr($word_docs_offset, 8, 4);
+            $tmp = unpack("N", $add_count_string);
             $add_count = $tmp[1];
             if(!isset($this->words[$word_key])) {
                 $new_word_docs_offset =
@@ -444,9 +444,10 @@ class IndexShard extends PersistentStructure implements CrawlConstants
                 $count_string = substr($value, 8, 4);
                 $tmp = unpack("N", $count_string);
                 $count = $tmp[1];
-                if($count == 0x7FFFFFFF) {
-                    continue;
+                if($count == 0x7FFFFFFF || $add_count == 0x7FFFFFFF) {
+                    $new_count = 0x7FFFFFFF;
+                } else {
+                    $new_count = $count + $add_count;
                 $to_new_docs_offset = $add_first_offset
                    + ($old_word_docs_len - $last_offset);
@@ -455,7 +456,7 @@ class IndexShard extends PersistentStructure implements CrawlConstants
                     $last_offset + 4, 4);
                 $new_word_docs_offset = $first_string .
                     pack("N", $old_word_docs_len + $add_last_offset) .
-                    pack("N", $count + $add_count);
+                    pack("N", $new_count);
             $this->words[$word_key] = $new_word_docs_offset;
@@ -527,4 +528,95 @@ class IndexShard extends PersistentStructure implements CrawlConstants


+    /**
+     *  Save the IndexShard to its filename
+     */
+    public function save()
+    {
+        ksort($this->words);
+        $num_words = count($this->words);
+        $header = pack("N", $num_words*20) .
+            pack("N", $this->word_docs_len) .
+            pack("N", $this->docids_len) .
+            pack("N", $this->generation_offset) .
+            pack("N", $this->num_docs) .
+            pack("N", $this->num_link_docs) .
+            pack("N", $this->len_all_docs) .
+            pack("N", $this->len_all_link_docs);
+        $fh = fopen($this->filename, "wb");
+        fwrite($fh, $header);
+        array_walk($this->words, 'IndexShard::writeWords', $fh);
+        fwrite($fh, $this->word_docs);
+        fwrite($fh, $this->doc_infos);
+        fclose($fh);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Callback function for save method. Write a single word, word_info pair
+     * to disk
+     *
+     * @param string &$value first, last offset, count for word in word_docs
+     * @param string $word_key hash of word
+     * @param resource &$fh filehandle to use to write to disk
+     */
+    function writeWords(&$value, $word_key, &$fh)
+    {
+        fwrite($fh, $word_key . $value);
+    }
+    /**
+     *  Load an IndexShard from a file
+     *
+     *  @param string the name of the file to load the IndexShard from
+     *  @return object the IndexShard loaded
+     */
+    public static function load($fname)
+    {
+        $shard = new IndexShard($fname);
+        $fh = fopen($fname, "rb");
+        $header = fread($fh, 32);
+        $header_array = str_split($header, 4);
+        $header_data = array_map('IndexShard::unpackInt', $header_array);
+        $words = fread($fh, $header_data[0]);
+        $shard->word_docs = fread($fh, $header_data[1]);
+        $shard->doc_infos = fread($fh, $header_data[2]);
+        fclose($fh);
+        $shard->word_docs_len = $header_data[1];
+        $shard->docids_len = $header_data[2];
+        $shard->generation_offset = $header_data[3];
+        $shard->num_docs = $header_data[4];
+        $shard->num_link_docs = $header_data[5];
+        $shard->len_all_docs = $header_data[6];
+        $shard->len_all_link_docs = $header_data[7];
+        $pre_words_array = str_split($words, 20);
+        unset($words);
+        array_walk($pre_words_array, 'IndexShard::makeWords', $shard);
+        return $shard;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Callback function for load method. Unpacks an int from a 4 char string
+     *
+     * @param string $str where to extract int from
+     * @return int extracted integer
+     */
+    static function unpackInt($str)
+    {
+        $tmp = unpack("N", $str);
+        return $tmp[1];
+    }
+    /**
+     * Callback function for load method. splits a word_key . word_info string
+     * into an entry in the passed shard $shard->words[word_key] = $word_info.
+     *
+     * @param string &value  the word_key . word_info string
+     * @param int $key index in array - we don't use
+     * @param object $shard IndexShard to add the entry to word table for
+     */
+    static function makeWords(&$value, $key, &$shard)
+    {
+        $shard->words[substr($value, 0, 8)] = substr($value, 8, 12);
+    }
diff --git a/models/phrase_model.php b/models/phrase_model.php
index 65632ad51..14dc67358 100755
--- a/models/phrase_model.php
+++ b/models/phrase_model.php
@@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ class PhraseModel extends Model
         $index_archive_name = self::index_data_base_name . $index_name;
         $index_archive = new IndexArchiveBundle(
-        $punct = "\.|\,|\;|\"|\'|\`|\[|\]|\{|\}|\(|\)|\!|\|";
+        $punct = "\.|\,|\:|\;|\"|\'|\`|\[|\]|\{|\}|\(|\)|\!|\|";
         $phrase_string = mb_ereg_replace($punct, " ", $phrase_string);
         $phrase_string = preg_replace("/(\s)+/", " ", $phrase_string);
@@ -378,7 +378,7 @@ class PhraseModel extends Model
             $avg_docs_gen = ($generation > 1) ?
                 ($num_retrieved - $gen_count + $gen_num_rows)/$generation :
-            $results['TOTAL_ROWS'] = $avg_docs_gen * $max_num_generations;
+            $results['TOTAL_ROWS'] = ceil($avg_docs_gen * $max_num_generations);
             //this is only an approximation
         $results['PAGES'] = & $pages;
diff --git a/tests/index_shard_test.php b/tests/index_shard_test.php
index e95ece531..2e50329b8 100644
--- a/tests/index_shard_test.php
+++ b/tests/index_shard_test.php
@@ -363,5 +363,51 @@ class IndexShardTest extends UnitTest
             $c_data[crawlHash($doc_urls[0], true)][CrawlConstants::DUPLICATE]),
             "Duplicate data shows up as duplicate");
+    /**
+     * Check that save and load work
+     */
+    public function saveLoadTestCase()
+    {
+        $docid = "AAAAAAAA";
+        $offset = 5;
+        $word_counts = array(
+            'BBBBBBBB' => 1,
+            'CCCCCCCC' => 2,
+            'DDDDDDDD' => 6,
+        );
+        $meta_ids = array(
+            "EEEEEEEE",
+            "FFFFFFFF"
+        );
+        $this->test_objects['shard']->addDocumentWords($docid,
+            $offset, $word_counts, $meta_ids);
+        $this->test_objects['shard']->save();
+        $this->test_objects['shard2'] = IndexShard::load("shard.txt");
+        $this->assertEqual($this->test_objects['shard2']->len_all_docs, 9,
+            "Len All Docs Correctly Counts Length of First Doc");
+        $c_data = $this->test_objects['shard2']->getWordSliceById(
+            crawlHash('BBBBBBBB', true), 5);
+        $this->assertTrue(isset($c_data["AAAAAAAA"]),
+            "Doc lookup by word works");
+        $c_data = $this->test_objects['shard2']->getWordSliceById(
+            crawlHash('CCCCCCCC', true), 5);
+        $this->assertTrue(isset($c_data["AAAAAAAA"]),
+            "Doc lookup 2 by word works");
+        $c_data = $this->test_objects['shard2']->getWordSliceById(
+            crawlHash('DDDDDDDD', true), 5);
+        $this->assertTrue(isset($c_data["AAAAAAAA"]),
+            "Doc lookup 2 by word works");
+        $c_data = $this->test_objects['shard2']->getWordSliceById(
+            crawlHash('EEEEEEEE', true), 5);
+        $this->assertTrue(isset($c_data["AAAAAAAA"]),
+            "Doc lookup 2 by word works");
+        $c_data = $this->test_objects['shard2']->getWordSliceById(
+            crawlHash('FFFFFFFF', true), 5);
+        $this->assertTrue(isset($c_data["AAAAAAAA"]),
+            "Doc lookup 2 by word works");
+    }