Get the create new file and folder actions working, a=chris

Chris Pollett [2016-03-04 02:Mar:th]
Get the create new file and folder actions working, a=chris
diff --git a/src/controllers/components/SocialComponent.php b/src/controllers/components/SocialComponent.php
index 6de301dd3..3e3069f09 100644
--- a/src/controllers/components/SocialComponent.php
+++ b/src/controllers/components/SocialComponent.php
@@ -1415,61 +1415,19 @@ class SocialComponent extends Component implements CrawlConstants
         $controller_name =
             (get_class($parent) == C\NS_CONTROLLERS ."AdminController") ?
                 "admin" : "group";
-        $data = [];
-        $data["CONTROLLER"] = $controller_name;
         $other_controller_name = (get_class($parent) == C\NS_CONTROLLERS .
             "AdminController") ? "group" : "admin";
-        $data["ELEMENT"] = "wiki";
-        $data["VIEW"] = "wiki";
-        $data["SCRIPT"] = "";
-        $data["INCLUDE_STYLES"] = ["editor"];
+        $base_url = C\BASE_URL;
+        list($data, $sub_path, $additional_substitutions, $clean_array,
+            $strings_array, $page_defaults) = $this->initCommonWikiArrays(
+                $controller_name, $base_url);
         $group_model = $parent->model("group");
-        $locale_tag = L\getLocaleTag();
-        $data['CURRENT_LOCALE_TAG'] = $locale_tag;
         if (isset($_SESSION['USER_ID'])) {
             $user_id = $_SESSION['USER_ID'];
             $data['ADMIN'] = 1;
         } else {
             $user_id = C\PUBLIC_USER_ID;
-        $search_translation = tl('social_component_search');
-        $base_url = C\BASE_URL;
-        $search_form = <<<EOD
-<form method="get" action='$base_url' class="search-box $2-search-box" >
-<input type='hidden' name="its" value='$1' />
-<input type='text'  name='q'  value="" placeholder='$3'
-    title='$3' class='search-input' />
-<button type="submit" class='search-button'><img
-    src='{$base_url}resources/search-button.png'
-    alt='$search_translation'/></button>
-        $additional_substitutions[] = ['/{{\s*search\s*:\s*(.+?)\s*\|'.
-            '\s*size\s*:\s*(.+?)\s*\|\s*placeholder\s*:\s*(.+?)}}/',
-            $search_form];
-        $clean_array = [
-            "group_id" => "int",
-            "page_name" => "string",
-            "page" => "string",
-            "edit_reason" => "string",
-            "filter" => 'string',
-            "limit" => 'int',
-            "num" => 'int',
-            "page_id" => 'int',
-            "show" => 'int',
-            "sort" => 'string',
-            "diff" => 'int',
-            "diff1" => 'int',
-            "diff2" => 'int',
-            "revert" => 'int',
-            "group_name" => 'string',
-        ];
-        $strings_array = [
-            "page_name" => C\TITLE_LEN,
-            "page" => C\MAX_GROUP_PAGE_LEN,
-            "edit_reason" => C\SHORT_TITLE_LEN,
-            "filter" => C\SHORT_TITLE_LEN];
         $last_care_missing = 2;
         $missing_fields = false;
         $i = 0;
@@ -1510,7 +1468,7 @@ EOD;
         if (!empty($group_id)) {
-        } else if (isset($page_id)) {
+        } else if (!empty($page_id)) {
             $page_info = $group_model->getPageInfoByPageId($page_id);
             if (isset($page_info["GROUP_ID"])) {
                 $group_id = $page_info["GROUP_ID"];
@@ -1521,20 +1479,7 @@ EOD;
         } else {
             $group_id = C\PUBLIC_GROUP_ID;
-        $sub_path = "";
-        if (!empty($_REQUEST['sf'])) {
-            $sub_path = $parent->clean($_REQUEST['sf'], 'string');
-            $sub_path = str_replace(".", "", $sub_path);
-            $data['SUB_PATH'] = htmlentities($sub_path);
-        }
         $group = $group_model->getGroupById($group_id, $user_id);
-        $data["CAN_EDIT"] = false;
-        if ((isset($_REQUEST['c'])) && $_REQUEST['c'] == "api"){
-            $data['MODE'] = 'api';
-            $data['VIEW'] = 'api';
-        } else {
-            $data["MODE"] = "read";
-        }
         if (!$group || !isset($group["OWNER_ID"])) {
             if ($data['MODE'] !== 'api') {
                 $_REQUEST = ['c' => "admin", 'a' => '', C\CSRF_TOKEN => ''];
@@ -1553,36 +1498,6 @@ EOD;
                 $data["CAN_EDIT"] = true;
-        $page_defaults = [
-            'page_type' => 'standard',
-            'page_alias' => '',
-            'page_border' => 'solid',
-            'toc' => true,
-            'title' => '',
-            'author' => '',
-            'robots' => '',
-            'description' => '',
-            'alternative_path' => '',
-            'page_header' => '',
-            'page_footer' => '',
-            'sort' => 'aname'
-        ];
-        $data['page_types'] = [
-            "standard" => tl('social_component_standard_page'),
-            "page_alias" => tl('social_component_page_alias'),
-            "media_list" => tl('social_component_media_list'),
-            "presentation" => tl('social_component_presentation')
-        ];
-        $data['page_borders'] = [
-            "solid-border" => tl('social_component_solid'),
-            "dashed-border" => tl('social_component_dashed'),
-            "none" => tl('social_component_none')
-        ];
-        $data['resource_actions'] = [
-            "actions" => tl('social_component_actions'),
-            "new-folder" => tl('social_component_new_folder'),
-            "new-file" => tl('social_component_new_file')
-        ];
         if ($group_id == C\PUBLIC_GROUP_ID) {
             $read_address = "[{controller_and_page}]";
         } else {
@@ -1592,247 +1507,14 @@ EOD;
         if (isset($_REQUEST["arg"])) {
             switch ($_REQUEST["arg"]) {
                 case "edit":
-                    if (!$data["CAN_EDIT"]) { continue; }
-                    if (isset($_REQUEST['caret']) &&
-                       isset($_REQUEST['scroll_top'])
-                            && !isset($page)) {
-                        $caret = $parent->clean($_REQUEST['caret'],
-                            'int');
-                        $scroll_top= $parent->clean($_REQUEST['scroll_top'],
-                            'int');
-                        $data['SCRIPT'] .= "wiki = elt('wiki-page');".
-                            "if (wiki.setSelectionRange) { " .
-                            "   wiki.focus();" .
-                            "   wiki.setSelectionRange($caret, $caret);".
-                            "} ".
-                            "wiki.scrollTop = $scroll_top;";
-                    }
-                    if (isset($page)){
-                        $data["MODE"] = "read";
-                    } else {
-                        $data["MODE"] = "edit";
-                    }
-                    $page_info = $group_model->getPageInfoByName($group_id,
-                        $page_name, $locale_tag, 'resources');
-                    /* if page not yet created than $page_info will be null
-                       so in the below $page_info['ID'] won't be set.
-                     */
-                    $upload_allowed = true;
-                    if ($missing_fields) {
-                        return $parent->redirectWithMessage(
-                            tl("social_component_missing_fields"));
-                    } else if (!$missing_fields && (isset($page)
-                        || isset($_REQUEST['sort']))) {
-                        $action = "wikiupdate_".
-                            "group=".$group_id."&page=".$page_name;
-                        if (!$parent->checkCSRFTime(C\CSRF_TOKEN, $action)) {
-                            $data['SCRIPT'] .= "doMessage('<h1 class=\"red\" >".
-                                tl('social_component_wiki_edited_elsewhere').
-                                "</h1>');";
-                            break;
-                        }
-                        if (!empty($_REQUEST['sort'])) {
-                            $head_object =$parent->parsePageHeadVars(
-                                $page_info['PAGE']);
-                        }
-                        $write_head = false;
-                        $head_vars = [];
-                        $page_types = array_keys($data['page_types']);
-                        $page_borders = array_keys($data['page_borders']);
-                        $set_path = false;
-                        foreach ($page_defaults as $key => $default) {
-                            $head_vars[$key] = (isset($head_object[$key])) ?
-                                $head_object[$key] : $default;
-                            if (isset($_REQUEST[$key])) {
-                                $head_vars[$key] =  trim(
-                                    $parent->clean($_REQUEST[$key], "string"));
-                                switch ($key) {
-                                    case 'page_type':
-                                        if (!in_array($head_vars[$key],
-                                            $page_types)) {
-                                            $head_vars[$key] = $default;
-                                        }
-                                        break;
-                                    case 'page_borders':
-                                        if (!in_array($head_vars[$key],
-                                            $page_borders)) {
-                                            $head_vars[$key] = $default;
-                                        }
-                                        break;
-                                    case 'alternative_path':
-                                        if (!is_dir($head_vars[$key]) &&
-                                            !empty($head_vars[$key])) {
-                                            $head_vars[$key] = $default;
-                                        } else if (!empty($_SESSION['USER_ID'])
-                                            && $_SESSION['USER_ID'] ==
-                                            C\ROOT_ID) {
-                                            $set_path = true;
-                                        }
-                                        break;
-                                    case 'sort':
-                                        if (!isset($page) &&
-                                           !isset($page_info['PAGE'])) {
-                                           break;
-                                        }
-                                        if (in_array($head_vars[$key],
-                                            ['name', 'size', 'modified'])) {
-                                            if (isset($page_info['PAGE'])) {
-                                                if (!isset($page)) {
-                                                    $page_parts = explode(
-                                                        "END_HEAD_VARS",
-                                                        $page_info['PAGE']);
-                                                    $page =
-                                                        isset($page_parts[1]) ?
-                                                        $page_parts[1] :
-                                                        $page_parts[0];
-                                                }
-                                            }
-                                            $new_key = 'a' . $head_vars[$key];
-                                            if (isset($head_object['sort']) &&
-                                                $head_object['sort'] ==
-                                                $new_key) {
-                                                $new_key = 'r'.$head_vars[$key];
-                                            }
-                                            $head_vars[$key] = $new_key;
-                                            $edit_reason =
-                                                "Change resource sort";
-                                            $write_head = true;
-                                        } else {
-                                            $head_vars[$key] = $default;
-                                        }
-                                        break;
-                                    default:
-                                        $head_vars[$key] =
-                                            trim(preg_replace("/\n+/", "\n",
-                                            $head_vars[$key]));
-                                }
-                                if ($head_vars[$key] != $default) {
-                                    $write_head = true;
-                                }
-                            } else if ($key == 'toc') {
-                                if (isset($_REQUEST['title'])) {
-                                    $head_vars[$key] = false;
-                                } else {
-                                    $head_vars[$key] == true;
-                                }
-                            }
-                        }
-                        if ($write_head) {
-                            $head_string = "";
-                            foreach ($page_defaults as $key => $default) {
-                                $head_string .= $key . "=" . $head_vars[$key].
-                                    "\n\n";
-                            }
-                            $page = $head_string . "END_HEAD_VARS" . $page;
-                        }
-                        $page_info['ID'] = $group_model->setPageName($user_id,
-                            $group_id, $page_name, $page,
-                            $locale_tag, $edit_reason,
-                            tl('social_component_page_created', $page_name),
-                            tl('social_component_page_discuss_here'),
-                            $read_address, $additional_substitutions);
-                        if ($set_path && !empty($page_info['ID'])) {
-                            $tmp = $group_model->getGroupPageResourcesFolders(
-                                $group_id, $page_info['ID'], "", true, false);
-                            if (isset($tmp[1])) {
-                                list($resource_path, $thumb_path) = $tmp;
-                                if (!empty($head_vars['alternative_path'])) {
-                                    file_put_contents(
-                                        "$resource_path/redirect.txt",
-                                        $head_vars['alternative_path']);
-                                } else if (file_exists(
-                                    "$resource_path/redirect.txt") ) {
-                                    unlink("$resource_path/redirect.txt");
-                                }
-                            }
-                        }
-                        if (!isset($_FILES['page_resource']['name']) ||
-                            $_FILES['page_resource']['name'] == "") {
-                            return $parent->redirectWithMessage(
-                                tl("social_component_page_saved"),
-                                ['arg', 'page_name', 'settings',
-                                'caret', 'scroll_top','back_params', 'sf']);
-                        }
-                    } else if (!$missing_fields && isset($_REQUEST['delete'])) {
-                        $resource_name = $parent->clean($_REQUEST['delete'],
-                            "string");
-                        $upload_allowed = false;
-                        if (isset($page_info['ID']) &&
-                            $group_model->deleteResource($resource_name,
-                            $group_id, $page_info['ID'], $sub_path)) {
-                            return $parent->redirectWithMessage(
-                                tl('social_component_resource_deleted'),
-                                ['arg', 'page_name', 'settings',
-                                'caret', 'scroll_top', 'sf']);
-                        } else {
-                            return $parent->redirectWithMessage(
-                                tl('social_component_resource_not_deleted'),
-                                ['arg', 'page_name', 'settings',
-                                'caret', 'scroll_top', 'sf']);
-                        }
-                    } else if (!$missing_fields &&
-                        !empty($_REQUEST['new_resource_name']) &&
-                        !empty($_REQUEST['old_resource_name'])) {
-                        $upload_allowed = false;
-                        $old_resource_name = $parent->clean(
-                            $_REQUEST['old_resource_name'], "string");
-                        $new_resource_name = $parent->clean(
-                            $_REQUEST['new_resource_name'], "string");
-                        if (isset($page_info['ID']) &&
-                            $group_model->renameResource($old_resource_name,
-                                $new_resource_name, $group_id,
-                                $page_info['ID'], $sub_path)) {
-                            return $parent->redirectWithMessage(
-                                tl('social_component_resource_renamed'),
-                                ['arg', 'page_name', 'settings',
-                                'caret', 'scroll_top', 'sf']);
-                        } else {
-                            return $parent->redirectWithMessage(
-                                tl('social_component_resource_not_renamed'),
-                                ['arg', 'page_name', 'settings',
-                                'caret', 'scroll_top', 'sf']);
-                        }
-                    }
-                    if ($upload_allowed && !$missing_fields &&
-                        isset($_FILES['page_resource']['name']) &&
-                        $_FILES['page_resource']['name'] != "") {
-                        if (!isset($page_info['ID'])) {
-                            return $parent->redirectWithMessage(
-                                tl('social_component_resource_save_first'),
-                                ['arg', 'page_name', 'settings',
-                                'caret', 'scroll_top', 'sf']);
-                        }
-                        $result = $this->handleResourceUploads(
-                            $group_id, $page_info['ID'], $sub_path);
-                        if ($result == self::UPLOAD_SUCCESS) {
-                            //we re-parse page so resources parsed
-                            if (isset($page) && isset($edit_reason)) {
-                                $group_model->setPageName($user_id,
-                                    $group_id, $page_name, $page,
-                                    $locale_tag, $edit_reason,
-                                    tl('social_component_page_created',
-                                    $page_name),
-                                    tl('social_component_page_discuss_here'),
-                                    $read_address, $additional_substitutions);
-                            }
-                            return $parent->redirectWithMessage(
-                                tl('social_component_resource_uploaded'),
-                                ['arg', 'page_name', 'settings',
-                                'caret', 'scroll_top', 'sf']);
-                        } else {
-                            return $parent->redirectWithMessage(
-                                tl('social_component_upload_error'),
-                                ['arg', 'page_name', 'settings',
-                                'caret', 'scroll_top', 'sf']);
-                        }
-                    }
-                    if (isset($page_info['ID'])) {
-                        $data['RESOURCES_INFO'] =
-                            $group_model->getGroupPageResourceUrls($group_id,
-                            $page_info['ID'], $sub_path);
-                    } else {
-                        $data['RESOURCES_INFO'] = [];
-                    }
+                    $page_id = isset($page_id) ? $page_id : null;
+                    $page_name = isset($page_name) ? $page_name : null;
+                    $page = isset($page) ? $page : null;
+                    $edit_reason = isset($edit_reason) ? $edit_reason: null;
+                    $this->editWiki($data, $user_id, $group_id, $group,
+                        $page_id, $page_name, $page, $page_defaults, $sub_path,
+                        $edit_reason, $missing_fields, $read_address,
+                        $additional_substitutions);
                 case "history":
                     if (!isset($page_id) || !$page_id) {
@@ -1926,7 +1608,7 @@ EOD;
                                 $group_id, $page_info["PAGE_NAME"],
-                                $locale_tag,
+                                $data['CURRENT_LOCALE_TAG'],
                                 date('c', $revert)), "", "", $read_address,
@@ -1973,7 +1655,8 @@ EOD;
                     $page_string .= "</div>";
                     $data["PAGE"] = $group_model->insertResourcesParsePage(
-                        $group_id, $page_id, $locale_tag, $page_string);
+                        $group_id, $page_id, $data['CURRENT_LOCALE_TAG'],
+                        $page_string);
                     $data["PAGE_ID"] = $page_id;
                 case "pages":
@@ -1994,13 +1677,14 @@ EOD;
                     $search_page_info = false;
                     if ($filter != "") {
                         $search_page_info = $group_model->getPageInfoByName(
-                            $group_id, $filter, $locale_tag, "read");
+                            $group_id, $filter, $data['CURRENT_LOCALE_TAG'],
+                            "read");
                     if (!$search_page_info) {
                         list($data["TOTAL_ROWS"], $data["PAGES"]) =
-                            $group_id, $locale_tag, $filter, $limit,
-                            $num);
+                            $group_id, $data['CURRENT_LOCALE_TAG'], $filter,
+                            $limit, $num);
                         if ($data["TOTAL_ROWS"] == 0 && $filter != "") {
                             $data["MODE"] = "read";
                             $page_name = $filter;
@@ -2031,7 +1715,7 @@ EOD;
                         $data["MODE"] = "source";
                     $page_info = $group_model->getPageInfoByName($group_id,
-                        $page_name, $locale_tag, 'resources');
+                        $page_name, $data['CURRENT_LOCALE_TAG'], 'resources');
                     /* if page not yet created than $page_info will be null
                        so in the below $page_info['ID'] won't be set.
@@ -2057,13 +1741,14 @@ EOD;
                     $page_info = $search_page_info;
                 } else {
                     $page_info = $group_model->getPageInfoByName($group_id,
-                        $page_name, $locale_tag, $data["MODE"]);
+                        $page_name, $data['CURRENT_LOCALE_TAG'], $data["MODE"]);
                 $data["PAGE"] = $page_info["PAGE"];
                 $data["PAGE_ID"] = $page_info["ID"];
                 $data["DISCUSS_THREAD"] = $page_info["DISCUSS_THREAD"];
-            if (empty($data["PAGE"]) && $locale_tag != C\DEFAULT_LOCALE) {
+            if (empty($data["PAGE"]) &&
+                $data['CURRENT_LOCALE_TAG'] != C\DEFAULT_LOCALE) {
                 //fallback to default locale for translation
                 $page_info = $group_model->getPageInfoByName(
                     $group_id, $page_name, C\DEFAULT_LOCALE, $data["MODE"]);
@@ -2088,7 +1773,8 @@ EOD;
                 isset($data["HEAD"]['page_header']) &&
                 $data["HEAD"]['page_type'] != 'presentation') {
                 $page_header = $group_model->getPageInfoByName($group_id,
-                    $data["HEAD"]['page_header'], $locale_tag, $data["MODE"]);
+                    $data["HEAD"]['page_header'],
+                    $data['CURRENT_LOCALE_TAG'], $data["MODE"]);
                 if (isset($page_header['PAGE'])) {
                     $header_parts =
                         explode("END_HEAD_VARS", $page_header['PAGE']);
@@ -2102,7 +1788,8 @@ EOD;
                 isset($data["HEAD"]['page_footer']) &&
                 $data["HEAD"]['page_type'] != 'presentation') {
                 $page_footer = $group_model->getPageInfoByName($group_id,
-                    $data["HEAD"]['page_footer'], $locale_tag, $data["MODE"]);
+                    $data["HEAD"]['page_footer'], $data['CURRENT_LOCALE_TAG'],
+                    $data["MODE"]);
                 if (isset($page_footer['PAGE'])) {
                     $footer_parts =
                         explode("END_HEAD_VARS", $page_footer['PAGE']);
@@ -2173,76 +1860,359 @@ EOD;
                     $data['settings'] = "true";
                 $data['current_page_type'] = $data["page_type"];
-                $data['SCRIPT'] .= <<< EOD
-                setDisplay('page-settings', {$data['settings']});
-                mode = '{$data['MODE']}';
-                function toggleSettings()
-                {
-                    var settings = elt('p-settings');
-                    settings.value = (settings.value =='true')
-                        ? 'false' : 'true';
-                    var value = (settings.value == 'true') ? true : false;
-                    if (mode == 'edit') {
-                        elt('r-settings').value = settings.value;
+                $this->initializeWikiPageToggle($data);
+                $this->initializeWikiEditor($data);
+            }
+        }
+        return $data;
+    }
+    /**
+     *
+     */
+    private function editWiki(&$data, $user_id, $group_id, $group, $page_id,
+        $page_name, $page, $page_defaults, $sub_path, $edit_reason,
+        $missing_fields, $read_address, $additional_substitutions)
+    {
+        if (!$data["CAN_EDIT"]) { return; }
+        $parent = $this->parent;
+        $group_model = $parent->model("group");
+        if (isset($_REQUEST['caret']) &&
+           isset($_REQUEST['scroll_top'])
+                && !isset($page)) {
+            $caret = $parent->clean($_REQUEST['caret'],
+                'int');
+            $scroll_top= $parent->clean($_REQUEST['scroll_top'],
+                'int');
+            $data['SCRIPT'] .= "wiki = elt('wiki-page');".
+                "if (wiki.setSelectionRange) { " .
+                "   wiki.focus();" .
+                "   wiki.setSelectionRange($caret, $caret);".
+                "} ".
+                "wiki.scrollTop = $scroll_top;";
+        }
+        if (!empty($page)){
+            $data["MODE"] = "read";
+        } else {
+            $data["MODE"] = "edit";
+        }
+        $page_info = $group_model->getPageInfoByName($group_id,
+            $page_name, $data['CURRENT_LOCALE_TAG'], 'resources');
+        /* if page not yet created than $page_info will be null
+           so in the below $page_info['ID'] won't be set.
+         */
+        $upload_allowed = true;
+        if ($missing_fields) {
+            return $parent->redirectWithMessage(
+                tl("social_component_missing_fields"));
+        } else if ((isset($page)|| isset($_REQUEST['sort']))) {
+            $action = "wikiupdate_".
+                "group=".$group_id."&page=".$page_name;
+            if (!$parent->checkCSRFTime(C\CSRF_TOKEN, $action)) {
+                $data['SCRIPT'] .= "doMessage('<h1 class=\"red\" >".
+                    tl('social_component_wiki_edited_elsewhere').
+                    "</h1>');";
+                break;
+            }
+            if (!empty($_REQUEST['sort'])) {
+                $head_object =$parent->parsePageHeadVars(
+                    $page_info['PAGE']);
+            }
+            $write_head = false;
+            $head_vars = [];
+            $page_types = array_keys($data['page_types']);
+            $page_borders = array_keys($data['page_borders']);
+            $set_path = false;
+            foreach ($page_defaults as $key => $default) {
+                $head_vars[$key] = (isset($head_object[$key])) ?
+                    $head_object[$key] : $default;
+                if (isset($_REQUEST[$key])) {
+                    $head_vars[$key] =  trim(
+                        $parent->clean($_REQUEST[$key], "string"));
+                    switch ($key) {
+                        case 'page_type':
+                            if (!in_array($head_vars[$key], $page_types)) {
+                                $head_vars[$key] = $default;
+                            }
+                            break;
+                        case 'page_borders':
+                            if (!in_array($head_vars[$key], $page_borders)) {
+                                $head_vars[$key] = $default;
+                            }
+                            break;
+                        case 'alternative_path':
+                            if (!is_dir($head_vars[$key]) &&
+                                !empty($head_vars[$key])) {
+                                $head_vars[$key] = $default;
+                            } else if (!empty($_SESSION['USER_ID'])
+                                && $_SESSION['USER_ID'] == C\ROOT_ID) {
+                                $set_path = true;
+                            }
+                            break;
+                        case 'sort':
+                            if (empty($page) && !isset($page_info['PAGE'])) {
+                               break;
+                            }
+                            if (in_array($head_vars[$key],
+                                ['name', 'size', 'modified'])) {
+                                if (isset($page_info['PAGE'])) {
+                                    if (!isset($page)) {
+                                        $page_parts = explode("END_HEAD_VARS",
+                                            $page_info['PAGE']);
+                                        $page = isset($page_parts[1]) ?
+                                            $page_parts[1] : $page_parts[0];
+                                    }
+                                }
+                                $new_key = 'a' . $head_vars[$key];
+                                if (isset($head_object['sort']) &&
+                                    $head_object['sort'] == $new_key) {
+                                    $new_key = 'r' . $head_vars[$key];
+                                }
+                                $head_vars[$key] = $new_key;
+                                $edit_reason = "Change resource sort";
+                                $write_head = true;
+                            } else {
+                                $head_vars[$key] = $default;
+                            }
+                            break;
+                        default:
+                            $head_vars[$key] =
+                                trim(preg_replace("/\n+/", "\n",
+                                $head_vars[$key]));
-                    setDisplay('page-settings', value);
-                    var page_type = elt("page-type");
-                    var cur_type = page_type.options[
-                        page_type.selectedIndex].value;
-                    if (cur_type == "media_list" && mode == 'edit') {
-                        setDisplay('save-container', value);
+                    if ($head_vars[$key] != $default) {
+                        $write_head = true;
+                    }
+                } else if ($key == 'toc') {
+                    if (isset($_REQUEST['title'])) {
+                        $head_vars[$key] = false;
+                    } else {
+                        $head_vars[$key] == true;
-                ptype = document.getElementById("page-type");
-                is_media_list = ('media_list'=='{$data['current_page_type']}');
-                is_settings = {$data['settings']};
-                is_page_alias = ('page_alias'=='{$data['current_page_type']}');
-                setDisplay('page-settings', is_settings || is_page_alias);
-                setDisplay("media-list-page", is_media_list && !is_page_alias);
-                setDisplay("page-container", !is_media_list && !is_page_alias);
-                setDisplay("non-alias-type", !is_page_alias);
-                setDisplay("alias-type", is_page_alias);
-                if (mode == 'edit') {
-                    setDisplay('save-container', !is_media_list || is_settings);
-                    setDisplay("resource-upload-form", is_media_list);
+            }
+            if ($write_head) {
+                $head_string = "";
+                foreach ($page_defaults as $key => $default) {
+                    $head_string .= $key . "=" . $head_vars[$key].
+                        "\n\n";
-                setDisplay("toggle-settings", !is_page_alias, "inline");
-                setDisplay("page-resources", !is_page_alias);
-                ptype.onchange = function() {
-                    var cur_type = ptype.options[ptype.selectedIndex].value;
-                    if (cur_type == "media_list") {
-                        setDisplay("media-list-page", true, "inline");
-                        setDisplay("page-container", false);
-                        setDisplay("toggle-settings", true);
-                        setDisplay("non-alias-type", true);
-                        setDisplay("alias-type", false);
-                        setDisplay("page-resources", true);
-                        if (mode == 'edit') {
-                            setDisplay("resource-upload-form", true);
-                        }
-                    } else if (cur_type == "page_alias") {
-                        setDisplay("toggle-settings", false);
-                        setDisplay("media-list-page", false);
-                        setDisplay("page-container", false);
-                        setDisplay("non-alias-type", false);
-                        setDisplay("alias-type", true);
-                        setDisplay("page-resources", false);
-                    } else {
-                        setDisplay("page-container", true);
-                        setDisplay("media-list-page", false);
-                        setDisplay("toggle-settings", true, "inline");
-                        setDisplay("non-alias-type", true);
-                        setDisplay("alias-type", false);
-                        setDisplay("page-resources", true);
-                        if (mode == 'edit') {
-                            setDisplay("resource-upload-form", false);
-                        }
+                $page = $head_string . "END_HEAD_VARS" . $page;
+            }
+            $page_info['ID'] = $group_model->setPageName($user_id,
+                $group_id, $page_name, $page,
+                $data['CURRENT_LOCALE_TAG'], $edit_reason,
+                tl('social_component_page_created', $page_name),
+                tl('social_component_page_discuss_here'),
+                $read_address, $additional_substitutions);
+            if ($set_path && !empty($page_info['ID'])) {
+                $tmp = $group_model->getGroupPageResourcesFolders(
+                    $group_id, $page_info['ID'], "", true, false);
+                if (isset($tmp[1])) {
+                    list($resource_path, $thumb_path) = $tmp;
+                    if (!empty($head_vars['alternative_path'])) {
+                        file_put_contents(
+                            "$resource_path/redirect.txt",
+                            $head_vars['alternative_path']);
+                    } else if (file_exists(
+                        "$resource_path/redirect.txt") ) {
+                        unlink("$resource_path/redirect.txt");
-                $this->initializeWikiEditor($data);
+            }
+            if (!isset($_FILES['page_resource']['name']) ||
+                $_FILES['page_resource']['name'] == "") {
+                return $parent->redirectWithMessage(
+                    tl("social_component_page_saved"),
+                    ['arg', 'page_name', 'settings',
+                    'caret', 'scroll_top','back_params', 'sf']);
+            }
+        } else if (isset($_REQUEST['delete'])) {
+            $resource_name = $parent->clean($_REQUEST['delete'],
+                "string");
+            $upload_allowed = false;
+            if (isset($page_info['ID']) &&
+                $group_model->deleteResource($resource_name,
+                $group_id, $page_info['ID'], $sub_path)) {
+                return $parent->redirectWithMessage(
+                    tl('social_component_resource_deleted'),
+                    ['arg', 'page_name', 'settings',
+                    'caret', 'scroll_top', 'sf']);
+            } else {
+                return $parent->redirectWithMessage(
+                    tl('social_component_resource_not_deleted'),
+                    ['arg', 'page_name', 'settings',
+                    'caret', 'scroll_top', 'sf']);
+            }
+        } else if (!empty($_REQUEST['new_resource_name']) &&
+            !empty($_REQUEST['old_resource_name'])) {
+            $upload_allowed = false;
+            $old_resource_name = $parent->clean(
+                $_REQUEST['old_resource_name'], "string");
+            $new_resource_name = $parent->clean(
+                $_REQUEST['new_resource_name'], "string");
+            if (isset($page_info['ID']) &&
+                $group_model->renameResource($old_resource_name,
+                    $new_resource_name, $group_id,
+                    $page_info['ID'], $sub_path)) {
+                return $parent->redirectWithMessage(
+                    tl('social_component_resource_renamed'),
+                    ['arg', 'page_name', 'settings',
+                    'caret', 'scroll_top', 'sf']);
+            } else {
+                return $parent->redirectWithMessage(
+                    tl('social_component_resource_not_renamed'),
+                    ['arg', 'page_name', 'settings',
+                    'caret', 'scroll_top', 'sf']);
+            }
+        } else if (isset($_REQUEST['resource_actions']) &&
+            in_array($_REQUEST['resource_actions'],
+            ['new-folder', 'new-file']) && !empty($page_info['ID'])) {
+            if ($group_model->newResource($_REQUEST['resource_actions'],
+                $group_id, $page_info['ID'], $sub_path)) {
+                return $parent->redirectWithMessage(
+                    tl('social_component_resource_created'),
+                    ['arg', 'page_name', 'settings',
+                    'caret', 'scroll_top', 'sf']);
+            } else {
+                return $parent->redirectWithMessage(
+                    tl('social_component_resource_not_created'),
+                    ['arg', 'page_name', 'settings',
+                    'caret', 'scroll_top', 'sf']);
+        if ($upload_allowed &&  isset($_FILES['page_resource']['name']) &&
+            $_FILES['page_resource']['name'] != "") {
+            if (!isset($page_info['ID'])) {
+                return $parent->redirectWithMessage(
+                    tl('social_component_resource_save_first'),
+                    ['arg', 'page_name', 'settings',
+                    'caret', 'scroll_top', 'sf']);
+            }
+            $result = $this->handleResourceUploads(
+                $group_id, $page_info['ID'], $sub_path);
+            if ($result == self::UPLOAD_SUCCESS) {
+                //we re-parse page so resources parsed
+                if (isset($page) && isset($edit_reason)) {
+                    $group_model->setPageName($user_id,
+                        $group_id, $page_name, $page,
+                        $data['CURRENT_LOCALE_TAG'], $edit_reason,
+                        tl('social_component_page_created',
+                        $page_name),
+                        tl('social_component_page_discuss_here'),
+                        $read_address, $additional_substitutions);
+                }
+                return $parent->redirectWithMessage(
+                    tl('social_component_resource_uploaded'),
+                    ['arg', 'page_name', 'settings',
+                    'caret', 'scroll_top', 'sf']);
+            } else {
+                return $parent->redirectWithMessage(
+                    tl('social_component_upload_error'),
+                    ['arg', 'page_name', 'settings',
+                    'caret', 'scroll_top', 'sf']);
+            }
+        }
+        if (isset($page_info['ID'])) {
+            $data['RESOURCES_INFO'] =
+                $group_model->getGroupPageResourceUrls($group_id,
+                $page_info['ID'], $sub_path);
+        } else {
+            $data['RESOURCES_INFO'] = [];
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     *
+     */
+    private function initCommonWikiArrays($controller_name, $base_url)
+    {
+        $parent = $this->parent;
+        $data = [];
+        $data["CONTROLLER"] = $controller_name;
+        $data["ELEMENT"] = "wiki";
+        $data["VIEW"] = "wiki";
+        $data["SCRIPT"] = "";
+        $data["INCLUDE_STYLES"] = ["editor"];
+        $locale_tag = L\getLocaleTag();
+        $data['CURRENT_LOCALE_TAG'] = $locale_tag;
+        $sub_path = "";
+        if (!empty($_REQUEST['sf'])) {
+            $sub_path = $parent->clean($_REQUEST['sf'], 'string');
+            $sub_path = str_replace(".", "", $sub_path);
+            $data['SUB_PATH'] = htmlentities($sub_path);
+        }
+        $data["CAN_EDIT"] = false;
+        if ((isset($_REQUEST['c'])) && $_REQUEST['c'] == "api"){
+            $data['MODE'] = 'api';
+            $data['VIEW'] = 'api';
+        } else {
+            $data["MODE"] = "read";
+        }
+        $data['page_types'] = [
+            "standard" => tl('social_component_standard_page'),
+            "page_alias" => tl('social_component_page_alias'),
+            "media_list" => tl('social_component_media_list'),
+            "presentation" => tl('social_component_presentation')
+        ];
+        $data['page_borders'] = [
+            "solid-border" => tl('social_component_solid'),
+            "dashed-border" => tl('social_component_dashed'),
+            "none" => tl('social_component_none')
+        ];
+        $data['resource_actions'] = [
+            "actions" => tl('social_component_actions'),
+            "new-folder" => tl('social_component_new_folder'),
+            "new-file" => tl('social_component_new_file')
+        ];
+        $search_translation = tl('social_component_search');
+        $search_form = <<<EOD
+<form method="get" action='$base_url' class="search-box $2-search-box" >
+<input type='hidden' name="its" value='$1' />
+<input type='text'  name='q'  value="" placeholder='$3'
+    title='$3' class='search-input' />
+<button type="submit" class='search-button'><img
+    src='{$base_url}resources/search-button.png'
+    alt='$search_translation'/></button>
+        $additional_substitutions[] = ['/{{\s*search\s*:\s*(.+?)\s*\|'.
+            '\s*size\s*:\s*(.+?)\s*\|\s*placeholder\s*:\s*(.+?)}}/',
+            $search_form];
+        $clean_array = [
+            "group_id" => "int",
+            "page_name" => "string",
+            "page" => "string",
+            "edit_reason" => "string",
+            "filter" => 'string',
+            "limit" => 'int',
+            "num" => 'int',
+            "page_id" => 'int',
+            "show" => 'int',
+            "sort" => 'string',
+            "diff" => 'int',
+            "diff1" => 'int',
+            "diff2" => 'int',
+            "revert" => 'int',
+            "group_name" => 'string',
+        ];
+        $strings_array = [
+            "page_name" => C\TITLE_LEN,
+            "page" => C\MAX_GROUP_PAGE_LEN,
+            "edit_reason" => C\SHORT_TITLE_LEN,
+            "filter" => C\SHORT_TITLE_LEN];
+        $page_defaults = [
+            'page_type' => 'standard',
+            'page_alias' => '',
+            'page_border' => 'solid',
+            'toc' => true,
+            'title' => '',
+            'author' => '',
+            'robots' => '',
+            'description' => '',
+            'alternative_path' => '',
+            'page_header' => '',
+            'page_footer' => '',
+            'sort' => 'aname'
+        ];
        /* Check if back params need to be set. Set them if required.
           the back params are usually sent when the wiki action is initiated
           from within an open help article.
@@ -2265,7 +2235,81 @@ EOD;
             $data['BACK_URL'] = http_build_query($back_params_cleaned);
-        return $data;
+        return [$data, $sub_path, $additional_substitutions, $clean_array,
+            $strings_array, $page_defaults];
+    }
+    /**
+     *
+     */
+    private function initializeWikiPageToggle(&$data)
+    {
+        $data['SCRIPT'] .= <<< EOD
+            setDisplay('page-settings', {$data['settings']});
+            mode = '{$data['MODE']}';
+            function toggleSettings()
+            {
+                var settings = elt('p-settings');
+                settings.value = (settings.value =='true')
+                    ? 'false' : 'true';
+                var value = (settings.value == 'true') ? true : false;
+                if (mode == 'edit') {
+                    elt('r-settings').value = settings.value;
+                }
+                setDisplay('page-settings', value);
+                var page_type = elt("page-type");
+                var cur_type = page_type.options[
+                    page_type.selectedIndex].value;
+                if (cur_type == "media_list" && mode == 'edit') {
+                    setDisplay('save-container', value);
+                }
+            }
+            ptype = document.getElementById("page-type");
+            is_media_list = ('media_list'=='{$data['current_page_type']}');
+            is_settings = {$data['settings']};
+            is_page_alias = ('page_alias'=='{$data['current_page_type']}');
+            setDisplay('page-settings', is_settings || is_page_alias);
+            setDisplay("media-list-page", is_media_list && !is_page_alias);
+            setDisplay("page-container", !is_media_list && !is_page_alias);
+            setDisplay("non-alias-type", !is_page_alias);
+            setDisplay("alias-type", is_page_alias);
+            if (mode == 'edit') {
+                setDisplay('save-container', !is_media_list || is_settings);
+                setDisplay("resource-upload-form", is_media_list);
+            }
+            setDisplay("toggle-settings", !is_page_alias, "inline");
+            setDisplay("page-resources", !is_page_alias);
+            ptype.onchange = function() {
+                var cur_type = ptype.options[ptype.selectedIndex].value;
+                if (cur_type == "media_list") {
+                    setDisplay("media-list-page", true, "inline");
+                    setDisplay("page-container", false);
+                    setDisplay("toggle-settings", true);
+                    setDisplay("non-alias-type", true);
+                    setDisplay("alias-type", false);
+                    setDisplay("page-resources", true);
+                    if (mode == 'edit') {
+                        setDisplay("resource-upload-form", true);
+                    }
+                } else if (cur_type == "page_alias") {
+                    setDisplay("toggle-settings", false);
+                    setDisplay("media-list-page", false);
+                    setDisplay("page-container", false);
+                    setDisplay("non-alias-type", false);
+                    setDisplay("alias-type", true);
+                    setDisplay("page-resources", false);
+                } else {
+                    setDisplay("page-container", true);
+                    setDisplay("media-list-page", false);
+                    setDisplay("toggle-settings", true, "inline");
+                    setDisplay("non-alias-type", true);
+                    setDisplay("alias-type", false);
+                    setDisplay("page-resources", true);
+                    if (mode == 'edit') {
+                        setDisplay("resource-upload-form", false);
+                    }
+                }
+            }
      * The controller used to display a wiki page might vary (could be
diff --git a/src/library/Utility.php b/src/library/Utility.php
index 75deeea20..99fdc7ec9 100755
--- a/src/library/Utility.php
+++ b/src/library/Utility.php
@@ -859,7 +859,7 @@ function intToMetric($num)
     if (is_int($num)) {
         $metric_letters = ["", "K", "M", "G", "T", "P", "E"];
-        $power = intval(log($num, 1000));
+        $power = max(intval(log($num, 1000)), 0);
         $power = (isset($metric_letters[$power])) ? $power : 6;
         $num = round($num / pow(1000, $power)). $metric_letters[$power];
diff --git a/src/locale/ar/configure.ini b/src/locale/ar/configure.ini
index c0a44e102..d4d7c6278 100755
--- a/src/locale/ar/configure.ini
+++ b/src/locale/ar/configure.ini
@@ -918,316 +918,322 @@ social_component_no_group_access = ""
 ; SocialComponent.php line: 1392
 accountaccess_component_no_posts_yet = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 1435
-social_component_search = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 1540
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1486
 social_component_no_group_access = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 1543
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1489
 social_component_no_group_access = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 1568
-social_component_standard_page = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 1569
-social_component_page_alias = ""
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1552
+social_component_back = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 1570
-social_component_media_list = ""
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1553
+social_component_history_page = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 1571
-social_component_presentation = ""
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1588
+social_component_back = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 1574
-social_component_solid = ""
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1589
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 1575
-social_component_dashed = ""
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1603
+social_component_wiki_edited_elsewhere = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 1576
-social_component_none = ""
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1611
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 1579
-social_component_actions = "إجراءات"
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1615
+social_component_page_reverted = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 1580
-social_component_new_folder = ""
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1619
+social_component_revert_error = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 1581
-social_component_new_file = ""
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1732
+social_component_main = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 1620
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1905
 social_component_missing_fields = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 1626
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1911
 social_component_wiki_edited_elsewhere = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 1690
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2003
 social_component_page_created = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 1691
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2004
 social_component_page_discuss_here = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 1711
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2024
 social_component_page_saved = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 1723
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2036
 social_component_resource_deleted = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 1728
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2041
 social_component_resource_not_deleted = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 1745
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2057
 social_component_resource_renamed = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 1750
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2062
 social_component_resource_not_renamed = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 1760
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2072
+social_component_resource_created = ""
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2077
+social_component_resource_not_created = ""
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2086
 social_component_resource_save_first = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 1772
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2098
 social_component_page_created = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 1774
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2100
 social_component_page_discuss_here = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 1778
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2104
 social_component_resource_uploaded = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 1783
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2109
 social_component_upload_error = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 1830
-social_component_back = ""
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2150
+social_component_standard_page = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 1831
-social_component_history_page = ""
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2151
+social_component_page_alias = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 1866
-social_component_back = ""
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2152
+social_component_media_list = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 1867
-social_component_diff_page = ""
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2153
+social_component_presentation = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 1881
-social_component_wiki_edited_elsewhere = ""
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2156
+social_component_solid = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 1889
-social_component_page_revert_to = ""
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2157
+social_component_dashed = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 1893
-social_component_page_reverted = ""
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2158
+social_component_none = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 1897
-social_component_revert_error = ""
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2161
+social_component_actions = "إجراءات"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2008
-social_component_main = ""
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2162
+social_component_new_folder = ""
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2163
+social_component_new_file = ""
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2165
+social_component_search = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2271
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2383
 wiki_js_small = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2272
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2384
 wiki_js_medium = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2273
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2385
 wiki_js_large = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2274
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2386
 wiki_js_search_size = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2275
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2387
 wiki_js_prompt_heading = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2276
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2388
 wiki_js_example = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2277
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2389
 wiki_js_table_title = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2278
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2390
 wiki_js_submit = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2279
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2391
 wiki_js_cancel = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2280
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2392
 wiki_js_bold = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2281
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2393
 wiki_js_italic = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2282
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2394
 wiki_js_underline = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2283
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2395
 wiki_js_strike = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2284
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2396
 wiki_js_heading = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2285
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2397
 wiki_js_heading1 = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2286
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2398
 wiki_js_heading2 = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2287
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2399
 wiki_js_heading3 = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2288
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2400
 wiki_js_heading4 = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2289
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2401
 wiki_js_bullet = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2290
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2402
 wiki_js_enum = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2291
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2403
 wiki_js_nowiki = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2292
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2404
 wiki_js_add_search = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2293
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2405
 wiki_js_search_size = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2294
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2406
 wiki_js_add_wiki_table = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2295
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2407
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2386
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+++ b/src/locale/de/configure.ini
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--- a/src/locale/en_US/configure.ini
+++ b/src/locale/en_US/configure.ini
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2481
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+; SocialComponent.php line: 2468
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2386
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2498
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2389
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2501
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2397
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2509
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2401
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2420
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2532
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2428
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2552
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2554
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2666
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2556
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2627
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2739
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+; SocialComponent.php line: 2739
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--- a/src/locale/fr_FR/configure.ini
+++ b/src/locale/fr_FR/configure.ini
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--- a/src/locale/he/configure.ini
+++ b/src/locale/he/configure.ini
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+++ b/src/locale/it/configure.ini
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2428
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2554
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2556
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2563
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2565
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2566
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2678
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2616
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2728
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2627
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--- a/src/locale/ko/configure.ini
+++ b/src/locale/ko/configure.ini
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--- a/src/locale/nl/configure.ini
+++ b/src/locale/nl/configure.ini
@@ -918,316 +918,322 @@ social_component_no_group_access = "Geen lid is of kan die groep niet lezen. Ove
 ; SocialComponent.php line: 1392
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 1543
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1489
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2389
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2501
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2397
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2509
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2401
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2420
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2532
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2428
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2540
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2442
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2554
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2451
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2563
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2457
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2569
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2475
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2587
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2479
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2591
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2481
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2593
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2486
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2598
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2537
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2649
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2542
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2654
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2552
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2554
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+; SocialComponent.php line: 2728
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2627
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2739
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 ; SystemComponent.php line: 82
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--- a/src/locale/pt/configure.ini
+++ b/src/locale/pt/configure.ini
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index 9fef539dc..092577722 100755
--- a/src/locale/ru/configure.ini
+++ b/src/locale/ru/configure.ini
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+++ b/src/locale/te/configure.ini
@@ -918,316 +918,322 @@ social_component_no_group_access = "సభ్యుడు కాదు లేద
 ; SocialComponent.php line: 1392
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 1435
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 1540
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1486
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 1543
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1489
 social_component_no_group_access = "సభ్యుడు కాదు లేదా ఆ గ్రూప్ ని చదవలేరు.పబ్లిక్ గ్రూప్ కి మార్చండి!"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 1568
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 1569
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+; SocialComponent.php line: 1552
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+; SocialComponent.php line: 1553
+social_component_history_page = "చారిత్రక వెర్షన్ %s నుండి %s."
-; SocialComponent.php line: 1571
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+; SocialComponent.php line: 1588
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 1574
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 1576
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+; SocialComponent.php line: 1611
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+; SocialComponent.php line: 1615
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+social_component_revert_error = "పేజీ వెనుకకు మార్చుటలో లోపం!"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 1581
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+; SocialComponent.php line: 1732
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 1620
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1905
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 1626
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 1690
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2003
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 1691
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 1711
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2024
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 1723
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 1728
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2041
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 1745
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2057
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 1750
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2062
 social_component_resource_not_renamed = "రిసోర్స్ పేరు మార్చలేదు!"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 1760
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2072
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+; SocialComponent.php line: 2077
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+; SocialComponent.php line: 2086
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 1772
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2098
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 1774
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 1778
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2104
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 1783
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2109
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 1830
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 1831
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+; SocialComponent.php line: 2156
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+; SocialComponent.php line: 2163
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2292
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2299
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2301
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2303
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2415
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2309
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2311
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2313
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2352
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2464
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2354
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2356
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2386
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2389
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2397
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2509
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2401
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2420
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2532
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2428
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2540
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2442
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2451
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2563
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2457
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2475
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2479
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2591
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2481
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2593
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2486
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2598
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2537
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2649
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2542
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2654
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2552
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2664
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2554
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2666
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2556
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2558
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2559
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2561
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2563
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2565
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2566
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2616
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2728
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2627
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2739
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 ; SystemComponent.php line: 82
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2563
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2565
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2627
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2739
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-; WikiElement.php line: 1094
+; WikiElement.php line: 1103
 wiki_element_ml_description = ""
-; WikiElement.php line: 1097
+; WikiElement.php line: 1106
 wiki_view_page_resources = ""
-; WikiElement.php line: 1098
+; WikiElement.php line: 1107
 wiki_element_resources_info = ""
 ; GroupView.php line: 82
diff --git a/src/locale/zh_CN/configure.ini b/src/locale/zh_CN/configure.ini
index dc32dba38..5e1bc8606 100755
--- a/src/locale/zh_CN/configure.ini
+++ b/src/locale/zh_CN/configure.ini
@@ -918,316 +918,322 @@ social_component_no_group_access = ""
 ; SocialComponent.php line: 1392
 accountaccess_component_no_posts_yet = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 1435
-social_component_search = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 1540
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1486
 social_component_no_group_access = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 1543
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1489
 social_component_no_group_access = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 1568
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 1569
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+; SocialComponent.php line: 1552
+social_component_back = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 1570
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+; SocialComponent.php line: 1553
+social_component_history_page = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 1571
-social_component_presentation = ""
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1588
+social_component_back = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 1574
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+; SocialComponent.php line: 1589
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 1575
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+; SocialComponent.php line: 1603
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 1576
-social_component_none = ""
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1611
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 1579
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+; SocialComponent.php line: 1615
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 1580
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+; SocialComponent.php line: 1619
+social_component_revert_error = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 1581
-social_component_new_file = ""
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1732
+social_component_main = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 1620
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1905
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 1626
+; SocialComponent.php line: 1911
 social_component_wiki_edited_elsewhere = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 1690
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2003
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 1691
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2004
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 1711
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2024
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 1723
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2036
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 1728
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2041
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 1745
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2057
 social_component_resource_renamed = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 1750
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2062
 social_component_resource_not_renamed = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 1760
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2072
+social_component_resource_created = ""
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2077
+social_component_resource_not_created = ""
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2086
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 1772
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2098
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 1774
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2100
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 1778
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2104
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 1783
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2109
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 1830
-social_component_back = ""
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2150
+social_component_standard_page = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 1831
-social_component_history_page = ""
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2151
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 1866
-social_component_back = ""
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2152
+social_component_media_list = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 1867
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+; SocialComponent.php line: 2153
+social_component_presentation = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 1881
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+; SocialComponent.php line: 2156
+social_component_solid = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 1889
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+; SocialComponent.php line: 2157
+social_component_dashed = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 1893
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+; SocialComponent.php line: 2158
+social_component_none = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 1897
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+; SocialComponent.php line: 2161
+social_component_actions = "元素活動"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2008
-social_component_main = ""
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2162
+social_component_new_folder = ""
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2163
+social_component_new_file = ""
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2165
+social_component_search = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2271
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2383
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2272
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2384
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2273
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2385
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2274
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2386
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2275
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2387
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2276
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2388
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2277
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2389
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2278
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2390
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2279
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2391
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2280
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2392
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2281
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2393
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2282
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2394
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2283
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2395
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2284
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2396
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2285
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2397
 wiki_js_heading1 = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2286
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2398
 wiki_js_heading2 = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2287
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2399
 wiki_js_heading3 = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2288
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2400
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2289
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2401
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2290
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2402
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2291
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2403
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2292
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2404
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2293
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2405
 wiki_js_search_size = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2294
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2406
 wiki_js_add_wiki_table = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2295
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2407
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2296
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2408
 wiki_js_for_table_rows = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2297
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2409
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2298
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2410
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2299
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2411
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2300
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2412
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2301
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2413
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2302
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2414
 wiki_js_rightaligned = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2303
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2415
 wiki_js_leftaligned = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2305
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2417
 wiki_js_definitionlist_item = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2307
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2419
 wiki_js_definitionlist_definition = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2309
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2421
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-; SocialComponent.php line: 2311
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2423
 wiki_js_slide_sample_bullet = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2313
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2425
 wiki_js_slide_resource_description = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2351
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2463
 social_component_select_crawl = "搜尋選擇"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2352
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2464
 social_component_default_crawl = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2354
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2466
 social_component_select_crawl = "搜尋選擇"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2356
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2468
 social_component_default_crawl = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2386
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2498
 social_component_mix_created = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2389
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2501
 social_component_invalid_name = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2397
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2509
 social_component_mix_invalid_timestamp = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2401
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2513
 social_component_mix_deleted = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2420
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2532
 social_component_mix_doesnt_exists = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2428
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2540
 social_component_mix_imported = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2442
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2554
 social_component_set_index = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2451
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2563
 social_component_comment_error = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2457
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2569
 social_component_invalid_timestamp = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2475
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2587
 social_component_no_post_access = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2479
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2591
 social_component_share_title = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2481
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2593
 social_component_share_description = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2486
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2598
 social_component_thread_created = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2537
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2649
 social_component_mix_invalid_timestamp = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2542
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2654
 social_component_mix_not_owner = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2552
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2664
 social_component_add_crawls = "增加索引"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2554
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2666
 social_component_num_results = "結果數量"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2556
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2668
 social_component_del_frag = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2558
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2670
 social_component_weight = "元素重量"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2559
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2671
 social_component_name = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2561
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2673
 social_component_add_keywords = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2563
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2675
 social_component_actions = "元素活動"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2565
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2677
 social_component_add_query = "增加查詢"
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2566
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2678
 social_component_delete = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2616
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2728
 social_component_too_many_fragments = ""
-; SocialComponent.php line: 2627
+; SocialComponent.php line: 2739
 social_component_mix_saved = ""
 ; SystemComponent.php line: 82
@@ -3826,142 +3832,142 @@ wiki_element_rename_failed = ""
 ; WikiElement.php line: 588
 wiki_element_root_folder = ""
-; WikiElement.php line: 612
+; WikiElement.php line: 613
 wiki_element_name = ""
-; WikiElement.php line: 619
+; WikiElement.php line: 628
 wiki_element_size = ""
-; WikiElement.php line: 622
+; WikiElement.php line: 631
 wiki_element_modified = ""
-; WikiElement.php line: 636
+; WikiElement.php line: 645
 wiki_element_video = ""
-; WikiElement.php line: 640
+; WikiElement.php line: 649
 wiki_element_audio = ""
-; WikiElement.php line: 695
+; WikiElement.php line: 704
 wiki_element_rename = ""
-; WikiElement.php line: 701
+; WikiElement.php line: 710
 wiki_element_add_to_page = ""
-; WikiElement.php line: 735
+; WikiElement.php line: 744
 wiki_element_no_resources = ""
-; WikiElement.php line: 757
+; WikiElement.php line: 766
 wiki_view_wiki_page_list = ""
-; WikiElement.php line: 770
+; WikiElement.php line: 779
 wiki_view_filter_or_create = ""
-; WikiElement.php line: 772
+; WikiElement.php line: 781
 wiki_element_go = ""
-; WikiElement.php line: 777
+; WikiElement.php line: 786
 wiki_view_create_page = ""
-; WikiElement.php line: 788
+; WikiElement.php line: 797
 wiki_element_redirect_to = ""
-; WikiElement.php line: 810
+; WikiElement.php line: 819
 wiki_view_no_pages = ""
-; WikiElement.php line: 834
+; WikiElement.php line: 843
 wiki_view_back = ""
-; WikiElement.php line: 850
+; WikiElement.php line: 859
 wiki_view_difference = ""
-; WikiElement.php line: 856
+; WikiElement.php line: 865
 wiki_view_go = ""
-; WikiElement.php line: 875
+; WikiElement.php line: 884
 wiki_view_diff_first = ""
-; WikiElement.php line: 877
+; WikiElement.php line: 886
 wiki_view_diff_second = ""
-; WikiElement.php line: 881
+; WikiElement.php line: 890
 wiki_view_diff_first = ""
-; WikiElement.php line: 882
+; WikiElement.php line: 891
 wiki_view_diff_second = ""
-; WikiElement.php line: 888
+; WikiElement.php line: 897
 wiki_view_edited_by = ""
-; WikiElement.php line: 892
+; WikiElement.php line: 901
 wiki_view_page_len = ""
-; WikiElement.php line: 895
+; WikiElement.php line: 904
 wiki_view_revert = ""
-; WikiElement.php line: 898
+; WikiElement.php line: 907
 wiki_view_revert = ""
-; WikiElement.php line: 944
+; WikiElement.php line: 953
 wiki_element_history = ""
-; WikiElement.php line: 948
+; WikiElement.php line: 957
 wiki_element_discuss = ""
-; WikiElement.php line: 982
+; WikiElement.php line: 991
 wiki_element_locale_name = ""
-; WikiElement.php line: 986
+; WikiElement.php line: 995
 wiki_element_page = ""
-; WikiElement.php line: 989
+; WikiElement.php line: 998
 configure_element_toggle_page_settings = ""
-; WikiElement.php line: 993
+; WikiElement.php line: 1002
 wiki_element_page_type = ""
-; WikiElement.php line: 1002
+; WikiElement.php line: 1011
 wiki_element_page_alias = ""
-; WikiElement.php line: 1010
+; WikiElement.php line: 1019
 wiki_element_page_border = ""
-; WikiElement.php line: 1018
+; WikiElement.php line: 1027
 wiki_element_table_of_contents = ""
-; WikiElement.php line: 1027
+; WikiElement.php line: 1036
 wiki_element_title = ""
-; WikiElement.php line: 1034
+; WikiElement.php line: 1043
 wiki_element_meta_author = ""
-; WikiElement.php line: 1041
+; WikiElement.php line: 1050
 wiki_element_meta_robots = ""
-; WikiElement.php line: 1049
+; WikiElement.php line: 1058
 wiki_element_meta_description = ""
-; WikiElement.php line: 1059
+; WikiElement.php line: 1068
 wiki_element_alternative_path = ""
-; WikiElement.php line: 1061
+; WikiElement.php line: 1070
 wiki_element_empty_use_default = ""
-; WikiElement.php line: 1071
+; WikiElement.php line: 1080
 wiki_element_page_header = ""
-; WikiElement.php line: 1078
+; WikiElement.php line: 1087
 wiki_element_page_footer = ""
-; WikiElement.php line: 1093
+; WikiElement.php line: 1102
 wiki_element_media_list = ""
-; WikiElement.php line: 1094
+; WikiElement.php line: 1103
 wiki_element_ml_description = ""
-; WikiElement.php line: 1097
+; WikiElement.php line: 1106
 wiki_view_page_resources = ""
-; WikiElement.php line: 1098
+; WikiElement.php line: 1107
 wiki_element_resources_info = ""
 ; GroupView.php line: 82
diff --git a/src/models/GroupModel.php b/src/models/GroupModel.php
index cf3ef8dc4..c760da1cd 100644
--- a/src/models/GroupModel.php
+++ b/src/models/GroupModel.php
@@ -1390,7 +1390,7 @@ class GroupModel extends Model implements MediaConstants
         $file_name = "$folder/$resource_name";
         $thumb_name = "$thumb_folder/$resource_name.jpg";
         if (file_exists($file_name)) {
-            unlink($file_name);
+            $this->db->unlinkRecursive($file_name, true);
         if (file_exists($thumb_name)) {
@@ -1423,6 +1423,41 @@ class GroupModel extends Model implements MediaConstants
         return true;
+    /**
+     * Create a new resource in the given group and page's
+     * resource folder/sub_path of the type requests.
+     *
+     * @param string $resource_type either new-file or new-folder
+     * @param int $group_id group identifier of group wiki page belongs to
+     * @param int $page_id identifier for page want to delete resource from
+     * @param string $sub_path path to a subfolder of default resource folder
+     *      if desired
+     * @return bool whether the deletion was successful
+     */
+    public function newResource($resource_type, $group_id, $page_id,
+        $sub_path = "")
+    {
+        $folders = $this->getGroupPageResourcesFolders($group_id,
+            $page_id, $sub_path);
+        if (!$folders) {
+            return false;
+        }
+        list($folder, $thumb_folder) = $folders;
+        if (!file_exists($folder)) {
+            return false;
+        }
+        $i = 0;
+        $base_name = ($resource_type == 'new-file') ? "untitled%d.txt" :
+            "untitled_folder%d";
+        do {
+            $file_name = sprintf($folder."/".$base_name, $i);
+            $i++;
+        } while (file_exists($file_name));
+        if ($resource_type == 'new-file') {
+            return file_put_contents($file_name, "");
+        }
+        return mkdir($file_name);
+    }
      * Renames a resource (image, video, etc) associated with a wiki page
      * belonging to a group.
@@ -1543,7 +1578,11 @@ class GroupModel extends Model implements MediaConstants
             $file_string = file_get_contents("$folder/$file_name");
             $image = @imagecreatefromstring($file_string);
             if (function_exists("exif_read_data")) {
-                $exif = @exif_read_data("$folder/$file_name");
+                try {
+                    $exif = exif_read_data("$folder/$file_name");
+                } catch(Exception $e) {
+                    $exif = null;
+                }
                 if(!empty($exif['Orientation'])) {
                     switch($exif['Orientation']) {
                         case 8:
diff --git a/src/views/elements/WikiElement.php b/src/views/elements/WikiElement.php
index 622e5ee33..46e0ff03c 100644
--- a/src/views/elements/WikiElement.php
+++ b/src/views/elements/WikiElement.php
@@ -609,12 +609,21 @@ class WikiElement extends Element implements CrawlConstants
             if (count($data['RESOURCES_INFO']['resources']) > 0) {
                 e('<table >');
                 if (!$read_mode) {
-                    e("<tr><th></th><th><a href='$folder_prefix&amp;sort=name'".
-                        ">".tl('wiki_element_name').'</a></th>'.
-                        '<th colspan="2">');
+                    ?><tr><th></th><th><a href='<?=
+                        $folder_prefix?>&amp;sort=name'><?=
+                        tl('wiki_element_name')
+                    ?></a></th><th colspan="2"><form>
+                    <input type="hidden" name='<?=C\CSRF_TOKEN?>'
+                        value='<?=$data[C\CSRF_TOKEN]?>' />
+                    <input type="hidden" name='arg' value='edit' />
+                    <input type="hidden" name='a' value='wiki' />
+                    <input type="hidden" name='page_name'
+                        value='<?=$data['PAGE_NAME']?>' />
+                    <?php
                         "resource_actions", $data['resource_actions'],
                         'actions', true);
+                    ?></form><?php
                     if (!C\MOBILE) {
                         e("</th><th><a href='$folder_prefix&amp;sort=size'>".
@@ -719,9 +728,9 @@ class WikiElement extends Element implements CrawlConstants
                         if (!C\MOBILE) {
-                            e("<td>".L\intToMetric($resource['size']).
+                            e("<td>" . L\intToMetric($resource['size']) .
-                            e("<td>".date("r", $resource['modified']).
+                            e("<td>" . date("r", $resource['modified']) .