Move seekquarry locale git to app dir, a=chris

Chris Pollett [2015-01-20 19:Jan:th]
Move seekquarry locale git to app dir, a=chris
diff --git a/controllers/main_controller.php b/controllers/main_controller.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e92a359
--- /dev/null
+++ b/controllers/main_controller.php
@@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
+ *  SeekQuarry/Yioop --
+ *  Open Source Pure PHP Search Engine, Crawler, and Indexer
+ *
+ *  Copyright (C) 2009 - 2014  Chris Pollett
+ *
+ *
+ *  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ *  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ *  (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *  GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ *  along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+ *
+ *
+ * @author Chris Pollett
+ * @package seek_quarry
+ * @subpackage controller
+ * @license GPL3
+ * @link
+ * @copyright 2009 - 2014
+ * @filesource
+ */
+if(!defined('BASE_DIR')) {echo "BAD REQUEST"; exit();}
+/**Load base controller class, if needed. */
+require_once BASE_DIR."/controllers/controller.php";
+ * This is the default controller used by the seek_quarry site. It will
+ * set up the main view, which has mainly links to static pages describing the
+ * Yioop search engine.
+ *
+ * @author Chris Pollett
+ * @package seek_quarry
+ * @subpackage controller
+ */
+class MainController extends Controller
+    /**
+     * Says which models to load for this controller.
+     * @var array
+     */
+    var $models = array();
+    /**
+     * Says which views to load for this controller.
+     * @var array
+     */
+    var $views = array("download");
+    /**
+     * Says which activities (roughly methods invoke from the web)
+     * this controller will respond to
+     * @var array
+     */
+    var $activities = array("download");
+    /**
+     *  This is the main entry point for handling people arriving to the
+     * SeekQuarry site.
+     */
+    function processRequest()
+    {
+        $data = array();
+        $view = "main";
+        if(isset($_SESSION['USER_ID'])) {
+            $user = $_SESSION['USER_ID'];
+        } else {
+            $user = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
+        }
+        if(isset($_REQUEST['a'])) {
+            if(in_array($_REQUEST['a'], $this->activities)) {
+                $activity = $_REQUEST['a'];
+                if($activity == "signout") {
+                    unset($_SESSION['USER_ID']);
+                    $user = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
+                    $activity = "main";
+                    $data['SCRIPT'] = "doMessage('<h1 class=\"red\" >".
+                        tl('search_controller_logout_successful')."</h1>')";
+                }
+            } else {
+                $activity = "main";
+            }
+        } else {
+            $activity = "main";
+        }
+        $data['VIEW'] = $view;
+        $data = array_merge($data, $this->$activity());
+        $data['YIOOP_TOKEN'] = $this->generateCSRFToken($user);
+        $this->displayView($data['VIEW'], $data);
+    }
+    /**
+     * This activity handles downloads of Yioop from the seekquarry site.
+     * It collects user information and sends an email with the download
+     * link.
+     *
+     * @return array $data has which field variables from drawing download forms
+     */
+     function download()
+     {
+        global $MAINTAINERS;
+        $data['VIEW'] = "download";
+        $data['page'] = tl('main_controller_download');
+        $data['SCRIPT'] = "";
+        $data['version'] = CURRENT_YIOOP_VERSION;
+        if(isset($_REQUEST['version']) &&
+            in_array($_REQUEST['version'], $downloads)) {
+            $data['version'] = $_REQUEST['version'];
+        }
+        if(isset($_REQUEST['arg'])) {
+            switch($_REQUEST['arg'])
+            {
+                case "step1":
+                    $require_fields = array("full_name", "e_mail");
+                    foreach($require_fields as $field) {
+                        if(!isset($_REQUEST[$field])) {
+                            $data['SCRIPT'] .=
+                                "doMessage('<h1 class=\"red\" >".
+                                tl('main_controller_missing_fields').
+                                "</h1>')";
+                            break 2;
+                        }
+                    }
+                    $all_fields = array("full_name", "e_mail", "business",
+                        "interest");
+                    $hash_name = "";
+                    foreach($all_fields as $field) {
+                        $request[$field] = (isset($_REQUEST[$field])) ?
+                            $this->clean($_REQUEST[$field], "string") : "";
+                        $request[$field] = substr($request[$field], 0, 256);
+                        $hash_name .= $request[$field];
+                    }
+                    $request["version"] = $data['version'];
+                    $hash_name .= $request["version"];
+                    $time = time();
+                    $hash_name = md5($hash_name);
+                    $email_dir = WORK_DIRECTORY."/data/emails";
+                    if(!file_exists($email_dir)) {
+                        mkdir($email_dir);
+                    }
+                    $save_data = serialize($request);
+                    file_put_contents($email_dir."/$hash_name|$time.txt",
+                        $save_data);
+                    $pre_name = $email_dir."/$hash_name|".substr($time, 0, 4);
+                    $save_time = substr($time, 4, 1);
+                    for($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) {
+                        if($save_time != "$i") {
+                            @array_map('unlink', glob($pre_name."$i*.txt"));
+                        }
+                    }
+                    $headers = FROM_EMAIL_HEADER . "\r\n";
+                    $link = BASE_URL."?c=main&a=download&name=".
+                        "$hash_name|$time&arg=step2";
+                    $title = tl('main_controller_yioop_download');
+                    $body = tl('main_controller_click_download')."\n".$link;
+                    mail($request['e_mail'], $title, $body, $headers);
+                    $url = BASE_URL."?c=static&p=Download_Sent";
+                    header("Location: ".$url);
+                    exit();
+                break;
+                case "step2":
+                    $email_dir = WORK_DIRECTORY."/data/emails";
+                    if(!isset($_REQUEST['name'])) {
+                        $data['VIEW'] = "main";
+                        $data['page'] = "home";
+                        $data['SCRIPT'] .=
+                            "doMessage('<h1 class=\"red\" >".
+                            tl('main_controller_url_error').
+                            "</h1>')";
+                        break;
+                    }
+                    $name = $email_dir."/".
+                        $this->clean($_REQUEST['name'], "string").".txt";
+                    if(!file_exists($name)) {
+                        $data['SCRIPT'] .=
+                            "doMessage('<h1 class=\"red\" >".
+                            tl('main_controller_expired_url').
+                            "</h1>')";
+                        $data['VIEW'] = "download";
+                        $data['version'] = CURRENT_YIOOP_VERSION;
+                        break;
+                    }
+                    $request = array_values(unserialize(
+                        file_get_contents($name)));
+                    if(isset($_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"])) {
+                        $request[] = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"];
+                    }
+                    $data_string = implode("\n", $request);
+                    $time = time();
+                    $day = date("d", $time);
+                    $emails = array();
+                    $email_filename = "$email_dir/$day.txt";
+                    if(file_exists($email_filename)) {
+                        $emails = unserialize(
+                            file_get_contents($email_filename));
+                    }
+                    $emails[$request[1]] = $data_string;
+                    file_put_contents($email_filename, serialize($emails));
+                    @unlink($name);
+                    $yesterday = date("d", $time - 86400);
+                    $old_email_filename = "$email_dir/$yesterday.txt";
+                    if(file_exists($old_email_filename)) {
+                        $yester_mail = array_values(unserialize(
+                            file_get_contents($old_email_filename)));
+                        $yester_string = implode("\n======\n\n",
+                            $yester_mail);
+                        $headers = FROM_EMAIL_HEADER . "\r\n";
+                        foreach($MAINTAINERS as $maintainer) {
+                            mail($maintainer, "Leads ".date('Y-M-d', time()),
+                                $yester_string, $headers);
+                        }
+                        $new_email_filename = "$email_dir/old_$yesterday.txt";
+                        rename($old_email_filename, $new_email_filename);
+                    }
+                    if($data['version'] == CURRENT_YIOOP_VERSION) {
+                        $url = CURRENT_VERSION_URL;
+                    } else {
+                        $url = PREVIOUS_VERSION_URL;
+                    }
+                    header("Location: ".$url);
+                    exit();
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+        return $data;
+     }
diff --git a/css/auxiliary.css b/css/auxiliary.css
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..36f4dbe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/css/auxiliary.css
@@ -0,0 +1,265 @@
+    margin:0;
+    width:11in;
+    margin-left:5px;
+    margin-right:5px;
+    font-size:20pt;
+   font-size:18pt;
+   font-size:16pt;
+    position:relative;
+    top:-0.25in;
+    width:90%;
+    margin-left: .25in;
+    margin-right: .25in;
+    min-width:9in;
+    max-width:11in;
+    min-height:6in;
+    padding: 8px;
+    border:1px solid black;
+    background-color:white;
+    border-radius: 16px;
+.small-margin-current-activity div
+    margin-bottom:16px;
+    position:relative;
+    top:-0.5in;
+    left:1in;
+    right:1in;
+    font-size:16pt;
+ .footer
+    position:relative;
+    top:-30px;
+    left:12px;
+    right:12px;
+    font-size:12pt;
+    width:296px;
+    border:1px solid black;
+    border-radius: 7px;
+    background-color:#CCC;
+    position:relative;
+    width:8.2in;
+    top:-0.4in;
+    left:2in;
+    right:2in;
+.nav ul
+    background-color:#CCC;
+    position:relative;
+    top:-2px;
+} .nav
+    position:relative;
+    top:-30px;
+    left:56px;
+    right:56px;
+    font-size:14pt;
+    width:210px;
+} .nav ul
+    display:block;
+    border:0;
+} .nav ul li
+    border:0;
+    display:block;
+ .small-margin-current-activity
+    position:relative;
+    top:-10px;
+    width:295px;
+    min-width: 0;
+    min-height:200px;
+    margin-left:3px;
+    margin-right:3px;
+.html-ltr .download,
+.html-rtl .download
+    position:relative;
+    top:0.5in;
+    font-size:16pt;
+ .download
+    width:320px;
+ .logo
+    text-align:center;
+ h2,
+    padding-top: .05in;
+    margin-top: .05in;
+ input
+    font-size: 16pt;
+    position: relative;
+    top: 2px;
+} button
+    font-size:20pt;
+} .download button
+    font-size:16pt;
+ object
+    width: 8in;
+    min-width: 6in;
+    height:2in;
+ .download h1
+    font-size:16pt;
+.html-ltr .download span,
+.html-rtl .download span
+    position: relative;
+    top: -.6in;
+.html-ltr .download table,
+.html-rtl .download table
+    position:relative;
+    padding: .3in;
+    margin:auto;
+    width:6in;
+    font-size: 16pt;
+    background-color: #fff;
+    border: 1px solid black;
+    border-radius: 8px;
+} .download table
+   padding:3px;
+   width:320px;
+   font-size:12pt;
+.html-ltr .download td,
+.html-rtl .download td
+    padding: .05in;
+.logo img
+    position:relative;
+    top: -.1in;
+    left: .15in;
+    right: .15in;
+    width:1.5in;
+ .logo img
+    position:relative;
+    top: -5px;
+    left: 5px;
+    right: 5px;
+    width: 50px;
+} .download .logo img
+    position:relative;
+    top: -50px;
+    width:100%;
+    height:1in;
+} img
+    border:1px solid gray;
+    max-width:90%;
+.nav .search-box
+    border: 0;
+    border-radius:0;
+    padding: 0;
+    margin:0;
+    margin:0;
+    position:relative;
+    top:0.02in;
+    width:2.1in;
+.small-search-box .search-input
+    position:static;
+    font-size:16pt;
+    width:1.45in;
+    height:0.235in;
+    font-size: 0.23in!important;
+    padding: 2px!important;
+    position: relative!important;
+    margin: 0!important;
+    top: -3px!important;
+    height:0.32in;
+    left:-4px;
+    margin: 0;
+    padding: 0;
+    position:relative;
+    right:-4px;
+    top:2px;
diff --git a/en-US/configure.ini b/en-US/configure.ini
deleted file mode 100755
index 1b6a0af..0000000
--- a/en-US/configure.ini
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,500 +0,0 @@
-; ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
-;  SeekQuarry/Yioop Open Source Pure PHP Search Engine, Crawler, and Indexer
-;  Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, 2011  Chris Pollett
-;  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-;  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-;  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-;  (at your option) any later version.
-;  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-;  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-;  GNU General Public License for more details.
-;  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-;  along with this program.  If not, see <>.
-;  ***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****
-; configure.ini
-; en-US configuration file
-; Strings to translate on various pages
-; /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/git/seek_quarry//controllers
-; admin_controller.php line: 105
-admin_controller_login_successful = "Login Successful!!"
-; admin_controller.php line: 110
-admin_controller_login_failed = "Username or Password Incorrect!"
-; admin_controller.php line: 229
-admin_controller_passwords_dont_match = "Typed passwords do not match."
-; admin_controller.php line: 239
-admin_controller_invalid_old_password = "Current password incorrect."
-; admin_controller.php line: 246
-admin_controller_change_password = "Password change successful!!"
-; admin_controller.php line: 278
-admin_controller_select_username = "Select Username"
-; admin_controller.php line: 315
-admin_controller_select_rolename = "Select Role"
-; admin_controller.php line: 341
-admin_controller_passwords_dont_match = "Typed passwords do not match."
-; admin_controller.php line: 348
-admin_controller_username_exists = "Cannot Create User As Username Exists"
-; admin_controller.php line: 355
-admin_controller_username_added = "User Created"
-; admin_controller.php line: 364
-admin_controller_username_doesnt_exists = "Username Does Not Exist"
-; admin_controller.php line: 371
-admin_controller_username_deleted = "User Deleted"
-; admin_controller.php line: 378
-admin_controller_username_doesnt_exists = "Username Does Not Exist"
-; admin_controller.php line: 384
-admin_controller_rolename_doesnt_exists = "Role Name Does not Exist"
-; admin_controller.php line: 390
-admin_controller_rolename_added = "Role Name Added"
-; admin_controller.php line: 401
-admin_controller_username_doesnt_exists = "Username Does Not Exist"
-; admin_controller.php line: 407
-admin_controller_rolename_doesnt_exists = "Role Name Does not Exist"
-; admin_controller.php line: 417
-admin_controller_rolename_deleted = "Role Name Deleted"
-; admin_controller.php line: 446
-admin_controller_select_rolename = "Select Role"
-; admin_controller.php line: 481
-admin_controller_select_activityname = "Select Activity"
-; admin_controller.php line: 514
-admin_controller_rolename_exists = "Role Name Exists"
-; admin_controller.php line: 524
-admin_controller_rolename_added = "Role Name Added"
-; admin_controller.php line: 535
-admin_controller_rolename_doesnt_exists = "Role Name Does not Exist"
-; admin_controller.php line: 543
-admin_controller_rolename_deleted = "Role Name Deleted"
-; admin_controller.php line: 549
-admin_controller_rolename_doesnt_exists = "Role Name Does not Exist"
-; admin_controller.php line: 555
-admin_controller_activityname_doesnt_exists = "Activity Name Does not Exist"
-; admin_controller.php line: 565
-admin_controller_activity_added = "Activity Added"
-; admin_controller.php line: 571
-admin_controller_rolename_doesnt_exists = "Role Name Does not Exist"
-; admin_controller.php line: 578
-admin_controller_activityname_doesnt_exists = "Activity Name Does not Exist"
-; admin_controller.php line: 590
-admin_controller_activity_deleted = "Activity Deleted"
-; admin_controller.php line: 618
-admin_controller_select_localename = "Select Locale"
-; admin_controller.php line: 662
-admin_controller_locale_added = "Locale Added!"
-; admin_controller.php line: 669
-admin_controller_localename_doesnt_exists = "Locale Does Not Exist!"
-; admin_controller.php line: 678
-admin_controller_localename_deleted = "Locale Deleted"
-; admin_controller.php line: 687
-admin_controller_select_staticpages = "Select a page"
-; admin_controller.php line: 706
-admin_controller_staticpage_updated = "Static Page Updated!"
-; admin_controller.php line: 729
-admin_controller_localestrings_updated = "Locale Strings Updated!"
-; admin_controller.php line: 807
-admin_controller_configure_work_dir_set = "Work Directory Set! You may need to re-login!"
-; admin_controller.php line: 829
-admin_controller_configure_work_profile_made = "Working Directory and Profile Created!"
-; admin_controller.php line: 835
-admin_controller_configure_no_set_config = "Unable to Update config.php File!"
-; admin_controller.php line: 846
-admin_controller_configure_no_create_profile = "Unable to Create Profile!"
-; admin_controller.php line: 856
-admin_controller_configure_work_dir_invalid = "Work Directory is Invalid! Cannot Create Profile!"
-; admin_controller.php line: 867
-admin_controller_configure_work_dir_invalid = "Work Directory is Invalid! Cannot Create Profile!"
-; admin_controller.php line: 919
-admin_controller_configure_no_change_db = "Problem Updating Database!"
-; admin_controller.php line: 933
-admin_controller_configure_profile_change = "Profile Updated!"
-; admin_controller.php line: 946
-admin_controller_configure_no_change_profile = "There was a Problem Updating Profile!"
-; admin_controller.php line: 980
-admin_controller_describe_robot = "Please Describe Your Robot"
-; main_controller.php line: 92
-search_controller_logout_successful = "Logout Successful!!"
-; main_controller.php line: 136
-main_controller_download = "Download Form"
-; main_controller.php line: 153
-main_controller_missing_fields = "Missing Fields! Form not processed!"
-; main_controller.php line: 182
-main_controller_email_sent = "Download Email Sent!"
-; main_controller.php line: 196
-main_controller_yioop_download = "Yioop Download Information"
-; main_controller.php line: 197
-main_controller_click_download = "Use the link below to download Yioop software:"
-; main_controller.php line: 208
-main_controller_url_error = "URL Format Error!"
-; main_controller.php line: 217
-main_controller_expired_url = "Expire Url. Please fill out the form again to download!"
-; /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/git/seek_quarry//views
-; admin_view.php line: 77
-admin_view_admin = "Admin"
-; admin_view.php line: 97
-adminview_auto_logout_one_minute = "Auto-logout in One Minute!!"
-; download_view.php line: 62
-download_view_form = "Download Form"
-; download_view.php line: 73
-download_view_thank_you = "Thank you for your interest in Yioop Search Engine Software. To obtain an email with a download link please fill out the form below. We use the information collected to better understand our users and to connect our users with services available for our software."
-; download_view.php line: 76
-download_view_full_name = "Full Name"
-; download_view.php line: 82
-download_view_email = "Email"
-; download_view.php line: 87
-download_view_business = "Organization"
-; download_view.php line: 93
-download_view_interest = "Briefly Describe your Interest in Yioop Software:"
-; download_view.php line: 100
-download_view_get_email = "Send Download Email"
-; download_view.php line: 106
-download_view_return_main = "Return"
-; download_view.php line: 120
-download_view_required_fields = "Please Fill-in the Required Fields!"
-; download_view.php line: 125
-download_view_name_required = "Full Name Required!"
-; download_view.php line: 130
-download_view_valid_email = "Please Enter a Valid Email!"
-; /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/git/seek_quarry//views/elements
-; activity_element.php line: 57
-activity_element_activities = "Activities"
-; configure_element.php line: 81
-configure_element_work_directory = "Work Directory"
-; configure_element.php line: 86
-configure_element_load_or_create = "Load or Create"
-; configure_element.php line: 99
-configure_element_profile_settings = "Profile Settings"
-; configure_element.php line: 101
-configure_element_default_language = "Default Language:"
-; configure_element.php line: 107
-configure_element_debug_display = "Debug Display"
-; configure_element.php line: 112
-configure_element_error_info = "Error Info"
-; configure_element.php line: 117
-configure_element_query_info = "Query Info"
-; configure_element.php line: 122
-configure_element_test_info = "Test Info"
-; configure_element.php line: 127
-configure_element_database_setup = "Database Set-up"
-; configure_element.php line: 129
-configure_element_database_system = "System:"
-; configure_element.php line: 135
-configure_element_databasename = "Name:"
-; configure_element.php line: 142
-configure_element_databaseurl = "Url:"
-; configure_element.php line: 148
-configure_element_databaseuser = "User:"
-; configure_element.php line: 155
-configure_element_databasepassword = "Password:"
-; configure_element.php line: 164
-configure_element_queue_server = "Server Set-up"
-; configure_element.php line: 166
-configure_element_queue_server_key = "Server Key:"
-; configure_element.php line: 175
-configure_element_submit = "Submit"
-; editlocales_element.php line: 62
-editlocales_element_back_to_manage = "Back"
-; editlocales_element.php line: 64
-editlocales_element_edit_locale = "Edit Locale: %s"
-; editlocales_element.php line: 76
-editlocales_element_static_pages = "Static Pages:"
-; editlocales_element.php line: 110
-editlocales_element_submit = "Submit"
-; editstatic_element.php line: 64
-editlocales_element_back_to_manage = "Back"
-; editstatic_element.php line: 78
-editstatic_element_locale_name = "Current Locale: %s"
-; editstatic_element.php line: 82
-editstatic_element_page = "Editing: %s"
-; editstatic_element.php line: 89
-editstatic_element_savebutton = "Save"
-; manageaccount_element.php line: 56
-manageaccount_element_change_password = "Change Account Password"
-; manageaccount_element.php line: 66
-manageaccount_element_old_password = "Old Password: "
-; manageaccount_element.php line: 71
-manageaccount_element_new_password = "New Password: "
-; manageaccount_element.php line: 76
-manageaccount_element_retype_password = "Retype Password: "
-; manageaccount_element.php line: 82
-manageaccount_element_save = "Save"
-; managelocales_element.php line: 59
-managelocales_element_add_locale = "Add Locale"
-; managelocales_element.php line: 69
-managelocales_element_localenamelabel = "Locale Name:"
-; managelocales_element.php line: 75
-managelocales_element_localetaglabel = "Locale Tag:"
-; managelocales_element.php line: 79
-managelocales_element_writingmodelabel = "Writing Mode:"
-; managelocales_element.php line: 92
-managelocales_element_submit = "Submit"
-; managelocales_element.php line: 98
-managelocales_element_delete_locale = "Delete Locale"
-; managelocales_element.php line: 108
-managelocales_element_delete_localelabel = "Locale Name:"
-; managelocales_element.php line: 112
-managelocales_element_submit = "Submit"
-; managelocales_element.php line: 117
-managelocales_element_locale_list = "Locale List"
-; managelocales_element.php line: 120
-managelocales_element_localename = "Locale Name"
-; managelocales_element.php line: 121
-managelocales_element_localetag = "Locale Tag"
-; managelocales_element.php line: 122
-managelocales_element_writingmode = "Writing Mode"
-; managelocales_element.php line: 124
-managelocales_element_percenttranslated = "Percent Translated"
-; manageroles_element.php line: 57
-manageroles_element_add_role = "Add Role"
-; manageroles_element.php line: 67
-manageroles_element_rolename = "Role Name: "
-; manageroles_element.php line: 71
-manageroles_element_submit = "Submit"
-; manageroles_element.php line: 76
-manageroles_element_delete_role = "Delete Role"
-; manageroles_element.php line: 86
-manageusers_element_delete_rolename = "Role Name:"
-; manageroles_element.php line: 90
-manageroles_element_submit = "Submit"
-; manageroles_element.php line: 94
-manageroles_element_view_role_activities = "View Role Activities"
-; manageroles_element.php line: 103
-manageusers_element_select_role = "Role Name: "
-; manageroles_element.php line: 123
-manageusers_element_add_activity = "Add Activity:"
-; manageroles_element.php line: 128
-manageroles_element_submit = "Submit"
-; manageusers_element.php line: 57
-manageusers_element_add_user = "Add User"
-; manageusers_element.php line: 67
-manageusers_element_username = "Username: "
-; manageusers_element.php line: 71
-manageusers_element_password = "Password: "
-; manageusers_element.php line: 75
-manageusers_element_retype_password = "Retype Password: "
-; manageusers_element.php line: 80
-manageusers_element_submit = "Submit"
-; manageusers_element.php line: 86
-manageusers_element_delete_user = "Delete User"
-; manageusers_element.php line: 96
-manageusers_element_delete_username = "Username: "
-; manageusers_element.php line: 100
-manageusers_element_submit = "Submit"
-; manageusers_element.php line: 105
-manageusers_element_view_user_roles = "View User Roles"
-; manageusers_element.php line: 114
-manageusers_element_select_user = "Username: "
-; manageusers_element.php line: 135
-manageusers_element_add_role = "Add Role: "
-; manageusers_element.php line: 140
-manageusers_element_submit = "Submit"
-; signin_element.php line: 59
-signin_element_signin = "Sign In"
-; signin_element.php line: 65
-signin_element_admin = "Admin"
-; signin_element.php line: 67
-signin_element_signout = "Sign Out"
-; /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/git/seek_quarry//views/layouts
-; web_layout.php line: 66
-web_layout_open_seekquarry = "Open Source Search Engine Software - Seekquarry"
-; web_layout.php line: 73
-web_layout_description = "SeekQuarry provides open source search technologies"
-; web_layout.php line: 94
-web_layout_open_source = "Open Source Search Engine Software"
-; web_layout.php line: 96
-web_layout_about_sq = "About Seekquarry"
-; web_layout.php line: 102
-web_layout_query_statistics = "Query Statistics"
-; web_layout.php line: 103
-web_layout_total_elapsed_time = "Total Elapsed Time for Queries: %s seconds."
-; web_layout.php line: 108
-web_layout_query_time = "Time: %s seconds."
-; main_view.php line: 71
-main_view_home = "Home"
-; main_view.php line: 73
-main_view_demo = "Demo"
-; main_view.php line: 75
-main_view_downloads = "Downloads"
-; main_view.php line: 77
-main_view_documentation = "Documentation"
-; main_view.php line: 79
-main_view_discussion = "Discussion"
-; main_view.php line: 81
-main_view_resources = "Resources"
-; signin_view.php line: 62
-signin_view_signin = "Signin"
-; signin_view.php line: 69
-signin_view_username = "Username"
-; signin_view.php line: 75
-signin_view_password = "Password"
-; signin_view.php line: 84
-signin_view_login = "Login"
-; signin_view.php line: 91
-signin_view_return_main = "Return to SeekQuarry"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/en-US/pages/about.thtml b/en-US/pages/about.thtml
deleted file mode 100755
index c3a54cc..0000000
--- a/en-US/pages/about.thtml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
-<h1>About SeekQuarry/Yioop</h1>
-<p>SeekQuarry, LLC is the company responsible for the
-<a href="">Yioop PHP Search Engine</a>
-SeekQuarry is owned by, and Yioop was mainly written by, myself, <a
-href="">Chris Pollett</a>. Development of
-Yioop began in Nov. 2009 and was first publicly
-released August, 2010. SeekQuarry maintains the documentation and official
-public code repository for Yioop. It is also responsible for the SeekQuarry
-and Yioop servers. SeekQuarry LLC receives revenue from
-<a href="?c=main&p=downloads#consulting" >consulting services</a> related to
-Yioop and by <a href="?c=main&p=downloads#contribute"
->contributions</a> from people interested in the continued development of the
-Yioop Search Engine Software and in the documentary resources the Seekquarry
-website provides.
-<h1>The Yioop and SeekQuarry Names</h1>
-<p>When looking for names for my search engine, I was originally
-thinking about using the name SeekQuarry whose domain name hadn't been
-registered. After deciding that I would use Yioop for the name
-of my search engine site, I decided I would use SeekQuarry as a
-site to publish the software that is used in the Yioop engine.
-That is, is a live site that demonstrates the open
-source search engine software distributed on the
-<p>The name Yioop has the following history:
-I was looking for names that hadn't already been registered. My
-wife is Vietnamese, so I thought I might have better luck with
-Vietnamese words since all the English ones seemed to have been taken.
-I started with the word giup, which is the way to spell 'help'
-in Vietnamese if you remove the accents. It was already taken.
-Then I tried yoop, which is my lame way of pronouncing how
-giup sounds like in English. It was already taken. So then I
-combined the two to get Yioop.</p>
-<h1>Dictionary Data</h1>
-<a href="">Bloom filter</a> for
-Chinese word segmentation was developed using the word list
-<a href=""
-></a> which has
-a Creative Commons Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.
-<a href="">Trie</a>'s
-for word suggestion for all languages other than Vietnamese were built
-using the <a href=""
->Wiktionary Frequency Lists</a>. These are also available under a
-<a href="">Creative
-Commons Share Alike 3.0 Unported License</a> as described on <a
-Download page</a>. The derived data files (if they were created for that
-language) for a language IANA tag, locale-tag, can be found in the
-locale/locale-tag/resources folder of the Yioop project. These
-are also licensed using the same license. For Vietnamese,
-I used the following <a
-Vietnamese Word List</a> obtained with permision from <a
-href="">Ho Ngoc Duc</a>.
-<p>The English part-of-speech tagging algorithm
-in Yioop was originally coded by Shailesh Padave using with permission
-the article on <a href=" ">Brill
-tagging</a> by Ian Barber. This kind of tagging in turn makes use of
-the <a href="">Brown Corpus</a>.
-Part-of-Speech tagging is used in Yioop only if thesaurus lookup is
-being used in final result reordering. In this case, to generate the
-thesaurus, <a href="">WordNet</a> is used.
-<h1>Additional Credits</h1>
-Several people helped
-with localization: Mary Pollett,
-Jonathan Ben-David, Ismail.B, Andrea Brunetti,
-Thanh Bui, Sujata Dongre, Animesh Dutta, Aida Khosroshahi,
- Youn Kim, Akshat Kukreti, Vijeth Patil, Chao-Hsin Shih,
-Ahmed Kamel Taha, and Sugi Widjaja. Several of my former students
-have contributed code which appear in the Yioop repository. They are:
-Mangesh Dahale, Ravi Dhillon, Priya Gangaraju,
-Akshat Kukreti, Sreenidhi Pundi Muralidharan, Nakul Natu, Shailesh Padave,
-Vijaya Pamidi, Snigdha Parvatneni, Akash Patel, Vijeth Patil, Mallika Perepa,
-Tarun Pepira, Eswara Rajesh Pinapala, Tamayee Potluri, Shawn Tice,
-Sandhya Vissapragada. In addition, several of my students have created projects
-based on Yioop. Information about these project can be found on their
-<a href="">student pages</a>.
diff --git a/en-US/pages/coding.thtml b/en-US/pages/coding.thtml
deleted file mode 100755
index fae7410..0000000
--- a/en-US/pages/coding.thtml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1469 +0,0 @@
-<div class="docs">
-<h1>Yioop Coding Guidelines</h1>
-    <h2 id='toc'>Table of Contents</h2>
-    <ul>
-        <li><a href="#intro">Introduction</a></li>
-        <li><a href="#general">General</a></li>
-        <li><a href="#php">PHP</a></li>
-        <li><a href="#javascript">Javascript</a></li>
-        <li><a href="#html">HTML</a></li>
-        <li><a href="#css">CSS</a></li>
-        <li><a href="#sql">SQL</a></li>
-        <li><a href="#localization">Localization</a></li>
-        <li><a href="#organization">Code-base Organization</a></li>
-        <li><a href="#patches">Issue
-            Tracking/Making Patches/Commit Messages</a></li>
-        <li><a href="#checklist">New Version Quality Assurance Checklist</a>
-        </li>
-    </ul>
-    <h2 id="intro">Introduction</h2>
-    <p>In order to understand a software
-    project it helps to understand its organization and conventions.
-    To encourage people to dive in and help improve Yioop and to ensure
-    contributions which are easily understood within  the context of Yioop's
-    current standards, this article describes the coding conventions, issue
-    tracking, and commit process for Yioop. It first describes the
-    coding styles to be used for various languages within Yioop. It
-    then describes some guidelines for what kind of code should go into
-    which kind of files in Yioop. Finally, it concludes with a discussion
-    of how issues should be submitted to the issue tracker,
-    how to make patches for Yioop, and how commit messages should be written.
-    There might seem like a lot of rules to follow in the below.
-    If you want to get started coding, it suffices to look at the
-    general section, then skim the sections one is likely to need for the
-    programming task at hand, and then
-    finally to look at the making patch section.</p>
-    <p><a href="#toc">Return to table of contents</a>.</p>
-    <h2 id="general">General</h2>
-    <ol>
-    <li>One of the design goals of Yioop was to minimize dependencies on
-    other projects and libraries. When coming up with a solution to
-    a problem preference should be given to solutions which do not
-    introduce new dependencies on external projects or libraries. Also, one
-    should be on the lookout for eliminating existing dependencies,
-    configuration requirements, etc.
-    </li>
-    <li>The coding language for Yioop is English. This means all comments
-    within the source code should be in English.</li>
-    <li>All data that will be written to the web interface should be
-    localizable. That means easily translatable to any text representation of
-    a human language. The section on <a href="#localization">localization</a>
-    discusses facilities in Yioop for doing this.
-    </li>
-    <li>Information written as log messages to log files and profiling
-    information about queries (made available by the query info checkbox
-    in Configure), which are not intended for end-users, do not need to
-    be localized.</li>
-    <li>Project file names should be lowercase words. Multi-word
-    file names should separate words with an underscore. For example,
-    index_manager.php</li>
-    <li>Each project file should begin with the <a
-    href="">GPL3 license</a> as a comment
-    in the appropriate format for the file in question. For example, for
-    a PHP file, this might look like:
-    <pre>
- *  SeekQuarry/Yioop --
- *  Open Source Pure PHP Search Engine, Crawler, and Indexer
- *
- *  Copyright (C) 2009 - 2014  Chris Pollett
- *
- *
- *  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- *  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- *  (at your option) any later version.
- *
- *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- *  GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- *  along with this program.  If not, see <>.
- *
- *
- * @author Chris Pollett
- * @package seek_quarry
- * @subpackage bin
- * @license GPL3
- * @link
- * @copyright 2009 - 2014
- * @filesource
- */
-    </pre>
-    Here the subpackage might vary.
-    </li>
-    <li>All non-binary files in Yioop should be <a href=
-        "">UTF-8 encoded</a>. Files should
-        <b>not</b> have a <a href=
-        "">byte order mark</a>.</li>
-    <li>All non-binary files in Yioop should follow the convention of using
-    four spaces for tabs (rather than tab characters). Further,
-    all lines should be less than or equal to 80 columns in length.
-    Lines should not end with
-    trailing white-space characters. It is recommended to use an
-    editor which can display white-space characters and which can display
-    a bar marking the 80th column. For example, one can use
-    <a href="">gEdit</a> or
-    <a href="">vim</a>.</li>
-    <li>One should use one space before and after assignment, boolean, binary,
-    and comparison operators. A single space should be used after, but not
-    before, commas and semi-colons. A space should not be used before increment,
-    decrement, and sign operators:
-    <pre>
-if($i == 0 && $j &gt; 5 * $x) { /* some statements*/}
-$i = 7;
-$i += 3;
-$a = array(1, 2, 3, 4);
-for($i = 0; $i &lt; $num; $i++) {
-    </pre>
-    Some leeway may be given on this if it helps make a line under 80
-    characters -- provided being under 80 characters helps program clarity.
-    </li>
-    <li>Do not use unstable code layouts such as:
-    <pre>
-$something1   = 25;
-$something10  = 25;
-$something100 = 27;
-    </pre>
-    Although the equal signs are aligned, the spacing is unstable under
-    changes of variable names.
-    </li>
-    <li>Do not have multiple statements on one line such as:
-    <pre>
-    $a=1; $b=6; $c=7;
-    </pre>
-    </li>
-    <li>Braces on class declarations, interface declarations,
-        function declarations, switch statements, and CSS declaration groups
-        should be vertically aligned. For example,
-    <pre>
-class MyClass
-    //code for class
-interface MyInterface
-    //code for interface
-function myFun()
-    //some code
-    //some css
-    //some cases
-    </pre>
-    </li>
-    <li>Braces for conditionals, loops, etc. should roughly
-        follow the <a
-        href=""
-        >one true brace convention (1TBS)</a>:
-if(cond) { /*single statement should still use braces*/}
-if(cond) {
-    //some statements
-} else if {
-    // another condition
-} else {
-    // yet another condition
-while(something) {
-    //do something
-for($i = 0; $i &lt; $num; $i++) {
-    </li>
-    <li>
-    The body of conditionals, loops, etc. code blocks should be indented 4
-    spaces. Code should not appear on the same line as an opening brace
-    or on the same line as a closing brace:
-    <pre>
-    class MyClass
-    {   function MyFun //not allowed
-        {
-        }
-    }
-    if(something) {
-        $i++;
-        $j++; } // not allowed
-    if(something) {
-        $i++;
-        $j++;
-    } // good
-    </pre>
-    An exception is allowed
-    for single-line code blocks:
-    <pre>
-    if(something) { $i++; } // is allowed
-    if(something) {
-        $i++;
-    } //is preferred
-    </pre>
-    </li>
-    <li>When a non-compound statement is split across several lines,
-    all lines after the first should be indented four spaces:
-    <pre>
-        //a long function call
-        setlocale(LC_ALL, $locale_tag, $locale_tag.'.UTF-8',
-            $locale_tag.'.UTF8',  $locale_tag.".TCVN", $locale_tag.".VISCII",
-            $locale_tag_parts[0], $locale_tag_parts[0].'.UTF-8',
-            $locale_tag_parts[0].'.UTF8', $locale_tag_parts[0].".TCVN");
-        // a case where the conditional of an if is long
-        if(!file_exists("$tag_prefix/statistics.txt") ||
-            filemtime("$tag_prefix/statistics.txt") <
-            filemtime("$tag_prefix/configure.ini")) {
-            //code
-        }
-    </pre>
-    </li>
-    </ol>
-    <p><a href="#toc">Return to table of contents</a>.</p>
-    <h2 id="php">PHP</h2>
-    <p>Most of the code for Yioop is written in
-    <a href="">PHP</a>. Here are some conventions
-    that Yioop programmers should follow with regards to this language:</p>
-    <ol>
-    <li>Files should have require/include's statements at the top.
-    Dynamic (that is, based on a variable) require/include statements
-    should be avoided. They are allowed in base-classes only in the web-app.
-    </li>
-    <li>Classes should be organized as:
-    <pre>
-class MyClass
-    // Variable Declarations
-    var some_var;
-    // Constant Declarations
-    const SOME_CONTANTS;
-    // Constructor
-    function __construct()
-    {
-        // code
-    }
-    // abstract member functions, if any
-    /*
-    abstract function someAbstractMethod($arg1, $arg2)
-    {
-        // code
-    }
-    */
-    //non static member functions
-    function someFunction($arg)
-    {
-        // code
-    }
-    // static member functions
-    function someStaticFunction($arg)
-    {
-        // code
-    }
-    </pre>
-    </li>
-    <li>PHP can make visibility distinctions on variables and member functions
-    using the keywords: public, protected, private. At this point,
-    Yioop classes are <b>not</b> written with this feature.</li>
-    <li>Except for loop variables where $i, $j, $k may be used, preference
-    should be given to variable names which are full words. $queue rather than
-    $q, for example. Some common abbreviations are permissible $dir (for
-    directory), $db (for database), $str (for string), but should be avoided.
-    </li>
-    <li>Variable names should be descriptive. If this entails multi-word
-    variable names, then the words should be separated by underscores.
-    For example, $crawl_order.</li>
-    <li>Defines, class constants, global variables (used in more than one file)
-    should be written in all-caps. All other variables should be lowercase
-    only. Some example defines in Yioop are: BASE_DIR, NAME_SERVER,
-    USER_AGENT_SHORT. Some example global variables are: $INDEXED_FILE_TYPES,
-    $IMAGE_TYPES, $PAGE_PROCESSORS. Some example class constants in Yioop are:
-    CrawlConstants::GOT_ROBOT_TXT, CrawlConstants::INVERTED_INDEX,
-    IndexDictionary::DICT_BLOCK_SIZE.
-    </li>
-    <li>Function and member function names should be camel-cased beginning
-    with a lowercase letter. For example, insert, crawlHash, getEntry,
-    extractWordStringPageSummary.</li>
-    <li>Class and interface names should be camel-cased beginning with an
-    uppercase letter. For example, CrawlConstants, IndexShard,
-    WebArchiveBundle. Class names involved in the web-app portion of Yioop:
-    controllers, elements, helpers, layouts, models, and views should begin
-    with an uppercase letter, subsequent words except this last
-    should be lowercase. For example, SearchfiltersModel, MachinestatusView.
-    This facilitates Yioop's auto-loading mechanism.
-    </li>
-    <li>Yioop code should not use PHP <a
-    href=""
-    >generators</a>, <a
-    href="">namespaces</a>,
-    <a href="">traits</a>, or
-    <a href=""
-    >anonymous functions</a> to maintain backward to PHP 5.2 compatibility as
-    much as possible.</li>
-    <li>Each require/include, define, global variable, function, class,
-    interface, field, constant, member function should have a <a
-    href="">phpDoc</a> docblock. These comments look like
-    /** some comment */. </li>
-    <li>The GPL license should be included in a phpDoc (page-level) docblock
-    which includes @author, @package, @subpackage, @license,
-    @link, @copyright, and @filesource
-    tags. See the example in the <a href="#general">General guidelines
-    section</a>.</li>
-    <li>Field variables (PHP properties) docblock's should use
-    @var to say the type of the field. For example,
-    <pre>
-    /**
-     * Number of days between resets of the page url filter
-     * If nonpositive, then never reset filter
-     * @var int
-     */
-    var $page_recrawl_frequency;
-    </pre>
-    </li>
-    <li>Multi-line phpDoc's should have a a vertical line of *'s. For example,
-    <pre>
- * First line of a phpDoc is a short summary, should not rehash function name
- *
- * Then a blank comment line, followed by
- * a longer description. This in turn is followed by an @tags
- *
- * @param type $var_name description of variable
- * @return type description of returned valued
- */
-    </pre>
-    </li>
-    <li>Each parameter of a function/member function should be documented
-    with an @param tag. The return value of a function/member function should
-    be documented with an @return tag. For example,
-    <pre>
- * Subtracts the two values $value1 and $value2
- *
- * This function is intended to be used as a callback function for sorting
- *
- * @param float $value1 a value to take the difference between
- * @param float $value2 the other value
- * @return float the difference
- */
-function difference($value1, $value2)
-    return $value1 - $value2;
-    </pre>
-    Notice the type of the argument/return value is give after the @tag.
-    This could be NULL, int, float, string, array, object, resource, or
-    mixed -- mixed, is used for return values which might return more than
-    one type.
-    </li>
-    <li>Multi-line comments within the body of a function or method should not
-    use // such as:
-    <pre>
-    // first line
-    // second line
-    </pre>
-    C-style comments /* */ should be used instead.
-    </li>
-    <li>Multi-line comments within the body of a function or method should
-    not have a vertical stripe of stars. This prevents fragile layout
-    problems with comments. For example, a good multi-line comment
-    within a function might look like:
-    <pre>
-    /*
-        This loop's end condition
-        will be satisfied by something clever.
-     */
-    </pre>
-    </li>
-    </ol>
-    <p><a href="#toc">Return to table of contents</a>.</p>
-    <h2 id="javascript">Javascript</h2>
-    <ol>
-    <li>Variable names should not begin with $'s to avoid confusion
-    with PHP. Except for this, they should follow the same conventions
-    as PHP variable names described earlier. Here are some example
-    Javascript variable names: i,j,k, request, message_tag.</li>
-    <li>Function names should be camel-cased beginning
-    with a lowercase letter. For example, elt, redrawGroup, drawCrawlSelect.
-    </li>
-    <li>Function docblock comments have the same format as PHP ones,
-    but rather than use /** */ use /* */. For example,
-    <pre>
- *  Make an AJAX request for a url and put the results as inner HTML of a tag
- *
- *  @param Object tag  a DOM element to put the results of the AJAX request
- *  @param String url  web page to fetch using AJAX
- */
-function getPage(tag, url)
-    </pre>
-    </li>
-    <li>Within functions, comments follow the same conventions as PHP.</li>
-    <li>One should avoid echoing Javascript within PHP code and instead
-    move such code as much as possible to an external .js file.
-    </li>
-    <li>Javascript should be included/inlined at the end of web pages
-    not at the beginning. This allows browsers to begin rendering pages
-    rather than blocking for pages to load.</li>
-    <li>Javascript output via PHP in a controller should be output
-    in the $data['SCRIPT'] field sent in the $data variable to a view.</li>
-    <li>Localization needed by Javascript should be passed from PHP
-    controllers using the $data['SCRIPT'] field sent in the $data variable
-    to a view. For example, in PHP one might have:
-    <pre>
-$data["MESSAGE"] = tl('admin_controller_configure_no_set_config');
-$data['SCRIPT'] .=
-    "doMessage('&lt;h1 class=\"red\" &gt;".
-    $data["MESSAGE"] . "&lt;/h1&gt;');" .
-    "setTimeout('window.location.href= ".
-    "window.location.href', 3000);";
-    </pre>
-    The PHP function tl is used here to provide the translation, which
-    will be used in the Javascript function call.
-    </li>
-    <li>Javascript output by a PHP View should be output as much as possible
-    outside of PHP tags &lt;?php ... ?&gt; rather than with echo or similar
-    statements.
-    </li>
-    <li>External Javascript files (.js files) should not contain any PHP code.
-    </li>
-    <li>External Javascript files should be included using the
-    $data['INCLUDE_SCRIPTS'] array. For example,
-    <pre>
-    $data['INCLUDE_SCRIPTS'] = array("script1", "script2");
-    </pre>
-    would include script1.js and script2.js from the Yioop script folder.
-    </li>
-    </ol>
-    <p><a href="#toc">Return to table of contents</a>.</p>
-    <h2 id="css">CSS</h2>
-    <ol>
-    <li>CSS should <a href="">W3C validate</a> as
-    either CSS 2 or CSS 3. CSS 3 styles should fail gracefully on
-    non-supported browsers. Use of browser specific extensions such as
-    -ms, -moz, -o, and -webkit selectors should only be for CSS 3 effects
-    not yet supported by the given browser.</li>
-    <li>A <a href=""
-    >CSS Rule Set</a> in Yioop should follow one of the following formats:
-    <pre>
-/* single selector case */
-    property1: value1; /* notice there should be a single space after the : */
-    property2: value2; /* all property-value pairs should be terminate with a
-                          semi-colon */
-    ...
-/* multiple selector case */
-    property1: value1;
-    property2: value2;
-    ...
-    </pre>
-    </li>
-    <li>Selectors should be written on one line. For example:
-    <pre>
-.html-rtl .user-nav ul li
-    </pre>
-    Notice a single space is used between parts of this.
-    </li>
-    <li>If an element should look different in a right-to-left language
-    than a left-to-right language, then the .html-ltr and .html-rtl
-    class selectors should be used. For example,
-    <pre>
-.html-ltr .user-nav
-    margin:0 0.5in 0 0;
-    min-width: 10in;
-    padding:0;
-    text-align: right;
-.html-rtl .user-nav
-    margin:0 0 0 0.5in;
-    min-width: 10in;
-    padding:0;
-    text-align: left;
-    </pre>
-    For vertically written languages, one can use the selectors:
-    .html-rl-tb, .html-lr-tb, .html-tb-rl, .html-tb-lr. Finally,
-    if an element needs to be formatted differently for mobile
-    devices, the .mobile selector should be used:
-    <pre> .user-nav
-    font-size: 11pt;
-    min-width: 0;
-    left:0px;
-    padding: 0px;
-    position: absolute;
-    right: 0px;
-    top: -10px;
-    width:320px;
-    </pre>
-    </li>
-    <li>To increase clarity, left-to-right, right-to-left, and mobile variants
-    of the otherwise same selector should appear near each other in the
-    given stylesheet file.
-    </li>
-    <li>Class and ID selectors should be lowercase.
-    Multi-word selector names should have the words separated
-    by a hyphen:
-    <pre>
-    </pre>
-    </li>
-    <li>
-    Multiple selectors should be listed in alphabetical order.
-    Properties in a rule-set should be listed alphabetically. For example,
-    <pre>
-.html-ltr .role-table,
-.html-ltr .role-table td,
-.html-ltr .role-table th
-    border: 1px solid black;
-    margin-left: 0.2in;
-    padding: 1px;
-    </pre>
-    An exception to this is a browser-specific property should be grouped next
-    to its CSS3 equivalent.
-    </li>
-    </ol>
-    <p><a href="#toc">Return to table of contents</a>.</p>
-    <h2 id="html">HTML</h2>
-    <ol>
-    <li>Any web page output by Yioop should validate as <a
-    href="">HTML5</a>. This can be checked at
-    the site <a href=""></a>.
-    </li>
-    <li>Any web page output by Yioop should pass the Web accessibility checks
-    of the <a href="">WAVE Tool</a>.</li>
-    <li>Web pages should render reasonably similarly in any version of
-    Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera, or Safari released since 2009.
-    To test this, it generally suffices to test a 2009 version of each of
-    these browsers together with a current version.
-    </li>
-    <li>All tags in a document should be closed, but short forms of tags
-    are allowed. i.e., a tag like &lt;br&gt; must have a corresponding
-    close tag &lt;/br&gt;; however, it is permissible to use the short
-    open-close form &lt;br /&gt;.</li>
-    <li>All tag attribute should have their values in single or double quotes:
-    <pre>
-    &lt;tag attribute1='value1' attribute2='value1' &gt;
-    not
-    &lt;tag attribute1=value1 attribute2=value1 &gt;
-    </pre>
-    </li>
-    <li>For those still using Internet Explorer 6... For any given tag,
-    name attribute values should be different than their id attribute values.
-    For multi-word name attribute values, separate words with underscore,
-    for id attributes, separate them with hyphens. For example,
-    <pre>
-    &lt;input id="some-form-field" name="some_form_field" type="text"  /&gt;
-    </pre>
-    </li>
-    <li>HTML code is output in views, elements, helpers, and layouts in
-    Yioop. This code might be seen in one of two contexts: Either
-    by directly looking at the source code of Yioop (so one can see
-    the PHP code, etc.) or in a browser or other client when one
-    uses the client's "View Source" feature. Code should look reasonably
-    visually appealing in either context, but with preference given
-    to how it looks as source code. Client-side HTML is often a useful tool for
-    debugging however, so should not be entirely neglected.</li>
-    <li>Generating code dynamically all on one line should be avoided.
-    Client-side HTML should avoid lines longer than 80 characters as well.</li>
-    <li>Although not as strictly followed as for braces, an attempt should be
-    made to align block-level elements. For such an element, one should
-    often place the starting and ending tag on a line by itself and nest the
-    contents by four spaces, if possible. This is not required if the
-    indentation level would be too deep to easily read the line.
-    Inline elements can be more free-form:
-    <pre>
-    &lt;li&gt;Although not as strictly followed as for braces, an attempt
-    should be made to align block-level elements. For such an element, one
-    should often place the starting and ending tag on a line by itself and nest
-    the contents by &lt;b&gt;four spaces&lt;/b&gt;, if possible. This is not
-    required if the indentation level would be too deep to easily read the line.
-    Inline elements can be more free-form:
-    &lt;/li&gt;
-    </pre>
-    Notice we indent for the ol tag. Since starting text on a separate line
-    for an li tag might affect appearance, adding a space to the
-    output, we don't do it. We do, however, put
-    the close tag on a line by itself. In the above the b tag is inlined.
-    </li>
-    <li>Here are some examples of splitting long lines in HTML:
-    <pre>
-&lt;-- Long open tags --&gt;
-&lt;-- case where content start and end spacing affects output --&gt;
-&lt;tag attr1="value1" attr2="value2"
-    attr3="value3"&gt;contents&lt;/tag&gt;
-&lt;-- or, if it doesn't affect output: --&gt;
-&lt;tag attr1="value1" attr2="value2"
-    attr3="value3"&gt;
-    contents
-&lt;-- Long urls should be split near '/', '?', '&amp;'. Most browsers
-    ignore a carriage return (without spaces) at such places in a url
-&lt;a href="
-pollett/masters/Semesters/Fall10/vijaya/index.shtml"&gt;Vijaya Pamidi's
-master's pages&lt;/a&gt;
-    </pre>
-    </li>
-    <li>Urls appearing in HTML should make use of the HTML entity for
-    ampersand: &amp;amp; rather than just a &amp; . Browsers will treat these
-    the same and this can often help with validation issues.</li>
-    </ol>
-    <p><a href="#toc">Return to table of contents</a>.</p>
-    <h2 id="sql">SQL</h2>
-    <p>SQL in Yioop typically appears embedded in PHP code. This section
-    briefly describes some minor issues with the formatting of SQL,
-    and, in general, how Yioop code should interact with databases.</p>
-    <ol>
-    <li>Except in subclasses of DatasourceManager, Yioop PHP code should not
-    directly call native PHP database functions. That is, functions with names
-    beginning with  db2_, mysql_, mysqli_, pg_, orcl_, sqlite_, etc., or similar
-    PHP classes. A DatasourceManager object exists as the $db field
-    variable of any subclass of Model.</li>
-    <li>SQL should not appear in Yioop in any functions or classes other than
-    subclasses of Model.</li>
-    <li>SQL code should be in uppercase. An example PHP string of SQL
-    code might look like:
-    <pre>
-            " FROM LOCALE WHERE LOCALE_TAG = ?";
-    </pre>
-    </li>
-    <li>New tables names and field names created for Yioop should also be
-    uppercase only.</li>
-    <li>Multi-word names should be separated by an underscore:
-    <li>New tables added to the Yioop should maintain its
-    <a href=""
-    >BCNF normalization</a>. <a
-        href="">Denormalization</a>
-    should be avoided.</li>
-    <li>
-    Yioop's DatasourceManager class does  have a facility for prepared
-    statements. Using prepared statements should be preferred over escaping
-    query parameters. Below is exampled of prepared statements in
-    Yioop called from a model:
-    <pre>
-        $sql = "INSERT INTO CRAWL_MIXES VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)";
-        $this-&gt;db-&gt;execute($sql, array($timestamp, $mix['NAME'],
-            $mix['OWNER_ID'], $mix['PARENT']));
-    </pre>
-    Notice how the values that are to be filled in for the ? are listed in
-    order in the array. execute caches the last statement it has seen, so
-    internally if you call $db->execute twice with the same statement it doesn't
-    do the lower level prepare call to the database the second time. You can
-    also use named parameters, as in the following example:
-    <pre>
-        $sql = "UPDATE VISITOR SET DELAY=:delay, END_TIME=:end_time,
-            FORGET_AGE=:forget_age, ACCESS_COUNT=:account_count
-            WHERE ADDRESS=:ip_address AND PAGE_NAME=:page_name";
-        $this-&gt;db-&gt;execute($sql, array(
-            ":delay"=>$delay, ":end_time" =&gt; $end_time,
-            ":forget_age" =&gt; $forget_age,
-            ":account_count" =&gt; $access_count,
-            ":ip_address" =&gt; $ip_address, ":page_name" =&gt; $page_name));
-    </pre>
-    </li>
-    <li>In the rare case where a non-prepared statement
-    is used, strings should be properly
-    escaped using DatasourceManager::escape_string. For example,
-    <pre>
-        $sql = "INSERT INTO LOCALE".
-            "('".$this->db->escapeString($locale_name).
-            "', '".$this->db->escapeString($locale_tag) .
-            "', '".$this->db->escapeString($writing_mode)."')";
-    </pre>
-    </li>
-    </ol>
-    <p><a href="#toc">Return to table of contents</a>.</p>
-    <h2 id="localization">Localization</h2>
-    <p>Details on how Yioop can be translated into different languages
-    can be found in the <a href="?
-    c=main&p=documentation#localizing">Yioop Localization Documentation</a>.
-    As a coder what things should be localized are given in the
-    <a href="#general">general considerations section</a> of this document.
-    In this section, we describe a little about what constitutes a good
-    translation, and then talk a little about, as a coder, how you
-    should add new strings to be localized. We also make some remarks on how
-    localization patches should
-    be created before posting them to the issue tracker. This section
-    describes how Yioop should be localized. The site is
-    also localizable. If you are interested in translating the Yioop
-    documentation or pages on, drop me a line at:
- .
-    </p>
-    <ol>
-    <li>It can take quite a long time to translate all the strings in
-    Yioop. Translations of only some of the missing strings for some locale
-    are welcome! Preference should be given to strings that an end-user is
-    likely to see. In order of priority one should translate string ids
-    beginning with
-    search_view_, pagination_helper_, search_controller_,
-    signin_element_, settings_view_, settings_controller_, web_layout_,
-    signin_view_, static_view_, statistics_view_.</li>
-    <li>For static pages, there
-    are two versions -- those included with the Yioop download, and those
-    on the the order of translation should be:
-    privacy.thtml, bot.thtml, 404.thtml, and 409.thtml. For translations of
-    the privacy statement for, you should add
-    a sentence saying the meaning of English statement takes precedence
-    over any translations.</li>
-    <li>Localization should be done by a native (or close to) speaker of the
-    language Yioop is being translated to. Automated translations using
-    things like <a href="">Google Translate</a>
-    should be avoided. If used, such translations should be verified
-    by a native speaker before being used.</li>
-    <li>There are three main kinds of text which might need to
-    be localized in Yioop: static strings, dynamic strings, and static
-    pages.</li>
-    <li>Text that has the potential to be output by the Yioop web
-    interface should only appear in views, elements, helpers, layouts, or
-    controllers. Controllers should only pass the string to be
-    translated to a view, which in turn outputs it; rather than
-    directly output it.</li>
-    <li>If you need Javascript to output a translatable string,
-    use a PHP controller to output a Javascript variable into
-    $data['SCRIPT'], then have your Javascript make use of this variable
-    to provide translation on the client. External .js files should not
-    contain PHP code. An example of using this mechanism is given
-    by the files mix.js and admin_controller.php's editMix member function.
-    </li>
-    <li>String ids should be all lowercase, with an underscore used
-    to separate words. They should follow the convention:
-    file_name_approximate_english_translation. For example,
-    signin_view_password is a string id which appears in
-    the views/signin_view.php file, and in English is translated as
-    Password.</li>
-    <li>Dynamic strings ids are string ids stored in the database and
-    which may be added by administrators after downloading Yioop. String ids
-    for these strings should all be in the format: db_use_case_translation.
-    For example, db_activity_manage_locales or db_subsearch_images .
-    </li>
-    <li>All suggested localizations posted to the issue tracker should
-    be <a href="">UTF-8 encoded</a>.</li>
-    <li>If the only string ids you have translated are static ones,
-    you can just make a new issue in the <a
-    href="">issue tracker</a> and post
-    the relevant configure.ini file. These files should be located in
-    the Yioop Work Directory/locale/locale_in_question . Ideally, you
-    should add strings through Manage Locales, which will modify this file
-    for you.</li>
-    <li>For dynamic string translations just cut-and-paste the relevant
-    line from Edit Locales into a new note for your issue.</li>
-    <li>For more extensive translations including static pages please
-    make a git patch and post that.</li>
-    </ol>
-    <p><a href="#toc">Return to table of contents</a>.</p>
-    <h2 id="organization">Code-base Organization</h2>
-    <p>This section describes what code should be put where when writing
-    new code for Yioop. It can serve as a rough guide as to where
-    to find stuff. Also, coding organization is used to ensure the
-    security of the overall Yioop software. Some of the material in this
-    section overlaps with what is described
-    in the <a href="?c=main&amp;p=documentation#files">Summary of Files
-    and Folders</a> and the <a href="?c=main&amp;p=documentation#framework"
-    >Building a Site using Yioop as Framework</a> sections of the
-    main Yioop documentation. All folder paths listed in this section
-    are with respect to the Yioop base folder unless otherwise indicated.</p>
-    <ol>
-    <li>There are two main categories of apps in Yioop: the command
-    line tools and programs, and the Yioop web app.</li>
-    <li>Core libraries common to both kinds of apps should be put in the
-    lib folder. One exception to this are subclasses of datasource_manager.
-    DatasourceManager has database and filesystem functions which might
-    be useful to both kinds of apps. It is contained in
-    models/datasources. The easiest way to create an instance of
-    this class is with a line like:
-    <pre>
-    $model = new Model(); // $model->db will be a DatasourceManager
-    </pre>
-    </li>
-    <li>Some command-line programs such as bin/fetcher.php and
-    bin/queue_server.php communicate with the web app either
-    through curl requests or by file-based message passing. As a crude
-    way to the check integrity of these messages as well as to reduce
-    the size of serializations of the messages sent, the
-    CrawlConstants interface defines a large number
-    of shared class constants. This interface is then
-    implemented by all classes that have need of this
-    kind of message passing. CrawlConstants is defined in the file
-    lib/crawl_constants.php .</li>
-    <li>Command-line tools useful for general Yioop configuration together
-    with the Yioop configuration files config.php and local_config.php
-    should be put in the configs folder. Some examples are:
-    configure_tool.php and createdb.php .</li>
-    <li>All non-configuration command-line tools should be in the
-    bin folder.</li>
-    <li>Example scripts such as the file search.php which demonstrates
-    the Yioop search API should be in the examples folder.</li>
-    <li>External Javascripts should be in the scripts folder, CSS should be
-    the css folder,
-    images should be in the resources folder, and sqlite3 databases in the
-    data folder.</li>
-    <li>Code (PHP and Javascript) related to a particular locale should
-    be in the folder locale/locale-tag/resources. Examples of
-    this are the files: locale/en-US/resources/locale.js and
-    locale/en-US/resources/tokenizer.php .</li>
-    <li>Unit tests and coding experiments (the latter might test different
-    aspects about speed and memory usage of PHP or Javascript constructs)
-    should be in the tests folder. Auxiliary files to these tests and
-    experiments should be put in tests/test_files.</li>
-    <li>Unit tests should be written for any new lib folder files.
-    Unit tests should be a subclass of UnitTest which can be found in
-    lib/unit_test.php. The file name for a unit test should end in
-    _test.php to facilitates it detection by tests/index.php which is
-    used to run the tests. As much as possible unit tests should be
-    written for bin folder programs and the web app as well.</li>
-    <li>Command-line tools should have a check that they are not being
-    run from the web such as:
-    <pre>
-    // if the command-line program does not have a unit test
-    if(php_sapi_name() != 'cli') {echo "BAD REQUEST"; exit();}
-    // if the command-line program has a unit test
-    if(!defined("UNIT_TEST_MODE")) {
-        if(php_sapi_name() != 'cli') {echo "BAD REQUEST"; exit();}
-    }
-    </pre>
-    </li>
-    <li>Files other than command line programs, ./index.php, and
-    ./tests/index.php should not define the BASE_DIR or
-    UNIT_TEST_MODE constants. To ensure ./index.php and ./tests/index.php are
-    the only web-facing entry points to Yioop, all other php files should have a
-    line:
-    <pre>
-    if(!defined('BASE_DIR')) {echo "BAD REQUEST"; exit();}
-    </pre>
-    Minimizing entry points helps with security. Both of these files output
-    the HTTP header:
-    <pre>
-    header("X-FRAME-OPTIONS: DENY");
-    </pre>
-    to try to prevent <a href=""
-    >clickjacking</a>.
-    </li>
-    <li>The Yioop web app has the following kinds of files:
-    controllers, models, views, (these three are main three); and
-    components, element, helpers, and layouts (lesser).
-    These should be put respectively into the folders: controllers, models,
-    views, controllers/components, views/elements, views/helpers, views/layouts.
-    Filenames should for these files should end with its type: i.e., a view
-    should end with _view.php, for example, my_view.php .</li>
-    <li>A view roughly corresponds to one web page, a layout is used to
-    render common page headers and footers for several views,
-    an element is used for a relatively static portion of a web page
-    which might appear in more than one view, and a helper is used to
-    dynamically render a web page element such as a select tag according to
-    passed PHP variables.</li>
-    <li>Views, elements, and layouts should contain minimal PHP and be
-    mostly HTML. In these classes for, while, etc. loops should be avoided.
-    PHP in these classes should be restricted to simple conditionals and
-    echos of $data variable fields.</li>
-    <li>Control logic involving conditionals, loops, etc. should
-    be put in controllers or components. Components are collections of
-    related methods which might be used by several controllers (a little
-    like PHP 5.4 traits). A component and a $parent field that allows access
-    to the controller it currently lives on.</li>
-    <li>In the web app, only models should access the file system
-    or a database.</li>
-    <li>Variables whose values come from a web client should be
-    cleaned before used by a view or a model. Subclasses of Controller
-    have a clean() member function for this purpose. Further
-    DatasourceManager's have an escapeString method which should be
-    used on string before inserting them into a database in a Model.</li>
-    <li>Models, views, elements, helpers, and layouts should not use
-    the $_GET, $_POST, $_REQUEST super-globals. Controllers
-    should not use $_GET and $_POST, at most they should use $_REQUEST.
-    This helps facilitates changing whether HTTP GET or POST is used -- also,
-    using the same variable name for both a GET and POST variable is
-    evil -- this restriction may (or may not) help in catching such errors.</li>
-    <li>For controllers which use the $_SESSION super-global, the
-    integrity of the session against
-    <a href="">cross-site request
-    forgery</a> should be checked. This should be done in the
-    processRequest method using code like:
-    <pre>
-    if(isset($_SESSION['USER_ID'])) {
-        $user = $_SESSION['USER_ID'];
-    } else {
-        $user = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
-    }
-    $data[CSRF_TOKEN] = $this->generateCSRFToken($user);
-    $token_okay = $this->checkCSRFToken(CSRF_TOKEN, $user);
-    if($token_okay) {
-        //now can do stuff
-    }
-    </pre>
-    </li>
-    <li>When creating a new release of Yioop, one should check if
-    any required database or locale changes were made since the last version.
-    If database changes have been made, then configs/createdb.php
-    should be updated. Also lib/upgrade_functions should have
-    a new upgradeDatabaseVersion function added. If locale changes
-    need to be pushed from BASE_DIR/locale files to WORK_DIRECTORY/locale
-    files when people upgrade, then one should change the version number
-    on the view_locale_version string id. i.e., view_locale_version0 as a
-    string id might become view_locale_version1. This string id is in
-    views/view.php. It is not actually output anywhere to the UI --
-    it is used only for this purpose.
-    number variable which controls whether client-side, HTML5 localStorage
-    related to the previous release will still work with the new release. If it
-    won't work, then this version number should be updated.
-    An example of such a variable is SUGGEST_VERSION_NO in suggest.js.</li>
-    </ol>
-    <p><a href="#toc">Return to table of contents</a>.</p>
-    <h2 id="patches">Issue Tracking/Making Patches/Commit Messages</h2>
-    <p>In this section we discuss the Yioop issue tracker and discuss
-    using the git version control system to make and apply patches for
-    Yioop.</p>
-    <ol>
-    <li>If you would like to contribute code to Yioop, but don't
-    yet have an account on the issue tracker, you can
-    <a href="">sign up for
-    an account</a>.
-    </li>
-    <li>After one has an account and is logged in, one can click the
-    <a href="">Report
-    Issue</a> link to report an issue. Be sure to fill in as many
-    report fields and give as much detail as possible. In particular,
-    you should select a Product Version.</li>
-    <li>The Upload File fieldset lets you upload files to an
-    issue and the Add Note fieldset allows you to add new notes. This is
-    where you could upload a patch.
-    By default, a new account is a Reporter level account. This won't
-    let you set people to moniter (get email about) the issue besides yourself.
-    However, the administrator will be aware the issue was created.</li>
-    <li>A developer level account will allow you to change the
-    status of issues, update/delete issues, set who is monitoring an issue,
-    and assign issues to individuals. This can be done through the fieldset
-    just beneath Attached Files.</li>
-    <li>Information about
-    <a href="">Git</a>, Git
-    clients, etc. can be obtained from: <a href=""
-    ></a>. Here we talk about a typically
-    workflow for coding Yioop using Git.</li>
-    <li>After installing git, make sure to configure your user name
-    and email address:
-    <pre>
-% git config --global "Chris Pollett"
-% git config --global ""
-    </pre>
-    You should of course change the values above to your name and email.
-    To see your current configuration settings you can type:
-    <pre>
-% git config -l
-    </pre>
-    If you want to remove any settings you can type:
-    <pre>
-% git config --unset
-    </pre>
-    Setting the user name and email will ensure that you receive credit/blame
-    for any changes that end up in the main git repository. To see who
-    is responsible for what lines in a file one can use the git blame
-    command. For example:
-    <pre>
-% git blame yioopbar.xml
-|chris-polletts-macbook-pro:yioop:526>git blame yioopbar.xml
-git blame yioopbar.xml
-ad3c397c (Chris Pollett 2010-12-28 00:27:38 -0800  1) &lt;?xml version="1.0" e
-ad3c397c (Chris Pollett 2010-12-28 00:27:38 -0800  2) &lt;OpenSearchDescriptio
-ad3c397c (Chris Pollett 2010-12-28 00:27:38 -0800  3) &lt;ShortName&gt;Yioop&lt;
-ad3c397c (Chris Pollett 2010-12-28 00:27:38 -0800  4) &lt;Description&gt;Quickly
-ad3c397c (Chris Pollett 2010-12-28 00:27:38 -0800  5) &lt;InputEncoding&gt;UTF-8
-ad3c397c (Chris Pollett 2010-12-28 00:27:38 -0800  6) &lt;Image width="16" hei
-774eb50d (Chris Pollett 2012-12-31 10:47:57 -0800  7) &lt;Url type="text/html"
-774eb50d (Chris Pollett 2012-12-31 10:47:57 -0800  8)     template="http://
-ad3c397c (Chris Pollett 2010-12-28 00:27:38 -0800  9) &lt;/Url&gt;
-774eb50d (Chris Pollett 2012-12-31 10:47:57 -0800 10) &lt;/OpenSearchDescripti
-    </pre>
-    </li>
-    <li> To make a new copy of the most recent version of Yioop one can run
-    the git clone command:
-    <pre>
-% git clone yioop
-    </pre>
-    This would create a copy of the Yioop repository into a folder yioop
-    in the current directory. Thereafter, to bring this copy up to date with
-    the most recent version of yioop one can issue the command:
-    <pre>
-% git pull
-    </pre>
-    </li>
-    <li>Once one has a git clone of Yioop -- or done a git pull of the most
-    recent changes to Yioop -- one can start coding! After coding
-    a while you should run <tt>git status</tt> to see what files you have
-    changed. For example,
-    <pre>
-% git status
-# On branch master
-# Your branch is behind 'origin/master' by 1 commit, and can be fast-forwarded.
-# Untracked files:
-#   (use "git add &lt;file&gt;..." to include in what will be committed)
-#    tmp.php
-nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track)
-    </pre>
-    This says there has been one commit to the main repository since your
-    clone / last git pull. It also says we could bring things up to date
-    by just doing a git pull. In this case, however, it says that there
-    was an untracked file in the repository. If this file was a file we
-    made with the intention of adding it to Yioop, we should type
-    <tt>git add</tt> to add it. For example,
-    <pre>
-% git add tmp.php
-    </pre>
-    Now we could try to do a git pull. Suppose we get the message...
-    <pre>
-Updating e3e4f20..a9a8ed9
-error: Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by merge:
-    tmp.php
-Please, commit your changes or stash them before you can merge.
-    </pre>
-    What this means is that someone else has also added tmp.php and there are
-    conflicts between these two versions. To merge these two versions,
-    we first commit our version:
-    <pre>
-% git commit -a -m "Fixes Issue 987, Yioop needs a tmp.php file, a=chris"
-[master 3afe055] Fixes Issue 987, Yioop needs a tmp.php file, a=chris
- 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+)
- create mode 100644 tmp.php
-    </pre>
-    The option -a tells git to put in the commit all changes done to staged
-    files (those that we have git add'd) since the last commit. The
-    option -m is used to give an inline message. The general format of a
-    of such a message in Yioop is: which issue number in the issue tracker is
-    being fixed, a brief English summary of that issue, and under whose
-    authority the commit is being done. This last will be in the format
-    a=chris where a means approved and the person who approved is of
-    sufficient seniority to commit unreviewed things or in the format
-    r=someone, where someone is the person asked in the issue to review your
-    commits before they are pushed. Often for administrator commits, there
-    won't be an associated issue tracking issue, in which case the format
-    reduces to: some useful English description of the change, a=username of
-    administrator. Now that we have done the above commit, we can try again
-    to do a git pull:
-    <pre>
-% git pull
-Auto-merging tmp.php
-CONFLICT (add/add): Merge conflict in tmp.php
-Automatic merge failed; fix conflicts and then commit the result.
-%cat tmp.php
-cat tmp.php
-&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt; HEAD
- echo "hello";
- echo "good bye";
-&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; a9a8ed990108598d06334e29c0eb37d98f0845aa
-    </pre>
-    The listing of the tmp.php file above has blocks of the form:
-    &lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt; HEAD, =======,
-    &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; a9a8ed990108598d06334e29c0eb37d98f0845aa.
-    In this case, there is only one such block, in general, there could be
-    many. The stuff before the ======= in the block is in the local
-    repository, the stuff after the ======= is in the remote repository.
-    So in the local copy, there are the two lines:
-    <pre>
- echo "hello";
- echo "good bye";
-    </pre>
-    not in the remote repository. On the other hand, there is nothing
-    in the remote repository not in the local copy. So we could fix
-    this conflict by editing this block to look like:
-    <pre>
- echo "hello";
- echo "good bye";
-    </pre>
-    In general, we should fix each conflict block if there is more than one.
-    Conflicts can also be in more than one file, so we could have to fix
-    each file with conflicts. Once this is done, to tell git we have resolved
-    the conflict, we can type:
-    <pre>
-% git add tmp.php
-% git commit
-[master e5ebf9f] Merge branch 'master' of
-    </pre>
-    Here we didn't use -m, so we were dropped into the vi text editor, where we
-    left the default commit message. Now we can go back to editing our local
-    copy of Yioop. If we do a git pull at this point, we will get the message:
-    "Already up-to-date."
-    </li>
-    <li>The "opposite command" to <tt>git pull</tt> is <tt>git push</tt>.
-    Most casual developers for Yioop don't have push privileges on the main
-    Yioop repository. If one did, a possible development workflow would be:
-    Pull the master copy of Yioop to a local branch, make your changes and post
-    a patch to the Bug/Issue in question on the issue tracker asking someone
-    to review it (probably, the administrator, which is me, Chris Pollett). The
-    reviewer gives a thumbs up or down. If it is a thumbs up, you push your
-    changes back to the master branch. Otherwise, you revise you patch and try
-    again. To configure git so <tt>git push</tt> works you can either
-    make a ~/.netrc file with
-    <pre>
-login &lt;username&gt;
-password &lt;password&gt;
-    </pre>
-    in it, chmod it to 600, and type:
-    <pre>
-% git config remote.upload.url
-    </pre>
-    or you can just type the command:
-    <pre>
-% git config remote.upload.url \
-    https://&lt;username&gt;
-    </pre>
-    After this, you should be able to use the command:
-    <pre>
-% git push upload master
-    </pre>
-    This pushes your local changes back to the repository. In the second method,
-    you will be prompted for your password. Another common setting that you
-    might to change is http.sslVerify. If you are getting error messages such as
-    <pre>
-error: server certificate verification failed. CAfile:
-/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt CRLfile: none
-while accessing
-    </pre>
-    you might want to use the command:
-    <pre>
-% git config --global --add http.sslVerify false
-    </pre>
-    </li>
-    <li>In the workflow above, the changes we make to our local repository
-    should be reviewed before we do a push back to the Yioop repository. To do
-    this review, we need to make a patch, upload the patch to the issue
-    tracker, and add someone to this issue monitor list who could review it,
-    asking them to do a review. These last two steps require the user to have
-    at least a developer account  on the issue tracker. Anyone who registers
-    for the issue tracker gets initially a reporter account. If you would like
-    to code for Yioop and have already made a patch, you can send an email to
-    to request your account to be upgraded to a developer account. New
-    developers do not get push access on the Yioop repository. For such
-    a developer, the workflow is create a patch, post it to an issue on the
-    issue tracker, get it approved by an administrator reviewer, then
-    the reviewer pushes the result to the main Yioop repository.
-    </li>
-    <li>After coding, but before making a patch you should run
-    bin/code_tool.php to remove any stray tab characters, or
-    spaces at the end of lines. This program can be run either on a single
-    file or on a folder. For example, one could type:
-    <pre>
-% php bin/code_tool.php clean tmp.php
-    </pre>
-    This assumes you were in the Yioop base directory and that was also the
-    location of tmp.php. You should also run the command:
-    <pre>
-% php bin/code_tool.php longlines tmp.php
-    </pre>
-    to check for lines over 80 characters.
-    </li>
-    <li>To make a patch, we start with an
-    up-to-date copy of Yioop obtained by either doing a fresh clone or
-    by doing a git pull. Suppose we create a couple new files,
-    add them to our local repository, do a commit, delete one of these
-    files, make a few more changes, and commit the result. This
-    might look on a Mac or Linux system like:</p>
-    <pre>
-% ed test1.php
-test1.php: No such file or directory
-% ed test2.php
-test2.php: No such file or directory
-% git add test1.php
-% git add test2.php
-% git commit -a -m "Adding test1.php and  test2.php to the repository"
-[master 100f787] Adding test1.php and test2.php to the repository
- 2 files changed, 4 insertions(+)
- create mode 100644 test1.php
- create mode 100644 test2.php
-% ed test1.php
-    phpinfo();
-% git rm test2.php
-rm 'test2.php'
-% ls
-./        README*        data/        locale/        search_filters/
-../        bin/        error.php*    models/        test1.php
-.DS_Store*    blog.php*    examples/    my.patch    tests/
-.git/        bot.php*    extensions/    privacy.php*    views/
-.gitignore    configs/    favicon.ico    resources/    yioopbar.xml
-INSTALL*    controllers/    index.php*    robots.txt
-LICENSE*    css/        lib/        scripts/
-% git commit -a -m "Adding phpinfo to test1.php, removing test2.php"
-[master 7e64648] Adding phpinfo to test1.php, removing test2.php
- 2 files changed, 1 insertion(+), 2 deletions(-)
- delete mode 100644 test2.php
-<p>Presumably, you will use a less ancient editor than ed. ed though does have
-the virtue of not clearing the screen, making it easy to cut and paste what we
-did. We now want to make a patch consisting of all the commits since we did
-the git pull. First, we get the name of the commit before we started modifying
-stuff by doing <tt>git log -3</tt> to list out the information about
-the last three commits. We see the name is
-e3e4f20674cf19cf5840f431066de0bccd1b226c. The first eight or so characters
-of this uniquely identify this commit, so we copy them. To make
-a patch with git, one uses the format-patch command. By default this
-will make a separate patch file for each commit after the starting commit
-we choose. To instead make one patch file we use the --stdout option
-and redirect the stream to my.patch. We can use the cat command to list
-out the contents of the file my.patch. This sequence of commands looks like the
-% git log -3
-commit 7e646486faa35f69d7322a8e4fca12fb6b457b8f
-Author: Chris Pollett &lt;;
-Date:   Tue Jan 1 17:32:00 2013 -0800
-    Adding phpinfo to test1.php, removing test2.php
-commit 100f7870221d453720c90dcce3cef76c0d475cc8
-Author: Chris Pollett &lt;;
-Date:   Tue Jan 1 16:35:02 2013 -0800
-    Adding test1.php and test2.php to the repository
-commit e3e4f20674cf19cf5840f431066de0bccd1b226c
-Author: Chris Pollett &lt;;
-Date:   Tue Jan 1 15:48:34 2013 -0800
-    modify string id in settings_view, remove _REQUEST variable from
-machinelog_element, a=chris
-% git format-patch e3e4f2067 --stdout &gt; my.patch
-% cat my.patch
-From 100f7870221d453720c90dcce3cef76c0d475cc8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Chris Pollett &lt;;
-Date: Tue, 1 Jan 2013 16:35:02 -0800
-Subject: [PATCH 1/2] Adding test1.php and test2.php to the repository
- test1.php |    2 ++
- test2.php |    2 ++
- 2 files changed, 4 insertions(+)
- create mode 100644 test1.php
- create mode 100644 test2.php
-diff --git a/test1.php b/test1.php
-new file mode 100644
-index 0000000..acb6c35
---- /dev/null
-+++ b/test1.php
-@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
-diff --git a/test2.php b/test2.php
-new file mode 100644
-index 0000000..acb6c35
---- /dev/null
-+++ b/test2.php
-@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
- (Apple Git-33)
-From 7e646486faa35f69d7322a8e4fca12fb6b457b8f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Chris Pollett &lt;;
-Date: Tue, 1 Jan 2013 17:32:00 -0800
-Subject: [PATCH 2/2] Adding phpinfo to test1.php, removing test2.php
- test1.php |    1 +
- test2.php |    2 --
- 2 files changed, 1 insertion(+), 2 deletions(-)
- delete mode 100644 test2.php
-diff --git a/test1.php b/test1.php
-index acb6c35..e2b4c37 100644
---- a/test1.php
-+++ b/test1.php
-@@ -1,2 +1,3 @@
- &lt;?php
-+    phpinfo();
- ?&gt;
-diff --git a/test2.php b/test2.php
-deleted file mode 100644
-index acb6c35..0000000
---- a/test2.php
-+++ /dev/null
-@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
- (Apple Git-33)
-    </pre>
-    <li>One should always list out the patch as we did above before posting
-    it to the issue tracker. It can happen that we accidentally
-    find that we have more things in the patch than we should. Also,
-    it is useful to do one last check that the Yioop coding guidelines seem
-    to be followed within the patch.</li>
-    <li>The last step before uploading the patch to the issue tracker
-    is to just check that the patch in fact works. To do this
-    make a fresh clone of Yioop. Copy my.patch into your clone folder.
-    To see what files the patch affects, we can type:
-    <pre>
-% git apply --stat my.patch
- test1.php |    2 ++
- test2.php |    2 ++
- test1.php |    1 +
- test2.php |    2 --
- 4 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
-    </pre>
-    Since there are two concatenated patches in my.patch, it first lists
-    the two files affected by the first patch, then the two files affected by
-    the second patch. To do a check to see if the patch will cause any problems
-    before applying it, one can type:
-    <pre>
-% git apply --check my.patch
-    </pre>
-    Finally, to apply the patch we can type:
-    <pre>
-% git am --signoff &lt;  my.patch
-Applying: Adding test1.php and test2.php to the repository
-Applying: Adding phpinfo to test1.php, removing test2.php
-    &lt;/pre&gt;
-    The am says apply from a mail, the --signoff option says to write a
-    commit message with your email saying you approved this commit. From
-    the above we see each patch within my.patch was applied in turn. To
-    see what this signoff looks like, we can do:
-    &lt;pre&gt;
-commit aca40730c41fafe9a21d4f0d765d3695f20cc5aa
-Author: Chris Pollett &lt;;
-Date:   Tue Jan 1 17:32:00 2013 -0800
-    Adding phpinfo to test1.php, removing test2.php
-    Signed-off-by: Chris Pollett &lt;;
-commit d0d13d9cf3059450ee6b1b4a51db0d0fae18256c
-Author: Chris Pollett &lt;;
-Date:   Tue Jan 1 16:35:02 2013 -0800
-    Adding test1.php and test2.php to the repository
-    Signed-off-by: Chris Pollett &lt;;
-commit e3e4f20674cf19cf5840f431066de0bccd1b226c
-Author: Chris Pollett &lt;;
-Date:   Tue Jan 1 15:48:34 2013 -0800
-    modify string id in settings_view, remove _REQUEST variable from
-machinelog_element, a=chris
-    </pre>
-    At this point the patch seems good to go, so we can upload it to the issue
-    tracker!
-    </li>
-    <p><a href="#toc">Return to table of contents</a>.</p>
-<h2 id="checklist">New Version Quality Assurance Checklist</h2>
-<p>The following should be check before creating a new release of Yioop:
-<li>All unit tests pass.</li>
-<li>Included sqlite database default.db is up-to-date.</li>
-<li>Install guides are up to date and installation can be performed
-as described for each of the major platforms (Linux variants, MAC OSX, Windows,
-<li>Upgrade functions successfully upgrade Yioop from last version. Upgrade
-functions need only be written from the last official release to the
-current official release.</li>
-<li>Yioop can perform a regular and archive crawl on each of the platforms
-for which an install guide has been made.</li>
-<li>Each kind of archive iterator has been tested on the development platform
-to be still working.</li>
-<li>Multi-queue server crawls should be tested. Mirror and Newsupater processes
-should be tested.</li>
-<li>Documentation reflects changes since last version of Yioop, screenshots
-have been updated.</li>
-<li>Each admin panel activity and each setting within each activity works
-as described.</li>
-<li>Web app still appears correctly for major browsers: Firefox, Chrome,
-Internet Explorer, Safari released in the last two years.</li>
diff --git a/en-US/pages/documentation.thtml b/en-US/pages/documentation.thtml
deleted file mode 100755
index 1264202..0000000
--- a/en-US/pages/documentation.thtml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4648 +0,0 @@
-<div class="docs">
-<h1>Yioop Documentation v 1.0</h1>
-    <h2 id='toc'>Table of Contents</h2>
-    <ul>
-    <li><a href="#overview"><b>Overview</b></a>
-    <ul>
-        <li><a href="#quick">Getting Started</a></li>
-        <li><a href="#intro">Introduction to Search Engines and Yioop</a></li>
-        <li><a href="#features">Yioop Feature List</a></li>
-    </ul>
-    </li>
-    <li><a href="#set-up"><b>Set-up</b></a>
-    <ul>
-        <li><a href="#requirements">Requirements</a></li>
-        <li><a href="#installation">Installation and Configuration</a></li>
-        <li><a href="#optional">Optional Server and Security
-            Configurations</a></li>
-        <li><a href="#upgrade">Upgrading Yioop</a></li>
-        <li><a href="#files">Summary of Files and Folders</a></li>
-    </ul>
-    </li>
-    <li><a href="#search-interface"><b>Search Interface</b></a>
-    <ul>
-        <li><a href="#search-basic">Search Basics</a></li>
-        <li><a href="#operators">Search Operators</a></li>
-        <li><a href="#tools">Search Tools Page</a></li>
-        <li><a href="#result-formats">Result Formats</a></li>
-        <li><a href="#settings">Settings</a></li>
-        <li><a href="#mobile">Mobile Interface</a></li>
-    </ul>
-    <li><a href="#social"><b>User Accounts and Social Features</b></a>
-    <ul>
-        <li><a href="#registration">Registration and Signin</a></li>
-        <li><a href="#passwords">Managing Accounts</a></li>
-        <li><a href="#userrolegroups">Managing Users, Roles, and Groups</a></li>
-        <li><a href="#feeds-wikis">Feeds and Wikis</a></li>
-    </ul>
-    </li>
-    <li><a href="#crawl-results"><b>Crawling and Customizing Results</b></a>
-    <ul>
-        <li><a href="#crawls">Performing and Managing Crawls</a></li>
-        <li><a href="#mixes">Mixing Crawl Indexes</a></li>
-        <li><a href="#classifiers">Classifying Web Pages</a></li>
-        <li><a href="#page-options">Page Indexing and Search Options</a></li>
-        <li><a href="#editor">Results Editor</a></li>
-        <li><a href="#sources">Search Sources</a></li>
-        <li><a href="#machines">GUI for Managing Machines and Servers</a></li>
-    </ul>
-    </li>
-    <li><a href="#yioop-sites"><b>Building Sites with Yioop</b></a>
-    <ul>
-        <li><a href="#framework">Building a Site using Yioop as a Framework</a>
-        </li>
-        <li><a href="#embedding">Embedding Yioop in an Existing Site</a></li>
-        <li><a href="#localizing">Localizing Yioop to a New Language</a></li>
-    </ul>
-    </li>
-    <li><a href="#advanced-topics"><b>Advanced Topics</b></a>
-    <ul>
-        <li><a href="#customizing-code">Modifying Yioop Code</a></li>
-        <li><a href="#commandline">Yioop Command-line Tools</a></li>
-    </ul>
-    </li>
-        <li><a href="#references"><b>References</b></a></li>
-    </ul>
-<h2 id="overview">Overview</h2>
-    <h3 id="quick">Getting Started</h3>
-    <p>This document serves as a detailed reference for the
-    Yioop search engine. If you want to get started using Yioop now,
-    you probably want to first read the
-    <a href="?c=main&p=install">Installation
-    Guides</a> page. If you cannot find your particular machine configuration
-    there, you can check the Yioop <a href="#requirements">Requirements</a>
-    section followed by the more general <a
-    href="#installation">Installation and Configuration</a> instructions.
-    <a href=""></a>, the demo site of Yioop allows
-    people to register accounts. This would give you an account with User
-    rather than Admin access, but it would allow you to experiment with
-    some of the features of Yioop beyond search such as
-    Yioop Groups, Wikis, and Crawl Mixes without needing to install the
-    software yourself. The <a href="#search-interface">Search Interface</a>,
-    <a href="#userrolegroups">Managing Users, Roles, and Groups</a>,
-    <a href="#feeds-wikis">Feeds and Wikis</a>, and
-    <a href="#mixes">Mixing Crawl Indexes</a> sections below could serve
-    as a guide to testing the portion of the site general users have access to
-    on
-    </p>
-    <h3 id="intro">Introduction</h3>
-    <p>The Yioop search engine is designed to allow users
-    to produce indexes of a web-site or a collection of
-    web-sites. The number of pages a Yioop index can handle range from small
-    site to those containing tens or hundreds of millions of pages. In contrast,
-    a search-engine like Google maintains an index
-    of tens of billions of pages. Nevertheless, since you, the user, have
-    control over the exact sites which are being indexed with Yioop, you have
-    much better control over the kinds of results that a search will return.
-    Yioop provides a traditional web interface to do queries, an rss api,
-    and a function api. It also supports many common features of a search
-    portal such as user discussion group, blogs, wikis, and a news aggregator.
-    In this section we discuss some of the different
-    search engine technologies which exist today, how Yioop fits into this
-    eco-system, and when Yioop might be the right choice for your search
-    engine needs. In the remainder of this document after the introduction,
-    we discuss how to get and install Yioop; the files and folders used
-    in Yioop; the various crawl, search, social portal, and administration
-    facilities in the Yioop; localization in the Yioop system; building a site
-    using the Yioop framework; embedding Yioop in an existing web-site;
-    customizing Yioop; and the Yioop command-line tools.
-    </p>
-    <p>Since the mid-1990s a wide variety of search engine technologies
-    have been explored. Understanding some of this history is useful
-    in understanding Yioop capabilities. In 1994, Web Crawler, one of the
-    earliest still widely-known search engines, only had an
-    index of about 50,000 pages which was stored in an Oracle database.
-    Today, databases are still used to create indexes for small to medium size
-    sites. An example of such a search engine written in PHP is
-    <a href="">Sphider</a>. Given that a database is
-    being used, one common way to associate a word with a document is to
-    use a table with a columns like word id, document id, score. Even if
-    one is only extracting about a hundred unique words per page,
-    this table's size would need to be in the hundreds of millions for even
-    a million page index. This edges towards the limits of the capabilities
-    of database systems although techniques like table sharding can help to
-    some degree. The Yioop engine uses a database to manage some things
-    like users and roles, but uses its own web archive format and indexing
-    technologies to handle crawl data. This is one of the reasons that
-    Yioop can scale to larger indexes.</p>
-    <p>When a site that is being indexed consists of dynamic pages rather than
-    the largely static page situation considered above, and those dynamic
-    pages get most of their text content from a table column or columns,
-    different search index approaches are often used. Many database management
-    systems like <a href="">MySQL</a>/<a
-    href="">MariaDB</a>, support the ability
-    to create full text indexes for text columns. A faster more robust approach
-    is to use a stand-alone full text index server such as <a
-    href="">Sphinx</a>. However, for these
-    approaches to work the text you are indexing needs to be in a database
-    column or columns, or have an easy to define "XML mapping". Nevertheless,
-    these approaches illustrate another
-    common thread in the development of search systems: Search as an appliance,
-    where you either have a separate search server and access it through either
-    a web-based API or through function calls. Yioop has both a search
-    function API as well as a web API that can return
-    <a href="">Open Search RSS results</a> or
-    a JSON variant. These can be used to embed Yioop within your existing site.
-    If you want to create a new search engine site, Yioop offers a web-based,
-    model-view-adapter (a variation on model-view-controller) framework w
-    ith a web-interface for localization
-    that can serve as the basis for your app.
-    </p>
-    <p>
-    By 1997 commercial sites like Inktomi and AltaVista already had
-    tens or hundreds of millions of pages in their
-    indexes [<a href="#P1994">P1994</a>] [<a href="#P1997a">P1997a</a>]
-    [<a href="#P1997b">P1997b</a>]. Google [<a href="#BP1998">BP1998</a>]
-    circa 1998 in comparison had an index of about 25 million pages.
-    These systems used many machines each working on parts of the search
-    engine problem. On each machine there would, in addition, be several
-    search related processes, and for crawling, hundreds of simultaneous
-    threads would be active to manage open connections to remote machines.
-    Without threading, downloading millions of pages would be very slow.
-    Yioop is written in <a href="">PHP</a>. This
-    language is the `P' in the very popular
-    <a href="">LAMP</a>
-    web platform. This is one of the reasons PHP was chosen as the language
-    of Yioop. Unfortunately, PHP does not have built-in threads. However,
-    the PHP language does have a multi-curl library (implemented in C) which
-    uses threading to support many simultaneous page downloads. This is what
-    Yioop uses. Like these early systems Yioop also supports the ability to
-    distribute the task of downloading web pages to several machines.
-    As the problem of managing many machines becomes more difficult as
-    the number of machines grows, Yioop further has a web interface for
-    turning on and off the processes related to crawling on remote machines
-    managed by Yioop.</p>
-    <p>There are several aspects of a search engine besides
-    downloading web pages that benefit from
-    a distributed computational model. One of the reasons Google was able
-    to produce high quality results was that it was able to accurately
-    rank the importance of web pages. The computation of this page rank
-    involves repeatedly applying Google's normalized variant of the
-    web adjacency matrix to an initial guess of the page ranks. This problem
-    naturally decomposes into rounds. Within a round the Google matrix is
-    applied to the current page ranks estimates of a set of sites. This
-    operation is reasonably easy to distribute to many machines. Computing how
-    relevant a word is to a document is another
-    task that benefits from multi-round, distributed computation. When a
-    document is processed by indexers on multiple machines, words are extracted
-    and a stemming algorithm such as [<a href="#P1980">P1980</a>] or a character
-    n-gramming technique might be employed (a stemmer would extract the word
-    jump from words such as jumps, jumping, etc; converting jumping to 3-grams
-    would make terms of length 3, i.e., jum, ump, mpi, pin, ing).
-    For some languages like Chinese, where spaces between words are not always
-    used, a segmenting algorithm like reverse maximal match might be used. Next
-    a statistic such as BM25F [<a href="#ZCTSR2004">ZCTSR2004</a>]
-    (or at least the non-query time part of it) is computed to determine the
-    importance of that word in that document compared to that word amongst
-    all other documents. To do this calculation
-    one needs to compute global statistics concerning all documents seen,
-    such as their average-length, how often a term appears in a document, etc.
-    If the crawling is distributed it might take one or more merge rounds to
-    compute these statistics based on partial computations on many machines.
-    Hence, each of these computations benefit from allowing distributed
-    computation to be multi-round. Infrastructure such as the Google
-    File System [<a href="#GGL2003">GGL2003</a>], the MapReduce model [<a
-    href="#DG2004">DG2004</a>],
-    and the Sawzall language [<a href="#PDGQ2006">PDGQ2006</a>] were built to
-    make these multi-round
-    distributed computation tasks easier. In the open source community,
-    the <a href=""
-    >Hadoop Distributed File System</a>,
-    <a href=""
-    >Hadoop MapReduce</a>,
-    and <a href="">Pig</a> play an analogous role
-    [<a href="#W2009">W2009</a>]. Recently, a theoretical framework
-    for what algorithms can be carried out as rounds of map inputs to
-    sequence of key value pairs, shuffle pairs with same keys to the same
-    nodes, reduce key-value pairs at each node by some computation
-    has begun to be developed [<a
-    href="#KSV2010">KSV2010</a>]. This framework shows the map reduce model
-    is capable of solving quite general cloud computing problems -- more
-    than is needed just to deploy a search engine.
-    </p>
-    <p>Infrastructure such as this is not trivial for a small-scale business
-    or individual to deploy. On the other hand, most small businesses and
-    homes do have available several machines not all of whose computational
-    abilities are being fully exploited. So the capability to do
-    distributed crawling and indexing in this setting exists. Further
-    high-speed internet for homes and small businesses is steadily
-    getting better. Since the original Google paper, techniques
-    to rank pages have been simplified [<a href="#APC2003">APC2003</a>].
-    It is also possible to approximate some of the global statistics
-    needed in BM25F using suitably large samples. More
-    details on the exact ranking mechanisms used by Yioop
-    and be found on the <a href="?c=main&p=ranking"
-    >Yioop Ranking Mechanisms</a> page.</p>
-    <p>Yioop tries to exploit
-    these advances to use a simplified distributed model which might
-    be easier to deploy in a smaller setting. Each node in a Yioop system
-    is assumed to have a web server running. One of the Yioop nodes
-    web app's is configured to act as a
-    coordinator for crawls. It is called the <b>name server</b>. In addition
-    to the name server, one might have several processes called
-    <b>queue servers</b> that perform scheduling and indexing jobs, as well as
-    <b>fetcher</b> processes which are responsible for downloading pages
-    and the page processing such as stemming, char-gramming and segmenting
-    mentioned above. Through the name server's web app, users can send messages
-    to the queue servers and fetchers. This interface writes message
-    files that queue servers periodically looks for. Fetcher processes
-    periodically ping the name server to find the name of the current crawl
-    as well as a list of queue servers. Fetcher programs then periodically
-    make requests in a round-robin fashion to the queue servers for messages
-    and schedules. A schedule is data to process and a message has control
-    information about what kind of processing should be done. A given
-    queue_server is responsible for generating schedule files for data with a
-    certain hash value, for example, to crawl urls for urls with host names
-    that hash to queue server's id.  As a fetcher processes a schedule, it
-    periodically POSTs the result of its computation back to the responsible
-    queue server's web server. The data is then written to a set of received
-    files. The queue_server as part of its loop looks for received files
-    and merges their results into the index so far. So the model is in a
-    sense one round: URLs are sent to the fetchers, summaries of downloaded
-    pages are sent back to the queue servers and merged into their indexes.
-    As soon as the crawl is over one can do text search on the crawl.
-    Deploying this  computation model is relatively simple: The web server
-    software needs to be installed on each machine, the Yioop software (which
-    has the the fetcher, queue_server, and web app components) is copied to
-    the desired location under the web server's document folder, each instance
-    of Yioop is configured to know who the name server is, and finally,
-    the fetcher programs and queue server programs are started.
-    </p>
-    <p>As an example
-    of how this scales, 2010 Mac Mini running a queue server
-    program can schedule and index about 100,000 pages/hour. This corresponds
-    to the work of about 7 fetcher processes (which may be on different
-    machines -- roughly, you want 1GB and 1core/fetcher). The checks by fetchers
-    on the name server are lightweight, so adding another machine with a queue
-    server and the corresponding additional fetchers allows one to
-    effectively double this speed. This also has the benefit of speeding up
-    query processing as when a query comes in, it gets split into queries for
-    each of the queue server's web apps, but the query only "looks" slightly
-    more than half as far into the posting list as would occur in a single
-    queue server setting. To further increase query throughput,
-    the number queries that can be handled at a given time, Yioop installations
-    can also be configured as "mirrors" which keep an exact copy of the
-    data stored in the site being mirrored. When a query request comes into a
-    Yioop node, either it or any of its mirrors might handle it. Query
-    processing, for multi-word queries can actually be a major bottleneck if
-    you don't have many machines and you do have a large index. To further
-    speed this up, Yioop uses a hybrid inverted index/suffix tree
-    approach to store word lookups. The suffix tree ideas being motivated by
-    [<a href="#PTSHVC2011">PTSHVC2011</a>].
-    </p>
-    <p>Since a  multi-million page crawl involves both downloading from the
-    web rapidly over several days, Yioop supports the ability to dynamically
-    change its crawl parameters as a crawl is going on.  This allows a user on
-    request from a web admin to disallow Yioop from continuing to crawl a site
-    or to restrict the number of urls/hours crawled from a site without
-    having to stop the overall crawl. One can also through a web
-    interface inject new seed sites, if you want, while the crawl is occurring.
-    This can help if someone suggests to you a site that might otherwise not
-    be found by Yioop given its original list of seed sites. Crawling
-    at high-speed can cause a website to become congested and
-    unresponsive. As of Version 0.84, if Yioop detects a site is
-    becoming congested it can automatically slow down the crawling of that site.
-    Finally, crawling at high-speed can cause your domain name
-    server (the server that maps to to become slow.
-    To reduce the effect of this Yioop supports domain name caching.
-    </p>
-    <p>Despite its simpler one-round model, Yioop does a number of things to
-    improve the quality of its search results. While indexing, Yioop
-    can make use Lasso regression classifiers [<a href="#GLM2007">GLM2007</a>]
-    using data from earlier crawls to help label and/or rank documents
-    in the active crawl. Yioop also takes advantage of the link structure
-    that might exist between documents in a one-round way: For each link
-    extracted from a page, Yioop creates a micropage which it adds to its index.
-    This includes relevancy calculations for each word in the link as well as an
-    [<a href="#APC2003">APC2003</a>]-based ranking of how important the
-    link was. Yioop supports a number of iterators which can be thought of
-    as implementing a stripped-down relational algebra geared towards
-    word-document indexes (this is much the same idea as Pig). One of these
-    operators allows one to make results from unions of stored crawls. This
-    allows one to do many smaller topic specific crawls and combine them with
-    your own weighting scheme into a larger crawl. A second useful operator
-    allows you to display a certain number of results from a given subquery,
-    then go on to display results from other subqueries. This allows you to
-    make a crawl presentation like: the first result
-    should come from the open crawl results, the second result from
-    Wikipedia results, the next result should be an image, and any remaining
-    results should come from the open search results.
-    Yioop comes with a GUI facility to make the creation of these crawl mixes
-    easy. To speed up query processing for these crawl mixes one can also create
-    materialized versions of crawl mix results, which makes a separate index
-    of crawl mix results. Another useful operator Yioop supports allows one to
-    perform groupings  of document results. In the search results displayed,
-    grouping by url allows all links and documents associated with a url to be
-    grouped as one object. Scoring of this group is a sum of all these scores.
-    Thus, link text is used in the score of a document. How much weight a word
-    from a link gets also depends on the link's rank. So a low-ranked link with
-    the word "stupid" to a given site would tend not to show up early in the
-    results for the word "stupid". Grouping also is used to handle
-    deduplication: It might be the case that the pages of many different URLs
-    have essentially the same content. Yioop creates a hash of the web page
-    content of each downloaded url. Amongst urls with the same hash only the
-    one that is linked to the most will be returned after grouping. Finally,
-    if a user wants to do more sophisticated post-processing such as clustering
-    or computing page rank, Yioop supports a straightforward architecture
-    for indexing plugins.
-    </p>
-    <p>
-    There are several open source crawlers which can scale to crawls in the
-    millions to hundred of millions of pages. Most of these are written in
-    Java, C, C++, C#, not PHP. Three important ones are <a
-    href="">Nutch</a>/
-    <a href="">Lucene</a>/ <a
-    href="">Solr</a>
-    [<a href="#KC2004">KC2004</a>], <a href="">YaCy</a>,
-    and <a href="">Heritrix</a>
-    [<a href="#MKSR2004">MKSR2004</a>]. Nutch is the original application for
-    which the Hadoop infrastructure described above was developed. Nutch
-    is a crawler, Lucene is for indexing, and Solr is a search engine front end.
-    The YaCy project uses an interesting distributed hash table
-    peer-to-peer approach to crawling, indexing, and search. Heritrix is
-    a web crawler developed at the <a
-    href="">Internet Archive</a>. It was designed to do
-    archival quality crawls of the web. Its ARC file format
-    inspired the use of WebArchive objects in Yioop. WebArchives are Yioop's
-    container file format for storing web pages, web summary data, url lists,
-    and other kinds of data used by Yioop. A WebArchive is essentially a
-    linked-list of compressed, serialized PHP objects, the last element in this
-    list containing a header object with information like version number and a
-    total count of objects stored. The compression format can be chosen to
-    suit the kind of objects being stored. The header can be used to store
-    auxiliary data structures into the list if desired. One nice aspect of
-    serialized PHP objects versus serialized Java Objects is that they are
-    humanly readable text strings. The main purpose of
-    Web Archives is to allow one to store
-    many small files compressed as one big file. They also make data from web
-    crawls very portable, making them easy to copy from one location to another.
-    Like Nutch and Heritrix, Yioop also has a command-line tool for quickly
-    looking at the contents of such archive objects.
-    </p>
-    <p>The <a href="">ARC
-    format</a> is one example of an archival file format for web data. Besides
-    at the Internet Archive, ARC and its successor
-    <a href="
-    format</a> are often used by TREC conferences to store test data sets such
-    as <a href="">GOV2</a> and the
-    <a href="">ClueWeb 2009</a> /
-    <a href="">ClueWeb 2012</a> Datasets.
-    In addition, it was used by (hopefully, only on a
-    temporary hiatus), a distributed, open-source, search engine project in C#.
-    Another important format for archiving web pages is the XML format used by
-    <a href="">Wikipedia</a> for archiving MediaWiki
-    wikis. Wikipedia offers <a
-    href="">creative
-    common-licensed downloads</a>
-    of their site in this format. The <a href="">Open
-    Directory Project</a> makes available its <a
-    href="">ODP data set</a> in an RDF-like format
-    licensed using the Open Directory License. Thus, we see that there are many
-    large scale useful data sets that can be easily licensed. Raw data dumps
-    do not contain indexes of the data though. This makes sense because indexing
-    technology is constantly improving and it is always possible to re-index
-    old data. Yioop supports importing and indexing data from ARC, WARC,
-    database queries results, MediaWiki XML dumps, and Open Directory RDF.
-    Yioop further has a generic text importer which can be used to index
-    log records, mail, Usenet posts, etc. Yioop also
-    supports re-indexing of old Yioop data files created after version 0.66,
-    and indexing crawl mixes. This means using Yioop
-    you can have searchable access to many data sets as well as have the
-    ability to maintain your data going forward. When displaying caches of
-    web pages in Yioop, the interface further supports the ability to display
-    a history of all cached copies of that page, in a similar fashion to
-    Internet Archives interface.
-    </p>
-    <p>Another important aspect of creating a modern search engine is
-    the ability to display in an appropriate way various media sources.
-    Yioop comes with built-in susearch abilities for images, where
-    results are displayed as image strips; video, where thumbnails for
-    video are shown; and news, where news items are grouped together and
-    a configurable set of news/twitter feeds can be set to be updated on an
-    hourly basis.</p>
-    <p>
-    This concludes the discussion of how Yioop fits into the current and
-    historical landscape of search engines and indexes.
-    </p>
-    <h3 id="features">Feature List</h3>
-    <p>
-    Here is a summary of the features of Yioop:
-    </p>
-    <ul>
-    <li><b>General</b>
-    <ul>
-    <li>Yioop is an open-source, distributed crawler and search engine
-    written in PHP.</li>
-    <li>Crawling, indexing, and serving search results can be done on a
-    single machine or distributed across several machines.</li>
-    <li>The fetcher/queue_server processes on several machines can be
-    managed through the web interface of a main Yioop instance.</li>
-    <li>Yioop installations can be created with a variety of topologies:
-    one queue_server and many fetchers or several queue_servers and
-    many fetchers.</li>
-    <li>Using web archives, crawls can be mirrored amongst several machines
-    to speed-up serving search results. This can be further sped-up
-    by using memcache or filecache.</li>
-    <li>Yioop comes with its own extendable model-view-adapter
-    framework that you can use directly to create new sites that use
-    Yioop search technology. This framework also comes with a GUI
-    which makes it easy to localize strings and static pages.</li>
-    <li>Yioop has been optimized to work well with smart phone web browsers
-    and with tablet devices.</li>
-    </ul>
-    </li>
-    <li><b>Social and User Interface</b>
-    <ul>
-    <li>Yioop can be configured to allow or not to allow users to
-    register for accounts.
-    </li>
-    <li>If allowed, user accounts can create discussion groups, blogs, and
-    wikis.
-    </li>
-    <li>Users can share their own mixes of crawls that exist in the Yioop
-    system.</li>
-    <li>If user accounts are enabled, Yioop has a search tools page on which
-    people can suggest urls to crawl.</li>
-    <li>Yioop has three different captcha'ing mechanisms that can be
-    used in account registration and for suggest urls: a standard graphics
-    based captch, a text-based captcha, and a hash-cash-like catpha.</li>
-    <li>Password authentication can be configured to either use a
-    standard password hash based system, or make use of Fiat Shamir
-    zero-knowledge authentication.</li>
-    </ul>
-    </li>
-    <li><b>Search</b>
-    <ul>
-    <li>Yioop supports subsearches geared towards presenting certain
-    kinds of media such as images, video, and news. The list of video and
-    news sites can be configured through the GUI. Yioop has a news_updater
-    process which can be used to automatically update news feeds hourly.</li>
-    <li>Yioop determines search results using a number of iterators which
-    can be combined like a simplified relational algebra.</li>
-    <li>Yioop can be configured to display word suggestions as a user
-    types a query. It can also suggest spell corrections for mis-typed
-    queries. This feature can be localized.</li>
-    <li>Yioop can also make use of a thesaurus facility such as provided
-    by WordNet to suggest related queries.</li>
-    <li>Yioop supports the ability to filter out urls from search
-    results after a crawl has been performed. It also has the ability
-    to edit summary information that will be displayed for urls.</li>
-    <li>A given Yioop installation might have several saved crawls and
-    it is very quick to switch between any of them and immediately start
-    doing text searches.</li>
-    <li>Besides  the standard output of a web page with ten links, Yioop can
-    output query results in Open Search RSS format, a JSON variant of this
-    format, and also to query Yioop data via a function api.</li>
-    </ul>
-    </li>
-    <li><b>Indexing</b>
-    <ul>
-    <li>Yioop is capable of indexing small sites to sites or
-    collections of sites containing low hundreds of millions
-    of documents.</li>
-    <li>Yioop uses a hybrid inverted
-    index/suffix tree approach for word lookup to make multi-word
-    queries faster on disk bound machines.</li>
-    <li>Yioop indexes are positional rather than
-    bag of word indexes, and a index compression scheme called Modified9
-    is used.</li>
-    <li>Yioop has a web interface which makes
-    it easy to combine results from several crawl indexes to create unique
-    result presentations. These combinations can be done in a conditional
-    manner using "if:" meta words.</li>
-    <li>Yioop supports the indexing of many different filetypes including:
-    sitemaps, SVG, XLSX, and XML. It has a web interface for controlling which
-    amongst these filetypes (or all of them) you want to index. It supports
-    also attempting to extract information from unknown filetypes.</li>
-    <li>Yioop has a simple page rule language for controlling what content
-    should be extracted from a page or record.</li>
-    <li>Yioop has two different kinds of text summarizers which can be used
-    to further affect what words are index: a basic web
-    page scraper, and a centroid algorithm summarizer. The latter can be
-    used to generate word clouds of crawled documents.</li>
-    <li>Indexing occurs as crawling happens, so when a crawl is stopped,
-    it is ready to be used to handle search queries immediately.</li>
-    <li>Yioop Indexes can be used to create classifiers which then
-    can be used in labeling and ranking future indexes.</li>
-    <li>Yioop comes with a stemmer for English and Italian, and a
-    word segmenter for Chinese. It uses char-gramming for other languages.
-    Yioop has a simple architecture for adding stemmers for other languages.
-    </li>
-    <li>Yioop uses a web archive file format which makes it easy to
-    copy crawl results amongst different machines. It has a command-line
-    tool for inspecting these archives if they need to examined
-    in a non-web setting. It also supports command-line search querying
-    of these archives.</li>
-    <li>Yioop supports an indexing plugin architecture to make it
-    possible to write one's own indexing modules that do further
-    post-processing.</li>
-    </ul>
-    </li>
-    <li><b>Web and Archive Crawling</b>
-    <ul>
-    <li>Yioop supports open web crawls, but through its web interface one can
-    configure it also to crawl only specifics site, domains, or collections
-    of sites and domains. One can customize a crawl using regex in disallowed
-    directives to crawl a site to a fixed depth.</li>
-    <li>Yioop uses multi-curl to support many simultaneous
-    downloads of pages.</li>
-    <li>Yioop obeys robots.txt files including Google and Bing extensions such
-    as the Crawl-delay and Sitemap directives as well as * and $ in allow and
-    disallow. It further supports the robots meta tag directives
-    supports anchor tags with rel="nofollow"
-    attributes. It also supports X-Robots-Tag HTTP headers.</li>
-    <li>Yioop has its own DNS caching mechanism.</li>
-    <li>Yioop supports crawling TOR networks (.onion urls).</li>
-    <li>Yioop supports crawling through a list of proxy servers.</li>
-    <li>Yioop supports crawling Git Repositories and can index Java and
-    Python code.</li>
-    <li>Yioop supports crawl quotas for web sites. I.e., one can control
-    the number of urls/hour downloaded from a site.</li>
-    <li>Yioop can detect website congestion and slow down crawling
-    a site that it detects as congested.</li>
-    <li>Yioop supports dynamically changing the allowed and disallowed
-    sites while a crawl is in progress. Yioop also supports dynamically
-    injecting new seeds site via a web
-    interface into the active crawl.</li>
-    <li>Yioop has a web form that allows a user to control the recrawl
-    frequency for a page during a crawl.</li>
-    <li>Yioop keeps track of ETag: and Expires: HTTP headers to avoid
-    downloading content it already has in its index.</li>
-    <li>Yioop supports importing data from ARC, WARC, database queries,
-    MediaWiki XML, and ODP RDF files. It has generic importing facility
-    to import text records such as access log, mail log, usenet posts, etc.,
-    which are either not compressed, or compressed
-    using gzip or bzip2. It also supports re-indexing of data from WebArchives.
-    </li>
-    </ul>
-    </li>
-    </ul>
-    <p><a href="#toc">Return to table of contents</a>.</p>
-    <h2 id='set-up'>Set-up</h2>
-    <h3 id="requirements">Requirements</h3>
-    <p>The Yioop search engine requires: (1) a web server, (2) PHP 5.3 or
-    better (Yioop used only to serve search results from a pre-built index
-    has been tested to work in PHP 5.2), (3) Curl libraries for downloading
-    web pages. To be a little more specific Yioop has been tested with
-    Apache 2.2 and I've been told Version 0.82 or newer works with lighttpd.
-    It should work with other webservers, although it might take some
-    finessing. For PHP,
-    you need a build of PHP that incorporates multi-byte string (mb_ prefixed)
-    functions, Curl, Sqlite (or at least PDO with Sqlite driver),
-    the GD graphics library and the command-line interface. If you are using
-    Mac OSX Snow Leopard or newer, the version of Apache2 and PHP that come
-    with it suffice. For Windows, Mac, and Linux, another easy way to get the
-    required software is to download a Apache/PHP/MySql suite such as
-    <a href="">XAMPP</a>. On Windows
-    machines, find the the php.ini file under the php folder in your Xampp
-    folder and change the line:</p>
-The php.ini file has a post_max_size setting you might want to change. You might
-want to change it to:
-post_max_size = 32M
-<p>Yioop will work with the post_max_size set to as little as two
-megabytes bytes, but will be faster with the larger post capacity.</p>
-<p>If you are using WAMP, similar changes
-as with XAMPP must be made, but be aware that WAMP has two php.ini
-files and both of these must be changed.</p>
-    If you are using the Ubuntu-variant of Linux, the following lines would
-    get the software you need:
-    </p>
-    <pre>
-    sudo apt-get install curl
-    sudo apt-get install apache2
-    sudo apt-get install php5
-    sudo apt-get install php5-cli
-    sudo apt-get install php5-sqlite
-    sudo apt-get install php5-curl
-    sudo apt-get install php5-gd
-    </pre>
-    <p>For both Mac and Linux, you might want to alter the post_max_size
-    variable in your php.ini file as in the Windows case above.</p>
-    <p>In addition to the minimum installation requirements above, if
-    you want to use the Manage Machines feature in Yioop, you might need
-    to do some additional configuration. The <a href="#machines"
-    >Manage Machines</a> activity
-    allows you through a web interface to start/stop and look at the
-    log files for each of the queue_servers, and fetchers that you want
-    Yioop to manage. If it is not configured then these task would need
-    to be done via the command line. <b>Also, if you do not use
-    the Manage Machine interface your Yioop site can make use of only one
-    queue_server.</b>
-    <p>As a final step, after installing the necessary software,
-    <b>make sure to start/restart your web server and verify that
-    it is running.</b></p>
-    <h4>Memory Requirements</h4>
-    <p>In addition, to the prerequisite software listed above, Yioop also
-    has certain memory requirements. By default bin/queue_server.php
-    requires 1800MB, bin/fetcher.php requires 850MB, and index.php requires
-    500MB. These  values are set near the tops of each of these files in turn
-    with a line like:</p>
-    <p>For the index.php file, you may need to set the limit at well in
-    your php.ini file for the instance of PHP used by your web server. If
-    the value is too low for the index.php Web app you might see messages
-    in the Fetcher logs that begin with:
-    "Trouble sending to the scheduler at url..."</p>
-    <p>
-    Often in a VM setting these requirements are somewhat steep. It is possible
-    to get Yioop to work in environments like EC2 (be aware this might
-    violate your service agreement).
-    To reduce these memory requirements, one can manually adjust the variables
-    configs/config.php file. Experimenting with these values
-    you should be able to trade-off memory requirements for speed.
-    </p>
-    <p><a href="#toc">Return to table of contents</a>.</p>
-    <h3 id='installation'>Installation and Configuration</h3>
-The Yioop application can be obtained using the
-<a href="">download page at</a>.
-After downloading and unzipping it, move the Yioop search engine into some
-folder under your web server's document root. Yioop makes use of an auxiliary
-folder to store profile/crawl data. Before Yioop will
-run you must configure this directory. This can be done in one
-of two ways: either through the web interface (the preferred way), as we
-will now describe or using the configs/configure_tool.php script
-(which is harder, but might be suitable for some VPS settings) which will be
-described in the <a href="#commandline">command line tools section</a>.
-From the web interface, to configure this directory
-point your web browser to where your Yioop folder is located, a
-configuration page should appear and let you set the
-path to the auxiliary folder (Search Engine Work Directory). This
-page looks like:
-<img src='resources/ConfigureScreenForm1.png' alt='The work directory form'/>
-For this step, as a security precaution, you must connect via localhost. If you
-are in a web hosting environment (for example, if you are using cPanel
-to set up Yioop) where it is difficult to connect using localhost, you can
-add a file, configs/local_config.php, with the following content:</p>
-define('NO_LOCAL_CHECK', 'true');
-<p> Returning to our installation discussion, notice under the text field there
-is a heading "Component Check" and there is red text under it, this section is
-used to indicate any requirements that Yioop has that might not be met yet on
-your machine. In the case above, the web server needs permissions on the
-file configs/config.php to write in the value of the directory you choose in the
-form for the Work Directory. Another common message asks you to make sure the
-web server has permissions on the place where this auxiliary
-folder needs to be created. When filling out the form of this page, on both
-*nix-like, and Windows machines, you should use forward slashes for the folder
-location. For example,
-/Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs  #Mac, Linux system similar
-c:/xampp/htdocs/yioop_data   #Windows
-Once you have set the folder,
-you should see a second Profile Settings form beneath the Search Engine
-Work Directory
-form. If you are asked to sign-in before this, and you have not previously
-created accounts in this Work Directory, then the default account has login
-root, and an empty password. Once you see it, The Profile Settings form
-allows you to configure the debug, search access,
-database, queue server, and robot settings. It will look
-something like:
-<img src='resources/ConfigureScreenForm2.png' alt='Basic configure form'/>
-<p>These settings suffice if you are only doing single machine crawling.
-The <b>Crawl Robot Set-up</b> fieldset  is used
-to provide websites that you crawl with information about who is crawling them.
-The field Crawl Robot Name is used to say the name of your robot. You should
-choose a common name for all of the fetchers in your set-up, but the name
-should be unique to your web-site. It is bad form to pretend to be someone
-else's robot, for example, the googlebot. As Yioop crawls it sends the web-site
-it crawls a User-Agent string, this string contains the url back to the bot.php
-file in the Yioop folder. bot.php is supposed to provide a detailed description
-of your robot. The contents of textarea Robot Description is supposed to
-provide this description and is inserted between &lt;body&gt; &lt;/body&gt;
-tags on the bot.php page.
-<p>You might need to click Toggle Advance Settings if you are doing Yioop
-development or if you are crawling in a multi-machine setting. The
-advanced settings look like:</p>
-<img src='resources/ConfigureScreenForm3.png' alt='Advanced configure form'/>
-<p>The <b>Debug Display</b> fieldset has three checkboxes: Error Info, Query
-Info, and Test Info. Checking Error Info will mean that when the Yioop
-web app runs, any PHP Errors, Warnings, or Notices will be displayed
-on web pages. This is useful if you need to do debugging, but should not
-be set in a production environment. The second checkbox, Query Info, when
-checked, will cause statistics about the time, etc. of database queries
-to be displayed at the bottom of each web page. The last checkbox,
-Test Info, says whether or not to display automated tests of some of the
-systems library classes if the browser is navigated to
-http://YIOOP_INSTALLATION/tests/. None of these debug settings should
-be checked in a production environment.
-<p>The <b>Search Access</b> fieldset has three checkboxes:
-Web, RSS, and API. These control whether a user can use the
-web interface to get query results, whether RSS responses to queries
-are permitted, or whether or not the function based search API is
-available. Using the Web Search interface
-and formatting a query url to get an RSS response are
-describe in the <a href="#interface">Yioop Search and User Interface
-section</a>. The Yioop Search Function API is described in the
-section <a href="#embedding">Embedding Yioop</a>, you can also look
-in the examples folder at the file search_api.php to see an example
-of how to use it. <b>If you intend to use Yioop
-in a configuration with multiple queue servers (not fetchers), then
-the RSS checkbox needs to be checked.</b></p>
-<h3 id='optional'>Optional Server and Security Configurations</h3>
-<p>The configuration activity just described suffices to set up
-Yioop for a single server crawl. If that is what you are interested in
-you may want to skip ahead to the section on the
-<a href="#interface">Yioop Search Interface</a> to learn about
-the different search features available in Yioop or you may want to
-skip ahead to <a href="#crawls">Performing and Managing Crawl</a> to
-learn about how to perform a crawl. In this section, we describe the
-Server Settings and Security activities which might be useful
-in a multi-machine, multi-user setting and which might also be useful
-for crawling hidden websites or crawling through proxies.</p>
-<p>The Server Settings activity looks like:</p>
-<img src='resources/ServerSettings.png' alt='The Server Settings Activity'/>
-<p>The <b>Name Server Set-up</b> fieldset is used to tell Yioop which machine
-is going to act as a name server during a crawl and what secret string
-to use to make sure that communication is being done between
-legitimate queue_servers and fetchers of your installation. You can
-choose anything for your secret string as long as you use the same
-string amongst all of the machines in your Yioop installation.
-The reason why you have to set the name server url is that each machine that
-is going to run a fetcher to download web pages needs to know who the
-queue servers are so they can request a batch of urls to download. There are a
-few different ways this can be set-up:
-<li>If the particular instance of Yioop is only being used to display
-search results from crawls that you have already done, then this
-fieldset can be filled in however you want.</li>
-<li>If you are doing crawling on only one machine, you can put
-http://localhost/path_to_yioop/ or
-, where you appropriately modify
-<li>Otherwise, if you are doing a crawl on multiple machines, use
-the url of Yioop on the machine that will act as the name server.</li>
-<p>In communicating between the fetcher and the server, Yioop uses
-curl. Curl can be particular about redirects in the case where posted
-data is involved. i.e., if a redirect happens, it does not send posted
-data to the redirected site. For this reason, Yioop insists on a trailing
-slash on your queue server url. Beneath the Queue Server Url
-field, is a Memcached checkbox and a Filecache checkbox. Only one of these
-can be checked at a time. The Memcached check box only shows if you
-have <a href="">PHP Memcache</a>
-installed. Checking the Memcached checkbox allows you to specify
-memcached servers that, if specified, will be used to cache in memory search
-query results as well as index pages that have been accessed. Checking the
-Filecache box, tells Yioop to cache search query results in temporary files.
-Memcache probably gives a better performance boost than Filecaching, but
-not all hosting environments have Memcache available.
-<p>The <b>Database Set-up</b> fieldset is used to specify what database
-management system should be used, how it should be connected to, and what
-user name and password should be used for the connection. At present
-<a href="">PDO</a>
-(PHP's generic DBMS interface), sqlite3, and Mysql databases are supported. The
-database is used to store information about what users are allowed to
-use the admin panel and what activities and roles these users have. Unlike
-many database systems, if
-an sqlite3 database is being used then the connection is always
-a file on the current filesystem and there is no notion of login
-and password, so in this case only the name of the database is asked for.
-For sqlite, the database is stored in WORK_DIRECTORY/data. For single
-user settings with a limited number of news feeds, sqlite is probably
-the most convenient database system to use with Yioop. If you think
-you are going to make use of Yioop's social functionality and have
-many users, feeds, and crawl mixes, using a system like Mysql or Postgres
-might be more appropriate.</p>
-<p>If you would like to use a different DBMS than Sqlite or Mysql, then
-the easiest way is to select PDO as the Database System and for the
-Hostname given use the DSN with the appropriate DBMS driver.
-For example, for Postgres one might have something like:</p>
-<p>You can put the username and password either in the DSN or in the Username
-and Password fields. The database name field must be filled in with
-the name of the database you want to connect to. It is also include
-needs to be included in the dsn, as in the above. PDO and Yioop has been
-tested to work with Postgres and sqlite, for other DBMS's it might
-take some tinkering to get things to work.</p>
-<p>When switching
-database information, Yioop checks first if a usable database with the user
-supplied data exists. If it does, then it uses it; otherwise, it tries to
-create a new database. Yioop comes with a small sqlite demo database in the
-data directory and this is used to populate the installation database in this
-case. This database has one account root with no password
-which has privileges on all activities. Since different databases associated
-with a Yioop installation might have different user accounts set-up after
-changing database information you might have to sign in again.
-<p>The <b>Account Registration</b> fieldset is used to control how
-user's can obtain accounts on a Yioop installation. The dropdown
-at the start of this fieldset allows one to select one of four possibilities:
-Disable Registration, users cannot register themselves, only the root account
-can add users; No Activation, user accounts are immediately activated
-once a user signs up; Email Activation, after registering, users must
-click on a link which comes in a separate email to activate their accounts;
-and Admin Activation, after registering, an admin account must activate the
-user before the user is allowed to use their account.
-When Disable Registration is selected, the Suggest A Url form and
-link on the tool.php page is disabled as well, for all other registration
-type this link is enabled. If Email Activation is chosen, then the
-reset of this fieldset can be used to specify the email address that
-the email comes to the user. The checkbox Use PHP mail() function controls
-whether to use the mail function in PHP to send the mail, this only works
-if mail can be sent from the local machine. Alternatively, if this is
-not checked like in the image above, one can configure an outgoing SMTP
-server to send the email through.</p>
-<p>The <b>Proxy Server</b> fieldset is used to control which proxies to
-use while crawling. By default Yioop does not use any proxies while crawling.
-A Tor Proxy can serve as a gateway to the <a
- Network</a>. Yioop can use this proxy to download .onion URLs on the Tor
-network. The configuration given in the example above works with the Tor
-Proxy that comes with the <a
-href="">Tor Browser</a>.
-Obviously, this proxy needs to be running though for Yioop to make use of it.
-Beneath the Tor Proxy input field is a checkbox labelled Crawl via Proxies.
-Checking this box, will reveal a textarea labelled Proxy Servers. You
-can enter the address:port or address:port:proxytype of proxy servers you
-would like to crawl through. If proxy servers are used, Yioop will make any
-requests to download pages to a randomly chosen server on the list which
-will proxy the request to the site which has the page to download. To some
-degree this can make the download site think the request is coming from a
-different ip (and potentially location) than it actually is. In practice,
-servers can often use HTTP headers to guess that a proxy is being used.
-<p>The Security activity looks like:</p>
-<img src='resources/Security.png' alt='The Security Activity'/>
-<p>The <b>Authentication Type</b> fieldset is used to control the protocol
-used to log people into Yioop. This can either be Normal Authentication,
-passwords are checked against stored as salted hashes of the password; or
-ZKP (zero knowledge protocol) authentication, the server picks challenges
-at random and send these to the browser the person is logging in from,
-the browser computes based on the password an appropriate response according
-to the <a
-href="<?php ?>
-%E2%80%93Fiat%E2%80%93Shamir_identification_scheme">Fiat Shamir protocol</a>.
-The password is never sent over the internet and is not stored on the server.
-These are the main advantages of ZKP, its drawback is that it is slower
-than Normal Authentication as to prove who you are with a low probability of
-error requires several browser-server exchanges. You should choose which
-authentication scheme you want before you create many users as if you switch
-everyone will need to get a new password.
-<p>The <b>Captcha Type</b> fieldset controls what kind of
-<a href="">captcha</a> will be
-used during account registration, password recovery, and if a user wants
-to suggest a url. The captcha type only has an effect if under the
-Server Settings activity, Account Registration is not set to
-Disable Registration. The choices for captcha are: Text Captcha, the user has to
-select from a series of dropdown answers to questions of the form: Which in
-the following list is the most/largest/etc? or Which is the following list is
-the least/smallest/etc?; Graphic Captcha, the user needs to enter a sequence
-of characters from a distorted image; and hash captcha, the user's browser
-(the user doesn't need to do anything) needs to extend a random string with
-additional characters to get a string whose hash begins with a certain lead
-set of characters. Of these, Hash Captcha is probably the least intrusive but
-requires Javascript and might run slowly on older browsers. A text captcha
-might be used to test domain expertise of the people who are registering for
-an account. Finally, the graphic captcha is probably the one people are most
-familiar with.
-<p>The Captcha and Recovery Questions section of the Security activity
-provides links to edit the Text Captcha and Recovery Questions for the
-current locale (you can change the current locale in Settings).
-In both cases, there are a fixed list of tests you can localize.
-A single test consists of a more question, a less question, and a comma separate
-list of possibilities. For example,
-Which lives or lasts the longest?
-Which lives or lasts the shortest?
-lightning,bacteria,ant,dog,horse,person,oak tree,planet,star,galaxy
-<p>When challenging a user, Yioop picks a subset of tests. For each test,
-it randomly chooses between more or less question. It then picks
-a subset of the ordered list of choices, randomly permutes them, and presents
-them to the user in a dropdown.</p>
-<p>Yioop's captcha-ing system tries to prevent attacks where a machine quickly
-tries several possible answers to a captcha. Yioop has a IP address based
-timeout system (implemented in models/visitor_model.php). Initially a timeout of
-one second between requests involving a captcha is in place. An error screen
-shows up if multiple requests from the same IP address for a captcha
-page are made within the time out period. Every mistaken entry of a captcha
-doubles this timeout period. The timeout period for an IP address is reset on
-a daily basis back to one second.</p>
-    <p><a href="#toc">Return to table of contents</a>.</p>
-    <h3 id='upgrade'>Upgrading Yioop</h3>
-<p>If you have an older version of Yioop that you would like to upgrade,
- make sure to back up your data. Then download the latest
-version of Yioop and unzip it to the location you would like. Set the
-Search Engine Work Directory by the same method and to the same value as
-your old Yioop Installation. See the Installation section above for
-instructions on this, if you have forgotten how you did this.
-Knowing the old Work Directory location, should allow Yioop to complete or
-instruct you how to complete the upgrade process.</p>
-    <p><a href="#toc">Return to table of contents</a>.</p>
-    <h3 id='files'>Summary of Files and Folders</h3>
-    <p>The Yioop search engine consists of three main
-<dt>bin/fetcher.php</dt><dd>Used to download batches of urls provided
-    the queue_server.</dd>
-<dt>bin/queue_server.php</dt><dd>Maintains a queue of urls that are
-    going to be scheduled to be seen. It also keeps
-    track of what has been seen and robots.txt info.
-    Its last responsibility is to create the index_archive
-    that is used by the search front end.</dd>
-<dt>index.php</dt><dd>Acts as the search engine web page. It is also used
-    to handle message passing between the fetchers
-    (multiple machines can act as fetchers) and the
-    queue_server.</dd>
-<p>The file index.php is used when you browse to an installation
-of a Yioop website. The description of how to use a Yioop web site is
-given in the sections starting from the The Yioop User Interface section.
-The files fetcher.php and queue_server.php are only connected with crawling
-the web. If one already has a stored crawl of the web, then you no longer
-need to run or use these programs. For instance, you might obtain a crawl of
-the web on your home machine and upload the crawl to a
-an instance of Yioop on the ISP hosting your website. This website could
-serve search results without making use of either fetcher.php or
-queue_server.php. To perform a web crawl you need to use both
-of these programs however as well as the Yioop web site. This is explained in
-detail in the section on <a href="#crawls">Performing and Managing Crawls</a>.
-<p>The Yioop folder itself consists of several files and sub-folders.
-The file index.php as mentioned above is the main entry point into the Yioop
-web application. yioopbar.xml is the xml file specifying how to access
-Yioop as an Open Search Plugin. favicon.ico is used to display the little
-icon in the url bar of a browser when someone browses to the Yioop site.
-A URL to the file bot.php is given by the Yioop robot
-as it crawls websites so that website owners can find out information
-about who is crawling their sites. Here is a rough guide to what
-the Yioop folder's various sub-folders contain:
-<dt>bin</dt><dd>This folder is intended to hold command-line scripts
-and daemons which are used in conjunction with Yioop.
-In addition to the fetcher.php and queue_server.php script already mentioned,
-it contains arc_tool.php, classifier_tool.php, classifier_trainer.php,
-code_tool.php, mirror.php, news_updater.php and query_tool.php. arc_tool.php
-can be used to examine the contents of WebArchiveBundle's and
-IndexArchiveBundle's from the command line. classifier_tool.php
-is a command line tool for creating a classifier it can be used to perform
-some of the tasks that can also be done through the <a
-href="#classifiers">Web Classifier Interface</a>. classifier_trainer.php is
-a daemon used in the finalization stage of building a classifier.
-code_tool.php is for use by  developers to maintain the Yioop code-base in
-various ways. mirror.php can be used if you would like to create a
-mirror/copy of a Yioop installation. news_updater.php can be used to do hourly
-updates of news feed search sources
-in Yioop. Finally, query_tool.php can be used to
-run queries from the command-line.</dd>
-<dt>configs</dt><dd>This folder contains configuration files. You will
-probably not need to edit any of these files directly as you can set the most
-common configuration settings from with the admin panel of Yioop. The file
-config.php controls a number of parameters about how data is stored, how,
-and how often, the queue_server and fetchers communicate, and which file types
-are supported by Yioop configure_tool.php is a command-line tool which
-can perform some of the configurations needed to get a Yioop installation
-running. It is only necessary in some virtual private server settings --
-the preferred way to configure Yioop is through the web interface.
-createdb.php can be used to create a bare instance of
-the Yioop database with a root admin user having no password. This script is
-not strictly necessary as the database should be creatable via the admin panel;
-however, it can be useful if the database isn't working for some reason.
-Also, in the configs folder is the file default_crawl.ini. This file is
-copied to WORK_DIRECTORY after you set this folder in the admin/configure panel.
-There it is renamed as crawl.ini and serves as the initial set of sites to crawl
-until you decide to change these. The file token_tool.php is a tool which can
-be used to help in term extraction during crawls and for making trie's
-which can be used for word suggestions for a locale. To help word extraction
-this tool can generate in a locale folder (see below) a word bloom filter.
-This filter can be used to segment strings into words for languages such as
-Chinese that don't use spaces to separate words in sentences.
-For trie and segmenter filter construction, this tool can use a file that lists
-words one on a line.
-<dt>controllers</dt><dd>The controllers folder contains all the controller
-classes used by the web component of the Yioop search engine. Most requests
-coming into Yioop go through the top level index.php file. The query
-string (the component of the url after the ?) then says who is responsible
-for handling the request. In this query string there is a part which reads
-c= ... This says which controller should be used. The controller uses
-the rest of the query string such as the a= variable for activity function
-to call and the arg= variable to determine
-which data must be retrieved from which models, and finally which view
-with what elements on it should be displayed back to the user. Within
-the controller folder is a sub-folder components, a component is a collection
-of activities which may be added to a controller so that it can handle a
-<dt>css</dt><dd>This folder contains the stylesheets used to control
-how web page tags should look for the Yioop site when rendered in a
-<dt>data</dt><dd>This folder contains a default sqlite database for a new Yioop
-installation. Whenever the WORK_DIRECTORY is changed it is this database
-which is initially copied into the WORK_DIRECTORY to serve as the database
-of allowed users for the Yioop system.</dd>
-<dt>examples</dt><dd>This folder contains a file search_api.php
-whose code gives an example of how to use the Yioop search function api.</dd>
-<dt>lib</dt><dd>This folder is short for library. It contains all the common
-classes for things like indexing, storing data to files, parsing urls, etc.
-lib contains six subfolders: <i>archive_bundle_iterators</i>,
-<i>classifiers</i>, <i>compressors</i>, <i>index_bundle_iterators</i>,
-<i>indexing_plugins</i>, <i>processors</i>. The <i>archive_bundle_iterators</i>
-folder has iterators for iterating over the objects of various kinds of
-web archive file formats, such as arc, wiki-media, etc.
-These iterators are used to iterate over such archives during
-a recrawl. The <i>classifier</i> folder contains code for training
-classifiers used by Yioop. The <i>compressors</i> folder contains classes that
-might be used to compress objects in a web_archive. The
-<i>index_bundle_iterator</i> folder contains a variety of iterators useful
-for iterating over lists of documents which might be returned during a query
-to the search engine. The <i>processors</i> folder contains processors to
-extract page summaries for a variety of different mimetypes.</dd>
-<dt>locale</dt><dd>This folder contains the default locale data which comes
-with the Yioop system. A locale encapsulates data associated with a
-language and region. A locale is specified by an
-<a href=''>IETF language tag</a>.
-So, for instance, within the locale folder there is a folder en-US for the
-locale consisting of English in the United States. Within a given locale tag
-folder there is a file configure.ini which contains translations of
- string ids to string in the language of the locale. This approach is
- the same idea as used in <a
- href=''>Gettext</a> .po files.
-Yioop's approach does not require a compilation step nor a restart of the
-webserver for translations to appear. On the other hand, it is slower than the
-Gettext approach, but this could be easily mitigated using a memory cache such
-as <a href="">memcached</a> or <a
-href="">apc</a>. Besides the file
-configure.ini, there is a statistics.txt file which has info about what
-percentage of the id's have been translated. In addition to configure.ini and
-statistics.txt, the locale folder for a language contains two sub-folders:
-pages, containing static html (with extension .thtml) files which might need
-to be translated, and resources. The resources folder contains the files:
-<i>locale.js</i>, which contains locale specify Javascript code such as the
-variable alpha which is used to list out the letters in the alphabet for the
-language in question for spell check purposes, and roman_array for mapping
-between roman alphabet and the character system of the locale in question;
-<i>suggest-trie.txt.gz</i>, a <a href=""
->Trie data structure</a> used for search bar word suggestions;
-and <i>tokenizer.php</i>, which can specify the number of characters for
-this language to constitute a char gram, might contain segmenter to split
-strings into words for this language, a stemmer class used to stem terms for
-this language, a stopword remover for the centroid
-summarizer, a part of speech tagger, or thesaurus lookup procedure for the
-<dt>models</dt><dd>This folder contains the subclasses of Model used by
-Yioop Models are used to encapsulate access to secondary storage.
-i.e., Accesses to databases or the filesystem. They are responsible
-for marshalling/de-marshalling objects that might be stored in more
-than one table or across serveral files. The models folder has
-within it a datasources folder. A datasource is an abstraction layer
-for the particular filesystem and database system that is being used
-by a Yioop installation. At present, datasources have been defined
-for PDO (PHP's generic DBMS interface), sqlite3, and mysql databases.
-<dt>resources</dt><dd>Used to store binary resources such as graphics, video,
-or audio. For now, just stores the Yioop logo.</dd>
-<dt>scripts</dt><dd>This folder contains the Javascript files used by Yioop.
-<dt>tests</dt><dd>This folder contains UnitTest's and JavascriptUnitTests
-for various lib and script components. Yioop comes with its own minimal
-UnitTest and JavascriptUnitTest classes which defined in the lib/unit_test.php
-and lib/javascript_unit_test.php. It also contains a few files used for
-experiments. For example, string_cat_experiment.php was used
-to test which was the faster way to do string concatenation in PHP.
-many_user_experiment.php can be used to create a test Yioop installation
-with many users, roles, and groups.</dd>
-<dt>views</dt><dd>This folder contains View subclasses as well
-as folders for elements, helpers, and layouts. A View is
-responsible for taking data given to it by a controller and formatting it
-in a suitable way. Most Views output a web page; however, some of the views
-responsible for communication between the fetchers and the queue_server
-output serialized objects. The elements folder contains Element classes which
-are typically used to output portions of web pages. For example, the
-html that allows one to choose an Activity in the Admin portion of the website
-is rendered by an ActivityElement. The helpers folder contains Helper
-subclasses. A Helper is used to automate the task of outputting certain
-kinds of web tags. For instance, the OptionsHelper when given an array
-can be used to output select tags and option tags using data from the array.
-The layout folder contains Layout subclasses. A Layout encapsulates the header
-and footer information for the kind of a document a View lives on. For example,
-web pages on the Yioop site all use the WebLayout class as their Layout. The
-WebLayout class has a render  method for outputting the doctype, open html tag,
-head of the document including links for style sheets, etc. This method then
-calls the render methods of the current View, and finally outputs scripts and
-the necessary closing document tags.
-In addition to the Yioop application folder, Yioop makes use of a
-WORK DIRECTORY. The location of this directory is set during the configuration
-of a Yioop installation. Yioop stores crawls, and other data local
-to a particular Yioop installation in files and folders in this directory.
-In the event that you upgrade your Yioop installation you should only
-need to replace the Yioop application folder and in the configuration
-process of Yioop tell it where your WORK DIRECTORY is. Of course, it
-is always recommended to back up one's data before performing an upgrade.
-Within the WORK DIRECTORY, Yioop stores four main files: profile.php,
-crawl.ini, bot.txt, and robot_table.txt. Here is a rough guide to what
-the WORK DIRECTORY's sub-folder contain:
-    </p>
-<dt>app</dt><dd>This folder is used to contain your overrides to
-the views, controllers, models, resources, etc. For example, if you
-wanted to change how the search results were rendered, you could
-add a views/search_view.php file to the app folder and Yioop would use
-it rather than the one in the Yioop base directory's views folder.
-Using the app dir makes it easier to have customizations that won't get
-messed up when you upgrade Yioop.</dd>
-<dt>cache</dt><dd>The directory is used to store folders of the form
-ArchiveUNIX_TIMESTAMP folders hold complete caches of web pages that have been
-crawled. These folders will appear on machines which are running fetcher.php.
-IndexDataUNIX_TIMESTAMP folders hold a word document index as well as summaries
-of pages crawled. A folder of this type is needed by the web app
-portion of Yioop to serve search results. These folders can be moved from
-machine to whichever machine you want to
-server results from. QueueBundleUNIX_TIMESTAMP folders are used to maintain
-the priority queue during the crawling process. The queue_server.php program
-is responsible for creating both IndexDataUNIX_TIMESTAMP and
-QueueBundleUNIX_TIMESTAMP folders.</dd>
-<dt>data</dt><dd>If an sqlite or sqlite3 (rather than say MySQL) database is
-being used then a seek_quarry.db file is stored in the data folder. In Yioop,
-the database is used to manage users, roles, locales, and crawls. Data for
-crawls themselves are NOT stored in the database. Suggest a url data
-is stored in data in the file suggest_url.txt, certain cron information
-about machines is saved in cron_time.txt, and plugin configuration information
-can also be stored in this folder.</dd>
-<dt>locale</dt><dd>This is generally a copy of the locale folder mentioned
-earlier. In fact, it is the version that Yioop will try to use first.
-It contains any customizations that have been done to locale for this instance
-of Yioop.
-<dt>log</dt><dd>When the fetcher and queue_server are run as daemon processes
-log messages are written to log files in this folder. Log rotation is also done.
-These log files can be opened in a text editor or console app.</dd>
-<dt>query</dt><dd>This folder is used to stored caches of already performed
-queries when file caching is being used.</dd>
-<dt>schedules</dt><dd>This folder has three kinds of subfolders:
-ScheduleDataUNIX_TIMESTAMP. When a fetcher communicates with the web app
-to say what it has just crawled, the web app writes data into these
-folders to be processed later by the queue_server. The UNIX_TIMESTAMP
-is used to keep track of which crawl the data is destined for. IndexData
-folders contain mini-inverted indexes (word document records) which are
-to be added to the global inverted index (called the dictionary) for that crawl.
-RobotData folders contain information that came from robots.txt files.
-Finally, ScheduleData folders have data about found urls that could
-eventually be scheduled to crawl. Within each of these three kinds of folders
-there are typical many sub-folders, one for each day data arrived, and within
-these subfolders there are files containing the respective kinds of data.</dd>
-<dt>search_filters</dt><dd>This folder is used to store text files
-containing global after crawl search filter and summary data. The global search
-filter allows a user to specify after a crawl is done that certain
-urls be removed from the search results. The global summary data
-can be used to edit the summaries for a small number of web pages whose
-summaries seem inaccurate or inappropriate. For example, some sites
-like Facebook only allow big search engines like Google to crawl them.
-Still there are many links to Facebook, so Facebook on an open web crawl
-will appear, but with a somewhat confused summary based only on link text;
-the results editor allows one to give a meaningful summary for Facebook.</dd>
-<dt>temp</dt><dd>This is used for storing temporary files that Yioop
-creates during the crawl process. For example, temporary files used while
-making thumbnails. Each fetcher has its own temp folder, so you might
-also see folders 0-temp, 1-temp, etc.</dd>
-    <p><a href="#toc">Return to table of contents</a>.</p>
-    <h2 id='search-interface'>Search and User Interface</h2>
-<p>At this point one hopefully has installed Yioop.
-If you used one of the <a href="?c=main&p=install">install guides</a>,
-you may also have performed a simple crawl. We are now going to
-describe some of the basic search features of Yioop as well as the Yioop
-administration interface. We will describe
-how to perform crawls with Yioop in more detail in the
-<a href="?c=main&p=documentation#crawl-results"
->Crawling and Customizing Results</a> chapter. If you do not have a crawl
-available, you can test some of these features on the <a
-href="">Yioop Demo Site</a>.</p>
-<h3 id='search-basic'>Search Basics</h3>
-The main search form for Yioop looks like:
-<img src='resources/SearchScreen.png' alt='The Search form' style="width:70%"/>
-<p>The HTML for this form is in views/search_views.php and the icon is stored
-in resources/yioop.png. You may want to modify these to incorporate Yioop
-search into your site. For more general ways to modify the look of this pages,
-consult the <a href="#framework">Building a site using Yioop documentation</a>.
-The Yioop logo on any screen in the Yioop
-interface is clickable and returns the user to the main search screen.
-One performs a search by typing a query into the search form field and
-clicking the Search button. As one is typing, Yioop suggests possible queries,
-you can click, or use the up down arrows to select one of these suggestion
-to also perform a search</p>
-<img src='resources/Autosuggest.png' alt='Example suggestions as you type'
-<p>For some non-roman alphabet scripts such as Telugu you can enter
-words using how they sound using roman letters and get suggestions
-in the script in question:</p>
-<img src='resources/TeluguAutosuggest.png' alt='Telugu suggestions for
-roman text' width="70%"/>
-The [More Statistics] link only shows if under the
-Admin control panel you clicked on more statistics for the crawl. This link goes
-to a page showing many global statistics about the web crawl. Beneath
-this link are the Blog and Privacy links (as well as a link back to the
-SeekQuarry site). These two links are to static pages which can be customized
-through the Manage Locale activity. Typical search results might look like:
-<img src='resources/SearchResults.png' alt='Example Search Results'
-<p>Thesaurus results might appear to one side and suggest alternative queries
-based on a thesaurus look up (for English, this is based on Wordnet).
-The terms next Words: are a word cloud of important terms in the document.
-These are created if the indexer user the centroid summarizer.
-Hovering over the Score of a search result reveals its component scores.
-These might include: Rank, Relevance, Proximity, as well as any Use to Rank
-Classifier scores and Word Net scores (if installed).</p>
-<img src='resources/ScoreToolTip.png' alt='Example Score Components Tool Tip'/>
-<p>If one slightly mistypes a query term, Yioop can sometimes suggest
-a spelling correction:</p>
-<img src='resources/SearchSpellCorrect.png' alt='Example Search Results
-with a spelling correction' width="70%"/>
-<p>Each result back from the query consists of several parts:
-First comes a title, which is a link to the page that matches the query term.
-This is followed by a brief summary of that page with the query words in bold.
-Then the document rank, relevancy,
-proximity, and overall scores are listed. Each of these numbers
-is a grouped statistic -- several "micro index entry" are grouped
-together/summed to create each. So even though
-a given "micro index entry" might have a document rank between 1 and 10 there
-sum could be a larger value. Further, the overall score is a
-generalized inner product of the scores of the "micro index entries",
-so the separated scores will not typically sum to the overall score.
-After these scores there are three links:
-Cached, Similar, and Inlinks. Clicking on Cached will display Yioop's downloaded
-copy of the page in question. We will describe this in more detail
-in a moment. Clicking on Similar causes Yioop to locate the five
-words with the highest relevancy scores for that document and then to perform
-a search on those words. Clicking on Inlinks will take you to a page
-consisting of all the links that Yioop found to the document in question.
-Finally, clicking on an IP address link returns all documents that were
-crawled from that IP address.</p>
-<img src='resources/Cache.png' alt='Example Cache Results'
-<p>As the above illustrates, on a cache link click,
-Yioop will display a cached version of the page.
-The cached version has a link to the original version and download time
-at the top. Next there is a link to display all caches of this page that
-Yioop has in any index. This is followed by a link for extracted summaries,
-then in the body of the cached document the query terms are highlighted.
-Links within the body of a cache document first target a cached version
-of the page that is linked to which is as near into the future of the
-current cached page as possible. If Yioop doesn't have a cache for a link
-target then it goes to location pointed to by that target.
-Clicking on the history toggle, produces the following interface:
-<img src='resources/CacheHistory.png' alt='Example Cache History UI'
-This lets you select different caches of the page in question.
-<p> Clicking the "Toggle extracted summary" link  will show the title, summary,
-and links that were extracted from the full page and indexed. No other terms
-on the page are used to locate the page via a search query. This
-can be viewed as an "SEO" view of the page.</p>
-<img src='resources/CacheSEO.png' alt='Example Cache SEO Results'
-<p>It should be noted that cached copies of web pages are
-stored on the fetcher which originally downloaded the page. The IndexArchive
-associated with a crawl is stored on the queue server and can be moved
-around to any location by simply moving the folder. However, if an archive
-is moved off the network on which fetcher lives, then the look up of a
-cached page might fail.</p>
-<p>In addition, to a straightforward web search, one can also do image,
-video, news searches by clicking on the Images, Video, or News links in
-the top bar of Yioop search pages. Below are some examples of what these look
-like for a search on "Obama":</p>
-<img src='resources/ImageSearch.png' alt='Example Image Search Results'
-<img src='resources/VideoSearch.png' alt='Example Video Search Results'
-<img src='resources/NewsSearch.png' alt='Example News Search Results'
-<p>When Yioop crawls a page it adds one of the following meta
-words to the page media:text, media:image, or media:video. RSS (or Atom) feed
-sources that have been added to Media Sources under the <a href="#sources"
->Search Sources</a>
-activity are downloaded from each hour. Each RSS item on such a downloaded
-pages has the meta word media:news added to it. A usual
-web search just takes the search terms provided to perform a search.
-An Images, Video, News search tacks on to the search terms, media:image or
-media:video, or media:news. Detection of images is done via mimetype at
-initial page download time. At this time a thumbnail is generated. When search
-results are presented it is this cached thumbnail that is shown. So image
-search does not leak information to third party sites. On any search results
-page with images, Yioop tries to group the images into a thumbnail strip. This
-is true of both normal and images search result pages. In the case of image
-search result pages, except for not-yet-downloaded pages, this results in
-almost all of the results being the thumbnail strip. Video page detection is
-not done through mimetype as popular sites like YouTube, Vimeo, and others
-vary in how they use Flash or video tags to embed video on a web page. Yioop
-uses the Video Media sources that have been added in the Search Sources
-activity to detect whether a link is in the format of a video page. To get
-a thumbnail for the video it again uses the method for rewriting the video
-url to an image link specified for the particular site in question in
-Search Sources. i.e., the thumbnail will be downloaded from the orginal site.
-<b>This could leak information to third party sites about your search.</b>.
-<p>The format of News search results is somewhat different from usual
-search results. News search results can appear during a normal web search,
-in which case they will appear clustered together, with a leading
-link "News results for ...". No snippets will be shown for these links,
-but the original media source for the link will be displayed and the time
-at which the item first appeared will be displayed. On the News subsearch
-page, the underneath the link to the item, the complete RSS description
-of the new item is displayed. In both settings, it is possible to click
-on the media source name next to the news item link. This will take one
-to a page of search results listing all articles from that media source.
-For instance, if one were to click on the Yahoo News text above
-one would go to results for all Yahoo News articles. This is equivalent
-to doing a search on: media:news:Yahoo+News . If one clicks on the News
-subsearch, not having specified a query yet, then all stored
-news items in the current language will be displayed, roughly ranked by
-recentness. If one has RSS media sources which are set to be from
-different locales, then this will be taken into account on this blank query
-News page.</p>
-<p><a href="#toc">Return to table of contents</a>.</p>
-<h3 id='tools'>Search Tools Page</h3>
-<p>As one can see from the image of the main search form shown previously,
-the footer of each search and search result page has several links.
-Blog takes one to the group feed of the built in PUBLIC group which is
-editable from the root account, Privacy takes one to the Yioop installations
-privacy policy, and Terms takes one to the Yioop installations terms of service.
-The YioopBot link takes one to a page describing the installation's web crawler.
-These static pages are all Wiki pages of the PUBLIC group and can be edited
-by the root account. The Tools link takes one to the following page:</p>
-<img src='resources/SearchTools.png' alt='Search Tools Page'/>
-<p>Beneath the Other Search Sources section is a complete listing
-of all the search sources that were created using <a href="#sources"
->Search Sources</a>. This might be more than just the Images, Video,
-and News that come by default with Yioop. The My Account section of this
-page gives another set of links for signing into, modifying the settings of,
-and creating account. The Other Tools section has a link to the form below
-where user's can suggest links for the current or future crawls.</p>
-<img src='resources/SuggestAUrl.png' alt='Suggest A Url Form'/>
-<p>This link only appears if under Server Settings, Account Registration
-is not set to Disable registration. The Wiki Pages link under Other Tools
-takes one to a searchable list of all Wiki pages of the default PUBLIC
-    <p><a href="#toc">Return to table of contents</a>.</p>
-<h3 id='operators'>Search Operators</h3>
-<p>Turning now to the topic of how to enter a query in Yioop:
-A basic query to the Yioop search form is typically a sequence of
-words seperated by whitespace. This will cause Yioop to compute a
-"conjunctive query", it will look up only those documents which contain all of
-the terms listed. Yioop also supports a variety of other search box
-commands and query types:</p>
-<li><b>#<em>num</em>#</b> in a query are treated as query presentation markers.
-When a query is first parsed, it is split into columns based with #<em>num</em>#
-as the column boundary. For example, bob #2# bob sally #3# sally #1#.
-A given column is used to present <em>num</em> results, where <em>num</em> is
-what is between the hash marks immediately after it. So in the query above,
-the subquery <em>bob</em> is used for the first two search results, then the
-subquery <em>bob sally</em> is used for the next three results, finally the last
-column is always used for any remaining results. In this case,
-the subquery <em>sally</em> would be used for all remaining results even though
-its <em>num</em> is 1. If a query does not have any #<em>num</em>#'s it is
-assumed that it has only one column.
-<li>Separating query terms with a vertical bar | results in a disjunctive
-query. These are parsed for after the presentation markers above.
-So a search on: <em>Chris | Pollett</em> would return pages that have
-either the word Chris or the word Pollett or both.</li>
-<li>Putting the query in quotes, for example "Chris Pollett", will cause
-Yioop to perform an exact match search. Yioop in this case would only
-return documents that have the string "Chris Pollett" rather than just
-the words Chris and Pollett possibly not next to each other in the document.
-Also, using the quote syntax, you can perform searches such as
-"Chris * Homepage" which would return documents which have the word Chris
-followed by some text followed by the word Homepage.
-<li>If the query has at least one word not prefixed by -, then adding
-a `-' in front of a word in a query means search for results not containing
-that term. So a search on: <em>of -the</em> would return results containing
-the word "of" but not containing the word "the".</li>
-<li>Searches of the forms: <b>related:url</b>, <b>cache:url</b>,
-<b>link:url</b>, <b>ip:ip_address</b> are equivalent to having clicked on the
-Similar, Cached, InLinks, IP address links, respectively, on a summary with
-that url and ip address.</li>
-<p>The remaining query types we list in alphabetical order:</p>
-<li><b>code:http_error_code</b> returns the summaries of all documents
-downloaded with that HTTP response code. For example, code:404 would
-return all summaries where the response was a Page Not Found error.</li>
-<li><b>date:Y</b>, <b>date:Y-m</b>, <b>date:Y-m-d</b>, <b>date:Y-m-d-H</b>,
-<b>date:Y-m-d-H-i</b>, <b>date:Y-m-d-H-i-s</b>
-returns summaries of all documents crawled on the given date.
-For example, <i>date:2011-01</i> returns all document crawled in
-January, 2011. As one can see detail goes down to the second level, so
-one can have an idea about how frequently the crawler is hitting a given
-site at a given time.</li>
-<li><b>dns:num_seconds</b> returns summaries of all documents whose DNS
-lookup time was between num_seconds and num_seconds + 0.5 seconds.
-For example, dns:0.5.</li>
-<li><b>filetype:extension</b> returns summaries of all documents found
-with the given extension. So a search: <em>Chris Pollett filetype:pdf</em>
-would return all documents containing the words Chris and Pollett and with
-extension pdf.</li>
-<li><b>host:all</b> returns summaries of all domain level pages (pages
-where the path was /).</li>
-<li><b>index:timestamp</b> or <b>i:timestamp</b> causes the search to
-make use of the IndexArchive with the given timestamp. So a search like:
-<em>Chris Pollett i:1283121141 | Chris Pollett</em>
-take results from the index with timestamp 1283121141 for
-Chris Pollett and unions them with results for Chris Pollett in the default
-<li><b>if:keyword!add_keywords_on_true!add_keywords_on_false</b> checks the
-current conjunctive query clause for "keyword"; if present, it adds
-"add_keywords_on_true" to the clause, else it adds the keywords
-"add_keywords_on_true".  This meta word is typically used as part of a
-crawl mix. The else condition does not need to be present. As an example,
-<em>if:oracle!info:!site:none</em> might be added to
-a crawl mix so that if a query had the keyword oracle then the site
- would be returned by the given query clause. As part
-of a larger crawl mix this could be used to make oracle's homepage appear
-at the top of the query results. If you would like to inject multiple
-keywords then separate the keywords using plus rather than white space.
-For example, <i>if:corvette!fast+car</i>.</li>
-<li><b>info:url</b> returns the summary in the Yioop index for the given url
-only. For example, one could type info: or to get the summary for just the main Yahoo! page. This
-is useful for checking if a particular page is in the index.
-<li><b>lang:IETF_language_tag</b>  returns summaries of all documents
-whose language can be determined to match the given language tag.
-For example, <i>lang:en-US</i>.</li>
-<li><b>media:kind</b> returns summaries of all documents found
-of the given media kind. Currently, the text, image, news, and video are
-the four supported media kinds. So one can add to the
-search terms <em>media:image</em> to get only image results matching
-the query keywords.</li>
-<li><b>mix:name</b> or <b>m:name</b> tells Yioop to use the crawl mix "name"
-when computing the results of the query. The section on mixing crawl indexes has
-more details about crawl mixes. If the name of the original mix had spaces,
-for example, <i>cool mix</i> then to use the mix you would need to replace
-the spaces with plusses, <i>m:cool+mix</i>.</li>
-<li><b>modified:Y</b>, <b>modified:Y-M</b>, <b>modified:Y-M-D</b>
-returns summaries of all documents which were last modified on the given date.
-For example, <i>modified:2010-02</i> returns all document which were last
-modifed in February, 2010.</li>
-<li><b>no:some_command</b> is used to tell Yioop not to perform some
-default transformation of the search terms. For example, <i>no:guess</i>
-tells Yioop not to try to guess the semantics of the search before
-doing the search. This would mean for instance, that Yioop would not
-rewrite the query <i></i> into <i></i>.
-<i>no:network</i> tells Yioop to only return search results from the
-current machine and not to send the query to all machines in the Yioop
-instance. <i>no:cache</i> says to recompute the query and not to make
-use of memcache or file cache.</li>
-<li><b>numlinks:some_number</b> returns summaries of all documents
-which had some_number of outgoing links. For example, numlinks:5.</li>
-<li><b>os:operating_system</b>  returns summaries of all documents
-served on servers using the given operating system. For example,
-<i>os:centos</i>, make sure to use lowercase.</li>
-<li><b>path:path_component_of_url</b> returns summaries of all documents
-whose path component begins with path_component_of_url. For example,
-path:/phpBB would return all documents whose path started with phpBB,
-path:/robots.txt would return summaries for all robots.txt files.</li>
-<li><b>robot:user_agent_name</b> returns robots.txt pages that contained
-that user_agent_name (after lower casing). For example, <i>robot:yioopbot</i>
-would return all robots.txt pages explicitly having a rule for YioopBot.</li>
-<li><b>safe:boolean_value</b> is used provide "safe" or "unsafe"
-search results. Yioop has a crude, "hand-tuned", linear classifier for
-whether a site contains pornographic content. If one adds safe:true to
-a search, only those pages found which were deemed non-pornographic will
-be returned. Adding safe:false has the opposite effect.</li>
-<li><b>server:web_server_name</b> returns summaries of all documents
-served on that kind of web server. For example, <i>server:apache</i>.</li>
-<li><b>site:url</b>, <b>site:host</b>, or <b>site:domain</b> returns all of
-the summaries of pages found at that url, host, or domain. As an example,
-<em></em>, <em></em>,
-<em></em>, <em>site:com</em>, will all returns with
-decreasing specificity. To return all pages and links to
-pages in the Yioop index, you can do <i>site:any</i>. To return all pages
-(as opposed to pages and links to pages) listed in a Yioop index you can
-do <i>site:all</i>. site:all doesn't return any links, so you can't group links
-to urls and pages of that url together. If you want all sites where
-one has a page in the index as well as links to that site, than you can do
-<li><b>size:num_bytes</b> returns summaries of all documents whose download
-size was between num_bytes and num_bytes + 5000. num_bytes must be a multiple
-of 5000. For example, size:15000.</li>
-<li><b>time:num_seconds</b> returns summaries of all documents whose download
-time excluding DNS lookup time was between num_seconds and num_seconds + 0.5
-seconds. For example, time:1.5.</li>
-<li><b>version:version_number</b> returns summaries of all documents
-served on web servers with the given version number.
-For example, one might have a query <i>server:apache version:2.2.9</i>.</li>
-<li><b>weight:some_number</b> or <b>w:some_number</b> has the effect of
-multiplying all score for this portion of a query by some_number. For example,
-<em>Chris Pollett | Chris Pollett w:5</em>
-would  multiply scores satisfying Chris Pollett  and on by
-5 and union these with those satisfying Chris Pollett
-<p>Although we didn't say it next to each query form above, if it makes sense,
-there is usually an <i>all</i> variant to a form. For example, os:all returns
-all documents from servers for which os information appeared in the headers.</p>
-<h3 id='result-formats'>Result Formats</h3>
-In addition to using the search form interface to query Yioop, it is also
-possible to query Yioop and get results in Open Search RSS format. To
-do that you can either directly type a URL into your browser of the form:</p>
-<p>Or you can write AJAX code that makes requests of URLs in this format.
-Although, there is no official Open Search JSON format, one can get a JSON
-object with the same structure as the RSS search results using a
-query to Yioop such as:
-    <p><a href="#toc">Return to table of contents</a>.</p>
-<h3 id='settings'>Settings</h3>
-the corner of the page with the main search form is a Settings-Signin element:
-<img src='resources/SettingsSignin.png' alt='Settings Sign-in Element'/>
-This element provides access for a user to change their search settings
-by clicking Settings. The Sign In link provides access to the Admin and User
-Accounts panels for the website. Clicking the Sign In link also takes one
-to a page where one can register for an account if Yioop is set up to allow
-user registration.
-<img src='resources/Settings.png' alt='The Settings Form'/>
-<p>On the Settings page, there are currently three items which can be adjusted:
-The number of results per page when doing a search, the language Yioop should
-use, and the particular search index Yioop should use. When a user clicks
-save, the data is stored by Yioop. The user can then click "Return to Yioop"
-to go back the search page. Thereafter, interaction with Yioop will make
-use of any settings' changes. Data is stored in Yioop and associated with
-a given user via a cookies mechanism. In order for this to work, the
-user's browser must allow cookies to be set. This is usually the default
-for most browsers; however, it can sometimes be disabled in which case the
-browser option must be changed back to the default for Settings to work
-correctly. It is possible to control some of these settings by tacking on
-stuff to the URL. For instance, adding &l=fr-FR to the URL query string
-(the portion of the URL after the question mark) would
-tell Yioop to use the French from France for outputting
-text. You can also add &its= the Unix
-timestamp of the search index you want.
-    <p><a href="#toc">Return to table of contents</a>.</p>
-    <h3 id='mobile'>Mobile Interface</h3>
-    <p>Yioop's user interface is designed to display reasonably well on tablet
-    devices such as the iPad. For smart phones, such as
-    iPhone, Android, Blackberry, or Windows Phone, Yioop has a separate
-    user interface. For search, settings, and login, this looks fairly
-    similar to the non-mobile user interface:</p>
-<img src='resources/MobileSearch.png' alt='Mobile Search Landing Page'
-    style="width:280px; height:280px"/>
-<img src='resources/MobileSettings.png' alt='Mobile Settings Page'
-    style="width:280px;height:280px"/>
-<img src='resources/MobileSignin.png' alt='Mobile Admin Panel Login'
-    style="width:280px;height:280px"/>
-    <p>For Admin pages, each activity is controlled in an analgous fashion
-    to the non-mobile setting, but the Activity element has been replaced
-    with a dropdown:</p>
-<img src='resources/MobileAdmin.png' alt='Example Mobile Admin Activity'
-    style="width:280px;height:280px"/>
-    <p>We now resume our discussion of how to use each of the Yioop admin
-    activities for the default, non-mobile, setting, simply noting that
-    except for the above minor changes, these instructions will also apply to
-    the mobile setting.
-    </p>
-    <p><a href="#toc">Return to table of contents</a>.</p>
-    <h2 id='social'>User Accounts and Social Features</h2>
-    <h3 id='registration'>Registration and Signin</h3>
-<p>Clicking on the Sign In link on the corner of the Yioop web site will
-bring up the following form:
-<img src='resources/SigninScreen.png' alt='Admin Panel Login'/>
-Correctly, entering a username and password will then bring the user to the
-User Account portion of the Yioop website. Each Account page has on it an
-Activity element as well as a main panel where the current activity is
-displayed. The Activity element allows the user to choose what is the
-current activity for the session. The choices available on the Activity element
-depend on the roles the user has. A default installation of Yioop comes
-with two predefined roles Admin and User. If someone has the Admin role then
-the Activity element looks like:
-<img src='resources/AdminActivityElement.png' alt='Admin Activity Element'/>
-<p>On the other hand, if someone just has the User role, then their
-Acitivity element looks like:</p>
-<img src='resources/UserActivityElement.png' alt='User Activity Element'/>
-Over the next several sections we will discuss each of the Yioop account
-activities in turn. Before we do that we make a couple remarks about using
-Yioop from a mobile device.
-    <p><a href="#toc">Return to table of contents</a>.</p>
-    <h3 id='passwords'>Managing Accounts</h3>
-    <p>By default, when a user first signs in to the Yioop admin
-    panel the current activity is the Manage Account activity.
-    This activity just lets user's change their account information using the
-    form pictured below. It also has summary information about Crawls and
-    Indexes (Admin account only), Groups and Feeds, and Crawl mixes.
-    There are also helpful links from each of these sections to a
-    related activity for managing them.</p>
-<img src='resources/ManageAccount.png' alt='Manage Account Page'/>
-    <p>Initially, the Account Details fields are grayed out. To edit them
-    click the Edit link next to account details. This will allow a user
-    to change information using their account password. Clicking
-    the Lock link will cause these details to be grayed out and not
-    editable again.</p>
-<img style="vertical-align:top;"
-    src='resources/ChangeAccountInfo.png' alt='Change Account Information
-    Form'/>
-    <p>If a user wants to change their password they can click the
-    Password link label for the password field. This reveals the
-    following additional form fields where the password can be changed:</p>
-<img src='resources/ChangePassword.png' alt='Change Password Form'/>
-    <p><a href="#toc">Return to table of contents</a>.</p>
-    <h3 id='userrolegroups'>Managing Users, Roles, and Groups</h3>
-    <p>The Manage Users, Manage Groups, and Manage Roles activities have similar
-    looking forms as well as related functions. All three of these activities
-    are available to accounts with the Admin role, but only Manage Groups is a
-    available to those with a standard User role. To describe these activities,
-    let's start at the beginning... Users are people who have
-    accounts to connect with a Yioop installation. Users, once logged in
-    may engage in various Yioop activities such as Manage Crawls, Mix Crawls,
-    and so on. A user is not directly assigned which activities they have
-    permissions on. Instead, they derive their permissions from which roles
-    they have been directly assigned and by which groups they belong to.
-    When first launched, Manage User activity looks
-    like:</p>
-<img src='resources/AddUser.png' alt='The Add User form'/>
-    <p>The purpose is this activity is to allow an administrator to add,
-    monitor and modify the accounts of users of a Yioop installation.
-    At the top of the activity is the "Add User" form. This would allow
-    an administrator to add a new user to the Yioop system.
-    Most of the fields on this form are self explanatory except the Status
-    field which we will describe in a moment.
-    Beneath this is a User List table. At the top of this table is
-    a dropdown used to control how many users to display at one time.
-    If there are more than that many users, there will be arrow links
-    to page through the user list. There is a also a search link which
-    can be used to bring up the following Search User form:</p>
-    <img src='resources/SearchUser.png' alt='The Search User form'/>
-    <p>This form can be used to find and sort various users out of
-    the complete User List. If we look at the User List, the first
-    four columns, Username, First Name, Last Name, and Email Address
-    are pretty self-explanatory. The Status column has a dropdown for each user
-    row, this dropdown also appear in the Add User form. It represents
-    the current status of the User and can be either Inactive, Active,
-    or Banned. An Inactive user is typically a user that has used
-    the Yioop registration form to sign up for an account, but who
-    hasn't had the account activated by the administrator, nor had the
-    account activated by using an email link. Such a user can't create
-    or post to groups or log in. On the other hand, such a user has
-    reserved that username so that other people can't use it. A Banned
-    user is a user who has been banned from logging, but might have groups
-    or posts that the administrator wants to retain. Selecting a different
-    dropdown value changes that user's status. Next to the Status column
-    are two action columns which can be used to edit a user or to delete
-    a user. Deleting a user, deletes their account, any groups that the user
-    owns, and deletes any posts the user made. The Edit User form looks
-    like:</p>
-<img src='resources/EditUser.png' alt='The Edit User form'/>
-    <p>This form let's you modify some of the attributes of a users.
-    There are also two links on it: one with the number of roles
-    that a user has, the other with the number of groups that a user has.
-    Here the word "role" means a set of activities.
-    Clicking on one of these links brings up a paged listing of the particular
-    roles/groups the user has/belongs to. It will also let you add or delete
-    roles/groups. Adding a role to a user means that the user can do the
-    set of activities that the role contains, adding a group to the user
-    means the user can read that group, and if the privileges for non-owners
-    allow posting then can also post or comment to that group's feed and edit
-    the group's wiki. This completes the description of the Manage User
-    Activity.
-    </p>
-    <p>Roles
-    are managed through the Manage Role activity, which looks like:</p>
-<img src='resources/AddRole.png' alt='The Add Role form'/>
-   <p>
-   Similar to the Manage User form, at the top of this activity, there is
-   an Add Role form, and beneath this a Role List. The controls of the
-   Role List operate in much the same fashion as those of the User List
-   described earlier. Clicking on the Edit link of a role brings up a form
-   which looks like:
-   </p>
-<img src='resources/EditRole.png' alt='The Edit Role form'/>
-   <p>In the above, we have a Localizer role. We might have created this
-   role, then used the Select Activity dropdown to add all the
-   activities of the User role. A localizer is a person who can localize
-   Yioop to a new language. So we might then want to use the Select dropdown
-   to add Manage Locales to the list of activities. Once we have created
-   a role that we like, we can then assign user's that role and they will
-   be able to perform all of the activities listed on it. If a user
-   has more than one role, than they can perform an activity as long as it
-   is listed in at least one role.</p>
-    <p>Groups are collections of users that have access to a group feed
-    and a set of wiki pages.
-    Groups are managed through the Manage Groups activity which looks like:</p>
-<img src='resources/ManageGroups.png' alt='The Manage Groups form'/>
-    <p>Unlike Manage Users and Manage Roles, the Manage Group activty belongs
-    to the standard User role, allowing any user to create and manage groups.
-    As one can see from the image above The Create/Join Group form takes
-    the name of a group. If you enter a name that currently does not
-    exist the following form will appear:</p>
-<img src='resources/CreateGroup.png' alt='The Create Group form'/><br />
-    <p>The user who creates a group is set as the initial group owner.
-    The Register dropdown says how other users are allowed to join the
-    group: No One means no other user can join the group (you can
-    still invite other users), By Request means that other users can request
-    the group owner to join the group; and Anyone means all users are allowed
-    to join the group. It should be noted that the root account can always
-    join any group. The root account can also always take over ownership
-    of any group. The Access dropdown controls how users who
-    belong/subscribe to a group other than the owner can access that group.
-    The possibilities are No Read means that a non-owner member
-    of the group cannot read or write the group news feed and cannot read
-    the group wiki, Read means that a non-owner member of the group
-    can read the group news feed and the groups wiki page, Read Comment
-    means that a non-owner member of the group can read the group feed and wikis
-    and can comment on any existing threads, but cannot start new ones,
-    Read Write, means that a non-owner member of the group can start
-    new threads and comment on existing ones in the group feed and can edit
-    and create wiki pages for the group's wiki. The access to a group can be
-    changed by the owner after a group is created. No Read and Read are
-    often suitable if a group's owner wants to perform some kind of moderation.
-    Read and Read Comment groups are often suitable if someone wants to use a
-    Yioop Group as a blog. Read Write makes sense for a more traditional
-    bulletin board. A default installation of Yioop has a single built-in
-    group PUBLIC owned by root to which all users are subscribed. It has
-    Read access. If on the Create/Join Group form, the name entered already
-    exists, but is not joinable, then an error message that the group's
-    name is in use is displayed. If either anyone can join the group
-    or the group can be joined by request, then that group will be added to
-    the list of subscribed to groups. If membership is by request, then
-    initially in the list of groups it will show up with access Request Join.
-    </p>
-    <p>Beneath the Create/Join Group form is the Groups List table. This
-    lists all the groups that a user is currently subscribed to:</p>
-<img src='resources/GroupsList.png' alt='Groups List Table'/>
-    <p>The controls at the top of this table are similar in functionality
-    to the controls we have already discussed for the User Lists table
-    of Manage Users and the Roles List table of Manage Roles. This
-    table let's a user manage their existing groups, but does not let
-    a user to see what groups already exist. If one looks back at the
-    Create/Join Groups form though, one can see next to it there is a
-    link "Browse". Clicking this link takes one to the Discover Groups
-    form and the Not Subscribed to Groups table:</p>
-<img src='resources/BrowseGroups.png' alt='The Browse Groups form'/>
-    <p>If a group is subscribable then the Join link in the Actions column of
-    Not Subscribed to Groups table should be clickable. Let's briefly
-    now consider the other columns of either the Groups List or not
-    Subscribed to Groups table. The Name column gives the name of the
-    group. Group name are unique identifiers for a group on a Yioop
-    system. In the Groups List table the name is clickable and takes you
-    to the <a href="#group-feeds">group feed</a> for that group. The
-    owner column gives that username of the owner of the group. If you
-    are the root account or if you are the owner of the group, then this
-    field should be a clickable link that take you to the following form:</p>
-    <img src='resources/TransferGroup.png' alt='The Transfer Group form'/>
-    <p>that can be used to transfer the ownership of a group. The next
-    two column give the register and access information for the group.
-    If you are the owner of the group these will be dropdowns allow you
-    to change these settings. We have already explained what the Join link
-    does in the actions column. Other links which can appear in the actions
-    column are Unsubscribe, which let's you leave a group which you have
-    joined but are not the owner of; Delete, which, if you are the owner
-    of a group, let's you delete the group, its feed, and all its wiki
-    pages; and Edit, which displays the following form:</p>
-<img src='resources/EditGroup.png' alt='The Edit Group form'/>
-    <p>The Register and Access dropdown let's one modify the
-    registration and group access properties for the group which we have already
-    described before. Next to the Members table header is a link with
-    the number of current memebers of the group. Clicking this link expands
-    this area into a listing of users in the group as seen above. This allows
-    one to change access of different members to the group, for example,
-    approving a join request or banning a user. It also allows one to delete
-    a member from a group. Beneath the user listing is a link which can
-    take one to a form to invite more users.</p>
-    <p><a href="#toc">Return to table of contents</a>.</p>
-    <h3 id='feeds-wikis'>Feeds and Wikis</h3>
-    <p>The initial screen of the Feeds and Wikis page has an integrated list
-    of all the recent posts to any groups to which a user subscribes:</p>
-<img src='resources/FeedsWikis.png' alt='The Main Feeds and Wiki Page'/>
-    <p>The [&lt;&lt;] arrow link at the top let's one collapse the right hand
-    Activity element to free up screen real estate for the feed. Once collapsed,
-    a link [&gt;&gt;] will appear to let you show the Activity Element again.
-    </p>
-    <p>Notice posts are displayed with the most recent post at the top.
-    If there has been very recent activity (within the last five minute),
-    this page will refresh every 15 seconds for up to twenty minutes, checking
-    for new posts.
-    Each post has a title which links to a thread for that post. This
-    is followed by the group title which although gray can be clicked to go
-    to that particular group feed. Next is the time when the post was made.
-    Beneath the title of the post, is the username of the person who posted.
-    Again, this is clickable and will take you to a page of all recent
-    posts of that person. Beneath the username, is the content of the post.
-    On the opposite side of the post box may appear links to Edit or X (delete)
-    the post, as well as a link to comment on a post or start a new thread.
-    The Edit and  X delete links only appear if you are the poster or the owner
-    of the group the post was made in. The Comment link let's you make a
-    follow up post to that particular thread in that group. The Start New Thread
-    link would let you start a new thread for that group. For example, for the
-    first post above, it would let you start a new thread in the Chris Blog
-    group. If you are not the owner of a group then the Comment and Start a
-    New Thread links only appear if you have the necessary privileges on that
-    group. So for example, above the user was cpollett and the Comment link
-    does not appear for the post to Public as that is a read only feed. The
-    image below shows what happens when one clicks on a group link,
-    in this case, the Chris Blog link.
-    </p>
-<img src='resources/SingleGroupFeed.png' alt='A Single Group Feed'/>
-    <p>On the opposite side of the screen there is a link My Group Feeds,
-    which let's one go back to the previous screen. At the top
-    of this screen is clickable title of the group, in this case, Chris Blog,
-    this takes one to the Manage Groups activity where properties of this
-    group could be examined. Next we see a toggle between Feed and Wiki.
-    Currently, on group feed page, clicking Wiki would take one to the
-    Main page of the wiki. Posts in the single group view are grouped
-    by thread with the thread containing the most recent activity at the
-    top. Notice next to each thread link there is a count of the number
-    of posts to that thread. The content of the thread post is the content
-    of the starting post to the thread, to see latter comments one has to click
-    the thread link.
-    There is now a Start New Thread button at the top of the single group feed
-    as it is clear which group the thread will be started in. Clicking
-    this button would reveal the following form:</p>
-<img src='resources/StartNewThread.png' alt='Starting a new thread from
-    a group feed'/>
-    <p>Adding a Subject and Post to this form and clicking save would start
-    a new thread. Clicking the comment link of any existing thread reveals
-    the following form to add a comment to that thread:</p>
-<img src='resources/AddComment.png' alt='Adding a comment to an existing
-    thread'/>
-    <p>Below we see an example of the feed page we get after clicking on
-    the My First Blog Post thread in the Chris Blog group:</p>
-<img src='resources/FeedThread.png' alt='A Group Feed Thread'/>
-    <p>Since we are now within a single thread, there is no Start New Thread
-    button at the top. Instead, we have a Comment button at the top
-    and bottom of the page. The starting post of the thread is listed first
-    and ending most recent post is listed last (paging buttons both on
-    the group and single thread page, let one jump to the last post). The next
-    image below is an example  of the feed page one gets when one clicks on a
-    username link, in this case,
-    cpollett:</p>
-<img src='resources/UserFeed.png' alt='User Feed'/>
-    <p>Single Group, Threads, and User feeds of groups which anyone can join
-    (i.e., public groups) all have RSS feeds which could be used in
-    a news aggregator or crawled by Yioop. To see what the link would
-    be for the item you are interested in, first collapse the activity
-    element if its not collapsed (i.e., click the [&lt;&lt;] link
-    at the top of the page). Take the URL in the browser in the url bar,
-    and add &f=rss to it. It is okay to remove the YIOOP_TOKEN= variable
-    from this URL. Doing this for the cpollett user feed, one gets the url:</p>
-    <pre>
-    </pre>
-    <p>whose RSS feed looks like:</p>
-<img src='resources/UserRssFeed.png' alt='User Rss Feed'/>
-    <p>As we mentioned above when we described the single group feed
-    page, if we click on the Wiki link at the top we go to the Main
-    wiki page of the group, where we could read that page. If the
-    Main Wiki page (or for that if matter if we go to any wiki page that) does
-    not exist, then we would get like the following:</p>
-<img src='resources/NonexistantPage.png' alt='Screenshot of going to
-    location of a non-existant wiki page'/>
-    <p>This page might be slightly different depending on whether the user
-    has write access to the given group. The Syntax link in the above takes
-    one to a page that describes how to write wiki pages. The Edit link
-    referred to in the above looks slightly different and is in a slightly
-    different location depending on whether we are viewing the page with the
-    Activity element collapsed or not. If the Activity element is not collapsed
-    then it appears one of three links within the current activity as:</p>
-<img src='resources/AdminHeading.png' alt='Read Edit Page Headings on Admin
-    view'/>
-    <p>On the other hand, if the Activity element is collapsed, then it appear
-    on the navigation bar at the top of the screen as:
-    </p>
-<img src='resources/GroupHeading.png' alt='Read Edit Page Headings on Group
-    view'/>
-    <p>Notice besides editing a page there is a link to read the page
-    and a link Pages. The Pages link takes us to a screen where we can see
-    all the pages that have been created for a group:</p>
-<img src='resources/WikiPageList.png' alt='List of Groups Wiki Pages'/>
-    <p>The search bar can be used to search within the titles of wiki pages
-    of this group for a particular page. Suppose now we clicked on
-    Test Page in the above, then we would go to that page initially in Read
-    view:</p>
-<img src='resources/WikiPage.png' alt='Example Viewing a Wiki Page'/>
-    <p>If we have write access, and we click the Edit link for this page,
-    we work see the following edit page form:</p>
-<img src='resources/EditWikiPage.png' alt='Editing a Wiki Page'/>
-    <p>This page is written using Wiki mark-up. So for example, the
-    heading at the top of the page is written as</p>
-    <pre>
-    =Test Page=
-    </pre>
-    <p>in this mark-up. The buttons above the textarea can help you
-    insert the mark-up you need without having to remember it. As was mentioned
-    earlier a complete reference for the mark-up can be found on the Public
-    Syntax page. The Discuss link takes you to a thread in the current group
-    where the contents of the wiki page should be discussed.
-    Underneath the textarea above is a Save button. Every
-    time one clicks the save button a new version of the page is saved,
-    but the old one is not discarded. We can use the Edit Reason field
-    to provide a reason for the changes between versions. When we read
-    a page it is the most recent version that is displayed. However, by
-    clicking the History link above we can see a history of prior version.
-    For example:</p>
-<img src='resources/HistoryPage.png' alt='An example History Page of a Wiki
-    Page'/>
-    <p>The Revert links on this history page can be used to change the
-    current wiki page to a prior version. The time link for each version
-    can be clicked to view that prior version without reverting. The First
-    and Second links next to a version can be used to set either the first
-    field or second field at the top of the history page which is labelled
-    Difference: . Clicking the Go button for the Difference form computes
-    the change set between two selected versions of a wiki document. This
-    might look like:</p>
-<img src='resources/DiffPage.png' alt='An example diff page of two versions
-    of a Wiki Page'/>
-    <p>
-    This completes the description of group feeds and wiki pages.</p>
-    <p><a href="#toc">Return to table of contents</a>.</p>
-<h2 id='crawl-results'>Crawling and Customizing Results</h2>
-    <h3 id='crawls'>Performing and Managing Crawls</h3>
-    <p>The Manage Crawl activity in Yioop looks like:</p>
-<img src='resources/ManageCrawl.png' alt='Manage Crawl Form'/>
-    <p>
-    This activity will actually list slightly different kinds of peak memory
-    usages depending on whether the queue_server's are run from a terminal
-    or through the web interface. The screenshot above was done when a
-    single queue_server was being run from the terminal.
-    The first form in this activity allows you to name and start a new
-    web crawl. Next to the Start New Crawl button is an Options link, which
-    allows one to set the parameters under which the crawl will execute. We
-    will return to what the Options page looks like in a moment. When
-    a crawl is executing, under the start crawl form appears statistics about
-    the crawl as well as a Stop Crawl button. Crawling continues until this
-    Stop Crawl button is pressed or until no new sites can be found. As a
-    crawl occurs, a sequence of IndexShard's are written. These keep track
-    of which words appear in which documents for groups of 50,000 or so
-    documents. In addition an IndexDictionary of which words appear in which
-    shard is written to a separate folder and subfolders. When the Stop button
-    is clicked the "tiers" of data in this dictionary need to be logarithmically
-    merged, this process can take a couple of minutes, so after clicking stop
-    do not kill the queue_server (if you were going to) until after it says
-    waiting for messages again.  Beneath
-    this stop button line, is a link which allows you to change the
-    crawl options of the currently active crawl. Changing the options on
-    an active crawl may take some time to fully take effect as the currently
-    processing queue of urls needs to flush.
-    At the bottom of the page is a table listing previously run crawls.
-    Next to each previously run crawl are three links. The first link lets you
-    resume this crawl, if this is possible, and say Closed otherwise.
-    Resume will cause Yioop to look for unprocessed fetcher
-    data regarding that crawl, and try to load that into a fresh priority
-    queue of to crawl urls. If it can do this, crawling would continue.
-    The second link let's you set this crawl's result as the default index.
-    In the above picture there were only two saved crawls, the second of which
-    was set as the default index. When someone comes to your Yioop
-    installation and does not adjust their settings, the default index is
-    used to compute search results. The final link allows one to Delete the
-    crawl. For both resuming a crawl and deleting a crawl, it might take a
-    little while before you see the process being reflected in the display.
-    This is because communication might need to be done with the various
-    fetchers, and because the on screen display refreshes only every 20 seconds
-    or so.
-    </p>
-    <h4 id="prereqs">Prerequisites for Crawling</h4>
-    <p>Before you can start a new crawl, you need to run at least one
-    queue_server.php script and you need to run at least one fetcher.php script.
-    These can be run either from the same Yioop installation or from
-    separate machines or folder with Yioop installed. Each installation of
-    Yioop that is going to participate in a crawl should be configured with the
-    same name server and server key. Running these scripts can be done either
-    via the command line or through a web interface. As described in the
-    <a href="#requirements">Requirements</a> section you might need to do some
-    additional initial set up if you want to take the web interface approach.
-    On the other hand, the command-line approach only works if you are using
-    only one queue server. You can still have more than one fetcher, but
-    the crawl speed in this case probably won't go faster after ten to
-    twelve fetchers. Also, in the command-line approach the queue server and
-    name server should be the same instance of Yioop. In the remainder of this
-    section we describe how to start the queue_server.php and
-    fetcher.php scripts via the command line; the <a href="#machines"
-    >GUI for Managing Machines and Servers</a> section describes how to do
-    it via a web interface. To begin open a
-    command shell and cd into the bin subfolder of the Yioop folder. To
-    start a queue_server type:</p>
-    <pre>
-php queue_server.php terminal</pre>
-    <p>To start a fetcher type:</p>
-    <pre>
-php fetcher.php terminal</pre>
-    <p>
-    The above lines are under the assumption that the path to php has been
-    properly set in your PATH environment variable. If this is not the case,
-    you would need to type the path to php followed by php then the rest of
-    the line. If you want to stop these programs after starting them simply
-    type CTRL-C. Assuming you have done the additional configuration
-    mentioned above that are needed for the GUI approach managing these
-    programs, it is also possible to run
-    the queue_server and fetcher programs as daemons. To do this one could
-    type respectively:
-    </p>
-    <pre>
-php queue_server.php start</pre>
-    <p>or</p>
-    <pre>
-php fetcher.php start</pre>
-    <p>When run as a daemon, messages from these programs are written
-    into log files in the log subfolder of the WORK_DIRECTORY folder. To
-    stop these daemons one types:</p>
-    <pre>
-php queue_server.php stop</pre>
-    <p>or</p>
-    <pre>
-php fetcher.php stop</pre>
-    <p>Once the queue_server is running and at least one fetcher is running,
-    the Start New Crawl button should work to commence a crawl. Again,
-    it will up to a minute or so for information about a running crawl
-    to show up in the Currently Processing fieldset. During a crawl,
-    it is possible for a fetcher or the queue server to crash. This
-    usually occurs due to lack of memory for one of these programs. It
-    also can sometimes happen for a fetcher due to flakiness in multi-curl.
-    If this occurs simply restart the fetcher in question and the crawl
-    can continue. A queue server crash should be much rarer. If it
-    occurs, all of the urls to crawl that reside in memory will be lost.
-    To continue crawling, you would need to resume the crawl through the
-    web interface. If there are no unprocessed schedules for the given
-    crawl (which usually means you haven't been crawling very long), it
-    is not possible to resume the crawl. We have now described what is
-    necessary to perform a crawl we now return to how to set the
-    options for how the crawl is conducted.</p>
-    <h4>Common Crawl and Search Configurations</h4>
-    <p>When testing Yioop, it is quite common just to have one instance
-    of the fetcher and one instance of the queue_server running, both on
-    the same machine and same installation of Yioop. In this subsection
-    we wish to briefly describe some
-    other configurations which are possible and also some configs/config.php
-    configurations that can affect the crawl and search speed. The most obvious
-    config.php setting which can affect the crawl speed is
-    NUM_MULTI_CURL_PAGES. A fetcher when performing downloads, opens this
-    many simultaneous connections, gets the pages corresponding to them,
-    processes them, then proceeds to download the next batch of
-    NUM_MULTI_CURL_PAGES pages. Yioop uses the fact that there are gaps
-    in this loop where no downloading is being done to ensure robots.txt
-    Crawl-delay directives are being honored (a Crawl-delayed host will
-    only be scheduled to at most one fetcher at a time). The downside of this
-    is that your internet connection might not be used to its fullest ability
-    to download pages. Thus, it can make sense rather than increasing
-    NUM_MULTI_CURL_PAGES, to run multiple copies of the Yioop fetcher on a
-    machine. To do this one can either install the Yioop software multiple
-    times or give an instance number when one starts a fetcher. For example:</p>
-<pre >
-php fetcher.php start 5
-    would start instance 5 of the fetcher program.
-    </p>
-    <p>Once a crawl is complete, one can see its contents in the folder
-    WORK DIRECTORY/cache/IndexDataUNIX_TIMESTAMP. In the multi-queue server
-    setting each queue server machine would have such a folder containing
-    the data for the hosts that queue server crawled. Putting the WORK_DIRECTORY
-    on a solid-state drive can, as you might expect, greatly speed-up how fast
-    search results will be served. Unfortunately, if a given queue server
-    is storing ten million or so pages, the corresponding
-    IndexDataUNIX_TIMESTAMP folder might be around 200 GB. Two main sub-folders
-    of IndexDataUNIX_TIMESTAMP largely determine the search performance of
-    Yioop handling queries from a crawl. These are the dictionary subfolder
-    and the posting_doc_shards subfolder, where the former has the greater
-    influence. For the ten million page situation these might be 5GB and 30GB
-    respectively. It is completely possible to copy these subfolders to
-    a SSD and use symlinks to them under the original crawl directory to
-    enhance Yioop's search performance.</p>
-    <h4>Specifying Crawl Options and Modifying Options of the Active Crawl</h4>
-    <p>As we pointed out above, next to the Start Crawl button is an Options
-    link. Clicking on this link, let's you set various aspect of how
-    the next crawl should be conducted. If there is
-    a currently processing crawl, there will be an options link under its stop
-    button. Both of these links lead to similar pages, however, for an active
-    crawl fewer parameters can be changed. So we will only describe the first
-    link. We do mention here though that under the active crawl options page
-    it is possible to inject new seed urls into the crawl as it is progressing.
-    In the case of clicking the Option
-    link next to the start button, the user should be taken to an
-    activity screen which looks like:</p>
-<img src='resources/WebCrawlOptions.png' alt='Web Crawl Options Form'/>
-    <p>The Back link in the corner returns one to the previous activity.</p>
-    <p>There are two kinds of crawls that can be performed by Yioop
-    either a crawl of sites on the web or a crawl of data that has been
-    previously stored in a supported archive format such as data that was
-    crawled by Versions 0.66 and above of Yioop, data coming from a database
-    or text archive via Yioop's importing methods described below,
-    <a href="">Internet
-    Archive ARC file</a>, <a href=""
-    >ISO WARC Files</a>,
-    <a href=""
-    >MediaWiki xml dump</a>,
-    <a href=""
-    >Open Directory Project RDF file</a>, . In the next subsection, we describe
-    new web crawls and then return to archive crawls subsection after that.
-    Finally, we have a short section on some advanced crawl options which can
-    only be set in config.php or local_config.php. You will probably not need
-    these features but we mention them for completeness</p>
-    <h5>Web Crawl Options</h5>
-    <p>
-    On the web crawl tab, the first form field, "Get Crawl Options From",
-    allows one to read in crawl options either from the default_crawl.ini file
-    or from the crawl options used in a previous crawl. The rest of the form
-    allows the user to change the existing crawl options. The second form field
-    is labeled Crawl Order. This can be set to either Bread First or Page
-    Importance. It specifies the order in which pages will be crawled. In
-    breadth first crawling, roughly all the seeds sites are visited first,
-    followed by sites linked directly from seed sites, followed by sites linked
-    directly from sites linked directly from seed sites, etc. Page Importance is
-    our modification of [<a href="#APC2003">APC2003</a>]. In this
-    order, each seed sites starts with a certain quantity of money.
-    When a site is crawled it distributes its money equally amongst sites
-    it links to. When picking sites to crawl next, one chooses those that
-    currently have the most money. Additional rules are added to handle things
-    like the fact that some sites might have no outgoing links. Also, in our
-    set-up we don't revisit already seen sites. To handle these situation we
-    take a different tack from the original paper. This crawl order roughly
-    approximates crawling according to page rank.</p>
-    <p>The next checkbox is labelled Restrict Sites by Url. If it
-    is checked then a textarea with label Allowed To Crawl Sites appears.
-    If one checks Restricts Sites by Url then only pages on those sites and
-    domains listed in the Allowed To Crawl Sites textarea can be crawled.
-    We will say how to specify domains and sites in a moment, first let's
-    discuss the last two textareas on the Options form. The Disallowed sites
-    textarea allows you to specify sites that you do not want the crawler
-    to crawl under any circumstance. There are many reasons you might not want
-    a crawler to crawl a site. For instance, some sites might not have a
-    good robots.txt file, but will ban you from interacting with their site
-    if they get too much traffic from you.</p>
-    <p>Just above the Seed Sites textarea are two links "Add User Suggest Data".
-    If on the Server Settings activity
-    Account Registration is set to anything other than Disable Registration,
-    it is possible for a search site user to suggest urls to crawl. This
-    can be done by going to the <a href="#tools">Search Tools Page</a> and
-    clicking on the Suggest a Url link. Suggested links are stored in
-    WORK_DIRECTORY/data/suggest_url.txt. Clicking Add User Suggest Data
-    adds any suggested urls in this file into the Seed Site textarea, then
-    deletes the contents of this file. The suggested urls which are not
-    already in the seed site list are added after comment lines (lines starting
-    with #) which give the time at which the urls were added.
-    Adding Suggest data can be done either for new crawls or to inject urls
-    into currently running crawls.</p>
-    The Seed sites textarea allows
-    you to specify a list of urls that the crawl should start from. The
-    crawl will begin using these urls. This list can include ".onion" urls
-    if you want to crawl <a href=""
-    >TOR networks</a>.
-    </p>
-    <p>
-    The format for sites, domains, and urls are the same for each of these
-    textareas, except that the Seed site area can only take urls (or urls
-    and title/descriptions)  and in
-    the Disallowed Sites/Sites with Quotas one can give a url
-    followed by #. Otherwise,
-    in this common format, there should be one site, url, or domain per
-    line. You should not separate sites and domains with commas or other
-    punctuation. White space is ignored. A domain can be specified as:
-    </p>
-    <pre>
-    </pre>
-    <p>Urls like:</p>
-    <pre>
-    </pre>
-    <p>would all fall under this domain. A site can be specified
-    as scheme://domain/path. For example, .
-    Such a site includes .
-    Yioop also recognizes * and $ within urls. So*/*/
-    would match and
-*/*/$ would require the last symbol in the url
-    to be '/'. This kind of pattern matching can be useful in the
-    to restrict the depth of a crawl to
-    within a url to a certain fixed depth -- you can allow crawling a site,
-    but disallow the downloading of pages with more than a certain number of
-    `/' in them.</p>
-    <p>In the Disallowed Sites/Sites with Quotas, a number after a # sign
-    indicates that at most that many
-    pages should be downloaded from that site in any given hour. For example,
-    </p>
-    <pre>
-    </pre>
-    <p>indicates that at most 100 pages are to be downloaded from
- per hour.</p>
-    <p>In the seed site area one can specify title and page descriptions
-    for pages that Yioop would otherwise be forbidden to crawl by the
-    robots.txt file. For example,</p>
-    <pre>
-    </pre>
-    <p>tells Yioop to generate a placeholder page for
- with title "Facebook" and description
-    "A famous social media site" rather than to attempt to download
-    the page. The <a href="#editor">Results Editor</a> activity can only
-    be used to affect pages which are in a Yioop index. This technique
-    allows one to add arbitrary pages to the index.</p>
-    <p>When configuring a new instance of Yioop the file default_crawl.ini
-    is copied to WORK_DIRECTORY/crawl.ini and contains the initial settings
-    for the Options form. </p>
-    <h5 id="archive-crawl">Archive Crawl Options</h5>
-    <p>We now consider how to do crawls of previously obtained archives.
-    From the initial crawl options screen, clicking on the Archive Crawl
-    tab gives one the following form:</p>
-<img src='resources/ArchiveCrawlOptions.png' alt='Archive Crawl Options Form'/>
-    <p>The dropdown lists all previously done crawls that are available for
-    recrawl.</p>
-<img src='resources/ArchiveCrawlDropDown.png' alt='Archive Crawl dropdown'/>
-    </p>These include both previously done Yioop crawls, previously
-    down recrawls (prefixed with RECRAWL::), Yioop Crawl Mixes (prefixed with
-    MIX::), and crawls
-    of other file formats such as: arc, warc, database data,
-    MediaWiki XML, and ODP RDF, which
-    have been appropriately prepared in the PROFILE_DIR/cache folder
-    (prefixed with ARCFILE::). In addition, Yioop also has a generic text file
-    archive importer (also, prefixed with ARCFILE::).</p>
-    <p>
-    You might want to re-crawl an existing Yioop crawl if you want to add
-    new meta-words, new cache page links, extract fields in a different
-    manner, or if you are migrating a crawl
-    from an older version of Yioop for which the index isn't readable by
-    your newer version of Yioop. For similar reasons, you
-    might want to recrawl a previously re-crawled crawl. When you
-    archive crawl a crawl mix, Yioop does a search on the keyword
-    <tt>site:any</tt> using the crawl mix in question. The results are then
-    indexed into a new archive. This new archive might have considerably
-    better query performance (in terms of speed) as compared to queries
-    performed on the original crawl mix. How to make a crawl mix is
-    described in the <a href="#mixes">Crawl Mixes</a> section.
-    You might want to do an archive crawl of other file formats
-    if you want Yioop to be able to provide search results of their content.
-    Once you have selected the archive you want to crawl, you can add meta
-    words as discussed in the Crawl Time Tab Page Rule portion of the
-    <a href="#page-options">Page Options</a> section.
-    Afterwards,go back to the Create Crawl screen to start your crawl.
-    As with a Web Crawl, for an archive crawl you need both the queue_server
-    running and a least one fetcher running to perform a crawl.</p>
-    <p>To re-crawl a previously created web archive that was made using several
-    fetchers, each of the fetchers that was used in the creation process should
-    be running. This is because the data used in the recrawl will come locally
-    from the machine of that fetcher. For other kinds of archive crawls and mix
-    crawls, which fetchers one uses, doesn't matter because archive crawl data
-    comes through the name server. You might also notice that the number of
-    pages in a web archive re-crawl is actually larger than the initial
-    crawl. This can happen because during the initial crawl data was
-    stored in the fetcher's archive bundle and a partial index of this
-    data sent to appropriate queue_servers but was not yet processed by
-    these queue servers. So it was waiting in a schedules folder to be
-    processed in the event the crawl was resumed.</p>
-    <p>To get Yioop to detect arc, database data,
-    MediaWiki, ODP RDF, or generic text
-    archive files you need to create an PROFILE_DIR/cache/archives folder on the
-    name server machine. Yioop checks subfolders of this for
-    files with the name arc_description.ini. For example, to do a Wikimedia
-    archive crawl, one could make a subfolder
-    PROFILE_DIR/cache/archives/my_wiki_media_files and put in it a
-    file arc_description.ini in the format to be discussed in a moment.
-    In addition to the arc_description.ini, you would also put in this
-    folder all the archive files (or links to them) that you would like to
-    index. When indexing, Yioop will process each archive file in turn.
-    Returning to the arc_description.ini file, arc_description.ini's contents
-    are used to give a description
-    of the archive crawl that will be displayed in the archive dropdown
-    as well as to specify the kind of archives the folder contains and how to
-    extract it. An example arc_description.ini might look like:</p>
-    <pre>
-arc_type = 'MediaWikiArchiveBundle';
-description = 'English Wikipedia 2012';
-    </pre>
-    <p>In the Archive Crawl dropdown the description will appear with the
-    prefix ARCFILE:: and you can then select it as the source to crawl.
-    Currently, the supported arc_types are: ArcArchiveBundle,
-    DatabaseBundle, MediaWikiArchiveBundle,
-    OdpRdfArchiveBundle, TextArchiveBundle, and WarcArchiveBundle.
-    For the ArcArchiveBundle, OdpRdfArchiveBundle, MediaWikiArchiveBundle,
-    WarcArchiveBundle arc_types, generally a two line arc_description.ini
-    file like above suffices. We now describe how to import from the
-    other kind of formats in a little more detail. In general, the
-    arc_description.ini will tell Yioop how to get string items (in a
-    associative array with a minimal amount of additional information) from the
-    archive in question. Processing on these string items can then be controlled
-    using Page Rules, described in the <a href="#page-options">Page Options</a>
-    section.
-    </p>
-    <p>An example arc_description.ini where the arc_type is DatabaseBundle
-    might be:</p>
-    <pre>
-arc_type = 'DatabaseBundle';
-description = 'DB Records';
-dbms = "mysql";
-db_host = "localhost";
-db_name = "MYGREATDB";
-db_user = "someone";
-db_password = "secret";
-encoding = "UTF-8";
-field_value_separator = '|';
-column_separator = '##';
-    </pre>
-    <p>Here is a specific example that gets the rows out of the TRANSLATION
-    table of Yioop where the database was stored in a Postgres DBMS.
-    In the comments I indicate how to alter it for other DBMS's.
-    </p>
-    <pre>
-arc_type = 'DatabaseBundle';
-description = 'DB Records';
-;sqlite3 specific
-;dbms ="sqlite3";
-;mysql specific
-;dbms = "mysql";
-;db_host = "localhost";
-;db_user = "root";
-;db_password = "";
-dbms = "pdo";
-;below is for postgres; similar if want db2 or oracle
-db_host = "pgsql:host=localhost;port=5432;dbname=seek_quarry"
-db_name = "seek_quarry";
-db_user = "cpollett";
-db_password = "";
-encoding = "UTF-8";
-sql = "SELECT * from TRANSLATION";
-field_value_separator = '|';
-column_separator = '##';
-    </pre>
-    <p>Possible values for <i>dbms</i> are pdo, mysql, sqlite3.
-    If pdo is chosen, then db_host should be a <a
-    href="">PHP DSN</a>
-    specifying which DBMS driver to use. db_name is the name of the database
-    you would like to connect to, db_user is the database username,
-    db_password is the password for that user, and encoding is the
-    character set of rows that the database query will return.</p>
-    <p>The sql variable is used to give a query whose result
-    rows will be the items indexed by Yioop. Yioop indexes string "pages",
-    so to make these rows into a string each column result will be
-    made into a string: <i>field field_value_separator value</i>. Here
-    <i>field</i> is the name of the column, <i>value</i> is the value for that
-    column in the given result row. Columns are concatenated together
-    separated by the value of of column_separator. The resulting string is
-    then sent to Yioop's TextProcessor page processor.</p>
-    <p>We next give a few examples of arc_description.ini files
-    where the arc_type is TextArchiveBundle. First, suppose we wanted
-    to index access log file records that look like:</p>
-    <pre>
- - - [21/Dec/2012:09:03:01 -0800] "POST /git/yioop2/ HTTP/1.1" 200 - \
-    "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; YioopBot; \
-    +http://localhost/git/yioop/bot.php)"
-    </pre>
-    <p>Here each record is delimited by a newline and the character encoding is
-    UTF-8. The records are stored in
-    files with the extension .log and these files are uncompressed. We then
-    might use the following arc_description.ini file:</p>
-    <pre>
-arc_type = 'TextArchiveBundle';
-description = 'Log Files';
-compression = 'plain';
-file_extension = 'log';
-end_delimiter = "\n";
-encoding = "UTF-8";
-    </pre>
-    <p>In addition to compression = 'plain', Yioop supports gzip and bzip2.
-    The end_delimeter is a regular expression indicating how to know when
-    a record ends. To process a TextArchiveBundle Yioop needs either
-    an end_delimeter or a start_delimiter (or both) to be specified. As another
-    example, for a mail.log file with entries of the form:</p>
-    <pre>
-From Wed Aug  7 10:59:04 2002 -0700
-Date: Wed, 7 Aug 2002 10:59:04 -0700 (PDT)
-From: Chris Pollett &lt;;
-To: John Doe &lt;;
-Subject: Re: a message
-In-Reply-To: <;
-Message-ID: &lt;;
-MIME-Version: 1.0
-Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
-Status: O
-X-UID: 17
-Hi John,
-I got your mail.
-    </pre>
-    <p>The following might be used:</p>
-    <pre>
-arc_type = 'TextArchiveBundle';
-description = 'Mail Logs';
-compression = 'plain';
-file_extension = 'log';
-start_delimiter = "\n\nFrom\s";
-encoding = "ASCII";
-    </pre>
-    <p>Notice here we are splitting records using a start delimeter. Also,
-    we have chosen ASCII as the character encoding. As a final example,
-    we show how to import tar gzip files of Usenet records as found,
-    in the <a
-    href=""
-    >UTzoo Usenet Archive 1981-1991</a>. Further discussion on how to
-    process this collection is given in the Page Options section.</p>
-    <pre>
-arc_type = 'TextArchiveBundle';
-description = 'Utzoo Usenet Archive';
-compression = 'gzip';
-file_extension = 'tgz';
-start_delimiter = "\0\0\0\0Path:";
-end_delimiter = "\n\0\0\0\0";
-encoding = "ASCII";
-    </pre>
-    <p>Notice in the above we set the compression to be gzip. Then we have
-    Yioop act on the raw tar file. In tar files, content objects
-    are separated by long paddings of null's. Usenet posts begin with
-    Path, so to keep things simple we grab records which begin with
-    a sequence of null's the Path and end with another sequence of null's.</p>
-    <p>As a final reminder for this section, remember that,
-    in addition, to the arc_description.ini file, the subfolder
-    should also contain instances of the files in question that you would like
-    to archive crawl. So for arc files, these would be files of extension
-    .arc.gz; for MediaWiki, files of extension .xml.bz2;
-    and for ODP-RDF, files of extension .rdf.u8.gz .
-    </p>
-    <h5>Crawl Options of config.php or local_config.php</h5>
-    <p>There are a couple of flags which can be set in the config.php
-    or in a local_config.php file that affect web crawling which we now
-    mention for completeness. As was mentioned before, when Yioop is crawling
-    it makes use of Etag: and Expires: HTTP headers received during web page
-    download to determine when a page can be recrawled. This assumes
-    one has not completely turned off recrawling under the
-    <a href="#page-options">Page
-    Indexing and Search Options activity</a>. To turn Etag and Expires
-    checking off, one can add to a local_config.php file the line:
-    </p>
-    <pre>
-define("USE_ETAG_EXPIRES", false);
-    </pre>
-    <p>Yioop can be run using the <a
-    href="">Hip Hop Virtual Machine from
-    FaceBook</a>. This will tend to make Yioop run faster and use less memory
-    than running it under the standard PHP interpreter. Hip Hop can be used on
-    various Linux flavors and to some  degree runs under OSX (the queue server
-    and fetcher will run, but the web app doesn't). If you want to use the
-    Hip Hop  on Mac OSX, and if you install it via Homebrew,
-    then you will need to set a force variable and set the path for Hip Hop in
-    your local_config.php  file with lines like:</p>
-    <pre>
-define('FORCE_HHVM', true);
-define('HHVM_PATH', '/usr/local/bin');
-    </pre>
-    <p>The above lines are only needed on OSX to run Hip Hop.</p>
-    <p><a href="#toc">Return to table of contents</a>.</p>
-    <h3 id='mixes'>Mixing Crawl Indexes</h3>
-    <p>Once you have performed a few crawls with Yioop, you can use the Mix
-    Crawls activity to create mixture of your crawls. This activity is
-    available to users who have either Admin role or just the standard
-    User role.
-    This section describes how to create crawl mixes which are processed
-    when a query comes in to Yioop. Once one has created such a crawl
-    mix, an admin user can make a new index which consists of results of the
-    crawl mix ("materialize it") by doing an archive crawl of the crawl mix.
-    The <a href="#archive-crawl">Archive Crawl Options</a> subsection has more
-    details on how to do this latter operation. The main Mix Crawls
-    activity looks like:</p>
-    <img src='resources/ManageMixes.png' alt='The Manage Mixes form'/>
-    <p>The first form allows you to name and create a new crawl mixture.
-    Clicking "Create" sends you to a second page where you can provide
-    information about how the mixture should be built. Beneath the Create mix
-    form is a table listing all the previously created crawl mixes.
-    Above this listing, but below the Create form is a standard set of
-    nav elements for selecting which mixes will be displayed in this table.
-    A Crawl mix is "owned" by the user who creates that mix. The table
-    only lists crawl mixes "owned" by the user. The
-    first column has the name of the mix, the second column says how the
-    mix is built out of component crawls, and the actions columns allows you
-    to edit the mix, set it as the default index for Yioop search results, or
-    delete the mix. You can also append "m:name+of+mix" or "mix:name+of+mix"
-    to a query to use that quiz without having to set it as the index.
-    When you create a new mix, and are logged in so Yioop knows the mix belongs
-    to you, your mix will also show up on the
-    Settings page. The "Share" column pops a link where you can share
-    a crawl mix with a Yioop Group. This will post a message with a link to that
-    group so that others can import your mix into their lists of mixes.
-    Creating a new mix or editing an existing mix sends you to
-    a second page:</p>
-    <img src='resources/EditMix.png' alt='The Edit Mixes form'/>
-    <p>Using the "Back" link on this page will take you to the prior screen.
-    The first text field on the edit page lets you rename your mix if you so
-    desire. Beneath this is an "Add Groups" button. A group is a weighted
-    list of crawls. If only one group were present, then search results would
-    come from any crawl listed for this group. A given result's score
-    would be the weighted sum of the scores of the crawls in the group it
-    appears in. Search results  are displayed in descending order according to
-    this total score. If more that one group is present then the number of
-    results field for that group determines how many of the displayed results
-    should come from that group.
-    For the Crawl Mix displayed above, there are three groups: The first group
-    is used to display the first result, the second group is used to display
-    the second result, the last group is used to display any remaining search
-    results.</p>
-    <p>The UI for groups works as follows: The top row has three columns.
-    To add new components to a group use the dropdown in the first column.
-    The second column controls for how many results
-    the particular crawl group should be used. Different groups results are
-    presented in the order they appear in the crawl mix. The last group is
-    always used to display any remaining results for a search. The delete group
-    link in the third column can be used to delete a group. Beneath the first
-    row of a group, there is one row for each crawl that belongs to the group.
-    The first link for a crawl says how its scores should be weighted in
-    the search results for that group. The second column is the name of the
-    crawl. The third column is a space separated list of words to add to the
-    query when obtaining results for that crawl. So for example, in the
-    first group above, the only crawl is test, it has a weight of 1. The
-    keywords we inject for this crawl are media:text. This means we will
-    get whatever results from this crawl that consisted of text rather than
-    image pages. Keywords can be used to make a particulat component of
-    a crawl mix behave in a conditional many by using the "if:" meta word
-    described in the search and user interface section. The last link in a
-    crawl row allows you to delete a crawl from a crawl group. For changes on
-    this page to take effect, the "Save" button beneath this dropdown must
-    be clicked.
-    </p>
-    <p><a href="#toc">Return to table of contents</a>.</p>
-    <h3 id='classifiers'>Classifying Web Pages</h3>
-    <p>Sometimes searching for text that occurs within a page isn't enough to
-    find what one is looking for. For example, the relevant set of documents
-    may have many terms in common, with only a small subset showing up on any
-    particular page, so that one would have to search for many disjoint terms
-    in order to find all relevant pages. Or one may not know which terms are
-    relevant, making it hard to formulate an appropriate query. Or the relevant
-    documents may share many key terms with irrelevant documents, making it
-    difficult to formulate a query that fetches one but not the other.  Under
-    these circumstances (among others), it would be useful to have meta words
-    already associated with the relevant documents, so that one could just
-    search for the meta word. The Classifiers activity provides a way to train
-    classifiers that recognize classes of documents; these classifiers can then
-    be used during a crawl to add appropriate meta words to pages determined to
-    belong to one or more classes.</p>
-    <p>Clicking on the Classifiers activity displays a text field where you can
-    create a new classifier, and a table of existing classifiers, where each
-    row corresponds to a classifier and provides some statistics and action
-    links. A classifier is identified by its class label, which is also used to
-    form the meta word that will be attached to documents. Each classifier can
-    only be trained to recognize instances of a single target class, so the
-    class label should be a short description of that class, containing only
-    alphanumeric characters and underscores (e.g., &quot;spam&quot;,
-    &quot;homepage&quot;, or &quot;menu&quot;). Typing a new class label into
-    the text box and hitting the Create button initializes a new classifier,
-    which will then show up in the table.</p>
-    <img src="resources/ManageClassifiers.png"
-        alt="The Manage Classifiers page" />
-    <p>Once you have a fresh classifier, the natural thing to do is edit it by
-    clicking on the Edit action link. If you made a mistake, however, or no
-    longer want a classifier for some reason, then you can click on the Delete
-    action link to delete it; this cannot be undone. The Finalize action link
-    is used to prepare a classifier to classify new web pages, which cannot be
-    done until you've added some training examples. We'll discuss how to add
-    new examples next, then return to the Finalize link.</p>
-    <h4>Editing a Classifier</h4>
-    <p>Clicking on the Edit action link takes you to a new page where you can
-    change a classifier's class label, view some statistics, and provide
-    examples of positive and negative instances of the target class. The first
-    two options should be self-explanatory, but the last is somewhat involved.
-    A classifier needs labeled training examples in order to learn to recognize
-    instances of a particular class, and you help provide these by picking out
-    example pages from previous crawls and telling the classification system
-    whether they belong to the class or do not belong to the class. The Add
-    Examples section of the Edit Classifier page lets you select an existing
-    crawl to draw potential examples from, and optionally narrow down the
-    examples to those that satisfy a query. Once you've done this, clicking the
-    Load button will send a request to the server to load some pages from the
-    crawl and choose the next one to receive a label.  You'll be presented with
-    a record representing the selected document, similar to a search result,
-    with several action links along the side that let you mark this document as
-    either a positive or negative example of the target class, or skip this
-    document and move on to the next one:</p>
-    <img src="resources/ClassifiersEdit.png" alt="The Classifiers edit page" />
-    <p>When you select any of the action buttons, your choice is sent back to
-    the server, and a new example to label is sent back (so long as there are
-    more examples in the selected index). The old example record is shifted
-    down the page and its background color updated to reflect your
-    decision&mdash;green for a positive example, red for a negative one, and
-    gray for a skip; the statistics at the top of the page are updated
-    accordingly. The new example record replaces the old one, and the process
-    repeats. Each time a new label is sent to the server, it is added to the
-    training set that will ultimately be used to prepare the classifier to
-    classify new web pages during a crawl. Each time you label a set number of
-    new examples (10 by default), the classifier will also estimate its current
-    accuracy by splitting the current training set into training and testing
-    portions, training a simple classifier on the training portion, and testing
-    on the remainder (checking the classifier output against the known labels).
-    The new estimated accuracy, calculated as the proportion of the test pages
-    classified correctly, is displayed under the Statistics section. You can
-    also manually request an updated accuracy estimate by clicking the Update
-    action link next to the Accuracy field. Doing this will send a request to
-    the server that will initiate the same process described previously, and
-    after a delay, display the new estimate.</p>
-    <p>All of this happens without reloading the page, so avoid using the web
-    browser's Back button. If you do end up reloading the page somehow, then
-    the current example record and the list of previously-labeled examples will
-    be gone, but none of your progress toward building the training set will be
-    lost.</p>
-    <h4>Finalizing a Classifier</h4>
-    <p>Editing a classifier adds new labeled examples to the training set,
-    providing the classifier with a more complete picture of the kinds of
-    documents it can expect to see in the future. In order to take advantage of
-    an expanded training set, though, you need to <em>finalize</em> the
-    classifier. This is broken out into a separate step because it involves
-    optimizing a function over the entire training set, which can be slow for
-    even a few hundred example documents. It wouldn't be practical to wait for
-    the classifier to re-train each time you add a new example, so you have to
-    explicitly tell the classifier that you're done adding examples for now by
-    clicking on the Finalize action link either next to the Load button
-    on the edit classifier page or next to the given classifier's name on
-    the classifier management page.</p>
-    <p>Clicking this link will kick off a separate process that trains the
-    classifier in the background. When the page reloads, the Finalize link
-    should have changed to text that reads &quot;Finalizing...&quot; (but if
-    the training set is very small, training may complete almost immediately).
-    After starting finalization, it's fine to walk away for a bit, reload the
-    page, or carry out some unrelated task for the user account. You should not
-    however, make further changes to the classifier's training set, or start a
-    new crawl that makes use of the classifier. When the classifier finishes
-    its training phase, the Finalizing message will be replaced by one that
-    reads &quot;Finalized&quot indicating that the classifier is ready for
-    use.</p>
-    <h4>Using a Classifier</h4>
-    <p>Using a classifier is as simple as checking the
-    "Use to Classify" or "Use to Rank" checkboxes next to the classifier's label
-    on the Page Options activity, under the &quot;Classifiers and Rankers&quot;
-    heading. When the next crawl starts, the classifier (and any other selected
-    classifiers) will be applied to each fetched page. If "Use to Rank"
-    is checked then the classifier score for that page will be recorded. If
-    "Use to Classify" is checked and if a page is
-    determined to belong to a target class, it will have several meta words
-    added. As an example, if the target class is &quot;spam&quot;, and a page
-    is determined to belong to the class with probability .79, then the
-    page will have the following meta words added:</p>
-    <ul>
-        <li>class:spam</li>
-        <li>class:spam:50plus</li>
-        <li>class:spam:60plus</li>
-        <li>class:spam:70plus</li>
-        <li>class:spam:70</li>
-    </ul>
-    <p>These meta words allow one to search for all pages classified as spam at
-    any probability over the preset threshold of .50 (with class:spam), at any
-    probability over a specific multiple of .1 (e.g., over .6 with
-    class:spam:60plus), or within a specific range (e.g., .60&ndash;.69 with
-    class:spam:60). Note that no meta words are added if the probability falls
-    below the threshold, so no page will ever have the meta words
-    class:spam:10plus, class:spam:20plus, class:spam:20, and so on.</p>
-    <p><a href="#toc">Return to table of contents</a>.</p>
-    <h3 id='page-options'>Page Indexing and Search Options</h3>
-    <p>Several properties about how web pages are indexed and how pages are
-    looked up at search time can be controlled by clicking on Page Options.
-    There are three tabs for this activity: Crawl Time, Search Time, and Test
-    Options. We will discuss each of these in turn.</p>
-    <h4>Crawl Time Tab</h4>
-    <p>Clicking on Page Options leads to the default Crawl Time Tab:</p>
-<img src='resources/PageOptionsCrawl.png' alt='The Page Options Crawl form'/>
-    <p>This tab controls some aspects about how a page is processed and indexed
-    at crawl time. The form elements before Page Field Extraction Rules
-    are relatively straightforward and we will discuss these briefly
-    below. The Page Rules textarea allows you to specify additional commands
-    for how you would like text to be extracted from a page document summary.
-    The description of this language will take the remainder of this
-    subsection.
-    </p>
-    <p>The Get Options From dropdown allows one to load in
-    crawl time options that were used in a previous crawl. Beneath this,
-    The Byte Range to Download dropdown controls how many bytes out of
-    any given web page should be downloaded. Smaller numbers reduce the
-    requirements on disk space needed for a crawl; bigger numbers would
-    tend to improve the search results. If whole pages are being cached,
-    these downloaded bytes are stored in archives with the fetcher.
-    The Summarizer dropdown control what summarizer is used on a page
-    during page processing. Yioop uses a summarizer to control what portions
-    of a page will be put into the index and are available at search time
-    for snippets. The two available summarizers are Basic, which picks
-    the pages meta title, meta description, h1 tags, etc in a fixed order
-    until the summary size is reached; and Centroid, which computes an
-    "average sentence" for the document and adds phrases from the actual
-    document according to nearness to this average. If Centroid summarizer is
-    used Yioop also generates a word cloud for each document. Centroid tends
-    to produces slightly better results than Basic but is slower. How
-    to tweak the Centroid summarizer for a particular locale, is described
-    in the <a href="#localizing">Localizing Yioop</a> section.
-    The Max Page Summary Length in Bytes controls how many of the total
-    bytes can be used to make a page summary which is sent to the
-    queue server. It is only words in this summary which can actually be
-    looked up in search result. Care should be taken in making this
-    value larger as it can increase the both the RAM memory requirements
-    (you might have to change the memory_limit variable at the start of
-    queue_server.php to prevent crashing) while crawling and it can slow
-    the crawl process down.  The Cache whole crawled pages
-    checkbox says whether to when crawling to keep both the
-    whole web page downloaded as well as the summary extracted from the
-    web page (checked) or just to keep the page summary (unchecked).
-    The next dropdown, Allow Page Recrawl After, controls how many days that
-    Yioop keeps track of all the URLs that it has downloaded from. For instance,
-    if one sets this dropdown to 7, then after seven days Yioop will clear its
-    Bloom Filter files used to store which urls have been downloaded, and it
-    would be allowed to recrawl these urls again if they happened in links. It
-    should be noted that all of the information from before the seven
-    days will still be in the index, just that now Yioop will be able to
-    recrawl pages that it had previously crawled. Besides letting Yioop
-    get a fresher version of page it already has, this also has the benefit
-    of speeding up longer crawls as Yioop doesn't need to check as many
-    Bloom filter files. In particular, it might just use one and keep it in
-    memory.</p>
-    <p>The Page File Types to Crawl checkboxes allow you to decide
-    which file extensions you want Yioop to download during a crawl.
-    This check is done before any download is attempted, so Yioop at that
-    point can only guess the <a href="">MIME
-    Type</a>, as it hasn't received this information from the server yet.
-    An example of a url with a file extension is:</p>
-    <pre>
-    </pre>
-    <p>
-    which has the extension txt. So if txt is unchecked, then Yioop won't
-    try to download this page even though Yioop can process plain text files.
-    A url like:</p>
-    <pre>
-    </pre>
-    <p>
-    has no file extension and will be assumed to be have a html extension.
-    To crawl sites which have a file extension, but no one in the above list
-    check the unknown checkbox in the upper left of this list.
-    </p>
-    <p>
-    The Classifiers and Rankers checkboxes allow you to select the classifiers
-    that will be used to classify or rank pages. Each classifier (see
-    the <a href="#classifiers">Classifiers</a> section for details) is
-    represented in the list by its class label and two checkboxes. Checking
-    the box under Use to classify
-    indicates that the associated classifier should be used (made active)
-    during the next crawl for classifying, checking the "Use to Rank"
-    indicates that the classifier should be be used (made active) and its score
-    for the document should be stored so that it can be used as part of
-    the search time score.  Each active classifier is run on each page
-    downloaded during a crawl. If "Use to Crawl" was checked and the page
-    is determined to belong to the class that the classifier has been trained
-    to recognize, then a meta word like &quot;class:<i>label</i>&quot;,
-    where <i>label</i> is the class label,
-    is added to the page summary. For faster access to pages that contain
-    a single term and a label, for example, pages that contain "rich" and
-    are labeled as "non-spam", Yioop actually uses the first character
-    of the label "non-spam" and embeds it as part of the term ID of "rich" on
-    "non-spam" pages with the word "rich". To ensure this speed-up can be
-    used it is useful to make sure ones classifier labels begin with different
-    first characters. If "Use to Rank" is checked then when a classifier is
-    run on the page, the score from the classifier is recorded. When a search
-    is done that might retrieve this page, this score is then used as one
-    component of the overall score that this page receives for the query.
-    </p>
-    <p>
-    The Indexing Plugins checkboxes allow you to select which plugins
-    to use during the crawl. Yioop comes with three built-in plugins:
-    AddressesPlugin, RecipePlugin, and WordFilterPlugin. One can also write or
-    downlaod additional plugins. If the plugin can be configured,
-    next to the checkbox will be a link to a configuration screen. Let's
-    briefly look at each of these plugins in turn...</p>
-    <p>Checking the AddressesPlugin enables Yioop during a crawl
-    to try to calculate addresses for each page summary it creates. When
-    Yioop processes a page it by default creates a summary of the page with
-    a TITLE and a DESCRIPTION as well as a few other fields. With the addresses
-    plugin activated, it will try to
-    extract data to three additional fields: EMAILS, PHONE_NUMBERS,
-    and ADDRESSES. If you want to test out how these behave,
-    pick some web page, view source on the web page, copy the source, and then
-    paste into the Test Options Tab on the page options page (the Test
-    Options Tab is described  later in this section).</p>
-    <p>Clicking the RecipePlugin checkbox causes Yioop during a crawl to run the
-    code in indexing_plugins/recipe_plugin.php. This code tries to detect pages
-    which are food recipes and separately extracts these recipes and clusters
-    them by ingredient. It then add search meta words ingredient: and
-    recipe:all to allow one to search recipes by ingredient or only documents
-    containing recipes.
-    <p>Checking the WordFilterPlugin causes Yioop to run
-    code in indexing_plugins/wordfilter_plugin.php on each downloaded page.
-    This code checks if the downloaded page has one of the words listed
-    in the textarea one finds on the plugin's configure page. If it does,
-    then the plugin follows the actions listed for pages that contain that
-    term. Below is an example WordFilterPlugin configure page:
-    </p>
-    <img src="resources/WordFilterConfigure.png"
-        alt="Word Filter Configure Page" />
-    <p>Each line in the textarea consists of a comma separated list of
-    literals followed by a colon followed by a comma separated list of what
-    to do if the literal condition is satisfied. This is called a
-    <b>rule</b>. A single literal in the
-    list of literals is an optional + or - followed by a sequence of non-space
-    characters. After the + or -, up until a # symbol is called the term in
-    the literal. If the literal sign is + or if no sign is present,
-    then the literal holds for a document if it contains the term, if the
-    literal sign is - then the literal holds for a document if it does not
-    contain the term, if there is a decimal number between 0 and 1, say x,
-    after the # up to a comma or the first white-space character, then this
-    is modified so the literal
-    holds only if x'th fraction of the documents length comes from the literal's
-    term. If rather than a decimal x were a positive natural number then
-    the term would need to occur x times.
-    If all the literal in the comma separated list hold, then the
-    rule is said to hold, and the actions will apply.
-    The line -term0:JUSTFOLLOW says that if the downloaded page
-    does not contain the word "term0" then do not index the page, but do
-    follow outgoing links from the page. The line term1:NOPROCESS says
-    if the document has the word "term1" then do not index it or follow links
-    from it. The last line +term2:NOFOLLOW,NOSNIPPET says if the
-    page contains "term2" then do not follow any outgoing links. NOSNIPPET
-    means that if the page is returned from search results, the link to
-    the page should not have a snippet of text from that page beneath it.
-    As an example of a more complicated rule, consider:</p>
-    <pre>
-    surfboard#2,bikini#0.02:NOINDEX, NOFOLLOW
-    </pre>
-    <p>
-    Here for the rule to hold the condition surfboard#2 requires that the
-    term surfboard occurred at least twice in the document and the
-    condition  bikini#0.02  requires that 0.02 percent of the documents total
-    length also come from copies of the word bikini. In addition, to the
-    commands just mentioned, WordFilterPlugin supports
-    standard robots.txt directives such as: NOINDEX, NOCACHE,
-    NOARCHIVE, NOODP, NOYDIR, and NONE. More details about how indexing
-    plugins work and how to write your own indexing plugin can be
-    found in the <a href="#customizing-code">Modifying Yioop</a> section.</p>
-    <h4 id='extraction'>Page Field Extraction Language</h4>
-    <p>We now return to the Page Field Extraction Rules textarea of
-    the Page Options - Crawl Time tab. Commands
-    in this area allow a user to control what data is extracted from
-    a summary of a page. The textarea allows you to do things like modify the
-    summary, title, and other fields extracted from a page summary;
-    extract new meta words from a summary; and add links
-    which will appear when a cache of a page is shown. Page Rules are
-    especially useful for extracting data from generic text archives and
-    database archives. How to import such archives is described in the
-    Archive Crawls sub-section of <a href="#crawls">Performing and
-    Managing Crawls</a>. The input to the page rule processor is an
-    asscociative array that results from Yioop doing initial processing on a
-    page. To see what this array looks like one can take a web page and paste
-    it into the form on the Test Options tab.  There are two types of page rule
-    statements that a user can define: command statements and assignment
-    statements. In addition, a semicolon ';' can be used to indicate the rest
-    of a line is a comment. Although the initial textarea for rules might appear
-    small. Most modern browsers allow one to resize this area by dragging on the
-    lower right hand corner of the area. This makes it relatively easy
-    to see large sets of rules.
-    </p>
-    <p>
-    A command statement takes a key field argument for the page associative
-    array and does a function call to manipulate that page. Below is
-    a list of currently supported commands followed by comments on what
-    they do:</p>
-    <pre>
-    addMetaWords(field)     ;add the field and field value to the META_WORD
-                            ;array for the page
-    addKeywordLink(field)   ;split the field on a comma, view this as a search
-                            ;keywords => link text association, and add this to
-                            ;the KEYWORD_LINKS array.
-    setStack(field)         ;set which field value should be used as a stack
-    pushStack(field)        ;add the field value for field to the top of stack
-    popStack(field)         ;pop the top of the stack into the field value for
-                            ;field
-    setOutputFolder(dir)    ;if auxiliary output, rather than just to the
-                            ;a yioop index, is being done, then set the folder
-                            ;for this output to be dir
-    setOutputFormat(format) ;set the format of auxiliary output.
-                            ;Should be either CSV or SQL
-                            ;SQL mean that writeOutput will write an insert
-                            ;statement
-    setOutputTable(table)   ;if output is SQL then what table to use for the
-                            ;insert statements
-    toArray(field)          ;splits field value for field on a comma and
-                            ;assign field value to be the resulting array
-    toString(field)         ;if field value is an array then implode that
-                            ;array using comma and store the result in field
-                            ;value
-    unset(field)            ;unset that field value
-    writeOutput(field)      ;use the contents of field value viewed as an array
-                            ;to fill in the columns of a SQL insert statement
-                            ;or CSV row
-    </pre>
-    <p>
-    Page rule assignments can either be straight assignments with '=' or
-    concatenation assignments with '.='. Let $page indicate the associative
-    array that Yioop supplies the page rule processor.
-    There are four kinds of values that one can assign:
-    </p>
-    <pre>
-    field = some_other_field ; sets $page['field'] = $page['some_other_field']
-    field = "some_string" ; sets $page['field'] to "some string"
-    field = /some_regex/replacement_where_dollar_vars_allowed/
-        ; computes the results of replacing matches to some_regex
-        ;  in $page['field'] with replacement_where_dollar_vars_allowed
-    field = /some_regex/g ;sets $page['field'] to the array of all matches
-        ; of some regex in $page['field']
-    </pre>
-    <p>For each of the above assignments we could have used ".=" instead of "=".
-    We next give a simple example and followed by a couple more complicated
-    examples of page rules and the context in which they were used:
-    </p>
-    <p>In the first example, we just want to extract meaningful titles for mail
-    log records that were read in using a TextArchiveBundleIterator. Here
-    after initial page processing a whole email would end up in the
-    DESCRIPTION field of the $page associative array given tot the page
-    rule processor. So we use the following two rules:</p>
-    <pre>
-    TITLE = /(.|\n|\Z)*?Subject:[\t ](.+?)\n(.|\n|\Z)*/$2/
-    </pre>
-    <p>We initially set the TITLE to be the whole record, then use
-    a regex to extract out the correct portion of the subject line.
-    Between the first two slashes recognizes the whole record where the pattern
-    inside the second pair of parentheses (.+?) matches the subject text.
-    The $2 after the second parenthesis says replace the value of TITLE
-    with just this portion.</p>
-    <p>The next example was used to do a quick first
-    pass processing of record from the <a href="
-">UTzoo Archive
-    of Usenet Posts from 1981-1991</a>. What each block does is
-    described in the comments below</p>
-    <pre>
-    ;
-    ; Set the UI_FLAGS variable. This variable in a summary controls
-    ; which of the header elements should appear on cache pages.
-    ; UI_FLAGS should be set to a string with a comma separated list
-    ; of the options one wants. In this case, we use: yioop_nav, says that
-    ; we do want to display header; version, says that we want to display
-    ; when a cache item was crawled by Yioop; and summaries, says to display
-    ; the toggle extracted summaries link and associated summary data.
-    ; Other possible UI_FLAGS are history, whether to display the history
-    ; dropdown to other cached versions of item; highlight, whether search
-    ; keywords should be highlighted in cached items
-    ;
-    UI_FLAGS = "yioop_nav,version,summaries"
-    ;
-    ; Use Post Subject line for title
-    ;
-    TITLE = /(.|\n)*?Subject:([^\n]+)\n(.|\n)*/$2/
-    ;
-    ; Add a link with a blank keyword search so cache pages have
-    ; link back to yioop
-    ;
-    link_yioop = ",Yioop"
-    addKeywordLink(link_yioop)
-    unset(link_yioop) ;using unset so don't have link_yioop in final summary
-    ;
-    ; Extract y-M and y-M-j dates as meta word u:date:y-M and u:date:y-M-j
-    ;
-    date = DESCRIPTION
-    date = /(.|\n)*?Date:([^\n]+)\n(.|\n)*/$2/
-    date = /.*,\s*(\d*)-(\w*)-(\d*)\s*.*/$3-$2-$1/
-    addMetaWord(date)
-    date = /(\d*)-(\w*)-.*/$1-$2/
-    addMetaWord(date)
-    ;
-    ; Add a link to articles containing u:date:y-M meta word. The link text
-    ; is Date:y-M
-    ;
-    link_date = "u:date:"
-    link_date .= date
-    link_date .= ",Date:"
-    link_date .= date
-    addKeywordLink(link_date)
-    ;
-    ; Add u:date:y meta-word
-    ;
-    date = /(\d*)-.*/$1/
-    addMetaWord(date)
-    ;
-    ; Get the first three words of subject ignoring re: separated by underscores
-    ;
-    subject = TITLE
-    subject = /(\s*(RE:|re:|rE:|Re:)\s*)?(.*)/$3/
-    subject_word1 = subject
-    subject_word1 = /\s*([^\s]*).*/$1/
-    subject_word2 = subject
-    subject_word2 = /\s*([^\s]*)\s*([^\s]*).*/$2/
-    subject_word3 = subject
-    subject_word3 = /\s*([^\s]*)\s*([^\s]*)\s*([^\s]*).*/$3/
-    subject = subject_word1
-    unset(subject_word1)
-    subject .= "_"
-    subject .= subject_word2
-    unset(subject_word2)
-    subject .= "_"
-    subject .= subject_word3
-    unset(subject_word3)
-    ;
-    ; Get the first newsgroup listed in the Newsgroup: line, add a meta-word
-    ; u:newsgroup:this-newgroup. Add a link to cache page for a search
-    ; on this meta word
-    ;
-    newsgroups = DESCRIPTION
-    newsgroups = /(.|\n)*?Newsgroups:([^\n]+)\n(.|\n)*/$2/
-    newsgroups = /\s*((\w|\.)+).*/$1/
-    addMetaWord(newsgroups)
-    link_news = "u:newsgroups:"
-    link_news .= newsgroups
-    link_news .= ",Newsgroup: "
-    link_news .= newsgroups
-    addKeywordLink(link_news)
-    unset(link_news)
-    ;
-    ; Makes a thread meta u:thread:newsgroup-three-words-from-subject.
-    ; Adds a link to cache page to search on this meta word
-    ;
-    thread = newsgroups
-    thread .= ":"
-    thread .= subject
-    addMetaWord(thread)
-    unset(newsgroups)
-    link_thread = "u:thread:"
-    link_thread .= thread
-    link_thread .= ",Current Thread"
-    addKeywordLink(link_thread)
-    unset(subject)
-    unset(thread)
-    unset(link_thread)
-    </pre>
-    <p>As a last example of page rules, suppose we wanted to crawl the
-    web and whenever we detected a page had an address we wanted to
-    write that address as a SQL insert statement to a series of text files.
-    We can do this using page rules and the AddressesPlugin.
-    First, we would check the AddressesPlugin and then we might use
-    page rules like:</p>
-    <pre>
-    summary = ADDRESSES
-    setStack(summary)
-    pushStack(DESCRIPTION)
-    pushStack(TITLE)
-    setOutputFolder(/Applications/MAMP/htdocs/crawls/data)
-    setOutputFormat(sql)
-    setOutputTable(SUMMARY);
-    writeOutput(summary)
-    </pre>
-    <p>
-    The first line says copy the contents of the ADDRESSES field of the page
-    into a new summary field. The next line says use the summary field as the
-    current stack. At this point the stack would be an array
-    with all the addresses found on the given page. So you could use the command
-    like popStack(first_address) to copy the first address in this array over
-    to a new variable first_address. In the above case what we do instead
-    is push the contents of the DESCRIPTION field onto the top of the stack.
-    Then we push the contents of the TITLE
-    field. The line</p>
-    <pre>
-    setOutputFolder(/Applications/MAMP/htdocs/crawls/data)
-    </pre>
-    <p>
-    sets /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/crawls/data as the folder that any
-    auxiliary output from the page_processor should go to.
-    setOutputFormat(sql) says we want to output sql, the other possibility is
-    csv. The line setOutputTable(SUMMARY); says the table name to use for
-    INSERT statements should be called SUMMARY. Finally, the line
-    writeOutput(summary) would use the contents of the array entries of the
-    summary field as the column values for an INSERT statement into the SUMMARY
-    table. This writes a line to the file data.txt in
-    /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/crawls/data. If data.txt exceeds 10MB, it is
-    compressed into a file data.txt.0.gz and a new data.txt file is started.
-    </p>
-    <h4>Search Time Tab</h4>
-<p>The Page Options Search Time tab looks like:</p>
-<img src='resources/PageOptionsSearch.png' alt='The Page Options Search form'/>
-<p>The Search Page Elements and Links control group is used to tell
-which element and links you would like to have presented on the search
-landing and search results pages. The Word Suggest checkbox controls whether
-a dropdown of word suggestions should be presented by Yioop when a user
-starts typing in the Search box. It also controls whether spelling correction
-and thesaurus suggestions will appear The Subsearch checkbox controls whether
-the links for Image, Video, and News search appear in the top bar of Yioop
-You can actually configure what these links are in the
-<a href="#sources">Search Sources</a>
-activity. The checkbox here is a global setting for displaying them or
-not. In addition, if this is unchecked then the hourly activity of
-downloading any RSS media sources for the News subsearch will be turned
-off. The Signin checkbox controls whether to display the link to the page
-for users to sign in to Yioop  The Cache checkbox toggles whether a link to
-the cache of a search item should be displayed as part of each search result.
-The Similar checkbox toggles whether a link to similar search items should be
-displayed as part of each search result. The Inlinks checkbox toggles
-whether a link for inlinks to a search item should be displayed as part
-of each search result. Finally, the IP address checkbox toggles
-whether a link for pages with the same ip address should be displayed as part
-of each search result.</p>
-<p>The Search Ranking Factors group of controls:
-    Title Weight, Description Weight, Link Weight field are used by
-    Yioop to decide how to weigh each portion of a document when it returns
-    query results to you.
-<p>When Yioop ranks search results it search out in its postings
-list until it finds a certain number of qualifying documents. It then
-sorts these by their score, returning usually the top 10 results.
-In a multi-queue-server setting the query is simultaneously asked by
-the name server machine of each of the queue server machines and the results
-are aggregated. The Search Results Grouping controls allow you to affect
-this behavior. Minimum Results to Group
-controls the number of results the name server
-want to have before sorting of results is done. When the name server request
-documents from each queue server, it requests for
-alpha*(Minimum Results to Group)/(Number of Queue Servers) documents.
-Server Alpha controls the number alpha.
-<p>The Save button of course saves any changes you
-    make on this form.</p>
-    <h4>Test Options Tab</h4>
-<p>The Page Options Test Options tab looks like:</p>
-<img src='resources/PageOptionsTest.png' alt='The Page Options Test form'/>
-<p>In the Type dropdown one can select a
-<a href="">MIME Type</a> used
-to select the page processor Yioop uses to extract text from the data
-you type or paste into the textarea on this page. Test Options let's you
-see how Yioop would process a web page and add summary data to its
-index. After filling in the textarea with a page, clicking Test Process
-Page will show the $summary associative array Yioop would create
-from the page after the appropriate page processor is applied. Beneath it
-shows the $summary array that would result after user-defined page rules
-from the crawl time tab are applied. Yioop stores a serialized form
-of this array in a IndexArchiveBundle for a crawl. Beneath this array
-is an array of terms (or character n-grams) that were extracted
-from the page together with their positions in the document. Finally,
-a list of meta words that the document has are listed. Either extracted
-terms or meta-word could be used to look up this document in a Yioop index.</p>
-    <h3 id='editor'>Results Editor</h3>
-    <p>Sometimes after a large crawl one finds that there are some results
-    that appear that one does not want in the crawl or that the
-    summary for some result is lacking. The Result Editor activity allows
-    one to fix these issues without having to do a completely new crawl.
-    It has three main forms: An edited urls forms, a url editing form,
-    and a filter websites form.</p>
-    <p>If one has already edited the summary for
-    a url, then the dropdown in the edited urls form will list this url. One
-    can select it and click load to get it to display in the url editing
-    form. The purpose of the url editing form is to allow a user to change
-    the title and description for a url that appears on a search results
-    page. By filling out the three fields of the
-    url editing form, or by loading values into them through the previous form
-    and changing them, and then clicking save, updates the appearance of the
-    summary for that url. To return to using the default summary, one only fills
-    out the url field, leaves the other two blank, and saves.
-    This form does not affect whether the page is looked up for a given query,
-    only its final appearance. It can only be used to edit the appearance
-    of pages which appear in the index, not to add pages to the index. Also,
-    the edit will affect the appearance of that page for all indexes managed
-    by Yioop If you know there is a page that won't be crawled by
-    Yioop, but would like it to appear in an index, please look at the crawl
-    options section of <a href="#crawls">Manage Crawls</a> documentation.
-    </p>
-    <p>To understand the filter websites form, recall the disallowed sites
-    crawl option allows a user to specify they
-    don't want Yioop to crawl a given web site. After a crawl is done
-    though one might be asked to removed a website from the crawl results,
-    or one might want to remove a website from the crawl results because it
-    has questionable content. A large crawl can take days to replace, to
-    make the job of doing such filtering faster while one is waiting for
-    a replacement crawl where the site has been disallowed, one can use
-    a search filter.</p>
-<img src='resources/ResultsEditor.png' alt='The Results Editor form'/>
-    <p>Using the filter websites form one can specify a list of hosts which
-    should be excluded from the search results. The sites listed in the
-    Sites to Filter textarea are required to be hostnames. Using
-    a filter, any web page with the same host name as one listed in
-    the Sites to Filter will not appear in the search results. So for example,
-    the filter settings in the example image above contain the line
-, so given these settings, the web page
- would not appear in search
-    results.</p>
-    <p><a href="#toc">Return to table of contents</a>.</p>
-    <h3 id='sources'>Search Sources</h3>
-    <p>The Search Sources activity is used to manage the media sources
-    available to Yioop, and also to control the subsearch links displayed
-    on the top navigation bar. The Search Sources activity looks like:</p>
-<img src='resources/SearchSources.png' alt='The Search Sources form'/>
-    <p>The top form is used to add a media source to Yioop. Currently,
-    the Media Kind can be either Video or RSS. Video Media sources
-    are used to help Yioop recognize links which are of videos on
-    a web video site such as YouTube. This helps in both tagging
-    such pages with the meta word media:video in a Yioop index and
-    in being able to render a thumbnail of the video in the search results.
-    When the media kind is set to video, this form has three fields:
-    Name, which should be a short familiar name for the video site (for example,
-    YouTube); URL, which should consist of a url pattern by which to
-    recognize a video on that site; and Thumb, which consist of a url pattern
-    to replace the original pattern by to find the thumbnail for that video.
-    For example, the value of URL for YouTube is:<p>
-    <pre>
-    </pre>
-    <p>This will match any url which begins with
- followed by some string followed by
-    &amp; followed by another string. The {} indicates that from
-    v= to the &amp; should be treated as the identifier for the video. The
-    Thumb url in the case of YouTube is:
-    </p>
-    <pre>
-    </pre>
-    <p>If the identifier in the first video link was yv0zA9kN6L8, then
-    using the above, when displaying a thumb for the video, Yioop
-    would use the image source:</p>
-    <pre>
-    </pre>
-    <p>Some video sites have more  complicated APIs for specifying thumbnails.
-    In which case, you can still do media:video tagging but display
-    a blank thumbnail rather than suggest a thumbnail link. To do this
-    one uses the thumb url.</p>
-    <pre>
-    </pre>
-    <p>If one selects the media kind to be RSS (really simple syndication,
-    a kind of news feed, you can also use Atom feeds as sources), then the
-    media sources form has three fields: Name, again a short familiar name for
-    the RSS feed; URL, the url of the RSS feed, and Language, what language
-    the RSS feed is. This last element is used to control whether or
-    not a news item will display given the current language settings of
-    Yioop. If under Manage Machines the News Updater on the Name Server
-    is turned on, then these RSS feeds will be downloaded hourly.
-    If under the Search Time screen of the Page Options activity, the
-    subsearch checkbox is checked, then there will be a link to News which
-    appears on the top of the search page. Clicking on this link will display
-    news items in order of recentness.</p>
-    <p>Beneath this media sources form is a table listing all the currently
-    added media sources, their urls, and a links that allows one to edit or
-    delete sources.</p>
-    <p>The second form on the page is the Add a Subsearch form. The form allows
-    you to add a new specialized search link which may appear at the
-    top the search page. If there are more that three of these subsearch are
-    added or if one is seeing the page on a mobile platform, one instead gets
-    a "More" link. This links to the tool.php page which then lists out
-    all possible specialized search, some account links, and other useful Yioop
-    tools.
-    The Add a Subsearch form has three fields: Folder Name is a short familiar
-    name for the subsearch, it will appear as part of the query
-    string when the given subsearch is being performed. For example,
-    if the folder names was news, then s=news will appear as part of
-    the query string when a news subsearch is being done. Folder Name
-    is also used to make the localization identifier used in translating
-    the subsearch's name into different languages. This identifer will
-    have the format db_subsearch_identifier. For example,
-    db_subsearch_news. Index Source, the second form element, is used
-    to specify a crawl or a crawl mix that the given subsearch
-    should use in returning results. Results per Page, the last form element,
-    controls the number of search results which should appear when using
-    this kind of subsearch.</p>
-    <p>Beneath this form is a table listing all the currently added
-    subsearches and their properties. The actions column at the end of this
-    table let's one either edit, localize or delete a given subsearch. Clicking
-    localize takes one to the Manage Locale's page for the default locale
-    and that particular subsearch localization identifier, so that you can
-    fill in a value for it. Remembering the name of this identifier,
-    one can then in Manage Locales navigate to other locales, and fill
-    in translations for them as well, if desired.</p>
-    <p><a href="#toc">Return to table of contents</a>.</p>
-    <h3 id='machines'>GUI for Managing Machines and Servers</h3>
-    <p>Rather than use the command line as described in the
-    <a href="#prereqs">Prerequisites for Crawling</a> section, it is possible
-    to start/stop and view the log files of queue servers and fetcher
-    through the Manage Machines activity. In order to do this, the additional
-    requirements for this activity mentioned in the
-    <a href="#requirements">Requirements</a> section must have been met.
-    The Manage Machines activity looks like:</p>
-<img src='resources/ManageMachines.png' alt='The Manage Machines form'/>
-    <p>The Add machine form at the top of the page allows one to add a new
-    machine to be controlled by this Yioop instance. The Machine
-    Name field lets you give this machine an easy to remember name.
-    The Machine URL field should be filled in with the URL to the
-    installed Yioop instance. The Mirror checkbox says whether you want
-    the given Yioop installation to act as a mirror for another Yioop
-    installation. Checking it will reveal a dropdown menu that allows you
-    to choose which installation amongst the previously entered machines
-    you want to mirror. The Has Queue Server checkbox is used to say whether
-    the given Yioop installation will be running a queue server or not.
-    Finally, the  Number of Fetchers dropdown allows you to say how many
-    fetcher instances you want to be able to manage for that machine.
-    Beneath the Add machine form is the Machine Information listings.
-    This shows the currently known about machines. This list always
-    begins with the Name Server itself and a toggle to control whether or
-    not the News Updater process is running on the Name Server. This allows
-    you to control whether or not Yioop attempts to update its RSS (or Atom)
-    search sources on  an hourly basis.There is
-    also a link to the log file of the News Updater process.
-    Under the Name Server information is a dropdown that can be used to control
-    the number of current machine statuses that are displayed for all other
-    machines that have been added. It also might have next and previous arrow
-    links  to go through the currently available machines.
-    To modify a machine that you have already added,
-    </p>
-    <p>
-    Beneath this dropdwon is a set of boxes for each machine you
-    have added to Yioop. In the far corner of this box is a link to Delete
-    that machine from the list of known machines, if desired. Besides this,
-    each box lists the queue server, if any, and each of the fetchers you
-    requested to be able to manage on that machine.
-    Next to these there is a link to the log file for that server/fetcher
-    and below this there is an On/Off switch for starting and stopping
-    the server/fetcher. This switch is green if the server/fetcher is running
-    and red otherwise. A similar On/Off switch is present to turn on
-    and off mirroring on a machine that is acting as a mirror. It is
-    possible for a switch to be yellow if the machine is crashed but where it
-    is possible that the machine
-    might be automatically restarted by Yioop without your intervention.</p>
-    <h2 id='yioop-sites'>Building Sites with Yioop</h2>
-    <h3 id='framework'>Building a Site using Yioop as Framework</h3>
-    <p>The Yioop code base can serve as the code base for new custom search
-    web sites. The web-app portion of Yioop uses a
-    <a href=""
-    >model-view-adapter (MVA)</a>
-    framework. This is a common, web-suitable variant on the more well-known
-    Model View Controller design pattern.  In this set-up,
-    sub-classes of the Model class should handle
-    file I/O and database function, sub-classes of Views should be responsible
-    for rendering outputs, and sub-classes of the Controller class
-    do calculations on data received from the web and from the models to give
-    the views the data they finally need to render. In the remainder of this
-    section we describe how this framework is implemented in Yioop and
-    how to add code to the WORK_DIRECTORY/app folder to customize things for
-    your site. In this discussion we will use APP_DIR to refer to
-    WORK_DIRECTORY/app and BASE_DIR to refer to the directory where Yioop
-    is installed.</p>
-    <p>The index.php script is the first script run by the Yioop web app.
-    It has an array $available_controllers which lists the controllers
-    available to the script. The names of the controllers in this array are
-    lowercase. Based on whether the $_REQUEST['c'] variable is in this array
-    index.php either  loads the file {$_REQUEST['c']}_controller.php or loads
-    whatever the default controller is. index.php also checks for the existing
-    of APP_DIR/index.php and loads it if it exists. This gives
-    the app developer a chance to change the available controllers and which
-    controller is set for a given request. A controller file should have in it
-    a file which extends the class Controller. Controller files should always
-    have names of the form somename_controller.php and the class inside them
-    should be named SomenameController. Notice it is Somename rather than
-    SomeName. These general naming conventions are used for models, views, etc.
-    Any Controller subclass has methods component($name), model($name),
-    view($name), and indexing_plugin($name). These methods load,
-    instantiate, and return a class with the given name. For example,
-    $my_controller->model("crawl"); checks to see if a CrawlModel has already
-    been instantiated, if so, it returns it; if not, it does a r
-    equire_once on model/crawl_model.php and then instantiates a CrawlModel
-    saves a reference to it, and returns it.
-    </p>
-    <p>
-    If a require once is needed. Yioop first looks in APP_DIR. For
-    example, $my_controller->view("search") would first look for a
-    file: APP_DIR/views/search_view.php
-    to include, if it cannot find such a file then it tries to include
-    BASE_DIR/views/search_view.php. So to change the behavior of an existing
-    BASE_DIR file one just has a modified copy of the file in the appropriate
-    place in your APP_DIR. This holds in general for other program files
-    such as components, models, and plugins. It doesn't hold for resources
-    such as images --
-    we'll discuss those in a moment. Notice because it looks in APP_DIR
-    first, you can go ahead and create new controllers, models, views, etc
-    which don't exists in BASE_DIR and get
-    Yioop to load them.
-    </p>
-    A Controller must implement the abstract method
-    processRequest. The index.php script after finishing its bootstrap process
-    calls the processRequest method of the Controller it chose to
-    load. If this was your controller, the code in your controller
-    should make use of data gotten out of
-    the loaded models as well as data from the web request to do some
-    calculations. Typically, to determine the calculation performed, the
-    controller cleans and looks at $_REQUEST['a'], the request activity,
-    and uses the method call($activity) to call a method that can handle
-    the activity. When a controller is constructed it makes use
-    of the global variable $COMPONENT_ACTIVITIES defined in configs/config.php
-    to know which components have what activities. The call method checks
-    if there is a Component repsonsible for the requested activity, if there
-    is it calls that Component's $activity method, otherwise, the method
-    that handles $activity is assumed to come from the controller itself.
-    The results of the calculations done in $activity would typically be
-    put into an associative array $data. After the call method complete,
-    processRequest would typically take $data and call the base Controller
-    method displayView($view, $data). Here $view is the whichever loaded view
-    object you would like to display.
-    </p>
-    <p>
-    To complete the picture of how Yioop eventually produces a web page or
-    other output, we now describe how subclasses of the View class work.
-    Subclasses of View have a field
-    $layout and two methods helper($name), and element($name).
-    A subclass of View has at most one Layout and it is used
-    for rendering the header and footer of the page. It is included and
-    instantiated by setting $layout to be the name of the layout one wants to
-    load. For example, $layout="web"; would load either the
-    file APP_DIR/views/layouts/web_layout.php or
-    BASE_DIR/views/layouts/web_layout.php. This file is expected to have in it
-    a class WebLayout extending Layout. The contructor of a Layout
-    take as argument a view which it sets to an instance variable.
-    The way Layout's get drawn is
-    as follows: When the controller calls displayView($view, $data), this method
-    does some initialization and then calls the render($data) of the base
-    View class. This in turn calls the render($data) method of whatever
-    Layout was on the view. This render method then draws the header and then
-    calls $this->view->renderView($data); to draw the view, and finally
-    draws the footer.
-    </p>
-    <p>
-    The methods helper($name) and element($name) of View load and intantiate,
-    if necessary, and return the Helper or Element $name in a similar
-    fashion to the model($name) method of Controller.
-    Element's have render($data) methods and can be used to draw out portions
-    of pages which may be common across Views. Helper's on the other hand
-    are used typically to render UI elements. For example, OptionsHelper
-    has a render($id, $name, $options, $selected) method and is used to
-    draw select dropdowns.
-    </p>
-    <p>When rendering a View or Element one often has css, scripts, images,
-    videos, objects, etc. In BASE_DIR, the targets of these tags would typically
-    be stored in the css, scripts, or resources folders.
-    The APP_DIR/css, APP_DIR/scripts, and APP_DIR/resources folder are
-    a natural place for them in your customized site. One wrinkle,
-    however, is that APP_DIR, unlike BASE_DIR, doesn't have to be under
-    your web servers DOCUMENT_ROOT. So how does one refer in a link
-    to these folders? To this one uses Yioop's ResourceController class
-    which can be invoked by a link like:</p>
-    <pre>
-    &lt;img src="?c=resource&amp;a=get&amp;n=myicon.png&amp;f=resources" /&gt;
-    </pre>
-    <p>
-    Here c=resource specifies the controller, a=get specifies the activity --
-    to get a file, n=myicon.png specifies we want the file myicon.png --
-    the value of n is cleaned to make sure it is a filename before being used,
-    and f=resources specifies the folder -- f is allowed to be one of
-    css, script, or resources. This would get the file
-    APP_DIR/resources/myicon.png .
-    </p>
-    <p>
-    This completes our description of the Yioop framework and how to
-    build a new site using it. It should be pointed out that code in
-    the APP_DIR can be localized using the same mechanism as in BASE_DIR.
-    More details on this can be found in the section on
-    <a href="#localizing">Localizing Yioop</a>.
-    </p>
-    <p><a href="#toc">Return to table of contents</a>.</p>
-    <h3 id='embedding'>Embedding Yioop in an Existing Site</h3>
-    <p>One use-case for Yioop is to serve search result for your
-    existing site. There are three common ways to do this: (1)
-    On your site have a web-form or links with your installation of Yioop
-    as their target and let Yioop format the results. (2) Use the
-    same kind of form or links, but request an OpenSearch RSS Response from
-    Yioop and then you format the results and display the results within
-    your site. (3) Your site makes functions calls of the Yioop Search
-    API and gets either PHP arrays or a string back and then does what it
-    wants with the results. For access method (1) and (2) it is possible to
-    have Yioop on an different machine so that it doesn't consume your main
-    web-site's machines resources. As we mentioned in the configuration section
-    it is possible to disable each of these access paths from within the Admin
-    portion of the web-site. This might be useful for instance if you are using
-    access methods (2) or (3) and don't want users to be able to access the
-    Yioop search results via its built in web form. We will now spend a moment
-    to look at each of these access methods in more detail...</p>
-    <h4>Accessing Yioop via a Web Form</h4>
-    <p>A very minimal code snippet for such a
-    form would be:</p>
-    <pre>
-&lt;form method="get" action='YIOOP_LOCATION'&gt;
-&lt;input type="hidden" name="its" value="TIMESTAMP_OF_CRAWL_YOU_WANT" /&gt;
-&lt;input type="hidden" name="l" value="LOCALE_TAG" /&gt;
-&lt;input type="text"  name="q" value="" /&gt;
-&lt;button type="submit"&gt;Search&lt;/button&gt;
-    </pre>
-    <p>In the above form, you should change YIOOP_LOCATION to your instance of
-    Yioop's web location, TIMESTAMP_OF_CRAWL_YOU_WANT should be the Unix
-    timestamp that appears in the name of the IndexArchive folder that you want
-    Yioop to serve results from, LOCALE_TAG should be the locale you want
-    results displayed in, for example, en-US for American English. In addition,
-    to  embedding this form on some page on your site, you would
-    probably want to change the resources/yioop.png image to something more
-    representative of your site. You might also want to edit the file
-    views/search_view.php to give a link back to your site from the
-    search results.</p>
-    <p>If you had a form such as above, clicking Search would take you
-    to the URL:</p>
-    <p>where QUERY was what was typed in the search form. Yioop supports two
-    other kinds of queries: Related sites queries and cache look-up queries.
-    The related query format is:</p>
-    ?>a=related&amp;arg=URL
-    <p>where URL is the url that you are looking up related URLs for. To do a
-    look up of the Yioop cache of a web page the url format is:</p>
-    ?>q=QUERY&amp;a=cache&amp;arg=URL
-    <p>Here the terms listed in QUERY will be styled in different colors in the
-    web page that is returned; URL is the url of the web page you want to look
-    up in the cache.
-    </p>
-    <h4>Accessing Yioop and getting and OpenSearch RSS or JSON Response</h4>
-    <p>The same basic urls as above can return RSS or JSON results simply by
-    appending to the end of the them &amp;f=rss or &amp;f=json. This of course
-    only makes sense for usual and related url queries -- cache queries return
-    web-pages not a list of search results. Here is an example of what a portion
-    of an RSS result might look like:</p>
-&lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?&gt;
-&lt;rss version="2.0" xmlns:opensearch=""
-    &lt;channel&gt;
-        &lt;title&gt;PHP Search Engine - Yioop : art&lt;/title&gt;
-        &lt;language&gt;en-US&lt;/language&gt;
-        &lt;link&gt;http://localhost/git/yioop/?f=rss&amp;amp;q=art&amp;<?php
-    ?>amp;its=1317152828&lt;/link&gt;
-        &lt;description&gt;Search results for: art&lt;/description&gt;
-        &lt;opensearch:totalResults&gt;1105&lt;/opensearch:totalResults&gt;
-        &lt;opensearch:startIndex&gt;0&lt;/opensearch:startIndex&gt;
-        &lt;opensearch:itemsPerPage&gt;10&lt;/opensearch:itemsPerPage&gt;
-        &lt;atom:link rel="search" type="application/opensearchdescription+xml"
-            href="http://localhost/git/yioop/yioopbar.xml"/&gt;
-        &lt;opensearch:Query role="request" searchTerms="art"/&gt;
-                &lt;item&gt;
-                &lt;title&gt; An Online Fine Art Gallery U Can Buy Art  -
-                Buy Fine Art Online&lt;/title&gt;
-                &lt;link&gt;;/link&gt;
-                &lt;description&gt; is an online art gallery
-                and dealer designed... art gallery and dealer designed for art
-                sales of high quality and original... art sales of high quality
-                and original art from renowned artists. Art&lt;/description&gt;
-                &lt;/item&gt;
-                ...
-                ...
-    &lt;/channel&gt;
-    <p>Notice the opensearch: tags tell us the totalResults, startIndex and
-    itemsPerPage. The opensearch:Query tag tells us what the search terms
-    were.</p>
-    <h4>Accessing Yioop via the Function API</h4>
-    <p>The last way we will consider to get search results out of Yioop is
-    via its function API. The Yioop Function API consists of the following
-    three methods in controllers/search_controller.php :
-    </p>
-    <pre>
-    function queryRequest($query, $results_per_page, $limit = 0)
-    function relatedRequest($url, $results_per_page, $limit = 0,
-        $crawl_time = 0)
-    function cacheRequest($url, $highlight=true, $terms ="",
-        $crawl_time = 0)
-    </pre>
-    <p>These methods handle basic queries, related queries, and cache of
-    web page requests respectively. The arguments of the first two
-    are reasonably self-explanatory. The $highlight and $terms arguments
-    to cacheRequest are to specify whether or not you want syntax highlighting
-    of any of the words in the returned cached web-page. If wanted then
-    $terms should be a space separated list of terms.</p>
-    <p>An example script showing what needs to be set-up before invoking
-    these methods as well as how to extract results from what is returned
-    can be found in the file examples/search_api.php .</p>
-    <p><a href="#toc">Return to table of contents</a>.</p>
-    <h3 id='localizing'>Localizing Yioop to a New Language</h3>
-    <p>The Manage Locales activity can be used to configure Yioop
-    for use with different languages and for different regions. If you decide
-    to customize your Yioop installation by adding files to
-    WORK_DIRECTORY/app as described in the <a href="framework">Building a
-    Site using Yioop as a Framework</a> section, then the localization
-    tools described in this section can also be used to localize your custom
-    site. Clicking the Manage Locales activity one sees a page like:</p>
-<img src='resources/ManageLocales.png' alt='The Manage Locales form'/>
-    <p>
-    The first form on this activity allows you to create a new locale --
-    an object representing a language and a region. The first field
-    on this form should be filled in with a name for the locale in the
-    language of the locale. So for French you would put Français. The
-    locale tag should be the <a h
-    ref=''>IETF language tag</a>.
-    The last field on the form is to specify how the language is written.
-    There are four options: lr-tb -- from left-to-write from the top of
-    the page to the bottom as in English, rl-tb from right-to-left from the
-    top the page to the bottom as in Hebrew and Arabic, tb-rl from the top
-    of the page to the bottom from right-to-left as in Classical Chinese, and
-    finally, tb-lr from the top of the page to the bottom from left-to-right
-    as in non-cyrillic Mongolian or
-    American Sign Language. lr-tb and rl-tb support work better
-    than the vertical language support. As of this writing,
-    Internet Explorer and WebKit based browsers (Chrome/Safari) have some
-    vertical language support and the Yioop
-    stylesheets for vertical languages still need some tweaking. For
-    information on the status in Firefox check out this
-    <a href=""
-    >writing mode bug</a>.
-    </p>
-    <p> Beneath the Add Locale form is an alphabetical in the local-tah
-    table listing some of the current locales. The Show Dropdown let's you
-    control let's you control how many of these locales are displayed in one
-    go. The Search link lets you bring up an advance search form to search for
-    particular locales and also allows you to control the direction of the
-    listing. The Locale List table first colume has a link with the name of the
-    locale. Clicking on this link brings up a page where one can edit
-    the strings for that locale. The next two columns of the Locale List table
-    give the locale tag and writing direction of the locale, this is followed
-    by the percent of strings translated. Clicking the Edit link in the column
-    let's one edit the locale tag, and text direction of a locale. Finally,
-    clicking the Delete link let's one delete a locale and all its strings.
-    </p>
-    <p>To translate string ids for a locale click on its name
-    link. This should display the following forms and table of string
-    id and their transated values:</p>
-<img src='resources/EditLocaleStrings.png' alt='The Edit Locales form'/>
-    <p>In the above case, the link for English was clicked. The Back link
-    in the corner can be used to written to the previous form. The drop down
-    controls whether to display all localizable strings or just those missing
-    translations. The Filter field can be used to restrict the list of
-    string id's presented to just those matching what is this field.
-    Beneath this dropdown, the
-    Edit Locale page mainly consists of a two column table: the right column
-    being string ids, the left column containing what should be their
-    translation into the given locale. If no translation exists yet,
-    the field will be displayed in red. String ids are extracted by Yioop
-    automatically from controller, view, helper, layout, and element class files
-    which are either in the Yioop Installation itself or in the installation
-    WORK_DIRECTORY/app folder. Yioop looks for tl() function calls to extract
-    ids from these files, for example, on seeing tl('search_view_query_results')
-    Yioop would extract the id search_view_query_results; on seeing
-    tl('search_view_calculated', $data['ELAPSED_TIME']) Yioop would extract
-    the id, 'search_view_calculated'. In the second case, the translation is
-    expected the translation to have a %s in it for the value of
-    $data['ELAPSED_TIME']. Note %s is used regardless of the the type, say
-    int, float, string, etc., of $data['ELAPSED_TIME']. tl() can handle
-    additional arguments, whenever an additional argument is supplied an
-    additional %s would be expected somewhere in the translation string.
-    If you make a set of translations, be sure to submit the form associated
-    with this table by scrolling to the bottom of the page and clicking the
-    Submit link. This saves your translations; otherwise, your work will be
-    lost if you navigate away from this page. One aid to translating is if you
-    hover your mouse over a field that needs translation, then its translation
-    in the default locale (usually English) is displayed. If you want to find
-    where in the source code a string id comes from the ids follow
-    the rough convention file_name_approximate_english_translation.
-    So you would expect to find admin_controller_login_successful
-    in the file controllers/admin_controller.php . String ids with the
-    prefix db_ (such as the names of activities) are stored in the database.
-    So you cannot find these ids in the source code. The tooltip trick
-    mentioned above does not work for database string ids.</p>
-    <h4>Adding a stemmer, segmenter or supporting character
-    n-gramming for your language</h4>
-    <p>Depending on the language you are localizing to, it may make sense
-    to write a stemmer for words that will be inserted into the index.
-    A stemmer takes inflected or sometimes derived words and reduces
-    them to their stem. For instance, jumps and jumping would be reduced to
-    jump in English. As Yioop crawls it attempts to detect the language of
-    a given web page it is processing. If a stemmer exists for this language
-    it will call the Tokenizer class's stem($word) method on each word it
-    extracts from the document before inserting information about it into the
-    index. Similarly, if an end-user is entering a simple conjunctive search
-    query and a stemmer exists for his language settings, then the query terms will
-    be stemmed before being looked up in the index. Currently, Yioop comes
-    with only an English  and Italian language stemmers. The English stemmer
-    uses the Porter Stemming Algorithm [<a href="#P1980">P1980</a>], the
-    Italian Stemmer is based on the algorithm presented at
-    <a href=""></a>.
-    Stemmers should be written as a static method located in the
-    file WORK_DIRECTORY/locale/en-US/resources/tokenizer.php .
-    The link
-    points to a site that has source code for stemmers for many other languages
-    (unfortunately,  not written in PHP). It would not be hard to port these
-    to PHP and then add modify the tokenizer.php file of the
-    appropriate locale folder. For instance, one
-    could modify the file
-    WORK_DIRECTORY/locale/fr-FR/resources/tokenizer.php
-    to contain a class FrTokenizer with a static method
-    stem($word) if one wanted to add a stemmer for French.
-    </p>
-    <p>The class inside tokenizer.php can also be used by Yioop to
-    do word segmentation. This is the process of splitting a string of words
-    without spaces in some language into its component words. Yioop
-    comes with an example segmenter for the zh-CN (Chinese) locale. It works
-    by starting at the ned of the string and trying to greedily find the
-    longest word that can be matched with the portion of the suffix of the
-    string that has been processed yet (reverse maximal match). To do this
-    it makes use of a word Bloom filter as part of how it detects if a string
-    is a word or not. We describe how to make such filter using token_tool.php
-    in a moment.</p>
-    <p>In addition to supporting the ability to add stemmers and segmenters,
-    Yioop also supports a default technique which can be used in lieu of a
-    stemmer called character n-grams. When used this technique segments text
-    into sequences of n characters which are then stored in Yioop as a term.
-    For instance if n were 3 then the word "thunder" would be split
-    into "thu", "hun", "und", "nde", and "der" and each of these would be
-    asscociated with the document that contained the word thunder.
-    N-grams are useful for languages like Chinese and Japanese in which
-    words in the text are often not separated with spaces. It is also
-    useful for languages like German which can have long compound words.
-    The drawback of n-grams is that they tend to make the index larger.
-    For Yioop built-in locales that do not have stemmer the file, the file
-    WORK_DIRECTORY/locale/LOCALE-TAG/resources/tokenizer.php has a line
-    of the form $CHARGRAMS['LOCALE_TAG'] = SOME_NUMBER; This number is
-    the length of string to use in doing char-gramming. If you add a
-    language to Yioop and want to use char gramming merely add a tokenizer.php
-    to the corresponding locale folder with such a line in it.</p>
-    <h4 id="token_tool">Using token_tool.php to improve search performance and
-    relevance for your language</h4>
-    <p>configs/token_tool.php is used to create suggest word dictionaries and
-    word filter files for the Yioop search engine. To create either of
-    these items, the user puts a source file in Yioop's WORK_DIRECTORY/prepare
-    folder. Suggest word dictionaries are used to supply the content of the
-    dropdown of search terms that appears as a user is entering a query in
-    Yioop. They are also used to do spell correction suggestions after a
-    search has been performed. To make a suggest dictionary one can use a
-    command like:</p>
-    <pre>
-    php token_tool.php dictionary filename locale endmarker
-    </pre>
-    <p>
-    Here <i>filename</i> should be in the current folder or PREP_DIR, locale is
-    the  locale this suggest (for example, en-US)
-    file is being made for and where a file suggest_trie.txt.gz will be written,
-    and endmarker is the end of word symbol to use in the trie. For example,
-    $ works pretty well. The format of <i>filename</i> should be a sequence of
-    line, each line containing a word or phrase followed by a space followed by
-    a frequency count. i.e., the last thing on the line should be a number.
-    Given a corpus of documents a frequency for a word would be the number of
-    occurences of that word in the document.
-    </p>
-    <p>
-    token_tool.php can also be used to make filter files used by a word
-    segmenter. To make a filter file
-    token_tool.php is run from the command line as:
-    </p>
-    <pre>
-    php token_tool.php segment-filter dictionary_file locale
-    </pre>
-    <p>
-    Here dictionary_file should be a text file with one word/line,
-locale is the IANA language tag of the locale to store the results for.
-    </p>
-    <h4>Obtaining data sets for token_tool.php</h4>
-    <p>
-    Many word lists with frequencies are obtainable on the web for free
-    with Creative Commons licenses. A good starting point is:</p>
-    <pre>
-    <a href=""
-    ></a>
-    </pre>
-    <p>A little script-fu can generally take such a list and output it with the
-    line format of "word/phrase space frequency"  needed by
-    token_tool.php and as the word/line format used for filter files.</p>
-    <h4>Spell correction and romanized input with locale.js</h4>
-    <p>Yioop supports the ability to suggest alternative queries
-    after a search is performed. These queries are mainly restricted to
-    fixing typos in the original query. In order to calculate
-    these spelling corrections, Yioop takes the query and for each query term
-    computes each possible single character change to that term. For each
-    of these it looks up in the given locale's suggest_trie.txt.gz
-    a frequency count of that variant, if it exists. If the best suggestion
-    is some multiple better than the frequency count of the original query
-    then Yioop suggests this alternative query. In order for this to
-    work, Yioop needs to know what constitutes a single character in the
-    original query. The file locale.js in the
-     WORK_DIRECTORY/locale/LOCALE_TAG/resources folder can be used
-    to specify this for the locale given by LOCALE_TAG. To do this,
-    all you need to do is specify a Javascript variable alpha. For example,
-    for French (fr-FR) this looks like:</p>
-    <pre>
-var alpha = "aåàbcçdeéêfghiîïjklmnoôpqrstuûvwxyz";
-    </pre>
-    <p>The letters do not have to be in any alphabetical order, but should be
-    comprehensive of the non-punctuation symbols of the language in question.
-    </p>
-    <p>Another thing locale.js can be used for is to given mappings
-    between roman letters and other scripts for use in the Yioop's autosuggest
-    dropdown that appears as you type a query. As you type,
-    scripts/suggest.js function onTypeTerm is called. This in turn
-    will cause a particular locale's locale.js function transliterate(query)
-    if it exists. This function should return a string with the result
-    of the transliteration. An example of doing this is given for the
-    Telugu locale in Yioop.</p>
-    <h4>Thesaurus Results and Part of Speech Tagging</h4>
-    <p>As mentioned in the <a href="#search-basic">Search Basics</a> topic,
-    for some queries Yioop displays a list of related queries to one side
-    of the search results. These are obtained from a "computer thesaurus".
-    In this subsection, we describe how to enable this facility for English
-    and how you could add this functionality for other languages.
-    If enabled, the thesaurus also can be used to modify search ranking
-    as described in the <a href="?c=main&p=ranking#reordering"
-    >Final Reordering</a> of the Yioop Ranking Mechanisms document.</p>
-    <p>In order to generate suggested related queries, Yioop first
-    tags the original query terms according to part of speech.
-    For the en-US, this is done by calling a method:
-    tagTokenizePartOfSpeech($text) in
-    WORK_DIRECTORY/locale/en-US/resources/tokenizer.php. For en-US,
-    a simple Brill tagger (see Ranking document for more info) is implemented
-    to do this. After this method is called the terms in $text should have
-    a suffix ~part-of-speech where ~part-of-speeech where part-of-speech
-    is one of NN for noun, VB for verb, AJ for adjective, AV for adverb, or
-    some other value (which would be ignored by Yioop). For example,
-    the noun dog might become dog~NN after tagging. To localize to another
-    language this method in the corresponding tokenizer.php file would need
-    to be implemented.</p>
-    <p>The second method needed for Thesaurus results is
-    scoredThesaurusMatches($term, $word_type, $whole_query) which should
-    also be in tokenizer.php for the desired locale. Here $term is
-    a term (without a  part-of-speech tag), $word_type is the part of speech
-    (one of the ones listed above), and $whole_query is the original query.
-    The output of this method should be an array of
-    (score =&gt; array of thesaurus terms) associations. The score
-    representing one word sense of term. In the case, of English, this
-    method is implemented using <a href=""
-    >WordNet</a>. So for thesaurus results to work for English, WordNet
-    needs to be installed and in either the config.php file or local_config.php
-    you need to define the constant WORDNET_EXEC to the path to the
-    WordNet executable on your file system. On a Linux or OSX system,
-    this might be something like: /usr/local/bin/wn .</p>
-    <h4>Using Stop Words to improve Centroid Summarization</h4>
-    While crawling, Yioop makes use of a summarizer to extract the important
-    portions of the web page both for indexing and for search result snippet
-    purposes. There are two summarizers that come with Yioop a Basic summarizer,
-    which uses an ad hoc approach to finding the most important parts of
-    the document, and a centroid summarizer which tries to compute an
-    "average sentence" for the document and uses this to pick representative
-    sentence based on nearness to this average. The summarizer that is used can
-    be set under the Crawl Time tab of <a href="#page-options">Page Options</a>.
-    This latter summarizer works better if certain common words (stop words)
-    from the documents language are removed. When using centroid summarizer,
-    Yioop check to see if tokenizer.php for the current locale contains a
-    method stopwordsRemover($page). If it does it calls it, this method takes
-    a string of words are returns a string with all the stop words removed.
-    This method exists for en-US, but, if desired, could also be implemented
-    for other locales to improve centroid summarization.
-    <p><a href="#toc">Return to table of contents</a>.</p>
-    <h2 id="advanced-topics">Advanced Topics</h2>
-    <h3 id='customizing-code'>Modifying Yioop Code</h3>
-    <p>One advantage of an open-source project is that you have complete
-    access to the source code. Thus, Yioop can be modified to fit in
-    with your existing project. You can also freely add new features onto
-    Yioop. In this section, we look a little bit at some of the common ways you
-    might try to modify Yioop as well as ways to examine the output of a
-    crawl in a more technical manner. If you decide to modify the source code
-    it is recommended that you look at the <a
-    href="#files">Summary of Files and Folders</a> above again, as well
-    as look at the <a href="">online
-    Yioop code documentation</a>.</p>
-    <h4>Handling new File Types</h4>
-    <p>One relatively easy enhancement to Yioop is to enhance
-    the way it processes an existing file type or to get it to process
-    new file types. Yioop was written from scratch without dependencies
-    on existing projects. So the PHP processors for Microsoft
-    file formats and for PDF are only approximate. These
-    processors can be found in lib/processors. To write your own
-    processor, you should extend either the TextProcessor or ImageProcessor
-    class. You then need to write in your subclass a static method
-    process($page, $url). Here $page is a string representation of
-    a downloaded document of the file type you are going to handle
-    and $url is the a canonical url from which this page is downloaded.
-    This method should return an array of the format:</p>
-    <pre>
-    $summary['TITLE'] = a title for the document
-    $summary['DESCRIPTION'] = a text summary extracted from the document
-    $summary['LINKS'] = an array of links (canonical not relative) extracted
-        from the document.
-    </pre>
-    <p>
-    A good reference implementation of a TextProcessor subclass can be found in
-    html_processor.php. If you are trying to support a new file type, then
-    to get Yioop to use your processor you need to add lines to some global
-    variables at the top of the file. You should add the extension of the file
-    type you are going to process to the array $INDEXED_FILE_TYPES. You will
-    also need to add an entry
-    $PAGE_PROCESSORS["new_mime_type_handle"] = "NewProcessor". As an example,
-    these are the relevant lines at the top of ppt_processor.php:
-    </p>
-    <pre>
-    $INDEXED_FILE_TYPES[] = "ppt";
-    $PAGE_PROCESSORS["application/"] = "PptProcessor";
-    </pre>
-    <p>If your processor is cool, only relies on code you wrote, and you
-    want to contribute it back to the Yioop, please feel free to
-    e-mail it to .</p>
-    <h4>Writing an Indexing Plugin</h4>
-    <p>An indexing plugin provides a way that an advanced end-user
-    can extend the indexing capabilities of Yioop. Bundled with
-    Yioop are three example indexing plugins. These are found in the
-    lib/indexing_plugins folder. We will discuss the code for the
-    recipe and word filter plugin here. The code for the address plugin, used to
-    extract snail mail address from web pages follows the same kind of
-    structure. If you decide to write your own plugin or
-    want to install a third-party plugin you can put it in the folder:
-    WORK_DIRECTORY/app/lib/indexing_plugins. The recipe indexing plugin
-    can serve as a guide for writing your own plugin if you don't need
-    your plugin to have a configure screen.  The recipe
-    plugin is used to detect food recipes which occur on pages during a crawl.
-    It creates "micro-documents" associated with found recipes. These
-    are stored in the index during the crawl under the meta-word "recipe:all".
-    After the crawl is over, the recipe plugin's postProcessing method is
-    called. It looks up all the documents associated with the word "recipe:all".
-    It extracts ingredients from these and does clustering of recipes
-    based on ingredient. It finally injects new meta-words of the form
-    "ingredient:some_food_ingredient", which can be used to retrieve recipes
-    most closely associated with a given ingredient. As it is written,
-    recipe plugin assumes that all the recipes can be read into memory in
-    one go, but one could easily imagine reading through the list of recipes
-    in batches of the amount that could fit in memory in one go.
-    </p>
-    <p>The recipe plugin illustrates the kinds of things that can be
-    written using indexing plugins. To make your own plugin, you
-    would need to write a subclass of the class IndexingPlugin with a
-    file name of the form mypluginname_plugin.php. Then you would need
-    to put this file in the folder WORK_DIRECTORY/app/lib/indexing_plugins.
-    RecipePlugin subclasses IndexingPlugin and implements
-    the following four methods:
-    pageProcessing($page, $url), postProcessing($index_name),
-    getProcessors(), getAdditionalMetaWords() so they don't have their
-    return NULL  default behavior. We explain what each of these
-    is for in a moment.  During a web crawl, after a fetcher has downloaded
-    a batch of web pages, it uses a page's mimetype to determine a page
-    processor class to extract summary data from that page. The page processors
-    that Yioop implements can be found in the folder lib/processors. They
-    have file names of the form someprocessorname_processor.php. As a crawl
-    proceeds, your plugin will typically be called to do further processing
-    of a page only in addition to some of these processors. The static method
-    getProcessors() should return an array of the form array(
-    "someprocessorname1", "someprocessorname2", ...), listing the processors
-    that your plugin will do additional processing of documents for.
-    A page processor has a method handle($page, $url) called by Yioop
-    with a string $page of a downloaded document and a string $url of where it
-    was downloaded from. This method first calls the process($page, $url)
-    method of the processor to do initial summary extraction and then calls
-    method pageProcessing($page, $url) of each indexing_plugin associated with
-    the given processor. A pageProcessing($page, $url) method is expected
-    to return an array of subdoc arrays found on the given page. Each subdoc
-    array should haves a CrawlConstants::TITLE and a
-    CrawlConstants::DESCRIPTION. The handle method of a processor will add to
-    each subdoc the fields: CrawlConstants::LANG, CrawlConstants::LINKS,
-    CrawlConstants::PAGE, CrawlConstants::SUBDOCTYPE. The SUBDOCTYPE is the
-    name of the plugin. The resulting "micro-document" is inserted by Yioop into
-    the index under the word nameofplugin:all . After the crawl is over, Yioop
-    will call the postProcessing($index_name) method of each indexing plugin
-    that was in use. Here $index_name is the timestamp of the crawl. Your
-    plugin can do whatever post processing it wants in this method.
-    For example, the recipe plugin does searches of the index and uses
-    the results of these searches to inject new meta-words into the index.
-    In order for Yioop to be aware of the meta-words you are adding, you
-    need to implement the method getAdditionalMetaWords().
-    Also, the web snippet you might want in the search results for things
-    like recipes might be longer or shorter than a typical result snippet.
-    The getAdditionalMetaWords() method also tells Yioop this information.
-    For example, for the recipe plugin, getAdditionalMetaWords() returns
-    the associative array:</p>
-    <pre>
-    array("recipe:" => HtmlProcessor::MAX_DESCRIPTION_LEN,
-            "ingredient:" => HtmlProcessor::MAX_DESCRIPTION_LEN);
-    </pre>
-    <p>The WordFilterPlugin illustrates how one can write an indexing
-    plugin with a configure screen. It overrides the base class'
-    pageSummaryProcessing(&$summary) and getProcessors() methods as well as
-    implements the  methods saveConfiguration($configuration),
-    loadConfiguration(),
-    setConfiguration($configuration), configureHandler(&$data), and
-    configureView(&$data). The purpose of getProcessors() was already
-    mentioned under recipe plugin description above.
-    pageSummaryProcessing(&$summary) is called by a page processor after
-    a page has been processed and a summary generated. WordFilterPlugin
-    uses this callback to check if the title or the description in
-    this summary have any of the words the filter is filtering for and if
-    so takes the appropriate action. loadConfiguration,
-    saveConfiguration($configuration), and setConfiguration
-    are three methods to handle persistence for any plugin data that the user
-    can change. The first two operate on the name server, the last might
-    operate on a queue_server or a fetcher. loadConfiguration is  be called
-    by configureHandler(&$data) to read in any current configuration,
-    unserialize it and modify it according to any data sent by the user.
-    saveConfiguration($configuration) would then be called by
-    configureHandler(&$data) to
-    serialize and  write any $configuration data that needs to be
-    stored by the plugin.  For WordFilterPlugin, a list of filter terms
-    and actions are what is saved by saveConfiguration($configuration) and
-    loaded by loadConfiguration. When a crawl is started or when a fetcher
-    contacts the name server, plugin configuration data is sent by the name
-    server. The method setConfiguration($configuration) is used to initialize
-    the local copy of a fetcher's or queue_server's process with the
-    configuration settings from the name server. For WordFilterPlugin,
-    the filter terms and actions are stored in a field variable by this
-    function.</p>
-    <p>As has already been hinted at by the configuration discussion above,
-    configureHandler(&$data) plays the role of a controller for an
-    index plugin. It is in fact called by the AdminController activity
-    pageOptions if the configure link for a plugin has been
-    clicked. In addition, to managing the load and save configuration process,
-    it also sets up any data needed by configureView(&$data).
-    For WordFilterPlugin, this involves setting a variable $data["filter_words"]
-    so that configureView(&$data) has access to a list of filter words
-    and actions to draw. Finally, the last method of the WordFilterPlugin
-    we describe, configureView(&$data), outputs using $data
-    the HTML that will be seen in the configure screen. This HTML will
-    appear in a div tag on the final page. It is initially styled so that
-    it is not displayed. Clicking on the configure link will cause the
-    div tag data to be displayed in a light box in the center of the screen.
-    For WordFilterPlugin, this methods draws a title and textarea form with the
-    currently filtered terms in it. It makes use of Yioop's tl() functions so
-    that the text of the title can be localized to different languages.
-    This form has hidden field c=admin, a=pageOptions option-type=crawl_time,
-    so that hte AdminController will know to call pageOption and pageOption
-    will know in turn to let plugin's configureHandler methods to get a chance
-    to handle this data.</p>
-    <p><a href="#toc">Return to table of contents</a>.</p>
-    <h3 id='commandline'>Yioop Command-line Tools</h3>
-    <p>In addition to <a href="#token_tool">token_tool.php</a> which we
-    describe in the section on localization, Yioop comes with several useful
-    command-line tools and utilities. We next describe these in roughly
-    their order of likely utility:
-    </p>
-    <ul>
-    <li><a href="#configure_tool">bin/configure_tool.php: Used to
-    configure Yioop from the command-line</a></li>
-    <li><a href="#arc_tool">bin/arc_tool.php: Used to examine the contents of
-    WebArchiveBundle's and IndexArchiveBundles's</a></li>
-    <li><a href="#query_tool">bin/query_tool.php: Used to query an index from
-    the command-line</a></li>
-    <li><a href="#code_tool">bin/code_tool.php: Used to help code Yioop
-    and to help make clean patches for Yioop.</a>
-    <li><a href="#classifier_tool">bin/classifier_tool.php: Used to make Yioop
-    a Yioop classifier from the command line rather than using the GUI
-    interface.</a>
-    </li>
-    </ul>
-    <h4 id="configure_tool">Configuring Yioop from the Command-line</h4>
-    <p>In a multiple queue server and fetcher setting, one might have web access
-    only to the name server machine -- all the other machines might be on
-    virtual private servers to which one has only command-line access. Hence,
-    it is useful to be able to set up a work directory and configure Yioop
-    through the command-line. To do this one can use the script
-    configs/configure_tool.php. One can run it from the command-line within
-    the configs folder, with a line like:
-    </p>
-    <pre>
-php configure_tool.php
-    </pre>
-    <p>When launched, this program will display a menu like:</p>
-    <pre>
-Checking Yioop configuration...
-Check Passed.
-Using configs/local_config.php so changing work directory above may not work.
-Available Options:
-(1) Create/Set Work Directory
-(2) Change root password
-(3) Set Default Locale
-(4) Debug Display Set-up
-(5) Search Access Set-up
-(6) Search Page Elements and Links
-(7) Name Server Set-up
-(8) Crawl Robot Set-up
-(9) Exit program
-Please choose an option:
-    </pre>
-    <p>
-    Except for the Change root password option, these correspond to the
-    different fieldsets on the Configure activity. The command-line forms
-    one gets from selecting one of these choices let one set the same
-    values as were described earlier in the
-    <a href="#installation">Installation</a> section. The change root password
-    option lets one set the account password for root. I.e., the main admin
-    user. On a non-nameserver machine, it is probably simpler to go with
-    a sqlite database, rather than hit on a global mysql database from
-    each machine. Such a barebones local database set-up would typically
-    only have one user, root</p>
-    <p>Another thing to consider when configuring a collection of Yioop
-    machines in such a setting, is, by default, under Search Access Set-up,
-    subsearch is unchecked. This means the RSS feeds won't be downloaded
-    hourly on such machines. If one unchecks this, they can be.
-    </p>
-    <h4 id="arc_tool">Examining the contents of WebArchiveBundle's and
-    IndexArchiveBundles's</h4>
-    <p>
-    The command-line script bin/arc_tool.php can be used to examine and
-    manipulate the contents of a WebArchiveBundle or an IndexArchiveBundle.
-    Below is a summary of the different command-line uses of
-    arc_tool.php:
-    </p>
-    <dl>
-<dt>php arc_tool.php dict bundle_name word</dt>
-    <dd>returns index dictionary records for word stored in index archive
-    bundle.</dd>
-<dt>php arc_tool.php info bundle_name</dt>
-    <dd>return info about documents stored in archive.</dd>
-<dt>php arc_tool.php list</dt>
-    <dd>returns a list of all the archives in the Yioop! crawl directory,
-       including non-Yioop! archives in the /archives sub-folder.</dd>
-<dt>php arc_tool.php mergetiers bundle_name max_tier</dt>
-    <dd>merges tiers of word dictionary into one tier up to max_tier</dd>
-<dt>php arc_tool.php posting bundle_name generation offset<br />
-&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;or<br />
-<dt>php arc_tool.php posting bundle_name generation offset num
-    <dd>returns info about the posting (num many postings) in bundle_name at
-       the given generation and offset</dd>
-<dt>php arc_tool.php rebuild bundle_name</dt>
-    <dd>Re-extracts words from summaries files in bundle_name into index shards
-        then builds a new dictionary</dd>
-<dt>php arc_tool.php reindex bundle_name</dt>
-    <dd>Reindex the word dictionary in bundle_name using existing index shards
-<dt>php arc_tool.php shard bundle_name generation</dt>
-    <dd>Prints information about the number of words and frequencies of words
-       within the generation'th index shard in the bundle</dd>
-<dt>php arc_tool.php show bundle_name start num</dt>
-    <dd>outputs items start through num from bundle_name or name of
-       non-Yioop archive crawl folder</dd>
-   </dl>
-   <p>The bundle name can be a full path name, a relative path from
-   the current directory, or it can be just the bundle directory's file
-   name in which case WORK_DIRECTORY/cache will be assumed to be the
-   bundle's location. The following are some examples of using arc tool.
-   Recall a backslash in Unix/OSX terminal is the line continuation character,
-   so we can image lines where it is indicated below as being all on one line.
-   They are not all from the same session:</p>
-   <pre>
-|chris-polletts-macbook-pro:bin:108&gt;php arc_tool.php list
-Found Yioop Archives:
-Found Non-Yioop Archives:
-|chris-polletts-macbook-pro:bin:158&gt;php arc_tool.php info \
-   /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/crawls/cache/IndexData1293767731
-Bundle Name: IndexData1293767731
-Bundle Type: IndexArchiveBundle
-Description: test
-Number of generations: 1
-Number of stored links and documents: 267260
-Number of stored documents: 16491
-Crawl order was: Page Importance
-Seed sites:
-Sites allowed to crawl:
-Sites not allowed to be crawled:
-Meta Words:
-|chris-polletts-macbook-pro:bin:202&gt;php arc_tool.php show \
-    /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/crawls/cache/Archive1293767731 0 3
-&lt;!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
-  ""&gt;
-&lt;html xmlns="" xml:lang="en"&gt;
-    &lt;base href="" /&gt;
-   &lt;/pre&gt;
-|chris-polletts-macbook-pro:bin:117&gt;php arc_tool.php reindex <?php
-Shard 0
-[Sat, 01 Oct 2011 11:05:17 -0700] Adding shard data to dictionary files...
-[Sat, 01 Oct 2011 11:05:28 -0700] Merging tiers of dictionary
-Final Merge Tiers
-Reindex complete!!
-<p>The mergetiers command is like a partial reindex. It assumes all the shard
-words have been added to the dictionary, but that the dictionary
-still has more than one tier (tiers are the result of incremental
-log-merges which are made during the crawling process). The
-mergetiers command merges these tiers into one large tier which is
-then usable by Yioop for query processing.<p>
-    <h4 id="query_tool">Querying an Index from the command-line</h4>
-<p>The command-line script bin/query_tool.php can be used to query
-indices in the Yioop WORK_DIRECTORY/cache. This tool can be used
-on an index regardless of whether or not Apache is running. It can be
-used for long running queries that might timeout when run within a browser
-to put their results into memcache or filecache. The command-line arguments
-for the query tool are:
-php query_tool.php query num_results start_num lang_tag
-<p>The default num_results is 10, start_num is 0, and lang_tag is en-US.
-The following shows how one could do a query on "Chris Pollett":
-|chris-polletts-macbook-pro:bin:141&gt;php query_tool.php "Chris Pollett"
-TITLE: ECCC - Pointers to
-DESCRIPTION: Homepage of the Electronic Colloquium on Computational <?php
-?>Complexity located
-at the Hasso Plattner Institute of Potsdam, Germany Personal WWW pages of
-complexity people 2011 2010 2009 2011...1994 POINTE
-Rank: 3.9551158411
-Relevance: 0.492443777769
-Proximity: 1
-Score: 4.14
-TITLE: ECCC - Pointers to
-DESCRIPTION: Homepage of the Electronic Colloquium on Computational <?php
-?>Complexity located
-at the Hasso Plattner Institute of Potsdam, Germany Personal WWW pages of
-complexity people 2011 2010 2009 2011...1994 POINTE
-Rank: 3.886318974
-Relevance: 0.397622570289
-Proximity: 1
-Score: 4.03
-<p>The index the results are returned from is the default index; however,
-all of the Yioop meta words should work so you can do queries like
-"my_query i:timestamp_of_index_want". Query results depend on the
-kind of language stemmer/char-gramming being used, so French results might be
-better if one specifies fr-FR then if one relies on the default en-US.</p>
-<h4 id="code_tool"> A Tool for Coding and Making Patches for Yioop</h4>
-<p>bin/code_tool.php can perform several useful tasks to help developers
-program for the Yioop environment. Below is a brief summary of its
-<dt>php code_tool.php clean path</dt>
-    <dd>Replaces all tabs with four spaces and trims all whitespace off ends of
-    lines in the folder or file path.</dd>
-<dt>php code_tool.php copyright path</dt><dd>
-    Adjusts all lines in the files in the folder at path (or if
-    path is a file just that) of the form 2009 - \d\d\d\d to
-    the form 2009 - this_year where this_year is the current year.</dd>
-<dt>php code_tool.php longlines path</dt><dd>
-    Prints out all lines in files in the folder or file path which are
-    longer than 80 characters.</dd>
-<dt>php code_tool.php replace path pattern replace_string<br />
-&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;or<br />
-php code_tool.php replace path pattern replace_string effect</dt><dd>
-    Prints all lines matching the regular expression pattern followed
-    by the result of replacing pattern with replace_string in the
-    folder or file path. Does not change files.</dd>
-<dt>php code_tool.php replace path pattern replace_string interactive</dt><dd>
-    Prints each line matching the regular expression pattern followed
-    by the result of replacing pattern with replace_string in the
-    folder or file path. Then it asks if you want to update the line.
-    Lines you choose for updating will be modified in the files.</dd>
-<dt>php code_tool.php replace path pattern replace_string change</dt><dd>
-    Each line matching the regular expression pattern is update
-    by replacing pattern with replace_string in the
-    folder or file path. This format doe not echo anything, it does a global
-    replace without interaction.</dd>
-<dt>php code_tool.php search path pattern</dt><dd>
-    Prints all lines matching the regular expression pattern in the
-    folder or file path.</dd>
-<h4 id='classifier_tool'>A Command-line Tool for making Yioop Classifiers</h4>
-bin/classifier_tool.php is used to automate the building and testing of
-classifiers, providing an alternative to the web interface when a labeled
-training set is available.
-classifier_tool.php takes an activity to perform, the name of a dataset to use,
-and a label for the constructed classifier. The activity is the name of one
-of the 'run*' functions implemented by this class, without the common 'run'
-prefix (e.g., 'TrainAndTest'). The dataset is specified as the common prefix
-of two indexes that have the suffixes "Pos" and "Neg", respectively.  So if
-the prefix were "DATASET", then this tool would look for the two existing
-indexes "DATASET Pos" and "DATASET Neg" from which to draw positive and
-negative examples. Each document in these indexes should be a positive or
-negative example of the target class, according to whether it's in the "Pos"
-or "Neg" index. Finally, the label is just the label to be used for the
-constructed classifier.
-Beyond these options (set with the -a, -d, and -l flags), a number of other
-options may be set to alter parameters used by an activity or a classifier.
-These options are set using the -S, -I, -F, and -B flags, which correspond
-to string, integer, float, and boolean parameters respectively. These flags
-may be used repeatedly, and each expects an argument of the form NAME=VALUE,
-where NAME is the name of a parameter, and VALUE is a value parsed according
-to the flag. The NAME should match one of the keys of the options member of
-this class, where a period ('.') may be used to specify nesting.  For
-    -I debug=1         # set the debug level to 1
-    -B cls.use_nb=0    # tell the classifier to use Naive Bayes
-To build and evaluate a classifier for the label 'spam', trained using the
-two indexes "DATASET Neg" and "DATASET Pos", and a maximum of the top 25
-most informative features:
-php bin/classifier_tool.php -a TrainAndTest -d 'DATASET' -l 'spam'
-    -I cls.chi2.max=25
-    <h2 id="references">References</h2>
-    <dl>
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-<dd>Serge Abiteboul and Mihai Preda and Gregory Cobena.
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-In: Proceedings of the 12th international conference on World Wide Web.
-pp.280-290. 2003.
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-<dd>Bloom, Burton H.
-<a href=""
->Space/time trade-offs in hash coding with allowable errors</a>.
-Communications of the ACM Volume 13 Issue 7. pp. 422–426. 1970.
-<dt id="BSV2004">[BSV2004]</dt>
-<dd>Paolo Boldi and  Massimo Santini and Sebastiano Vigna.
-<a href=""
->Do Your Worst to Make the Best:
-Paradoxical Effects in PageRank Incremental Computations</a>.
-Algorithms and Models for the Web-Graph. pp. 168–180. 2004. </dd>
-<dt id='BP1998'>[BP1998]</dt>
-<dd>Brin, S. and Page, L.
-<a  href=""
-    >The Anatomy of a Large-Scale Hypertextual Web Search Engine</a>.
-In: Seventh International World-Wide Web Conference
-(WWW 1998). April 14-18, 1998. Brisbane, Australia. 1998.</dd>
-<dt id='BCC2010'>[BCC2010]</dt>
-<dd>S. Büttcher, C. L. A. Clarke, and G. V. Cormack.
-<a href=""
->Information Retrieval: Implementing and Evaluating Search Engines</a>.
-MIT Press. 2010.</dd>
-<dt id="DG2004">[DG2004]</dt>
-<dd>Jeffrey Dean and Sanjay Ghemawat.
-<a href=""
->MapReduce: Simplified Data Processing on Large Clusters</a>.
-OSDI'04: Sixth Symposium on Operating System Design and Implementation. 2004<dd>
-<dt id="GGL2003">[GGL2003]</dt>
-<dd>Sanjay Ghemawat, Howard Gobioff, and Shun-Tak Leung.
-<a href="
-">The Google File System</a>.
-19th ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles. 2003.</dd>
-<dt id='GLM2007'>[GLM2007]</dt>
-A. Genkin, D. Lewis, and D. Madigan. <a
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-<dt id='H2002'>[H2002]</dt>
-<dd>T. Haveliwala.
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-<dt id="KSV2010">[KSV2010]</dt>
-<dd>Howard Karloff, Siddharth Suri, and Sergei Vassilvitskii.
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->A Model of Computation for MapReduce</a>. Proceedings of the ACM
-Symposium on Discrete Algorithms. 2010. pp. 938-948.</dd>
-<dt id="KC2004">[KC2004]</dt><dd>Rohit Khare and Doug Cutting.
-<a href=""
->Nutch: A flexible and scalable open-source web search engine</a>.
-CommerceNet Labs Technical Report 04. 2004.</dd>
-<dt id="LDH2010">[LDH2010]</dt>
-<dd>Jimmy Lin and Chris Dyer.
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->Data-Intensive Text Processing with MapReduce</a>.
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-<dt id="LM2006">[LM2006]</dt>
-<dd>Amy N. Langville and Carl D. Meyer.
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-<dd>C. D. Manning, P. Raghavan and H. Schütze.
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-<dt id='P1997a'>[P1997a]</dt>
-<dd>J. Peek.
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-USENIX Annual Technical Conference Anaheim. California. ;login: Volume 22.
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-<dt id='P1997b'>[P1997b]</dt>
-<dd>J. Peek.
-Summary of the talk: <a href="
-ana97/summaries/brewer.html">The Inktomi Search Engine</a> by Louis Monier.
-USENIX Annual Technical Conference. Anaheim, California. ;login: Volume 22.
-Number 2. April 1997.</dd>
-<dt id="P1994">[P1994]</dt>
-<dd>B. Pinkerton.
-<a href="
->Finding what people want: Experiences with the WebCrawler</a>.
-In Proceedings of the First World Wide Web Conference, Geneva, Switzerland.
-<dt id="P1980">[P1980]</dt>
-<dd>M.F. Porter.
-<a href=""
->An algorithm for suffix stripping.</a>
-Program. Volume 14 Issue 3. 1980. pp 130−137.
-On the same website, there are <a
-href="">stemmers for many other languages</a>.</dd>
-<dt id='PDGQ2006'>[PDGQ2006]</dt>
-<dd>Rob Pike, Sean Dorward, Robert Griesemer, Sean Quinlan.
-<a href=""
->Interpreting the Data: Parallel Analysis with Sawzall</a>.
-Scientific Programming Journal. Special Issue on Grids and Worldwide Computing
-Programming Models and Infrastructure.Volume 13. Issue 4. 2006. pp.227-298.</dd>
-<dt id="W2009">[W2009]</dt>
-<dd>Tom White.
-<a href="
-pf_rd_r=0N5VCGFDA7V7MJXH69G6">Hadoop: The Definitive Guide</a>.
-O'Reilly. 2009.</dd>
-<dt id="ZCTSR2004">[ZCTSR2004]</dt>
-<dd>Hugo Zaragoza, Nick Craswell, Michael Taylor,
-Suchi Saria, and Stephen Robertson.
->Microsoft Cambridge at TREC-13: Web and HARD tracks</a>.
-In Proceedings of 3th Annual Text Retrieval Conference. 2004.</dd>
-    </dl>
-    <p><a href="#toc">Return to table of contents</a>.</p>
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-<h2>Yioop Releases</h2>
-<p>The two most recent versions of Yioop are:</p>
-<li><a href="?c=main&a=download&version=1.00">Version 1.00</a></li>
-<li><a href="?c=main&a=download&version=0.98">Version 0.98</a></li>
-<h2 id='consulting'>Support Services / Support Yioop</h2>
-<p>Too busy to set up and host a Yioop search engine yourself?
-<a href=""></a>
-provides a variety of Yioop services. Besides hosting
-Yioop indexes, these can involve
-help with regard to installing, customizing, upgrading, or tuning Yioop. They can also
-involve paying for new features to be added to the next iteration of Yioop
-or for customizations not to be included in the main code base.</p>
-<p>Seekquarry, LLC is a company owned by Chris Pollett,
-the principal developer of Yioop. If you like Yioop and would
-like to show support for this project, please
-consider making a contribution.</p>
-<div class="center">
-<form action="" method="post"
-target="_top" >
-<div class="center">Paypal</div>
-<input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_s-xclick" />
-<input type="hidden" name="hosted_button_id" value="3B94XKR9GTPNG" />
-<input type="image"
-    src="resources/btn_donateCC_LG.gif"
-    style="border:0" name="submit"
-    alt="PayPal - The safer, easier way to pay online!" />
-<p>The <a href="?c=main&amp;p=install">Install Guides</a>
-explain how to get Yioop to work in some common settings.
-The documentation page has information about the
-<a href="?c=main&amp;p=documentation#requirements"
->requirements</a> of and
-<a href="?c=main&amp;p=documentation#installation"
->installation procedure</a> for Yioop. </p>
-<p>Before upgrading, make sure to back up your data. Then download the latest
-version of Yioop and unzip it to the location you would like. Set the
-Search Engine Work Directory by the same method and to the same value as
-your old Yioop Installation. See the Installation section above for links
-to instructions on this, if you have forgotten how you did this.
-Knowing the old Work Directory location, should
-allow Yioop to complete the upgrade process.</p>
-<h2>Git Repository / Contributing Code</h2>
-<p>The Yioop git repository allows anonymous read-only access. If you would
-like to contribute to Yioop, just do a clone of the most recent code,
-make your changes, do a pull, and make a patch. For example, to clone the
-repository, assuming you have the git version control software
-installed, just type:</p>
-<p><b>git clone</b></p>
-The <a href="?c=main&amp;p=coding">Yioop Coding Guidelines</a> explain
-the form your code should be in when making a patch as well as
-how to create patches. You can create/update an issue in the
-<a href="/mantis/">Yioop issue tracker</a>
-describing what your patch solves and upload your patch. To contribute
-localizations, you can use the GUI interface in your own
-copy of Yioop to enter in your localizations. Next locate in the locale
-folder of your Yioop work directory the locale tag of the
-language you added translations for. Within this folder is a configure.ini
-file, just make an issue in the issue tracker and upload this file there.</p>
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-<h1>Open Source Search Engine Software!</h1>
-<p>SeekQuarry is the parent site for <a href="">Yioop</a>.
-Yioop is a <a href="">GPLv3</a>, open source, PHP search
-<h2>What can Yioop do?</h2>
-<p>Yioop software provides many of the same features of larger
-search portals:</p>
-<li><b>Search Results</b>. Yioop comes with a crawler which can be used
-to crawl the open web or a selection of URLs of your choice. It
-also can index popular archive formats like Wikipedia XML-dumps, arc, warc,
-Open Directory Project-RDF, as well as dumps of emails or databases.
-Once you have created Yioop indexes of your desired data sources, Yioop
-can serve as a search engine for your data. It supports "crawl mixes"
-of different data sources. Yioop also provides tools to classify and sculpt your
-data before being used in search results.
-<li><b>News Service</b>. News is best when it is still fresh. Yioop has
-a news updater process that can be used to re-index RSS and Atom feeds on
-an hourly basis. This more timely information can then be incorporated into
-Yioop search results.</li>
-<li><b>Social Groups, Blogs, and Wikis</b>. Yioop can be configured
-to allow user's to create discussion groups, blogs, and wikis. If Yioop is
-configured to allow multiple users,
-then users can share mixes of crawls they create. Blogs and discussion group
-can be made public or private. Public ones have public RSS feeds and the better
-amongst these can be chosen for incorporation in what Yioop's news service
-<li><b>Web Sites</b>. Yioop provides a <a
->Model View Adapter</a> framework which can be easily extended to build
-customized search portal websites. Yioop can also be integrated into
-existing sites to provide search functionality either through an API,
-Open Search RSS, or JSON services.</li>
-<p>The software and hardware requirements for Yioop are relatively low.
-At a minimum, you only need a web server such as Apache and PHP 5.3 or better.
-A test set-up consisting of three 2011
-Mac Mini's each with 8GB RAM, a single name server,
-and five fetchers can add a 100 million pages to its index every four weeks.
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-<h1>Installation Guides</h1>
-    <ul>
-        <li><a href="#demo">Demo Install Video</a></li>
-        <li><a href="#xampp">XAMPP on Windows</a></li>
-        <li><a href="#wamp">WAMP</a></li>
-        <li><a href="#osx">Mac OSX / Mac OSX Server</a></li>
-        <li><a href="#ubuntu">Ubuntu Linux / Debian (with Suhosin)</a></li>
-        <li><a href="#centos">Centos Linux (Systems with SELinux)</a></li>
-        <li><a href="#cpanel">CPanel</a></li>
-        <li><a href="#hiphop">HipHop</a></li>
-        <li><a href="#multiple">Systems with Multiple Queue Servers</a></li>
-    </ul>
-<h2 id="demo">Demo Install Video</h2>
-<video style="width:90%;" controls="controls" >
-    <source src="" type="video/mp4">
-    <source src="" type="video/ogg">
-  Your browser does not support the video tag.
-<h2 id="xampp">XAMPP on Windows</h2>
-<li>Download <a
-    href="">Xampp</a>
-(Note: Yioop! 0.9 or higher works on latest version;
-Yioop! 0.88 or lower works up till Xampp 1.7.7).</li>
-<li>Install xampp.</li>
-<li> In Xampp 1.8.1 and higher, php curl seems to be enabled by default.
-For earlier versions, edit the file C:\xampp\php\php.ini
-in Notepad. Search on curl. Change the line:
-<li>Open Control Panel. Go to System =&gt; Advanced system settings =&gt;
-Advanced. Click on Environment Variables. Look under System Variables and
-select Path. Click Edit. Tack onto the end of Variable Values:
-Click OK a bunch times to get rid of windows. Close the Control Panel window.
-Reopen it and go to the same place to make sure the path variable really
-was changed.
-<li>Download <a href=";p=yioop"
->Yioop</a> (You should choose a version &ge; 0.94 or the latest version).
-Unzip it into
-Rename the downloaded folder yioop (so now have
-a folder C:\xampp\htdocs\yioop).
-Point your browser at:
-Enter under "Search Engine Work Directory", the path
-It will ask you to log into Yioop. Login with username root and empty password.
-In Yioop's Configure screen continue filling out your settings:
-Default Language: English
-Crawl Robot Name: TestBot
-Robot Description: This bot is for test purposes. It respects robots.txt
-If you having problems with it please feel free to ban it.
-Crawl robot name is what will appear together with a url to a bot.php
-page in the web server log files of sites you crawl. The bot.php page will
-display what you write in robot description. This should give contact
-information in case your robot misbehaves. Obviously, you should customize
-the above to what you want to say.
-<li>Go to Manage Machines and add a single machine under Add Machine:
-Machine Name: Local
-Machine Url: http://localhost/yioop/
-Is Mirror: (uncheck)
-Has Queue Server: (check)
-Number of Fetchers 1
-<li>You might need to restart your computer to get the next steps to work.</li>
-<li>In Manage Machines, click ON on the queue server and on your fetcher.
-For your queue server and your fetcher, click
-on the log file link and make sure that after at most two minutes you are
-seeing new log entries.</li>
-<li>Now go to Manage Crawls. Click on Options.
-Set the options you would like for your crawl.
-Click Save.</li>
-<li>Type the name of the crawl and start crawl. Let it crawl for a while,
-until you see the Total URLs Seen &gt; 1.</li>
-<li>Click stop crawl and wait for the crawl to appear in the previous
-crawls list. Set it as the default crawl. Then you can search using this index.
-<h2 id="wamp">Wamp</h2>
-<li>Download <a
-    href="">WampServer</a> (Note: Yioop! 0.9 or
-higher works works with PHP 5.4)</li>
-<li>Download <a href=";p=yioop"
->Yioop!</a> (you should choose some version &ge; 0.94 or latest)
-Unzip it into
-Rename the downloaded folder yioop (so you should now have
-a folder C:\wamp\www\yioop).</li>
-<li>Edit php.ini to enable multicurl. To do
-this use the Wamp dock tool and navigate to wamp =&gt; php =&gt; extension.
-Turn on curl. Next navigate to wamp =&gt; php =&gt; php.ini .</li>
-<li>Wamp has two php.ini files. The one we just edited by doing this is in
-You need to also edit the php.ini in
-Depending on your version of Wamp the PHP version number may be different.
-Open this php.ini in Notepad search on curl then uncomment the line.
-It should be noted that you might want to choose an earlier or later
-version of Wamp than the particular one above. This is because out of the box
-its php_curl.dll did not work. I had to go to
-<a href="
-></a>, download under fixed
-curl extensions, then move it to C:\wamp\bin\php\php5.4.3\ext to get it to
-<li>Next go  to control panel =&gt; system =&gt; advanced system settings =>
-advanced =&gt; environment variables =&gt; system variables =&gt;path.
-Click edit and add to the path variable:
-Exit control panel, then re-enter to double check that path really was added
- to the end.</li>
-In Yioop's Configure screen continue filling out your settings:
-Default Language: English
-Crawl Robot Name: TestBot
-Robot Description: This bot is for test purposes. It respects robots.txt
-If you having problems with it please feel free to ban it.
-Crawl robot name is what will appear together with a url to a bot.php
-page in web server log files of sites you crawl. The bot.php page will display
-what you write in robot description. This should give contact information
-in case your robot misbehaves. Obviously, you should customize
-the above to what you want to say.
-<li>Go to Manage Machines. Add a single machine under Add Machine using the
-Machine Name: Local
-Machine Url: http://localhost/yioop/
-Is Mirror: (uncheck)
-Has Queue Server: (check)
-Number of Fetchers 1
-<li>Under Machine Information turn the Queue Server and Fetcher On.</li>
-<li>Go to Manage Crawls. Click on the options to set up where you want to crawl.
-Type in a name for the crawl and click start crawl.</li>
-<li>Let it crawl for a while, until you see the Total URLs Seen &gt; 1.</li>
-<li>Then click Stop Crawl and wait for the crawl to appear in the previous
-crawls list. Set it as the default crawl. You should be
-able to search using this index.
-<h2 id="osx">Mac OSX / Mac OSX Server</h2>
-<p>The instructions given here are for OSX Mountain Lion (10.8) and
-OSX Mavericks (10.9), Apple changes
-the positions with which files can be found slightly between
-versions, so you might have to do a little exploration to find things
-for earlier OSX versions. </p>
-<li>Turn on Apache with PHP enabled.
-<li><b>Not OSX Server:</b> Traditionally, on (pre-Mountain Lion) OSX, one
-could go to Control Panel =&gt; Sharing, and turn on Web Sharing to
-get the web server running. This option was removed in Mountain Lion, however,
-from the command line (Terminal), one can type:
-sudo apachectl start
-to start the Web server, and similarly,
-sudo apachectl stop
-to stop it. Alternatively, to make it so the WebServer starts each time the
-machine is turned on one can type:
-<div><br />
-<tt>sudo defaults write /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/org.apache.httpd</tt
-><tt>Disabled -bool false</tt>
-<br />By default, document root is
-/Library/WebServer/Documents. The configuration files for Apache in
-this setting are located in /etc/apache2. If you want to tweak document
-root or other Apache settings, look in the folder /etc/apache2/other and
-edit appropriate files such as httpd-vhosts.conf or httpd-ssl.conf .
-Before turning on Web Sharing / the
-web server, you need to edit the file /etc/apache/httpd.conf. Replace
-#LoadModule php5_module libexec/apache2/
-LoadModule php5_module libexec/apache2/
-<li><b>OSX Server:</b> Pre-mountain lion, OSX Server used /etc/apache2
-to store its configuration files. Since Mountain Lion these files are in
-/Library/Server/Web/Config/apache2 . Within this folder, the sites folder
-holds Apache directives for specific virtual hosts. OSX Server comes
-with which will actively fight any direct tweaking to configuration
-files. From to get the web server running click on Websites.
-Make sure "Enable PHP web applications" is checked and Websites is On.
-The default web site is /Library/Server/Web/Data/Sites/Default , you
-probably want to click on + under websites and specify document root to
-be as you like.
-<li>For the remainder of this guide, we assume document root for
-the web server is: /Library/WebServer/Documents.
-<a href=";p=yioop"
->Download Yioop</a>, unpack it into /Library/WebServer/Documents, and rename
-the Yioop folder to yioop.</li>
-<li>Make a folder for your crawl data:
-sudo mkdir /Library/WebServer/Documents/yioop_data
-sudo chmod 777 /Library/WebServer/Documents/yioop_data
-You probably want to make sure Spotlight (Mac's built-in file and folder
-indexer) doesn't index this folder -- especially during a crawl -- or your
-system might really slow down. To prevent this, open Control Panel, choose
-Spotlight, select the Privacy tab, and add the above folder to the list
-of folder Spotlight shouldn't index. If you are storing crawls on an
-external drive, you might want to make sure that drive gets automounted
-without a login. This is useful in the event of a power failure that exceeds
-your backup power supply time. To do this you can write the preference:
-<div><br /><tt>
-sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration</tt
-><tt>/autodiskmount AutomountDisksWithoutUserLogin -bool true</tt>
-</div><br />
-This will mean the hard drive becomes available when the power comes back.
-To make your Mac restart when the power is back, under
-System Preferences =&gt; Energy Saver there is
-a check box next to "Start up automatically after a power failure". Check it.
-<li>In a browser, go to the page http://localhost/yioop/ .
-You should see a configure screen
-where you can enter /Library/WebServer/Documents/yioop_data for the
-Work Directory. It will ask you to re-login. Use the login: root and no
-password. Now go to Yioop =&gt;
-Configure and input the following settings:
-Search Engine Work Directory: /Library/WebServer/Documents/yioop_data
-Default Language: English
-Crawl Robot Name: TestBot
-Robot Description: This bot is for test purposes. It respects robots.txt
-If you having problems with it please feel free to ban it.
-Crawl robot name is what will appear together with a url to a bot.php
-page in web server log files of sites you crawl. The bot.php page will display
-what you write in robot description. This should give contact information
-in case your robot misbehaves. Obviously, you should customize
-the above to what you want to say.
-<li>Go to Manage Machines. Add a single machine under Add Machine using the
-Machine Name: Local
-Machine Url: http://localhost/yioop/
-Is Mirror: (uncheck)
-Has Queue Server: (check)
-Number of Fetchers 1
-<li>Under Machine Information turn the Queue Server and Fetcher On.</li>
-<li>Go to Manage Crawls. Click on the options to set up where you want to crawl.
-Type in a name for the crawl and click start crawl.</li>
-<li>Let it crawl for a while, until you see the Total URLs Seen &gt; 1.</li>
-<li>Then click Stop Crawl and wait for the crawl to appear in the previous
-crawls list. Set it as the default crawl. You should be
-able to search using this index.
-<h2 id="ubuntu">Ubuntu Linux / Debian (with Suhosin Hardening Patch)</h2>
-<p>The instructions described here have been tested on
-Ubuntu 12.04 LTS and Ubuntu 14.04 LTS.</p>
-<li>Get PHP and Apache set-up by running the following commands as needed
-(you might have already done some):
-sudo apt-get install curl
-sudo apt-get install apache2
-sudo apt-get install php5
-sudo apt-get install php5-cli
-sudo apt-get install php5-sqlite
-sudo apt-get install php5-curl
-sudo apt-get install php5-gd
-<li>After this sequence, the files /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/php5.conf
-and /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/php5.load should exist and link
-to the corresponding files in /etc/apache2/mods-available. The configuration
-files for PHP are /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini (for the apache module)
-and /etc/php5/cli/php.ini (for the command-line interpreter).
-You want to make changes to both configurations. To get a feel for the
-changes you can make in a
-texteditor: ed, vi, nano, gedit, etc., modify the line:
-post_max_size = 8M
-post_max_size = 32M
-This change is not strictly necessary, but will improve performance.
-<li>Debian's  (not Ubuntu's) PHP version has the
-Suhosin hardening patch enabled by default. On Yioop before Version
-0.941, this caused problems because Yioop made mt_srand calls which were
-ignored. To fix this you should add to
-the end of both php.ini files list above (alternatively, you could
-add to /etc/php5/apache2/conf.d/suhosin.ini and
-suhosin.srand.ignore = Off
-suhosin.mt_srand.ignore = Off
-This modification is not needed for Version 0.941 and higher.
-Suhosin hardening also entails a second place where HTTP post requests
-are limited. You should also set to the
-same value you set for post_max_size.
-<li>Looking in the folders /etc/php5/apache2/conf.d and
-/etc/php5/cli/conf.d you can see which extensions are being loaded
-by php. Look for files curl.ini, gd.ini, sqlite.ini to know these
-extensions will be loaded.</li>
-<li>Restart the web server after making your changes:
-sudo apachectl stop
-sudo apachectl start
-<li>The DocumentRoot for web sites (virtual hosts) served by an Ubuntu Linux
-machine is typically specified by files in /etc/apache2/sites-enabled.
-In this example, it was given in a file 000-default and specified to
-be /var/www/.</li>
-<li><a href=";p=yioop"
->Download Yioop</a>, unpack it into /var/www and use
-mv to rename the Yioop folder to yioop.</li>
-<li>Make a folder for your crawl data:
-sudo mkdir /var/www/yioop_data
-sudo chmod 777 /var/www/yioop_data
-<li>Next set the permissions on the configs.php so that the web server
-can change set the work directory location. We'll brute force this as:
-sudo chmod 777 /var/www/yioop/configs/config.php
-<li>In a browser, go to the page http://localhost/yioop/ .
-You should see a configure screen
-where you can enter /var/www/yioop_data for the Work Directory. It
-will ask you to re-login. Use the login: root and no password.
-Now go to Yioop =&gt;
-Configure and input the following settings:
-Search Engine Work Directory: /Library/WebServer/Documents/yioop_data
-Default Language: English
-Crawl Robot Name: TestBot
-Robot Description: This bot is for test purposes. It respects robots.txt
-If you having problems with it please feel free to ban it.
-Crawl robot name is what will appear together with a url to a bot.php
-page in web server log files of sites you crawl. The bot.php page will display
-what you write in robot description. This should give contact information
-in case your robot misbehaves. Obviously, you should customize
-the above to what you want to say.
-<li>Go to Manage Machines. Add a single machine under Add Machine using the
-Machine Name: Local
-Machine Url: http://localhost/yioop/
-Is Mirror: (uncheck)
-Has Queue Server: (check)
-Number of Fetchers 1
-<li>Under Machine Information turn the Queue Server and Fetcher On.</li>
-<li>Go to Manage Crawls. Click on the options to set up where you want to crawl.
-Type in a name for the crawl and click start crawl.</li>
-<li>Let it crawl for a while, until you see the Total URLs Seen &gt; 1.</li>
-<li>Then click Stop Crawl and wait for the crawl to appear in the previous
-crawls list. Set it as the default crawl. You should be
-able to search using this index.
-<h2 id="centos">Centos Linux</h2>
-<p>These instructions were tested running a
-<a href="">Centos 6.3 image</a> in
-<a href="">VirtualBox</a>. The keyboard settings
-for the particular image on the VirtualBox site are Italian, so you will
-have to tweak them to get an American keyboard or the keyboard you are most
-comfortable with. Also, in this virtual setting the memory available is
-somewhat low so you might need to tweak values in config/config.php to
-reduce the memory needs of yioop. To get started, log in, launch a terminal
-window, and su root.
-<li>The image we were using doesn't have Apache installed or the nano editor.
-These can be installed with the commands:<br />
-yum install httpd
-yum install nano
-If you didn't su root, then you will need to put sudo before all commands
-in this guide, and you will have to make sure the user you are running
-under is in the list of sudoers.
-Apache's configuration files are in the /etc/httpd directory. To
-get rid of the default web landing page, we switch into the conf.d subfolder
-and disable welcome.conf. To do this, first type the commands:
-cd /etc/httpd/conf.d
-nano welcome.conf
-Then using the editor put #'s at the start of each line and save the result.
-<li>Next we install git, php, and the various php extensions we need:
-yum install git
-yum install php
-yum install php-mbstring
-yum install php-sqlite3
-yum install gd
-yum install php-gd
-<li>The default Apache DocumentRoot under Centos is /var/www/html. We will
-install Yioop in a folder /var/www/html/yioop. This can be accessed
-by pointing a browser at .
-To download Yioop to /var/www/html/yioop and to create a work directory,
-we run the commands:
-cd /var/www/html
-git clone yioop
-mkdir yioop_data
-chmod 777 yioop_data
-Restart/start the web server:
-service httpd stop
-service httpd start
-<li>Tell Yioop where its work directory is:
-cd /var/www/html/yioop/configs
-php configure_tool.php
-select option (1) Create/Set Work Directory
-enter /var/www/html/yioop_data
-then select option (1) to confirm the change.
-Exit the program.
-<li>In a browser, go to the page http://localhost/yioop/ .
-You should see a configure screen
-where you can enter /var/www/yioop_data for the Work Directory. It
-will ask you to re-login. Use the login: root and no password.
-Now go to Yioop =&gt;
-Configure and input the following settings:
-Search Engine Work Directory: /Library/WebServer/Documents/yioop_data
-Default Language: English
-Crawl Robot Name: TestBot
-Robot Description: This bot is for test purposes. It respects robots.txt
-If you having problems with it please feel free to ban it.
-Crawl robot name is what will appear together with a url to a bot.php
-page in web server log files of sites you crawl. The bot.php page will display
-what you write in robot description. This should give contact information
-in case your robot misbehaves. Obviously, you should customize
-the above to what you want to say.
-<li>Go to Manage Machines. Add a single machine under Add Machine using the
-Machine Name: Local
-Machine Url: http://localhost/yioop/
-Is Mirror: (uncheck)
-Has Queue Server: (check)
-Number of Fetchers 1
-<li>Under Machine Information turn the Queue Server and Fetcher On.</li>
-<li>Go to Manage Crawls. Click on the options to set up where you want to crawl.
-Type in a name for the crawl and click start crawl.</li>
-<li>Let it crawl for a while, until you see the Total URLs Seen &gt; 1.</li>
-<li>Then click Stop Crawl and wait for the crawl to appear in the previous
-crawls list. Set it as the default crawl. You should be
-able to search using this index.
-<h2 id="cpanel">CPanel</h2>
-Generally, it is not practical to do your crawling in a cPanel hosted website.
-However, cPanel works perfectly fine for hosting the results of a crawl you did
-elsewhere. Here we briefly described how to do this. In capacity planning
-your installation, as a rule of thumb, you should
-expect your index to be of comparable size (number of bytes) to the sum of
-the sizes of the pages you downloaded.
-<li>Download <a href=";p=yioop"
->Yioop</a> (you should choose some version &gt; 0.88 or latest)
-to your local machine.</li>
-<li>In cPanel go to File Manager and navigate to the place you want on your
-server to serve Yioop from. Click upload and choose your zip file so as to
-upload it to that location.</li>
-<li>Select the uploaded file and click extract to extract the zip file to a
-folder. Reload the page. Rename the extracted folder, if necessary.
-<li>For the rest of these instructions, let's assume it was mysite
-where the testing is being done. If at this point one browsed to:
-One would see:
-Browse to the yioop/configs folder. Create a new file local_config.php
-Add the code
-define('NO_LOCAL_CHECK', 'true');
-Now if you browse to:
-you should see a place to enter a work directory path.
-<li>The work directory must be an absolute path. In the cPanel FileManager
-next at the top
-of the directory tree in the left hand side of the screen it lists the file
-path such as
-(if we still happened to be in the configs directory).
-You want to make this a full path. Typically, this means tacking on
-/home/username (what you log in with) to the path so far.
-To keep things simple set the work directory to be:
-Here username should be your user name. After filling in this as the
-Work Directoryclick Load or Create. You will see it briefly display a
-complete profile page then log you out saying you must login with username
-root password blank Re-Login.
-<li>Go to Manage account and give yourself a better login and password.</li>
-<li><p>Go to configure. Many cPanel installation still use PHP 5.2 so you might
-The following required items were missing:
-PHP Version 5.3 or Newer
-This means you won't be able to crawl from within cPanel, but you will still be
-able to serve search results. To do this, perform a crawl elsewhere,
-for instance on your laptop.</li>
-<li>After performing a crawl, go to Manage Crawls
-on the machine where you preformed the crawl.
-Look under Previous Crawls and locate the crawl you want to upload.
-Note its timestamp.</li>
-<li>Go to THIS_MACHINES_WORK_DIRECTORY/cache . Locate the folder
-IndexDatatimestamp. where timestamp is the timestamp of the crawl you want.
-ZIP this folder.</li>
-<li>In FileManager, under cPanel on the machine you want to host your crawl,
-navigate to
-Upload the ZIP and extract it.</li>
-<li>Go to Manage Crawls on this instance of Yioop,
-locate this crawl under Previous Crawls, and set it as the default crawl.
-You should now be able to search and get results from the crawl.
-You will probably want to uncheck Cache in the Configure activity as in this
-hosted setting it is somewhat hard to get the cache page feature  (where
-it let's users see complete caches of web-page by clicking a link) of Yioop to
-<h2 id="hiphop">HipHop</h2>
-<p><a href="">HipHop</a>
-is Facebook's open-source virtual machine for executing PHP.
-It can offer a significant speed-up in performance over running
-the traditional PHP interpreter. Yioop runs under HipHop
-with the following limitations: (1) The Yioop page processors
-for epub, pptx, and xslx files make use of the ZipArchive class not
-supported by HipHop. (2) The Yioop recipe plugin makes use of SplHeap
-not supported by HipHop. In the former case you should uncheck these
-file extensions in Page Options. In the latter case, Yioop will automatically
-disable the recipe plugin, so you don't need to make any changes --
-if you had crawled something using this plugin elsewhere, you can still serve
-the results using HipHop though. For the remainder of this section,
-we describe how to get a Yioop up and running under Ubuntu 12.04 LTS using
-<li>To begin, get HipHop from GitHub. To do this add the hiphop repository
-to the apt-get sources list, add to the file /etc/apt/sources.list the line:
-deb precise main
-then update the package index:
-sudo apt-get update
-and install HipHop using apt-get:
-sudo apt-get install hiphop-php
-<li>Set up a HipHop configuration file /etc/hhvm.hdf:
-Server {
-  Port = 8080
-  SourceRoot = /var/www/yioop
-Eval {
-  Jit = true
-Log {
-  Level = Error
-  UseLogFile = true
-  File = /var/log/hhvm/error.log
-  Access {
-    * {
-      File = /var/log/hhvm/access.log
-      Format = %h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b
-    }
-  }
-VirtualHost {
-  * {
-    Pattern = .*
-    RewriteRules {
-      dirindex {
-        pattern = ^/(.*)/$|^/$
-        to = $1/index.php
-        qsa = true
-      }
-    }
-  }
-StaticFile {
-  FilesMatch {
-    * {
-      pattern = .*\.(dll|exe)
-      headers {
-        * = Content-Disposition: attachment
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  Extensions {
-    css = text/css
-    gif = image/gif
-    html = text/html
-    jpe = image/jpeg
-    jpeg = image/jpeg
-    jpg = image/jpeg
-    png = image/png
-    tif = image/tiff
-    tiff = image/tiff
-    txt = text/plain
-  }
-Notice this is running on port 8080 -- when I was testing this, I had something
-else running on port 80. If you want to use the more common port 80, modify
-the above accordingly. For the purposes of figuring out when error
-issues it is often convenient to look at the error.log file by running:
-tail -n 500 /var/log/hhvm/error.log
-This is the location specified by the configuration file; however, the directory
-/var/log/hhvm does not exist by default so you should create it:
-sudo mkdir /var/log/hhvm
-Most of the configuration file above comes from
-the <a href="">HipHop Blog Entry for
-WordPress Installation</a>. I tweaked the rewrite for what are the default
-index files.
-<li>Start the HipHop virtual machine daemon:
-sudo hhvm --mode daemon --user web --config /etc/hhvm.hdf
-<li><a href=";p=yioop"
->Download Yioop</a>, unpack it into /var/www . If you didn't
-install apache2 then you might need to do mkdir to make this folder. Next use
-mv to rename the Yioop folder to yioop.</li>
-<li>Make a folder for your crawl data:
-sudo mkdir /var/www/yioop_data
-sudo chmod 777 /var/www/yioop_data
-<li>Tell Yioop where its work directory is:
-cd /var/www/html/yioop/configs
-sudo hhvm -f configure_tool.php
-select option (1) Create/Set Work Directory
-enter /var/www/html/yioop_data
-then select option (1) to confirm the change.
-Exit the program.
-Notice to run the PHP program above we did not have to install php,
-we just directly ran it using HipHop from the command line. The -f
-option is to say the file name we'd like to run.
-<li>In a browser, go to the page http://localhost:8080/ .
-You should see a configure screen
-where you can enter /var/www/yioop_data for the Work Directory. It
-will ask you to re-login. Use the login: root and no password.
-You can safely ignore the warning:
-The following required items were missing: PHP Version 5.3 or Newer
-Now go to Yioop =&gt;
-Configure and input the following settings:
-Search Engine Work Directory: /Library/WebServer/Documents/yioop_data
-Default Language: English
-Crawl Robot Name: TestBot
-Robot Description: This bot is for test purposes. It respects robots.txt
-If you having problems with it please feel free to ban it.
-Crawl robot name is what will appear together with a url to a bot.php
-page in web server log files of sites you crawl. The bot.php page will display
-what you write in robot description. This should give contact information
-in case your robot misbehaves. Obviously, you should customize
-the above to what you want to say.
-<li>Click [Toggle Advanced Settings] on the configure page. For
-the Name Server URL set it to:
-If you didn't use port 8080, but instead the usual port 80, you would not
-have to do this step.
-<li>Go to Manage Machines. Add a single machine under Add Machine using the
-Machine Name: Local
-Machine Url: http://localhost:8080/
-Is Mirror: (uncheck)
-Has Queue Server: (check)
-Number of Fetchers 1
-<li>Under Machine Information turn the Queue Server and Fetcher On.</li>
-<li>Go to Manage Crawls. Click on the options to set up where you want to crawl.
-Type in a name for the crawl and click start crawl.</li>
-<li>Let it crawl for a while, until you see the Total URLs Seen &gt; 1.</li>
-<li>Then click Stop Crawl and wait for the crawl to appear in the previous
-crawls list. Set it as the default crawl. You should be
-able to search using this index.
-<li>If you prefer to run the fetcher's and queue_server's from the
-command line make sure to use hhvm rather than php if you want to
-use HipHop. I.e.,
-cd /var/www/yioop/bin
-hhvm -f fetcher.php terminal
-<h2 id="multiple">Systems with Multiple Queue Servers</h2>
-This section assumes you have already successfully installed and performed
-crawls with Yioop in the single queue_server setting and have succeeded to use
-the Manage Machines to start and stop a queue_server and fetcher. If not, you
-should consult one of the installation guides above or the general
-<a href="?c=main&amp;p=documentation">Yioop
-Before we begin, what are the advantages in using more than one queue_server?
-<li>If the queue_servers are running on different processors then they can each
-be indexing part of the crawl data independently and so this can speed up
-<li>After the crawl is done, the index will typically exist on multiple
-machines and each needs to search a smaller amount of data before sending it to
-the name server for final merging. So queries can be faster.</li>
-For the purposes of this note we will consider the case of two queue_servers,
-the same idea works for more. To keep things especially simple, we have both of
- these queue_servers on the same laptop. Advantages
-(1) and (2) will likely not apply in this case, but we are describing this
-for testing purposes -- you can take the same idea and have the queue servers
-on different machines after going through this tutorial.
-<li>Download and install yioop as you would in the single queue_server case.
-But do this twice. For example, on your machine, under document root you
-might have two subfolders
-each with a complete copy of yioop.
-We will use the copy git/yioop1 as an instance of Yioop with both a name_server
-and a queue_server; the git/yioop2 will be an instance with just a
-On the Configure element of the git/yioop1 instance, set the work directory
-to be something like
-For the git/yioop2 instance we set it to be
-I.e., the work directories of these two instances should be different!
-For each crawl in the multiple queue_server setting, each instance will
-have a copy of those documents it is responsible for. So if we did a crawl with
-timestamp 10, each instance would have a WORK_DIR/cache/IndexData10
-folder and these folders would be disjoint from any other
-<li>Click Toggle Advanced Settings to see the additional configuration
-fields needed for what follows.</li>
-Continuing down on the Configure element for each instance, make sure under the
-Search Access fieldset Web, RSS, and API are checked.</li>
-<li>Next click on Server Settings. Make sure the name server and server key
-are the same for both instances. I.e., In the Name Server Set-up fieldset,
-one might set:
-Server Key:123
-Name Server URL:http://localhost/git/yioop1/
-The Crawl Robot Name should also be the same for the two instances, say:
-but we want the Robot Instance to be different, say 1 and 2.
-<li>Go to the Manage Machine element for git/yioop1, which is the name server.
-Only the name server needs to manage machines,
-so we won't do this for git/yioop2 (or for any other queue servers
-if we had them).</li>
-<li>Add machines for each Yioop instance we want to manage with the name server.
-In this particular case, fill out and submit the Add Machine form twice,
-the first time with:
-Machine Name:Local1
-Machine Url:http://localhost/git/yioop1/
-Is Mirror: unchecked
-Has Queue Server: checked
-Num Fetchers: 1
-the second time with:
-Machine Name:Local2
-Machine Url:http://localhost/git/yioop2/
-Is Mirror: unchecked
-Has Queue Server: checked
-Num Fetchers: 1
-The Machine Name should be different for each Yioop instance, but can otherwise
-be whatever you want. Is Mirror controls whether this is a replica of some other
-node -- I'll save that for a different install guide at some point. If we
-wanted to run more fetchers  we could have chosen a bigger number for
-Num Fetchers (fetchers are the processes that download web pages).
-After the above steps, there should be two machines listed under
-Machine Information.  Click the On button on the queue server and the
-fetcher of both of them. They  should turn green. If you click the log link
-you should start seeing new  messages (it refreshes once every 30 seconds) after
-at most a minute or so.
-At this point you are ready to crawl in the multiple queue server setting. You
-can use Manage Crawl to set-up, start and stop a crawl exactly as in the single
-queue_server setting.
-Perform a crawl and set it as the default index. You can
-then turn off all the queue servers and fetchers in Manage Machines, if you
-If you type a query into the search bar of the name server (git/yioop1),
-you should be getting merged results from both queue servers. To check
-if this is working... Under configure on the name server (git/yioop1) make sure
-Query Info is checked and that
-Use Memcache and Use FileCache are not checked -- the latter two are for
-testing, we can check them later when we know things are working. When you
-perform a query now, at the bottom of the page you should see a horizontal
-rule followed by Query Statistics followed
-by all the queries performed in calculating results. One of these should be
-PHRASE QUERY. Underneath it you should see Lookup Offset Times and beneath this
-Machine Subtimes: ID_0 and ID_1. If these appear you know its working.
-<p>When a query is typed into the name server it tacks no:network onto it
-and asks it of all the queue servers. It then merges the results.
-So if you type "hello" as the search, i.e., if you go to the url
-the git/yioop1 script will make in parallel the curl requests
-http://localhost/git/yioop1/?q=hello&amp;ne ... alse&amp;raw=1
-    (raw=1 means no grouping)
-http://localhost/git/yioop2/?q=hello&amp;ne ... alse&amp;raw=1
-get the results back, and merges them. Finally, it returns to the user the
-result. The network=false tells http://localhost/git/yioop1/ to actually do
-the query lookup rather than make a network request.
diff --git a/en-US/pages/ranking.thtml b/en-US/pages/ranking.thtml
deleted file mode 100644
index a699649..0000000
--- a/en-US/pages/ranking.thtml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1114 +0,0 @@
-<div class="docs">
-<h1>Yioop Ranking Mechanisms</h1>
-    <h2 id='toc'>Table of Contents</h2>
-    <ul>
-        <li><a href="#intro">Introduction</a></li>
-        <li><a href="#crawl">Crawl Time Ranking Factors</a>
-            <ul>
-            <li><a href="#crawl-processes">Crawl Processes</a></li>
-            <li><a href="#fetchers">Fetchers and their Effect on Search
-                Ranking</a></li>
-            <li><a href="#queue-servers">Queue Servers and their Effect on
-                Search Ranking</a>
-            </li>
-            </ul>
-        </li>
-        <li><a href="#search">Search Time Ranking Factors</a>
-            <ul>
-            <li><a href="#lookup">Looking up Initial Links</a></li>
-            <li><a href="#reordering">Final Reordering</a>
-            </li>
-            </ul>
-        </li>
-        <li><a href="#references">References</a></li>
-    </ul>
-    <h2 id='intro'>Introduction</h2>
-    <p>
-    A typical query to Yioop is a collection of terms without the use
-    of the OR operator, '|', or the use of the exact match operator, double
-    quotes. On such a query, called a <b>conjunctive query</b>,
-    Yioop tries to return documents which contain all of the query terms.
-    If the sequence of words is particular common, Yioop will try to return
-    results which have that string with the same word order.
-    Yioop further tries to return these documents in descending order of score.
-    Most users only look at the first ten of the results returned. This article
-    tries to explain the different factors which influence whether a page that
-    has all the terms will make it into the top ten. To keep things simple
-    we will assume that the query is being performed on a single Yioop
-    index rather than a crawl mix of several indexes. We will also ignore
-    how news feed items get incorporated into results.
-    </p>
-    <p>At its heart, Yioop relies on three main scores
-    for a document: Doc Rank (DR), Relevance (Rel), and Proximity (Prox).
-    Proximity scores are only used if the query has two or more terms.
-    We will describe later how these three scores are calculated.
-    For now one can think that the Doc Rank roughly indicates how important
-    the document as a whole is, Relevance measures how important the search
-    terms are to the document, and Proximity measures how close the search terms
-    appear to each other on the document. In addition to these three basic
-    scores, a user might select when they perform a crawl that a
-    classifier be used for ranking purposes. After our initial discussion,
-    we will say how we incorporate classifier scores.
-    </p>
-    </p>
-    On a given query, Yioop does not scan its whole posting lists to find
-    every document that satisfies the query. Instead, it scans until it finds
-    a fixed number of documents, say `n`, satisfying the query or until
-    a timeout is exceeded. In the case of a timeout, `n` is just the number
-    of documents found by the timeout. It then computes the three scores for
-    each of these `n` documents. For a document `d` from these `n` documents, it
-    determines the rank of `d` with respect to the Doc Rank score, the rank
-    of `d` with respect to the Relevance score,
-    and the rank of `d` with respect
-    to the Proximity score. It finally computes a score for each  of these
-    `n` documents using these three rankings and
-    <b>reciprocal rank fusion  (RRF)</b>:</p>
-<p class="center">
-`mbox(RRF)(d) := 200(frac{1}{59 + mbox(Rank)_(mbox(DR))(d)} +
-frac{1}{59 + mbox(Rank)_(mbox(Rel))(d)} + frac{1}{59 +
-    mbox(Rank)_(mbox(Prox))(d)})`
-    This formula essentially comes from Cormack et al.
-    [<a href="#CCB2009">CCB2009</a>]. They do not
-    use the factor `200` and use `60` rather than `59`. `mbox(RRF)(d)` is known
-    to do a decent job of combining scores, although there are some
-    recent techniques such as LambdaRank [<a href="#VLZ2012">VLZ2012</a>],
-    which do significantly better at the
-    expense of being harder to compute. To return results,
-    Yioop computes the top ten of
-    these `n` documents with respect to `mbox(RRF)(d)` and returns these
-    documents.</p>
-    <p>It is relatively straightforward to extend the `mbox(RRF)(d)` formula
-    to handle scores coming from classifiers: One just adds additional
-    reciprocal terms for each classifier score. For example, if
-    `mbox(CL)_1, ..., mbox(CL)_n` were the scores from the classifiers being used
-    for ranking, then the formula would become:</p>
-<p class="center">
-`mbox(RRF)(d) := frac{600}{n+3}(frac{1}{59 + mbox(Rank)_(mbox(DR))(d)} +
-frac{1}{59 + mbox(Rank)_(mbox(Rel))(d)} + frac{1}{59 +
-    mbox(Rank)_(mbox(Prox))(d)} +
-    sum_{i=1}^nfrac{1}{59 + mbox(Rank)_(mbox(CL)_i)(d)}).`
-    <p> To get a feeling for how the `mbox(RRF)(d)` formula works, let's
-    return to the non-classifiers case and consider some
-    particular example situations:
-    If a document ranked 1 with respect to each score, then
-    `mbox(RRF)(d) = 200(3/(59+1)) = 10`.  If a document
-    ranked n for each score, then `mbox(RRF)(d) = 200(3/(59+n)) = 600/(59 + n)`.
-    As `n -> infty`, this goes to `0`. A value `n = 200` is often used with
-    Yioop. For this `n`, `600/(59 + n) approx 2.32`.
-    If a document
-    ranked 1 on one of the three scores, but ranked `n` on the other two,
-    `mbox(RRF)(d) = 200/60 + 400/(59 +n) approx 3.33 + 400/(59 + n)`. The last
-    term again goes to 0 as `n` gets larger, giving a maximum
-    score of `3.33`. For the `n=200` case, one gets a score of `4.88`.
-    So because the three component scores are converted to ranks,
-    and then reciprocal rank fusion is used, one cannot solely use a good score
-    on one of the three components to get a good score overall.</p>
-    <p>An underlying assumption used by Yioop is that the first `n` matching
-    documents in Yioop's posting lists contain the 10 most important documents
-    with respect to our scoring function. For this assumption to be valid our
-    posting list must be roughly sorted according to score. For Yioop though,
-    the first `n` documents will in fact most likely be the first `n` documents
-    that Yioop indexed. This does not contradict the assumption
-    provided we are indexing documents according to the importance of our
-    documents. To do this Yioop tries to index according to Doc Rank and assumes
-    the affects of relevance and proximity are not too drastic. That is, they
-    might be able to move the 100th document into the top 10, but not say the
-    1000th document into the top 10.</p>
-    <p>To see how it is
-    possible to roughly index according to document importance, we next
-    examine how data is acquired during a Yioop web crawl (the process
-    for an archive crawl is somewhat different). This is not only important for
-    determining the Doc
-    Rank of a page, but the text extraction that occurs after the page is
-    downloaded also affects the Relevance and Proximity scores. Once we
-    are done describing these crawl/indexing time factors affecting scores,
-    we will then consider search time factors which affect the scoring
-    of documents and the actually formulas for Doc Rank, Relevance and
-    Proximity.</p>
-    <p><a href="#toc">Return to table of contents</a>.</p>
-    <h2 id='crawl'>Crawl Time Ranking Factors</h2>
-    <h3 id='crawl-processes'>Crawl Processes</h3>
-    <p>To understand how crawl and indexing time factors affect
-    search ranking, let's begin by first fixing in our minds how a
-    crawl works in Yioop. A Yioop crawl has three types of processes
-    that play a role in this:</p>
-    <ol>
-    <li>A Name server, which acts as an overall coordinator for the crawl,
-    and which is responsible for starting and stopping the crawl.</li>
-    <li>One or more Queue Servers, each of which maintain a priority queue of
-    what to download next.</li>
-    <li>One or more Fetchers, which actually download pages, and do initial
-    page processing.</li>
-    </ol>
-    <p>A crawl is started through the Yioop Web app on
-    the Name Server. For each url in the list of starting urls (Seed Sites),
-    its hostname is computed, a hash of the hostname is computed, and
-    based on this hash, that url is sent to a given queue server -- all
-    urls with the same hostname will be handled by the same queue server.
-    Fetchers periodically check the Name Server to see if there is an
-    active crawl, and if so, what its timestamp is. If there is an
-    active crawl, a Fetcher would then pick a Queue Server and request
-    a schedule of urls to download. By default, this can be as many as
-    DOWNLOAD_SIZE_INTERVAL (defaults to 5000) urls.</p>
-    <h3 id='fetchers'>Fetchers and their Effect on Search Ranking</h3>
-    <p> Let's examine the fetcher's role in determining what terms get
-    indexed, and hence, what documents can be retrieved using those
-    terms. After receiving a batch of pages, the fetcher downloads pages in
-    batches of a hundred pages at a time. When the fetcher requests a
-    URL for download it sends a range request header asking for the first
-    PAGE_RANGE_REQUEST (defaults to 50000) many bytes. Only the data in these
-    byte has any chance of becoming terms which are indexed. The reason for
-    choosing a fixed, relatively small size is so that one can index a large
-    number of documents even with a relatively small amount of disk space.
-    Some servers do not
-    know how many bytes they will send before sending, they might operate in
-    "chunked" mode,
-    so after receiving the page, the fetcher discards any data after the first
-    PAGE_RANGE_REQUEST many bytes -- this data won't be indexed. Constants
-    that we mention such as PAGE_RANGE_REQUEST can be found in
-    configs/config.php. This particular constant can actually be set from
-    the admin panel under the Page Options - Crawl Time.
-    For each page in the batch of a hundred urls downloaded, the
-    fetcher proceeds through a sequence of processing steps to:</p>
-    <ol>
-    <li>Determine page mimetype and choose a page processor.</li>
-    <li>Use the page processor to extract a summary for the document.</li>
-    <li>Apply any indexing plugins for the page processor to generate
-    auxiliary summaries and/or modify the extracted summary.</li>
-    <li>Run classifiers on the summary and add any class labels and rank scores
-    </li>
-    <li>Calculate a hash from the downloaded page minus tags and
-    non-word characters to be used for deduplication.</li>
-    <li>Prune the number links extracted from the document down to
-    MAX_LINKS_PER_PAGE (defaults to 50).</li>
-    <li>Apply any user-defined page rules to the summary extracted.</li>
-    <li>Store full-cache of page to disk, add the location of full cache to
-    summary. Full cache pages are stored
-    These folder contain gzipped text files, web archives, each made up of
-    the concatenation of up to NUM_DOCS_PER_GENERATION many cache pages.
-    The class representing this  whole structure is called a
-    WebArchiveBundle (lib/web_archive_bundle.php). The class for a
-    single file is called a WebArchive (lib/web_archive.php).</li>
-    <li>Keep summaries in fetcher memory until they are shipped
-    off to the appropriate queue server in a process
-    we'll describe later.</li>
-    </ol>
-    <p>
-    After these steps, the fetcher checks the name server to see
-    if any crawl parameters
-    have changed or if the crawl has stopped before proceeding to download
-    the next batch of a hundred urls. It proceeds in this fashion until it
-    has downloaded and processed four to five hundred urls. It then
-    builds a "mini-inverted index" of the documents it has downloaded and
-    sends the inverted index, the summaries, any discovered urls, and any
-    robots.txt data it has downloaded back
-    to the queue server. It also sends back information on which hosts
-    that the queue server is responsible for that are generating more than
-    DOWNLOAD_ERROR_THRESHOLD (10) HTTP errors in a given schedule.
-    These hosts will automatically be crawl-delayed by
-    the queue server. Sending all of this data,
-    allows the fetcher to clear some of its memory and continue
-    processing its batch of 5000 urls until it has downloaded all of them.
-    At this point, the fetcher picks another queue server and requests
-    a schedule of urls to download from it and so on.
-    </p>
-    <p>
-    Page rules, which can greatly effect the summary extracted for a page,
-    are described in more detail in the <a
-    href="?c=main&p=documentation#page-options">Page Options Section</a>
-    of the Yioop documentation. Before describing how the
-    "mini-inverted index" processing step is done, let's examine
-    Steps 1,2, and 6 above in a little more detail as they are very important
-    in determining what actually is indexed. Based usually on the
-    the HTTP headers, a
-    <a href="">mimetype</a>
-    for each page is found. The mimetype determines which summary extraction
-    processor, in Yioop terminology, a page processor, is applied to the page.
-    As an example of the key role that the page processor plays in what
-    eventually ends up in a Yioop index, we list what the HTML page processor
-    extracts from a page and how it does this extraction:
-    </p>
-    <dl>
-    <dt>Language</dt><dd>Document language is used to determine
-    how to make terms from the words in a document. For example, if the
-    language is English, Yioop uses the English stemmer on a
-    document. So the word "jumping" in the document will get indexed as
-    "jump". On the other hand, if the language was determined to be Italian
-    then a different stemmer would be used and "jumping" would remain
-    "jumping". The HTML processor determines the language by first looking
-    for a lang attribute on the &lt;html&gt; tag in the document. If
-    none is found it checks if the frequency of characters is close enough
-    to English to guess the document is English. If this fails it leaves
-    the value blank.</dd>
-    <dt>Title</dt><dd>When search results are displayed, the extracted
-    document title is used as the link text. Words in the title also
-    are given a higher value when Yioop calculates its relevance statistic.
-    The HTML processor uses the contents of the &lt;title&gt; tag
-    as its default title. If this tag is not present or is empty,
-    Yioop then concatenates the contents of the &lt;h1&gt; to &lt;h6&gt;
-    tags in the document. The HTML processor keeps only the
-    first hundred (HtmlProcessor::MAX_TITLE_LEN) characters of the title.
-    </dd>
-    <dt>Description</dt><dd>The description is used when search results
-    are displayed to generate the snippets beneath the result link.
-    Besides title, it has the remainder on the page words that are
-    used to identify a document. The HTML processor can obtain a description
-    using one of two algorithms that can be set in page options. When using
-    the basic summarizer, it
-    first takes the value of the content attribute of any &lt;meta&gt; tag
-    whose name attribute is some case invariant of "description".
-    To this it concatenates the non-tag
-    contents of the first four &lt;p&gt; and &lt;div&gt; tags,
-    followed by the content of &lt;td&gt;, &lt;li&gt;,
-    &lt;dt&gt;, &lt;dd&gt;, and &lt;a&gt; tags until it reaches
-    a maximum of HtmlProcessor::MAX_DESCRIPTION_LEN (2000) characters.
-    These items are added from the one
-    with the most characters to the one with the least.
-    The HTML processor can also obtain a description using a centroid
-    summarizer. Here it removes all tags from the documents and splits the
-    document into sentences. Ignoring common words (stop words), an average
-    sentence vector is calculated. The components of this vector are terms
-    and the value for a component represents the likelihood that a sentence
-    in this document has that term. Then the distance between each sentence
-    and this centroid is calculated and the closest sentences are added to
-    the summary one by one until
-    HtmlProcessor::MAX_DESCRIPTION_LEN (2000) characters has been reached.
-    </dd>
-    <dt>Links</dt><dd>Links are used by Yioop to obtain new pages
-    to download. They are also treated by Yioop as "mini-documents".
-    The url of such a mini-document is the target website of the
-    link, the link text is used as a description. As we will see
-    during searching, these mini-documents get combined with the
-    summary of the site linked to.The HTML processor extracts
-    links from &lt;a&gt;, &lt;frame&gt;, &lt;iframe&gt;, and &lt;img&gt;
-    tags. It extracts up to 300 links per document. When it extracts
-    links it canonicalizes relative links. If a &lt;base&gt; tag was present,
-    it uses it as part of the canonicalization process. Link text is
-    extracted from &lt;a&gt; tag contents and from alt attributes of
-    &lt;img&gt;'s. In addition, rel attributes are examined for robot
-    directives such as nofollow.</dd>
-    <dt>Robot Metas</dt><dd>This is used to keep track of
-    any robot directives that occurred in meta tags in the document.
-    These directives are things such a NOFOLLOW, NOINDEX, NOARCHIVE, and
-    NOSNIPPET. These can affect what links are extracted from the page,
-    whether the page is indexed, whether cached versions of the page
-    will be displayable from the Yioop interface, and whether snippets
-    can appear beneath the link on a search result page. The HTML
-    processor does a case insensitive match on &lt;meta&gt; tags
-    that contain the string "robot" (so it will treat such tags that contain
-    robot and robots the same). It then extracts the directives from
-    the content attribute of such a tag.</dd>
-    </dl>
-    <p>
-    The page processors for other mimetypes extract similar fields but
-    look at different components of their respective document types.
-    </p>
-    <p>After the page processor is done with a page, pages which
-    aren't robot.txt pages which also aren't sitemap
-    pages, then pass through a pruneLinks method. This culls the up to 300 links
-    that might have been extracted down to 50. To do this, for each link,
-    the link text is gzipped and the length of the resulting string is
-    determined. The 50 unique links of longest length are then kept. The idea
-    is that we want to keep links whose text carry the most information.
-    Gzipping is a crude way to eliminate text with lots of redundancies.
-    The length then measures how much useful text is left. Having more
-    useful text means that the link is more likely to be helpful to find
-    the document.</p>
-    <p>
-    Now that we have finished discussing Steps 1,2, and 6, let's describe what
-    happens when building a mini-inverted index. For the four to five hundred
-    summaries that we have at the start of mini-inverted index
-    step, we make associative arrays of the form:
-    </p>
-    <pre>
-    term_id_1 =&gt; ...
-    term_id_2 =&gt; ...
-    ...
-    term_id_i =&gt;
-            ((summary_map_1, (positions in summary 1 that term i appeared) ),
-             (summary_map_2, (positions in summary 2 that term i appeared) ),
-              ...)
-    ...
-    </pre>
-    <p>Term IDs are 20 byte strings. Terms might represent a single
-    word or might represent phrases. The first 8 bytes of a term ID is the
-    first 8 bytes of the md5 hash of the first word in the word or phrase.
-    The next byte is used to indicate whether the term is a word or a phrase.
-    If it is a word the remaining bytes are used to encode what kind of page
-    the word occurs of  (media:text, media:image, ... safe:true, safe:false, and
-    some classifier labels if relevant). If it is a phrase, the remaining
-    bytes encode various length hashes of the remaining words in the
-    phrase. Summary map numbers are offsets into a table which can be used to
-    look up a summary. These numbers are in increasing order of when the page
-    was put into the mini-inverted index. To calculate a position of a term, the
-    summary is viewed as a single string consisting of
-    words extracted from the url concatenated with the summary title
-    concatenated with the summary description. One counts
-    the number of words from the start of this string. Phrases start at the
-    position of their first word. Let's consider the case where we only
-    have words and no phrases and we are ignoring the meta word info
-    such as media: and safe:. Then suppose we had two summaries:</p>
-    <pre>
-    Summary 1:
-    URL:
-    Title: Fox Story
-    Description: The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.
-    Summary 2:
-    Title: Troll Story
-    Description: Once there was a lazy troll, P&amp;A, who lived on my
-        discussion board.
-    </pre>
-    <p>The mini-inverted index might look like:</p>
-    <pre>
-    (
-        [test] => ( (1, (0)), (2, (0)) )
-        [yioop] =>  ( (1, (1)) )
-        [yioop2] =>  ( (2, (1)) )
-        [fox] => ( (1, (2, 7)) )
-        [stori] => ( (1, (3)), (2, (3)) )
-        [the] => ( (1, (4, 10)) )
-        [quick] => ( (1, (5)) )
-        [brown] => ( (1, (6)) )
-        [jump] => ( (1, (8)) )
-        [over] => ( (1, (9)) )
-        [lazi] => ( (1, (11)), (2, (8)) )
-        [dog] => ( (1, (12)) )
-        [troll] => ( (2, (2, 9)) )
-        [onc] => ( (2, (4)) )
-        [there] => ( (2, (5)) )
-        [wa] => ( (2, (6)) )
-        [a] => ( (2, (7))) )
-        [p_and_a] => ( (2, (10)) )
-        [who] => ( (2, (11)) )
-        [live] => ( (2, (12)) )
-        [on] => ( (2, (13)) )
-        [my] => ( (2, (14)) )
-        [discuss] => ( (2, (15)) )
-        [board] => ( (2, (16)) )
-    )
-    </pre>
-    <p>The list associated with a term is called a <b>posting list</b>
-    and an entry in this list is called  a <b>posting</b>. Notice terms
-    are stemmed when put into the mini-inverted index.
-    Also, observe acronyms, abbreviations, emails, and urls, such as
-    P&amp;A, will be manipulated before being put into the index. For
-    some languages such as Japanese where spaces might not be placed
-    between words, char-gramming is done instead. If two character
-    char-gramming is used, the string:
-     源氏物語 (Tale of Genji) becomes 源氏 氏物 物語. A user query 源氏物 will,
-    before look-up, be converted to the conjunctive query 源氏 氏物 and so
-    would match a document containing 源氏物語.
-    </p>
-    <p>The effect of the meta word
-    portion of a term ID in the single word term case is to split the space of
-    documents containing a word like "dog" into disjoint subsets. This can
-    be used to speed up queries like "dog media:image", "dog media:video".
-    The media tag for a page can only be one of media:text, media:image,
-    media:video; it can't be more than one. A query of just "dog" will
-    actually be calculated as a disjoint union of the fixed, finitely many
-    single word term ID which begin with the same 8 bytes hash as "dog".
-    A query of "dog media:image" will do a look up all term IDs with the
-    same "dog" hash and "media:image" hash portion of the term ID. These
-    term IDs will correspond to disjoint sets of documents which are
-    process in order of doc offset.</p>
-    <p>In the worst case to do a conjunctive query takes time proportional
-    to the shortest posting list. To try to get a better guarantee on the
-    runtime of queries, Yioop ties to use Term IDs for phrases are used to
-    speed up queries in the case of multi-word queries. On a query like
-    "earthquake soccer", Yioop uses these term IDs to see how many documents
-    have this exact phrase. If this is greater than a threshold (10), Yioop
-    just does an exact phrase look up using these term IDs. If the number of
-    query words is greater than three, Yioop always uses this mechanism to do
-    look up. If the threshold is not met, Yioop checks if the threshold is met
-    by all, but the last word, or by all but the first word. If so, it does
-    the simpler conjective queries of the phrase plus the single word.
-    </p>
-    <P>
-    Yioop does not store
-    phrase term IDs for every phrase it has ever found on some document in its
-    index. Instead, it follows the basic approach of
-    [<a href="#PTSHVC2011">PTSHVC2011</a>]. The main difference is that it
-    stores data directly in its inverted index rather than their two ID
-    approach. To get the idea of this approach, consider the stemmed
-    document:
-    </p>
-    <pre>
-jack be nimbl jack be quick jack jump the candlestick
-    </pre>
-    <p>The words that immediately follows each occurrence of "jack be" (nimbl,
-    quick) in this document are not all the same. Phrases with this property
-    are called <b>maximal</b>. The whole document
-    "jack be nimbl jack be quick jack jump the candlestick"
-    is also maximal and there is no prefix of it larger than "jack be" which
-    is maximal. We would call this string <b>conditionally maximal</b>
-    for "jack be". When processing a document, Yioop builds a
-    <a href="">suffix tree</a> for
-    it in linear time using Ukkonen's algorithm [<a href="#U1995">U1995</a>].
-    It uses this tree to quickly build a list of maximal phrases of up to
-    12 words and any prefixes for which they are conditionally maximal.
-    Only such maximal phrases will be given term IDs and stored in the index.
-    The term ID for such a phrase begins with the 8 byte hash of the prefix
-    for which it is maximal. This is followed by hashes of various lengths
-    for the remaining terms. The format used is specified in the
-    documentation of utility.php's crawlHashPath function. To do an exact
-    lookup of a phrase like "jack be nimbl", it suffices to look up
-    phrase term IDs which have their first 8 bytes either the hash of
-    "jack", "jack be", or "jack be nimbl". Yioop only uses phrase term IDs
-    for lookup of documents not for calculations like proximity where it uses
-    the actual words that make up the phrase to get a score.
-    </p>
-    <p>It should be recalled that links are treated as their own little
-    documents and so will be treated as separate documents when making the
-     mini-inverted index. The url of a link is what it points to not the page
-    it is on. So the hostname of the machine that it points to might not be a
-    hostname handled by the queue server from which the schedule was downloaded.
-    In reality, the fetcher actually partitions link documents according to
-    queue server that will handle that link, and builds separate mini-inverted
-    indexes for each queue server. After building mini-inverted indexes,
-    it sends to the queue server the schedule was downloaded from,
-    inverted index data, summary data, host error data, robots.txt
-    data, and discovered links data that was destined for it. It keeps in
-    memory all the other inverted index data destined for other machines.
-    It will send this data to the appropriate queue servers later -- the
-    next time it downloads and processes data for these servers. To make
-    sure this scales, the fetcher checks its memory usage, if it is getting
-    low, it might send some of this data for other queue servers early.</p>
-    <h3 id='queue-servers'>Queue Servers and their Effect on Search Ranking</h3>
-    <p>It is back on a queue server that the building blocks for
-    the Doc Rank, Relevance and Proximity scores are assembled. To see
-    how this happens we continue to follow the flow of the data through
-    the web crawl process.
-    </p>
-    <p>
-    To communicate with a queue server, a fetcher posts data to the web app
-    of the queue server. The web app writes mini-inverted index and summary
-    data into a file in the WORK_DIRECTORY/schedules/IndexDataCRAWL_TIMESTAMP
-    folder. Similarly, robots.txt data from a batch of 400-500 pages
-    is written to WORK_DIRECTORY/schedules/RobotDataCRAWL_TIMESTAMP, and
-    "to crawl" urls are written to
-    WORK_DIRECTORY/schedules/ScheduleDataCRAWL_TIMESTAMP. The Queue Server
-    periodically checks these folders for new files to process. It is often
-    the case that files can be written to these folders faster than the
-    Queue Server can process them.
-    </p>
-    <p>A queue server consists of two separate sub-processes:</p>
-    <dl>
-    <dt>An Indexer</dt><dd>The indexer is responsible for reading Index Data
-    files and building a Yioop index.</dd>
-    <dt>A Scheduler</dt><dd>The scheduler maintains a priority queue of
-    what urls to download next. It is responsible for reading
-    SchedulateData files to update its priority queue and it is
-    responsible for making sure urls that urls
-    forbidden by RobotData files do not enter the queue.</dd>
-    </dl>
-    <p>When the Indexer processes a schedule IndexData file, it saves the
-    data in an IndexArchiveBundle (lib/index_archive_bundle). These objects
-    are serialized to folders with names of the form:
-    WORK_DIRECTORY/cache/IndexDataCRAWL_TIMESTAMP . IndexArchiveBundle's have
-    the following components:
-    <dl>
-    <dt>summaries</dt><dd>This is a WebArchiveBundle folder containing
-    the summaries of pages read from fetcher-sent IndexData files.</dd>
-    <dt>posting_doc_shards</dt><dd>This contains a sequence of
-    inverted index files, shardNUM, called IndexShard's. shardX holds the
-    postings lists for the Xth block of NUM_DOCS_PER_GENERATION many
-    summaries. NUM_DOCS_PER_GENERATION default to 40000 if the queue server is
-    on a machine with at least 2Gb of memory. shardX also has postings for the
-    link documents that were acquired while acquiring these summaries.</dd>
-    <dt>generation.txt</dt><dd>Contains a serialized PHP object which
-    says what is the active shard -- the X such that shardX will receive
-    newly acquired posting list data.</dd>
-    <dt>dictionary</dt><dd>The dictionary contains a sequence of subfolders
-    used to hold for each term in a Yioop index the offsets and length in each
-    IndexShard where the posting list for that term are stored.</dd>
-    </dl>
-    <p>Of these components posting_doc_shards are the most important
-    with regard to page scoring. When a schedules/IndexData file is read,
-    the mini-inverted index in it is appended to the active IndexShard.
-    To do this append, all the summary map offsets, need to adjusted so they
-    now point to locations at the end of the summary of the IndexShard to
-    which data is being appended.
-    These offsets thus provide information about when a document was indexed
-    during the crawl process. The maximum number of links per document
-    is usually 50 for normal documents and 300 for
-    <a href="">sitemaps</a>. Emperically,
-    it has been observed that a typical index shard has offsets for around
-    24 times as many links summary map entries as document summary map
-    entries. So roughly, if a newly added summary or link, d, has index
-    <i>DOC_INDEX(d)</i>
-    in the active shard, and the active shard is the GENERATION(d) shard,
-    the newly added object will have
-    </p>
-    <p>
-    \begin{eqnarray}
-    \mbox{RANK}(d) &=& (\mbox{DOC_INDEX}(d) + 1) +
-            (\mbox{AVG_LINKS_PER_PAGE} + 1) \times\\
-            &&\mbox{NUM_DOCS_PER_GENERATION} \times \mbox{GENERATION}(d))\\
-    &=& (\mbox{DOC_INDEX}(d) + 1) + 25 \times
-            \mbox{NUM_DOCS_PER_GENERATION} \times \mbox{GENERATION}(d))
-    \end{eqnarray}
-    </p>
-    <p>To make this a score out of 10, we can use logarithms:</p>
-    <p class='center'>`mbox(DR)(d) = 10 - log_(10)(mbox(RANK)(d)).`</p>
-    <p>Here `mbox(DR)(d)` is the Doc Rank for one link or summary item stored
-    in a Yioop index. However, as we will see, this does not give us the
-    complete value of Doc Rank for an item when computed at query time.
-    There also some things to note about this formula:</p>
-    <ol>
-    <li>Unlike PageRank [<a href="#BP1998">BP1998</a>], it is not
-    some kind of logarithm of a probability, it is the logarithm
-    of a rank. A log probability would preserve information about relative
-    importance of two pages. I.e., it could say something about how
-    far apart things like the number 1 page was compared to the number 2
-    page. Doc Rank as measured so far does not do that.</li>
-    <li>The Doc Rank is a positive number and less than 10 provided the index
-    of the given queue server has fewer than 10 billion items. Since
-    to index 10 billion items using Yioop, you would probably want
-    multiple queue servers, Doc Rank's likely remain positive for larger
-    indexes.</li>
-    <li>If we imagined that Yioop indexed the web as a balanced tree starting
-    from some seed node where RANK(`i`) labels the node `i` of the tree
-    enumerated level-wise,
-    then `log_(25)(mbox(RANK)(d)) = (log_(10)(mbox(RANK)(d)))/(log_(10)(25))`
-    would be an estimate of the depth of a node in this tree. So Doc Rank
-    can be viewed as an estimate of how far we are away from the root,
-    with 10 being at the root.</li>
-    <li>Doc Rank is computed by different queue servers independent of each
-    other for the same index. So it is possible for two summaries to
-    have the same Doc Rank in the same index, provided they are stored on
-    different queue servers.</li>
-    <li>For Doc Ranks to be comparable with each other for the same index on
-    different queue servers, it is assumed that queue servers
-    are indexing at roughly the same speed.</li>
-    </ol>
-    <p>Besides Doc Rank, Index shards are important for determining relevance
-    and proximity scores as well. An index shard stores the number of summaries
-    seen, the number of links seen, the sum of the lengths of all summaries, the
-    sum of the length of all links. From these statistics, we can derive average
-    summary lengths, and average link lengths. From a posting, the
-    number of occurences of a term in a document can be calculated.
-    These will all be useful statistics for when we compute relevance.
-    As we will see, when we compute relevance, we use the average values
-    obtained for the particular shard the summary occurs in as a proxy
-    for their value throughout all shards. The fact that a posting
-    contains a position list of the location of a term within a
-    document will be use when we calculate proximity scores.</p>
-    <p>We next turn to the role of a queue server's Scheduler process in
-    the computation of a page's Doc Rank. One easy way, which is supported
-    by Yioop, for a Scheduler to determine what to crawl next is to
-    use a simple queue. This would yield roughly a breadth-first traversal of
-    the web starting from the seed sites. Since high quality pages are often a
-    small number of hops from any page on the web, there is some evidence
-    [<a href="#NW2001">NW2001</a>] that this lazy strategy is not too
-    bad for crawling  according to document importance. However, there
-    are better strategies. When Page Importance is chosen in the
-    Crawl Order dropdown for a Yioop crawl, the Scheduler on each queue server
-    works harder  to make schedules so that the next pages to crawl are always
-    the most important pages not yet seen.</p>
-    <p>One well-known algorithm for doing
-    this kind of scheduling is called OPIC (Online Page Importance Computation)
-    [<a href="#APC2003">APC2003</a>].
-    The idea of OPIC is that at the start of a crawl one divides up an initial
-    dollar of cash equally among the starting seed sites. One then picks
-    a site with highest cash value to crawl next. If this site had `alpha`
-    cash value, then when we crawl it and extract links, we divide up the
-    cash and give it equally to each link. So if there were `n` links,
-    each link would receive from the site `alpha/n` cash. Some of these
-    sites might already have been in the queue in which case we add to
-    their cash total. For URLs not in the queue, we add them to the queue
-    with initial value `alpha/n`. Each site has two scores: Its current
-    cash on hand, and the total earnings the site has ever received. When
-    a page is crawled, its cash on hand is reset to 0. We always choose
-    as the next page to crawl from amongst the pages with the most cash
-    (there might be ties). OPIC can be used to get an estimate of the
-    importance of a page, by taking its total earnings and dividing it by
-    the total earnings received by all pages in the course of a crawl.
-    </p>
-    <p>In experiments in the original paper, OPIC was shown to crawl in a better
-    approximation to page rank order than bread-first search. Bidoki
-    and Yazdani [<a href="#BY2008">BY2008</a>] have more recently proposed
-    a new page importance measure DistanceRank, they
-    also confirm that OPIC does better than breadth-first, but show the
-    computationally more expensive Partial PageRank and Partial DistanceRank
-    perform even better. Yioop uses a modified version
-    of OPIC to choose which page to crawl next.</p>
-    <p>To save a fair bit of crawling
-    overhead, Yioop does not keep for each site crawled historical totals of all
-    earnings a page has received. The cash-based approach is only used for
-    scheduling. Here are some of the issues addressed in the
-    OPIC-based algorithm employed by Yioop:
-    </p>
-    <ul>
-    <li>A Scheduler must ensure robots.txt files are crawled before
-    any other page on the host. To do this, robots.txt files are inserted
-    into the queue before any page from that site. Until the robots.txt
-    file for a page is crawled, the robots.txt file receives cash whenever
-    a page on that host receives cash.</li>
-    <li>A fraction `alpha` of the cash that a robots.txt file receives is
-    divided amongst any sitemap links on that page. Not all of the cash is
-    given. This is to prevent sitemaps from "swamping" the queue. Currently,
-    `alpha` is set 0.25. Nevertheless, together with the last bullet point,
-    the fact that we do share some cash, means cash totals no longer
-    sum to one.</li>
-    <li>Cash might go missing for several reasons: (a) An image page,
-    any other page, might be downloaded with no outgoing links. (b)
-    A page might receive cash
-    and later the Scheduler receives robots.txt information saying it cannot
-    be crawled. (c) Round-off errors due to floating point precision.
-    For these reasons, the Scheduler periodically renormalizes
-    the total amount of cash..</li>
-    <li>A robots.txt file or a slow host might cause the Scheduler to
-    crawl-delay all the pages on the host. These pages might receive sufficient
-    cash to be scheduled earlier, but won't be, because there must be a minimum
-    time gap between requests to that host.</li>
-    <li>When a schedule is made with a
-    crawl-delayed host, URLs from that host cannot be scheduled until the
-    fetcher that was processing them completes its schedule. If a Scheduler
-    receives a "to crawl" url from a crawl-delayed host, and there are
-    already MAX_WAITING_HOSTS many crawl-delayed hosts in the queue,
-    then Yioop discards the url.
-    </li>
-    <li>The Scheduler has a maximum, in-memory queue size based on
-    NUM_URLS_QUEUE_RAM (320,000 urls in a 2Gb memory configuration). It
-    will wait on reading new "to crawl" schedule files from fetchers
-    if reading in the file would mean going over this count. For a typical,
-    web crawl this means the "to crawl" files build up much like a breadth-first
-    queue on disk.
-    </li>
-    <li>To make a schedule, the Scheduler starts processing the queue
-    from highest priority to lowest. The up to 5000 urls in the schedule
-    are split into slots of 100, where each slot of 100 will be required by the
-    fetcher to take a MINIMUM_FETCH_LOOP_TIME (5 seconds). Urls
-    are inserted into the schedule at the earliest available position. If
-    a URL is crawl-delayed it is inserted at the earliest position in the
-    slot sufficient far from any previous url for that host to ensure that
-    the crawl-delay condition is met.</li>
-    <li>If a Scheduler's queue is full, yet after going through all
-    of the url's in the queue it cannot find any to write to a schedule,
-    it goes into a reset mode. It dumps its current urls back to
-    schedule files, starts with a fresh queue (but preserving robots.txt
-    info) and starts reading in schedule files. This can happen if too many
-    urls of crawl-delayed sites start clogging a queue.</li>
-    </ul>
-<p>The actual giving of a page's cash to its urls is done in the Fetcher.
-We discuss it in the section on the queue server because it directly
-affects the order of queue processing. Cash in Yioop's algorithm
-is done in a different manner than in the OPIC paper. It is further
-handled differently for sitemap pages versus all other web pages. For a
-sitemap page with `n` links, let<p>
-<p class="center">`\gamma = sum_(j=1)^n 1/j^2`.</p>
-Let `C` denote the cash that the sitemap has to distribute. Then the `i`th
-link on the sitemap page receives cash</p>
-<p class="center">`C_i = C/(gamma cdot i^2)`.</p>
-<p>One can verify that `sum_(i=1)^n C_i = C`. This weighting tends to favor
-links early in the sitemap and prevent crawling of sitemap links from
-clustering together too much. For a non-sitemap page, we split the cash by
-making use of the notion of a company level domain (cld). This is a slight
-simplification of the notion of a pay level domain (pld) defined in [<a
-href="#LLWL2009">LLWL2009</a>]. For a host of the form,
-something.2chars.2chars or blah.something.2chars.2chars, the company
-level domain is something.2chars.2chars. For example, for,
-the company level domain is For any other url,
-stuff.2ndlevel.tld, the company level domain is 2ndlevel.tld. For example,
-for, the company level domain is To distribute
-cash to links on a page, we first compute the company level domain for
-the hostname of the url of the page, then for each link we compute its
-company level domain. Let `n` denote the number of
-links on the page and let `s` denote the number of links with the
- same company level domain. If the cld of a link is the same as that the page,
-and the page had cash `C`, then the link will receive cash:
-<p class='center'>`frac{C}{2n}`</p>
-<p>Notice this is half what it would get under usual OPIC. On the
-other hand, links to a different cld will receive cash:</p>
-<p class='center'>`frac{C - s times C/(2n)}{n-s}`</p>
-<p>The idea is to avoid link farms with a lot of internal links. As long
-as there is at least one link to a different cld, the payout of a page
-to its links will sum to C. If no links go out of the CLD, then cash
-will be lost. In the case where someone is deliberately doing a crawl
-of only one site, then this lost cash will get replaced during normalization,
-and the above scheme essentially reduces to usual OPIC.</p>
-<p>We conclude this section by mentioning that the Scheduler only
- affects when a URL is written to a schedule which will then be
-used by a fetcher. It is entirely possible that two fetchers get consecutive
-schedules from the same Scheduler, and return data to the Indexers
-not in the order in which they were scheduled. In which case, they would
-be indexed out of order and their Doc Ranks would not be in the order
-of when they were scheduled. The scheduling and indexing process is
-only approximately correct, we rely on query time manipulations to
-try to improve the accuracy.</p>
-    <p><a href="#toc">Return to table of contents</a>.</p>
-    <h2 id='search'>Search Time Ranking Factors</h2>
-<h3 id='lookup'>Looking up Initial Links</h3>
-<p>We are at last in a position to describe how Yioop calculates
- the three scores Doc Rank, Relevance, and Proximity at query time. When
-a query comes into Yioop it goes through the following stages before an actual
-look up is performed against an index.
-<li>Control words are calculated. Control words are terms like
-m: or i: terms which can be used to select a mix or index to use.
-They are also commands like raw: which says what level of grouping to
-use, or no: commands which say not to use a standard processing technique.
-For example, no:guess (affects
-whether the next processing step is done),
-no:network, etc. For the remainder, we will
-assume the query does not contain control words.</li>
-<li>An attempt is made to guess the semantics of the query. This
-matches keywords in the query and rewrites them to other query terms.
-For example, a query term which is in the form of a domain name, will
-be rewritten to the form of a meta word, site:domain. So the query will
-return only pages from the domain. Currently, this processing is
-in a nascent stage. As another example, if you do a search only
-on "D", it will rewrite the search to be "letter D".</li>
-<li>Stemming or character n-gramming is done on the query and acronyms
-and abbreviations are rewritten. This is the same kind of operation
-that we did after generating summaries to extract terms.</li>
-<p>After going through the above steps, Yioop builds an iterator
-object from the resulting terms to iterate over summaries and link
-entries that contain all of the terms. As described in the section
-<a href="#fetchers">Fetchers and their Effect on Search Ranking</a>, some or all
-of these terms might be whole phrases to reduce the need for computing expensive
-conjunctive queries. In the single queue server setting
-one iterator would be built for each term and these iterators
-would be added to an intersect iterator that would return documents
-on which all the terms appear. This intersect iterator has a timer associated
-with it to prevent it from running too long in the case of a conjunctive query
-of terms with long posting lists with small intersection. These iterators are
-then fed into a grouping iterator, which groups links and summaries that refer
-to the same document url. Recall that after downloading pages on the fetcher,
-we calculated a hash from the downloaded page minus tags. Documents
-with the same hash are also grouped together by the group iterator.
-The value `n=200` posting list entries that Yioop scans out on a query
-referred to in the introduction is actually the number of results
-the group iterator requests before grouping. This number can be
-controlled from the Yioop admin pages under Page Options &gt;
-Search Time &gt; Minimum Results to Group. The number 200 was chosen
-because on a single machine it was found to give decent results without
-the queries taking too long.
-<p>In the multiple queue server setting, when the query comes in to
- the name server, a network iterator is built. This iterator poses the
-query to each queue server being administered by the
-name server. If `n=200`, the name server
-multiplies this value by the value
-Page Options &gt;
-Search Time &gt; Server Alpha, which we'll denote `alpha`. This defaults
-to 1.6, so the total is 320. It then divides this by the number
-of queue servers. So if there were 4 queue servers, one would have
-80. It then requests the first 80 results for the query from each
-queue server. The queue servers don't do grouping, but just
- send the results of their intersect iterators to the name server, which
-does the grouping.</p>
-<p>In both the networked and non-networked case, after the grouping
-phase Doc Rank, Relevance, and Proximity scores for each of the grouped results
-will have been determined. We then combine these three scores into a single
-score using the reciprocal rank fusion technique described in the introduction.
-Results are then sorted in descending order of score and output.
-What we have left to describe is how the scores are calculated in the
-various iterators mentioned above.</p>
-<p>To fix an example to describe this process, suppose we have a group
-`G'` of items `i_j'`, either pages or links that all refer to the same url.
-A page in this group means that at some point we downloaded the url and
-extracted a summary. It is possible for there to be multiple pages in a group
-because we might re-crawl a page. If we have another group `G''` of items
-`i_k''` of this kind such that the hash of the most recent page matches
-that of `G'`, then the two groups are merged. While we are grouping, we are
-computing a temporary overall score for a group. The temporary score is used to
-determine which page's (or link's if no pages are present) summaries in a group
-should  be used as the source of url, title, and snippets. Let `G` be the
-group one gets performing this process after all groups with the same hash
-as `G'` have been merged. We now describe how the individual items in `G`
-have their score computed, and finally, how these scores are combined.
-<p>The Doc Rank of an item d, `mbox(DR)(d)`, is calculated according to the formula
-mentioned in the <a href="#queue-servers">queue servers subsection</a>:</p>
-    \begin{eqnarray}
-    \mbox{RANK}(d) &=& (\mbox{DOC_INDEX}(d) + 1) +
-            (\mbox{AVG_LINKS_PER_PAGE} + 1) \times\\
-            &&\mbox{NUM_DOCS_PER_GENERATION} \times \mbox{GENERATION}(d))\\
-    &=& (\mbox{DOC_INDEX}(d) + 1) + 25 \times
-            \mbox{NUM_DOCS_PER_GENERATION} \times \mbox{GENERATION}(d))\\
-    \mbox{DR}(d) &=& 10 - \log_{10}(\mbox{RANK}(d))
-    \end{eqnarray}
-<p>To compute the relevance of an item, we use a variant of
-BM25F [<a href="#ZCTSR2004">ZCTSR2004</a>]. Suppose a query `q` is a set
-of terms `t`. View an item `d`  as a bag of terms, let `f_(t,d)` denote
-the frequency of the term `t` in `d`, let `N_t` denote the number of items
-containing `t` in the whole index (not just the group), let `l_d` denote
-the length of `d`, where length is
-the number of terms including repeats it contains, and
-let `l_{avg}` denote the average length of an item in the index. The basic
-BM25 formula is:</p>
-\mbox{Score}_{\mbox{BM25}}(q, d) &=& \sum_{t \in q} \mbox{IDF}(t)
-\cdot \mbox{TF}_{\mbox{BM25}}(t,d), \mbox{ where }\\
-\mbox{IDF}(t) &=& \log(\frac{N}{N_t})\mbox{, and}\\
-\mbox{TF}_{\mbox{BM25}}(t,d) &=&
-\frac{f_{t,d}\cdot(k_1 +1)}{f_{t,d} + k_1\cdot ((1-b) + b\cdot(l_d / l_{avg}) )}
-<p>`mbox(IDF)(t)`, the inverse document frequency of `t`, in the above can be
-thought as measure of how much signal is provided by knowing that the term `t`
-appears in the document. For example, its value is zero if `t` is in every
-document; whereas, the more rare the term is the larger than value of
-`mbox(TF)_(mbox(BM25))` represents a normalized term frequency for `t`.
-Here `k_1 = 1.2` and `b=0.75` are tuned parameters which are set to values
-commonly used in the literature. `mbox(TF)_(mbox(BM25))` is normalized to
-prevent bias toward longer documents. Also, if one spams a document, filling
-it with many copies of the term `t`, we approach the limiting situation
-`lim_(f_(t,d) -> infty) mbox(TF)_(mbox(BM25))(t,d) = k_1 +1`, which as one
-can see prevents the document score from being made arbitrarily larger.
-<p>Yioop computes a variant of BM25F not BM25. This formula also
-needs to have values for things like `l_(avg)`, `N`, `N_t`. To keep the
-computation simple at the loss of some accuracy when Yioop needs these values
-it uses information from the statistics in the particular index shard of `d` as
-a stand-in. BM25F is essentially the same as BM25 except that it separates
-a document into components, computes the BM25 score of the document with
-respect to each component and then takes a weighted sum of these scores.
-In the case of Yioop, if the item is a page the two components
-are an ad hoc title and a description. Recall when making our position
-lists for a term in a documents that we concatenated url keywords,
-followed by title, followed by summary. So the first terms in the result
-will tend to be from title. We take the first AD_HOC_TITLE_LEN many terms
-from a document to be in the ad hoc title. We calculate an ad hoc title
-BM25 score for a term from a query being in the ad hoc title of an item.
-We multiply this by 2 and then compute a BM25 score of the term being in
-the rest of the summary. We add the two results. I.e.,</p>
-<p class='center'>
-`mbox(Rel)(q, d) = 2 times mbox(Score)_(mbox(BM25-Title))(q, d) +
-    mbox(Score)_(mbox(BM25-Description))(q, d)`</p>
-This score would be the relevance  for a single page item `d` with respect
-to `q`. For link items we don't
-separate into title and description, but can weight the BM25 score different
-than for a page (currently, though, the link weight is set to 1 by default).
-These three weights: title weight, description weight, and link weight can
-be set in Page Options &gt; Search Time &gt; Search Rank Factors .
-<p>To compute the proximity score of an item `d` with respect to
-a query `q` with more than one term, we use the notion of a <b>span</b>.
-A span is an interval `[u_i, v_i]` of positions within `d` which contain
-all the terms (including repeats) in `q` such that no smaller interval contains
-all the terms (including repeats) . Given `d` we can calculate a proximity
-score as a sum of the inverse of the sizes of the spans:</p>
-<p class='center'>
-`mbox(Prox)(d) = sum(frac(1)(v_i - u_i + 1))`.
-<p>This formula comes from Clark et al. [<a href="#CCT2000">CCT2000</a>]
-except that they use covers, rather than spans, where covers ignore repeats.
-For a page item, Yioop calculates separate proximity scores with respect to its
-ad hoc title and the rest of a summary. It then adds them with the same
-weight as was done for the BM25F relevance score. Similarly, link item
-proximities also have a weight factor multiplied against them.
-<p>Now that we have described how to compute Doc Rank, Relevance, and Proximity
-for each item in a group, we now describe how to get these three values
-for the whole group. First, for proximity we take the max over all
-the proximity scores in a group. The idea is that since we are going
-out typically 200 results before grouping, each group has a relatively
-small number of items in it. Of these there will typically be at most
-one or two page items, and the rest will be link items. We aren't
-doing document length normalization for proximity scores and it might
-not make sense to do so for links data where the whole link text is relatively
-short. Thus, the maximum score in the group is likely to be that of a
-page item, and clicking the link it will be these spans the user will see.
-Let `[u]` denote all the items that would be grouped
-with url `u` in the grouping process, let `q` be a query.
-Let `Res(q)` denote results in the index satisfying query `q`, that is,
-having all the terms in the query. Then the
-proximity of `[u]` with respect to `q` is:
-\mbox{Prox}(q, [u]) &=& \mbox{max}_{i \in [u], i \in Res(q)}(\mbox{Prox}(q,i)).
-<p>For Doc Rank and Relevance, we split a group into subgroups based on
-the host name of where a link came from. So links from
- and
-to a url `u` would have the same hostname A link from
- would have hostname
-We will also use a weighting `wt(i)` which has value `2` if `i` is
-a page item and the url of i is a hostname, and 1 otherwise.
-Let `mbox(Host)(i)` denote the set of hostnames for a page item `i`, and
-let `mbox(Host)(i)` denote the hostnames of the page `i` came from in the case
-of a link item. Let </p>
-<p class='center'>
-`H([u]) = { h \quad | h = mbox(Host)(i) \mbox ( for some ) i in [u]}`.
-<p>Let `[u]_h` be the items in `[u]` with hostname `h`.
-Let `([u]_h)_j` denote the `j`th element of `[u]_h` listed out in order of
-Doc Rank except that the first page item found is listed as `i_0`.
-It seems reasonable if a particular host tells us the site `u` is great
-multiple times, the likelihood that we would have our minds swayed diminishes
-with each repeating. This motivates our formulas for Doc Rank and Relevance
-which we give now:
-\mbox{Rel}(q, [u]) &=& \sum_{h \in H([u])}
-\sum_{j=0}^{|[u]_h|}\frac{1}{2^j}wt(([u]_h)_j) \cdot \mbox{Rel}(q, ([u]_h)_j).\\
-\mbox{DR}(q, [u]) &=& \sum_{h \in H([u])}
-\sum_{j=0}^{|[u]_h|}\frac{1}{2^j}wt(([u]_h)_j) \cdot \mbox{DR}(q, ([u]_h)_j).
-<p>Now that we have described how Doc Rank, Relevance, and Proximity
-are calculated for groups, we have almost completed our description of the Yioop
-scoring mechanism in the conjunctive query case. After performing
-pre-processing steps on the query, Yioop retrieves the first `n`
-results from its index. Here `n` defaults to 200. It then groups the
-results and uses the formulas above to calculate the three scores
-for Doc Rank, Relevance, and Proximity. It then uses reciprocal rank
-fusion to combine these three scores into a single score, sorts the
-results by this score and returns to the user the top 10 of these
-<h3 id='reordering'>Final Reordering</h3>
-<p>The top 10 results produced in the last section are what is presented
-in a basic configuration of Yioop. It is possible to configure Yioop
-to make use of a thesaurus to reorder these 10 results before final
-presentation. When this is done, these 10 results are retrieved as described
-above. Yioop then does part of speech tagging on the original query.
-This is done with a simplified
-<a href="">Brill tagger</a>
-(<a href="#B1992">B1992</a>). Using the tagged version of the query,
-it looks up each term for its part of speech in a thesaurus for the
-current language. This is currently only implemented for English and
-the thesaurus used is <a href="">WordNet</a>.
-Possible synonyms for a term in Wordnet often have example sentences. If so,
-cosine or intersection rank scores of these sentences versus the original
-query are computed and the highest scoring synonym is selected. If there
-are no example sentences, then the first is selected. To calculate a cosine
-score we view the original query and the sentence as binary vectors where the
-coordinates of the vectors are labeled by terms. So, for example, the
-"the" coordinate of the original query would be 1 if the original query
-contained the word "the". The dot product of these two vectors
-divided by their lengths, then gives the cosine of the angle between them,
-the cosine score. This scoring is done for each
-term. Then for each term in the original query, the query is modified by
-swapping it for its synonym. The number of documents for the modified query
-as a whole phrase is looked up in the index dictionary for the current index.
-The three phrases which occur most often in the dictionary are then selected.
-For each of the top 10 documents for the query, the sum of the cosine
-similarities of these three phrases with a documents summary is computed
-to get a thesaurus score. The ten documents are then sorted by this score
-and displayed.
-    <p><a href="#toc">Return to table of contents</a>.</p>
-    <h2 id="references">References</h2>
-    <dl>
-<dt id="APC2003">[APC2003]</dt>
-<dd>Serge Abiteboul and Mihai Preda and Gregory Cobena.
-<a href=""
->Adaptive on-line page importance computation</a>.
-In: Proceedings of the 12th international conference on World Wide Web.
-pp. 280-290. 2003.
-<dt id="BY2008">[BY2008]</dt>
-<dd>A. M. Z. Bidoki and Nasser Yazdani.
-<a href=""
->DistanceRank: An intelligent ranking algorithm for web pages</a>.
-Information Processing and Management. Vol. 44. Iss. 2. pp. 877--892.
-March, 2008.
-<dt id='B1992'>[B1992]</dt>
-<dd>Eric Brill. 1992. <a href=""
->A simple rule-based part of speech tagger</a>.
-In Proceedings of the third conference on Applied natural language processing
-(ANLC '92). Association for Computational Linguistics. Stroudsburg, PA, USA.
-pp. 152--155.</dd>
-<dt id='BP1998'>[BP1998]</dt>
-<dd>Brin, S. and Page, L.
-<a  href=""
-    >The Anatomy of a Large-Scale Hypertextual Web Search Engine</a>.
-In: Seventh International World-Wide Web Conference
-(WWW 1998). April 14-18, 1998. Brisbane, Australia. 1998.</dd>
-<dt id="CCT2000">[CCT2000]</dt>
-<dd>Charles L. A. Clarke and Gordon V. Cormack and  Elizabeth A. Tudhope.
-<a href="
->Relevance Ranking for One to Three Term Queries</a>. In:
-Information Processing Management. Vol. 36. Iss. 2. pp.291--311. 2000.
-<dt id="CCB2009">[CCB2009]</dt>
-<dd>Gordon V. Cormack and Charles L. A. Clarke and Stefan Büttcher.
-<a href=""
->Reciprocal Rank Fusion outperforms Condorcet and
-individual Rank Learning Methods</a>. In:
-Proceedings of the 32nd Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research
-and Development in Information Retrieval. pp.758--759. 2009.
-<dt id="LLWL2009">[LLWL2009]</dt>
-<dd>H.-T. Lee, D. Leonard, X. Wang, D. Loguinov.
-<a href=""
->IRLbot: Scaling to 6 Billion Pages and Beyond</a>.
-ACM Transactions on the Web. Vol. 3. No. 3. June 2009.
-<dt id="NW2001">[NW2001]</dt>
-<dd>Marc Najork and Janet L. Wiener.
-<a href="
->Breadth-First Search Crawling Yields High-Quality Pages</a>.
-Proceedings of the 10th international conference on World Wide Web.
-pp 114--118. 2001.
-<dt id="PTSHVC2011">[PTSHVC2011]</dt>
-<dd>Manish Patil, Sharma V. Thankachan, Rahul Shah, Wing-Kai Hon,
-Jeffrey Scott Vitter, Sabrina Chandrasekaran.
-<a href=""
->Inverted indexes for phrases and strings</a>. Proceedings of the
-34nth Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research
-and Development in Information Retrieval. pp 555--564. 2011.
-<dt id="U1995">[U1995]</dt>
-<dd>Ukkonen, E. <a
-construction of suffix trees</a>.
-Algorithmica. Vol. 14. Iss 3. pp. 249--260. 1995.</dd>
-<dt id="VLZ2012">[VLZ2012]</dt>
-<dd>Maksims Volkovs, Hugo Larochelle, and Richard S. Zemel.
-<a href=""
->Learning to rank by aggregating expert preferences</a>.
-21st ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management.
-pp. 843-851. 2012.
-<dt id="ZCTSR2004">[ZCTSR2004]</dt>
-<dd>Hugo Zaragoza, Nick Craswell, Michael Taylor,
-Suchi Saria, and Stephen Robertson.
->Microsoft Cambridge at TREC-13: Web and HARD tracks</a>.
-In Proceedings of 3th Annual Text Retrieval Conference. 2004.</dd>
-    <p><a href="#toc">Return to table of contents</a>.</p>
-<script type="text/javascript"
-   src="
diff --git a/en-US/pages/resources.thtml b/en-US/pages/resources.thtml
deleted file mode 100755
index d60747e..0000000
--- a/en-US/pages/resources.thtml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-<li><a href="">Discussion Boards</a></li>
-<li><a href="?c=main&amp;p=install">Install Guides</a></li>
-<li><a href="?c=main&amp;p=ranking">Yioop Ranking Mechanisms</a></li>
-<li><a href="?c=main&amp;p=coding">Coding Guidelines</a></li>
-<li><a href="">Issue Tracking</a></li>
-<li><a href=""
-    >PHPDocumentor docs for Yioop source code</a></li>
-<li><a href=""
-    >View Git of Yioop repository</a></li>
diff --git a/en-US/statistics.txt b/en-US/statistics.txt
deleted file mode 100755
index eedae9b..0000000
--- a/en-US/statistics.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
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deleted file mode 100755
index a3ab13a..0000000
--- a/fr-FR/configure.ini
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,500 +0,0 @@
-; ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
-;  SeekQuarry/Yioop Open Source Pure PHP Search Engine, Crawler, and Indexer
-;  Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, 2011  Chris Pollett
-;  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-;  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-;  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-;  (at your option) any later version.
-;  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-;  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-;  GNU General Public License for more details.
-;  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-;  along with this program.  If not, see <>.
-;  ***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****
-; configure.ini
-; fr-FR configuration file
-; Strings to translate on various pages
-; /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/git/seek_quarry//controllers
-; admin_controller.php line: 105
-admin_controller_login_successful = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 110
-admin_controller_login_failed = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 229
-admin_controller_passwords_dont_match = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 239
-admin_controller_invalid_old_password = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 246
-admin_controller_change_password = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 278
-admin_controller_select_username = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 315
-admin_controller_select_rolename = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 341
-admin_controller_passwords_dont_match = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 348
-admin_controller_username_exists = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 355
-admin_controller_username_added = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 364
-admin_controller_username_doesnt_exists = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 371
-admin_controller_username_deleted = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 378
-admin_controller_username_doesnt_exists = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 384
-admin_controller_rolename_doesnt_exists = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 390
-admin_controller_rolename_added = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 401
-admin_controller_username_doesnt_exists = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 407
-admin_controller_rolename_doesnt_exists = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 417
-admin_controller_rolename_deleted = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 446
-admin_controller_select_rolename = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 481
-admin_controller_select_activityname = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 514
-admin_controller_rolename_exists = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 524
-admin_controller_rolename_added = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 535
-admin_controller_rolename_doesnt_exists = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 543
-admin_controller_rolename_deleted = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 549
-admin_controller_rolename_doesnt_exists = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 555
-admin_controller_activityname_doesnt_exists = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 565
-admin_controller_activity_added = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 571
-admin_controller_rolename_doesnt_exists = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 578
-admin_controller_activityname_doesnt_exists = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 590
-admin_controller_activity_deleted = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 618
-admin_controller_select_localename = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 662
-admin_controller_locale_added = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 669
-admin_controller_localename_doesnt_exists = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 678
-admin_controller_localename_deleted = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 687
-admin_controller_select_staticpages = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 706
-admin_controller_staticpage_updated = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 729
-admin_controller_localestrings_updated = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 807
-admin_controller_configure_work_dir_set = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 829
-admin_controller_configure_work_profile_made = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 835
-admin_controller_configure_no_set_config = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 846
-admin_controller_configure_no_create_profile = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 856
-admin_controller_configure_work_dir_invalid = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 867
-admin_controller_configure_work_dir_invalid = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 919
-admin_controller_configure_no_change_db = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 933
-admin_controller_configure_profile_change = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 946
-admin_controller_configure_no_change_profile = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 980
-admin_controller_describe_robot = ""
-; main_controller.php line: 92
-search_controller_logout_successful = ""
-; main_controller.php line: 136
-main_controller_download = ""
-; main_controller.php line: 153
-main_controller_missing_fields = ""
-; main_controller.php line: 182
-main_controller_email_sent = ""
-; main_controller.php line: 196
-main_controller_yioop_download = ""
-; main_controller.php line: 197
-main_controller_click_download = ""
-; main_controller.php line: 208
-main_controller_url_error = ""
-; main_controller.php line: 217
-main_controller_expired_url = ""
-; /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/git/seek_quarry//views
-; admin_view.php line: 77
-admin_view_admin = ""
-; admin_view.php line: 97
-adminview_auto_logout_one_minute = ""
-; download_view.php line: 62
-download_view_form = ""
-; download_view.php line: 73
-download_view_thank_you = ""
-; download_view.php line: 76
-download_view_full_name = ""
-; download_view.php line: 82
-download_view_email = ""
-; download_view.php line: 87
-download_view_business = ""
-; download_view.php line: 93
-download_view_interest = ""
-; download_view.php line: 100
-download_view_get_email = ""
-; download_view.php line: 106
-download_view_return_main = ""
-; download_view.php line: 120
-download_view_required_fields = ""
-; download_view.php line: 125
-download_view_name_required = ""
-; download_view.php line: 130
-download_view_valid_email = ""
-; /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/git/seek_quarry//views/elements
-; activity_element.php line: 57
-activity_element_activities = ""
-; configure_element.php line: 81
-configure_element_work_directory = ""
-; configure_element.php line: 86
-configure_element_load_or_create = ""
-; configure_element.php line: 99
-configure_element_profile_settings = ""
-; configure_element.php line: 101
-configure_element_default_language = ""
-; configure_element.php line: 107
-configure_element_debug_display = ""
-; configure_element.php line: 112
-configure_element_error_info = ""
-; configure_element.php line: 117
-configure_element_query_info = ""
-; configure_element.php line: 122
-configure_element_test_info = ""
-; configure_element.php line: 127
-configure_element_database_setup = ""
-; configure_element.php line: 129
-configure_element_database_system = ""
-; configure_element.php line: 135
-configure_element_databasename = ""
-; configure_element.php line: 142
-configure_element_databaseurl = ""
-; configure_element.php line: 148
-configure_element_databaseuser = ""
-; configure_element.php line: 155
-configure_element_databasepassword = ""
-; configure_element.php line: 164
-configure_element_queue_server = ""
-; configure_element.php line: 166
-configure_element_queue_server_key = ""
-; configure_element.php line: 175
-configure_element_submit = ""
-; editlocales_element.php line: 62
-editlocales_element_back_to_manage = ""
-; editlocales_element.php line: 64
-editlocales_element_edit_locale = ""
-; editlocales_element.php line: 76
-editlocales_element_static_pages = ""
-; editlocales_element.php line: 110
-editlocales_element_submit = ""
-; editstatic_element.php line: 64
-editlocales_element_back_to_manage = ""
-; editstatic_element.php line: 78
-editstatic_element_locale_name = ""
-; editstatic_element.php line: 82
-editstatic_element_page = ""
-; editstatic_element.php line: 89
-editstatic_element_savebutton = ""
-; manageaccount_element.php line: 56
-manageaccount_element_change_password = ""
-; manageaccount_element.php line: 66
-manageaccount_element_old_password = ""
-; manageaccount_element.php line: 71
-manageaccount_element_new_password = ""
-; manageaccount_element.php line: 76
-manageaccount_element_retype_password = ""
-; manageaccount_element.php line: 82
-manageaccount_element_save = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 59
-managelocales_element_add_locale = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 69
-managelocales_element_localenamelabel = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 75
-managelocales_element_localetaglabel = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 79
-managelocales_element_writingmodelabel = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 92
-managelocales_element_submit = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 98
-managelocales_element_delete_locale = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 108
-managelocales_element_delete_localelabel = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 112
-managelocales_element_submit = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 117
-managelocales_element_locale_list = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 120
-managelocales_element_localename = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 121
-managelocales_element_localetag = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 122
-managelocales_element_writingmode = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 124
-managelocales_element_percenttranslated = ""
-; manageroles_element.php line: 57
-manageroles_element_add_role = ""
-; manageroles_element.php line: 67
-manageroles_element_rolename = ""
-; manageroles_element.php line: 71
-manageroles_element_submit = ""
-; manageroles_element.php line: 76
-manageroles_element_delete_role = ""
-; manageroles_element.php line: 86
-manageusers_element_delete_rolename = ""
-; manageroles_element.php line: 90
-manageroles_element_submit = ""
-; manageroles_element.php line: 94
-manageroles_element_view_role_activities = ""
-; manageroles_element.php line: 103
-manageusers_element_select_role = ""
-; manageroles_element.php line: 123
-manageusers_element_add_activity = ""
-; manageroles_element.php line: 128
-manageroles_element_submit = ""
-; manageusers_element.php line: 57
-manageusers_element_add_user = ""
-; manageusers_element.php line: 67
-manageusers_element_username = ""
-; manageusers_element.php line: 71
-manageusers_element_password = ""
-; manageusers_element.php line: 75
-manageusers_element_retype_password = ""
-; manageusers_element.php line: 80
-manageusers_element_submit = ""
-; manageusers_element.php line: 86
-manageusers_element_delete_user = ""
-; manageusers_element.php line: 96
-manageusers_element_delete_username = ""
-; manageusers_element.php line: 100
-manageusers_element_submit = ""
-; manageusers_element.php line: 105
-manageusers_element_view_user_roles = ""
-; manageusers_element.php line: 114
-manageusers_element_select_user = ""
-; manageusers_element.php line: 135
-manageusers_element_add_role = ""
-; manageusers_element.php line: 140
-manageusers_element_submit = ""
-; signin_element.php line: 59
-signin_element_signin = ""
-; signin_element.php line: 65
-signin_element_admin = ""
-; signin_element.php line: 67
-signin_element_signout = ""
-; /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/git/seek_quarry//views/layouts
-; web_layout.php line: 66
-web_layout_open_seekquarry = ""
-; web_layout.php line: 73
-web_layout_description = "Trouvez ce que vous cherchez"
-; web_layout.php line: 94
-web_layout_open_source = ""
-; web_layout.php line: 96
-web_layout_about_sq = ""
-; web_layout.php line: 102
-web_layout_query_statistics = ""
-; web_layout.php line: 103
-web_layout_total_elapsed_time = ""
-; web_layout.php line: 108
-web_layout_query_time = ""
-; main_view.php line: 71
-main_view_home = ""
-; main_view.php line: 73
-main_view_demo = ""
-; main_view.php line: 75
-main_view_downloads = ""
-; main_view.php line: 77
-main_view_documentation = ""
-; main_view.php line: 79
-main_view_discussion = ""
-; main_view.php line: 81
-main_view_resources = ""
-; signin_view.php line: 62
-signin_view_signin = ""
-; signin_view.php line: 69
-signin_view_username = ""
-; signin_view.php line: 75
-signin_view_password = ""
-; signin_view.php line: 84
-signin_view_login = ""
-; signin_view.php line: 91
-signin_view_return_main = ""
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ko/configure.ini b/ko/configure.ini
deleted file mode 100755
index 95f9f3c..0000000
--- a/ko/configure.ini
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,500 +0,0 @@
-; ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
-;  SeekQuarry/Yioop Open Source Pure PHP Search Engine, Crawler, and Indexer
-;  Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, 2011  Chris Pollett
-;  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-;  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-;  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-;  (at your option) any later version.
-;  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-;  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-;  GNU General Public License for more details.
-;  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-;  along with this program.  If not, see <>.
-;  ***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****
-; configure.ini
-; ko configuration file
-; Strings to translate on various pages
-; /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/git/seek_quarry//controllers
-; admin_controller.php line: 105
-admin_controller_login_successful = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 110
-admin_controller_login_failed = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 229
-admin_controller_passwords_dont_match = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 239
-admin_controller_invalid_old_password = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 246
-admin_controller_change_password = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 278
-admin_controller_select_username = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 315
-admin_controller_select_rolename = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 341
-admin_controller_passwords_dont_match = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 348
-admin_controller_username_exists = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 355
-admin_controller_username_added = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 364
-admin_controller_username_doesnt_exists = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 371
-admin_controller_username_deleted = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 378
-admin_controller_username_doesnt_exists = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 384
-admin_controller_rolename_doesnt_exists = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 390
-admin_controller_rolename_added = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 401
-admin_controller_username_doesnt_exists = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 407
-admin_controller_rolename_doesnt_exists = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 417
-admin_controller_rolename_deleted = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 446
-admin_controller_select_rolename = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 481
-admin_controller_select_activityname = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 514
-admin_controller_rolename_exists = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 524
-admin_controller_rolename_added = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 535
-admin_controller_rolename_doesnt_exists = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 543
-admin_controller_rolename_deleted = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 549
-admin_controller_rolename_doesnt_exists = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 555
-admin_controller_activityname_doesnt_exists = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 565
-admin_controller_activity_added = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 571
-admin_controller_rolename_doesnt_exists = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 578
-admin_controller_activityname_doesnt_exists = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 590
-admin_controller_activity_deleted = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 618
-admin_controller_select_localename = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 662
-admin_controller_locale_added = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 669
-admin_controller_localename_doesnt_exists = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 678
-admin_controller_localename_deleted = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 687
-admin_controller_select_staticpages = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 706
-admin_controller_staticpage_updated = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 729
-admin_controller_localestrings_updated = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 807
-admin_controller_configure_work_dir_set = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 829
-admin_controller_configure_work_profile_made = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 835
-admin_controller_configure_no_set_config = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 846
-admin_controller_configure_no_create_profile = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 856
-admin_controller_configure_work_dir_invalid = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 867
-admin_controller_configure_work_dir_invalid = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 919
-admin_controller_configure_no_change_db = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 933
-admin_controller_configure_profile_change = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 946
-admin_controller_configure_no_change_profile = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 980
-admin_controller_describe_robot = ""
-; main_controller.php line: 92
-search_controller_logout_successful = ""
-; main_controller.php line: 136
-main_controller_download = ""
-; main_controller.php line: 153
-main_controller_missing_fields = ""
-; main_controller.php line: 182
-main_controller_email_sent = ""
-; main_controller.php line: 196
-main_controller_yioop_download = ""
-; main_controller.php line: 197
-main_controller_click_download = ""
-; main_controller.php line: 208
-main_controller_url_error = ""
-; main_controller.php line: 217
-main_controller_expired_url = ""
-; /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/git/seek_quarry//views
-; admin_view.php line: 77
-admin_view_admin = ""
-; admin_view.php line: 97
-adminview_auto_logout_one_minute = ""
-; download_view.php line: 62
-download_view_form = ""
-; download_view.php line: 73
-download_view_thank_you = ""
-; download_view.php line: 76
-download_view_full_name = ""
-; download_view.php line: 82
-download_view_email = ""
-; download_view.php line: 87
-download_view_business = ""
-; download_view.php line: 93
-download_view_interest = ""
-; download_view.php line: 100
-download_view_get_email = ""
-; download_view.php line: 106
-download_view_return_main = ""
-; download_view.php line: 120
-download_view_required_fields = ""
-; download_view.php line: 125
-download_view_name_required = ""
-; download_view.php line: 130
-download_view_valid_email = ""
-; /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/git/seek_quarry//views/elements
-; activity_element.php line: 57
-activity_element_activities = ""
-; configure_element.php line: 81
-configure_element_work_directory = ""
-; configure_element.php line: 86
-configure_element_load_or_create = ""
-; configure_element.php line: 99
-configure_element_profile_settings = ""
-; configure_element.php line: 101
-configure_element_default_language = ""
-; configure_element.php line: 107
-configure_element_debug_display = ""
-; configure_element.php line: 112
-configure_element_error_info = ""
-; configure_element.php line: 117
-configure_element_query_info = ""
-; configure_element.php line: 122
-configure_element_test_info = ""
-; configure_element.php line: 127
-configure_element_database_setup = ""
-; configure_element.php line: 129
-configure_element_database_system = ""
-; configure_element.php line: 135
-configure_element_databasename = ""
-; configure_element.php line: 142
-configure_element_databaseurl = ""
-; configure_element.php line: 148
-configure_element_databaseuser = ""
-; configure_element.php line: 155
-configure_element_databasepassword = ""
-; configure_element.php line: 164
-configure_element_queue_server = ""
-; configure_element.php line: 166
-configure_element_queue_server_key = ""
-; configure_element.php line: 175
-configure_element_submit = ""
-; editlocales_element.php line: 62
-editlocales_element_back_to_manage = ""
-; editlocales_element.php line: 64
-editlocales_element_edit_locale = ""
-; editlocales_element.php line: 76
-editlocales_element_static_pages = ""
-; editlocales_element.php line: 110
-editlocales_element_submit = ""
-; editstatic_element.php line: 64
-editlocales_element_back_to_manage = ""
-; editstatic_element.php line: 78
-editstatic_element_locale_name = ""
-; editstatic_element.php line: 82
-editstatic_element_page = ""
-; editstatic_element.php line: 89
-editstatic_element_savebutton = ""
-; manageaccount_element.php line: 56
-manageaccount_element_change_password = ""
-; manageaccount_element.php line: 66
-manageaccount_element_old_password = ""
-; manageaccount_element.php line: 71
-manageaccount_element_new_password = ""
-; manageaccount_element.php line: 76
-manageaccount_element_retype_password = ""
-; manageaccount_element.php line: 82
-manageaccount_element_save = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 59
-managelocales_element_add_locale = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 69
-managelocales_element_localenamelabel = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 75
-managelocales_element_localetaglabel = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 79
-managelocales_element_writingmodelabel = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 92
-managelocales_element_submit = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 98
-managelocales_element_delete_locale = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 108
-managelocales_element_delete_localelabel = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 112
-managelocales_element_submit = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 117
-managelocales_element_locale_list = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 120
-managelocales_element_localename = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 121
-managelocales_element_localetag = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 122
-managelocales_element_writingmode = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 124
-managelocales_element_percenttranslated = ""
-; manageroles_element.php line: 57
-manageroles_element_add_role = ""
-; manageroles_element.php line: 67
-manageroles_element_rolename = ""
-; manageroles_element.php line: 71
-manageroles_element_submit = ""
-; manageroles_element.php line: 76
-manageroles_element_delete_role = ""
-; manageroles_element.php line: 86
-manageusers_element_delete_rolename = ""
-; manageroles_element.php line: 90
-manageroles_element_submit = ""
-; manageroles_element.php line: 94
-manageroles_element_view_role_activities = ""
-; manageroles_element.php line: 103
-manageusers_element_select_role = ""
-; manageroles_element.php line: 123
-manageusers_element_add_activity = ""
-; manageroles_element.php line: 128
-manageroles_element_submit = ""
-; manageusers_element.php line: 57
-manageusers_element_add_user = ""
-; manageusers_element.php line: 67
-manageusers_element_username = ""
-; manageusers_element.php line: 71
-manageusers_element_password = ""
-; manageusers_element.php line: 75
-manageusers_element_retype_password = ""
-; manageusers_element.php line: 80
-manageusers_element_submit = ""
-; manageusers_element.php line: 86
-manageusers_element_delete_user = ""
-; manageusers_element.php line: 96
-manageusers_element_delete_username = ""
-; manageusers_element.php line: 100
-manageusers_element_submit = ""
-; manageusers_element.php line: 105
-manageusers_element_view_user_roles = ""
-; manageusers_element.php line: 114
-manageusers_element_select_user = ""
-; manageusers_element.php line: 135
-manageusers_element_add_role = ""
-; manageusers_element.php line: 140
-manageusers_element_submit = ""
-; signin_element.php line: 59
-signin_element_signin = ""
-; signin_element.php line: 65
-signin_element_admin = ""
-; signin_element.php line: 67
-signin_element_signout = ""
-; /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/git/seek_quarry//views/layouts
-; web_layout.php line: 66
-web_layout_open_seekquarry = ""
-; web_layout.php line: 73
-web_layout_description = ""
-; web_layout.php line: 94
-web_layout_open_source = ""
-; web_layout.php line: 96
-web_layout_about_sq = ""
-; web_layout.php line: 102
-web_layout_query_statistics = ""
-; web_layout.php line: 103
-web_layout_total_elapsed_time = ""
-; web_layout.php line: 108
-web_layout_query_time = ""
-; main_view.php line: 71
-main_view_home = ""
-; main_view.php line: 73
-main_view_demo = ""
-; main_view.php line: 75
-main_view_downloads = ""
-; main_view.php line: 77
-main_view_documentation = ""
-; main_view.php line: 79
-main_view_discussion = ""
-; main_view.php line: 81
-main_view_resources = ""
-; signin_view.php line: 62
-signin_view_signin = ""
-; signin_view.php line: 69
-signin_view_username = ""
-; signin_view.php line: 75
-signin_view_password = ""
-; signin_view.php line: 84
-signin_view_login = ""
-; signin_view.php line: 91
-signin_view_return_main = ""
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/locale/ar/configure.ini b/locale/ar/configure.ini
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..961c2c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/ar/configure.ini
@@ -0,0 +1,4186 @@
+; ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
+;  SeekQuarry/Yioop Open Source Pure PHP Search Engine, Crawler, and Indexer
+;  Copyright (C) 2009 - 2015  Chris Pollett
+;  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;  (at your option) any later version.
+;  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;  GNU General Public License for more details.
+;  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;  along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+;  ***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****
+; configure.ini
+; ar configuration file
+; Strings to translate on various pages
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/seek_quarry//controllers
+; admin_controller.php line: 101
+admin_controller_need_cookies = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 150
+admin_controller_account_not_active = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 156
+admin_controller_login_successful = "تسجيل الدخول الناجحة!!"
+; admin_controller.php line: 175
+admin_controller_no_back_button = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 189
+admin_controller_login_failed = "اسم المستخدم أو كلمة المرور غير صحيحة!"
+; admin_controller.php line: 195
+admin_controller_login_to_config = "Login to continue configuration (default: u=root, p=)"
+; admin_controller.php line: 199
+admin_controller_status_updates_stopped = "توقفت عن تحديثات الحالة."
+; admin_controller.php line: 342
+admin_controller_account_access = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 343
+admin_controller_social = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 344
+admin_controller_crawl_settings = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 345
+admin_controller_system_settings = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 517
+admin_controller_equal = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 518
+admin_controller_not_equal = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 519
+admin_controller_contains = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 520
+admin_controller_begins_with = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 521
+admin_controller_ends_with = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 524
+admin_controller_equal = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 525
+admin_controller_not_equal = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 528
+admin_controller_no_sort = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 529
+admin_controller_sort_ascending = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 530
+admin_controller_sort_descending = ""
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/seek_quarry//controllers/components
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 132
+accountaccess_component_no_posts_yet = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 146
+accountaccess_component_passwords_too_long = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 155
+accountaccess_component_passwords_dont_match = "لا تتطابق كلمات المرور المكتوبة."
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 162
+accountaccess_component_invalid_password = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 192
+accountaccess_component_unknown_imagetype = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 197
+accountaccess_component_icon_too_big = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 206
+accountaccess_component_no_user_folder = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 215
+accountaccess_component_user_updated = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 259
+accountaccess_component_active_status = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 260
+accountaccess_component_inactive_status = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 261
+accountaccess_component_banned_status = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 264
+accountaccess_component_request_join = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 265
+accountaccess_component_invited = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 266
+accountaccess_component_active_status = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 267
+accountaccess_component_banned_status = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 312
+accountaccess_component_passwords_too_long = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 317
+accountaccess_component_passwords_dont_match = "لا تتطابق كلمات المرور المكتوبة."
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 321
+accountaccess_component_invalid_username = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 325
+accountaccess_component_user_exists = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 354
+accountaccess_component_user_added = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 363
+accountaccess_component_user_doesnt_exist = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 370
+accountaccess_component_cant_edit_public_user = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 412
+accountaccess_component_passwords_dont_match = "لا تتطابق كلمات المرور المكتوبة."
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 418
+accountaccess_component_user_updated = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 424
+accountaccess_component_user_filter_group = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 428
+accountaccess_component_user_filter_role = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 439
+accountaccess_component_username_doesnt_exists = "اسم المستخدم غير موجود"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 444
+accountaccess_component_cant_delete_builtin = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 449
+accountaccess_component_user_deleted = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 458
+accountaccess_component_username_doesnt_exists = "اسم المستخدم غير موجود"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 463
+accountaccess_component_rolename_doesnt_exists = "دور الاسم غير موجود"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 469
+accountaccess_component_rolename_already_added = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 475
+accountaccess_component_rolename_added = "دور إضافة اسم"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 485
+accountaccess_component_username_doesnt_exists = "اسم المستخدم غير موجود"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 490
+accountaccess_component_groupname_doesnt_exists = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 496
+accountaccess_component_groupname_already_added = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 504
+accountaccess_component_groupname_added = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 514
+accountaccess_component_username_doesnt_exists = "اسم المستخدم غير موجود"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 519
+accountaccess_component_rolename_doesnt_exists = "دور الاسم غير موجود"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 528
+accountaccess_component_rolename_deleted = "دور حذف اسم"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 538
+accountaccess_component_username_doesnt_exists = "اسم المستخدم غير موجود"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 543
+accountaccess_component_groupname_doesnt_exists = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 552
+accountaccess_component_group_deleted = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 569
+accountaccess_component_username_doesnt_exists = "اسم المستخدم غير موجود"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 575
+accountaccess_component_userstatus_updated = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 733
+accountaccess_component_select_activityname = "حدد النشاط"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 759
+accountaccess_component_rolename_doesnt_exists = "دور الاسم غير موجود"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 775
+accountaccess_component_activity_added = "وأضاف النشاط"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 784
+accountaccess_component_rolename_exists = "دور الاسم موجود"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 790
+accountaccess_component_rolename_added = "دور إضافة اسم"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 794
+accountaccess_component_rolename_blank = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 803
+accountaccess_component_rolename_doesnt_exists = "دور الاسم غير موجود"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 821
+accountaccess_component_activity_deleted = "حذف النشاط"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 829
+accountaccess_component_rolename_doesnt_exists = "دور الاسم غير موجود"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 835
+accountaccess_component_rolename_deleted = "دور حذف اسم"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 867
+accountaccess_component_role_updated = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 85
+crawl_component_starting_new_crawl = "بدء تشغيل تتبع الارتباطات الجديدة!"
+; crawl_component.php line: 102
+crawl_component_stop_crawl = "وقف الزحف. . .هذا سوف يستغرق بعض وقت لتحديث ."
+; crawl_component.php line: 131
+crawl_component_resume_crawl = "استئناف الزحف. . .هذا سوف يستغرق بعض وقت لتحديث ."
+; crawl_component.php line: 140
+crawl_component_delete_crawl_success = "حذف الزحف. . .هذا سوف يستغرق بعض وقت لتحديث ."
+; crawl_component.php line: 144
+crawl_component_delete_crawl_fail = "حذف فشل الزحف!!"
+; crawl_component.php line: 153
+crawl_component_set_index = "وضع الزحف لاستخدامها كمؤشر"
+; crawl_component.php line: 187
+crawl_component_no_description = "لا يوجد وصف لتتبع الارتباطات"
+; crawl_component.php line: 334
+crawl_component_use_below = "استخدام الخيارات الموجودة بالأسفل"
+; crawl_component.php line: 335
+crawl_component_use_defaults = "استخدام يوب! افتراضيات "
+; crawl_component.php line: 338
+crawl_component_use_below = "استخدام الخيارات الموجودة بالأسفل"
+; crawl_component.php line: 342
+crawl_component_previous_crawl = "تتبع الارتباطات السابقة:"
+; crawl_component.php line: 413
+crawl_component_added_urls = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 427
+crawl_component_add_suggest = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 431
+crawl_component_no_new_suggests = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 478
+crawl_component_breadth_first = "اتساع الأولى"
+; crawl_component.php line: 480
+crawl_component_page_importance = "أهمية الصفحة"
+; crawl_component.php line: 545
+crawl_component_added_urls = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 555
+crawl_component_urls_injected = "محددات مواقع المعلومات حقن!"
+; crawl_component.php line: 565
+crawl_component_update_seed_info = "تحديث معلومات الموقع البذور!"
+; crawl_component.php line: 620
+crawl_component_new_classifier = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 624
+crawl_component_classifier_exists = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 647
+crawl_component_classifier_deleted = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 651
+crawl_component_no_classifier = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 662
+crawl_component_no_classifier = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 680
+crawl_component_finalizing_classifier = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 707
+crawl_component_finalizing_classifier = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 753
+crawl_component_classifier_exists = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 762
+crawl_component_load_failed = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 764
+crawl_component_loading = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 766
+crawl_component_added_examples = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 768
+crawl_component_label_update_failed = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 770
+crawl_component_updating = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 772
+crawl_component_acc_update_failed = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 774
+crawl_component_na = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 776
+crawl_component_no_docs = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 778
+crawl_component_num_docs = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 780
+crawl_component_in_class = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 782
+crawl_component_not_in_class = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 784
+crawl_component_skip = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 786
+crawl_component_prediction = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 788
+crawl_component_scores = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 830
+crawl_component_use_below = "استخدام الخيارات الموجودة بالأسفل"
+; crawl_component.php line: 831
+crawl_component_use_defaults = "استخدام يوب! افتراضيات "
+; crawl_component.php line: 833
+crawl_component_use_below = "استخدام الخيارات الموجودة بالأسفل"
+; crawl_component.php line: 841
+crawl_component_recrawl_never = "ابدأ"
+; crawl_component.php line: 842
+crawl_component_recrawl_1day = "أيام 1"
+; crawl_component.php line: 843
+crawl_component_recrawl_2day = "يومين"
+; crawl_component.php line: 844
+crawl_component_recrawl_3day = "3 أيام"
+; crawl_component.php line: 845
+crawl_component_recrawl_7day = "7 أيام"
+; crawl_component.php line: 846
+crawl_component_recrawl_14day = "14 يوما"
+; crawl_component.php line: 854
+crawl_component_basic = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 855
+crawl_component_centroid = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1141
+crawl_component_page_options_updated = "خيارات الصفحة تحديث!"
+; crawl_component.php line: 1169
+crawl_component_page_options_running_tests = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1348
+crawl_component_results_editor_update = "تصفية تحديث الصفحات!"
+; crawl_component.php line: 1363
+crawl_component_edited_pages = "حدد عنوان URL تم تحريرها مسبقاً"
+; crawl_component.php line: 1376
+crawl_component_results_editor_need_url = "نتيجة تحديث الصفحة يحتاج إلى تحديد عنوان URL!"
+; crawl_component.php line: 1382
+crawl_component_results_editor_page_updated = "تحديث الصفحة النتيجة!"
+; crawl_component.php line: 1395
+crawl_component_results_editor_page_loaded = "تحميل الصفحة!"
+; crawl_component.php line: 1426
+crawl_component_media_kind = "نوع الوسائط"
+; crawl_component.php line: 1427
+crawl_component_video = "فيديو"
+; crawl_component.php line: 1428
+crawl_component_rss_feed = "RSS"
+; crawl_component.php line: 1429
+crawl_component_html_feed = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1443
+crawl_component_sources_indexes = "مؤشر/ميكس للاستخدام"
+; crawl_component.php line: 1499
+crawl_component_no_source_type = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1512
+crawl_component_missing_type = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1526
+crawl_component_invalid_url = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1533
+crawl_component_missing_fields = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1550
+crawl_component_media_source_added = "مصدر الوسائط المضافة!"
+; crawl_component.php line: 1563
+crawl_component_missing_fields = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1571
+crawl_component_subsearch_added = "وأضاف سوبسيرتش!"
+; crawl_component.php line: 1577
+crawl_component_no_delete_source = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1583
+crawl_component_media_source_deleted = "مصدر الوسائط المحذوفة!"
+; crawl_component.php line: 1590
+crawl_component_no_delete_source = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1597
+crawl_component_subsearch_deleted = "حذف سوبسيرتش!"
+; crawl_component.php line: 1632
+crawl_component_subsearch_updated = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1707
+crawl_component_media_source_updated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 85
+social_component_request_join = ""
+; social_component.php line: 86
+social_component_invited = ""
+; social_component.php line: 87
+social_component_active_status = ""
+; social_component.php line: 88
+social_component_banned_status = ""
+; social_component.php line: 91
+social_component_no_join = ""
+; social_component.php line: 92
+social_component_by_request = ""
+; social_component.php line: 93
+social_component_public_request = ""
+; social_component.php line: 94
+social_component_public_join = ""
+; social_component.php line: 97
+social_component_private = ""
+; social_component.php line: 98
+social_component_read = ""
+; social_component.php line: 99
+social_component_read_comment = ""
+; social_component.php line: 100
+social_component_read_write = ""
+; social_component.php line: 101
+social_component_read_wiki = ""
+; social_component.php line: 104
+social_component_no_voting = ""
+; social_component.php line: 105
+social_component_up_voting = ""
+; social_component.php line: 106
+social_component_up_down_voting = ""
+; social_component.php line: 109
+social_component_forever = ""
+; social_component.php line: 110
+social_component_one_hour = ""
+; social_component.php line: 111
+social_component_one_day = ""
+; social_component.php line: 112
+social_component_one_month = ""
+; social_component.php line: 181
+accountaccess_component_user_activated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 186
+accountaccess_component_no_user_activated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 204
+social_component_joined = ""
+; social_component.php line: 208
+social_component_groupname_unavailable = ""
+; social_component.php line: 213
+social_component_name_available = ""
+; social_component.php line: 228
+social_component_user_banned = ""
+; social_component.php line: 233
+social_component_no_user_banned = ""
+; social_component.php line: 254
+social_component_owner_changed = ""
+; social_component.php line: 259
+social_component_not_in_group = ""
+; social_component.php line: 265
+social_component_not_a_user = ""
+; social_component.php line: 275
+social_component_groupname_exists = ""
+; social_component.php line: 302
+social_component_groupname_added = ""
+; social_component.php line: 311
+social_component_groupname_doesnt_exists = ""
+; social_component.php line: 318
+social_component_group_deleted = ""
+; social_component.php line: 322
+social_component_no_delete_group = ""
+; social_component.php line: 335
+social_component_user_deleted = ""
+; social_component.php line: 340
+social_component_no_delete_user_group = ""
+; social_component.php line: 390
+social_component_users_invited = ""
+; social_component.php line: 395
+social_component_no_users_invited = ""
+; social_component.php line: 411
+social_component_joined = ""
+; social_component.php line: 415
+social_component_no_unsubscribe = ""
+; social_component.php line: 457
+social_component_user_reinstated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 462
+social_component_no_user_reinstated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 469
+social_component_request_join = ""
+; social_component.php line: 471
+social_component_invited = ""
+; social_component.php line: 473
+social_component_banned_status = ""
+; social_component.php line: 490
+social_component_unsubscribe = ""
+; social_component.php line: 495
+social_component_no_unsubscribe = ""
+; social_component.php line: 538
+social_component_group_joined = ""
+; social_component.php line: 540
+social_component_group_request_join = ""
+; social_component.php line: 556
+social_component_activate_group = ""
+; social_component.php line: 563
+social_component_activate_body = ""
+; social_component.php line: 567
+social_component_notify_closing = ""
+; social_component.php line: 568
+social_component_notify_signature = ""
+; social_component.php line: 639
+social_component_no_permission = ""
+; social_component.php line: 652
+social_component_group_updated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 660
+social_component_unknown_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 668
+social_component_group_filter_users = ""
+; social_component.php line: 759
+social_component_comment_error = ""
+; social_component.php line: 763
+social_component_no_comment = ""
+; social_component.php line: 775
+social_component_no_post_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 781
+social_component_no_post_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 785
+social_component_join_group = ""
+; social_component.php line: 788
+social_component_join_group_detail = ""
+; social_component.php line: 803
+social_component_upload_error = ""
+; social_component.php line: 816
+social_component_thread_notification = ""
+; social_component.php line: 818
+social_component_notify_body = ""
+; social_component.php line: 821
+social_component_notify_closing = ""
+; social_component.php line: 822
+social_component_notify_signature = ""
+; social_component.php line: 824
+social_component_notify_salutation = ""
+; social_component.php line: 831
+social_component_comment_added = ""
+; social_component.php line: 841
+social_component_groupname_cant_add = ""
+; social_component.php line: 847
+social_component_delete_error = ""
+; social_component.php line: 868
+social_component_item_deleted = ""
+; social_component.php line: 871
+social_component_no_item_deleted = ""
+; social_component.php line: 879
+social_component_vote_error = ""
+; social_component.php line: 888
+social_component_no_vote_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 893
+social_component_no_post_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 897
+social_component_already_voted = ""
+; social_component.php line: 901
+social_component_vote_recorded = ""
+; social_component.php line: 906
+social_component_comment_error = ""
+; social_component.php line: 911
+social_component_need_title_description = ""
+; social_component.php line: 922
+social_component_no_post_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 930
+social_component_upload_error = ""
+; social_component.php line: 936
+social_component_new_thread_mail = ""
+; social_component.php line: 943
+social_component_new_thread_body = ""
+; social_component.php line: 947
+social_component_notify_closing = ""
+; social_component.php line: 948
+social_component_notify_signature = ""
+; social_component.php line: 949
+social_component_notify_salutation = ""
+; social_component.php line: 956
+social_component_thread_created = ""
+; social_component.php line: 964
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+; social_component.php line: 968
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+; social_component.php line: 974
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+; social_component.php line: 982
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+; social_component.php line: 995
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+; social_component.php line: 1004
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+; social_component.php line: 1007
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+; social_component.php line: 1014
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+; social_component.php line: 1023
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+; social_component.php line: 1028
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+; social_component.php line: 1032
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+; social_component.php line: 1036
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+; social_component.php line: 1067
+social_component_join_group = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1070
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+; social_component.php line: 1338
+accountaccess_component_no_posts_yet = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1379
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+; social_component.php line: 1463
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+; social_component.php line: 1466
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+; social_component.php line: 1490
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+; social_component.php line: 1491
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+; social_component.php line: 1493
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+; social_component.php line: 1496
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+; social_component.php line: 1497
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+; social_component.php line: 1498
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+; social_component.php line: 1538
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+; social_component.php line: 1544
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+; social_component.php line: 1639
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+; social_component.php line: 1649
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+; social_component.php line: 1661
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+; social_component.php line: 1667
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+; social_component.php line: 1672
+social_component_upload_error = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1718
+social_component_back = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1719
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+; social_component.php line: 1752
+social_component_back = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1753
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+; social_component.php line: 1767
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+; social_component.php line: 1775
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+; social_component.php line: 1783
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+; social_component.php line: 1854
+social_component_main = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2096
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+; social_component.php line: 2134
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+; social_component.php line: 2136
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+; social_component.php line: 2138
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+; social_component.php line: 2178
+social_component_select_crawl = "حدد تتبع الارتباطات"
+; social_component.php line: 2179
+social_component_default_crawl = "تتبع الارتباطات الافتراضية"
+; social_component.php line: 2181
+social_component_select_crawl = "حدد تتبع الارتباطات"
+; social_component.php line: 2183
+social_component_default_crawl = "تتبع الارتباطات الافتراضية"
+; social_component.php line: 2214
+social_component_mix_created = "الزحف ميكس إنشاؤها!"
+; social_component.php line: 2217
+social_component_invalid_name = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2225
+social_component_mix_invalid_timestamp = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2229
+social_component_mix_deleted = "الزحف ميكس حذف!"
+; social_component.php line: 2248
+social_component_mix_doesnt_exists = "ميكسحذف لاتوجد لا!"
+; social_component.php line: 2256
+social_component_mix_imported = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2270
+social_component_set_index = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2280
+social_component_comment_error = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2286
+social_component_invalid_timestamp = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2304
+social_component_no_post_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2308
+social_component_share_title = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2310
+social_component_share_description = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2315
+social_component_thread_created = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2367
+social_component_mix_invalid_timestamp = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2372
+social_component_mix_not_owner = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2382
+social_component_add_crawls = "إضافة عمليات تتبع الارتباطات"
+; social_component.php line: 2384
+social_component_num_results = "عدد من النتائج"
+; social_component.php line: 2386
+social_component_del_frag = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2388
+social_component_weight = "الوزن"
+; social_component.php line: 2389
+social_component_name = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2391
+social_component_add_keywords = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2393
+social_component_actions = "إجراءات"
+; social_component.php line: 2395
+social_component_add_query = "إضافة استعلام"
+; social_component.php line: 2396
+social_component_delete = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2443
+social_component_too_many_fragments = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2454
+social_component_mix_saved = "الزحف ميكس التغييرات المحفوظة!"
+; system_component.php line: 79
+system_component_select_machine = "حدد الجهاز"
+; system_component.php line: 145
+system_component_machine_added = "وأضاف آلة!"
+; system_component.php line: 149
+system_component_machine_exists = "اسم الجهاز موجود بالفعل; Please Delete First!"
+; system_component.php line: 153
+system_component_machine_incomplete = "الحقول المفقودة من نموذج آلة!"
+; system_component.php line: 160
+system_component_machine_doesnt_exists = "اسم الجهاز غير موجود!"
+; system_component.php line: 181
+system_component_stop_service_first = "الجهاز قيد الاستخدام. الرجاء إيقاف خدمة قيد التشغيل على ذلك! "
+; system_component.php line: 187
+system_component_machine_deleted = "حذف آلة!"
+; system_component.php line: 208
+system_component_media_mode_updated = ""
+; system_component.php line: 212
+system_component_media_update_failed = ""
+; system_component.php line: 275
+system_component_no_machine_log = "لا يوجد ملف السجل وجدت."
+; system_component.php line: 304
+system_component_machine_servers_updated = "آلة #039;s Servers Updated!"
+; system_component.php line: 308
+system_component_machine_no_action = "غير قادر على تنفيذ الإجراء!"
+; system_component.php line: 344
+system_component_select_mode = ""
+; system_component.php line: 386
+system_component_locale_missing_info = ""
+; system_component.php line: 393
+system_component_locale_added = "وأضاف لغة!"
+; system_component.php line: 400
+system_component_localename_doesnt_exists = "الإعدادات المحلية غير موجود!"
+; system_component.php line: 405
+system_component_localename_deleted = "حذف الإعدادات المحلية"
+; system_component.php line: 411
+system_component_localename_doesnt_exists = "الإعدادات المحلية غير موجود!"
+; system_component.php line: 440
+system_component_locale_updated = ""
+; system_component.php line: 470
+system_component_localestrings_updated = "سلاسل لغة تحديث!"
+; system_component.php line: 481
+system_component_all_strings = ""
+; system_component.php line: 482
+system_component_missing_strings = ""
+; system_component.php line: 568
+system_component_configure_no_change_db = "مشكلة في تحديث قاعدة البيانات!"
+; system_component.php line: 573
+system_component_configure_profile_change = "تحديث الشخصية!"
+; system_component.php line: 576
+system_component_configure_no_change_profile = "كان هناك ملفتعريف تحديث المشكلة!"
+; system_component.php line: 598
+system_component_configure_disable_registration = ""
+; system_component.php line: 600
+system_component_configure_no_activation = ""
+; system_component.php line: 602
+system_component_configure_email_activation = ""
+; system_component.php line: 604
+system_component_configure_admin_activation = ""
+; system_component.php line: 669
+captchasettings_element_text_captcha = ""
+; system_component.php line: 671
+captchasettings_element_hash_captcha = ""
+; system_component.php line: 673
+captchasettings_element_image_captcha = ""
+; system_component.php line: 678
+serversettings_element_normal_authentication = ""
+; system_component.php line: 680
+serversettings_element_zkp_authentication = ""
+; system_component.php line: 685
+serversettings_element_normal_authentication = ""
+; system_component.php line: 710
+system_component_settings_updated = ""
+; system_component.php line: 713
+system_component_no_update_settings = ""
+; system_component.php line: 780
+system_component_configure_use_absolute_path = "يجب استخدام مسار مطلق لدليل العمل"
+; system_component.php line: 785
+system_component_configure_configure_diff_base_dir = ""
+; system_component.php line: 810
+system_component_configure_work_dir_set = "تعيين دليل العمل! قد تحتاج إلى إعادة تسجيل الدخول! "
+; system_component.php line: 821
+system_component_name_your_bot = "الرجاء تسمية الروبوت الخاص بك"
+; system_component.php line: 846
+system_component_configure_work_profile_made = "يعمل الدليل والشخصية التي تم إنشاؤها!"
+; system_component.php line: 850
+system_component_configure_no_set_config = "تعذر التحديث config.php الملف!"
+; system_component.php line: 857
+system_component_configure_no_create_profile = "غير قادر على إنشاء الشخصية!"
+; system_component.php line: 864
+system_component_configure_work_dir_invalid = "دليل العمل هو صالح! لا يمكن إنشاء الشخصية! "
+; system_component.php line: 871
+system_component_configure_work_dir_invalid = "دليل العمل هو صالح! لا يمكن إنشاء الشخصية! "
+; system_component.php line: 893
+system_component_no_resource_folder = ""
+; system_component.php line: 907
+system_component_invalid_filetype = ""
+; system_component.php line: 912
+system_component_file_too_big = ""
+; system_component.php line: 935
+system_component_configure_profile_change = "تحديث الشخصية!"
+; system_component.php line: 939
+system_component_configure_no_change_profile = "كان هناك ملفتعريف تحديث المشكلة!"
+; system_component.php line: 988
+system_component_configure_reset_completed = ""
+; system_component.php line: 992
+system_component_configure_no_change_profile = "كان هناك ملفتعريف تحديث المشكلة!"
+; system_component.php line: 1025
+system_component_describe_robot = "يرجى وصف الروبوت الخاص بك"
+; system_component.php line: 1091
+system_component_php_version = "بي إتش بي الإصدار 5.3 أو أحدث"
+; system_component.php line: 1099
+system_component_no_write_config_php = "configs/config.php ليس ملقم ويب للكتابة."
+; system_component.php line: 1104
+system_component_no_write_work_dir = "دليل العمل يجب أن يكون قابل للكتابة من قبل ملقم ويب."
+; system_component.php line: 1109
+system_component_post_size_small = "pnp.ini ملف post_max_size متغيرينبغي أن يكون مالا يقل عن 32 م"
+; system_component.php line: 1115
+system_component_missing_required = "مطلوب ما يلي العناصر في عداد المفقودين:  %s"
+; system_component.php line: 1138
+system_component_missing_optional = "كانت العناصر الاختيارية التالية مفقودة:  %s"
+; system_component.php line: 1143
+system_component_check_passed = "تمرير الاختيار."
+; system_component.php line: 1148
+system_component_using_local_config = "استخدام configs/local_config.php حتى تغيير دليل العمل أعلاه قد لا تعمل."
+; machine_controller.php line: 172
+machine_controller_nolines = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 246
+register_controller_need_cookies = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 313
+register_controller_account_created = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 331
+register_controller_registration_email_sent = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 333
+register_controller_admin_activation_request = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 334
+register_controller_admin_email_salutation = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 336
+register_controller_email_body = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 369
+register_controller_account_request_made = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 373
+register_controller_admin_activation_request = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 374
+register_controller_admin_activation_message = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 416
+register_controller_email_verification_error = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 422
+register_controller_already_activated = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 429
+register_controller_account_activated = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 432
+register_controller_email_verification_error = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 480
+register_controller_account_recover_fail = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 489
+register_controller_account_recover_fail = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 493
+register_controller_account_recover_email = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 497
+register_controller_recover_request = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 498
+register_controller_admin_email_salutation = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 500
+register_controller_recover_body = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 534
+register_controller_account_recover_fail = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 546
+register_controller_account_recover_fail = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 559
+register_controller_account_recover_fail = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 566
+register_controller_recovered_already = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 570
+register_controller_recovery_expired = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 576
+register_controller_password_changed = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 584
+register_controller_passwords_dont_match = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 598
+register_controller_recovered_already = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 602
+register_controller_recovery_expired = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 728
+register_controller_invalid_url = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 732
+register_controller_error_fields = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 746
+register_controller_failed_hashcode = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 756
+register_controller_failed_human = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 783
+register_controller_failed_graphical_human = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 797
+register_controller_suggest_full = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 801
+register_controller_url_submitted = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 1004
+register_controller_need_cookies = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 1010
+register_controller_failed_human = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 1025
+register_controller_failed_graphical_human = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 1036
+register_controller_failed_hashcode = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 1064
+register_controller_error_fields = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 1067
+register_controller_check_email = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 1074
+register_controller_user_already_exists = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 235
+search_controller_web = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 295
+search_controller_logout_successful = "تسجيل الخروج الناجحة!!"
+; search_controller.php line: 500
+search_controller_mix_info = "استخدام مزيج الزحف:  %s"
+; search_controller.php line: 506
+search_controller_crawl_info = "ويب الوثيقة: %s. الحجم: %s صفحات وعناوين URL %s"
+; search_controller.php line: 542
+search_controller_search = "البحث"
+; search_controller.php line: 646
+search_controller_no_index_set = "لا يوجد مؤشر مجموعة البحث للاستخدام!"
+; search_controller.php line: 649
+search_controller_no_index_set = "لا يوجد مؤشر مجموعة البحث للاستخدام!"
+; search_controller.php line: 1300
+search_controller_download_fetcher = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1309
+search_controller_no_archive_page = "موقع على شبكة الإنترنت قد طلبت هذه الصفحة لم تتم أرشفة."
+; search_controller.php line: 1358
+search_controller_yioop_cache = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1363
+search_controller_original_page = "هذه الصورة التي ظهرت على الصفحة:"
+; search_controller.php line: 1380
+search_controller_extracted_title = "عنوان المستخرجة"
+; search_controller.php line: 1382
+search_controller_extracted_description = "وصف استخراج"
+; search_controller.php line: 1384
+search_controller_extracted_links = "الروابط المستخرجة"
+; search_controller.php line: 1389
+search_controller_extracted_allow_paths = "استخراج يسمح لمسارات تتبع الارتباطات"
+; search_controller.php line: 1395
+search_controller_extracted_disallow_paths = "استخراج غير مسموح لمسارات تتبع الارتباطات"
+; search_controller.php line: 1401
+search_controller_crawl_delay = "تأخير الزحف ييوببوت"
+; search_controller.php line: 1466
+search_controller_cache_comment = "يوب ذاكرة التخزين المؤقت الصفحة... هذه الصفحة قد تم تعديل لإضافة توجيه الروبوتات، وجعل ارتباطات مطلقة، إضافة ملخصات المستخرجة، وتسليط الضوء على مصطلحات الاستعلام."
+; search_controller.php line: 1477
+search_controller_yioop_cache = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1513
+search_controller_cached_version = "تم الحصول على هذه النسخة المخزنة مؤقتاً من  %s الزاحف يوب على  %s."
+; search_controller.php line: 1608
+search_controller_download_fetcher = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1626
+search_controller_header_summaries = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1739
+search_controller_history = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1908
+search_controller_all_cached = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1939
+search_controller_year = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1940
+search_controller_month = ""
+; settings_controller.php line: 115
+settings_controller_crawl_mix = "الزحف ميكس"
+; settings_controller.php line: 130
+settings_controller_settings_saved = "حفظ الإعدادات!"
+; static_controller.php line: 67
+static_controller_logout_successful = ""
+; static_controller.php line: 145
+static_controller_complete_title = ""
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/sq_data/app/controllers
+; main_controller.php line: 87
+search_controller_logout_successful = "تسجيل الخروج الناجحة!!"
+; main_controller.php line: 112
+main_controller_download = ""
+; main_controller.php line: 129
+main_controller_missing_fields = ""
+; main_controller.php line: 164
+main_controller_yioop_download = ""
+; main_controller.php line: 165
+main_controller_click_download = ""
+; main_controller.php line: 178
+main_controller_url_error = ""
+; main_controller.php line: 187
+main_controller_expired_url = ""
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/seek_quarry//views
+; admin_view.php line: 70
+admin_view_admin = "Admin"
+; admin_view.php line: 89
+adminview_auto_logout_one_minute = "خروج السيارات في دقيقة واحدة!!"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 52
+crawlstatus_view_currently_processing = "حاليا بتجهيز"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 53
+crawlstatus_view_description = "الوصف:"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 58
+crawlstatus_view_starting_crawl = "بدء تشغيل تتبع الارتباطات الجديدة..."
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 62
+managecrawls_element_stop_crawl = "لوقف الزحف"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 66
+crawlstatus_view_resuming_crawl = "استئناف الزحف"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 70
+managecrawls_element_stop_crawl = "لوقف الزحف"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 74
+crawlstatus_view_shutdown_queue = "إيقاف قائمة الانتظار..."
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 77
+crawlstatus_view_closing_dict = "إغلاق القاموس الزحف..."
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 80
+crawlstatus_view_run_plugins = "تشغيل وظيفة تجهيز الإضافات..."
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 88
+managecrawls_element_stop_crawl = "لوقف الزحف"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 96
+crawlstatus_view_set_index = "تعيين كفهرس"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 99
+crawlstatus_view_search_index = "البحث عن الفهرس"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 107
+crawlstatus_view_changeoptions = "تغيير خيارات تتبع الارتباطات"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 109
+crawlstatus_view_no_description = "لا تتبع الارتباطات النشطة"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 114
+crawlstatus_view_timestamp = "الطابع الزمني:"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 116
+crawlstatus_view_time_started = "الوقت بدأ:"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 122
+crawlstatus_view_indexer_memory = "الذاكرة الذروة المفهرس:"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 124
+crawlstatus_view_scheduler_memory = "ذروةجدولةالذاكرة:"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 127
+crawlstatus_view_queue_memory = "ذروة خادم الذاكرة:"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 132
+crawlstatus_view_no_mem_data = "لا توجد ذاكرة البيانات حتى الآن"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 136
+crawlstatus_view_fetcher_memory = "ذروة ميزة جلب الذاكرة:"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 141
+crawlstatus_view_no_mem_data = "لا توجد ذاكرة البيانات حتى الآن"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 144
+crawlstatus_view_webapp_memory = "ذروة التطبيق ويب الذاكرة:"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 149
+crawlstatus_view_no_mem_data = "لا توجد ذاكرة البيانات حتى الآن"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 152
+crawlstatus_view_urls_per_hour = "زار عناوين Url لكل ساعة:"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 160
+crawlstatus_view_visited_urls = "زار عدد عناوين Url:"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 164
+crawlstatus_view_total_urls = "عدد عناوين Url التي ينظر إليها:"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 167
+crawlstatus_view_most_recent_fetcher = "ميزة جلب أحدث:"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 176
+crawlstatus_view_no_fetcher = "لا توجد ميزة جلب الاستعلامات بعد"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 180
+crawlstatus_view_most_recent_urls = "محددات مواقع المعلومات الأكثر حداثة"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 190
+crawlstatus_view_no_recent_urls = "لا توجد محددات مواقع المعلومات الأخيرة"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 193
+crawlstatus_view_previous_crawls = "تتبع الارتباطات السابقة"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 203
+crawlstatus_view_description = "الوصف:"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 206
+crawlstatus_view_timestamp = "الطابع الزمني:"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 207
+crawlstatus_view_url_counts = "زار استخراج عناوين Url:"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 211
+crawlstatus_view_actions = "إجراءات"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 222
+crawlstatus_view_statistics = "الإحصاءات"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 238
+crawlstatus_view_resume = "استئناف"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 240
+crawlstatus_view_no_resume = "مغلقة"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 247
+crawlstatus_view_set_index = "تعيين كفهرس"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 250
+crawlstatus_view_search_index = "البحث عن الفهرس"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 257
+crawlstatus_view_delete = "حذف"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 265
+crawlstatus_view_no_previous_crawl = "لا توجد عمليات تتبع الارتباطات السابقة"
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/seek_quarry//views/elements
+; activity_element.php line: 54
+activity_element_activities = "الأنشطة"
+; configure_element.php line: 76
+configure_element_work_directory = "دليل عمل محرك البحث"
+; configure_element.php line: 82
+configure_element_load_or_create = "تحميل أو إنشاء"
+; configure_element.php line: 100
+configure_element_component_check = "التحقق من مكون"
+; configure_element.php line: 104
+configure_element_profile_settings = "الإعدادات الشخصية"
+; configure_element.php line: 107
+configure_element_toggle_advanced = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 114
+configure_element_default_language = "لغة الافتراضية:"
+; configure_element.php line: 121
+configure_element_debug_display = "تصحيح العرض"
+; configure_element.php line: 126
+configure_element_error_info = "معلومات الخطأ"
+; configure_element.php line: 131
+configure_element_query_info = "معلومات الاستعلام"
+; configure_element.php line: 136
+configure_element_test_info = "معلومات الاختبار"
+; configure_element.php line: 141
+configure_element_site_access = "البحث عن الوصول"
+; configure_element.php line: 146
+configure_element_web_access = "ويب"
+; configure_element.php line: 151
+configure_element_rss_access = "RSS"
+; configure_element.php line: 156
+configure_element_api_access = "API"
+; configure_element.php line: 161
+configure_element_customizations = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 163
+configure_element_use_wiki_landing = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 170
+configure_element_background_color = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 178
+configure_element_background_image = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 185
+configure_element_background_image = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 194
+configure_element_foreground_color = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 200
+configure_element_topbar_color = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 206
+configure_element_sidebar_color = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 214
+configure_element_site_logo = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 221
+configure_element_site_logo = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 232
+configure_element_mobile_logo = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 239
+configure_element_mobile_logo = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 250
+configure_element_favicon = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 257
+configure_element_favicon = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 267
+configure_element_toolbar = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 278
+configure_element_site_timezone = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 284
+configure_element_cookie_name = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 290
+configure_element_token_name = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 296
+configure_element_auxiliary_css = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 304
+configure_element_reset_customizations = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 311
+configure_element_crawl_robot = "الإنشاء روبوت الزحف"
+; configure_element.php line: 313
+configure_element_robot_name = "الزحف الروبوت اسم:"
+; configure_element.php line: 321
+configure_element_robot_instance = "مثيل روبوت:"
+; configure_element.php line: 328
+configure_element_robot_description = "وصف روبوت"
+; configure_element.php line: 338
+serversettings_element_submit = "تقديم"
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 55
+crawloptions_element_back_to_manage = "مرة أخرى"
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 58
+crawloptions_element_modify_active_crawl = "تعديل الزحف النشطة"
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 60
+crawloptions_element_edit_crawl_options = "تحرير خيارات تتبع الارتباطات"
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 83
+crawloptions_element_web_crawl = "تتبع ارتباطات ويب"
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 93
+crawloptions_element_archive_crawl = "أرشيف الزحف"
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 100
+crawloptions_element_load_options = "الحصول على خيارات الزحف من:"
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 105
+crawloptions_element_crawl_order = "الزحف الترتيب:"
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 114
+crawloptions_element_restrict_by_url = "تقييد مواقع بعنوان:"
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 122
+crawloptions_element_allowed_to_crawl = "يسمح بتتبع ارتباطات مواقع"
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 129
+crawloptions_element_disallowed_and_quota_sites = "غير مسموح به مواقع/مواقع مع الحصص"
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 140
+crawloptions_element_seed_sites = "مواقع البذور"
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 144
+crawloptions_element_add_suggest_urls = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 155
+crawloptions_element_inject_sites = "الزحف إلى مواقع حقن الحالية"
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 159
+crawloptions_element_add_suggest_urls = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 176
+crawloptions_element_reindex_crawl = "تتبع الارتباطات أو مجلد قوس إلى Re-index:"
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 185
+crawloptions_element_need_api_for_mix = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 193
+crawloptions_element_save_options = "حفظ الخيارات"
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 58
+editclassifier_back = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 60
+editclassifier_edit_classifier = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 72
+editclassifier_classifier_label = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 77
+editclassifier_change = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 82
+editclassifier_statistics = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 83
+editclassifier_positive_examples = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 86
+editclassifier_negative_examples = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 89
+editclassifier_accuracy = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 94
+crawl_component_na = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 99
+editclassifier_update = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 100
+editclassifier_add_examples = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 109
+editclassifier_source = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 113
+editclassifier_default_crawl = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 123
+editclassifier_label_by_hand = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 125
+editclassifier_all_in_class = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 127
+editclassifier_none_in_class = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 132
+editclassifier_keywords = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 141
+editclassifier_load = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 147
+editclassifier_finalize = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 155
+editclassifier_no_documents = ""
+; editlocales_element.php line: 55
+editlocales_element_back_to_manage = "مرة أخرى"
+; editlocales_element.php line: 57
+editlocales_element_edit_locale = "تحرير الإعدادات المحلية:  %s"
+; editlocales_element.php line: 71
+editlocales_element_show = ""
+; editlocales_element.php line: 75
+editlocales_element_filter = ""
+; editlocales_element.php line: 82
+editlocales_element_go = ""
+; editlocales_element.php line: 86
+editlocales_element_no_matching = ""
+; editlocales_element.php line: 119
+editlocales_element_submit = "تقديم"
+; editmix_element.php line: 51
+editmix_element_back_to_mix = "مرة أخرى"
+; editmix_element.php line: 53
+mixcrawls_element_edit_mix = "تحرير ميكس تتبع الارتباطات"
+; editmix_element.php line: 64
+mixcrawls_element_mix_name = "مزيج اسم:"
+; editmix_element.php line: 70
+mixcrawls_element_mix_components = "مزيج المكونات"
+; editmix_element.php line: 77
+mixcrawls_element_too_many = ""
+; editmix_element.php line: 79
+mixcrawls_element_add_fragment = ""
+; editmix_element.php line: 85
+mixcrawls_element_save_button = "حفظ"
+; footer_element.php line: 59
+footer_element_blog = "مدونة"
+; footer_element.php line: 61
+footer_element_privacy = "الخصوصية"
+; footer_element.php line: 63
+footer_element_terms = ""
+; footer_element.php line: 65
+footer_element_tools = ""
+; footer_element.php line: 67
+footer_element_bot = "ييوببوت"
+; footer_element.php line: 72
+footer_element_developed_seek_quarry = "وضعت في سيككواري"
+; footer_element.php line: 75
+footer_element_copyright_yioop = "يوب! (ج) 2014"
+; footer_element.php line: 77
+footer_element_php_search_engine = "بي إتش بي محرك البحث"
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 91
+groupfeed_element_add_group = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 95
+groupfeed_element_request_add = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 122
+groupfeed_element_wiki_page = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 124
+groupfeed_element_back = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 127
+groupfeed_element_back = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 136
+groupfeed_element_group_activity = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 140
+groupfeed_element_wiki_thread = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 159
+groupfeed_element_feed = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 163
+group_view_wiki = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 165
+groupfeed_element_user = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 206
+groupfeed_element_comment = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 238
+manageaccount_element_group_wiki = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 239
+manageaccount_element_group_stats = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 244
+manageaccount_element_last_post = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 286
+groupfeed_element_comment = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 297
+groupfeed_element_start_thread = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 311
+groupfeed_element_start_thread = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 317
+groupfeed_element_no_posts_yet = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 323
+groupfeed_element_thread_no_exist = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 358
+groupfeed_element_edit = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 363
+groupfeed_element_delete = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 385
+groupfeed_element_num_posts = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 395
+groupfeed_element_num_views = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 420
+groupfeed_element_start_thread_in_group = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 422
+groupfeed_element_start_thread_in_group = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 436
+groupfeed_element_last_edited = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 452
+groupfeed_element_post_vote = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 479
+groupfeed_element_last_post_info = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 494
+groupfeed_element_comment = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 547
+fileupload_helper_drag_textarea = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 548
+fileupload_helper_click_textarea = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 572
+groupfeed_element_add_comment = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 586
+groupfeed_element_save = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 625
+groupfeed_element_subject = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 632
+groupfeed_element_post = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 645
+groupfeed_element_save = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 681
+groupfeed_element_edit_post = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 684
+groupfeed_element_subject = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 690
+groupfeed_element_post = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 703
+groupfeed_element_save = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 732
+groupfeed_element_no_longer_update = ""
+; machinelog_element.php line: 54
+machinelog_element_back_to_manage = "مرة أخرى"
+; machinelog_element.php line: 59
+machinelog_element_filter = ""
+; machinelog_element.php line: 66
+machinelog_element_log_file = "%s ملف السجل"
+; machinelog_element.php line: 71
+machinelog_element_refresh_off = "التحديث التلقائي بدوره قبالة"
+; machinelog_element.php line: 76
+machinelog_element_refresh_on = "التحديث التلقائي بدوره على"
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 60
+manageaccount_element_lock = ""
+manageaccount_element_edit = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 67
+manageaccount_element_welcome = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 69
+manageaccount_element_what_can_do = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 71
+manageaccount_element_account_details = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 100
+manageaccounts_element_icon = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 110
+manageusers_element_username = "اسم المستخدم:"
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 117
+manageusers_element_firstname = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 123
+manageusers_element_lastname = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 129
+manageusers_element_email = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 138
+manageaccount_element_password = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 145
+manageaccount_element_new_password = "كلمة المرور الجديدة:"
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 151
+manageaccount_element_retype_password = "إعادة كتابة كلمة المرور:"
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 163
+manageaccount_element_save = "حفظ"
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 169
+manageaccount_element_search_lang_settings = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 174
+manageaccount_element_crawl_and_index = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 175
+manageaccount_element_crawl_info = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 176
+manageaccount_element_num_crawls = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 179
+manageaccount_element_manage_crawls = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 185
+manageaccount_element_groups_and_feeds = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 186
+manageaccount_element_group_info = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 188
+manageaccount_element_num_groups = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 191
+manageaccount_element_num_group = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 203
+manageaccount_element_group_wiki = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 204
+manageaccount_element_group_stats = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 209
+manageaccount_element_last_post = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 219
+manageaccount_element_manage_all_groups = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 221
+manageaccount_element_go_to_group_feed = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 223
+manageaccount_element_crawl_mixes = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 224
+manageaccount_element_mixes_info = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 226
+manageaccount_element_num_mixes = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 229
+manageaccount_element_num_mix = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 233
+manageaccount_element_manage_mixes = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 61
+manageclassifiers_available_classifiers = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 69
+manageclassifiers_label_col = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 72
+manageclassifiers_positive_col = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 74
+manageclassifiers_negative_col = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 80
+manageclassifiers_actions_col = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 99
+manageclassifiers_edit = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 102
+manageclassifiers_finalized = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 109
+manageclassifiers_finalize = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 111
+manageclassifiers_finalize = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 115
+manageclassifiers_finalizing = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 119
+confirm_delete_operation = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 123
+manageclassifiers_delete = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 156
+manageclassifiers_manage_classifiers = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 166
+manageclassifiers_classifier_name = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 171
+manageclassifiers_create_button = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 186
+manageclassifiers_element_search = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 187
+manageclassifiers_element_create_form = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 189
+manageclassifiers_classifier_name = ""
+; managecrawls_element.php line: 49
+managecrawls_element_create_crawl = "إنشاء تتبع الارتباطات"
+; managecrawls_element.php line: 58
+managecrawls_element_description = "الاسم"
+; managecrawls_element.php line: 65
+managecrawls_element_start_new_crawl = "بدء تشغيل تتبع الارتباطات الجديدة"
+; managecrawls_element.php line: 69
+managecrawls_element_options = "خيارات"
+; managecrawls_element.php line: 75
+managecrawls_element_awaiting_status = "في انتظار حالة تتبع الارتباطات"
+; managecrawls_element.php line: 93
+managecrawls_element_up_longer_update = "لم يعد تحديث حالة تتبع الارتباطات"
+; managegroups_element.php line: 67
+managegroups_element_not_my_groups = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 69
+managegroups_element_groups = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 78
+managegroups_element_groupname = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 79
+managegroups_element_groupowner = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 81
+managegroups_element_registertype = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 82
+managegroups_element_memberaccess = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 83
+managegroups_element_voting = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 84
+managegroups_element_post_lifetime = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 87
+managegroups_element_actions = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 201
+manageaccount_element_group_wiki = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 216
+managegroups_element_join = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 220
+managegroups_element_edit = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 225
+managegroups_element_edit = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 230
+managegroups_element_delete = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 236
+managegroups_element_join = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 241
+managegroups_element_join = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 250
+managegroups_element_decline = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 252
+managegroups_element_unsubscribe = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 257
+confirm_delete_operation = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 260
+managegroups_element_delete = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 289
+managegroups_element_addgroup_form = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 290
+managegroups_element_group_info = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 292
+managegroups_element_create_group = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 296
+managegroups_element_add_group = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 313
+managegroups_element_groupname = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 324
+managegroups_element_browse = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 335
+managegroups_element_register = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 342
+managegroups_element_memberaccess = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 349
+managegroups_element_voting = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 356
+managegroups_element_post_lifetime = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 368
+managegroups_element_group_users = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 372
+managegroups_element_num_users = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 398
+managegroups_element_groupowner = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 400
+managegroups_element_delete = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 410
+managegroups_element_activate = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 416
+managegroups_element_ban = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 422
+managegroups_element_unban = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 430
+managegroups_element_delete = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 459
+managegroups_element_filter = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 480
+managegroups_element_invite = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 491
+managegroups_element_save = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 520
+managegroups_element_group_info = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 521
+managegroups_element_invite_users_group = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 533
+managegroups_element_groupname = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 541
+managegroups_element_usernames = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 548
+managegroups_element_invite = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 566
+managegroups_element_addgroup_form = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 567
+managegroups_element_transfer_group_owner = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 580
+managegroups_element_groupname = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 588
+managegroups_element_new_group_owner = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 595
+managegroups_element_change_owner = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 614
+managegroups_element_discover_groups = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 618
+managegroups_element_search_group = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 620
+managegroups_element_addgroup_form = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 622
+managegroups_element_groupname = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 623
+managegroups_element_groupowner = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 624
+managegroups_element_registertype = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 626
+managegroups_element_memberaccess = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 628
+managegroups_element_post_lifetime = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 59
+managelocales_element_locale_list = "قائمة الإعدادات المحلية"
+; managelocales_element.php line: 69
+managelocales_element_localename = "اسم الإعدادات المحلية"
+; managelocales_element.php line: 72
+managelocales_element_localetag = "العلامة لغة"
+; managelocales_element.php line: 73
+managelocales_element_writingmode = "وضعالكتابة"
+; managelocales_element.php line: 75
+managelocales_element_enabled = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 80
+managelocales_element_percenttranslated = "ترجمت في المائة"
+; managelocales_element.php line: 81
+managelocales_element_actions = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 101
+managelocales_element_true = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 102
+managelocales_element_false = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 109
+managelocales_element_edit = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 114
+confirm_delete_operation = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 115
+managelocales_element_delete = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 135
+manageloecales_element_add_locale_form = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 136
+managelocales_element_locale_info = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 138
+managelocales_element_add_locale = "إضافة الإعدادات المحلية"
+; managelocales_element.php line: 160
+managelocales_element_localenamelabel = "اسم الإعدادات المحلية:"
+; managelocales_element.php line: 173
+managelocales_element_localetaglabel = "العلامة لغة:"
+; managelocales_element.php line: 179
+managelocales_element_writingmodelabel = "وضع كتابة:"
+; managelocales_element.php line: 189
+managelocales_element_localeenabled = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 200
+managelocales_element_submit = "تقديم"
+; managelocales_element.php line: 218
+managelocales_element_search_locales = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 219
+managelocales_element_addlocale_form = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 221
+managelocales_element_localename = "اسم الإعدادات المحلية"
+; managelocales_element.php line: 222
+managelocales_element_localetag = "العلامة لغة"
+; managelocales_element.php line: 223
+managelocales_element_writingmode = "وضعالكتابة"
+; managelocales_element.php line: 224
+managelocales_element_enabled = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 230
+managelocales_element_true = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 231
+managelocales_element_false = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 51
+managemachines_element_add_machine = "إضافة جهاز"
+; managemachines_element.php line: 63
+managemachines_element_machine_name = "آلة اسم:"
+; managemachines_element.php line: 68
+managemachines_element_machineurl = "آلة Url:"
+; managemachines_element.php line: 73
+managemachines_element_is_mirror = "هو مرآة:"
+; managemachines_element.php line: 78
+managemachines_element_parent_name = "أصل الاسم:"
+; managemachines_element.php line: 84
+managemachines_element_has_queueserver = "لديها قائمة انتظار الخادم:"
+; managemachines_element.php line: 88
+managemachines_element_num_fetchers = "عدد من فيتشيرس:"
+; managemachines_element.php line: 93
+managemachines_element_submit = "تقديم"
+; managemachines_element.php line: 98
+managemachines_element_machine_info = "معلومات الجهاز"
+; managemachines_element.php line: 104
+managemachines_element_awaiting_status = "في انتظار الحالات آلات..."
+; managemachines_element.php line: 123
+managemachines_element_no_longer_update = "حالة الجهاز لم يعد تحديث..."
+; manageroles_element.php line: 56
+manageroles_element_roles = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 64
+manageroles_element_rolename = "اسم الدور:"
+; manageroles_element.php line: 66
+manageroles_element_actions = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 91
+manageroles_element_edit = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 96
+manageroles_element_delete = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 100
+confirm_delete_operation = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 103
+manageroles_element_delete = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 136
+manageroles_element_addrole_form = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 137
+manageroles_element_role_info = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 139
+manageroles_element_add_role = "إضافة دور"
+; manageroles_element.php line: 151
+manageroles_element_rolename = "اسم الدور:"
+; manageroles_element.php line: 164
+manageroles_element_role_activities = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 173
+manageroles_element_delete = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 180
+manageroles_element_delete = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 200
+manageroles_element_save = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 218
+manageroles_element_search_role = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 219
+manageroles_element_addrole_form = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 221
+manageroles_element_rolename = "اسم الدور:"
+; manageusers_element.php line: 56
+manageusers_element_users = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 65
+manageusers_element_username = "اسم المستخدم:"
+; manageusers_element.php line: 67
+manageusers_element_firstname = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 68
+manageusers_element_lastname = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 69
+manageusers_element_email = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 71
+manageusers_element_status = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 73
+manageusers_element_actions = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 135
+manageusers_element_edit = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 139
+manageusers_element_edit = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 146
+manageusers_element_delete = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 150
+confirm_delete_operation = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 153
+manageusers_element_delete = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 194
+manageusers_element_adduser_form = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 195
+manageusers_element_user_info = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 197
+manageusers_element_add_user = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 222
+manageusers_element_username = "اسم المستخدم:"
+; manageusers_element.php line: 232
+manageusers_element_firstname = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 238
+manageusers_element_lastname = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 244
+manageusers_element_email = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 251
+manageusers_element_status = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 268
+manageusers_element_roles = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 272
+manageusers_element_num_roles = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 287
+manageusers_element_delete = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 297
+manageusers_element_delete = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 340
+manageusers_element_filter = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 352
+manageusers_element_add_role = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 362
+manageusers_element_groups = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 366
+manageusers_element_num_groups = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 387
+manageusers_element_delete = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 427
+manageusers_element_filter = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 439
+manageusers_element_add_group = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 452
+manageusers_element_password = "كلمة المرور:"
+; manageusers_element.php line: 458
+manageusers_element_retype_password = "إعادة كتابة كلمة المرور:"
+; manageusers_element.php line: 465
+manageusers_element_save = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 492
+manageusers_element_search_user = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 493
+manageusers_element_adduser_form = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 495
+manageusers_element_username = "اسم المستخدم:"
+; manageusers_element.php line: 496
+manageusers_element_firstname = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 497
+manageusers_element_lastname = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 498
+manageusers_element_email = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 499
+manageusers_element_status = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 61
+mixcrawls_element_available_mixes = "يمزج المتاحة"
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 68
+mixcrawls_view_name = "الاسم"
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 70
+mixcrawls_view_definition = "تعريف"
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 74
+mixcrawls_view_actions = "إجراءات"
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 108
+mixcrawls_view_no_components = "مزيج لم أية مكونات"
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 115
+mixcrawls_view_share = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 118
+mixcrawls_view_edit = "تحرير"
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 124
+mixcrawls_set_index = "تعيين كفهرس"
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 127
+mixcrawl_search_index = "البحث عن الفهرس"
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 133
+confirm_delete_operation = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 136
+mixcrawls_view_delete = "حذف"
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 146
+mixcrawls_view_back = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 147
+mixcrawls_element_share_mix_group = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 157
+mixcrawls_element_mixname = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 163
+mixcrawls_element_group = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 169
+mixcrawls_element_share = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 193
+mixcrawls_element_make_mix = "جعل مزيج تتبع ارتباطات"
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 203
+mixcrawls_element_mix_name = "مزيج اسم:"
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 208
+mixcrawls_element_create_button = "إنشاء"
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 223
+mixcrawls_element_search_mix = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 224
+mixcrawls_element_createmix_form = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 226
+mixcrawls_element_mixname = ""
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 78
+moreoptions_element_other_searches = ""
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 113
+moreoptions_element_previous = ""
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 119
+moreoptions_element_next = ""
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 126
+moreoptions_element_my_accounts = ""
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 133
+signin_element_settings = "إعدادات"
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 141
+signin_element_signin = "تسجيل الدخول"
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 144
+signin_element_admin = "أنشطة"
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 156
+signin_view_create_account = ""
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 168
+moreoptions_element_suggest = ""
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 171
+moreoptions_element_wiki_pages = ""
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 182
+moreoptions_element_tools = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 58
+pageoptions_element_crawl_time = "خيارات الصفحة وقت الزحف"
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 63
+pageoptions_element_search_time = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 68
+pageoptions_element_test_options = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 80
+pageoptions_element_load_options = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 85
+pageoptions_element_page_range = "نطاق البايت للتحميل  (0-القيمة):"
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 91
+pageoptions_element_summarizer = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 100
+pageoptions_element_max_description = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 106
+pageoptions_element_save_cache = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 116
+pageoptions_element_allow_recrawl = "السماح للصفحة ريكراول بعد:"
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 123
+pageoptions_element_file_types = "ملف صفحة أنواع للزحف:"
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 153
+pageoptions_element_classifiers_rankers = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 169
+pageoptions_element_use_classify = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 171
+pageoptions_element_use_rank = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 200
+pageoptions_element_no_classifiers = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 203
+pageoptions_element_indexing_plugins = "فهرسة الإضافات"
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 209
+pageoptions_element_plugin = "المساعد"
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 212
+pageoptions_element_plugin_include = "استخدم في تتبع الارتباطات"
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 229
+pageoptions_element_configure = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 241
+pageoptions_element_no_compatible_plugins = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 244
+pageoptions_element_page_rules = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 254
+page_element_search_page = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 261
+pageoptions_element_wd_suggest = "تشير إلى كلمة"
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 269
+pageoptions_element_subsearch_link = "سوبسيرتش"
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 278
+pageoptions_element_signin_link = "تسجيل الدخول"
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 286
+pageoptions_element_cache_link = "ذاكرة التخزين المؤقت"
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 295
+pageoptions_element_similar_link = "مماثلة"
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 304
+pageoptions_element_in_link = "Inlinks"
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 311
+pageoptions_element_ip_link = "عنوان IP"
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 320
+pageoptions_element_ranking_factors = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 325
+pageoptions_element_title_weight = "لقب الوزن:"
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 330
+pageoptions_element_description_weight = "وصف الوزن:"
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 335
+pageoptions_element_link_weight = "ربط الوزن:"
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 340
+pageoptions_element_results_grouping_options = "تجميع نتائج البحث"
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 345
+pageoptions_element_min_results_to_group = "نتائج الحد الأدنى للمجموعة:"
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 351
+pageoptions_element_server_alpha = "ألفا الخادم:"
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 359
+pageoptions_element_test_page = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 363
+pageoptions_element_page_type = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 380
+pageoptions_element_save_options = "حفظ"
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 382
+pageoptions_element_run_tests = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 388
+pageoptions_element_test_results = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 391
+pageoptions_element_page_truncated = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 396
+pageoptions_element_after_process = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 400
+pageoptions_element_after_rules = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 404
+pageoptions_element_extracted_words = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 408
+pageoptions_element_extracted_metas = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 427
+page_element_plugin_back = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 464
+pageoptions_element_run_tests = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 468
+pageoptions_element_save_options = "حفظ"
+; resultseditor_element.php line: 51
+resultseditor_element_edit_page = "تحرير صفحة النتيجة"
+; resultseditor_element.php line: 56
+resultseditor_element_edited_pages = "تحرير عناوين Url:"
+; resultseditor_element.php line: 65
+resultseditor_element_url_list = "حدد موجز تم تحريرها مسبقاً"
+; resultseditor_element.php line: 67
+resultseditor_element_load_page = "تحميل"
+; resultseditor_element.php line: 78
+resultseditor_element_page_url = "URL:"
+; resultseditor_element.php line: 85
+resultseditor_element_page_title = "العنوان:"
+; resultseditor_element.php line: 91
+resultseditor_element_description = "الوصف"
+; resultseditor_element.php line: 97
+resultseditor_element_reset = "إعادة تعيين"
+; resultseditor_element.php line: 100
+resultseditor_element_save_page = "حفظ الصفحة"
+; resultseditor_element.php line: 103
+resultseditor_element_filter_websites = "تصفية المواقع من النتائج"
+; resultseditor_element.php line: 115
+resultseditor_element_sites_to_filter = "مواقع لعامل التصفية"
+; resultseditor_element.php line: 121
+resultseditor_element_save_filter = "حفظ عامل التصفية"
+; searchsources_element.php line: 58
+searchsources_element_addsource_form = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 59
+searchsources_element_edit_media_source = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 63
+searchsources_element_add_media_source = "إضافة مصدر الوسائط"
+; searchsources_element.php line: 87
+searchsources_element_sourcetype = "نوع:"
+; searchsources_element.php line: 92
+searchsources_element_sourcename = "الاسم:"
+; searchsources_element.php line: 101
+searchsources_element_url = "URL:"
+; searchsources_element.php line: 107
+searchsources_element_locale_tag = "اللغة:"
+; searchsources_element.php line: 112
+searchsources_element_thumbnail = "الإبهام:"
+; searchsources_element.php line: 122
+searchsources_element_feed_instruct = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 125
+searchsources_element_channelpath = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 131
+searchsources_element_itempath = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 137
+searchsources_element_titlepath = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 143
+searchsources_element_descpath = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 149
+searchsources_element_linkpath = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 155
+searchsources_element_image_xpath = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 161
+searchsources_element_submit = "تقديم"
+; searchsources_element.php line: 167
+searchsources_element_media_sources = "مصادر إعلامية"
+; searchsources_element.php line: 190
+searchsources_element_medianame = "الاسم"
+; searchsources_element.php line: 191
+searchsources_element_mediatype = "النوع"
+; searchsources_element.php line: 193
+searchsources_element_mediaurls = "محددات مواقع المعلومات"
+; searchsources_element.php line: 196
+searchsources_element_action = "العمل"
+; searchsources_element.php line: 212
+searchsources_element_editmedia = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 215
+confirm_delete_operation = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 218
+searchsources_element_deletemedia = "حذف"
+; searchsources_element.php line: 227
+searchsources_element_addsearch_form = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 229
+searchsources_element_edit_subsearch = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 234
+searchsources_element_add_subsearch = "إضافة سوبسيرتش"
+; searchsources_element.php line: 249
+searchsources_element_foldername = "اسم المجلد:"
+; searchsources_element.php line: 259
+searchsources_element_indexsource = "فهرسة المصدر:"
+; searchsources_element.php line: 265
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 271
+searchsources_element_submit = "تقديم"
+; searchsources_element.php line: 277
+searchsources_element_subsearches = "سوبسيرتشيس الحالي"
+; searchsources_element.php line: 287
+searchsources_element_dirname = "اسم المجلد"
+; searchsources_element.php line: 289
+searchsources_element_index = "فهرس"
+; searchsources_element.php line: 292
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 294
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 300
+searchsources_element_actions = "إجراءات"
+; searchsources_element.php line: 316
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 323
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 327
+searchsources_element_localize = "تعريب"
+; searchsources_element.php line: 334
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+; security_element.php line: 54
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+; security_element.php line: 65
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+; security_element.php line: 77
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+; security_element.php line: 86
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+; security_element.php line: 100
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+; security_element.php line: 104
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+; security_element.php line: 111
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+; security_element.php line: 116
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+; security_element.php line: 121
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+; security_element.php line: 124
+security_element_edit_captcha = ""
+; serversettings_element.php line: 57
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 61
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 65
+serversettings_element_name_server_key = "مفتاح الخادم:"
+; serversettings_element.php line: 72
+serversettings_element_name_server_url = "اسم محدد موقع معلومات الخادم:"
+; serversettings_element.php line: 80
+serversettings_element_use_memcache = "استخدام Memcache:"
+; serversettings_element.php line: 88
+serversettings_element_memcache_servers = "Memcache ملقمات"
+; serversettings_element.php line: 99
+serversettings_element_use_filecache = "استخدام فيليكاتشي:"
+; serversettings_element.php line: 110
+configure_element_database_setup = "إنشاء قاعدة بيانات"
+; serversettings_element.php line: 115
+serversettings_element_database_system = "نظام قاعدة بيانات:"
+; serversettings_element.php line: 123
+serversettings_element_databasename = "اسم قاعدة البيانات:"
+; serversettings_element.php line: 130
+serversettings_element_databasehost = "اسم المضيف:"
+; serversettings_element.php line: 137
+serversettings_element_databaseuser = "قاعدة بيانات المستخدم:"
+; serversettings_element.php line: 145
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 158
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 170
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 176
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 183
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 189
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 195
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 201
+serversettings_element_mail_password = ""
+; serversettings_element.php line: 208
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 219
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 224
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 230
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 239
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 251
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 255
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 294
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 304
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+; signin_element.php line: 70
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+; signin_element.php line: 74
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+; signin_element.php line: 78
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+; subsearch_element.php line: 67
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+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/seek_quarry//views/helpers
+; feeds_helper.php line: 63
+feeds_helper_view_feed_results = "نتائج أخبار ل  %s"
+; feeds_helper.php line: 158
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+; feeds_helper.php line: 163
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+; feeds_helper.php line: 168
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+; fileupload_helper.php line: 76
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+; fileupload_helper.php line: 79
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+; images_helper.php line: 56
+images_helper_view_image_results = "عرض نتائج الصورة أكثر..."
+; pagination_helper.php line: 99
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+; pagination_helper.php line: 122
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+; searchform_helper.php line: 149
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+; toggle_helper.php line: 63
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+; toggle_helper.php line: 65
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+; toggle_helper.php line: 69
+toggle_helper_on = "على"
+; toggle_helper.php line: 71
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+; toggle_helper.php line: 75
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+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/seek_quarry//views/layouts
+; rss_layout.php line: 60
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+; rss_layout.php line: 68
+rss_layout_description = "نتائج البحث ل:  %s"
+; web_layout.php line: 61
+web_layout_title = "بي إتش بي محرك البحث-يوب!"
+; web_layout.php line: 71
+web_layout_description = "بي إتش بي الزاحف والبرمجيات محرك البحث"
+; web_layout.php line: 74
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+; web_layout.php line: 214
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+; web_layout.php line: 218
+web_layout_total_elapsed_time = "إجمالي الوقت المنقضي للاستعلامات:  %s ثوان."
+; web_layout.php line: 223
+web_layout_query_time = "الوقت:  %s ثوان."
+; machinestatus_view.php line: 52
+machinestatus_view_no_monitored = "لا توجد آلات المراقبة"
+; machinestatus_view.php line: 57
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+; machinestatus_view.php line: 72
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+; machinestatus_view.php line: 74
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+; machinestatus_view.php line: 101
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+; machinestatus_view.php line: 117
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+; machinestatus_view.php line: 125
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+; machinestatus_view.php line: 128
+machinestatus_view_log = "سجل"
+; machinestatus_view.php line: 141
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+; machinestatus_view.php line: 143
+machinestatus_view_log = "سجل"
+; machinestatus_view.php line: 152
+machinestatus_view_no_queue_server = "آلة قد لا يوجد ملقم قائمة انتظار"
+; machinestatus_view.php line: 155
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+; machinestatus_view.php line: 165
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+; machinestatus_view.php line: 175
+machinestatus_view_log = "سجل"
+; nocache_view.php line: 54
+nocache_view_no_cache = "لم يكن لديها ذاكرة التخزين المؤقت للعنصر المطلوب."
+; nocache_view.php line: 59
+nocache_view_summary_contents = "موجز البيانات المخزنة في يوب"
+; recover_view.php line: 69
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+; recover_view.php line: 105
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+; recover_view.php line: 117
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+; recover_view.php line: 147
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+; recover_view.php line: 154
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+; recover_view.php line: 187
+register_view_human_check = ""
+; recover_view.php line: 206
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+; recover_view.php line: 216
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+; register_view.php line: 74
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+; register_view.php line: 75
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+; register_view.php line: 76
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+; register_view.php line: 77
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+; register_view.php line: 78
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+; register_view.php line: 80
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+; register_view.php line: 81
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+; register_view.php line: 82
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+; register_view.php line: 83
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+; register_view.php line: 84
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+; register_view.php line: 85
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+; register_view.php line: 86
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+; register_view.php line: 89
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+; register_view.php line: 92
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+; register_view.php line: 93
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+; register_view.php line: 94
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+; register_view.php line: 95
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+; register_view.php line: 96
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+; register_view.php line: 98
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+; register_view.php line: 99
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+; register_view.php line: 100
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+; register_view.php line: 101
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+; register_view.php line: 102
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+; register_view.php line: 103
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+; register_view.php line: 106
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+; register_view.php line: 107
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+; register_view.php line: 108
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+; register_view.php line: 109
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+; register_view.php line: 110
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+; register_view.php line: 111
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+; register_view.php line: 112
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+; register_view.php line: 113
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+; register_view.php line: 114
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+; register_view.php line: 115
+register_view_recovery4_more = ""
+; register_view.php line: 116
+register_view_recovery4_less = ""
+; register_view.php line: 117
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+; register_view.php line: 118
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+; register_view.php line: 119
+register_view_recovery5_less = ""
+; register_view.php line: 120
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+; register_view.php line: 121
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+; register_view.php line: 122
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+; register_view.php line: 123
+register_view_recovery6_choices = ""
+; register_view.php line: 152
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+; register_view.php line: 189
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+; register_view.php line: 204
+register_view_lastname = ""
+; register_view.php line: 219
+register_view_username = ""
+; register_view.php line: 232
+register_view_email = ""
+; register_view.php line: 246
+register_view_password = ""
+; register_view.php line: 261
+register_view_retypepassword = ""
+; register_view.php line: 277
+register_view_account_recovery = ""
+; register_view.php line: 281
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+; register_view.php line: 283
+register_view_account_recovery = ""
+; register_view.php line: 315
+register_view_human_check = ""
+; register_view.php line: 330
+register_view_i_agree = ""
+; register_view.php line: 332
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+; register_view.php line: 334
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+; register_view.php line: 336
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+; register_view.php line: 337
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+; register_view.php line: 347
+register_view_create_account = ""
+; register_view.php line: 357
+signin_view_return_yioop = "العودة إلى يوب"
+; search_view.php line: 86
+search_view_title = "يوب! بي إتش بي محرك البحث "
+; search_view.php line: 113
+search_view_input_label = "إدخال المصطلحات كنت ترغب في البحث في الويب"
+; search_view.php line: 117
+search_view_input_placeholder = "اكتب ما كنت تبحث عن"
+; search_view.php line: 120
+search_view_search = "البحث"
+; search_view.php line: 147
+search_view_no_index_set = ""
+; search_view.php line: 152
+search_view_more_statistics = "مزيد من الإحصاءات"
+; search_view.php line: 190
+search_view_calculated = "%s ثوان."
+; search_view.php line: 191
+search_view_results = "عرض  %s- %s من  %s"
+; search_view.php line: 212
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+; search_view.php line: 321
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+; search_view.php line: 366
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+; search_view.php line: 369
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+; search_view.php line: 382
+search_view_similar = "مماثلة"
+; search_view.php line: 394
+search_view_inlink = "Inlinks"
+; search_view.php line: 414
+search_view_rank = "رتبة: %s"
+; search_view.php line: 416
+search_view_relevancy = "ق Rel:%"
+; search_view.php line: 418
+search_view_proximity = "ق Prox:%"
+; search_view.php line: 422
+search_view_thesaurus_score = ""
+; search_view.php line: 431
+search_view_score = "نقاط: %s"
+; settings_view.php line: 66
+settings_view_settings = "إعدادات"
+; settings_view.php line: 73
+settings_view_results_per_page = "النتائج في الصفحة الواحدة:"
+; settings_view.php line: 79
+settings_view_open_in_tabs = "فتح النتائج في تبويب"
+; settings_view.php line: 86
+settings_view_search_index = "البحث في الفهرس:"
+; settings_view.php line: 92
+settings_view_language_label = "اللغة:"
+; settings_view.php line: 108
+settings_view_return_yioop = "العودة"
+; settings_view.php line: 111
+settings_view_save = "حفظ الإعدادات"
+; settings_view.php line: 119
+settings_install_search_plugin = ""
+; signin_view.php line: 65
+signin_view_signin = "تسجيل الدخول"
+; signin_view.php line: 78
+sigin_view_signing_in = ""
+; signin_view.php line: 81
+sigin_view_login_failed = ""
+; signin_view.php line: 89
+signin_view_username = "اسم المستخدم"
+; signin_view.php line: 96
+signin_view_password = "كلمة المرور"
+; signin_view.php line: 107
+signin_view_login = "تسجيل الدخول"
+; signin_view.php line: 122
+signin_view_recover_password = ""
+; signin_view.php line: 127
+signin_view_create_account = ""
+; signin_view.php line: 132
+signin_view_return_yioop = "العودة إلى يوب"
+; static_view.php line: 71
+static_view_title = "بي إتش بي محرك البحث-يوب!"
+; statistics_view.php line: 63
+statistics_view_statistics = "الإحصاءات"
+; statistics_view.php line: 68
+statistics_view_calculating = "حساب... يرجى أن يكون المريض."
+; statistics_view.php line: 82
+statistics_view_error_codes = "ينظر إلى رموز الخطأ"
+; statistics_view.php line: 83
+statistics_view_sizes = "تحميل أحجام الملفات"
+; statistics_view.php line: 84
+statistics_view_links_per_page = "متوسط الارتباطات في كل صفحة"
+; statistics_view.php line: 85
+statistics_view_page_date = "تعديل التواريخ للصفحة"
+; statistics_view.php line: 86
+statistics_view_dns_time = "الوقت بحث DNS"
+; statistics_view.php line: 87
+statistics_view_download_time = "وقت تحميل الصفحة"
+; statistics_view.php line: 88
+statistics_view_top_level_domain = "نطاقات المستوى الأعلى"
+; statistics_view.php line: 89
+statistics_view_file_extension = "ملحق الملف"
+; statistics_view.php line: 90
+statistics_view_media_type = "نوع الوسائط"
+; statistics_view.php line: 91
+statistics_view_language = "لغة صفحة ويب"
+; statistics_view.php line: 92
+statistics_view_server = "ملقم ويب"
+; statistics_view.php line: 93
+statistics_view_os = "نظام التشغيل  (في حالة اكتشاف)"
+; statistics_view.php line: 97
+statistics_view_general_info = "معلومات الفهرس العام"
+; statistics_view.php line: 98
+statistics_view_description = "وصف فهرس"
+; statistics_view.php line: 100
+statistics_view_timestamp = "الطابع الزمني"
+; statistics_view.php line: 102
+statistics_view_crawl_date = "وقت بدء تتبع ارتباطات"
+; statistics_view.php line: 104
+statistics_view_pages = "تحميل الصفحات"
+; statistics_view.php line: 106
+statistics_view_url = "شهدت محددات مواقع المعلومات"
+; statistics_view.php line: 109
+statistics_view_number_hosts = "ينظر إلى أسماء المضيفين"
+; suggest_view.php line: 68
+suggest_view_suggest_url = ""
+; suggest_view.php line: 70
+suggest_view_instructions = ""
+; suggest_view.php line: 94
+suggest_view_url = ""
+; suggest_view.php line: 110
+register_view_human_check = ""
+; suggest_view.php line: 144
+suggest_view_human_check = ""
+; suggest_view.php line: 167
+suggest_view_submit_url = ""
+; suggest_view.php line: 177
+signin_view_return_yioop = "العودة إلى يوب"
+; view.php line: 32
+view_locale_version11 = ""
+; view.php line: 81
+view_logo_alt_text = ""
+; wiki_view.php line: 89
+wiki_view_read = ""
+; wiki_view.php line: 90
+wiki_view_edit = ""
+; wiki_view.php line: 93
+wiki_view_pages = ""
+; wiki_view.php line: 132
+wiki_view_feed = ""
+; wiki_view.php line: 133
+wiki_view_wiki = ""
+; wiki_view.php line: 157
+adminview_auto_logout_one_minute = "خروج السيارات في دقيقة واحدة!!"
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/sq_data/app/views
+; download_view.php line: 62
+download_view_form = ""
+; download_view.php line: 73
+download_view_thank_you = ""
+; download_view.php line: 76
+download_view_full_name = ""
+; download_view.php line: 82
+download_view_email = ""
+; download_view.php line: 87
+download_view_business = ""
+; download_view.php line: 93
+download_view_interest = ""
+; download_view.php line: 100
+download_view_get_email = ""
+; download_view.php line: 106
+download_view_return_main = ""
+; download_view.php line: 120
+download_view_required_fields = ""
+; download_view.php line: 125
+download_view_name_required = ""
+; download_view.php line: 130
+download_view_valid_email = ""
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/seek_quarry//lib/indexing_plugins
+; wordfilter_plugin.php line: 353
+wordfilter_plugin_settings_saved = ""
+; wordfilter_plugin.php line: 362
+wordfilter_plugin_defaults_restored = ""
+; wordfilter_plugin.php line: 466
+wordfilter_plugin_preferences = ""
+; wordfilter_plugin.php line: 470
+wordfilter_plugin_factory_settings = ""
+; wordfilter_plugin.php line: 483
+wordfilter_plugin_save = ""
diff --git a/locale/ar/resources/locale.js b/locale/ar/resources/locale.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..49c2970
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/ar/resources/locale.js
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+ * SeekQuarry/Yioop --
+ * Open Source Pure PHP Search Engine, Crawler, and Indexer
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2009 - 2015  Chris Pollett
+ *
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+ *
+ *
+ * @author Chris Pollett
+ * @package seek_quarry
+ * @subpackage javascript
+ * @license GPL3
+ * @link
+ * @copyright 2009 - 2015s
+ * @filesource
+ */
+ * The alphabet for this locale
+ */
+var alpha = "ﺩﺪﺥﺧﺨﺦﺡﺣﺤﺢ" +
+    "ﺝﺟﺠﺞﺙﺛﺜﺚﺕﺗﺘﺖﺏ" +
+    "ﺑﺒﺐﺎﺍﺽﺿﻀﺾﺹﺻﺼﺺﺵﺷﺸﺶﺱﺳ" +
+    "ﺴﺲﺯ—ﺰﺭ—ﺮﺫ—ﻁﻅ" +
+    "ﻕﻗﻘﻖﻑﻓﻔﻒﻍﻏﻐﻎﻉﻋﻌﻊ" +
+    "ﻇﻈﻆﻃﻙﻡﻩﻱﻳﻴﻫﻬﻪﻣﻤﻢ" +
+    "ﻝﻟﻠﻞﻛﻜﻚﻄﻂﺬﻱﻳﻴ";
+ * Transliteration maping for this locale
+ */
+var roman_array = {};
+ * To analyze the query and generate actual input query from the
+ * transliterated query
+ */
+function analyzeQuery()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/locale/ar/resources/suggest_trie.txt.gz b/locale/ar/resources/suggest_trie.txt.gz
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..3a501f2
Binary files /dev/null and b/locale/ar/resources/suggest_trie.txt.gz differ
diff --git a/locale/ar/resources/tokenizer.php b/locale/ar/resources/tokenizer.php
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..8207857
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/ar/resources/tokenizer.php
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+ * SeekQuarry/Yioop --
+ * Open Source Pure PHP Search Engine, Crawler, and Indexer
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2009 - 2015  Chris Pollett
+ *
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+ *
+ * @author Chris Pollett
+ * @package seek_quarry
+ * @subpackage locale
+ * @license GPL3
+ * @link
+ * @copyright 2009 - 2015
+ * @filesource
+ */
+if(!defined('BASE_DIR')) {echo "BAD REQUEST"; exit();}
+ * Arabic specific tokenization code. Typically, tokenizer.php
+ * either contains a stemmer for the language in question or
+ * it specifies how many characters in a char gram
+ *
+ * @author Chris Pollett
+ * @package seek_quarry
+ * @subpackage locale
+ */
+$GLOBALS['CHARGRAMS']['ar'] = 5;
diff --git a/locale/ar/resources1421450871old/locale.js b/locale/ar/resources1421450871old/locale.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..2c899e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/ar/resources1421450871old/locale.js
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+ * SeekQuarry/Yioop --
+ * Open Source Pure PHP Search Engine, Crawler, and Indexer
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2009 - 2014  Chris Pollett
+ *
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+ *
+ *
+ * @author Chris Pollett
+ * @package seek_quarry
+ * @subpackage javascript
+ * @license GPL3
+ * @link
+ * @copyright 2009 - 2014s
+ * @filesource
+ */
+ * The alphabet for this locale
+ */
+var alpha = "ﺩﺪﺥﺧﺨﺦﺡﺣﺤﺢ" +
+    "ﺝﺟﺠﺞﺙﺛﺜﺚﺕﺗﺘﺖﺏ" +
+    "ﺑﺒﺐﺎﺍﺽﺿﻀﺾﺹﺻﺼﺺﺵﺷﺸﺶﺱﺳ" +
+    "ﺴﺲﺯ—ﺰﺭ—ﺮﺫ—ﻁﻅ" +
+    "ﻕﻗﻘﻖﻑﻓﻔﻒﻍﻏﻐﻎﻉﻋﻌﻊ" +
+    "ﻇﻈﻆﻃﻙﻡﻩﻱﻳﻴﻫﻬﻪﻣﻤﻢ" +
+    "ﻝﻟﻠﻞﻛﻜﻚﻄﻂﺬﻱﻳﻴ";
+ * Transliteration maping for this locale
+ */
+var roman_array = {};
+ * To analyze the query and generate actual input query from the
+ * transliterated query
+ */
+function analyzeQuery()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/locale/ar/resources1421450871old/suggest_trie.txt.gz b/locale/ar/resources1421450871old/suggest_trie.txt.gz
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..3a501f2
Binary files /dev/null and b/locale/ar/resources1421450871old/suggest_trie.txt.gz differ
diff --git a/locale/ar/resources1421450871old/tokenizer.php b/locale/ar/resources1421450871old/tokenizer.php
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..faacf52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/ar/resources1421450871old/tokenizer.php
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+ * SeekQuarry/Yioop --
+ * Open Source Pure PHP Search Engine, Crawler, and Indexer
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2009 - 2014  Chris Pollett
+ *
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+ *
+ * @author Chris Pollett
+ * @package seek_quarry
+ * @subpackage locale
+ * @license GPL3
+ * @link
+ * @copyright 2009 - 2014
+ * @filesource
+ */
+if(!defined('BASE_DIR')) {echo "BAD REQUEST"; exit();}
+ * Arabic specific tokenization code. Typically, tokenizer.php
+ * either contains a stemmer for the language in question or
+ * it specifies how many characters in a char gram
+ *
+ * @author Chris Pollett
+ * @package seek_quarry
+ * @subpackage locale
+ */
+$GLOBALS['CHARGRAMS']['ar'] = 5;
diff --git a/locale/ar/statistics.txt b/locale/ar/statistics.txt
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..306fdaa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/ar/statistics.txt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/locale/bn/configure.ini b/locale/bn/configure.ini
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..55ad917
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/bn/configure.ini
@@ -0,0 +1,4186 @@
+; ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
+;  SeekQuarry/Yioop Open Source Pure PHP Search Engine, Crawler, and Indexer
+;  Copyright (C) 2009 - 2015  Chris Pollett
+;  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;  (at your option) any later version.
+;  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;  GNU General Public License for more details.
+;  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;  along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+;  ***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****
+; configure.ini
+; bn configuration file
+; Strings to translate on various pages
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/seek_quarry//controllers
+; admin_controller.php line: 101
+admin_controller_need_cookies = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 150
+admin_controller_account_not_active = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 156
+admin_controller_login_successful = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 175
+admin_controller_no_back_button = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 189
+admin_controller_login_failed = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 195
+admin_controller_login_to_config = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 199
+admin_controller_status_updates_stopped = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 342
+admin_controller_account_access = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 343
+admin_controller_social = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 344
+admin_controller_crawl_settings = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 345
+admin_controller_system_settings = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 517
+admin_controller_equal = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 518
+admin_controller_not_equal = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 519
+admin_controller_contains = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 520
+admin_controller_begins_with = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 521
+admin_controller_ends_with = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 524
+admin_controller_equal = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 525
+admin_controller_not_equal = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 528
+admin_controller_no_sort = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 529
+admin_controller_sort_ascending = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 530
+admin_controller_sort_descending = ""
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/seek_quarry//controllers/components
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 132
+accountaccess_component_no_posts_yet = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 146
+accountaccess_component_passwords_too_long = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 155
+accountaccess_component_passwords_dont_match = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 162
+accountaccess_component_invalid_password = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 192
+accountaccess_component_unknown_imagetype = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 197
+accountaccess_component_icon_too_big = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 206
+accountaccess_component_no_user_folder = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 215
+accountaccess_component_user_updated = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 259
+accountaccess_component_active_status = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 260
+accountaccess_component_inactive_status = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 261
+accountaccess_component_banned_status = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 264
+accountaccess_component_request_join = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 265
+accountaccess_component_invited = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 266
+accountaccess_component_active_status = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 267
+accountaccess_component_banned_status = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 312
+accountaccess_component_passwords_too_long = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 317
+accountaccess_component_passwords_dont_match = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 321
+accountaccess_component_invalid_username = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 325
+accountaccess_component_user_exists = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 354
+accountaccess_component_user_added = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 363
+accountaccess_component_user_doesnt_exist = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 370
+accountaccess_component_cant_edit_public_user = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 412
+accountaccess_component_passwords_dont_match = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 418
+accountaccess_component_user_updated = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 424
+accountaccess_component_user_filter_group = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 428
+accountaccess_component_user_filter_role = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 439
+accountaccess_component_username_doesnt_exists = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 444
+accountaccess_component_cant_delete_builtin = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 449
+accountaccess_component_user_deleted = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 458
+accountaccess_component_username_doesnt_exists = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 463
+accountaccess_component_rolename_doesnt_exists = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 469
+accountaccess_component_rolename_already_added = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 475
+accountaccess_component_rolename_added = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 485
+accountaccess_component_username_doesnt_exists = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 490
+accountaccess_component_groupname_doesnt_exists = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 496
+accountaccess_component_groupname_already_added = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 504
+accountaccess_component_groupname_added = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 514
+accountaccess_component_username_doesnt_exists = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 519
+accountaccess_component_rolename_doesnt_exists = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 528
+accountaccess_component_rolename_deleted = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 538
+accountaccess_component_username_doesnt_exists = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 543
+accountaccess_component_groupname_doesnt_exists = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 552
+accountaccess_component_group_deleted = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 569
+accountaccess_component_username_doesnt_exists = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 575
+accountaccess_component_userstatus_updated = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 733
+accountaccess_component_select_activityname = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 759
+accountaccess_component_rolename_doesnt_exists = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 775
+accountaccess_component_activity_added = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 784
+accountaccess_component_rolename_exists = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 790
+accountaccess_component_rolename_added = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 794
+accountaccess_component_rolename_blank = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 803
+accountaccess_component_rolename_doesnt_exists = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 821
+accountaccess_component_activity_deleted = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 829
+accountaccess_component_rolename_doesnt_exists = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 835
+accountaccess_component_rolename_deleted = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 867
+accountaccess_component_role_updated = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 85
+crawl_component_starting_new_crawl = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 102
+crawl_component_stop_crawl = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 131
+crawl_component_resume_crawl = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 140
+crawl_component_delete_crawl_success = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 144
+crawl_component_delete_crawl_fail = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 153
+crawl_component_set_index = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 187
+crawl_component_no_description = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 334
+crawl_component_use_below = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 335
+crawl_component_use_defaults = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 338
+crawl_component_use_below = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 342
+crawl_component_previous_crawl = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 413
+crawl_component_added_urls = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 427
+crawl_component_add_suggest = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 431
+crawl_component_no_new_suggests = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 478
+crawl_component_breadth_first = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 480
+crawl_component_page_importance = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 545
+crawl_component_added_urls = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 555
+crawl_component_urls_injected = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 565
+crawl_component_update_seed_info = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 620
+crawl_component_new_classifier = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 624
+crawl_component_classifier_exists = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 647
+crawl_component_classifier_deleted = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 651
+crawl_component_no_classifier = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 662
+crawl_component_no_classifier = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 680
+crawl_component_finalizing_classifier = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 707
+crawl_component_finalizing_classifier = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 753
+crawl_component_classifier_exists = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 762
+crawl_component_load_failed = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 764
+crawl_component_loading = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 766
+crawl_component_added_examples = ""
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+; register_controller.php line: 246
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+; register_controller.php line: 313
+register_controller_account_created = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 331
+register_controller_registration_email_sent = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 333
+register_controller_admin_activation_request = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 334
+register_controller_admin_email_salutation = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 336
+register_controller_email_body = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 369
+register_controller_account_request_made = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 373
+register_controller_admin_activation_request = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 374
+register_controller_admin_activation_message = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 416
+register_controller_email_verification_error = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 422
+register_controller_already_activated = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 429
+register_controller_account_activated = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 432
+register_controller_email_verification_error = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 480
+register_controller_account_recover_fail = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 489
+register_controller_account_recover_fail = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 493
+register_controller_account_recover_email = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 497
+register_controller_recover_request = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 498
+register_controller_admin_email_salutation = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 500
+register_controller_recover_body = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 534
+register_controller_account_recover_fail = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 546
+register_controller_account_recover_fail = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 559
+register_controller_account_recover_fail = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 566
+register_controller_recovered_already = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 570
+register_controller_recovery_expired = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 576
+register_controller_password_changed = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 584
+register_controller_passwords_dont_match = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 598
+register_controller_recovered_already = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 602
+register_controller_recovery_expired = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 728
+register_controller_invalid_url = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 732
+register_controller_error_fields = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 746
+register_controller_failed_hashcode = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 756
+register_controller_failed_human = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 783
+register_controller_failed_graphical_human = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 797
+register_controller_suggest_full = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 801
+register_controller_url_submitted = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 1004
+register_controller_need_cookies = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 1010
+register_controller_failed_human = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 1025
+register_controller_failed_graphical_human = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 1036
+register_controller_failed_hashcode = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 1064
+register_controller_error_fields = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 1067
+register_controller_check_email = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 1074
+register_controller_user_already_exists = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 235
+search_controller_web = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 295
+search_controller_logout_successful = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 500
+search_controller_mix_info = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 506
+search_controller_crawl_info = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 542
+search_controller_search = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 646
+search_controller_no_index_set = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 649
+search_controller_no_index_set = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1300
+search_controller_download_fetcher = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1309
+search_controller_no_archive_page = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1358
+search_controller_yioop_cache = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1363
+search_controller_original_page = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1380
+search_controller_extracted_title = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1382
+search_controller_extracted_description = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1384
+search_controller_extracted_links = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1389
+search_controller_extracted_allow_paths = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1395
+search_controller_extracted_disallow_paths = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1401
+search_controller_crawl_delay = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1466
+search_controller_cache_comment = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1477
+search_controller_yioop_cache = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1513
+search_controller_cached_version = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1608
+search_controller_download_fetcher = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1626
+search_controller_header_summaries = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1739
+search_controller_history = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1908
+search_controller_all_cached = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1939
+search_controller_year = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1940
+search_controller_month = ""
+; settings_controller.php line: 115
+settings_controller_crawl_mix = ""
+; settings_controller.php line: 130
+settings_controller_settings_saved = ""
+; static_controller.php line: 67
+static_controller_logout_successful = ""
+; static_controller.php line: 145
+static_controller_complete_title = ""
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/sq_data/app/controllers
+; main_controller.php line: 87
+search_controller_logout_successful = ""
+; main_controller.php line: 112
+main_controller_download = ""
+; main_controller.php line: 129
+main_controller_missing_fields = ""
+; main_controller.php line: 164
+main_controller_yioop_download = ""
+; main_controller.php line: 165
+main_controller_click_download = ""
+; main_controller.php line: 178
+main_controller_url_error = ""
+; main_controller.php line: 187
+main_controller_expired_url = ""
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/seek_quarry//views
+; admin_view.php line: 70
+admin_view_admin = ""
+; admin_view.php line: 89
+adminview_auto_logout_one_minute = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 52
+crawlstatus_view_currently_processing = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 53
+crawlstatus_view_description = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 58
+crawlstatus_view_starting_crawl = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 62
+managecrawls_element_stop_crawl = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 66
+crawlstatus_view_resuming_crawl = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 70
+managecrawls_element_stop_crawl = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 74
+crawlstatus_view_shutdown_queue = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 77
+crawlstatus_view_closing_dict = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 80
+crawlstatus_view_run_plugins = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 88
+managecrawls_element_stop_crawl = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 96
+crawlstatus_view_set_index = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 99
+crawlstatus_view_search_index = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 107
+crawlstatus_view_changeoptions = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 109
+crawlstatus_view_no_description = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 114
+crawlstatus_view_timestamp = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 116
+crawlstatus_view_time_started = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 122
+crawlstatus_view_indexer_memory = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 124
+crawlstatus_view_scheduler_memory = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 127
+crawlstatus_view_queue_memory = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 132
+crawlstatus_view_no_mem_data = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 136
+crawlstatus_view_fetcher_memory = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 141
+crawlstatus_view_no_mem_data = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 144
+crawlstatus_view_webapp_memory = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 149
+crawlstatus_view_no_mem_data = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 152
+crawlstatus_view_urls_per_hour = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 160
+crawlstatus_view_visited_urls = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 164
+crawlstatus_view_total_urls = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 167
+crawlstatus_view_most_recent_fetcher = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 176
+crawlstatus_view_no_fetcher = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 180
+crawlstatus_view_most_recent_urls = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 190
+crawlstatus_view_no_recent_urls = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 193
+crawlstatus_view_previous_crawls = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 203
+crawlstatus_view_description = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 206
+crawlstatus_view_timestamp = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 207
+crawlstatus_view_url_counts = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 211
+crawlstatus_view_actions = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 222
+crawlstatus_view_statistics = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 238
+crawlstatus_view_resume = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 240
+crawlstatus_view_no_resume = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 247
+crawlstatus_view_set_index = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 250
+crawlstatus_view_search_index = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 257
+crawlstatus_view_delete = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 265
+crawlstatus_view_no_previous_crawl = ""
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/seek_quarry//views/elements
+; activity_element.php line: 54
+activity_element_activities = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 76
+configure_element_work_directory = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 82
+configure_element_load_or_create = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 100
+configure_element_component_check = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 104
+configure_element_profile_settings = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 107
+configure_element_toggle_advanced = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 114
+configure_element_default_language = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 121
+configure_element_debug_display = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 126
+configure_element_error_info = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 131
+configure_element_query_info = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 136
+configure_element_test_info = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 141
+configure_element_site_access = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 146
+configure_element_web_access = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 151
+configure_element_rss_access = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 156
+configure_element_api_access = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 161
+configure_element_customizations = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 163
+configure_element_use_wiki_landing = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 170
+configure_element_background_color = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 178
+configure_element_background_image = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 185
+configure_element_background_image = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 194
+configure_element_foreground_color = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 200
+configure_element_topbar_color = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 206
+configure_element_sidebar_color = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 214
+configure_element_site_logo = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 221
+configure_element_site_logo = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 232
+configure_element_mobile_logo = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 239
+configure_element_mobile_logo = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 250
+configure_element_favicon = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 257
+configure_element_favicon = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 267
+configure_element_toolbar = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 278
+configure_element_site_timezone = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 284
+configure_element_cookie_name = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 290
+configure_element_token_name = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 296
+configure_element_auxiliary_css = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 304
+configure_element_reset_customizations = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 311
+configure_element_crawl_robot = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 313
+configure_element_robot_name = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 321
+configure_element_robot_instance = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 328
+configure_element_robot_description = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 338
+serversettings_element_submit = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 55
+crawloptions_element_back_to_manage = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 58
+crawloptions_element_modify_active_crawl = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 60
+crawloptions_element_edit_crawl_options = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 83
+crawloptions_element_web_crawl = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 93
+crawloptions_element_archive_crawl = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 100
+crawloptions_element_load_options = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 105
+crawloptions_element_crawl_order = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 114
+crawloptions_element_restrict_by_url = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 122
+crawloptions_element_allowed_to_crawl = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 129
+crawloptions_element_disallowed_and_quota_sites = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 140
+crawloptions_element_seed_sites = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 144
+crawloptions_element_add_suggest_urls = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 155
+crawloptions_element_inject_sites = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 159
+crawloptions_element_add_suggest_urls = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 176
+crawloptions_element_reindex_crawl = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 185
+crawloptions_element_need_api_for_mix = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 193
+crawloptions_element_save_options = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 58
+editclassifier_back = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 60
+editclassifier_edit_classifier = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 72
+editclassifier_classifier_label = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 77
+editclassifier_change = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 82
+editclassifier_statistics = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 83
+editclassifier_positive_examples = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 86
+editclassifier_negative_examples = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 89
+editclassifier_accuracy = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 94
+crawl_component_na = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 99
+editclassifier_update = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 100
+editclassifier_add_examples = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 109
+editclassifier_source = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 113
+editclassifier_default_crawl = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 123
+editclassifier_label_by_hand = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 125
+editclassifier_all_in_class = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 127
+editclassifier_none_in_class = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 132
+editclassifier_keywords = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 141
+editclassifier_load = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 147
+editclassifier_finalize = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 155
+editclassifier_no_documents = ""
+; editlocales_element.php line: 55
+editlocales_element_back_to_manage = ""
+; editlocales_element.php line: 57
+editlocales_element_edit_locale = ""
+; editlocales_element.php line: 71
+editlocales_element_show = ""
+; editlocales_element.php line: 75
+editlocales_element_filter = ""
+; editlocales_element.php line: 82
+editlocales_element_go = ""
+; editlocales_element.php line: 86
+editlocales_element_no_matching = ""
+; editlocales_element.php line: 119
+editlocales_element_submit = ""
+; editmix_element.php line: 51
+editmix_element_back_to_mix = ""
+; editmix_element.php line: 53
+mixcrawls_element_edit_mix = ""
+; editmix_element.php line: 64
+mixcrawls_element_mix_name = ""
+; editmix_element.php line: 70
+mixcrawls_element_mix_components = ""
+; editmix_element.php line: 77
+mixcrawls_element_too_many = ""
+; editmix_element.php line: 79
+mixcrawls_element_add_fragment = ""
+; editmix_element.php line: 85
+mixcrawls_element_save_button = ""
+; footer_element.php line: 59
+footer_element_blog = ""
+; footer_element.php line: 61
+footer_element_privacy = ""
+; footer_element.php line: 63
+footer_element_terms = ""
+; footer_element.php line: 65
+footer_element_tools = ""
+; footer_element.php line: 67
+footer_element_bot = ""
+; footer_element.php line: 72
+footer_element_developed_seek_quarry = ""
+; footer_element.php line: 75
+footer_element_copyright_yioop = ""
+; footer_element.php line: 77
+footer_element_php_search_engine = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 91
+groupfeed_element_add_group = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 95
+groupfeed_element_request_add = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 122
+groupfeed_element_wiki_page = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 124
+groupfeed_element_back = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 127
+groupfeed_element_back = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 136
+groupfeed_element_group_activity = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 140
+groupfeed_element_wiki_thread = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 159
+groupfeed_element_feed = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 163
+group_view_wiki = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 165
+groupfeed_element_user = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 206
+groupfeed_element_comment = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 238
+manageaccount_element_group_wiki = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 239
+manageaccount_element_group_stats = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 244
+manageaccount_element_last_post = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 286
+groupfeed_element_comment = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 297
+groupfeed_element_start_thread = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 311
+groupfeed_element_start_thread = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 317
+groupfeed_element_no_posts_yet = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 323
+groupfeed_element_thread_no_exist = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 358
+groupfeed_element_edit = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 363
+groupfeed_element_delete = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 385
+groupfeed_element_num_posts = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 395
+groupfeed_element_num_views = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 420
+groupfeed_element_start_thread_in_group = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 422
+groupfeed_element_start_thread_in_group = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 436
+groupfeed_element_last_edited = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 452
+groupfeed_element_post_vote = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 479
+groupfeed_element_last_post_info = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 494
+groupfeed_element_comment = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 547
+fileupload_helper_drag_textarea = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 548
+fileupload_helper_click_textarea = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 572
+groupfeed_element_add_comment = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 586
+groupfeed_element_save = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 625
+groupfeed_element_subject = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 632
+groupfeed_element_post = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 645
+groupfeed_element_save = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 681
+groupfeed_element_edit_post = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 684
+groupfeed_element_subject = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 690
+groupfeed_element_post = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 703
+groupfeed_element_save = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 732
+groupfeed_element_no_longer_update = ""
+; machinelog_element.php line: 54
+machinelog_element_back_to_manage = ""
+; machinelog_element.php line: 59
+machinelog_element_filter = ""
+; machinelog_element.php line: 66
+machinelog_element_log_file = ""
+; machinelog_element.php line: 71
+machinelog_element_refresh_off = ""
+; machinelog_element.php line: 76
+machinelog_element_refresh_on = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 60
+manageaccount_element_lock = ""
+manageaccount_element_edit = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 67
+manageaccount_element_welcome = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 69
+manageaccount_element_what_can_do = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 71
+manageaccount_element_account_details = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 100
+manageaccounts_element_icon = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 110
+manageusers_element_username = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 117
+manageusers_element_firstname = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 123
+manageusers_element_lastname = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 129
+manageusers_element_email = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 138
+manageaccount_element_password = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 145
+manageaccount_element_new_password = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 151
+manageaccount_element_retype_password = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 163
+manageaccount_element_save = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 169
+manageaccount_element_search_lang_settings = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 174
+manageaccount_element_crawl_and_index = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 175
+manageaccount_element_crawl_info = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 176
+manageaccount_element_num_crawls = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 179
+manageaccount_element_manage_crawls = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 185
+manageaccount_element_groups_and_feeds = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 186
+manageaccount_element_group_info = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 188
+manageaccount_element_num_groups = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 191
+manageaccount_element_num_group = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 203
+manageaccount_element_group_wiki = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 204
+manageaccount_element_group_stats = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 209
+manageaccount_element_last_post = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 219
+manageaccount_element_manage_all_groups = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 221
+manageaccount_element_go_to_group_feed = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 223
+manageaccount_element_crawl_mixes = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 224
+manageaccount_element_mixes_info = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 226
+manageaccount_element_num_mixes = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 229
+manageaccount_element_num_mix = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 233
+manageaccount_element_manage_mixes = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 61
+manageclassifiers_available_classifiers = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 69
+manageclassifiers_label_col = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 72
+manageclassifiers_positive_col = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 74
+manageclassifiers_negative_col = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 80
+manageclassifiers_actions_col = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 99
+manageclassifiers_edit = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 102
+manageclassifiers_finalized = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 109
+manageclassifiers_finalize = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 111
+manageclassifiers_finalize = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 115
+manageclassifiers_finalizing = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 119
+confirm_delete_operation = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 123
+manageclassifiers_delete = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 156
+manageclassifiers_manage_classifiers = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 166
+manageclassifiers_classifier_name = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 171
+manageclassifiers_create_button = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 186
+manageclassifiers_element_search = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 187
+manageclassifiers_element_create_form = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 189
+manageclassifiers_classifier_name = ""
+; managecrawls_element.php line: 49
+managecrawls_element_create_crawl = ""
+; managecrawls_element.php line: 58
+managecrawls_element_description = ""
+; managecrawls_element.php line: 65
+managecrawls_element_start_new_crawl = ""
+; managecrawls_element.php line: 69
+managecrawls_element_options = ""
+; managecrawls_element.php line: 75
+managecrawls_element_awaiting_status = ""
+; managecrawls_element.php line: 93
+managecrawls_element_up_longer_update = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 67
+managegroups_element_not_my_groups = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 69
+managegroups_element_groups = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 78
+managegroups_element_groupname = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 79
+managegroups_element_groupowner = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 81
+managegroups_element_registertype = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 82
+managegroups_element_memberaccess = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 83
+managegroups_element_voting = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 84
+managegroups_element_post_lifetime = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 87
+managegroups_element_actions = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 201
+manageaccount_element_group_wiki = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 216
+managegroups_element_join = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 220
+managegroups_element_edit = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 225
+managegroups_element_edit = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 230
+managegroups_element_delete = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 236
+managegroups_element_join = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 241
+managegroups_element_join = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 250
+managegroups_element_decline = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 252
+managegroups_element_unsubscribe = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 257
+confirm_delete_operation = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 260
+managegroups_element_delete = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 289
+managegroups_element_addgroup_form = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 290
+managegroups_element_group_info = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 292
+managegroups_element_create_group = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 296
+managegroups_element_add_group = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 313
+managegroups_element_groupname = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 324
+managegroups_element_browse = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 335
+managegroups_element_register = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 342
+managegroups_element_memberaccess = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 349
+managegroups_element_voting = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 356
+managegroups_element_post_lifetime = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 368
+managegroups_element_group_users = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 372
+managegroups_element_num_users = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 398
+managegroups_element_groupowner = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 400
+managegroups_element_delete = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 410
+managegroups_element_activate = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 416
+managegroups_element_ban = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 422
+managegroups_element_unban = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 430
+managegroups_element_delete = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 459
+managegroups_element_filter = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 480
+managegroups_element_invite = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 491
+managegroups_element_save = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 520
+managegroups_element_group_info = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 521
+managegroups_element_invite_users_group = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 533
+managegroups_element_groupname = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 541
+managegroups_element_usernames = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 548
+managegroups_element_invite = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 566
+managegroups_element_addgroup_form = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 567
+managegroups_element_transfer_group_owner = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 580
+managegroups_element_groupname = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 588
+managegroups_element_new_group_owner = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 595
+managegroups_element_change_owner = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 614
+managegroups_element_discover_groups = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 618
+managegroups_element_search_group = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 620
+managegroups_element_addgroup_form = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 622
+managegroups_element_groupname = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 623
+managegroups_element_groupowner = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 624
+managegroups_element_registertype = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 626
+managegroups_element_memberaccess = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 628
+managegroups_element_post_lifetime = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 59
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+; managelocales_element.php line: 69
+managelocales_element_localename = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 72
+managelocales_element_localetag = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 73
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+; managelocales_element.php line: 75
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+; managelocales_element.php line: 80
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+; managelocales_element.php line: 81
+managelocales_element_actions = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 101
+managelocales_element_true = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 102
+managelocales_element_false = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 109
+managelocales_element_edit = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 114
+confirm_delete_operation = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 115
+managelocales_element_delete = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 135
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+; managelocales_element.php line: 136
+managelocales_element_locale_info = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 138
+managelocales_element_add_locale = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 160
+managelocales_element_localenamelabel = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 173
+managelocales_element_localetaglabel = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 179
+managelocales_element_writingmodelabel = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 189
+managelocales_element_localeenabled = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 200
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+; managelocales_element.php line: 218
+managelocales_element_search_locales = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 219
+managelocales_element_addlocale_form = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 221
+managelocales_element_localename = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 222
+managelocales_element_localetag = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 223
+managelocales_element_writingmode = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 224
+managelocales_element_enabled = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 230
+managelocales_element_true = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 231
+managelocales_element_false = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 51
+managemachines_element_add_machine = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 63
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+; managemachines_element.php line: 68
+managemachines_element_machineurl = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 73
+managemachines_element_is_mirror = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 78
+managemachines_element_parent_name = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 84
+managemachines_element_has_queueserver = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 88
+managemachines_element_num_fetchers = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 93
+managemachines_element_submit = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 98
+managemachines_element_machine_info = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 104
+managemachines_element_awaiting_status = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 123
+managemachines_element_no_longer_update = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 56
+manageroles_element_roles = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 64
+manageroles_element_rolename = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 66
+manageroles_element_actions = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 91
+manageroles_element_edit = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 96
+manageroles_element_delete = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 100
+confirm_delete_operation = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 103
+manageroles_element_delete = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 136
+manageroles_element_addrole_form = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 137
+manageroles_element_role_info = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 139
+manageroles_element_add_role = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 151
+manageroles_element_rolename = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 164
+manageroles_element_role_activities = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 173
+manageroles_element_delete = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 180
+manageroles_element_delete = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 200
+manageroles_element_save = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 218
+manageroles_element_search_role = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 219
+manageroles_element_addrole_form = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 221
+manageroles_element_rolename = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 56
+manageusers_element_users = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 65
+manageusers_element_username = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 67
+manageusers_element_firstname = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 68
+manageusers_element_lastname = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 69
+manageusers_element_email = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 71
+manageusers_element_status = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 73
+manageusers_element_actions = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 135
+manageusers_element_edit = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 139
+manageusers_element_edit = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 146
+manageusers_element_delete = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 150
+confirm_delete_operation = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 153
+manageusers_element_delete = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 194
+manageusers_element_adduser_form = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 195
+manageusers_element_user_info = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 197
+manageusers_element_add_user = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 222
+manageusers_element_username = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 232
+manageusers_element_firstname = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 238
+manageusers_element_lastname = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 244
+manageusers_element_email = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 251
+manageusers_element_status = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 268
+manageusers_element_roles = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 272
+manageusers_element_num_roles = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 287
+manageusers_element_delete = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 297
+manageusers_element_delete = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 340
+manageusers_element_filter = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 352
+manageusers_element_add_role = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 362
+manageusers_element_groups = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 366
+manageusers_element_num_groups = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 387
+manageusers_element_delete = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 427
+manageusers_element_filter = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 439
+manageusers_element_add_group = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 452
+manageusers_element_password = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 458
+manageusers_element_retype_password = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 465
+manageusers_element_save = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 492
+manageusers_element_search_user = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 493
+manageusers_element_adduser_form = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 495
+manageusers_element_username = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 496
+manageusers_element_firstname = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 497
+manageusers_element_lastname = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 498
+manageusers_element_email = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 499
+manageusers_element_status = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 61
+mixcrawls_element_available_mixes = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 68
+mixcrawls_view_name = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 70
+mixcrawls_view_definition = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 74
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+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 108
+mixcrawls_view_no_components = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 115
+mixcrawls_view_share = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 118
+mixcrawls_view_edit = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 124
+mixcrawls_set_index = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 127
+mixcrawl_search_index = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 133
+confirm_delete_operation = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 136
+mixcrawls_view_delete = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 146
+mixcrawls_view_back = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 147
+mixcrawls_element_share_mix_group = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 157
+mixcrawls_element_mixname = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 163
+mixcrawls_element_group = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 169
+mixcrawls_element_share = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 193
+mixcrawls_element_make_mix = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 203
+mixcrawls_element_mix_name = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 208
+mixcrawls_element_create_button = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 223
+mixcrawls_element_search_mix = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 224
+mixcrawls_element_createmix_form = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 226
+mixcrawls_element_mixname = ""
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 78
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+; moreoptions_element.php line: 113
+moreoptions_element_previous = ""
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 119
+moreoptions_element_next = ""
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 126
+moreoptions_element_my_accounts = ""
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 133
+signin_element_settings = ""
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 141
+signin_element_signin = ""
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 144
+signin_element_admin = ""
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 156
+signin_view_create_account = ""
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 168
+moreoptions_element_suggest = ""
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 171
+moreoptions_element_wiki_pages = ""
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 182
+moreoptions_element_tools = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 58
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 63
+pageoptions_element_search_time = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 68
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 80
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 85
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 91
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 100
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 106
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 116
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 123
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 153
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 169
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 171
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 200
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 203
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 209
+pageoptions_element_plugin = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 212
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 229
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 241
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 244
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 254
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 261
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 269
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 278
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 286
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 295
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 304
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 311
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 320
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 340
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 345
+pageoptions_element_min_results_to_group = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 351
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 359
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 363
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 380
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 382
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 388
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 391
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 396
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 400
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 404
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 408
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 427
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 464
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 468
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+; resultseditor_element.php line: 51
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+; resultseditor_element.php line: 78
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+; resultseditor_element.php line: 85
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+; resultseditor_element.php line: 91
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+; resultseditor_element.php line: 97
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+; resultseditor_element.php line: 100
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+; resultseditor_element.php line: 103
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+; resultseditor_element.php line: 115
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+; resultseditor_element.php line: 121
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 58
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 59
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 63
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 87
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 92
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 101
+searchsources_element_url = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 107
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 112
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 122
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 125
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 131
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 143
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 149
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 155
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 161
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 167
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 190
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 191
+searchsources_element_mediatype = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 193
+searchsources_element_mediaurls = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 196
+searchsources_element_action = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 212
+searchsources_element_editmedia = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 215
+confirm_delete_operation = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 218
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 227
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 229
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 234
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 249
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 259
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 265
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 277
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 287
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 289
+searchsources_element_index = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 292
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 294
+searchsources_element_perpage = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 300
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 316
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 323
+searchsources_element_localize = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 327
+searchsources_element_localize = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 334
+searchsources_element_deletesubsearch = ""
+; security_element.php line: 54
+security_element_auth_captcha = ""
+; security_element.php line: 65
+security_element_authentication_type = ""
+; security_element.php line: 77
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+; security_element.php line: 86
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+; security_element.php line: 100
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+; recover_view.php line: 187
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+; recover_view.php line: 206
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+; register_view.php line: 109
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+; register_view.php line: 118
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+; register_view.php line: 315
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+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/sq_data/app/views
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+download_view_thank_you = ""
+; download_view.php line: 76
+download_view_full_name = ""
+; download_view.php line: 82
+download_view_email = ""
+; download_view.php line: 87
+download_view_business = ""
+; download_view.php line: 93
+download_view_interest = ""
+; download_view.php line: 100
+download_view_get_email = ""
+; download_view.php line: 106
+download_view_return_main = ""
+; download_view.php line: 120
+download_view_required_fields = ""
+; download_view.php line: 125
+download_view_name_required = ""
+; download_view.php line: 130
+download_view_valid_email = ""
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/seek_quarry//lib/indexing_plugins
+; wordfilter_plugin.php line: 353
+wordfilter_plugin_settings_saved = ""
+; wordfilter_plugin.php line: 362
+wordfilter_plugin_defaults_restored = ""
+; wordfilter_plugin.php line: 466
+wordfilter_plugin_preferences = ""
+; wordfilter_plugin.php line: 470
+wordfilter_plugin_factory_settings = ""
+; wordfilter_plugin.php line: 483
+wordfilter_plugin_save = ""
diff --git a/locale/bn/resources/locale.js b/locale/bn/resources/locale.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..d9574b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/bn/resources/locale.js
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+ * SeekQuarry/Yioop --
+ * Open Source Pure PHP Search Engine, Crawler, and Indexer
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2009 - 2015  Chris Pollett
+ *
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+ *
+ *
+ * @author Snigdha Rao Parvatneni
+ * @package seek_quarry
+ * @subpackage javascript
+ * @license GPL3
+ * @link
+ * @copyright 2009 - 2015s
+ * @filesource
+ */
+ * The alphabet for this locale
+ */
+var alpha = "অআইঈউঊঋঌএঐওঔৎককাকিকীকুকূকৃকৄকেকৈকোকৌখখাখিখীখুখূখৃখৄখেখৈখোখৌগগাগিগীগুগূগৃগৄগেগৈগোগৌঘঘাঘিঘী"+
+ * Transliteration maping for this locale
+ */
+var roman_array = {};
+ * To analyze the query and generate actual input query from the
+ * transliterated query
+ */
+function analyzeQuery()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/locale/bn/resources/tokenizer.php b/locale/bn/resources/tokenizer.php
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..4b9fd6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/bn/resources/tokenizer.php
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+ * SeekQuarry/Yioop --
+ * Open Source Pure PHP Search Engine, Crawler, and Indexer
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2009 - 2015  Chris Pollett
+ *
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+ *
+ * @author Snigdha Rao Parvatneni
+ * @package seek_quarry
+ * @subpackage locale
+ * @license GPL3
+ * @link
+ * @copyright 2009 - 2015
+ * @filesource
+ */
+if(!defined('BASE_DIR')) {echo "BAD REQUEST"; exit();}
+ * Bengali specific tokenization code. Typically, tokenizer.php
+ * either contains a stemmer for the language in question or
+ * it specifies how many characters in a char gram
+ *
+ * @author Chris Pollett
+ * @package seek_quarry
+ * @subpackage locale
+ */
+$GLOBALS['CHARGRAMS']['bn'] = 5;
diff --git a/locale/bn/resources1421450873old/locale.js b/locale/bn/resources1421450873old/locale.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..43eb5a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/bn/resources1421450873old/locale.js
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+ * SeekQuarry/Yioop --
+ * Open Source Pure PHP Search Engine, Crawler, and Indexer
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2009 - 2014  Chris Pollett
+ *
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+ *
+ *
+ * @author Snigdha Rao Parvatneni
+ * @package seek_quarry
+ * @subpackage javascript
+ * @license GPL3
+ * @link
+ * @copyright 2009 - 2014s
+ * @filesource
+ */
+ * The alphabet for this locale
+ */
+var alpha = "অআইঈউঊঋঌএঐওঔৎককাকিকীকুকূকৃকৄকেকৈকোকৌখখাখিখীখুখূখৃখৄখেখৈখোখৌগগাগিগীগুগূগৃগৄগেগৈগোগৌঘঘাঘিঘী"+
+ * Transliteration maping for this locale
+ */
+var roman_array = {};
+ * To analyze the query and generate actual input query from the
+ * transliterated query
+ */
+function analyzeQuery()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/locale/bn/resources1421450873old/tokenizer.php b/locale/bn/resources1421450873old/tokenizer.php
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..5c37518
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/bn/resources1421450873old/tokenizer.php
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+ * SeekQuarry/Yioop --
+ * Open Source Pure PHP Search Engine, Crawler, and Indexer
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2009 - 2014  Chris Pollett
+ *
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+ *
+ * @author Snigdha Rao Parvatneni
+ * @package seek_quarry
+ * @subpackage locale
+ * @license GPL3
+ * @link
+ * @copyright 2009 - 2014
+ * @filesource
+ */
+if(!defined('BASE_DIR')) {echo "BAD REQUEST"; exit();}
+ * Bengali specific tokenization code. Typically, tokenizer.php
+ * either contains a stemmer for the language in question or
+ * it specifies how many characters in a char gram
+ *
+ * @author Chris Pollett
+ * @package seek_quarry
+ * @subpackage locale
+ */
+$GLOBALS['CHARGRAMS']['bn'] = 5;
diff --git a/fr-FR/statistics.txt b/locale/bn/statistics.txt
similarity index 100%
rename from fr-FR/statistics.txt
rename to locale/bn/statistics.txt
diff --git a/locale/de/configure.ini b/locale/de/configure.ini
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..332aaaf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/de/configure.ini
@@ -0,0 +1,4186 @@
+; ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
+;  SeekQuarry/Yioop Open Source Pure PHP Search Engine, Crawler, and Indexer
+;  Copyright (C) 2009 - 2015  Chris Pollett
+;  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;  (at your option) any later version.
+;  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;  GNU General Public License for more details.
+;  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;  along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+;  ***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****
+; configure.ini
+; de configuration file
+; Strings to translate on various pages
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/seek_quarry//controllers
+; admin_controller.php line: 101
+admin_controller_need_cookies = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 150
+admin_controller_account_not_active = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 156
+admin_controller_login_successful = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 175
+admin_controller_no_back_button = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 189
+admin_controller_login_failed = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 195
+admin_controller_login_to_config = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 199
+admin_controller_status_updates_stopped = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 342
+admin_controller_account_access = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 343
+admin_controller_social = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 344
+admin_controller_crawl_settings = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 345
+admin_controller_system_settings = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 517
+admin_controller_equal = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 518
+admin_controller_not_equal = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 519
+admin_controller_contains = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 520
+admin_controller_begins_with = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 521
+admin_controller_ends_with = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 524
+admin_controller_equal = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 525
+admin_controller_not_equal = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 528
+admin_controller_no_sort = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 529
+admin_controller_sort_ascending = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 530
+admin_controller_sort_descending = ""
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/seek_quarry//controllers/components
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 132
+accountaccess_component_no_posts_yet = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 146
+accountaccess_component_passwords_too_long = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 155
+accountaccess_component_passwords_dont_match = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 162
+accountaccess_component_invalid_password = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 192
+accountaccess_component_unknown_imagetype = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 197
+accountaccess_component_icon_too_big = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 206
+accountaccess_component_no_user_folder = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 215
+accountaccess_component_user_updated = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 259
+accountaccess_component_active_status = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 260
+accountaccess_component_inactive_status = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 261
+accountaccess_component_banned_status = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 264
+accountaccess_component_request_join = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 265
+accountaccess_component_invited = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 266
+accountaccess_component_active_status = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 267
+accountaccess_component_banned_status = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 312
+accountaccess_component_passwords_too_long = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 317
+accountaccess_component_passwords_dont_match = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 321
+accountaccess_component_invalid_username = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 325
+accountaccess_component_user_exists = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 354
+accountaccess_component_user_added = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 363
+accountaccess_component_user_doesnt_exist = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 370
+accountaccess_component_cant_edit_public_user = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 412
+accountaccess_component_passwords_dont_match = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 418
+accountaccess_component_user_updated = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 424
+accountaccess_component_user_filter_group = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 428
+accountaccess_component_user_filter_role = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 439
+accountaccess_component_username_doesnt_exists = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 444
+accountaccess_component_cant_delete_builtin = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 449
+accountaccess_component_user_deleted = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 458
+accountaccess_component_username_doesnt_exists = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 463
+accountaccess_component_rolename_doesnt_exists = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 469
+accountaccess_component_rolename_already_added = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 475
+accountaccess_component_rolename_added = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 485
+accountaccess_component_username_doesnt_exists = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 490
+accountaccess_component_groupname_doesnt_exists = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 496
+accountaccess_component_groupname_already_added = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 504
+accountaccess_component_groupname_added = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 514
+accountaccess_component_username_doesnt_exists = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 519
+accountaccess_component_rolename_doesnt_exists = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 528
+accountaccess_component_rolename_deleted = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 538
+accountaccess_component_username_doesnt_exists = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 543
+accountaccess_component_groupname_doesnt_exists = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 552
+accountaccess_component_group_deleted = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 569
+accountaccess_component_username_doesnt_exists = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 575
+accountaccess_component_userstatus_updated = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 733
+accountaccess_component_select_activityname = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 759
+accountaccess_component_rolename_doesnt_exists = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 775
+accountaccess_component_activity_added = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 784
+accountaccess_component_rolename_exists = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 790
+accountaccess_component_rolename_added = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 794
+accountaccess_component_rolename_blank = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 803
+accountaccess_component_rolename_doesnt_exists = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 821
+accountaccess_component_activity_deleted = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 829
+accountaccess_component_rolename_doesnt_exists = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 835
+accountaccess_component_rolename_deleted = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 867
+accountaccess_component_role_updated = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 85
+crawl_component_starting_new_crawl = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 102
+crawl_component_stop_crawl = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 131
+crawl_component_resume_crawl = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 140
+crawl_component_delete_crawl_success = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 144
+crawl_component_delete_crawl_fail = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 153
+crawl_component_set_index = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 187
+crawl_component_no_description = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 334
+crawl_component_use_below = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 335
+crawl_component_use_defaults = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 338
+crawl_component_use_below = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 342
+crawl_component_previous_crawl = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 413
+crawl_component_added_urls = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 427
+crawl_component_add_suggest = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 431
+crawl_component_no_new_suggests = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 478
+crawl_component_breadth_first = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 480
+crawl_component_page_importance = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 545
+crawl_component_added_urls = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 555
+crawl_component_urls_injected = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 565
+crawl_component_update_seed_info = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 620
+crawl_component_new_classifier = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 624
+crawl_component_classifier_exists = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 647
+crawl_component_classifier_deleted = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 651
+crawl_component_no_classifier = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 662
+crawl_component_no_classifier = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 680
+crawl_component_finalizing_classifier = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 707
+crawl_component_finalizing_classifier = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 753
+crawl_component_classifier_exists = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 762
+crawl_component_load_failed = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 764
+crawl_component_loading = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 766
+crawl_component_added_examples = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 768
+crawl_component_label_update_failed = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 770
+crawl_component_updating = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 772
+crawl_component_acc_update_failed = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 774
+crawl_component_na = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 776
+crawl_component_no_docs = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 778
+crawl_component_num_docs = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 780
+crawl_component_in_class = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 782
+crawl_component_not_in_class = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 784
+crawl_component_skip = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 786
+crawl_component_prediction = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 788
+crawl_component_scores = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 830
+crawl_component_use_below = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 831
+crawl_component_use_defaults = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 833
+crawl_component_use_below = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 841
+crawl_component_recrawl_never = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 842
+crawl_component_recrawl_1day = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 843
+crawl_component_recrawl_2day = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 844
+crawl_component_recrawl_3day = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 845
+crawl_component_recrawl_7day = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 846
+crawl_component_recrawl_14day = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 854
+crawl_component_basic = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 855
+crawl_component_centroid = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1141
+crawl_component_page_options_updated = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1169
+crawl_component_page_options_running_tests = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1348
+crawl_component_results_editor_update = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1363
+crawl_component_edited_pages = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1376
+crawl_component_results_editor_need_url = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1382
+crawl_component_results_editor_page_updated = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1395
+crawl_component_results_editor_page_loaded = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1426
+crawl_component_media_kind = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1427
+crawl_component_video = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1428
+crawl_component_rss_feed = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1429
+crawl_component_html_feed = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1443
+crawl_component_sources_indexes = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1499
+crawl_component_no_source_type = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1512
+crawl_component_missing_type = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1526
+crawl_component_invalid_url = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1533
+crawl_component_missing_fields = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1550
+crawl_component_media_source_added = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1563
+crawl_component_missing_fields = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1571
+crawl_component_subsearch_added = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1577
+crawl_component_no_delete_source = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1583
+crawl_component_media_source_deleted = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1590
+crawl_component_no_delete_source = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1597
+crawl_component_subsearch_deleted = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1632
+crawl_component_subsearch_updated = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1707
+crawl_component_media_source_updated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 85
+social_component_request_join = ""
+; social_component.php line: 86
+social_component_invited = ""
+; social_component.php line: 87
+social_component_active_status = ""
+; social_component.php line: 88
+social_component_banned_status = ""
+; social_component.php line: 91
+social_component_no_join = ""
+; social_component.php line: 92
+social_component_by_request = ""
+; social_component.php line: 93
+social_component_public_request = ""
+; social_component.php line: 94
+social_component_public_join = ""
+; social_component.php line: 97
+social_component_private = ""
+; social_component.php line: 98
+social_component_read = ""
+; social_component.php line: 99
+social_component_read_comment = ""
+; social_component.php line: 100
+social_component_read_write = ""
+; social_component.php line: 101
+social_component_read_wiki = ""
+; social_component.php line: 104
+social_component_no_voting = ""
+; social_component.php line: 105
+social_component_up_voting = ""
+; social_component.php line: 106
+social_component_up_down_voting = ""
+; social_component.php line: 109
+social_component_forever = ""
+; social_component.php line: 110
+social_component_one_hour = ""
+; social_component.php line: 111
+social_component_one_day = ""
+; social_component.php line: 112
+social_component_one_month = ""
+; social_component.php line: 181
+accountaccess_component_user_activated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 186
+accountaccess_component_no_user_activated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 204
+social_component_joined = ""
+; social_component.php line: 208
+social_component_groupname_unavailable = ""
+; social_component.php line: 213
+social_component_name_available = ""
+; social_component.php line: 228
+social_component_user_banned = ""
+; social_component.php line: 233
+social_component_no_user_banned = ""
+; social_component.php line: 254
+social_component_owner_changed = ""
+; social_component.php line: 259
+social_component_not_in_group = ""
+; social_component.php line: 265
+social_component_not_a_user = ""
+; social_component.php line: 275
+social_component_groupname_exists = ""
+; social_component.php line: 302
+social_component_groupname_added = ""
+; social_component.php line: 311
+social_component_groupname_doesnt_exists = ""
+; social_component.php line: 318
+social_component_group_deleted = ""
+; social_component.php line: 322
+social_component_no_delete_group = ""
+; social_component.php line: 335
+social_component_user_deleted = ""
+; social_component.php line: 340
+social_component_no_delete_user_group = ""
+; social_component.php line: 390
+social_component_users_invited = ""
+; social_component.php line: 395
+social_component_no_users_invited = ""
+; social_component.php line: 411
+social_component_joined = ""
+; social_component.php line: 415
+social_component_no_unsubscribe = ""
+; social_component.php line: 457
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+; social_component.php line: 469
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+; social_component.php line: 473
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+; system_component.php line: 212
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+; system_component.php line: 1148
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+; machine_controller.php line: 172
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+; register_controller.php line: 336
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+; register_controller.php line: 373
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+; register_controller.php line: 432
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+; register_controller.php line: 480
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+; register_controller.php line: 546
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+; register_controller.php line: 559
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+; register_controller.php line: 1074
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+; search_controller.php line: 235
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+; search_controller.php line: 1940
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+; settings_controller.php line: 115
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+; settings_controller.php line: 130
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+; static_controller.php line: 67
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+; static_controller.php line: 145
+static_controller_complete_title = ""
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/sq_data/app/controllers
+; main_controller.php line: 87
+search_controller_logout_successful = ""
+; main_controller.php line: 112
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+; main_controller.php line: 129
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+; main_controller.php line: 164
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+; main_controller.php line: 165
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+; main_controller.php line: 178
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+; main_controller.php line: 187
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+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/seek_quarry//views
+; admin_view.php line: 70
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+; admin_view.php line: 89
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+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 52
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+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 53
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+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 58
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+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 62
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+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 66
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+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 70
+managecrawls_element_stop_crawl = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 74
+crawlstatus_view_shutdown_queue = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 77
+crawlstatus_view_closing_dict = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 80
+crawlstatus_view_run_plugins = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 88
+managecrawls_element_stop_crawl = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 96
+crawlstatus_view_set_index = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 99
+crawlstatus_view_search_index = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 107
+crawlstatus_view_changeoptions = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 109
+crawlstatus_view_no_description = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 114
+crawlstatus_view_timestamp = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 116
+crawlstatus_view_time_started = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 122
+crawlstatus_view_indexer_memory = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 124
+crawlstatus_view_scheduler_memory = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 127
+crawlstatus_view_queue_memory = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 132
+crawlstatus_view_no_mem_data = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 136
+crawlstatus_view_fetcher_memory = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 141
+crawlstatus_view_no_mem_data = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 144
+crawlstatus_view_webapp_memory = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 149
+crawlstatus_view_no_mem_data = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 152
+crawlstatus_view_urls_per_hour = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 160
+crawlstatus_view_visited_urls = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 164
+crawlstatus_view_total_urls = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 167
+crawlstatus_view_most_recent_fetcher = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 176
+crawlstatus_view_no_fetcher = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 180
+crawlstatus_view_most_recent_urls = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 190
+crawlstatus_view_no_recent_urls = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 193
+crawlstatus_view_previous_crawls = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 203
+crawlstatus_view_description = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 206
+crawlstatus_view_timestamp = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 207
+crawlstatus_view_url_counts = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 211
+crawlstatus_view_actions = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 222
+crawlstatus_view_statistics = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 238
+crawlstatus_view_resume = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 240
+crawlstatus_view_no_resume = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 247
+crawlstatus_view_set_index = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 250
+crawlstatus_view_search_index = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 257
+crawlstatus_view_delete = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 265
+crawlstatus_view_no_previous_crawl = ""
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/seek_quarry//views/elements
+; activity_element.php line: 54
+activity_element_activities = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 76
+configure_element_work_directory = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 82
+configure_element_load_or_create = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 100
+configure_element_component_check = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 104
+configure_element_profile_settings = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 107
+configure_element_toggle_advanced = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 114
+configure_element_default_language = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 121
+configure_element_debug_display = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 126
+configure_element_error_info = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 131
+configure_element_query_info = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 136
+configure_element_test_info = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 141
+configure_element_site_access = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 146
+configure_element_web_access = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 151
+configure_element_rss_access = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 156
+configure_element_api_access = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 161
+configure_element_customizations = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 163
+configure_element_use_wiki_landing = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 170
+configure_element_background_color = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 178
+configure_element_background_image = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 185
+configure_element_background_image = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 194
+configure_element_foreground_color = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 200
+configure_element_topbar_color = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 206
+configure_element_sidebar_color = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 214
+configure_element_site_logo = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 221
+configure_element_site_logo = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 232
+configure_element_mobile_logo = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 239
+configure_element_mobile_logo = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 250
+configure_element_favicon = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 257
+configure_element_favicon = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 267
+configure_element_toolbar = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 278
+configure_element_site_timezone = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 284
+configure_element_cookie_name = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 290
+configure_element_token_name = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 296
+configure_element_auxiliary_css = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 304
+configure_element_reset_customizations = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 311
+configure_element_crawl_robot = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 313
+configure_element_robot_name = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 321
+configure_element_robot_instance = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 328
+configure_element_robot_description = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 338
+serversettings_element_submit = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 55
+crawloptions_element_back_to_manage = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 58
+crawloptions_element_modify_active_crawl = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 60
+crawloptions_element_edit_crawl_options = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 83
+crawloptions_element_web_crawl = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 93
+crawloptions_element_archive_crawl = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 100
+crawloptions_element_load_options = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 105
+crawloptions_element_crawl_order = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 114
+crawloptions_element_restrict_by_url = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 122
+crawloptions_element_allowed_to_crawl = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 129
+crawloptions_element_disallowed_and_quota_sites = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 140
+crawloptions_element_seed_sites = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 144
+crawloptions_element_add_suggest_urls = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 155
+crawloptions_element_inject_sites = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 159
+crawloptions_element_add_suggest_urls = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 176
+crawloptions_element_reindex_crawl = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 185
+crawloptions_element_need_api_for_mix = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 193
+crawloptions_element_save_options = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 58
+editclassifier_back = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 60
+editclassifier_edit_classifier = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 72
+editclassifier_classifier_label = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 77
+editclassifier_change = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 82
+editclassifier_statistics = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 83
+editclassifier_positive_examples = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 86
+editclassifier_negative_examples = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 89
+editclassifier_accuracy = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 94
+crawl_component_na = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 99
+editclassifier_update = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 100
+editclassifier_add_examples = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 109
+editclassifier_source = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 113
+editclassifier_default_crawl = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 123
+editclassifier_label_by_hand = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 125
+editclassifier_all_in_class = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 127
+editclassifier_none_in_class = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 132
+editclassifier_keywords = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 141
+editclassifier_load = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 147
+editclassifier_finalize = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 155
+editclassifier_no_documents = ""
+; editlocales_element.php line: 55
+editlocales_element_back_to_manage = ""
+; editlocales_element.php line: 57
+editlocales_element_edit_locale = ""
+; editlocales_element.php line: 71
+editlocales_element_show = ""
+; editlocales_element.php line: 75
+editlocales_element_filter = ""
+; editlocales_element.php line: 82
+editlocales_element_go = ""
+; editlocales_element.php line: 86
+editlocales_element_no_matching = ""
+; editlocales_element.php line: 119
+editlocales_element_submit = ""
+; editmix_element.php line: 51
+editmix_element_back_to_mix = ""
+; editmix_element.php line: 53
+mixcrawls_element_edit_mix = ""
+; editmix_element.php line: 64
+mixcrawls_element_mix_name = ""
+; editmix_element.php line: 70
+mixcrawls_element_mix_components = ""
+; editmix_element.php line: 77
+mixcrawls_element_too_many = ""
+; editmix_element.php line: 79
+mixcrawls_element_add_fragment = ""
+; editmix_element.php line: 85
+mixcrawls_element_save_button = ""
+; footer_element.php line: 59
+footer_element_blog = ""
+; footer_element.php line: 61
+footer_element_privacy = ""
+; footer_element.php line: 63
+footer_element_terms = ""
+; footer_element.php line: 65
+footer_element_tools = ""
+; footer_element.php line: 67
+footer_element_bot = ""
+; footer_element.php line: 72
+footer_element_developed_seek_quarry = ""
+; footer_element.php line: 75
+footer_element_copyright_yioop = ""
+; footer_element.php line: 77
+footer_element_php_search_engine = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 91
+groupfeed_element_add_group = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 95
+groupfeed_element_request_add = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 122
+groupfeed_element_wiki_page = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 124
+groupfeed_element_back = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 127
+groupfeed_element_back = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 136
+groupfeed_element_group_activity = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 140
+groupfeed_element_wiki_thread = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 159
+groupfeed_element_feed = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 163
+group_view_wiki = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 165
+groupfeed_element_user = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 206
+groupfeed_element_comment = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 238
+manageaccount_element_group_wiki = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 239
+manageaccount_element_group_stats = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 244
+manageaccount_element_last_post = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 286
+groupfeed_element_comment = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 297
+groupfeed_element_start_thread = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 311
+groupfeed_element_start_thread = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 317
+groupfeed_element_no_posts_yet = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 323
+groupfeed_element_thread_no_exist = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 358
+groupfeed_element_edit = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 363
+groupfeed_element_delete = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 385
+groupfeed_element_num_posts = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 395
+groupfeed_element_num_views = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 420
+groupfeed_element_start_thread_in_group = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 422
+groupfeed_element_start_thread_in_group = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 436
+groupfeed_element_last_edited = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 452
+groupfeed_element_post_vote = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 479
+groupfeed_element_last_post_info = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 494
+groupfeed_element_comment = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 547
+fileupload_helper_drag_textarea = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 548
+fileupload_helper_click_textarea = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 572
+groupfeed_element_add_comment = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 586
+groupfeed_element_save = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 625
+groupfeed_element_subject = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 632
+groupfeed_element_post = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 645
+groupfeed_element_save = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 681
+groupfeed_element_edit_post = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 684
+groupfeed_element_subject = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 690
+groupfeed_element_post = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 703
+groupfeed_element_save = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 732
+groupfeed_element_no_longer_update = ""
+; machinelog_element.php line: 54
+machinelog_element_back_to_manage = ""
+; machinelog_element.php line: 59
+machinelog_element_filter = ""
+; machinelog_element.php line: 66
+machinelog_element_log_file = ""
+; machinelog_element.php line: 71
+machinelog_element_refresh_off = ""
+; machinelog_element.php line: 76
+machinelog_element_refresh_on = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 60
+manageaccount_element_lock = ""
+manageaccount_element_edit = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 67
+manageaccount_element_welcome = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 69
+manageaccount_element_what_can_do = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 71
+manageaccount_element_account_details = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 100
+manageaccounts_element_icon = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 110
+manageusers_element_username = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 117
+manageusers_element_firstname = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 123
+manageusers_element_lastname = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 129
+manageusers_element_email = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 138
+manageaccount_element_password = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 145
+manageaccount_element_new_password = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 151
+manageaccount_element_retype_password = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 163
+manageaccount_element_save = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 169
+manageaccount_element_search_lang_settings = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 174
+manageaccount_element_crawl_and_index = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 175
+manageaccount_element_crawl_info = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 176
+manageaccount_element_num_crawls = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 179
+manageaccount_element_manage_crawls = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 185
+manageaccount_element_groups_and_feeds = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 186
+manageaccount_element_group_info = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 188
+manageaccount_element_num_groups = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 191
+manageaccount_element_num_group = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 203
+manageaccount_element_group_wiki = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 204
+manageaccount_element_group_stats = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 209
+manageaccount_element_last_post = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 219
+manageaccount_element_manage_all_groups = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 221
+manageaccount_element_go_to_group_feed = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 223
+manageaccount_element_crawl_mixes = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 224
+manageaccount_element_mixes_info = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 226
+manageaccount_element_num_mixes = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 229
+manageaccount_element_num_mix = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 233
+manageaccount_element_manage_mixes = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 61
+manageclassifiers_available_classifiers = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 69
+manageclassifiers_label_col = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 72
+manageclassifiers_positive_col = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 74
+manageclassifiers_negative_col = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 80
+manageclassifiers_actions_col = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 99
+manageclassifiers_edit = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 102
+manageclassifiers_finalized = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 109
+manageclassifiers_finalize = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 111
+manageclassifiers_finalize = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 115
+manageclassifiers_finalizing = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 119
+confirm_delete_operation = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 123
+manageclassifiers_delete = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 156
+manageclassifiers_manage_classifiers = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 166
+manageclassifiers_classifier_name = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 171
+manageclassifiers_create_button = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 186
+manageclassifiers_element_search = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 187
+manageclassifiers_element_create_form = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 189
+manageclassifiers_classifier_name = ""
+; managecrawls_element.php line: 49
+managecrawls_element_create_crawl = ""
+; managecrawls_element.php line: 58
+managecrawls_element_description = ""
+; managecrawls_element.php line: 65
+managecrawls_element_start_new_crawl = ""
+; managecrawls_element.php line: 69
+managecrawls_element_options = ""
+; managecrawls_element.php line: 75
+managecrawls_element_awaiting_status = ""
+; managecrawls_element.php line: 93
+managecrawls_element_up_longer_update = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 67
+managegroups_element_not_my_groups = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 69
+managegroups_element_groups = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 78
+managegroups_element_groupname = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 79
+managegroups_element_groupowner = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 81
+managegroups_element_registertype = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 82
+managegroups_element_memberaccess = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 83
+managegroups_element_voting = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 84
+managegroups_element_post_lifetime = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 87
+managegroups_element_actions = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 201
+manageaccount_element_group_wiki = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 216
+managegroups_element_join = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 220
+managegroups_element_edit = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 225
+managegroups_element_edit = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 230
+managegroups_element_delete = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 236
+managegroups_element_join = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 241
+managegroups_element_join = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 250
+managegroups_element_decline = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 252
+managegroups_element_unsubscribe = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 257
+confirm_delete_operation = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 260
+managegroups_element_delete = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 289
+managegroups_element_addgroup_form = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 290
+managegroups_element_group_info = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 292
+managegroups_element_create_group = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 296
+managegroups_element_add_group = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 313
+managegroups_element_groupname = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 324
+managegroups_element_browse = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 335
+managegroups_element_register = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 342
+managegroups_element_memberaccess = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 349
+managegroups_element_voting = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 356
+managegroups_element_post_lifetime = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 368
+managegroups_element_group_users = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 372
+managegroups_element_num_users = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 398
+managegroups_element_groupowner = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 400
+managegroups_element_delete = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 410
+managegroups_element_activate = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 416
+managegroups_element_ban = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 422
+managegroups_element_unban = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 430
+managegroups_element_delete = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 459
+managegroups_element_filter = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 480
+managegroups_element_invite = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 491
+managegroups_element_save = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 520
+managegroups_element_group_info = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 521
+managegroups_element_invite_users_group = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 533
+managegroups_element_groupname = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 541
+managegroups_element_usernames = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 548
+managegroups_element_invite = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 566
+managegroups_element_addgroup_form = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 567
+managegroups_element_transfer_group_owner = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 580
+managegroups_element_groupname = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 588
+managegroups_element_new_group_owner = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 595
+managegroups_element_change_owner = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 614
+managegroups_element_discover_groups = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 618
+managegroups_element_search_group = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 620
+managegroups_element_addgroup_form = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 622
+managegroups_element_groupname = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 623
+managegroups_element_groupowner = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 624
+managegroups_element_registertype = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 626
+managegroups_element_memberaccess = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 628
+managegroups_element_post_lifetime = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 59
+managelocales_element_locale_list = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 69
+managelocales_element_localename = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 72
+managelocales_element_localetag = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 73
+managelocales_element_writingmode = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 75
+managelocales_element_enabled = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 80
+managelocales_element_percenttranslated = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 81
+managelocales_element_actions = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 101
+managelocales_element_true = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 102
+managelocales_element_false = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 109
+managelocales_element_edit = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 114
+confirm_delete_operation = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 115
+managelocales_element_delete = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 135
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+; managelocales_element.php line: 136
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+; managelocales_element.php line: 138
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+; managelocales_element.php line: 160
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+; managelocales_element.php line: 173
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+; managelocales_element.php line: 221
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+; managemachines_element.php line: 88
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+; manageusers_element.php line: 465
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+; manageusers_element.php line: 493
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+; manageusers_element.php line: 495
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+; manageusers_element.php line: 498
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+; manageusers_element.php line: 499
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+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 61
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+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 118
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+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 147
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+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 157
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+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 208
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+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 226
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+; wiki_element.php line: 642
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+; wiki_element.php line: 653
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+; wiki_element.php line: 674
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+; wiki_element.php line: 697
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+; wiki_element.php line: 713
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+; wiki_element.php line: 719
+wiki_view_go = ""
+; wiki_element.php line: 739
+wiki_view_diff_first = ""
+; wiki_element.php line: 742
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+; wiki_element.php line: 746
+wiki_view_diff_first = ""
+; wiki_element.php line: 747
+wiki_view_diff_second = ""
+; wiki_element.php line: 753
+wiki_view_edited_by = ""
+; wiki_element.php line: 757
+wiki_view_page_len = ""
+; wiki_element.php line: 759
+wiki_view_revert = ""
+; wiki_element.php line: 762
+wiki_view_revert = ""
+; group_view.php line: 77
+groupfeed_element_wiki_thread = ""
+; group_view.php line: 92
+group_view_feed = ""
+; group_view.php line: 99
+group_view_wiki = ""
+; group_view.php line: 101
+group_view_user = ""
+; group_view.php line: 104
+group_view_myfeeds = ""
+; group_view.php line: 139
+adminview_auto_logout_one_minute = ""
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/seek_quarry//views/helpers
+; feeds_helper.php line: 63
+feeds_helper_view_feed_results = ""
+; feeds_helper.php line: 158
+feeds_helper_view_onehour = ""
+; feeds_helper.php line: 163
+feeds_helper_view_minsecs = ""
+; feeds_helper.php line: 168
+feeds_helper_view_hourdate = ""
+; fileupload_helper.php line: 76
+fileupload_helper_drag_textarea = ""
+; fileupload_helper.php line: 77
+fileupload_helper_click_textarea = ""
+; fileupload_helper.php line: 79
+fileupload_helper_drag_above = ""
+; fileupload_helper.php line: 80
+fileupload_helper_click_upload = ""
+; fileupload_helper.php line: 122
+basic_js_invalid_filetype = ""
+; fileupload_helper.php line: 124
+basic_js_file_too_big = ""
+; fileupload_helper.php line: 126
+basic_js_upload_progress = ""
+; fileupload_helper.php line: 128
+basic_js_progress_meter_disabled = ""
+; fileupload_helper.php line: 130
+basic_js_upload_error = ""
+; fileupload_helper.php line: 132
+basic_js_upload_cancelled = ""
+; fileupload_helper.php line: 134
+basic_js_too_many_files = ""
+; helpbutton_helper.php line: 88
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+; helpbutton_helper.php line: 120
+wiki_view_edit = ""
+; helpbutton_helper.php line: 121
+wiki_view_not_available = ""
+; helpbutton_helper.php line: 123
+wiki_view_create_edit = ""
+; helpbutton_helper.php line: 125
+wiki_view_page_no_exist = ""
+; helpbutton_helper.php line: 127
+wiki_view_read = ""
+; images_helper.php line: 56
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+; pagination_helper.php line: 99
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+; pagination_helper.php line: 122
+pagination_helper_next = ""
+; pagingtable_helper.php line: 103
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+; pagingtable_helper.php line: 125
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+; pagingtable_helper.php line: 138
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+; pagingtable_helper.php line: 214
+pagingtable_helper_row_range = ""
+; pagingtable_helper.php line: 232
+pagingtable_helper_show = ""
+; pagingtable_helper.php line: 240
+pagingtable_helper_search = ""
+; searchform_helper.php line: 120
+searchform_helper_any = ""
+; searchform_helper.php line: 149
+searchform_helper_search = ""
+; toggle_helper.php line: 63
+toggle_helper_on = ""
+; toggle_helper.php line: 65
+toggle_helper_off = ""
+; toggle_helper.php line: 69
+toggle_helper_on = ""
+; toggle_helper.php line: 71
+toggle_helper_off = ""
+; toggle_helper.php line: 75
+toggle_helper_on = ""
+; toggle_helper.php line: 77
+toggle_helper_off = ""
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/seek_quarry//views/layouts
+; rss_layout.php line: 60
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+; rss_layout.php line: 68
+rss_layout_description = ""
+; web_layout.php line: 61
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+; web_layout.php line: 71
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+; web_layout.php line: 74
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+; web_layout.php line: 214
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+; web_layout.php line: 218
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+; web_layout.php line: 223
+web_layout_query_time = ""
+; machinestatus_view.php line: 52
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+; machinestatus_view.php line: 57
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+; machinestatus_view.php line: 72
+machinestatus_view_media_updater = ""
+; machinestatus_view.php line: 74
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+; machinestatus_view.php line: 101
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+; machinestatus_view.php line: 102
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+; machinestatus_view.php line: 117
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+; machinestatus_view.php line: 125
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+; machinestatus_view.php line: 128
+machinestatus_view_log = ""
+; machinestatus_view.php line: 141
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+; machinestatus_view.php line: 143
+machinestatus_view_log = ""
+; machinestatus_view.php line: 152
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+; machinestatus_view.php line: 155
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+; machinestatus_view.php line: 165
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+; machinestatus_view.php line: 175
+machinestatus_view_log = ""
+; nocache_view.php line: 54
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+; nocache_view.php line: 59
+nocache_view_summary_contents = ""
+; recover_view.php line: 69
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+; recover_view.php line: 105
+register_view_new_password = ""
+; recover_view.php line: 117
+register_view_retypepassword = ""
+; recover_view.php line: 132
+recover_view_username = ""
+; recover_view.php line: 147
+register_view_account_recovery = ""
+; recover_view.php line: 154
+register_view_human_check = ""
+; recover_view.php line: 187
+register_view_human_check = ""
+; recover_view.php line: 206
+recover_view_recover_password = ""
+; recover_view.php line: 216
+signin_view_return_yioop = ""
+; register_view.php line: 74
+register_view_question0_most = ""
+; register_view.php line: 75
+register_view_question0_least = ""
+; register_view.php line: 76
+register_view_question0_choices = ""
+; register_view.php line: 77
+register_view_question1_most = ""
+; register_view.php line: 78
+register_view_question1_least = ""
+; register_view.php line: 79
+register_view_question1_choices = ""
+; register_view.php line: 80
+register_view_question2_most = ""
+; register_view.php line: 81
+register_view_question2_least = ""
+; register_view.php line: 82
+register_view_question2_choices = ""
+; register_view.php line: 83
+register_view_question3_most = ""
+; register_view.php line: 84
+register_view_question3_least = ""
+; register_view.php line: 85
+register_view_question3_choices = ""
+; register_view.php line: 86
+register_view_question4_most = ""
+; register_view.php line: 87
+register_view_question4_least = ""
+; register_view.php line: 88
+register_view_question4_choices = ""
+; register_view.php line: 89
+register_view_question5_most = ""
+; register_view.php line: 90
+register_view_question5_least = ""
+; register_view.php line: 91
+register_view_question5_choices = ""
+; register_view.php line: 92
+register_view_question6_most = ""
+; register_view.php line: 93
+register_view_question6_least = ""
+; register_view.php line: 94
+register_view_question6_choices = ""
+; register_view.php line: 95
+register_view_question7_most = ""
+; register_view.php line: 96
+register_view_question7_least = ""
+; register_view.php line: 97
+register_view_question7_choices = ""
+; register_view.php line: 98
+register_view_question8_most = ""
+; register_view.php line: 99
+register_view_question8_least = ""
+; register_view.php line: 100
+register_view_question8_choices = ""
+; register_view.php line: 101
+register_view_question9_most = ""
+; register_view.php line: 102
+register_view_question9_least = ""
+; register_view.php line: 103
+register_view_question9_choices = ""
+; register_view.php line: 106
+register_view_recovery1_more = ""
+; register_view.php line: 107
+register_view_recovery1_less = ""
+; register_view.php line: 108
+register_view_recovery1_choices = ""
+; register_view.php line: 109
+register_view_recovery2_more = ""
+; register_view.php line: 110
+register_view_recovery2_less = ""
+; register_view.php line: 111
+register_view_recovery2_choices = ""
+; register_view.php line: 112
+register_view_recovery3_more = ""
+; register_view.php line: 113
+register_view_recovery3_less = ""
+; register_view.php line: 114
+register_view_recovery3_choices = ""
+; register_view.php line: 115
+register_view_recovery4_more = ""
+; register_view.php line: 116
+register_view_recovery4_less = ""
+; register_view.php line: 117
+register_view_recovery4_choices = ""
+; register_view.php line: 118
+register_view_recovery5_more = ""
+; register_view.php line: 119
+register_view_recovery5_less = ""
+; register_view.php line: 120
+register_view_recovery5_choices = ""
+; register_view.php line: 121
+register_view_recovery6_more = ""
+; register_view.php line: 122
+register_view_recovery6_less = ""
+; register_view.php line: 123
+register_view_recovery6_choices = ""
+; register_view.php line: 152
+register_view_create_account = ""
+; register_view.php line: 189
+register_view_firstname = ""
+; register_view.php line: 204
+register_view_lastname = ""
+; register_view.php line: 219
+register_view_username = ""
+; register_view.php line: 232
+register_view_email = ""
+; register_view.php line: 246
+register_view_password = ""
+; register_view.php line: 261
+register_view_retypepassword = ""
+; register_view.php line: 277
+register_view_account_recovery = ""
+; register_view.php line: 281
+register_view_human_check = ""
+; register_view.php line: 283
+register_view_account_recovery = ""
+; register_view.php line: 315
+register_view_human_check = ""
+; register_view.php line: 330
+register_view_i_agree = ""
+; register_view.php line: 332
+register_view_terms = ""
+; register_view.php line: 334
+register_view_and = ""
+; register_view.php line: 336
+register_view_privacy = ""
+; register_view.php line: 337
+register_view_period = ""
+; register_view.php line: 347
+register_view_create_account = ""
+; register_view.php line: 357
+signin_view_return_yioop = ""
+; search_view.php line: 86
+search_view_title = ""
+; search_view.php line: 113
+search_view_input_label = ""
+; search_view.php line: 117
+search_view_input_placeholder = ""
+; search_view.php line: 120
+search_view_search = "Suche"
+; search_view.php line: 147
+search_view_no_index_set = ""
+; search_view.php line: 152
+search_view_more_statistics = ""
+; search_view.php line: 190
+search_view_calculated = ""
+; search_view.php line: 191
+search_view_results = ""
+; search_view.php line: 212
+search_view_thesaurus_results = ""
+; search_view.php line: 321
+search_view_word_cloud = ""
+; search_view.php line: 366
+search_view_cache = ""
+; search_view.php line: 369
+search_view_as_text = ""
+; search_view.php line: 382
+search_view_similar = ""
+; search_view.php line: 394
+search_view_inlink = ""
+; search_view.php line: 414
+search_view_rank = ""
+; search_view.php line: 416
+search_view_relevancy = ""
+; search_view.php line: 418
+search_view_proximity = ""
+; search_view.php line: 422
+search_view_thesaurus_score = ""
+; search_view.php line: 431
+search_view_score = ""
+; settings_view.php line: 66
+settings_view_settings = ""
+; settings_view.php line: 73
+settings_view_results_per_page = ""
+; settings_view.php line: 79
+settings_view_open_in_tabs = ""
+; settings_view.php line: 86
+settings_view_search_index = ""
+; settings_view.php line: 92
+settings_view_language_label = ""
+; settings_view.php line: 108
+settings_view_return_yioop = ""
+; settings_view.php line: 111
+settings_view_save = ""
+; settings_view.php line: 119
+settings_install_search_plugin = ""
+; signin_view.php line: 65
+signin_view_signin = ""
+; signin_view.php line: 78
+sigin_view_signing_in = ""
+; signin_view.php line: 81
+sigin_view_login_failed = ""
+; signin_view.php line: 89
+signin_view_username = ""
+; signin_view.php line: 96
+signin_view_password = ""
+; signin_view.php line: 107
+signin_view_login = ""
+; signin_view.php line: 122
+signin_view_recover_password = ""
+; signin_view.php line: 127
+signin_view_create_account = ""
+; signin_view.php line: 132
+signin_view_return_yioop = ""
+; static_view.php line: 71
+static_view_title = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 63
+statistics_view_statistics = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 68
+statistics_view_calculating = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 82
+statistics_view_error_codes = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 83
+statistics_view_sizes = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 84
+statistics_view_links_per_page = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 85
+statistics_view_page_date = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 86
+statistics_view_dns_time = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 87
+statistics_view_download_time = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 88
+statistics_view_top_level_domain = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 89
+statistics_view_file_extension = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 90
+statistics_view_media_type = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 91
+statistics_view_language = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 92
+statistics_view_server = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 93
+statistics_view_os = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 97
+statistics_view_general_info = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 98
+statistics_view_description = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 100
+statistics_view_timestamp = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 102
+statistics_view_crawl_date = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 104
+statistics_view_pages = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 106
+statistics_view_url = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 109
+statistics_view_number_hosts = ""
+; suggest_view.php line: 68
+suggest_view_suggest_url = ""
+; suggest_view.php line: 70
+suggest_view_instructions = ""
+; suggest_view.php line: 94
+suggest_view_url = ""
+; suggest_view.php line: 110
+register_view_human_check = ""
+; suggest_view.php line: 144
+suggest_view_human_check = ""
+; suggest_view.php line: 167
+suggest_view_submit_url = ""
+; suggest_view.php line: 177
+signin_view_return_yioop = ""
+; view.php line: 32
+view_locale_version11 = ""
+; view.php line: 81
+view_logo_alt_text = ""
+; wiki_view.php line: 89
+wiki_view_read = ""
+; wiki_view.php line: 90
+wiki_view_edit = ""
+; wiki_view.php line: 93
+wiki_view_pages = ""
+; wiki_view.php line: 132
+wiki_view_feed = ""
+; wiki_view.php line: 133
+wiki_view_wiki = ""
+; wiki_view.php line: 157
+adminview_auto_logout_one_minute = ""
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/sq_data/app/views
+; download_view.php line: 62
+download_view_form = ""
+; download_view.php line: 73
+download_view_thank_you = ""
+; download_view.php line: 76
+download_view_full_name = ""
+; download_view.php line: 82
+download_view_email = ""
+; download_view.php line: 87
+download_view_business = ""
+; download_view.php line: 93
+download_view_interest = ""
+; download_view.php line: 100
+download_view_get_email = ""
+; download_view.php line: 106
+download_view_return_main = ""
+; download_view.php line: 120
+download_view_required_fields = ""
+; download_view.php line: 125
+download_view_name_required = ""
+; download_view.php line: 130
+download_view_valid_email = ""
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/seek_quarry//lib/indexing_plugins
+; wordfilter_plugin.php line: 353
+wordfilter_plugin_settings_saved = ""
+; wordfilter_plugin.php line: 362
+wordfilter_plugin_defaults_restored = ""
+; wordfilter_plugin.php line: 466
+wordfilter_plugin_preferences = ""
+; wordfilter_plugin.php line: 470
+wordfilter_plugin_factory_settings = ""
+; wordfilter_plugin.php line: 483
+wordfilter_plugin_save = ""
diff --git a/locale/de/resources/locale.js b/locale/de/resources/locale.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..97a8028
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/de/resources/locale.js
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+ * SeekQuarry/Yioop --
+ * Open Source Pure PHP Search Engine, Crawler, and Indexer
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2009 - 2015  Chris Pollett
+ *
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+ *
+ *
+ * @author Chris Pollett
+ * @package seek_quarry
+ * @subpackage javascript
+ * @license GPL3
+ * @link
+ * @copyright 2009 - 2015s
+ * @filesource
+ */
+ * The alphabet for this locale
+ */
+var alpha = "aäbcdefghiïjklmnoöpqrsßtuüvwxyz";
+ * Transliteration maping for this locale
+ */
+var roman_array = {};
+ * To analyze the query and generate actual input query from the
+ * transliterated query
+ */
+function analyzeQuery()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/locale/de/resources/suggest_trie.txt.gz b/locale/de/resources/suggest_trie.txt.gz
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..8f99ab2
Binary files /dev/null and b/locale/de/resources/suggest_trie.txt.gz differ
diff --git a/locale/de/resources/tokenizer.php b/locale/de/resources/tokenizer.php
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..b18ef72
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/de/resources/tokenizer.php
@@ -0,0 +1,414 @@
+ * SeekQuarry/Yioop --
+ * Open Source Pure PHP Search Engine, Crawler, and Indexer
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2009 - 2015  Chris Pollett
+ *
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+ *
+ * @author Chris Pollett
+ * @package seek_quarry
+ * @subpackage locale
+ * @license GPL3
+ * @link
+ * @copyright 2009 - 2015
+ * @filesource
+ */
+if(!defined('BASE_DIR')) {echo "BAD REQUEST"; exit();}
+ * German specific tokenization code. Typically, tokenizer.php
+ * either contains a stemmer for the language in question or
+ * it specifies how many characters in a char gram
+ *
+ * @author Chris Pollett
+ * @package seek_quarry
+ * @subpackage locale
+ */
+ * This class has a collection of methods for German locale specific
+ * tokenization. In particular, it has a stemmer, a stop word remover (for
+ * use mainly in word cloud creation). The stemmer is my stab at re-implementing
+ * the stemmer algorithm given at
+ *
+ * Here given a word, its stem is that part of the word that
+ * is common to all its inflected variants. For example,
+ * tall is common to tall, taller, tallest. A stemmer takes
+ * a word and tries to produce its stem.
+ *
+ * @author Chris Pollett
+ * @package seek_quarry
+ * @subpackage locale
+ */
+class DeTokenizer
+    /**
+     * German vowels
+     * @var string
+     */
+    static $vowel = 'aeiouyäöü';
+    /**
+     * @var string
+     */
+    static $s_ending = 'bdfghklmnrt';
+    /**
+     * @var string
+     */
+    static $st_ending = 'bdfghklmnt';
+    /**
+     * $r1 is the region after the first non-vowel following a vowel, or the end
+     * of the word if there is no such non-vowel.
+     * @var string
+     */
+    static $r1;
+    /**
+     * Position in $word to stem of $r1
+     * @var int
+     */
+    static $r1_index;
+    /**
+     * $r2 is the region after the first non-vowel following a vowel in $r1, or
+     * the end of the word if there is no such non-vowel
+     * @var string
+     */
+    static $r2;
+    /**
+     * Position in $word to stem of $r2
+     * @var int
+     */
+    static $r2_index;
+    /**
+     * Words we don't want to be stemmed
+     * @var array
+     */
+    static $no_stem_list = array("titanic");
+    /**
+     * Storage used in computing the stem
+     * @var string
+     */
+    static $buffer;
+    /**
+     * Stub function which could be used for a word segmenter.
+     * Such a segmenter on input thisisabunchofwords would output
+     * this is a bunch of words
+     *
+     * @param string $pre_segment  before segmentation
+     * @return string should return string with words separated by space
+     *     in this case does nothing
+     */
+    static function segment($pre_segment)
+    {
+        return $pre_segment;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Removes the stop words from the page (used for Word Cloud generation)
+     *
+     * @param string $page the page to remove stop words from.
+     * @return string $page with no stop words
+     */
+    static function stopwordsRemover($page)
+    {
+        $stop_words = array('aber', 'alle', 'allem', 'allen', 'aller', 'alles',
+            'als', 'as', 'also', 'am', 'an', 'ander', 'andere', 'anderem',
+            'anderen', 'anderer', 'anderes', 'anderm', 'andern', 'anderr',
+            'anders', 'auch', 'auf', 'aus', 'bei', 'bin', 'bis', 'bist',
+            'da', 'damit', 'dann', 'der', 'den', 'des', 'dem', 'die', 'das',
+            'daß', 'derselbe', 'derselben', 'denselben', 'desselben',
+            'demselben', 'dieselbe', 'dieselben', 'dasselbe', 'dazu', 'dein',
+            'deine', 'deinem', 'deinen', 'deiner', 'deines', 'denn', 'derer',
+            'dessen', 'dich', 'dir', 'du', 'dies', 'diese', 'diesem', 'diesen',
+            'dieser', 'dieses', 'doch', 'dort', 'durch', 'ein', 'eine', 'einem',
+            'einen', 'einer', 'eines', 'einig', 'einige', 'einigem', 'einigen',
+            'einiger', 'einiges', 'einmal', 'er', 'ihn', 'ihm', 'es', 'etwas',
+            'euer', 'eure', 'eurem', 'euren', 'eurer', 'eures', 'für', 'gegen',
+            'gewesen', 'hab', 'habe', 'haben', 'hat', 'hatte', 'hatten', 'hier',
+            'hin', 'hinter', 'http', 'https', 'ich', 'mich', 'mir', 'ihr',
+            'ihre', 'ihrem',
+            'ihren', 'ihrer', 'ihres', 'euch', 'im', 'in', 'indem', 'ins',
+            'ist', 'jede', 'jedem', 'jeden', 'jeder', 'jedes', 'jene', 'jenem',
+            'jenen', 'jener', 'jenes', 'jetzt', 'kann', 'kein', 'keine',
+            'keinem', 'keinen', 'keiner', 'keines', 'können', 'könnte',
+            'machen', 'man', 'manche', 'manchem', 'manchen', 'mancher',
+            'manches', 'mein', 'meine', 'meinem', 'meinen', 'meiner', 'meines',
+            'mit', 'muss', 'musste', 'nach', 'nicht', 'nichts', 'noch', 'nun',
+            'nur', 'ob', 'oder', 'ohne', 'sehr', 'sein', 'seine', 'seinem',
+            'seinen', 'seiner', 'seines', 'selbst', 'sich', 'sie', 'ihnen',
+            'sind', 'so', 'solche', 'solchem', 'solchen', 'solcher', 'solches',
+            'soll', 'sollte', 'sondern', 'sonst', 'über', 'um', 'und', 'uns',
+            'unse', 'unsem', 'unsen', 'unser', 'unses', 'unter', 'viel', 'vom',
+            'von', 'vor', 'während', 'war', 'waren', 'warst', 'was', 'weg',
+            'weil', 'weiter', 'welche', 'welchem', 'welchen', 'welcher',
+            'welches', 'wenn', 'werde', 'werden', 'wie', 'wieder', 'will',
+            'wir', 'wird', 'wirst', 'wo', 'wollen', 'wollte', 'würde', 'würden',
+            'zu', 'zum', 'zur', 'zwar', 'zwischen'
+            );
+        $page = preg_replace('/\b('.implode('|',$stop_words).')\b/u', '',
+            strtolower($page));
+        return $page;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Computes the stem of a German word
+     *
+     * @param string $word the string to stem
+     * @return string the stem of $words
+     */
+    static function stem($word)
+    {
+        if(in_array($word, self::$no_stem_list)) {
+            return $word;
+        }
+        self::$buffer = strtolower($word);
+        self::prelude();
+        self::markRegions();
+        self::backwardSuffix();
+        self::postlude();
+        return self::$buffer;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Upper u and y between vowels so won't be treated as a vowel for the
+     * purpose of this algorithm. Maps ß to ss.
+     */
+    static function prelude()
+    {
+        $vowel = static::$vowel;
+        $word = self::$buffer;
+        //map non-vowel u and y to capitals
+        $word = preg_replace("/([$vowel])u([$vowel])/u", '$1U$2',
+            $word);
+        $word = preg_replace("/([$vowel])y([$vowel])/u", '$1Y$2',
+            $word);
+        $word = preg_replace("/ß/u", 'ss', $word);
+        self::$buffer = $word;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Computes locations of rv - RV is the region after the third letter,
+     * otherwise the region after the first vowel
+     * not at the beginning of the word, or the end of the word if
+     * these positions cannot be found. , r1 is the region after the first
+     * non-vowel following a vowel, or the end of the word if there is no such
+     * non-vowel and R2 is the region after the first non-vowel following a
+     * vowel in R1, or the end of the word if there is no such non-vowel.
+     *
+     */
+    static function markRegions()
+    {
+        $word = self::$buffer;
+        $vowel = static::$vowel;
+        preg_match("/[$vowel][^$vowel]/u", $word, $matches,
+            PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE);
+        self::$r1 = "";
+        $len = mb_strlen($word);
+        self::$r1_index = isset($matches[0][1]) ? $matches[0][1] + 2 : $len;
+        if(self::$r1_index != $len) {
+            self::$r1 = mb_substr($word, self::$r1_index);
+        }
+        if(self::$r1_index != $len) {
+            preg_match("/[$vowel][^$vowel]/u", self::$r1, $matches,
+                PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE);
+            self::$r2_index = isset($matches[0][1]) ? $matches[0][1] + 2 : $len;
+            if(self::$r2_index != $len) {
+                self::$r2 = mb_substr(self::$r1, self::$r2_index);
+                self::$r2_index += self::$r1_index;
+            }
+        }
+        if(self::$r1_index != $len && self::$r1_index < 3) {
+            $tmp = mb_substr($word, 0, 2, "UTF-8");
+            self::$r1_index = 3;
+            if(strlen($tmp) == 3) {
+                self::$r1_index = 4;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Used to strip suffixes off word
+     */
+    static function backwardSuffix()
+    {
+        /*
+        Step 1:
+        Search for the longest among the following suffixes,
+        (a) em   ern   er
+        (b) e   en   es
+        (c) s (preceded by a valid s-ending)
+        */
+        $word = self::$buffer;
+        $a1_index = preg_search('/(ern|er|em)$/u', $word);
+        $b1_index = preg_search('/(en|es|e)$/u', $word);
+        $s_ending = self::$s_ending;
+        $c1_index = preg_search("/([$s_ending]s)$/u", $word);
+        if($c1_index != -1) { $c1_index++; }
+        $infty =  strlen($word) + 1;
+        $index1 = $infty;
+        $option_used1 = '';
+        if($a1_index != -1 && $a1_index < $index1) {
+            $option_used1 = 'a';
+            $index1 = $a1_index;
+        }
+        if($b1_index != -1 && $b1_index < $index1) {
+            $option_used1 = 'b';
+            $index1 = $b1_index;
+        }
+        if($c1_index != -1 && $c1_index < $index1) {
+            $option_used1 = 'c';
+            $index1 = $c1_index;
+        }
+        /*
+            and delete if in R1. (Of course the letter of the valid s-ending is
+            not necessarily in R1.) If an ending of group (b) is deleted, and
+            the ending is preceded by niss, delete the final s. (For example,
+            äckern -> äck, ackers -> acker, armes -> arm,
+            bedürfnissen -> bedürfnis)
+        */
+        if($index1 != $infty && self::$r1_index != -1) {
+            if($index1 >= self::$r1_index) {
+                $word = substr($word, 0, $index1);
+                if($option_used1 == 'b') {
+                    if(preg_search('/niss$/u', $word) != -1) {
+                        $word = mb_substr($word, 0, mb_strlen($word) - 1);
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        /*
+        Step 2:
+        Search for the longest among the following suffixes,
+        (a) en   er   est
+        (b) st (preceded by a valid st-ending, itself preceded by at least 3
+        letters)
+        */
+        $a2_index = preg_search('/(en|er|est)$/u', $word);
+        $st_ending = self::$st_ending;
+        $b2_index = -1;
+        $pattern = "/(.{3}[$st_ending]st)$/u";
+        if(preg_match($pattern, $word, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE)) {
+            $b2_index = $matches[0][1];
+        }
+        if($b2_index != -1) {
+            $b2_index += strlen($matches[0][0]) - 2;
+        }
+        $index2 = $infty;
+        $option_used2 = '';
+        if($a2_index != -1 && $a2_index < $index2) {
+            $option_used2 = 'a';
+            $index2 = $a2_index;
+        }
+        if($b2_index != -1 && $b2_index < $index2) {
+            $option_used2 = 'b';
+            $index2 = $b2_index;
+        }
+        /*
+        and delete if in R1.
+        (For example, derbsten -> derbst by step 1, and derbst -> derb by
+        step 2, since b is a valid st-ending, and is preceded by just 3 letters)
+        */
+        if($index2 != $infty && self::$r1_index != -1) {
+            if($index2 >= self::$r1_index) {
+                $word = substr($word, 0, $index2);
+            }
+        }
+        /*
+        Step 3: d-suffixes (*)
+        Search for the longest among the following suffixes, and perform
+        the action indicated.
+        end   ung
+            delete if in R2
+            if preceded by ig, delete if in R2 and not preceded by e
+        ig   ik   isch
+            delete if in R2 and not preceded by e
+        lich   heit
+            delete if in R2
+            if preceded by er or en, delete if in R1
+        keit
+            delete if in R2
+            if preceded by lich or ig, delete if in R2
+        */
+        $a3_index = preg_search('/(end|ung)$/', $word);
+        $b3_index = preg_search('/[^e](ig|ik|isch)$/', $word);
+        $c3_index = preg_search('/(lich|heit)$/', $word);
+        $d3_index = preg_search('/(keit)$/', $word);
+        if($b3_index != -1) {
+            $b3_index++;
+        }
+        $index3 = $infty;
+        $option_used3 = '';
+        if($a3_index != -1 && $a3_index < $index3) {
+            $option_used3 = 'a';
+            $index3 = $a3_index;
+        }
+        if($b3_index != -1 && $b3_index < $index3) {
+            $option_used3 = 'b';
+            $index3 = $b3_index;
+        }
+        if($c3_index != -1 && $c3_index < $index3) {
+            $option_used3 = 'c';
+            $index3 = $c3_index;
+        }
+        if($d3_index != -1 && $d3_index < $index3) {
+            $option_used3 = 'd';
+            $index3 = $d3_index;
+        }
+        if($index3 != $infty && self::$r2_index != -1) {
+            if($index3 >= self::$r2_index) {
+                $word = substr($word, 0, $index3);
+                $option_index = -1;
+                $option_subsrt = '';
+                if($option_used3 == 'a') {
+                    $option_index = preg_search('/[^e](ig)$/u', $word);
+                    if($option_index != -1) {
+                        $option_index++;
+                        if($option_index >= self::$r2_index) {
+                            $word = substr($word, 0, $option_index);
+                        }
+                    }
+                } else if($option_used3 == 'c') {
+                    $option_index = preg_search('/(er|en)$/u', $word);
+                    if($option_index != -1) {
+                        if($option_index >= self::$r1_index) {
+                            $word = substr($word, 0, $option_index);
+                        }
+                    }
+                } else if ($option_used3 == 'd') {
+                    $option_index = preg_search('/(lich|ig)$/u', $word);
+                    if ($option_index != -1) {
+                        if ($option_index >= self::$r2_index) {
+                            $word = substr($word, 0, $option_index);
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        self::$buffer = $word;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Convert captitalized U and Y back to lower-case get rid of any dots
+     * above vowels
+     */
+    static function postlude()
+    {
+        $vowel = static::$vowel;
+        $word = self::$buffer;
+        $word = preg_replace('/U/u', 'u', $word);
+        $word = preg_replace('/Y/u', 'y', $word);
+        $word = preg_replace('/ä/u', 'a', $word);
+        $word = preg_replace('/ö/u', 'o', $word);
+        $word = preg_replace('/ü/u', 'u', $word);
+        self::$buffer = $word;
+    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/locale/de/resources1421450874old/locale.js b/locale/de/resources1421450874old/locale.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..7713b27
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/de/resources1421450874old/locale.js
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+ * SeekQuarry/Yioop --
+ * Open Source Pure PHP Search Engine, Crawler, and Indexer
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2009 - 2014  Chris Pollett
+ *
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+ *
+ *
+ * @author Chris Pollett
+ * @package seek_quarry
+ * @subpackage javascript
+ * @license GPL3
+ * @link
+ * @copyright 2009 - 2014s
+ * @filesource
+ */
+ * The alphabet for this locale
+ */
+var alpha = "aäbcdefghiïjklmnoöpqrsßtuüvwxyz";
+ * Transliteration maping for this locale
+ */
+var roman_array = {};
+ * To analyze the query and generate actual input query from the
+ * transliterated query
+ */
+function analyzeQuery()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/locale/de/resources1421450874old/suggest_trie.txt.gz b/locale/de/resources1421450874old/suggest_trie.txt.gz
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..8f99ab2
Binary files /dev/null and b/locale/de/resources1421450874old/suggest_trie.txt.gz differ
diff --git a/locale/de/resources1421450874old/tokenizer.php b/locale/de/resources1421450874old/tokenizer.php
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..8407de7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/de/resources1421450874old/tokenizer.php
@@ -0,0 +1,414 @@
+ * SeekQuarry/Yioop --
+ * Open Source Pure PHP Search Engine, Crawler, and Indexer
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2009 - 2014  Chris Pollett
+ *
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+ *
+ * @author Chris Pollett
+ * @package seek_quarry
+ * @subpackage locale
+ * @license GPL3
+ * @link
+ * @copyright 2009 - 2014
+ * @filesource
+ */
+if(!defined('BASE_DIR')) {echo "BAD REQUEST"; exit();}
+ * German specific tokenization code. Typically, tokenizer.php
+ * either contains a stemmer for the language in question or
+ * it specifies how many characters in a char gram
+ *
+ * @author Chris Pollett
+ * @package seek_quarry
+ * @subpackage locale
+ */
+ * This class has a collection of methods for German locale specific
+ * tokenization. In particular, it has a stemmer, a stop word remover (for
+ * use mainly in word cloud creation). The stemmer is my stab at re-implementing
+ * the stemmer algorithm given at
+ *
+ * Here given a word, its stem is that part of the word that
+ * is common to all its inflected variants. For example,
+ * tall is common to tall, taller, tallest. A stemmer takes
+ * a word and tries to produce its stem.
+ *
+ * @author Chris Pollett
+ * @package seek_quarry
+ * @subpackage locale
+ */
+class DeTokenizer
+    /**
+     * German vowels
+     * @var string
+     */
+    static $vowel = 'aeiouyäöü';
+    /**
+     * @var string
+     */
+    static $s_ending = 'bdfghklmnrt';
+    /**
+     * @var string
+     */
+    static $st_ending = 'bdfghklmnt';
+    /**
+     * $r1 is the region after the first non-vowel following a vowel, or the end
+     * of the word if there is no such non-vowel.
+     * @var string
+     */
+    static $r1;
+    /**
+     * Position in $word to stem of $r1
+     * @var int
+     */
+    static $r1_index;
+    /**
+     * $r2 is the region after the first non-vowel following a vowel in $r1, or
+     * the end of the word if there is no such non-vowel
+     * @var string
+     */
+    static $r2;
+    /**
+     * Position in $word to stem of $r2
+     * @var int
+     */
+    static $r2_index;
+    /**
+     * Words we don't want to be stemmed
+     * @var array
+     */
+    static $no_stem_list = array("titanic");
+    /**
+     * Storage used in computing the stem
+     * @var string
+     */
+    static $buffer;
+    /**
+     * Stub function which could be used for a word segmenter.
+     * Such a segmenter on input thisisabunchofwords would output
+     * this is a bunch of words
+     *
+     * @param string $pre_segment  before segmentation
+     * @return string should return string with words separated by space
+     *     in this case does nothing
+     */
+    static function segment($pre_segment)
+    {
+        return $pre_segment;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Removes the stop words from the page (used for Word Cloud generation)
+     *
+     * @param string $page the page to remove stop words from.
+     * @return string $page with no stop words
+     */
+    static function stopwordsRemover($page)
+    {
+        $stop_words = array('aber', 'alle', 'allem', 'allen', 'aller', 'alles',
+            'als', 'as', 'also', 'am', 'an', 'ander', 'andere', 'anderem',
+            'anderen', 'anderer', 'anderes', 'anderm', 'andern', 'anderr',
+            'anders', 'auch', 'auf', 'aus', 'bei', 'bin', 'bis', 'bist',
+            'da', 'damit', 'dann', 'der', 'den', 'des', 'dem', 'die', 'das',
+            'daß', 'derselbe', 'derselben', 'denselben', 'desselben',
+            'demselben', 'dieselbe', 'dieselben', 'dasselbe', 'dazu', 'dein',
+            'deine', 'deinem', 'deinen', 'deiner', 'deines', 'denn', 'derer',
+            'dessen', 'dich', 'dir', 'du', 'dies', 'diese', 'diesem', 'diesen',
+            'dieser', 'dieses', 'doch', 'dort', 'durch', 'ein', 'eine', 'einem',
+            'einen', 'einer', 'eines', 'einig', 'einige', 'einigem', 'einigen',
+            'einiger', 'einiges', 'einmal', 'er', 'ihn', 'ihm', 'es', 'etwas',
+            'euer', 'eure', 'eurem', 'euren', 'eurer', 'eures', 'für', 'gegen',
+            'gewesen', 'hab', 'habe', 'haben', 'hat', 'hatte', 'hatten', 'hier',
+            'hin', 'hinter', 'http', 'https', 'ich', 'mich', 'mir', 'ihr',
+            'ihre', 'ihrem',
+            'ihren', 'ihrer', 'ihres', 'euch', 'im', 'in', 'indem', 'ins',
+            'ist', 'jede', 'jedem', 'jeden', 'jeder', 'jedes', 'jene', 'jenem',
+            'jenen', 'jener', 'jenes', 'jetzt', 'kann', 'kein', 'keine',
+            'keinem', 'keinen', 'keiner', 'keines', 'können', 'könnte',
+            'machen', 'man', 'manche', 'manchem', 'manchen', 'mancher',
+            'manches', 'mein', 'meine', 'meinem', 'meinen', 'meiner', 'meines',
+            'mit', 'muss', 'musste', 'nach', 'nicht', 'nichts', 'noch', 'nun',
+            'nur', 'ob', 'oder', 'ohne', 'sehr', 'sein', 'seine', 'seinem',
+            'seinen', 'seiner', 'seines', 'selbst', 'sich', 'sie', 'ihnen',
+            'sind', 'so', 'solche', 'solchem', 'solchen', 'solcher', 'solches',
+            'soll', 'sollte', 'sondern', 'sonst', 'über', 'um', 'und', 'uns',
+            'unse', 'unsem', 'unsen', 'unser', 'unses', 'unter', 'viel', 'vom',
+            'von', 'vor', 'während', 'war', 'waren', 'warst', 'was', 'weg',
+            'weil', 'weiter', 'welche', 'welchem', 'welchen', 'welcher',
+            'welches', 'wenn', 'werde', 'werden', 'wie', 'wieder', 'will',
+            'wir', 'wird', 'wirst', 'wo', 'wollen', 'wollte', 'würde', 'würden',
+            'zu', 'zum', 'zur', 'zwar', 'zwischen'
+            );
+        $page = preg_replace('/\b('.implode('|',$stop_words).')\b/u', '',
+            strtolower($page));
+        return $page;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Computes the stem of a German word
+     *
+     * @param string $word the string to stem
+     * @return string the stem of $words
+     */
+    static function stem($word)
+    {
+        if(in_array($word, self::$no_stem_list)) {
+            return $word;
+        }
+        self::$buffer = strtolower($word);
+        self::prelude();
+        self::markRegions();
+        self::backwardSuffix();
+        self::postlude();
+        return self::$buffer;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Upper u and y between vowels so won't be treated as a vowel for the
+     * purpose of this algorithm. Maps ß to ss.
+     */
+    static function prelude()
+    {
+        $vowel = static::$vowel;
+        $word = self::$buffer;
+        //map non-vowel u and y to capitals
+        $word = preg_replace("/([$vowel])u([$vowel])/u", '$1U$2',
+            $word);
+        $word = preg_replace("/([$vowel])y([$vowel])/u", '$1Y$2',
+            $word);
+        $word = preg_replace("/ß/u", 'ss', $word);
+        self::$buffer = $word;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Computes locations of rv - RV is the region after the third letter,
+     * otherwise the region after the first vowel
+     * not at the beginning of the word, or the end of the word if
+     * these positions cannot be found. , r1 is the region after the first
+     * non-vowel following a vowel, or the end of the word if there is no such
+     * non-vowel and R2 is the region after the first non-vowel following a
+     * vowel in R1, or the end of the word if there is no such non-vowel.
+     *
+     */
+    static function markRegions()
+    {
+        $word = self::$buffer;
+        $vowel = static::$vowel;
+        preg_match("/[$vowel][^$vowel]/u", $word, $matches,
+            PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE);
+        self::$r1 = "";
+        $len = mb_strlen($word);
+        self::$r1_index = isset($matches[0][1]) ? $matches[0][1] + 2 : $len;
+        if(self::$r1_index != $len) {
+            self::$r1 = mb_substr($word, self::$r1_index);
+        }
+        if(self::$r1_index != $len) {
+            preg_match("/[$vowel][^$vowel]/u", self::$r1, $matches,
+                PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE);
+            self::$r2_index = isset($matches[0][1]) ? $matches[0][1] + 2 : $len;
+            if(self::$r2_index != $len) {
+                self::$r2 = mb_substr(self::$r1, self::$r2_index);
+                self::$r2_index += self::$r1_index;
+            }
+        }
+        if(self::$r1_index != $len && self::$r1_index < 3) {
+            $tmp = mb_substr($word, 0, 2, "UTF-8");
+            self::$r1_index = 3;
+            if(strlen($tmp) == 3) {
+                self::$r1_index = 4;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Used to strip suffixes off word
+     */
+    static function backwardSuffix()
+    {
+        /*
+        Step 1:
+        Search for the longest among the following suffixes,
+        (a) em   ern   er
+        (b) e   en   es
+        (c) s (preceded by a valid s-ending)
+        */
+        $word = self::$buffer;
+        $a1_index = preg_search('/(ern|er|em)$/u', $word);
+        $b1_index = preg_search('/(en|es|e)$/u', $word);
+        $s_ending = self::$s_ending;
+        $c1_index = preg_search("/([$s_ending]s)$/u", $word);
+        if($c1_index != -1) { $c1_index++; }
+        $infty =  strlen($word) + 1;
+        $index1 = $infty;
+        $option_used1 = '';
+        if($a1_index != -1 && $a1_index < $index1) {
+            $option_used1 = 'a';
+            $index1 = $a1_index;
+        }
+        if($b1_index != -1 && $b1_index < $index1) {
+            $option_used1 = 'b';
+            $index1 = $b1_index;
+        }
+        if($c1_index != -1 && $c1_index < $index1) {
+            $option_used1 = 'c';
+            $index1 = $c1_index;
+        }
+        /*
+            and delete if in R1. (Of course the letter of the valid s-ending is
+            not necessarily in R1.) If an ending of group (b) is deleted, and
+            the ending is preceded by niss, delete the final s. (For example,
+            äckern -> äck, ackers -> acker, armes -> arm,
+            bedürfnissen -> bedürfnis)
+        */
+        if($index1 != $infty && self::$r1_index != -1) {
+            if($index1 >= self::$r1_index) {
+                $word = substr($word, 0, $index1);
+                if($option_used1 == 'b') {
+                    if(preg_search('/niss$/u', $word) != -1) {
+                        $word = mb_substr($word, 0, mb_strlen($word) - 1);
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        /*
+        Step 2:
+        Search for the longest among the following suffixes,
+        (a) en   er   est
+        (b) st (preceded by a valid st-ending, itself preceded by at least 3
+        letters)
+        */
+        $a2_index = preg_search('/(en|er|est)$/u', $word);
+        $st_ending = self::$st_ending;
+        $b2_index = -1;
+        $pattern = "/(.{3}[$st_ending]st)$/u";
+        if(preg_match($pattern, $word, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE)) {
+            $b2_index = $matches[0][1];
+        }
+        if($b2_index != -1) {
+            $b2_index += strlen($matches[0][0]) - 2;
+        }
+        $index2 = $infty;
+        $option_used2 = '';
+        if($a2_index != -1 && $a2_index < $index2) {
+            $option_used2 = 'a';
+            $index2 = $a2_index;
+        }
+        if($b2_index != -1 && $b2_index < $index2) {
+            $option_used2 = 'b';
+            $index2 = $b2_index;
+        }
+        /*
+        and delete if in R1.
+        (For example, derbsten -> derbst by step 1, and derbst -> derb by
+        step 2, since b is a valid st-ending, and is preceded by just 3 letters)
+        */
+        if($index2 != $infty && self::$r1_index != -1) {
+            if($index2 >= self::$r1_index) {
+                $word = substr($word, 0, $index2);
+            }
+        }
+        /*
+        Step 3: d-suffixes (*)
+        Search for the longest among the following suffixes, and perform
+        the action indicated.
+        end   ung
+            delete if in R2
+            if preceded by ig, delete if in R2 and not preceded by e
+        ig   ik   isch
+            delete if in R2 and not preceded by e
+        lich   heit
+            delete if in R2
+            if preceded by er or en, delete if in R1
+        keit
+            delete if in R2
+            if preceded by lich or ig, delete if in R2
+        */
+        $a3_index = preg_search('/(end|ung)$/', $word);
+        $b3_index = preg_search('/[^e](ig|ik|isch)$/', $word);
+        $c3_index = preg_search('/(lich|heit)$/', $word);
+        $d3_index = preg_search('/(keit)$/', $word);
+        if($b3_index != -1) {
+            $b3_index++;
+        }
+        $index3 = $infty;
+        $option_used3 = '';
+        if($a3_index != -1 && $a3_index < $index3) {
+            $option_used3 = 'a';
+            $index3 = $a3_index;
+        }
+        if($b3_index != -1 && $b3_index < $index3) {
+            $option_used3 = 'b';
+            $index3 = $b3_index;
+        }
+        if($c3_index != -1 && $c3_index < $index3) {
+            $option_used3 = 'c';
+            $index3 = $c3_index;
+        }
+        if($d3_index != -1 && $d3_index < $index3) {
+            $option_used3 = 'd';
+            $index3 = $d3_index;
+        }
+        if($index3 != $infty && self::$r2_index != -1) {
+            if($index3 >= self::$r2_index) {
+                $word = substr($word, 0, $index3);
+                $option_index = -1;
+                $option_subsrt = '';
+                if($option_used3 == 'a') {
+                    $option_index = preg_search('/[^e](ig)$/u', $word);
+                    if($option_index != -1) {
+                        $option_index++;
+                        if($option_index >= self::$r2_index) {
+                            $word = substr($word, 0, $option_index);
+                        }
+                    }
+                } else if($option_used3 == 'c') {
+                    $option_index = preg_search('/(er|en)$/u', $word);
+                    if($option_index != -1) {
+                        if($option_index >= self::$r1_index) {
+                            $word = substr($word, 0, $option_index);
+                        }
+                    }
+                } else if ($option_used3 == 'd') {
+                    $option_index = preg_search('/(lich|ig)$/u', $word);
+                    if ($option_index != -1) {
+                        if ($option_index >= self::$r2_index) {
+                            $word = substr($word, 0, $option_index);
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        self::$buffer = $word;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Convert captitalized U and Y back to lower-case get rid of any dots
+     * above vowels
+     */
+    static function postlude()
+    {
+        $vowel = static::$vowel;
+        $word = self::$buffer;
+        $word = preg_replace('/U/u', 'u', $word);
+        $word = preg_replace('/Y/u', 'y', $word);
+        $word = preg_replace('/ä/u', 'a', $word);
+        $word = preg_replace('/ö/u', 'o', $word);
+        $word = preg_replace('/ü/u', 'u', $word);
+        self::$buffer = $word;
+    }
diff --git a/ko/statistics.txt b/locale/de/statistics.txt
similarity index 100%
rename from ko/statistics.txt
rename to locale/de/statistics.txt
diff --git a/locale/en-US/configure.ini b/locale/en-US/configure.ini
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..08725fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/en-US/configure.ini
@@ -0,0 +1,4186 @@
+; ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
+;  SeekQuarry/Yioop Open Source Pure PHP Search Engine, Crawler, and Indexer
+;  Copyright (C) 2009 - 2015  Chris Pollett
+;  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;  (at your option) any later version.
+;  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;  GNU General Public License for more details.
+;  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;  along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+;  ***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****
+; configure.ini
+; en-US configuration file
+; Strings to translate on various pages
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/seek_quarry//controllers
+; admin_controller.php line: 101
+admin_controller_need_cookies = "Cookies needed to login!!"
+; admin_controller.php line: 150
+admin_controller_account_not_active = "Account not active. Maybe request password reset?"
+; admin_controller.php line: 156
+admin_controller_login_successful = "Login Successful!!"
+; admin_controller.php line: 175
+admin_controller_no_back_button = "No Back Button During Login!"
+; admin_controller.php line: 189
+admin_controller_login_failed = "Username or Password Incorrect!"
+; admin_controller.php line: 195
+admin_controller_login_to_config = "Login to continue configuration (default: u=root, p=)"
+; admin_controller.php line: 199
+admin_controller_status_updates_stopped = "Status updates have stopped."
+; admin_controller.php line: 342
+admin_controller_account_access = "Account Access"
+; admin_controller.php line: 343
+admin_controller_social = "Social"
+; admin_controller.php line: 344
+admin_controller_crawl_settings = "Crawls"
+; admin_controller.php line: 345
+admin_controller_system_settings = "System Settings"
+; admin_controller.php line: 517
+admin_controller_equal = "Equals"
+; admin_controller.php line: 518
+admin_controller_not_equal = "Not equals"
+; admin_controller.php line: 519
+admin_controller_contains = "Contains"
+; admin_controller.php line: 520
+admin_controller_begins_with = "Begins with"
+; admin_controller.php line: 521
+admin_controller_ends_with = "Ends with"
+; admin_controller.php line: 524
+admin_controller_equal = "Equals"
+; admin_controller.php line: 525
+admin_controller_not_equal = "Not equals"
+; admin_controller.php line: 528
+admin_controller_no_sort = "No sort"
+; admin_controller.php line: 529
+admin_controller_sort_ascending = "Ascending"
+; admin_controller.php line: 530
+admin_controller_sort_descending = "Descending"
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/seek_quarry//controllers/components
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 132
+accountaccess_component_no_posts_yet = "No Posts Yet"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 146
+accountaccess_component_passwords_too_long = "Password is too long!"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 155
+accountaccess_component_passwords_dont_match = "Typed passwords do not match."
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 162
+accountaccess_component_invalid_password = "Invalid Password!"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 192
+accountaccess_component_unknown_imagetype = "Unknown Image File Type!"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 197
+accountaccess_component_icon_too_big = "Icon File Too Big!"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 206
+accountaccess_component_no_user_folder = "User Folder Could Not be Created!"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 215
+accountaccess_component_user_updated = "User Updated"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 259
+accountaccess_component_active_status = "Active"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 260
+accountaccess_component_inactive_status = "Inactive"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 261
+accountaccess_component_banned_status = "Banned"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 264
+accountaccess_component_request_join = "Pending"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 265
+accountaccess_component_invited = "Invited"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 266
+accountaccess_component_active_status = "Active"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 267
+accountaccess_component_banned_status = "Banned"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 312
+accountaccess_component_passwords_too_long = "Password is too long!"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 317
+accountaccess_component_passwords_dont_match = "Typed passwords do not match."
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 321
+accountaccess_component_invalid_username = "Invalid Username!"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 325
+accountaccess_component_user_exists = "User Already Exists!"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 354
+accountaccess_component_user_added = "User Added"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 363
+accountaccess_component_user_doesnt_exist = "Can&#039;t edit -- that sername doesn&#039;t exist!"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 370
+accountaccess_component_cant_edit_public_user = "Cannot Edit Public User!"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 412
+accountaccess_component_passwords_dont_match = "Typed passwords do not match."
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 418
+accountaccess_component_user_updated = "User Updated"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 424
+accountaccess_component_user_filter_group = "Filtering by Group!"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 428
+accountaccess_component_user_filter_role = "Filtering by Role!"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 439
+accountaccess_component_username_doesnt_exists = "Username Does Not Exist"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 444
+accountaccess_component_cant_delete_builtin = "Cannot Delete Built-in User!"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 449
+accountaccess_component_user_deleted = "User Deleted"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 458
+accountaccess_component_username_doesnt_exists = "Username Does Not Exist"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 463
+accountaccess_component_rolename_doesnt_exists = "Role Name Does not Exist"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 469
+accountaccess_component_rolename_already_added = "Role Name Already Added!"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 475
+accountaccess_component_rolename_added = "Role Name Added"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 485
+accountaccess_component_username_doesnt_exists = "Username Does Not Exist"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 490
+accountaccess_component_groupname_doesnt_exists = "Group Name does not exists"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 496
+accountaccess_component_groupname_already_added = "Group Name Already Added!"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 504
+accountaccess_component_groupname_added = "Group Name Added"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 514
+accountaccess_component_username_doesnt_exists = "Username Does Not Exist"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 519
+accountaccess_component_rolename_doesnt_exists = "Role Name Does not Exist"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 528
+accountaccess_component_rolename_deleted = "Role Name Deleted"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 538
+accountaccess_component_username_doesnt_exists = "Username Does Not Exist"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 543
+accountaccess_component_groupname_doesnt_exists = "Group Name does not exists"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 552
+accountaccess_component_group_deleted = "Group Deleted"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 569
+accountaccess_component_username_doesnt_exists = "Username Does Not Exist"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 575
+accountaccess_component_userstatus_updated = "User Status Updated"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 733
+accountaccess_component_select_activityname = "Select Activity"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 759
+accountaccess_component_rolename_doesnt_exists = "Role Name Does not Exist"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 775
+accountaccess_component_activity_added = "Activity Added"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 784
+accountaccess_component_rolename_exists = "Role Name Exists"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 790
+accountaccess_component_rolename_added = "Role Name Added"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 794
+accountaccess_component_rolename_blank = "Role Name Blank!"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 803
+accountaccess_component_rolename_doesnt_exists = "Role Name Does not Exist"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 821
+accountaccess_component_activity_deleted = "Activity Deleted"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 829
+accountaccess_component_rolename_doesnt_exists = "Role Name Does not Exist"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 835
+accountaccess_component_rolename_deleted = "Role Name Deleted"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 867
+accountaccess_component_role_updated = "Role updated!"
+; crawl_component.php line: 85
+crawl_component_starting_new_crawl = "Starting New Crawl!"
+; crawl_component.php line: 102
+crawl_component_stop_crawl = "Stopping crawl. . .This will take a moment to refresh."
+; crawl_component.php line: 131
+crawl_component_resume_crawl = "Resuming crawl. . .This will take a moment to refresh."
+; crawl_component.php line: 140
+crawl_component_delete_crawl_success = "Deleting Crawl. . .This will take a moment to refresh."
+; crawl_component.php line: 144
+crawl_component_delete_crawl_fail = "Delete Crawl Failed!!"
+; crawl_component.php line: 153
+crawl_component_set_index = "Setting Crawl To Use as Index"
+; crawl_component.php line: 187
+crawl_component_no_description = "No Description for Crawl"
+; crawl_component.php line: 334
+crawl_component_use_below = "Use options below"
+; crawl_component.php line: 335
+crawl_component_use_defaults = "Use Seekquarry defaults"
+; crawl_component.php line: 338
+crawl_component_use_below = "Use options below"
+; crawl_component.php line: 342
+crawl_component_previous_crawl = "Previous Crawl:"
+; crawl_component.php line: 413
+crawl_component_added_urls = "Urls injected on %s."
+; crawl_component.php line: 427
+crawl_component_add_suggest = "User suggested URLS added!"
+; crawl_component.php line: 431
+crawl_component_no_new_suggests = "No new urls in suggest data"
+; crawl_component.php line: 478
+crawl_component_breadth_first = "Breadth First"
+; crawl_component.php line: 480
+crawl_component_page_importance = "Page Importance"
+; crawl_component.php line: 545
+crawl_component_added_urls = "Urls injected on %s."
+; crawl_component.php line: 555
+crawl_component_urls_injected = "Urls Injected!"
+; crawl_component.php line: 565
+crawl_component_update_seed_info = "Updating Seed Site Info!"
+; crawl_component.php line: 620
+crawl_component_new_classifier = "New classifier created."
+; crawl_component.php line: 624
+crawl_component_classifier_exists = "A classifier with that name already exists."
+; crawl_component.php line: 647
+crawl_component_classifier_deleted = "Classifier deleted."
+; crawl_component.php line: 651
+crawl_component_no_classifier = "No classifier with that name."
+; crawl_component.php line: 662
+crawl_component_no_classifier = "No classifier with that name."
+; crawl_component.php line: 680
+crawl_component_finalizing_classifier = "Finalizing classifier."
+; crawl_component.php line: 707
+crawl_component_finalizing_classifier = "Finalizing classifier."
+; crawl_component.php line: 753
+crawl_component_classifier_exists = "A classifier with that name already exists."
+; crawl_component.php line: 762
+crawl_component_load_failed = "Failed to load documents"
+; crawl_component.php line: 764
+crawl_component_loading = "Loading"
+; crawl_component.php line: 766
+crawl_component_added_examples = "Added {1} {2} examples"
+; crawl_component.php line: 768
+crawl_component_label_update_failed = "Failed to update labels."
+; crawl_component.php line: 770
+crawl_component_updating = "Updating"
+; crawl_component.php line: 772
+crawl_component_acc_update_failed = "Failed to update accuracy"
+; crawl_component.php line: 774
+crawl_component_na = "N/A"
+; crawl_component.php line: 776
+crawl_component_no_docs = "No documents"
+; crawl_component.php line: 778
+crawl_component_num_docs = "{1}{2} documents"
+; crawl_component.php line: 780
+crawl_component_in_class = "In Class"
+; crawl_component.php line: 782
+crawl_component_not_in_class = "Not In Class"
+; crawl_component.php line: 784
+crawl_component_skip = "Skip"
+; crawl_component.php line: 786
+crawl_component_prediction = "Prediction: {1}"
+; crawl_component.php line: 788
+crawl_component_scores = "{1}%% confidence, {2}%% disagreement"
+; crawl_component.php line: 830
+crawl_component_use_below = "Use options below"
+; crawl_component.php line: 831
+crawl_component_use_defaults = "Use Seekquarry defaults"
+; crawl_component.php line: 833
+crawl_component_use_below = "Use options below"
+; crawl_component.php line: 841
+crawl_component_recrawl_never = "Never"
+; crawl_component.php line: 842
+crawl_component_recrawl_1day = "1 days"
+; crawl_component.php line: 843
+crawl_component_recrawl_2day = "2 days"
+; crawl_component.php line: 844
+crawl_component_recrawl_3day = "3 days"
+; crawl_component.php line: 845
+crawl_component_recrawl_7day = "7 days"
+; crawl_component.php line: 846
+crawl_component_recrawl_14day = "14 days"
+; crawl_component.php line: 854
+crawl_component_basic = "Basic"
+; crawl_component.php line: 855
+crawl_component_centroid = "Centroid"
+; crawl_component.php line: 1141
+crawl_component_page_options_updated = "Page Options Updated!"
+; crawl_component.php line: 1169
+crawl_component_page_options_running_tests = "Running Tests!"
+; crawl_component.php line: 1348
+crawl_component_results_editor_update = "Filter Pages Updated!"
+; crawl_component.php line: 1363
+crawl_component_edited_pages = "Select a Previously Edited URL"
+; crawl_component.php line: 1376
+crawl_component_results_editor_need_url = "Result Page Update needs to Specify the URL!"
+; crawl_component.php line: 1382
+crawl_component_results_editor_page_updated = "Result Page Updated!"
+; crawl_component.php line: 1395
+crawl_component_results_editor_page_loaded = "Page Loaded!"
+; crawl_component.php line: 1426
+crawl_component_media_kind = "Media Kind"
+; crawl_component.php line: 1427
+crawl_component_video = "Video"
+; crawl_component.php line: 1428
+crawl_component_rss_feed = "RSS"
+; crawl_component.php line: 1429
+crawl_component_html_feed = "Html Feed"
+; crawl_component.php line: 1443
+crawl_component_sources_indexes = "Index/Mix to Use"
+; crawl_component.php line: 1499
+crawl_component_no_source_type = "Type of Source Not Set!"
+; crawl_component.php line: 1512
+crawl_component_missing_type = "Must set media type!"
+; crawl_component.php line: 1526
+crawl_component_invalid_url = "Invalid URL!"
+; crawl_component.php line: 1533
+crawl_component_missing_fields = "All Fields Need to be Filled!"
+; crawl_component.php line: 1550
+crawl_component_media_source_added = "Media Source Added!"
+; crawl_component.php line: 1563
+crawl_component_missing_fields = "All Fields Need to be Filled!"
+; crawl_component.php line: 1571
+crawl_component_subsearch_added = "Subsearch Added!"
+; crawl_component.php line: 1577
+crawl_component_no_delete_source = "Source Was Not Deleted!"
+; crawl_component.php line: 1583
+crawl_component_media_source_deleted = "Media Source Deleted!"
+; crawl_component.php line: 1590
+crawl_component_no_delete_source = "Source Was Not Deleted!"
+; crawl_component.php line: 1597
+crawl_component_subsearch_deleted = "Subsearch Deleted!"
+; crawl_component.php line: 1632
+crawl_component_subsearch_updated = "Subsearch Updated!"
+; crawl_component.php line: 1707
+crawl_component_media_source_updated = "Media Source Updated!"
+; social_component.php line: 85
+social_component_request_join = "Request Join"
+; social_component.php line: 86
+social_component_invited = "Invited"
+; social_component.php line: 87
+social_component_active_status = "Active"
+; social_component.php line: 88
+social_component_banned_status = "Banned"
+; social_component.php line: 91
+social_component_no_join = "No One"
+; social_component.php line: 92
+social_component_by_request = "By Request"
+; social_component.php line: 93
+social_component_public_request = "Public Request"
+; social_component.php line: 94
+social_component_public_join = "Anyone"
+; social_component.php line: 97
+social_component_private = "No Read"
+; social_component.php line: 98
+social_component_read = "Read"
+; social_component.php line: 99
+social_component_read_comment = "Read Comment"
+; social_component.php line: 100
+social_component_read_write = "Read Write"
+; social_component.php line: 101
+social_component_read_wiki = "Read Write Wiki"
+; social_component.php line: 104
+social_component_no_voting = "No Voting"
+; social_component.php line: 105
+social_component_up_voting = "+ Voting"
+; social_component.php line: 106
+social_component_up_down_voting = "+/- Voting"
+; social_component.php line: 109
+social_component_forever = "Never Expires"
+; social_component.php line: 110
+social_component_one_hour = "One Hour"
+; social_component.php line: 111
+social_component_one_day = "One Day"
+; social_component.php line: 112
+social_component_one_month = "One Month"
+; social_component.php line: 181
+accountaccess_component_user_activated = "User activated!"
+; social_component.php line: 186
+accountaccess_component_no_user_activated = "User was not activated!"
+; social_component.php line: 204
+social_component_joined = "Group Joined!"
+; social_component.php line: 208
+social_component_groupname_unavailable = "Group name unavailable!"
+; social_component.php line: 213
+social_component_name_available = "Group name available!"
+; social_component.php line: 228
+social_component_user_banned = "User banned!"
+; social_component.php line: 233
+social_component_no_user_banned = "User was not banned!"
+; social_component.php line: 254
+social_component_owner_changed = "Owner Changed!"
+; social_component.php line: 259
+social_component_not_in_group = "User not in group!"
+; social_component.php line: 265
+social_component_not_a_user = "Username does not exist!"
+; social_component.php line: 275
+social_component_groupname_exists = "Group Name Exists"
+; social_component.php line: 302
+social_component_groupname_added = "Group Name Added"
+; social_component.php line: 311
+social_component_groupname_doesnt_exists = "Group Name does not exists"
+; social_component.php line: 318
+social_component_group_deleted = "Group Deleted"
+; social_component.php line: 322
+social_component_no_delete_group = "Cannot Delete Group"
+; social_component.php line: 335
+social_component_user_deleted = "User Deleted"
+; social_component.php line: 340
+social_component_no_delete_user_group = "Cannot Delete User from Group."
+; social_component.php line: 390
+social_component_users_invited = "Users Invited!"
+; social_component.php line: 395
+social_component_no_users_invited = "No Users Invited!!"
+; social_component.php line: 411
+social_component_joined = "Group Joined!"
+; social_component.php line: 415
+social_component_no_unsubscribe = "Could not Unsubscribe!"
+; social_component.php line: 457
+social_component_user_reinstated = "User reinstated!"
+; social_component.php line: 462
+social_component_no_user_reinstated = "User was not reinstated!"
+; social_component.php line: 469
+social_component_request_join = "Request Join"
+; social_component.php line: 471
+social_component_invited = "Invited"
+; social_component.php line: 473
+social_component_banned_status = "Banned"
+; social_component.php line: 490
+social_component_unsubscribe = "Successfully Unsubscribed!"
+; social_component.php line: 495
+social_component_no_unsubscribe = "Could not Unsubscribe!"
+; social_component.php line: 538
+social_component_group_joined = "Group joined!"
+; social_component.php line: 540
+social_component_group_request_join = "Join Group Request Made!"
+; social_component.php line: 556
+social_component_activate_group = "Seekquarry Group %s Activation Request"
+; social_component.php line: 563
+social_component_activate_body = "The user %s has requested to join group %s."
+; social_component.php line: 567
+social_component_notify_closing = "Best regards,"
+; social_component.php line: 568
+social_component_notify_signature = "Seekquarry Software"
+; social_component.php line: 639
+social_component_no_permission = "Insufficient Access!"
+; social_component.php line: 652
+social_component_group_updated = "Group updated!"
+; social_component.php line: 660
+social_component_unknown_access = "Attempt to change access to unknown value!"
+; social_component.php line: 668
+social_component_group_filter_users = "Filtering Users!"
+; social_component.php line: 759
+social_component_comment_error = "Error in comment data!"
+; social_component.php line: 763
+social_component_no_comment = "Cannot post blank comment!"
+; social_component.php line: 775
+social_component_no_post_access = "Cannot post to that group!"
+; social_component.php line: 781
+social_component_no_post_access = "Cannot post to that group!"
+; social_component.php line: 785
+social_component_join_group = "%s joined %s!"
+; social_component.php line: 788
+social_component_join_group_detail = "On %s, you joined the group  %s."
+; social_component.php line: 803
+social_component_upload_error = "Upload Error!"
+; social_component.php line: 816
+social_component_thread_notification = "New Post to Thread: %s"
+; social_component.php line: 818
+social_component_notify_body = "We thought you would be interested in a new post to the thread:"
+; social_component.php line: 821
+social_component_notify_closing = "Best regards,"
+; social_component.php line: 822
+social_component_notify_signature = "Seekquarry Software"
+; social_component.php line: 824
+social_component_notify_salutation = "Dear %s,"
+; social_component.php line: 831
+social_component_comment_added = "Comment Added!"
+; social_component.php line: 841
+social_component_groupname_cant_add = "Cannot add selected group!"
+; social_component.php line: 847
+social_component_delete_error = "Error Deleting Item"
+; social_component.php line: 868
+social_component_item_deleted = "Item Deleted!"
+; social_component.php line: 871
+social_component_no_item_deleted = "No Item Deleted!"
+; social_component.php line: 879
+social_component_vote_error = "Voting Error!"
+; social_component.php line: 888
+social_component_no_vote_access = "No vote access to that post! "
+; social_component.php line: 893
+social_component_no_post_access = "Cannot post to that group!"
+; social_component.php line: 897
+social_component_already_voted = "Already Voted!"
+; social_component.php line: 901
+social_component_vote_recorded = "Vote Recorded!"
+; social_component.php line: 906
+social_component_comment_error = "Error in comment data!"
+; social_component.php line: 911
+social_component_need_title_description = "Need both title and description!"
+; social_component.php line: 922
+social_component_no_post_access = "Cannot post to that group!"
+; social_component.php line: 930
+social_component_upload_error = "Upload Error!"
+; social_component.php line: 936
+social_component_new_thread_mail = "New Thread in Group %s"
+; social_component.php line: 943
+social_component_new_thread_body = "As the owner of %s we thought you would like to know of the following thread recently created in your group:"
+; social_component.php line: 947
+social_component_notify_closing = "Best regards,"
+; social_component.php line: 948
+social_component_notify_signature = "Seekquarry Software"
+; social_component.php line: 949
+social_component_notify_salutation = "Dear %s,"
+; social_component.php line: 956
+social_component_thread_created = "Thread Created!"
+; social_component.php line: 964
+social_component_comment_error = "Error in comment data!"
+; social_component.php line: 968
+social_component_need_title_description = "Need both title and description!"
+; social_component.php line: 974
+social_component_post_edited_elsewhere = "Post was just edited elsewhere (another tab?)"
+; social_component.php line: 982
+social_component_no_update_access = "Cannot Update Post!"
+; social_component.php line: 995
+social_component_no_update_access = "Cannot Update Post!"
+; social_component.php line: 1004
+social_component_upload_error = "Upload Error!"
+; social_component.php line: 1007
+social_component_post_updated = "Post Updated!"
+; social_component.php line: 1014
+social_component_vote_error = "Voting Error!"
+; social_component.php line: 1023
+social_component_no_vote_access = "No vote access to that post! "
+; social_component.php line: 1028
+social_component_no_post_access = "Cannot post to that group!"
+; social_component.php line: 1032
+social_component_already_voted = "Already Voted!"
+; social_component.php line: 1036
+social_component_vote_recorded = "Vote Recorded!"
+; social_component.php line: 1067
+social_component_join_group = "%s joined %s!"
+; social_component.php line: 1070
+social_component_join_group_detail = "On %s, you joined the group  %s."
+; social_component.php line: 1338
+accountaccess_component_no_posts_yet = "No Posts Yet"
+; social_component.php line: 1379
+social_component_search = "Search"
+; social_component.php line: 1463
+social_component_no_group_access = "Not a member or can&#039;t read that group. Switching to public group!"
+; social_component.php line: 1466
+social_component_no_group_access = "Not a member or can&#039;t read that group. Switching to public group!"
+; social_component.php line: 1490
+social_component_standard_page = "Standard"
+; social_component.php line: 1491
+social_component_page_alias = "Page Alias"
+; social_component.php line: 1492
+social_component_media_list = "Media List"
+; social_component.php line: 1493
+social_component_presentation = "Presentation"
+; social_component.php line: 1496
+social_component_solid = "Solid"
+; social_component.php line: 1497
+social_component_dashed = "Dashed"
+; social_component.php line: 1498
+social_component_none = "None"
+; social_component.php line: 1538
+social_component_missing_fields = "Missing Fields!"
+; social_component.php line: 1544
+social_component_wiki_edited_elsewhere = "Wiki Page Has Been Edited Since Your Version. Loading Changed Version!"
+; social_component.php line: 1594
+social_component_page_created = "%s Wiki Page Created!"
+; social_component.php line: 1595
+social_component_page_discuss_here = "Discuss the page in this thread!"
+; social_component.php line: 1600
+social_component_page_saved = "Page Saved!"
+; social_component.php line: 1612
+social_component_resource_deleted = "Resource Deleted!"
+; social_component.php line: 1617
+social_component_resource_not_deleted = "Resource Not Deleted! "
+; social_component.php line: 1634
+social_component_resource_renamed = "Resource Renamed!"
+; social_component.php line: 1639
+social_component_resource_not_renamed = "Resource not Renamed!"
+; social_component.php line: 1649
+social_component_resource_save_first = "Need to Save Page Before Using Resources!"
+; social_component.php line: 1661
+social_component_page_created = "%s Wiki Page Created!"
+; social_component.php line: 1663
+social_component_page_discuss_here = "Discuss the page in this thread!"
+; social_component.php line: 1667
+social_component_resource_uploaded = "Resource Uploaded!"
+; social_component.php line: 1672
+social_component_upload_error = "Upload Error!"
+; social_component.php line: 1718
+social_component_back = "Back"
+; social_component.php line: 1719
+social_component_history_page = "Historical Version of %s from %s."
+; social_component.php line: 1752
+social_component_back = "Back"
+; social_component.php line: 1753
+social_component_diff_page = "%s line differences between %s and %s."
+; social_component.php line: 1767
+social_component_wiki_edited_elsewhere = "Wiki Page Has Been Edited Since Your Version. Loading Changed Version!"
+; social_component.php line: 1775
+social_component_page_revert_to = "Revert to %s."
+; social_component.php line: 1779
+social_component_page_reverted = "Page Reverted!"
+; social_component.php line: 1783
+social_component_revert_error = "Error Reverting Page!"
+; social_component.php line: 1854
+social_component_main = "Main"
+; social_component.php line: 2096
+wiki_js_small = "Small"
+; social_component.php line: 2097
+wiki_js_medium = "Medium"
+; social_component.php line: 2098
+wiki_js_large = "Large"
+; social_component.php line: 2099
+wiki_js_search_size = "Size"
+; social_component.php line: 2100
+wiki_js_prompt_heading = "Header row:"
+; social_component.php line: 2101
+wiki_js_example = "Example"
+; social_component.php line: 2102
+wiki_js_table_title = "Table Title"
+; social_component.php line: 2103
+wiki_js_submit = "Submit"
+; social_component.php line: 2104
+wiki_js_cancel = "Cancel"
+; social_component.php line: 2105
+wiki_js_bold = "Bold text"
+; social_component.php line: 2106
+wiki_js_italic = "Italic text"
+; social_component.php line: 2107
+wiki_js_underline = "Underlined text"
+; social_component.php line: 2108
+wiki_js_strike = "Striked text"
+; social_component.php line: 2109
+wiki_js_heading = "Heading"
+; social_component.php line: 2110
+wiki_js_heading1 = "Level 1 Heading"
+; social_component.php line: 2111
+wiki_js_heading2 = "Level 2 Heading"
+; social_component.php line: 2112
+wiki_js_heading3 = "Level 3 Heading"
+; social_component.php line: 2113
+wiki_js_heading4 = "Level 4 Heading"
+; social_component.php line: 2114
+wiki_js_bullet = "Unordered list item"
+; social_component.php line: 2115
+wiki_js_enum = "Ordered list item"
+; social_component.php line: 2116
+wiki_js_nowiki = "Insert non-formatted text here"
+; social_component.php line: 2117
+wiki_js_add_search = "Add Search Bar Form"
+; social_component.php line: 2118
+wiki_js_search_size = "Size"
+; social_component.php line: 2119
+wiki_js_add_wiki_table = "Add Wiki Table"
+; social_component.php line: 2120
+wiki_js_for_table_cols = "Column Count:"
+; social_component.php line: 2121
+wiki_js_for_table_rows = "Row Count:"
+; social_component.php line: 2122
+wiki_js_add_hyperlink = "Add Hyperlink"
+; social_component.php line: 2123
+wiki_js_link_text = "Text:"
+; social_component.php line: 2124
+wiki_js_link_url = "URL:"
+; social_component.php line: 2125
+wiki_js_placeholder = "Search Placeholder Text"
+; social_component.php line: 2126
+wiki_js_centeraligned = "This text is centered."
+; social_component.php line: 2127
+wiki_js_rightaligned = "This text is right-aligned."
+; social_component.php line: 2128
+wiki_js_leftaligned = "This text is left-aligned."
+; social_component.php line: 2130
+wiki_js_definitionlist_item = "Item"
+; social_component.php line: 2132
+wiki_js_definitionlist_definition = "Definition"
+; social_component.php line: 2134
+wiki_js_slide_sample_title = "Title"
+; social_component.php line: 2136
+wiki_js_slide_sample_bullet = "Slide Item"
+; social_component.php line: 2138
+wiki_js_slide_resource_description = "Resource Description for "
+; social_component.php line: 2178
+social_component_select_crawl = "Select Crawl"
+; social_component.php line: 2179
+social_component_default_crawl = "Default Crawl"
+; social_component.php line: 2181
+social_component_select_crawl = "Select Crawl"
+; social_component.php line: 2183
+social_component_default_crawl = "Default Crawl"
+; social_component.php line: 2214
+social_component_mix_created = "Crawl Mix Created!"
+; social_component.php line: 2217
+social_component_invalid_name = "Mix Name in Use or Invalid!"
+; social_component.php line: 2225
+social_component_mix_invalid_timestamp = "Invalid Timestamp!"
+; social_component.php line: 2229
+social_component_mix_deleted = "Crawl Mix Deleted!"
+; social_component.php line: 2248
+social_component_mix_doesnt_exists = "Mix to Delete Does not Exist!"
+; social_component.php line: 2256
+social_component_mix_imported = "Mix Successfully Imported!"
+; social_component.php line: 2270
+social_component_set_index = "Setting Crawl To Use as Index"
+; social_component.php line: 2280
+social_component_comment_error = "Error in comment data!"
+; social_component.php line: 2286
+social_component_invalid_timestamp = "Shared Mix Has An Invalid Timestamp"
+; social_component.php line: 2304
+social_component_no_post_access = "Cannot post to that group!"
+; social_component.php line: 2308
+social_component_share_title = "Try out this crawl mix!"
+; social_component.php line: 2310
+social_component_share_description = "%s is sharing the crawl mix %s!"
+; social_component.php line: 2315
+social_component_thread_created = "Thread Created!"
+; social_component.php line: 2367
+social_component_mix_invalid_timestamp = "Invalid Timestamp!"
+; social_component.php line: 2372
+social_component_mix_not_owner = "Not Mix Owner!"
+; social_component.php line: 2382
+social_component_add_crawls = "Add Crawls"
+; social_component.php line: 2384
+social_component_num_results = "Results Shown"
+; social_component.php line: 2386
+social_component_del_frag = "Remove"
+; social_component.php line: 2388
+social_component_weight = "Weight"
+; social_component.php line: 2389
+social_component_name = "Name"
+; social_component.php line: 2391
+social_component_add_keywords = "Keywords"
+; social_component.php line: 2393
+social_component_actions = "Actions"
+; social_component.php line: 2395
+social_component_add_query = "Add Query"
+; social_component.php line: 2396
+social_component_delete = "Delete"
+; social_component.php line: 2443
+social_component_too_many_fragments = "Too Many Search Result Fragments!"
+; social_component.php line: 2454
+social_component_mix_saved = "Crawl Mix Changes Saved!"
+; system_component.php line: 79
+system_component_select_machine = "Select Machine"
+; system_component.php line: 145
+system_component_machine_added = "Machine Added!"
+; system_component.php line: 149
+system_component_machine_exists = "Machine Name Already Exists; Please Delete First!"
+; system_component.php line: 153
+system_component_machine_incomplete = "Missing or Invalid Fields From Machine Form!"
+; system_component.php line: 160
+system_component_machine_doesnt_exists = "Machine Name does not Exists!"
+; system_component.php line: 181
+system_component_stop_service_first = "Machine in use. Please stop the service running on it!"
+; system_component.php line: 187
+system_component_machine_deleted = "Machine Deleted!"
+; system_component.php line: 208
+system_component_media_mode_updated = "Media Update Mode Changed!"
+; system_component.php line: 212
+system_component_media_update_failed = "Media Update Mode Change Failed!"
+; system_component.php line: 275
+system_component_no_machine_log = "No Log File Found."
+; system_component.php line: 304
+system_component_machine_servers_updated = "Machine&#039;s Servers Updated!"
+; system_component.php line: 308
+system_component_machine_no_action = "Unable to Perform Action!"
+; system_component.php line: 344
+system_component_select_mode = "Select Mode"
+; system_component.php line: 386
+system_component_locale_missing_info = "Field values missing or invalid!"
+; system_component.php line: 393
+system_component_locale_added = "Locale Added!"
+; system_component.php line: 400
+system_component_localename_doesnt_exists = "Locale Does Not Exist!"
+; system_component.php line: 405
+system_component_localename_deleted = "Locale Deleted"
+; system_component.php line: 411
+system_component_localename_doesnt_exists = "Locale Does Not Exist!"
+; system_component.php line: 440
+system_component_locale_updated = "Locale Information Updated!"
+; system_component.php line: 470
+system_component_localestrings_updated = "Locale Strings Updated!"
+; system_component.php line: 481
+system_component_all_strings = "All Strings"
+; system_component.php line: 482
+system_component_missing_strings = "Missing Strings"
+; system_component.php line: 568
+system_component_configure_no_change_db = "Problem Updating Database!"
+; system_component.php line: 573
+system_component_configure_profile_change = "Profile Updated!"
+; system_component.php line: 576
+system_component_configure_no_change_profile = "There was a Problem Updating Profile!"
+; system_component.php line: 598
+system_component_configure_disable_registration = "Disable Registration"
+; system_component.php line: 600
+system_component_configure_no_activation = "No Activation"
+; system_component.php line: 602
+system_component_configure_email_activation = "Email Activation"
+; system_component.php line: 604
+system_component_configure_admin_activation = "Admin Activation"
+; system_component.php line: 669
+captchasettings_element_text_captcha = "Text Captcha"
+; system_component.php line: 671
+captchasettings_element_hash_captcha = "Hash Captcha"
+; system_component.php line: 673
+captchasettings_element_image_captcha = "Image Captcha"
+; system_component.php line: 678
+serversettings_element_normal_authentication = "Normal Authentication"
+; system_component.php line: 680
+serversettings_element_zkp_authentication = "ZKP Authentication"
+; system_component.php line: 685
+serversettings_element_normal_authentication = "Normal Authentication"
+; system_component.php line: 710
+system_component_settings_updated = "Settings Updated!"
+; system_component.php line: 713
+system_component_no_update_settings = "No Settings Were Changed!"
+; system_component.php line: 780
+system_component_configure_use_absolute_path = "Must use an Absolute path for Work Directory"
+; system_component.php line: 785
+system_component_configure_configure_diff_base_dir = "Work Directory cannot be contained in Seekquarry folder!"
+; system_component.php line: 810
+system_component_configure_work_dir_set = "Work Directory Set! You may need to re-login!"
+; system_component.php line: 821
+system_component_name_your_bot = "Please Name Your robot"
+; system_component.php line: 846
+system_component_configure_work_profile_made = "Working Directory and Profile Created!"
+; system_component.php line: 850
+system_component_configure_no_set_config = "Unable to Update config.php File!"
+; system_component.php line: 857
+system_component_configure_no_create_profile = "Unable to Create Profile!"
+; system_component.php line: 864
+system_component_configure_work_dir_invalid = "Work Directory is Invalid! Cannot Create Profile!"
+; system_component.php line: 871
+system_component_configure_work_dir_invalid = "Work Directory is Invalid! Cannot Create Profile!"
+; system_component.php line: 893
+system_component_no_resource_folder = "No Resource Folder!"
+; system_component.php line: 907
+system_component_invalid_filetype = "Invalid File Type!"
+; system_component.php line: 912
+system_component_file_too_big = "File Too Big!"
+; system_component.php line: 935
+system_component_configure_profile_change = "Profile Updated!"
+; system_component.php line: 939
+system_component_configure_no_change_profile = "There was a Problem Updating Profile!"
+; system_component.php line: 988
+system_component_configure_reset_completed = "Reset Completed"
+; system_component.php line: 992
+system_component_configure_no_change_profile = "There was a Problem Updating Profile!"
+; system_component.php line: 1025
+system_component_describe_robot = "Please Describe Your Robot"
+; system_component.php line: 1091
+system_component_php_version = "PHP Version 5.3 or Newer"
+; system_component.php line: 1099
+system_component_no_write_config_php = "configs/config.php not web server writable."
+; system_component.php line: 1104
+system_component_no_write_work_dir = "Work directory needs to be writable by web server. "
+; system_component.php line: 1109
+system_component_post_size_small = "php.ini file variable post_max_size should be at least 2M"
+; system_component.php line: 1115
+system_component_missing_required = "The following required items were missing: %s"
+; system_component.php line: 1138
+system_component_missing_optional = "The following optional items were missing: %s"
+; system_component.php line: 1143
+system_component_check_passed = "Check Passed."
+; system_component.php line: 1148
+system_component_using_local_config = "Using configs/local_config.php so changing work directory above may not work."
+; machine_controller.php line: 172
+machine_controller_nolines = "No Lines Match Filter!"
+; register_controller.php line: 246
+register_controller_need_cookies = "Cookies need to be enabled to register or log in to a Seekquarry!"
+; register_controller.php line: 313
+register_controller_account_created = "Account created successfully!!"
+; register_controller.php line: 331
+register_controller_registration_email_sent = "Registration email sent!"
+; register_controller.php line: 333
+register_controller_admin_activation_request = "Seekquarry User Has Requested Activation"
+; register_controller.php line: 334
+register_controller_admin_email_salutation = "Dear %s %s,"
+; register_controller.php line: 336
+register_controller_email_body = "This email was given in a Seekquarry account creation request. If you are interested in a Seekquarry account please use the address below to complete the registration process."
+; register_controller.php line: 369
+register_controller_account_request_made = "Account registration request has been sent!"
+; register_controller.php line: 373
+register_controller_admin_activation_request = "Seekquarry User Has Requested Activation"
+; register_controller.php line: 374
+register_controller_admin_activation_message = "User %s %s with username %s has requested activation of their account."
+; register_controller.php line: 416
+register_controller_email_verification_error = "Email verification error!!"
+; register_controller.php line: 422
+register_controller_already_activated = "Account has already been activated!"
+; register_controller.php line: 429
+register_controller_account_activated = "Account successfully activated!!"
+; register_controller.php line: 432
+register_controller_email_verification_error = "Email verification error!!"
+; register_controller.php line: 480
+register_controller_account_recover_fail = "Unable to recover account!"
+; register_controller.php line: 489
+register_controller_account_recover_fail = "Unable to recover account!"
+; register_controller.php line: 493
+register_controller_account_recover_email = "Recover Account Email Sent!!"
+; register_controller.php line: 497
+register_controller_recover_request = "Seekquarry Account Recovery Request"
+; register_controller.php line: 498
+register_controller_admin_email_salutation = "Dear %s %s,"
+; register_controller.php line: 500
+register_controller_recover_body = "A request was made to recover your Seekquarry password. If this is correct, please paste the link below into a browser and complete the form presented."
+; register_controller.php line: 534
+register_controller_account_recover_fail = "Unable to recover account!"
+; register_controller.php line: 546
+register_controller_account_recover_fail = "Unable to recover account!"
+; register_controller.php line: 559
+register_controller_account_recover_fail = "Unable to recover account!"
+; register_controller.php line: 566
+register_controller_recovered_already = "Recover email already used!"
+; register_controller.php line: 570
+register_controller_recovery_expired = "Recover email has expired!"
+; register_controller.php line: 576
+register_controller_password_changed = "Password changed!"
+; register_controller.php line: 584
+register_controller_passwords_dont_match = "Passwords don&#039;t match!"
+; register_controller.php line: 598
+register_controller_recovered_already = "Recover email already used!"
+; register_controller.php line: 602
+register_controller_recovery_expired = "Recover email has expired!"
+; register_controller.php line: 728
+register_controller_invalid_url = "Format of URL is invalid!"
+; register_controller.php line: 732
+register_controller_error_fields = "Starred fields need to be filled in correctly!"
+; register_controller.php line: 746
+register_controller_failed_hashcode = "Hash Code Did Not Match!"
+; register_controller.php line: 756
+register_controller_failed_human = "Got human check questions wrong!"
+; register_controller.php line: 783
+register_controller_failed_graphical_human = "Captcha Mis-entered!"
+; register_controller.php line: 797
+register_controller_suggest_full = "Suggest URL buffer is full! Please try again later!"
+; register_controller.php line: 801
+register_controller_url_submitted = "Suggested URL saved!"
+; register_controller.php line: 1004
+register_controller_need_cookies = "Cookies need to be enabled to register or log in to a Seekquarry!"
+; register_controller.php line: 1010
+register_controller_failed_human = "Got human check questions wrong!"
+; register_controller.php line: 1025
+register_controller_failed_graphical_human = "Captcha Mis-entered!"
+; register_controller.php line: 1036
+register_controller_failed_hashcode = "Hash Code Did Not Match!"
+; register_controller.php line: 1064
+register_controller_error_fields = "Starred fields need to be filled in correctly!"
+; register_controller.php line: 1067
+register_controller_check_email = "Check Email Address!"
+; register_controller.php line: 1074
+register_controller_user_already_exists = "Account not created - Username already in use!!"
+; search_controller.php line: 235
+search_controller_web = "Web"
+; search_controller.php line: 295
+search_controller_logout_successful = "Logout Successful!!"
+; search_controller.php line: 500
+search_controller_mix_info = "Using Crawl Mix: %s"
+; search_controller.php line: 506
+search_controller_crawl_info = "Index: %s -- Size: %s pages/%s urls"
+; search_controller.php line: 542
+search_controller_search = "Search"
+; search_controller.php line: 646
+search_controller_no_index_set = "No Search Index Set For Use!"
+; search_controller.php line: 649
+search_controller_no_index_set = "No Search Index Set For Use!"
+; search_controller.php line: 1300
+search_controller_download_fetcher = "Download Fetcher: %s"
+; search_controller.php line: 1309
+search_controller_no_archive_page = "The website in question has requested this page not be archived."
+; search_controller.php line: 1358
+search_controller_yioop_cache = "Seekquarry Cache"
+; search_controller.php line: 1363
+search_controller_original_page = "This image appeared on the page:"
+; search_controller.php line: 1380
+search_controller_extracted_title = "Extracted Title"
+; search_controller.php line: 1382
+search_controller_extracted_description = "Extracted Description"
+; search_controller.php line: 1384
+search_controller_extracted_links = "Extracted Links"
+; search_controller.php line: 1389
+search_controller_extracted_allow_paths = "Extracted Allowed To Crawl Paths"
+; search_controller.php line: 1395
+search_controller_extracted_disallow_paths = "Extracted Disallowed To Crawl Paths"
+; search_controller.php line: 1401
+search_controller_crawl_delay = "SeekquarryBot Crawl Delay"
+; search_controller.php line: 1466
+search_controller_cache_comment = "Seekquarry Cache Page... This page has been modified to add a robots directive,  make links absolute, add extracted summaries, and to highlight query terms."
+; search_controller.php line: 1477
+search_controller_yioop_cache = "Seekquarry Cache"
+; search_controller.php line: 1513
+search_controller_cached_version = "This cached version of %s was obtained by the Seekquarry crawler on %s."
+; search_controller.php line: 1608
+search_controller_download_fetcher = "Download Fetcher: %s"
+; search_controller.php line: 1626
+search_controller_header_summaries = "Toggle Extracted Headers and Summaries"
+; search_controller.php line: 1739
+search_controller_history = "Toggle History"
+; search_controller.php line: 1908
+search_controller_all_cached = "All Cached Versions - Change Year and/or Months to see Links"
+; search_controller.php line: 1939
+search_controller_year = "Year:"
+; search_controller.php line: 1940
+search_controller_month = "Month:"
+; settings_controller.php line: 115
+settings_controller_crawl_mix = "crawl mix"
+; settings_controller.php line: 130
+settings_controller_settings_saved = "Settings Saved!"
+; static_controller.php line: 67
+static_controller_logout_successful = "Logout Successful"
+; static_controller.php line: 145
+static_controller_complete_title = "%s"
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/sq_data/app/controllers
+; main_controller.php line: 87
+search_controller_logout_successful = "Logout Successful!!"
+; main_controller.php line: 112
+main_controller_download = "Download Form"
+; main_controller.php line: 129
+main_controller_missing_fields = "Missing Fields! Form not processed!"
+; main_controller.php line: 164
+main_controller_yioop_download = "Yioop Download Information"
+; main_controller.php line: 165
+main_controller_click_download = "Use the link below to download Yioop software:"
+; main_controller.php line: 178
+main_controller_url_error = "URL Format Error!"
+; main_controller.php line: 187
+main_controller_expired_url = "Expire Url. Please fill out the form again to download!"
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/seek_quarry//views
+; admin_view.php line: 70
+admin_view_admin = "Admin"
+; admin_view.php line: 89
+adminview_auto_logout_one_minute = "Auto-logout in One Minute!!"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 52
+crawlstatus_view_currently_processing = "Currently Processing"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 53
+crawlstatus_view_description = "Description:"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 58
+crawlstatus_view_starting_crawl = "Starting New Crawl..."
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 62
+managecrawls_element_stop_crawl = "Stop Crawl"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 66
+crawlstatus_view_resuming_crawl = "Resuming Crawl"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 70
+managecrawls_element_stop_crawl = "Stop Crawl"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 74
+crawlstatus_view_shutdown_queue = "Shutting Down Queue..."
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 77
+crawlstatus_view_closing_dict = "Closing Crawl Dictionary..."
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 80
+crawlstatus_view_run_plugins = "Running Post Processing Plugins..."
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 88
+managecrawls_element_stop_crawl = "Stop Crawl"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 96
+crawlstatus_view_set_index = "Set as Index"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 99
+crawlstatus_view_search_index = "Search Index"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 107
+crawlstatus_view_changeoptions = "Change Crawl Options"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 109
+crawlstatus_view_no_description = "No active crawl"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 114
+crawlstatus_view_timestamp = "Timestamp:"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 116
+crawlstatus_view_time_started = "Time started:"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 122
+crawlstatus_view_indexer_memory = "Indexer Peak Memory:"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 124
+crawlstatus_view_scheduler_memory = "Scheduler Peak Memory:"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 127
+crawlstatus_view_queue_memory = "Server Peak Memory:"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 132
+crawlstatus_view_no_mem_data = "No Memory Data Yet"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 136
+crawlstatus_view_fetcher_memory = "Fetcher Peak Memory:"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 141
+crawlstatus_view_no_mem_data = "No Memory Data Yet"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 144
+crawlstatus_view_webapp_memory = "Web App Peak Memory:"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 149
+crawlstatus_view_no_mem_data = "No Memory Data Yet"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 152
+crawlstatus_view_urls_per_hour = "Visited Urls/Hour:"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 160
+crawlstatus_view_visited_urls = "Visited Urls Count:"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 164
+crawlstatus_view_total_urls = "Total Urls Seen:"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 167
+crawlstatus_view_most_recent_fetcher = "Most Recent Fetcher:"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 176
+crawlstatus_view_no_fetcher = "No Fetcher Queries Yet"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 180
+crawlstatus_view_most_recent_urls = "Most Recent Urls"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 190
+crawlstatus_view_no_recent_urls = "No Recent Urls (Could mean only link data)"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 193
+crawlstatus_view_previous_crawls = "Previous Crawls"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 203
+crawlstatus_view_description = "Description:"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 206
+crawlstatus_view_timestamp = "Timestamp:"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 207
+crawlstatus_view_url_counts = "Visited/Extracted Urls:"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 211
+crawlstatus_view_actions = "Actions"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 222
+crawlstatus_view_statistics = "Statistics"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 238
+crawlstatus_view_resume = "Resume"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 240
+crawlstatus_view_no_resume = "Closed"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 247
+crawlstatus_view_set_index = "Set as Index"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 250
+crawlstatus_view_search_index = "Search Index"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 257
+crawlstatus_view_delete = "Delete"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 265
+crawlstatus_view_no_previous_crawl = "No Previous Crawls"
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/seek_quarry//views/elements
+; activity_element.php line: 54
+activity_element_activities = "Activities"
+; configure_element.php line: 76
+configure_element_work_directory = "Search Engine Work Directory"
+; configure_element.php line: 82
+configure_element_load_or_create = "Load or Create"
+; configure_element.php line: 100
+configure_element_component_check = "Component Check"
+; configure_element.php line: 104
+configure_element_profile_settings = "Profile Settings"
+; configure_element.php line: 107
+configure_element_toggle_advanced = "Toggle Advanced Settings"
+; configure_element.php line: 114
+configure_element_default_language = "Default Language:"
+; configure_element.php line: 121
+configure_element_debug_display = "Debug Display"
+; configure_element.php line: 126
+configure_element_error_info = "Error Info"
+; configure_element.php line: 131
+configure_element_query_info = "Query Info"
+; configure_element.php line: 136
+configure_element_test_info = "Test Info"
+; configure_element.php line: 141
+configure_element_site_access = "Search Access"
+; configure_element.php line: 146
+configure_element_web_access = "Web"
+; configure_element.php line: 151
+configure_element_rss_access = "RSS"
+; configure_element.php line: 156
+configure_element_api_access = "API"
+; configure_element.php line: 161
+configure_element_customizations = "Site Customizations"
+; configure_element.php line: 163
+configure_element_use_wiki_landing = "Use Wiki Public Main Page as Landing Page:"
+; configure_element.php line: 170
+configure_element_background_color = "Background Color:"
+; configure_element.php line: 178
+configure_element_background_image = "Background Image:"
+; configure_element.php line: 185
+configure_element_background_image = "Background Image:"
+; configure_element.php line: 194
+configure_element_foreground_color = "Foreground Color:"
+; configure_element.php line: 200
+configure_element_topbar_color = "Top Bar Color:"
+; configure_element.php line: 206
+configure_element_sidebar_color = "Side Bar Color:"
+; configure_element.php line: 214
+configure_element_site_logo = "Site Logo:"
+; configure_element.php line: 221
+configure_element_site_logo = "Site Logo:"
+; configure_element.php line: 232
+configure_element_mobile_logo = "Mobile Logo:"
+; configure_element.php line: 239
+configure_element_mobile_logo = "Mobile Logo:"
+; configure_element.php line: 250
+configure_element_favicon = "Favicon:"
+; configure_element.php line: 257
+configure_element_favicon = "Favicon:"
+; configure_element.php line: 267
+configure_element_toolbar = "Search Toolbar"
+; configure_element.php line: 278
+configure_element_site_timezone = "Timezone:"
+; configure_element.php line: 284
+configure_element_cookie_name = "Web Cookie Name:"
+; configure_element.php line: 290
+configure_element_token_name = "Web Token Name:"
+; configure_element.php line: 296
+configure_element_auxiliary_css = "Auxiliary Style Directives"
+; configure_element.php line: 304
+configure_element_reset_customizations = "Reset Customizations"
+; configure_element.php line: 311
+configure_element_crawl_robot = "Crawl Robot Set-up"
+; configure_element.php line: 313
+configure_element_robot_name = "Crawl Robot Name:"
+; configure_element.php line: 321
+configure_element_robot_instance = "Robot Instance:"
+; configure_element.php line: 328
+configure_element_robot_description = "Robot Description"
+; configure_element.php line: 338
+serversettings_element_submit = "Submit"
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 55
+crawloptions_element_back_to_manage = "Back"
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 58
+crawloptions_element_modify_active_crawl = "Modify Active Crawl"
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 60
+crawloptions_element_edit_crawl_options = "Edit Crawl Options"
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 83
+crawloptions_element_web_crawl = "Web Crawl"
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 93
+crawloptions_element_archive_crawl = "Archive Crawl"
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 100
+crawloptions_element_load_options = "Get Crawl Options From:"
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 105
+crawloptions_element_crawl_order = "Crawl Order:"
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 114
+crawloptions_element_restrict_by_url = "Restrict Sites By Url:"
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 122
+crawloptions_element_allowed_to_crawl = "Allowed To Crawl Sites"
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 129
+crawloptions_element_disallowed_and_quota_sites = "Disallowed Sites/Sites with Quotas"
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 140
+crawloptions_element_seed_sites = "Seed Sites"
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 144
+crawloptions_element_add_suggest_urls = "Add User Suggest data"
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 155
+crawloptions_element_inject_sites = "Sites to Inject into Current Crawl"
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 159
+crawloptions_element_add_suggest_urls = "Add User Suggest data"
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 176
+crawloptions_element_reindex_crawl = "Crawl or Arc Folder to Re-index:"
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 185
+crawloptions_element_need_api_for_mix = "Seekquarry API access required for mix archive crawls  "
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 193
+crawloptions_element_save_options = "Save Options"
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 58
+editclassifier_back = "Back"
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 60
+editclassifier_edit_classifier = "Edit Classifier"
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 72
+editclassifier_classifier_label = "Classifier Label:"
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 77
+editclassifier_change = "Change"
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 82
+editclassifier_statistics = "Statistics"
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 83
+editclassifier_positive_examples = "Positive Examples:"
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 86
+editclassifier_negative_examples = "Negative Examples:"
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 89
+editclassifier_accuracy = "Accuracy:"
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 94
+crawl_component_na = "N/A"
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 99
+editclassifier_update = "Update"
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 100
+editclassifier_add_examples = "Add Examples"
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 109
+editclassifier_source = "Source:"
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 113
+editclassifier_default_crawl = "Default Crawl"
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 123
+editclassifier_label_by_hand = "Label By Hand"
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 125
+editclassifier_all_in_class = "All In Class"
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 127
+editclassifier_none_in_class = "None In Class"
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 132
+editclassifier_keywords = "Keywords:"
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 141
+editclassifier_load = "Load"
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 147
+editclassifier_finalize = "Finalize"
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 155
+editclassifier_no_documents = "No Documents"
+; editlocales_element.php line: 55
+editlocales_element_back_to_manage = "Back"
+; editlocales_element.php line: 57
+editlocales_element_edit_locale = "Edit Locale: %s"
+; editlocales_element.php line: 71
+editlocales_element_show = "Show:"
+; editlocales_element.php line: 75
+editlocales_element_filter = "Filter:"
+; editlocales_element.php line: 82
+editlocales_element_go = "Go"
+; editlocales_element.php line: 86
+editlocales_element_no_matching = "No Matching Strings Left To Translate!"
+; editlocales_element.php line: 119
+editlocales_element_submit = "Save"
+; editmix_element.php line: 51
+editmix_element_back_to_mix = "Back"
+; editmix_element.php line: 53
+mixcrawls_element_edit_mix = "Edit Crawl Mix"
+; editmix_element.php line: 64
+mixcrawls_element_mix_name = "Mix Name"
+; editmix_element.php line: 70
+mixcrawls_element_mix_components = "Mix Components"
+; editmix_element.php line: 77
+mixcrawls_element_too_many = "At Maximum Number of Search Fragments!"
+; editmix_element.php line: 79
+mixcrawls_element_add_fragment = "Add Search Result Fragment"
+; editmix_element.php line: 85
+mixcrawls_element_save_button = "Save"
+; footer_element.php line: 59
+footer_element_blog = "Blog"
+; footer_element.php line: 61
+footer_element_privacy = "Privacy"
+; footer_element.php line: 63
+footer_element_terms = "Terms"
+; footer_element.php line: 65
+footer_element_tools = "Tools"
+; footer_element.php line: 67
+footer_element_bot = "SeekquarryBot"
+; footer_element.php line: 72
+footer_element_developed_seek_quarry = "Developed at SeekQuarry"
+; footer_element.php line: 75
+footer_element_copyright_yioop = "(c) 2014 Seekquarry"
+; footer_element.php line: 77
+footer_element_php_search_engine = "PHP Search Engine"
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 91
+groupfeed_element_add_group = "Add Group"
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 95
+groupfeed_element_request_add = "Request Add Group"
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 122
+groupfeed_element_wiki_page = "Edit Page"
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 124
+groupfeed_element_back = "My Group Feeds"
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 127
+groupfeed_element_back = "My Group Feeds"
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 136
+groupfeed_element_group_activity = "Group Activity"
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 140
+groupfeed_element_wiki_thread = "%s Wiki Page Discussion"
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 159
+groupfeed_element_feed = "Feed"
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 163
+group_view_wiki = "Wiki"
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 165
+groupfeed_element_user = "%s User Feed"
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 206
+groupfeed_element_comment = "Comment"
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 238
+manageaccount_element_group_wiki = "wiki"
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 239
+manageaccount_element_group_stats = "%s posts, %s threads"
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 244
+manageaccount_element_last_post = "Last Post:"
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 286
+groupfeed_element_comment = "Comment"
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 297
+groupfeed_element_start_thread = "Start New Thread"
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 311
+groupfeed_element_start_thread = "Start New Thread"
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 317
+groupfeed_element_no_posts_yet = "This group has no posts yet!"
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 323
+groupfeed_element_thread_no_exist = "Thread does not exist! Maybe it was deleted?"
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 358
+groupfeed_element_edit = "Edit"
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 363
+groupfeed_element_delete = "Delete"
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 385
+groupfeed_element_num_posts = "%s posts"
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 395
+groupfeed_element_num_views = "%s views"
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 420
+groupfeed_element_start_thread_in_group = "Start New Thread in %s"
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 422
+groupfeed_element_start_thread_in_group = "Start New Thread in %s"
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 436
+groupfeed_element_last_edited = "Last Edited: %s"
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 452
+groupfeed_element_post_vote = "Vote:"
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 479
+groupfeed_element_last_post_info = "Last Post:"
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 494
+groupfeed_element_comment = "Comment"
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 547
+fileupload_helper_drag_textarea = "Drag items into the textarea to add them..."
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 548
+fileupload_helper_click_textarea = "or click to select them."
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 572
+groupfeed_element_add_comment = "Add a Comment"
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 586
+groupfeed_element_save = "Save"
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 625
+groupfeed_element_subject = "Subject"
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 632
+groupfeed_element_post = "Post"
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 645
+groupfeed_element_save = "Save"
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 681
+groupfeed_element_edit_post = "Edit Post"
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 684
+groupfeed_element_subject = "Subject"
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 690
+groupfeed_element_post = "Post"
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 703
+groupfeed_element_save = "Save"
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 732
+groupfeed_element_no_longer_update = "Group Feeds No Longer Updating!"
+; machinelog_element.php line: 54
+machinelog_element_back_to_manage = "Back"
+; machinelog_element.php line: 59
+machinelog_element_filter = "Filter:"
+; machinelog_element.php line: 66
+machinelog_element_log_file = "%s Log File"
+; machinelog_element.php line: 71
+machinelog_element_refresh_off = "Turn Auto Refresh Off"
+; machinelog_element.php line: 76
+machinelog_element_refresh_on = "Turn Auto Refresh On"
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 60
+manageaccount_element_lock = "Lock"
+manageaccount_element_edit = "Edit"
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 67
+manageaccount_element_welcome = "Welcome, %s!"
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 69
+manageaccount_element_what_can_do = "From this page you can access and control aspects of your account."
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 71
+manageaccount_element_account_details = "Account Details"
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 100
+manageaccounts_element_icon = "User Icon"
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 110
+manageusers_element_username = "Username"
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 117
+manageusers_element_firstname = "First Name"
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 123
+manageusers_element_lastname = "Last Name"
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 129
+manageusers_element_email = "Email"
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 138
+manageaccount_element_password = "Password:"
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 145
+manageaccount_element_new_password = "New Password: "
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 151
+manageaccount_element_retype_password = "Retype: "
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 163
+manageaccount_element_save = "Save"
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 169
+manageaccount_element_search_lang_settings = "Language and Search Settings"
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 174
+manageaccount_element_crawl_and_index = "Crawls and Indexes"
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 175
+manageaccount_element_crawl_info = "Crawl and index the web or an existing archive and create a searchable index."
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 176
+manageaccount_element_num_crawls = "You have %s active crawls, %s previous crawl indexes."
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 179
+manageaccount_element_manage_crawls = "Manage Crawls and Indexes"
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 185
+manageaccount_element_groups_and_feeds = "Groups and Feeds"
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 186
+manageaccount_element_group_info = "Create or subscribe to groups to communicate with friends."
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 188
+manageaccount_element_num_groups = "You belong to %s groups."
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 191
+manageaccount_element_num_group = "You belong to 1 group."
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 203
+manageaccount_element_group_wiki = "wiki"
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 204
+manageaccount_element_group_stats = "%s posts, %s threads"
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 209
+manageaccount_element_last_post = "Last Post:"
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 219
+manageaccount_element_manage_all_groups = "Join/Manage All Groups"
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 221
+manageaccount_element_go_to_group_feed = "See Combined Group Feeds"
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 223
+manageaccount_element_crawl_mixes = "Crawl Mixes"
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 224
+manageaccount_element_mixes_info = "Present search results from multiple indexes in the order you prefer. Share your search creations with groups of friends."
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 226
+manageaccount_element_num_mixes = "You have %s crawl mixes."
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 229
+manageaccount_element_num_mix = "You have %s crawl mix."
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 233
+manageaccount_element_manage_mixes = "Create/Manage Crawl Mixes"
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 61
+manageclassifiers_available_classifiers = "Available Classifiers"
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 69
+manageclassifiers_label_col = "Label"
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 72
+manageclassifiers_positive_col = "Positive"
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 74
+manageclassifiers_negative_col = "Negative"
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 80
+manageclassifiers_actions_col = "Actions"
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 99
+manageclassifiers_edit = "Edit"
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 102
+manageclassifiers_finalized = "Finalized"
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 109
+manageclassifiers_finalize = "Finalize"
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 111
+manageclassifiers_finalize = "Finalize"
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 115
+manageclassifiers_finalizing = "Finalizing"
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 119
+confirm_delete_operation = "Are you sure you want to Delete?"
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 123
+manageclassifiers_delete = "Delete"
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 156
+manageclassifiers_manage_classifiers = "Manage Classifiers"
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 166
+manageclassifiers_classifier_name = "Name"
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 171
+manageclassifiers_create_button = "Create"
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 186
+manageclassifiers_element_search = "Search"
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 187
+manageclassifiers_element_create_form = "Create Classifier Form"
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 189
+manageclassifiers_classifier_name = "Name"
+; managecrawls_element.php line: 49
+managecrawls_element_create_crawl = "Create Crawl"
+; managecrawls_element.php line: 58
+managecrawls_element_description = "Name"
+; managecrawls_element.php line: 65
+managecrawls_element_start_new_crawl = "Start New Crawl"
+; managecrawls_element.php line: 69
+managecrawls_element_options = "Options"
+; managecrawls_element.php line: 75
+managecrawls_element_awaiting_status = "Awaiting Crawl Status"
+; managecrawls_element.php line: 93
+managecrawls_element_up_longer_update = "Crawl Status No Longer Updating"
+; managegroups_element.php line: 67
+managegroups_element_not_my_groups = "Not Subscribed to Groups"
+; managegroups_element.php line: 69
+managegroups_element_groups = "Subscribed Groups"
+; managegroups_element.php line: 78
+managegroups_element_groupname = "Name"
+; managegroups_element.php line: 79
+managegroups_element_groupowner = "Owner"
+; managegroups_element.php line: 81
+managegroups_element_registertype = "Register"
+; managegroups_element.php line: 82
+managegroups_element_memberaccess = "Access"
+; managegroups_element.php line: 83
+managegroups_element_voting = "Voting"
+; managegroups_element.php line: 84
+managegroups_element_post_lifetime = "Post Lifetime"
+; managegroups_element.php line: 87
+managegroups_element_actions = "Actions"
+; managegroups_element.php line: 201
+manageaccount_element_group_wiki = "wiki"
+; managegroups_element.php line: 216
+managegroups_element_join = "Join"
+; managegroups_element.php line: 220
+managegroups_element_edit = "Edit"
+; managegroups_element.php line: 225
+managegroups_element_edit = "Edit"
+; managegroups_element.php line: 230
+managegroups_element_delete = "Delete"
+; managegroups_element.php line: 236
+managegroups_element_join = "Join"
+; managegroups_element.php line: 241
+managegroups_element_join = "Join"
+; managegroups_element.php line: 250
+managegroups_element_decline = "Decline"
+; managegroups_element.php line: 252
+managegroups_element_unsubscribe = "Unsubscribe"
+; managegroups_element.php line: 257
+confirm_delete_operation = "Are you sure you want to Delete?"
+; managegroups_element.php line: 260
+managegroups_element_delete = "Delete"
+; managegroups_element.php line: 289
+managegroups_element_addgroup_form = "Create/Join Group"
+; managegroups_element.php line: 290
+managegroups_element_group_info = "Edit Group"
+; managegroups_element.php line: 292
+managegroups_element_create_group = "Create Group"
+; managegroups_element.php line: 296
+managegroups_element_add_group = "Create/Join Group"
+; managegroups_element.php line: 313
+managegroups_element_groupname = "Name"
+; managegroups_element.php line: 324
+managegroups_element_browse = "Browse"
+; managegroups_element.php line: 335
+managegroups_element_register = "Register"
+; managegroups_element.php line: 342
+managegroups_element_memberaccess = "Access"
+; managegroups_element.php line: 349
+managegroups_element_voting = "Voting"
+; managegroups_element.php line: 356
+managegroups_element_post_lifetime = "Post Lifetime"
+; managegroups_element.php line: 368
+managegroups_element_group_users = "Members"
+; managegroups_element.php line: 372
+managegroups_element_num_users = "%s users"
+; managegroups_element.php line: 398
+managegroups_element_groupowner = "Owner"
+; managegroups_element.php line: 400
+managegroups_element_delete = "Delete"
+; managegroups_element.php line: 410
+managegroups_element_activate = "Activate"
+; managegroups_element.php line: 416
+managegroups_element_ban = "Ban"
+; managegroups_element.php line: 422
+managegroups_element_unban = "Reinstate"
+; managegroups_element.php line: 430
+managegroups_element_delete = "Delete"
+; managegroups_element.php line: 459
+managegroups_element_filter = "Filter"
+; managegroups_element.php line: 480
+managegroups_element_invite = "Invite More Users"
+; managegroups_element.php line: 491
+managegroups_element_save = "Save"
+; managegroups_element.php line: 520
+managegroups_element_group_info = "Edit Group"
+; managegroups_element.php line: 521
+managegroups_element_invite_users_group = "Invite Users to Group"
+; managegroups_element.php line: 533
+managegroups_element_groupname = "Name"
+; managegroups_element.php line: 541
+managegroups_element_usernames = "Usernames (space/comma delimited)"
+; managegroups_element.php line: 548
+managegroups_element_invite = "Invite More Users"
+; managegroups_element.php line: 566
+managegroups_element_addgroup_form = "Create/Join Group"
+; managegroups_element.php line: 567
+managegroups_element_transfer_group_owner = "Transfer Group Owner"
+; managegroups_element.php line: 580
+managegroups_element_groupname = "Name"
+; managegroups_element.php line: 588
+managegroups_element_new_group_owner = "New Owner"
+; managegroups_element.php line: 595
+managegroups_element_change_owner = "Change Owner"
+; managegroups_element.php line: 614
+managegroups_element_discover_groups = "Discover Groups"
+; managegroups_element.php line: 618
+managegroups_element_search_group = "Search Subscribed Groups"
+; managegroups_element.php line: 620
+managegroups_element_addgroup_form = "Create/Join Group"
+; managegroups_element.php line: 622
+managegroups_element_groupname = "Name"
+; managegroups_element.php line: 623
+managegroups_element_groupowner = "Owner"
+; managegroups_element.php line: 624
+managegroups_element_registertype = "Register"
+; managegroups_element.php line: 626
+managegroups_element_memberaccess = "Access"
+; managegroups_element.php line: 628
+managegroups_element_post_lifetime = "Post Lifetime"
+; managelocales_element.php line: 59
+managelocales_element_locale_list = "Locale List"
+; managelocales_element.php line: 69
+managelocales_element_localename = "Name"
+; managelocales_element.php line: 72
+managelocales_element_localetag = "Tag"
+; managelocales_element.php line: 73
+managelocales_element_writingmode = "Mode"
+; managelocales_element.php line: 75
+managelocales_element_enabled = "Enabled"
+; managelocales_element.php line: 80
+managelocales_element_percenttranslated = "Percent"
+; managelocales_element.php line: 81
+managelocales_element_actions = "Actions"
+; managelocales_element.php line: 101
+managelocales_element_true = "true"
+; managelocales_element.php line: 102
+managelocales_element_false = "false"
+; managelocales_element.php line: 109
+managelocales_element_edit = "Edit"
+; managelocales_element.php line: 114
+confirm_delete_operation = "Are you sure you want to Delete?"
+; managelocales_element.php line: 115
+managelocales_element_delete = "Delete"
+; managelocales_element.php line: 135
+manageloecales_element_add_locale_form = "Add Locale Form"
+; managelocales_element.php line: 136
+managelocales_element_locale_info = "Edit Locale"
+; managelocales_element.php line: 138
+managelocales_element_add_locale = "Add Locale"
+; managelocales_element.php line: 160
+managelocales_element_localenamelabel = "Locale Name:"
+; managelocales_element.php line: 173
+managelocales_element_localetaglabel = "Locale Tag:"
+; managelocales_element.php line: 179
+managelocales_element_writingmodelabel = "Writing Mode:"
+; managelocales_element.php line: 189
+managelocales_element_localeenabled = "Locale Enabled:"
+; managelocales_element.php line: 200
+managelocales_element_submit = "Submit"
+; managelocales_element.php line: 218
+managelocales_element_search_locales = "Search Locales"
+; managelocales_element.php line: 219
+managelocales_element_addlocale_form = "Add Locale Form"
+; managelocales_element.php line: 221
+managelocales_element_localename = "Name"
+; managelocales_element.php line: 222
+managelocales_element_localetag = "Tag"
+; managelocales_element.php line: 223
+managelocales_element_writingmode = "Mode"
+; managelocales_element.php line: 224
+managelocales_element_enabled = "Enabled"
+; managelocales_element.php line: 230
+managelocales_element_true = "true"
+; managelocales_element.php line: 231
+managelocales_element_false = "false"
+; managemachines_element.php line: 51
+managemachines_element_add_machine = "Add Machine"
+; managemachines_element.php line: 63
+managemachines_element_machine_name = "Machine Name:"
+; managemachines_element.php line: 68
+managemachines_element_machineurl = "Machine Url:"
+; managemachines_element.php line: 73
+managemachines_element_is_mirror = "Is Mirror:"
+; managemachines_element.php line: 78
+managemachines_element_parent_name = "Parent Name:"
+; managemachines_element.php line: 84
+managemachines_element_has_queueserver = "Has Queue Server:"
+; managemachines_element.php line: 88
+managemachines_element_num_fetchers = "Number of Fetchers:"
+; managemachines_element.php line: 93
+managemachines_element_submit = "Submit"
+; managemachines_element.php line: 98
+managemachines_element_machine_info = "Machine Information"
+; managemachines_element.php line: 104
+managemachines_element_awaiting_status = "Awaiting statuses of machines..."
+; managemachines_element.php line: 123
+managemachines_element_no_longer_update = "Machine status no longer updating..."
+; manageroles_element.php line: 56
+manageroles_element_roles = "Role List"
+; manageroles_element.php line: 64
+manageroles_element_rolename = "Name"
+; manageroles_element.php line: 66
+manageroles_element_actions = "Actions"
+; manageroles_element.php line: 91
+manageroles_element_edit = "Edit"
+; manageroles_element.php line: 96
+manageroles_element_delete = "Delete"
+; manageroles_element.php line: 100
+confirm_delete_operation = "Are you sure you want to Delete?"
+; manageroles_element.php line: 103
+manageroles_element_delete = "Delete"
+; manageroles_element.php line: 136
+manageroles_element_addrole_form = "Add Role Form"
+; manageroles_element.php line: 137
+manageroles_element_role_info = "Role Information"
+; manageroles_element.php line: 139
+manageroles_element_add_role = "Add Role"
+; manageroles_element.php line: 151
+manageroles_element_rolename = "Name"
+; manageroles_element.php line: 164
+manageroles_element_role_activities = "Activities"
+; manageroles_element.php line: 173
+manageroles_element_delete = "Delete"
+; manageroles_element.php line: 180
+manageroles_element_delete = "Delete"
+; manageroles_element.php line: 200
+manageroles_element_save = "Save"
+; manageroles_element.php line: 218
+manageroles_element_search_role = "Search"
+; manageroles_element.php line: 219
+manageroles_element_addrole_form = "Add Role Form"
+; manageroles_element.php line: 221
+manageroles_element_rolename = "Name"
+; manageusers_element.php line: 56
+manageusers_element_users = "User List"
+; manageusers_element.php line: 65
+manageusers_element_username = "Username"
+; manageusers_element.php line: 67
+manageusers_element_firstname = "First Name"
+; manageusers_element.php line: 68
+manageusers_element_lastname = "Last Name"
+; manageusers_element.php line: 69
+manageusers_element_email = "Email"
+; manageusers_element.php line: 71
+manageusers_element_status = "Status"
+; manageusers_element.php line: 73
+manageusers_element_actions = "Actions"
+; manageusers_element.php line: 135
+manageusers_element_edit = "Edit"
+; manageusers_element.php line: 139
+manageusers_element_edit = "Edit"
+; manageusers_element.php line: 146
+manageusers_element_delete = "Delete"
+; manageusers_element.php line: 150
+confirm_delete_operation = "Are you sure you want to Delete?"
+; manageusers_element.php line: 153
+manageusers_element_delete = "Delete"
+; manageusers_element.php line: 194
+manageusers_element_adduser_form = "Add User Form"
+; manageusers_element.php line: 195
+manageusers_element_user_info = "User Information"
+; manageusers_element.php line: 197
+manageusers_element_add_user = "Add User"
+; manageusers_element.php line: 222
+manageusers_element_username = "Username"
+; manageusers_element.php line: 232
+manageusers_element_firstname = "First Name"
+; manageusers_element.php line: 238
+manageusers_element_lastname = "Last Name"
+; manageusers_element.php line: 244
+manageusers_element_email = "Email"
+; manageusers_element.php line: 251
+manageusers_element_status = "Status"
+; manageusers_element.php line: 268
+manageusers_element_roles = "Roles"
+; manageusers_element.php line: 272
+manageusers_element_num_roles = "%s roles"
+; manageusers_element.php line: 287
+manageusers_element_delete = "Delete"
+; manageusers_element.php line: 297
+manageusers_element_delete = "Delete"
+; manageusers_element.php line: 340
+manageusers_element_filter = "Filter"
+; manageusers_element.php line: 352
+manageusers_element_add_role = "Add"
+; manageusers_element.php line: 362
+manageusers_element_groups = "Groups"
+; manageusers_element.php line: 366
+manageusers_element_num_groups = "%s groups"
+; manageusers_element.php line: 387
+manageusers_element_delete = "Delete"
+; manageusers_element.php line: 427
+manageusers_element_filter = "Filter"
+; manageusers_element.php line: 439
+manageusers_element_add_group = "Add"
+; manageusers_element.php line: 452
+manageusers_element_password = "Password"
+; manageusers_element.php line: 458
+manageusers_element_retype_password = "Retype Password"
+; manageusers_element.php line: 465
+manageusers_element_save = "Save"
+; manageusers_element.php line: 492
+manageusers_element_search_user = "Search"
+; manageusers_element.php line: 493
+manageusers_element_adduser_form = "Add User Form"
+; manageusers_element.php line: 495
+manageusers_element_username = "Username"
+; manageusers_element.php line: 496
+manageusers_element_firstname = "First Name"
+; manageusers_element.php line: 497
+manageusers_element_lastname = "Last Name"
+; manageusers_element.php line: 498
+manageusers_element_email = "Email"
+; manageusers_element.php line: 499
+manageusers_element_status = "Status"
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 61
+mixcrawls_element_available_mixes = "Available Mixes"
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 68
+mixcrawls_view_name = "Name"
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 70
+mixcrawls_view_definition = "Definition"
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 74
+mixcrawls_view_actions = "Actions"
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 108
+mixcrawls_view_no_components = "Mix has no components yet"
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 115
+mixcrawls_view_share = "Share"
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 118
+mixcrawls_view_edit = "Edit"
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 124
+mixcrawls_set_index = "Set as Index"
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 127
+mixcrawl_search_index = "Search Index"
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 133
+confirm_delete_operation = "Are you sure you want to Delete?"
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 136
+mixcrawls_view_delete = "Delete"
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 146
+mixcrawls_view_back = "Back"
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 147
+mixcrawls_element_share_mix_group = "Share Mix With A Group"
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 157
+mixcrawls_element_mixname = "Mix Name"
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 163
+mixcrawls_element_group = "Group:"
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 169
+mixcrawls_element_share = "Share"
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 193
+mixcrawls_element_make_mix = "Make a Crawl Mix"
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 203
+mixcrawls_element_mix_name = "Mix Name"
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 208
+mixcrawls_element_create_button = "Create"
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 223
+mixcrawls_element_search_mix = "Search"
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 224
+mixcrawls_element_createmix_form = "Make a Mix Form"
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 226
+mixcrawls_element_mixname = "Mix Name"
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 78
+moreoptions_element_other_searches = "Other Searches"
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 113
+moreoptions_element_previous = "Previous"
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 119
+moreoptions_element_next = "Next"
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 126
+moreoptions_element_my_accounts = "My Accounts"
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 133
+signin_element_settings = "Settings"
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 141
+signin_element_signin = "Sign In"
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 144
+signin_element_admin = "Admin"
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 156
+signin_view_create_account = "Create Account"
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 168
+moreoptions_element_suggest = "Suggest a URL"
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 171
+moreoptions_element_wiki_pages = "Wiki Pages"
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 182
+moreoptions_element_tools = "Tools"
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 58
+pageoptions_element_crawl_time = "Crawl Time"
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 63
+pageoptions_element_search_time = "Search Time"
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 68
+pageoptions_element_test_options = "Test Options"
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 80
+pageoptions_element_load_options = "Get Page Options From:"
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 85
+pageoptions_element_page_range = "Byte Range to Download (0 - Value):"
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 91
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 100
+pageoptions_element_max_description = "Max Page Summary Length in Bytes:"
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 106
+pageoptions_element_save_cache = "Cache whole crawled pages:"
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 116
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 123
+pageoptions_element_file_types = "Page File Types to Crawl:"
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 153
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 169
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 171
+pageoptions_element_use_rank = "Use to Rank"
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 200
+pageoptions_element_no_classifiers = "No classifiers."
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 203
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 209
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 212
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 229
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 241
+pageoptions_element_no_compatible_plugins = "No compatible indexing plugins found!"
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 244
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 254
+page_element_search_page = "Search Page Elements and Links"
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 261
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 269
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 278
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 286
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 320
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 325
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 330
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 335
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 340
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 351
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 359
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 363
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 380
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 382
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 388
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 391
+pageoptions_element_page_truncated = "Page truncated from %s to %s bytes."
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 396
+pageoptions_element_after_process = "After page processor extracts summary"
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 400
+pageoptions_element_after_rules = "After page rules applied"
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 404
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 408
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 427
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 464
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 468
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+; resultseditor_element.php line: 51
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+; resultseditor_element.php line: 56
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+; resultseditor_element.php line: 65
+resultseditor_element_url_list = "Select a previously edited summary"
+; resultseditor_element.php line: 67
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+; resultseditor_element.php line: 78
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+; resultseditor_element.php line: 85
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+; resultseditor_element.php line: 91
+resultseditor_element_description = "Description"
+; resultseditor_element.php line: 97
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+; resultseditor_element.php line: 100
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+; resultseditor_element.php line: 103
+resultseditor_element_filter_websites = "Filter Websites from Results"
+; resultseditor_element.php line: 115
+resultseditor_element_sites_to_filter = "Sites to Filter"
+; resultseditor_element.php line: 121
+resultseditor_element_save_filter = "Save Filter"
+; searchsources_element.php line: 58
+searchsources_element_addsource_form = "Add Source Form"
+; searchsources_element.php line: 59
+searchsources_element_edit_media_source = "Edit Media Source"
+; searchsources_element.php line: 63
+searchsources_element_add_media_source = "Add Media Source"
+; searchsources_element.php line: 87
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 92
+searchsources_element_sourcename = "Name:"
+; searchsources_element.php line: 101
+searchsources_element_url = "URL:"
+; searchsources_element.php line: 107
+searchsources_element_locale_tag = "Language:"
+; searchsources_element.php line: 112
+searchsources_element_thumbnail = "Thumb:"
+; searchsources_element.php line: 122
+searchsources_element_feed_instruct = "Provide xpaths to news feed components below:"
+; searchsources_element.php line: 125
+searchsources_element_channelpath = "Channel:"
+; searchsources_element.php line: 131
+searchsources_element_itempath = "Item:"
+; searchsources_element.php line: 137
+searchsources_element_titlepath = "Title:"
+; searchsources_element.php line: 143
+searchsources_element_descpath = "Description:"
+; searchsources_element.php line: 149
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 155
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 161
+searchsources_element_submit = "Submit"
+; searchsources_element.php line: 167
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 190
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 191
+searchsources_element_mediatype = "Type"
+; searchsources_element.php line: 193
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 196
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 212
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 215
+confirm_delete_operation = "Are you sure you want to Delete?"
+; searchsources_element.php line: 218
+searchsources_element_deletemedia = "Delete"
+; searchsources_element.php line: 227
+searchsources_element_addsearch_form = "Add Subsearch Form"
+; searchsources_element.php line: 229
+searchsources_element_edit_subsearch = "Edit Subsearch"
+; searchsources_element.php line: 234
+searchsources_element_add_subsearch = "Add a Subsearch"
+; searchsources_element.php line: 249
+searchsources_element_foldername = "Folder Name:"
+; searchsources_element.php line: 259
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 265
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 271
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 277
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 287
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 289
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 292
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 294
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 300
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 316
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 323
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 327
+searchsources_element_localize = "Localize"
+; searchsources_element.php line: 334
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+; security_element.php line: 54
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+; security_element.php line: 65
+security_element_authentication_type = "Authentication Type"
+; security_element.php line: 77
+security_element_zero_unavailable = "BC Math nZero Knowledge Authentication Needs OpenSSL or BC Math!"
+; security_element.php line: 86
+security_element_captcha_type = "Captcha Type"
+; security_element.php line: 100
+security_element_save = "Save"
+; security_element.php line: 104
+security_element_captcha_recovery_questions = "Captcha and Recovery Questions"
+; security_element.php line: 111
+security_element_edit_recovery = "Edit Account Recovery Questions"
+; security_element.php line: 116
+security_element_edit_captcha = "Edit Text Captcha Questions"
+; security_element.php line: 121
+security_element_edit_recovery = "Edit Account Recovery Questions"
+; security_element.php line: 124
+security_element_edit_captcha = "Edit Text Captcha Questions"
+; serversettings_element.php line: 57
+serversettings_element_server_settings = "Servers and Registration"
+; serversettings_element.php line: 61
+serversettings_element_name_server = "Name Server Set-up"
+; serversettings_element.php line: 65
+serversettings_element_name_server_key = "Server Key:"
+; serversettings_element.php line: 72
+serversettings_element_name_server_url = "Name Server URL:"
+; serversettings_element.php line: 80
+serversettings_element_use_memcache = "Use Memcache:"
+; serversettings_element.php line: 88
+serversettings_element_memcache_servers = "Memcache Servers"
+; serversettings_element.php line: 99
+serversettings_element_use_filecache = "Use Filecache:"
+; serversettings_element.php line: 110
+configure_element_database_setup = "Database Set-up"
+; serversettings_element.php line: 115
+serversettings_element_database_system = "Database System:"
+; serversettings_element.php line: 123
+serversettings_element_databasename = "Database Name:"
+; serversettings_element.php line: 130
+serversettings_element_databasehost = "Hostname:"
+; serversettings_element.php line: 137
+serversettings_element_databaseuser = "Database User:"
+; serversettings_element.php line: 145
+serversettings_element_databasepassword = "Database Password:"
+; serversettings_element.php line: 158
+serversettings_element_account_registration = "Account Registration"
+; serversettings_element.php line: 170
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 176
+serversettings_element_use_php_mail = "Use PHP mail() function"
+; serversettings_element.php line: 183
+serversettings_element_mail_server = "SMTP Server:"
+; serversettings_element.php line: 189
+serversettings_element_mail_serverport = "Server Port:"
+; serversettings_element.php line: 195
+serversettings_element_mail_username = "Mail Username:"
+; serversettings_element.php line: 201
+serversettings_element_mail_password = "Mail Password:"
+; serversettings_element.php line: 208
+serversettings_element_mail_security = "Mail Security:"
+; serversettings_element.php line: 219
+serversettings_element_proxy_title = "Proxy Servers"
+; serversettings_element.php line: 224
+serversettings_element_tor_proxy = "Tor Proxy  (.onion urls only):"
+; serversettings_element.php line: 230
+serversettings_element_use_proxy_servers = "Crawl via Proxies"
+; serversettings_element.php line: 239
+serversettings_element_proxy_servers = "Proxy Servers (One per line. Format: address:port or address:port:proxytype)"
+; serversettings_element.php line: 251
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 255
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 261
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 266
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 271
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 276
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 280
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 287
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 294
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 304
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+; signin_element.php line: 70
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+; signin_element.php line: 74
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+; signin_element.php line: 78
+signin_element_signout = "Sign Out"
+; subsearch_element.php line: 67
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+; wiki_element.php line: 113
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+; wiki_element.php line: 133
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+; wiki_element.php line: 134
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+; wiki_element.php line: 138
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+; wiki_element.php line: 143
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+; wiki_element.php line: 146
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+; wiki_element.php line: 221
+wiki_view_page_no_exist = "%s page does not exist."
+; wiki_element.php line: 223
+wiki_view_create_edit = "You can create this page by clicking on the edit link above."
+; wiki_element.php line: 224
+wiki_view_use_form_below = "Or you can use the form below to create or edit a different page."
+; wiki_element.php line: 237
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+; wiki_element.php line: 243
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+; wiki_element.php line: 246
+wiki_view_page_no_exist = "%s page does not exist."
+; wiki_element.php line: 248
+wiki_view_signin_edit = "If you have sufficient access you might be able to create the page by logging in and navigating back here."
+; wiki_element.php line: 250
+wiki_view_page_no_exist = "%s page does not exist."
+; wiki_element.php line: 280
+wiki_element_history = "History"
+; wiki_element.php line: 284
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+; wiki_element.php line: 321
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+; wiki_element.php line: 360
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+; wiki_element.php line: 370
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+; wiki_element.php line: 377
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+; wiki_element.php line: 384
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+; wiki_element.php line: 391
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+; wiki_element.php line: 400
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+; wiki_element.php line: 407
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+; wiki_element.php line: 431
+wiki_element_archive_info = "To archive a page so it won&#039;t appear in search results delete its text and save."
+; wiki_element.php line: 435
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+; wiki_element.php line: 442
+wiki_element_savebutton = "Save"
+; wiki_element.php line: 446
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+; wiki_element.php line: 447
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+; wiki_element.php line: 450
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+; wiki_element.php line: 486
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+; wiki_element.php line: 489
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+; wiki_element.php line: 504
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+; wiki_element.php line: 572
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+; wiki_element.php line: 578
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+; wiki_element.php line: 598
+wiki_element_no_resources = "No resources have been saved to this page yet."
+; wiki_element.php line: 621
+wiki_view_wiki_page_list = "%s Group Wiki Page List"
+; wiki_element.php line: 635
+wiki_view_filter_or_create = "Search group page titles"
+; wiki_element.php line: 638
+wiki_element_go = "Go"
+; wiki_element.php line: 642
+wiki_view_create_page = "Create Page: %s"
+; wiki_element.php line: 653
+wiki_element_redirect_to = "Redirects to:"
+; wiki_element.php line: 674
+wiki_view_no_pages = "This group has no pages yet for the %s locale. Search for a nonexistant page and click edit to create it."
+; wiki_element.php line: 697
+wiki_view_back = "Back"
+; wiki_element.php line: 713
+wiki_view_difference = "Difference:"
+; wiki_element.php line: 719
+wiki_view_go = "Go"
+; wiki_element.php line: 739
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+wiki_view_edited_by = "Edited by %s. "
+; wiki_element.php line: 757
+wiki_view_page_len = "(%s bytes)."
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+; group_view.php line: 77
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+; group_view.php line: 104
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+; group_view.php line: 139
+adminview_auto_logout_one_minute = "Auto-logout in One Minute!!"
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/seek_quarry//views/helpers
+; feeds_helper.php line: 63
+feeds_helper_view_feed_results = "News Results for %s"
+; feeds_helper.php line: 158
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+; feeds_helper.php line: 163
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+; feeds_helper.php line: 168
+feeds_helper_view_hourdate = "%s hours ago"
+; fileupload_helper.php line: 76
+fileupload_helper_drag_textarea = "Drag items into the textarea to add them..."
+; fileupload_helper.php line: 77
+fileupload_helper_click_textarea = "or click to select them."
+; fileupload_helper.php line: 79
+fileupload_helper_drag_above = "Drag or ..."
+; fileupload_helper.php line: 80
+fileupload_helper_click_upload = "choose."
+; fileupload_helper.php line: 122
+basic_js_invalid_filetype = "Invalid Filetype!"
+; fileupload_helper.php line: 124
+basic_js_file_too_big = "File Size is Too Big!"
+; fileupload_helper.php line: 126
+basic_js_upload_progress = "Upload Progress: "
+; fileupload_helper.php line: 128
+basic_js_progress_meter_disabled = "Upload Progress Meter Disabled"
+; fileupload_helper.php line: 130
+basic_js_upload_error = "Upload Error!"
+; fileupload_helper.php line: 132
+basic_js_upload_cancelled = "Upload Canceled!"
+; fileupload_helper.php line: 134
+basic_js_too_many_files = "Trying to add too many files!"
+; helpbutton_helper.php line: 88
+wiki_question_mark = "?"
+; helpbutton_helper.php line: 120
+wiki_view_edit = "Edit"
+; helpbutton_helper.php line: 121
+wiki_view_not_available = "Unable to load Help article!"
+; helpbutton_helper.php line: 123
+wiki_view_create_edit = "You can create this page by clicking on the edit link above."
+; helpbutton_helper.php line: 125
+wiki_view_page_no_exist = "%s page does not exist."
+; helpbutton_helper.php line: 127
+wiki_view_read = "Read"
+; images_helper.php line: 56
+images_helper_view_image_results = "View More Image Results..."
+; pagination_helper.php line: 99
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+; pagination_helper.php line: 122
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+; pagingtable_helper.php line: 103
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+; pagingtable_helper.php line: 138
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+; pagingtable_helper.php line: 214
+pagingtable_helper_row_range = "Row %s to %s of %s"
+; pagingtable_helper.php line: 232
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+; pagingtable_helper.php line: 240
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+; searchform_helper.php line: 120
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+; searchform_helper.php line: 149
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+; toggle_helper.php line: 65
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+; toggle_helper.php line: 69
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+; toggle_helper.php line: 71
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+; toggle_helper.php line: 75
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+; toggle_helper.php line: 77
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+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/seek_quarry//views/layouts
+; rss_layout.php line: 60
+rss_layout_title = "Open Source Search Engine - Seekquarry : %s"
+; rss_layout.php line: 68
+rss_layout_description = "Search results for: %s"
+; web_layout.php line: 61
+web_layout_title = "Open Source Search Engine - Seekquarry"
+; web_layout.php line: 71
+web_layout_description = "Free and Open Source Crawler and Search Engine Software"
+; web_layout.php line: 74
+web_layout_site_author = "Chris Pollett"
+; web_layout.php line: 214
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+; web_layout.php line: 218
+web_layout_total_elapsed_time = "Total Elapsed Time for Queries: %s seconds."
+; web_layout.php line: 223
+web_layout_query_time = "Time: %s seconds."
+; machinestatus_view.php line: 52
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+; machinestatus_view.php line: 57
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+; machinestatus_view.php line: 72
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+; machinestatus_view.php line: 74
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+; machinestatus_view.php line: 101
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+; machinestatus_view.php line: 102
+machinestatus_view_delete = "Delete"
+; machinestatus_view.php line: 117
+machinestatus_view_not_configured = "Machine Not Configured!"
+; machinestatus_view.php line: 125
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+; machinestatus_view.php line: 128
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+; machinestatus_view.php line: 141
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+; machinestatus_view.php line: 143
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+; machinestatus_view.php line: 152
+machinestatus_view_no_queue_server = "Machine has no queue server"
+; machinestatus_view.php line: 155
+machinestatus_view_no_fetchers = "Machine has no fetchers"
+; machinestatus_view.php line: 165
+machinestatus_view_fetchers = "Fetchers"
+; machinestatus_view.php line: 175
+machinestatus_view_log = "Log"
+; nocache_view.php line: 54
+nocache_view_no_cache = "Did not have cache of requested item."
+; nocache_view.php line: 59
+nocache_view_summary_contents = "Summary Data stored in Seekquarry for Item"
+; recover_view.php line: 69
+recover_view_recover_password = "Recover Account"
+; recover_view.php line: 105
+register_view_new_password = "New Password"
+; recover_view.php line: 117
+register_view_retypepassword = "Re-type password:"
+; recover_view.php line: 132
+recover_view_username = "Username:"
+; recover_view.php line: 147
+register_view_account_recovery = "Recovery Info:"
+; recover_view.php line: 154
+register_view_human_check = "Human Check:"
+; recover_view.php line: 187
+register_view_human_check = "Human Check:"
+; recover_view.php line: 206
+recover_view_recover_password = "Recover Account"
+; recover_view.php line: 216
+signin_view_return_yioop = "Return to Seekquarry"
+; register_view.php line: 74
+register_view_question0_most = "Which lives or lasts the longest?"
+; register_view.php line: 75
+register_view_question0_least = "Which lives or lasts the shortest?"
+; register_view.php line: 76
+register_view_question0_choices = "lightning,bacteria,ant,dog,horse,person,oak tree,planet,star,galaxy"
+; register_view.php line: 77
+register_view_question1_most = "Which is more abundant?"
+; register_view.php line: 78
+register_view_question1_least = "Which is less abundant?"
+; register_view.php line: 79
+register_view_question1_choices = "continents,countries,subways,cities,doctors,people,hands,teeth,hair,cells,molecules,atoms,protons"
+; register_view.php line: 80
+register_view_question2_most = "Which is usually more pricey?"
+; register_view.php line: 81
+register_view_question2_least = "Which is usually less pricey?"
+; register_view.php line: 82
+register_view_question2_choices = "a postage stamp,cup of coffee,movie ticket,shoes,bicycle,one month&#039;s rent,car,house,a power plant"
+; register_view.php line: 83
+register_view_question3_most = "Which is more round?"
+; register_view.php line: 84
+register_view_question3_least = "Which is less round?"
+; register_view.php line: 85
+register_view_question3_choices = "a chair,the letter T,a banana,a pear,an apple,an orange,a sphere"
+; register_view.php line: 86
+register_view_question4_most = "Which is usually the largest?"
+; register_view.php line: 87
+register_view_question4_least = "Which is usually the smallest?"
+; register_view.php line: 88
+register_view_question4_choices = "a coin,a baseball,a milk gallon,shopping cart,refrigerator,giraffe,house,volcano,the Moon,the Earth"
+; register_view.php line: 89
+register_view_question5_most = "Which is taller?"
+; register_view.php line: 90
+register_view_question5_least = "Which is shorter?"
+; register_view.php line: 91
+register_view_question5_choices = "ladybug,mouse,cat,toddler,man,horse,elephant,giraffe,tall building,mountain"
+; register_view.php line: 92
+register_view_question6_most = "Which takes longer?"
+; register_view.php line: 93
+register_view_question6_least = "Which takes less time?"
+; register_view.php line: 94
+register_view_question6_choices = "blink,lick envelope,comb hair,apply makeup,watch a movie,run marathon,olympics,summer vacation,year"
+; register_view.php line: 95
+register_view_question7_most = "Which is hotter sounding?"
+; register_view.php line: 96
+register_view_question7_least = "Which is colder sounding?"
+; register_view.php line: 97
+register_view_question7_choices = "Pluto,polar exploring,skating,swimming pool,tea,steam,molten iron,sun"
+; register_view.php line: 98
+register_view_question8_most = "Which is the oldest?"
+; register_view.php line: 99
+register_view_question8_least = "Which is the newest?"
+; register_view.php line: 100
+register_view_question8_choices = "fresh milk,current president,your grandparents,Flight at Kitty Hawk,the Black Death,Egyptian Pyramids,writing,cave paintings,dinosaurs"
+; register_view.php line: 101
+register_view_question9_most = "Which holds more?"
+; register_view.php line: 102
+register_view_question9_least = "Which holds less?"
+; register_view.php line: 103
+register_view_question9_choices = "teaspoon,saucer,cup,bowl,teapot,wash basin,barrel,pickup truck,moving van,oil tanker"
+; register_view.php line: 106
+register_view_recovery1_more = "Animal you like the best:"
+; register_view.php line: 107
+register_view_recovery1_less = "Animal you like the least:"
+; register_view.php line: 108
+register_view_recovery1_choices = "ant,bunny,cat,cockroach,dog,goldfish,hamster,horse,snake,spider,tiger,whale"
+; register_view.php line: 109
+register_view_recovery2_more = "Color you like the most:"
+; register_view.php line: 110
+register_view_recovery2_less = "Color you like the least:"
+; register_view.php line: 111
+register_view_recovery2_choices = "no color,aquamarine,blue,brown,gold,green,gray,mauve,pink,periwinkle,purple,red,silver,turquoise,yellow"
+; register_view.php line: 112
+register_view_recovery3_more = "Food you like the most:"
+; register_view.php line: 113
+register_view_recovery3_less = "Food you like the least:"
+; register_view.php line: 114
+register_view_recovery3_choices = "apple,banana,chicken,fish,lamb,nuts,orange,pork,potato,tomato,steak"
+; register_view.php line: 115
+register_view_recovery4_more = "Drink you like the most:"
+; register_view.php line: 116
+register_view_recovery4_less = "Drink you like the least:"
+; register_view.php line: 117
+register_view_recovery4_choices = "apple juice,beer,coffee,hot tea,ice tea,lemonade,orange juice,soda,sparkling water,still water,wine"
+; register_view.php line: 118
+register_view_recovery5_more = "Game you like the most:"
+; register_view.php line: 119
+register_view_recovery5_less = "Game you like the least:"
+; register_view.php line: 120
+register_view_recovery5_choices = "basketball,backgammon,checkers,chess,football,hockey,skate,ski,tennis,volleyball"
+; register_view.php line: 121
+register_view_recovery6_more = "Sound you like the most:"
+; register_view.php line: 122
+register_view_recovery6_less = "Sound you like the least:"
+; register_view.php line: 123
+register_view_recovery6_choices = "accordian,drum,flute,guitar,harmonica,harp,horn,oboe,piano,triangle,trumpet,violin,whistle,xylophone"
+; register_view.php line: 152
+register_view_create_account = "Create Account"
+; register_view.php line: 189
+register_view_firstname = "First Name:"
+; register_view.php line: 204
+register_view_lastname = "Last Name:"
+; register_view.php line: 219
+register_view_username = "Username:"
+; register_view.php line: 232
+register_view_email = "Email:"
+; register_view.php line: 246
+register_view_password = "Password:"
+; register_view.php line: 261
+register_view_retypepassword = "Re-type password:"
+; register_view.php line: 277
+register_view_account_recovery = "Recovery Info:"
+; register_view.php line: 281
+register_view_human_check = "Human Check:"
+; register_view.php line: 283
+register_view_account_recovery = "Recovery Info:"
+; register_view.php line: 315
+register_view_human_check = "Human Check:"
+; register_view.php line: 330
+register_view_i_agree = "By clicking Create Account, I agree to the"
+; register_view.php line: 332
+register_view_terms = "Yioop Terms"
+; register_view.php line: 334
+register_view_and = "and"
+; register_view.php line: 336
+register_view_privacy = "Privacy Policy"
+; register_view.php line: 337
+register_view_period = "."
+; register_view.php line: 347
+register_view_create_account = "Create Account"
+; register_view.php line: 357
+signin_view_return_yioop = "Return to Seekquarry"
+; search_view.php line: 86
+search_view_title = "Yioop! PHP Search Engine"
+; search_view.php line: 113
+search_view_input_label = "Enter the terms you would like to search the web for"
+; search_view.php line: 117
+search_view_input_placeholder = "Type what to find"
+; search_view.php line: 120
+search_view_search = "Search"
+; search_view.php line: 147
+search_view_no_index_set = "No Default Index Set"
+; search_view.php line: 152
+search_view_more_statistics = "More Statistics"
+; search_view.php line: 190
+search_view_calculated = "%s seconds."
+; search_view.php line: 191
+search_view_results = "Showing %s - %s of %s"
+; search_view.php line: 212
+search_view_thesaurus_results = "Thesaurus Results"
+; search_view.php line: 321
+search_view_word_cloud = "Words:"
+; search_view.php line: 366
+search_view_cache = "Cached"
+; search_view.php line: 369
+search_view_as_text = "View&nbsp;as&nbsp;text"
+; search_view.php line: 382
+search_view_similar = "Similar"
+; search_view.php line: 394
+search_view_inlink = "Inlinks"
+; search_view.php line: 414
+search_view_rank = "Rank:%s "
+; search_view.php line: 416
+search_view_relevancy = "Rel:%s "
+; search_view.php line: 418
+search_view_proximity = "Prox:%s"
+; search_view.php line: 422
+search_view_thesaurus_score = "Thesaurus: %s"
+; search_view.php line: 431
+search_view_score = "Score:%s"
+; settings_view.php line: 66
+settings_view_settings = "Settings"
+; settings_view.php line: 73
+settings_view_results_per_page = "Results/Page:"
+; settings_view.php line: 79
+settings_view_open_in_tabs = "Open in Tabs:"
+; settings_view.php line: 86
+settings_view_search_index = "Search Index:"
+; settings_view.php line: 92
+settings_view_language_label = "Language:"
+; settings_view.php line: 108
+settings_view_return_yioop = "Return"
+; settings_view.php line: 111
+settings_view_save = "Save Settings"
+; settings_view.php line: 119
+settings_install_search_plugin = "Install Yioop! Open Search Plugin"
+; signin_view.php line: 65
+signin_view_signin = "Signin"
+; signin_view.php line: 78
+sigin_view_signing_in = "Logging on"
+; signin_view.php line: 81
+sigin_view_login_failed = "Login Failed!"
+; signin_view.php line: 89
+signin_view_username = "Username"
+; signin_view.php line: 96
+signin_view_password = "Password"
+; signin_view.php line: 107
+signin_view_login = "Login"
+; signin_view.php line: 122
+signin_view_recover_password = "Forgot Password?"
+; signin_view.php line: 127
+signin_view_create_account = "Create Account"
+; signin_view.php line: 132
+signin_view_return_yioop = "Return to Seekquarry"
+; static_view.php line: 71
+static_view_title = "PHP Search Engine - Yioop!"
+; statistics_view.php line: 63
+statistics_view_statistics = "Statistics"
+; statistics_view.php line: 68
+statistics_view_calculating = "Calculating... Please be patient."
+; statistics_view.php line: 82
+statistics_view_error_codes = "Error Codes Seen"
+; statistics_view.php line: 83
+statistics_view_sizes = "File Sizes Downloaded"
+; statistics_view.php line: 84
+statistics_view_links_per_page = "Average Links per Page"
+; statistics_view.php line: 85
+statistics_view_page_date = "Page Modified Dates"
+; statistics_view.php line: 86
+statistics_view_dns_time = "DNS Lookup Time"
+; statistics_view.php line: 87
+statistics_view_download_time = "Page Download Time"
+; statistics_view.php line: 88
+statistics_view_top_level_domain = "Top Level Domains"
+; statistics_view.php line: 89
+statistics_view_file_extension = "File Extension"
+; statistics_view.php line: 90
+statistics_view_media_type = "Media Type"
+; statistics_view.php line: 91
+statistics_view_language = "Web Page Language"
+; statistics_view.php line: 92
+statistics_view_server = "Web Server"
+; statistics_view.php line: 93
+statistics_view_os = "Operating System (if detected)"
+; statistics_view.php line: 97
+statistics_view_general_info = "General Index Info"
+; statistics_view.php line: 98
+statistics_view_description = "Index Description"
+; statistics_view.php line: 100
+statistics_view_timestamp = "Timestamp"
+; statistics_view.php line: 102
+statistics_view_crawl_date = "Crawl Start Time"
+; statistics_view.php line: 104
+statistics_view_pages = "Downloaded Pages"
+; statistics_view.php line: 106
+statistics_view_url = "Seen Urls"
+; statistics_view.php line: 109
+statistics_view_number_hosts = "Hostnames Seen"
+; suggest_view.php line: 68
+suggest_view_suggest_url = "Suggest A URL"
+; suggest_view.php line: 70
+suggest_view_instructions = "Suggest a site for the next web crawl. Up to ten sites per day can be accepted."
+; suggest_view.php line: 94
+suggest_view_url = "URL:"
+; suggest_view.php line: 110
+register_view_human_check = "Human Check:"
+; suggest_view.php line: 144
+suggest_view_human_check = "Human Check:"
+; suggest_view.php line: 167
+suggest_view_submit_url = "Submit"
+; suggest_view.php line: 177
+signin_view_return_yioop = "Return to Seekquarry"
+; view.php line: 32
+view_locale_version11 = "Version 11"
+; view.php line: 81
+view_logo_alt_text = "Yioop"
+; wiki_view.php line: 89
+wiki_view_read = "Read"
+; wiki_view.php line: 90
+wiki_view_edit = "Edit"
+; wiki_view.php line: 93
+wiki_view_pages = "Pages"
+; wiki_view.php line: 132
+wiki_view_feed = "Feed"
+; wiki_view.php line: 133
+wiki_view_wiki = "Wiki"
+; wiki_view.php line: 157
+adminview_auto_logout_one_minute = "Auto-logout in One Minute!!"
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/sq_data/app/views
+; download_view.php line: 62
+download_view_form = "Download Form"
+; download_view.php line: 73
+download_view_thank_you = "Thank you for your interest in Yioop Search Engine Software. To obtain an email with a download link please fill out the form below. We use the information collected to better understand our users and to connect our users with services available for our software."
+; download_view.php line: 76
+download_view_full_name = "Full Name"
+; download_view.php line: 82
+download_view_email = "Email"
+; download_view.php line: 87
+download_view_business = "Organization"
+; download_view.php line: 93
+download_view_interest = "Briefly Describe your Interest in Yioop Software:"
+; download_view.php line: 100
+download_view_get_email = "Send Download Email"
+; download_view.php line: 106
+download_view_return_main = "Return"
+; download_view.php line: 120
+download_view_required_fields = "Please Fill-in the Required Fields!"
+; download_view.php line: 125
+download_view_name_required = "Full Name Required!"
+; download_view.php line: 130
+download_view_valid_email = "Please Enter a Valid Email!"
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/seek_quarry//lib/indexing_plugins
+; wordfilter_plugin.php line: 353
+wordfilter_plugin_settings_saved = "Word Filter Settings Saved!"
+; wordfilter_plugin.php line: 362
+wordfilter_plugin_defaults_restored = "Defaults restored!"
+; wordfilter_plugin.php line: 466
+wordfilter_plugin_preferences = "Word Filter Preferences"
+; wordfilter_plugin.php line: 470
+wordfilter_plugin_factory_settings = "Factory Settings"
+; wordfilter_plugin.php line: 483
+wordfilter_plugin_save = "Save"
diff --git a/locale/en-US/resources/lexicon.txt.gz b/locale/en-US/resources/lexicon.txt.gz
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..05fb9c5
Binary files /dev/null and b/locale/en-US/resources/lexicon.txt.gz differ
diff --git a/locale/en-US/resources/locale.js b/locale/en-US/resources/locale.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e7b33fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/en-US/resources/locale.js
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+ * SeekQuarry/Yioop --
+ * Open Source Pure PHP Search Engine, Crawler, and Indexer
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2009 - 2015  Chris Pollett
+ *
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+ *
+ *
+ * @author Sandhya Vissapragada
+ * @package seek_quarry
+ * @subpackage javascript
+ * @license GPL3
+ * @link
+ * @copyright 2009 - 2015s
+ * @filesource
+ */
+ * The alphabet for this locale
+ */
+var alpha = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
+ * Transliteration maping for this locale
+ */
+var roman_array = {};
+ * To analyze the query and generate actual input query from the
+ * transliterated query
+ */
+function analyzeQuery()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/locale/en-US/resources/suggest_trie.txt.gz b/locale/en-US/resources/suggest_trie.txt.gz
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..05e4153
Binary files /dev/null and b/locale/en-US/resources/suggest_trie.txt.gz differ
diff --git a/locale/en-US/resources/tokenizer.php b/locale/en-US/resources/tokenizer.php
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..28235a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/en-US/resources/tokenizer.php
@@ -0,0 +1,867 @@
+ * SeekQuarry/Yioop --
+ * Open Source Pure PHP Search Engine, Crawler, and Indexer
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2009 - 2015  Chris Pollett
+ *
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+ *
+ * @author Chris Pollett
+ * @package seek_quarry
+ * @subpackage locale
+ * @license GPL3
+ * @link
+ * @copyright 2009 - 2015
+ * @filesource
+ */
+if(!defined('BASE_DIR')) {echo "BAD REQUEST"; exit();}
+/* If you would like to use wordnet for thesaurus reordering of query results
+   define the following variable in your configs/local_config.php file with
+   the path to the WordNet executable.
+ */
+if(!defined("WORDNET_EXEC")) {
+    define("WORDNET_EXEC", "");
+ * This class has a collection of methods for English locale specific
+ * tokenization. In particular, it has a stemmer, a stop word remover (for
+ * use mainly in word cloud creation), and a part of speech tagger (if
+ * thesaurus reordering used). The stemmer is my stab at implementing the
+ * Porter Stemmer algorithm
+ * presented
+ * The code is based on the non-thread safe C version given by Martin Porter.
+ * Since PHP is single-threaded this should be okay.
+ * Here given a word, its stem is that part of the word that
+ * is common to all its inflected variants. For example,
+ * tall is common to tall, taller, tallest. A stemmer takes
+ * a word and tries to produce its stem.
+ *
+ * @author Chris Pollett
+ * @package seek_quarry
+ * @subpackage locale
+ */
+class EnTokenizer
+    /**
+     * Words we don't want to be stemmed
+     * @var array
+     */
+    static $no_stem_list = array("titanic", "programming", "fishing", 'ins',
+        "blues", "factorial", "pbs");
+    /**
+     * Phrases we would like yioop to rewrite before performing a query
+     * @var array
+     */
+    static $semantic_rewrites = array(
+        "ins" => 'uscis',
+        "mimetype" => 'mime',
+        "military" => 'armed forces',
+        'full metal alchemist' => 'fullmetal alchemist',
+        'bruce schnier' => 'bruce schneier',
+    );
+    /**
+     * storage used in computing the stem
+     * @var string
+     */
+    static $buffer;
+    /**
+     * Index of the current end of the word at the current state of computing
+     * its stem
+     * @var int
+     */
+    static $k;
+    /**
+     * Index to start of the suffix of the word being considered for
+     * manipulation
+     * @var int
+     */
+    static $j;
+    /**
+     * The constructor for a tokenizer can be used to say that a thesaurus
+     * for final query reordering is present. For english we do this if
+     * the WORDNET_EXEC variable is set. In which case we use WordNet for
+     * our reordering
+     */
+    function __construct()
+    {
+        if(WORDNET_EXEC != "") {
+            $this->use_thesaurus = true;
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Stub function which could be used for a word segmenter.
+     * Such a segmenter on input thisisabunchofwords would output
+     * this is a bunch of words
+     *
+     * @param string $pre_segment  before segmentation
+     * @return string should return string with words separated by space
+     *     in this case does nothing
+     */
+    static function segment($pre_segment)
+    {
+        return $pre_segment;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Computes similar words and scores from WordNet output based on word type.
+     *
+     * @param string $term term to find related thesaurus terms
+     * @param string $word_type is the type of word such as "NN" (noun),
+     *     "VB" (verb), "AJ" (adjective), or "AV" (adverb)
+     *     (all other types will be ignored)
+     * @param string $whole_query the original query $term came from
+     * @return array a sequence of
+     *     (score => array of thesaurus terms) associations. The score
+     *     representing one word sense of term
+     */
+    static function scoredThesaurusMatches($term, $word_type,
+        $whole_query)
+    {
+        $word_map = array("VB" => "verb", "NN" => "noun", "AJ" => "adj",
+            "AV" => "adv");
+        //Gets overview of senses of term[$i] into data
+        exec(WORDNET_EXEC . " $term -over", $data);
+        if(!$data || ! isset($word_map[$word_type])) { return NULL; }
+        $full_name = $word_map[$word_type];
+        $lexicon_output = implode("\n", $data);
+        $sense_parts = preg_split("/\bThe\s$full_name".'[^\n]*\n\n/',
+            $lexicon_output);
+        if(!isset($sense_parts[1])) {return NULL; }
+        list($sense, ) = preg_split("/\bOverview\sof\s/", $sense_parts[1]);
+        $definitions_for_sense = preg_split("/\d+\.\s/", $sense, -1,
+            PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
+        $num_definitions = count($definitions_for_sense);
+        $sentence = array();
+        $similar_phrases = array();
+        $avg_scores = array();
+        for($i = 0; $i < $num_definitions; $i++) {
+            //get sentence fragments examples of using that definition
+            preg_match_all('/\"(.*?)\"/', $definitions_for_sense[$i], $matches);
+            // to separate out the words
+            preg_match('/[\w+\s\,\.\']+\s\-+/', $definitions_for_sense[$i],
+                $match_word);
+            $thesaurus_phrases = preg_split("/\s*\,\s*/",
+                strtolower(rtrim(trim($match_word[0]), "-")));
+            //remove ori ginal term from thesaurus phrases if present
+            $m = 0;
+            foreach($thesaurus_phrases as $thesaurus_phrase) {
+                $tphrase = trim($thesaurus_phrase);
+                if($tphrase == trim($term)) {
+                    unset($thesaurus_phrases[$m]);
+                }
+                $m++;
+            }
+            $thesaurus_phrases = array_filter($thesaurus_phrases);
+            if($thesaurus_phrases == array()) {continue;}
+            $num_example_sentences = count($matches[1]);
+            $score = array();
+            for($j = 0; $j < $num_example_sentences; $j++) {
+                $query_parts = explode(' ', strtolower($whole_query));
+                $example_sentence_parts = explode(' ',
+                    strtolower($matches[1][$j]));
+                $score[$j] = PhraseParser::getCosineRank($query_parts,
+                    $example_sentence_parts);
+                /*  If Cosine similarity is zero then go for
+                 * intersection similarity ranking
+                 */
+                if($score[$j] == 0) {
+                    $score[$j] = PhraseParser::getIntersection($query_parts,
+                        $example_sentence_parts);
+                }
+            }
+            /*  We use the rounded average of the above times 100 as a score
+                score for a definition. To avoid ties we store in the low
+                order digits 99 - the definition it was
+             */
+            if ($num_example_sentences > 0) {
+                $definition_score =
+                    100*round(100*(array_sum($score) / $num_example_sentences))
+                        + (99 - $i);
+            } else {
+                $definition_score = 99 - $i;
+            }
+            $similar_phrases[$definition_score] = $thesaurus_phrases;
+        }
+        krsort($similar_phrases);
+        return $similar_phrases;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Removes the stop words from the page (used for Word Cloud generation)
+     *
+     * @param string $page the page to remove stop words from.
+     * @return string $page with no stop words
+     */
+    static function stopwordsRemover($page)
+    {
+        $stop_words = array('a','able','about','above','abst',
+        'accordance','according','based','accordingly','across','act',
+        'actually','added','adj','affected','affecting','affects','after',
+        'afterwards','again','against','ah','all','almost','alone','along',
+        'already','also','although','always','am','among','amongst','an','and',
+        'announce','another','any','anybody','anyhow','anymore','anyone',
+        'anything','anyway','anyways','anywhere','apparently','approximately',
+        'are','aren','arent','arise','around','as','aside','ask','asking','at',
+        'auth','available','away','awfully','b','back','be','became','because',
+        'become','becomes','becoming','been','before','beforehand','begin',
+        'beginning','beginnings','begins','behind','being','believe','below',
+        'beside','besides','between','beyond','biol','both','brief','briefly',
+        'but','by','c','ca','came','can','cannot','cant','cause','causes',
+        'certain','certainly','co','com','come','comes','contain','containing',
+        'contains','could','couldnt','d','date','did','didnt',
+        'different','do','does','doesnt','doing',
+        'done','dont','down','downwards',
+        'due','during','e','each','ed','edu','effect','eg','eight','eighty',
+        'either','else','elsewhere','end',
+        'ending','enough','especially','et',
+        'et-al','etc','even','ever','every',
+        'everybody','everyone','everything'
+        ,'everywhere','ex','except','f','far','few','ff','fifth','first',
+        'five','fix','followed','following','follows','for','former',
+        'formerly','forth','found','four','from','further','furthermore',
+        'g','gave','get','gets','getting','give','given','gives','giving','go',
+        'goes','gone','got','gotten','h','had','happens','hardly','has','hasnt',
+        'have','havent','having','he','hed','hence','her','here','hereafter',
+        'hereby','herein','heres','hereupon','hers','herself','hes','hi','hid',
+        'him','himself','his','hither','home','how','howbeit',
+        'however', 'http', 'https', 'hundred','i','id','ie','if','ill',
+        'im','immediate','immediately',
+        'importance','important','in','inc','indeed','index','information',
+        'instead','into','invention','inward','is','isnt','it','itd','itll',
+        'its','itself','ive','j','just','k','keep','keeps',
+        'kept','kg','km','know',
+        'known','knows','l','largely','last','lately',
+        'later','latter','latterly',
+        'least','less','lest','let','lets','like','liked','likely','line',
+        'little','ll','look','looking','looks','ltd','m','made','mainly','make',
+        'makes','many','may','maybe','me','mean','means','meantime','meanwhile',
+        'merely','mg','might','million','miss','ml','more','moreover','most',
+        'mostly','mr','mrs','much','mug','must','my','myself','n','na','name',
+        'namely','nay','nd','near','nearly','necessarily','necessary','need',
+        'needs','neither','never','nevertheless','new','next',
+        'nine','ninety','no',
+        'nobody','non','none','nonetheless','noone',
+        'nor','normally','nos','not',
+        'noted','nothing','now','nowhere','o','obtain',
+        'obtained','obviously','of',
+        'off','often','oh','ok','okay','old','omitted','on','once','one','ones',
+        'only','onto','or','ord','other','others',
+        'otherwise','ought','our','ours',
+        'ourselves','out','outside','over','overall','owing','own','p','page',
+        'pages','part','particular','particularly',
+        'past','per','perhaps','placed',
+        'please','plus','poorly','possible','possibly','potentially','pp',
+        'predominantly','present','previously',
+        'primarily','probably','promptly',
+        'proud','provides','put','q','que','quickly','quite','qv','r','ran',
+        'rather','rd','re','readily','really','recent','recently','ref','refs',
+        'regarding','regardless','regards','related','relatively','research',
+        'respectively','resulted','resulting',
+        'results','right','run','s','said',
+        'same','saw','say','saying','says','sec',
+        'section','see','seeing','seem',
+        'seemed','seeming','seems',
+        'seen','self','selves','sent','seven','several',
+        'shall','she','shed','shell',
+        'shes','should','shouldnt','show','showed','shown','showns','shows',
+        'significant','significantly','similar','similarly','since',
+        'six','slightly',
+        'so','some','somebody','somehow','someone','somethan',
+        'something','sometime',
+        'sometimes','somewhat','somewhere','soon',
+        'sorry','specifically','specified',
+        'specify','specifying','still','stop','strongly','sub','substantially',
+        'successfully','such','sufficiently','suggest','sup','sure','t','take',
+        'taken','taking','tell','tends','th','than',
+        'thank','thanks','thanx','that',
+        'thatll','thats','thatve','the','their',
+        'theirs','them','themselves','then',
+        'thence','there','thereafter','thereby','thered','therefore','therein',
+        'therell','thereof','therere','theres','thereto','thereupon','thereve',
+        'these','they','theyd','theyll','theyre',
+        'theyve','think','this','those',
+        'thou','though','thoughh','thousand','throug',
+        'through','throughout','thru',
+        'thus','til','tip','to','together','too',
+        'took','toward','towards','tried',
+        'tries','truly','try','trying','ts','twice','two','u','un','under',
+        'unfortunately','unless','unlike','unlikely','until','unto','up','upon',
+        'ups','us','use','used','useful','usefully','usefulness','uses','using',
+        'usually','v','value','various','ve','very',
+        'via','viz','vol','vols','vs',
+        'w','want','wants','was','wasnt','way','we',
+        'wed','welcome','well','went',
+        'were','werent','weve','what','whatever',
+        'whatll','whats','when','whence',
+        'whenever','where','whereafter','whereas','whereby','wherein','wheres',
+        'whereupon','wherever','whether','which','while','whim','whither','who',
+        'whod','whoever','whole','wholl','whom','whomever','whos','whose','why',
+        'widely','willing','wish','with','within',
+        'without','wont','words','world',
+        'would','wouldnt','www','x','y','yes','yet','you','youd','youll','your',
+        'youre','yours','yourself','yourselves','youve','z','zero');
+        $page = preg_replace('/\b('.implode('|',$stop_words).')\b/', '',
+            mb_strtolower($page));
+        return $page;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Takes a phrase and tags each term in it with its part of speech.
+     * So each term in the original phrase gets mapped to term~part_of_speech
+     * This tagger is based on a Brill tagger. It makes uses a lexicon
+     * consisting of words from the Brown corpus together with a list of
+     * part of speech tags that that word had in the Brown Corpus. These are
+     * used to get an initial part of speech (in word was not present than
+     * we assume it is a noun). From this a fixed set of rules is used to modify
+     * the initial tag if necessary.
+     *
+     * @param string $phrase text to add parts speech tags to
+     * @return string $tagged_phrase phrase where each term has ~part_of_speech
+     *     appended
+     */
+    static function tagPartsOfSpeechPhrase($phrase)
+    {
+        preg_match_all("/[\w\d]+/", $phrase, $matches);
+        $tokens = $matches[0];
+        $tagged_tokens = self::tagTokenizePartOfSpeech($phrase);
+        $tagged_phrase  = self::taggedPartOfSpeechTokensToString(
+            $tagged_tokens);
+        return $tagged_phrase;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Computes the stem of an English word
+     *
+     * For example, jumps, jumping, jumpy, all have jump as a stem
+     *
+     * @param string $word the string to stem
+     * @return string the stem of $words
+     */
+    static function stem($word)
+    {
+        if(in_array($word, self::$no_stem_list)) {
+            return $word;
+        }
+        self::$buffer = $word;
+        self::$k = strlen($word) - 1;
+        self::$j = self::$k;
+        if(self::$k <= 1) { return $word; }
+        self::step1ab();
+        self::step1c();
+        self::step2();
+        self::step3();
+        self::step4();
+        self::step5();
+        return substr(self::$buffer, 0, self::$k + 1);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Checks to see if the ith character in the buffer is a consonant
+     *
+     * @param int $i the character to check
+     * @return if the ith character is a constant
+     */
+    private static function cons($i)
+    {
+        switch (self::$buffer[$i])
+        {
+            case 'a':
+            case 'e':
+            case 'i':
+            case 'o':
+            case 'u':
+                return false;
+            case 'y':
+                return ($i== 0 ) ? true : !self::cons($i - 1);
+            default:
+                return true;
+        }
+    }
+    //private methods for stemming
+    /**
+     * m() measures the number of consonant sequences between 0 and j. if c is
+     * a consonant sequence and v a vowel sequence, and [.] indicates arbitrary
+     * presence,
+     * <pre>
+     *   [c][v]       gives 0
+     *   [c]vc[v]     gives 1
+     *   [c]vcvc[v]   gives 2
+     *   [c]vcvcvc[v] gives 3
+     *   ....
+     * </pre>
+     */
+    private static function m()
+    {
+        $n = 0;
+        $i = 0;
+        while(true) {
+            if ($i > self::$j) return $n;
+            if (!self::cons($i)) break;
+            $i++;
+        }
+        $i++;
+        while(true) {
+            while(true) {
+                if ($i > self::$j) return $n;
+                if (self::cons($i)) break;
+                $i++;
+            }
+            $i++;
+            $n++;
+            while(true)
+            {
+                if ($i > self::$j) return $n;
+                if (!self::cons($i)) break;
+                $i++;
+            }
+            $i++;
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Checks if 0,...$j contains a vowel
+     *
+     * @return bool whether it does not
+     */
+    private static function vowelinstem()
+    {
+        for ($i = 0; $i <= self::$j; $i++) {
+            if (!self::cons($i)) return true;
+        }
+        return false;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Checks if $j,($j-1) contain a double consonant.
+     *
+     * @param int $j position to check in buffer for double consonant
+     * @return bool if it does or not
+     */
+    private static function doublec($j)
+    {
+        if($j < 1) { return false; }
+        if(self::$buffer[$j] != self::$buffer[$j - 1]) { return false; }
+        return self::cons($j);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Checks whether the letters at the indices $i-2, $i-1, $i in the buffer
+     * have the form consonant - vowel - consonant and also if the second c is
+     * not w,x or y. this is used when trying to restore an e at the end of a
+     * short word. e.g.
+     *<pre>
+     *   cav(e), lov(e), hop(e), crim(e), but
+     *   snow, box, tray.
+     *</pre>
+     * @param int $i position to check in buffer for consonant-vowel-consonant
+     * @return bool whether the letters at indices have the given form
+     */
+    private static function cvc($i)
+    {
+        if ($i < 2 || !self::cons($i) || self::cons($i - 1) ||
+            !self::cons($i - 2)) return false;
+        $ch = self::$buffer[$i];
+        if ($ch == 'w' || $ch == 'x' || $ch == 'y') return false;
+        return true;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Checks if the buffer currently ends with the string $s
+     *
+     * @param string $s string to use for check
+     * @return bool whether buffer currently ends with $s
+     */
+    private static function ends($s)
+    {
+        $len = strlen($s);
+        $loc = self::$k - $len + 1;
+        if($loc < 0 ||
+            substr_compare(self::$buffer, $s, $loc, $len) != 0) {
+            return false;
+        }
+        self::$j = self::$k - $len;
+        return true;
+    }
+    /**
+     * setto($s) sets (j+1),...k to the characters in the string $s, readjusting
+     * k.
+     *
+     * @param string $s string to modify the end of buffer with
+     */
+    private static function setto($s)
+    {
+        $len = strlen($s);
+        $loc = self::$j + 1;
+        self::$buffer = substr_replace(self::$buffer, $s, $loc, $len);
+        self::$k = self::$j + $len;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Sets the ending in the buffer to $s if the number of consonant sequences
+     * between $k and $j is positive.
+     *
+     * @param string $s what to change the suffix to
+     */
+    private static function r($s)
+    {
+        if (self::m() > 0) self::setto($s);
+    }
+    /** step1ab() gets rid of plurals and -ed or -ing. e.g.
+     * <pre>
+     *    caresses  ->  caress
+     *    ponies    ->  poni
+     *    ties      ->  ti
+     *    caress    ->  caress
+     *    cats      ->  cat
+     *
+     *    feed      ->  feed
+     *    agreed    ->  agree
+     *    disabled  ->  disable
+     *
+     *    matting   ->  mat
+     *    mating    ->  mate
+     *    meeting   ->  meet
+     *    milling   ->  mill
+     *    messing   ->  mess
+     *
+     *    meetings  ->  meet
+     * </pre>
+     */
+    private static function step1ab()
+    {
+        if(self::$buffer[self::$k] == 's') {
+            if (self::ends("sses")) {
+                self::$k -= 2;
+            } else if (self::ends("ies")) {
+                self::setto("i");
+            } else if (self::$buffer[self::$k - 1] != 's') {
+                self::$k--;
+            }
+        }
+        if (self::ends("eed")) {
+            if (self::m() > 0) self::$k--;
+        } else if ((self::ends("ed") || self::ends("ing")) &&
+            self::vowelinstem()) {
+            self::$k = self::$j;
+            if (self::ends("at")) {
+                self::setto("ate");
+            } else if (self::ends("bl")) {
+                self::setto("ble");
+            } else if (self::ends("iz")) {
+                self::setto("ize");
+            } else if (self::doublec(self::$k)) {
+                self::$k--;
+                $ch = self::$buffer[self::$k];
+                if ($ch == 'l' || $ch == 's' || $ch == 'z') self::$k++;
+            } else if (self::m() == 1 && self::cvc(self::$k)) {
+                self::setto("e");
+            }
+       }
+    }
+    /**
+     * step1c() turns terminal y to i when there is another vowel in the stem.
+     */
+    private static function step1c()
+    {
+        if(self::ends("y") && self::vowelinstem()) {
+            self::$buffer[self::$k] = 'i';
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * step2() maps double suffices to single ones. so -ization ( = -ize plus
+     * -ation) maps to -ize etc.Note that the string before the suffix must give
+     * m() > 0.
+     */
+    private static function step2()
+    {
+        if(self::$k < 1) return;
+        switch (self::$buffer[self::$k - 1])
+        {
+            case 'a':
+                if (self::ends("ational")) { self::r("ate"); break; }
+                if (self::ends("tional")) { self::r("tion"); break; }
+                break;
+            case 'c':
+                if (self::ends("enci")) { self::r("ence"); break; }
+                if (self::ends("anci")) { self::r("ance"); break; }
+                break;
+            case 'e':
+                if (self::ends("izer")) { self::r("ize"); break; }
+                break;
+            case 'l':
+                if (self::ends("abli")) { self::r("able"); break; }
+                if (self::ends("alli")) { self::r("al"); break; }
+                if (self::ends("entli")) { self::r("ent"); break; }
+                if (self::ends("eli")) { self::r("e"); break; }
+                if (self::ends("ousli")) { self::r("ous"); break; }
+                break;
+            case 'o':
+                if (self::ends("ization")) { self::r("ize"); break; }
+                if (self::ends("ation")) { self::r("ate"); break; }
+                if (self::ends("ator")) { self::r("ate"); break; }
+                break;
+            case 's':
+                if (self::ends("alism")) { self::r("al"); break; }
+                if (self::ends("iveness")) { self::r("ive"); break; }
+                if (self::ends("fulness")) { self::r("ful"); break; }
+                if (self::ends("ousness")) { self::r("ous"); break; }
+                break;
+            case 't':
+                if (self::ends("aliti")) { self::r("al"); break; }
+                if (self::ends("iviti")) { self::r("ive"); break; }
+                if (self::ends("biliti")) { self::r("ble"); break; }
+                break;
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * step3() deals with -ic-, -full, -ness etc. similar strategy to step2.
+     */
+    private static function step3()
+    {
+        switch (self::$buffer[self::$k])
+        {
+            case 'e':
+                if (self::ends("icate")) { self::r("ic"); break; }
+                if (self::ends("ative")) { self::r(""); break; }
+                if (self::ends("alize")) { self::r("al"); break; }
+                break;
+            case 'i':
+                if (self::ends("iciti")) { self::r("ic"); break; }
+                break;
+            case 'l':
+                if (self::ends("ical")) { self::r("ic"); break; }
+                if (self::ends("ful")) { self::r(""); break; }
+                break;
+            case 's':
+                if (self::ends("ness")) { self::r(""); break; }
+                break;
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * step4() takes off -ant, -ence etc., in context <c>vcvc<v>.
+     */
+    private static function step4()
+    {
+        if(self::$k < 1) return;
+        switch (self::$buffer[self::$k - 1])
+        {
+            case 'a':
+                if (self::ends("al")) break;
+                return;
+            case 'c':
+                if (self::ends("ance")) break;
+                if (self::ends("ence")) break;
+                return;
+            case 'e':
+                if (self::ends("er")) break;
+                return;
+            case 'i':
+                if (self::ends("ic")) break;
+                return;
+            case 'l':
+                if (self::ends("able")) break;
+                if (self::ends("ible")) break;
+                return;
+            case 'n':
+                if (self::ends("ant")) break;
+                if (self::ends("ement")) break;
+                if (self::ends("ment")) break;
+                if (self::ends("ent")) break;
+                return;
+            case 'o':
+                if (self::ends("ion") && self::$j >= 0 &&
+                    (self::$buffer[self::$j] == 's' ||
+                    self::$buffer[self::$j] == 't')) break;
+                if (self::ends("ou")) break;
+                return;
+            /* takes care of -ous */
+            case 's':
+                if (self::ends("ism")) break;
+                return;
+            case 't':
+                if (self::ends("ate")) break;
+                if (self::ends("iti")) break;
+                    return;
+            case 'u':
+                if (self::ends("ous")) break;
+                return;
+            case 'v':
+                if (self::ends("ive")) break;
+                return;
+            case 'z':
+                if (self::ends("ize")) break;
+                return;
+            default:
+                return;
+        }
+        if (self::m() > 1) self::$k = self::$j;
+    }
+    /** step5() removes a final -e if m() > 1, and changes -ll to -l if
+     * m() > 1.
+     */
+    private static function step5()
+    {
+        self::$j = self::$k;
+        if (self::$buffer[self::$k] == 'e') {
+            $a = self::m();
+            if ($a > 1 || $a == 1 && !self::cvc(self::$k - 1)) self::$k--;
+        }
+        if (self::$buffer[self::$k] == 'l' &&
+            self::doublec(self::$k) && self::m() > 1) self::$k--;
+    }
+    //private methods for part of speech taggin
+    /**
+     * Split input text into terms and output an array with one element
+     * per term, that element consisting of array with the term token
+     * and the part of speech tag.
+     *
+     * @param string $text string to tag and tokenize
+     * @return array of pairs of the form( "token" => token_for_term,
+     *     "tag"=> part_of_speech_tag_for_term) for one each token in $text
+     */
+    private static function tagTokenizePartOfSpeech($text)
+    {
+        static $lex_string = NULL;
+        if(!$lex_string) {
+            $lex_string = gzdecode(file_get_contents(
+                LOCALE_DIR . "/en-US/resources/lexicon.txt.gz"));
+        }
+        preg_match_all("/[\w\d]+/", $text, $matches);
+        $tokens = $matches[0];
+        $nouns = array('NN', 'NNS', 'NNP');
+        $verbs = array('VBD', 'VBP', 'VB');
+        $result = array();
+        $previous = array('token' => -1, 'tag' => -1);
+        $previous_token = -1;
+        sort($tokens);
+        $dictionary = array();
+        /*
+            Notice we sorted the tokens, and notice how we use $cur_pos
+            so only advance forward through $lex_string. So the
+            run time of this is bound by at most one scan of $lex_string
+         */
+        $cur_pos = 0;
+        foreach($tokens as $token) {
+            $token = strtolower(rtrim($token, "."));
+            $token_pos = stripos($lex_string, "\n".$token." ", $cur_pos);
+            if($token_pos !== false) {
+                $token_pos++;
+                $cur_pos = stripos($lex_string, "\n", $token_pos);
+                $line = trim(substr($lex_string, $token_pos,
+                    $cur_pos - $token_pos));
+                $tag_list = explode(' ', $line);
+                $dictionary[strtolower(rtrim($token, "."))] =
+                    array_slice($tag_list, 1);
+                $cur_pos++;
+            }
+        }
+        // now using our dictionary we tag
+        $i = 0;
+        $tag_list = array();
+        foreach($matches[0] as $token) {
+            $prev_tag_list = $tag_list;
+            $tag_list = array();
+            // default to a common noun
+            $current = array('token' => $token, 'tag' => 'NN');
+            // remove trailing full stops
+            $token = strtolower(rtrim($token, "."));
+            if(isset($dictionary[$token])) {
+                $tag_list = $dictionary[$token];
+                $current['tag'] = $tag_list[0];
+            }
+            // Converts verbs after 'the' to nouns
+            if($previous['tag'] == 'DT' && in_array($current['tag'], $verbs)) {
+                $current['tag'] = 'NN';
+            }
+            // Convert noun to number if . appears
+            if($current['tag'][0] == 'N' && strpos($token, '.') !== false) {
+                $current['tag'] = 'CD';
+            }
+            $ends_with = substr($token, -2);
+            switch($ends_with)
+            {
+                case 'ed':
+                    // Convert noun to past particle if ends with 'ed'
+                    if($current['tag'][0] == 'N') { $current['tag'] = 'VBN'; }
+                break;
+                case 'ly':
+                    // Anything that ends 'ly' is an adverb
+                    $current['tag'] = 'RB';
+                break;
+                case 'al':
+                    // Common noun to adjective if it ends with al
+                    if(in_array($current['tag'], $nouns)) {
+                        $current['tag'] = 'JJ';
+                    }
+                break;
+            }
+            // Noun to verb if the word before is 'would'
+            if($current['tag'] == 'NN' && $previous_token == 'would') {
+                $current['tag'] = 'VB';
+            }
+            // Convert common noun to gerund
+            if(in_array($current['tag'], $nouns) &&
+                substr($token, -3) == 'ing') { $current['tag'] = 'VBG'; }
+            //nouns followed by adjectives
+            if(in_array($previous['tag'], $nouns) &&
+                $current['tag'] == 'JJ' && in_array('JJ', $prev_tag_list)) {
+                $result[$i - 1]['tag'] = 'JJ';
+                $current['tag'] = 'NN';
+            }
+            /* If we get noun noun, and the second can be a verb,
+             * convert to verb; if noun noun and previous could be an
+             * adjective convert to adjective
+             */
+            if(in_array($previous['tag'], $nouns) &&
+                in_array($current['tag'], $nouns) ) {
+                if(in_array('VBN', $tag_list)) {
+                    $current['tag'] = 'VBN';
+                } else if(in_array('VBZ', $tag_list)) {
+                    $current['tag'] = 'VBZ';
+                } else if(in_array('JJ', $prev_tag_list)) {
+                    $result[$i - 1]['tag'] = 'JJ';
+                }
+            }
+            $result[$i] = $current;
+            $i++;
+            $previous = $current;
+            $previous_token = $token;
+        }
+        return $result;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Takes an array of pairs (token, tag) that came from phrase
+     * and builds a new phrase where terms look like token~tag.
+     *
+     * @param array $tagged_tokens array of pairs as might come from tagTokenize
+     * @return $tagged_phrase a phrase with terms in the format token~tag
+     */
+    private static function taggedPartOfSpeechTokensToString($tagged_tokens)
+    {
+        $tagged_phrase = "";
+        $simplified_parts_of_speech = array(
+            "NN" => "NN", "NNS" => "NN", "NNP" => "NN", "NNPS" => "NN",
+            "PRP" => "NN", 'PRP$' => "NN", "WP" => "NN",
+            "VB" => "VB", "VBD" => "VB", "VBN" => "VB", "VBP" => "VB",
+            "VBZ" => "VB",
+            "JJ" => "AJ", "JJR" => "AJ", "JJS" => "AJ",
+            "RB" => "AV", "RBR" => "AV", "RBS" => "AV", "WRB" => "AV"
+        );
+        foreach($tagged_tokens as $t) {
+            $tag = trim($t['tag']);
+            $tag = (isset($simplified_parts_of_speech[$tag])) ?
+                $simplified_parts_of_speech[$tag] : $tag;
+            $tagged_phrase .= $t['token'] . "~" . $tag .  " ";
+        }
+        return $tagged_phrase;
+    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/locale/en-US/resources1421450875old/lexicon.txt.gz b/locale/en-US/resources1421450875old/lexicon.txt.gz
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..05fb9c5
Binary files /dev/null and b/locale/en-US/resources1421450875old/lexicon.txt.gz differ
diff --git a/locale/en-US/resources1421450875old/locale.js b/locale/en-US/resources1421450875old/locale.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..59eb3b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/en-US/resources1421450875old/locale.js
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+ * SeekQuarry/Yioop --
+ * Open Source Pure PHP Search Engine, Crawler, and Indexer
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2009 - 2014  Chris Pollett
+ *
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+ *
+ *
+ * @author Sandhya Vissapragada
+ * @package seek_quarry
+ * @subpackage javascript
+ * @license GPL3
+ * @link
+ * @copyright 2009 - 2014s
+ * @filesource
+ */
+ * The alphabet for this locale
+ */
+var alpha = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
+ * Transliteration maping for this locale
+ */
+var roman_array = {};
+ * To analyze the query and generate actual input query from the
+ * transliterated query
+ */
+function analyzeQuery()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/locale/en-US/resources1421450875old/suggest_trie.txt.gz b/locale/en-US/resources1421450875old/suggest_trie.txt.gz
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..05e4153
Binary files /dev/null and b/locale/en-US/resources1421450875old/suggest_trie.txt.gz differ
diff --git a/locale/en-US/resources1421450875old/tokenizer.php b/locale/en-US/resources1421450875old/tokenizer.php
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..6a1af01
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/en-US/resources1421450875old/tokenizer.php
@@ -0,0 +1,867 @@
+ * SeekQuarry/Yioop --
+ * Open Source Pure PHP Search Engine, Crawler, and Indexer
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2009 - 2014  Chris Pollett
+ *
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+ *
+ * @author Chris Pollett
+ * @package seek_quarry
+ * @subpackage locale
+ * @license GPL3
+ * @link
+ * @copyright 2009 - 2014
+ * @filesource
+ */
+if(!defined('BASE_DIR')) {echo "BAD REQUEST"; exit();}
+/* If you would like to use wordnet for thesaurus reordering of query results
+   define the following variable in your configs/local_config.php file with
+   the path to the WordNet executable.
+ */
+if(!defined("WORDNET_EXEC")) {
+    define("WORDNET_EXEC", "");
+ * This class has a collection of methods for English locale specific
+ * tokenization. In particular, it has a stemmer, a stop word remover (for
+ * use mainly in word cloud creation), and a part of speech tagger (if
+ * thesaurus reordering used). The stemmer is my stab at implementing the
+ * Porter Stemmer algorithm
+ * presented
+ * The code is based on the non-thread safe C version given by Martin Porter.
+ * Since PHP is single-threaded this should be okay.
+ * Here given a word, its stem is that part of the word that
+ * is common to all its inflected variants. For example,
+ * tall is common to tall, taller, tallest. A stemmer takes
+ * a word and tries to produce its stem.
+ *
+ * @author Chris Pollett
+ * @package seek_quarry
+ * @subpackage locale
+ */
+class EnTokenizer
+    /**
+     * Words we don't want to be stemmed
+     * @var array
+     */
+    static $no_stem_list = array("titanic", "programming", "fishing", 'ins',
+        "blues", "factorial", "pbs");
+    /**
+     * Phrases we would like yioop to rewrite before performing a query
+     * @var array
+     */
+    static $semantic_rewrites = array(
+        "ins" => 'uscis',
+        "mimetype" => 'mime',
+        "military" => 'armed forces',
+        'full metal alchemist' => 'fullmetal alchemist',
+        'bruce schnier' => 'bruce schneier',
+    );
+    /**
+     * storage used in computing the stem
+     * @var string
+     */
+    static $buffer;
+    /**
+     * Index of the current end of the word at the current state of computing
+     * its stem
+     * @var int
+     */
+    static $k;
+    /**
+     * Index to start of the suffix of the word being considered for
+     * manipulation
+     * @var int
+     */
+    static $j;
+    /**
+     * The constructor for a tokenizer can be used to say that a thesaurus
+     * for final query reordering is present. For english we do this if
+     * the WORDNET_EXEC variable is set. In which case we use WordNet for
+     * our reordering
+     */
+    function __construct()
+    {
+        if(WORDNET_EXEC != "") {
+            $this->use_thesaurus = true;
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Stub function which could be used for a word segmenter.
+     * Such a segmenter on input thisisabunchofwords would output
+     * this is a bunch of words
+     *
+     * @param string $pre_segment  before segmentation
+     * @return string should return string with words separated by space
+     *     in this case does nothing
+     */
+    static function segment($pre_segment)
+    {
+        return $pre_segment;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Computes similar words and scores from WordNet output based on word type.
+     *
+     * @param string $term term to find related thesaurus terms
+     * @param string $word_type is the type of word such as "NN" (noun),
+     *     "VB" (verb), "AJ" (adjective), or "AV" (adverb)
+     *     (all other types will be ignored)
+     * @param string $whole_query the original query $term came from
+     * @return array a sequence of
+     *     (score => array of thesaurus terms) associations. The score
+     *     representing one word sense of term
+     */
+    static function scoredThesaurusMatches($term, $word_type,
+        $whole_query)
+    {
+        $word_map = array("VB" => "verb", "NN" => "noun", "AJ" => "adj",
+            "AV" => "adv");
+        //Gets overview of senses of term[$i] into data
+        exec(WORDNET_EXEC . " $term -over", $data);
+        if(!$data || ! isset($word_map[$word_type])) { return NULL; }
+        $full_name = $word_map[$word_type];
+        $lexicon_output = implode("\n", $data);
+        $sense_parts = preg_split("/\bThe\s$full_name".'[^\n]*\n\n/',
+            $lexicon_output);
+        if(!isset($sense_parts[1])) {return NULL; }
+        list($sense, ) = preg_split("/\bOverview\sof\s/", $sense_parts[1]);
+        $definitions_for_sense = preg_split("/\d+\.\s/", $sense, -1,
+            PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
+        $num_definitions = count($definitions_for_sense);
+        $sentence = array();
+        $similar_phrases = array();
+        $avg_scores = array();
+        for($i = 0; $i < $num_definitions; $i++) {
+            //get sentence fragments examples of using that definition
+            preg_match_all('/\"(.*?)\"/', $definitions_for_sense[$i], $matches);
+            // to separate out the words
+            preg_match('/[\w+\s\,\.\']+\s\-+/', $definitions_for_sense[$i],
+                $match_word);
+            $thesaurus_phrases = preg_split("/\s*\,\s*/",
+                strtolower(rtrim(trim($match_word[0]), "-")));
+            //remove ori ginal term from thesaurus phrases if present
+            $m = 0;
+            foreach($thesaurus_phrases as $thesaurus_phrase) {
+                $tphrase = trim($thesaurus_phrase);
+                if($tphrase == trim($term)) {
+                    unset($thesaurus_phrases[$m]);
+                }
+                $m++;
+            }
+            $thesaurus_phrases = array_filter($thesaurus_phrases);
+            if($thesaurus_phrases == array()) {continue;}
+            $num_example_sentences = count($matches[1]);
+            $score = array();
+            for($j = 0; $j < $num_example_sentences; $j++) {
+                $query_parts = explode(' ', strtolower($whole_query));
+                $example_sentence_parts = explode(' ',
+                    strtolower($matches[1][$j]));
+                $score[$j] = PhraseParser::getCosineRank($query_parts,
+                    $example_sentence_parts);
+                /*  If Cosine similarity is zero then go for
+                 * intersection similarity ranking
+                 */
+                if($score[$j] == 0) {
+                    $score[$j] = PhraseParser::getIntersection($query_parts,
+                        $example_sentence_parts);
+                }
+            }
+            /*  We use the rounded average of the above times 100 as a score
+                score for a definition. To avoid ties we store in the low
+                order digits 99 - the definition it was
+             */
+            if ($num_example_sentences > 0) {
+                $definition_score =
+                    100*round(100*(array_sum($score) / $num_example_sentences))
+                        + (99 - $i);
+            } else {
+                $definition_score = 99 - $i;
+            }
+            $similar_phrases[$definition_score] = $thesaurus_phrases;
+        }
+        krsort($similar_phrases);
+        return $similar_phrases;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Removes the stop words from the page (used for Word Cloud generation)
+     *
+     * @param string $page the page to remove stop words from.
+     * @return string $page with no stop words
+     */
+    static function stopwordsRemover($page)
+    {
+        $stop_words = array('a','able','about','above','abst',
+        'accordance','according','based','accordingly','across','act',
+        'actually','added','adj','affected','affecting','affects','after',
+        'afterwards','again','against','ah','all','almost','alone','along',
+        'already','also','although','always','am','among','amongst','an','and',
+        'announce','another','any','anybody','anyhow','anymore','anyone',
+        'anything','anyway','anyways','anywhere','apparently','approximately',
+        'are','aren','arent','arise','around','as','aside','ask','asking','at',
+        'auth','available','away','awfully','b','back','be','became','because',
+        'become','becomes','becoming','been','before','beforehand','begin',
+        'beginning','beginnings','begins','behind','being','believe','below',
+        'beside','besides','between','beyond','biol','both','brief','briefly',
+        'but','by','c','ca','came','can','cannot','cant','cause','causes',
+        'certain','certainly','co','com','come','comes','contain','containing',
+        'contains','could','couldnt','d','date','did','didnt',
+        'different','do','does','doesnt','doing',
+        'done','dont','down','downwards',
+        'due','during','e','each','ed','edu','effect','eg','eight','eighty',
+        'either','else','elsewhere','end',
+        'ending','enough','especially','et',
+        'et-al','etc','even','ever','every',
+        'everybody','everyone','everything'
+        ,'everywhere','ex','except','f','far','few','ff','fifth','first',
+        'five','fix','followed','following','follows','for','former',
+        'formerly','forth','found','four','from','further','furthermore',
+        'g','gave','get','gets','getting','give','given','gives','giving','go',
+        'goes','gone','got','gotten','h','had','happens','hardly','has','hasnt',
+        'have','havent','having','he','hed','hence','her','here','hereafter',
+        'hereby','herein','heres','hereupon','hers','herself','hes','hi','hid',
+        'him','himself','his','hither','home','how','howbeit',
+        'however', 'http', 'https', 'hundred','i','id','ie','if','ill',
+        'im','immediate','immediately',
+        'importance','important','in','inc','indeed','index','information',
+        'instead','into','invention','inward','is','isnt','it','itd','itll',
+        'its','itself','ive','j','just','k','keep','keeps',
+        'kept','kg','km','know',
+        'known','knows','l','largely','last','lately',
+        'later','latter','latterly',
+        'least','less','lest','let','lets','like','liked','likely','line',
+        'little','ll','look','looking','looks','ltd','m','made','mainly','make',
+        'makes','many','may','maybe','me','mean','means','meantime','meanwhile',
+        'merely','mg','might','million','miss','ml','more','moreover','most',
+        'mostly','mr','mrs','much','mug','must','my','myself','n','na','name',
+        'namely','nay','nd','near','nearly','necessarily','necessary','need',
+        'needs','neither','never','nevertheless','new','next',
+        'nine','ninety','no',
+        'nobody','non','none','nonetheless','noone',
+        'nor','normally','nos','not',
+        'noted','nothing','now','nowhere','o','obtain',
+        'obtained','obviously','of',
+        'off','often','oh','ok','okay','old','omitted','on','once','one','ones',
+        'only','onto','or','ord','other','others',
+        'otherwise','ought','our','ours',
+        'ourselves','out','outside','over','overall','owing','own','p','page',
+        'pages','part','particular','particularly',
+        'past','per','perhaps','placed',
+        'please','plus','poorly','possible','possibly','potentially','pp',
+        'predominantly','present','previously',
+        'primarily','probably','promptly',
+        'proud','provides','put','q','que','quickly','quite','qv','r','ran',
+        'rather','rd','re','readily','really','recent','recently','ref','refs',
+        'regarding','regardless','regards','related','relatively','research',
+        'respectively','resulted','resulting',
+        'results','right','run','s','said',
+        'same','saw','say','saying','says','sec',
+        'section','see','seeing','seem',
+        'seemed','seeming','seems',
+        'seen','self','selves','sent','seven','several',
+        'shall','she','shed','shell',
+        'shes','should','shouldnt','show','showed','shown','showns','shows',
+        'significant','significantly','similar','similarly','since',
+        'six','slightly',
+        'so','some','somebody','somehow','someone','somethan',
+        'something','sometime',
+        'sometimes','somewhat','somewhere','soon',
+        'sorry','specifically','specified',
+        'specify','specifying','still','stop','strongly','sub','substantially',
+        'successfully','such','sufficiently','suggest','sup','sure','t','take',
+        'taken','taking','tell','tends','th','than',
+        'thank','thanks','thanx','that',
+        'thatll','thats','thatve','the','their',
+        'theirs','them','themselves','then',
+        'thence','there','thereafter','thereby','thered','therefore','therein',
+        'therell','thereof','therere','theres','thereto','thereupon','thereve',
+        'these','they','theyd','theyll','theyre',
+        'theyve','think','this','those',
+        'thou','though','thoughh','thousand','throug',
+        'through','throughout','thru',
+        'thus','til','tip','to','together','too',
+        'took','toward','towards','tried',
+        'tries','truly','try','trying','ts','twice','two','u','un','under',
+        'unfortunately','unless','unlike','unlikely','until','unto','up','upon',
+        'ups','us','use','used','useful','usefully','usefulness','uses','using',
+        'usually','v','value','various','ve','very',
+        'via','viz','vol','vols','vs',
+        'w','want','wants','was','wasnt','way','we',
+        'wed','welcome','well','went',
+        'were','werent','weve','what','whatever',
+        'whatll','whats','when','whence',
+        'whenever','where','whereafter','whereas','whereby','wherein','wheres',
+        'whereupon','wherever','whether','which','while','whim','whither','who',
+        'whod','whoever','whole','wholl','whom','whomever','whos','whose','why',
+        'widely','willing','wish','with','within',
+        'without','wont','words','world',
+        'would','wouldnt','www','x','y','yes','yet','you','youd','youll','your',
+        'youre','yours','yourself','yourselves','youve','z','zero');
+        $page = preg_replace('/\b('.implode('|',$stop_words).')\b/', '',
+            mb_strtolower($page));
+        return $page;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Takes a phrase and tags each term in it with its part of speech.
+     * So each term in the original phrase gets mapped to term~part_of_speech
+     * This tagger is based on a Brill tagger. It makes uses a lexicon
+     * consisting of words from the Brown corpus together with a list of
+     * part of speech tags that that word had in the Brown Corpus. These are
+     * used to get an initial part of speech (in word was not present than
+     * we assume it is a noun). From this a fixed set of rules is used to modify
+     * the initial tag if necessary.
+     *
+     * @param string $phrase text to add parts speech tags to
+     * @return string $tagged_phrase phrase where each term has ~part_of_speech
+     *     appended
+     */
+    static function tagPartsOfSpeechPhrase($phrase)
+    {
+        preg_match_all("/[\w\d]+/", $phrase, $matches);
+        $tokens = $matches[0];
+        $tagged_tokens = self::tagTokenizePartOfSpeech($phrase);
+        $tagged_phrase  = self::taggedPartOfSpeechTokensToString(
+            $tagged_tokens);
+        return $tagged_phrase;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Computes the stem of an English word
+     *
+     * For example, jumps, jumping, jumpy, all have jump as a stem
+     *
+     * @param string $word the string to stem
+     * @return string the stem of $words
+     */
+    static function stem($word)
+    {
+        if(in_array($word, self::$no_stem_list)) {
+            return $word;
+        }
+        self::$buffer = $word;
+        self::$k = strlen($word) - 1;
+        self::$j = self::$k;
+        if(self::$k <= 1) { return $word; }
+        self::step1ab();
+        self::step1c();
+        self::step2();
+        self::step3();
+        self::step4();
+        self::step5();
+        return substr(self::$buffer, 0, self::$k + 1);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Checks to see if the ith character in the buffer is a consonant
+     *
+     * @param int $i the character to check
+     * @return if the ith character is a constant
+     */
+    private static function cons($i)
+    {
+        switch (self::$buffer[$i])
+        {
+            case 'a':
+            case 'e':
+            case 'i':
+            case 'o':
+            case 'u':
+                return false;
+            case 'y':
+                return ($i== 0 ) ? true : !self::cons($i - 1);
+            default:
+                return true;
+        }
+    }
+    //private methods for stemming
+    /**
+     * m() measures the number of consonant sequences between 0 and j. if c is
+     * a consonant sequence and v a vowel sequence, and [.] indicates arbitrary
+     * presence,
+     * <pre>
+     *   [c][v]       gives 0
+     *   [c]vc[v]     gives 1
+     *   [c]vcvc[v]   gives 2
+     *   [c]vcvcvc[v] gives 3
+     *   ....
+     * </pre>
+     */
+    private static function m()
+    {
+        $n = 0;
+        $i = 0;
+        while(true) {
+            if ($i > self::$j) return $n;
+            if (!self::cons($i)) break;
+            $i++;
+        }
+        $i++;
+        while(true) {
+            while(true) {
+                if ($i > self::$j) return $n;
+                if (self::cons($i)) break;
+                $i++;
+            }
+            $i++;
+            $n++;
+            while(true)
+            {
+                if ($i > self::$j) return $n;
+                if (!self::cons($i)) break;
+                $i++;
+            }
+            $i++;
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Checks if 0,...$j contains a vowel
+     *
+     * @return bool whether it does not
+     */
+    private static function vowelinstem()
+    {
+        for ($i = 0; $i <= self::$j; $i++) {
+            if (!self::cons($i)) return true;
+        }
+        return false;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Checks if $j,($j-1) contain a double consonant.
+     *
+     * @param int $j position to check in buffer for double consonant
+     * @return bool if it does or not
+     */
+    private static function doublec($j)
+    {
+        if($j < 1) { return false; }
+        if(self::$buffer[$j] != self::$buffer[$j - 1]) { return false; }
+        return self::cons($j);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Checks whether the letters at the indices $i-2, $i-1, $i in the buffer
+     * have the form consonant - vowel - consonant and also if the second c is
+     * not w,x or y. this is used when trying to restore an e at the end of a
+     * short word. e.g.
+     *<pre>
+     *   cav(e), lov(e), hop(e), crim(e), but
+     *   snow, box, tray.
+     *</pre>
+     * @param int $i position to check in buffer for consonant-vowel-consonant
+     * @return bool whether the letters at indices have the given form
+     */
+    private static function cvc($i)
+    {
+        if ($i < 2 || !self::cons($i) || self::cons($i - 1) ||
+            !self::cons($i - 2)) return false;
+        $ch = self::$buffer[$i];
+        if ($ch == 'w' || $ch == 'x' || $ch == 'y') return false;
+        return true;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Checks if the buffer currently ends with the string $s
+     *
+     * @param string $s string to use for check
+     * @return bool whether buffer currently ends with $s
+     */
+    private static function ends($s)
+    {
+        $len = strlen($s);
+        $loc = self::$k - $len + 1;
+        if($loc < 0 ||
+            substr_compare(self::$buffer, $s, $loc, $len) != 0) {
+            return false;
+        }
+        self::$j = self::$k - $len;
+        return true;
+    }
+    /**
+     * setto($s) sets (j+1),...k to the characters in the string $s, readjusting
+     * k.
+     *
+     * @param string $s string to modify the end of buffer with
+     */
+    private static function setto($s)
+    {
+        $len = strlen($s);
+        $loc = self::$j + 1;
+        self::$buffer = substr_replace(self::$buffer, $s, $loc, $len);
+        self::$k = self::$j + $len;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Sets the ending in the buffer to $s if the number of consonant sequences
+     * between $k and $j is positive.
+     *
+     * @param string $s what to change the suffix to
+     */
+    private static function r($s)
+    {
+        if (self::m() > 0) self::setto($s);
+    }
+    /** step1ab() gets rid of plurals and -ed or -ing. e.g.
+     * <pre>
+     *    caresses  ->  caress
+     *    ponies    ->  poni
+     *    ties      ->  ti
+     *    caress    ->  caress
+     *    cats      ->  cat
+     *
+     *    feed      ->  feed
+     *    agreed    ->  agree
+     *    disabled  ->  disable
+     *
+     *    matting   ->  mat
+     *    mating    ->  mate
+     *    meeting   ->  meet
+     *    milling   ->  mill
+     *    messing   ->  mess
+     *
+     *    meetings  ->  meet
+     * </pre>
+     */
+    private static function step1ab()
+    {
+        if(self::$buffer[self::$k] == 's') {
+            if (self::ends("sses")) {
+                self::$k -= 2;
+            } else if (self::ends("ies")) {
+                self::setto("i");
+            } else if (self::$buffer[self::$k - 1] != 's') {
+                self::$k--;
+            }
+        }
+        if (self::ends("eed")) {
+            if (self::m() > 0) self::$k--;
+        } else if ((self::ends("ed") || self::ends("ing")) &&
+            self::vowelinstem()) {
+            self::$k = self::$j;
+            if (self::ends("at")) {
+                self::setto("ate");
+            } else if (self::ends("bl")) {
+                self::setto("ble");
+            } else if (self::ends("iz")) {
+                self::setto("ize");
+            } else if (self::doublec(self::$k)) {
+                self::$k--;
+                $ch = self::$buffer[self::$k];
+                if ($ch == 'l' || $ch == 's' || $ch == 'z') self::$k++;
+            } else if (self::m() == 1 && self::cvc(self::$k)) {
+                self::setto("e");
+            }
+       }
+    }
+    /**
+     * step1c() turns terminal y to i when there is another vowel in the stem.
+     */
+    private static function step1c()
+    {
+        if(self::ends("y") && self::vowelinstem()) {
+            self::$buffer[self::$k] = 'i';
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * step2() maps double suffices to single ones. so -ization ( = -ize plus
+     * -ation) maps to -ize etc.Note that the string before the suffix must give
+     * m() > 0.
+     */
+    private static function step2()
+    {
+        if(self::$k < 1) return;
+        switch (self::$buffer[self::$k - 1])
+        {
+            case 'a':
+                if (self::ends("ational")) { self::r("ate"); break; }
+                if (self::ends("tional")) { self::r("tion"); break; }
+                break;
+            case 'c':
+                if (self::ends("enci")) { self::r("ence"); break; }
+                if (self::ends("anci")) { self::r("ance"); break; }
+                break;
+            case 'e':
+                if (self::ends("izer")) { self::r("ize"); break; }
+                break;
+            case 'l':
+                if (self::ends("abli")) { self::r("able"); break; }
+                if (self::ends("alli")) { self::r("al"); break; }
+                if (self::ends("entli")) { self::r("ent"); break; }
+                if (self::ends("eli")) { self::r("e"); break; }
+                if (self::ends("ousli")) { self::r("ous"); break; }
+                break;
+            case 'o':
+                if (self::ends("ization")) { self::r("ize"); break; }
+                if (self::ends("ation")) { self::r("ate"); break; }
+                if (self::ends("ator")) { self::r("ate"); break; }
+                break;
+            case 's':
+                if (self::ends("alism")) { self::r("al"); break; }
+                if (self::ends("iveness")) { self::r("ive"); break; }
+                if (self::ends("fulness")) { self::r("ful"); break; }
+                if (self::ends("ousness")) { self::r("ous"); break; }
+                break;
+            case 't':
+                if (self::ends("aliti")) { self::r("al"); break; }
+                if (self::ends("iviti")) { self::r("ive"); break; }
+                if (self::ends("biliti")) { self::r("ble"); break; }
+                break;
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * step3() deals with -ic-, -full, -ness etc. similar strategy to step2.
+     */
+    private static function step3()
+    {
+        switch (self::$buffer[self::$k])
+        {
+            case 'e':
+                if (self::ends("icate")) { self::r("ic"); break; }
+                if (self::ends("ative")) { self::r(""); break; }
+                if (self::ends("alize")) { self::r("al"); break; }
+                break;
+            case 'i':
+                if (self::ends("iciti")) { self::r("ic"); break; }
+                break;
+            case 'l':
+                if (self::ends("ical")) { self::r("ic"); break; }
+                if (self::ends("ful")) { self::r(""); break; }
+                break;
+            case 's':
+                if (self::ends("ness")) { self::r(""); break; }
+                break;
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * step4() takes off -ant, -ence etc., in context <c>vcvc<v>.
+     */
+    private static function step4()
+    {
+        if(self::$k < 1) return;
+        switch (self::$buffer[self::$k - 1])
+        {
+            case 'a':
+                if (self::ends("al")) break;
+                return;
+            case 'c':
+                if (self::ends("ance")) break;
+                if (self::ends("ence")) break;
+                return;
+            case 'e':
+                if (self::ends("er")) break;
+                return;
+            case 'i':
+                if (self::ends("ic")) break;
+                return;
+            case 'l':
+                if (self::ends("able")) break;
+                if (self::ends("ible")) break;
+                return;
+            case 'n':
+                if (self::ends("ant")) break;
+                if (self::ends("ement")) break;
+                if (self::ends("ment")) break;
+                if (self::ends("ent")) break;
+                return;
+            case 'o':
+                if (self::ends("ion") && self::$j >= 0 &&
+                    (self::$buffer[self::$j] == 's' ||
+                    self::$buffer[self::$j] == 't')) break;
+                if (self::ends("ou")) break;
+                return;
+            /* takes care of -ous */
+            case 's':
+                if (self::ends("ism")) break;
+                return;
+            case 't':
+                if (self::ends("ate")) break;
+                if (self::ends("iti")) break;
+                    return;
+            case 'u':
+                if (self::ends("ous")) break;
+                return;
+            case 'v':
+                if (self::ends("ive")) break;
+                return;
+            case 'z':
+                if (self::ends("ize")) break;
+                return;
+            default:
+                return;
+        }
+        if (self::m() > 1) self::$k = self::$j;
+    }
+    /** step5() removes a final -e if m() > 1, and changes -ll to -l if
+     * m() > 1.
+     */
+    private static function step5()
+    {
+        self::$j = self::$k;
+        if (self::$buffer[self::$k] == 'e') {
+            $a = self::m();
+            if ($a > 1 || $a == 1 && !self::cvc(self::$k - 1)) self::$k--;
+        }
+        if (self::$buffer[self::$k] == 'l' &&
+            self::doublec(self::$k) && self::m() > 1) self::$k--;
+    }
+    //private methods for part of speech taggin
+    /**
+     * Split input text into terms and output an array with one element
+     * per term, that element consisting of array with the term token
+     * and the part of speech tag.
+     *
+     * @param string $text string to tag and tokenize
+     * @return array of pairs of the form( "token" => token_for_term,
+     *     "tag"=> part_of_speech_tag_for_term) for one each token in $text
+     */
+    private static function tagTokenizePartOfSpeech($text)
+    {
+        static $lex_string = NULL;
+        if(!$lex_string) {
+            $lex_string = gzdecode(file_get_contents(
+                LOCALE_DIR . "/en-US/resources/lexicon.txt.gz"));
+        }
+        preg_match_all("/[\w\d]+/", $text, $matches);
+        $tokens = $matches[0];
+        $nouns = array('NN', 'NNS', 'NNP');
+        $verbs = array('VBD', 'VBP', 'VB');
+        $result = array();
+        $previous = array('token' => -1, 'tag' => -1);
+        $previous_token = -1;
+        sort($tokens);
+        $dictionary = array();
+        /*
+            Notice we sorted the tokens, and notice how we use $cur_pos
+            so only advance forward through $lex_string. So the
+            run time of this is bound by at most one scan of $lex_string
+         */
+        $cur_pos = 0;
+        foreach($tokens as $token) {
+            $token = strtolower(rtrim($token, "."));
+            $token_pos = stripos($lex_string, "\n".$token." ", $cur_pos);
+            if($token_pos !== false) {
+                $token_pos++;
+                $cur_pos = stripos($lex_string, "\n", $token_pos);
+                $line = trim(substr($lex_string, $token_pos,
+                    $cur_pos - $token_pos));
+                $tag_list = explode(' ', $line);
+                $dictionary[strtolower(rtrim($token, "."))] =
+                    array_slice($tag_list, 1);
+                $cur_pos++;
+            }
+        }
+        // now using our dictionary we tag
+        $i = 0;
+        $tag_list = array();
+        foreach($matches[0] as $token) {
+            $prev_tag_list = $tag_list;
+            $tag_list = array();
+            // default to a common noun
+            $current = array('token' => $token, 'tag' => 'NN');
+            // remove trailing full stops
+            $token = strtolower(rtrim($token, "."));
+            if(isset($dictionary[$token])) {
+                $tag_list = $dictionary[$token];
+                $current['tag'] = $tag_list[0];
+            }
+            // Converts verbs after 'the' to nouns
+            if($previous['tag'] == 'DT' && in_array($current['tag'], $verbs)) {
+                $current['tag'] = 'NN';
+            }
+            // Convert noun to number if . appears
+            if($current['tag'][0] == 'N' && strpos($token, '.') !== false) {
+                $current['tag'] = 'CD';
+            }
+            $ends_with = substr($token, -2);
+            switch($ends_with)
+            {
+                case 'ed':
+                    // Convert noun to past particle if ends with 'ed'
+                    if($current['tag'][0] == 'N') { $current['tag'] = 'VBN'; }
+                break;
+                case 'ly':
+                    // Anything that ends 'ly' is an adverb
+                    $current['tag'] = 'RB';
+                break;
+                case 'al':
+                    // Common noun to adjective if it ends with al
+                    if(in_array($current['tag'], $nouns)) {
+                        $current['tag'] = 'JJ';
+                    }
+                break;
+            }
+            // Noun to verb if the word before is 'would'
+            if($current['tag'] == 'NN' && $previous_token == 'would') {
+                $current['tag'] = 'VB';
+            }
+            // Convert common noun to gerund
+            if(in_array($current['tag'], $nouns) &&
+                substr($token, -3) == 'ing') { $current['tag'] = 'VBG'; }
+            //nouns followed by adjectives
+            if(in_array($previous['tag'], $nouns) &&
+                $current['tag'] == 'JJ' && in_array('JJ', $prev_tag_list)) {
+                $result[$i - 1]['tag'] = 'JJ';
+                $current['tag'] = 'NN';
+            }
+            /* If we get noun noun, and the second can be a verb,
+             * convert to verb; if noun noun and previous could be an
+             * adjective convert to adjective
+             */
+            if(in_array($previous['tag'], $nouns) &&
+                in_array($current['tag'], $nouns) ) {
+                if(in_array('VBN', $tag_list)) {
+                    $current['tag'] = 'VBN';
+                } else if(in_array('VBZ', $tag_list)) {
+                    $current['tag'] = 'VBZ';
+                } else if(in_array('JJ', $prev_tag_list)) {
+                    $result[$i - 1]['tag'] = 'JJ';
+                }
+            }
+            $result[$i] = $current;
+            $i++;
+            $previous = $current;
+            $previous_token = $token;
+        }
+        return $result;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Takes an array of pairs (token, tag) that came from phrase
+     * and builds a new phrase where terms look like token~tag.
+     *
+     * @param array $tagged_tokens array of pairs as might come from tagTokenize
+     * @return $tagged_phrase a phrase with terms in the format token~tag
+     */
+    private static function taggedPartOfSpeechTokensToString($tagged_tokens)
+    {
+        $tagged_phrase = "";
+        $simplified_parts_of_speech = array(
+            "NN" => "NN", "NNS" => "NN", "NNP" => "NN", "NNPS" => "NN",
+            "PRP" => "NN", 'PRP$' => "NN", "WP" => "NN",
+            "VB" => "VB", "VBD" => "VB", "VBN" => "VB", "VBP" => "VB",
+            "VBZ" => "VB",
+            "JJ" => "AJ", "JJR" => "AJ", "JJS" => "AJ",
+            "RB" => "AV", "RBR" => "AV", "RBS" => "AV", "WRB" => "AV"
+        );
+        foreach($tagged_tokens as $t) {
+            $tag = trim($t['tag']);
+            $tag = (isset($simplified_parts_of_speech[$tag])) ?
+                $simplified_parts_of_speech[$tag] : $tag;
+            $tagged_phrase .= $t['token'] . "~" . $tag .  " ";
+        }
+        return $tagged_phrase;
+    }
diff --git a/locale/en-US/statistics.txt b/locale/en-US/statistics.txt
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..5a165df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/en-US/statistics.txt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/locale/es/configure.ini b/locale/es/configure.ini
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..619871e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/es/configure.ini
@@ -0,0 +1,4186 @@
+; ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
+;  SeekQuarry/Yioop Open Source Pure PHP Search Engine, Crawler, and Indexer
+;  Copyright (C) 2009 - 2015  Chris Pollett
+;  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;  (at your option) any later version.
+;  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;  GNU General Public License for more details.
+;  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;  along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+;  ***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****
+; configure.ini
+; es configuration file
+; Strings to translate on various pages
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/seek_quarry//controllers
+; admin_controller.php line: 101
+admin_controller_need_cookies = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 150
+admin_controller_account_not_active = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 156
+admin_controller_login_successful = "Inicio de sesi&oacute;n con &eacute;xito."
+; admin_controller.php line: 175
+admin_controller_no_back_button = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 189
+admin_controller_login_failed = "El nombre de usuario o la contrase&ntilde;a introducidos no son correctos."
+; admin_controller.php line: 195
+admin_controller_login_to_config = "Inicia sesi&oacute;n para continuar con la configuraci&oacute;n (default: u=root, p=)"
+; admin_controller.php line: 199
+admin_controller_status_updates_stopped = "Las actualizaciones se han detenido."
+; admin_controller.php line: 342
+admin_controller_account_access = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 343
+admin_controller_social = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 344
+admin_controller_crawl_settings = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 345
+admin_controller_system_settings = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 517
+admin_controller_equal = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 518
+admin_controller_not_equal = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 519
+admin_controller_contains = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 520
+admin_controller_begins_with = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 521
+admin_controller_ends_with = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 524
+admin_controller_equal = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 525
+admin_controller_not_equal = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 528
+admin_controller_no_sort = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 529
+admin_controller_sort_ascending = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 530
+admin_controller_sort_descending = ""
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/seek_quarry//controllers/components
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 132
+accountaccess_component_no_posts_yet = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 146
+accountaccess_component_passwords_too_long = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 155
+accountaccess_component_passwords_dont_match = "Las contrase&ntilde;as introducidas no coinciden."
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 162
+accountaccess_component_invalid_password = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 192
+accountaccess_component_unknown_imagetype = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 197
+accountaccess_component_icon_too_big = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 206
+accountaccess_component_no_user_folder = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 215
+accountaccess_component_user_updated = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 259
+accountaccess_component_active_status = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 260
+accountaccess_component_inactive_status = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 261
+accountaccess_component_banned_status = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 264
+accountaccess_component_request_join = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 265
+accountaccess_component_invited = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 266
+accountaccess_component_active_status = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 267
+accountaccess_component_banned_status = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 312
+accountaccess_component_passwords_too_long = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 317
+accountaccess_component_passwords_dont_match = "Las contrase&ntilde;as introducidas no coinciden."
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 321
+accountaccess_component_invalid_username = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 325
+accountaccess_component_user_exists = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 354
+accountaccess_component_user_added = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 363
+accountaccess_component_user_doesnt_exist = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 370
+accountaccess_component_cant_edit_public_user = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 412
+accountaccess_component_passwords_dont_match = "Las contrase&ntilde;as introducidas no coinciden."
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 418
+accountaccess_component_user_updated = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 424
+accountaccess_component_user_filter_group = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 428
+accountaccess_component_user_filter_role = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 439
+accountaccess_component_username_doesnt_exists = "El nombre de usuario no existe"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 444
+accountaccess_component_cant_delete_builtin = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 449
+accountaccess_component_user_deleted = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 458
+accountaccess_component_username_doesnt_exists = "El nombre de usuario no existe"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 463
+accountaccess_component_rolename_doesnt_exists = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 469
+accountaccess_component_rolename_already_added = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 475
+accountaccess_component_rolename_added = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 485
+accountaccess_component_username_doesnt_exists = "El nombre de usuario no existe"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 490
+accountaccess_component_groupname_doesnt_exists = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 496
+accountaccess_component_groupname_already_added = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 504
+accountaccess_component_groupname_added = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 514
+accountaccess_component_username_doesnt_exists = "El nombre de usuario no existe"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 519
+accountaccess_component_rolename_doesnt_exists = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 528
+accountaccess_component_rolename_deleted = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 538
+accountaccess_component_username_doesnt_exists = "El nombre de usuario no existe"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 543
+accountaccess_component_groupname_doesnt_exists = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 552
+accountaccess_component_group_deleted = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 569
+accountaccess_component_username_doesnt_exists = "El nombre de usuario no existe"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 575
+accountaccess_component_userstatus_updated = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 733
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+; accountaccess_component.php line: 759
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+; accountaccess_component.php line: 775
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+; accountaccess_component.php line: 784
+accountaccess_component_rolename_exists = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 790
+accountaccess_component_rolename_added = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 794
+accountaccess_component_rolename_blank = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 803
+accountaccess_component_rolename_doesnt_exists = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 821
+accountaccess_component_activity_deleted = "Actividad eliminada"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 829
+accountaccess_component_rolename_doesnt_exists = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 835
+accountaccess_component_rolename_deleted = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 867
+accountaccess_component_role_updated = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 85
+crawl_component_starting_new_crawl = "Iniciando nuevo rastreo"
+; crawl_component.php line: 102
+crawl_component_stop_crawl = "Deteniendo el rastreo. . . Esto tomar&aacute; un momento para recargar."
+; crawl_component.php line: 131
+crawl_component_resume_crawl = "Reanundando el rastreo. . . Esto tomar&aacute; un momento para recargar."
+; crawl_component.php line: 140
+crawl_component_delete_crawl_success = "Eliminando el rastreo. . . Esto tomar&aacute; un momento para recargar."
+; crawl_component.php line: 144
+crawl_component_delete_crawl_fail = "Eliminar el rastreo no tuvo &eacute;xito"
+; crawl_component.php line: 153
+crawl_component_set_index = "Usar el rastreo como &iacute;ndice"
+; crawl_component.php line: 187
+crawl_component_no_description = "No hay descripci&oacute;n para el rastreo"
+; crawl_component.php line: 334
+crawl_component_use_below = "Utilice las opciones a continuaci&oacute;n"
+; crawl_component.php line: 335
+crawl_component_use_defaults = "Utilizar Yioop! por defecto"
+; crawl_component.php line: 338
+crawl_component_use_below = "Utilice las opciones a continuaci&oacute;n"
+; crawl_component.php line: 342
+crawl_component_previous_crawl = "Rastreo anterior:"
+; crawl_component.php line: 413
+crawl_component_added_urls = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 427
+crawl_component_add_suggest = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 431
+crawl_component_no_new_suggests = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 478
+crawl_component_breadth_first = "Breadth First"
+; crawl_component.php line: 480
+crawl_component_page_importance = "Importancia de p&aacute;gina"
+; crawl_component.php line: 545
+crawl_component_added_urls = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 555
+crawl_component_urls_injected = "Urls inyectadas!"
+; crawl_component.php line: 565
+crawl_component_update_seed_info = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 620
+crawl_component_new_classifier = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 624
+crawl_component_classifier_exists = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 647
+crawl_component_classifier_deleted = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 651
+crawl_component_no_classifier = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 662
+crawl_component_no_classifier = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 680
+crawl_component_finalizing_classifier = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 707
+crawl_component_finalizing_classifier = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 753
+crawl_component_classifier_exists = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 762
+crawl_component_load_failed = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 764
+crawl_component_loading = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 766
+crawl_component_added_examples = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 768
+crawl_component_label_update_failed = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 770
+crawl_component_updating = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 772
+crawl_component_acc_update_failed = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 774
+crawl_component_na = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 776
+crawl_component_no_docs = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 778
+crawl_component_num_docs = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 780
+crawl_component_in_class = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 782
+crawl_component_not_in_class = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 784
+crawl_component_skip = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 786
+crawl_component_prediction = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 788
+crawl_component_scores = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 830
+crawl_component_use_below = "Utilice las opciones a continuaci&oacute;n"
+; crawl_component.php line: 831
+crawl_component_use_defaults = "Utilizar Yioop! por defecto"
+; crawl_component.php line: 833
+crawl_component_use_below = "Utilice las opciones a continuaci&oacute;n"
+; crawl_component.php line: 841
+crawl_component_recrawl_never = "Nunca"
+; crawl_component.php line: 842
+crawl_component_recrawl_1day = "1 d&iacute;a"
+; crawl_component.php line: 843
+crawl_component_recrawl_2day = "2 d&iacute;as"
+; crawl_component.php line: 844
+crawl_component_recrawl_3day = "3 d&iacute;as"
+; crawl_component.php line: 845
+crawl_component_recrawl_7day = "7 d&iacute;as"
+; crawl_component.php line: 846
+crawl_component_recrawl_14day = "14 d&iacute;as"
+; crawl_component.php line: 854
+crawl_component_basic = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 855
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+; crawl_component.php line: 1141
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+; crawl_component.php line: 1169
+crawl_component_page_options_running_tests = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1348
+crawl_component_results_editor_update = "Filtrar P&aacute;ginas Actualizadas!"
+; crawl_component.php line: 1363
+crawl_component_edited_pages = "Seleccionar una URL previamente editada"
+; crawl_component.php line: 1376
+crawl_component_results_editor_need_url = "Resultados de la actualizaci&oacute;n de la p&aacute;gina debe especificar la URL!"
+; crawl_component.php line: 1382
+crawl_component_results_editor_page_updated = "P&aacute;gina Actualizada!"
+; crawl_component.php line: 1395
+crawl_component_results_editor_page_loaded = "P&aacute;gina Cargada!"
+; crawl_component.php line: 1426
+crawl_component_media_kind = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1427
+crawl_component_video = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1428
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+; crawl_component.php line: 1429
+crawl_component_html_feed = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1443
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+; crawl_component.php line: 1499
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+; crawl_component.php line: 1512
+crawl_component_missing_type = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1526
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+; crawl_component.php line: 1533
+crawl_component_missing_fields = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1550
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+; crawl_component.php line: 1563
+crawl_component_missing_fields = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1571
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+; crawl_component.php line: 1577
+crawl_component_no_delete_source = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1583
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+; crawl_component.php line: 1590
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+; crawl_component.php line: 1597
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+; crawl_component.php line: 1632
+crawl_component_subsearch_updated = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1707
+crawl_component_media_source_updated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 85
+social_component_request_join = ""
+; social_component.php line: 86
+social_component_invited = ""
+; social_component.php line: 87
+social_component_active_status = ""
+; social_component.php line: 88
+social_component_banned_status = ""
+; social_component.php line: 91
+social_component_no_join = ""
+; social_component.php line: 92
+social_component_by_request = ""
+; social_component.php line: 93
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+; social_component.php line: 94
+social_component_public_join = ""
+; social_component.php line: 97
+social_component_private = ""
+; social_component.php line: 98
+social_component_read = ""
+; social_component.php line: 99
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+; social_component.php line: 100
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+; social_component.php line: 101
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+; social_component.php line: 104
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+; social_component.php line: 105
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+; social_component.php line: 106
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+; social_component.php line: 109
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+; social_component.php line: 110
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+; social_component.php line: 111
+social_component_one_day = ""
+; social_component.php line: 112
+social_component_one_month = ""
+; social_component.php line: 181
+accountaccess_component_user_activated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 186
+accountaccess_component_no_user_activated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 204
+social_component_joined = ""
+; social_component.php line: 208
+social_component_groupname_unavailable = ""
+; social_component.php line: 213
+social_component_name_available = ""
+; social_component.php line: 228
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+; social_component.php line: 233
+social_component_no_user_banned = ""
+; social_component.php line: 254
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+; social_component.php line: 259
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+; social_component.php line: 265
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+; social_component.php line: 275
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+; social_component.php line: 302
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+; social_component.php line: 311
+social_component_groupname_doesnt_exists = ""
+; social_component.php line: 318
+social_component_group_deleted = ""
+; social_component.php line: 322
+social_component_no_delete_group = ""
+; social_component.php line: 335
+social_component_user_deleted = ""
+; social_component.php line: 340
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+; social_component.php line: 390
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+; social_component.php line: 395
+social_component_no_users_invited = ""
+; social_component.php line: 411
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+; social_component.php line: 415
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+; social_component.php line: 457
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+; social_component.php line: 462
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+; social_component.php line: 469
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+; social_component.php line: 471
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+; social_component.php line: 473
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+; social_component.php line: 490
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+; social_component.php line: 495
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+; social_component.php line: 538
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+; social_component.php line: 540
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+; social_component.php line: 556
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+; social_component.php line: 563
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+; social_component.php line: 567
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+; social_component.php line: 568
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+; social_component.php line: 639
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+; social_component.php line: 652
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+; social_component.php line: 660
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+; social_component.php line: 668
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+; social_component.php line: 781
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+; social_component.php line: 785
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+; social_component.php line: 788
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+; social_component.php line: 803
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+; social_component.php line: 816
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+; social_component.php line: 818
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+; social_component.php line: 821
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+; social_component.php line: 824
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+; social_component.php line: 831
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+; social_component.php line: 841
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+; social_component.php line: 847
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+; social_component.php line: 868
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+; social_component.php line: 871
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+; social_component.php line: 879
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+; social_component.php line: 893
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+; social_component.php line: 901
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+; social_component.php line: 906
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+; social_component.php line: 911
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+; social_component.php line: 930
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+; social_component.php line: 1004
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+; social_component.php line: 1014
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+; social_component.php line: 1023
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+; social_component.php line: 1028
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+; social_component.php line: 1032
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+; social_component.php line: 1036
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+; social_component.php line: 1070
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+; social_component.php line: 1338
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+; social_component.php line: 1379
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+; social_component.php line: 1466
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+; social_component.php line: 1639
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+; social_component.php line: 1649
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+; social_component.php line: 1661
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+; social_component.php line: 1663
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+; social_component.php line: 1672
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+; social_component.php line: 1719
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+; social_component.php line: 1752
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+; social_component.php line: 1753
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+; social_component.php line: 1775
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+; social_component.php line: 1779
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+; social_component.php line: 1783
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+; social_component.php line: 2096
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+; social_component.php line: 2178
+social_component_select_crawl = "Seleccionar Rastreo"
+; social_component.php line: 2179
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+; social_component.php line: 2181
+social_component_select_crawl = "Seleccionar Rastreo"
+; social_component.php line: 2183
+social_component_default_crawl = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2214
+social_component_mix_created = "Rastreo Mix creado!"
+; social_component.php line: 2217
+social_component_invalid_name = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2225
+social_component_mix_invalid_timestamp = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2229
+social_component_mix_deleted = "Rastreo Mix eliminado!"
+; social_component.php line: 2248
+social_component_mix_doesnt_exists = "Mix para eliminar (borrar) no existe!"
+; social_component.php line: 2256
+social_component_mix_imported = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2270
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+; social_component.php line: 2280
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+; social_component.php line: 2286
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+; social_component.php line: 2304
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+; social_component.php line: 2308
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+; social_component.php line: 2310
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+; social_component.php line: 2315
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+; social_component.php line: 2367
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+; social_component.php line: 2372
+social_component_mix_not_owner = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2382
+social_component_add_crawls = "A&ntilde;adir Rastreos"
+; social_component.php line: 2384
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+; social_component.php line: 2386
+social_component_del_frag = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2388
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+; social_component.php line: 2389
+social_component_name = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2391
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+; social_component.php line: 2393
+social_component_actions = "Acciones"
+; social_component.php line: 2395
+social_component_add_query = "Agregar consulta"
+; social_component.php line: 2396
+social_component_delete = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2443
+social_component_too_many_fragments = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2454
+social_component_mix_saved = "Guardados los Cambios del Rastreo Mix!"
+; system_component.php line: 79
+system_component_select_machine = "Seleccionar M&aacute;quina"
+; system_component.php line: 145
+system_component_machine_added = "M&aacute;quina Agregada!"
+; system_component.php line: 149
+system_component_machine_exists = "Nombre de la m&aacute;quina ya existe, por favor elimina primero!"
+; system_component.php line: 153
+system_component_machine_incomplete = "Falta de Campos, en el Formulario de la M&aacute;quina!"
+; system_component.php line: 160
+system_component_machine_doesnt_exists = "El Nombre de la M&aacute;quina no Existe!"
+; system_component.php line: 181
+system_component_stop_service_first = "M&aacute;quina en Uso. Por favor, Detenga el Servicio que se Ejecuta en &eacute;l!"
+; system_component.php line: 187
+system_component_machine_deleted = "M&aacute;quina Eliminada!"
+; system_component.php line: 208
+system_component_media_mode_updated = ""
+; system_component.php line: 212
+system_component_media_update_failed = ""
+; system_component.php line: 275
+system_component_no_machine_log = "No se Encontr&oacute; el Archivo de Registro."
+; system_component.php line: 304
+system_component_machine_servers_updated = "Servidores de M&aacute;quina&#039;s Actualizados!"
+; system_component.php line: 308
+system_component_machine_no_action = "No se Puede Realizar la Acci&oacute;n!"
+; system_component.php line: 344
+system_component_select_mode = ""
+; system_component.php line: 386
+system_component_locale_missing_info = ""
+; system_component.php line: 393
+system_component_locale_added = "Configuraci&oacute;n Regional Agregada!"
+; system_component.php line: 400
+system_component_localename_doesnt_exists = "Configuraci&oacute;n Regional No Existe"
+; system_component.php line: 405
+system_component_localename_deleted = "Configuraci&oacute;n Regional Eliminada"
+; system_component.php line: 411
+system_component_localename_doesnt_exists = "Configuraci&oacute;n Regional No Existe"
+; system_component.php line: 440
+system_component_locale_updated = ""
+; system_component.php line: 470
+system_component_localestrings_updated = "Cadenas de Configuraci&oacute;n Regional Actualizada!"
+; system_component.php line: 481
+system_component_all_strings = ""
+; system_component.php line: 482
+system_component_missing_strings = ""
+; system_component.php line: 568
+system_component_configure_no_change_db = "Problema al actualizar la base de datos!"
+; system_component.php line: 573
+system_component_configure_profile_change = "Perfil actualizado!"
+; system_component.php line: 576
+system_component_configure_no_change_profile = "Hubo un problema al actualizar el perfil!"
+; system_component.php line: 598
+system_component_configure_disable_registration = ""
+; system_component.php line: 600
+system_component_configure_no_activation = ""
+; system_component.php line: 602
+system_component_configure_email_activation = ""
+; system_component.php line: 604
+system_component_configure_admin_activation = ""
+; system_component.php line: 669
+captchasettings_element_text_captcha = ""
+; system_component.php line: 671
+captchasettings_element_hash_captcha = ""
+; system_component.php line: 673
+captchasettings_element_image_captcha = ""
+; system_component.php line: 678
+serversettings_element_normal_authentication = ""
+; system_component.php line: 680
+serversettings_element_zkp_authentication = ""
+; system_component.php line: 685
+serversettings_element_normal_authentication = ""
+; system_component.php line: 710
+system_component_settings_updated = ""
+; system_component.php line: 713
+system_component_no_update_settings = ""
+; system_component.php line: 780
+system_component_configure_use_absolute_path = "Debe utilizar una ruta absoluta para el directorio de trabajo"
+; system_component.php line: 785
+system_component_configure_configure_diff_base_dir = ""
+; system_component.php line: 810
+system_component_configure_work_dir_set = "El trabajo conjunto de Directorio! Puede que tenga que volver a entrar!"
+; system_component.php line: 821
+system_component_name_your_bot = "Por favor, Nombre tu Robot"
+; system_component.php line: 846
+system_component_configure_work_profile_made = "Directorio de Trabajo y Perfil creados!"
+; system_component.php line: 850
+system_component_configure_no_set_config = "No se puede actualizar el archivo config.php!"
+; system_component.php line: 857
+system_component_configure_no_create_profile = "No se puede crear el perfil!"
+; system_component.php line: 864
+system_component_configure_work_dir_invalid = "Directorio de trabajo es inv&aacute;lido! No se puede crear el perfil!"
+; system_component.php line: 871
+system_component_configure_work_dir_invalid = "Directorio de trabajo es inv&aacute;lido! No se puede crear el perfil!"
+; system_component.php line: 893
+system_component_no_resource_folder = ""
+; system_component.php line: 907
+system_component_invalid_filetype = ""
+; system_component.php line: 912
+system_component_file_too_big = ""
+; system_component.php line: 935
+system_component_configure_profile_change = "Perfil actualizado!"
+; system_component.php line: 939
+system_component_configure_no_change_profile = "Hubo un problema al actualizar el perfil!"
+; system_component.php line: 988
+system_component_configure_reset_completed = ""
+; system_component.php line: 992
+system_component_configure_no_change_profile = "Hubo un problema al actualizar el perfil!"
+; system_component.php line: 1025
+system_component_describe_robot = "Por favor describa su robot"
+; system_component.php line: 1091
+system_component_php_version = "PHP Version 5.3 o la M&aacute;s Reciente"
+; system_component.php line: 1099
+system_component_no_write_config_php = "configs/config.php el servidor web no es escribible."
+; system_component.php line: 1104
+system_component_no_write_work_dir = "Directorio de trabajo tiene que ser escribible por el servidor web"
+; system_component.php line: 1109
+system_component_post_size_small = "La variable post_max_size del archivo php.ini deber�a ser de al menos 32M"
+; system_component.php line: 1115
+system_component_missing_required = "Los siguientes elementos necesarios (requeridos), no estaban: %s"
+; system_component.php line: 1138
+system_component_missing_optional = "Los siguientes elementos opcionales, no estaban: %s"
+; system_component.php line: 1143
+system_component_check_passed = "Entrada Aprobada"
+; system_component.php line: 1148
+system_component_using_local_config = ""
+; machine_controller.php line: 172
+machine_controller_nolines = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 246
+register_controller_need_cookies = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 313
+register_controller_account_created = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 331
+register_controller_registration_email_sent = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 333
+register_controller_admin_activation_request = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 334
+register_controller_admin_email_salutation = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 336
+register_controller_email_body = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 369
+register_controller_account_request_made = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 373
+register_controller_admin_activation_request = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 374
+register_controller_admin_activation_message = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 416
+register_controller_email_verification_error = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 422
+register_controller_already_activated = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 429
+register_controller_account_activated = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 432
+register_controller_email_verification_error = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 480
+register_controller_account_recover_fail = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 489
+register_controller_account_recover_fail = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 493
+register_controller_account_recover_email = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 497
+register_controller_recover_request = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 498
+register_controller_admin_email_salutation = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 500
+register_controller_recover_body = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 534
+register_controller_account_recover_fail = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 546
+register_controller_account_recover_fail = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 559
+register_controller_account_recover_fail = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 566
+register_controller_recovered_already = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 570
+register_controller_recovery_expired = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 576
+register_controller_password_changed = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 584
+register_controller_passwords_dont_match = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 598
+register_controller_recovered_already = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 602
+register_controller_recovery_expired = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 728
+register_controller_invalid_url = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 732
+register_controller_error_fields = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 746
+register_controller_failed_hashcode = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 756
+register_controller_failed_human = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 783
+register_controller_failed_graphical_human = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 797
+register_controller_suggest_full = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 801
+register_controller_url_submitted = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 1004
+register_controller_need_cookies = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 1010
+register_controller_failed_human = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 1025
+register_controller_failed_graphical_human = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 1036
+register_controller_failed_hashcode = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 1064
+register_controller_error_fields = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 1067
+register_controller_check_email = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 1074
+register_controller_user_already_exists = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 235
+search_controller_web = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 295
+search_controller_logout_successful = "Se ha cerrado la sesi&oacute;n con &eacute;xito!!"
+; search_controller.php line: 500
+search_controller_mix_info = "Usando Rastreo Mix: %s"
+; search_controller.php line: 506
+search_controller_crawl_info = "Usando &Iacute;ndice: %s -- Size: %s pages/%s urls"
+; search_controller.php line: 542
+search_controller_search = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 646
+search_controller_no_index_set = "No se dispone de &iacute;ndice de b&uacute;squeda para su uso!"
+; search_controller.php line: 649
+search_controller_no_index_set = "No se dispone de &iacute;ndice de b&uacute;squeda para su uso!"
+; search_controller.php line: 1300
+search_controller_download_fetcher = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1309
+search_controller_no_archive_page = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1358
+search_controller_yioop_cache = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1363
+search_controller_original_page = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1380
+search_controller_extracted_title = "T&iacute;tulo extra&iacute;do"
+; search_controller.php line: 1382
+search_controller_extracted_description = "Descripci&oacute;n Extra&iacute;da"
+; search_controller.php line: 1384
+search_controller_extracted_links = "Enlaces (links) extra&iacute;dos"
+; search_controller.php line: 1389
+search_controller_extracted_allow_paths = "Rutas permitidas extra&iacute;das para ser rastreadas"
+; search_controller.php line: 1395
+search_controller_extracted_disallow_paths = "Rutas No permitidas extra&iacute;das para no ser rastreadas"
+; search_controller.php line: 1401
+search_controller_crawl_delay = "Rastreo Retrasado de YioopBot"
+; search_controller.php line: 1466
+search_controller_cache_comment = "P&aacute;gina de cache Yioop ... Esta p&aacute;gina ha sido modificada para a&ntilde;adir una directiva robots, hacer enlaces absolutos, a&ntilde;adir res&uacute;menes extra&iacute;dos, y para resaltar los t&eacute;rminos de la consulta."
+; search_controller.php line: 1477
+search_controller_yioop_cache = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1513
+search_controller_cached_version = "Esta versi&oacute;n en cach&eacute; de %s se obtuvo mediante el rastreador Yioop en %s."
+; search_controller.php line: 1608
+search_controller_download_fetcher = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1626
+search_controller_header_summaries = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1739
+search_controller_history = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1908
+search_controller_all_cached = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1939
+search_controller_year = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1940
+search_controller_month = ""
+; settings_controller.php line: 115
+settings_controller_crawl_mix = "rastreo mix"
+; settings_controller.php line: 130
+settings_controller_settings_saved = "Configuraci&oacute;n guardada!"
+; static_controller.php line: 67
+static_controller_logout_successful = ""
+; static_controller.php line: 145
+static_controller_complete_title = ""
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/sq_data/app/controllers
+; main_controller.php line: 87
+search_controller_logout_successful = "Se ha cerrado la sesi&oacute;n con &eacute;xito!!"
+; main_controller.php line: 112
+main_controller_download = ""
+; main_controller.php line: 129
+main_controller_missing_fields = ""
+; main_controller.php line: 164
+main_controller_yioop_download = ""
+; main_controller.php line: 165
+main_controller_click_download = ""
+; main_controller.php line: 178
+main_controller_url_error = ""
+; main_controller.php line: 187
+main_controller_expired_url = ""
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/seek_quarry//views
+; admin_view.php line: 70
+admin_view_admin = "Administrador"
+; admin_view.php line: 89
+adminview_auto_logout_one_minute = "Auto-cerrar la sesi&oacute;n en un minuto!"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 52
+crawlstatus_view_currently_processing = "Actualmente Processando"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 53
+crawlstatus_view_description = "Descripci&oacute;n:"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 58
+crawlstatus_view_starting_crawl = "Iniciando Rastreo..."
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 62
+managecrawls_element_stop_crawl = "Detener Rastreo"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 66
+crawlstatus_view_resuming_crawl = "Reanudando rastreo"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 70
+managecrawls_element_stop_crawl = "Detener Rastreo"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 74
+crawlstatus_view_shutdown_queue = "Cerrando la cola..."
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 77
+crawlstatus_view_closing_dict = "Cerrando Rastreo del Diccionario..."
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 80
+crawlstatus_view_run_plugins = "Ejectando plugins de procesamiento posterior..."
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 88
+managecrawls_element_stop_crawl = "Detener Rastreo"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 96
+crawlstatus_view_set_index = "Establecer como &Iacute;ndice"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 99
+crawlstatus_view_search_index = "&Iacute;ndice de b&uacute;squeda"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 107
+crawlstatus_view_changeoptions = "Cambiar Opciones de Rastreo"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 109
+crawlstatus_view_no_description = "Rastreo Inactivo"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 114
+crawlstatus_view_timestamp = "Marca de tiempo:"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 116
+crawlstatus_view_time_started = "Hora de inicio:"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 122
+crawlstatus_view_indexer_memory = "Indexador de Memoria Peak:"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 124
+crawlstatus_view_scheduler_memory = "Programador de Memoria Peak:"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 127
+crawlstatus_view_queue_memory = "Servidor de Memoria Peak:"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 132
+crawlstatus_view_no_mem_data = "No hay datos de la memoria todav&iacute;a"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 136
+crawlstatus_view_fetcher_memory = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 141
+crawlstatus_view_no_mem_data = "No hay datos de la memoria todav&iacute;a"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 144
+crawlstatus_view_webapp_memory = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 149
+crawlstatus_view_no_mem_data = "No hay datos de la memoria todav&iacute;a"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 152
+crawlstatus_view_urls_per_hour = "URLs visitadas/hora:"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 160
+crawlstatus_view_visited_urls = "Cuenta de URLs visitadas:"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 164
+crawlstatus_view_total_urls = "Total URLs Vistas:"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 167
+crawlstatus_view_most_recent_fetcher = "Fetcher m&aacute;s reciente:"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 176
+crawlstatus_view_no_fetcher = "No hay consultas del Fetcher todav�a"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 180
+crawlstatus_view_most_recent_urls = "URLs m&aacute;s recientes"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 190
+crawlstatus_view_no_recent_urls = "URLs no recientes"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 193
+crawlstatus_view_previous_crawls = "Rastreos Anteriores"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 203
+crawlstatus_view_description = "Descripci&oacute;n:"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 206
+crawlstatus_view_timestamp = "Marca de tiempo:"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 207
+crawlstatus_view_url_counts = "URLs Visitadas / Extra&iacute;das:"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 211
+crawlstatus_view_actions = "Acciones"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 222
+crawlstatus_view_statistics = "Estad&iacute;sticas"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 238
+crawlstatus_view_resume = "Reanudar"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 240
+crawlstatus_view_no_resume = "Cerrado"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 247
+crawlstatus_view_set_index = "Establecer como &Iacute;ndice"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 250
+crawlstatus_view_search_index = "&Iacute;ndice de b&uacute;squeda"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 257
+crawlstatus_view_delete = "Eliminar"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 265
+crawlstatus_view_no_previous_crawl = "Rastreos noanteriores"
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/seek_quarry//views/elements
+; activity_element.php line: 54
+activity_element_activities = "Actividades"
+; configure_element.php line: 76
+configure_element_work_directory = "Motor de b&uacute;squeda de directorio de trabajo"
+; configure_element.php line: 82
+configure_element_load_or_create = "Cargar o crear"
+; configure_element.php line: 100
+configure_element_component_check = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 104
+configure_element_profile_settings = "Configuraci&oacute;n del perfil"
+; configure_element.php line: 107
+configure_element_toggle_advanced = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 114
+configure_element_default_language = "Idioma predeterminado:"
+; configure_element.php line: 121
+configure_element_debug_display = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 126
+configure_element_error_info = "Error de Informaci&oacute;n"
+; configure_element.php line: 131
+configure_element_query_info = "Informaci&oacute;n de consulta"
+; configure_element.php line: 136
+configure_element_test_info = "Informaci&oacute;n de prueba"
+; configure_element.php line: 141
+configure_element_site_access = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 146
+configure_element_web_access = "Web"
+; configure_element.php line: 151
+configure_element_rss_access = "RSS"
+; configure_element.php line: 156
+configure_element_api_access = "API"
+; configure_element.php line: 161
+configure_element_customizations = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 163
+configure_element_use_wiki_landing = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 170
+configure_element_background_color = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 178
+configure_element_background_image = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 185
+configure_element_background_image = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 194
+configure_element_foreground_color = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 200
+configure_element_topbar_color = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 206
+configure_element_sidebar_color = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 214
+configure_element_site_logo = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 221
+configure_element_site_logo = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 232
+configure_element_mobile_logo = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 239
+configure_element_mobile_logo = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 250
+configure_element_favicon = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 257
+configure_element_favicon = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 267
+configure_element_toolbar = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 278
+configure_element_site_timezone = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 284
+configure_element_cookie_name = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 290
+configure_element_token_name = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 296
+configure_element_auxiliary_css = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 304
+configure_element_reset_customizations = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 311
+configure_element_crawl_robot = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 313
+configure_element_robot_name = "Nombre de robot rastreador:"
+; configure_element.php line: 321
+configure_element_robot_instance = "Robot Instance:"
+; configure_element.php line: 328
+configure_element_robot_description = "Descripci&oacute;n del robot"
+; configure_element.php line: 338
+serversettings_element_submit = "Enviar"
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 55
+crawloptions_element_back_to_manage = "Atr&aacute;s"
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 58
+crawloptions_element_modify_active_crawl = "Modificar rastreo (&iacute;ndice) activo"
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 60
+crawloptions_element_edit_crawl_options = "Editar opciones de Rastreo"
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 83
+crawloptions_element_web_crawl = "Rastreo Web"
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 93
+crawloptions_element_archive_crawl = "Archivo de rastreo"
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 100
+crawloptions_element_load_options = "Obtener Opciones de navegaci&oacute;n desde:"
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 105
+crawloptions_element_crawl_order = "Orden de Rastreo:"
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 114
+crawloptions_element_restrict_by_url = "Restringir los sitios por URL:"
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 122
+crawloptions_element_allowed_to_crawl = "Permitido para rastrear sitios"
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 129
+crawloptions_element_disallowed_and_quota_sites = "Sitios no permitidos/Sites with Quotas"
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 140
+crawloptions_element_seed_sites = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 144
+crawloptions_element_add_suggest_urls = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 155
+crawloptions_element_inject_sites = "Sitios para inyectar en rastreo actual"
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 159
+crawloptions_element_add_suggest_urls = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 176
+crawloptions_element_reindex_crawl = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 185
+crawloptions_element_need_api_for_mix = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 193
+crawloptions_element_save_options = "Guardar opciones"
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 58
+editclassifier_back = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 60
+editclassifier_edit_classifier = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 72
+editclassifier_classifier_label = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 77
+editclassifier_change = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 82
+editclassifier_statistics = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 83
+editclassifier_positive_examples = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 86
+editclassifier_negative_examples = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 89
+editclassifier_accuracy = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 94
+crawl_component_na = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 99
+editclassifier_update = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 100
+editclassifier_add_examples = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 109
+editclassifier_source = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 113
+editclassifier_default_crawl = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 123
+editclassifier_label_by_hand = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 125
+editclassifier_all_in_class = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 127
+editclassifier_none_in_class = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 132
+editclassifier_keywords = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 141
+editclassifier_load = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 147
+editclassifier_finalize = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 155
+editclassifier_no_documents = ""
+; editlocales_element.php line: 55
+editlocales_element_back_to_manage = ""
+; editlocales_element.php line: 57
+editlocales_element_edit_locale = ""
+; editlocales_element.php line: 71
+editlocales_element_show = ""
+; editlocales_element.php line: 75
+editlocales_element_filter = ""
+; editlocales_element.php line: 82
+editlocales_element_go = ""
+; editlocales_element.php line: 86
+editlocales_element_no_matching = ""
+; editlocales_element.php line: 119
+editlocales_element_submit = ""
+; editmix_element.php line: 51
+editmix_element_back_to_mix = ""
+; editmix_element.php line: 53
+mixcrawls_element_edit_mix = ""
+; editmix_element.php line: 64
+mixcrawls_element_mix_name = ""
+; editmix_element.php line: 70
+mixcrawls_element_mix_components = ""
+; editmix_element.php line: 77
+mixcrawls_element_too_many = ""
+; editmix_element.php line: 79
+mixcrawls_element_add_fragment = ""
+; editmix_element.php line: 85
+mixcrawls_element_save_button = ""
+; footer_element.php line: 59
+footer_element_blog = ""
+; footer_element.php line: 61
+footer_element_privacy = ""
+; footer_element.php line: 63
+footer_element_terms = ""
+; footer_element.php line: 65
+footer_element_tools = ""
+; footer_element.php line: 67
+footer_element_bot = ""
+; footer_element.php line: 72
+footer_element_developed_seek_quarry = ""
+; footer_element.php line: 75
+footer_element_copyright_yioop = ""
+; footer_element.php line: 77
+footer_element_php_search_engine = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 91
+groupfeed_element_add_group = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 95
+groupfeed_element_request_add = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 122
+groupfeed_element_wiki_page = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 124
+groupfeed_element_back = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 127
+groupfeed_element_back = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 136
+groupfeed_element_group_activity = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 140
+groupfeed_element_wiki_thread = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 159
+groupfeed_element_feed = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 163
+group_view_wiki = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 165
+groupfeed_element_user = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 206
+groupfeed_element_comment = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 238
+manageaccount_element_group_wiki = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 239
+manageaccount_element_group_stats = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 244
+manageaccount_element_last_post = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 286
+groupfeed_element_comment = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 297
+groupfeed_element_start_thread = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 311
+groupfeed_element_start_thread = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 317
+groupfeed_element_no_posts_yet = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 323
+groupfeed_element_thread_no_exist = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 358
+groupfeed_element_edit = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 363
+groupfeed_element_delete = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 385
+groupfeed_element_num_posts = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 395
+groupfeed_element_num_views = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 420
+groupfeed_element_start_thread_in_group = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 422
+groupfeed_element_start_thread_in_group = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 436
+groupfeed_element_last_edited = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 452
+groupfeed_element_post_vote = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 479
+groupfeed_element_last_post_info = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 494
+groupfeed_element_comment = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 547
+fileupload_helper_drag_textarea = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 548
+fileupload_helper_click_textarea = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 572
+groupfeed_element_add_comment = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 586
+groupfeed_element_save = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 625
+groupfeed_element_subject = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 632
+groupfeed_element_post = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 645
+groupfeed_element_save = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 681
+groupfeed_element_edit_post = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 684
+groupfeed_element_subject = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 690
+groupfeed_element_post = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 703
+groupfeed_element_save = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 732
+groupfeed_element_no_longer_update = ""
+; machinelog_element.php line: 54
+machinelog_element_back_to_manage = ""
+; machinelog_element.php line: 59
+machinelog_element_filter = ""
+; machinelog_element.php line: 66
+machinelog_element_log_file = ""
+; machinelog_element.php line: 71
+machinelog_element_refresh_off = ""
+; machinelog_element.php line: 76
+machinelog_element_refresh_on = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 60
+manageaccount_element_lock = ""
+manageaccount_element_edit = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 67
+manageaccount_element_welcome = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 69
+manageaccount_element_what_can_do = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 71
+manageaccount_element_account_details = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 100
+manageaccounts_element_icon = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 110
+manageusers_element_username = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 117
+manageusers_element_firstname = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 123
+manageusers_element_lastname = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 129
+manageusers_element_email = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 138
+manageaccount_element_password = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 145
+manageaccount_element_new_password = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 151
+manageaccount_element_retype_password = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 163
+manageaccount_element_save = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 169
+manageaccount_element_search_lang_settings = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 174
+manageaccount_element_crawl_and_index = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 175
+manageaccount_element_crawl_info = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 176
+manageaccount_element_num_crawls = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 179
+manageaccount_element_manage_crawls = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 185
+manageaccount_element_groups_and_feeds = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 186
+manageaccount_element_group_info = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 188
+manageaccount_element_num_groups = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 191
+manageaccount_element_num_group = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 203
+manageaccount_element_group_wiki = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 204
+manageaccount_element_group_stats = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 209
+manageaccount_element_last_post = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 219
+manageaccount_element_manage_all_groups = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 221
+manageaccount_element_go_to_group_feed = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 223
+manageaccount_element_crawl_mixes = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 224
+manageaccount_element_mixes_info = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 226
+manageaccount_element_num_mixes = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 229
+manageaccount_element_num_mix = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 233
+manageaccount_element_manage_mixes = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 61
+manageclassifiers_available_classifiers = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 69
+manageclassifiers_label_col = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 72
+manageclassifiers_positive_col = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 74
+manageclassifiers_negative_col = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 80
+manageclassifiers_actions_col = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 99
+manageclassifiers_edit = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 102
+manageclassifiers_finalized = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 109
+manageclassifiers_finalize = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 111
+manageclassifiers_finalize = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 115
+manageclassifiers_finalizing = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 119
+confirm_delete_operation = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 123
+manageclassifiers_delete = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 156
+manageclassifiers_manage_classifiers = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 166
+manageclassifiers_classifier_name = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 171
+manageclassifiers_create_button = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 186
+manageclassifiers_element_search = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 187
+manageclassifiers_element_create_form = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 189
+manageclassifiers_classifier_name = ""
+; managecrawls_element.php line: 49
+managecrawls_element_create_crawl = ""
+; managecrawls_element.php line: 58
+managecrawls_element_description = ""
+; managecrawls_element.php line: 65
+managecrawls_element_start_new_crawl = ""
+; managecrawls_element.php line: 69
+managecrawls_element_options = ""
+; managecrawls_element.php line: 75
+managecrawls_element_awaiting_status = ""
+; managecrawls_element.php line: 93
+managecrawls_element_up_longer_update = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 67
+managegroups_element_not_my_groups = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 69
+managegroups_element_groups = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 78
+managegroups_element_groupname = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 79
+managegroups_element_groupowner = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 81
+managegroups_element_registertype = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 82
+managegroups_element_memberaccess = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 83
+managegroups_element_voting = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 84
+managegroups_element_post_lifetime = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 87
+managegroups_element_actions = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 201
+manageaccount_element_group_wiki = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 216
+managegroups_element_join = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 220
+managegroups_element_edit = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 225
+managegroups_element_edit = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 230
+managegroups_element_delete = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 236
+managegroups_element_join = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 241
+managegroups_element_join = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 250
+managegroups_element_decline = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 252
+managegroups_element_unsubscribe = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 257
+confirm_delete_operation = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 260
+managegroups_element_delete = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 289
+managegroups_element_addgroup_form = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 290
+managegroups_element_group_info = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 292
+managegroups_element_create_group = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 296
+managegroups_element_add_group = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 313
+managegroups_element_groupname = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 324
+managegroups_element_browse = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 335
+managegroups_element_register = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 342
+managegroups_element_memberaccess = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 349
+managegroups_element_voting = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 356
+managegroups_element_post_lifetime = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 368
+managegroups_element_group_users = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 372
+managegroups_element_num_users = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 398
+managegroups_element_groupowner = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 400
+managegroups_element_delete = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 410
+managegroups_element_activate = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 416
+managegroups_element_ban = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 422
+managegroups_element_unban = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 430
+managegroups_element_delete = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 459
+managegroups_element_filter = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 480
+managegroups_element_invite = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 491
+managegroups_element_save = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 520
+managegroups_element_group_info = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 521
+managegroups_element_invite_users_group = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 533
+managegroups_element_groupname = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 541
+managegroups_element_usernames = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 548
+managegroups_element_invite = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 566
+managegroups_element_addgroup_form = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 567
+managegroups_element_transfer_group_owner = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 580
+managegroups_element_groupname = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 588
+managegroups_element_new_group_owner = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 595
+managegroups_element_change_owner = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 614
+managegroups_element_discover_groups = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 618
+managegroups_element_search_group = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 620
+managegroups_element_addgroup_form = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 622
+managegroups_element_groupname = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 623
+managegroups_element_groupowner = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 624
+managegroups_element_registertype = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 626
+managegroups_element_memberaccess = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 628
+managegroups_element_post_lifetime = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 59
+managelocales_element_locale_list = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 69
+managelocales_element_localename = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 72
+managelocales_element_localetag = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 73
+managelocales_element_writingmode = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 75
+managelocales_element_enabled = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 80
+managelocales_element_percenttranslated = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 81
+managelocales_element_actions = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 101
+managelocales_element_true = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 102
+managelocales_element_false = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 109
+managelocales_element_edit = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 114
+confirm_delete_operation = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 115
+managelocales_element_delete = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 135
+manageloecales_element_add_locale_form = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 136
+managelocales_element_locale_info = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 138
+managelocales_element_add_locale = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 160
+managelocales_element_localenamelabel = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 173
+managelocales_element_localetaglabel = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 179
+managelocales_element_writingmodelabel = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 189
+managelocales_element_localeenabled = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 200
+managelocales_element_submit = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 218
+managelocales_element_search_locales = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 219
+managelocales_element_addlocale_form = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 221
+managelocales_element_localename = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 222
+managelocales_element_localetag = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 223
+managelocales_element_writingmode = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 224
+managelocales_element_enabled = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 230
+managelocales_element_true = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 231
+managelocales_element_false = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 51
+managemachines_element_add_machine = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 63
+managemachines_element_machine_name = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 68
+managemachines_element_machineurl = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 73
+managemachines_element_is_mirror = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 78
+managemachines_element_parent_name = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 84
+managemachines_element_has_queueserver = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 88
+managemachines_element_num_fetchers = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 93
+managemachines_element_submit = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 98
+managemachines_element_machine_info = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 104
+managemachines_element_awaiting_status = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 123
+managemachines_element_no_longer_update = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 56
+manageroles_element_roles = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 64
+manageroles_element_rolename = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 66
+manageroles_element_actions = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 91
+manageroles_element_edit = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 96
+manageroles_element_delete = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 100
+confirm_delete_operation = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 103
+manageroles_element_delete = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 136
+manageroles_element_addrole_form = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 137
+manageroles_element_role_info = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 139
+manageroles_element_add_role = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 151
+manageroles_element_rolename = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 164
+manageroles_element_role_activities = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 173
+manageroles_element_delete = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 180
+manageroles_element_delete = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 200
+manageroles_element_save = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 218
+manageroles_element_search_role = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 219
+manageroles_element_addrole_form = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 221
+manageroles_element_rolename = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 56
+manageusers_element_users = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 65
+manageusers_element_username = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 67
+manageusers_element_firstname = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 68
+manageusers_element_lastname = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 69
+manageusers_element_email = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 71
+manageusers_element_status = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 73
+manageusers_element_actions = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 135
+manageusers_element_edit = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 139
+manageusers_element_edit = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 146
+manageusers_element_delete = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 150
+confirm_delete_operation = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 153
+manageusers_element_delete = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 194
+manageusers_element_adduser_form = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 195
+manageusers_element_user_info = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 197
+manageusers_element_add_user = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 222
+manageusers_element_username = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 232
+manageusers_element_firstname = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 238
+manageusers_element_lastname = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 244
+manageusers_element_email = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 251
+manageusers_element_status = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 268
+manageusers_element_roles = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 272
+manageusers_element_num_roles = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 287
+manageusers_element_delete = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 297
+manageusers_element_delete = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 340
+manageusers_element_filter = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 352
+manageusers_element_add_role = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 362
+manageusers_element_groups = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 366
+manageusers_element_num_groups = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 387
+manageusers_element_delete = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 427
+manageusers_element_filter = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 439
+manageusers_element_add_group = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 452
+manageusers_element_password = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 458
+manageusers_element_retype_password = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 465
+manageusers_element_save = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 492
+manageusers_element_search_user = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 493
+manageusers_element_adduser_form = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 495
+manageusers_element_username = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 496
+manageusers_element_firstname = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 497
+manageusers_element_lastname = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 498
+manageusers_element_email = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 499
+manageusers_element_status = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 61
+mixcrawls_element_available_mixes = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 68
+mixcrawls_view_name = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 70
+mixcrawls_view_definition = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 74
+mixcrawls_view_actions = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 108
+mixcrawls_view_no_components = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 115
+mixcrawls_view_share = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 118
+mixcrawls_view_edit = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 124
+mixcrawls_set_index = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 127
+mixcrawl_search_index = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 133
+confirm_delete_operation = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 136
+mixcrawls_view_delete = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 146
+mixcrawls_view_back = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 147
+mixcrawls_element_share_mix_group = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 157
+mixcrawls_element_mixname = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 163
+mixcrawls_element_group = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 169
+mixcrawls_element_share = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 193
+mixcrawls_element_make_mix = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 203
+mixcrawls_element_mix_name = ""
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 72
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 80
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 88
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 99
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 110
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 115
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 123
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 130
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 137
+serversettings_element_databaseuser = "Usuario de la Base de datos:"
+; serversettings_element.php line: 145
+serversettings_element_databasepassword = "Contrase&ntilde;a de la Base de datos:"
+; serversettings_element.php line: 158
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 170
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 176
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 183
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 195
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 208
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 219
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 224
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 239
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 251
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+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/seek_quarry//views/helpers
+; feeds_helper.php line: 63
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+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/seek_quarry//views/layouts
+; rss_layout.php line: 60
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+; machinestatus_view.php line: 52
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+; machinestatus_view.php line: 57
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+; machinestatus_view.php line: 117
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+; machinestatus_view.php line: 165
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+; recover_view.php line: 105
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+; recover_view.php line: 154
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+; recover_view.php line: 187
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+; recover_view.php line: 206
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+; recover_view.php line: 216
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+; register_view.php line: 75
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+; register_view.php line: 76
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+; register_view.php line: 77
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+; register_view.php line: 80
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+; register_view.php line: 81
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+; register_view.php line: 82
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+; register_view.php line: 83
+register_view_question3_most = ""
+; register_view.php line: 84
+register_view_question3_least = ""
+; register_view.php line: 85
+register_view_question3_choices = ""
+; register_view.php line: 86
+register_view_question4_most = ""
+; register_view.php line: 87
+register_view_question4_least = ""
+; register_view.php line: 88
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+; register_view.php line: 89
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+; register_view.php line: 90
+register_view_question5_least = ""
+; register_view.php line: 91
+register_view_question5_choices = ""
+; register_view.php line: 92
+register_view_question6_most = ""
+; register_view.php line: 93
+register_view_question6_least = ""
+; register_view.php line: 94
+register_view_question6_choices = ""
+; register_view.php line: 95
+register_view_question7_most = ""
+; register_view.php line: 96
+register_view_question7_least = ""
+; register_view.php line: 97
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+; register_view.php line: 98
+register_view_question8_most = ""
+; register_view.php line: 99
+register_view_question8_least = ""
+; register_view.php line: 100
+register_view_question8_choices = ""
+; register_view.php line: 101
+register_view_question9_most = ""
+; register_view.php line: 102
+register_view_question9_least = ""
+; register_view.php line: 103
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+; register_view.php line: 106
+register_view_recovery1_more = ""
+; register_view.php line: 107
+register_view_recovery1_less = ""
+; register_view.php line: 108
+register_view_recovery1_choices = ""
+; register_view.php line: 109
+register_view_recovery2_more = ""
+; register_view.php line: 110
+register_view_recovery2_less = ""
+; register_view.php line: 111
+register_view_recovery2_choices = ""
+; register_view.php line: 112
+register_view_recovery3_more = ""
+; register_view.php line: 113
+register_view_recovery3_less = ""
+; register_view.php line: 114
+register_view_recovery3_choices = ""
+; register_view.php line: 115
+register_view_recovery4_more = ""
+; register_view.php line: 116
+register_view_recovery4_less = ""
+; register_view.php line: 117
+register_view_recovery4_choices = ""
+; register_view.php line: 118
+register_view_recovery5_more = ""
+; register_view.php line: 119
+register_view_recovery5_less = ""
+; register_view.php line: 120
+register_view_recovery5_choices = ""
+; register_view.php line: 121
+register_view_recovery6_more = ""
+; register_view.php line: 122
+register_view_recovery6_less = ""
+; register_view.php line: 123
+register_view_recovery6_choices = ""
+; register_view.php line: 152
+register_view_create_account = ""
+; register_view.php line: 189
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+; register_view.php line: 204
+register_view_lastname = ""
+; register_view.php line: 219
+register_view_username = ""
+; register_view.php line: 232
+register_view_email = ""
+; register_view.php line: 246
+register_view_password = ""
+; register_view.php line: 261
+register_view_retypepassword = ""
+; register_view.php line: 277
+register_view_account_recovery = ""
+; register_view.php line: 281
+register_view_human_check = ""
+; register_view.php line: 283
+register_view_account_recovery = ""
+; register_view.php line: 315
+register_view_human_check = ""
+; register_view.php line: 330
+register_view_i_agree = ""
+; register_view.php line: 332
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+; register_view.php line: 334
+register_view_and = ""
+; register_view.php line: 336
+register_view_privacy = ""
+; register_view.php line: 337
+register_view_period = ""
+; register_view.php line: 347
+register_view_create_account = ""
+; register_view.php line: 357
+signin_view_return_yioop = ""
+; search_view.php line: 86
+search_view_title = ""
+; search_view.php line: 113
+search_view_input_label = ""
+; search_view.php line: 117
+search_view_input_placeholder = ""
+; search_view.php line: 120
+search_view_search = "Buscar"
+; search_view.php line: 147
+search_view_no_index_set = ""
+; search_view.php line: 152
+search_view_more_statistics = ""
+; search_view.php line: 190
+search_view_calculated = ""
+; search_view.php line: 191
+search_view_results = ""
+; search_view.php line: 212
+search_view_thesaurus_results = ""
+; search_view.php line: 321
+search_view_word_cloud = ""
+; search_view.php line: 366
+search_view_cache = ""
+; search_view.php line: 369
+search_view_as_text = ""
+; search_view.php line: 382
+search_view_similar = ""
+; search_view.php line: 394
+search_view_inlink = ""
+; search_view.php line: 414
+search_view_rank = ""
+; search_view.php line: 416
+search_view_relevancy = ""
+; search_view.php line: 418
+search_view_proximity = ""
+; search_view.php line: 422
+search_view_thesaurus_score = ""
+; search_view.php line: 431
+search_view_score = ""
+; settings_view.php line: 66
+settings_view_settings = ""
+; settings_view.php line: 73
+settings_view_results_per_page = ""
+; settings_view.php line: 79
+settings_view_open_in_tabs = ""
+; settings_view.php line: 86
+settings_view_search_index = ""
+; settings_view.php line: 92
+settings_view_language_label = ""
+; settings_view.php line: 108
+settings_view_return_yioop = ""
+; settings_view.php line: 111
+settings_view_save = ""
+; settings_view.php line: 119
+settings_install_search_plugin = ""
+; signin_view.php line: 65
+signin_view_signin = ""
+; signin_view.php line: 78
+sigin_view_signing_in = ""
+; signin_view.php line: 81
+sigin_view_login_failed = ""
+; signin_view.php line: 89
+signin_view_username = ""
+; signin_view.php line: 96
+signin_view_password = ""
+; signin_view.php line: 107
+signin_view_login = ""
+; signin_view.php line: 122
+signin_view_recover_password = ""
+; signin_view.php line: 127
+signin_view_create_account = ""
+; signin_view.php line: 132
+signin_view_return_yioop = ""
+; static_view.php line: 71
+static_view_title = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 63
+statistics_view_statistics = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 68
+statistics_view_calculating = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 82
+statistics_view_error_codes = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 83
+statistics_view_sizes = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 84
+statistics_view_links_per_page = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 85
+statistics_view_page_date = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 86
+statistics_view_dns_time = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 87
+statistics_view_download_time = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 88
+statistics_view_top_level_domain = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 89
+statistics_view_file_extension = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 90
+statistics_view_media_type = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 91
+statistics_view_language = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 92
+statistics_view_server = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 93
+statistics_view_os = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 97
+statistics_view_general_info = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 98
+statistics_view_description = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 100
+statistics_view_timestamp = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 102
+statistics_view_crawl_date = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 104
+statistics_view_pages = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 106
+statistics_view_url = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 109
+statistics_view_number_hosts = ""
+; suggest_view.php line: 68
+suggest_view_suggest_url = ""
+; suggest_view.php line: 70
+suggest_view_instructions = ""
+; suggest_view.php line: 94
+suggest_view_url = ""
+; suggest_view.php line: 110
+register_view_human_check = ""
+; suggest_view.php line: 144
+suggest_view_human_check = ""
+; suggest_view.php line: 167
+suggest_view_submit_url = ""
+; suggest_view.php line: 177
+signin_view_return_yioop = ""
+; view.php line: 32
+view_locale_version11 = ""
+; view.php line: 81
+view_logo_alt_text = ""
+; wiki_view.php line: 89
+wiki_view_read = ""
+; wiki_view.php line: 90
+wiki_view_edit = ""
+; wiki_view.php line: 93
+wiki_view_pages = ""
+; wiki_view.php line: 132
+wiki_view_feed = ""
+; wiki_view.php line: 133
+wiki_view_wiki = ""
+; wiki_view.php line: 157
+adminview_auto_logout_one_minute = "Auto-cerrar la sesi&oacute;n en un minuto!"
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/sq_data/app/views
+; download_view.php line: 62
+download_view_form = ""
+; download_view.php line: 73
+download_view_thank_you = ""
+; download_view.php line: 76
+download_view_full_name = ""
+; download_view.php line: 82
+download_view_email = ""
+; download_view.php line: 87
+download_view_business = ""
+; download_view.php line: 93
+download_view_interest = ""
+; download_view.php line: 100
+download_view_get_email = ""
+; download_view.php line: 106
+download_view_return_main = ""
+; download_view.php line: 120
+download_view_required_fields = ""
+; download_view.php line: 125
+download_view_name_required = ""
+; download_view.php line: 130
+download_view_valid_email = ""
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/seek_quarry//lib/indexing_plugins
+; wordfilter_plugin.php line: 353
+wordfilter_plugin_settings_saved = ""
+; wordfilter_plugin.php line: 362
+wordfilter_plugin_defaults_restored = ""
+; wordfilter_plugin.php line: 466
+wordfilter_plugin_preferences = ""
+; wordfilter_plugin.php line: 470
+wordfilter_plugin_factory_settings = ""
+; wordfilter_plugin.php line: 483
+wordfilter_plugin_save = ""
diff --git a/locale/es/resources/locale.js b/locale/es/resources/locale.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1f5317f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/es/resources/locale.js
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+ * SeekQuarry/Yioop --
+ * Open Source Pure PHP Search Engine, Crawler, and Indexer
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2009 - 2015  Chris Pollett
+ *
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+ *
+ *
+ * @author Chris Pollett
+ * @package seek_quarry
+ * @subpackage javascript
+ * @license GPL3
+ * @link
+ * @copyright 2009 - 2015s
+ * @filesource
+ */
+ * The alphabet for this locale
+ */
+var alpha = "aábcdeéfghiíjklmnñioópqrstuúvwxyz";
+ * Transliteration maping for this locale
+ */
+var roman_array = {};
+ * To analyze the query and generate actual input query from the
+ * transliterated query
+ */
+function analyzeQuery()
diff --git a/locale/es/resources/suggest_trie.txt.gz b/locale/es/resources/suggest_trie.txt.gz
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..2ff0d39
Binary files /dev/null and b/locale/es/resources/suggest_trie.txt.gz differ
diff --git a/locale/es/resources/tokenizer.php b/locale/es/resources/tokenizer.php
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..64c36e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/es/resources/tokenizer.php
@@ -0,0 +1,415 @@
+ * SeekQuarry/Yioop --
+ * Open Source Pure PHP Search Engine, Crawler, and Indexer
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2009 - 2015  Chris Pollett
+ *
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+ *
+ * @author Chris Pollett
+ * @package seek_quarry
+ * @subpackage locale
+ * @license GPL3
+ * @link
+ * @copyright 2009 - 2015
+ * @filesource
+ */
+if(!defined('BASE_DIR')) {echo "BAD REQUEST"; exit();}
+ * Spanish specific tokenization code. Typically, tokenizer.php
+ * either contains a stemmer for the language in question or
+ * it specifies how many characters in a char gram
+ *
+ * @author Chris Pollett
+ * @package seek_quarry
+ * @subpackage locale
+ */
+ * This class has a collection of methods for Spanish locale specific
+ * tokenization. In particular, it has a stemmer, a stop word remover (for
+ * use mainly in word cloud creation). The stemmer is my stab at re-implementing
+ * the stemmer algorithm given at
+ * Here given a word, its stem is that part of the word that
+ * is common to all its inflected variants. For example,
+ * tall is common to tall, taller, tallest. A stemmer takes
+ * a word and tries to produce its stem.
+ *
+ * @author Chris Pollett
+ * @package seek_quarry
+ * @subpackage locale
+ */
+class EsTokenizer
+    /**
+     * Spanish vowels
+     * @var string
+     */
+    static $vowel = 'aeiouáéíóúü';
+    /**
+     * Words we don't want to be stemmed
+     * @var array
+     */
+    static $no_stem_list = array("");
+    /**
+     * Storage used in computing the stem
+     * @var string
+     */
+    static $buffer;
+    /**
+     * $rv is approximately the string after the first vowel in the $word we
+     * want to stem
+     * @var string
+     */
+    static $rv;
+    /**
+     * Position in $word to stem of $rv
+     * @var int
+     */
+    static $rv_index;
+    /**
+     * $r1 is the region after the first non-vowel following a vowel, or the end
+     * of the word if there is no such non-vowel.
+     * @var string
+     */
+    static $r1;
+    /**
+     * Position in $word to stem of $r1
+     * @var int
+     */
+    static $r1_index;
+    /**
+     * $r2 is the region after the first non-vowel following a vowel in $r1, or
+     * the end of the word if there is no such non-vowel
+     * @var string
+     */
+    static $r2;
+    /**
+     * Position in $word to stem of $r2
+     * @var int
+     */
+    static $r2_index;
+    /**
+     * Stub function which could be used for a word segmenter.
+     * Such a segmenter on input thisisabunchofwords would output
+     * this is a bunch of words
+     *
+     * @param string $pre_segment  before segmentation
+     * @return string should return string with words separated by space
+     *     in this case does nothing
+     */
+    static function segment($pre_segment)
+    {
+        return $pre_segment;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Removes the stop words from the page (used for Word Cloud generation)
+     *
+     * @param string $page the page to remove stop words from.
+     * @return string $page with no stop words
+     */
+    static function stopwordsRemover($page)
+    {
+        $stop_words = array("de", "la", "que", "el","en", "y", "a", "los",
+            "del", "se", "las", "por", "un", "para", "con", "no", "una",
+            "su", "al", "lo", "como", "más", "pero", "sus", "le", "ya", "o",
+            "este", "sí", "porque", "esta", "entre", "cuando", "muy", "sin",
+            "sobre", "también", "me", "hasta", "hay", "donde", "quien", "desde",
+            "todo", "nos", "durante", "todos", "uno", "les", "ni", "contra",
+            "otros", "ese", "eso", "ante", "ellos", "e", "esto", "mí", "antes",
+            "algunos", "qué", "unos", "yo", "otro", "otras", "otra", "él",
+            "tanto", "esa", "estos", "mucho", "quienes", "nada", "muchos",
+            "cual", "poco", "ella", "estar", "estas", "algunas", "algo",
+            "nosotros", "mi", "mis", "tú", "te", "ti", "tu", "tus", "ellas",
+            "nosotras", "vosotros", "vosotras", "os", "mío", "mía", "míos",
+            "mías", "tuyo", "tuya", "tuyos", "tuyas", "suyo", "suya", "suyos",
+            "suyas", "nuestro", "nuestra", "nuestros", "nuestras", "vuestro",
+            "vuestra", "vuestros", "vuestras", "esos", "esas", "estoy",
+            "estás", "está", "estamos", "estáis", "están", "esté", "estés",
+            "estemos", "estéis", "estén", "estaré", "estarás", "estará",
+            "estaremos", "estaréis", "estarán", "estaría", "estarías",
+            "estaríamos", "estaríais", "estarían", "estaba", "estabas",
+            "estábamos", "estabais", "estaban", "estuve", "estuviste",
+            "estuvo", "estuvimos", "estuvisteis", "estuvieron", "estuviera",
+            "estuvieras", "estuviéramos", "estuvierais", "estuvieran",
+            "estuviese", "estuvieses", "estuviésemos", "estuvieseis",
+            "estuviesen", "estando", "estado", "estada", "estados", "estadas",
+            "estad", "he", "has", "ha", "hemos", "habéis", "han", "haya",
+            "hayas", "hayamos", "hayáis", "hayan", "habré", "habrás", "habrá",
+            "habremos", "habréis", "habrán", "habría", "habrías", "habríamos",
+            "habríais", "habrían", "había", "habías", "habíamos", "habíais",
+            'http', 'https',
+            "habían", "hube", "hubiste", "hubo", "hubimos", "hubisteis",
+            "hubieron", "hubiera", "hubieras", "hubiéramos", "hubierais",
+            "hubieran", "hubiese", "hubieses", "hubiésemos", "hubieseis",
+            "hubiesen", "habiendo", "habido", "habida", "habidos", "habidas",
+            "soy", "eres", "es", "somos", "sois", "son", "sea", "seas",
+            "seamos", "seáis", "sean", "seré", "serás", "será", "seremos",
+            "seréis", "serán", "sería", "serías", "seríamos", "seríais",
+            "serían", "era", "eras", "éramos", "erais", "eran", "fui", "fuiste",
+            "fue", "fuimos", "fuisteis", "fueron", "fuera", "fueras",
+            "fuéramos", "fuerais", "fueran", "fuese", "fueses", "fuésemos",
+            "fueseis", "fuesen", "siendo", "sido", "sed", "tengo", "tienes",
+            "tiene", "tenemos", "tenéis", "tienen", "tenga", "tengas",
+            "tengamos", "tengáis", "tengan", "tendré", "tendrás", "tendrá",
+            "tendremos", "tendréis", "tendrán", "tendría", "tendrías",
+            "tendríamos", "tendríais", "tendrían", "tenía", "tenías",
+            "teníamos", "teníais", "tenían", "tuve", "tuviste", "tuvo",
+            "tuvimos", "tuvisteis", "tuvieron", "tuviera", "tuvieras",
+            "tuviéramos", "tuvierais", "tuvieran", "tuviese", "tuvieses",
+            "tuviésemos", "tuvieseis", "tuviesen", "teniendo", "tenido",
+            "tenida", "tenidos", "tenidas", "tened");
+        $page = preg_replace('/\b('.implode('|',$stop_words).')\b/', '',
+            mb_strtolower($page));
+        return $page;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Computes the stem of a French word
+     *
+     * @param string $word the string to stem
+     * @return string the stem of $words
+     */
+    static function stem($word)
+    {
+        if(in_array($word, self::$no_stem_list)) {
+            return $word;
+        }
+        self::$buffer = mb_strtolower($word, "UTF-8");
+        self::computeRegions();
+        self::step0(); // attached pronoun
+        $before_step1 = self::$buffer;
+        self::step1(); //suffix removal
+        if($before_step1 == self::$buffer) {
+            self::step2a(); //verb suffixes beginning with y
+            if($before_step1 == self::$buffer) {
+                self::step2b(); //other verb suffixes
+            }
+        }
+        self::step3();
+        self::removeAccents();
+        return self::$buffer;
+    }
+    /**
+     * This computes the three regions of the word rv, r1, and r2 used in the
+     * rest of the stemmer
+     * $rv is defined as follows: If the second letter is a consonant,
+     *   $rv is the region after the next following vowel, or if the first two
+     *   letters are vowels, RV is the region after the next consonant,
+     *   and otherwise (consonant-vowel case) RV is the region after the third
+     *   letter. But RV is the end of the word if these positions cannot be
+     *   found.
+     * $r1 is the region after the first non-vowel following a vowel, or the end
+     * of the word if there is no such non-vowel.
+     * $r2 is the region after the first non-vowel following a vowel in $r1, or
+     * the end of the word if there is no such non-vowel
+     */
+    static function computeRegions()
+    {
+        $word = self::$buffer;
+        $vowel = static::$vowel;
+        self::$rv_index = -1;
+        $start_letters = mb_substr($word, 0, 2, 'UTF-8');
+        $second_letter = mb_substr($word, 1, 1, 'UTF-8');
+        $len_start = strlen($start_letters);
+        if(($loc = preg_search("/[^$vowel]/u", $second_letter)) != -1) {
+            self::$rv_index = preg_search("/[$vowel]/", $word, $len_start);
+        } else if (($loc = preg_search("/^[$vowel]{2}/u", $word)) != -1) {
+            $tmp = strlen(mb_substr($word, 0, 2));
+            $loc += $tmp;
+            self::$rv_index = max(preg_search("/[^$vowel]/u", $word, $loc),
+                $tmp);
+        } else {
+            if(strlen($word) >= 3) {
+                self::$rv_index = strlen(mb_substr($word, 0, 2, "UTF-8"));
+            }
+        }
+        preg_match("/[$vowel][^$vowel]/u", $word, $matches,
+            PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE);
+        self::$r1 = "";
+        $len = strlen($word);
+        self::$r1_index = isset($matches[0][1]) ? $matches[0][1] +
+            strlen(mb_substr($word,$matches[0][1], 2, 'UTF-8')) : $len;
+        if(self::$r1_index != $len) {
+            self::$r1 = substr($word, self::$r1_index);
+        }
+        if(self::$r1_index != $len) {
+            preg_match("/[$vowel][^$vowel]/u", self::$r1, $matches,
+                PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE);
+            self::$r2_index = isset($matches[0][1]) ? $matches[0][1] +
+                strlen(mb_substr(self::$r1, $matches[0][1], 2, 'UTF-8')) : $len;
+            if(self::$r2_index != $len) {
+                self::$r2 = substr(self::$r1, self::$r2_index);
+                self::$r2_index += self::$r1_index;
+            }
+        }
+        if(self::$r1_index != $len && self::$r1_index < 3) {
+            self::$r1_index = 3;
+            self::$r1 = substr($word, 3);
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Remove attached pronouns
+     */
+    static function step0()
+    {
+        $word = self::$buffer;
+        $rv_index = self::$rv_index;
+        $first_char_len = max(strlen(mb_substr(substr($word, $rv_index), 0, 1,
+            "UTF-8")), 1);
+        $end_pattern =
+            '(me|se|sela|selo|selas|selos|la|le|lo|las|les|los|nos)$/u';
+        $start = "/(iéndo|ándo|ár|ér|ír)";
+        $new_word = preg_offset_replace($start . $end_pattern, '$1', $word,
+            $rv_index + $first_char_len);
+        if($new_word != $word) {
+            $word = preg_replace(array('/iéndo$/u', '/ándo$/u', '/ár$/u',
+                '/ér$/u', '/ír$/u'), array('iendo', 'ando', 'ar', 'er', 'ir'),
+                $new_word);
+        } else {
+            $start = "/(iendo|ando|ar|er|ir)";
+            $word = preg_offset_replace($start . $end_pattern, '$1',
+                $word, $rv_index + $first_char_len);
+            $start = "/uyendo";
+            $word = preg_offset_replace($start . $end_pattern, '$1',
+                $word, $rv_index + $first_char_len);
+        }
+        self::$buffer = $word;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Standard suffix removal
+     */
+    static function step1()
+    {
+        $word = self::$buffer;
+        $rv_index = self::$rv_index;
+        $r1_index = self::$r1_index;
+        $r2_index = self::$r2_index;
+        $r2_char_len = strlen(mb_substr($word, $r2_index, 1, "UTF-8"));
+        $r1_char_len = strlen(mb_substr($word, $r1_index, 1, "UTF-8"));
+        if(preg_search('/amente$/u', $word, $r2_index + $r2_char_len) != -1) {
+            $word = preg_offset_replace('/((((at)?iv)?)|'.
+                '(oc|ic|ad)?)amente$/u', '', $word, $r1_index + $r1_char_len);
+            if($word == self::$buffer) {
+                $word = preg_replace('/amente$/u', '', $word);
+            }
+        } else if(preg_search('/amente$/u', $word, $r1_index) != -1) {
+            $word = preg_replace('/amente$/u', '', $word);
+        } else {
+            $word = preg_offset_replace('/logía(s)?$/u', 'log', $word,
+                $r2_index);
+            $word = preg_offset_replace('/(ución|uciones)$/u', 'u', $word,
+                $r2_index);
+            $word = preg_offset_replace('/(encia|encias)$/u', 'ente', $word,
+                $r2_index);
+            if($word == self::$buffer) {
+                $patterns = array(
+                    '/(anza|anzas|ico|ica|icos|icas|ismo|ismos|able|'.
+                    'ables|ible|ibles|ista|istas|oso|osa|osos|osas|amiento|'.
+                    'amientos|imiento|imientos)$/u',
+                    '/(ic)?(adora|ador|ación|adoras|adores|aciones|ante|antes|'.
+                    'ancia|ancias)$/u',
+                    '/(ante|able|ible)?mente$/u',
+                    '/(abil|ic|iv)?(idad|idades)$/u',
+                    '/(at)?(iva|ivo|ivas|ivos)$/u'
+                );
+                $original = $word;
+                foreach($patterns as $pattern) {
+                    $word = preg_offset_replace($pattern, '', $word, $r2_index);
+                    if($word != $original) {break; }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        self::$buffer = $word;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Stem verb suffixes beginning y
+     */
+    static function step2a()
+    {
+        $word = self::$buffer;
+        $rv_index = self::$rv_index;
+        if(preg_search(
+            '/u(ya|ye|yan|yen|yeron|yendo|yo|yó|yas|yes|yais|yamos)$/u', $word,
+            $rv_index) != -1) {
+            self::$buffer = preg_replace(
+                '/(ya|ye|yan|yen|yeron|yendo|yo|yó|yas|yes|yais|yamos)$/u', '',
+                $word);
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Stem other verb suffixes
+     */
+    static function step2b()
+    {
+        $word = self::$buffer;
+        $rv_index = self::$rv_index;
+        $first_char_len = max(strlen(mb_substr(substr($word, $rv_index), 0, 1,
+            "UTF-8")), 1);
+        $pattern = '/(aríamos|eríamos|iríamos|iéramos|iésemos|aremos|áramos|'.
+            'ábamos|ásemos|eremos|iremos|aríais|asteis|eríais|arían|arías|'.
+            'erían|erías|ierais|ieseis|isteis|iríais|irían|irías|aseis|aréis|'.
+            'abais|arais|eréis|íamos|iendo|ieran|ieras|ieses|iréis|ieron|iesen'.
+            '|aban|abas|adas|ados|amos|ando|aran|arán|aras|arás|aron|asen|ases'.
+            '|erán|irán|erás|irás|iese|(er|ar|ir)?ía|aste|íais|idas|idos|imos'.
+            '|iste|iera|áis|ará|aré|erá|eré|ías|irá|iré|aba|ada|ado|ara|ase'.
+            '|(í)?an|ida|ido|ad|ed|id|ió|ar|er|ir|as|ís)$/u';
+        if(preg_search($pattern, $word, $rv_index + $first_char_len) != -1 ) {
+            $word = preg_offset_replace($pattern, '', $word, $rv_index +
+                $first_char_len);
+        } else if(preg_search('/gu(en|es|éis|emos)$/u', $word, $rv_index -
+            $first_char_len)
+            != -1) {
+            $word = preg_replace('/u(en|es|éis|emos)$/u', '', $word);
+        } else if(preg_search('/(en|es|éis|emos)$/u', $word, $rv_index +
+            $first_char_len)  != -1){
+            $word = preg_replace('/(en|es|éis|emos)$/u', '', $word);
+        }
+        self::$buffer = $word;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Delete residual suffixes
+     */
+    static function step3()
+    {
+        $word = self::$buffer;
+        $rv_index = self::$rv_index;
+        $first_char_len = max(strlen(mb_substr(substr($word, $rv_index), 0, 1,
+            "UTF-8")), 1);
+        if(preg_search('/(os|a|o|á|í|ó)$/u', $word, $rv_index
+            + $first_char_len) != -1) {
+            $word = preg_offset_replace('/(os|a|o|á|í|ó)$/u', '', $word,
+                $rv_index + $first_char_len);
+        } else if(($loc = preg_search('/gu(e|é)$/u', $word)) != -1 &&
+            $loc >= $rv_index - 1) {
+            $word = preg_replace('/u(e|é)$/u', '', $word);
+        } else if(($loc = preg_search('/(e|é)$/u', $word, $rv_index +
+            $first_char_len)) !=-1){
+            $word = preg_replace('/(e|é)$/u', '', $word);
+        }
+        self::$buffer = $word;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Un-accent end
+     */
+    static function removeAccents()
+    {
+        $vowel = static::$vowel;
+        self::$buffer = preg_replace(array('/á/u', '/é/u',
+            '/í/u', '/ó/u', '/ú/u'), array('a','e','i', 'o','u'),
+            self::$buffer);
+    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/locale/es/resources1421450876old/locale.js b/locale/es/resources1421450876old/locale.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..cd7c71d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/es/resources1421450876old/locale.js
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+ * SeekQuarry/Yioop --
+ * Open Source Pure PHP Search Engine, Crawler, and Indexer
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2009 - 2014  Chris Pollett
+ *
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+ *
+ *
+ * @author Chris Pollett
+ * @package seek_quarry
+ * @subpackage javascript
+ * @license GPL3
+ * @link
+ * @copyright 2009 - 2014s
+ * @filesource
+ */
+ * The alphabet for this locale
+ */
+var alpha = "aábcdeéfghiíjklmnñioópqrstuúvwxyz";
+ * Transliteration maping for this locale
+ */
+var roman_array = {};
+ * To analyze the query and generate actual input query from the
+ * transliterated query
+ */
+function analyzeQuery()
diff --git a/locale/es/resources1421450876old/suggest_trie.txt.gz b/locale/es/resources1421450876old/suggest_trie.txt.gz
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..2ff0d39
Binary files /dev/null and b/locale/es/resources1421450876old/suggest_trie.txt.gz differ
diff --git a/locale/es/resources1421450876old/tokenizer.php b/locale/es/resources1421450876old/tokenizer.php
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..f0c26fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/es/resources1421450876old/tokenizer.php
@@ -0,0 +1,415 @@
+ * SeekQuarry/Yioop --
+ * Open Source Pure PHP Search Engine, Crawler, and Indexer
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2009 - 2014  Chris Pollett
+ *
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+ *
+ * @author Chris Pollett
+ * @package seek_quarry
+ * @subpackage locale
+ * @license GPL3
+ * @link
+ * @copyright 2009 - 2014
+ * @filesource
+ */
+if(!defined('BASE_DIR')) {echo "BAD REQUEST"; exit();}
+ * Spanish specific tokenization code. Typically, tokenizer.php
+ * either contains a stemmer for the language in question or
+ * it specifies how many characters in a char gram
+ *
+ * @author Chris Pollett
+ * @package seek_quarry
+ * @subpackage locale
+ */
+ * This class has a collection of methods for Spanish locale specific
+ * tokenization. In particular, it has a stemmer, a stop word remover (for
+ * use mainly in word cloud creation). The stemmer is my stab at re-implementing
+ * the stemmer algorithm given at
+ * Here given a word, its stem is that part of the word that
+ * is common to all its inflected variants. For example,
+ * tall is common to tall, taller, tallest. A stemmer takes
+ * a word and tries to produce its stem.
+ *
+ * @author Chris Pollett
+ * @package seek_quarry
+ * @subpackage locale
+ */
+class EsTokenizer
+    /**
+     * Spanish vowels
+     * @var string
+     */
+    static $vowel = 'aeiouáéíóúü';
+    /**
+     * Words we don't want to be stemmed
+     * @var array
+     */
+    static $no_stem_list = array("");
+    /**
+     * Storage used in computing the stem
+     * @var string
+     */
+    static $buffer;
+    /**
+     * $rv is approximately the string after the first vowel in the $word we
+     * want to stem
+     * @var string
+     */
+    static $rv;
+    /**
+     * Position in $word to stem of $rv
+     * @var int
+     */
+    static $rv_index;
+    /**
+     * $r1 is the region after the first non-vowel following a vowel, or the end
+     * of the word if there is no such non-vowel.
+     * @var string
+     */
+    static $r1;
+    /**
+     * Position in $word to stem of $r1
+     * @var int
+     */
+    static $r1_index;
+    /**
+     * $r2 is the region after the first non-vowel following a vowel in $r1, or
+     * the end of the word if there is no such non-vowel
+     * @var string
+     */
+    static $r2;
+    /**
+     * Position in $word to stem of $r2
+     * @var int
+     */
+    static $r2_index;
+    /**
+     * Stub function which could be used for a word segmenter.
+     * Such a segmenter on input thisisabunchofwords would output
+     * this is a bunch of words
+     *
+     * @param string $pre_segment  before segmentation
+     * @return string should return string with words separated by space
+     *     in this case does nothing
+     */
+    static function segment($pre_segment)
+    {
+        return $pre_segment;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Removes the stop words from the page (used for Word Cloud generation)
+     *
+     * @param string $page the page to remove stop words from.
+     * @return string $page with no stop words
+     */
+    static function stopwordsRemover($page)
+    {
+        $stop_words = array("de", "la", "que", "el","en", "y", "a", "los",
+            "del", "se", "las", "por", "un", "para", "con", "no", "una",
+            "su", "al", "lo", "como", "más", "pero", "sus", "le", "ya", "o",
+            "este", "sí", "porque", "esta", "entre", "cuando", "muy", "sin",
+            "sobre", "también", "me", "hasta", "hay", "donde", "quien", "desde",
+            "todo", "nos", "durante", "todos", "uno", "les", "ni", "contra",
+            "otros", "ese", "eso", "ante", "ellos", "e", "esto", "mí", "antes",
+            "algunos", "qué", "unos", "yo", "otro", "otras", "otra", "él",
+            "tanto", "esa", "estos", "mucho", "quienes", "nada", "muchos",
+            "cual", "poco", "ella", "estar", "estas", "algunas", "algo",
+            "nosotros", "mi", "mis", "tú", "te", "ti", "tu", "tus", "ellas",
+            "nosotras", "vosotros", "vosotras", "os", "mío", "mía", "míos",
+            "mías", "tuyo", "tuya", "tuyos", "tuyas", "suyo", "suya", "suyos",
+            "suyas", "nuestro", "nuestra", "nuestros", "nuestras", "vuestro",
+            "vuestra", "vuestros", "vuestras", "esos", "esas", "estoy",
+            "estás", "está", "estamos", "estáis", "están", "esté", "estés",
+            "estemos", "estéis", "estén", "estaré", "estarás", "estará",
+            "estaremos", "estaréis", "estarán", "estaría", "estarías",
+            "estaríamos", "estaríais", "estarían", "estaba", "estabas",
+            "estábamos", "estabais", "estaban", "estuve", "estuviste",
+            "estuvo", "estuvimos", "estuvisteis", "estuvieron", "estuviera",
+            "estuvieras", "estuviéramos", "estuvierais", "estuvieran",
+            "estuviese", "estuvieses", "estuviésemos", "estuvieseis",
+            "estuviesen", "estando", "estado", "estada", "estados", "estadas",
+            "estad", "he", "has", "ha", "hemos", "habéis", "han", "haya",
+            "hayas", "hayamos", "hayáis", "hayan", "habré", "habrás", "habrá",
+            "habremos", "habréis", "habrán", "habría", "habrías", "habríamos",
+            "habríais", "habrían", "había", "habías", "habíamos", "habíais",
+            'http', 'https',
+            "habían", "hube", "hubiste", "hubo", "hubimos", "hubisteis",
+            "hubieron", "hubiera", "hubieras", "hubiéramos", "hubierais",
+            "hubieran", "hubiese", "hubieses", "hubiésemos", "hubieseis",
+            "hubiesen", "habiendo", "habido", "habida", "habidos", "habidas",
+            "soy", "eres", "es", "somos", "sois", "son", "sea", "seas",
+            "seamos", "seáis", "sean", "seré", "serás", "será", "seremos",
+            "seréis", "serán", "sería", "serías", "seríamos", "seríais",
+            "serían", "era", "eras", "éramos", "erais", "eran", "fui", "fuiste",
+            "fue", "fuimos", "fuisteis", "fueron", "fuera", "fueras",
+            "fuéramos", "fuerais", "fueran", "fuese", "fueses", "fuésemos",
+            "fueseis", "fuesen", "siendo", "sido", "sed", "tengo", "tienes",
+            "tiene", "tenemos", "tenéis", "tienen", "tenga", "tengas",
+            "tengamos", "tengáis", "tengan", "tendré", "tendrás", "tendrá",
+            "tendremos", "tendréis", "tendrán", "tendría", "tendrías",
+            "tendríamos", "tendríais", "tendrían", "tenía", "tenías",
+            "teníamos", "teníais", "tenían", "tuve", "tuviste", "tuvo",
+            "tuvimos", "tuvisteis", "tuvieron", "tuviera", "tuvieras",
+            "tuviéramos", "tuvierais", "tuvieran", "tuviese", "tuvieses",
+            "tuviésemos", "tuvieseis", "tuviesen", "teniendo", "tenido",
+            "tenida", "tenidos", "tenidas", "tened");
+        $page = preg_replace('/\b('.implode('|',$stop_words).')\b/', '',
+            mb_strtolower($page));
+        return $page;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Computes the stem of a French word
+     *
+     * @param string $word the string to stem
+     * @return string the stem of $words
+     */
+    static function stem($word)
+    {
+        if(in_array($word, self::$no_stem_list)) {
+            return $word;
+        }
+        self::$buffer = mb_strtolower($word, "UTF-8");
+        self::computeRegions();
+        self::step0(); // attached pronoun
+        $before_step1 = self::$buffer;
+        self::step1(); //suffix removal
+        if($before_step1 == self::$buffer) {
+            self::step2a(); //verb suffixes beginning with y
+            if($before_step1 == self::$buffer) {
+                self::step2b(); //other verb suffixes
+            }
+        }
+        self::step3();
+        self::removeAccents();
+        return self::$buffer;
+    }
+    /**
+     * This computes the three regions of the word rv, r1, and r2 used in the
+     * rest of the stemmer
+     * $rv is defined as follows: If the second letter is a consonant,
+     *   $rv is the region after the next following vowel, or if the first two
+     *   letters are vowels, RV is the region after the next consonant,
+     *   and otherwise (consonant-vowel case) RV is the region after the third
+     *   letter. But RV is the end of the word if these positions cannot be
+     *   found.
+     * $r1 is the region after the first non-vowel following a vowel, or the end
+     * of the word if there is no such non-vowel.
+     * $r2 is the region after the first non-vowel following a vowel in $r1, or
+     * the end of the word if there is no such non-vowel
+     */
+    static function computeRegions()
+    {
+        $word = self::$buffer;
+        $vowel = static::$vowel;
+        self::$rv_index = -1;
+        $start_letters = mb_substr($word, 0, 2, 'UTF-8');
+        $second_letter = mb_substr($word, 1, 1, 'UTF-8');
+        $len_start = strlen($start_letters);
+        if(($loc = preg_search("/[^$vowel]/u", $second_letter)) != -1) {
+            self::$rv_index = preg_search("/[$vowel]/", $word, $len_start);
+        } else if (($loc = preg_search("/^[$vowel]{2}/u", $word)) != -1) {
+            $tmp = strlen(mb_substr($word, 0, 2));
+            $loc += $tmp;
+            self::$rv_index = max(preg_search("/[^$vowel]/u", $word, $loc),
+                $tmp);
+        } else {
+            if(strlen($word) >= 3) {
+                self::$rv_index = strlen(mb_substr($word, 0, 2, "UTF-8"));
+            }
+        }
+        preg_match("/[$vowel][^$vowel]/u", $word, $matches,
+            PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE);
+        self::$r1 = "";
+        $len = strlen($word);
+        self::$r1_index = isset($matches[0][1]) ? $matches[0][1] +
+            strlen(mb_substr($word,$matches[0][1], 2, 'UTF-8')) : $len;
+        if(self::$r1_index != $len) {
+            self::$r1 = substr($word, self::$r1_index);
+        }
+        if(self::$r1_index != $len) {
+            preg_match("/[$vowel][^$vowel]/u", self::$r1, $matches,
+                PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE);
+            self::$r2_index = isset($matches[0][1]) ? $matches[0][1] +
+                strlen(mb_substr(self::$r1, $matches[0][1], 2, 'UTF-8')) : $len;
+            if(self::$r2_index != $len) {
+                self::$r2 = substr(self::$r1, self::$r2_index);
+                self::$r2_index += self::$r1_index;
+            }
+        }
+        if(self::$r1_index != $len && self::$r1_index < 3) {
+            self::$r1_index = 3;
+            self::$r1 = substr($word, 3);
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Remove attached pronouns
+     */
+    static function step0()
+    {
+        $word = self::$buffer;
+        $rv_index = self::$rv_index;
+        $first_char_len = max(strlen(mb_substr(substr($word, $rv_index), 0, 1,
+            "UTF-8")), 1);
+        $end_pattern =
+            '(me|se|sela|selo|selas|selos|la|le|lo|las|les|los|nos)$/u';
+        $start = "/(iéndo|ándo|ár|ér|ír)";
+        $new_word = preg_offset_replace($start . $end_pattern, '$1', $word,
+            $rv_index + $first_char_len);
+        if($new_word != $word) {
+            $word = preg_replace(array('/iéndo$/u', '/ándo$/u', '/ár$/u',
+                '/ér$/u', '/ír$/u'), array('iendo', 'ando', 'ar', 'er', 'ir'),
+                $new_word);
+        } else {
+            $start = "/(iendo|ando|ar|er|ir)";
+            $word = preg_offset_replace($start . $end_pattern, '$1',
+                $word, $rv_index + $first_char_len);
+            $start = "/uyendo";
+            $word = preg_offset_replace($start . $end_pattern, '$1',
+                $word, $rv_index + $first_char_len);
+        }
+        self::$buffer = $word;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Standard suffix removal
+     */
+    static function step1()
+    {
+        $word = self::$buffer;
+        $rv_index = self::$rv_index;
+        $r1_index = self::$r1_index;
+        $r2_index = self::$r2_index;
+        $r2_char_len = strlen(mb_substr($word, $r2_index, 1, "UTF-8"));
+        $r1_char_len = strlen(mb_substr($word, $r1_index, 1, "UTF-8"));
+        if(preg_search('/amente$/u', $word, $r2_index + $r2_char_len) != -1) {
+            $word = preg_offset_replace('/((((at)?iv)?)|'.
+                '(oc|ic|ad)?)amente$/u', '', $word, $r1_index + $r1_char_len);
+            if($word == self::$buffer) {
+                $word = preg_replace('/amente$/u', '', $word);
+            }
+        } else if(preg_search('/amente$/u', $word, $r1_index) != -1) {
+            $word = preg_replace('/amente$/u', '', $word);
+        } else {
+            $word = preg_offset_replace('/logía(s)?$/u', 'log', $word,
+                $r2_index);
+            $word = preg_offset_replace('/(ución|uciones)$/u', 'u', $word,
+                $r2_index);
+            $word = preg_offset_replace('/(encia|encias)$/u', 'ente', $word,
+                $r2_index);
+            if($word == self::$buffer) {
+                $patterns = array(
+                    '/(anza|anzas|ico|ica|icos|icas|ismo|ismos|able|'.
+                    'ables|ible|ibles|ista|istas|oso|osa|osos|osas|amiento|'.
+                    'amientos|imiento|imientos)$/u',
+                    '/(ic)?(adora|ador|ación|adoras|adores|aciones|ante|antes|'.
+                    'ancia|ancias)$/u',
+                    '/(ante|able|ible)?mente$/u',
+                    '/(abil|ic|iv)?(idad|idades)$/u',
+                    '/(at)?(iva|ivo|ivas|ivos)$/u'
+                );
+                $original = $word;
+                foreach($patterns as $pattern) {
+                    $word = preg_offset_replace($pattern, '', $word, $r2_index);
+                    if($word != $original) {break; }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        self::$buffer = $word;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Stem verb suffixes beginning y
+     */
+    static function step2a()
+    {
+        $word = self::$buffer;
+        $rv_index = self::$rv_index;
+        if(preg_search(
+            '/u(ya|ye|yan|yen|yeron|yendo|yo|yó|yas|yes|yais|yamos)$/u', $word,
+            $rv_index) != -1) {
+            self::$buffer = preg_replace(
+                '/(ya|ye|yan|yen|yeron|yendo|yo|yó|yas|yes|yais|yamos)$/u', '',
+                $word);
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Stem other verb suffixes
+     */
+    static function step2b()
+    {
+        $word = self::$buffer;
+        $rv_index = self::$rv_index;
+        $first_char_len = max(strlen(mb_substr(substr($word, $rv_index), 0, 1,
+            "UTF-8")), 1);
+        $pattern = '/(aríamos|eríamos|iríamos|iéramos|iésemos|aremos|áramos|'.
+            'ábamos|ásemos|eremos|iremos|aríais|asteis|eríais|arían|arías|'.
+            'erían|erías|ierais|ieseis|isteis|iríais|irían|irías|aseis|aréis|'.
+            'abais|arais|eréis|íamos|iendo|ieran|ieras|ieses|iréis|ieron|iesen'.
+            '|aban|abas|adas|ados|amos|ando|aran|arán|aras|arás|aron|asen|ases'.
+            '|erán|irán|erás|irás|iese|(er|ar|ir)?ía|aste|íais|idas|idos|imos'.
+            '|iste|iera|áis|ará|aré|erá|eré|ías|irá|iré|aba|ada|ado|ara|ase'.
+            '|(í)?an|ida|ido|ad|ed|id|ió|ar|er|ir|as|ís)$/u';
+        if(preg_search($pattern, $word, $rv_index + $first_char_len) != -1 ) {
+            $word = preg_offset_replace($pattern, '', $word, $rv_index +
+                $first_char_len);
+        } else if(preg_search('/gu(en|es|éis|emos)$/u', $word, $rv_index -
+            $first_char_len)
+            != -1) {
+            $word = preg_replace('/u(en|es|éis|emos)$/u', '', $word);
+        } else if(preg_search('/(en|es|éis|emos)$/u', $word, $rv_index +
+            $first_char_len)  != -1){
+            $word = preg_replace('/(en|es|éis|emos)$/u', '', $word);
+        }
+        self::$buffer = $word;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Delete residual suffixes
+     */
+    static function step3()
+    {
+        $word = self::$buffer;
+        $rv_index = self::$rv_index;
+        $first_char_len = max(strlen(mb_substr(substr($word, $rv_index), 0, 1,
+            "UTF-8")), 1);
+        if(preg_search('/(os|a|o|á|í|ó)$/u', $word, $rv_index
+            + $first_char_len) != -1) {
+            $word = preg_offset_replace('/(os|a|o|á|í|ó)$/u', '', $word,
+                $rv_index + $first_char_len);
+        } else if(($loc = preg_search('/gu(e|é)$/u', $word)) != -1 &&
+            $loc >= $rv_index - 1) {
+            $word = preg_replace('/u(e|é)$/u', '', $word);
+        } else if(($loc = preg_search('/(e|é)$/u', $word, $rv_index +
+            $first_char_len)) !=-1){
+            $word = preg_replace('/(e|é)$/u', '', $word);
+        }
+        self::$buffer = $word;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Un-accent end
+     */
+    static function removeAccents()
+    {
+        $vowel = static::$vowel;
+        self::$buffer = preg_replace(array('/á/u', '/é/u',
+            '/í/u', '/ó/u', '/ú/u'), array('a','e','i', 'o','u'),
+            self::$buffer);
+    }
diff --git a/locale/es/statistics.txt b/locale/es/statistics.txt
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..80636e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/es/statistics.txt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/locale/fa/configure.ini b/locale/fa/configure.ini
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..5709787
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/fa/configure.ini
@@ -0,0 +1,4186 @@
+; ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
+;  SeekQuarry/Yioop Open Source Pure PHP Search Engine, Crawler, and Indexer
+;  Copyright (C) 2009 - 2015  Chris Pollett
+;  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;  (at your option) any later version.
+;  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;  GNU General Public License for more details.
+;  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;  along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+;  ***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****
+; configure.ini
+; fa configuration file
+; Strings to translate on various pages
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/seek_quarry//controllers
+; admin_controller.php line: 101
+admin_controller_need_cookies = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 150
+admin_controller_account_not_active = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 156
+admin_controller_login_successful = "با موفقیت وارد شدید!!"
+; admin_controller.php line: 175
+admin_controller_no_back_button = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 189
+admin_controller_login_failed = "نام کاربری یا رمز عبور اشتباه است!"
+; admin_controller.php line: 195
+admin_controller_login_to_config = "برای ادامهٔ تنظیمات وارد شوید (پیش&zwnj;فرض: نام کاربری=root و رمز عبور=)"
+; admin_controller.php line: 199
+admin_controller_status_updates_stopped = "به روز رسانی وضعیت متوقف شده است."
+; admin_controller.php line: 342
+admin_controller_account_access = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 343
+admin_controller_social = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 344
+admin_controller_crawl_settings = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 345
+admin_controller_system_settings = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 517
+admin_controller_equal = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 518
+admin_controller_not_equal = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 519
+admin_controller_contains = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 520
+admin_controller_begins_with = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 521
+admin_controller_ends_with = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 524
+admin_controller_equal = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 525
+admin_controller_not_equal = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 528
+admin_controller_no_sort = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 529
+admin_controller_sort_ascending = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 530
+admin_controller_sort_descending = ""
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/seek_quarry//controllers/components
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 132
+accountaccess_component_no_posts_yet = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 146
+accountaccess_component_passwords_too_long = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 155
+accountaccess_component_passwords_dont_match = "رمزعبورهای وارد شده مطابقت ندارند."
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 162
+accountaccess_component_invalid_password = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 192
+accountaccess_component_unknown_imagetype = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 197
+accountaccess_component_icon_too_big = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 206
+accountaccess_component_no_user_folder = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 215
+accountaccess_component_user_updated = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 259
+accountaccess_component_active_status = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 260
+accountaccess_component_inactive_status = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 261
+accountaccess_component_banned_status = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 264
+accountaccess_component_request_join = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 265
+accountaccess_component_invited = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 266
+accountaccess_component_active_status = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 267
+accountaccess_component_banned_status = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 312
+accountaccess_component_passwords_too_long = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 317
+accountaccess_component_passwords_dont_match = "رمزعبورهای وارد شده مطابقت ندارند."
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 321
+accountaccess_component_invalid_username = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 325
+accountaccess_component_user_exists = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 354
+accountaccess_component_user_added = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 363
+accountaccess_component_user_doesnt_exist = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 370
+accountaccess_component_cant_edit_public_user = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 412
+accountaccess_component_passwords_dont_match = "رمزعبورهای وارد شده مطابقت ندارند."
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 418
+accountaccess_component_user_updated = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 424
+accountaccess_component_user_filter_group = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 428
+accountaccess_component_user_filter_role = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 439
+accountaccess_component_username_doesnt_exists = "این نام کاربری وجود ندارد"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 444
+accountaccess_component_cant_delete_builtin = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 449
+accountaccess_component_user_deleted = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 458
+accountaccess_component_username_doesnt_exists = "این نام کاربری وجود ندارد"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 463
+accountaccess_component_rolename_doesnt_exists = "این نقش وجود ندارد"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 469
+accountaccess_component_rolename_already_added = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 475
+accountaccess_component_rolename_added = "نقش اضافه شد"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 485
+accountaccess_component_username_doesnt_exists = "این نام کاربری وجود ندارد"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 490
+accountaccess_component_groupname_doesnt_exists = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 496
+accountaccess_component_groupname_already_added = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 504
+accountaccess_component_groupname_added = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 514
+accountaccess_component_username_doesnt_exists = "این نام کاربری وجود ندارد"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 519
+accountaccess_component_rolename_doesnt_exists = "این نقش وجود ندارد"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 528
+accountaccess_component_rolename_deleted = "نقش حذف شد"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 538
+accountaccess_component_username_doesnt_exists = "این نام کاربری وجود ندارد"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 543
+accountaccess_component_groupname_doesnt_exists = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 552
+accountaccess_component_group_deleted = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 569
+accountaccess_component_username_doesnt_exists = "این نام کاربری وجود ندارد"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 575
+accountaccess_component_userstatus_updated = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 733
+accountaccess_component_select_activityname = "یک فعالیت انتخاب کنید"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 759
+accountaccess_component_rolename_doesnt_exists = "این نقش وجود ندارد"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 775
+accountaccess_component_activity_added = "فعالیت اضافه شد"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 784
+accountaccess_component_rolename_exists = "این نقش وجود دارد"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 790
+accountaccess_component_rolename_added = "نقش اضافه شد"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 794
+accountaccess_component_rolename_blank = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 803
+accountaccess_component_rolename_doesnt_exists = "این نقش وجود ندارد"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 821
+accountaccess_component_activity_deleted = "فعالیت حذف شد"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 829
+accountaccess_component_rolename_doesnt_exists = "این نقش وجود ندارد"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 835
+accountaccess_component_rolename_deleted = "نقش حذف شد"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 867
+accountaccess_component_role_updated = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 85
+crawl_component_starting_new_crawl = "در حال آغاز خزش جدید!"
+; crawl_component.php line: 102
+crawl_component_stop_crawl = "در حال متوقف کردن خزش ... چند لحظه تا باز آوری طول می&zwnj;کشد. "
+; crawl_component.php line: 131
+crawl_component_resume_crawl = "در حال از سرگیری خزش ... چند لحظه تا باز آوری طول می&zwnj;کشد. "
+; crawl_component.php line: 140
+crawl_component_delete_crawl_success = "در حال حذف کردن خزش ... چند لحظه تا باز آوری طول می&zwnj;کشد. "
+; crawl_component.php line: 144
+crawl_component_delete_crawl_fail = "حذف خزش شکست خورد!!"
+; crawl_component.php line: 153
+crawl_component_set_index = "قرار دادن خزش به عنوان نمایه"
+; crawl_component.php line: 187
+crawl_component_no_description = "شرحی برای خزش نیست"
+; crawl_component.php line: 334
+crawl_component_use_below = "از گزینه&zwnj;های زیر استفاده کن"
+; crawl_component.php line: 335
+crawl_component_use_defaults = "از پیش&zwnj;فرض&zwnj;های Yioop! استفاده کن"
+; crawl_component.php line: 338
+crawl_component_use_below = "از گزینه&zwnj;های زیر استفاده کن"
+; crawl_component.php line: 342
+crawl_component_previous_crawl = "خزش قبلی:"
+; crawl_component.php line: 413
+crawl_component_added_urls = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 427
+crawl_component_add_suggest = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 431
+crawl_component_no_new_suggests = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 478
+crawl_component_breadth_first = "اول سطح"
+; crawl_component.php line: 480
+crawl_component_page_importance = "اهمیت صفحه"
+; crawl_component.php line: 545
+crawl_component_added_urls = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 555
+crawl_component_urls_injected = "urlها وارد شدند."
+; crawl_component.php line: 565
+crawl_component_update_seed_info = "در حال به روز آوری اطلاعات seed site "
+; crawl_component.php line: 620
+crawl_component_new_classifier = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 624
+crawl_component_classifier_exists = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 647
+crawl_component_classifier_deleted = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 651
+crawl_component_no_classifier = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 662
+crawl_component_no_classifier = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 680
+crawl_component_finalizing_classifier = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 707
+crawl_component_finalizing_classifier = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 753
+crawl_component_classifier_exists = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 762
+crawl_component_load_failed = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 764
+crawl_component_loading = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 766
+crawl_component_added_examples = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 768
+crawl_component_label_update_failed = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 770
+crawl_component_updating = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 772
+crawl_component_acc_update_failed = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 774
+crawl_component_na = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 776
+crawl_component_no_docs = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 778
+crawl_component_num_docs = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 780
+crawl_component_in_class = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 782
+crawl_component_not_in_class = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 784
+crawl_component_skip = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 786
+crawl_component_prediction = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 788
+crawl_component_scores = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 830
+crawl_component_use_below = "از گزینه&zwnj;های زیر استفاده کن"
+; crawl_component.php line: 831
+crawl_component_use_defaults = "از پیش&zwnj;فرض&zwnj;های Yioop! استفاده کن"
+; crawl_component.php line: 833
+crawl_component_use_below = "از گزینه&zwnj;های زیر استفاده کن"
+; crawl_component.php line: 841
+crawl_component_recrawl_never = "هرگز"
+; crawl_component.php line: 842
+crawl_component_recrawl_1day = "۱ روز"
+; crawl_component.php line: 843
+crawl_component_recrawl_2day = "۲ روز"
+; crawl_component.php line: 844
+crawl_component_recrawl_3day = "۳ روز"
+; crawl_component.php line: 845
+crawl_component_recrawl_7day = "۷ روز"
+; crawl_component.php line: 846
+crawl_component_recrawl_14day = "۱۴ روز"
+; crawl_component.php line: 854
+crawl_component_basic = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 855
+crawl_component_centroid = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1141
+crawl_component_page_options_updated = "تنظیمات صفحه به روز شد!"
+; crawl_component.php line: 1169
+crawl_component_page_options_running_tests = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1348
+crawl_component_results_editor_update = "پالایه صفحات به روز شد!"
+; crawl_component.php line: 1363
+crawl_component_edited_pages = "یک URL که قبلن ویرایش شده انتخاب کنید"
+; crawl_component.php line: 1376
+crawl_component_results_editor_need_url = "به روز رسانی صفحهٔ نتایج احتیاج به تعیین URL دارد! "
+; crawl_component.php line: 1382
+crawl_component_results_editor_page_updated = "صفحهٔ نتایج به روز آوری شد!"
+; crawl_component.php line: 1395
+crawl_component_results_editor_page_loaded = "صفحه بارگذاری شد!"
+; crawl_component.php line: 1426
+crawl_component_media_kind = "نوع رسانه"
+; crawl_component.php line: 1427
+crawl_component_video = "ویدیو"
+; crawl_component.php line: 1428
+crawl_component_rss_feed = "RSS"
+; crawl_component.php line: 1429
+crawl_component_html_feed = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1443
+crawl_component_sources_indexes = "نمایه/ترکیب مورد استفاده"
+; crawl_component.php line: 1499
+crawl_component_no_source_type = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1512
+crawl_component_missing_type = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1526
+crawl_component_invalid_url = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1533
+crawl_component_missing_fields = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1550
+crawl_component_media_source_added = "منبع رسانه&zwnj;ها اضافه شد!"
+; crawl_component.php line: 1563
+crawl_component_missing_fields = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1571
+crawl_component_subsearch_added = "زیرجستجو اضافه شد!"
+; crawl_component.php line: 1577
+crawl_component_no_delete_source = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1583
+crawl_component_media_source_deleted = "منبع رسانه&zwnj;ها حذف شد!"
+; crawl_component.php line: 1590
+crawl_component_no_delete_source = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1597
+crawl_component_subsearch_deleted = "زیر جستجو حذف شد!"
+; crawl_component.php line: 1632
+crawl_component_subsearch_updated = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1707
+crawl_component_media_source_updated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 85
+social_component_request_join = ""
+; social_component.php line: 86
+social_component_invited = ""
+; social_component.php line: 87
+social_component_active_status = ""
+; social_component.php line: 88
+social_component_banned_status = ""
+; social_component.php line: 91
+social_component_no_join = ""
+; social_component.php line: 92
+social_component_by_request = ""
+; social_component.php line: 93
+social_component_public_request = ""
+; social_component.php line: 94
+social_component_public_join = ""
+; social_component.php line: 97
+social_component_private = ""
+; social_component.php line: 98
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+; social_component.php line: 99
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+; social_component.php line: 395
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+; social_component.php line: 2178
+social_component_select_crawl = "یک خزش انتخاب کنید"
+; social_component.php line: 2179
+social_component_default_crawl = "خزش پیش&zwnj;فرض"
+; social_component.php line: 2181
+social_component_select_crawl = "یک خزش انتخاب کنید"
+; social_component.php line: 2183
+social_component_default_crawl = "خزش پیش&zwnj;فرض"
+; social_component.php line: 2214
+social_component_mix_created = "ترکیب خزش ساخته شد!"
+; social_component.php line: 2217
+social_component_invalid_name = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2225
+social_component_mix_invalid_timestamp = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2229
+social_component_mix_deleted = "ترکیب خزش حذف شد!"
+; social_component.php line: 2248
+social_component_mix_doesnt_exists = "ترکیبی که می&zwnj;خواهید حذف کنید وجود ندارد!"
+; social_component.php line: 2256
+social_component_mix_imported = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2270
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+; social_component.php line: 2280
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+; social_component.php line: 2286
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+; social_component.php line: 2304
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+; social_component.php line: 2308
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+; social_component.php line: 2310
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+; social_component.php line: 2315
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+; social_component.php line: 2367
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+; social_component.php line: 2372
+social_component_mix_not_owner = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2382
+social_component_add_crawls = "خزش اضافه کن"
+; social_component.php line: 2384
+social_component_num_results = "تعداد نتایج"
+; social_component.php line: 2386
+social_component_del_frag = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2388
+social_component_weight = "وزن"
+; social_component.php line: 2389
+social_component_name = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2391
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+; social_component.php line: 2393
+social_component_actions = "فرمان&zwnj;ها"
+; social_component.php line: 2395
+social_component_add_query = "پُرسمان اضافه کن"
+; social_component.php line: 2396
+social_component_delete = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2443
+social_component_too_many_fragments = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2454
+social_component_mix_saved = "تغییرات ترکیب خزش ذخیره شد!"
+; system_component.php line: 79
+system_component_select_machine = "یک دستگاه انتخاب کنید"
+; system_component.php line: 145
+system_component_machine_added = "دستگاه اضافه شد!"
+; system_component.php line: 149
+system_component_machine_exists = "دستگاه وجود دارد؛ لطفن اول حذف کنید! "
+; system_component.php line: 153
+system_component_machine_incomplete = "بعضی قسمت&zwnj;های فرم دستگاه پر نشده است!"
+; system_component.php line: 160
+system_component_machine_doesnt_exists = "این دستگاه وجود ندارد!"
+; system_component.php line: 181
+system_component_stop_service_first = "دستگاه در حال استفاده است. لطفن کاری که انجام می&zwnj;دهد را متوقف کنید!"
+; system_component.php line: 187
+system_component_machine_deleted = "دستگاه حذف شد!"
+; system_component.php line: 208
+system_component_media_mode_updated = ""
+; system_component.php line: 212
+system_component_media_update_failed = ""
+; system_component.php line: 275
+system_component_no_machine_log = "Log File پیدا نشد."
+; system_component.php line: 304
+system_component_machine_servers_updated = "سرورهای دستگاه به روز شدند!"
+; system_component.php line: 308
+system_component_machine_no_action = "نمی&zwnj;توان این فرمان را اجرا کرد!"
+; system_component.php line: 344
+system_component_select_mode = ""
+; system_component.php line: 386
+system_component_locale_missing_info = ""
+; system_component.php line: 393
+system_component_locale_added = "زبان اضافه شد!"
+; system_component.php line: 400
+system_component_localename_doesnt_exists = "این زبان وجود ندارد!"
+; system_component.php line: 405
+system_component_localename_deleted = "زبان حذف شد"
+; system_component.php line: 411
+system_component_localename_doesnt_exists = "این زبان وجود ندارد!"
+; system_component.php line: 440
+system_component_locale_updated = ""
+; system_component.php line: 470
+system_component_localestrings_updated = "رشته&zwnj;های زبان به روز شد!"
+; system_component.php line: 481
+system_component_all_strings = ""
+; system_component.php line: 482
+system_component_missing_strings = ""
+; system_component.php line: 568
+system_component_configure_no_change_db = "در به روز رسانی پایگاه داده مشکلی پیش آمده است! "
+; system_component.php line: 573
+system_component_configure_profile_change = "پروفایل به روز شد!"
+; system_component.php line: 576
+system_component_configure_no_change_profile = "در به روز رسانی پروفایل مشکلی پیش آمده است!"
+; system_component.php line: 598
+system_component_configure_disable_registration = ""
+; system_component.php line: 600
+system_component_configure_no_activation = ""
+; system_component.php line: 602
+system_component_configure_email_activation = ""
+; system_component.php line: 604
+system_component_configure_admin_activation = ""
+; system_component.php line: 669
+captchasettings_element_text_captcha = ""
+; system_component.php line: 671
+captchasettings_element_hash_captcha = ""
+; system_component.php line: 673
+captchasettings_element_image_captcha = ""
+; system_component.php line: 678
+serversettings_element_normal_authentication = ""
+; system_component.php line: 680
+serversettings_element_zkp_authentication = ""
+; system_component.php line: 685
+serversettings_element_normal_authentication = ""
+; system_component.php line: 710
+system_component_settings_updated = ""
+; system_component.php line: 713
+system_component_no_update_settings = ""
+; system_component.php line: 780
+system_component_configure_use_absolute_path = "باید از مسیر مطلق برای پوشهٔ کار استفاده کرد"
+; system_component.php line: 785
+system_component_configure_configure_diff_base_dir = "پوشهٔ کار نمی&zwnj;تواند در پوشهٔ Yioop باشد."
+; system_component.php line: 810
+system_component_configure_work_dir_set = "پوشهٔ کار تنظیم شد! احتمالن لازم است دوباره وارد شوید.!"
+; system_component.php line: 821
+system_component_name_your_bot = "لطفن برای رباتتان نامی بگذارید"
+; system_component.php line: 846
+system_component_configure_work_profile_made = "پوشهٔ کار و پروفایل ساخته شدند!"
+; system_component.php line: 850
+system_component_configure_no_set_config = "نمی&zwnj;توان فایل config.php را به روز کرد!"
+; system_component.php line: 857
+system_component_configure_no_create_profile = "نمی&zwnj;توان پروفایل را ساخت!"
+; system_component.php line: 864
+system_component_configure_work_dir_invalid = "پوشهٔ کار معتبر نیست! نمی&zwnj;توان پروفایل را ساخت!"
+; system_component.php line: 871
+system_component_configure_work_dir_invalid = "پوشهٔ کار معتبر نیست! نمی&zwnj;توان پروفایل را ساخت!"
+; system_component.php line: 893
+system_component_no_resource_folder = ""
+; system_component.php line: 907
+system_component_invalid_filetype = ""
+; system_component.php line: 912
+system_component_file_too_big = ""
+; system_component.php line: 935
+system_component_configure_profile_change = "پروفایل به روز شد!"
+; system_component.php line: 939
+system_component_configure_no_change_profile = "در به روز رسانی پروفایل مشکلی پیش آمده است!"
+; system_component.php line: 988
+system_component_configure_reset_completed = ""
+; system_component.php line: 992
+system_component_configure_no_change_profile = "در به روز رسانی پروفایل مشکلی پیش آمده است!"
+; system_component.php line: 1025
+system_component_describe_robot = "لطفن رباتتان را توصیف کنید"
+; system_component.php line: 1091
+system_component_php_version = "PHP نسخهٔ ۳.۵ یا جدیدتر"
+; system_component.php line: 1099
+system_component_no_write_config_php = "وب سرور نمی&zwnj;تواند در configs/config.php بنویسد."
+; system_component.php line: 1104
+system_component_no_write_work_dir = "وب سرور باید بتواند در پوشهٔ کار بنویسد."
+; system_component.php line: 1109
+system_component_post_size_small = "متغیر post_max_size در php.ini باید حداقل ۲ مگابایت باشد. "
+; system_component.php line: 1115
+system_component_missing_required = "موارد لازم زیر خالی هستند: %s"
+; system_component.php line: 1138
+system_component_missing_optional = "موارد اختیاری زیر خالی هستند: %s"
+; system_component.php line: 1143
+system_component_check_passed = "در بررسی مشکلی پیدا نشد."
+; system_component.php line: 1148
+system_component_using_local_config = "از configs/local_config.php استفاده می&zwnj;شود، بنابراین ممکن است تغییر بالا عمل نکند."
+; machine_controller.php line: 172
+machine_controller_nolines = "هیچ خطی با این فیلتر مطابق نیست!"
+; register_controller.php line: 246
+register_controller_need_cookies = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 313
+register_controller_account_created = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 331
+register_controller_registration_email_sent = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 333
+register_controller_admin_activation_request = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 334
+register_controller_admin_email_salutation = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 336
+register_controller_email_body = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 369
+register_controller_account_request_made = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 373
+register_controller_admin_activation_request = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 374
+register_controller_admin_activation_message = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 416
+register_controller_email_verification_error = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 422
+register_controller_already_activated = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 429
+register_controller_account_activated = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 432
+register_controller_email_verification_error = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 480
+register_controller_account_recover_fail = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 489
+register_controller_account_recover_fail = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 493
+register_controller_account_recover_email = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 497
+register_controller_recover_request = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 498
+register_controller_admin_email_salutation = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 500
+register_controller_recover_body = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 534
+register_controller_account_recover_fail = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 546
+register_controller_account_recover_fail = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 559
+register_controller_account_recover_fail = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 566
+register_controller_recovered_already = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 570
+register_controller_recovery_expired = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 576
+register_controller_password_changed = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 584
+register_controller_passwords_dont_match = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 598
+register_controller_recovered_already = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 602
+register_controller_recovery_expired = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 728
+register_controller_invalid_url = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 732
+register_controller_error_fields = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 746
+register_controller_failed_hashcode = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 756
+register_controller_failed_human = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 783
+register_controller_failed_graphical_human = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 797
+register_controller_suggest_full = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 801
+register_controller_url_submitted = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 1004
+register_controller_need_cookies = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 1010
+register_controller_failed_human = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 1025
+register_controller_failed_graphical_human = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 1036
+register_controller_failed_hashcode = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 1064
+register_controller_error_fields = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 1067
+register_controller_check_email = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 1074
+register_controller_user_already_exists = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 235
+search_controller_web = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 295
+search_controller_logout_successful = "با موفقیت خارج شدید!!"
+; search_controller.php line: 500
+search_controller_mix_info = "با استفاده از ترکیب خزش: %s"
+; search_controller.php line: 506
+search_controller_crawl_info = "نمایه: %s -- اندازه: %s صفحات/%s urls"
+; search_controller.php line: 542
+search_controller_search = "بگرد"
+; search_controller.php line: 646
+search_controller_no_index_set = "هیچ نمایهٔ جستجویی برای استفاده تنظیم نشده است!"
+; search_controller.php line: 649
+search_controller_no_index_set = "هیچ نمایهٔ جستجویی برای استفاده تنظیم نشده است!"
+; search_controller.php line: 1300
+search_controller_download_fetcher = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1309
+search_controller_no_archive_page = "وب&zwnj;سایت مورد نظر نمی&zwnj;خواهد این صفحه بایگانی شود."
+; search_controller.php line: 1358
+search_controller_yioop_cache = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1363
+search_controller_original_page = "این تصویر در صفحهٔ زیر دیده شده است: "
+; search_controller.php line: 1380
+search_controller_extracted_title = "عنوان استخراج شده"
+; search_controller.php line: 1382
+search_controller_extracted_description = "توضیح استخراج شده"
+; search_controller.php line: 1384
+search_controller_extracted_links = "لینک&zwnj;های استخراج شده"
+; search_controller.php line: 1389
+search_controller_extracted_allow_paths = "مسیرهای مجاز به خزش استخراج شده"
+; search_controller.php line: 1395
+search_controller_extracted_disallow_paths = "مسیرهای غیرمجاز به خزش استخراج شده"
+; search_controller.php line: 1401
+search_controller_crawl_delay = "تاخیر در خزش YioopBot"
+; search_controller.php line: 1466
+search_controller_cache_comment = "صفحه کش Yioop ... این صفحه برای اضافه کردن دستورالعمل ربات، ایجاد لینک های مطلق، اضافه کردن خلاصه&zwnj;های استخراج شده، و برجسته سازی کلمات مورد پرسمان اصلاح شده است."
+; search_controller.php line: 1477
+search_controller_yioop_cache = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1513
+search_controller_cached_version = "این نسخه کش شدهٔ ‪%‬s را خزندهٔ Yioop در ‪%‬s به دست آورده است."
+; search_controller.php line: 1608
+search_controller_download_fetcher = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1626
+search_controller_header_summaries = " وضعیت سرصفحه استخراج شده و خلاصه را عوض کن"
+; search_controller.php line: 1739
+search_controller_history = "وضعیت تاریخچه را عوض کن"
+; search_controller.php line: 1908
+search_controller_all_cached = "همه نسخه های کش شده - سال و/یا ماه را برای دیدن لینک&zwnj;ها تغییر دهید"
+; search_controller.php line: 1939
+search_controller_year = "سال:"
+; search_controller.php line: 1940
+search_controller_month = "ماه:"
+; settings_controller.php line: 115
+settings_controller_crawl_mix = "خزش ترکیبی"
+; settings_controller.php line: 130
+settings_controller_settings_saved = "تنظیمات ذخیره شد!"
+; static_controller.php line: 67
+static_controller_logout_successful = ""
+; static_controller.php line: 145
+static_controller_complete_title = ""
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/sq_data/app/controllers
+; main_controller.php line: 87
+search_controller_logout_successful = "با موفقیت خارج شدید!!"
+; main_controller.php line: 112
+main_controller_download = ""
+; main_controller.php line: 129
+main_controller_missing_fields = ""
+; main_controller.php line: 164
+main_controller_yioop_download = ""
+; main_controller.php line: 165
+main_controller_click_download = ""
+; main_controller.php line: 178
+main_controller_url_error = ""
+; main_controller.php line: 187
+main_controller_expired_url = ""
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/seek_quarry//views
+; admin_view.php line: 70
+admin_view_admin = "مدیر"
+; admin_view.php line: 89
+adminview_auto_logout_one_minute = "خروج خودکار تا یک دقیقهٔ دیگر!!"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 52
+crawlstatus_view_currently_processing = "در حال پردازش"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 53
+crawlstatus_view_description = "شرح:"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 58
+crawlstatus_view_starting_crawl = "در حال آغاز خزش جدید ..."
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 62
+managecrawls_element_stop_crawl = "خزش را متوقف کن"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 66
+crawlstatus_view_resuming_crawl = "در حال از سرگیری خزش"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 70
+managecrawls_element_stop_crawl = "خزش را متوقف کن"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 74
+crawlstatus_view_shutdown_queue = "در حال بستن صف ..."
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 77
+crawlstatus_view_closing_dict = "در حال بستن لغت&zwnj;نامهٔ خزش... "
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 80
+crawlstatus_view_run_plugins = "در حال اجرای پلاگین&zwnj;های پس از پردازش..."
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 88
+managecrawls_element_stop_crawl = "خزش را متوقف کن"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 96
+crawlstatus_view_set_index = "برای نمایه قرار بده"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 99
+crawlstatus_view_search_index = "نمایهٔ جستجو"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 107
+crawlstatus_view_changeoptions = "تنظیمات خزش را تغییر بده"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 109
+crawlstatus_view_no_description = "هیچ خزش فعالی نیست"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 114
+crawlstatus_view_timestamp = "برچسب&zwnj;زمان:"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 116
+crawlstatus_view_time_started = "زمان شروع:"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 122
+crawlstatus_view_indexer_memory = "اوج حافظهٔ نمایه&zwnj;ساز:"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 124
+crawlstatus_view_scheduler_memory = "اوج حافظهٔ برنامه&zwnj;ریز:"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 127
+crawlstatus_view_queue_memory = "اوج حافظهٔ سرور:"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 132
+crawlstatus_view_no_mem_data = "اطلاعات حافظه موجود نیست"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 136
+crawlstatus_view_fetcher_memory = "اوج حافظهٔ واکش:"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 141
+crawlstatus_view_no_mem_data = "اطلاعات حافظه موجود نیست"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 144
+crawlstatus_view_webapp_memory = "اوج حافظهٔ برنامهٔ وب:"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 149
+crawlstatus_view_no_mem_data = "اطلاعات حافظه موجود نیست"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 152
+crawlstatus_view_urls_per_hour = "URL های بازدید شده بر ساعت:"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 160
+crawlstatus_view_visited_urls = "تعداد URLهای بازدید شده:"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 164
+crawlstatus_view_total_urls = "کل URLهای دیده شده:"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 167
+crawlstatus_view_most_recent_fetcher = "جدیدترین واکش:"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 176
+crawlstatus_view_no_fetcher = "هیچ پرسمان واکشی موجود نیست"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 180
+crawlstatus_view_most_recent_urls = "جدیدترین URLها"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 190
+crawlstatus_view_no_recent_urls = "هیچ URL جدیدی نیست (ممکن است فقط اطلاعات لینک&zwnj;ها باشد)"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 193
+crawlstatus_view_previous_crawls = "خزش&zwnj;های قبلی"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 203
+crawlstatus_view_description = "شرح:"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 206
+crawlstatus_view_timestamp = "برچسب&zwnj;زمان:"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 207
+crawlstatus_view_url_counts = "URLهای بازدید شده بر استخراج شده:"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 211
+crawlstatus_view_actions = "فرمان&zwnj;ها"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 222
+crawlstatus_view_statistics = "آمار"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 238
+crawlstatus_view_resume = "از سر بگیر"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 240
+crawlstatus_view_no_resume = "بسته"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 247
+crawlstatus_view_set_index = "برای نمایه قرار بده"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 250
+crawlstatus_view_search_index = "نمایهٔ جستجو"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 257
+crawlstatus_view_delete = "حذف کن"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 265
+crawlstatus_view_no_previous_crawl = "هیچ خزش قبلی موجود نیست"
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/seek_quarry//views/elements
+; activity_element.php line: 54
+activity_element_activities = "فعالیت&zwnj;ها"
+; configure_element.php line: 76
+configure_element_work_directory = "پوشهٔ کار موتور جستجو"
+; configure_element.php line: 82
+configure_element_load_or_create = "بارگذاری یا ایجاد"
+; configure_element.php line: 100
+configure_element_component_check = "بررسی مؤلفه&zwnj;ها"
+; configure_element.php line: 104
+configure_element_profile_settings = "تنظیمات پروفایل"
+; configure_element.php line: 107
+configure_element_toggle_advanced = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 114
+configure_element_default_language = "زبان پیش&zwnj;فرض:"
+; configure_element.php line: 121
+configure_element_debug_display = "نمایش اشکال&zwnj;زدایی"
+; configure_element.php line: 126
+configure_element_error_info = "اطلاعات خطا"
+; configure_element.php line: 131
+configure_element_query_info = "اطلاعات پرسمان"
+; configure_element.php line: 136
+configure_element_test_info = "اطلاعات تست"
+; configure_element.php line: 141
+configure_element_site_access = "دسترسی به جستجو"
+; configure_element.php line: 146
+configure_element_web_access = "وب"
+; configure_element.php line: 151
+configure_element_rss_access = "RSS"
+; configure_element.php line: 156
+configure_element_api_access = "API"
+; configure_element.php line: 161
+configure_element_customizations = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 163
+configure_element_use_wiki_landing = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 170
+configure_element_background_color = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 178
+configure_element_background_image = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 185
+configure_element_background_image = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 194
+configure_element_foreground_color = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 200
+configure_element_topbar_color = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 206
+configure_element_sidebar_color = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 214
+configure_element_site_logo = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 221
+configure_element_site_logo = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 232
+configure_element_mobile_logo = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 239
+configure_element_mobile_logo = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 250
+configure_element_favicon = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 257
+configure_element_favicon = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 267
+configure_element_toolbar = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 278
+configure_element_site_timezone = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 284
+configure_element_cookie_name = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 290
+configure_element_token_name = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 296
+configure_element_auxiliary_css = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 304
+configure_element_reset_customizations = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 311
+configure_element_crawl_robot = "تنظیم ربات خزنده"
+; configure_element.php line: 313
+configure_element_robot_name = "نام ربات خزنده:"
+; configure_element.php line: 321
+configure_element_robot_instance = "نمونهٔ ربات:"
+; configure_element.php line: 328
+configure_element_robot_description = "توضیح ربات"
+; configure_element.php line: 338
+serversettings_element_submit = "ارسال"
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 55
+crawloptions_element_back_to_manage = "قبل"
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 58
+crawloptions_element_modify_active_crawl = "تغییر خزش جاری"
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 60
+crawloptions_element_edit_crawl_options = "ویرایش تنظیمات خزش"
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 83
+crawloptions_element_web_crawl = "خزش وب"
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 93
+crawloptions_element_archive_crawl = "خزش بایگانی "
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 100
+crawloptions_element_load_options = "تنظیمات خزش را از اینجا بگیر:"
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 105
+crawloptions_element_crawl_order = "مرتبهٔ خزش:"
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 114
+crawloptions_element_restrict_by_url = "سایت&zwnj;ها را بر اساس URL محدود کن:"
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 122
+crawloptions_element_allowed_to_crawl = "اجازهٔ خزیدن در این سایت&zwnj;ها هست"
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 129
+crawloptions_element_disallowed_and_quota_sites = "سایت&zwnj;های غیرمجاز/سایت&zwnj;های با سهمیه بندی"
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 140
+crawloptions_element_seed_sites = "سایت&zwnj;های seed"
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 144
+crawloptions_element_add_suggest_urls = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 155
+crawloptions_element_inject_sites = "سایت&zwnj;هایی که به خزش جاری اضافه شوند"
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 159
+crawloptions_element_add_suggest_urls = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 176
+crawloptions_element_reindex_crawl = "این خزش یا پوشهٔ آرک دوباره نمایه&zwnj;بندی شود:"
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 185
+crawloptions_element_need_api_for_mix = "برای خزش ترکیبی آرشیو، دسترسی به Yioop API لازم است"
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 193
+crawloptions_element_save_options = "ذخیرهٔ تنظیمات"
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 58
+editclassifier_back = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 60
+editclassifier_edit_classifier = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 72
+editclassifier_classifier_label = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 77
+editclassifier_change = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 82
+editclassifier_statistics = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 83
+editclassifier_positive_examples = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 86
+editclassifier_negative_examples = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 89
+editclassifier_accuracy = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 94
+crawl_component_na = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 99
+editclassifier_update = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 100
+editclassifier_add_examples = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 109
+editclassifier_source = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 113
+editclassifier_default_crawl = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 123
+editclassifier_label_by_hand = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 125
+editclassifier_all_in_class = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 127
+editclassifier_none_in_class = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 132
+editclassifier_keywords = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 141
+editclassifier_load = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 147
+editclassifier_finalize = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 155
+editclassifier_no_documents = ""
+; editlocales_element.php line: 55
+editlocales_element_back_to_manage = "قبل"
+; editlocales_element.php line: 57
+editlocales_element_edit_locale = "ویرایش زبان: %s"
+; editlocales_element.php line: 71
+editlocales_element_show = ""
+; editlocales_element.php line: 75
+editlocales_element_filter = ""
+; editlocales_element.php line: 82
+editlocales_element_go = ""
+; editlocales_element.php line: 86
+editlocales_element_no_matching = ""
+; editlocales_element.php line: 119
+editlocales_element_submit = "ارسال"
+; editmix_element.php line: 51
+editmix_element_back_to_mix = "قبل"
+; editmix_element.php line: 53
+mixcrawls_element_edit_mix = "ویرایش ترکیب خزش"
+; editmix_element.php line: 64
+mixcrawls_element_mix_name = "نام ترکیب:"
+; editmix_element.php line: 70
+mixcrawls_element_mix_components = "اجزا ترکیب"
+; editmix_element.php line: 77
+mixcrawls_element_too_many = ""
+; editmix_element.php line: 79
+mixcrawls_element_add_fragment = ""
+; editmix_element.php line: 85
+mixcrawls_element_save_button = "ذخیره کن"
+; footer_element.php line: 59
+footer_element_blog = "بلاگ"
+; footer_element.php line: 61
+footer_element_privacy = "حریم شخصی"
+; footer_element.php line: 63
+footer_element_terms = ""
+; footer_element.php line: 65
+footer_element_tools = ""
+; footer_element.php line: 67
+footer_element_bot = "YioopBot"
+; footer_element.php line: 72
+footer_element_developed_seek_quarry = "ساخته شده توسط SeekQuarry"
+; footer_element.php line: 75
+footer_element_copyright_yioop = "(c) 2014 Yioop!"
+; footer_element.php line: 77
+footer_element_php_search_engine = "موتور جستجو PHP"
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 91
+groupfeed_element_add_group = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 95
+groupfeed_element_request_add = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 122
+groupfeed_element_wiki_page = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 124
+groupfeed_element_back = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 127
+groupfeed_element_back = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 136
+groupfeed_element_group_activity = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 140
+groupfeed_element_wiki_thread = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 159
+groupfeed_element_feed = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 163
+group_view_wiki = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 165
+groupfeed_element_user = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 206
+groupfeed_element_comment = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 238
+manageaccount_element_group_wiki = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 239
+manageaccount_element_group_stats = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 244
+manageaccount_element_last_post = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 286
+groupfeed_element_comment = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 297
+groupfeed_element_start_thread = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 311
+groupfeed_element_start_thread = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 317
+groupfeed_element_no_posts_yet = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 323
+groupfeed_element_thread_no_exist = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 358
+groupfeed_element_edit = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 363
+groupfeed_element_delete = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 385
+groupfeed_element_num_posts = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 395
+groupfeed_element_num_views = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 420
+groupfeed_element_start_thread_in_group = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 422
+groupfeed_element_start_thread_in_group = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 436
+groupfeed_element_last_edited = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 452
+groupfeed_element_post_vote = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 479
+groupfeed_element_last_post_info = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 494
+groupfeed_element_comment = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 547
+fileupload_helper_drag_textarea = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 548
+fileupload_helper_click_textarea = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 572
+groupfeed_element_add_comment = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 586
+groupfeed_element_save = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 625
+groupfeed_element_subject = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 632
+groupfeed_element_post = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 645
+groupfeed_element_save = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 681
+groupfeed_element_edit_post = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 684
+groupfeed_element_subject = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 690
+groupfeed_element_post = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 703
+groupfeed_element_save = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 732
+groupfeed_element_no_longer_update = ""
+; machinelog_element.php line: 54
+machinelog_element_back_to_manage = "قبل"
+; machinelog_element.php line: 59
+machinelog_element_filter = "فیلتر:"
+; machinelog_element.php line: 66
+machinelog_element_log_file = "%s فایل گزارش"
+; machinelog_element.php line: 71
+machinelog_element_refresh_off = "بازآوری خودکار خاموش باشد"
+; machinelog_element.php line: 76
+machinelog_element_refresh_on = "بازآوری خودکار روشن باشد"
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 60
+manageaccount_element_lock = ""
+manageaccount_element_edit = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 67
+manageaccount_element_welcome = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 69
+manageaccount_element_what_can_do = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 71
+manageaccount_element_account_details = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 100
+manageaccounts_element_icon = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 110
+manageusers_element_username = "نام کاربر:"
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 117
+manageusers_element_firstname = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 123
+manageusers_element_lastname = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 129
+manageusers_element_email = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 138
+manageaccount_element_password = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 145
+manageaccount_element_new_password = "رمز عبور جدید:"
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 151
+manageaccount_element_retype_password = "تکرار رمز عبور جدید:"
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 163
+manageaccount_element_save = "ذخیره"
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 169
+manageaccount_element_search_lang_settings = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 174
+manageaccount_element_crawl_and_index = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 175
+manageaccount_element_crawl_info = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 176
+manageaccount_element_num_crawls = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 179
+manageaccount_element_manage_crawls = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 185
+manageaccount_element_groups_and_feeds = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 186
+manageaccount_element_group_info = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 188
+manageaccount_element_num_groups = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 191
+manageaccount_element_num_group = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 203
+manageaccount_element_group_wiki = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 204
+manageaccount_element_group_stats = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 209
+manageaccount_element_last_post = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 219
+manageaccount_element_manage_all_groups = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 221
+manageaccount_element_go_to_group_feed = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 223
+manageaccount_element_crawl_mixes = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 224
+manageaccount_element_mixes_info = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 226
+manageaccount_element_num_mixes = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 229
+manageaccount_element_num_mix = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 233
+manageaccount_element_manage_mixes = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 61
+manageclassifiers_available_classifiers = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 69
+manageclassifiers_label_col = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 72
+manageclassifiers_positive_col = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 74
+manageclassifiers_negative_col = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 80
+manageclassifiers_actions_col = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 99
+manageclassifiers_edit = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 102
+manageclassifiers_finalized = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 109
+manageclassifiers_finalize = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 111
+manageclassifiers_finalize = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 115
+manageclassifiers_finalizing = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 119
+confirm_delete_operation = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 123
+manageclassifiers_delete = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 156
+manageclassifiers_manage_classifiers = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 166
+manageclassifiers_classifier_name = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 171
+manageclassifiers_create_button = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 186
+manageclassifiers_element_search = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 187
+manageclassifiers_element_create_form = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 189
+manageclassifiers_classifier_name = ""
+; managecrawls_element.php line: 49
+managecrawls_element_create_crawl = "ایجاد خزش"
+; managecrawls_element.php line: 58
+managecrawls_element_description = "نام"
+; managecrawls_element.php line: 65
+managecrawls_element_start_new_crawl = "آغاز خزش جدید"
+; managecrawls_element.php line: 69
+managecrawls_element_options = "تنظیمات"
+; managecrawls_element.php line: 75
+managecrawls_element_awaiting_status = "منتظر وضعیت خزش"
+; managecrawls_element.php line: 93
+managecrawls_element_up_longer_update = "وضعیت خزش دیگر به روز نمی&zwnj;شود"
+; managegroups_element.php line: 67
+managegroups_element_not_my_groups = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 69
+managegroups_element_groups = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 78
+managegroups_element_groupname = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 79
+managegroups_element_groupowner = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 81
+managegroups_element_registertype = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 82
+managegroups_element_memberaccess = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 83
+managegroups_element_voting = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 84
+managegroups_element_post_lifetime = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 87
+managegroups_element_actions = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 201
+manageaccount_element_group_wiki = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 216
+managegroups_element_join = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 220
+managegroups_element_edit = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 225
+managegroups_element_edit = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 230
+managegroups_element_delete = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 236
+managegroups_element_join = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 241
+managegroups_element_join = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 250
+managegroups_element_decline = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 252
+managegroups_element_unsubscribe = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 257
+confirm_delete_operation = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 260
+managegroups_element_delete = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 289
+managegroups_element_addgroup_form = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 290
+managegroups_element_group_info = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 292
+managegroups_element_create_group = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 296
+managegroups_element_add_group = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 313
+managegroups_element_groupname = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 324
+managegroups_element_browse = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 335
+managegroups_element_register = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 342
+managegroups_element_memberaccess = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 349
+managegroups_element_voting = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 356
+managegroups_element_post_lifetime = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 368
+managegroups_element_group_users = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 372
+managegroups_element_num_users = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 398
+managegroups_element_groupowner = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 400
+managegroups_element_delete = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 410
+managegroups_element_activate = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 416
+managegroups_element_ban = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 422
+managegroups_element_unban = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 430
+managegroups_element_delete = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 459
+managegroups_element_filter = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 480
+managegroups_element_invite = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 491
+managegroups_element_save = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 520
+managegroups_element_group_info = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 521
+managegroups_element_invite_users_group = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 533
+managegroups_element_groupname = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 541
+managegroups_element_usernames = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 548
+managegroups_element_invite = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 566
+managegroups_element_addgroup_form = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 567
+managegroups_element_transfer_group_owner = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 580
+managegroups_element_groupname = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 588
+managegroups_element_new_group_owner = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 595
+managegroups_element_change_owner = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 614
+managegroups_element_discover_groups = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 618
+managegroups_element_search_group = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 620
+managegroups_element_addgroup_form = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 622
+managegroups_element_groupname = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 623
+managegroups_element_groupowner = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 624
+managegroups_element_registertype = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 626
+managegroups_element_memberaccess = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 628
+managegroups_element_post_lifetime = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 59
+managelocales_element_locale_list = "لیست زبان&zwnj;ها"
+; managelocales_element.php line: 69
+managelocales_element_localename = "نام زبان"
+; managelocales_element.php line: 72
+managelocales_element_localetag = "برچسب زبان"
+; managelocales_element.php line: 73
+managelocales_element_writingmode = "حالت نوشتار"
+; managelocales_element.php line: 75
+managelocales_element_enabled = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 80
+managelocales_element_percenttranslated = "درصد ترجمه شده"
+; managelocales_element.php line: 81
+managelocales_element_actions = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 101
+managelocales_element_true = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 102
+managelocales_element_false = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 109
+managelocales_element_edit = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 114
+confirm_delete_operation = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 115
+managelocales_element_delete = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 135
+manageloecales_element_add_locale_form = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 136
+managelocales_element_locale_info = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 138
+managelocales_element_add_locale = "زبان اضافه کن"
+; managelocales_element.php line: 160
+managelocales_element_localenamelabel = "نام زبان:"
+; managelocales_element.php line: 173
+managelocales_element_localetaglabel = "برچسب زبان:"
+; managelocales_element.php line: 179
+managelocales_element_writingmodelabel = "حالت نوشتار:"
+; managelocales_element.php line: 189
+managelocales_element_localeenabled = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 200
+managelocales_element_submit = "ارسال"
+; managelocales_element.php line: 218
+managelocales_element_search_locales = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 219
+managelocales_element_addlocale_form = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 221
+managelocales_element_localename = "نام زبان"
+; managelocales_element.php line: 222
+managelocales_element_localetag = "برچسب زبان"
+; managelocales_element.php line: 223
+managelocales_element_writingmode = "حالت نوشتار"
+; managelocales_element.php line: 224
+managelocales_element_enabled = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 230
+managelocales_element_true = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 231
+managelocales_element_false = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 51
+managemachines_element_add_machine = "دستگاهی اضافه کن"
+; managemachines_element.php line: 63
+managemachines_element_machine_name = "نام دستگاه:"
+; managemachines_element.php line: 68
+managemachines_element_machineurl = "URL دستگاه:"
+; managemachines_element.php line: 73
+managemachines_element_is_mirror = "آینه است:"
+; managemachines_element.php line: 78
+managemachines_element_parent_name = "نام پدر:"
+; managemachines_element.php line: 84
+managemachines_element_has_queueserver = "صف سرور دارد:"
+; managemachines_element.php line: 88
+managemachines_element_num_fetchers = "تعداد واکش&zwnj;ها:"
+; managemachines_element.php line: 93
+managemachines_element_submit = "ارسال"
+; managemachines_element.php line: 98
+managemachines_element_machine_info = "اطلاعات دستگاه"
+; managemachines_element.php line: 104
+managemachines_element_awaiting_status = "منتظر وضعیت دستگاه&zwnj;ها..."
+; managemachines_element.php line: 123
+managemachines_element_no_longer_update = "وضعیت دستگاه دیگر به روز نمی&zwnj;شود..."
+; manageroles_element.php line: 56
+manageroles_element_roles = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 64
+manageroles_element_rolename = "نام نقش:"
+; manageroles_element.php line: 66
+manageroles_element_actions = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 91
+manageroles_element_edit = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 96
+manageroles_element_delete = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 100
+confirm_delete_operation = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 103
+manageroles_element_delete = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 136
+manageroles_element_addrole_form = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 137
+manageroles_element_role_info = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 139
+manageroles_element_add_role = "نقشی اضافه کن"
+; manageroles_element.php line: 151
+manageroles_element_rolename = "نام نقش:"
+; manageroles_element.php line: 164
+manageroles_element_role_activities = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 173
+manageroles_element_delete = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 180
+manageroles_element_delete = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 200
+manageroles_element_save = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 218
+manageroles_element_search_role = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 219
+manageroles_element_addrole_form = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 221
+manageroles_element_rolename = "نام نقش:"
+; manageusers_element.php line: 56
+manageusers_element_users = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 65
+manageusers_element_username = "نام کاربر:"
+; manageusers_element.php line: 67
+manageusers_element_firstname = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 68
+manageusers_element_lastname = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 69
+manageusers_element_email = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 71
+manageusers_element_status = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 73
+manageusers_element_actions = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 135
+manageusers_element_edit = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 139
+manageusers_element_edit = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 146
+manageusers_element_delete = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 150
+confirm_delete_operation = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 153
+manageusers_element_delete = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 194
+manageusers_element_adduser_form = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 195
+manageusers_element_user_info = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 197
+manageusers_element_add_user = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 222
+manageusers_element_username = "نام کاربر:"
+; manageusers_element.php line: 232
+manageusers_element_firstname = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 238
+manageusers_element_lastname = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 244
+manageusers_element_email = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 251
+manageusers_element_status = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 268
+manageusers_element_roles = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 272
+manageusers_element_num_roles = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 287
+manageusers_element_delete = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 297
+manageusers_element_delete = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 340
+manageusers_element_filter = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 352
+manageusers_element_add_role = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 362
+manageusers_element_groups = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 366
+manageusers_element_num_groups = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 387
+manageusers_element_delete = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 427
+manageusers_element_filter = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 439
+manageusers_element_add_group = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 452
+manageusers_element_password = "رمز عبور:"
+; manageusers_element.php line: 458
+manageusers_element_retype_password = "رمز عبور را دوباره بنویسید:"
+; manageusers_element.php line: 465
+manageusers_element_save = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 492
+manageusers_element_search_user = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 493
+manageusers_element_adduser_form = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 495
+manageusers_element_username = "نام کاربر:"
+; manageusers_element.php line: 496
+manageusers_element_firstname = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 497
+manageusers_element_lastname = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 498
+manageusers_element_email = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 499
+manageusers_element_status = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 61
+mixcrawls_element_available_mixes = "ترکیب&zwnj;های موجود"
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 68
+mixcrawls_view_name = "نام"
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 70
+mixcrawls_view_definition = "تعریف"
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 74
+mixcrawls_view_actions = "فرمان&zwnj;ها"
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 108
+mixcrawls_view_no_components = "ترکیب هنوز هیچ جزئی ندارد"
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 115
+mixcrawls_view_share = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 118
+mixcrawls_view_edit = "ویرایش"
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 124
+mixcrawls_set_index = "برای نمایه قرار بده"
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 127
+mixcrawl_search_index = "نمایهٔ جستجو"
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 133
+confirm_delete_operation = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 136
+mixcrawls_view_delete = "حذف"
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 146
+mixcrawls_view_back = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 147
+mixcrawls_element_share_mix_group = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 157
+mixcrawls_element_mixname = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 163
+mixcrawls_element_group = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 169
+mixcrawls_element_share = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 193
+mixcrawls_element_make_mix = "ترکیب خزشی ایجاد کن"
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 203
+mixcrawls_element_mix_name = "نام ترکیب:"
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 208
+mixcrawls_element_create_button = "بساز"
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 223
+mixcrawls_element_search_mix = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 224
+mixcrawls_element_createmix_form = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 226
+mixcrawls_element_mixname = ""
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 78
+moreoptions_element_other_searches = ""
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 113
+moreoptions_element_previous = ""
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 119
+moreoptions_element_next = ""
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 126
+moreoptions_element_my_accounts = ""
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 133
+signin_element_settings = "تنظیمات"
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 141
+signin_element_signin = "ورود"
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 144
+signin_element_admin = "مدیر"
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 156
+signin_view_create_account = ""
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 168
+moreoptions_element_suggest = ""
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 171
+moreoptions_element_wiki_pages = ""
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 182
+moreoptions_element_tools = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 58
+pageoptions_element_crawl_time = "تنظیمات صفحه در هنگام خزش"
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 63
+pageoptions_element_search_time = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 68
+pageoptions_element_test_options = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 80
+pageoptions_element_load_options = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 85
+pageoptions_element_page_range = "دامنهٔ میزان بایتی که بارگذاری می&zwnj;شود (۰ - میزان):"
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 91
+pageoptions_element_summarizer = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 100
+pageoptions_element_max_description = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 106
+pageoptions_element_save_cache = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 116
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+; resultseditor_element.php line: 121
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 80
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 88
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 99
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 110
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 123
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 137
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+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/seek_quarry//views/helpers
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+; web_layout.php line: 71
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+; web_layout.php line: 223
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+; machinestatus_view.php line: 52
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+; machinestatus_view.php line: 155
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+; machinestatus_view.php line: 165
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+; machinestatus_view.php line: 175
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+nocache_view_no_cache = "کش برای مورد خواسته شده نیست."
+; nocache_view.php line: 59
+nocache_view_summary_contents = "داده&zwnj;های خلاصه در Yioop ذخیره شد"
+; recover_view.php line: 69
+recover_view_recover_password = ""
+; recover_view.php line: 105
+register_view_new_password = ""
+; recover_view.php line: 117
+register_view_retypepassword = ""
+; recover_view.php line: 132
+recover_view_username = ""
+; recover_view.php line: 147
+register_view_account_recovery = ""
+; recover_view.php line: 154
+register_view_human_check = ""
+; recover_view.php line: 187
+register_view_human_check = ""
+; recover_view.php line: 206
+recover_view_recover_password = ""
+; recover_view.php line: 216
+signin_view_return_yioop = "بازگشت به Yioop"
+; register_view.php line: 74
+register_view_question0_most = ""
+; register_view.php line: 75
+register_view_question0_least = ""
+; register_view.php line: 76
+register_view_question0_choices = ""
+; register_view.php line: 77
+register_view_question1_most = ""
+; register_view.php line: 78
+register_view_question1_least = ""
+; register_view.php line: 79
+register_view_question1_choices = ""
+; register_view.php line: 80
+register_view_question2_most = ""
+; register_view.php line: 81
+register_view_question2_least = ""
+; register_view.php line: 82
+register_view_question2_choices = ""
+; register_view.php line: 83
+register_view_question3_most = ""
+; register_view.php line: 84
+register_view_question3_least = ""
+; register_view.php line: 85
+register_view_question3_choices = ""
+; register_view.php line: 86
+register_view_question4_most = ""
+; register_view.php line: 87
+register_view_question4_least = ""
+; register_view.php line: 88
+register_view_question4_choices = ""
+; register_view.php line: 89
+register_view_question5_most = ""
+; register_view.php line: 90
+register_view_question5_least = ""
+; register_view.php line: 91
+register_view_question5_choices = ""
+; register_view.php line: 92
+register_view_question6_most = ""
+; register_view.php line: 93
+register_view_question6_least = ""
+; register_view.php line: 94
+register_view_question6_choices = ""
+; register_view.php line: 95
+register_view_question7_most = ""
+; register_view.php line: 96
+register_view_question7_least = ""
+; register_view.php line: 97
+register_view_question7_choices = ""
+; register_view.php line: 98
+register_view_question8_most = ""
+; register_view.php line: 99
+register_view_question8_least = ""
+; register_view.php line: 100
+register_view_question8_choices = ""
+; register_view.php line: 101
+register_view_question9_most = ""
+; register_view.php line: 102
+register_view_question9_least = ""
+; register_view.php line: 103
+register_view_question9_choices = ""
+; register_view.php line: 106
+register_view_recovery1_more = ""
+; register_view.php line: 107
+register_view_recovery1_less = ""
+; register_view.php line: 108
+register_view_recovery1_choices = ""
+; register_view.php line: 109
+register_view_recovery2_more = ""
+; register_view.php line: 110
+register_view_recovery2_less = ""
+; register_view.php line: 111
+register_view_recovery2_choices = ""
+; register_view.php line: 112
+register_view_recovery3_more = ""
+; register_view.php line: 113
+register_view_recovery3_less = ""
+; register_view.php line: 114
+register_view_recovery3_choices = ""
+; register_view.php line: 115
+register_view_recovery4_more = ""
+; register_view.php line: 116
+register_view_recovery4_less = ""
+; register_view.php line: 117
+register_view_recovery4_choices = ""
+; register_view.php line: 118
+register_view_recovery5_more = ""
+; register_view.php line: 119
+register_view_recovery5_less = ""
+; register_view.php line: 120
+register_view_recovery5_choices = ""
+; register_view.php line: 121
+register_view_recovery6_more = ""
+; register_view.php line: 122
+register_view_recovery6_less = ""
+; register_view.php line: 123
+register_view_recovery6_choices = ""
+; register_view.php line: 152
+register_view_create_account = ""
+; register_view.php line: 189
+register_view_firstname = ""
+; register_view.php line: 204
+register_view_lastname = ""
+; register_view.php line: 219
+register_view_username = ""
+; register_view.php line: 232
+register_view_email = ""
+; register_view.php line: 246
+register_view_password = ""
+; register_view.php line: 261
+register_view_retypepassword = ""
+; register_view.php line: 277
+register_view_account_recovery = ""
+; register_view.php line: 281
+register_view_human_check = ""
+; register_view.php line: 283
+register_view_account_recovery = ""
+; register_view.php line: 315
+register_view_human_check = ""
+; register_view.php line: 330
+register_view_i_agree = ""
+; register_view.php line: 332
+register_view_terms = ""
+; register_view.php line: 334
+register_view_and = ""
+; register_view.php line: 336
+register_view_privacy = ""
+; register_view.php line: 337
+register_view_period = ""
+; register_view.php line: 347
+register_view_create_account = ""
+; register_view.php line: 357
+signin_view_return_yioop = "بازگشت به Yioop"
+; search_view.php line: 86
+search_view_title = "Yioop! موتور جستجوی PHP"
+; search_view.php line: 113
+search_view_input_label = "لغاتی که می&zwnj;خواهید در وب جستجو کنید را وارد کنید"
+; search_view.php line: 117
+search_view_input_placeholder = "چیزی که دنبالش هستید را وارد کنید"
+; search_view.php line: 120
+search_view_search = "جستجو"
+; search_view.php line: 147
+search_view_no_index_set = ""
+; search_view.php line: 152
+search_view_more_statistics = "آمار بیشتر"
+; search_view.php line: 190
+search_view_calculated = "%s ثانیه"
+; search_view.php line: 191
+search_view_results = "در حال نمایش %s - %s از %s"
+; search_view.php line: 212
+search_view_thesaurus_results = ""
+; search_view.php line: 321
+search_view_word_cloud = ""
+; search_view.php line: 366
+search_view_cache = "کش شده"
+; search_view.php line: 369
+search_view_as_text = "مشاهده به صورت متنی"
+; search_view.php line: 382
+search_view_similar = "مشابه"
+; search_view.php line: 394
+search_view_inlink = "پیوندهای داخلی"
+; search_view.php line: 414
+search_view_rank = "رتبه: %s"
+; search_view.php line: 416
+search_view_relevancy = "ارتباط: %s"
+; search_view.php line: 418
+search_view_proximity = "نزدیکی: %s"
+; search_view.php line: 422
+search_view_thesaurus_score = ""
+; search_view.php line: 431
+search_view_score = "امتیاز: %s"
+; settings_view.php line: 66
+settings_view_settings = "تنظیمات"
+; settings_view.php line: 73
+settings_view_results_per_page = "نتایج در هر صفحه:"
+; settings_view.php line: 79
+settings_view_open_in_tabs = "نتایج را در صفحه&zwnj;های جدید باز کن:"
+; settings_view.php line: 86
+settings_view_search_index = "نمایهٔ جستجو:"
+; settings_view.php line: 92
+settings_view_language_label = "زبان:"
+; settings_view.php line: 108
+settings_view_return_yioop = "بازگشت"
+; settings_view.php line: 111
+settings_view_save = "ذخیرهٔ تنظیمات"
+; settings_view.php line: 119
+settings_install_search_plugin = "پلاگین متن&zwnj;باز Yioop! را نصب کنید"
+; signin_view.php line: 65
+signin_view_signin = "ورود"
+; signin_view.php line: 78
+sigin_view_signing_in = ""
+; signin_view.php line: 81
+sigin_view_login_failed = ""
+; signin_view.php line: 89
+signin_view_username = "نام کاربری"
+; signin_view.php line: 96
+signin_view_password = "رمز عبور"
+; signin_view.php line: 107
+signin_view_login = "ورود"
+; signin_view.php line: 122
+signin_view_recover_password = ""
+; signin_view.php line: 127
+signin_view_create_account = ""
+; signin_view.php line: 132
+signin_view_return_yioop = "بازگشت به Yioop"
+; static_view.php line: 71
+static_view_title = "موتور جستجوی PHP - Yioop!"
+; statistics_view.php line: 63
+statistics_view_statistics = "آمار"
+; statistics_view.php line: 68
+statistics_view_calculating = "در حال محاسبه ... لطفن صبور باشید."
+; statistics_view.php line: 82
+statistics_view_error_codes = "کد خطاهای مشاهده شده"
+; statistics_view.php line: 83
+statistics_view_sizes = "اندازهٔ فایل&zwnj;های بارگذاری شده"
+; statistics_view.php line: 84
+statistics_view_links_per_page = "میانگین پیوندهای هر صفحه"
+; statistics_view.php line: 85
+statistics_view_page_date = "تاریخ تغییر صفحات"
+; statistics_view.php line: 86
+statistics_view_dns_time = "زمان جستجو در DNS"
+; statistics_view.php line: 87
+statistics_view_download_time = "زمان بارگذاری صفحه"
+; statistics_view.php line: 88
+statistics_view_top_level_domain = "دامنه&zwnj;های سطح بالا"
+; statistics_view.php line: 89
+statistics_view_file_extension = "نوع فایل"
+; statistics_view.php line: 90
+statistics_view_media_type = "نوع رسانه"
+; statistics_view.php line: 91
+statistics_view_language = "زبان صفحه وب"
+; statistics_view.php line: 92
+statistics_view_server = "وب سرور"
+; statistics_view.php line: 93
+statistics_view_os = "سیستم عامل (اگر شناسایی شده)"
+; statistics_view.php line: 97
+statistics_view_general_info = "اطلاعات کلی نمایه"
+; statistics_view.php line: 98
+statistics_view_description = "توضیح نمایه"
+; statistics_view.php line: 100
+statistics_view_timestamp = "برچسب زمان"
+; statistics_view.php line: 102
+statistics_view_crawl_date = "زمان شروع خزش"
+; statistics_view.php line: 104
+statistics_view_pages = "صفحات بارگذاری شده"
+; statistics_view.php line: 106
+statistics_view_url = "URLهای دیده شده"
+; statistics_view.php line: 109
+statistics_view_number_hosts = "میزبان&zwnj;های دیده شده"
+; suggest_view.php line: 68
+suggest_view_suggest_url = ""
+; suggest_view.php line: 70
+suggest_view_instructions = ""
+; suggest_view.php line: 94
+suggest_view_url = ""
+; suggest_view.php line: 110
+register_view_human_check = ""
+; suggest_view.php line: 144
+suggest_view_human_check = ""
+; suggest_view.php line: 167
+suggest_view_submit_url = ""
+; suggest_view.php line: 177
+signin_view_return_yioop = "بازگشت به Yioop"
+; view.php line: 32
+view_locale_version11 = ""
+; view.php line: 81
+view_logo_alt_text = ""
+; wiki_view.php line: 89
+wiki_view_read = ""
+; wiki_view.php line: 90
+wiki_view_edit = ""
+; wiki_view.php line: 93
+wiki_view_pages = ""
+; wiki_view.php line: 132
+wiki_view_feed = ""
+; wiki_view.php line: 133
+wiki_view_wiki = ""
+; wiki_view.php line: 157
+adminview_auto_logout_one_minute = "خروج خودکار تا یک دقیقهٔ دیگر!!"
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/sq_data/app/views
+; download_view.php line: 62
+download_view_form = ""
+; download_view.php line: 73
+download_view_thank_you = ""
+; download_view.php line: 76
+download_view_full_name = ""
+; download_view.php line: 82
+download_view_email = ""
+; download_view.php line: 87
+download_view_business = ""
+; download_view.php line: 93
+download_view_interest = ""
+; download_view.php line: 100
+download_view_get_email = ""
+; download_view.php line: 106
+download_view_return_main = ""
+; download_view.php line: 120
+download_view_required_fields = ""
+; download_view.php line: 125
+download_view_name_required = ""
+; download_view.php line: 130
+download_view_valid_email = ""
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/seek_quarry//lib/indexing_plugins
+; wordfilter_plugin.php line: 353
+wordfilter_plugin_settings_saved = ""
+; wordfilter_plugin.php line: 362
+wordfilter_plugin_defaults_restored = ""
+; wordfilter_plugin.php line: 466
+wordfilter_plugin_preferences = ""
+; wordfilter_plugin.php line: 470
+wordfilter_plugin_factory_settings = ""
+; wordfilter_plugin.php line: 483
+wordfilter_plugin_save = ""
diff --git a/locale/fa/resources/locale.js b/locale/fa/resources/locale.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c8c3802
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/fa/resources/locale.js
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+ * SeekQuarry/Yioop --
+ * Open Source Pure PHP Search Engine, Crawler, and Indexer
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2009 - 2015  Chris Pollett
+ *
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+ *
+ *
+ * @author Chris Pollett
+ * @package seek_quarry
+ * @subpackage javascript
+ * @license GPL3
+ * @link
+ * @copyright 2009 - 2015s
+ * @filesource
+ */
+ * The alphabet for this locale
+ */
+var alpha = "اب پ ت ث ج چ ح خ د ذ ر ز ژ س ش" +
+    " ص ض ط ظ ع غ ف ق ک گ ل م ن و ه ی";
+ * Transliteration maping for this locale
+ */
+var roman_array = {};
+ * To analyze the query and generate actual input query from the
+ * transliterated query
+ */
+function analyzeQuery()
diff --git a/locale/fa/resources/suggest_trie.txt.gz b/locale/fa/resources/suggest_trie.txt.gz
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..7375b14
Binary files /dev/null and b/locale/fa/resources/suggest_trie.txt.gz differ
diff --git a/locale/fa/resources/tokenizer.php b/locale/fa/resources/tokenizer.php
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9bdb019
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/fa/resources/tokenizer.php
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+ * SeekQuarry/Yioop --
+ * Open Source Pure PHP Search Engine, Crawler, and Indexer
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2009 - 2015  Chris Pollett
+ *
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+ *
+ * @author Chris Pollett
+ * @package seek_quarry
+ * @subpackage locale
+ * @license GPL3
+ * @link
+ * @copyright 2009 - 2015
+ * @filesource
+ */
+if(!defined('BASE_DIR')) {echo "BAD REQUEST"; exit();}
+ * Persian specific tokenization code. Typically, tokenizer.php
+ * either contains a stemmer for the language in question or
+ * it specifies how many characters in a char gram
+ *
+ * @author Chris Pollett
+ * @package seek_quarry
+ * @subpackage locale
+ */
+$GLOBALS['CHARGRAMS']['fa'] = 5;
diff --git a/locale/fa/resources1421450877old/locale.js b/locale/fa/resources1421450877old/locale.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..7fcb6ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/fa/resources1421450877old/locale.js
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+ * SeekQuarry/Yioop --
+ * Open Source Pure PHP Search Engine, Crawler, and Indexer
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2009 - 2014  Chris Pollett
+ *
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+ *
+ *
+ * @author Chris Pollett
+ * @package seek_quarry
+ * @subpackage javascript
+ * @license GPL3
+ * @link
+ * @copyright 2009 - 2014s
+ * @filesource
+ */
+ * The alphabet for this locale
+ */
+var alpha = "اب پ ت ث ج چ ح خ د ذ ر ز ژ س ش" +
+    " ص ض ط ظ ع غ ف ق ک گ ل م ن و ه ی";
+ * Transliteration maping for this locale
+ */
+var roman_array = {};
+ * To analyze the query and generate actual input query from the
+ * transliterated query
+ */
+function analyzeQuery()
diff --git a/locale/fa/resources1421450877old/suggest_trie.txt.gz b/locale/fa/resources1421450877old/suggest_trie.txt.gz
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..7375b14
Binary files /dev/null and b/locale/fa/resources1421450877old/suggest_trie.txt.gz differ
diff --git a/locale/fa/resources1421450877old/tokenizer.php b/locale/fa/resources1421450877old/tokenizer.php
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1464263
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/fa/resources1421450877old/tokenizer.php
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+ * SeekQuarry/Yioop --
+ * Open Source Pure PHP Search Engine, Crawler, and Indexer
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2009 - 2014  Chris Pollett
+ *
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+ *
+ * @author Chris Pollett
+ * @package seek_quarry
+ * @subpackage locale
+ * @license GPL3
+ * @link
+ * @copyright 2009 - 2014
+ * @filesource
+ */
+if(!defined('BASE_DIR')) {echo "BAD REQUEST"; exit();}
+ * Persian specific tokenization code. Typically, tokenizer.php
+ * either contains a stemmer for the language in question or
+ * it specifies how many characters in a char gram
+ *
+ * @author Chris Pollett
+ * @package seek_quarry
+ * @subpackage locale
+ */
+$GLOBALS['CHARGRAMS']['fa'] = 5;
diff --git a/locale/fa/statistics.txt b/locale/fa/statistics.txt
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c597d6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/fa/statistics.txt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/locale/fr-FR/configure.ini b/locale/fr-FR/configure.ini
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..793b509
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/fr-FR/configure.ini
@@ -0,0 +1,4186 @@
+; ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
+;  SeekQuarry/Yioop Open Source Pure PHP Search Engine, Crawler, and Indexer
+;  Copyright (C) 2009 - 2015  Chris Pollett
+;  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;  (at your option) any later version.
+;  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;  GNU General Public License for more details.
+;  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;  along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+;  ***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****
+; configure.ini
+; fr-FR configuration file
+; Strings to translate on various pages
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/seek_quarry//controllers
+; admin_controller.php line: 101
+admin_controller_need_cookies = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 150
+admin_controller_account_not_active = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 156
+admin_controller_login_successful = "D&eacute;connexion r&eacute;ussie!"
+; admin_controller.php line: 175
+admin_controller_no_back_button = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 189
+admin_controller_login_failed = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 195
+admin_controller_login_to_config = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 199
+admin_controller_status_updates_stopped = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 342
+admin_controller_account_access = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 343
+admin_controller_social = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 344
+admin_controller_crawl_settings = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 345
+admin_controller_system_settings = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 517
+admin_controller_equal = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 518
+admin_controller_not_equal = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 519
+admin_controller_contains = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 520
+admin_controller_begins_with = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 521
+admin_controller_ends_with = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 524
+admin_controller_equal = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 525
+admin_controller_not_equal = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 528
+admin_controller_no_sort = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 529
+admin_controller_sort_ascending = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 530
+admin_controller_sort_descending = ""
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/seek_quarry//controllers/components
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 132
+accountaccess_component_no_posts_yet = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 146
+accountaccess_component_passwords_too_long = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 155
+accountaccess_component_passwords_dont_match = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 162
+accountaccess_component_invalid_password = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 192
+accountaccess_component_unknown_imagetype = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 197
+accountaccess_component_icon_too_big = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 206
+accountaccess_component_no_user_folder = ""
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+; social_component.php line: 2280
+social_component_comment_error = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2286
+social_component_invalid_timestamp = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2304
+social_component_no_post_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2308
+social_component_share_title = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2310
+social_component_share_description = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2315
+social_component_thread_created = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2367
+social_component_mix_invalid_timestamp = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2372
+social_component_mix_not_owner = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2382
+social_component_add_crawls = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2384
+social_component_num_results = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2386
+social_component_del_frag = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2388
+social_component_weight = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2389
+social_component_name = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2391
+social_component_add_keywords = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2393
+social_component_actions = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2395
+social_component_add_query = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2396
+social_component_delete = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2443
+social_component_too_many_fragments = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2454
+social_component_mix_saved = ""
+; system_component.php line: 79
+system_component_select_machine = ""
+; system_component.php line: 145
+system_component_machine_added = ""
+; system_component.php line: 149
+system_component_machine_exists = ""
+; system_component.php line: 153
+system_component_machine_incomplete = ""
+; system_component.php line: 160
+system_component_machine_doesnt_exists = ""
+; system_component.php line: 181
+system_component_stop_service_first = ""
+; system_component.php line: 187
+system_component_machine_deleted = ""
+; system_component.php line: 208
+system_component_media_mode_updated = ""
+; system_component.php line: 212
+system_component_media_update_failed = ""
+; system_component.php line: 275
+system_component_no_machine_log = ""
+; system_component.php line: 304
+system_component_machine_servers_updated = ""
+; system_component.php line: 308
+system_component_machine_no_action = ""
+; system_component.php line: 344
+system_component_select_mode = ""
+; system_component.php line: 386
+system_component_locale_missing_info = ""
+; system_component.php line: 393
+system_component_locale_added = ""
+; system_component.php line: 400
+system_component_localename_doesnt_exists = ""
+; system_component.php line: 405
+system_component_localename_deleted = ""
+; system_component.php line: 411
+system_component_localename_doesnt_exists = ""
+; system_component.php line: 440
+system_component_locale_updated = ""
+; system_component.php line: 470
+system_component_localestrings_updated = ""
+; system_component.php line: 481
+system_component_all_strings = ""
+; system_component.php line: 482
+system_component_missing_strings = ""
+; system_component.php line: 568
+system_component_configure_no_change_db = ""
+; system_component.php line: 573
+system_component_configure_profile_change = ""
+; system_component.php line: 576
+system_component_configure_no_change_profile = ""
+; system_component.php line: 598
+system_component_configure_disable_registration = ""
+; system_component.php line: 600
+system_component_configure_no_activation = ""
+; system_component.php line: 602
+system_component_configure_email_activation = ""
+; system_component.php line: 604
+system_component_configure_admin_activation = ""
+; system_component.php line: 669
+captchasettings_element_text_captcha = ""
+; system_component.php line: 671
+captchasettings_element_hash_captcha = ""
+; system_component.php line: 673
+captchasettings_element_image_captcha = ""
+; system_component.php line: 678
+serversettings_element_normal_authentication = ""
+; system_component.php line: 680
+serversettings_element_zkp_authentication = ""
+; system_component.php line: 685
+serversettings_element_normal_authentication = ""
+; system_component.php line: 710
+system_component_settings_updated = ""
+; system_component.php line: 713
+system_component_no_update_settings = ""
+; system_component.php line: 780
+system_component_configure_use_absolute_path = ""
+; system_component.php line: 785
+system_component_configure_configure_diff_base_dir = ""
+; system_component.php line: 810
+system_component_configure_work_dir_set = ""
+; system_component.php line: 821
+system_component_name_your_bot = ""
+; system_component.php line: 846
+system_component_configure_work_profile_made = ""
+; system_component.php line: 850
+system_component_configure_no_set_config = ""
+; system_component.php line: 857
+system_component_configure_no_create_profile = ""
+; system_component.php line: 864
+system_component_configure_work_dir_invalid = ""
+; system_component.php line: 871
+system_component_configure_work_dir_invalid = ""
+; system_component.php line: 893
+system_component_no_resource_folder = ""
+; system_component.php line: 907
+system_component_invalid_filetype = ""
+; system_component.php line: 912
+system_component_file_too_big = ""
+; system_component.php line: 935
+system_component_configure_profile_change = ""
+; system_component.php line: 939
+system_component_configure_no_change_profile = ""
+; system_component.php line: 988
+system_component_configure_reset_completed = ""
+; system_component.php line: 992
+system_component_configure_no_change_profile = ""
+; system_component.php line: 1025
+system_component_describe_robot = ""
+; system_component.php line: 1091
+system_component_php_version = ""
+; system_component.php line: 1099
+system_component_no_write_config_php = ""
+; system_component.php line: 1104
+system_component_no_write_work_dir = ""
+; system_component.php line: 1109
+system_component_post_size_small = ""
+; system_component.php line: 1115
+system_component_missing_required = ""
+; system_component.php line: 1138
+system_component_missing_optional = ""
+; system_component.php line: 1143
+system_component_check_passed = ""
+; system_component.php line: 1148
+system_component_using_local_config = ""
+; machine_controller.php line: 172
+machine_controller_nolines = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 246
+register_controller_need_cookies = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 313
+register_controller_account_created = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 331
+register_controller_registration_email_sent = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 333
+register_controller_admin_activation_request = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 334
+register_controller_admin_email_salutation = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 336
+register_controller_email_body = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 369
+register_controller_account_request_made = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 373
+register_controller_admin_activation_request = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 374
+register_controller_admin_activation_message = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 416
+register_controller_email_verification_error = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 422
+register_controller_already_activated = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 429
+register_controller_account_activated = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 432
+register_controller_email_verification_error = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 480
+register_controller_account_recover_fail = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 489
+register_controller_account_recover_fail = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 493
+register_controller_account_recover_email = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 497
+register_controller_recover_request = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 498
+register_controller_admin_email_salutation = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 500
+register_controller_recover_body = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 534
+register_controller_account_recover_fail = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 546
+register_controller_account_recover_fail = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 559
+register_controller_account_recover_fail = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 566
+register_controller_recovered_already = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 570
+register_controller_recovery_expired = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 576
+register_controller_password_changed = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 584
+register_controller_passwords_dont_match = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 598
+register_controller_recovered_already = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 602
+register_controller_recovery_expired = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 728
+register_controller_invalid_url = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 732
+register_controller_error_fields = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 746
+register_controller_failed_hashcode = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 756
+register_controller_failed_human = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 783
+register_controller_failed_graphical_human = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 797
+register_controller_suggest_full = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 801
+register_controller_url_submitted = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 1004
+register_controller_need_cookies = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 1010
+register_controller_failed_human = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 1025
+register_controller_failed_graphical_human = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 1036
+register_controller_failed_hashcode = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 1064
+register_controller_error_fields = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 1067
+register_controller_check_email = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 1074
+register_controller_user_already_exists = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 235
+search_controller_web = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 295
+search_controller_logout_successful = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 500
+search_controller_mix_info = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 506
+search_controller_crawl_info = "L&#039;index: %s -- Taille: %s pages / %s urls"
+; search_controller.php line: 542
+search_controller_search = "Afficher les r&eacute;sultats pour "
+; search_controller.php line: 646
+search_controller_no_index_set = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 649
+search_controller_no_index_set = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1300
+search_controller_download_fetcher = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1309
+search_controller_no_archive_page = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1358
+search_controller_yioop_cache = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1363
+search_controller_original_page = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1380
+search_controller_extracted_title = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1382
+search_controller_extracted_description = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1384
+search_controller_extracted_links = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1389
+search_controller_extracted_allow_paths = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1395
+search_controller_extracted_disallow_paths = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1401
+search_controller_crawl_delay = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1466
+search_controller_cache_comment = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1477
+search_controller_yioop_cache = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1513
+search_controller_cached_version = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1608
+search_controller_download_fetcher = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1626
+search_controller_header_summaries = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1739
+search_controller_history = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1908
+search_controller_all_cached = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1939
+search_controller_year = "Ann&eacute;e:"
+; search_controller.php line: 1940
+search_controller_month = "Mois:"
+; settings_controller.php line: 115
+settings_controller_crawl_mix = ""
+; settings_controller.php line: 130
+settings_controller_settings_saved = "Configurations sauvegard&eacute;es"
+; static_controller.php line: 67
+static_controller_logout_successful = ""
+; static_controller.php line: 145
+static_controller_complete_title = ""
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/sq_data/app/controllers
+; main_controller.php line: 87
+search_controller_logout_successful = ""
+; main_controller.php line: 112
+main_controller_download = ""
+; main_controller.php line: 129
+main_controller_missing_fields = ""
+; main_controller.php line: 164
+main_controller_yioop_download = ""
+; main_controller.php line: 165
+main_controller_click_download = ""
+; main_controller.php line: 178
+main_controller_url_error = ""
+; main_controller.php line: 187
+main_controller_expired_url = ""
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/seek_quarry//views
+; admin_view.php line: 70
+admin_view_admin = "Administration"
+; admin_view.php line: 89
+adminview_auto_logout_one_minute = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 52
+crawlstatus_view_currently_processing = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 53
+crawlstatus_view_description = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 58
+crawlstatus_view_starting_crawl = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 62
+managecrawls_element_stop_crawl = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 66
+crawlstatus_view_resuming_crawl = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 70
+managecrawls_element_stop_crawl = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 74
+crawlstatus_view_shutdown_queue = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 77
+crawlstatus_view_closing_dict = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 80
+crawlstatus_view_run_plugins = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 88
+managecrawls_element_stop_crawl = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 96
+crawlstatus_view_set_index = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 99
+crawlstatus_view_search_index = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 107
+crawlstatus_view_changeoptions = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 109
+crawlstatus_view_no_description = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 114
+crawlstatus_view_timestamp = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 116
+crawlstatus_view_time_started = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 122
+crawlstatus_view_indexer_memory = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 124
+crawlstatus_view_scheduler_memory = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 127
+crawlstatus_view_queue_memory = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 132
+crawlstatus_view_no_mem_data = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 136
+crawlstatus_view_fetcher_memory = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 141
+crawlstatus_view_no_mem_data = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 144
+crawlstatus_view_webapp_memory = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 149
+crawlstatus_view_no_mem_data = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 152
+crawlstatus_view_urls_per_hour = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 160
+crawlstatus_view_visited_urls = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 164
+crawlstatus_view_total_urls = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 167
+crawlstatus_view_most_recent_fetcher = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 176
+crawlstatus_view_no_fetcher = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 180
+crawlstatus_view_most_recent_urls = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 190
+crawlstatus_view_no_recent_urls = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 193
+crawlstatus_view_previous_crawls = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 203
+crawlstatus_view_description = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 206
+crawlstatus_view_timestamp = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 207
+crawlstatus_view_url_counts = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 211
+crawlstatus_view_actions = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 222
+crawlstatus_view_statistics = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 238
+crawlstatus_view_resume = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 240
+crawlstatus_view_no_resume = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 247
+crawlstatus_view_set_index = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 250
+crawlstatus_view_search_index = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 257
+crawlstatus_view_delete = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 265
+crawlstatus_view_no_previous_crawl = ""
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/seek_quarry//views/elements
+; activity_element.php line: 54
+activity_element_activities = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 76
+configure_element_work_directory = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 82
+configure_element_load_or_create = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 100
+configure_element_component_check = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 104
+configure_element_profile_settings = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 107
+configure_element_toggle_advanced = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 114
+configure_element_default_language = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 121
+configure_element_debug_display = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 126
+configure_element_error_info = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 131
+configure_element_query_info = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 136
+configure_element_test_info = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 141
+configure_element_site_access = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 146
+configure_element_web_access = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 151
+configure_element_rss_access = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 156
+configure_element_api_access = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 161
+configure_element_customizations = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 163
+configure_element_use_wiki_landing = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 170
+configure_element_background_color = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 178
+configure_element_background_image = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 185
+configure_element_background_image = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 194
+configure_element_foreground_color = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 200
+configure_element_topbar_color = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 206
+configure_element_sidebar_color = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 214
+configure_element_site_logo = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 221
+configure_element_site_logo = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 232
+configure_element_mobile_logo = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 239
+configure_element_mobile_logo = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 250
+configure_element_favicon = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 257
+configure_element_favicon = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 267
+configure_element_toolbar = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 278
+configure_element_site_timezone = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 284
+configure_element_cookie_name = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 290
+configure_element_token_name = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 296
+configure_element_auxiliary_css = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 304
+configure_element_reset_customizations = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 311
+configure_element_crawl_robot = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 313
+configure_element_robot_name = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 321
+configure_element_robot_instance = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 328
+configure_element_robot_description = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 338
+serversettings_element_submit = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 55
+crawloptions_element_back_to_manage = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 58
+crawloptions_element_modify_active_crawl = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 60
+crawloptions_element_edit_crawl_options = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 83
+crawloptions_element_web_crawl = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 93
+crawloptions_element_archive_crawl = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 100
+crawloptions_element_load_options = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 105
+crawloptions_element_crawl_order = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 114
+crawloptions_element_restrict_by_url = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 122
+crawloptions_element_allowed_to_crawl = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 129
+crawloptions_element_disallowed_and_quota_sites = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 140
+crawloptions_element_seed_sites = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 144
+crawloptions_element_add_suggest_urls = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 155
+crawloptions_element_inject_sites = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 159
+crawloptions_element_add_suggest_urls = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 176
+crawloptions_element_reindex_crawl = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 185
+crawloptions_element_need_api_for_mix = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 193
+crawloptions_element_save_options = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 58
+editclassifier_back = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 60
+editclassifier_edit_classifier = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 72
+editclassifier_classifier_label = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 77
+editclassifier_change = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 82
+editclassifier_statistics = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 83
+editclassifier_positive_examples = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 86
+editclassifier_negative_examples = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 89
+editclassifier_accuracy = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 94
+crawl_component_na = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 99
+editclassifier_update = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 100
+editclassifier_add_examples = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 109
+editclassifier_source = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 113
+editclassifier_default_crawl = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 123
+editclassifier_label_by_hand = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 125
+editclassifier_all_in_class = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 127
+editclassifier_none_in_class = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 132
+editclassifier_keywords = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 141
+editclassifier_load = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 147
+editclassifier_finalize = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 155
+editclassifier_no_documents = ""
+; editlocales_element.php line: 55
+editlocales_element_back_to_manage = ""
+; editlocales_element.php line: 57
+editlocales_element_edit_locale = ""
+; editlocales_element.php line: 71
+editlocales_element_show = ""
+; editlocales_element.php line: 75
+editlocales_element_filter = ""
+; editlocales_element.php line: 82
+editlocales_element_go = ""
+; editlocales_element.php line: 86
+editlocales_element_no_matching = ""
+; editlocales_element.php line: 119
+editlocales_element_submit = ""
+; editmix_element.php line: 51
+editmix_element_back_to_mix = ""
+; editmix_element.php line: 53
+mixcrawls_element_edit_mix = ""
+; editmix_element.php line: 64
+mixcrawls_element_mix_name = ""
+; editmix_element.php line: 70
+mixcrawls_element_mix_components = ""
+; editmix_element.php line: 77
+mixcrawls_element_too_many = ""
+; editmix_element.php line: 79
+mixcrawls_element_add_fragment = ""
+; editmix_element.php line: 85
+mixcrawls_element_save_button = ""
+; footer_element.php line: 59
+footer_element_blog = "Blog"
+; footer_element.php line: 61
+footer_element_privacy = "Confidentialit&eacute;"
+; footer_element.php line: 63
+footer_element_terms = "Termes"
+; footer_element.php line: 65
+footer_element_tools = "Outils"
+; footer_element.php line: 67
+footer_element_bot = "YioopBot"
+; footer_element.php line: 72
+footer_element_developed_seek_quarry = "D&eacute;velopp&eacute; &agrave; Seekquarry"
+; footer_element.php line: 75
+footer_element_copyright_yioop = "(c) 2014 Yioop!"
+; footer_element.php line: 77
+footer_element_php_search_engine = "PHP Moteur de recherche"
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 91
+groupfeed_element_add_group = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 95
+groupfeed_element_request_add = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 122
+groupfeed_element_wiki_page = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 124
+groupfeed_element_back = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 127
+groupfeed_element_back = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 136
+groupfeed_element_group_activity = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 140
+groupfeed_element_wiki_thread = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 159
+groupfeed_element_feed = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 163
+group_view_wiki = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 165
+groupfeed_element_user = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 206
+groupfeed_element_comment = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 238
+manageaccount_element_group_wiki = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 239
+manageaccount_element_group_stats = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 244
+manageaccount_element_last_post = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 286
+groupfeed_element_comment = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 297
+groupfeed_element_start_thread = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 311
+groupfeed_element_start_thread = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 317
+groupfeed_element_no_posts_yet = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 323
+groupfeed_element_thread_no_exist = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 358
+groupfeed_element_edit = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 363
+groupfeed_element_delete = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 385
+groupfeed_element_num_posts = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 395
+groupfeed_element_num_views = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 420
+groupfeed_element_start_thread_in_group = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 422
+groupfeed_element_start_thread_in_group = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 436
+groupfeed_element_last_edited = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 452
+groupfeed_element_post_vote = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 479
+groupfeed_element_last_post_info = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 494
+groupfeed_element_comment = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 547
+fileupload_helper_drag_textarea = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 548
+fileupload_helper_click_textarea = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 572
+groupfeed_element_add_comment = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 586
+groupfeed_element_save = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 625
+groupfeed_element_subject = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 632
+groupfeed_element_post = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 645
+groupfeed_element_save = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 681
+groupfeed_element_edit_post = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 684
+groupfeed_element_subject = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 690
+groupfeed_element_post = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 703
+groupfeed_element_save = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 732
+groupfeed_element_no_longer_update = ""
+; machinelog_element.php line: 54
+machinelog_element_back_to_manage = ""
+; machinelog_element.php line: 59
+machinelog_element_filter = ""
+; machinelog_element.php line: 66
+machinelog_element_log_file = ""
+; machinelog_element.php line: 71
+machinelog_element_refresh_off = "Outre"
+; machinelog_element.php line: 76
+machinelog_element_refresh_on = "Sur"
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 60
+manageaccount_element_lock = ""
+manageaccount_element_edit = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 67
+manageaccount_element_welcome = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 69
+manageaccount_element_what_can_do = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 71
+manageaccount_element_account_details = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 100
+manageaccounts_element_icon = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 110
+manageusers_element_username = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 117
+manageusers_element_firstname = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 123
+manageusers_element_lastname = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 129
+manageusers_element_email = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 138
+manageaccount_element_password = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 145
+manageaccount_element_new_password = "Nouveau Mot de passe:"
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 151
+manageaccount_element_retype_password = "Veuillez resaisir votre mot de passe:     "
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 163
+manageaccount_element_save = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 169
+manageaccount_element_search_lang_settings = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 174
+manageaccount_element_crawl_and_index = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 175
+manageaccount_element_crawl_info = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 176
+manageaccount_element_num_crawls = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 179
+manageaccount_element_manage_crawls = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 185
+manageaccount_element_groups_and_feeds = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 186
+manageaccount_element_group_info = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 188
+manageaccount_element_num_groups = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 191
+manageaccount_element_num_group = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 203
+manageaccount_element_group_wiki = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 204
+manageaccount_element_group_stats = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 209
+manageaccount_element_last_post = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 219
+manageaccount_element_manage_all_groups = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 221
+manageaccount_element_go_to_group_feed = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 223
+manageaccount_element_crawl_mixes = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 224
+manageaccount_element_mixes_info = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 226
+manageaccount_element_num_mixes = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 229
+manageaccount_element_num_mix = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 233
+manageaccount_element_manage_mixes = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 61
+manageclassifiers_available_classifiers = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 69
+manageclassifiers_label_col = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 72
+manageclassifiers_positive_col = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 74
+manageclassifiers_negative_col = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 80
+manageclassifiers_actions_col = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 99
+manageclassifiers_edit = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 102
+manageclassifiers_finalized = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 109
+manageclassifiers_finalize = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 111
+manageclassifiers_finalize = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 115
+manageclassifiers_finalizing = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 119
+confirm_delete_operation = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 123
+manageclassifiers_delete = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 156
+manageclassifiers_manage_classifiers = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 166
+manageclassifiers_classifier_name = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 171
+manageclassifiers_create_button = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 186
+manageclassifiers_element_search = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 187
+manageclassifiers_element_create_form = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 189
+manageclassifiers_classifier_name = ""
+; managecrawls_element.php line: 49
+managecrawls_element_create_crawl = ""
+; managecrawls_element.php line: 58
+managecrawls_element_description = ""
+; managecrawls_element.php line: 65
+managecrawls_element_start_new_crawl = ""
+; managecrawls_element.php line: 69
+managecrawls_element_options = ""
+; managecrawls_element.php line: 75
+managecrawls_element_awaiting_status = ""
+; managecrawls_element.php line: 93
+managecrawls_element_up_longer_update = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 67
+managegroups_element_not_my_groups = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 69
+managegroups_element_groups = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 78
+managegroups_element_groupname = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 79
+managegroups_element_groupowner = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 81
+managegroups_element_registertype = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 82
+managegroups_element_memberaccess = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 83
+managegroups_element_voting = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 84
+managegroups_element_post_lifetime = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 87
+managegroups_element_actions = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 201
+manageaccount_element_group_wiki = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 216
+managegroups_element_join = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 220
+managegroups_element_edit = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 225
+managegroups_element_edit = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 230
+managegroups_element_delete = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 236
+managegroups_element_join = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 241
+managegroups_element_join = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 250
+managegroups_element_decline = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 252
+managegroups_element_unsubscribe = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 257
+confirm_delete_operation = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 260
+managegroups_element_delete = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 289
+managegroups_element_addgroup_form = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 290
+managegroups_element_group_info = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 292
+managegroups_element_create_group = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 296
+managegroups_element_add_group = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 313
+managegroups_element_groupname = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 324
+managegroups_element_browse = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 335
+managegroups_element_register = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 342
+managegroups_element_memberaccess = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 349
+managegroups_element_voting = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 356
+managegroups_element_post_lifetime = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 368
+managegroups_element_group_users = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 372
+managegroups_element_num_users = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 398
+managegroups_element_groupowner = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 400
+managegroups_element_delete = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 410
+managegroups_element_activate = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 416
+managegroups_element_ban = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 422
+managegroups_element_unban = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 430
+managegroups_element_delete = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 459
+managegroups_element_filter = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 480
+managegroups_element_invite = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 491
+managegroups_element_save = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 520
+managegroups_element_group_info = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 521
+managegroups_element_invite_users_group = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 533
+managegroups_element_groupname = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 541
+managegroups_element_usernames = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 548
+managegroups_element_invite = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 566
+managegroups_element_addgroup_form = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 567
+managegroups_element_transfer_group_owner = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 580
+managegroups_element_groupname = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 588
+managegroups_element_new_group_owner = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 595
+managegroups_element_change_owner = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 614
+managegroups_element_discover_groups = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 618
+managegroups_element_search_group = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 620
+managegroups_element_addgroup_form = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 622
+managegroups_element_groupname = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 623
+managegroups_element_groupowner = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 624
+managegroups_element_registertype = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 626
+managegroups_element_memberaccess = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 628
+managegroups_element_post_lifetime = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 59
+managelocales_element_locale_list = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 69
+managelocales_element_localename = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 72
+managelocales_element_localetag = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 73
+managelocales_element_writingmode = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 75
+managelocales_element_enabled = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 80
+managelocales_element_percenttranslated = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 81
+managelocales_element_actions = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 101
+managelocales_element_true = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 102
+managelocales_element_false = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 109
+managelocales_element_edit = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 114
+confirm_delete_operation = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 115
+managelocales_element_delete = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 135
+manageloecales_element_add_locale_form = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 136
+managelocales_element_locale_info = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 138
+managelocales_element_add_locale = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 160
+managelocales_element_localenamelabel = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 173
+managelocales_element_localetaglabel = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 179
+managelocales_element_writingmodelabel = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 189
+managelocales_element_localeenabled = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 200
+managelocales_element_submit = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 218
+managelocales_element_search_locales = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 219
+managelocales_element_addlocale_form = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 221
+managelocales_element_localename = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 222
+managelocales_element_localetag = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 223
+managelocales_element_writingmode = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 224
+managelocales_element_enabled = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 230
+managelocales_element_true = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 231
+managelocales_element_false = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 51
+managemachines_element_add_machine = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 63
+managemachines_element_machine_name = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 68
+managemachines_element_machineurl = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 73
+managemachines_element_is_mirror = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 78
+managemachines_element_parent_name = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 84
+managemachines_element_has_queueserver = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 88
+managemachines_element_num_fetchers = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 93
+managemachines_element_submit = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 98
+managemachines_element_machine_info = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 104
+managemachines_element_awaiting_status = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 123
+managemachines_element_no_longer_update = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 56
+manageroles_element_roles = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 64
+manageroles_element_rolename = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 66
+manageroles_element_actions = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 91
+manageroles_element_edit = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 96
+manageroles_element_delete = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 100
+confirm_delete_operation = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 103
+manageroles_element_delete = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 136
+manageroles_element_addrole_form = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 137
+manageroles_element_role_info = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 139
+manageroles_element_add_role = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 151
+manageroles_element_rolename = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 164
+manageroles_element_role_activities = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 173
+manageroles_element_delete = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 180
+manageroles_element_delete = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 200
+manageroles_element_save = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 218
+manageroles_element_search_role = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 219
+manageroles_element_addrole_form = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 221
+manageroles_element_rolename = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 56
+manageusers_element_users = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 65
+manageusers_element_username = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 67
+manageusers_element_firstname = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 68
+manageusers_element_lastname = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 69
+manageusers_element_email = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 71
+manageusers_element_status = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 73
+manageusers_element_actions = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 135
+manageusers_element_edit = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 139
+manageusers_element_edit = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 146
+manageusers_element_delete = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 150
+confirm_delete_operation = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 153
+manageusers_element_delete = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 194
+manageusers_element_adduser_form = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 195
+manageusers_element_user_info = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 197
+manageusers_element_add_user = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 222
+manageusers_element_username = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 232
+manageusers_element_firstname = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 238
+manageusers_element_lastname = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 244
+manageusers_element_email = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 251
+manageusers_element_status = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 268
+manageusers_element_roles = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 272
+manageusers_element_num_roles = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 287
+manageusers_element_delete = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 297
+manageusers_element_delete = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 340
+manageusers_element_filter = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 352
+manageusers_element_add_role = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 362
+manageusers_element_groups = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 366
+manageusers_element_num_groups = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 387
+manageusers_element_delete = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 427
+manageusers_element_filter = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 439
+manageusers_element_add_group = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 452
+manageusers_element_password = "Mot de passe:"
+; manageusers_element.php line: 458
+manageusers_element_retype_password = "Veuillez resaisir votre mot de passe:"
+; manageusers_element.php line: 465
+manageusers_element_save = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 492
+manageusers_element_search_user = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 493
+manageusers_element_adduser_form = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 495
+manageusers_element_username = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 496
+manageusers_element_firstname = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 497
+manageusers_element_lastname = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 498
+manageusers_element_email = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 499
+manageusers_element_status = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 61
+mixcrawls_element_available_mixes = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 68
+mixcrawls_view_name = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 70
+mixcrawls_view_definition = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 74
+mixcrawls_view_actions = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 108
+mixcrawls_view_no_components = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 115
+mixcrawls_view_share = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 118
+mixcrawls_view_edit = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 124
+mixcrawls_set_index = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 127
+mixcrawl_search_index = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 133
+confirm_delete_operation = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 136
+mixcrawls_view_delete = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 146
+mixcrawls_view_back = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 147
+mixcrawls_element_share_mix_group = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 157
+mixcrawls_element_mixname = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 163
+mixcrawls_element_group = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 169
+mixcrawls_element_share = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 193
+mixcrawls_element_make_mix = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 203
+mixcrawls_element_mix_name = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 208
+mixcrawls_element_create_button = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 223
+mixcrawls_element_search_mix = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 224
+mixcrawls_element_createmix_form = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 226
+mixcrawls_element_mixname = ""
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 78
+moreoptions_element_other_searches = ""
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 113
+moreoptions_element_previous = ""
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 119
+moreoptions_element_next = ""
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 126
+moreoptions_element_my_accounts = ""
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 133
+signin_element_settings = "Param&egrave;tres de recherche"
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 141
+signin_element_signin = "Connexion"
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 144
+signin_element_admin = "Administration"
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 156
+signin_view_create_account = ""
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 168
+moreoptions_element_suggest = ""
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 171
+moreoptions_element_wiki_pages = ""
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 182
+moreoptions_element_tools = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 58
+pageoptions_element_crawl_time = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 63
+pageoptions_element_search_time = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 68
+pageoptions_element_test_options = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 80
+pageoptions_element_load_options = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 85
+pageoptions_element_page_range = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 91
+pageoptions_element_summarizer = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 100
+pageoptions_element_max_description = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 106
+pageoptions_element_save_cache = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 116
+pageoptions_element_allow_recrawl = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 123
+pageoptions_element_file_types = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 153
+pageoptions_element_classifiers_rankers = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 169
+pageoptions_element_use_classify = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 171
+pageoptions_element_use_rank = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 200
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 203
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+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/seek_quarry//views/helpers
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+; feeds_helper.php line: 158
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+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/seek_quarry//views/layouts
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+; web_layout.php line: 61
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+; register_view.php line: 113
+register_view_recovery3_less = ""
+; register_view.php line: 114
+register_view_recovery3_choices = ""
+; register_view.php line: 115
+register_view_recovery4_more = ""
+; register_view.php line: 116
+register_view_recovery4_less = ""
+; register_view.php line: 117
+register_view_recovery4_choices = ""
+; register_view.php line: 118
+register_view_recovery5_more = ""
+; register_view.php line: 119
+register_view_recovery5_less = ""
+; register_view.php line: 120
+register_view_recovery5_choices = ""
+; register_view.php line: 121
+register_view_recovery6_more = ""
+; register_view.php line: 122
+register_view_recovery6_less = ""
+; register_view.php line: 123
+register_view_recovery6_choices = ""
+; register_view.php line: 152
+register_view_create_account = ""
+; register_view.php line: 189
+register_view_firstname = ""
+; register_view.php line: 204
+register_view_lastname = ""
+; register_view.php line: 219
+register_view_username = ""
+; register_view.php line: 232
+register_view_email = ""
+; register_view.php line: 246
+register_view_password = ""
+; register_view.php line: 261
+register_view_retypepassword = ""
+; register_view.php line: 277
+register_view_account_recovery = ""
+; register_view.php line: 281
+register_view_human_check = ""
+; register_view.php line: 283
+register_view_account_recovery = ""
+; register_view.php line: 315
+register_view_human_check = ""
+; register_view.php line: 330
+register_view_i_agree = ""
+; register_view.php line: 332
+register_view_terms = ""
+; register_view.php line: 334
+register_view_and = ""
+; register_view.php line: 336
+register_view_privacy = ""
+; register_view.php line: 337
+register_view_period = ""
+; register_view.php line: 347
+register_view_create_account = ""
+; register_view.php line: 357
+signin_view_return_yioop = "Retourner &agrave; Yioop"
+; search_view.php line: 86
+search_view_title = "Moteur de recherche PHP -Yioop!"
+; search_view.php line: 113
+search_view_input_label = "&Eacute;crivez les limites de recherche"
+; search_view.php line: 117
+search_view_input_placeholder = "Trouvez ce que vous cherchez"
+; search_view.php line: 120
+search_view_search = "Rechercher"
+; search_view.php line: 147
+search_view_no_index_set = ""
+; search_view.php line: 152
+search_view_more_statistics = "Plus de statistiques"
+; search_view.php line: 190
+search_view_calculated = "%s secondes."
+; search_view.php line: 191
+search_view_results = "Affichage de %s - %s sur %s r&eacute;sultats"
+; search_view.php line: 212
+search_view_thesaurus_results = ""
+; search_view.php line: 321
+search_view_word_cloud = ""
+; search_view.php line: 366
+search_view_cache = "En&nbsp;Cache"
+; search_view.php line: 369
+search_view_as_text = "Version&nbsp;texte"
+; search_view.php line: 382
+search_view_similar = "Pages&nbsp;similaires"
+; search_view.php line: 394
+search_view_inlink = "Liens retour"
+; search_view.php line: 414
+search_view_rank = "Rang: %s"
+; search_view.php line: 416
+search_view_relevancy = "Pertinence: %s"
+; search_view.php line: 418
+search_view_proximity = "Proximit&eacute;: %s"
+; search_view.php line: 422
+search_view_thesaurus_score = ""
+; search_view.php line: 431
+search_view_score = "Total: %s"
+; settings_view.php line: 66
+settings_view_settings = "Pr&eacute;f&eacute;rences"
+; settings_view.php line: 73
+settings_view_results_per_page = "R&eacute;sultats par page"
+; settings_view.php line: 79
+settings_view_open_in_tabs = "Ouvrez les r&eacute;sultats dans un nouvel onglet"
+; settings_view.php line: 86
+settings_view_search_index = "L&#039;index de recherche:"
+; settings_view.php line: 92
+settings_view_language_label = "Langage:"
+; settings_view.php line: 108
+settings_view_return_yioop = "Retourner &agrave; Yioop"
+; settings_view.php line: 111
+settings_view_save = "Enregistrer les pr&eacute;f&eacute;rences"
+; settings_view.php line: 119
+settings_install_search_plugin = "Installez Yioop embrochable"
+; signin_view.php line: 65
+signin_view_signin = "Connexion"
+; signin_view.php line: 78
+sigin_view_signing_in = ""
+; signin_view.php line: 81
+sigin_view_login_failed = ""
+; signin_view.php line: 89
+signin_view_username = "Nom de l&#039;utilisateur:"
+; signin_view.php line: 96
+signin_view_password = "Mot de passe"
+; signin_view.php line: 107
+signin_view_login = "Se connecter"
+; signin_view.php line: 122
+signin_view_recover_password = ""
+; signin_view.php line: 127
+signin_view_create_account = ""
+; signin_view.php line: 132
+signin_view_return_yioop = "Retourner &agrave; Yioop"
+; static_view.php line: 71
+static_view_title = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 63
+statistics_view_statistics = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 68
+statistics_view_calculating = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 82
+statistics_view_error_codes = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 83
+statistics_view_sizes = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 84
+statistics_view_links_per_page = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 85
+statistics_view_page_date = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 86
+statistics_view_dns_time = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 87
+statistics_view_download_time = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 88
+statistics_view_top_level_domain = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 89
+statistics_view_file_extension = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 90
+statistics_view_media_type = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 91
+statistics_view_language = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 92
+statistics_view_server = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 93
+statistics_view_os = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 97
+statistics_view_general_info = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 98
+statistics_view_description = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 100
+statistics_view_timestamp = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 102
+statistics_view_crawl_date = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 104
+statistics_view_pages = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 106
+statistics_view_url = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 109
+statistics_view_number_hosts = ""
+; suggest_view.php line: 68
+suggest_view_suggest_url = ""
+; suggest_view.php line: 70
+suggest_view_instructions = ""
+; suggest_view.php line: 94
+suggest_view_url = ""
+; suggest_view.php line: 110
+register_view_human_check = ""
+; suggest_view.php line: 144
+suggest_view_human_check = ""
+; suggest_view.php line: 167
+suggest_view_submit_url = ""
+; suggest_view.php line: 177
+signin_view_return_yioop = "Retourner &agrave; Yioop"
+; view.php line: 32
+view_locale_version11 = ""
+; view.php line: 81
+view_logo_alt_text = ""
+; wiki_view.php line: 89
+wiki_view_read = ""
+; wiki_view.php line: 90
+wiki_view_edit = ""
+; wiki_view.php line: 93
+wiki_view_pages = ""
+; wiki_view.php line: 132
+wiki_view_feed = ""
+; wiki_view.php line: 133
+wiki_view_wiki = ""
+; wiki_view.php line: 157
+adminview_auto_logout_one_minute = ""
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/sq_data/app/views
+; download_view.php line: 62
+download_view_form = ""
+; download_view.php line: 73
+download_view_thank_you = ""
+; download_view.php line: 76
+download_view_full_name = ""
+; download_view.php line: 82
+download_view_email = ""
+; download_view.php line: 87
+download_view_business = ""
+; download_view.php line: 93
+download_view_interest = ""
+; download_view.php line: 100
+download_view_get_email = ""
+; download_view.php line: 106
+download_view_return_main = ""
+; download_view.php line: 120
+download_view_required_fields = ""
+; download_view.php line: 125
+download_view_name_required = ""
+; download_view.php line: 130
+download_view_valid_email = ""
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/seek_quarry//lib/indexing_plugins
+; wordfilter_plugin.php line: 353
+wordfilter_plugin_settings_saved = ""
+; wordfilter_plugin.php line: 362
+wordfilter_plugin_defaults_restored = ""
+; wordfilter_plugin.php line: 466
+wordfilter_plugin_preferences = ""
+; wordfilter_plugin.php line: 470
+wordfilter_plugin_factory_settings = ""
+; wordfilter_plugin.php line: 483
+wordfilter_plugin_save = ""
diff --git a/locale/fr-FR/resources/locale.js b/locale/fr-FR/resources/locale.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..564d8b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/fr-FR/resources/locale.js
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+ * SeekQuarry/Yioop --
+ * Open Source Pure PHP Search Engine, Crawler, and Indexer
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2009 - 2015  Chris Pollett
+ *
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+ *
+ *
+ * @author Chris Pollett
+ * @package seek_quarry
+ * @subpackage javascript
+ * @license GPL3
+ * @link
+ * @copyright 2009 - 2015s
+ * @filesource
+ */
+ * The alphabet for this locale
+ */
+var alpha = "aåàbcçdeéêfghiîïjklmnoôpqrstuûvwxyz";
+ * Transliteration maping for this locale
+ */
+var roman_array = {};
+ * To analyze the query and generate actual input query from the
+ * transliterated query
+ */
+function analyzeQuery()
diff --git a/locale/fr-FR/resources/suggest_trie.txt.gz b/locale/fr-FR/resources/suggest_trie.txt.gz
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..6748fae
Binary files /dev/null and b/locale/fr-FR/resources/suggest_trie.txt.gz differ
diff --git a/locale/fr-FR/resources/tokenizer.php b/locale/fr-FR/resources/tokenizer.php
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..a8f2d0c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/fr-FR/resources/tokenizer.php
@@ -0,0 +1,485 @@
+ * SeekQuarry/Yioop --
+ * Open Source Pure PHP Search Engine, Crawler, and Indexer
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2009 - 2015  Chris Pollett
+ *
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+ *
+ * @author Chris Pollett
+ * @package seek_quarry
+ * @subpackage locale
+ * @license GPL3
+ * @link
+ * @copyright 2009 - 2015
+ * @filesource
+ */
+if(!defined('BASE_DIR')) {echo "BAD REQUEST"; exit();}
+ * This class has a collection of methods for French locale specific
+ * tokenization. In particular, it has a stemmer, a stop word remover (for
+ * use mainly in word cloud creation). The stemmer is my stab at re-implementing
+ * the stemmer algorithm given at and was
+ * inspired by
+ * Here given a word, its stem is that part of the word that
+ * is common to all its inflected variants. For example,
+ * tall is common to tall, taller, tallest. A stemmer takes
+ * a word and tries to produce its stem.
+ *
+ * @author Chris Pollett
+ * @package seek_quarry
+ * @subpackage locale
+ */
+class FrTokenizer
+    /**
+     * French vowels
+     * @var string
+     */
+    static $vowel = 'aeiouyàâëéèêïîôûù';
+    /**
+     * Words we don't want to be stemmed
+     * @var array
+     */
+    static $no_stem_list = array("titanic");
+    /**
+     * Storage used in computing the stem
+     * @var string
+     */
+    static $buffer;
+    /**
+     * $rv is approximately the string after the first vowel in the $word we
+     * want to stem
+     * @var string
+     */
+    static $rv;
+    /**
+     * Position in $word to stem of $rv
+     * @var int
+     */
+    static $rv_index;
+    /**
+     * $r1 is the region after the first non-vowel following a vowel, or the end
+     * of the word if there is no such non-vowel.
+     * @var string
+     */
+    static $r1;
+    /**
+     * Position in $word to stem of $r1
+     * @var int
+     */
+    static $r1_index;
+    /**
+     * $r2 is the region after the first non-vowel following a vowel in $r1, or
+     * the end of the word if there is no such non-vowel
+     * @var string
+     */
+    static $r2;
+    /**
+     * Position in $word to stem of $r2
+     * @var int
+     */
+    static $r2_index;
+    /**
+     * Stub function which could be used for a word segmenter.
+     * Such a segmenter on input thisisabunchofwords would output
+     * this is a bunch of words
+     *
+     * @param string $pre_segment  before segmentation
+     * @return string should return string with words separated by space
+     *     in this case does nothing
+     */
+    static function segment($pre_segment)
+    {
+        return $pre_segment;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Removes the stop words from the page (used for Word Cloud generation)
+     *
+     * @param string $page the page to remove stop words from.
+     * @return string $page with no stop words
+     */
+    static function stopwordsRemover($page)
+    {
+        $stop_words = array('alors', 'au', 'aucuns', 'aussi', 'autre', 'avant',
+            'avec', 'avoir', 'bon', 'car', 'ce', 'cela', 'ces', 'ceux',
+            'chaque', 'ci', 'comme', 'comment', 'dans', 'des', 'du', 'dedans',
+            'dehors', 'depuis', 'deux', 'devrait', 'doit', 'donc', 'dos',
+            'droite', 'début', 'elle', 'elles', 'en', 'encore', 'essai', 'est',
+            'et', 'eu', 'fait', 'faites', 'fois', 'font', 'force', 'haut',
+            'hors', 'http', 'https', 'ici', 'il', 'ils', 'je', 'juste', 'la',
+            'le', 'les','leur',
+            'là', 'ma', 'maintenant', 'mais', 'mes', 'mine', 'moins', 'mon',
+            'mot', 'même', 'ni', 'nommés', 'notre', 'nous', 'nouveaux', 'ou',
+            'où', 'par', 'parce', 'parole', 'pas', 'personnes', 'peut', 'peu',
+            'pièce', 'plupart', 'pour', 'pourquoi', 'quand', 'que', 'quel',
+            'quelle', 'quelles', 'quels', 'qui', 'sa', 'sans', 'ses',
+            'seulement', 'si', 'sien', 'son', 'sont', 'sous', 'soyez', 'sujet',
+            'sur', 'ta', 'tandis', 'tellement', 'tels', 'tes', 'ton', 'tous',
+            'tout', 'trop', 'très', 'tu','valeur', 'voie', 'voient', 'vont',
+            'votre','vous','vu','ça','étaient', 'état', 'étions', 'été',
+            'être');
+        $page = preg_replace('/\b('.implode('|',$stop_words).')\b/', '',
+            mb_strtolower($page));
+        return $page;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Computes the stem of a French word
+     *
+     * @param string $word the string to stem
+     * @return string the stem of $words
+     */
+    static function stem($word)
+    {
+        if(in_array($word, self::$no_stem_list)) {
+            return $word;
+        }
+        $before_process = mb_strtolower($word, "UTF-8");
+        self::$buffer = $before_process;
+        self::computeNonVowels();
+        self::computeNonVowelRegions();
+        self::step1(); //suffix removal
+        $word_step1 = self::$buffer;
+        if(self::step2a($before_process) //verb suffixes beginning with i
+            && $word_step1 == self::$buffer) {
+            self::step2b(); //other verb suffixes
+        }
+        if(mb_strtolower(self::$buffer, "UTF-8") != $before_process) {
+            self::step3();
+        } else {
+            self::step4();
+        }
+        self::step5(); //un-double
+        self::step6(); //un-accent
+        self::$buffer = mb_strtolower(self::$buffer, "UTF-8");
+        return self::$buffer;
+    }
+    /**
+     * If a vowel shouldn't be treated as a volume it is capitalized by
+     * this method. (Operations done on buffer.)
+     */
+    static function computeNonVowels()
+    {
+        $vowel = static::$vowel;
+        self::$buffer = preg_replace("/qu/u", "qU", self::$buffer);
+        self::$buffer = preg_replace("/([$vowel])y/u", '$1Y',
+            self::$buffer);
+        self::$buffer = preg_replace("/y([$vowel])/u", 'Y$1',
+            self::$buffer);
+        self::$buffer = preg_replace("/([$vowel])u([$vowel])/u", '$1U$2',
+            self::$buffer);
+        self::$buffer = preg_replace("/([$vowel])i([$vowel])/u", '$1I$2',
+            self::$buffer);
+    }
+    /**
+     * $r1 is the region after the first non-vowel following a vowel, or the end
+     * of the word if there is no such non-vowel.
+     * $r2 is the region after the first non-vowel following a vowel in $r1, or
+     * the end of the word if there is no such non-vowel
+     */
+    static function computeNonVowelRegions()
+    {
+        $word = self::$buffer;
+        $vowel = static::$vowel;
+        self::$rv = "";
+        self::$rv_index = -1;
+        if(preg_search('/^(par|col|tap)/u', $word) != -1 ||
+            preg_search("/^[$vowel]{2}/u", $word) != -1) {
+            self::$rv = substr($word, 3);
+            self::$rv_index = 3;
+        } else {
+            self::$rv_index = preg_search("/[$vowel]/u", $word,
+                strlen(mb_substr($word, 0, 1, 'UTF-8')));
+            if(self::$rv_index != -1){
+                self::$rv_index += 1;
+                self::$rv = substr($word, self::$rv_index);
+            } else {
+                self::$rv_index = strlen($word);
+            }
+        }
+        preg_match("/[$vowel][^$vowel]/u", $word, $matches,
+            PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE);
+        self::$r1 = "";
+        $len = strlen($word);
+        self::$r1_index = isset($matches[0][1]) ? $matches[0][1] +
+            strlen(mb_substr($word,$matches[0][1], 2, 'UTF-8')) : $len;
+        if(self::$r1_index != $len) {
+            self::$r1 = substr($word, self::$r1_index);
+        }
+        if(self::$r1_index != $len) {
+            preg_match("/[$vowel][^$vowel]/", self::$r1, $matches,
+                PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE);
+            self::$r2_index = isset($matches[0][1]) ? $matches[0][1] +
+                strlen(mb_substr(self::$r1, $matches[0][1], 2, 'UTF-8')) : $len;
+            if(self::$r2_index != $len) {
+                self::$r2 = substr(self::$r1, self::$r2_index);
+                self::$r2_index += self::$r1_index;
+            }
+        }
+        if(self::$r1_index != $len && self::$r1_index < 3) {
+            self::$r1_index = 3;
+            self::$r1 = substr($word, 3);
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Standard suffix removal
+     */
+    static function step1()
+    {
+        $word = self::$buffer;
+        $vowel = static::$vowel;
+        $rv_index = self::$rv_index;
+        $r1_index = self::$r1_index;
+        $r2_index = self::$r2_index;
+        $a_index = array();
+        $patterns = array('/(ance|iqUe|isme|able|iste|eux|'.
+            'ances|iqUes|ismes|ables|istes)$/u',
+            '/(atrice|ateur|ation|atrices|ateurs|ations)$/u',
+            '/(logie|logies)$/u', '/(usion|ution|usions|utions)$/u',
+            '/(ence|ences)$/u', '/(ement|ements)$/u', '/(ité|ités)$/u',
+            '/(if|ive|ifs|ives)$/u', '/(eaux)$/u', '/(aux)$/u',
+            '/(euse|euses)$/u',
+            "/[^$vowel](issement|issements)".'$/u', '/(amment)$/u',
+            '/(emment)$/u', "/[$vowel]".'(ment|ments)$/u');
+        $i = 1;
+        foreach($patterns as $pattern) {
+            $a_index[$i] = preg_search($pattern, $word);
+            $i++;
+        }
+        if($a_index[1] != -1 && $a_index[1] >= $r2_index) {
+            $word = substr($word, 0, $a_index[1]);
+        } else if($a_index[2] != -1 && $a_index[2] >= $r2_index) {
+            $word = substr($word, 0, $a_index[2]);
+            $a2_index2 = preg_search('/(ic)$/', $word);
+            if($a2_index2 != -1 && $a2_index2 >= $r2_index){
+                $word = substr($word, 0, $a2_index2);
+                    //if preceded by ic, delete if in R2,
+            } else { //else replace by iqU
+                $word = preg_replace('/(ic)$/u','iqU', $word);
+            }
+        } else if($a_index[3] != -1 && $a_index[3] >= $r2_index) {
+            //replace with log if in R2
+            $word = preg_replace('/(logie|logies)$/','log', $word);
+        } else if($a_index[4] != -1 && $a_index[4] >= $r2_index){
+            //replace with u if in R2
+            $word = preg_replace('/(usion|ution|usions|utions)$/u','u', $word);
+        } else if($a_index[5] != -1 && $a_index[5] >= $r2_index) {
+            //replace with ent if in R2
+            $word = preg_replace('/(ence|ences)$/u','ent', $word);
+        } else if($a_index[12] != -1 && $a_index[12] >= $r1_index) {
+            //+1- amendment to non-vowel
+            $word = substr($word, 0, $a_index[12] + 1);
+        } else if($a_index[6] != -1 && $a_index[6] >= $rv_index) {
+            if(preg_search("/(issement|issements)$/", $word) < 0) {
+                $word = substr($word, 0, $a_index[6]);
+                if(preg_search('/(iv)$/', $word) >= $r2_index) {
+                    $word = preg_replace('/(iv)$/u', '', $word);
+                    if(preg_search('/(at)$/', $word) >= $r2_index){
+                        $word = preg_replace('/(at)$/u', '', $word);
+                    }
+                } else if(($a6_index2 = preg_search('/(eus)$/u', $word)) != -1) {
+                    if($a6_index2 >= $r2_index){
+                        $word = substr($word, 0, $a6_index2);
+                    } else if($a6_index2 >= $r1_index){
+                        $word = substr($word, 0, $a6_index2) . "eux";
+                    }
+                } else if(preg_search('/(abl|iqU)$/', $word) >= $r2_index) {
+                    //if preceded by abl or iqU, delete if in R2,
+                    $word = preg_replace('/(abl|iqU)$/u', '', $word);
+                } else if(preg_search('/(ièr|Ièr)$/', $word) >= $rv_index) {
+                    //if preceded by abl or iqU, delete if in R2,
+                    $word = preg_replace('/(ièr|Ièr)$/u', 'i', $word);
+                }
+            } else if (preg_search("/[^$vowel](issement|issements)".'$/u',
+                $word) > 0) {
+                $word = preg_replace("/(issement|issements)".'$/u',
+                    '', $word);
+            }
+        } else if($a_index[7] != -1 && $a_index[7] >= $r2_index) {
+            //delete if in R2
+            $word = substr($word, 0, $a_index[7]);
+            /*if preceded by abil, delete if in R2, else replace by abl,
+              otherwise,
+             */
+            if(($a7_index2 = preg_search('/(abil)$/', $word)) != -1) {
+                if($a7_index2 >= $r2_index){
+                    $word = substr($word, 0, $a7_index2);
+                } else {
+                    $word = substr($word, 0, $a7_index2) . "abl";
+                }
+            } else if(($a7_index3 = preg_search('/(ic)$/', $word)) != -1) {
+                if($a7_index3 >= $r2_index) {
+                    //if preceded by ic, delete if in R2,
+                    $word = substr($word, 0, $a7_index3);
+                } else {
+                    //else replace by iqU
+                    $word = preg_replace('/(ic)$/u', 'iqU', $word);
+                }
+            } else if(preg_search('/(iv)$/', $word) >= $r2_index){
+                $word = preg_replace('/(iv)$/u', '', $word);
+            }
+        } else if($a_index[8] != -1 && $a_index[8] >= $r2_index) {
+            $word = substr($word, 0, $a_index[8]);
+            if(preg_search('/(at)$/', $word) >= $r2_index) {
+                $word = preg_replace('/(at)$/', '', $word);
+                if(preg_search('/(ic)$/', $word) >= $r2_index) {
+                    $word = preg_replace('/(ic)$/u', '', $word);
+                } else {
+                    $word = preg_replace('/(ic)$/u', 'iqU', $word);
+                }
+            }
+        } else if($a_index[9] != -1) {
+            $word = preg_replace('/(eaux)/u', 'eau', $word);
+        } else if($a_index[10] >= $r1_index) {
+            $word = preg_replace('/(aux)/u', 'al', $word);
+        } else if($a_index[11] != -1 ){
+            $a11_index2 = preg_search('/(euse|euses)$/u', $word);
+            if($a11_index2 >= $r2_index){
+                $word = substr($word, 0, $a11_index2);
+            } else if($a11_index2 >= $r1_index){
+                $word = substr($word, 0, $a11_index2) . "eux";
+            }
+        }  else if($a_index[13] != -1 && $a_index[13] >= $rv_index) {
+            $word = preg_replace('/(amment)$/u', 'ant', $word);
+        } else if($a_index[14] != -1 && $a_index[14] >= $rv_index) {
+            $word = preg_replace('/(emment)$/u','ent', $word);
+        } else if($a_index[15] != -1 && $a_index[15] >= $rv_index &&
+            $a_index[6] < 0) {
+            $tmp_index = preg_search('/(ment|ments)$/u', $word);
+            $word = substr($word, 0, $tmp_index);
+        }
+        self::$buffer = $word;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Stem verb suffixes beginning i
+     */
+    static function step2a($ori_word)
+    {
+        $vowel = static::$vowel;
+        if($ori_word == mb_strtolower(self::$buffer, "UTF-8") ||
+            (preg_match('/(amment|emment|ment|ments)$/u', $ori_word)
+            && !preg_match('/(ement(s)?)$/u', $ori_word))) {
+            $b1_regex = "/([^$vowel])".'(îmes|ît|îtes|i|ie|ies|ir|ira|irai|'.
+                'iraIent|irais|irait|iras|irent|irez|iriez|irions|irons|'.
+                'iront|is|issaIent|issais|issait|issant|issante|issantes|'.
+                'issants|isse|issent|isses|issez|issiez|issions|issons|it)$/u';
+            if(preg_search($b1_regex, self::$buffer) >= self::$rv_index) {
+                self::$buffer = preg_replace($b1_regex, '$1', self::$buffer);
+            }
+            return true;
+        }
+        return false;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Stem other verb suffixes
+     */
+    static function step2b()
+    {
+        $word = self::$buffer;
+        if (preg_search('/(ions)$/u', $word) >= self::$r2_index &&
+            preg_search('/erions$/u', $word) == -1) {
+            $word = preg_replace('/(ions)$/u', '', $word);
+        } else {
+            $b2_regex = '/(é|ée|ées|és|èrent|er|era|erai|eraIent|erais|erait|'.
+                'eras|erez|eriez|erions|erons|eront|iez)$/u';
+            if(preg_search($b2_regex, $word) >= self::$rv_index) {
+                $word = preg_replace($b2_regex, '', $word);
+            } else if(preg_search('/iez$/iu', $word) >= self::$rv_index) {
+                //I am trying to avoid issues that eriez is a prefix of eriez
+                $word = preg_replace('/iez$/iu', '', $word);
+            }  else if(preg_search('/ez$/iu', $word) >= self::$rv_index) {
+                //I am trying to avoid issues that ez is a prefix of iez
+                $word = preg_replace('/ez$/iu', '', $word);
+            } else {
+                $b3_regex = '/e(âmes|ât|âtes|a|ai|aIent|ais|ait|ant|ante|antes'.
+                    '|ants|as|asse|assent|asses|assiez|assions)$/u';
+                if (preg_search($b3_regex, $word) >= self::$rv_index) {
+                    $word = preg_replace($b3_regex, '', $word);
+                } else {
+                    $b3_regex2 = '/(âmes|ât|âtes|a|ai|aIent|ais|ait|ant|ante|'.
+                        'antes|ants|as|asse|assent|asses|assiez|assions)$/u';
+                    if (preg_search($b3_regex2, $word) >= self::$rv_index) {
+                        $word = preg_replace($b3_regex2, '', $word);
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        self::$buffer = $word;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Gets rid of cedille's (make c's) and words ending with Y (make i)
+     */
+    static function step3()
+    {
+        $word = self::$buffer;
+        $word = preg_replace('/Y$/u', 'i', $word);
+        $word = preg_replace('/ç$/u', 'c', $word);
+        self::$buffer = $word;
+    }
+    /**
+     * If the word ends in an s, not preceded by a, i, o, u, è or s, delete it.
+     */
+    static function step4()
+    {
+        $word = self::$buffer;
+        if(preg_search('/([^aiouès])s$/u', $word) >= 0) {
+            $word = preg_replace('/([^aiouès])s$/u', '$1', $word);
+        }
+        $e1_index = preg_search('/ion$/u', $word);
+        if ($e1_index >= self::$r2_index &&
+            preg_search('/[st]ion$/u', $word) >= self::$rv_index) {
+            $word = substr($word, 0, $e1_index);
+        } else {
+            $e2_index = preg_search('/(ier|ière|Ier|Ière)$/u', $word);
+            if($e2_index != -1 && $e2_index >= self::$rv_index) {
+                $word = substr($word, 0, $e2_index)."i";
+            } else {
+                if(preg_search('/e$/u', $word) >= self::$rv_index) {
+                    $word = preg_replace('/e$/u', '', $word);   //delete last e
+                } else if(preg_search('/guë$/u', $word) >= self::$rv_index) {
+                    $word = preg_replace('/guë$/u', 'gu', $word);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        self::$buffer = $word;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Un-double letter end
+     */
+    static function step5()
+    {
+        self::$buffer = preg_replace("/(en|on)(n)$/u", '$1',
+            self::$buffer);
+        self::$buffer = preg_replace("/(ett)$/u", 'et',
+            self::$buffer);
+        self::$buffer = preg_replace("/(el|eil)(l)$/u", '$1',
+            self::$buffer);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Un-accent end
+     */
+    static function step6()
+    {
+        $vowel = static::$vowel;
+        self::$buffer = preg_replace("/[éè]([^$vowel]+)$/u", 'e$1',
+            self::$buffer);
+        self:$buffer = mb_strtolower(self::$buffer);
+    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/locale/fr-FR/resources1421450879old/locale.js b/locale/fr-FR/resources1421450879old/locale.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..3aa81bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/fr-FR/resources1421450879old/locale.js
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+ * SeekQuarry/Yioop --
+ * Open Source Pure PHP Search Engine, Crawler, and Indexer
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2009 - 2014  Chris Pollett
+ *
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+ *
+ *
+ * @author Chris Pollett
+ * @package seek_quarry
+ * @subpackage javascript
+ * @license GPL3
+ * @link
+ * @copyright 2009 - 2014s
+ * @filesource
+ */
+ * The alphabet for this locale
+ */
+var alpha = "aåàbcçdeéêfghiîïjklmnoôpqrstuûvwxyz";
+ * Transliteration maping for this locale
+ */
+var roman_array = {};
+ * To analyze the query and generate actual input query from the
+ * transliterated query
+ */
+function analyzeQuery()
diff --git a/locale/fr-FR/resources1421450879old/suggest_trie.txt.gz b/locale/fr-FR/resources1421450879old/suggest_trie.txt.gz
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..6748fae
Binary files /dev/null and b/locale/fr-FR/resources1421450879old/suggest_trie.txt.gz differ
diff --git a/locale/fr-FR/resources1421450879old/tokenizer.php b/locale/fr-FR/resources1421450879old/tokenizer.php
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c32d5f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/fr-FR/resources1421450879old/tokenizer.php
@@ -0,0 +1,485 @@
+ * SeekQuarry/Yioop --
+ * Open Source Pure PHP Search Engine, Crawler, and Indexer
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2009 - 2014  Chris Pollett
+ *
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+ *
+ * @author Chris Pollett
+ * @package seek_quarry
+ * @subpackage locale
+ * @license GPL3
+ * @link
+ * @copyright 2009 - 2014
+ * @filesource
+ */
+if(!defined('BASE_DIR')) {echo "BAD REQUEST"; exit();}
+ * This class has a collection of methods for French locale specific
+ * tokenization. In particular, it has a stemmer, a stop word remover (for
+ * use mainly in word cloud creation). The stemmer is my stab at re-implementing
+ * the stemmer algorithm given at and was
+ * inspired by
+ * Here given a word, its stem is that part of the word that
+ * is common to all its inflected variants. For example,
+ * tall is common to tall, taller, tallest. A stemmer takes
+ * a word and tries to produce its stem.
+ *
+ * @author Chris Pollett
+ * @package seek_quarry
+ * @subpackage locale
+ */
+class FrTokenizer
+    /**
+     * French vowels
+     * @var string
+     */
+    static $vowel = 'aeiouyàâëéèêïîôûù';
+    /**
+     * Words we don't want to be stemmed
+     * @var array
+     */
+    static $no_stem_list = array("titanic");
+    /**
+     * Storage used in computing the stem
+     * @var string
+     */
+    static $buffer;
+    /**
+     * $rv is approximately the string after the first vowel in the $word we
+     * want to stem
+     * @var string
+     */
+    static $rv;
+    /**
+     * Position in $word to stem of $rv
+     * @var int
+     */
+    static $rv_index;
+    /**
+     * $r1 is the region after the first non-vowel following a vowel, or the end
+     * of the word if there is no such non-vowel.
+     * @var string
+     */
+    static $r1;
+    /**
+     * Position in $word to stem of $r1
+     * @var int
+     */
+    static $r1_index;
+    /**
+     * $r2 is the region after the first non-vowel following a vowel in $r1, or
+     * the end of the word if there is no such non-vowel
+     * @var string
+     */
+    static $r2;
+    /**
+     * Position in $word to stem of $r2
+     * @var int
+     */
+    static $r2_index;
+    /**
+     * Stub function which could be used for a word segmenter.
+     * Such a segmenter on input thisisabunchofwords would output
+     * this is a bunch of words
+     *
+     * @param string $pre_segment  before segmentation
+     * @return string should return string with words separated by space
+     *     in this case does nothing
+     */
+    static function segment($pre_segment)
+    {
+        return $pre_segment;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Removes the stop words from the page (used for Word Cloud generation)
+     *
+     * @param string $page the page to remove stop words from.
+     * @return string $page with no stop words
+     */
+    static function stopwordsRemover($page)
+    {
+        $stop_words = array('alors', 'au', 'aucuns', 'aussi', 'autre', 'avant',
+            'avec', 'avoir', 'bon', 'car', 'ce', 'cela', 'ces', 'ceux',
+            'chaque', 'ci', 'comme', 'comment', 'dans', 'des', 'du', 'dedans',
+            'dehors', 'depuis', 'deux', 'devrait', 'doit', 'donc', 'dos',
+            'droite', 'début', 'elle', 'elles', 'en', 'encore', 'essai', 'est',
+            'et', 'eu', 'fait', 'faites', 'fois', 'font', 'force', 'haut',
+            'hors', 'http', 'https', 'ici', 'il', 'ils', 'je', 'juste', 'la',
+            'le', 'les','leur',
+            'là', 'ma', 'maintenant', 'mais', 'mes', 'mine', 'moins', 'mon',
+            'mot', 'même', 'ni', 'nommés', 'notre', 'nous', 'nouveaux', 'ou',
+            'où', 'par', 'parce', 'parole', 'pas', 'personnes', 'peut', 'peu',
+            'pièce', 'plupart', 'pour', 'pourquoi', 'quand', 'que', 'quel',
+            'quelle', 'quelles', 'quels', 'qui', 'sa', 'sans', 'ses',
+            'seulement', 'si', 'sien', 'son', 'sont', 'sous', 'soyez', 'sujet',
+            'sur', 'ta', 'tandis', 'tellement', 'tels', 'tes', 'ton', 'tous',
+            'tout', 'trop', 'très', 'tu','valeur', 'voie', 'voient', 'vont',
+            'votre','vous','vu','ça','étaient', 'état', 'étions', 'été',
+            'être');
+        $page = preg_replace('/\b('.implode('|',$stop_words).')\b/', '',
+            mb_strtolower($page));
+        return $page;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Computes the stem of a French word
+     *
+     * @param string $word the string to stem
+     * @return string the stem of $words
+     */
+    static function stem($word)
+    {
+        if(in_array($word, self::$no_stem_list)) {
+            return $word;
+        }
+        $before_process = mb_strtolower($word, "UTF-8");
+        self::$buffer = $before_process;
+        self::computeNonVowels();
+        self::computeNonVowelRegions();
+        self::step1(); //suffix removal
+        $word_step1 = self::$buffer;
+        if(self::step2a($before_process) //verb suffixes beginning with i
+            && $word_step1 == self::$buffer) {
+            self::step2b(); //other verb suffixes
+        }
+        if(mb_strtolower(self::$buffer, "UTF-8") != $before_process) {
+            self::step3();
+        } else {
+            self::step4();
+        }
+        self::step5(); //un-double
+        self::step6(); //un-accent
+        self::$buffer = mb_strtolower(self::$buffer, "UTF-8");
+        return self::$buffer;
+    }
+    /**
+     * If a vowel shouldn't be treated as a volume it is capitalized by
+     * this method. (Operations done on buffer.)
+     */
+    static function computeNonVowels()
+    {
+        $vowel = static::$vowel;
+        self::$buffer = preg_replace("/qu/u", "qU", self::$buffer);
+        self::$buffer = preg_replace("/([$vowel])y/u", '$1Y',
+            self::$buffer);
+        self::$buffer = preg_replace("/y([$vowel])/u", 'Y$1',
+            self::$buffer);
+        self::$buffer = preg_replace("/([$vowel])u([$vowel])/u", '$1U$2',
+            self::$buffer);
+        self::$buffer = preg_replace("/([$vowel])i([$vowel])/u", '$1I$2',
+            self::$buffer);
+    }
+    /**
+     * $r1 is the region after the first non-vowel following a vowel, or the end
+     * of the word if there is no such non-vowel.
+     * $r2 is the region after the first non-vowel following a vowel in $r1, or
+     * the end of the word if there is no such non-vowel
+     */
+    static function computeNonVowelRegions()
+    {
+        $word = self::$buffer;
+        $vowel = static::$vowel;
+        self::$rv = "";
+        self::$rv_index = -1;
+        if(preg_search('/^(par|col|tap)/u', $word) != -1 ||
+            preg_search("/^[$vowel]{2}/u", $word) != -1) {
+            self::$rv = substr($word, 3);
+            self::$rv_index = 3;
+        } else {
+            self::$rv_index = preg_search("/[$vowel]/u", $word,
+                strlen(mb_substr($word, 0, 1, 'UTF-8')));
+            if(self::$rv_index != -1){
+                self::$rv_index += 1;
+                self::$rv = substr($word, self::$rv_index);
+            } else {
+                self::$rv_index = strlen($word);
+            }
+        }
+        preg_match("/[$vowel][^$vowel]/u", $word, $matches,
+            PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE);
+        self::$r1 = "";
+        $len = strlen($word);
+        self::$r1_index = isset($matches[0][1]) ? $matches[0][1] +
+            strlen(mb_substr($word,$matches[0][1], 2, 'UTF-8')) : $len;
+        if(self::$r1_index != $len) {
+            self::$r1 = substr($word, self::$r1_index);
+        }
+        if(self::$r1_index != $len) {
+            preg_match("/[$vowel][^$vowel]/", self::$r1, $matches,
+                PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE);
+            self::$r2_index = isset($matches[0][1]) ? $matches[0][1] +
+                strlen(mb_substr(self::$r1, $matches[0][1], 2, 'UTF-8')) : $len;
+            if(self::$r2_index != $len) {
+                self::$r2 = substr(self::$r1, self::$r2_index);
+                self::$r2_index += self::$r1_index;
+            }
+        }
+        if(self::$r1_index != $len && self::$r1_index < 3) {
+            self::$r1_index = 3;
+            self::$r1 = substr($word, 3);
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Standard suffix removal
+     */
+    static function step1()
+    {
+        $word = self::$buffer;
+        $vowel = static::$vowel;
+        $rv_index = self::$rv_index;
+        $r1_index = self::$r1_index;
+        $r2_index = self::$r2_index;
+        $a_index = array();
+        $patterns = array('/(ance|iqUe|isme|able|iste|eux|'.
+            'ances|iqUes|ismes|ables|istes)$/u',
+            '/(atrice|ateur|ation|atrices|ateurs|ations)$/u',
+            '/(logie|logies)$/u', '/(usion|ution|usions|utions)$/u',
+            '/(ence|ences)$/u', '/(ement|ements)$/u', '/(ité|ités)$/u',
+            '/(if|ive|ifs|ives)$/u', '/(eaux)$/u', '/(aux)$/u',
+            '/(euse|euses)$/u',
+            "/[^$vowel](issement|issements)".'$/u', '/(amment)$/u',
+            '/(emment)$/u', "/[$vowel]".'(ment|ments)$/u');
+        $i = 1;
+        foreach($patterns as $pattern) {
+            $a_index[$i] = preg_search($pattern, $word);
+            $i++;
+        }
+        if($a_index[1] != -1 && $a_index[1] >= $r2_index) {
+            $word = substr($word, 0, $a_index[1]);
+        } else if($a_index[2] != -1 && $a_index[2] >= $r2_index) {
+            $word = substr($word, 0, $a_index[2]);
+            $a2_index2 = preg_search('/(ic)$/', $word);
+            if($a2_index2 != -1 && $a2_index2 >= $r2_index){
+                $word = substr($word, 0, $a2_index2);
+                    //if preceded by ic, delete if in R2,
+            } else { //else replace by iqU
+                $word = preg_replace('/(ic)$/u','iqU', $word);
+            }
+        } else if($a_index[3] != -1 && $a_index[3] >= $r2_index) {
+            //replace with log if in R2
+            $word = preg_replace('/(logie|logies)$/','log', $word);
+        } else if($a_index[4] != -1 && $a_index[4] >= $r2_index){
+            //replace with u if in R2
+            $word = preg_replace('/(usion|ution|usions|utions)$/u','u', $word);
+        } else if($a_index[5] != -1 && $a_index[5] >= $r2_index) {
+            //replace with ent if in R2
+            $word = preg_replace('/(ence|ences)$/u','ent', $word);
+        } else if($a_index[12] != -1 && $a_index[12] >= $r1_index) {
+            //+1- amendment to non-vowel
+            $word = substr($word, 0, $a_index[12] + 1);
+        } else if($a_index[6] != -1 && $a_index[6] >= $rv_index) {
+            if(preg_search("/(issement|issements)$/", $word) < 0) {
+                $word = substr($word, 0, $a_index[6]);
+                if(preg_search('/(iv)$/', $word) >= $r2_index) {
+                    $word = preg_replace('/(iv)$/u', '', $word);
+                    if(preg_search('/(at)$/', $word) >= $r2_index){
+                        $word = preg_replace('/(at)$/u', '', $word);
+                    }
+                } else if(($a6_index2 = preg_search('/(eus)$/u', $word)) != -1) {
+                    if($a6_index2 >= $r2_index){
+                        $word = substr($word, 0, $a6_index2);
+                    } else if($a6_index2 >= $r1_index){
+                        $word = substr($word, 0, $a6_index2) . "eux";
+                    }
+                } else if(preg_search('/(abl|iqU)$/', $word) >= $r2_index) {
+                    //if preceded by abl or iqU, delete if in R2,
+                    $word = preg_replace('/(abl|iqU)$/u', '', $word);
+                } else if(preg_search('/(ièr|Ièr)$/', $word) >= $rv_index) {
+                    //if preceded by abl or iqU, delete if in R2,
+                    $word = preg_replace('/(ièr|Ièr)$/u', 'i', $word);
+                }
+            } else if (preg_search("/[^$vowel](issement|issements)".'$/u',
+                $word) > 0) {
+                $word = preg_replace("/(issement|issements)".'$/u',
+                    '', $word);
+            }
+        } else if($a_index[7] != -1 && $a_index[7] >= $r2_index) {
+            //delete if in R2
+            $word = substr($word, 0, $a_index[7]);
+            /*if preceded by abil, delete if in R2, else replace by abl,
+              otherwise,
+             */
+            if(($a7_index2 = preg_search('/(abil)$/', $word)) != -1) {
+                if($a7_index2 >= $r2_index){
+                    $word = substr($word, 0, $a7_index2);
+                } else {
+                    $word = substr($word, 0, $a7_index2) . "abl";
+                }
+            } else if(($a7_index3 = preg_search('/(ic)$/', $word)) != -1) {
+                if($a7_index3 >= $r2_index) {
+                    //if preceded by ic, delete if in R2,
+                    $word = substr($word, 0, $a7_index3);
+                } else {
+                    //else replace by iqU
+                    $word = preg_replace('/(ic)$/u', 'iqU', $word);
+                }
+            } else if(preg_search('/(iv)$/', $word) >= $r2_index){
+                $word = preg_replace('/(iv)$/u', '', $word);
+            }
+        } else if($a_index[8] != -1 && $a_index[8] >= $r2_index) {
+            $word = substr($word, 0, $a_index[8]);
+            if(preg_search('/(at)$/', $word) >= $r2_index) {
+                $word = preg_replace('/(at)$/', '', $word);
+                if(preg_search('/(ic)$/', $word) >= $r2_index) {
+                    $word = preg_replace('/(ic)$/u', '', $word);
+                } else {
+                    $word = preg_replace('/(ic)$/u', 'iqU', $word);
+                }
+            }
+        } else if($a_index[9] != -1) {
+            $word = preg_replace('/(eaux)/u', 'eau', $word);
+        } else if($a_index[10] >= $r1_index) {
+            $word = preg_replace('/(aux)/u', 'al', $word);
+        } else if($a_index[11] != -1 ){
+            $a11_index2 = preg_search('/(euse|euses)$/u', $word);
+            if($a11_index2 >= $r2_index){
+                $word = substr($word, 0, $a11_index2);
+            } else if($a11_index2 >= $r1_index){
+                $word = substr($word, 0, $a11_index2) . "eux";
+            }
+        }  else if($a_index[13] != -1 && $a_index[13] >= $rv_index) {
+            $word = preg_replace('/(amment)$/u', 'ant', $word);
+        } else if($a_index[14] != -1 && $a_index[14] >= $rv_index) {
+            $word = preg_replace('/(emment)$/u','ent', $word);
+        } else if($a_index[15] != -1 && $a_index[15] >= $rv_index &&
+            $a_index[6] < 0) {
+            $tmp_index = preg_search('/(ment|ments)$/u', $word);
+            $word = substr($word, 0, $tmp_index);
+        }
+        self::$buffer = $word;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Stem verb suffixes beginning i
+     */
+    static function step2a($ori_word)
+    {
+        $vowel = static::$vowel;
+        if($ori_word == mb_strtolower(self::$buffer, "UTF-8") ||
+            (preg_match('/(amment|emment|ment|ments)$/u', $ori_word)
+            && !preg_match('/(ement(s)?)$/u', $ori_word))) {
+            $b1_regex = "/([^$vowel])".'(îmes|ît|îtes|i|ie|ies|ir|ira|irai|'.
+                'iraIent|irais|irait|iras|irent|irez|iriez|irions|irons|'.
+                'iront|is|issaIent|issais|issait|issant|issante|issantes|'.
+                'issants|isse|issent|isses|issez|issiez|issions|issons|it)$/u';
+            if(preg_search($b1_regex, self::$buffer) >= self::$rv_index) {
+                self::$buffer = preg_replace($b1_regex, '$1', self::$buffer);
+            }
+            return true;
+        }
+        return false;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Stem other verb suffixes
+     */
+    static function step2b()
+    {
+        $word = self::$buffer;
+        if (preg_search('/(ions)$/u', $word) >= self::$r2_index &&
+            preg_search('/erions$/u', $word) == -1) {
+            $word = preg_replace('/(ions)$/u', '', $word);
+        } else {
+            $b2_regex = '/(é|ée|ées|és|èrent|er|era|erai|eraIent|erais|erait|'.
+                'eras|erez|eriez|erions|erons|eront|iez)$/u';
+            if(preg_search($b2_regex, $word) >= self::$rv_index) {
+                $word = preg_replace($b2_regex, '', $word);
+            } else if(preg_search('/iez$/iu', $word) >= self::$rv_index) {
+                //I am trying to avoid issues that eriez is a prefix of eriez
+                $word = preg_replace('/iez$/iu', '', $word);
+            }  else if(preg_search('/ez$/iu', $word) >= self::$rv_index) {
+                //I am trying to avoid issues that ez is a prefix of iez
+                $word = preg_replace('/ez$/iu', '', $word);
+            } else {
+                $b3_regex = '/e(âmes|ât|âtes|a|ai|aIent|ais|ait|ant|ante|antes'.
+                    '|ants|as|asse|assent|asses|assiez|assions)$/u';
+                if (preg_search($b3_regex, $word) >= self::$rv_index) {
+                    $word = preg_replace($b3_regex, '', $word);
+                } else {
+                    $b3_regex2 = '/(âmes|ât|âtes|a|ai|aIent|ais|ait|ant|ante|'.
+                        'antes|ants|as|asse|assent|asses|assiez|assions)$/u';
+                    if (preg_search($b3_regex2, $word) >= self::$rv_index) {
+                        $word = preg_replace($b3_regex2, '', $word);
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        self::$buffer = $word;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Gets rid of cedille's (make c's) and words ending with Y (make i)
+     */
+    static function step3()
+    {
+        $word = self::$buffer;
+        $word = preg_replace('/Y$/u', 'i', $word);
+        $word = preg_replace('/ç$/u', 'c', $word);
+        self::$buffer = $word;
+    }
+    /**
+     * If the word ends in an s, not preceded by a, i, o, u, è or s, delete it.
+     */
+    static function step4()
+    {
+        $word = self::$buffer;
+        if(preg_search('/([^aiouès])s$/u', $word) >= 0) {
+            $word = preg_replace('/([^aiouès])s$/u', '$1', $word);
+        }
+        $e1_index = preg_search('/ion$/u', $word);
+        if ($e1_index >= self::$r2_index &&
+            preg_search('/[st]ion$/u', $word) >= self::$rv_index) {
+            $word = substr($word, 0, $e1_index);
+        } else {
+            $e2_index = preg_search('/(ier|ière|Ier|Ière)$/u', $word);
+            if($e2_index != -1 && $e2_index >= self::$rv_index) {
+                $word = substr($word, 0, $e2_index)."i";
+            } else {
+                if(preg_search('/e$/u', $word) >= self::$rv_index) {
+                    $word = preg_replace('/e$/u', '', $word);   //delete last e
+                } else if(preg_search('/guë$/u', $word) >= self::$rv_index) {
+                    $word = preg_replace('/guë$/u', 'gu', $word);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        self::$buffer = $word;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Un-double letter end
+     */
+    static function step5()
+    {
+        self::$buffer = preg_replace("/(en|on)(n)$/u", '$1',
+            self::$buffer);
+        self::$buffer = preg_replace("/(ett)$/u", 'et',
+            self::$buffer);
+        self::$buffer = preg_replace("/(el|eil)(l)$/u", '$1',
+            self::$buffer);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Un-accent end
+     */
+    static function step6()
+    {
+        $vowel = static::$vowel;
+        self::$buffer = preg_replace("/[éè]([^$vowel]+)$/u", 'e$1',
+            self::$buffer);
+        self:$buffer = mb_strtolower(self::$buffer);
+    }
diff --git a/locale/fr-FR/statistics.txt b/locale/fr-FR/statistics.txt
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..5ac0911
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/fr-FR/statistics.txt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/general.ini b/locale/general.ini
similarity index 91%
rename from general.ini
rename to locale/general.ini
index 7840dad..57bddb8 100755
--- a/general.ini
+++ b/locale/general.ini
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-; ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
+; ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
 ;  SeekQuarry/Yioop Open Source Pure PHP Search Engine, Crawler, and Indexer
-;  Copyright (C) 2009, 2010  Chris Pollett
+;  Copyright (C) 2009-2012  Chris Pollett
 ;  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 ;  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
@@ -26,4 +26,4 @@
 ; file will serve as default merge values when
 ; the merge takes place.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/locale/he/configure.ini b/locale/he/configure.ini
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..b06f5e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/he/configure.ini
@@ -0,0 +1,4186 @@
+; ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
+;  SeekQuarry/Yioop Open Source Pure PHP Search Engine, Crawler, and Indexer
+;  Copyright (C) 2009 - 2015  Chris Pollett
+;  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;  (at your option) any later version.
+;  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;  GNU General Public License for more details.
+;  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;  along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+;  ***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****
+; configure.ini
+; he configuration file
+; Strings to translate on various pages
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/seek_quarry//controllers
+; admin_controller.php line: 101
+admin_controller_need_cookies = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 150
+admin_controller_account_not_active = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 156
+admin_controller_login_successful = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 175
+admin_controller_no_back_button = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 189
+admin_controller_login_failed = "סיסמא / שם משתמש אינו נכון"
+; admin_controller.php line: 195
+admin_controller_login_to_config = "התחבר על מנת להמשך בתהליך"
+; admin_controller.php line: 199
+admin_controller_status_updates_stopped = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 342
+admin_controller_account_access = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 343
+admin_controller_social = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 344
+admin_controller_crawl_settings = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 345
+admin_controller_system_settings = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 517
+admin_controller_equal = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 518
+admin_controller_not_equal = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 519
+admin_controller_contains = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 520
+admin_controller_begins_with = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 521
+admin_controller_ends_with = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 524
+admin_controller_equal = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 525
+admin_controller_not_equal = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 528
+admin_controller_no_sort = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 529
+admin_controller_sort_ascending = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 530
+admin_controller_sort_descending = ""
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/seek_quarry//controllers/components
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 132
+accountaccess_component_no_posts_yet = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 146
+accountaccess_component_passwords_too_long = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 155
+accountaccess_component_passwords_dont_match = "סיסמא  אינה נכונה"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 162
+accountaccess_component_invalid_password = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 192
+accountaccess_component_unknown_imagetype = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 197
+accountaccess_component_icon_too_big = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 206
+accountaccess_component_no_user_folder = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 215
+accountaccess_component_user_updated = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 259
+accountaccess_component_active_status = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 260
+accountaccess_component_inactive_status = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 261
+accountaccess_component_banned_status = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 264
+accountaccess_component_request_join = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 265
+accountaccess_component_invited = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 266
+accountaccess_component_active_status = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 267
+accountaccess_component_banned_status = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 312
+accountaccess_component_passwords_too_long = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 317
+accountaccess_component_passwords_dont_match = "סיסמא  אינה נכונה"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 321
+accountaccess_component_invalid_username = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 325
+accountaccess_component_user_exists = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 354
+accountaccess_component_user_added = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 363
+accountaccess_component_user_doesnt_exist = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 370
+accountaccess_component_cant_edit_public_user = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 412
+accountaccess_component_passwords_dont_match = "סיסמא  אינה נכונה"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 418
+accountaccess_component_user_updated = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 424
+accountaccess_component_user_filter_group = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 428
+accountaccess_component_user_filter_role = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 439
+accountaccess_component_username_doesnt_exists = "שם שמשתמש אינו קיים"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 444
+accountaccess_component_cant_delete_builtin = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 449
+accountaccess_component_user_deleted = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 458
+accountaccess_component_username_doesnt_exists = "שם שמשתמש אינו קיים"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 463
+accountaccess_component_rolename_doesnt_exists = "שם תפקיד אינו קיים"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 469
+accountaccess_component_rolename_already_added = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 475
+accountaccess_component_rolename_added = "שם תפקיד נוצר"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 485
+accountaccess_component_username_doesnt_exists = "שם שמשתמש אינו קיים"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 490
+accountaccess_component_groupname_doesnt_exists = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 496
+accountaccess_component_groupname_already_added = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 504
+accountaccess_component_groupname_added = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 514
+accountaccess_component_username_doesnt_exists = "שם שמשתמש אינו קיים"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 519
+accountaccess_component_rolename_doesnt_exists = "שם תפקיד אינו קיים"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 528
+accountaccess_component_rolename_deleted = "שם תפקיד נמחק"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 538
+accountaccess_component_username_doesnt_exists = "שם שמשתמש אינו קיים"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 543
+accountaccess_component_groupname_doesnt_exists = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 552
+accountaccess_component_group_deleted = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 569
+accountaccess_component_username_doesnt_exists = "שם שמשתמש אינו קיים"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 575
+accountaccess_component_userstatus_updated = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 733
+accountaccess_component_select_activityname = "בחר פעילות"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 759
+accountaccess_component_rolename_doesnt_exists = "שם תפקיד אינו קיים"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 775
+accountaccess_component_activity_added = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 784
+accountaccess_component_rolename_exists = "שם תפקיד קיים במערכת"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 790
+accountaccess_component_rolename_added = "שם תפקיד נוצר"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 794
+accountaccess_component_rolename_blank = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 803
+accountaccess_component_rolename_doesnt_exists = "שם תפקיד אינו קיים"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 821
+accountaccess_component_activity_deleted = "פעילות נמחקה"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 829
+accountaccess_component_rolename_doesnt_exists = "שם תפקיד אינו קיים"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 835
+accountaccess_component_rolename_deleted = "שם תפקיד נמחק"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 867
+accountaccess_component_role_updated = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 85
+crawl_component_starting_new_crawl = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 102
+crawl_component_stop_crawl = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 131
+crawl_component_resume_crawl = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 140
+crawl_component_delete_crawl_success = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 144
+crawl_component_delete_crawl_fail = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 153
+crawl_component_set_index = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 187
+crawl_component_no_description = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 334
+crawl_component_use_below = "השתמש באפשרויות הבאות"
+; crawl_component.php line: 335
+crawl_component_use_defaults = " השתמש כבררת מחדל כמנוע חיפוש"
+; crawl_component.php line: 338
+crawl_component_use_below = "השתמש באפשרויות הבאות"
+; crawl_component.php line: 342
+crawl_component_previous_crawl = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 413
+crawl_component_added_urls = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 427
+crawl_component_add_suggest = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 431
+crawl_component_no_new_suggests = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 478
+crawl_component_breadth_first = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 480
+crawl_component_page_importance = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 545
+crawl_component_added_urls = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 555
+crawl_component_urls_injected = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 565
+crawl_component_update_seed_info = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 620
+crawl_component_new_classifier = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 624
+crawl_component_classifier_exists = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 647
+crawl_component_classifier_deleted = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 651
+crawl_component_no_classifier = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 662
+crawl_component_no_classifier = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 680
+crawl_component_finalizing_classifier = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 707
+crawl_component_finalizing_classifier = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 753
+crawl_component_classifier_exists = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 762
+crawl_component_load_failed = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 764
+crawl_component_loading = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 766
+crawl_component_added_examples = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 768
+crawl_component_label_update_failed = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 770
+crawl_component_updating = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 772
+crawl_component_acc_update_failed = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 774
+crawl_component_na = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 776
+crawl_component_no_docs = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 778
+crawl_component_num_docs = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 780
+crawl_component_in_class = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 782
+crawl_component_not_in_class = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 784
+crawl_component_skip = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 786
+crawl_component_prediction = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 788
+crawl_component_scores = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 830
+crawl_component_use_below = "השתמש באפשרויות הבאות"
+; crawl_component.php line: 831
+crawl_component_use_defaults = " השתמש כבררת מחדל כמנוע חיפוש"
+; crawl_component.php line: 833
+crawl_component_use_below = "השתמש באפשרויות הבאות"
+; crawl_component.php line: 841
+crawl_component_recrawl_never = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 842
+crawl_component_recrawl_1day = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 843
+crawl_component_recrawl_2day = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 844
+crawl_component_recrawl_3day = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 845
+crawl_component_recrawl_7day = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 846
+crawl_component_recrawl_14day = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 854
+crawl_component_basic = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 855
+crawl_component_centroid = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1141
+crawl_component_page_options_updated = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1169
+crawl_component_page_options_running_tests = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1348
+crawl_component_results_editor_update = ""
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+register_controller_account_recover_fail = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 566
+register_controller_recovered_already = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 570
+register_controller_recovery_expired = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 576
+register_controller_password_changed = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 584
+register_controller_passwords_dont_match = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 598
+register_controller_recovered_already = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 602
+register_controller_recovery_expired = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 728
+register_controller_invalid_url = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 732
+register_controller_error_fields = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 746
+register_controller_failed_hashcode = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 756
+register_controller_failed_human = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 783
+register_controller_failed_graphical_human = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 797
+register_controller_suggest_full = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 801
+register_controller_url_submitted = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 1004
+register_controller_need_cookies = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 1010
+register_controller_failed_human = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 1025
+register_controller_failed_graphical_human = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 1036
+register_controller_failed_hashcode = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 1064
+register_controller_error_fields = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 1067
+register_controller_check_email = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 1074
+register_controller_user_already_exists = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 235
+search_controller_web = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 295
+search_controller_logout_successful = "התנתקות הצליחה"
+; search_controller.php line: 500
+search_controller_mix_info = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 506
+search_controller_crawl_info = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 542
+search_controller_search = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 646
+search_controller_no_index_set = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 649
+search_controller_no_index_set = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1300
+search_controller_download_fetcher = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1309
+search_controller_no_archive_page = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1358
+search_controller_yioop_cache = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1363
+search_controller_original_page = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1380
+search_controller_extracted_title = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1382
+search_controller_extracted_description = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1384
+search_controller_extracted_links = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1389
+search_controller_extracted_allow_paths = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1395
+search_controller_extracted_disallow_paths = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1401
+search_controller_crawl_delay = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1466
+search_controller_cache_comment = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1477
+search_controller_yioop_cache = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1513
+search_controller_cached_version = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1608
+search_controller_download_fetcher = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1626
+search_controller_header_summaries = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1739
+search_controller_history = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1908
+search_controller_all_cached = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1939
+search_controller_year = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1940
+search_controller_month = ""
+; settings_controller.php line: 115
+settings_controller_crawl_mix = ""
+; settings_controller.php line: 130
+settings_controller_settings_saved = ""
+; static_controller.php line: 67
+static_controller_logout_successful = ""
+; static_controller.php line: 145
+static_controller_complete_title = ""
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/sq_data/app/controllers
+; main_controller.php line: 87
+search_controller_logout_successful = "התנתקות הצליחה"
+; main_controller.php line: 112
+main_controller_download = ""
+; main_controller.php line: 129
+main_controller_missing_fields = ""
+; main_controller.php line: 164
+main_controller_yioop_download = ""
+; main_controller.php line: 165
+main_controller_click_download = ""
+; main_controller.php line: 178
+main_controller_url_error = ""
+; main_controller.php line: 187
+main_controller_expired_url = ""
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/seek_quarry//views
+; admin_view.php line: 70
+admin_view_admin = ""
+; admin_view.php line: 89
+adminview_auto_logout_one_minute = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 52
+crawlstatus_view_currently_processing = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 53
+crawlstatus_view_description = "תאור"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 58
+crawlstatus_view_starting_crawl = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 62
+managecrawls_element_stop_crawl = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 66
+crawlstatus_view_resuming_crawl = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 70
+managecrawls_element_stop_crawl = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 74
+crawlstatus_view_shutdown_queue = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 77
+crawlstatus_view_closing_dict = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 80
+crawlstatus_view_run_plugins = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 88
+managecrawls_element_stop_crawl = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 96
+crawlstatus_view_set_index = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 99
+crawlstatus_view_search_index = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 107
+crawlstatus_view_changeoptions = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 109
+crawlstatus_view_no_description = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 114
+crawlstatus_view_timestamp = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 116
+crawlstatus_view_time_started = ":זמן התחלה"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 122
+crawlstatus_view_indexer_memory = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 124
+crawlstatus_view_scheduler_memory = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 127
+crawlstatus_view_queue_memory = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 132
+crawlstatus_view_no_mem_data = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 136
+crawlstatus_view_fetcher_memory = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 141
+crawlstatus_view_no_mem_data = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 144
+crawlstatus_view_webapp_memory = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 149
+crawlstatus_view_no_mem_data = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 152
+crawlstatus_view_urls_per_hour = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 160
+crawlstatus_view_visited_urls = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 164
+crawlstatus_view_total_urls = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 167
+crawlstatus_view_most_recent_fetcher = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 176
+crawlstatus_view_no_fetcher = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 180
+crawlstatus_view_most_recent_urls = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 190
+crawlstatus_view_no_recent_urls = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 193
+crawlstatus_view_previous_crawls = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 203
+crawlstatus_view_description = "תאור"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 206
+crawlstatus_view_timestamp = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 207
+crawlstatus_view_url_counts = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 211
+crawlstatus_view_actions = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 222
+crawlstatus_view_statistics = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 238
+crawlstatus_view_resume = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 240
+crawlstatus_view_no_resume = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 247
+crawlstatus_view_set_index = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 250
+crawlstatus_view_search_index = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 257
+crawlstatus_view_delete = "מחק"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 265
+crawlstatus_view_no_previous_crawl = ""
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/seek_quarry//views/elements
+; activity_element.php line: 54
+activity_element_activities = "פעיליות"
+; configure_element.php line: 76
+configure_element_work_directory = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 82
+configure_element_load_or_create = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 100
+configure_element_component_check = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 104
+configure_element_profile_settings = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 107
+configure_element_toggle_advanced = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 114
+configure_element_default_language = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 121
+configure_element_debug_display = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 126
+configure_element_error_info = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 131
+configure_element_query_info = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 136
+configure_element_test_info = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 141
+configure_element_site_access = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 146
+configure_element_web_access = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 151
+configure_element_rss_access = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 156
+configure_element_api_access = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 161
+configure_element_customizations = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 163
+configure_element_use_wiki_landing = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 170
+configure_element_background_color = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 178
+configure_element_background_image = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 185
+configure_element_background_image = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 194
+configure_element_foreground_color = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 200
+configure_element_topbar_color = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 206
+configure_element_sidebar_color = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 214
+configure_element_site_logo = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 221
+configure_element_site_logo = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 232
+configure_element_mobile_logo = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 239
+configure_element_mobile_logo = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 250
+configure_element_favicon = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 257
+configure_element_favicon = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 267
+configure_element_toolbar = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 278
+configure_element_site_timezone = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 284
+configure_element_cookie_name = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 290
+configure_element_token_name = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 296
+configure_element_auxiliary_css = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 304
+configure_element_reset_customizations = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 311
+configure_element_crawl_robot = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 313
+configure_element_robot_name = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 321
+configure_element_robot_instance = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 328
+configure_element_robot_description = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 338
+serversettings_element_submit = "שלח"
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 55
+crawloptions_element_back_to_manage = "חזור"
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 58
+crawloptions_element_modify_active_crawl = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 60
+crawloptions_element_edit_crawl_options = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 83
+crawloptions_element_web_crawl = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 93
+crawloptions_element_archive_crawl = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 100
+crawloptions_element_load_options = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 105
+crawloptions_element_crawl_order = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 114
+crawloptions_element_restrict_by_url = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 122
+crawloptions_element_allowed_to_crawl = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 129
+crawloptions_element_disallowed_and_quota_sites = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 140
+crawloptions_element_seed_sites = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 144
+crawloptions_element_add_suggest_urls = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 155
+crawloptions_element_inject_sites = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 159
+crawloptions_element_add_suggest_urls = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 176
+crawloptions_element_reindex_crawl = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 185
+crawloptions_element_need_api_for_mix = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 193
+crawloptions_element_save_options = "שמור אפשרויות"
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 58
+editclassifier_back = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 60
+editclassifier_edit_classifier = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 72
+editclassifier_classifier_label = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 77
+editclassifier_change = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 82
+editclassifier_statistics = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 83
+editclassifier_positive_examples = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 86
+editclassifier_negative_examples = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 89
+editclassifier_accuracy = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 94
+crawl_component_na = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 99
+editclassifier_update = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 100
+editclassifier_add_examples = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 109
+editclassifier_source = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 113
+editclassifier_default_crawl = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 123
+editclassifier_label_by_hand = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 125
+editclassifier_all_in_class = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 127
+editclassifier_none_in_class = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 132
+editclassifier_keywords = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 141
+editclassifier_load = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 147
+editclassifier_finalize = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 155
+editclassifier_no_documents = ""
+; editlocales_element.php line: 55
+editlocales_element_back_to_manage = ""
+; editlocales_element.php line: 57
+editlocales_element_edit_locale = ""
+; editlocales_element.php line: 71
+editlocales_element_show = ""
+; editlocales_element.php line: 75
+editlocales_element_filter = ""
+; editlocales_element.php line: 82
+editlocales_element_go = ""
+; editlocales_element.php line: 86
+editlocales_element_no_matching = ""
+; editlocales_element.php line: 119
+editlocales_element_submit = "הגש"
+; editmix_element.php line: 51
+editmix_element_back_to_mix = "חזור"
+; editmix_element.php line: 53
+mixcrawls_element_edit_mix = ""
+; editmix_element.php line: 64
+mixcrawls_element_mix_name = ""
+; editmix_element.php line: 70
+mixcrawls_element_mix_components = ""
+; editmix_element.php line: 77
+mixcrawls_element_too_many = ""
+; editmix_element.php line: 79
+mixcrawls_element_add_fragment = ""
+; editmix_element.php line: 85
+mixcrawls_element_save_button = "שמור"
+; footer_element.php line: 59
+footer_element_blog = ""
+; footer_element.php line: 61
+footer_element_privacy = ""
+; footer_element.php line: 63
+footer_element_terms = ""
+; footer_element.php line: 65
+footer_element_tools = ""
+; footer_element.php line: 67
+footer_element_bot = ""
+; footer_element.php line: 72
+footer_element_developed_seek_quarry = ""
+; footer_element.php line: 75
+footer_element_copyright_yioop = ""
+; footer_element.php line: 77
+footer_element_php_search_engine = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 91
+groupfeed_element_add_group = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 95
+groupfeed_element_request_add = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 122
+groupfeed_element_wiki_page = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 124
+groupfeed_element_back = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 127
+groupfeed_element_back = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 136
+groupfeed_element_group_activity = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 140
+groupfeed_element_wiki_thread = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 159
+groupfeed_element_feed = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 163
+group_view_wiki = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 165
+groupfeed_element_user = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 206
+groupfeed_element_comment = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 238
+manageaccount_element_group_wiki = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 239
+manageaccount_element_group_stats = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 244
+manageaccount_element_last_post = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 286
+groupfeed_element_comment = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 297
+groupfeed_element_start_thread = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 311
+groupfeed_element_start_thread = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 317
+groupfeed_element_no_posts_yet = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 323
+groupfeed_element_thread_no_exist = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 358
+groupfeed_element_edit = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 363
+groupfeed_element_delete = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 385
+groupfeed_element_num_posts = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 395
+groupfeed_element_num_views = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 420
+groupfeed_element_start_thread_in_group = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 422
+groupfeed_element_start_thread_in_group = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 436
+groupfeed_element_last_edited = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 452
+groupfeed_element_post_vote = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 479
+groupfeed_element_last_post_info = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 494
+groupfeed_element_comment = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 547
+fileupload_helper_drag_textarea = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 548
+fileupload_helper_click_textarea = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 572
+groupfeed_element_add_comment = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 586
+groupfeed_element_save = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 625
+groupfeed_element_subject = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 632
+groupfeed_element_post = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 645
+groupfeed_element_save = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 681
+groupfeed_element_edit_post = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 684
+groupfeed_element_subject = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 690
+groupfeed_element_post = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 703
+groupfeed_element_save = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 732
+groupfeed_element_no_longer_update = ""
+; machinelog_element.php line: 54
+machinelog_element_back_to_manage = ""
+; machinelog_element.php line: 59
+machinelog_element_filter = ""
+; machinelog_element.php line: 66
+machinelog_element_log_file = ""
+; machinelog_element.php line: 71
+machinelog_element_refresh_off = ""
+; machinelog_element.php line: 76
+machinelog_element_refresh_on = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 60
+manageaccount_element_lock = ""
+manageaccount_element_edit = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 67
+manageaccount_element_welcome = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 69
+manageaccount_element_what_can_do = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 71
+manageaccount_element_account_details = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 100
+manageaccounts_element_icon = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 110
+manageusers_element_username = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 117
+manageusers_element_firstname = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 123
+manageusers_element_lastname = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 129
+manageusers_element_email = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 138
+manageaccount_element_password = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 145
+manageaccount_element_new_password = ":סיסמא חדשה"
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 151
+manageaccount_element_retype_password = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 163
+manageaccount_element_save = "שמור"
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 169
+manageaccount_element_search_lang_settings = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 174
+manageaccount_element_crawl_and_index = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 175
+manageaccount_element_crawl_info = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 176
+manageaccount_element_num_crawls = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 179
+manageaccount_element_manage_crawls = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 185
+manageaccount_element_groups_and_feeds = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 186
+manageaccount_element_group_info = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 188
+manageaccount_element_num_groups = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 191
+manageaccount_element_num_group = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 203
+manageaccount_element_group_wiki = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 204
+manageaccount_element_group_stats = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 209
+manageaccount_element_last_post = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 219
+manageaccount_element_manage_all_groups = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 221
+manageaccount_element_go_to_group_feed = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 223
+manageaccount_element_crawl_mixes = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 224
+manageaccount_element_mixes_info = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 226
+manageaccount_element_num_mixes = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 229
+manageaccount_element_num_mix = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 233
+manageaccount_element_manage_mixes = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 61
+manageclassifiers_available_classifiers = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 69
+manageclassifiers_label_col = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 72
+manageclassifiers_positive_col = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 74
+manageclassifiers_negative_col = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 80
+manageclassifiers_actions_col = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 99
+manageclassifiers_edit = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 102
+manageclassifiers_finalized = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 109
+manageclassifiers_finalize = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 111
+manageclassifiers_finalize = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 115
+manageclassifiers_finalizing = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 119
+confirm_delete_operation = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 123
+manageclassifiers_delete = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 156
+manageclassifiers_manage_classifiers = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 166
+manageclassifiers_classifier_name = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 171
+manageclassifiers_create_button = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 186
+manageclassifiers_element_search = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 187
+manageclassifiers_element_create_form = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 189
+manageclassifiers_classifier_name = ""
+; managecrawls_element.php line: 49
+managecrawls_element_create_crawl = ""
+; managecrawls_element.php line: 58
+managecrawls_element_description = "שם"
+; managecrawls_element.php line: 65
+managecrawls_element_start_new_crawl = ""
+; managecrawls_element.php line: 69
+managecrawls_element_options = ""
+; managecrawls_element.php line: 75
+managecrawls_element_awaiting_status = ""
+; managecrawls_element.php line: 93
+managecrawls_element_up_longer_update = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 67
+managegroups_element_not_my_groups = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 69
+managegroups_element_groups = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 78
+managegroups_element_groupname = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 79
+managegroups_element_groupowner = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 81
+managegroups_element_registertype = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 82
+managegroups_element_memberaccess = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 83
+managegroups_element_voting = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 84
+managegroups_element_post_lifetime = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 87
+managegroups_element_actions = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 201
+manageaccount_element_group_wiki = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 216
+managegroups_element_join = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 220
+managegroups_element_edit = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 225
+managegroups_element_edit = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 230
+managegroups_element_delete = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 236
+managegroups_element_join = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 241
+managegroups_element_join = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 250
+managegroups_element_decline = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 252
+managegroups_element_unsubscribe = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 257
+confirm_delete_operation = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 260
+managegroups_element_delete = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 289
+managegroups_element_addgroup_form = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 290
+managegroups_element_group_info = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 292
+managegroups_element_create_group = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 296
+managegroups_element_add_group = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 313
+managegroups_element_groupname = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 324
+managegroups_element_browse = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 335
+managegroups_element_register = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 342
+managegroups_element_memberaccess = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 349
+managegroups_element_voting = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 356
+managegroups_element_post_lifetime = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 368
+managegroups_element_group_users = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 372
+managegroups_element_num_users = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 398
+managegroups_element_groupowner = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 400
+managegroups_element_delete = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 410
+managegroups_element_activate = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 416
+managegroups_element_ban = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 422
+managegroups_element_unban = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 430
+managegroups_element_delete = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 459
+managegroups_element_filter = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 480
+managegroups_element_invite = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 491
+managegroups_element_save = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 520
+managegroups_element_group_info = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 521
+managegroups_element_invite_users_group = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 533
+managegroups_element_groupname = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 541
+managegroups_element_usernames = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 548
+managegroups_element_invite = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 566
+managegroups_element_addgroup_form = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 567
+managegroups_element_transfer_group_owner = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 580
+managegroups_element_groupname = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 588
+managegroups_element_new_group_owner = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 595
+managegroups_element_change_owner = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 614
+managegroups_element_discover_groups = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 618
+managegroups_element_search_group = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 620
+managegroups_element_addgroup_form = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 622
+managegroups_element_groupname = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 623
+managegroups_element_groupowner = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 624
+managegroups_element_registertype = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 626
+managegroups_element_memberaccess = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 628
+managegroups_element_post_lifetime = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 59
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+; managelocales_element.php line: 69
+managelocales_element_localename = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 72
+managelocales_element_localetag = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 73
+managelocales_element_writingmode = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 75
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+; managelocales_element.php line: 80
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+; managelocales_element.php line: 81
+managelocales_element_actions = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 101
+managelocales_element_true = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 102
+managelocales_element_false = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 109
+managelocales_element_edit = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 114
+confirm_delete_operation = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 115
+managelocales_element_delete = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 135
+manageloecales_element_add_locale_form = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 136
+managelocales_element_locale_info = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 138
+managelocales_element_add_locale = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 160
+managelocales_element_localenamelabel = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 173
+managelocales_element_localetaglabel = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 179
+managelocales_element_writingmodelabel = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 189
+managelocales_element_localeenabled = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 200
+managelocales_element_submit = "הגש"
+; managelocales_element.php line: 218
+managelocales_element_search_locales = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 219
+managelocales_element_addlocale_form = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 221
+managelocales_element_localename = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 222
+managelocales_element_localetag = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 223
+managelocales_element_writingmode = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 224
+managelocales_element_enabled = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 230
+managelocales_element_true = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 231
+managelocales_element_false = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 51
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+; managemachines_element.php line: 63
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+; managemachines_element.php line: 68
+managemachines_element_machineurl = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 73
+managemachines_element_is_mirror = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 78
+managemachines_element_parent_name = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 84
+managemachines_element_has_queueserver = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 88
+managemachines_element_num_fetchers = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 93
+managemachines_element_submit = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 98
+managemachines_element_machine_info = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 104
+managemachines_element_awaiting_status = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 123
+managemachines_element_no_longer_update = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 56
+manageroles_element_roles = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 64
+manageroles_element_rolename = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 66
+manageroles_element_actions = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 91
+manageroles_element_edit = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 96
+manageroles_element_delete = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 100
+confirm_delete_operation = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 103
+manageroles_element_delete = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 136
+manageroles_element_addrole_form = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 137
+manageroles_element_role_info = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 139
+manageroles_element_add_role = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 151
+manageroles_element_rolename = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 164
+manageroles_element_role_activities = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 173
+manageroles_element_delete = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 180
+manageroles_element_delete = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 200
+manageroles_element_save = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 218
+manageroles_element_search_role = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 219
+manageroles_element_addrole_form = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 221
+manageroles_element_rolename = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 56
+manageusers_element_users = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 65
+manageusers_element_username = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 67
+manageusers_element_firstname = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 68
+manageusers_element_lastname = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 69
+manageusers_element_email = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 71
+manageusers_element_status = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 73
+manageusers_element_actions = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 135
+manageusers_element_edit = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 139
+manageusers_element_edit = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 146
+manageusers_element_delete = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 150
+confirm_delete_operation = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 153
+manageusers_element_delete = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 194
+manageusers_element_adduser_form = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 195
+manageusers_element_user_info = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 197
+manageusers_element_add_user = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 222
+manageusers_element_username = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 232
+manageusers_element_firstname = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 238
+manageusers_element_lastname = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 244
+manageusers_element_email = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 251
+manageusers_element_status = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 268
+manageusers_element_roles = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 272
+manageusers_element_num_roles = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 287
+manageusers_element_delete = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 297
+manageusers_element_delete = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 340
+manageusers_element_filter = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 352
+manageusers_element_add_role = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 362
+manageusers_element_groups = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 366
+manageusers_element_num_groups = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 387
+manageusers_element_delete = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 427
+manageusers_element_filter = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 439
+manageusers_element_add_group = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 452
+manageusers_element_password = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 458
+manageusers_element_retype_password = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 465
+manageusers_element_save = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 492
+manageusers_element_search_user = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 493
+manageusers_element_adduser_form = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 495
+manageusers_element_username = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 496
+manageusers_element_firstname = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 497
+manageusers_element_lastname = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 498
+manageusers_element_email = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 499
+manageusers_element_status = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 61
+mixcrawls_element_available_mixes = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 68
+mixcrawls_view_name = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 70
+mixcrawls_view_definition = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 74
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+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 108
+mixcrawls_view_no_components = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 115
+mixcrawls_view_share = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 118
+mixcrawls_view_edit = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 124
+mixcrawls_set_index = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 127
+mixcrawl_search_index = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 133
+confirm_delete_operation = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 136
+mixcrawls_view_delete = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 146
+mixcrawls_view_back = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 147
+mixcrawls_element_share_mix_group = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 157
+mixcrawls_element_mixname = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 163
+mixcrawls_element_group = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 169
+mixcrawls_element_share = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 193
+mixcrawls_element_make_mix = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 203
+mixcrawls_element_mix_name = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 208
+mixcrawls_element_create_button = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 223
+mixcrawls_element_search_mix = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 224
+mixcrawls_element_createmix_form = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 226
+mixcrawls_element_mixname = ""
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 78
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+; moreoptions_element.php line: 113
+moreoptions_element_previous = ""
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 119
+moreoptions_element_next = ""
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 126
+moreoptions_element_my_accounts = ""
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 133
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+; moreoptions_element.php line: 141
+signin_element_signin = ""
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 144
+signin_element_admin = ""
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 156
+signin_view_create_account = ""
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 168
+moreoptions_element_suggest = ""
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 171
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+; moreoptions_element.php line: 182
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 58
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 63
+pageoptions_element_search_time = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 68
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 80
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 100
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 116
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 123
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 153
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 169
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 171
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 200
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 203
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 209
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 212
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 254
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 261
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 269
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 278
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 286
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 295
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 304
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 311
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 320
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 345
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 351
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 359
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 363
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 380
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 382
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 388
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 391
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 400
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 404
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 408
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 427
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 464
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 468
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+; resultseditor_element.php line: 51
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+; resultseditor_element.php line: 78
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+; resultseditor_element.php line: 85
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+; resultseditor_element.php line: 91
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+; resultseditor_element.php line: 97
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+; resultseditor_element.php line: 115
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+; resultseditor_element.php line: 121
+resultseditor_element_save_filter = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 58
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 59
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 63
+searchsources_element_add_media_source = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 87
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 92
+searchsources_element_sourcename = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 101
+searchsources_element_url = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 107
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 112
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 122
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 125
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 131
+searchsources_element_itempath = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 137
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 143
+searchsources_element_descpath = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 149
+searchsources_element_linkpath = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 155
+searchsources_element_image_xpath = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 161
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 167
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 190
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 191
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 193
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 196
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 212
+searchsources_element_editmedia = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 215
+confirm_delete_operation = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 218
+searchsources_element_deletemedia = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 227
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 229
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 234
+searchsources_element_add_subsearch = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 249
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 259
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 265
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 277
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 287
+searchsources_element_dirname = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 289
+searchsources_element_index = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 292
+searchsources_element_localestring = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 294
+searchsources_element_perpage = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 300
+searchsources_element_actions = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 316
+searchsources_element_editsource = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 323
+searchsources_element_localize = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 327
+searchsources_element_localize = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 334
+searchsources_element_deletesubsearch = ""
+; security_element.php line: 54
+security_element_auth_captcha = ""
+; security_element.php line: 65
+security_element_authentication_type = ""
+; security_element.php line: 77
+security_element_zero_unavailable = ""
+; security_element.php line: 86
+security_element_captcha_type = ""
+; security_element.php line: 100
+security_element_save = ""
+; security_element.php line: 104
+security_element_captcha_recovery_questions = ""
+; security_element.php line: 111
+security_element_edit_recovery = ""
+; security_element.php line: 116
+security_element_edit_captcha = ""
+; security_element.php line: 121
+security_element_edit_recovery = ""
+; security_element.php line: 124
+security_element_edit_captcha = ""
+; serversettings_element.php line: 57
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 61
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 65
+serversettings_element_name_server_key = ""
+; serversettings_element.php line: 72
+serversettings_element_name_server_url = ""
+; serversettings_element.php line: 80
+serversettings_element_use_memcache = ""
+; serversettings_element.php line: 88
+serversettings_element_memcache_servers = ""
+; serversettings_element.php line: 99
+serversettings_element_use_filecache = ""
+; serversettings_element.php line: 110
+configure_element_database_setup = ""
+; serversettings_element.php line: 115
+serversettings_element_database_system = ""
+; serversettings_element.php line: 123
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 130
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+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/seek_quarry//lib/indexing_plugins
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diff --git a/locale/he/resources/locale.js b/locale/he/resources/locale.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e14f7ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/he/resources/locale.js
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+ * SeekQuarry/Yioop --
+ * Open Source Pure PHP Search Engine, Crawler, and Indexer
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2009 - 2015  Chris Pollett
+ *
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+ *
+ *
+ * @author Chris Pollett
+ * @package seek_quarry
+ * @subpackage javascript
+ * @license GPL3
+ * @link
+ * @copyright 2009 - 2015s
+ * @filesource
+ */
+ * The alphabet for this locale
+ */
+var alpha = "ת תּ שׂ שׁר ק ץ צף פ פּ עס ן נ םמ ל " +
+    "ך ככּ י ט חז ו ה דג ב בּ א " +
+    "ַ ָ  ֵ  ֶוֹוּ  י   ְ  ּ      ";
+ * Transliteration maping for this locale
+ */
+var roman_array = {};
+ * To analyze the query and generate actual input query from the
+ * transliterated query
+ */
+function analyzeQuery()
diff --git a/locale/he/resources/suggest_trie.txt.gz b/locale/he/resources/suggest_trie.txt.gz
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..0082609
Binary files /dev/null and b/locale/he/resources/suggest_trie.txt.gz differ
diff --git a/locale/he/resources/tokenizer.php b/locale/he/resources/tokenizer.php
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..8318564
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/he/resources/tokenizer.php
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+ * SeekQuarry/Yioop --
+ * Open Source Pure PHP Search Engine, Crawler, and Indexer
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2009 - 2015  Chris Pollett
+ *
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+ *
+ * @author Chris Pollett
+ * @package seek_quarry
+ * @subpackage locale
+ * @license GPL3
+ * @link
+ * @copyright 2009 - 2015
+ * @filesource
+ */
+if(!defined('BASE_DIR')) {echo "BAD REQUEST"; exit();}
+ * Hebrew specific tokenization code. Typically, tokenizer.php
+ * either contains a stemmer for the language in question or
+ * it specifies how many characters in a char gram
+ *
+ * @author Chris Pollett
+ * @package seek_quarry
+ * @subpackage locale
+ */
+$GLOBALS['CHARGRAMS']['he'] = 5;
diff --git a/locale/he/resources1421450881old/locale.js b/locale/he/resources1421450881old/locale.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..4e476b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/he/resources1421450881old/locale.js
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+ * SeekQuarry/Yioop --
+ * Open Source Pure PHP Search Engine, Crawler, and Indexer
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2009 - 2014  Chris Pollett
+ *
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+ *
+ *
+ * @author Chris Pollett
+ * @package seek_quarry
+ * @subpackage javascript
+ * @license GPL3
+ * @link
+ * @copyright 2009 - 2014s
+ * @filesource
+ */
+ * The alphabet for this locale
+ */
+var alpha = "ת תּ שׂ שׁר ק ץ צף פ פּ עס ן נ םמ ל " +
+    "ך ככּ י ט חז ו ה דג ב בּ א " +
+    "ַ ָ  ֵ  ֶוֹוּ  י   ְ  ּ      ";
+ * Transliteration maping for this locale
+ */
+var roman_array = {};
+ * To analyze the query and generate actual input query from the
+ * transliterated query
+ */
+function analyzeQuery()
diff --git a/locale/he/resources1421450881old/suggest_trie.txt.gz b/locale/he/resources1421450881old/suggest_trie.txt.gz
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..0082609
Binary files /dev/null and b/locale/he/resources1421450881old/suggest_trie.txt.gz differ
diff --git a/locale/he/resources1421450881old/tokenizer.php b/locale/he/resources1421450881old/tokenizer.php
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..2b9f6c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/he/resources1421450881old/tokenizer.php
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+ * SeekQuarry/Yioop --
+ * Open Source Pure PHP Search Engine, Crawler, and Indexer
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2009 - 2014  Chris Pollett
+ *
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+ *
+ * @author Chris Pollett
+ * @package seek_quarry
+ * @subpackage locale
+ * @license GPL3
+ * @link
+ * @copyright 2009 - 2014
+ * @filesource
+ */
+if(!defined('BASE_DIR')) {echo "BAD REQUEST"; exit();}
+ * Hebrew specific tokenization code. Typically, tokenizer.php
+ * either contains a stemmer for the language in question or
+ * it specifies how many characters in a char gram
+ *
+ * @author Chris Pollett
+ * @package seek_quarry
+ * @subpackage locale
+ */
+$GLOBALS['CHARGRAMS']['he'] = 5;
diff --git a/locale/he/statistics.txt b/locale/he/statistics.txt
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..ada6b5a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/he/statistics.txt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/locale/hi/configure.ini b/locale/hi/configure.ini
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..5ed8ec9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/hi/configure.ini
@@ -0,0 +1,4186 @@
+; ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
+;  SeekQuarry/Yioop Open Source Pure PHP Search Engine, Crawler, and Indexer
+;  Copyright (C) 2009 - 2015  Chris Pollett
+;  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;  (at your option) any later version.
+;  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;  GNU General Public License for more details.
+;  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;  along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+;  ***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****
+; configure.ini
+; hi configuration file
+; Strings to translate on various pages
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/seek_quarry//controllers
+; admin_controller.php line: 101
+admin_controller_need_cookies = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 150
+admin_controller_account_not_active = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 156
+admin_controller_login_successful = "लॉग इन सफल"
+; admin_controller.php line: 175
+admin_controller_no_back_button = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 189
+admin_controller_login_failed = "लॉग इन असफल"
+; admin_controller.php line: 195
+admin_controller_login_to_config = "कॉन्फ़िगर करने के लिए लॉगिन करें"
+; admin_controller.php line: 199
+admin_controller_status_updates_stopped = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 342
+admin_controller_account_access = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 343
+admin_controller_social = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 344
+admin_controller_crawl_settings = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 345
+admin_controller_system_settings = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 517
+admin_controller_equal = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 518
+admin_controller_not_equal = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 519
+admin_controller_contains = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 520
+admin_controller_begins_with = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 521
+admin_controller_ends_with = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 524
+admin_controller_equal = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 525
+admin_controller_not_equal = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 528
+admin_controller_no_sort = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 529
+admin_controller_sort_ascending = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 530
+admin_controller_sort_descending = ""
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/seek_quarry//controllers/components
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 132
+accountaccess_component_no_posts_yet = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 146
+accountaccess_component_passwords_too_long = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 155
+accountaccess_component_passwords_dont_match = "पासवर्ड एक समान नहीं"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 162
+accountaccess_component_invalid_password = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 192
+accountaccess_component_unknown_imagetype = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 197
+accountaccess_component_icon_too_big = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 206
+accountaccess_component_no_user_folder = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 215
+accountaccess_component_user_updated = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 259
+accountaccess_component_active_status = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 260
+accountaccess_component_inactive_status = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 261
+accountaccess_component_banned_status = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 264
+accountaccess_component_request_join = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 265
+accountaccess_component_invited = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 266
+accountaccess_component_active_status = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 267
+accountaccess_component_banned_status = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 312
+accountaccess_component_passwords_too_long = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 317
+accountaccess_component_passwords_dont_match = "पासवर्ड एक समान नहीं"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 321
+accountaccess_component_invalid_username = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 325
+accountaccess_component_user_exists = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 354
+accountaccess_component_user_added = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 363
+accountaccess_component_user_doesnt_exist = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 370
+accountaccess_component_cant_edit_public_user = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 412
+accountaccess_component_passwords_dont_match = "पासवर्ड एक समान नहीं"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 418
+accountaccess_component_user_updated = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 424
+accountaccess_component_user_filter_group = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 428
+accountaccess_component_user_filter_role = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 439
+accountaccess_component_username_doesnt_exists = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 444
+accountaccess_component_cant_delete_builtin = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 449
+accountaccess_component_user_deleted = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 458
+accountaccess_component_username_doesnt_exists = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 463
+accountaccess_component_rolename_doesnt_exists = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 469
+accountaccess_component_rolename_already_added = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 475
+accountaccess_component_rolename_added = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 485
+accountaccess_component_username_doesnt_exists = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 490
+accountaccess_component_groupname_doesnt_exists = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 496
+accountaccess_component_groupname_already_added = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 504
+accountaccess_component_groupname_added = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 514
+accountaccess_component_username_doesnt_exists = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 519
+accountaccess_component_rolename_doesnt_exists = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 528
+accountaccess_component_rolename_deleted = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 538
+accountaccess_component_username_doesnt_exists = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 543
+accountaccess_component_groupname_doesnt_exists = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 552
+accountaccess_component_group_deleted = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 569
+accountaccess_component_username_doesnt_exists = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 575
+accountaccess_component_userstatus_updated = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 733
+accountaccess_component_select_activityname = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 759
+accountaccess_component_rolename_doesnt_exists = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 775
+accountaccess_component_activity_added = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 784
+accountaccess_component_rolename_exists = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 790
+accountaccess_component_rolename_added = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 794
+accountaccess_component_rolename_blank = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 803
+accountaccess_component_rolename_doesnt_exists = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 821
+accountaccess_component_activity_deleted = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 829
+accountaccess_component_rolename_doesnt_exists = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 835
+accountaccess_component_rolename_deleted = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 867
+accountaccess_component_role_updated = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 85
+crawl_component_starting_new_crawl = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 102
+crawl_component_stop_crawl = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 131
+crawl_component_resume_crawl = "क्रॉल पुनः आरंभ करें"
+; crawl_component.php line: 140
+crawl_component_delete_crawl_success = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 144
+crawl_component_delete_crawl_fail = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 153
+crawl_component_set_index = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 187
+crawl_component_no_description = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 334
+crawl_component_use_below = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 335
+crawl_component_use_defaults = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 338
+crawl_component_use_below = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 342
+crawl_component_previous_crawl = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 413
+crawl_component_added_urls = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 427
+crawl_component_add_suggest = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 431
+crawl_component_no_new_suggests = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 478
+crawl_component_breadth_first = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 480
+crawl_component_page_importance = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 545
+crawl_component_added_urls = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 555
+crawl_component_urls_injected = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 565
+crawl_component_update_seed_info = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 620
+crawl_component_new_classifier = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 624
+crawl_component_classifier_exists = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 647
+crawl_component_classifier_deleted = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 651
+crawl_component_no_classifier = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 662
+crawl_component_no_classifier = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 680
+crawl_component_finalizing_classifier = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 707
+crawl_component_finalizing_classifier = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 753
+crawl_component_classifier_exists = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 762
+crawl_component_load_failed = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 764
+crawl_component_loading = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 766
+crawl_component_added_examples = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 768
+crawl_component_label_update_failed = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 770
+crawl_component_updating = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 772
+crawl_component_acc_update_failed = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 774
+crawl_component_na = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 776
+crawl_component_no_docs = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 778
+crawl_component_num_docs = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 780
+crawl_component_in_class = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 782
+crawl_component_not_in_class = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 784
+crawl_component_skip = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 786
+crawl_component_prediction = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 788
+crawl_component_scores = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 830
+crawl_component_use_below = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 831
+crawl_component_use_defaults = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 833
+crawl_component_use_below = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 841
+crawl_component_recrawl_never = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 842
+crawl_component_recrawl_1day = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 843
+crawl_component_recrawl_2day = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 844
+crawl_component_recrawl_3day = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 845
+crawl_component_recrawl_7day = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 846
+crawl_component_recrawl_14day = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 854
+crawl_component_basic = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 855
+crawl_component_centroid = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1141
+crawl_component_page_options_updated = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1169
+crawl_component_page_options_running_tests = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1348
+crawl_component_results_editor_update = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1363
+crawl_component_edited_pages = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1376
+crawl_component_results_editor_need_url = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1382
+crawl_component_results_editor_page_updated = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1395
+crawl_component_results_editor_page_loaded = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1426
+crawl_component_media_kind = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1427
+crawl_component_video = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1428
+crawl_component_rss_feed = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1429
+crawl_component_html_feed = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1443
+crawl_component_sources_indexes = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1499
+crawl_component_no_source_type = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1512
+crawl_component_missing_type = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1526
+crawl_component_invalid_url = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1533
+crawl_component_missing_fields = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1550
+crawl_component_media_source_added = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1563
+crawl_component_missing_fields = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1571
+crawl_component_subsearch_added = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1577
+crawl_component_no_delete_source = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1583
+crawl_component_media_source_deleted = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1590
+crawl_component_no_delete_source = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1597
+crawl_component_subsearch_deleted = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1632
+crawl_component_subsearch_updated = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1707
+crawl_component_media_source_updated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 85
+social_component_request_join = ""
+; social_component.php line: 86
+social_component_invited = ""
+; social_component.php line: 87
+social_component_active_status = ""
+; social_component.php line: 88
+social_component_banned_status = ""
+; social_component.php line: 91
+social_component_no_join = ""
+; social_component.php line: 92
+social_component_by_request = ""
+; social_component.php line: 93
+social_component_public_request = ""
+; social_component.php line: 94
+social_component_public_join = ""
+; social_component.php line: 97
+social_component_private = ""
+; social_component.php line: 98
+social_component_read = ""
+; social_component.php line: 99
+social_component_read_comment = ""
+; social_component.php line: 100
+social_component_read_write = ""
+; social_component.php line: 101
+social_component_read_wiki = ""
+; social_component.php line: 104
+social_component_no_voting = ""
+; social_component.php line: 105
+social_component_up_voting = ""
+; social_component.php line: 106
+social_component_up_down_voting = ""
+; social_component.php line: 109
+social_component_forever = ""
+; social_component.php line: 110
+social_component_one_hour = ""
+; social_component.php line: 111
+social_component_one_day = ""
+; social_component.php line: 112
+social_component_one_month = ""
+; social_component.php line: 181
+accountaccess_component_user_activated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 186
+accountaccess_component_no_user_activated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 204
+social_component_joined = ""
+; social_component.php line: 208
+social_component_groupname_unavailable = ""
+; social_component.php line: 213
+social_component_name_available = ""
+; social_component.php line: 228
+social_component_user_banned = ""
+; social_component.php line: 233
+social_component_no_user_banned = ""
+; social_component.php line: 254
+social_component_owner_changed = ""
+; social_component.php line: 259
+social_component_not_in_group = ""
+; social_component.php line: 265
+social_component_not_a_user = ""
+; social_component.php line: 275
+social_component_groupname_exists = ""
+; social_component.php line: 302
+social_component_groupname_added = ""
+; social_component.php line: 311
+social_component_groupname_doesnt_exists = ""
+; social_component.php line: 318
+social_component_group_deleted = ""
+; social_component.php line: 322
+social_component_no_delete_group = ""
+; social_component.php line: 335
+social_component_user_deleted = ""
+; social_component.php line: 340
+social_component_no_delete_user_group = ""
+; social_component.php line: 390
+social_component_users_invited = ""
+; social_component.php line: 395
+social_component_no_users_invited = ""
+; social_component.php line: 411
+social_component_joined = ""
+; social_component.php line: 415
+social_component_no_unsubscribe = ""
+; social_component.php line: 457
+social_component_user_reinstated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 462
+social_component_no_user_reinstated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 469
+social_component_request_join = ""
+; social_component.php line: 471
+social_component_invited = ""
+; social_component.php line: 473
+social_component_banned_status = ""
+; social_component.php line: 490
+social_component_unsubscribe = ""
+; social_component.php line: 495
+social_component_no_unsubscribe = ""
+; social_component.php line: 538
+social_component_group_joined = ""
+; social_component.php line: 540
+social_component_group_request_join = ""
+; social_component.php line: 556
+social_component_activate_group = ""
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+; social_component.php line: 567
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+; system_component.php line: 79
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+; system_component.php line: 212
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+; system_component.php line: 678
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+; system_component.php line: 1148
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+; machine_controller.php line: 172
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+; register_controller.php line: 336
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+; register_controller.php line: 432
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+; register_controller.php line: 480
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+; register_controller.php line: 559
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+; register_controller.php line: 783
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+; register_controller.php line: 1036
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+; register_controller.php line: 1067
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+; register_controller.php line: 1074
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+; search_controller.php line: 235
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+; search_controller.php line: 295
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+; search_controller.php line: 500
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+; search_controller.php line: 506
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+; search_controller.php line: 542
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+; search_controller.php line: 1395
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+; search_controller.php line: 1477
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+; search_controller.php line: 1513
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+; search_controller.php line: 1908
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+; search_controller.php line: 1939
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+; search_controller.php line: 1940
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+; settings_controller.php line: 115
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+; settings_controller.php line: 130
+settings_controller_settings_saved = "सेटिंग्स सहेज दी गई है"
+; static_controller.php line: 67
+static_controller_logout_successful = ""
+; static_controller.php line: 145
+static_controller_complete_title = ""
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/sq_data/app/controllers
+; main_controller.php line: 87
+search_controller_logout_successful = "लॉग आउट सफल"
+; main_controller.php line: 112
+main_controller_download = ""
+; main_controller.php line: 129
+main_controller_missing_fields = ""
+; main_controller.php line: 164
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+; main_controller.php line: 165
+main_controller_click_download = ""
+; main_controller.php line: 178
+main_controller_url_error = ""
+; main_controller.php line: 187
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+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/seek_quarry//views
+; admin_view.php line: 70
+admin_view_admin = ""
+; admin_view.php line: 89
+adminview_auto_logout_one_minute = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 52
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+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 53
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+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 58
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+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 62
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+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 66
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+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 70
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+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 74
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+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 77
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+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 80
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+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 88
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+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 96
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+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 99
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+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 107
+crawlstatus_view_changeoptions = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 109
+crawlstatus_view_no_description = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 114
+crawlstatus_view_timestamp = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 116
+crawlstatus_view_time_started = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 122
+crawlstatus_view_indexer_memory = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 124
+crawlstatus_view_scheduler_memory = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 127
+crawlstatus_view_queue_memory = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 132
+crawlstatus_view_no_mem_data = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 136
+crawlstatus_view_fetcher_memory = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 141
+crawlstatus_view_no_mem_data = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 144
+crawlstatus_view_webapp_memory = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 149
+crawlstatus_view_no_mem_data = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 152
+crawlstatus_view_urls_per_hour = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 160
+crawlstatus_view_visited_urls = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 164
+crawlstatus_view_total_urls = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 167
+crawlstatus_view_most_recent_fetcher = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 176
+crawlstatus_view_no_fetcher = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 180
+crawlstatus_view_most_recent_urls = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 190
+crawlstatus_view_no_recent_urls = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 193
+crawlstatus_view_previous_crawls = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 203
+crawlstatus_view_description = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 206
+crawlstatus_view_timestamp = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 207
+crawlstatus_view_url_counts = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 211
+crawlstatus_view_actions = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 222
+crawlstatus_view_statistics = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 238
+crawlstatus_view_resume = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 240
+crawlstatus_view_no_resume = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 247
+crawlstatus_view_set_index = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 250
+crawlstatus_view_search_index = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 257
+crawlstatus_view_delete = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 265
+crawlstatus_view_no_previous_crawl = ""
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/seek_quarry//views/elements
+; activity_element.php line: 54
+activity_element_activities = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 76
+configure_element_work_directory = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 82
+configure_element_load_or_create = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 100
+configure_element_component_check = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 104
+configure_element_profile_settings = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 107
+configure_element_toggle_advanced = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 114
+configure_element_default_language = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 121
+configure_element_debug_display = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 126
+configure_element_error_info = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 131
+configure_element_query_info = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 136
+configure_element_test_info = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 141
+configure_element_site_access = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 146
+configure_element_web_access = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 151
+configure_element_rss_access = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 156
+configure_element_api_access = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 161
+configure_element_customizations = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 163
+configure_element_use_wiki_landing = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 170
+configure_element_background_color = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 178
+configure_element_background_image = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 185
+configure_element_background_image = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 194
+configure_element_foreground_color = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 200
+configure_element_topbar_color = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 206
+configure_element_sidebar_color = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 214
+configure_element_site_logo = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 221
+configure_element_site_logo = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 232
+configure_element_mobile_logo = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 239
+configure_element_mobile_logo = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 250
+configure_element_favicon = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 257
+configure_element_favicon = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 267
+configure_element_toolbar = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 278
+configure_element_site_timezone = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 284
+configure_element_cookie_name = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 290
+configure_element_token_name = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 296
+configure_element_auxiliary_css = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 304
+configure_element_reset_customizations = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 311
+configure_element_crawl_robot = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 313
+configure_element_robot_name = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 321
+configure_element_robot_instance = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 328
+configure_element_robot_description = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 338
+serversettings_element_submit = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 55
+crawloptions_element_back_to_manage = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 58
+crawloptions_element_modify_active_crawl = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 60
+crawloptions_element_edit_crawl_options = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 83
+crawloptions_element_web_crawl = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 93
+crawloptions_element_archive_crawl = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 100
+crawloptions_element_load_options = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 105
+crawloptions_element_crawl_order = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 114
+crawloptions_element_restrict_by_url = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 122
+crawloptions_element_allowed_to_crawl = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 129
+crawloptions_element_disallowed_and_quota_sites = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 140
+crawloptions_element_seed_sites = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 144
+crawloptions_element_add_suggest_urls = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 155
+crawloptions_element_inject_sites = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 159
+crawloptions_element_add_suggest_urls = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 176
+crawloptions_element_reindex_crawl = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 185
+crawloptions_element_need_api_for_mix = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 193
+crawloptions_element_save_options = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 58
+editclassifier_back = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 60
+editclassifier_edit_classifier = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 72
+editclassifier_classifier_label = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 77
+editclassifier_change = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 82
+editclassifier_statistics = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 83
+editclassifier_positive_examples = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 86
+editclassifier_negative_examples = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 89
+editclassifier_accuracy = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 94
+crawl_component_na = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 99
+editclassifier_update = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 100
+editclassifier_add_examples = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 109
+editclassifier_source = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 113
+editclassifier_default_crawl = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 123
+editclassifier_label_by_hand = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 125
+editclassifier_all_in_class = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 127
+editclassifier_none_in_class = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 132
+editclassifier_keywords = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 141
+editclassifier_load = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 147
+editclassifier_finalize = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 155
+editclassifier_no_documents = ""
+; editlocales_element.php line: 55
+editlocales_element_back_to_manage = ""
+; editlocales_element.php line: 57
+editlocales_element_edit_locale = ""
+; editlocales_element.php line: 71
+editlocales_element_show = ""
+; editlocales_element.php line: 75
+editlocales_element_filter = ""
+; editlocales_element.php line: 82
+editlocales_element_go = ""
+; editlocales_element.php line: 86
+editlocales_element_no_matching = ""
+; editlocales_element.php line: 119
+editlocales_element_submit = ""
+; editmix_element.php line: 51
+editmix_element_back_to_mix = ""
+; editmix_element.php line: 53
+mixcrawls_element_edit_mix = ""
+; editmix_element.php line: 64
+mixcrawls_element_mix_name = ""
+; editmix_element.php line: 70
+mixcrawls_element_mix_components = ""
+; editmix_element.php line: 77
+mixcrawls_element_too_many = ""
+; editmix_element.php line: 79
+mixcrawls_element_add_fragment = ""
+; editmix_element.php line: 85
+mixcrawls_element_save_button = ""
+; footer_element.php line: 59
+footer_element_blog = ""
+; footer_element.php line: 61
+footer_element_privacy = ""
+; footer_element.php line: 63
+footer_element_terms = ""
+; footer_element.php line: 65
+footer_element_tools = ""
+; footer_element.php line: 67
+footer_element_bot = ""
+; footer_element.php line: 72
+footer_element_developed_seek_quarry = ""
+; footer_element.php line: 75
+footer_element_copyright_yioop = ""
+; footer_element.php line: 77
+footer_element_php_search_engine = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 91
+groupfeed_element_add_group = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 95
+groupfeed_element_request_add = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 122
+groupfeed_element_wiki_page = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 124
+groupfeed_element_back = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 127
+groupfeed_element_back = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 136
+groupfeed_element_group_activity = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 140
+groupfeed_element_wiki_thread = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 159
+groupfeed_element_feed = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 163
+group_view_wiki = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 165
+groupfeed_element_user = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 206
+groupfeed_element_comment = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 238
+manageaccount_element_group_wiki = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 239
+manageaccount_element_group_stats = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 244
+manageaccount_element_last_post = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 286
+groupfeed_element_comment = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 297
+groupfeed_element_start_thread = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 311
+groupfeed_element_start_thread = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 317
+groupfeed_element_no_posts_yet = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 323
+groupfeed_element_thread_no_exist = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 358
+groupfeed_element_edit = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 363
+groupfeed_element_delete = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 385
+groupfeed_element_num_posts = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 395
+groupfeed_element_num_views = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 420
+groupfeed_element_start_thread_in_group = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 422
+groupfeed_element_start_thread_in_group = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 436
+groupfeed_element_last_edited = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 452
+groupfeed_element_post_vote = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 479
+groupfeed_element_last_post_info = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 494
+groupfeed_element_comment = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 547
+fileupload_helper_drag_textarea = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 548
+fileupload_helper_click_textarea = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 572
+groupfeed_element_add_comment = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 586
+groupfeed_element_save = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 625
+groupfeed_element_subject = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 632
+groupfeed_element_post = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 645
+groupfeed_element_save = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 681
+groupfeed_element_edit_post = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 684
+groupfeed_element_subject = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 690
+groupfeed_element_post = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 703
+groupfeed_element_save = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 732
+groupfeed_element_no_longer_update = ""
+; machinelog_element.php line: 54
+machinelog_element_back_to_manage = ""
+; machinelog_element.php line: 59
+machinelog_element_filter = ""
+; machinelog_element.php line: 66
+machinelog_element_log_file = ""
+; machinelog_element.php line: 71
+machinelog_element_refresh_off = ""
+; machinelog_element.php line: 76
+machinelog_element_refresh_on = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 60
+manageaccount_element_lock = ""
+manageaccount_element_edit = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 67
+manageaccount_element_welcome = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 69
+manageaccount_element_what_can_do = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 71
+manageaccount_element_account_details = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 100
+manageaccounts_element_icon = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 110
+manageusers_element_username = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 117
+manageusers_element_firstname = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 123
+manageusers_element_lastname = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 129
+manageusers_element_email = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 138
+manageaccount_element_password = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 145
+manageaccount_element_new_password = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 151
+manageaccount_element_retype_password = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 163
+manageaccount_element_save = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 169
+manageaccount_element_search_lang_settings = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 174
+manageaccount_element_crawl_and_index = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 175
+manageaccount_element_crawl_info = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 176
+manageaccount_element_num_crawls = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 179
+manageaccount_element_manage_crawls = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 185
+manageaccount_element_groups_and_feeds = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 186
+manageaccount_element_group_info = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 188
+manageaccount_element_num_groups = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 191
+manageaccount_element_num_group = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 203
+manageaccount_element_group_wiki = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 204
+manageaccount_element_group_stats = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 209
+manageaccount_element_last_post = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 219
+manageaccount_element_manage_all_groups = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 221
+manageaccount_element_go_to_group_feed = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 223
+manageaccount_element_crawl_mixes = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 224
+manageaccount_element_mixes_info = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 226
+manageaccount_element_num_mixes = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 229
+manageaccount_element_num_mix = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 233
+manageaccount_element_manage_mixes = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 61
+manageclassifiers_available_classifiers = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 69
+manageclassifiers_label_col = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 72
+manageclassifiers_positive_col = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 74
+manageclassifiers_negative_col = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 80
+manageclassifiers_actions_col = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 99
+manageclassifiers_edit = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 102
+manageclassifiers_finalized = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 109
+manageclassifiers_finalize = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 111
+manageclassifiers_finalize = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 115
+manageclassifiers_finalizing = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 119
+confirm_delete_operation = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 123
+manageclassifiers_delete = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 156
+manageclassifiers_manage_classifiers = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 166
+manageclassifiers_classifier_name = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 171
+manageclassifiers_create_button = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 186
+manageclassifiers_element_search = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 187
+manageclassifiers_element_create_form = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 189
+manageclassifiers_classifier_name = ""
+; managecrawls_element.php line: 49
+managecrawls_element_create_crawl = ""
+; managecrawls_element.php line: 58
+managecrawls_element_description = ""
+; managecrawls_element.php line: 65
+managecrawls_element_start_new_crawl = ""
+; managecrawls_element.php line: 69
+managecrawls_element_options = ""
+; managecrawls_element.php line: 75
+managecrawls_element_awaiting_status = ""
+; managecrawls_element.php line: 93
+managecrawls_element_up_longer_update = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 67
+managegroups_element_not_my_groups = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 69
+managegroups_element_groups = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 78
+managegroups_element_groupname = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 79
+managegroups_element_groupowner = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 81
+managegroups_element_registertype = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 82
+managegroups_element_memberaccess = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 83
+managegroups_element_voting = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 84
+managegroups_element_post_lifetime = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 87
+managegroups_element_actions = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 201
+manageaccount_element_group_wiki = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 216
+managegroups_element_join = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 220
+managegroups_element_edit = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 225
+managegroups_element_edit = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 230
+managegroups_element_delete = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 236
+managegroups_element_join = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 241
+managegroups_element_join = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 250
+managegroups_element_decline = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 252
+managegroups_element_unsubscribe = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 257
+confirm_delete_operation = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 260
+managegroups_element_delete = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 289
+managegroups_element_addgroup_form = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 290
+managegroups_element_group_info = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 292
+managegroups_element_create_group = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 296
+managegroups_element_add_group = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 313
+managegroups_element_groupname = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 324
+managegroups_element_browse = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 335
+managegroups_element_register = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 342
+managegroups_element_memberaccess = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 349
+managegroups_element_voting = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 356
+managegroups_element_post_lifetime = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 368
+managegroups_element_group_users = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 372
+managegroups_element_num_users = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 398
+managegroups_element_groupowner = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 400
+managegroups_element_delete = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 410
+managegroups_element_activate = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 416
+managegroups_element_ban = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 422
+managegroups_element_unban = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 430
+managegroups_element_delete = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 459
+managegroups_element_filter = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 480
+managegroups_element_invite = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 491
+managegroups_element_save = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 520
+managegroups_element_group_info = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 521
+managegroups_element_invite_users_group = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 533
+managegroups_element_groupname = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 541
+managegroups_element_usernames = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 548
+managegroups_element_invite = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 566
+managegroups_element_addgroup_form = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 567
+managegroups_element_transfer_group_owner = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 580
+managegroups_element_groupname = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 588
+managegroups_element_new_group_owner = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 595
+managegroups_element_change_owner = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 614
+managegroups_element_discover_groups = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 618
+managegroups_element_search_group = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 620
+managegroups_element_addgroup_form = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 622
+managegroups_element_groupname = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 623
+managegroups_element_groupowner = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 624
+managegroups_element_registertype = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 626
+managegroups_element_memberaccess = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 628
+managegroups_element_post_lifetime = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 59
+managelocales_element_locale_list = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 69
+managelocales_element_localename = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 72
+managelocales_element_localetag = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 73
+managelocales_element_writingmode = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 75
+managelocales_element_enabled = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 80
+managelocales_element_percenttranslated = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 81
+managelocales_element_actions = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 101
+managelocales_element_true = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 102
+managelocales_element_false = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 109
+managelocales_element_edit = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 114
+confirm_delete_operation = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 115
+managelocales_element_delete = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 135
+manageloecales_element_add_locale_form = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 136
+managelocales_element_locale_info = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 138
+managelocales_element_add_locale = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 160
+managelocales_element_localenamelabel = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 173
+managelocales_element_localetaglabel = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 179
+managelocales_element_writingmodelabel = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 189
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+; managelocales_element.php line: 221
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+; managemachines_element.php line: 88
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+; manageusers_element.php line: 458
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+; manageusers_element.php line: 465
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+; manageusers_element.php line: 492
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+; manageusers_element.php line: 493
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+; manageusers_element.php line: 495
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+; manageusers_element.php line: 498
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+; manageusers_element.php line: 499
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+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 61
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+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 118
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+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 124
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+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 133
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+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 157
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+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 163
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+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 169
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+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 193
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+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 203
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+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 208
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+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 223
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+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 224
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+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 226
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+; moreoptions_element.php line: 78
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+; moreoptions_element.php line: 144
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+; moreoptions_element.php line: 156
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 251
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+; signin_element.php line: 78
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+; wiki_element.php line: 713
+wiki_view_difference = ""
+; wiki_element.php line: 719
+wiki_view_go = ""
+; wiki_element.php line: 739
+wiki_view_diff_first = ""
+; wiki_element.php line: 742
+wiki_view_diff_second = ""
+; wiki_element.php line: 746
+wiki_view_diff_first = ""
+; wiki_element.php line: 747
+wiki_view_diff_second = ""
+; wiki_element.php line: 753
+wiki_view_edited_by = ""
+; wiki_element.php line: 757
+wiki_view_page_len = ""
+; wiki_element.php line: 759
+wiki_view_revert = ""
+; wiki_element.php line: 762
+wiki_view_revert = ""
+; group_view.php line: 77
+groupfeed_element_wiki_thread = ""
+; group_view.php line: 92
+group_view_feed = ""
+; group_view.php line: 99
+group_view_wiki = ""
+; group_view.php line: 101
+group_view_user = ""
+; group_view.php line: 104
+group_view_myfeeds = ""
+; group_view.php line: 139
+adminview_auto_logout_one_minute = ""
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/seek_quarry//views/helpers
+; feeds_helper.php line: 63
+feeds_helper_view_feed_results = ""
+; feeds_helper.php line: 158
+feeds_helper_view_onehour = ""
+; feeds_helper.php line: 163
+feeds_helper_view_minsecs = ""
+; feeds_helper.php line: 168
+feeds_helper_view_hourdate = ""
+; fileupload_helper.php line: 76
+fileupload_helper_drag_textarea = ""
+; fileupload_helper.php line: 77
+fileupload_helper_click_textarea = ""
+; fileupload_helper.php line: 79
+fileupload_helper_drag_above = ""
+; fileupload_helper.php line: 80
+fileupload_helper_click_upload = ""
+; fileupload_helper.php line: 122
+basic_js_invalid_filetype = ""
+; fileupload_helper.php line: 124
+basic_js_file_too_big = ""
+; fileupload_helper.php line: 126
+basic_js_upload_progress = ""
+; fileupload_helper.php line: 128
+basic_js_progress_meter_disabled = ""
+; fileupload_helper.php line: 130
+basic_js_upload_error = ""
+; fileupload_helper.php line: 132
+basic_js_upload_cancelled = ""
+; fileupload_helper.php line: 134
+basic_js_too_many_files = ""
+; helpbutton_helper.php line: 88
+wiki_question_mark = ""
+; helpbutton_helper.php line: 120
+wiki_view_edit = ""
+; helpbutton_helper.php line: 121
+wiki_view_not_available = ""
+; helpbutton_helper.php line: 123
+wiki_view_create_edit = ""
+; helpbutton_helper.php line: 125
+wiki_view_page_no_exist = ""
+; helpbutton_helper.php line: 127
+wiki_view_read = ""
+; images_helper.php line: 56
+images_helper_view_image_results = ""
+; pagination_helper.php line: 99
+pagination_helper_previous = ""
+; pagination_helper.php line: 122
+pagination_helper_next = ""
+; pagingtable_helper.php line: 103
+pagingtable_helper_search = ""
+; pagingtable_helper.php line: 125
+pagingtable_helper_show = ""
+; pagingtable_helper.php line: 138
+pagingtable_helper_row_range = ""
+; pagingtable_helper.php line: 214
+pagingtable_helper_row_range = ""
+; pagingtable_helper.php line: 232
+pagingtable_helper_show = ""
+; pagingtable_helper.php line: 240
+pagingtable_helper_search = ""
+; searchform_helper.php line: 120
+searchform_helper_any = ""
+; searchform_helper.php line: 149
+searchform_helper_search = ""
+; toggle_helper.php line: 63
+toggle_helper_on = ""
+; toggle_helper.php line: 65
+toggle_helper_off = ""
+; toggle_helper.php line: 69
+toggle_helper_on = ""
+; toggle_helper.php line: 71
+toggle_helper_off = ""
+; toggle_helper.php line: 75
+toggle_helper_on = ""
+; toggle_helper.php line: 77
+toggle_helper_off = ""
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/seek_quarry//views/layouts
+; rss_layout.php line: 60
+rss_layout_title = ""
+; rss_layout.php line: 68
+rss_layout_description = ""
+; web_layout.php line: 61
+web_layout_title = ""
+; web_layout.php line: 71
+web_layout_description = ""
+; web_layout.php line: 74
+web_layout_site_author = ""
+; web_layout.php line: 214
+web_layout_query_statistics = ""
+; web_layout.php line: 218
+web_layout_total_elapsed_time = ""
+; web_layout.php line: 223
+web_layout_query_time = ""
+; machinestatus_view.php line: 52
+machinestatus_view_no_monitored = ""
+; machinestatus_view.php line: 57
+machinestatus_name_server = ""
+; machinestatus_view.php line: 72
+machinestatus_view_media_updater = ""
+; machinestatus_view.php line: 74
+machinestatus_view_log = ""
+; machinestatus_view.php line: 101
+confirm_delete_operation = ""
+; machinestatus_view.php line: 102
+machinestatus_view_delete = ""
+; machinestatus_view.php line: 117
+machinestatus_view_not_configured = ""
+; machinestatus_view.php line: 125
+machinestatus_view_mirrors = ""
+; machinestatus_view.php line: 128
+machinestatus_view_log = ""
+; machinestatus_view.php line: 141
+machinestatus_view_queue_server = ""
+; machinestatus_view.php line: 143
+machinestatus_view_log = ""
+; machinestatus_view.php line: 152
+machinestatus_view_no_queue_server = ""
+; machinestatus_view.php line: 155
+machinestatus_view_no_fetchers = ""
+; machinestatus_view.php line: 165
+machinestatus_view_fetchers = ""
+; machinestatus_view.php line: 175
+machinestatus_view_log = ""
+; nocache_view.php line: 54
+nocache_view_no_cache = ""
+; nocache_view.php line: 59
+nocache_view_summary_contents = ""
+; recover_view.php line: 69
+recover_view_recover_password = ""
+; recover_view.php line: 105
+register_view_new_password = ""
+; recover_view.php line: 117
+register_view_retypepassword = ""
+; recover_view.php line: 132
+recover_view_username = ""
+; recover_view.php line: 147
+register_view_account_recovery = ""
+; recover_view.php line: 154
+register_view_human_check = ""
+; recover_view.php line: 187
+register_view_human_check = ""
+; recover_view.php line: 206
+recover_view_recover_password = ""
+; recover_view.php line: 216
+signin_view_return_yioop = "वापस Yioop! पर"
+; register_view.php line: 74
+register_view_question0_most = ""
+; register_view.php line: 75
+register_view_question0_least = ""
+; register_view.php line: 76
+register_view_question0_choices = ""
+; register_view.php line: 77
+register_view_question1_most = ""
+; register_view.php line: 78
+register_view_question1_least = ""
+; register_view.php line: 79
+register_view_question1_choices = ""
+; register_view.php line: 80
+register_view_question2_most = ""
+; register_view.php line: 81
+register_view_question2_least = ""
+; register_view.php line: 82
+register_view_question2_choices = ""
+; register_view.php line: 83
+register_view_question3_most = ""
+; register_view.php line: 84
+register_view_question3_least = ""
+; register_view.php line: 85
+register_view_question3_choices = ""
+; register_view.php line: 86
+register_view_question4_most = ""
+; register_view.php line: 87
+register_view_question4_least = ""
+; register_view.php line: 88
+register_view_question4_choices = ""
+; register_view.php line: 89
+register_view_question5_most = ""
+; register_view.php line: 90
+register_view_question5_least = ""
+; register_view.php line: 91
+register_view_question5_choices = ""
+; register_view.php line: 92
+register_view_question6_most = ""
+; register_view.php line: 93
+register_view_question6_least = ""
+; register_view.php line: 94
+register_view_question6_choices = ""
+; register_view.php line: 95
+register_view_question7_most = ""
+; register_view.php line: 96
+register_view_question7_least = ""
+; register_view.php line: 97
+register_view_question7_choices = ""
+; register_view.php line: 98
+register_view_question8_most = ""
+; register_view.php line: 99
+register_view_question8_least = ""
+; register_view.php line: 100
+register_view_question8_choices = ""
+; register_view.php line: 101
+register_view_question9_most = ""
+; register_view.php line: 102
+register_view_question9_least = ""
+; register_view.php line: 103
+register_view_question9_choices = ""
+; register_view.php line: 106
+register_view_recovery1_more = ""
+; register_view.php line: 107
+register_view_recovery1_less = ""
+; register_view.php line: 108
+register_view_recovery1_choices = ""
+; register_view.php line: 109
+register_view_recovery2_more = ""
+; register_view.php line: 110
+register_view_recovery2_less = ""
+; register_view.php line: 111
+register_view_recovery2_choices = ""
+; register_view.php line: 112
+register_view_recovery3_more = ""
+; register_view.php line: 113
+register_view_recovery3_less = ""
+; register_view.php line: 114
+register_view_recovery3_choices = ""
+; register_view.php line: 115
+register_view_recovery4_more = ""
+; register_view.php line: 116
+register_view_recovery4_less = ""
+; register_view.php line: 117
+register_view_recovery4_choices = ""
+; register_view.php line: 118
+register_view_recovery5_more = ""
+; register_view.php line: 119
+register_view_recovery5_less = ""
+; register_view.php line: 120
+register_view_recovery5_choices = ""
+; register_view.php line: 121
+register_view_recovery6_more = ""
+; register_view.php line: 122
+register_view_recovery6_less = ""
+; register_view.php line: 123
+register_view_recovery6_choices = ""
+; register_view.php line: 152
+register_view_create_account = ""
+; register_view.php line: 189
+register_view_firstname = ""
+; register_view.php line: 204
+register_view_lastname = ""
+; register_view.php line: 219
+register_view_username = ""
+; register_view.php line: 232
+register_view_email = ""
+; register_view.php line: 246
+register_view_password = ""
+; register_view.php line: 261
+register_view_retypepassword = ""
+; register_view.php line: 277
+register_view_account_recovery = ""
+; register_view.php line: 281
+register_view_human_check = ""
+; register_view.php line: 283
+register_view_account_recovery = ""
+; register_view.php line: 315
+register_view_human_check = ""
+; register_view.php line: 330
+register_view_i_agree = ""
+; register_view.php line: 332
+register_view_terms = ""
+; register_view.php line: 334
+register_view_and = ""
+; register_view.php line: 336
+register_view_privacy = ""
+; register_view.php line: 337
+register_view_period = ""
+; register_view.php line: 347
+register_view_create_account = ""
+; register_view.php line: 357
+signin_view_return_yioop = "वापस Yioop! पर"
+; search_view.php line: 86
+search_view_title = ""
+; search_view.php line: 113
+search_view_input_label = ""
+; search_view.php line: 117
+search_view_input_placeholder = "यहाँ लिखें की आप क्या खोजना चाहते हैं!"
+; search_view.php line: 120
+search_view_search = "खोज"
+; search_view.php line: 147
+search_view_no_index_set = ""
+; search_view.php line: 152
+search_view_more_statistics = ""
+; search_view.php line: 190
+search_view_calculated = ""
+; search_view.php line: 191
+search_view_results = ""
+; search_view.php line: 212
+search_view_thesaurus_results = ""
+; search_view.php line: 321
+search_view_word_cloud = ""
+; search_view.php line: 366
+search_view_cache = ""
+; search_view.php line: 369
+search_view_as_text = ""
+; search_view.php line: 382
+search_view_similar = ""
+; search_view.php line: 394
+search_view_inlink = ""
+; search_view.php line: 414
+search_view_rank = ""
+; search_view.php line: 416
+search_view_relevancy = ""
+; search_view.php line: 418
+search_view_proximity = ""
+; search_view.php line: 422
+search_view_thesaurus_score = ""
+; search_view.php line: 431
+search_view_score = ""
+; settings_view.php line: 66
+settings_view_settings = "सेटिंग्स"
+; settings_view.php line: 73
+settings_view_results_per_page = "परिणाम प्रति पृष्ठ "
+; settings_view.php line: 79
+settings_view_open_in_tabs = ""
+; settings_view.php line: 86
+settings_view_search_index = "खोज अनुक्रमणिका"
+; settings_view.php line: 92
+settings_view_language_label = "भाषा"
+; settings_view.php line: 108
+settings_view_return_yioop = "Yioop! पर लौटें "
+; settings_view.php line: 111
+settings_view_save = "परिवर्तन सहेजें "
+; settings_view.php line: 119
+settings_install_search_plugin = ""
+; signin_view.php line: 65
+signin_view_signin = "साइन इन"
+; signin_view.php line: 78
+sigin_view_signing_in = ""
+; signin_view.php line: 81
+sigin_view_login_failed = ""
+; signin_view.php line: 89
+signin_view_username = "उपयोगकर्ता का नाम"
+; signin_view.php line: 96
+signin_view_password = "पासवर्ड"
+; signin_view.php line: 107
+signin_view_login = "लॉग इन करें"
+; signin_view.php line: 122
+signin_view_recover_password = ""
+; signin_view.php line: 127
+signin_view_create_account = ""
+; signin_view.php line: 132
+signin_view_return_yioop = "वापस Yioop! पर"
+; static_view.php line: 71
+static_view_title = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 63
+statistics_view_statistics = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 68
+statistics_view_calculating = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 82
+statistics_view_error_codes = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 83
+statistics_view_sizes = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 84
+statistics_view_links_per_page = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 85
+statistics_view_page_date = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 86
+statistics_view_dns_time = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 87
+statistics_view_download_time = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 88
+statistics_view_top_level_domain = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 89
+statistics_view_file_extension = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 90
+statistics_view_media_type = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 91
+statistics_view_language = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 92
+statistics_view_server = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 93
+statistics_view_os = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 97
+statistics_view_general_info = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 98
+statistics_view_description = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 100
+statistics_view_timestamp = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 102
+statistics_view_crawl_date = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 104
+statistics_view_pages = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 106
+statistics_view_url = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 109
+statistics_view_number_hosts = ""
+; suggest_view.php line: 68
+suggest_view_suggest_url = ""
+; suggest_view.php line: 70
+suggest_view_instructions = ""
+; suggest_view.php line: 94
+suggest_view_url = ""
+; suggest_view.php line: 110
+register_view_human_check = ""
+; suggest_view.php line: 144
+suggest_view_human_check = ""
+; suggest_view.php line: 167
+suggest_view_submit_url = ""
+; suggest_view.php line: 177
+signin_view_return_yioop = "वापस Yioop! पर"
+; view.php line: 32
+view_locale_version11 = ""
+; view.php line: 81
+view_logo_alt_text = ""
+; wiki_view.php line: 89
+wiki_view_read = ""
+; wiki_view.php line: 90
+wiki_view_edit = ""
+; wiki_view.php line: 93
+wiki_view_pages = ""
+; wiki_view.php line: 132
+wiki_view_feed = ""
+; wiki_view.php line: 133
+wiki_view_wiki = ""
+; wiki_view.php line: 157
+adminview_auto_logout_one_minute = ""
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/sq_data/app/views
+; download_view.php line: 62
+download_view_form = ""
+; download_view.php line: 73
+download_view_thank_you = ""
+; download_view.php line: 76
+download_view_full_name = ""
+; download_view.php line: 82
+download_view_email = ""
+; download_view.php line: 87
+download_view_business = ""
+; download_view.php line: 93
+download_view_interest = ""
+; download_view.php line: 100
+download_view_get_email = ""
+; download_view.php line: 106
+download_view_return_main = ""
+; download_view.php line: 120
+download_view_required_fields = ""
+; download_view.php line: 125
+download_view_name_required = ""
+; download_view.php line: 130
+download_view_valid_email = ""
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/seek_quarry//lib/indexing_plugins
+; wordfilter_plugin.php line: 353
+wordfilter_plugin_settings_saved = ""
+; wordfilter_plugin.php line: 362
+wordfilter_plugin_defaults_restored = ""
+; wordfilter_plugin.php line: 466
+wordfilter_plugin_preferences = ""
+; wordfilter_plugin.php line: 470
+wordfilter_plugin_factory_settings = ""
+; wordfilter_plugin.php line: 483
+wordfilter_plugin_save = ""
diff --git a/locale/hi/resources/locale.js b/locale/hi/resources/locale.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..a35d1b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/hi/resources/locale.js
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+ * SeekQuarry/Yioop --
+ * Open Source Pure PHP Search Engine, Crawler, and Indexer
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2009 - 2015  Chris Pollett
+ *
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+ *
+ *
+ * @author Mallika Perepa
+ * @package seek_quarry
+ * @subpackage javascript
+ * @license GPL3
+ * @link
+ * @copyright 2009 - 2015s
+ * @filesource
+ */
+ * The alphabet for this locale
+ */
+var alpha = "अआइईउऊऋएऐओऔअंअँकखगघङचछजझञटठडढणतथदधनपफबभमयरलवशषसहर्हर्सर्मर्नर्जर्दर्टर्"+
+ * Transliteration maping for this locale
+ */
+var roman_array = {};
+ * To analyze the query and generate actual input query from the
+ * transliterated query
+ */
+function analyzeQuery()
diff --git a/locale/hi/resources/tokenizer.php b/locale/hi/resources/tokenizer.php
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..a476eb9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/hi/resources/tokenizer.php
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+ * SeekQuarry/Yioop --
+ * Open Source Pure PHP Search Engine, Crawler, and Indexer
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2009 - 2015  Chris Pollett
+ *
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+ *
+ * @author Chris Pollett
+ * @package seek_quarry
+ * @subpackage locale
+ * @license GPL3
+ * @link
+ * @copyright 2009 - 2015
+ * @filesource
+ */
+if(!defined('BASE_DIR')) {echo "BAD REQUEST"; exit();}
+ * Hindi specific tokenization code. Typically, tokenizer.php
+ * either contains a stemmer for the language in question or
+ * it specifies how many characters in a char gram
+ *
+ * @author Chris Pollett
+ * @package seek_quarry
+ * @subpackage locale
+ */
+$GLOBALS['CHARGRAMS']['hi'] = 5;
diff --git a/locale/hi/resources1421450882old/locale.js b/locale/hi/resources1421450882old/locale.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e9773c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/hi/resources1421450882old/locale.js
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+ * SeekQuarry/Yioop --
+ * Open Source Pure PHP Search Engine, Crawler, and Indexer
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2009 - 2014  Chris Pollett
+ *
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+ *
+ *
+ * @author Mallika Perepa
+ * @package seek_quarry
+ * @subpackage javascript
+ * @license GPL3
+ * @link
+ * @copyright 2009 - 2014s
+ * @filesource
+ */
+ * The alphabet for this locale
+ */
+var alpha = "अआइईउऊऋएऐओऔअंअँकखगघङचछजझञटठडढणतथदधनपफबभमयरलवशषसहर्हर्सर्मर्नर्जर्दर्टर्"+
+ * Transliteration maping for this locale
+ */
+var roman_array = {};
+ * To analyze the query and generate actual input query from the
+ * transliterated query
+ */
+function analyzeQuery()
diff --git a/locale/hi/resources1421450882old/tokenizer.php b/locale/hi/resources1421450882old/tokenizer.php
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..43fab39
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/hi/resources1421450882old/tokenizer.php
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+ * SeekQuarry/Yioop --
+ * Open Source Pure PHP Search Engine, Crawler, and Indexer
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2009 - 2014  Chris Pollett
+ *
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+ *
+ * @author Chris Pollett
+ * @package seek_quarry
+ * @subpackage locale
+ * @license GPL3
+ * @link
+ * @copyright 2009 - 2014
+ * @filesource
+ */
+if(!defined('BASE_DIR')) {echo "BAD REQUEST"; exit();}
+ * Hindi specific tokenization code. Typically, tokenizer.php
+ * either contains a stemmer for the language in question or
+ * it specifies how many characters in a char gram
+ *
+ * @author Chris Pollett
+ * @package seek_quarry
+ * @subpackage locale
+ */
+$GLOBALS['CHARGRAMS']['hi'] = 5;
diff --git a/locale/hi/statistics.txt b/locale/hi/statistics.txt
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..ada6b5a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/hi/statistics.txt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/locale/in-ID/configure.ini b/locale/in-ID/configure.ini
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c84df32
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/in-ID/configure.ini
@@ -0,0 +1,4186 @@
+; ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
+;  SeekQuarry/Yioop Open Source Pure PHP Search Engine, Crawler, and Indexer
+;  Copyright (C) 2009 - 2015  Chris Pollett
+;  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;  (at your option) any later version.
+;  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;  GNU General Public License for more details.
+;  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;  along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+;  ***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****
+; configure.ini
+; in-ID configuration file
+; Strings to translate on various pages
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/seek_quarry//controllers
+; admin_controller.php line: 101
+admin_controller_need_cookies = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 150
+admin_controller_account_not_active = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 156
+admin_controller_login_successful = "Login berhasil"
+; admin_controller.php line: 175
+admin_controller_no_back_button = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 189
+admin_controller_login_failed = "Login tidak berhasil"
+; admin_controller.php line: 195
+admin_controller_login_to_config = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 199
+admin_controller_status_updates_stopped = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 342
+admin_controller_account_access = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 343
+admin_controller_social = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 344
+admin_controller_crawl_settings = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 345
+admin_controller_system_settings = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 517
+admin_controller_equal = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 518
+admin_controller_not_equal = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 519
+admin_controller_contains = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 520
+admin_controller_begins_with = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 521
+admin_controller_ends_with = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 524
+admin_controller_equal = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 525
+admin_controller_not_equal = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 528
+admin_controller_no_sort = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 529
+admin_controller_sort_ascending = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 530
+admin_controller_sort_descending = ""
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/seek_quarry//controllers/components
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 132
+accountaccess_component_no_posts_yet = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 146
+accountaccess_component_passwords_too_long = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 155
+accountaccess_component_passwords_dont_match = "Kata sandi tidak sesuai"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 162
+accountaccess_component_invalid_password = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 192
+accountaccess_component_unknown_imagetype = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 197
+accountaccess_component_icon_too_big = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 206
+accountaccess_component_no_user_folder = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 215
+accountaccess_component_user_updated = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 259
+accountaccess_component_active_status = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 260
+accountaccess_component_inactive_status = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 261
+accountaccess_component_banned_status = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 264
+accountaccess_component_request_join = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 265
+accountaccess_component_invited = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 266
+accountaccess_component_active_status = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 267
+accountaccess_component_banned_status = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 312
+accountaccess_component_passwords_too_long = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 317
+accountaccess_component_passwords_dont_match = "Kata sandi tidak sesuai"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 321
+accountaccess_component_invalid_username = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 325
+accountaccess_component_user_exists = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 354
+accountaccess_component_user_added = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 363
+accountaccess_component_user_doesnt_exist = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 370
+accountaccess_component_cant_edit_public_user = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 412
+accountaccess_component_passwords_dont_match = "Kata sandi tidak sesuai"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 418
+accountaccess_component_user_updated = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 424
+accountaccess_component_user_filter_group = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 428
+accountaccess_component_user_filter_role = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 439
+accountaccess_component_username_doesnt_exists = "Username tidak ditemukan"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 444
+accountaccess_component_cant_delete_builtin = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 449
+accountaccess_component_user_deleted = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 458
+accountaccess_component_username_doesnt_exists = "Username tidak ditemukan"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 463
+accountaccess_component_rolename_doesnt_exists = "Rolename tidak ditemukan"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 469
+accountaccess_component_rolename_already_added = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 475
+accountaccess_component_rolename_added = "Rolename telah ditambah"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 485
+accountaccess_component_username_doesnt_exists = "Username tidak ditemukan"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 490
+accountaccess_component_groupname_doesnt_exists = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 496
+accountaccess_component_groupname_already_added = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 504
+accountaccess_component_groupname_added = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 514
+accountaccess_component_username_doesnt_exists = "Username tidak ditemukan"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 519
+accountaccess_component_rolename_doesnt_exists = "Rolename tidak ditemukan"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 528
+accountaccess_component_rolename_deleted = "Rolename telah dihapus"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 538
+accountaccess_component_username_doesnt_exists = "Username tidak ditemukan"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 543
+accountaccess_component_groupname_doesnt_exists = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 552
+accountaccess_component_group_deleted = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 569
+accountaccess_component_username_doesnt_exists = "Username tidak ditemukan"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 575
+accountaccess_component_userstatus_updated = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 733
+accountaccess_component_select_activityname = "Pilih name aktivitas"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 759
+accountaccess_component_rolename_doesnt_exists = "Rolename tidak ditemukan"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 775
+accountaccess_component_activity_added = "Aktivitas telah ditambah"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 784
+accountaccess_component_rolename_exists = "Rolename ditemukan"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 790
+accountaccess_component_rolename_added = "Rolename telah ditambah"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 794
+accountaccess_component_rolename_blank = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 803
+accountaccess_component_rolename_doesnt_exists = "Rolename tidak ditemukan"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 821
+accountaccess_component_activity_deleted = "Aktivitas telah dihapus"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 829
+accountaccess_component_rolename_doesnt_exists = "Rolename tidak ditemukan"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 835
+accountaccess_component_rolename_deleted = "Rolename telah dihapus"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 867
+accountaccess_component_role_updated = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 85
+crawl_component_starting_new_crawl = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 102
+crawl_component_stop_crawl = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 131
+crawl_component_resume_crawl = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 140
+crawl_component_delete_crawl_success = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 144
+crawl_component_delete_crawl_fail = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 153
+crawl_component_set_index = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 187
+crawl_component_no_description = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 334
+crawl_component_use_below = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 335
+crawl_component_use_defaults = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 338
+crawl_component_use_below = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 342
+crawl_component_previous_crawl = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 413
+crawl_component_added_urls = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 427
+crawl_component_add_suggest = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 431
+crawl_component_no_new_suggests = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 478
+crawl_component_breadth_first = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 480
+crawl_component_page_importance = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 545
+crawl_component_added_urls = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 555
+crawl_component_urls_injected = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 565
+crawl_component_update_seed_info = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 620
+crawl_component_new_classifier = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 624
+crawl_component_classifier_exists = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 647
+crawl_component_classifier_deleted = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 651
+crawl_component_no_classifier = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 662
+crawl_component_no_classifier = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 680
+crawl_component_finalizing_classifier = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 707
+crawl_component_finalizing_classifier = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 753
+crawl_component_classifier_exists = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 762
+crawl_component_load_failed = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 764
+crawl_component_loading = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 766
+crawl_component_added_examples = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 768
+crawl_component_label_update_failed = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 770
+crawl_component_updating = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 772
+crawl_component_acc_update_failed = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 774
+crawl_component_na = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 776
+crawl_component_no_docs = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 778
+crawl_component_num_docs = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 780
+crawl_component_in_class = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 782
+crawl_component_not_in_class = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 784
+crawl_component_skip = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 786
+crawl_component_prediction = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 788
+crawl_component_scores = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 830
+crawl_component_use_below = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 831
+crawl_component_use_defaults = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 833
+crawl_component_use_below = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 841
+crawl_component_recrawl_never = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 842
+crawl_component_recrawl_1day = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 843
+crawl_component_recrawl_2day = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 844
+crawl_component_recrawl_3day = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 845
+crawl_component_recrawl_7day = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 846
+crawl_component_recrawl_14day = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 854
+crawl_component_basic = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 855
+crawl_component_centroid = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1141
+crawl_component_page_options_updated = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1169
+crawl_component_page_options_running_tests = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1348
+crawl_component_results_editor_update = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1363
+crawl_component_edited_pages = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1376
+crawl_component_results_editor_need_url = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1382
+crawl_component_results_editor_page_updated = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1395
+crawl_component_results_editor_page_loaded = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1426
+crawl_component_media_kind = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1427
+crawl_component_video = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1428
+crawl_component_rss_feed = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1429
+crawl_component_html_feed = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1443
+crawl_component_sources_indexes = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1499
+crawl_component_no_source_type = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1512
+crawl_component_missing_type = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1526
+crawl_component_invalid_url = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1533
+crawl_component_missing_fields = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1550
+crawl_component_media_source_added = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1563
+crawl_component_missing_fields = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1571
+crawl_component_subsearch_added = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1577
+crawl_component_no_delete_source = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1583
+crawl_component_media_source_deleted = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1590
+crawl_component_no_delete_source = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1597
+crawl_component_subsearch_deleted = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1632
+crawl_component_subsearch_updated = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1707
+crawl_component_media_source_updated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 85
+social_component_request_join = ""
+; social_component.php line: 86
+social_component_invited = ""
+; social_component.php line: 87
+social_component_active_status = ""
+; social_component.php line: 88
+social_component_banned_status = ""
+; social_component.php line: 91
+social_component_no_join = ""
+; social_component.php line: 92
+social_component_by_request = ""
+; social_component.php line: 93
+social_component_public_request = ""
+; social_component.php line: 94
+social_component_public_join = ""
+; social_component.php line: 97
+social_component_private = ""
+; social_component.php line: 98
+social_component_read = ""
+; social_component.php line: 99
+social_component_read_comment = ""
+; social_component.php line: 100
+social_component_read_write = ""
+; social_component.php line: 101
+social_component_read_wiki = ""
+; social_component.php line: 104
+social_component_no_voting = ""
+; social_component.php line: 105
+social_component_up_voting = ""
+; social_component.php line: 106
+social_component_up_down_voting = ""
+; social_component.php line: 109
+social_component_forever = ""
+; social_component.php line: 110
+social_component_one_hour = ""
+; social_component.php line: 111
+social_component_one_day = ""
+; social_component.php line: 112
+social_component_one_month = ""
+; social_component.php line: 181
+accountaccess_component_user_activated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 186
+accountaccess_component_no_user_activated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 204
+social_component_joined = ""
+; social_component.php line: 208
+social_component_groupname_unavailable = ""
+; social_component.php line: 213
+social_component_name_available = ""
+; social_component.php line: 228
+social_component_user_banned = ""
+; social_component.php line: 233
+social_component_no_user_banned = ""
+; social_component.php line: 254
+social_component_owner_changed = ""
+; social_component.php line: 259
+social_component_not_in_group = ""
+; social_component.php line: 265
+social_component_not_a_user = ""
+; social_component.php line: 275
+social_component_groupname_exists = ""
+; social_component.php line: 302
+social_component_groupname_added = ""
+; social_component.php line: 311
+social_component_groupname_doesnt_exists = ""
+; social_component.php line: 318
+social_component_group_deleted = ""
+; social_component.php line: 322
+social_component_no_delete_group = ""
+; social_component.php line: 335
+social_component_user_deleted = ""
+; social_component.php line: 340
+social_component_no_delete_user_group = ""
+; social_component.php line: 390
+social_component_users_invited = ""
+; social_component.php line: 395
+social_component_no_users_invited = ""
+; social_component.php line: 411
+social_component_joined = ""
+; social_component.php line: 415
+social_component_no_unsubscribe = ""
+; social_component.php line: 457
+social_component_user_reinstated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 462
+social_component_no_user_reinstated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 469
+social_component_request_join = ""
+; social_component.php line: 471
+social_component_invited = ""
+; social_component.php line: 473
+social_component_banned_status = ""
+; social_component.php line: 490
+social_component_unsubscribe = ""
+; social_component.php line: 495
+social_component_no_unsubscribe = ""
+; social_component.php line: 538
+social_component_group_joined = ""
+; social_component.php line: 540
+social_component_group_request_join = ""
+; social_component.php line: 556
+social_component_activate_group = ""
+; social_component.php line: 563
+social_component_activate_body = ""
+; social_component.php line: 567
+social_component_notify_closing = ""
+; social_component.php line: 568
+social_component_notify_signature = ""
+; social_component.php line: 639
+social_component_no_permission = ""
+; social_component.php line: 652
+social_component_group_updated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 660
+social_component_unknown_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 668
+social_component_group_filter_users = ""
+; social_component.php line: 759
+social_component_comment_error = ""
+; social_component.php line: 763
+social_component_no_comment = ""
+; social_component.php line: 775
+social_component_no_post_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 781
+social_component_no_post_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 785
+social_component_join_group = ""
+; social_component.php line: 788
+social_component_join_group_detail = ""
+; social_component.php line: 803
+social_component_upload_error = ""
+; social_component.php line: 816
+social_component_thread_notification = ""
+; social_component.php line: 818
+social_component_notify_body = ""
+; social_component.php line: 821
+social_component_notify_closing = ""
+; social_component.php line: 822
+social_component_notify_signature = ""
+; social_component.php line: 824
+social_component_notify_salutation = ""
+; social_component.php line: 831
+social_component_comment_added = ""
+; social_component.php line: 841
+social_component_groupname_cant_add = ""
+; social_component.php line: 847
+social_component_delete_error = ""
+; social_component.php line: 868
+social_component_item_deleted = ""
+; social_component.php line: 871
+social_component_no_item_deleted = ""
+; social_component.php line: 879
+social_component_vote_error = ""
+; social_component.php line: 888
+social_component_no_vote_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 893
+social_component_no_post_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 897
+social_component_already_voted = ""
+; social_component.php line: 901
+social_component_vote_recorded = ""
+; social_component.php line: 906
+social_component_comment_error = ""
+; social_component.php line: 911
+social_component_need_title_description = ""
+; social_component.php line: 922
+social_component_no_post_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 930
+social_component_upload_error = ""
+; social_component.php line: 936
+social_component_new_thread_mail = ""
+; social_component.php line: 943
+social_component_new_thread_body = ""
+; social_component.php line: 947
+social_component_notify_closing = ""
+; social_component.php line: 948
+social_component_notify_signature = ""
+; social_component.php line: 949
+social_component_notify_salutation = ""
+; social_component.php line: 956
+social_component_thread_created = ""
+; social_component.php line: 964
+social_component_comment_error = ""
+; social_component.php line: 968
+social_component_need_title_description = ""
+; social_component.php line: 974
+social_component_post_edited_elsewhere = ""
+; social_component.php line: 982
+social_component_no_update_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 995
+social_component_no_update_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1004
+social_component_upload_error = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1007
+social_component_post_updated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1014
+social_component_vote_error = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1023
+social_component_no_vote_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1028
+social_component_no_post_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1032
+social_component_already_voted = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1036
+social_component_vote_recorded = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1067
+social_component_join_group = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1070
+social_component_join_group_detail = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1338
+accountaccess_component_no_posts_yet = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1379
+social_component_search = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1463
+social_component_no_group_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1466
+social_component_no_group_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1490
+social_component_standard_page = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1491
+social_component_page_alias = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1492
+social_component_media_list = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1493
+social_component_presentation = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1496
+social_component_solid = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1497
+social_component_dashed = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1498
+social_component_none = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1538
+social_component_missing_fields = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1544
+social_component_wiki_edited_elsewhere = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1594
+social_component_page_created = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1595
+social_component_page_discuss_here = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1600
+social_component_page_saved = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1612
+social_component_resource_deleted = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1617
+social_component_resource_not_deleted = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1634
+social_component_resource_renamed = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1639
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+; social_component.php line: 1649
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+; social_component.php line: 1661
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+; social_component.php line: 1663
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+; social_component.php line: 1667
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+; social_component.php line: 1672
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+; social_component.php line: 1718
+social_component_back = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1719
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+; social_component.php line: 1752
+social_component_back = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1753
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+; social_component.php line: 1767
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+; social_component.php line: 1775
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+social_component_main = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2096
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+; social_component.php line: 2138
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+; social_component.php line: 2178
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+; social_component.php line: 2179
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+; social_component.php line: 2181
+social_component_select_crawl = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2183
+social_component_default_crawl = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2214
+social_component_mix_created = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2217
+social_component_invalid_name = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2225
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+; social_component.php line: 2229
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+; social_component.php line: 2248
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+; social_component.php line: 2256
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+; social_component.php line: 2270
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+; social_component.php line: 2280
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+; social_component.php line: 2304
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+; social_component.php line: 2308
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+; social_component.php line: 2310
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+; social_component.php line: 2315
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+; social_component.php line: 2367
+social_component_mix_invalid_timestamp = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2372
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+; social_component.php line: 2382
+social_component_add_crawls = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2384
+social_component_num_results = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2386
+social_component_del_frag = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2388
+social_component_weight = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2389
+social_component_name = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2391
+social_component_add_keywords = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2393
+social_component_actions = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2395
+social_component_add_query = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2396
+social_component_delete = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2443
+social_component_too_many_fragments = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2454
+social_component_mix_saved = ""
+; system_component.php line: 79
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+; system_component.php line: 145
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+; system_component.php line: 149
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+; system_component.php line: 153
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+; system_component.php line: 160
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+; system_component.php line: 181
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+; system_component.php line: 187
+system_component_machine_deleted = ""
+; system_component.php line: 208
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+; system_component.php line: 212
+system_component_media_update_failed = ""
+; system_component.php line: 275
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+; system_component.php line: 304
+system_component_machine_servers_updated = ""
+; system_component.php line: 308
+system_component_machine_no_action = ""
+; system_component.php line: 344
+system_component_select_mode = ""
+; system_component.php line: 386
+system_component_locale_missing_info = ""
+; system_component.php line: 393
+system_component_locale_added = "Locale telah ditambah"
+; system_component.php line: 400
+system_component_localename_doesnt_exists = "Locale tidak ditemukan"
+; system_component.php line: 405
+system_component_localename_deleted = "Locale telah dihapus"
+; system_component.php line: 411
+system_component_localename_doesnt_exists = "Locale tidak ditemukan"
+; system_component.php line: 440
+system_component_locale_updated = ""
+; system_component.php line: 470
+system_component_localestrings_updated = ""
+; system_component.php line: 481
+system_component_all_strings = ""
+; system_component.php line: 482
+system_component_missing_strings = ""
+; system_component.php line: 568
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+; system_component.php line: 573
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+; system_component.php line: 576
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+; system_component.php line: 598
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+; system_component.php line: 600
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+; system_component.php line: 602
+system_component_configure_email_activation = ""
+; system_component.php line: 604
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+; system_component.php line: 669
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+; system_component.php line: 671
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+; system_component.php line: 673
+captchasettings_element_image_captcha = ""
+; system_component.php line: 678
+serversettings_element_normal_authentication = ""
+; system_component.php line: 680
+serversettings_element_zkp_authentication = ""
+; system_component.php line: 685
+serversettings_element_normal_authentication = ""
+; system_component.php line: 710
+system_component_settings_updated = ""
+; system_component.php line: 713
+system_component_no_update_settings = ""
+; system_component.php line: 780
+system_component_configure_use_absolute_path = ""
+; system_component.php line: 785
+system_component_configure_configure_diff_base_dir = ""
+; system_component.php line: 810
+system_component_configure_work_dir_set = ""
+; system_component.php line: 821
+system_component_name_your_bot = ""
+; system_component.php line: 846
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+; system_component.php line: 850
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+; system_component.php line: 857
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+; system_component.php line: 864
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+; system_component.php line: 871
+system_component_configure_work_dir_invalid = ""
+; system_component.php line: 893
+system_component_no_resource_folder = ""
+; system_component.php line: 907
+system_component_invalid_filetype = ""
+; system_component.php line: 912
+system_component_file_too_big = ""
+; system_component.php line: 935
+system_component_configure_profile_change = ""
+; system_component.php line: 939
+system_component_configure_no_change_profile = ""
+; system_component.php line: 988
+system_component_configure_reset_completed = ""
+; system_component.php line: 992
+system_component_configure_no_change_profile = ""
+; system_component.php line: 1025
+system_component_describe_robot = ""
+; system_component.php line: 1091
+system_component_php_version = ""
+; system_component.php line: 1099
+system_component_no_write_config_php = ""
+; system_component.php line: 1104
+system_component_no_write_work_dir = ""
+; system_component.php line: 1109
+system_component_post_size_small = ""
+; system_component.php line: 1115
+system_component_missing_required = ""
+; system_component.php line: 1138
+system_component_missing_optional = ""
+; system_component.php line: 1143
+system_component_check_passed = ""
+; system_component.php line: 1148
+system_component_using_local_config = ""
+; machine_controller.php line: 172
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+; register_controller.php line: 246
+register_controller_need_cookies = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 313
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+; register_controller.php line: 331
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+; register_controller.php line: 333
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+; register_controller.php line: 334
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+; register_controller.php line: 336
+register_controller_email_body = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 369
+register_controller_account_request_made = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 373
+register_controller_admin_activation_request = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 374
+register_controller_admin_activation_message = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 416
+register_controller_email_verification_error = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 422
+register_controller_already_activated = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 429
+register_controller_account_activated = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 432
+register_controller_email_verification_error = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 480
+register_controller_account_recover_fail = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 489
+register_controller_account_recover_fail = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 493
+register_controller_account_recover_email = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 497
+register_controller_recover_request = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 498
+register_controller_admin_email_salutation = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 500
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+; register_controller.php line: 534
+register_controller_account_recover_fail = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 546
+register_controller_account_recover_fail = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 559
+register_controller_account_recover_fail = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 566
+register_controller_recovered_already = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 570
+register_controller_recovery_expired = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 576
+register_controller_password_changed = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 584
+register_controller_passwords_dont_match = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 598
+register_controller_recovered_already = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 602
+register_controller_recovery_expired = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 728
+register_controller_invalid_url = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 732
+register_controller_error_fields = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 746
+register_controller_failed_hashcode = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 756
+register_controller_failed_human = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 783
+register_controller_failed_graphical_human = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 797
+register_controller_suggest_full = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 801
+register_controller_url_submitted = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 1004
+register_controller_need_cookies = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 1010
+register_controller_failed_human = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 1025
+register_controller_failed_graphical_human = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 1036
+register_controller_failed_hashcode = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 1064
+register_controller_error_fields = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 1067
+register_controller_check_email = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 1074
+register_controller_user_already_exists = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 235
+search_controller_web = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 295
+search_controller_logout_successful = "Logout berhasil"
+; search_controller.php line: 500
+search_controller_mix_info = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 506
+search_controller_crawl_info = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 542
+search_controller_search = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 646
+search_controller_no_index_set = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 649
+search_controller_no_index_set = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1300
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+; search_controller.php line: 1309
+search_controller_no_archive_page = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1358
+search_controller_yioop_cache = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1363
+search_controller_original_page = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1380
+search_controller_extracted_title = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1382
+search_controller_extracted_description = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1384
+search_controller_extracted_links = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1389
+search_controller_extracted_allow_paths = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1395
+search_controller_extracted_disallow_paths = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1401
+search_controller_crawl_delay = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1466
+search_controller_cache_comment = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1477
+search_controller_yioop_cache = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1513
+search_controller_cached_version = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1608
+search_controller_download_fetcher = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1626
+search_controller_header_summaries = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1739
+search_controller_history = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1908
+search_controller_all_cached = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1939
+search_controller_year = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1940
+search_controller_month = ""
+; settings_controller.php line: 115
+settings_controller_crawl_mix = ""
+; settings_controller.php line: 130
+settings_controller_settings_saved = ""
+; static_controller.php line: 67
+static_controller_logout_successful = ""
+; static_controller.php line: 145
+static_controller_complete_title = ""
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/sq_data/app/controllers
+; main_controller.php line: 87
+search_controller_logout_successful = "Logout berhasil"
+; main_controller.php line: 112
+main_controller_download = ""
+; main_controller.php line: 129
+main_controller_missing_fields = ""
+; main_controller.php line: 164
+main_controller_yioop_download = ""
+; main_controller.php line: 165
+main_controller_click_download = ""
+; main_controller.php line: 178
+main_controller_url_error = ""
+; main_controller.php line: 187
+main_controller_expired_url = ""
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/seek_quarry//views
+; admin_view.php line: 70
+admin_view_admin = "Administratif"
+; admin_view.php line: 89
+adminview_auto_logout_one_minute = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 52
+crawlstatus_view_currently_processing = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 53
+crawlstatus_view_description = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 58
+crawlstatus_view_starting_crawl = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 62
+managecrawls_element_stop_crawl = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 66
+crawlstatus_view_resuming_crawl = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 70
+managecrawls_element_stop_crawl = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 74
+crawlstatus_view_shutdown_queue = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 77
+crawlstatus_view_closing_dict = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 80
+crawlstatus_view_run_plugins = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 88
+managecrawls_element_stop_crawl = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 96
+crawlstatus_view_set_index = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 99
+crawlstatus_view_search_index = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 107
+crawlstatus_view_changeoptions = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 109
+crawlstatus_view_no_description = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 114
+crawlstatus_view_timestamp = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 116
+crawlstatus_view_time_started = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 122
+crawlstatus_view_indexer_memory = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 124
+crawlstatus_view_scheduler_memory = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 127
+crawlstatus_view_queue_memory = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 132
+crawlstatus_view_no_mem_data = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 136
+crawlstatus_view_fetcher_memory = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 141
+crawlstatus_view_no_mem_data = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 144
+crawlstatus_view_webapp_memory = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 149
+crawlstatus_view_no_mem_data = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 152
+crawlstatus_view_urls_per_hour = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 160
+crawlstatus_view_visited_urls = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 164
+crawlstatus_view_total_urls = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 167
+crawlstatus_view_most_recent_fetcher = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 176
+crawlstatus_view_no_fetcher = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 180
+crawlstatus_view_most_recent_urls = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 190
+crawlstatus_view_no_recent_urls = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 193
+crawlstatus_view_previous_crawls = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 203
+crawlstatus_view_description = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 206
+crawlstatus_view_timestamp = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 207
+crawlstatus_view_url_counts = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 211
+crawlstatus_view_actions = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 222
+crawlstatus_view_statistics = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 238
+crawlstatus_view_resume = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 240
+crawlstatus_view_no_resume = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 247
+crawlstatus_view_set_index = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 250
+crawlstatus_view_search_index = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 257
+crawlstatus_view_delete = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 265
+crawlstatus_view_no_previous_crawl = ""
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/seek_quarry//views/elements
+; activity_element.php line: 54
+activity_element_activities = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 76
+configure_element_work_directory = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 82
+configure_element_load_or_create = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 100
+configure_element_component_check = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 104
+configure_element_profile_settings = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 107
+configure_element_toggle_advanced = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 114
+configure_element_default_language = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 121
+configure_element_debug_display = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 126
+configure_element_error_info = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 131
+configure_element_query_info = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 136
+configure_element_test_info = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 141
+configure_element_site_access = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 146
+configure_element_web_access = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 151
+configure_element_rss_access = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 156
+configure_element_api_access = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 161
+configure_element_customizations = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 163
+configure_element_use_wiki_landing = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 170
+configure_element_background_color = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 178
+configure_element_background_image = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 185
+configure_element_background_image = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 194
+configure_element_foreground_color = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 200
+configure_element_topbar_color = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 206
+configure_element_sidebar_color = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 214
+configure_element_site_logo = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 221
+configure_element_site_logo = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 232
+configure_element_mobile_logo = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 239
+configure_element_mobile_logo = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 250
+configure_element_favicon = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 257
+configure_element_favicon = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 267
+configure_element_toolbar = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 278
+configure_element_site_timezone = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 284
+configure_element_cookie_name = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 290
+configure_element_token_name = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 296
+configure_element_auxiliary_css = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 304
+configure_element_reset_customizations = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 311
+configure_element_crawl_robot = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 313
+configure_element_robot_name = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 321
+configure_element_robot_instance = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 328
+configure_element_robot_description = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 338
+serversettings_element_submit = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 55
+crawloptions_element_back_to_manage = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 58
+crawloptions_element_modify_active_crawl = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 60
+crawloptions_element_edit_crawl_options = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 83
+crawloptions_element_web_crawl = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 93
+crawloptions_element_archive_crawl = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 100
+crawloptions_element_load_options = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 105
+crawloptions_element_crawl_order = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 114
+crawloptions_element_restrict_by_url = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 122
+crawloptions_element_allowed_to_crawl = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 129
+crawloptions_element_disallowed_and_quota_sites = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 140
+crawloptions_element_seed_sites = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 144
+crawloptions_element_add_suggest_urls = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 155
+crawloptions_element_inject_sites = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 159
+crawloptions_element_add_suggest_urls = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 176
+crawloptions_element_reindex_crawl = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 185
+crawloptions_element_need_api_for_mix = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 193
+crawloptions_element_save_options = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 58
+editclassifier_back = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 60
+editclassifier_edit_classifier = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 72
+editclassifier_classifier_label = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 77
+editclassifier_change = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 82
+editclassifier_statistics = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 83
+editclassifier_positive_examples = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 86
+editclassifier_negative_examples = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 89
+editclassifier_accuracy = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 94
+crawl_component_na = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 99
+editclassifier_update = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 100
+editclassifier_add_examples = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 109
+editclassifier_source = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 113
+editclassifier_default_crawl = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 123
+editclassifier_label_by_hand = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 125
+editclassifier_all_in_class = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 127
+editclassifier_none_in_class = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 132
+editclassifier_keywords = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 141
+editclassifier_load = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 147
+editclassifier_finalize = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 155
+editclassifier_no_documents = ""
+; editlocales_element.php line: 55
+editlocales_element_back_to_manage = ""
+; editlocales_element.php line: 57
+editlocales_element_edit_locale = ""
+; editlocales_element.php line: 71
+editlocales_element_show = ""
+; editlocales_element.php line: 75
+editlocales_element_filter = ""
+; editlocales_element.php line: 82
+editlocales_element_go = ""
+; editlocales_element.php line: 86
+editlocales_element_no_matching = ""
+; editlocales_element.php line: 119
+editlocales_element_submit = ""
+; editmix_element.php line: 51
+editmix_element_back_to_mix = ""
+; editmix_element.php line: 53
+mixcrawls_element_edit_mix = ""
+; editmix_element.php line: 64
+mixcrawls_element_mix_name = ""
+; editmix_element.php line: 70
+mixcrawls_element_mix_components = ""
+; editmix_element.php line: 77
+mixcrawls_element_too_many = ""
+; editmix_element.php line: 79
+mixcrawls_element_add_fragment = ""
+; editmix_element.php line: 85
+mixcrawls_element_save_button = ""
+; footer_element.php line: 59
+footer_element_blog = ""
+; footer_element.php line: 61
+footer_element_privacy = ""
+; footer_element.php line: 63
+footer_element_terms = ""
+; footer_element.php line: 65
+footer_element_tools = ""
+; footer_element.php line: 67
+footer_element_bot = ""
+; footer_element.php line: 72
+footer_element_developed_seek_quarry = ""
+; footer_element.php line: 75
+footer_element_copyright_yioop = ""
+; footer_element.php line: 77
+footer_element_php_search_engine = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 91
+groupfeed_element_add_group = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 95
+groupfeed_element_request_add = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 122
+groupfeed_element_wiki_page = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 124
+groupfeed_element_back = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 127
+groupfeed_element_back = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 136
+groupfeed_element_group_activity = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 140
+groupfeed_element_wiki_thread = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 159
+groupfeed_element_feed = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 163
+group_view_wiki = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 165
+groupfeed_element_user = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 206
+groupfeed_element_comment = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 238
+manageaccount_element_group_wiki = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 239
+manageaccount_element_group_stats = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 244
+manageaccount_element_last_post = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 286
+groupfeed_element_comment = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 297
+groupfeed_element_start_thread = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 311
+groupfeed_element_start_thread = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 317
+groupfeed_element_no_posts_yet = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 323
+groupfeed_element_thread_no_exist = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 358
+groupfeed_element_edit = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 363
+groupfeed_element_delete = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 385
+groupfeed_element_num_posts = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 395
+groupfeed_element_num_views = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 420
+groupfeed_element_start_thread_in_group = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 422
+groupfeed_element_start_thread_in_group = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 436
+groupfeed_element_last_edited = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 452
+groupfeed_element_post_vote = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 479
+groupfeed_element_last_post_info = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 494
+groupfeed_element_comment = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 547
+fileupload_helper_drag_textarea = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 548
+fileupload_helper_click_textarea = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 572
+groupfeed_element_add_comment = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 586
+groupfeed_element_save = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 625
+groupfeed_element_subject = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 632
+groupfeed_element_post = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 645
+groupfeed_element_save = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 681
+groupfeed_element_edit_post = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 684
+groupfeed_element_subject = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 690
+groupfeed_element_post = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 703
+groupfeed_element_save = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 732
+groupfeed_element_no_longer_update = ""
+; machinelog_element.php line: 54
+machinelog_element_back_to_manage = ""
+; machinelog_element.php line: 59
+machinelog_element_filter = ""
+; machinelog_element.php line: 66
+machinelog_element_log_file = ""
+; machinelog_element.php line: 71
+machinelog_element_refresh_off = ""
+; machinelog_element.php line: 76
+machinelog_element_refresh_on = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 60
+manageaccount_element_lock = ""
+manageaccount_element_edit = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 67
+manageaccount_element_welcome = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 69
+manageaccount_element_what_can_do = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 71
+manageaccount_element_account_details = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 100
+manageaccounts_element_icon = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 110
+manageusers_element_username = "username"
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 117
+manageusers_element_firstname = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 123
+manageusers_element_lastname = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 129
+manageusers_element_email = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 138
+manageaccount_element_password = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 145
+manageaccount_element_new_password = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 151
+manageaccount_element_retype_password = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 163
+manageaccount_element_save = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 169
+manageaccount_element_search_lang_settings = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 174
+manageaccount_element_crawl_and_index = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 175
+manageaccount_element_crawl_info = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 176
+manageaccount_element_num_crawls = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 179
+manageaccount_element_manage_crawls = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 185
+manageaccount_element_groups_and_feeds = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 186
+manageaccount_element_group_info = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 188
+manageaccount_element_num_groups = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 191
+manageaccount_element_num_group = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 203
+manageaccount_element_group_wiki = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 204
+manageaccount_element_group_stats = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 209
+manageaccount_element_last_post = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 219
+manageaccount_element_manage_all_groups = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 221
+manageaccount_element_go_to_group_feed = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 223
+manageaccount_element_crawl_mixes = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 224
+manageaccount_element_mixes_info = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 226
+manageaccount_element_num_mixes = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 229
+manageaccount_element_num_mix = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 233
+manageaccount_element_manage_mixes = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 61
+manageclassifiers_available_classifiers = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 69
+manageclassifiers_label_col = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 72
+manageclassifiers_positive_col = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 74
+manageclassifiers_negative_col = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 80
+manageclassifiers_actions_col = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 99
+manageclassifiers_edit = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 102
+manageclassifiers_finalized = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 109
+manageclassifiers_finalize = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 111
+manageclassifiers_finalize = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 115
+manageclassifiers_finalizing = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 119
+confirm_delete_operation = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 123
+manageclassifiers_delete = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 156
+manageclassifiers_manage_classifiers = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 166
+manageclassifiers_classifier_name = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 171
+manageclassifiers_create_button = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 186
+manageclassifiers_element_search = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 187
+manageclassifiers_element_create_form = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 189
+manageclassifiers_classifier_name = ""
+; managecrawls_element.php line: 49
+managecrawls_element_create_crawl = ""
+; managecrawls_element.php line: 58
+managecrawls_element_description = ""
+; managecrawls_element.php line: 65
+managecrawls_element_start_new_crawl = ""
+; managecrawls_element.php line: 69
+managecrawls_element_options = ""
+; managecrawls_element.php line: 75
+managecrawls_element_awaiting_status = ""
+; managecrawls_element.php line: 93
+managecrawls_element_up_longer_update = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 67
+managegroups_element_not_my_groups = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 69
+managegroups_element_groups = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 78
+managegroups_element_groupname = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 79
+managegroups_element_groupowner = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 81
+managegroups_element_registertype = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 82
+managegroups_element_memberaccess = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 83
+managegroups_element_voting = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 84
+managegroups_element_post_lifetime = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 87
+managegroups_element_actions = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 201
+manageaccount_element_group_wiki = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 216
+managegroups_element_join = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 220
+managegroups_element_edit = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 225
+managegroups_element_edit = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 230
+managegroups_element_delete = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 236
+managegroups_element_join = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 241
+managegroups_element_join = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 250
+managegroups_element_decline = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 252
+managegroups_element_unsubscribe = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 257
+confirm_delete_operation = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 260
+managegroups_element_delete = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 289
+managegroups_element_addgroup_form = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 290
+managegroups_element_group_info = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 292
+managegroups_element_create_group = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 296
+managegroups_element_add_group = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 313
+managegroups_element_groupname = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 324
+managegroups_element_browse = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 335
+managegroups_element_register = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 342
+managegroups_element_memberaccess = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 349
+managegroups_element_voting = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 356
+managegroups_element_post_lifetime = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 368
+managegroups_element_group_users = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 372
+managegroups_element_num_users = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 398
+managegroups_element_groupowner = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 400
+managegroups_element_delete = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 410
+managegroups_element_activate = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 416
+managegroups_element_ban = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 422
+managegroups_element_unban = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 430
+managegroups_element_delete = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 459
+managegroups_element_filter = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 480
+managegroups_element_invite = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 491
+managegroups_element_save = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 520
+managegroups_element_group_info = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 521
+managegroups_element_invite_users_group = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 533
+managegroups_element_groupname = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 541
+managegroups_element_usernames = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 548
+managegroups_element_invite = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 566
+managegroups_element_addgroup_form = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 567
+managegroups_element_transfer_group_owner = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 580
+managegroups_element_groupname = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 588
+managegroups_element_new_group_owner = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 595
+managegroups_element_change_owner = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 614
+managegroups_element_discover_groups = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 618
+managegroups_element_search_group = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 620
+managegroups_element_addgroup_form = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 622
+managegroups_element_groupname = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 623
+managegroups_element_groupowner = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 624
+managegroups_element_registertype = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 626
+managegroups_element_memberaccess = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 628
+managegroups_element_post_lifetime = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 59
+managelocales_element_locale_list = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 69
+managelocales_element_localename = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 72
+managelocales_element_localetag = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 73
+managelocales_element_writingmode = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 75
+managelocales_element_enabled = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 80
+managelocales_element_percenttranslated = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 81
+managelocales_element_actions = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 101
+managelocales_element_true = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 102
+managelocales_element_false = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 109
+managelocales_element_edit = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 114
+confirm_delete_operation = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 115
+managelocales_element_delete = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 135
+manageloecales_element_add_locale_form = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 136
+managelocales_element_locale_info = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 138
+managelocales_element_add_locale = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 160
+managelocales_element_localenamelabel = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 173
+managelocales_element_localetaglabel = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 179
+managelocales_element_writingmodelabel = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 189
+managelocales_element_localeenabled = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 200
+managelocales_element_submit = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 218
+managelocales_element_search_locales = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 219
+managelocales_element_addlocale_form = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 221
+managelocales_element_localename = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 222
+managelocales_element_localetag = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 223
+managelocales_element_writingmode = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 224
+managelocales_element_enabled = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 230
+managelocales_element_true = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 231
+managelocales_element_false = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 51
+managemachines_element_add_machine = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 63
+managemachines_element_machine_name = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 68
+managemachines_element_machineurl = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 73
+managemachines_element_is_mirror = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 78
+managemachines_element_parent_name = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 84
+managemachines_element_has_queueserver = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 88
+managemachines_element_num_fetchers = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 93
+managemachines_element_submit = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 98
+managemachines_element_machine_info = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 104
+managemachines_element_awaiting_status = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 123
+managemachines_element_no_longer_update = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 56
+manageroles_element_roles = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 64
+manageroles_element_rolename = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 66
+manageroles_element_actions = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 91
+manageroles_element_edit = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 96
+manageroles_element_delete = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 100
+confirm_delete_operation = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 103
+manageroles_element_delete = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 136
+manageroles_element_addrole_form = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 137
+manageroles_element_role_info = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 139
+manageroles_element_add_role = "Tambah role"
+; manageroles_element.php line: 151
+manageroles_element_rolename = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 164
+manageroles_element_role_activities = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 173
+manageroles_element_delete = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 180
+manageroles_element_delete = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 200
+manageroles_element_save = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 218
+manageroles_element_search_role = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 219
+manageroles_element_addrole_form = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 221
+manageroles_element_rolename = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 56
+manageusers_element_users = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 65
+manageusers_element_username = "username"
+; manageusers_element.php line: 67
+manageusers_element_firstname = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 68
+manageusers_element_lastname = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 69
+manageusers_element_email = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 71
+manageusers_element_status = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 73
+manageusers_element_actions = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 135
+manageusers_element_edit = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 139
+manageusers_element_edit = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 146
+manageusers_element_delete = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 150
+confirm_delete_operation = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 153
+manageusers_element_delete = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 194
+manageusers_element_adduser_form = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 195
+manageusers_element_user_info = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 197
+manageusers_element_add_user = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 222
+manageusers_element_username = "username"
+; manageusers_element.php line: 232
+manageusers_element_firstname = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 238
+manageusers_element_lastname = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 244
+manageusers_element_email = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 251
+manageusers_element_status = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 268
+manageusers_element_roles = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 272
+manageusers_element_num_roles = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 287
+manageusers_element_delete = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 297
+manageusers_element_delete = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 340
+manageusers_element_filter = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 352
+manageusers_element_add_role = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 362
+manageusers_element_groups = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 366
+manageusers_element_num_groups = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 387
+manageusers_element_delete = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 427
+manageusers_element_filter = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 439
+manageusers_element_add_group = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 452
+manageusers_element_password = "Kata sandi"
+; manageusers_element.php line: 458
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+; manageusers_element.php line: 465
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 183
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+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/seek_quarry//views/helpers
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+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/seek_quarry//views/layouts
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+; machinestatus_view.php line: 52
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+; machinestatus_view.php line: 117
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+machinestatus_view_queue_server = ""
+; machinestatus_view.php line: 143
+machinestatus_view_log = ""
+; machinestatus_view.php line: 152
+machinestatus_view_no_queue_server = ""
+; machinestatus_view.php line: 155
+machinestatus_view_no_fetchers = ""
+; machinestatus_view.php line: 165
+machinestatus_view_fetchers = ""
+; machinestatus_view.php line: 175
+machinestatus_view_log = ""
+; nocache_view.php line: 54
+nocache_view_no_cache = ""
+; nocache_view.php line: 59
+nocache_view_summary_contents = ""
+; recover_view.php line: 69
+recover_view_recover_password = ""
+; recover_view.php line: 105
+register_view_new_password = ""
+; recover_view.php line: 117
+register_view_retypepassword = ""
+; recover_view.php line: 132
+recover_view_username = ""
+; recover_view.php line: 147
+register_view_account_recovery = ""
+; recover_view.php line: 154
+register_view_human_check = ""
+; recover_view.php line: 187
+register_view_human_check = ""
+; recover_view.php line: 206
+recover_view_recover_password = ""
+; recover_view.php line: 216
+signin_view_return_yioop = ""
+; register_view.php line: 74
+register_view_question0_most = ""
+; register_view.php line: 75
+register_view_question0_least = ""
+; register_view.php line: 76
+register_view_question0_choices = ""
+; register_view.php line: 77
+register_view_question1_most = ""
+; register_view.php line: 78
+register_view_question1_least = ""
+; register_view.php line: 79
+register_view_question1_choices = ""
+; register_view.php line: 80
+register_view_question2_most = ""
+; register_view.php line: 81
+register_view_question2_least = ""
+; register_view.php line: 82
+register_view_question2_choices = ""
+; register_view.php line: 83
+register_view_question3_most = ""
+; register_view.php line: 84
+register_view_question3_least = ""
+; register_view.php line: 85
+register_view_question3_choices = ""
+; register_view.php line: 86
+register_view_question4_most = ""
+; register_view.php line: 87
+register_view_question4_least = ""
+; register_view.php line: 88
+register_view_question4_choices = ""
+; register_view.php line: 89
+register_view_question5_most = ""
+; register_view.php line: 90
+register_view_question5_least = ""
+; register_view.php line: 91
+register_view_question5_choices = ""
+; register_view.php line: 92
+register_view_question6_most = ""
+; register_view.php line: 93
+register_view_question6_least = ""
+; register_view.php line: 94
+register_view_question6_choices = ""
+; register_view.php line: 95
+register_view_question7_most = ""
+; register_view.php line: 96
+register_view_question7_least = ""
+; register_view.php line: 97
+register_view_question7_choices = ""
+; register_view.php line: 98
+register_view_question8_most = ""
+; register_view.php line: 99
+register_view_question8_least = ""
+; register_view.php line: 100
+register_view_question8_choices = ""
+; register_view.php line: 101
+register_view_question9_most = ""
+; register_view.php line: 102
+register_view_question9_least = ""
+; register_view.php line: 103
+register_view_question9_choices = ""
+; register_view.php line: 106
+register_view_recovery1_more = ""
+; register_view.php line: 107
+register_view_recovery1_less = ""
+; register_view.php line: 108
+register_view_recovery1_choices = ""
+; register_view.php line: 109
+register_view_recovery2_more = ""
+; register_view.php line: 110
+register_view_recovery2_less = ""
+; register_view.php line: 111
+register_view_recovery2_choices = ""
+; register_view.php line: 112
+register_view_recovery3_more = ""
+; register_view.php line: 113
+register_view_recovery3_less = ""
+; register_view.php line: 114
+register_view_recovery3_choices = ""
+; register_view.php line: 115
+register_view_recovery4_more = ""
+; register_view.php line: 116
+register_view_recovery4_less = ""
+; register_view.php line: 117
+register_view_recovery4_choices = ""
+; register_view.php line: 118
+register_view_recovery5_more = ""
+; register_view.php line: 119
+register_view_recovery5_less = ""
+; register_view.php line: 120
+register_view_recovery5_choices = ""
+; register_view.php line: 121
+register_view_recovery6_more = ""
+; register_view.php line: 122
+register_view_recovery6_less = ""
+; register_view.php line: 123
+register_view_recovery6_choices = ""
+; register_view.php line: 152
+register_view_create_account = ""
+; register_view.php line: 189
+register_view_firstname = ""
+; register_view.php line: 204
+register_view_lastname = ""
+; register_view.php line: 219
+register_view_username = ""
+; register_view.php line: 232
+register_view_email = ""
+; register_view.php line: 246
+register_view_password = ""
+; register_view.php line: 261
+register_view_retypepassword = ""
+; register_view.php line: 277
+register_view_account_recovery = ""
+; register_view.php line: 281
+register_view_human_check = ""
+; register_view.php line: 283
+register_view_account_recovery = ""
+; register_view.php line: 315
+register_view_human_check = ""
+; register_view.php line: 330
+register_view_i_agree = ""
+; register_view.php line: 332
+register_view_terms = ""
+; register_view.php line: 334
+register_view_and = ""
+; register_view.php line: 336
+register_view_privacy = ""
+; register_view.php line: 337
+register_view_period = ""
+; register_view.php line: 347
+register_view_create_account = ""
+; register_view.php line: 357
+signin_view_return_yioop = ""
+; search_view.php line: 86
+search_view_title = ""
+; search_view.php line: 113
+search_view_input_label = ""
+; search_view.php line: 117
+search_view_input_placeholder = ""
+; search_view.php line: 120
+search_view_search = "Cari"
+; search_view.php line: 147
+search_view_no_index_set = ""
+; search_view.php line: 152
+search_view_more_statistics = ""
+; search_view.php line: 190
+search_view_calculated = ""
+; search_view.php line: 191
+search_view_results = "Hasil"
+; search_view.php line: 212
+search_view_thesaurus_results = ""
+; search_view.php line: 321
+search_view_word_cloud = ""
+; search_view.php line: 366
+search_view_cache = ""
+; search_view.php line: 369
+search_view_as_text = ""
+; search_view.php line: 382
+search_view_similar = ""
+; search_view.php line: 394
+search_view_inlink = ""
+; search_view.php line: 414
+search_view_rank = "Urutan"
+; search_view.php line: 416
+search_view_relevancy = ""
+; search_view.php line: 418
+search_view_proximity = ""
+; search_view.php line: 422
+search_view_thesaurus_score = ""
+; search_view.php line: 431
+search_view_score = ""
+; settings_view.php line: 66
+settings_view_settings = ""
+; settings_view.php line: 73
+settings_view_results_per_page = ""
+; settings_view.php line: 79
+settings_view_open_in_tabs = ""
+; settings_view.php line: 86
+settings_view_search_index = ""
+; settings_view.php line: 92
+settings_view_language_label = ""
+; settings_view.php line: 108
+settings_view_return_yioop = ""
+; settings_view.php line: 111
+settings_view_save = ""
+; settings_view.php line: 119
+settings_install_search_plugin = ""
+; signin_view.php line: 65
+signin_view_signin = ""
+; signin_view.php line: 78
+sigin_view_signing_in = ""
+; signin_view.php line: 81
+sigin_view_login_failed = ""
+; signin_view.php line: 89
+signin_view_username = ""
+; signin_view.php line: 96
+signin_view_password = "Kata sandi"
+; signin_view.php line: 107
+signin_view_login = ""
+; signin_view.php line: 122
+signin_view_recover_password = ""
+; signin_view.php line: 127
+signin_view_create_account = ""
+; signin_view.php line: 132
+signin_view_return_yioop = ""
+; static_view.php line: 71
+static_view_title = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 63
+statistics_view_statistics = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 68
+statistics_view_calculating = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 82
+statistics_view_error_codes = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 83
+statistics_view_sizes = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 84
+statistics_view_links_per_page = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 85
+statistics_view_page_date = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 86
+statistics_view_dns_time = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 87
+statistics_view_download_time = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 88
+statistics_view_top_level_domain = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 89
+statistics_view_file_extension = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 90
+statistics_view_media_type = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 91
+statistics_view_language = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 92
+statistics_view_server = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 93
+statistics_view_os = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 97
+statistics_view_general_info = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 98
+statistics_view_description = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 100
+statistics_view_timestamp = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 102
+statistics_view_crawl_date = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 104
+statistics_view_pages = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 106
+statistics_view_url = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 109
+statistics_view_number_hosts = ""
+; suggest_view.php line: 68
+suggest_view_suggest_url = ""
+; suggest_view.php line: 70
+suggest_view_instructions = ""
+; suggest_view.php line: 94
+suggest_view_url = ""
+; suggest_view.php line: 110
+register_view_human_check = ""
+; suggest_view.php line: 144
+suggest_view_human_check = ""
+; suggest_view.php line: 167
+suggest_view_submit_url = ""
+; suggest_view.php line: 177
+signin_view_return_yioop = ""
+; view.php line: 32
+view_locale_version11 = ""
+; view.php line: 81
+view_logo_alt_text = ""
+; wiki_view.php line: 89
+wiki_view_read = ""
+; wiki_view.php line: 90
+wiki_view_edit = ""
+; wiki_view.php line: 93
+wiki_view_pages = ""
+; wiki_view.php line: 132
+wiki_view_feed = ""
+; wiki_view.php line: 133
+wiki_view_wiki = ""
+; wiki_view.php line: 157
+adminview_auto_logout_one_minute = ""
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/sq_data/app/views
+; download_view.php line: 62
+download_view_form = ""
+; download_view.php line: 73
+download_view_thank_you = ""
+; download_view.php line: 76
+download_view_full_name = ""
+; download_view.php line: 82
+download_view_email = ""
+; download_view.php line: 87
+download_view_business = ""
+; download_view.php line: 93
+download_view_interest = ""
+; download_view.php line: 100
+download_view_get_email = ""
+; download_view.php line: 106
+download_view_return_main = ""
+; download_view.php line: 120
+download_view_required_fields = ""
+; download_view.php line: 125
+download_view_name_required = ""
+; download_view.php line: 130
+download_view_valid_email = ""
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/seek_quarry//lib/indexing_plugins
+; wordfilter_plugin.php line: 353
+wordfilter_plugin_settings_saved = ""
+; wordfilter_plugin.php line: 362
+wordfilter_plugin_defaults_restored = ""
+; wordfilter_plugin.php line: 466
+wordfilter_plugin_preferences = ""
+; wordfilter_plugin.php line: 470
+wordfilter_plugin_factory_settings = ""
+; wordfilter_plugin.php line: 483
+wordfilter_plugin_save = ""
diff --git a/locale/in-ID/resources/locale.js b/locale/in-ID/resources/locale.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..aa6d73a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/in-ID/resources/locale.js
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+ * SeekQuarry/Yioop --
+ * Open Source Pure PHP Search Engine, Crawler, and Indexer
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2009 - 2015  Chris Pollett
+ *
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+ *
+ *
+ * @author Chris Pollett
+ * @package seek_quarry
+ * @subpackage javascript
+ * @license GPL3
+ * @link
+ * @copyright 2009 - 2015s
+ * @filesource
+ */
+ * The alphabet for this locale
+ */
+var alpha = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
+ * Transliteration maping for this locale
+ */
+var roman_array = {};
+ * To analyze the query and generate actual input query from the
+ * transliterated query
+ */
+function analyzeQuery()
diff --git a/locale/in-ID/resources/suggest_trie.txt.gz b/locale/in-ID/resources/suggest_trie.txt.gz
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1ef4b27
Binary files /dev/null and b/locale/in-ID/resources/suggest_trie.txt.gz differ
diff --git a/locale/in-ID/resources/tokenizer.php b/locale/in-ID/resources/tokenizer.php
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..b49c986
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/in-ID/resources/tokenizer.php
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+ * SeekQuarry/Yioop --
+ * Open Source Pure PHP Search Engine, Crawler, and Indexer
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2009 - 2015  Chris Pollett
+ *
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+ *
+ * @author Chris Pollett
+ * @package seek_quarry
+ * @subpackage locale
+ * @license GPL3
+ * @link
+ * @copyright 2009 - 2015
+ * @filesource
+ */
+if(!defined('BASE_DIR')) {echo "BAD REQUEST"; exit();}
+ * Indonesian specific tokenization code. Typically, tokenizer.php
+ * either contains a stemmer for the language in question or
+ * it specifies how many characters in a char gram
+ *
+ * @author Chris Pollett
+ * @package seek_quarry
+ * @subpackage locale
+ */
+$GLOBALS['CHARGRAMS']['in'] = 5;
+$GLOBALS['CHARGRAMS']['in-ID'] = 5;
diff --git a/locale/in-ID/resources1421450883old/locale.js b/locale/in-ID/resources1421450883old/locale.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..ac87bdb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/in-ID/resources1421450883old/locale.js
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+ * SeekQuarry/Yioop --
+ * Open Source Pure PHP Search Engine, Crawler, and Indexer
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2009 - 2014  Chris Pollett
+ *
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+ *
+ *
+ * @author Chris Pollett
+ * @package seek_quarry
+ * @subpackage javascript
+ * @license GPL3
+ * @link
+ * @copyright 2009 - 2014s
+ * @filesource
+ */
+ * The alphabet for this locale
+ */
+var alpha = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
+ * Transliteration maping for this locale
+ */
+var roman_array = {};
+ * To analyze the query and generate actual input query from the
+ * transliterated query
+ */
+function analyzeQuery()
diff --git a/locale/in-ID/resources1421450883old/suggest_trie.txt.gz b/locale/in-ID/resources1421450883old/suggest_trie.txt.gz
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1ef4b27
Binary files /dev/null and b/locale/in-ID/resources1421450883old/suggest_trie.txt.gz differ
diff --git a/locale/in-ID/resources1421450883old/tokenizer.php b/locale/in-ID/resources1421450883old/tokenizer.php
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..93dec96
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/in-ID/resources1421450883old/tokenizer.php
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+ * SeekQuarry/Yioop --
+ * Open Source Pure PHP Search Engine, Crawler, and Indexer
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2009 - 2014  Chris Pollett
+ *
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+ *
+ * @author Chris Pollett
+ * @package seek_quarry
+ * @subpackage locale
+ * @license GPL3
+ * @link
+ * @copyright 2009 - 2014
+ * @filesource
+ */
+if(!defined('BASE_DIR')) {echo "BAD REQUEST"; exit();}
+ * Indonesian specific tokenization code. Typically, tokenizer.php
+ * either contains a stemmer for the language in question or
+ * it specifies how many characters in a char gram
+ *
+ * @author Chris Pollett
+ * @package seek_quarry
+ * @subpackage locale
+ */
+$GLOBALS['CHARGRAMS']['in'] = 5;
+$GLOBALS['CHARGRAMS']['in-ID'] = 5;
diff --git a/locale/in-ID/statistics.txt b/locale/in-ID/statistics.txt
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..ada6b5a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/in-ID/statistics.txt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/locale/it/configure.ini b/locale/it/configure.ini
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..7bf2f79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/it/configure.ini
@@ -0,0 +1,4186 @@
+; ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
+;  SeekQuarry/Yioop Open Source Pure PHP Search Engine, Crawler, and Indexer
+;  Copyright (C) 2009 - 2015  Chris Pollett
+;  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;  (at your option) any later version.
+;  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;  GNU General Public License for more details.
+;  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;  along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+;  ***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****
+; configure.ini
+; it configuration file
+; Strings to translate on various pages
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/seek_quarry//controllers
+; admin_controller.php line: 101
+admin_controller_need_cookies = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 150
+admin_controller_account_not_active = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 156
+admin_controller_login_successful = "Accesso effettuato!!"
+; admin_controller.php line: 175
+admin_controller_no_back_button = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 189
+admin_controller_login_failed = "Utente o Password non corretto!"
+; admin_controller.php line: 195
+admin_controller_login_to_config = "Accedi per continuare la configurazione (utente=root; nessuna password)"
+; admin_controller.php line: 199
+admin_controller_status_updates_stopped = "Aggiornamenti stato interrotti."
+; admin_controller.php line: 342
+admin_controller_account_access = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 343
+admin_controller_social = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 344
+admin_controller_crawl_settings = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 345
+admin_controller_system_settings = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 517
+admin_controller_equal = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 518
+admin_controller_not_equal = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 519
+admin_controller_contains = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 520
+admin_controller_begins_with = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 521
+admin_controller_ends_with = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 524
+admin_controller_equal = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 525
+admin_controller_not_equal = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 528
+admin_controller_no_sort = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 529
+admin_controller_sort_ascending = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 530
+admin_controller_sort_descending = ""
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/seek_quarry//controllers/components
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 132
+accountaccess_component_no_posts_yet = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 146
+accountaccess_component_passwords_too_long = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 155
+accountaccess_component_passwords_dont_match = "Password inserita errata."
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 162
+accountaccess_component_invalid_password = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 192
+accountaccess_component_unknown_imagetype = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 197
+accountaccess_component_icon_too_big = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 206
+accountaccess_component_no_user_folder = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 215
+accountaccess_component_user_updated = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 259
+accountaccess_component_active_status = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 260
+accountaccess_component_inactive_status = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 261
+accountaccess_component_banned_status = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 264
+accountaccess_component_request_join = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 265
+accountaccess_component_invited = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 266
+accountaccess_component_active_status = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 267
+accountaccess_component_banned_status = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 312
+accountaccess_component_passwords_too_long = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 317
+accountaccess_component_passwords_dont_match = "Password inserita errata."
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 321
+accountaccess_component_invalid_username = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 325
+accountaccess_component_user_exists = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 354
+accountaccess_component_user_added = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 363
+accountaccess_component_user_doesnt_exist = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 370
+accountaccess_component_cant_edit_public_user = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 412
+accountaccess_component_passwords_dont_match = "Password inserita errata."
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 418
+accountaccess_component_user_updated = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 424
+accountaccess_component_user_filter_group = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 428
+accountaccess_component_user_filter_role = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 439
+accountaccess_component_username_doesnt_exists = "L&#039;Utente non esiste"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 444
+accountaccess_component_cant_delete_builtin = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 449
+accountaccess_component_user_deleted = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 458
+accountaccess_component_username_doesnt_exists = "L&#039;Utente non esiste"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 463
+accountaccess_component_rolename_doesnt_exists = "Nome Ruolo inesistente"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 469
+accountaccess_component_rolename_already_added = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 475
+accountaccess_component_rolename_added = "Nome Ruolo aggiunto"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 485
+accountaccess_component_username_doesnt_exists = "L&#039;Utente non esiste"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 490
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+; accountaccess_component.php line: 496
+accountaccess_component_groupname_already_added = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 504
+accountaccess_component_groupname_added = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 514
+accountaccess_component_username_doesnt_exists = "L&#039;Utente non esiste"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 519
+accountaccess_component_rolename_doesnt_exists = "Nome Ruolo inesistente"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 528
+accountaccess_component_rolename_deleted = "Nome Ruolo cancellato"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 538
+accountaccess_component_username_doesnt_exists = "L&#039;Utente non esiste"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 543
+accountaccess_component_groupname_doesnt_exists = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 552
+accountaccess_component_group_deleted = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 569
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+; accountaccess_component.php line: 575
+accountaccess_component_userstatus_updated = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 733
+accountaccess_component_select_activityname = "Seleziona Attivit&agrave;"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 759
+accountaccess_component_rolename_doesnt_exists = "Nome Ruolo inesistente"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 775
+accountaccess_component_activity_added = "Attivit&agrave; aggiunta"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 784
+accountaccess_component_rolename_exists = "Nome Ruolo esistente"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 790
+accountaccess_component_rolename_added = "Nome Ruolo aggiunto"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 794
+accountaccess_component_rolename_blank = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 803
+accountaccess_component_rolename_doesnt_exists = "Nome Ruolo inesistente"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 821
+accountaccess_component_activity_deleted = "Attivit&agrave; cancellata"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 829
+accountaccess_component_rolename_doesnt_exists = "Nome Ruolo inesistente"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 835
+accountaccess_component_rolename_deleted = "Nome Ruolo cancellato"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 867
+accountaccess_component_role_updated = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 85
+crawl_component_starting_new_crawl = "Starting New Crawl!"
+; crawl_component.php line: 102
+crawl_component_stop_crawl = "Scansione finita... Serve qualche momento per aggiornare."
+; crawl_component.php line: 131
+crawl_component_resume_crawl = "Scansione ripresa... Serve qualche momento per aggiornare."
+; crawl_component.php line: 140
+crawl_component_delete_crawl_success = "Scansione cancellata... Serve qualche momento per aggiornare."
+; crawl_component.php line: 144
+crawl_component_delete_crawl_fail = "Cancellazione Scansione fallita!!"
+; crawl_component.php line: 153
+crawl_component_set_index = "Usa Scansione come indice"
+; crawl_component.php line: 187
+crawl_component_no_description = "Nessuna descrizione per la scansione"
+; crawl_component.php line: 334
+crawl_component_use_below = "Usa opzioni seguenti"
+; crawl_component.php line: 335
+crawl_component_use_defaults = "Usa predefiniti Yioop!"
+; crawl_component.php line: 338
+crawl_component_use_below = "Usa opzioni seguenti"
+; crawl_component.php line: 342
+crawl_component_previous_crawl = "Scansione precedente:"
+; crawl_component.php line: 413
+crawl_component_added_urls = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 427
+crawl_component_add_suggest = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 431
+crawl_component_no_new_suggests = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 478
+crawl_component_breadth_first = "Ampiezza prima"
+; crawl_component.php line: 480
+crawl_component_page_importance = "Importanza Pagina"
+; crawl_component.php line: 545
+crawl_component_added_urls = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 555
+crawl_component_urls_injected = "URL aggiunti!"
+; crawl_component.php line: 565
+crawl_component_update_seed_info = "Aggiornamento info sito di partenza!"
+; crawl_component.php line: 620
+crawl_component_new_classifier = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 624
+crawl_component_classifier_exists = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 647
+crawl_component_classifier_deleted = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 651
+crawl_component_no_classifier = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 662
+crawl_component_no_classifier = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 680
+crawl_component_finalizing_classifier = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 707
+crawl_component_finalizing_classifier = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 753
+crawl_component_classifier_exists = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 762
+crawl_component_load_failed = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 764
+crawl_component_loading = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 766
+crawl_component_added_examples = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 768
+crawl_component_label_update_failed = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 770
+crawl_component_updating = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 772
+crawl_component_acc_update_failed = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 774
+crawl_component_na = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 776
+crawl_component_no_docs = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 778
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+; crawl_component.php line: 780
+crawl_component_in_class = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 782
+crawl_component_not_in_class = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 784
+crawl_component_skip = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 786
+crawl_component_prediction = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 788
+crawl_component_scores = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 830
+crawl_component_use_below = "Usa opzioni seguenti"
+; crawl_component.php line: 831
+crawl_component_use_defaults = "Usa predefiniti Yioop!"
+; crawl_component.php line: 833
+crawl_component_use_below = "Usa opzioni seguenti"
+; crawl_component.php line: 841
+crawl_component_recrawl_never = "Mai"
+; crawl_component.php line: 842
+crawl_component_recrawl_1day = "1 giorno"
+; crawl_component.php line: 843
+crawl_component_recrawl_2day = "2 giorni"
+; crawl_component.php line: 844
+crawl_component_recrawl_3day = "3 giorni"
+; crawl_component.php line: 845
+crawl_component_recrawl_7day = "7 giorni"
+; crawl_component.php line: 846
+crawl_component_recrawl_14day = "14 giorni"
+; crawl_component.php line: 854
+crawl_component_basic = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 855
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+; crawl_component.php line: 1141
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+; crawl_component.php line: 1169
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+; crawl_component.php line: 1348
+crawl_component_results_editor_update = "Filtro Pagina aggiornato!"
+; crawl_component.php line: 1363
+crawl_component_edited_pages = "Seleziona un URL precedentemente modificato"
+; crawl_component.php line: 1376
+crawl_component_results_editor_need_url = "Aggiornamento pagina dei risultati necessita specificare URL!"
+; crawl_component.php line: 1382
+crawl_component_results_editor_page_updated = "Pagina dei risultatai aggiornata!"
+; crawl_component.php line: 1395
+crawl_component_results_editor_page_loaded = "Pagina caricata!"
+; crawl_component.php line: 1426
+crawl_component_media_kind = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1427
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+; crawl_component.php line: 1428
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+; crawl_component.php line: 1429
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+; crawl_component.php line: 1443
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+; crawl_component.php line: 1499
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+; crawl_component.php line: 1512
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+; crawl_component.php line: 1526
+crawl_component_invalid_url = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1533
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+; crawl_component.php line: 1550
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+; crawl_component.php line: 1563
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+; crawl_component.php line: 1571
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+; crawl_component.php line: 1577
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+; crawl_component.php line: 1583
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+; crawl_component.php line: 1590
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+; crawl_component.php line: 1597
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+; crawl_component.php line: 1632
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+; crawl_component.php line: 1707
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+; social_component.php line: 85
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+; social_component.php line: 86
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+; social_component.php line: 87
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+; social_component.php line: 88
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+; social_component.php line: 91
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+; social_component.php line: 92
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+; social_component.php line: 93
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+; social_component.php line: 94
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+; social_component.php line: 97
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+; social_component.php line: 98
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+; social_component.php line: 99
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+; social_component.php line: 100
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+; social_component.php line: 101
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+; social_component.php line: 104
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+; social_component.php line: 105
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+; social_component.php line: 106
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+; social_component.php line: 109
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+; social_component.php line: 110
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+; social_component.php line: 111
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+; social_component.php line: 112
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+; social_component.php line: 181
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+; social_component.php line: 186
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+; social_component.php line: 204
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+; social_component.php line: 208
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+; social_component.php line: 213
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+; social_component.php line: 228
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+; social_component.php line: 233
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+; social_component.php line: 254
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+; social_component.php line: 259
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+; social_component.php line: 265
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+; social_component.php line: 275
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+; social_component.php line: 302
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+; social_component.php line: 311
+social_component_groupname_doesnt_exists = ""
+; social_component.php line: 318
+social_component_group_deleted = ""
+; social_component.php line: 322
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+; social_component.php line: 335
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+; social_component.php line: 340
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+; social_component.php line: 390
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+; social_component.php line: 395
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+; social_component.php line: 473
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+; social_component.php line: 567
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+; social_component.php line: 2181
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+; social_component.php line: 2183
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+; social_component.php line: 2214
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+; social_component.php line: 2217
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+; social_component.php line: 2225
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+; social_component.php line: 2229
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+; social_component.php line: 2248
+social_component_mix_doesnt_exists = "Unione Scansioni da cancellare inesistente!"
+; social_component.php line: 2256
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+; social_component.php line: 2270
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+social_component_invalid_timestamp = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2304
+social_component_no_post_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2308
+social_component_share_title = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2310
+social_component_share_description = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2315
+social_component_thread_created = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2367
+social_component_mix_invalid_timestamp = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2372
+social_component_mix_not_owner = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2382
+social_component_add_crawls = "Aggiungi scansione"
+; social_component.php line: 2384
+social_component_num_results = "Numero di risultati"
+; social_component.php line: 2386
+social_component_del_frag = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2388
+social_component_weight = "Peso"
+; social_component.php line: 2389
+social_component_name = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2391
+social_component_add_keywords = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2393
+social_component_actions = "Azioni"
+; social_component.php line: 2395
+social_component_add_query = "Aggiungi Ricerca"
+; social_component.php line: 2396
+social_component_delete = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2443
+social_component_too_many_fragments = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2454
+social_component_mix_saved = "Cambiamenti Unione Scansioni effettuati!"
+; system_component.php line: 79
+system_component_select_machine = "Seleziona Macchina"
+; system_component.php line: 145
+system_component_machine_added = "Macchina aggiunta!"
+; system_component.php line: 149
+system_component_machine_exists = "Nome Macchina gi&agrave; esistente; cancellala prima!"
+; system_component.php line: 153
+system_component_machine_incomplete = "Campi mancanti dal modulo Macchina!"
+; system_component.php line: 160
+system_component_machine_doesnt_exists = "Nome Macchina inesistente!"
+; system_component.php line: 181
+system_component_stop_service_first = "Macchina in uso. Ferma il servizio che sta svolgendo!"
+; system_component.php line: 187
+system_component_machine_deleted = "Macchina cancellata!"
+; system_component.php line: 208
+system_component_media_mode_updated = ""
+; system_component.php line: 212
+system_component_media_update_failed = ""
+; system_component.php line: 275
+system_component_no_machine_log = "Nessun file di log trovato."
+; system_component.php line: 304
+system_component_machine_servers_updated = "Server macchina aggiornato!"
+; system_component.php line: 308
+system_component_machine_no_action = "Impossibile svolgere azione!"
+; system_component.php line: 344
+system_component_select_mode = ""
+; system_component.php line: 386
+system_component_locale_missing_info = ""
+; system_component.php line: 393
+system_component_locale_added = "Lingua aggiunta!"
+; system_component.php line: 400
+system_component_localename_doesnt_exists = "Lingua inesistente!"
+; system_component.php line: 405
+system_component_localename_deleted = "Lingua cancellata"
+; system_component.php line: 411
+system_component_localename_doesnt_exists = "Lingua inesistente!"
+; system_component.php line: 440
+system_component_locale_updated = ""
+; system_component.php line: 470
+system_component_localestrings_updated = "Stringa Lingua aggiornata!"
+; system_component.php line: 481
+system_component_all_strings = ""
+; system_component.php line: 482
+system_component_missing_strings = ""
+; system_component.php line: 568
+system_component_configure_no_change_db = "Problema aggiornamento database!"
+; system_component.php line: 573
+system_component_configure_profile_change = "Profilo aggiornato!"
+; system_component.php line: 576
+system_component_configure_no_change_profile = "C&#039;&egrave; stato un problema nell&#039;aggiornamento Profilo!"
+; system_component.php line: 598
+system_component_configure_disable_registration = ""
+; system_component.php line: 600
+system_component_configure_no_activation = ""
+; system_component.php line: 602
+system_component_configure_email_activation = ""
+; system_component.php line: 604
+system_component_configure_admin_activation = ""
+; system_component.php line: 669
+captchasettings_element_text_captcha = ""
+; system_component.php line: 671
+captchasettings_element_hash_captcha = ""
+; system_component.php line: 673
+captchasettings_element_image_captcha = ""
+; system_component.php line: 678
+serversettings_element_normal_authentication = ""
+; system_component.php line: 680
+serversettings_element_zkp_authentication = ""
+; system_component.php line: 685
+serversettings_element_normal_authentication = ""
+; system_component.php line: 710
+system_component_settings_updated = ""
+; system_component.php line: 713
+system_component_no_update_settings = ""
+; system_component.php line: 780
+system_component_configure_use_absolute_path = "Devi usare un percorso assoluto per la Cartella di Lavoro"
+; system_component.php line: 785
+system_component_configure_configure_diff_base_dir = ""
+; system_component.php line: 810
+system_component_configure_work_dir_set = "Cartella di Lavoro creata! Potrebbe essere necessario ri-accedere!"
+; system_component.php line: 821
+system_component_name_your_bot = "Dai un nome al tuo Robot"
+; system_component.php line: 846
+system_component_configure_work_profile_made = "Cartella di Lavoro e Profilo creati!"
+; system_component.php line: 850
+system_component_configure_no_set_config = "Impossibile aggiornare il file config.php!"
+; system_component.php line: 857
+system_component_configure_no_create_profile = "Impossibile creare Profilo!"
+; system_component.php line: 864
+system_component_configure_work_dir_invalid = "Cartella di Lavoro non valida! Impossibile creare Profilo!"
+; system_component.php line: 871
+system_component_configure_work_dir_invalid = "Cartella di Lavoro non valida! Impossibile creare Profilo!"
+; system_component.php line: 893
+system_component_no_resource_folder = ""
+; system_component.php line: 907
+system_component_invalid_filetype = ""
+; system_component.php line: 912
+system_component_file_too_big = ""
+; system_component.php line: 935
+system_component_configure_profile_change = "Profilo aggiornato!"
+; system_component.php line: 939
+system_component_configure_no_change_profile = "C&#039;&egrave; stato un problema nell&#039;aggiornamento Profilo!"
+; system_component.php line: 988
+system_component_configure_reset_completed = ""
+; system_component.php line: 992
+system_component_configure_no_change_profile = "C&#039;&egrave; stato un problema nell&#039;aggiornamento Profilo!"
+; system_component.php line: 1025
+system_component_describe_robot = "Descrivi il tuo Robot"
+; system_component.php line: 1091
+system_component_php_version = "PHP Versione 5.3 o maggiore"
+; system_component.php line: 1099
+system_component_no_write_config_php = "File configs/config.php non scrivibile dal web server."
+; system_component.php line: 1104
+system_component_no_write_work_dir = "La Cartella di Lavoro deve essere scrivibile dal web server. "
+; system_component.php line: 1109
+system_component_post_size_small = "La variabile post_max_size nel file php.ini dovrebbe essere minimo 32M"
+; system_component.php line: 1115
+system_component_missing_required = "I seguenti oggetti richiesti sono mancanti: %s"
+; system_component.php line: 1138
+system_component_missing_optional = "I seguenti oggetti opzionali sono mancanti: %s"
+; system_component.php line: 1143
+system_component_check_passed = "Controllo passato."
+; system_component.php line: 1148
+system_component_using_local_config = "Usando configs/local_config.php la Cartella di Lavoro sopra potrebbe non funzionare."
+; machine_controller.php line: 172
+machine_controller_nolines = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 246
+register_controller_need_cookies = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 313
+register_controller_account_created = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 331
+register_controller_registration_email_sent = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 333
+register_controller_admin_activation_request = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 334
+register_controller_admin_email_salutation = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 336
+register_controller_email_body = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 369
+register_controller_account_request_made = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 373
+register_controller_admin_activation_request = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 374
+register_controller_admin_activation_message = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 416
+register_controller_email_verification_error = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 422
+register_controller_already_activated = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 429
+register_controller_account_activated = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 432
+register_controller_email_verification_error = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 480
+register_controller_account_recover_fail = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 489
+register_controller_account_recover_fail = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 493
+register_controller_account_recover_email = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 497
+register_controller_recover_request = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 498
+register_controller_admin_email_salutation = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 500
+register_controller_recover_body = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 534
+register_controller_account_recover_fail = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 546
+register_controller_account_recover_fail = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 559
+register_controller_account_recover_fail = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 566
+register_controller_recovered_already = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 570
+register_controller_recovery_expired = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 576
+register_controller_password_changed = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 584
+register_controller_passwords_dont_match = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 598
+register_controller_recovered_already = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 602
+register_controller_recovery_expired = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 728
+register_controller_invalid_url = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 732
+register_controller_error_fields = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 746
+register_controller_failed_hashcode = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 756
+register_controller_failed_human = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 783
+register_controller_failed_graphical_human = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 797
+register_controller_suggest_full = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 801
+register_controller_url_submitted = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 1004
+register_controller_need_cookies = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 1010
+register_controller_failed_human = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 1025
+register_controller_failed_graphical_human = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 1036
+register_controller_failed_hashcode = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 1064
+register_controller_error_fields = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 1067
+register_controller_check_email = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 1074
+register_controller_user_already_exists = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 235
+search_controller_web = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 295
+search_controller_logout_successful = "Accesso eseguito!!"
+; search_controller.php line: 500
+search_controller_mix_info = "Unione Scansioni in uso: %s"
+; search_controller.php line: 506
+search_controller_crawl_info = "Indice in uso: %s -- Dimensioni: %s pagine/%s URL"
+; search_controller.php line: 542
+search_controller_search = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 646
+search_controller_no_index_set = "Nessun Indice in uso!"
+; search_controller.php line: 649
+search_controller_no_index_set = "Nessun Indice in uso!"
+; search_controller.php line: 1300
+search_controller_download_fetcher = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1309
+search_controller_no_archive_page = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1358
+search_controller_yioop_cache = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1363
+search_controller_original_page = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1380
+search_controller_extracted_title = "Titolo estratto"
+; search_controller.php line: 1382
+search_controller_extracted_description = "Descrizione estratta"
+; search_controller.php line: 1384
+search_controller_extracted_links = "Link estratti"
+; search_controller.php line: 1389
+search_controller_extracted_allow_paths = "Percorsi scansionabili ammessi estratti"
+; search_controller.php line: 1395
+search_controller_extracted_disallow_paths = "Percorsi scansionabili non ammessi estratti"
+; search_controller.php line: 1401
+search_controller_crawl_delay = "Ritardo Scansione YioopBot"
+; search_controller.php line: 1466
+search_controller_cache_comment = "Pagina archiviata Yioop... Questa pagina &egrave; stata modificata per aggiungere una direttiva al Robot, creare link assoluti, aggiungere sommari estratti, e evidenziari termini di ricerca."
+; search_controller.php line: 1477
+search_controller_yioop_cache = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1513
+search_controller_cached_version = "Questa versione archiviata di %s &egrave; stata ottenuta dal Crawler di Yioop il %s."
+; search_controller.php line: 1608
+search_controller_download_fetcher = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1626
+search_controller_header_summaries = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1739
+search_controller_history = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1908
+search_controller_all_cached = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1939
+search_controller_year = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1940
+search_controller_month = ""
+; settings_controller.php line: 115
+settings_controller_crawl_mix = "unione scansioni"
+; settings_controller.php line: 130
+settings_controller_settings_saved = "Settaggi salvati!"
+; static_controller.php line: 67
+static_controller_logout_successful = ""
+; static_controller.php line: 145
+static_controller_complete_title = ""
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/sq_data/app/controllers
+; main_controller.php line: 87
+search_controller_logout_successful = "Accesso eseguito!!"
+; main_controller.php line: 112
+main_controller_download = ""
+; main_controller.php line: 129
+main_controller_missing_fields = ""
+; main_controller.php line: 164
+main_controller_yioop_download = ""
+; main_controller.php line: 165
+main_controller_click_download = ""
+; main_controller.php line: 178
+main_controller_url_error = ""
+; main_controller.php line: 187
+main_controller_expired_url = ""
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/seek_quarry//views
+; admin_view.php line: 70
+admin_view_admin = "Amministratore"
+; admin_view.php line: 89
+adminview_auto_logout_one_minute = "Fine Accesso in un minuto!!"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 52
+crawlstatus_view_currently_processing = "In fase di elaborazione"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 53
+crawlstatus_view_description = "Descrizione:"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 58
+crawlstatus_view_starting_crawl = "Inizio nuova Scansione..."
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 62
+managecrawls_element_stop_crawl = "Ferma Scansione"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 66
+crawlstatus_view_resuming_crawl = "Riprendi Scansione"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 70
+managecrawls_element_stop_crawl = "Ferma Scansione"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 74
+crawlstatus_view_shutdown_queue = "Chiusura Coda..."
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 77
+crawlstatus_view_closing_dict = "Chiusura dizionario Scansione..."
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 80
+crawlstatus_view_run_plugins = "Esecuzione PlugIn..."
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 88
+managecrawls_element_stop_crawl = "Ferma Scansione"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 96
+crawlstatus_view_set_index = "Usa come Indice"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 99
+crawlstatus_view_search_index = "Cerca Indice"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 107
+crawlstatus_view_changeoptions = "Modifica opzioni Scansione"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 109
+crawlstatus_view_no_description = "Nessuna Scansione attiva"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 114
+crawlstatus_view_timestamp = "Marca Temporale:"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 116
+crawlstatus_view_time_started = "Ora di inizio:"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 122
+crawlstatus_view_indexer_memory = "Picco memoria Indicizzatore:"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 124
+crawlstatus_view_scheduler_memory = "Picco memoria prevista:"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 127
+crawlstatus_view_queue_memory = "Picco memoria Server:"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 132
+crawlstatus_view_no_mem_data = "Dati memoria non disponibili"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 136
+crawlstatus_view_fetcher_memory = "Picco memoria Acquisitore:"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 141
+crawlstatus_view_no_mem_data = "Dati memoria non disponibili"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 144
+crawlstatus_view_webapp_memory = "Picco memoria Applicazione Web:"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 149
+crawlstatus_view_no_mem_data = "Dati memoria non disponibili"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 152
+crawlstatus_view_urls_per_hour = "URL visitati all&#039;ora:"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 160
+crawlstatus_view_visited_urls = "URL visitati finora:"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 164
+crawlstatus_view_total_urls = "Totale URL visti:"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 167
+crawlstatus_view_most_recent_fetcher = "Acquisitori pi&ugrave; recenti:"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 176
+crawlstatus_view_no_fetcher = "Ancora nessuna Acquisizione"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 180
+crawlstatus_view_most_recent_urls = "URL pi&ugrave; recenti"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 190
+crawlstatus_view_no_recent_urls = "Nessun URL recente"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 193
+crawlstatus_view_previous_crawls = "Scansioni precedenti"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 203
+crawlstatus_view_description = "Descrizione:"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 206
+crawlstatus_view_timestamp = "Marca Temporale:"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 207
+crawlstatus_view_url_counts = "URL visitati/estratti:"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 211
+crawlstatus_view_actions = "Azioni"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 222
+crawlstatus_view_statistics = "Statistiche"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 238
+crawlstatus_view_resume = "Riprendi"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 240
+crawlstatus_view_no_resume = "Chiusa"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 247
+crawlstatus_view_set_index = "Usa come Indice"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 250
+crawlstatus_view_search_index = "Cerca Indice"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 257
+crawlstatus_view_delete = "Cancella"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 265
+crawlstatus_view_no_previous_crawl = "Nessuna Scansione precedente"
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/seek_quarry//views/elements
+; activity_element.php line: 54
+activity_element_activities = "Attivit&agrave;"
+; configure_element.php line: 76
+configure_element_work_directory = "Cartella di Lavoro del Motore di Ricerca"
+; configure_element.php line: 82
+configure_element_load_or_create = "Carica o crea"
+; configure_element.php line: 100
+configure_element_component_check = "Controllo componenti"
+; configure_element.php line: 104
+configure_element_profile_settings = "Impostazioni Profili"
+; configure_element.php line: 107
+configure_element_toggle_advanced = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 114
+configure_element_default_language = "Lingua predefinita:"
+; configure_element.php line: 121
+configure_element_debug_display = "Mostra Debug"
+; configure_element.php line: 126
+configure_element_error_info = "Info Errori"
+; configure_element.php line: 131
+configure_element_query_info = "Info Ricerca"
+; configure_element.php line: 136
+configure_element_test_info = "Info Test"
+; configure_element.php line: 141
+configure_element_site_access = "Accesso ricerca"
+; configure_element.php line: 146
+configure_element_web_access = "Web"
+; configure_element.php line: 151
+configure_element_rss_access = "RSS"
+; configure_element.php line: 156
+configure_element_api_access = "API"
+; configure_element.php line: 161
+configure_element_customizations = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 163
+configure_element_use_wiki_landing = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 170
+configure_element_background_color = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 178
+configure_element_background_image = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 185
+configure_element_background_image = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 194
+configure_element_foreground_color = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 200
+configure_element_topbar_color = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 206
+configure_element_sidebar_color = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 214
+configure_element_site_logo = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 221
+configure_element_site_logo = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 232
+configure_element_mobile_logo = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 239
+configure_element_mobile_logo = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 250
+configure_element_favicon = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 257
+configure_element_favicon = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 267
+configure_element_toolbar = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 278
+configure_element_site_timezone = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 284
+configure_element_cookie_name = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 290
+configure_element_token_name = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 296
+configure_element_auxiliary_css = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 304
+configure_element_reset_customizations = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 311
+configure_element_crawl_robot = "Impostazione Robot Scansione"
+; configure_element.php line: 313
+configure_element_robot_name = "Nome Robot Scansione:"
+; configure_element.php line: 321
+configure_element_robot_instance = "Istanza Robot:"
+; configure_element.php line: 328
+configure_element_robot_description = "Descrizione Robot"
+; configure_element.php line: 338
+serversettings_element_submit = "Invia"
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 55
+crawloptions_element_back_to_manage = "Indietro"
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 58
+crawloptions_element_modify_active_crawl = "Modifica Scansione attiva"
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 60
+crawloptions_element_edit_crawl_options = "Modifica opzioni Scansione"
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 83
+crawloptions_element_web_crawl = "Scansione Web"
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 93
+crawloptions_element_archive_crawl = "Scansione Archivio"
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 100
+crawloptions_element_load_options = "Carica opzioni Scansione da:"
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 105
+crawloptions_element_crawl_order = "Ordine Scansione:"
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 114
+crawloptions_element_restrict_by_url = "Limita siti con URL:"
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 122
+crawloptions_element_allowed_to_crawl = "Siti ammessi alla Scansione"
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 129
+crawloptions_element_disallowed_and_quota_sites = "Siti non ammessi/Siti con limiti"
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 140
+crawloptions_element_seed_sites = "Siti di partenza"
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 144
+crawloptions_element_add_suggest_urls = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 155
+crawloptions_element_inject_sites = "Siti da aggiungere alla Scansione corrente"
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 159
+crawloptions_element_add_suggest_urls = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 176
+crawloptions_element_reindex_crawl = "Scansione o Cartella archivi da reindicizzare:"
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 185
+crawloptions_element_need_api_for_mix = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 193
+crawloptions_element_save_options = "Salva opzioni"
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 58
+editclassifier_back = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 60
+editclassifier_edit_classifier = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 72
+editclassifier_classifier_label = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 77
+editclassifier_change = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 82
+editclassifier_statistics = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 83
+editclassifier_positive_examples = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 86
+editclassifier_negative_examples = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 89
+editclassifier_accuracy = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 94
+crawl_component_na = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 99
+editclassifier_update = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 100
+editclassifier_add_examples = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 109
+editclassifier_source = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 113
+editclassifier_default_crawl = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 123
+editclassifier_label_by_hand = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 125
+editclassifier_all_in_class = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 127
+editclassifier_none_in_class = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 132
+editclassifier_keywords = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 141
+editclassifier_load = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 147
+editclassifier_finalize = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 155
+editclassifier_no_documents = ""
+; editlocales_element.php line: 55
+editlocales_element_back_to_manage = "Indietro"
+; editlocales_element.php line: 57
+editlocales_element_edit_locale = "Modifica Lingua: %s"
+; editlocales_element.php line: 71
+editlocales_element_show = ""
+; editlocales_element.php line: 75
+editlocales_element_filter = ""
+; editlocales_element.php line: 82
+editlocales_element_go = ""
+; editlocales_element.php line: 86
+editlocales_element_no_matching = ""
+; editlocales_element.php line: 119
+editlocales_element_submit = "Invia"
+; editmix_element.php line: 51
+editmix_element_back_to_mix = "Indietro"
+; editmix_element.php line: 53
+mixcrawls_element_edit_mix = "Modifica Unione Scansioni"
+; editmix_element.php line: 64
+mixcrawls_element_mix_name = "Nome Unione:"
+; editmix_element.php line: 70
+mixcrawls_element_mix_components = "Componenti Unione"
+; editmix_element.php line: 77
+mixcrawls_element_too_many = ""
+; editmix_element.php line: 79
+mixcrawls_element_add_fragment = ""
+; editmix_element.php line: 85
+mixcrawls_element_save_button = "Salva"
+; footer_element.php line: 59
+footer_element_blog = "Blog"
+; footer_element.php line: 61
+footer_element_privacy = "Privacy"
+; footer_element.php line: 63
+footer_element_terms = ""
+; footer_element.php line: 65
+footer_element_tools = ""
+; footer_element.php line: 67
+footer_element_bot = "YioopBot"
+; footer_element.php line: 72
+footer_element_developed_seek_quarry = "Sviluppato da SeekQuarry"
+; footer_element.php line: 75
+footer_element_copyright_yioop = ""
+; footer_element.php line: 77
+footer_element_php_search_engine = "Motore di Ricerca in PHP"
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 91
+groupfeed_element_add_group = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 95
+groupfeed_element_request_add = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 122
+groupfeed_element_wiki_page = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 124
+groupfeed_element_back = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 127
+groupfeed_element_back = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 136
+groupfeed_element_group_activity = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 140
+groupfeed_element_wiki_thread = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 159
+groupfeed_element_feed = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 163
+group_view_wiki = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 165
+groupfeed_element_user = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 206
+groupfeed_element_comment = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 238
+manageaccount_element_group_wiki = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 239
+manageaccount_element_group_stats = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 244
+manageaccount_element_last_post = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 286
+groupfeed_element_comment = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 297
+groupfeed_element_start_thread = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 311
+groupfeed_element_start_thread = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 317
+groupfeed_element_no_posts_yet = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 323
+groupfeed_element_thread_no_exist = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 358
+groupfeed_element_edit = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 363
+groupfeed_element_delete = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 385
+groupfeed_element_num_posts = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 395
+groupfeed_element_num_views = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 420
+groupfeed_element_start_thread_in_group = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 422
+groupfeed_element_start_thread_in_group = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 436
+groupfeed_element_last_edited = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 452
+groupfeed_element_post_vote = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 479
+groupfeed_element_last_post_info = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 494
+groupfeed_element_comment = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 547
+fileupload_helper_drag_textarea = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 548
+fileupload_helper_click_textarea = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 572
+groupfeed_element_add_comment = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 586
+groupfeed_element_save = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 625
+groupfeed_element_subject = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 632
+groupfeed_element_post = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 645
+groupfeed_element_save = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 681
+groupfeed_element_edit_post = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 684
+groupfeed_element_subject = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 690
+groupfeed_element_post = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 703
+groupfeed_element_save = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 732
+groupfeed_element_no_longer_update = ""
+; machinelog_element.php line: 54
+machinelog_element_back_to_manage = "Indietro"
+; machinelog_element.php line: 59
+machinelog_element_filter = ""
+; machinelog_element.php line: 66
+machinelog_element_log_file = "%s File Log"
+; machinelog_element.php line: 71
+machinelog_element_refresh_off = "Disabilita auto-aggiornamento"
+; machinelog_element.php line: 76
+machinelog_element_refresh_on = "Abilita auto-aggiornamento"
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 60
+manageaccount_element_lock = ""
+manageaccount_element_edit = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 67
+manageaccount_element_welcome = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 69
+manageaccount_element_what_can_do = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 71
+manageaccount_element_account_details = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 100
+manageaccounts_element_icon = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 110
+manageusers_element_username = "Utente: "
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 117
+manageusers_element_firstname = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 123
+manageusers_element_lastname = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 129
+manageusers_element_email = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 138
+manageaccount_element_password = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 145
+manageaccount_element_new_password = "Nuova Password: "
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 151
+manageaccount_element_retype_password = "Riscrivi Password: "
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 163
+manageaccount_element_save = "Salva"
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 169
+manageaccount_element_search_lang_settings = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 174
+manageaccount_element_crawl_and_index = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 175
+manageaccount_element_crawl_info = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 176
+manageaccount_element_num_crawls = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 179
+manageaccount_element_manage_crawls = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 185
+manageaccount_element_groups_and_feeds = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 186
+manageaccount_element_group_info = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 188
+manageaccount_element_num_groups = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 191
+manageaccount_element_num_group = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 203
+manageaccount_element_group_wiki = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 204
+manageaccount_element_group_stats = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 209
+manageaccount_element_last_post = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 219
+manageaccount_element_manage_all_groups = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 221
+manageaccount_element_go_to_group_feed = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 223
+manageaccount_element_crawl_mixes = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 224
+manageaccount_element_mixes_info = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 226
+manageaccount_element_num_mixes = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 229
+manageaccount_element_num_mix = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 233
+manageaccount_element_manage_mixes = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 61
+manageclassifiers_available_classifiers = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 69
+manageclassifiers_label_col = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 72
+manageclassifiers_positive_col = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 74
+manageclassifiers_negative_col = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 80
+manageclassifiers_actions_col = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 99
+manageclassifiers_edit = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 102
+manageclassifiers_finalized = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 109
+manageclassifiers_finalize = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 111
+manageclassifiers_finalize = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 115
+manageclassifiers_finalizing = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 119
+confirm_delete_operation = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 123
+manageclassifiers_delete = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 156
+manageclassifiers_manage_classifiers = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 166
+manageclassifiers_classifier_name = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 171
+manageclassifiers_create_button = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 186
+manageclassifiers_element_search = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 187
+manageclassifiers_element_create_form = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 189
+manageclassifiers_classifier_name = ""
+; managecrawls_element.php line: 49
+managecrawls_element_create_crawl = "Crea Scansione"
+; managecrawls_element.php line: 58
+managecrawls_element_description = "Nome"
+; managecrawls_element.php line: 65
+managecrawls_element_start_new_crawl = "Inizia Nuova Scansione"
+; managecrawls_element.php line: 69
+managecrawls_element_options = "Opzioni"
+; managecrawls_element.php line: 75
+managecrawls_element_awaiting_status = "Attesa stato Scansione"
+; managecrawls_element.php line: 93
+managecrawls_element_up_longer_update = "Stato Scansione non aggiornato"
+; managegroups_element.php line: 67
+managegroups_element_not_my_groups = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 69
+managegroups_element_groups = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 78
+managegroups_element_groupname = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 79
+managegroups_element_groupowner = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 81
+managegroups_element_registertype = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 82
+managegroups_element_memberaccess = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 83
+managegroups_element_voting = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 84
+managegroups_element_post_lifetime = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 87
+managegroups_element_actions = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 201
+manageaccount_element_group_wiki = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 216
+managegroups_element_join = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 220
+managegroups_element_edit = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 225
+managegroups_element_edit = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 230
+managegroups_element_delete = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 236
+managegroups_element_join = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 241
+managegroups_element_join = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 250
+managegroups_element_decline = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 252
+managegroups_element_unsubscribe = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 257
+confirm_delete_operation = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 260
+managegroups_element_delete = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 289
+managegroups_element_addgroup_form = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 290
+managegroups_element_group_info = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 292
+managegroups_element_create_group = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 296
+managegroups_element_add_group = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 313
+managegroups_element_groupname = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 324
+managegroups_element_browse = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 335
+managegroups_element_register = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 342
+managegroups_element_memberaccess = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 349
+managegroups_element_voting = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 356
+managegroups_element_post_lifetime = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 368
+managegroups_element_group_users = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 372
+managegroups_element_num_users = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 398
+managegroups_element_groupowner = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 400
+managegroups_element_delete = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 410
+managegroups_element_activate = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 416
+managegroups_element_ban = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 422
+managegroups_element_unban = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 430
+managegroups_element_delete = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 459
+managegroups_element_filter = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 480
+managegroups_element_invite = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 491
+managegroups_element_save = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 520
+managegroups_element_group_info = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 521
+managegroups_element_invite_users_group = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 533
+managegroups_element_groupname = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 541
+managegroups_element_usernames = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 548
+managegroups_element_invite = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 566
+managegroups_element_addgroup_form = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 567
+managegroups_element_transfer_group_owner = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 580
+managegroups_element_groupname = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 588
+managegroups_element_new_group_owner = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 595
+managegroups_element_change_owner = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 614
+managegroups_element_discover_groups = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 618
+managegroups_element_search_group = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 620
+managegroups_element_addgroup_form = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 622
+managegroups_element_groupname = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 623
+managegroups_element_groupowner = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 624
+managegroups_element_registertype = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 626
+managegroups_element_memberaccess = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 628
+managegroups_element_post_lifetime = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 59
+managelocales_element_locale_list = "Lista Lingue"
+; managelocales_element.php line: 69
+managelocales_element_localename = "Nome Lingua"
+; managelocales_element.php line: 72
+managelocales_element_localetag = "TAG Lingua"
+; managelocales_element.php line: 73
+managelocales_element_writingmode = "Modo scrittura"
+; managelocales_element.php line: 75
+managelocales_element_enabled = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 80
+managelocales_element_percenttranslated = "Percentuale tradotta"
+; managelocales_element.php line: 81
+managelocales_element_actions = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 101
+managelocales_element_true = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 102
+managelocales_element_false = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 109
+managelocales_element_edit = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 114
+confirm_delete_operation = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 115
+managelocales_element_delete = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 135
+manageloecales_element_add_locale_form = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 136
+managelocales_element_locale_info = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 138
+managelocales_element_add_locale = "Aggiungi Lingua"
+; managelocales_element.php line: 160
+managelocales_element_localenamelabel = "Nome Lingua:"
+; managelocales_element.php line: 173
+managelocales_element_localetaglabel = "TAG Lingua:"
+; managelocales_element.php line: 179
+managelocales_element_writingmodelabel = "Modo scrittura:"
+; managelocales_element.php line: 189
+managelocales_element_localeenabled = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 200
+managelocales_element_submit = "Invia"
+; managelocales_element.php line: 218
+managelocales_element_search_locales = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 219
+managelocales_element_addlocale_form = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 221
+managelocales_element_localename = "Nome Lingua"
+; managelocales_element.php line: 222
+managelocales_element_localetag = "TAG Lingua"
+; managelocales_element.php line: 223
+managelocales_element_writingmode = "Modo scrittura"
+; managelocales_element.php line: 224
+managelocales_element_enabled = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 230
+managelocales_element_true = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 231
+managelocales_element_false = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 51
+managemachines_element_add_machine = "Aggiungi Macchina"
+; managemachines_element.php line: 63
+managemachines_element_machine_name = "Nome Macchina:"
+; managemachines_element.php line: 68
+managemachines_element_machineurl = "URL Macchina:"
+; managemachines_element.php line: 73
+managemachines_element_is_mirror = "&Egrave; un mirror:"
+; managemachines_element.php line: 78
+managemachines_element_parent_name = "Nome Fonte:"
+; managemachines_element.php line: 84
+managemachines_element_has_queueserver = "Ha Server di Coda:"
+; managemachines_element.php line: 88
+managemachines_element_num_fetchers = "Numero Acquisitori:"
+; managemachines_element.php line: 93
+managemachines_element_submit = "Invia"
+; managemachines_element.php line: 98
+managemachines_element_machine_info = "Informazione Macchina"
+; managemachines_element.php line: 104
+managemachines_element_awaiting_status = "In attesa stato Macchine..."
+; managemachines_element.php line: 123
+managemachines_element_no_longer_update = "Stato Macchine non aggiornato..."
+; manageroles_element.php line: 56
+manageroles_element_roles = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 64
+manageroles_element_rolename = "Nome Ruolo: "
+; manageroles_element.php line: 66
+manageroles_element_actions = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 91
+manageroles_element_edit = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 96
+manageroles_element_delete = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 100
+confirm_delete_operation = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 103
+manageroles_element_delete = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 136
+manageroles_element_addrole_form = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 137
+manageroles_element_role_info = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 139
+manageroles_element_add_role = "Aggiungi Ruolo"
+; manageroles_element.php line: 151
+manageroles_element_rolename = "Nome Ruolo: "
+; manageroles_element.php line: 164
+manageroles_element_role_activities = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 173
+manageroles_element_delete = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 180
+manageroles_element_delete = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 200
+manageroles_element_save = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 218
+manageroles_element_search_role = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 219
+manageroles_element_addrole_form = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 221
+manageroles_element_rolename = "Nome Ruolo: "
+; manageusers_element.php line: 56
+manageusers_element_users = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 65
+manageusers_element_username = "Utente: "
+; manageusers_element.php line: 67
+manageusers_element_firstname = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 68
+manageusers_element_lastname = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 69
+manageusers_element_email = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 71
+manageusers_element_status = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 73
+manageusers_element_actions = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 135
+manageusers_element_edit = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 139
+manageusers_element_edit = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 146
+manageusers_element_delete = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 150
+confirm_delete_operation = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 153
+manageusers_element_delete = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 194
+manageusers_element_adduser_form = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 195
+manageusers_element_user_info = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 197
+manageusers_element_add_user = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 222
+manageusers_element_username = "Utente: "
+; manageusers_element.php line: 232
+manageusers_element_firstname = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 238
+manageusers_element_lastname = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 244
+manageusers_element_email = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 251
+manageusers_element_status = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 268
+manageusers_element_roles = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 272
+manageusers_element_num_roles = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 287
+manageusers_element_delete = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 297
+manageusers_element_delete = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 340
+manageusers_element_filter = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 352
+manageusers_element_add_role = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 362
+manageusers_element_groups = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 366
+manageusers_element_num_groups = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 387
+manageusers_element_delete = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 427
+manageusers_element_filter = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 439
+manageusers_element_add_group = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 452
+manageusers_element_password = "Password: "
+; manageusers_element.php line: 458
+manageusers_element_retype_password = "Riscrivi Password: "
+; manageusers_element.php line: 465
+manageusers_element_save = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 492
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+; manageusers_element.php line: 493
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+; manageusers_element.php line: 495
+manageusers_element_username = "Utente: "
+; manageusers_element.php line: 496
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+; manageusers_element.php line: 497
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+; manageusers_element.php line: 498
+manageusers_element_email = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 499
+manageusers_element_status = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 61
+mixcrawls_element_available_mixes = "Unioni disponibili"
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 68
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+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 70
+mixcrawls_view_definition = "Definizione"
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 74
+mixcrawls_view_actions = "Azioni"
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 108
+mixcrawls_view_no_components = "L&#039;Unione non ha ancora componenti"
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 115
+mixcrawls_view_share = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 118
+mixcrawls_view_edit = "Modifica"
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 124
+mixcrawls_set_index = "Usa come Indice"
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 127
+mixcrawl_search_index = "Cerca Indice"
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 133
+confirm_delete_operation = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 136
+mixcrawls_view_delete = "Cancella"
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 146
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+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 147
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+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 157
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+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 163
+mixcrawls_element_group = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 169
+mixcrawls_element_share = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 193
+mixcrawls_element_make_mix = "Crea Unione Scansioni"
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 203
+mixcrawls_element_mix_name = "Nome Unione:"
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 208
+mixcrawls_element_create_button = "Crea"
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 223
+mixcrawls_element_search_mix = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 224
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+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 226
+mixcrawls_element_mixname = ""
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 78
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+; moreoptions_element.php line: 113
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+; moreoptions_element.php line: 126
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+signin_element_signin = "Accedi"
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 144
+signin_element_admin = "Amministratore"
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 156
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+; moreoptions_element.php line: 168
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+; moreoptions_element.php line: 171
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 91
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 100
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 106
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 116
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 123
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 153
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 169
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 200
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 209
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 212
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 229
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 244
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 254
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 261
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 269
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 278
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 286
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 295
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 311
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 320
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 325
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 330
+pageoptions_element_description_weight = "Peso Descrizione:"
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 335
+pageoptions_element_link_weight = "Peso Link:"
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 340
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 345
+pageoptions_element_min_results_to_group = "Minimo risultati da raggruppare:"
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 351
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 359
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 363
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 380
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 382
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+; resultseditor_element.php line: 51
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+; resultseditor_element.php line: 56
+resultseditor_element_edited_pages = "URL modificati:"
+; resultseditor_element.php line: 65
+resultseditor_element_url_list = "Seleziona un sommario precedentemente modificato"
+; resultseditor_element.php line: 67
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+; resultseditor_element.php line: 78
+resultseditor_element_page_url = "URL:"
+; resultseditor_element.php line: 85
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+; resultseditor_element.php line: 91
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+; resultseditor_element.php line: 97
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+; resultseditor_element.php line: 100
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+; resultseditor_element.php line: 103
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+; resultseditor_element.php line: 115
+resultseditor_element_sites_to_filter = "Siti da filtrare"
+; resultseditor_element.php line: 121
+resultseditor_element_save_filter = "Salva Filtro"
+; searchsources_element.php line: 58
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 59
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 63
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 87
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 92
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 101
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 155
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 229
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 234
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 327
+searchsources_element_localize = ""
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+; security_element.php line: 54
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+; security_element.php line: 65
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+; security_element.php line: 86
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+; security_element.php line: 100
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+; security_element.php line: 104
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+; security_element.php line: 111
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+; security_element.php line: 116
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+; security_element.php line: 121
+security_element_edit_recovery = ""
+; security_element.php line: 124
+security_element_edit_captcha = ""
+; serversettings_element.php line: 57
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 65
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 72
+serversettings_element_name_server_url = "URL Nome Server:"
+; serversettings_element.php line: 80
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 88
+serversettings_element_memcache_servers = "Server Memcache"
+; serversettings_element.php line: 99
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 110
+configure_element_database_setup = "Impostazione Database"
+; serversettings_element.php line: 115
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 123
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 130
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 137
+serversettings_element_databaseuser = "Utente Database:"
+; serversettings_element.php line: 145
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 158
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 170
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 176
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 183
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 189
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 195
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 201
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 208
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 219
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 224
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 230
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 239
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 251
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 304
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+; signin_element.php line: 70
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+; signin_element.php line: 74
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+; signin_element.php line: 78
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+; subsearch_element.php line: 67
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+adminview_auto_logout_one_minute = "Fine Accesso in un minuto!!"
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/seek_quarry//views/helpers
+; feeds_helper.php line: 63
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+; fileupload_helper.php line: 80
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+; fileupload_helper.php line: 122
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+; fileupload_helper.php line: 132
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+; searchform_helper.php line: 149
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+; toggle_helper.php line: 65
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+; toggle_helper.php line: 69
+toggle_helper_on = "Acceso"
+; toggle_helper.php line: 71
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+; toggle_helper.php line: 75
+toggle_helper_on = "Acceso"
+; toggle_helper.php line: 77
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+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/seek_quarry//views/layouts
+; rss_layout.php line: 60
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+; rss_layout.php line: 68
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+; web_layout.php line: 61
+web_layout_title = "Yioop! Motore di Ricerca in PHP"
+; web_layout.php line: 71
+web_layout_description = "Software PHP per la creazione di motori di ricerca"
+; web_layout.php line: 74
+web_layout_site_author = ""
+; web_layout.php line: 214
+web_layout_query_statistics = "Statistiche ricerca"
+; web_layout.php line: 218
+web_layout_total_elapsed_time = "Tempo di ricerca: %s secondi."
+; web_layout.php line: 223
+web_layout_query_time = "Tempo: %s secondi."
+; machinestatus_view.php line: 52
+machinestatus_view_no_monitored = "Nessuna Macchina monitorata"
+; machinestatus_view.php line: 57
+machinestatus_name_server = ""
+; machinestatus_view.php line: 72
+machinestatus_view_media_updater = ""
+; machinestatus_view.php line: 74
+machinestatus_view_log = "Log"
+; machinestatus_view.php line: 101
+confirm_delete_operation = ""
+; machinestatus_view.php line: 102
+machinestatus_view_delete = ""
+; machinestatus_view.php line: 117
+machinestatus_view_not_configured = ""
+; machinestatus_view.php line: 125
+machinestatus_view_mirrors = "Mirror"
+; machinestatus_view.php line: 128
+machinestatus_view_log = "Log"
+; machinestatus_view.php line: 141
+machinestatus_view_queue_server = "Server di Coda"
+; machinestatus_view.php line: 143
+machinestatus_view_log = "Log"
+; machinestatus_view.php line: 152
+machinestatus_view_no_queue_server = "La Macchina non ha un Server di Coda"
+; machinestatus_view.php line: 155
+machinestatus_view_no_fetchers = "La Macchina non ha acquisitori"
+; machinestatus_view.php line: 165
+machinestatus_view_fetchers = "Acquisitori"
+; machinestatus_view.php line: 175
+machinestatus_view_log = "Log"
+; nocache_view.php line: 54
+nocache_view_no_cache = "Non ha un archivio dell&#039;oggetto richiesto."
+; nocache_view.php line: 59
+nocache_view_summary_contents = "Dati dei Sommari memorizzati in Yioop "
+; recover_view.php line: 69
+recover_view_recover_password = ""
+; recover_view.php line: 105
+register_view_new_password = ""
+; recover_view.php line: 117
+register_view_retypepassword = ""
+; recover_view.php line: 132
+recover_view_username = ""
+; recover_view.php line: 147
+register_view_account_recovery = ""
+; recover_view.php line: 154
+register_view_human_check = ""
+; recover_view.php line: 187
+register_view_human_check = ""
+; recover_view.php line: 206
+recover_view_recover_password = ""
+; recover_view.php line: 216
+signin_view_return_yioop = "Ritorna a Yioop"
+; register_view.php line: 74
+register_view_question0_most = ""
+; register_view.php line: 75
+register_view_question0_least = ""
+; register_view.php line: 76
+register_view_question0_choices = ""
+; register_view.php line: 77
+register_view_question1_most = ""
+; register_view.php line: 78
+register_view_question1_least = ""
+; register_view.php line: 79
+register_view_question1_choices = ""
+; register_view.php line: 80
+register_view_question2_most = ""
+; register_view.php line: 81
+register_view_question2_least = ""
+; register_view.php line: 82
+register_view_question2_choices = ""
+; register_view.php line: 83
+register_view_question3_most = ""
+; register_view.php line: 84
+register_view_question3_least = ""
+; register_view.php line: 85
+register_view_question3_choices = ""
+; register_view.php line: 86
+register_view_question4_most = ""
+; register_view.php line: 87
+register_view_question4_least = ""
+; register_view.php line: 88
+register_view_question4_choices = ""
+; register_view.php line: 89
+register_view_question5_most = ""
+; register_view.php line: 90
+register_view_question5_least = ""
+; register_view.php line: 91
+register_view_question5_choices = ""
+; register_view.php line: 92
+register_view_question6_most = ""
+; register_view.php line: 93
+register_view_question6_least = ""
+; register_view.php line: 94
+register_view_question6_choices = ""
+; register_view.php line: 95
+register_view_question7_most = ""
+; register_view.php line: 96
+register_view_question7_least = ""
+; register_view.php line: 97
+register_view_question7_choices = ""
+; register_view.php line: 98
+register_view_question8_most = ""
+; register_view.php line: 99
+register_view_question8_least = ""
+; register_view.php line: 100
+register_view_question8_choices = ""
+; register_view.php line: 101
+register_view_question9_most = ""
+; register_view.php line: 102
+register_view_question9_least = ""
+; register_view.php line: 103
+register_view_question9_choices = ""
+; register_view.php line: 106
+register_view_recovery1_more = ""
+; register_view.php line: 107
+register_view_recovery1_less = ""
+; register_view.php line: 108
+register_view_recovery1_choices = ""
+; register_view.php line: 109
+register_view_recovery2_more = ""
+; register_view.php line: 110
+register_view_recovery2_less = ""
+; register_view.php line: 111
+register_view_recovery2_choices = ""
+; register_view.php line: 112
+register_view_recovery3_more = ""
+; register_view.php line: 113
+register_view_recovery3_less = ""
+; register_view.php line: 114
+register_view_recovery3_choices = ""
+; register_view.php line: 115
+register_view_recovery4_more = ""
+; register_view.php line: 116
+register_view_recovery4_less = ""
+; register_view.php line: 117
+register_view_recovery4_choices = ""
+; register_view.php line: 118
+register_view_recovery5_more = ""
+; register_view.php line: 119
+register_view_recovery5_less = ""
+; register_view.php line: 120
+register_view_recovery5_choices = ""
+; register_view.php line: 121
+register_view_recovery6_more = ""
+; register_view.php line: 122
+register_view_recovery6_less = ""
+; register_view.php line: 123
+register_view_recovery6_choices = ""
+; register_view.php line: 152
+register_view_create_account = ""
+; register_view.php line: 189
+register_view_firstname = ""
+; register_view.php line: 204
+register_view_lastname = ""
+; register_view.php line: 219
+register_view_username = ""
+; register_view.php line: 232
+register_view_email = ""
+; register_view.php line: 246
+register_view_password = ""
+; register_view.php line: 261
+register_view_retypepassword = ""
+; register_view.php line: 277
+register_view_account_recovery = ""
+; register_view.php line: 281
+register_view_human_check = ""
+; register_view.php line: 283
+register_view_account_recovery = ""
+; register_view.php line: 315
+register_view_human_check = ""
+; register_view.php line: 330
+register_view_i_agree = ""
+; register_view.php line: 332
+register_view_terms = ""
+; register_view.php line: 334
+register_view_and = ""
+; register_view.php line: 336
+register_view_privacy = ""
+; register_view.php line: 337
+register_view_period = ""
+; register_view.php line: 347
+register_view_create_account = ""
+; register_view.php line: 357
+signin_view_return_yioop = "Ritorna a Yioop"
+; search_view.php line: 86
+search_view_title = "Yioop! Motore di Ricerca in PHP"
+; search_view.php line: 113
+search_view_input_label = "Inserisci i termini di ricerca"
+; search_view.php line: 117
+search_view_input_placeholder = "Scrivi quello che stai cercando"
+; search_view.php line: 120
+search_view_search = "Cerca"
+; search_view.php line: 147
+search_view_no_index_set = ""
+; search_view.php line: 152
+search_view_more_statistics = "Altre statistiche"
+; search_view.php line: 190
+search_view_calculated = "Calccolati in %s secondi."
+; search_view.php line: 191
+search_view_results = "Mostra risultati %s - %s di %s"
+; search_view.php line: 212
+search_view_thesaurus_results = ""
+; search_view.php line: 321
+search_view_word_cloud = ""
+; search_view.php line: 366
+search_view_cache = "Archivio"
+; search_view.php line: 369
+search_view_as_text = "Vedi&nbsp;come&nbsp;testo"
+; search_view.php line: 382
+search_view_similar = "Simile"
+; search_view.php line: 394
+search_view_inlink = "Inlink"
+; search_view.php line: 414
+search_view_rank = "Pos.: %s "
+; search_view.php line: 416
+search_view_relevancy = "Rel: %s "
+; search_view.php line: 418
+search_view_proximity = "Pros: %s"
+; search_view.php line: 422
+search_view_thesaurus_score = ""
+; search_view.php line: 431
+search_view_score = "Punteggio %s"
+; settings_view.php line: 66
+settings_view_settings = "Impostazioni"
+; settings_view.php line: 73
+settings_view_results_per_page = "Risultati per Pagina:"
+; settings_view.php line: 79
+settings_view_open_in_tabs = ""
+; settings_view.php line: 86
+settings_view_search_index = "Cerca nell&#039;Indice:"
+; settings_view.php line: 92
+settings_view_language_label = "Lingua:"
+; settings_view.php line: 108
+settings_view_return_yioop = "Ritorna a Yioop!"
+; settings_view.php line: 111
+settings_view_save = "Salva impostazioni"
+; settings_view.php line: 119
+settings_install_search_plugin = ""
+; signin_view.php line: 65
+signin_view_signin = "Accedi"
+; signin_view.php line: 78
+sigin_view_signing_in = ""
+; signin_view.php line: 81
+sigin_view_login_failed = ""
+; signin_view.php line: 89
+signin_view_username = "Utente"
+; signin_view.php line: 96
+signin_view_password = "Password"
+; signin_view.php line: 107
+signin_view_login = "Accedi"
+; signin_view.php line: 122
+signin_view_recover_password = ""
+; signin_view.php line: 127
+signin_view_create_account = ""
+; signin_view.php line: 132
+signin_view_return_yioop = "Ritorna a Yioop"
+; static_view.php line: 71
+static_view_title = "Yioop! Motore di Ricerca in PHP"
+; statistics_view.php line: 63
+statistics_view_statistics = "Statistiche"
+; statistics_view.php line: 68
+statistics_view_calculating = "Calcolo in corso... si prega di aspettare."
+; statistics_view.php line: 82
+statistics_view_error_codes = "Codici di errore"
+; statistics_view.php line: 83
+statistics_view_sizes = "Dimensioni file scaricati"
+; statistics_view.php line: 84
+statistics_view_links_per_page = "Media link per pagina"
+; statistics_view.php line: 85
+statistics_view_page_date = "Data modifica Pagina"
+; statistics_view.php line: 86
+statistics_view_dns_time = "Tempo di risposta DNS"
+; statistics_view.php line: 87
+statistics_view_download_time = "Tempo di scaricamento Pagina"
+; statistics_view.php line: 88
+statistics_view_top_level_domain = "Domini di Primo Livello"
+; statistics_view.php line: 89
+statistics_view_file_extension = "Tipo di estensione"
+; statistics_view.php line: 90
+statistics_view_media_type = "Tipo Media"
+; statistics_view.php line: 91
+statistics_view_language = "Lingua Pagina"
+; statistics_view.php line: 92
+statistics_view_server = "Web Server"
+; statistics_view.php line: 93
+statistics_view_os = "Sistema Operativo (se rilevato)"
+; statistics_view.php line: 97
+statistics_view_general_info = "Info generari Indice"
+; statistics_view.php line: 98
+statistics_view_description = "Descrizione Indice"
+; statistics_view.php line: 100
+statistics_view_timestamp = "Marca Temporale"
+; statistics_view.php line: 102
+statistics_view_crawl_date = "Inizio Scansione"
+; statistics_view.php line: 104
+statistics_view_pages = "Pagine Scaricate"
+; statistics_view.php line: 106
+statistics_view_url = "URL visti"
+; statistics_view.php line: 109
+statistics_view_number_hosts = "Hostname Visti"
+; suggest_view.php line: 68
+suggest_view_suggest_url = ""
+; suggest_view.php line: 70
+suggest_view_instructions = ""
+; suggest_view.php line: 94
+suggest_view_url = ""
+; suggest_view.php line: 110
+register_view_human_check = ""
+; suggest_view.php line: 144
+suggest_view_human_check = ""
+; suggest_view.php line: 167
+suggest_view_submit_url = ""
+; suggest_view.php line: 177
+signin_view_return_yioop = "Ritorna a Yioop"
+; view.php line: 32
+view_locale_version11 = ""
+; view.php line: 81
+view_logo_alt_text = ""
+; wiki_view.php line: 89
+wiki_view_read = ""
+; wiki_view.php line: 90
+wiki_view_edit = ""
+; wiki_view.php line: 93
+wiki_view_pages = ""
+; wiki_view.php line: 132
+wiki_view_feed = ""
+; wiki_view.php line: 133
+wiki_view_wiki = ""
+; wiki_view.php line: 157
+adminview_auto_logout_one_minute = "Fine Accesso in un minuto!!"
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/sq_data/app/views
+; download_view.php line: 62
+download_view_form = ""
+; download_view.php line: 73
+download_view_thank_you = ""
+; download_view.php line: 76
+download_view_full_name = ""
+; download_view.php line: 82
+download_view_email = ""
+; download_view.php line: 87
+download_view_business = ""
+; download_view.php line: 93
+download_view_interest = ""
+; download_view.php line: 100
+download_view_get_email = ""
+; download_view.php line: 106
+download_view_return_main = ""
+; download_view.php line: 120
+download_view_required_fields = ""
+; download_view.php line: 125
+download_view_name_required = ""
+; download_view.php line: 130
+download_view_valid_email = ""
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/seek_quarry//lib/indexing_plugins
+; wordfilter_plugin.php line: 353
+wordfilter_plugin_settings_saved = ""
+; wordfilter_plugin.php line: 362
+wordfilter_plugin_defaults_restored = ""
+; wordfilter_plugin.php line: 466
+wordfilter_plugin_preferences = ""
+; wordfilter_plugin.php line: 470
+wordfilter_plugin_factory_settings = ""
+; wordfilter_plugin.php line: 483
+wordfilter_plugin_save = ""
diff --git a/locale/it/resources/locale.js b/locale/it/resources/locale.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..00896cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/it/resources/locale.js
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+ * SeekQuarry/Yioop --
+ * Open Source Pure PHP Search Engine, Crawler, and Indexer
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2009 - 2015  Chris Pollett
+ *
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+ *
+ *
+ * @author Chris Pollett
+ * @package seek_quarry
+ * @subpackage javascript
+ * @license GPL3
+ * @link
+ * @copyright 2009 - 2015s
+ * @filesource
+ */
+ * The alphabet for this locale
+ */
+var alpha = "aåàbcçdeéêfghiîïíjklmnnoôpqrstuûvwxyz";
+ * Transliteration maping for this locale
+ */
+var roman_array = {};
+ * To analyze the query and generate actual input query from the
+ * transliterated query
+ */
+function analyzeQuery()
diff --git a/locale/it/resources/suggest_trie.txt.gz b/locale/it/resources/suggest_trie.txt.gz
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..ef4ce55
Binary files /dev/null and b/locale/it/resources/suggest_trie.txt.gz differ
diff --git a/locale/it/resources/tokenizer.php b/locale/it/resources/tokenizer.php
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..cffe6ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/it/resources/tokenizer.php
@@ -0,0 +1,755 @@
+ * SeekQuarry/Yioop --
+ * Open Source Pure PHP Search Engine, Crawler, and Indexer
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2009 - 2015  Chris Pollett
+ *
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+ *
+ * @author Chris Pollett
+ * @package seek_quarry
+ * @subpackage locale
+ * @license GPL3
+ * @link
+ * @copyright 2009 - 2015
+ * @filesource
+ */
+if(!defined('BASE_DIR')) {echo "BAD REQUEST"; exit();}
+ * Italian specific tokenization code. Typically, tokenizer.php
+ * either contains a stemmer for the language in question or
+ * it specifies how many characters in a char gram
+ *
+ * @author Chris Pollett
+ * @package seek_quarry
+ * @subpackage locale
+ */
+class ItTokenizer
+    /**
+     * Words we don't want to be stemmed
+     * @var array
+     */
+    static $no_stem_list = array();
+    /**
+     * Storage used in computing the stem
+     * @var string
+     */
+    static $buffer;
+    /**
+     * Storage used in computing the starting index of region R1
+     * @var int
+     */
+    static $r1_start;
+    /**
+     * Storage used in computing the starting index of region R2
+     * @var int
+     */
+    static $r2_start;
+    /**
+     * Storage used in computing the starting index of region RV
+     * @var int
+     */
+    static $rv_start;
+    /**
+     * Storage used in computing region R1
+     * @var string
+     */
+    static $r1_string;
+    /**
+     * Storage used in computing region R2
+     * @var string
+     */
+    static $r2_string;
+    /**
+     * Storage used in computing Region RV
+     * @var string
+     */
+    static $rv_string;
+    /**
+     * Storage for computing the starting position for the longest suffix
+     * @var int
+     */
+    static $max_suffix_pos;
+    /**
+     * Storage used in determinig if step1 removed any endings from the word
+     * @var bool
+     */
+    static $step1_changes;
+    /**
+     * This method currently does nothing. For some locales it could
+     * used to split strings of the form "thisisastring" into a string
+     * with the words seperated: "this is a string"
+     *
+     * @param string $pre_segment string to be segmented
+     * @return string after segmentation done (same string in this case)
+     */
+    static function segment($pre_segment)
+    {
+        return $pre_segment;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Removes the stop words from the page (used for Word Cloud generation)
+     *
+     * @param string $page the page to remove stop words from.
+     * @return string $page with no stop words
+     */
+    static function stopwordsRemover($page)
+    {
+        $stop_words = array(
+            'http', 'https',
+            "ad", "al", "allo", "ai", "agli", "all", "agl", "alla",
+            "alle", "con", "col", "coi", "da", "dal", "dallo", "dai",
+            "dagli", "dall", "dagl", "dalla", "dalle", "di", "del",
+            "dello", "dei", "degli", "dell", "degl", "della", "delle",
+            "in", "nel", "nello", "nei", "negli", "nell", "negl", "nella",
+            "nelle", "su", "sul", "sullo", "sui", "sugli", "sull", "sugl",
+            "sulla", "sulle", "per", "tra", "contro", "io", "tu", "lui",
+            "lei", "noi", "voi", "loro", "mio", "mia", "miei", "mie", "tuo",
+            "tua", "tuoi", "tue", "suo", "sua", "suoi", "sue", "nostro",
+            "nostra", "nostri", "nostre", "vostro", "vostra", "vostri",
+            "vostre", "mi", "ti", "ci", "vi", "lo", "la", "li", "le", "gli",
+            "ne", "il", "un", "uno", "una", "ma", "ed", "se", "perché",
+            "anche", "come", "dov", "dove", "che", "chi", "cui", "non", "più",
+            "quale", "quanto", "quanti", "quanta", "quante", "quello", "quelli",
+            "quella", "quelle", "questo", "questi", "questa", "queste", "si",
+            "tutto", "tutti", "a", "c", "e", "i", "l", "o", "ho", "hai", "ha",
+            "abbiamo", "avete", "hanno", "abbia", "abbiate", "abbiano", "avrò",
+            "avrai", "avrà", "avremo", "avrete", "avranno", "avrei", "avresti",
+            "avrebbe", "avremmo", "avreste", "avrebbero", "avevo", "avevi",
+            "aveva", "avevamo", "avevate", "avevano", "ebbi", "avesti", "ebbe",
+            "avemmo", "aveste", "ebbero", "avessi", "avesse", "avessimo",
+            "avessero", "avendo", "avuto", "avuta", "avuti", "avute", "sono",
+            "sei", "è", "siamo", "siete", "sia", "siate", "siano", "sarò",
+            "sarai", "sarà", "saremo", "sarete", "saranno", "sarei", "saresti",
+            "sarebbe", "saremmo", "sareste", "sarebbero", "ero", "eri", "era",
+            "eravamo", "eravate", "erano", "fui", "fosti", "fu", "fummo",
+            "foste", "furono", "fossi", "fosse", "fossimo", "fossero",
+            "essendo", "faccio", "fai", "facciamo", "fanno", "faccia",
+            "facciate", "facciano", "farò", "farai", "farà", "faremo",
+            "farete", "faranno", "farei", "faresti", "farebbe", "faremmo",
+            "fareste", "farebbero", "facevo", "facevi", "faceva", "facevamo",
+            "facevate", "facevano", "feci", "facesti", "fece", "facemmo",
+            "faceste", "fecero", "facessi", "facesse", "facessimo", "facessero",
+            "facendo", "sto", "stai", "sta", "stiamo", "stanno", "stia",
+            "stiate", "stiano", "starò", "starai", "starà", "staremo",
+            "starete", "staranno", "starei", "staresti", "starebbe", "staremmo",
+            "stareste", "starebbero", "stavo", "stavi", "stava", "stavamo",
+            "stavate", "stavano", "stetti", "stesti", "stette", "stemmo",
+            "steste", "stettero", "stessi", "stesse", "stessimo", "stessero",
+            "stando"
+        );
+        $page = preg_replace('/\b('.implode('|',$stop_words).')\b/', '',
+            mb_strtolower($page));
+        return $page;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Computes the stem of an Italian word
+     * Example guardando,guardandogli,guardandola,guardano all stem to guard
+     *
+     * @param string $word is the word to be stemmed
+     * @return string stem of $word
+     */
+    static function stem($word)
+    {
+        self::$buffer = $word;
+        self::$step1_changes = false;
+        self::$max_suffix_pos = -1;
+        self::prelude();
+        self::step0();
+        self::step1();
+        self::step2();
+        self::step3a();
+        self::step3b();
+        self::postlude();
+        return self::$buffer;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Checks if a string is a suffix for another string
+     *
+     * @param $parent_string is the string in which we wish to find the suffix
+     * @param $substring is the suffix we wish to check
+     * @return $pos as the starting position of the suffix $substring in
+     * $parent_string if it exists, else false
+     */
+    static function checkForSuffix($parent_string,$substring)
+    {
+        $pos = strrpos($parent_string,$substring);
+        if($pos !== false &&
+           (strlen($parent_string) - $pos == strlen($substring)))
+            return $pos;
+        else
+            return false;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Checks if a string occurs in another string
+     *
+     * @param $string is the parent string
+     * @param $substring is the string checked to be a sub-string of $string
+     * @return bool if $substring is a substring of $string
+     */
+    static function in($string,$substring)
+    {
+        $pos = strpos($string,$substring);
+        if($pos !== false)
+            return true;
+        else
+            return false;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Computes the starting index for region R1
+     *
+     * @param $string is the string for which we wish to find the index
+     * @return $r1_start as the starting index for R1 for $string
+     */
+    static function r1($string)
+    {
+       $r1_start = -1;
+       for($i = 0; $i < strlen($string); $i++){
+           if($i >= 1){
+               if(self::isVowel($string[$i - 1]) &&
+                  !self::isVowel($string[$i])){
+                   $r1_start = $i + 1;
+                    break;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        if($r1_start != -1){
+            if($r1_start > strlen($string) - 1)
+                $r1_start = -1;
+            else{
+                if($string[$r1_start] == "`")
+                    $r1_start += 1;
+            }
+        }
+        return $r1_start;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Computes the starting index for region R2
+     *
+     * @param $string is the string for which we wish to find the index
+     * @return $r2_start as the starting index for R1 for $string
+     */
+    static function r2($string)
+    {
+        $r2_start = -1;
+        $r1_start = self::r1($string);
+        if($r1_start !== -1) {
+            $len = strlen($string);
+            for($i = $r1_start; $i < $len; $i++) {
+                if($i >= $r1_start + 1){
+                    if(self::isVowel($string[$i - 1]) &&
+                       !self::isVowel($string[$i])) {
+                        $r2_start = $i + 1;
+                        break;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        if($r2_start != -1){
+            if($r2_start > strlen($string) - 1) {
+                $r2_start = -1;
+            } else {
+                if($string[$r2_start] == "`") {
+                    $r2_start += 1;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        return $r2_start;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Computes the starting index for region RV
+     *
+     * @param $string is the string for which we wish to find the index
+     * @return $rv_start as the starting index for RV for $string
+     */
+    static function rv($string)
+    {
+        $i = 0;
+        $j = 1;
+        $rv_start = -1;
+        $length = strlen($string);
+        if($length <= 2)
+            $rv_start = -1;
+        else{
+            if(self::isVowel($string[$j])){
+                if(self::isVowel($string[$i])){
+                    for($k = $j + 1; $k < $length; $k++){
+                        if(!self::isVowel($string[$k])){
+                            $rv_start = $k + 1;
+                            break;
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+                else{
+                    $rv_start = 3;
+                }
+            }
+            else{
+                for($k = $j + 1; $k < $length; $k++){
+                    if(self::isVowel($string[$k])){
+                        $rv_start = $k + 1;
+                        break;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        if($rv_start != -1){
+            if($rv_start >= $length)
+                $rv_start = -1;
+            else{
+                if($string[$rv_start] == "`")
+                    $rv_start += 1;
+            }
+        }
+        return $rv_start;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Computes regions R1, R2 and RV in the form
+     * strings. $r1_string, $r2_string, $r3_string for R1,R2 and R3
+     * repectively
+     */
+    static function getRegions()
+    {
+        if((self::$r1_start = self::r1(self::$buffer)) != -1)
+            self::$r1_string = substr(self::$buffer,self::$r1_start);
+        else
+            self::$r1_string = NULL;
+        if((self::$r2_start = self::r2(self::$buffer)) != -1)
+            self::$r2_string = substr(self::$buffer,self::$r2_start);
+        else
+            self::$r2_string = NULL;
+        if((self::$rv_start = self::rv(self::$buffer)) != -1)
+            self::$rv_string = substr(self::$buffer,self::$rv_start);
+        else
+            self::$rv_string = NULL;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Checks if a character is a vowel or not
+     *
+     * @param $char is the character to be checked
+     * @return bool if $char is a vowel
+     */
+    static function isVowel($char)
+    {
+        switch($char)
+        {
+            case "U": case "I": case "`":
+                return false;
+            case "a": case "e": case "i": case "o": case "u":
+                return true;
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Computes the longest suffix for a given string from a given set of
+     * suffixes
+     *
+     * @param $string is the for which the maximum suffix is to be found
+     * @param $suffixes is an array of suffixes
+     * @return $max_suffix is the longest suffix for $string
+     */
+    static function maxSuffix($string,$suffixes)
+    {
+        $max_length = 0;
+        $max_suffix = NULL;
+        foreach($suffixes as $suffix){
+            $pos = strrpos($string,$suffix);
+            if($pos !== false){
+                $string_tail = substr($string,$pos);
+                $suffix_length = strlen($suffix);
+                if(!strcmp($string_tail,$suffix)){
+                    if($suffix_length > $max_length){
+                        $max_suffix = $suffix;
+                        $max_length = $suffix_length;
+                        self::$max_suffix_pos = $pos;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        return $max_suffix;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Replaces all acute accents in a string by grave accents and also handles
+     * accented characters
+     *
+     * @param $string is the string from in which the acute accents are to be
+     * replaced
+     * @return $string with changes
+     */
+    static function acuteByGrave($string)
+    {
+        $pattern2 = array("/á/","/é/","/ó/","/ú/","/è/",
+            "/ì/","/ò/","/ù/", "/à/","/í/");
+        $replacement = array("a`","e`","o`","u`","e`",
+            "i`","o`","u`","a`","i`");
+        $string = preg_replace($pattern2,$replacement,$string);
+        return($string);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Performs the following functions:
+     * Replaces acute accents with grave accents
+     * Marks u after q and u,i preceded and followed by a vowel as a non vowel
+     * by converting to upper case
+     */
+    static function prelude()
+    {
+        $pattern_array = array("/Qu/","/qu/");
+        $replacement_array = array("QU","qU");
+        //Replace acute accents by grave accents
+        self::$buffer = self::acuteByGrave(self::$buffer);
+        /**
+         * Convert u preceded by q and u,i preceded and followed by vowels
+         * to upper case to mark them as non vowels
+         */
+        self::$buffer = preg_replace($pattern_array,$replacement_array,
+                       self::$buffer);
+        for($i = 0; $i < strlen(self::$buffer) - 1; $i++){
+            if($i >= 1 && (self::$buffer[$i] == "i" ||
+                           self::$buffer[$i] == "u")){
+                if(self::isVowel(self::$buffer[$i-1]) &&
+                   self::isVowel(self::$buffer[$i+1]) &&
+                   self::$buffer[$i+1] !== '`')
+                    self::$buffer[$i] = strtoupper(self::$buffer[$i]);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Handles attached pronoun
+     */
+    static function step0()
+    {
+        $max = 0;
+        $suffixes = array("ci","gli","la","le","li","lo",
+            "mi","ne","si","ti","vi","sene",
+            "gliela","gliele","glieli","glielo",
+            "gliene","mela","mele","meli","melo",
+            "mene","tela","tele","teli","telo",
+            "tene","cela","cele","celi","celo",
+            "cene","vela","vele","veli","velo","vene");
+        $phrases = array("ando","endo","ar","er","ir");
+        //Get R1, R2, RV
+        self::getRegions();
+        //Find the maximum length suffix in the string
+        $max_suffix = self::maxSuffix(self::$rv_string,$suffixes);
+        if($max_suffix != NULL){
+            $sub_string = substr(self::$rv_string,0,-strlen($max_suffix));
+            foreach($phrases as $phrase){
+                if(self::checkForSuffix($sub_string,$phrase) !== false){
+                    switch($phrase)
+                    {
+                        case "ando": case "endo":
+                            self::$buffer = substr_replace(self::$buffer,"",
+                                self::$rv_start + self::$max_suffix_pos,
+                                strlen($max_suffix));
+                            break;
+                        case "ar": case "er": case "ir":
+                            self::$buffer = substr_replace(self::$buffer,"e",
+                                self::$rv_start + self::$max_suffix_pos,
+                                strlen($max_suffix));
+                            break;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Handles standard suffixes
+     */
+    static function step1()
+    {
+        $suffixes = array("anza","anze","ico","ici","ica",
+            "ice","iche","ichi","ismo","ismi",
+            "abile","abili","ibile","ibili","ista",
+            "iste","isti","ista`","iste`","isti`",
+            "oso","osi","osa","ose","mente","atrice",
+            "atrici","ante","anti","azione","azioni",
+            "atore","atori","logia","logie","uzione",
+            "uzioni","usione","usioni","enza","enze",
+            "amento","amenti","imento","imenti","amente",
+            "ita`","ivo","ivi","iva","ive");
+        //Get R1,R2 and RV
+        self::getRegions();
+        //Find the longest suffix
+        $max_suffix = self::maxSuffix(self::$buffer,$suffixes);
+        //Handle suffix according
+        switch($max_suffix)
+        {
+            case "anza": case "anze": case "ico": case "ici": case "ica":
+            case "ice": case "iche": case "ichi": case "ismo": case "ismi":
+            case "abile": case "abili": case "ibile": case "ibili":
+            case "ista": case "iste": case "isti": case "ista`": case "iste`":
+            case "isti`": case "oso": case"osi": case "osa": case "ose":
+            case "mente": case "atrice": case "atrici": case "ante":
+            case "anti":
+                //Delete if in R2
+                if(self::in(self::$r2_string,$max_suffix)){
+                    self::$buffer = substr_replace(self::$buffer,"",
+                        self::$max_suffix_pos,strlen($max_suffix));
+                    self::$step1_changes = true;
+                }
+            break;
+            case "azione": case "azioni": case "atore": case "atori":
+                //Delete if in R2
+                if(self::in(self::$r2_string,$max_suffix)){
+                    self::$buffer = substr_replace(self::$buffer,"",
+                        self::$max_suffix_pos,strlen($max_suffix));
+                    self::$step1_changes = true;
+                }
+                self::getRegions();
+                //If preceded by ic, delete if in R2
+                if(self::checkForSuffix(self::$buffer,"ic")) {
+                    if(self::in(self::$r2_string,"ic")){
+                        self::$buffer = str_replace("ic","",self::$buffer);
+                        self::$step1_changes = true;
+                    }
+                }
+            break;
+            case "logia":
+            case "logie":
+                //Replace with log if in R2
+                if(self::in(self::$r2_string,$max_suffix)) {
+                    self::$buffer = substr_replace(self::$buffer,"log",
+                        self::$max_suffix_pos,strlen($max_suffix));
+                    self::$step1_changes = true;
+                }
+            break;
+            case "uzione": case "uzioni": case "usione": case "usioni":
+                //Replace with u if in R2
+                if(self::in(self::$r2_string,$max_suffix)) {
+                    self::$buffer = substr_replace(self::$buffer,"u",
+                        self::$max_suffix_pos,strlen($max_suffix));
+                    self::$step1_changes = true;
+                }
+            break;
+            case "enza": case "enze":
+                //Replace with ente if in R2
+                if(self::in(self::$r2_string,$max_suffix)) {
+                    self::$buffer = substr_replace(self::$buffer,"ente",
+                        self::$max_suffix_pos,strlen($max_suffix));
+                    self::$step1_changes = true;
+                }
+            break;
+            case "amento": case "amenti": case "imento": case "imenti":
+                //Delete if in RV
+                if(self::in(self::$rv_string,$max_suffix)){
+                    self::$buffer = substr_replace(self::$buffer,"",
+                        self::$max_suffix_pos,strlen($max_suffix));
+                    self::$step1_changes = true;
+                }
+            break;
+            case "amente":
+                //Delete if in R1
+                if(self::in(self::$r1_string,$max_suffix)){
+                    self::$buffer = substr_replace(self::$buffer,"",
+                                    self::$max_suffix_pos,strlen($max_suffix));
+                    self::$step1_changes = true;
+                }
+                self::getRegions();
+                //Check if preceded by iv, if yes, delete if in R2
+                if(self::checkForSuffix(self::$buffer,"iv")){
+                    if(self::in(self::$r2_string,"iv")){
+                        self::$buffer = str_replace("iv","",self::$buffer);
+                        self::$step1_changes = true;
+                        if(self::checkForSuffix(self::$buffer,"at")){
+                            if(self::in(self::$r2_string,"at")){
+                                self::$buffer = str_replace("at","",
+                                    self::$buffer);
+                                self::$step1_changes = true;
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+                /**
+                 * Otherwise check if preceded by os,ic or abil, if yes,
+                 * delete if in r2
+                 */
+                else{
+                    self::getRegions();
+                    $further = array("os","ic","abil");
+                    foreach($further as $suffix){
+                        $pos = self::checkForSuffix(self::$buffer,$suffix);
+                        if($pos !== false){
+                            if(self::in(self::$r2_string,$suffix)){
+                                self::$buffer = substr_replace(self::$buffer,
+                                    "",$pos);
+                                self::$step1_changes = true;
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+                break;
+            case "ita`":
+                //Delete if in R2
+                if(self::in(self::$r2_string,$max_suffix)){
+                    self::$buffer = substr_replace(self::$buffer,"",
+                        self::$max_suffix_pos,strlen($max_suffix));
+                    self::$step1_changes = true;
+                }
+                //If further preceded by abil,ic or iv, delete if in R2
+                self::getRegions();
+                $further = array("abil","ic","iv");
+                foreach($further as $suffix){
+                    if(self::checkForSuffix(self::$buffer,$suffix)){
+                        if(self::in(self::$r2_string,$suffix)){
+                            self::$buffer = str_replace($suffix,"",
+                                self::$buffer);
+                            self::$step1_changes = true;
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            case "ivo": case "ivi": case "iva": case "ive":
+                //Delete if in R2
+                if(self::in(self::$r2_string,$max_suffix)){
+                    self::$buffer = substr_replace(self::$buffer,"",
+                        self::$max_suffix_pos,strlen($max_suffix));
+                    self::$step1_changes = true;
+                }
+                //If preceded by at, delete if in R2
+                self::getRegions();
+                $pos = self::checkForSuffix(self::$buffer,"at");
+                if($pos !== false){
+                    if(self::in(self::$r2_string,"at")){
+                        self::$buffer = substr_replace(self::$buffer,"",$pos,2);
+                        self::$step1_changes = true;
+                        //If further preceded by ic, delete if in R2
+                        self::getRegions();
+                        $pos = self::checkForSuffix(self::$buffer,"ic");
+                        if($pos !== false){
+                            if(self::in(self::$r2_string,"ic")){
+                                self::$buffer = substr_replace(self::$buffer,"",
+                                    $pos,2);
+                                self::$step1_changes = true;
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Handles verb suffixes
+     */
+    static function step2()
+    {
+        $verb_suffixes = array("ammo","ando","ano","are","arono","asse",
+            "assero","assi","assimo","ata","ate","ati",
+            "ato","ava","avamo","avano","avate","avi","avo",
+            "emmo","enda","ende","endi","endo","era`",
+            "erai","eranno","ere","erebbe","erebbero",
+            "erei","eremmo","eremo","ereste","eresti",
+            "erete","ero`","erono","essero","ete","eva",
+            "evamo","evano","evate","evi","evo","Yamo",
+            "iamo","immo","ira`","irai","iranno","ire",
+            "irebbe","irebbero","irei","iremmo","iremo",
+            "ireste","iresti","irete","iro`","irono","isca",
+            "iscano","isce","isci","isco","iscono","issero",
+            "ita","ite","iti","ito","iva","ivamo","ivano",
+            "ivate","ivi","ivo","ono","uta","ute","uti",
+            "uto","ar","ir");
+        /**
+         * If no ending was removed in step1, find the longest suffix from the
+         * above suffixes and delete if in RV
+         */
+        if(!self::$step1_changes){
+            //Get R1,R2 and RV
+            self::getRegions();
+            $max_suffix = self::maxSuffix(self::$rv_string,$verb_suffixes);
+            if(self::in(self::$rv_string,$max_suffix))
+                self::$buffer = substr_replace(self::$buffer,"",
+                    self::$rv_start + self::$max_suffix_pos,
+                    strlen($max_suffix));
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Deletes a final a,e,i,o,a`,e`,i`,o` and a preceding i if in RV
+     */
+    static function step3a()
+    {
+        $vowels = array ("a","e","i","o","a`","e`","i`","o`");
+        //Get R1,R2 and RV
+        self::getRegions();
+        //If a character from the above is found in RV, delete it
+        foreach($vowels as $character) {
+            $pos = self::checkForSuffix(self::$buffer,$character);
+            if($pos !== false){
+                if(self::in(self::$rv_string,$character)){
+                    self::$buffer = substr_replace(self::$buffer, "", $pos,
+                        strlen($character));
+                    break;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        //If preceded by i, delete if in RV
+        self::getRegions();
+        $pos = self::checkForSuffix(self::$buffer,"i");
+        if($pos !== false){
+            if(self::in(self::$rv_string,"i"))
+                self::$buffer = substr_replace(self::$buffer,"",$pos,1);
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Replaces a final ch/gh by c/g if in RV
+     */
+    static function step3b()
+    {
+        //Get R1,R2 and RV
+        self::getRegions();
+        //Replace final ch/gh with c/g if in RV
+        $patterns = array("ch","gh");
+        foreach($patterns as $pattern){
+            switch($pattern)
+            {
+                case "ch":
+                    $pos = self::checkForSuffix(self::$buffer,$pattern);
+                    if($pos !== false){
+                        if(self::in(self::$rv_string,$pattern))
+                            self::$buffer = substr_replace(self::$buffer,
+                                "c",$pos);
+                    }
+                break;
+                case "gh":
+                    $pos = self::checkForSuffix(self::$buffer,$pattern);
+                    if($pos !== false){
+                        if(self::in(self::$rv_string,$pattern))
+                            self::$buffer = substr_replace(self::$buffer,
+                                "g",$pos);
+                    }
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Converts U and/or I back to lowercase
+     */
+    static function postlude()
+    {
+        $pattern_array_1 = array("/U/","/I/");
+        $replacement_array_1 = array("u","i");
+        $pattern_array_2 = array("/a`/","/e`/","/i`/","/o`/","/u`/");
+        $replacement_array_2 = array("à","è","ì","ò","ù");
+        self::$buffer = preg_replace($pattern_array_1, $replacement_array_1,
+            self::$buffer);
+        self::$buffer = preg_replace($pattern_array_2, $replacement_array_2,
+            self::$buffer);
+    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/locale/it/resources1421450884old/locale.js b/locale/it/resources1421450884old/locale.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..5317660
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/it/resources1421450884old/locale.js
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+ * SeekQuarry/Yioop --
+ * Open Source Pure PHP Search Engine, Crawler, and Indexer
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2009 - 2014  Chris Pollett
+ *
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+ *
+ *
+ * @author Chris Pollett
+ * @package seek_quarry
+ * @subpackage javascript
+ * @license GPL3
+ * @link
+ * @copyright 2009 - 2014s
+ * @filesource
+ */
+ * The alphabet for this locale
+ */
+var alpha = "aåàbcçdeéêfghiîïíjklmnnoôpqrstuûvwxyz";
+ * Transliteration maping for this locale
+ */
+var roman_array = {};
+ * To analyze the query and generate actual input query from the
+ * transliterated query
+ */
+function analyzeQuery()
diff --git a/locale/it/resources1421450884old/suggest_trie.txt.gz b/locale/it/resources1421450884old/suggest_trie.txt.gz
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..ef4ce55
Binary files /dev/null and b/locale/it/resources1421450884old/suggest_trie.txt.gz differ
diff --git a/locale/it/resources1421450884old/tokenizer.php b/locale/it/resources1421450884old/tokenizer.php
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..a162589
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/it/resources1421450884old/tokenizer.php
@@ -0,0 +1,755 @@
+ * SeekQuarry/Yioop --
+ * Open Source Pure PHP Search Engine, Crawler, and Indexer
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2009 - 2014  Chris Pollett
+ *
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+ *
+ * @author Chris Pollett
+ * @package seek_quarry
+ * @subpackage locale
+ * @license GPL3
+ * @link
+ * @copyright 2009 - 2014
+ * @filesource
+ */
+if(!defined('BASE_DIR')) {echo "BAD REQUEST"; exit();}
+ * Italian specific tokenization code. Typically, tokenizer.php
+ * either contains a stemmer for the language in question or
+ * it specifies how many characters in a char gram
+ *
+ * @author Chris Pollett
+ * @package seek_quarry
+ * @subpackage locale
+ */
+class ItTokenizer
+    /**
+     * Words we don't want to be stemmed
+     * @var array
+     */
+    static $no_stem_list = array();
+    /**
+     * Storage used in computing the stem
+     * @var string
+     */
+    static $buffer;
+    /**
+     * Storage used in computing the starting index of region R1
+     * @var int
+     */
+    static $r1_start;
+    /**
+     * Storage used in computing the starting index of region R2
+     * @var int
+     */
+    static $r2_start;
+    /**
+     * Storage used in computing the starting index of region RV
+     * @var int
+     */
+    static $rv_start;
+    /**
+     * Storage used in computing region R1
+     * @var string
+     */
+    static $r1_string;
+    /**
+     * Storage used in computing region R2
+     * @var string
+     */
+    static $r2_string;
+    /**
+     * Storage used in computing Region RV
+     * @var string
+     */
+    static $rv_string;
+    /**
+     * Storage for computing the starting position for the longest suffix
+     * @var int
+     */
+    static $max_suffix_pos;
+    /**
+     * Storage used in determinig if step1 removed any endings from the word
+     * @var bool
+     */
+    static $step1_changes;
+    /**
+     * This method currently does nothing. For some locales it could
+     * used to split strings of the form "thisisastring" into a string
+     * with the words seperated: "this is a string"
+     *
+     * @param string $pre_segment string to be segmented
+     * @return string after segmentation done (same string in this case)
+     */
+    static function segment($pre_segment)
+    {
+        return $pre_segment;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Removes the stop words from the page (used for Word Cloud generation)
+     *
+     * @param string $page the page to remove stop words from.
+     * @return string $page with no stop words
+     */
+    static function stopwordsRemover($page)
+    {
+        $stop_words = array(
+            'http', 'https',
+            "ad", "al", "allo", "ai", "agli", "all", "agl", "alla",
+            "alle", "con", "col", "coi", "da", "dal", "dallo", "dai",
+            "dagli", "dall", "dagl", "dalla", "dalle", "di", "del",
+            "dello", "dei", "degli", "dell", "degl", "della", "delle",
+            "in", "nel", "nello", "nei", "negli", "nell", "negl", "nella",
+            "nelle", "su", "sul", "sullo", "sui", "sugli", "sull", "sugl",
+            "sulla", "sulle", "per", "tra", "contro", "io", "tu", "lui",
+            "lei", "noi", "voi", "loro", "mio", "mia", "miei", "mie", "tuo",
+            "tua", "tuoi", "tue", "suo", "sua", "suoi", "sue", "nostro",
+            "nostra", "nostri", "nostre", "vostro", "vostra", "vostri",
+            "vostre", "mi", "ti", "ci", "vi", "lo", "la", "li", "le", "gli",
+            "ne", "il", "un", "uno", "una", "ma", "ed", "se", "perché",
+            "anche", "come", "dov", "dove", "che", "chi", "cui", "non", "più",
+            "quale", "quanto", "quanti", "quanta", "quante", "quello", "quelli",
+            "quella", "quelle", "questo", "questi", "questa", "queste", "si",
+            "tutto", "tutti", "a", "c", "e", "i", "l", "o", "ho", "hai", "ha",
+            "abbiamo", "avete", "hanno", "abbia", "abbiate", "abbiano", "avrò",
+            "avrai", "avrà", "avremo", "avrete", "avranno", "avrei", "avresti",
+            "avrebbe", "avremmo", "avreste", "avrebbero", "avevo", "avevi",
+            "aveva", "avevamo", "avevate", "avevano", "ebbi", "avesti", "ebbe",
+            "avemmo", "aveste", "ebbero", "avessi", "avesse", "avessimo",
+            "avessero", "avendo", "avuto", "avuta", "avuti", "avute", "sono",
+            "sei", "è", "siamo", "siete", "sia", "siate", "siano", "sarò",
+            "sarai", "sarà", "saremo", "sarete", "saranno", "sarei", "saresti",
+            "sarebbe", "saremmo", "sareste", "sarebbero", "ero", "eri", "era",
+            "eravamo", "eravate", "erano", "fui", "fosti", "fu", "fummo",
+            "foste", "furono", "fossi", "fosse", "fossimo", "fossero",
+            "essendo", "faccio", "fai", "facciamo", "fanno", "faccia",
+            "facciate", "facciano", "farò", "farai", "farà", "faremo",
+            "farete", "faranno", "farei", "faresti", "farebbe", "faremmo",
+            "fareste", "farebbero", "facevo", "facevi", "faceva", "facevamo",
+            "facevate", "facevano", "feci", "facesti", "fece", "facemmo",
+            "faceste", "fecero", "facessi", "facesse", "facessimo", "facessero",
+            "facendo", "sto", "stai", "sta", "stiamo", "stanno", "stia",
+            "stiate", "stiano", "starò", "starai", "starà", "staremo",
+            "starete", "staranno", "starei", "staresti", "starebbe", "staremmo",
+            "stareste", "starebbero", "stavo", "stavi", "stava", "stavamo",
+            "stavate", "stavano", "stetti", "stesti", "stette", "stemmo",
+            "steste", "stettero", "stessi", "stesse", "stessimo", "stessero",
+            "stando"
+        );
+        $page = preg_replace('/\b('.implode('|',$stop_words).')\b/', '',
+            mb_strtolower($page));
+        return $page;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Computes the stem of an Italian word
+     * Example guardando,guardandogli,guardandola,guardano all stem to guard
+     *
+     * @param string $word is the word to be stemmed
+     * @return string stem of $word
+     */
+    static function stem($word)
+    {
+        self::$buffer = $word;
+        self::$step1_changes = false;
+        self::$max_suffix_pos = -1;
+        self::prelude();
+        self::step0();
+        self::step1();
+        self::step2();
+        self::step3a();
+        self::step3b();
+        self::postlude();
+        return self::$buffer;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Checks if a string is a suffix for another string
+     *
+     * @param $parent_string is the string in which we wish to find the suffix
+     * @param $substring is the suffix we wish to check
+     * @return $pos as the starting position of the suffix $substring in
+     * $parent_string if it exists, else false
+     */
+    static function checkForSuffix($parent_string,$substring)
+    {
+        $pos = strrpos($parent_string,$substring);
+        if($pos !== false &&
+           (strlen($parent_string) - $pos == strlen($substring)))
+            return $pos;
+        else
+            return false;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Checks if a string occurs in another string
+     *
+     * @param $string is the parent string
+     * @param $substring is the string checked to be a sub-string of $string
+     * @return bool if $substring is a substring of $string
+     */
+    static function in($string,$substring)
+    {
+        $pos = strpos($string,$substring);
+        if($pos !== false)
+            return true;
+        else
+            return false;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Computes the starting index for region R1
+     *
+     * @param $string is the string for which we wish to find the index
+     * @return $r1_start as the starting index for R1 for $string
+     */
+    static function r1($string)
+    {
+       $r1_start = -1;
+       for($i = 0; $i < strlen($string); $i++){
+           if($i >= 1){
+               if(self::isVowel($string[$i - 1]) &&
+                  !self::isVowel($string[$i])){
+                   $r1_start = $i + 1;
+                    break;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        if($r1_start != -1){
+            if($r1_start > strlen($string) - 1)
+                $r1_start = -1;
+            else{
+                if($string[$r1_start] == "`")
+                    $r1_start += 1;
+            }
+        }
+        return $r1_start;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Computes the starting index for region R2
+     *
+     * @param $string is the string for which we wish to find the index
+     * @return $r2_start as the starting index for R1 for $string
+     */
+    static function r2($string)
+    {
+        $r2_start = -1;
+        $r1_start = self::r1($string);
+        if($r1_start !== -1) {
+            $len = strlen($string);
+            for($i = $r1_start; $i < $len; $i++) {
+                if($i >= $r1_start + 1){
+                    if(self::isVowel($string[$i - 1]) &&
+                       !self::isVowel($string[$i])) {
+                        $r2_start = $i + 1;
+                        break;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        if($r2_start != -1){
+            if($r2_start > strlen($string) - 1) {
+                $r2_start = -1;
+            } else {
+                if($string[$r2_start] == "`") {
+                    $r2_start += 1;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        return $r2_start;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Computes the starting index for region RV
+     *
+     * @param $string is the string for which we wish to find the index
+     * @return $rv_start as the starting index for RV for $string
+     */
+    static function rv($string)
+    {
+        $i = 0;
+        $j = 1;
+        $rv_start = -1;
+        $length = strlen($string);
+        if($length <= 2)
+            $rv_start = -1;
+        else{
+            if(self::isVowel($string[$j])){
+                if(self::isVowel($string[$i])){
+                    for($k = $j + 1; $k < $length; $k++){
+                        if(!self::isVowel($string[$k])){
+                            $rv_start = $k + 1;
+                            break;
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+                else{
+                    $rv_start = 3;
+                }
+            }
+            else{
+                for($k = $j + 1; $k < $length; $k++){
+                    if(self::isVowel($string[$k])){
+                        $rv_start = $k + 1;
+                        break;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        if($rv_start != -1){
+            if($rv_start >= $length)
+                $rv_start = -1;
+            else{
+                if($string[$rv_start] == "`")
+                    $rv_start += 1;
+            }
+        }
+        return $rv_start;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Computes regions R1, R2 and RV in the form
+     * strings. $r1_string, $r2_string, $r3_string for R1,R2 and R3
+     * repectively
+     */
+    static function getRegions()
+    {
+        if((self::$r1_start = self::r1(self::$buffer)) != -1)
+            self::$r1_string = substr(self::$buffer,self::$r1_start);
+        else
+            self::$r1_string = NULL;
+        if((self::$r2_start = self::r2(self::$buffer)) != -1)
+            self::$r2_string = substr(self::$buffer,self::$r2_start);
+        else
+            self::$r2_string = NULL;
+        if((self::$rv_start = self::rv(self::$buffer)) != -1)
+            self::$rv_string = substr(self::$buffer,self::$rv_start);
+        else
+            self::$rv_string = NULL;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Checks if a character is a vowel or not
+     *
+     * @param $char is the character to be checked
+     * @return bool if $char is a vowel
+     */
+    static function isVowel($char)
+    {
+        switch($char)
+        {
+            case "U": case "I": case "`":
+                return false;
+            case "a": case "e": case "i": case "o": case "u":
+                return true;
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Computes the longest suffix for a given string from a given set of
+     * suffixes
+     *
+     * @param $string is the for which the maximum suffix is to be found
+     * @param $suffixes is an array of suffixes
+     * @return $max_suffix is the longest suffix for $string
+     */
+    static function maxSuffix($string,$suffixes)
+    {
+        $max_length = 0;
+        $max_suffix = NULL;
+        foreach($suffixes as $suffix){
+            $pos = strrpos($string,$suffix);
+            if($pos !== false){
+                $string_tail = substr($string,$pos);
+                $suffix_length = strlen($suffix);
+                if(!strcmp($string_tail,$suffix)){
+                    if($suffix_length > $max_length){
+                        $max_suffix = $suffix;
+                        $max_length = $suffix_length;
+                        self::$max_suffix_pos = $pos;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        return $max_suffix;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Replaces all acute accents in a string by grave accents and also handles
+     * accented characters
+     *
+     * @param $string is the string from in which the acute accents are to be
+     * replaced
+     * @return $string with changes
+     */
+    static function acuteByGrave($string)
+    {
+        $pattern2 = array("/á/","/é/","/ó/","/ú/","/è/",
+            "/ì/","/ò/","/ù/", "/à/","/í/");
+        $replacement = array("a`","e`","o`","u`","e`",
+            "i`","o`","u`","a`","i`");
+        $string = preg_replace($pattern2,$replacement,$string);
+        return($string);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Performs the following functions:
+     * Replaces acute accents with grave accents
+     * Marks u after q and u,i preceded and followed by a vowel as a non vowel
+     * by converting to upper case
+     */
+    static function prelude()
+    {
+        $pattern_array = array("/Qu/","/qu/");
+        $replacement_array = array("QU","qU");
+        //Replace acute accents by grave accents
+        self::$buffer = self::acuteByGrave(self::$buffer);
+        /**
+         * Convert u preceded by q and u,i preceded and followed by vowels
+         * to upper case to mark them as non vowels
+         */
+        self::$buffer = preg_replace($pattern_array,$replacement_array,
+                       self::$buffer);
+        for($i = 0; $i < strlen(self::$buffer) - 1; $i++){
+            if($i >= 1 && (self::$buffer[$i] == "i" ||
+                           self::$buffer[$i] == "u")){
+                if(self::isVowel(self::$buffer[$i-1]) &&
+                   self::isVowel(self::$buffer[$i+1]) &&
+                   self::$buffer[$i+1] !== '`')
+                    self::$buffer[$i] = strtoupper(self::$buffer[$i]);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Handles attached pronoun
+     */
+    static function step0()
+    {
+        $max = 0;
+        $suffixes = array("ci","gli","la","le","li","lo",
+            "mi","ne","si","ti","vi","sene",
+            "gliela","gliele","glieli","glielo",
+            "gliene","mela","mele","meli","melo",
+            "mene","tela","tele","teli","telo",
+            "tene","cela","cele","celi","celo",
+            "cene","vela","vele","veli","velo","vene");
+        $phrases = array("ando","endo","ar","er","ir");
+        //Get R1, R2, RV
+        self::getRegions();
+        //Find the maximum length suffix in the string
+        $max_suffix = self::maxSuffix(self::$rv_string,$suffixes);
+        if($max_suffix != NULL){
+            $sub_string = substr(self::$rv_string,0,-strlen($max_suffix));
+            foreach($phrases as $phrase){
+                if(self::checkForSuffix($sub_string,$phrase) !== false){
+                    switch($phrase)
+                    {
+                        case "ando": case "endo":
+                            self::$buffer = substr_replace(self::$buffer,"",
+                                self::$rv_start + self::$max_suffix_pos,
+                                strlen($max_suffix));
+                            break;
+                        case "ar": case "er": case "ir":
+                            self::$buffer = substr_replace(self::$buffer,"e",
+                                self::$rv_start + self::$max_suffix_pos,
+                                strlen($max_suffix));
+                            break;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Handles standard suffixes
+     */
+    static function step1()
+    {
+        $suffixes = array("anza","anze","ico","ici","ica",
+            "ice","iche","ichi","ismo","ismi",
+            "abile","abili","ibile","ibili","ista",
+            "iste","isti","ista`","iste`","isti`",
+            "oso","osi","osa","ose","mente","atrice",
+            "atrici","ante","anti","azione","azioni",
+            "atore","atori","logia","logie","uzione",
+            "uzioni","usione","usioni","enza","enze",
+            "amento","amenti","imento","imenti","amente",
+            "ita`","ivo","ivi","iva","ive");
+        //Get R1,R2 and RV
+        self::getRegions();
+        //Find the longest suffix
+        $max_suffix = self::maxSuffix(self::$buffer,$suffixes);
+        //Handle suffix according
+        switch($max_suffix)
+        {
+            case "anza": case "anze": case "ico": case "ici": case "ica":
+            case "ice": case "iche": case "ichi": case "ismo": case "ismi":
+            case "abile": case "abili": case "ibile": case "ibili":
+            case "ista": case "iste": case "isti": case "ista`": case "iste`":
+            case "isti`": case "oso": case"osi": case "osa": case "ose":
+            case "mente": case "atrice": case "atrici": case "ante":
+            case "anti":
+                //Delete if in R2
+                if(self::in(self::$r2_string,$max_suffix)){
+                    self::$buffer = substr_replace(self::$buffer,"",
+                        self::$max_suffix_pos,strlen($max_suffix));
+                    self::$step1_changes = true;
+                }
+            break;
+            case "azione": case "azioni": case "atore": case "atori":
+                //Delete if in R2
+                if(self::in(self::$r2_string,$max_suffix)){
+                    self::$buffer = substr_replace(self::$buffer,"",
+                        self::$max_suffix_pos,strlen($max_suffix));
+                    self::$step1_changes = true;
+                }
+                self::getRegions();
+                //If preceded by ic, delete if in R2
+                if(self::checkForSuffix(self::$buffer,"ic")) {
+                    if(self::in(self::$r2_string,"ic")){
+                        self::$buffer = str_replace("ic","",self::$buffer);
+                        self::$step1_changes = true;
+                    }
+                }
+            break;
+            case "logia":
+            case "logie":
+                //Replace with log if in R2
+                if(self::in(self::$r2_string,$max_suffix)) {
+                    self::$buffer = substr_replace(self::$buffer,"log",
+                        self::$max_suffix_pos,strlen($max_suffix));
+                    self::$step1_changes = true;
+                }
+            break;
+            case "uzione": case "uzioni": case "usione": case "usioni":
+                //Replace with u if in R2
+                if(self::in(self::$r2_string,$max_suffix)) {
+                    self::$buffer = substr_replace(self::$buffer,"u",
+                        self::$max_suffix_pos,strlen($max_suffix));
+                    self::$step1_changes = true;
+                }
+            break;
+            case "enza": case "enze":
+                //Replace with ente if in R2
+                if(self::in(self::$r2_string,$max_suffix)) {
+                    self::$buffer = substr_replace(self::$buffer,"ente",
+                        self::$max_suffix_pos,strlen($max_suffix));
+                    self::$step1_changes = true;
+                }
+            break;
+            case "amento": case "amenti": case "imento": case "imenti":
+                //Delete if in RV
+                if(self::in(self::$rv_string,$max_suffix)){
+                    self::$buffer = substr_replace(self::$buffer,"",
+                        self::$max_suffix_pos,strlen($max_suffix));
+                    self::$step1_changes = true;
+                }
+            break;
+            case "amente":
+                //Delete if in R1
+                if(self::in(self::$r1_string,$max_suffix)){
+                    self::$buffer = substr_replace(self::$buffer,"",
+                                    self::$max_suffix_pos,strlen($max_suffix));
+                    self::$step1_changes = true;
+                }
+                self::getRegions();
+                //Check if preceded by iv, if yes, delete if in R2
+                if(self::checkForSuffix(self::$buffer,"iv")){
+                    if(self::in(self::$r2_string,"iv")){
+                        self::$buffer = str_replace("iv","",self::$buffer);
+                        self::$step1_changes = true;
+                        if(self::checkForSuffix(self::$buffer,"at")){
+                            if(self::in(self::$r2_string,"at")){
+                                self::$buffer = str_replace("at","",
+                                    self::$buffer);
+                                self::$step1_changes = true;
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+                /**
+                 * Otherwise check if preceded by os,ic or abil, if yes,
+                 * delete if in r2
+                 */
+                else{
+                    self::getRegions();
+                    $further = array("os","ic","abil");
+                    foreach($further as $suffix){
+                        $pos = self::checkForSuffix(self::$buffer,$suffix);
+                        if($pos !== false){
+                            if(self::in(self::$r2_string,$suffix)){
+                                self::$buffer = substr_replace(self::$buffer,
+                                    "",$pos);
+                                self::$step1_changes = true;
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+                break;
+            case "ita`":
+                //Delete if in R2
+                if(self::in(self::$r2_string,$max_suffix)){
+                    self::$buffer = substr_replace(self::$buffer,"",
+                        self::$max_suffix_pos,strlen($max_suffix));
+                    self::$step1_changes = true;
+                }
+                //If further preceded by abil,ic or iv, delete if in R2
+                self::getRegions();
+                $further = array("abil","ic","iv");
+                foreach($further as $suffix){
+                    if(self::checkForSuffix(self::$buffer,$suffix)){
+                        if(self::in(self::$r2_string,$suffix)){
+                            self::$buffer = str_replace($suffix,"",
+                                self::$buffer);
+                            self::$step1_changes = true;
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            case "ivo": case "ivi": case "iva": case "ive":
+                //Delete if in R2
+                if(self::in(self::$r2_string,$max_suffix)){
+                    self::$buffer = substr_replace(self::$buffer,"",
+                        self::$max_suffix_pos,strlen($max_suffix));
+                    self::$step1_changes = true;
+                }
+                //If preceded by at, delete if in R2
+                self::getRegions();
+                $pos = self::checkForSuffix(self::$buffer,"at");
+                if($pos !== false){
+                    if(self::in(self::$r2_string,"at")){
+                        self::$buffer = substr_replace(self::$buffer,"",$pos,2);
+                        self::$step1_changes = true;
+                        //If further preceded by ic, delete if in R2
+                        self::getRegions();
+                        $pos = self::checkForSuffix(self::$buffer,"ic");
+                        if($pos !== false){
+                            if(self::in(self::$r2_string,"ic")){
+                                self::$buffer = substr_replace(self::$buffer,"",
+                                    $pos,2);
+                                self::$step1_changes = true;
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Handles verb suffixes
+     */
+    static function step2()
+    {
+        $verb_suffixes = array("ammo","ando","ano","are","arono","asse",
+            "assero","assi","assimo","ata","ate","ati",
+            "ato","ava","avamo","avano","avate","avi","avo",
+            "emmo","enda","ende","endi","endo","era`",
+            "erai","eranno","ere","erebbe","erebbero",
+            "erei","eremmo","eremo","ereste","eresti",
+            "erete","ero`","erono","essero","ete","eva",
+            "evamo","evano","evate","evi","evo","Yamo",
+            "iamo","immo","ira`","irai","iranno","ire",
+            "irebbe","irebbero","irei","iremmo","iremo",
+            "ireste","iresti","irete","iro`","irono","isca",
+            "iscano","isce","isci","isco","iscono","issero",
+            "ita","ite","iti","ito","iva","ivamo","ivano",
+            "ivate","ivi","ivo","ono","uta","ute","uti",
+            "uto","ar","ir");
+        /**
+         * If no ending was removed in step1, find the longest suffix from the
+         * above suffixes and delete if in RV
+         */
+        if(!self::$step1_changes){
+            //Get R1,R2 and RV
+            self::getRegions();
+            $max_suffix = self::maxSuffix(self::$rv_string,$verb_suffixes);
+            if(self::in(self::$rv_string,$max_suffix))
+                self::$buffer = substr_replace(self::$buffer,"",
+                    self::$rv_start + self::$max_suffix_pos,
+                    strlen($max_suffix));
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Deletes a final a,e,i,o,a`,e`,i`,o` and a preceding i if in RV
+     */
+    static function step3a()
+    {
+        $vowels = array ("a","e","i","o","a`","e`","i`","o`");
+        //Get R1,R2 and RV
+        self::getRegions();
+        //If a character from the above is found in RV, delete it
+        foreach($vowels as $character) {
+            $pos = self::checkForSuffix(self::$buffer,$character);
+            if($pos !== false){
+                if(self::in(self::$rv_string,$character)){
+                    self::$buffer = substr_replace(self::$buffer, "", $pos,
+                        strlen($character));
+                    break;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        //If preceded by i, delete if in RV
+        self::getRegions();
+        $pos = self::checkForSuffix(self::$buffer,"i");
+        if($pos !== false){
+            if(self::in(self::$rv_string,"i"))
+                self::$buffer = substr_replace(self::$buffer,"",$pos,1);
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Replaces a final ch/gh by c/g if in RV
+     */
+    static function step3b()
+    {
+        //Get R1,R2 and RV
+        self::getRegions();
+        //Replace final ch/gh with c/g if in RV
+        $patterns = array("ch","gh");
+        foreach($patterns as $pattern){
+            switch($pattern)
+            {
+                case "ch":
+                    $pos = self::checkForSuffix(self::$buffer,$pattern);
+                    if($pos !== false){
+                        if(self::in(self::$rv_string,$pattern))
+                            self::$buffer = substr_replace(self::$buffer,
+                                "c",$pos);
+                    }
+                break;
+                case "gh":
+                    $pos = self::checkForSuffix(self::$buffer,$pattern);
+                    if($pos !== false){
+                        if(self::in(self::$rv_string,$pattern))
+                            self::$buffer = substr_replace(self::$buffer,
+                                "g",$pos);
+                    }
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Converts U and/or I back to lowercase
+     */
+    static function postlude()
+    {
+        $pattern_array_1 = array("/U/","/I/");
+        $replacement_array_1 = array("u","i");
+        $pattern_array_2 = array("/a`/","/e`/","/i`/","/o`/","/u`/");
+        $replacement_array_2 = array("à","è","ì","ò","ù");
+        self::$buffer = preg_replace($pattern_array_1, $replacement_array_1,
+            self::$buffer);
+        self::$buffer = preg_replace($pattern_array_2, $replacement_array_2,
+            self::$buffer);
+    }
diff --git a/locale/it/statistics.txt b/locale/it/statistics.txt
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..039ce78
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/it/statistics.txt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/locale/ja/configure.ini b/locale/ja/configure.ini
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..b7042c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/ja/configure.ini
@@ -0,0 +1,4186 @@
+; ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
+;  SeekQuarry/Yioop Open Source Pure PHP Search Engine, Crawler, and Indexer
+;  Copyright (C) 2009 - 2015  Chris Pollett
+;  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;  (at your option) any later version.
+;  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;  GNU General Public License for more details.
+;  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;  along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+;  ***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****
+; configure.ini
+; ja configuration file
+; Strings to translate on various pages
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/seek_quarry//controllers
+; admin_controller.php line: 101
+admin_controller_need_cookies = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 150
+admin_controller_account_not_active = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 156
+admin_controller_login_successful = "ログイン成功"
+; admin_controller.php line: 175
+admin_controller_no_back_button = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 189
+admin_controller_login_failed = "無効なユーザー名またはパスワード"
+; admin_controller.php line: 195
+admin_controller_login_to_config = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 199
+admin_controller_status_updates_stopped = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 342
+admin_controller_account_access = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 343
+admin_controller_social = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 344
+admin_controller_crawl_settings = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 345
+admin_controller_system_settings = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 517
+admin_controller_equal = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 518
+admin_controller_not_equal = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 519
+admin_controller_contains = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 520
+admin_controller_begins_with = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 521
+admin_controller_ends_with = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 524
+admin_controller_equal = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 525
+admin_controller_not_equal = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 528
+admin_controller_no_sort = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 529
+admin_controller_sort_ascending = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 530
+admin_controller_sort_descending = ""
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/seek_quarry//controllers/components
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 132
+accountaccess_component_no_posts_yet = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 146
+accountaccess_component_passwords_too_long = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 155
+accountaccess_component_passwords_dont_match = "パスワードを違います"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 162
+accountaccess_component_invalid_password = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 192
+accountaccess_component_unknown_imagetype = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 197
+accountaccess_component_icon_too_big = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 206
+accountaccess_component_no_user_folder = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 215
+accountaccess_component_user_updated = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 259
+accountaccess_component_active_status = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 260
+accountaccess_component_inactive_status = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 261
+accountaccess_component_banned_status = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 264
+accountaccess_component_request_join = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 265
+accountaccess_component_invited = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 266
+accountaccess_component_active_status = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 267
+accountaccess_component_banned_status = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 312
+accountaccess_component_passwords_too_long = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 317
+accountaccess_component_passwords_dont_match = "パスワードを違います"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 321
+accountaccess_component_invalid_username = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 325
+accountaccess_component_user_exists = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 354
+accountaccess_component_user_added = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 363
+accountaccess_component_user_doesnt_exist = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 370
+accountaccess_component_cant_edit_public_user = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 412
+accountaccess_component_passwords_dont_match = "パスワードを違います"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 418
+accountaccess_component_user_updated = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 424
+accountaccess_component_user_filter_group = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 428
+accountaccess_component_user_filter_role = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 439
+accountaccess_component_username_doesnt_exists = "ユーザー名は存在しません"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 444
+accountaccess_component_cant_delete_builtin = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 449
+accountaccess_component_user_deleted = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 458
+accountaccess_component_username_doesnt_exists = "ユーザー名は存在しません"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 463
+accountaccess_component_rolename_doesnt_exists = "役割は存在しません"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 469
+accountaccess_component_rolename_already_added = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 475
+accountaccess_component_rolename_added = "役割が追加しました"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 485
+accountaccess_component_username_doesnt_exists = "ユーザー名は存在しません"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 490
+accountaccess_component_groupname_doesnt_exists = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 496
+accountaccess_component_groupname_already_added = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 504
+accountaccess_component_groupname_added = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 514
+accountaccess_component_username_doesnt_exists = "ユーザー名は存在しません"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 519
+accountaccess_component_rolename_doesnt_exists = "役割は存在しません"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 528
+accountaccess_component_rolename_deleted = "役割を削除しました"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 538
+accountaccess_component_username_doesnt_exists = "ユーザー名は存在しません"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 543
+accountaccess_component_groupname_doesnt_exists = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 552
+accountaccess_component_group_deleted = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 569
+accountaccess_component_username_doesnt_exists = "ユーザー名は存在しません"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 575
+accountaccess_component_userstatus_updated = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 733
+accountaccess_component_select_activityname = "選択アクティビティ名"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 759
+accountaccess_component_rolename_doesnt_exists = "役割は存在しません"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 775
+accountaccess_component_activity_added = "アクティビティが追加しました"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 784
+accountaccess_component_rolename_exists = "役割が存在します"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 790
+accountaccess_component_rolename_added = "役割が追加しました"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 794
+accountaccess_component_rolename_blank = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 803
+accountaccess_component_rolename_doesnt_exists = "役割は存在しません"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 821
+accountaccess_component_activity_deleted = "アクティビティを削除しました"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 829
+accountaccess_component_rolename_doesnt_exists = "役割は存在しません"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 835
+accountaccess_component_rolename_deleted = "役割を削除しました"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 867
+accountaccess_component_role_updated = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 85
+crawl_component_starting_new_crawl = "新しい検索を始まります"
+; crawl_component.php line: 102
+crawl_component_stop_crawl = "検索を停止する。ちょっと待ってください。"
+; crawl_component.php line: 131
+crawl_component_resume_crawl = "検索を再会する。ちょっと待ってください。"
+; crawl_component.php line: 140
+crawl_component_delete_crawl_success = "検索を削除する。ちょっと待ってください。"
+; crawl_component.php line: 144
+crawl_component_delete_crawl_fail = "検索削除を失敗しました"
+; crawl_component.php line: 153
+crawl_component_set_index = "指数のための検索設定する。"
+; crawl_component.php line: 187
+crawl_component_no_description = "検索の説明ありません"
+; crawl_component.php line: 334
+crawl_component_use_below = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 335
+crawl_component_use_defaults = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 338
+crawl_component_use_below = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 342
+crawl_component_previous_crawl = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 413
+crawl_component_added_urls = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 427
+crawl_component_add_suggest = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 431
+crawl_component_no_new_suggests = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 478
+crawl_component_breadth_first = "幅優先"
+; crawl_component.php line: 480
+crawl_component_page_importance = "ページの重要性"
+; crawl_component.php line: 545
+crawl_component_added_urls = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 555
+crawl_component_urls_injected = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 565
+crawl_component_update_seed_info = "シッド情報の更新"
+; crawl_component.php line: 620
+crawl_component_new_classifier = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 624
+crawl_component_classifier_exists = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 647
+crawl_component_classifier_deleted = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 651
+crawl_component_no_classifier = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 662
+crawl_component_no_classifier = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 680
+crawl_component_finalizing_classifier = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 707
+crawl_component_finalizing_classifier = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 753
+crawl_component_classifier_exists = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 762
+crawl_component_load_failed = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 764
+crawl_component_loading = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 766
+crawl_component_added_examples = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 768
+crawl_component_label_update_failed = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 770
+crawl_component_updating = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 772
+crawl_component_acc_update_failed = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 774
+crawl_component_na = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 776
+crawl_component_no_docs = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 778
+crawl_component_num_docs = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 780
+crawl_component_in_class = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 782
+crawl_component_not_in_class = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 784
+crawl_component_skip = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 786
+crawl_component_prediction = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 788
+crawl_component_scores = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 830
+crawl_component_use_below = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 831
+crawl_component_use_defaults = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 833
+crawl_component_use_below = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 841
+crawl_component_recrawl_never = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 842
+crawl_component_recrawl_1day = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 843
+crawl_component_recrawl_2day = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 844
+crawl_component_recrawl_3day = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 845
+crawl_component_recrawl_7day = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 846
+crawl_component_recrawl_14day = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 854
+crawl_component_basic = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 855
+crawl_component_centroid = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1141
+crawl_component_page_options_updated = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1169
+crawl_component_page_options_running_tests = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1348
+crawl_component_results_editor_update = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1363
+crawl_component_edited_pages = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1376
+crawl_component_results_editor_need_url = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1382
+crawl_component_results_editor_page_updated = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1395
+crawl_component_results_editor_page_loaded = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1426
+crawl_component_media_kind = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1427
+crawl_component_video = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1428
+crawl_component_rss_feed = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1429
+crawl_component_html_feed = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1443
+crawl_component_sources_indexes = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1499
+crawl_component_no_source_type = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1512
+crawl_component_missing_type = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1526
+crawl_component_invalid_url = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1533
+crawl_component_missing_fields = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1550
+crawl_component_media_source_added = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1563
+crawl_component_missing_fields = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1571
+crawl_component_subsearch_added = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1577
+crawl_component_no_delete_source = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1583
+crawl_component_media_source_deleted = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1590
+crawl_component_no_delete_source = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1597
+crawl_component_subsearch_deleted = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1632
+crawl_component_subsearch_updated = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1707
+crawl_component_media_source_updated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 85
+social_component_request_join = ""
+; social_component.php line: 86
+social_component_invited = ""
+; social_component.php line: 87
+social_component_active_status = ""
+; social_component.php line: 88
+social_component_banned_status = ""
+; social_component.php line: 91
+social_component_no_join = ""
+; social_component.php line: 92
+social_component_by_request = ""
+; social_component.php line: 93
+social_component_public_request = ""
+; social_component.php line: 94
+social_component_public_join = ""
+; social_component.php line: 97
+social_component_private = ""
+; social_component.php line: 98
+social_component_read = ""
+; social_component.php line: 99
+social_component_read_comment = ""
+; social_component.php line: 100
+social_component_read_write = ""
+; social_component.php line: 101
+social_component_read_wiki = ""
+; social_component.php line: 104
+social_component_no_voting = ""
+; social_component.php line: 105
+social_component_up_voting = ""
+; social_component.php line: 106
+social_component_up_down_voting = ""
+; social_component.php line: 109
+social_component_forever = ""
+; social_component.php line: 110
+social_component_one_hour = ""
+; social_component.php line: 111
+social_component_one_day = ""
+; social_component.php line: 112
+social_component_one_month = ""
+; social_component.php line: 181
+accountaccess_component_user_activated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 186
+accountaccess_component_no_user_activated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 204
+social_component_joined = ""
+; social_component.php line: 208
+social_component_groupname_unavailable = ""
+; social_component.php line: 213
+social_component_name_available = ""
+; social_component.php line: 228
+social_component_user_banned = ""
+; social_component.php line: 233
+social_component_no_user_banned = ""
+; social_component.php line: 254
+social_component_owner_changed = ""
+; social_component.php line: 259
+social_component_not_in_group = ""
+; social_component.php line: 265
+social_component_not_a_user = ""
+; social_component.php line: 275
+social_component_groupname_exists = ""
+; social_component.php line: 302
+social_component_groupname_added = ""
+; social_component.php line: 311
+social_component_groupname_doesnt_exists = ""
+; social_component.php line: 318
+social_component_group_deleted = ""
+; social_component.php line: 322
+social_component_no_delete_group = ""
+; social_component.php line: 335
+social_component_user_deleted = ""
+; social_component.php line: 340
+social_component_no_delete_user_group = ""
+; social_component.php line: 390
+social_component_users_invited = ""
+; social_component.php line: 395
+social_component_no_users_invited = ""
+; social_component.php line: 411
+social_component_joined = ""
+; social_component.php line: 415
+social_component_no_unsubscribe = ""
+; social_component.php line: 457
+social_component_user_reinstated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 462
+social_component_no_user_reinstated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 469
+social_component_request_join = ""
+; social_component.php line: 471
+social_component_invited = ""
+; social_component.php line: 473
+social_component_banned_status = ""
+; social_component.php line: 490
+social_component_unsubscribe = ""
+; social_component.php line: 495
+social_component_no_unsubscribe = ""
+; social_component.php line: 538
+social_component_group_joined = ""
+; social_component.php line: 540
+social_component_group_request_join = ""
+; social_component.php line: 556
+social_component_activate_group = ""
+; social_component.php line: 563
+social_component_activate_body = ""
+; social_component.php line: 567
+social_component_notify_closing = ""
+; social_component.php line: 568
+social_component_notify_signature = ""
+; social_component.php line: 639
+social_component_no_permission = ""
+; social_component.php line: 652
+social_component_group_updated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 660
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+; social_component.php line: 668
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+; social_component.php line: 759
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+; social_component.php line: 763
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+; social_component.php line: 775
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+; social_component.php line: 781
+social_component_no_post_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 785
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+; social_component.php line: 788
+social_component_join_group_detail = ""
+; social_component.php line: 803
+social_component_upload_error = ""
+; social_component.php line: 816
+social_component_thread_notification = ""
+; social_component.php line: 818
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+; social_component.php line: 821
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+; social_component.php line: 822
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+; social_component.php line: 824
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+; social_component.php line: 831
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+; social_component.php line: 841
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+; social_component.php line: 847
+social_component_delete_error = ""
+; social_component.php line: 868
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+; social_component.php line: 871
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+; social_component.php line: 879
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+; social_component.php line: 888
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+; social_component.php line: 893
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+; social_component.php line: 897
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+; social_component.php line: 901
+social_component_vote_recorded = ""
+; social_component.php line: 906
+social_component_comment_error = ""
+; social_component.php line: 911
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+; social_component.php line: 922
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+; social_component.php line: 930
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+; social_component.php line: 936
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+; social_component.php line: 943
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+; social_component.php line: 947
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+; social_component.php line: 948
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+; social_component.php line: 949
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+; social_component.php line: 956
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+; social_component.php line: 964
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+; social_component.php line: 968
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+; social_component.php line: 974
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+; social_component.php line: 982
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+; social_component.php line: 995
+social_component_no_update_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1004
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+; social_component.php line: 1007
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+; social_component.php line: 1014
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+; social_component.php line: 1023
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+; social_component.php line: 1028
+social_component_no_post_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1032
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+; social_component.php line: 1036
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+; social_component.php line: 1067
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+; social_component.php line: 1070
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+; social_component.php line: 1338
+accountaccess_component_no_posts_yet = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1379
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+; social_component.php line: 1463
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+; social_component.php line: 1466
+social_component_no_group_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1490
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+; social_component.php line: 1491
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+; social_component.php line: 1493
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+; social_component.php line: 1496
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+; social_component.php line: 1497
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+; social_component.php line: 1498
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+; social_component.php line: 1538
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+; social_component.php line: 1544
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+; social_component.php line: 1639
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+; social_component.php line: 1649
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+; social_component.php line: 1661
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+social_component_upload_error = ""
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+social_component_back = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1719
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+; social_component.php line: 1752
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+; social_component.php line: 1753
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+; social_component.php line: 1767
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+; social_component.php line: 1775
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+; social_component.php line: 1779
+social_component_page_reverted = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1783
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+; social_component.php line: 1854
+social_component_main = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2096
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+; social_component.php line: 2097
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+; social_component.php line: 2134
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+; social_component.php line: 2138
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+; social_component.php line: 2178
+social_component_select_crawl = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2179
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+; social_component.php line: 2181
+social_component_select_crawl = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2183
+social_component_default_crawl = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2214
+social_component_mix_created = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2217
+social_component_invalid_name = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2225
+social_component_mix_invalid_timestamp = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2229
+social_component_mix_deleted = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2248
+social_component_mix_doesnt_exists = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2256
+social_component_mix_imported = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2270
+social_component_set_index = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2280
+social_component_comment_error = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2286
+social_component_invalid_timestamp = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2304
+social_component_no_post_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2308
+social_component_share_title = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2310
+social_component_share_description = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2315
+social_component_thread_created = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2367
+social_component_mix_invalid_timestamp = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2372
+social_component_mix_not_owner = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2382
+social_component_add_crawls = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2384
+social_component_num_results = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2386
+social_component_del_frag = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2388
+social_component_weight = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2389
+social_component_name = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2391
+social_component_add_keywords = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2393
+social_component_actions = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2395
+social_component_add_query = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2396
+social_component_delete = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2443
+social_component_too_many_fragments = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2454
+social_component_mix_saved = ""
+; system_component.php line: 79
+system_component_select_machine = ""
+; system_component.php line: 145
+system_component_machine_added = ""
+; system_component.php line: 149
+system_component_machine_exists = ""
+; system_component.php line: 153
+system_component_machine_incomplete = ""
+; system_component.php line: 160
+system_component_machine_doesnt_exists = ""
+; system_component.php line: 181
+system_component_stop_service_first = ""
+; system_component.php line: 187
+system_component_machine_deleted = ""
+; system_component.php line: 208
+system_component_media_mode_updated = ""
+; system_component.php line: 212
+system_component_media_update_failed = ""
+; system_component.php line: 275
+system_component_no_machine_log = ""
+; system_component.php line: 304
+system_component_machine_servers_updated = ""
+; system_component.php line: 308
+system_component_machine_no_action = ""
+; system_component.php line: 344
+system_component_select_mode = ""
+; system_component.php line: 386
+system_component_locale_missing_info = ""
+; system_component.php line: 393
+system_component_locale_added = "ローケルが追加しました"
+; system_component.php line: 400
+system_component_localename_doesnt_exists = "ローケルは存在しません"
+; system_component.php line: 405
+system_component_localename_deleted = "ローケルを削除しました"
+; system_component.php line: 411
+system_component_localename_doesnt_exists = "ローケルは存在しません"
+; system_component.php line: 440
+system_component_locale_updated = ""
+; system_component.php line: 470
+system_component_localestrings_updated = "ローケルストリングを編集しました"
+; system_component.php line: 481
+system_component_all_strings = ""
+; system_component.php line: 482
+system_component_missing_strings = ""
+; system_component.php line: 568
+system_component_configure_no_change_db = "ディータベースの更新ない"
+; system_component.php line: 573
+system_component_configure_profile_change = "プロフィールの変更できました。"
+; system_component.php line: 576
+system_component_configure_no_change_profile = "プロフィールの変更できない。"
+; system_component.php line: 598
+system_component_configure_disable_registration = ""
+; system_component.php line: 600
+system_component_configure_no_activation = ""
+; system_component.php line: 602
+system_component_configure_email_activation = ""
+; system_component.php line: 604
+system_component_configure_admin_activation = ""
+; system_component.php line: 669
+captchasettings_element_text_captcha = ""
+; system_component.php line: 671
+captchasettings_element_hash_captcha = ""
+; system_component.php line: 673
+captchasettings_element_image_captcha = ""
+; system_component.php line: 678
+serversettings_element_normal_authentication = ""
+; system_component.php line: 680
+serversettings_element_zkp_authentication = ""
+; system_component.php line: 685
+serversettings_element_normal_authentication = ""
+; system_component.php line: 710
+system_component_settings_updated = ""
+; system_component.php line: 713
+system_component_no_update_settings = ""
+; system_component.php line: 780
+system_component_configure_use_absolute_path = ""
+; system_component.php line: 785
+system_component_configure_configure_diff_base_dir = ""
+; system_component.php line: 810
+system_component_configure_work_dir_set = "作業ディレクトリの設定しました。もう一度ログインしてください。"
+; system_component.php line: 821
+system_component_name_your_bot = "ボット名を入力してください。"
+; system_component.php line: 846
+system_component_configure_work_profile_made = "作業ディレクトリとプロフィールの作成しました。"
+; system_component.php line: 850
+system_component_configure_no_set_config = "config.phpファイルのできない。更新"
+; system_component.php line: 857
+system_component_configure_no_create_profile = "プロフィールを作成できない。"
+; system_component.php line: 864
+system_component_configure_work_dir_invalid = "無効な作業ディレクト。プロフィールを作成できない。"
+; system_component.php line: 871
+system_component_configure_work_dir_invalid = "無効な作業ディレクト。プロフィールを作成できない。"
+; system_component.php line: 893
+system_component_no_resource_folder = ""
+; system_component.php line: 907
+system_component_invalid_filetype = ""
+; system_component.php line: 912
+system_component_file_too_big = ""
+; system_component.php line: 935
+system_component_configure_profile_change = "プロフィールの変更できました。"
+; system_component.php line: 939
+system_component_configure_no_change_profile = "プロフィールの変更できない。"
+; system_component.php line: 988
+system_component_configure_reset_completed = ""
+; system_component.php line: 992
+system_component_configure_no_change_profile = "プロフィールの変更できない。"
+; system_component.php line: 1025
+system_component_describe_robot = "ロボットの説明してください。"
+; system_component.php line: 1091
+system_component_php_version = ""
+; system_component.php line: 1099
+system_component_no_write_config_php = ""
+; system_component.php line: 1104
+system_component_no_write_work_dir = ""
+; system_component.php line: 1109
+system_component_post_size_small = ""
+; system_component.php line: 1115
+system_component_missing_required = ""
+; system_component.php line: 1138
+system_component_missing_optional = ""
+; system_component.php line: 1143
+system_component_check_passed = ""
+; system_component.php line: 1148
+system_component_using_local_config = ""
+; machine_controller.php line: 172
+machine_controller_nolines = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 246
+register_controller_need_cookies = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 313
+register_controller_account_created = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 331
+register_controller_registration_email_sent = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 333
+register_controller_admin_activation_request = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 334
+register_controller_admin_email_salutation = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 336
+register_controller_email_body = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 369
+register_controller_account_request_made = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 373
+register_controller_admin_activation_request = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 374
+register_controller_admin_activation_message = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 416
+register_controller_email_verification_error = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 422
+register_controller_already_activated = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 429
+register_controller_account_activated = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 432
+register_controller_email_verification_error = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 480
+register_controller_account_recover_fail = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 489
+register_controller_account_recover_fail = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 493
+register_controller_account_recover_email = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 497
+register_controller_recover_request = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 498
+register_controller_admin_email_salutation = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 500
+register_controller_recover_body = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 534
+register_controller_account_recover_fail = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 546
+register_controller_account_recover_fail = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 559
+register_controller_account_recover_fail = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 566
+register_controller_recovered_already = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 570
+register_controller_recovery_expired = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 576
+register_controller_password_changed = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 584
+register_controller_passwords_dont_match = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 598
+register_controller_recovered_already = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 602
+register_controller_recovery_expired = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 728
+register_controller_invalid_url = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 732
+register_controller_error_fields = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 746
+register_controller_failed_hashcode = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 756
+register_controller_failed_human = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 783
+register_controller_failed_graphical_human = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 797
+register_controller_suggest_full = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 801
+register_controller_url_submitted = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 1004
+register_controller_need_cookies = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 1010
+register_controller_failed_human = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 1025
+register_controller_failed_graphical_human = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 1036
+register_controller_failed_hashcode = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 1064
+register_controller_error_fields = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 1067
+register_controller_check_email = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 1074
+register_controller_user_already_exists = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 235
+search_controller_web = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 295
+search_controller_logout_successful = "ログアウト成功"
+; search_controller.php line: 500
+search_controller_mix_info = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 506
+search_controller_crawl_info = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 542
+search_controller_search = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 646
+search_controller_no_index_set = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 649
+search_controller_no_index_set = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1300
+search_controller_download_fetcher = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1309
+search_controller_no_archive_page = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1358
+search_controller_yioop_cache = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1363
+search_controller_original_page = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1380
+search_controller_extracted_title = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1382
+search_controller_extracted_description = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1384
+search_controller_extracted_links = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1389
+search_controller_extracted_allow_paths = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1395
+search_controller_extracted_disallow_paths = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1401
+search_controller_crawl_delay = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1466
+search_controller_cache_comment = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1477
+search_controller_yioop_cache = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1513
+search_controller_cached_version = "%sのこのキャッシュされたバージョンは%sのウィオップから入手しました。"
+; search_controller.php line: 1608
+search_controller_download_fetcher = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1626
+search_controller_header_summaries = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1739
+search_controller_history = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1908
+search_controller_all_cached = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1939
+search_controller_year = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1940
+search_controller_month = ""
+; settings_controller.php line: 115
+settings_controller_crawl_mix = ""
+; settings_controller.php line: 130
+settings_controller_settings_saved = "設定の保存しました"
+; static_controller.php line: 67
+static_controller_logout_successful = ""
+; static_controller.php line: 145
+static_controller_complete_title = ""
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/sq_data/app/controllers
+; main_controller.php line: 87
+search_controller_logout_successful = "ログアウト成功"
+; main_controller.php line: 112
+main_controller_download = ""
+; main_controller.php line: 129
+main_controller_missing_fields = ""
+; main_controller.php line: 164
+main_controller_yioop_download = ""
+; main_controller.php line: 165
+main_controller_click_download = ""
+; main_controller.php line: 178
+main_controller_url_error = ""
+; main_controller.php line: 187
+main_controller_expired_url = ""
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/seek_quarry//views
+; admin_view.php line: 70
+admin_view_admin = "管理"
+; admin_view.php line: 89
+adminview_auto_logout_one_minute = "自動なログアウト一分ぐらい"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 52
+crawlstatus_view_currently_processing = "現在処理しています"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 53
+crawlstatus_view_description = "説明"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 58
+crawlstatus_view_starting_crawl = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 62
+managecrawls_element_stop_crawl = "検索の停止"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 66
+crawlstatus_view_resuming_crawl = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 70
+managecrawls_element_stop_crawl = "検索の停止"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 74
+crawlstatus_view_shutdown_queue = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 77
+crawlstatus_view_closing_dict = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 80
+crawlstatus_view_run_plugins = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 88
+managecrawls_element_stop_crawl = "検索の停止"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 96
+crawlstatus_view_set_index = "指数の設定する。"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 99
+crawlstatus_view_search_index = "検索指数"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 107
+crawlstatus_view_changeoptions = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 109
+crawlstatus_view_no_description = "検索は続いていません。"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 114
+crawlstatus_view_timestamp = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 116
+crawlstatus_view_time_started = "始まった時の時間"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 122
+crawlstatus_view_indexer_memory = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 124
+crawlstatus_view_scheduler_memory = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 127
+crawlstatus_view_queue_memory = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 132
+crawlstatus_view_no_mem_data = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 136
+crawlstatus_view_fetcher_memory = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 141
+crawlstatus_view_no_mem_data = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 144
+crawlstatus_view_webapp_memory = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 149
+crawlstatus_view_no_mem_data = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 152
+crawlstatus_view_urls_per_hour = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 160
+crawlstatus_view_visited_urls = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 164
+crawlstatus_view_total_urls = "全部URL"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 167
+crawlstatus_view_most_recent_fetcher = "最新フェッチャ"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 176
+crawlstatus_view_no_fetcher = "フェッチャキュエリはまだありません"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 180
+crawlstatus_view_most_recent_urls = "最新URL"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 190
+crawlstatus_view_no_recent_urls = "最近URLはありません"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 193
+crawlstatus_view_previous_crawls = "さっきの検索"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 203
+crawlstatus_view_description = "説明"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 206
+crawlstatus_view_timestamp = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 207
+crawlstatus_view_url_counts = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 211
+crawlstatus_view_actions = "アクション"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 222
+crawlstatus_view_statistics = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 238
+crawlstatus_view_resume = "再会"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 240
+crawlstatus_view_no_resume = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 247
+crawlstatus_view_set_index = "指数の設定する。"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 250
+crawlstatus_view_search_index = "検索指数"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 257
+crawlstatus_view_delete = "削除"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 265
+crawlstatus_view_no_previous_crawl = "さっきの検索はありません"
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/seek_quarry//views/elements
+; activity_element.php line: 54
+activity_element_activities = "アクティビティ"
+; configure_element.php line: 76
+configure_element_work_directory = "作業ディレクトリ"
+; configure_element.php line: 82
+configure_element_load_or_create = "負荷または作成"
+; configure_element.php line: 100
+configure_element_component_check = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 104
+configure_element_profile_settings = "プロフィールの設定"
+; configure_element.php line: 107
+configure_element_toggle_advanced = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 114
+configure_element_default_language = "デフォルトの言語"
+; configure_element.php line: 121
+configure_element_debug_display = "デバッグのディスペル"
+; configure_element.php line: 126
+configure_element_error_info = "エラー情報"
+; configure_element.php line: 131
+configure_element_query_info = "キュエリ情報"
+; configure_element.php line: 136
+configure_element_test_info = "テスト情報"
+; configure_element.php line: 141
+configure_element_site_access = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 146
+configure_element_web_access = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 151
+configure_element_rss_access = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 156
+configure_element_api_access = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 161
+configure_element_customizations = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 163
+configure_element_use_wiki_landing = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 170
+configure_element_background_color = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 178
+configure_element_background_image = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 185
+configure_element_background_image = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 194
+configure_element_foreground_color = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 200
+configure_element_topbar_color = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 206
+configure_element_sidebar_color = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 214
+configure_element_site_logo = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 221
+configure_element_site_logo = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 232
+configure_element_mobile_logo = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 239
+configure_element_mobile_logo = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 250
+configure_element_favicon = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 257
+configure_element_favicon = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 267
+configure_element_toolbar = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 278
+configure_element_site_timezone = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 284
+configure_element_cookie_name = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 290
+configure_element_token_name = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 296
+configure_element_auxiliary_css = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 304
+configure_element_reset_customizations = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 311
+configure_element_crawl_robot = "検索ロボット設定"
+; configure_element.php line: 313
+configure_element_robot_name = "ロボット名"
+; configure_element.php line: 321
+configure_element_robot_instance = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 328
+configure_element_robot_description = "ロボット説明"
+; configure_element.php line: 338
+serversettings_element_submit = "サブミット"
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 55
+crawloptions_element_back_to_manage = "戻る"
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 58
+crawloptions_element_modify_active_crawl = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 60
+crawloptions_element_edit_crawl_options = "検索オプションの編集"
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 83
+crawloptions_element_web_crawl = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 93
+crawloptions_element_archive_crawl = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 100
+crawloptions_element_load_options = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 105
+crawloptions_element_crawl_order = "検索の順序"
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 114
+crawloptions_element_restrict_by_url = "URLで制限"
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 122
+crawloptions_element_allowed_to_crawl = "検索ができます"
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 129
+crawloptions_element_disallowed_and_quota_sites = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 140
+crawloptions_element_seed_sites = "シッドサイト"
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 144
+crawloptions_element_add_suggest_urls = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 155
+crawloptions_element_inject_sites = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 159
+crawloptions_element_add_suggest_urls = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 176
+crawloptions_element_reindex_crawl = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 185
+crawloptions_element_need_api_for_mix = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 193
+crawloptions_element_save_options = "保存オプション"
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 58
+editclassifier_back = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 60
+editclassifier_edit_classifier = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 72
+editclassifier_classifier_label = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 77
+editclassifier_change = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 82
+editclassifier_statistics = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 83
+editclassifier_positive_examples = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 86
+editclassifier_negative_examples = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 89
+editclassifier_accuracy = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 94
+crawl_component_na = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 99
+editclassifier_update = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 100
+editclassifier_add_examples = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 109
+editclassifier_source = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 113
+editclassifier_default_crawl = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 123
+editclassifier_label_by_hand = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 125
+editclassifier_all_in_class = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 127
+editclassifier_none_in_class = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 132
+editclassifier_keywords = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 141
+editclassifier_load = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 147
+editclassifier_finalize = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 155
+editclassifier_no_documents = ""
+; editlocales_element.php line: 55
+editlocales_element_back_to_manage = "戻る"
+; editlocales_element.php line: 57
+editlocales_element_edit_locale = "ローケルの編集:%s"
+; editlocales_element.php line: 71
+editlocales_element_show = ""
+; editlocales_element.php line: 75
+editlocales_element_filter = ""
+; editlocales_element.php line: 82
+editlocales_element_go = ""
+; editlocales_element.php line: 86
+editlocales_element_no_matching = ""
+; editlocales_element.php line: 119
+editlocales_element_submit = "サブミット"
+; editmix_element.php line: 51
+editmix_element_back_to_mix = ""
+; editmix_element.php line: 53
+mixcrawls_element_edit_mix = ""
+; editmix_element.php line: 64
+mixcrawls_element_mix_name = ""
+; editmix_element.php line: 70
+mixcrawls_element_mix_components = ""
+; editmix_element.php line: 77
+mixcrawls_element_too_many = ""
+; editmix_element.php line: 79
+mixcrawls_element_add_fragment = ""
+; editmix_element.php line: 85
+mixcrawls_element_save_button = ""
+; footer_element.php line: 59
+footer_element_blog = ""
+; footer_element.php line: 61
+footer_element_privacy = ""
+; footer_element.php line: 63
+footer_element_terms = ""
+; footer_element.php line: 65
+footer_element_tools = ""
+; footer_element.php line: 67
+footer_element_bot = ""
+; footer_element.php line: 72
+footer_element_developed_seek_quarry = ""
+; footer_element.php line: 75
+footer_element_copyright_yioop = ""
+; footer_element.php line: 77
+footer_element_php_search_engine = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 91
+groupfeed_element_add_group = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 95
+groupfeed_element_request_add = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 122
+groupfeed_element_wiki_page = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 124
+groupfeed_element_back = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 127
+groupfeed_element_back = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 136
+groupfeed_element_group_activity = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 140
+groupfeed_element_wiki_thread = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 159
+groupfeed_element_feed = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 163
+group_view_wiki = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 165
+groupfeed_element_user = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 206
+groupfeed_element_comment = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 238
+manageaccount_element_group_wiki = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 239
+manageaccount_element_group_stats = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 244
+manageaccount_element_last_post = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 286
+groupfeed_element_comment = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 297
+groupfeed_element_start_thread = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 311
+groupfeed_element_start_thread = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 317
+groupfeed_element_no_posts_yet = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 323
+groupfeed_element_thread_no_exist = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 358
+groupfeed_element_edit = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 363
+groupfeed_element_delete = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 385
+groupfeed_element_num_posts = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 395
+groupfeed_element_num_views = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 420
+groupfeed_element_start_thread_in_group = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 422
+groupfeed_element_start_thread_in_group = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 436
+groupfeed_element_last_edited = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 452
+groupfeed_element_post_vote = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 479
+groupfeed_element_last_post_info = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 494
+groupfeed_element_comment = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 547
+fileupload_helper_drag_textarea = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 548
+fileupload_helper_click_textarea = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 572
+groupfeed_element_add_comment = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 586
+groupfeed_element_save = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 625
+groupfeed_element_subject = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 632
+groupfeed_element_post = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 645
+groupfeed_element_save = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 681
+groupfeed_element_edit_post = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 684
+groupfeed_element_subject = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 690
+groupfeed_element_post = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 703
+groupfeed_element_save = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 732
+groupfeed_element_no_longer_update = ""
+; machinelog_element.php line: 54
+machinelog_element_back_to_manage = ""
+; machinelog_element.php line: 59
+machinelog_element_filter = ""
+; machinelog_element.php line: 66
+machinelog_element_log_file = ""
+; machinelog_element.php line: 71
+machinelog_element_refresh_off = ""
+; machinelog_element.php line: 76
+machinelog_element_refresh_on = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 60
+manageaccount_element_lock = ""
+manageaccount_element_edit = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 67
+manageaccount_element_welcome = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 69
+manageaccount_element_what_can_do = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 71
+manageaccount_element_account_details = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 100
+manageaccounts_element_icon = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 110
+manageusers_element_username = "ユーザー名"
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 117
+manageusers_element_firstname = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 123
+manageusers_element_lastname = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 129
+manageusers_element_email = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 138
+manageaccount_element_password = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 145
+manageaccount_element_new_password = "新しいパスワード"
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 151
+manageaccount_element_retype_password = "歳入力パスワード"
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 163
+manageaccount_element_save = "保存"
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 169
+manageaccount_element_search_lang_settings = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 174
+manageaccount_element_crawl_and_index = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 175
+manageaccount_element_crawl_info = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 176
+manageaccount_element_num_crawls = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 179
+manageaccount_element_manage_crawls = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 185
+manageaccount_element_groups_and_feeds = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 186
+manageaccount_element_group_info = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 188
+manageaccount_element_num_groups = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 191
+manageaccount_element_num_group = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 203
+manageaccount_element_group_wiki = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 204
+manageaccount_element_group_stats = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 209
+manageaccount_element_last_post = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 219
+manageaccount_element_manage_all_groups = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 221
+manageaccount_element_go_to_group_feed = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 223
+manageaccount_element_crawl_mixes = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 224
+manageaccount_element_mixes_info = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 226
+manageaccount_element_num_mixes = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 229
+manageaccount_element_num_mix = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 233
+manageaccount_element_manage_mixes = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 61
+manageclassifiers_available_classifiers = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 69
+manageclassifiers_label_col = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 72
+manageclassifiers_positive_col = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 74
+manageclassifiers_negative_col = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 80
+manageclassifiers_actions_col = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 99
+manageclassifiers_edit = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 102
+manageclassifiers_finalized = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 109
+manageclassifiers_finalize = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 111
+manageclassifiers_finalize = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 115
+manageclassifiers_finalizing = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 119
+confirm_delete_operation = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 123
+manageclassifiers_delete = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 156
+manageclassifiers_manage_classifiers = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 166
+manageclassifiers_classifier_name = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 171
+manageclassifiers_create_button = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 186
+manageclassifiers_element_search = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 187
+manageclassifiers_element_create_form = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 189
+manageclassifiers_classifier_name = ""
+; managecrawls_element.php line: 49
+managecrawls_element_create_crawl = "検索の作成"
+; managecrawls_element.php line: 58
+managecrawls_element_description = "説明"
+; managecrawls_element.php line: 65
+managecrawls_element_start_new_crawl = "新しい検索を始まる"
+; managecrawls_element.php line: 69
+managecrawls_element_options = "オプション"
+; managecrawls_element.php line: 75
+managecrawls_element_awaiting_status = "検索ステータスを待っている"
+; managecrawls_element.php line: 93
+managecrawls_element_up_longer_update = "検索ステータス編集もうできました"
+; managegroups_element.php line: 67
+managegroups_element_not_my_groups = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 69
+managegroups_element_groups = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 78
+managegroups_element_groupname = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 79
+managegroups_element_groupowner = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 81
+managegroups_element_registertype = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 82
+managegroups_element_memberaccess = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 83
+managegroups_element_voting = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 84
+managegroups_element_post_lifetime = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 87
+managegroups_element_actions = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 201
+manageaccount_element_group_wiki = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 216
+managegroups_element_join = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 220
+managegroups_element_edit = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 225
+managegroups_element_edit = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 230
+managegroups_element_delete = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 236
+managegroups_element_join = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 241
+managegroups_element_join = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 250
+managegroups_element_decline = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 252
+managegroups_element_unsubscribe = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 257
+confirm_delete_operation = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 260
+managegroups_element_delete = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 289
+managegroups_element_addgroup_form = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 290
+managegroups_element_group_info = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 292
+managegroups_element_create_group = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 296
+managegroups_element_add_group = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 313
+managegroups_element_groupname = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 324
+managegroups_element_browse = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 335
+managegroups_element_register = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 342
+managegroups_element_memberaccess = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 349
+managegroups_element_voting = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 356
+managegroups_element_post_lifetime = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 368
+managegroups_element_group_users = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 372
+managegroups_element_num_users = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 398
+managegroups_element_groupowner = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 400
+managegroups_element_delete = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 410
+managegroups_element_activate = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 416
+managegroups_element_ban = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 422
+managegroups_element_unban = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 430
+managegroups_element_delete = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 459
+managegroups_element_filter = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 480
+managegroups_element_invite = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 491
+managegroups_element_save = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 520
+managegroups_element_group_info = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 521
+managegroups_element_invite_users_group = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 533
+managegroups_element_groupname = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 541
+managegroups_element_usernames = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 548
+managegroups_element_invite = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 566
+managegroups_element_addgroup_form = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 567
+managegroups_element_transfer_group_owner = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 580
+managegroups_element_groupname = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 588
+managegroups_element_new_group_owner = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 595
+managegroups_element_change_owner = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 614
+managegroups_element_discover_groups = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 618
+managegroups_element_search_group = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 620
+managegroups_element_addgroup_form = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 622
+managegroups_element_groupname = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 623
+managegroups_element_groupowner = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 624
+managegroups_element_registertype = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 626
+managegroups_element_memberaccess = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 628
+managegroups_element_post_lifetime = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 59
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+; managelocales_element.php line: 69
+managelocales_element_localename = "ローケル名"
+; managelocales_element.php line: 72
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+; managelocales_element.php line: 73
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+; managelocales_element.php line: 75
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+; managelocales_element.php line: 80
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+; managelocales_element.php line: 81
+managelocales_element_actions = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 101
+managelocales_element_true = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 102
+managelocales_element_false = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 109
+managelocales_element_edit = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 114
+confirm_delete_operation = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 115
+managelocales_element_delete = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 135
+manageloecales_element_add_locale_form = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 136
+managelocales_element_locale_info = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 138
+managelocales_element_add_locale = "ローケルの追加"
+; managelocales_element.php line: 160
+managelocales_element_localenamelabel = "ローケル名"
+; managelocales_element.php line: 173
+managelocales_element_localetaglabel = "ローケルタッグ"
+; managelocales_element.php line: 179
+managelocales_element_writingmodelabel = "書き込みモード"
+; managelocales_element.php line: 189
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+; managelocales_element.php line: 200
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+; managelocales_element.php line: 218
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+; managelocales_element.php line: 219
+managelocales_element_addlocale_form = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 221
+managelocales_element_localename = "ローケル名"
+; managelocales_element.php line: 222
+managelocales_element_localetag = "ローケルのタッグ"
+; managelocales_element.php line: 223
+managelocales_element_writingmode = "書き込みモード"
+; managelocales_element.php line: 224
+managelocales_element_enabled = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 230
+managelocales_element_true = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 231
+managelocales_element_false = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 51
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+; managemachines_element.php line: 63
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+; managemachines_element.php line: 68
+managemachines_element_machineurl = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 73
+managemachines_element_is_mirror = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 78
+managemachines_element_parent_name = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 84
+managemachines_element_has_queueserver = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 88
+managemachines_element_num_fetchers = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 93
+managemachines_element_submit = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 98
+managemachines_element_machine_info = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 104
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+; managemachines_element.php line: 123
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+; manageroles_element.php line: 56
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+; manageroles_element.php line: 64
+manageroles_element_rolename = "役割名"
+; manageroles_element.php line: 66
+manageroles_element_actions = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 91
+manageroles_element_edit = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 96
+manageroles_element_delete = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 100
+confirm_delete_operation = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 103
+manageroles_element_delete = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 136
+manageroles_element_addrole_form = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 137
+manageroles_element_role_info = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 139
+manageroles_element_add_role = "役割の追加"
+; manageroles_element.php line: 151
+manageroles_element_rolename = "役割名"
+; manageroles_element.php line: 164
+manageroles_element_role_activities = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 173
+manageroles_element_delete = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 180
+manageroles_element_delete = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 200
+manageroles_element_save = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 218
+manageroles_element_search_role = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 219
+manageroles_element_addrole_form = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 221
+manageroles_element_rolename = "役割名"
+; manageusers_element.php line: 56
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+; manageusers_element.php line: 65
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+; manageusers_element.php line: 67
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+; manageusers_element.php line: 68
+manageusers_element_lastname = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 69
+manageusers_element_email = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 71
+manageusers_element_status = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 73
+manageusers_element_actions = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 135
+manageusers_element_edit = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 139
+manageusers_element_edit = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 146
+manageusers_element_delete = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 150
+confirm_delete_operation = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 153
+manageusers_element_delete = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 194
+manageusers_element_adduser_form = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 195
+manageusers_element_user_info = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 197
+manageusers_element_add_user = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 222
+manageusers_element_username = "ユーザー名"
+; manageusers_element.php line: 232
+manageusers_element_firstname = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 238
+manageusers_element_lastname = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 244
+manageusers_element_email = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 251
+manageusers_element_status = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 268
+manageusers_element_roles = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 272
+manageusers_element_num_roles = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 287
+manageusers_element_delete = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 297
+manageusers_element_delete = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 340
+manageusers_element_filter = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 352
+manageusers_element_add_role = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 362
+manageusers_element_groups = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 366
+manageusers_element_num_groups = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 387
+manageusers_element_delete = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 427
+manageusers_element_filter = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 439
+manageusers_element_add_group = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 452
+manageusers_element_password = "パスワード"
+; manageusers_element.php line: 458
+manageusers_element_retype_password = "歳入力パスワード"
+; manageusers_element.php line: 465
+manageusers_element_save = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 492
+manageusers_element_search_user = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 493
+manageusers_element_adduser_form = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 495
+manageusers_element_username = "ユーザー名"
+; manageusers_element.php line: 496
+manageusers_element_firstname = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 497
+manageusers_element_lastname = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 498
+manageusers_element_email = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 499
+manageusers_element_status = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 61
+mixcrawls_element_available_mixes = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 68
+mixcrawls_view_name = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 70
+mixcrawls_view_definition = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 74
+mixcrawls_view_actions = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 108
+mixcrawls_view_no_components = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 115
+mixcrawls_view_share = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 118
+mixcrawls_view_edit = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 124
+mixcrawls_set_index = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 127
+mixcrawl_search_index = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 133
+confirm_delete_operation = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 136
+mixcrawls_view_delete = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 146
+mixcrawls_view_back = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 147
+mixcrawls_element_share_mix_group = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 157
+mixcrawls_element_mixname = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 163
+mixcrawls_element_group = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 169
+mixcrawls_element_share = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 193
+mixcrawls_element_make_mix = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 203
+mixcrawls_element_mix_name = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 208
+mixcrawls_element_create_button = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 223
+mixcrawls_element_search_mix = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 224
+mixcrawls_element_createmix_form = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 226
+mixcrawls_element_mixname = ""
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 78
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+; moreoptions_element.php line: 113
+moreoptions_element_previous = ""
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 119
+moreoptions_element_next = ""
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 126
+moreoptions_element_my_accounts = ""
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 133
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+; moreoptions_element.php line: 141
+signin_element_signin = "サインイン"
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 144
+signin_element_admin = "管理"
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 156
+signin_view_create_account = ""
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 168
+moreoptions_element_suggest = ""
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 171
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+; moreoptions_element.php line: 182
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 58
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 63
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 68
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 80
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 85
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 116
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 123
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 153
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 169
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 171
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 200
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 203
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 209
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 229
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 241
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 244
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 254
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 261
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 269
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 278
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 286
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 295
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 304
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 311
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 320
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 330
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 335
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 340
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 345
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 351
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 359
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 363
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 380
+pageoptions_element_save_options = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 382
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 388
+pageoptions_element_test_results = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 391
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 396
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 400
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 404
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 408
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 427
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 464
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 468
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+; resultseditor_element.php line: 51
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+; resultseditor_element.php line: 78
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+; resultseditor_element.php line: 85
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+; resultseditor_element.php line: 115
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+resultseditor_element_save_filter = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 58
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 59
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 63
+searchsources_element_add_media_source = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 87
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 92
+searchsources_element_sourcename = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 101
+searchsources_element_url = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 107
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 112
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 122
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 125
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 131
+searchsources_element_itempath = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 137
+searchsources_element_titlepath = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 143
+searchsources_element_descpath = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 149
+searchsources_element_linkpath = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 155
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 161
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 167
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 190
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 191
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 193
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 196
+searchsources_element_action = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 212
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 215
+confirm_delete_operation = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 218
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 227
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 229
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 234
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 249
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 259
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 265
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 287
+searchsources_element_dirname = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 289
+searchsources_element_index = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 292
+searchsources_element_localestring = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 294
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 300
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 316
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 323
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 327
+searchsources_element_localize = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 334
+searchsources_element_deletesubsearch = ""
+; security_element.php line: 54
+security_element_auth_captcha = ""
+; security_element.php line: 65
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+; security_element.php line: 77
+security_element_zero_unavailable = ""
+; security_element.php line: 86
+security_element_captcha_type = ""
+; security_element.php line: 100
+security_element_save = ""
+; security_element.php line: 104
+security_element_captcha_recovery_questions = ""
+; security_element.php line: 111
+security_element_edit_recovery = ""
+; security_element.php line: 116
+security_element_edit_captcha = ""
+; security_element.php line: 121
+security_element_edit_recovery = ""
+; security_element.php line: 124
+security_element_edit_captcha = ""
+; serversettings_element.php line: 57
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 61
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 65
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 72
+serversettings_element_name_server_url = ""
+; serversettings_element.php line: 80
+serversettings_element_use_memcache = ""
+; serversettings_element.php line: 88
+serversettings_element_memcache_servers = ""
+; serversettings_element.php line: 99
+serversettings_element_use_filecache = ""
+; serversettings_element.php line: 110
+configure_element_database_setup = "データベースの設定"
+; serversettings_element.php line: 115
+serversettings_element_database_system = "データベースシステム"
+; serversettings_element.php line: 123
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 130
+serversettings_element_databasehost = ""
+; serversettings_element.php line: 137
+serversettings_element_databaseuser = "データベースユーザー"
+; serversettings_element.php line: 145
+serversettings_element_databasepassword = "データベースパスワード"
+; serversettings_element.php line: 158
+serversettings_element_account_registration = ""
+; serversettings_element.php line: 170
+serversettings_element_mail_sender = ""
+; serversettings_element.php line: 176
+serversettings_element_use_php_mail = ""
+; serversettings_element.php line: 183
+serversettings_element_mail_server = ""
+; serversettings_element.php line: 189
+serversettings_element_mail_serverport = ""
+; serversettings_element.php line: 195
+serversettings_element_mail_username = ""
+; serversettings_element.php line: 201
+serversettings_element_mail_password = ""
+; serversettings_element.php line: 208
+serversettings_element_mail_security = ""
+; serversettings_element.php line: 219
+serversettings_element_proxy_title = ""
+; serversettings_element.php line: 224
+serversettings_element_tor_proxy = ""
+; serversettings_element.php line: 230
+serversettings_element_use_proxy_servers = ""
+; serversettings_element.php line: 239
+serversettings_element_proxy_servers = ""
+; serversettings_element.php line: 251
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 255
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 261
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 266
+serversettings_element_side = ""
+; serversettings_element.php line: 271
+serversettings_element_both = ""
+; serversettings_element.php line: 276
+serversettings_element_none = ""
+; serversettings_element.php line: 280
+serversettings_element_global_adscript = ""
+; serversettings_element.php line: 287
+serversettings_element_top_adscript = ""
+; serversettings_element.php line: 294
+serversettings_element_side_adscript = ""
+; serversettings_element.php line: 304
+serversettings_element_submit = "サブミット"
+; signin_element.php line: 70
+signin_element_settings = "設定"
+; signin_element.php line: 74
+signin_element_signin = "サインイン"
+; signin_element.php line: 78
+signin_element_signout = "ログアウト"
+; subsearch_element.php line: 67
+subsearch_element_more = ""
+; wiki_element.php line: 113
+wiki_view_back = ""
+; wiki_element.php line: 133
+groupfeed_element_feed = ""
+; wiki_element.php line: 134
+wiki_view_wiki = ""
+; wiki_element.php line: 138
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+; wiki_element.php line: 142
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+; wiki_element.php line: 143
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+; wiki_element.php line: 146
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+; wiki_element.php line: 221
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+; wiki_element.php line: 223
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+; wiki_element.php line: 224
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+; wiki_element.php line: 237
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+; wiki_element.php line: 243
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+; wiki_element.php line: 246
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+; wiki_element.php line: 248
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+; wiki_element.php line: 250
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+; wiki_element.php line: 280
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+; wiki_element.php line: 384
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+; wiki_element.php line: 674
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+; wiki_element.php line: 713
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+; wiki_element.php line: 746
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+; wiki_element.php line: 762
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+; group_view.php line: 77
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+; group_view.php line: 92
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+; group_view.php line: 99
+group_view_wiki = ""
+; group_view.php line: 101
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+; group_view.php line: 104
+group_view_myfeeds = ""
+; group_view.php line: 139
+adminview_auto_logout_one_minute = "自動なログアウト一分ぐらい"
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/seek_quarry//views/helpers
+; feeds_helper.php line: 63
+feeds_helper_view_feed_results = ""
+; feeds_helper.php line: 158
+feeds_helper_view_onehour = ""
+; feeds_helper.php line: 163
+feeds_helper_view_minsecs = ""
+; feeds_helper.php line: 168
+feeds_helper_view_hourdate = ""
+; fileupload_helper.php line: 76
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+; fileupload_helper.php line: 77
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+; fileupload_helper.php line: 79
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+; fileupload_helper.php line: 80
+fileupload_helper_click_upload = ""
+; fileupload_helper.php line: 122
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+; fileupload_helper.php line: 124
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+; fileupload_helper.php line: 126
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+; fileupload_helper.php line: 128
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+; fileupload_helper.php line: 130
+basic_js_upload_error = ""
+; fileupload_helper.php line: 132
+basic_js_upload_cancelled = ""
+; fileupload_helper.php line: 134
+basic_js_too_many_files = ""
+; helpbutton_helper.php line: 88
+wiki_question_mark = ""
+; helpbutton_helper.php line: 120
+wiki_view_edit = ""
+; helpbutton_helper.php line: 121
+wiki_view_not_available = ""
+; helpbutton_helper.php line: 123
+wiki_view_create_edit = ""
+; helpbutton_helper.php line: 125
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+; images_helper.php line: 56
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+; pagination_helper.php line: 122
+pagination_helper_next = "次の"
+; pagingtable_helper.php line: 103
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+; pagingtable_helper.php line: 125
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+; pagingtable_helper.php line: 138
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+; pagingtable_helper.php line: 214
+pagingtable_helper_row_range = ""
+; pagingtable_helper.php line: 232
+pagingtable_helper_show = ""
+; pagingtable_helper.php line: 240
+pagingtable_helper_search = ""
+; searchform_helper.php line: 120
+searchform_helper_any = ""
+; searchform_helper.php line: 149
+searchform_helper_search = ""
+; toggle_helper.php line: 63
+toggle_helper_on = ""
+; toggle_helper.php line: 65
+toggle_helper_off = ""
+; toggle_helper.php line: 69
+toggle_helper_on = ""
+; toggle_helper.php line: 71
+toggle_helper_off = ""
+; toggle_helper.php line: 75
+toggle_helper_on = ""
+; toggle_helper.php line: 77
+toggle_helper_off = ""
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/seek_quarry//views/layouts
+; rss_layout.php line: 60
+rss_layout_title = ""
+; rss_layout.php line: 68
+rss_layout_description = ""
+; web_layout.php line: 61
+web_layout_title = ""
+; web_layout.php line: 71
+web_layout_description = "ヘルプ 探している情報を見つける。"
+; web_layout.php line: 74
+web_layout_site_author = ""
+; web_layout.php line: 214
+web_layout_query_statistics = "キュエリの統計"
+; web_layout.php line: 218
+web_layout_total_elapsed_time = "経過時間の合計:%s分"
+; web_layout.php line: 223
+web_layout_query_time = "キュエリ時間:%s分"
+; machinestatus_view.php line: 52
+machinestatus_view_no_monitored = ""
+; machinestatus_view.php line: 57
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+; machinestatus_view.php line: 72
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+; machinestatus_view.php line: 74
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+; machinestatus_view.php line: 101
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+; machinestatus_view.php line: 102
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+; machinestatus_view.php line: 117
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+; machinestatus_view.php line: 125
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+; machinestatus_view.php line: 128
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+; machinestatus_view.php line: 141
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+; machinestatus_view.php line: 143
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+; machinestatus_view.php line: 152
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+; machinestatus_view.php line: 155
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+; machinestatus_view.php line: 165
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+; machinestatus_view.php line: 175
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+; nocache_view.php line: 54
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+; nocache_view.php line: 59
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+; recover_view.php line: 69
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+; recover_view.php line: 105
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+; recover_view.php line: 117
+register_view_retypepassword = ""
+; recover_view.php line: 132
+recover_view_username = ""
+; recover_view.php line: 147
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+; recover_view.php line: 154
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+; recover_view.php line: 187
+register_view_human_check = ""
+; recover_view.php line: 206
+recover_view_recover_password = ""
+; recover_view.php line: 216
+signin_view_return_yioop = "ウィオップ!に戻る"
+; register_view.php line: 74
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+; register_view.php line: 75
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+; register_view.php line: 76
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+; register_view.php line: 77
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+; register_view.php line: 78
+register_view_question1_least = ""
+; register_view.php line: 79
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+; register_view.php line: 80
+register_view_question2_most = ""
+; register_view.php line: 81
+register_view_question2_least = ""
+; register_view.php line: 82
+register_view_question2_choices = ""
+; register_view.php line: 83
+register_view_question3_most = ""
+; register_view.php line: 84
+register_view_question3_least = ""
+; register_view.php line: 85
+register_view_question3_choices = ""
+; register_view.php line: 86
+register_view_question4_most = ""
+; register_view.php line: 87
+register_view_question4_least = ""
+; register_view.php line: 88
+register_view_question4_choices = ""
+; register_view.php line: 89
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+; register_view.php line: 90
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+; register_view.php line: 91
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+; register_view.php line: 92
+register_view_question6_most = ""
+; register_view.php line: 93
+register_view_question6_least = ""
+; register_view.php line: 94
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+; register_view.php line: 95
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+; register_view.php line: 96
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+; register_view.php line: 97
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+; register_view.php line: 98
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+; register_view.php line: 99
+register_view_question8_least = ""
+; register_view.php line: 100
+register_view_question8_choices = ""
+; register_view.php line: 101
+register_view_question9_most = ""
+; register_view.php line: 102
+register_view_question9_least = ""
+; register_view.php line: 103
+register_view_question9_choices = ""
+; register_view.php line: 106
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+; register_view.php line: 107
+register_view_recovery1_less = ""
+; register_view.php line: 108
+register_view_recovery1_choices = ""
+; register_view.php line: 109
+register_view_recovery2_more = ""
+; register_view.php line: 110
+register_view_recovery2_less = ""
+; register_view.php line: 111
+register_view_recovery2_choices = ""
+; register_view.php line: 112
+register_view_recovery3_more = ""
+; register_view.php line: 113
+register_view_recovery3_less = ""
+; register_view.php line: 114
+register_view_recovery3_choices = ""
+; register_view.php line: 115
+register_view_recovery4_more = ""
+; register_view.php line: 116
+register_view_recovery4_less = ""
+; register_view.php line: 117
+register_view_recovery4_choices = ""
+; register_view.php line: 118
+register_view_recovery5_more = ""
+; register_view.php line: 119
+register_view_recovery5_less = ""
+; register_view.php line: 120
+register_view_recovery5_choices = ""
+; register_view.php line: 121
+register_view_recovery6_more = ""
+; register_view.php line: 122
+register_view_recovery6_less = ""
+; register_view.php line: 123
+register_view_recovery6_choices = ""
+; register_view.php line: 152
+register_view_create_account = ""
+; register_view.php line: 189
+register_view_firstname = ""
+; register_view.php line: 204
+register_view_lastname = ""
+; register_view.php line: 219
+register_view_username = ""
+; register_view.php line: 232
+register_view_email = ""
+; register_view.php line: 246
+register_view_password = ""
+; register_view.php line: 261
+register_view_retypepassword = ""
+; register_view.php line: 277
+register_view_account_recovery = ""
+; register_view.php line: 281
+register_view_human_check = ""
+; register_view.php line: 283
+register_view_account_recovery = ""
+; register_view.php line: 315
+register_view_human_check = ""
+; register_view.php line: 330
+register_view_i_agree = ""
+; register_view.php line: 332
+register_view_terms = ""
+; register_view.php line: 334
+register_view_and = ""
+; register_view.php line: 336
+register_view_privacy = ""
+; register_view.php line: 337
+register_view_period = ""
+; register_view.php line: 347
+register_view_create_account = ""
+; register_view.php line: 357
+signin_view_return_yioop = "ウィオップ!に戻る"
+; search_view.php line: 86
+search_view_title = ""
+; search_view.php line: 113
+search_view_input_label = "探している情報を入力してください。"
+; search_view.php line: 117
+search_view_input_placeholder = "探している情報を入力してください。"
+; search_view.php line: 120
+search_view_search = "検索"
+; search_view.php line: 147
+search_view_no_index_set = ""
+; search_view.php line: 152
+search_view_more_statistics = ""
+; search_view.php line: 190
+search_view_calculated = "%s分で計算しました。"
+; search_view.php line: 191
+search_view_results = "結果表示%s ー %s の %s"
+; search_view.php line: 212
+search_view_thesaurus_results = ""
+; search_view.php line: 321
+search_view_word_cloud = ""
+; search_view.php line: 366
+search_view_cache = "キャッシューしました。"
+; search_view.php line: 369
+search_view_as_text = "テクストビュー"
+; search_view.php line: 382
+search_view_similar = "同じビュー"
+; search_view.php line: 394
+search_view_inlink = ""
+; search_view.php line: 414
+search_view_rank = "ランク:%s"
+; search_view.php line: 416
+search_view_relevancy = "関連:%s"
+; search_view.php line: 418
+search_view_proximity = "近さ: %s"
+; search_view.php line: 422
+search_view_thesaurus_score = ""
+; search_view.php line: 431
+search_view_score = "スコア %s"
+; settings_view.php line: 66
+settings_view_settings = "設定"
+; settings_view.php line: 73
+settings_view_results_per_page = "ページごとの結果:"
+; settings_view.php line: 79
+settings_view_open_in_tabs = ""
+; settings_view.php line: 86
+settings_view_search_index = "検索指数"
+; settings_view.php line: 92
+settings_view_language_label = "言語:"
+; settings_view.php line: 108
+settings_view_return_yioop = "ウィオップ!に戻る"
+; settings_view.php line: 111
+settings_view_save = "設定の保存"
+; settings_view.php line: 119
+settings_install_search_plugin = ""
+; signin_view.php line: 65
+signin_view_signin = "サインイン"
+; signin_view.php line: 78
+sigin_view_signing_in = ""
+; signin_view.php line: 81
+sigin_view_login_failed = ""
+; signin_view.php line: 89
+signin_view_username = "ユーザー名"
+; signin_view.php line: 96
+signin_view_password = "パスワード"
+; signin_view.php line: 107
+signin_view_login = "ログイン"
+; signin_view.php line: 122
+signin_view_recover_password = ""
+; signin_view.php line: 127
+signin_view_create_account = ""
+; signin_view.php line: 132
+signin_view_return_yioop = "ウィオップ!に戻る"
+; static_view.php line: 71
+static_view_title = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 63
+statistics_view_statistics = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 68
+statistics_view_calculating = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 82
+statistics_view_error_codes = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 83
+statistics_view_sizes = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 84
+statistics_view_links_per_page = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 85
+statistics_view_page_date = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 86
+statistics_view_dns_time = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 87
+statistics_view_download_time = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 88
+statistics_view_top_level_domain = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 89
+statistics_view_file_extension = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 90
+statistics_view_media_type = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 91
+statistics_view_language = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 92
+statistics_view_server = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 93
+statistics_view_os = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 97
+statistics_view_general_info = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 98
+statistics_view_description = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 100
+statistics_view_timestamp = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 102
+statistics_view_crawl_date = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 104
+statistics_view_pages = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 106
+statistics_view_url = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 109
+statistics_view_number_hosts = ""
+; suggest_view.php line: 68
+suggest_view_suggest_url = ""
+; suggest_view.php line: 70
+suggest_view_instructions = ""
+; suggest_view.php line: 94
+suggest_view_url = ""
+; suggest_view.php line: 110
+register_view_human_check = ""
+; suggest_view.php line: 144
+suggest_view_human_check = ""
+; suggest_view.php line: 167
+suggest_view_submit_url = ""
+; suggest_view.php line: 177
+signin_view_return_yioop = "ウィオップ!に戻る"
+; view.php line: 32
+view_locale_version11 = ""
+; view.php line: 81
+view_logo_alt_text = ""
+; wiki_view.php line: 89
+wiki_view_read = ""
+; wiki_view.php line: 90
+wiki_view_edit = ""
+; wiki_view.php line: 93
+wiki_view_pages = ""
+; wiki_view.php line: 132
+wiki_view_feed = ""
+; wiki_view.php line: 133
+wiki_view_wiki = ""
+; wiki_view.php line: 157
+adminview_auto_logout_one_minute = "自動なログアウト一分ぐらい"
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/sq_data/app/views
+; download_view.php line: 62
+download_view_form = ""
+; download_view.php line: 73
+download_view_thank_you = ""
+; download_view.php line: 76
+download_view_full_name = ""
+; download_view.php line: 82
+download_view_email = ""
+; download_view.php line: 87
+download_view_business = ""
+; download_view.php line: 93
+download_view_interest = ""
+; download_view.php line: 100
+download_view_get_email = ""
+; download_view.php line: 106
+download_view_return_main = ""
+; download_view.php line: 120
+download_view_required_fields = ""
+; download_view.php line: 125
+download_view_name_required = ""
+; download_view.php line: 130
+download_view_valid_email = ""
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/seek_quarry//lib/indexing_plugins
+; wordfilter_plugin.php line: 353
+wordfilter_plugin_settings_saved = ""
+; wordfilter_plugin.php line: 362
+wordfilter_plugin_defaults_restored = ""
+; wordfilter_plugin.php line: 466
+wordfilter_plugin_preferences = ""
+; wordfilter_plugin.php line: 470
+wordfilter_plugin_factory_settings = ""
+; wordfilter_plugin.php line: 483
+wordfilter_plugin_save = ""
diff --git a/locale/ja/resources/locale.js b/locale/ja/resources/locale.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..4defa2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/ja/resources/locale.js
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+ * SeekQuarry/Yioop --
+ * Open Source Pure PHP Search Engine, Crawler, and Indexer
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2009 - 2015  Chris Pollett
+ *
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+ *
+ *
+ * @author Sandhya Vissapragada
+ * @package seek_quarry
+ * @subpackage javascript
+ * @license GPL3
+ * @link
+ * @copyright 2009 - 2015s
+ * @filesource
+ */
+ * The alphabet for this locale (just a stub for now)
+ */
+var alpha = "";
diff --git a/locale/ja/resources/tokenizer.php b/locale/ja/resources/tokenizer.php
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..a331789
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/ja/resources/tokenizer.php
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+ * SeekQuarry/Yioop --
+ * Open Source Pure PHP Search Engine, Crawler, and Indexer
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2009 - 2015  Chris Pollett
+ *
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+ *
+ * @author Chris Pollett
+ * @package seek_quarry
+ * @subpackage locale
+ * @license GPL3
+ * @link
+ * @copyright 2009 - 2015
+ * @filesource
+ */
+if(!defined('BASE_DIR')) {echo "BAD REQUEST"; exit();}
+ * Japanese specific tokenization code. Typically, tokenizer.php
+ * either contains a stemmer for the language in question or
+ * it specifies how many characters in a char gram
+ *
+ * @author Chris Pollett
+ * @package seek_quarry
+ * @subpackage locale
+ */
+$GLOBALS['CHARGRAMS']['ja'] = 3;
diff --git a/locale/ja/resources1421450886old/locale.js b/locale/ja/resources1421450886old/locale.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..886b6fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/ja/resources1421450886old/locale.js
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+ * SeekQuarry/Yioop --
+ * Open Source Pure PHP Search Engine, Crawler, and Indexer
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2009 - 2014  Chris Pollett
+ *
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+ *
+ *
+ * @author Sandhya Vissapragada
+ * @package seek_quarry
+ * @subpackage javascript
+ * @license GPL3
+ * @link
+ * @copyright 2009 - 2014s
+ * @filesource
+ */
+ * The alphabet for this locale (just a stub for now)
+ */
+var alpha = "";
diff --git a/locale/ja/resources1421450886old/tokenizer.php b/locale/ja/resources1421450886old/tokenizer.php
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..62a90cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/ja/resources1421450886old/tokenizer.php
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+ * SeekQuarry/Yioop --
+ * Open Source Pure PHP Search Engine, Crawler, and Indexer
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2009 - 2014  Chris Pollett
+ *
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+ *
+ * @author Chris Pollett
+ * @package seek_quarry
+ * @subpackage locale
+ * @license GPL3
+ * @link
+ * @copyright 2009 - 2014
+ * @filesource
+ */
+if(!defined('BASE_DIR')) {echo "BAD REQUEST"; exit();}
+ * Japanese specific tokenization code. Typically, tokenizer.php
+ * either contains a stemmer for the language in question or
+ * it specifies how many characters in a char gram
+ *
+ * @author Chris Pollett
+ * @package seek_quarry
+ * @subpackage locale
+ */
+$GLOBALS['CHARGRAMS']['ja'] = 3;
diff --git a/locale/ja/statistics.txt b/locale/ja/statistics.txt
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..68101b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/ja/statistics.txt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/locale/kn/configure.ini b/locale/kn/configure.ini
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..3d4c540
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/kn/configure.ini
@@ -0,0 +1,4186 @@
+; ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
+;  SeekQuarry/Yioop Open Source Pure PHP Search Engine, Crawler, and Indexer
+;  Copyright (C) 2009 - 2015  Chris Pollett
+;  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;  (at your option) any later version.
+;  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;  GNU General Public License for more details.
+;  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;  along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+;  ***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****
+; configure.ini
+; kn configuration file
+; Strings to translate on various pages
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/seek_quarry//controllers
+; admin_controller.php line: 101
+admin_controller_need_cookies = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 150
+admin_controller_account_not_active = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 156
+admin_controller_login_successful = "ಒಳಪ್ರವೇಶಣೆ ಸಫಲ"
+; admin_controller.php line: 175
+admin_controller_no_back_button = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 189
+admin_controller_login_failed = "ಒಳಪ್ರವೇಶಣೆ ವಿಫಲ, ಬಳಕೆದಾರನ ಹೆಸರು ಅಥವಾ ಪ್ರವೇಶ ಪದ ತಪ್ಪಾಗಿದೆ "
+; admin_controller.php line: 195
+admin_controller_login_to_config = "ಸಂರಚನೆ ಮುಂದುವರೆಸಲು ಒಳಪ್ರವೇಶಿಸಿ"
+; admin_controller.php line: 199
+admin_controller_status_updates_stopped = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 342
+admin_controller_account_access = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 343
+admin_controller_social = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 344
+admin_controller_crawl_settings = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 345
+admin_controller_system_settings = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 517
+admin_controller_equal = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 518
+admin_controller_not_equal = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 519
+admin_controller_contains = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 520
+admin_controller_begins_with = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 521
+admin_controller_ends_with = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 524
+admin_controller_equal = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 525
+admin_controller_not_equal = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 528
+admin_controller_no_sort = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 529
+admin_controller_sort_ascending = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 530
+admin_controller_sort_descending = ""
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/seek_quarry//controllers/components
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 132
+accountaccess_component_no_posts_yet = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 146
+accountaccess_component_passwords_too_long = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 155
+accountaccess_component_passwords_dont_match = "ಬರೆದ ಪ್ರವೇಶ ಪದಗಳು ಹೋಲಲಿಲ್ಲ "
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 162
+accountaccess_component_invalid_password = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 192
+accountaccess_component_unknown_imagetype = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 197
+accountaccess_component_icon_too_big = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 206
+accountaccess_component_no_user_folder = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 215
+accountaccess_component_user_updated = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 259
+accountaccess_component_active_status = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 260
+accountaccess_component_inactive_status = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 261
+accountaccess_component_banned_status = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 264
+accountaccess_component_request_join = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 265
+accountaccess_component_invited = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 266
+accountaccess_component_active_status = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 267
+accountaccess_component_banned_status = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 312
+accountaccess_component_passwords_too_long = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 317
+accountaccess_component_passwords_dont_match = "ಬರೆದ ಪ್ರವೇಶ ಪದಗಳು ಹೋಲಲಿಲ್ಲ "
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 321
+accountaccess_component_invalid_username = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 325
+accountaccess_component_user_exists = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 354
+accountaccess_component_user_added = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 363
+accountaccess_component_user_doesnt_exist = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 370
+accountaccess_component_cant_edit_public_user = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 412
+accountaccess_component_passwords_dont_match = "ಬರೆದ ಪ್ರವೇಶ ಪದಗಳು ಹೋಲಲಿಲ್ಲ "
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 418
+accountaccess_component_user_updated = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 424
+accountaccess_component_user_filter_group = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 428
+accountaccess_component_user_filter_role = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 439
+accountaccess_component_username_doesnt_exists = "ಈ ಬಳಕೆದಾರನ ಹೆಸರು ಅಸ್ತಿತ್ವದಲ್ಲಿ ಇಲ್ಲ"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 444
+accountaccess_component_cant_delete_builtin = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 449
+accountaccess_component_user_deleted = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 458
+accountaccess_component_username_doesnt_exists = "ಈ ಬಳಕೆದಾರನ ಹೆಸರು ಅಸ್ತಿತ್ವದಲ್ಲಿ ಇಲ್ಲ"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 463
+accountaccess_component_rolename_doesnt_exists = "ಈ ಪಾತ್ರದ ಹೆಸರು ಅಸ್ತಿತ್ವದಲ್ಲಿ ಇಲ್ಲ"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 469
+accountaccess_component_rolename_already_added = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 475
+accountaccess_component_rolename_added = "ಈ ಪಾತ್ರದ ಹೆಸರನ್ನು ಸೇರಿಸಲಾಗಿದೆ"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 485
+accountaccess_component_username_doesnt_exists = "ಈ ಬಳಕೆದಾರನ ಹೆಸರು ಅಸ್ತಿತ್ವದಲ್ಲಿ ಇಲ್ಲ"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 490
+accountaccess_component_groupname_doesnt_exists = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 496
+accountaccess_component_groupname_already_added = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 504
+accountaccess_component_groupname_added = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 514
+accountaccess_component_username_doesnt_exists = "ಈ ಬಳಕೆದಾರನ ಹೆಸರು ಅಸ್ತಿತ್ವದಲ್ಲಿ ಇಲ್ಲ"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 519
+accountaccess_component_rolename_doesnt_exists = "ಈ ಪಾತ್ರದ ಹೆಸರು ಅಸ್ತಿತ್ವದಲ್ಲಿ ಇಲ್ಲ"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 528
+accountaccess_component_rolename_deleted = "ಈ ಪಾತ್ರದ ಹೆಸರನ್ನು ಅಳಿಸಲಾಗಿದೆ"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 538
+accountaccess_component_username_doesnt_exists = "ಈ ಬಳಕೆದಾರನ ಹೆಸರು ಅಸ್ತಿತ್ವದಲ್ಲಿ ಇಲ್ಲ"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 543
+accountaccess_component_groupname_doesnt_exists = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 552
+accountaccess_component_group_deleted = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 569
+accountaccess_component_username_doesnt_exists = "ಈ ಬಳಕೆದಾರನ ಹೆಸರು ಅಸ್ತಿತ್ವದಲ್ಲಿ ಇಲ್ಲ"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 575
+accountaccess_component_userstatus_updated = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 733
+accountaccess_component_select_activityname = "ಚಟುವಟಿಕೆ ಆಯ್ಕೆ ಮಾಡಿ"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 759
+accountaccess_component_rolename_doesnt_exists = "ಈ ಪಾತ್ರದ ಹೆಸರು ಅಸ್ತಿತ್ವದಲ್ಲಿ ಇಲ್ಲ"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 775
+accountaccess_component_activity_added = "ಈ ಚಟುವಟಿಕೆಯನ್ನು ಸೇರಿಸಲಾಗಿದೆ"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 784
+accountaccess_component_rolename_exists = "ಈ ಪಾತ್ರದ ಹೆಸರು ಈಗಾಗಲೇ ಅಸ್ತಿತ್ವದಲ್ಲಿ ಇದೆ"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 790
+accountaccess_component_rolename_added = "ಈ ಪಾತ್ರದ ಹೆಸರನ್ನು ಸೇರಿಸಲಾಗಿದೆ"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 794
+accountaccess_component_rolename_blank = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 803
+accountaccess_component_rolename_doesnt_exists = "ಈ ಪಾತ್ರದ ಹೆಸರು ಅಸ್ತಿತ್ವದಲ್ಲಿ ಇಲ್ಲ"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 821
+accountaccess_component_activity_deleted = "ಈ ಚಟುವಟಿಕೆಯನ್ನು ಅಳಿಸಲಾಗಿದೆ"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 829
+accountaccess_component_rolename_doesnt_exists = "ಈ ಪಾತ್ರದ ಹೆಸರು ಅಸ್ತಿತ್ವದಲ್ಲಿ ಇಲ್ಲ"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 835
+accountaccess_component_rolename_deleted = "ಈ ಪಾತ್ರದ ಹೆಸರನ್ನು ಅಳಿಸಲಾಗಿದೆ"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 867
+accountaccess_component_role_updated = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 85
+crawl_component_starting_new_crawl = "ಹೊಸ ಕ್ರಾವ್ಲ್  ಪ್ರಾರಂಬಿಸುತಿದ್ದಿವಿ"
+; crawl_component.php line: 102
+crawl_component_stop_crawl = "ಕ್ರಾವ್ಲನ್ನು ನಿಲ್ಲಿಸುತಿದ್ದಿವಿ...ಈ ತೆರೆ ಸ್ವಲ್ಪ ಕ್ಷಣಗಳ ನಂತರ ಮಾರ್ಪಡುವುದು "
+; crawl_component.php line: 131
+crawl_component_resume_crawl = "ಕ್ರಾವ್ಲನ್ನು ಮರುಚಾಲಿಸುತಿದ್ದಿ...ಈ ತೆರೆ ಸ್ವಲ್ಪ ಕ್ಷಣಗಳ ನಂತರ ಮಾರ್ಪಡುವುದು "
+; crawl_component.php line: 140
+crawl_component_delete_crawl_success = "ಕ್ರಾವ್ಲನ್ನು ಅಳಿಸುತಿದ್ದಿವಿ...ಈ ತೆರೆ ಸ್ವಲ್ಪ ಕ್ಷಣಗಳ ನಂತರ ಮಾರ್ಪಡುವುದು"
+; crawl_component.php line: 144
+crawl_component_delete_crawl_fail = "ಕ್ರಾವ್ಲನ್ನು ಅಳಿಸಲು ವಿಫಲವಾಗಿದೆ!! "
+; crawl_component.php line: 153
+crawl_component_set_index = "ಸೂಚಿಕೆಯಾಗಿ ಹೊಂದಿಸಲಾಗುತ್ತಿದೆ"
+; crawl_component.php line: 187
+crawl_component_no_description = "ಕ್ರಾವ್ಲಿನ ವಿವರಣೆ ಇಲ್ಲ"
+; crawl_component.php line: 334
+crawl_component_use_below = "ಐಚ್ಛಿಕ ಆಯ್ಕೆ ಉಪಯೋಗಿಸಿ"
+; crawl_component.php line: 335
+crawl_component_use_defaults = "ಯೂಪ್ ನ ಪೂರ್ವನಿಯೋಜಿತ ನಿಗದಿಗಳನ್ನು ಉಪಯೋಗಿಸಿ"
+; crawl_component.php line: 338
+crawl_component_use_below = "ಐಚ್ಛಿಕ ಆಯ್ಕೆ ಉಪಯೋಗಿಸಿ"
+; crawl_component.php line: 342
+crawl_component_previous_crawl = "ಮೊದಲಿನ ಕ್ರಾವ್ಲ:"
+; crawl_component.php line: 413
+crawl_component_added_urls = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 427
+crawl_component_add_suggest = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 431
+crawl_component_no_new_suggests = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 478
+crawl_component_breadth_first = "ಅಗಲ ಮೊದಲಾಗಿ"
+; crawl_component.php line: 480
+crawl_component_page_importance = "ಪುಟ ಪ್ರಾಮುಖ್ಯತೆ"
+; crawl_component.php line: 545
+crawl_component_added_urls = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 555
+crawl_component_urls_injected = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 565
+crawl_component_update_seed_info = "ಮೂಲ ವೆಬ್ ಸೈಟಿನ ಮಾಹಿತಿಯನ್ನು ಪರಿಷ್ಕರಿಸಲಾಗುತ್ತಿದೆ"
+; crawl_component.php line: 620
+crawl_component_new_classifier = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 624
+crawl_component_classifier_exists = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 647
+crawl_component_classifier_deleted = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 651
+crawl_component_no_classifier = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 662
+crawl_component_no_classifier = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 680
+crawl_component_finalizing_classifier = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 707
+crawl_component_finalizing_classifier = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 753
+crawl_component_classifier_exists = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 762
+crawl_component_load_failed = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 764
+crawl_component_loading = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 766
+crawl_component_added_examples = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 768
+crawl_component_label_update_failed = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 770
+crawl_component_updating = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 772
+crawl_component_acc_update_failed = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 774
+crawl_component_na = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 776
+crawl_component_no_docs = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 778
+crawl_component_num_docs = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 780
+crawl_component_in_class = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 782
+crawl_component_not_in_class = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 784
+crawl_component_skip = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 786
+crawl_component_prediction = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 788
+crawl_component_scores = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 830
+crawl_component_use_below = "ಐಚ್ಛಿಕ ಆಯ್ಕೆ ಉಪಯೋಗಿಸಿ"
+; crawl_component.php line: 831
+crawl_component_use_defaults = "ಯೂಪ್ ನ ಪೂರ್ವನಿಯೋಜಿತ ನಿಗದಿಗಳನ್ನು ಉಪಯೋಗಿಸಿ"
+; crawl_component.php line: 833
+crawl_component_use_below = "ಐಚ್ಛಿಕ ಆಯ್ಕೆ ಉಪಯೋಗಿಸಿ"
+; crawl_component.php line: 841
+crawl_component_recrawl_never = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 842
+crawl_component_recrawl_1day = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 843
+crawl_component_recrawl_2day = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 844
+crawl_component_recrawl_3day = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 845
+crawl_component_recrawl_7day = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 846
+crawl_component_recrawl_14day = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 854
+crawl_component_basic = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 855
+crawl_component_centroid = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1141
+crawl_component_page_options_updated = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1169
+crawl_component_page_options_running_tests = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1348
+crawl_component_results_editor_update = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1363
+crawl_component_edited_pages = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1376
+crawl_component_results_editor_need_url = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1382
+crawl_component_results_editor_page_updated = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1395
+crawl_component_results_editor_page_loaded = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1426
+crawl_component_media_kind = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1427
+crawl_component_video = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1428
+crawl_component_rss_feed = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1429
+crawl_component_html_feed = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1443
+crawl_component_sources_indexes = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1499
+crawl_component_no_source_type = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1512
+crawl_component_missing_type = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1526
+crawl_component_invalid_url = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1533
+crawl_component_missing_fields = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1550
+crawl_component_media_source_added = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1563
+crawl_component_missing_fields = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1571
+crawl_component_subsearch_added = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1577
+crawl_component_no_delete_source = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1583
+crawl_component_media_source_deleted = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1590
+crawl_component_no_delete_source = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1597
+crawl_component_subsearch_deleted = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1632
+crawl_component_subsearch_updated = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1707
+crawl_component_media_source_updated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 85
+social_component_request_join = ""
+; social_component.php line: 86
+social_component_invited = ""
+; social_component.php line: 87
+social_component_active_status = ""
+; social_component.php line: 88
+social_component_banned_status = ""
+; social_component.php line: 91
+social_component_no_join = ""
+; social_component.php line: 92
+social_component_by_request = ""
+; social_component.php line: 93
+social_component_public_request = ""
+; social_component.php line: 94
+social_component_public_join = ""
+; social_component.php line: 97
+social_component_private = ""
+; social_component.php line: 98
+social_component_read = ""
+; social_component.php line: 99
+social_component_read_comment = ""
+; social_component.php line: 100
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+; social_component.php line: 101
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+; social_component.php line: 105
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+; social_component.php line: 106
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+; social_component.php line: 109
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+; social_component.php line: 110
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+; social_component.php line: 181
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+; social_component.php line: 186
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+; social_component.php line: 208
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+; social_component.php line: 213
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+; social_component.php line: 228
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+; social_component.php line: 233
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+; social_component.php line: 265
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+; social_component.php line: 275
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+; social_component.php line: 302
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+; social_component.php line: 311
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+; social_component.php line: 469
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+; social_component.php line: 473
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+; social_component.php line: 495
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+; social_component.php line: 567
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+; social_component.php line: 660
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+; social_component.php line: 803
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+; social_component.php line: 841
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+; social_component.php line: 906
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+; social_component.php line: 2179
+social_component_default_crawl = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2181
+social_component_select_crawl = "ಕ್ರಾವ್ಲನ್ನು ಆಯ್ಕೆ ಮಾಡಿ"
+; social_component.php line: 2183
+social_component_default_crawl = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2214
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+; social_component.php line: 2217
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+; social_component.php line: 2225
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+; social_component.php line: 2229
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+; social_component.php line: 2248
+social_component_mix_doesnt_exists = "ಅಳಿಸಬೇಕಾದ ಕ್ರಾವ್ಲ ಮಿಶ್ರಣ ಅಸ್ತಿತ್ವದಲ್ಲಿ ಇಲ್ಲ"
+; social_component.php line: 2256
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+; social_component.php line: 2270
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+; social_component.php line: 2280
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+; social_component.php line: 2304
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+; social_component.php line: 2308
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+; social_component.php line: 2310
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+; social_component.php line: 2315
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+; social_component.php line: 2367
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+; social_component.php line: 2372
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+; social_component.php line: 2382
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+; social_component.php line: 2384
+social_component_num_results = "ಫಲಿತಾಂಶಗಳ ಸಂಖ್ಯೆ"
+; social_component.php line: 2386
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+; social_component.php line: 2388
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+; social_component.php line: 2389
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+; social_component.php line: 2391
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+; social_component.php line: 2393
+social_component_actions = "ಕ್ರಿಯೆಗಳು"
+; social_component.php line: 2395
+social_component_add_query = "ಪ್ರಶ್ನೆಯನ್ನು ಸೇರಿಸು"
+; social_component.php line: 2396
+social_component_delete = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2443
+social_component_too_many_fragments = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2454
+social_component_mix_saved = "ಕ್ರಾವ್ಲ್ ಮಿಶ್ರಣದಲ್ಲಿ ಬದಲಾವಣೆಯನ್ನು ಉಳಿಸು"
+; system_component.php line: 79
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+; system_component.php line: 145
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+; system_component.php line: 149
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+; system_component.php line: 153
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+; system_component.php line: 160
+system_component_machine_doesnt_exists = ""
+; system_component.php line: 181
+system_component_stop_service_first = ""
+; system_component.php line: 187
+system_component_machine_deleted = ""
+; system_component.php line: 208
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+; system_component.php line: 212
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+; system_component.php line: 275
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+; system_component.php line: 304
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+; system_component.php line: 308
+system_component_machine_no_action = ""
+; system_component.php line: 344
+system_component_select_mode = ""
+; system_component.php line: 386
+system_component_locale_missing_info = ""
+; system_component.php line: 393
+system_component_locale_added = "ಪ್ರದೇಶದ ಶಿಷ್ಟತೆ ಸೇರಿಸಲಾಗಿದೆ"
+; system_component.php line: 400
+system_component_localename_doesnt_exists = "ಈ ಪ್ರದೇಶದ ಶಿಷ್ಟತೆ ಅಸ್ತಿತ್ವದಲ್ಲಿ ಇಲ್ಲ"
+; system_component.php line: 405
+system_component_localename_deleted = "ಪ್ರದೇಶದ ಶಿಷ್ಟತೆ ಅಳಿಸಲಾಗಿದೆ "
+; system_component.php line: 411
+system_component_localename_doesnt_exists = "ಈ ಪ್ರದೇಶದ ಶಿಷ್ಟತೆ ಅಸ್ತಿತ್ವದಲ್ಲಿ ಇಲ್ಲ"
+; system_component.php line: 440
+system_component_locale_updated = ""
+; system_component.php line: 470
+system_component_localestrings_updated = "ಪ್ರದೇಶ ಶಿಷ್ಟತೆಯ ಅಕ್ಷರ ಸಮೂಹವನ್ನು ಪರಿಷ್ಕರಿಸಲಾಯಿತು"
+; system_component.php line: 481
+system_component_all_strings = ""
+; system_component.php line: 482
+system_component_missing_strings = ""
+; system_component.php line: 568
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+; system_component.php line: 573
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+; system_component.php line: 576
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+; system_component.php line: 598
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+; system_component.php line: 600
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+; system_component.php line: 602
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+; system_component.php line: 604
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+; system_component.php line: 669
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+; system_component.php line: 671
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+; system_component.php line: 673
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+; system_component.php line: 678
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+; system_component.php line: 680
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+; system_component.php line: 685
+serversettings_element_normal_authentication = ""
+; system_component.php line: 710
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+; system_component.php line: 713
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+; system_component.php line: 780
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+; system_component.php line: 785
+system_component_configure_configure_diff_base_dir = ""
+; system_component.php line: 810
+system_component_configure_work_dir_set = "ಕಾರ್ಯ ನಿರ್ದೇಶಿಕೆಯನ್ನು ನಿಗದಿಪಡಿಸಲಾಗಿದೆ!  ನೀವು ಮರು ಪ್ರವೇಶಿಸಬೇಕಾಗಬಹುದು"
+; system_component.php line: 821
+system_component_name_your_bot = ""
+; system_component.php line: 846
+system_component_configure_work_profile_made = ""
+; system_component.php line: 850
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+; system_component.php line: 857
+system_component_configure_no_create_profile = ""
+; system_component.php line: 864
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+; system_component.php line: 871
+system_component_configure_work_dir_invalid = ""
+; system_component.php line: 893
+system_component_no_resource_folder = ""
+; system_component.php line: 907
+system_component_invalid_filetype = ""
+; system_component.php line: 912
+system_component_file_too_big = ""
+; system_component.php line: 935
+system_component_configure_profile_change = ""
+; system_component.php line: 939
+system_component_configure_no_change_profile = ""
+; system_component.php line: 988
+system_component_configure_reset_completed = ""
+; system_component.php line: 992
+system_component_configure_no_change_profile = ""
+; system_component.php line: 1025
+system_component_describe_robot = ""
+; system_component.php line: 1091
+system_component_php_version = ""
+; system_component.php line: 1099
+system_component_no_write_config_php = "configs/config.php ವೆಬ್ ಸರ್ವರ್ ನಿಂದ ಬರೆಯಲು ಸಶಕ್ತವಲ್ಲ"
+; system_component.php line: 1104
+system_component_no_write_work_dir = "ಕಾರ್ಯ ನಿರ್ದೇಶಿಕೆ ವೆಬ್ ಸರ್ವರ್ ನಿಂದ ಬರೆಯಲು ಸಶಕ್ತವಾಗಿರಬೇಕು"
+; system_component.php line: 1109
+system_component_post_size_small = "php.ini ಕಡಿತದ ಚರಾಂಶ post_max_size ಕನಿಷ್ಠ ಪಕ್ಷ ೧೬ ಎಂ.ಬಿ. ಇರಬೇಕು"
+; system_component.php line: 1115
+system_component_missing_required = "ಬರುವ ಅವಶ್ಯಕವಸ್ತುಗಳು ತಪ್ಪಿಹೋಗಿದ್ದಾವೆ:"
+; system_component.php line: 1138
+system_component_missing_optional = "ಬರುವ ಕಡ್ಡಾಯವಲ್ಲದ ವಸ್ತುಗಳು ತಪ್ಪಿಹೋಗಿದ್ದಾವೆ:"
+; system_component.php line: 1143
+system_component_check_passed = "ಪರಿಶೀಲನೆ ತೇರ್ಗಡೆಯಾಗಿದೆ"
+; system_component.php line: 1148
+system_component_using_local_config = "configs/local_config.php ಉಪಯೋಗದಲ್ಲಿದೆ, ಅದರಿಂದ ಮೇಲಿನ ಕಾರ್ಯ ನಿರ್ದೇಶಿಕೆಯನ್ನು ಬದಲಾವಣೆ ನಿಷ್ಕ್ರಿಯವಾಗಬಹುದು "
+; machine_controller.php line: 172
+machine_controller_nolines = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 246
+register_controller_need_cookies = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 313
+register_controller_account_created = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 331
+register_controller_registration_email_sent = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 333
+register_controller_admin_activation_request = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 334
+register_controller_admin_email_salutation = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 336
+register_controller_email_body = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 369
+register_controller_account_request_made = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 373
+register_controller_admin_activation_request = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 374
+register_controller_admin_activation_message = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 416
+register_controller_email_verification_error = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 422
+register_controller_already_activated = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 429
+register_controller_account_activated = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 432
+register_controller_email_verification_error = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 480
+register_controller_account_recover_fail = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 489
+register_controller_account_recover_fail = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 493
+register_controller_account_recover_email = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 497
+register_controller_recover_request = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 498
+register_controller_admin_email_salutation = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 500
+register_controller_recover_body = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 534
+register_controller_account_recover_fail = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 546
+register_controller_account_recover_fail = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 559
+register_controller_account_recover_fail = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 566
+register_controller_recovered_already = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 570
+register_controller_recovery_expired = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 576
+register_controller_password_changed = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 584
+register_controller_passwords_dont_match = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 598
+register_controller_recovered_already = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 602
+register_controller_recovery_expired = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 728
+register_controller_invalid_url = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 732
+register_controller_error_fields = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 746
+register_controller_failed_hashcode = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 756
+register_controller_failed_human = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 783
+register_controller_failed_graphical_human = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 797
+register_controller_suggest_full = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 801
+register_controller_url_submitted = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 1004
+register_controller_need_cookies = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 1010
+register_controller_failed_human = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 1025
+register_controller_failed_graphical_human = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 1036
+register_controller_failed_hashcode = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 1064
+register_controller_error_fields = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 1067
+register_controller_check_email = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 1074
+register_controller_user_already_exists = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 235
+search_controller_web = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 295
+search_controller_logout_successful = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 500
+search_controller_mix_info = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 506
+search_controller_crawl_info = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 542
+search_controller_search = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 646
+search_controller_no_index_set = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 649
+search_controller_no_index_set = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1300
+search_controller_download_fetcher = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1309
+search_controller_no_archive_page = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1358
+search_controller_yioop_cache = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1363
+search_controller_original_page = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1380
+search_controller_extracted_title = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1382
+search_controller_extracted_description = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1384
+search_controller_extracted_links = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1389
+search_controller_extracted_allow_paths = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1395
+search_controller_extracted_disallow_paths = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1401
+search_controller_crawl_delay = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1466
+search_controller_cache_comment = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1477
+search_controller_yioop_cache = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1513
+search_controller_cached_version = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1608
+search_controller_download_fetcher = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1626
+search_controller_header_summaries = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1739
+search_controller_history = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1908
+search_controller_all_cached = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1939
+search_controller_year = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1940
+search_controller_month = ""
+; settings_controller.php line: 115
+settings_controller_crawl_mix = ""
+; settings_controller.php line: 130
+settings_controller_settings_saved = ""
+; static_controller.php line: 67
+static_controller_logout_successful = ""
+; static_controller.php line: 145
+static_controller_complete_title = ""
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/sq_data/app/controllers
+; main_controller.php line: 87
+search_controller_logout_successful = ""
+; main_controller.php line: 112
+main_controller_download = ""
+; main_controller.php line: 129
+main_controller_missing_fields = ""
+; main_controller.php line: 164
+main_controller_yioop_download = ""
+; main_controller.php line: 165
+main_controller_click_download = ""
+; main_controller.php line: 178
+main_controller_url_error = ""
+; main_controller.php line: 187
+main_controller_expired_url = ""
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/seek_quarry//views
+; admin_view.php line: 70
+admin_view_admin = ""
+; admin_view.php line: 89
+adminview_auto_logout_one_minute = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 52
+crawlstatus_view_currently_processing = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 53
+crawlstatus_view_description = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 58
+crawlstatus_view_starting_crawl = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 62
+managecrawls_element_stop_crawl = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 66
+crawlstatus_view_resuming_crawl = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 70
+managecrawls_element_stop_crawl = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 74
+crawlstatus_view_shutdown_queue = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 77
+crawlstatus_view_closing_dict = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 80
+crawlstatus_view_run_plugins = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 88
+managecrawls_element_stop_crawl = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 96
+crawlstatus_view_set_index = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 99
+crawlstatus_view_search_index = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 107
+crawlstatus_view_changeoptions = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 109
+crawlstatus_view_no_description = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 114
+crawlstatus_view_timestamp = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 116
+crawlstatus_view_time_started = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 122
+crawlstatus_view_indexer_memory = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 124
+crawlstatus_view_scheduler_memory = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 127
+crawlstatus_view_queue_memory = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 132
+crawlstatus_view_no_mem_data = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 136
+crawlstatus_view_fetcher_memory = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 141
+crawlstatus_view_no_mem_data = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 144
+crawlstatus_view_webapp_memory = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 149
+crawlstatus_view_no_mem_data = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 152
+crawlstatus_view_urls_per_hour = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 160
+crawlstatus_view_visited_urls = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 164
+crawlstatus_view_total_urls = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 167
+crawlstatus_view_most_recent_fetcher = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 176
+crawlstatus_view_no_fetcher = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 180
+crawlstatus_view_most_recent_urls = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 190
+crawlstatus_view_no_recent_urls = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 193
+crawlstatus_view_previous_crawls = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 203
+crawlstatus_view_description = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 206
+crawlstatus_view_timestamp = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 207
+crawlstatus_view_url_counts = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 211
+crawlstatus_view_actions = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 222
+crawlstatus_view_statistics = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 238
+crawlstatus_view_resume = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 240
+crawlstatus_view_no_resume = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 247
+crawlstatus_view_set_index = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 250
+crawlstatus_view_search_index = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 257
+crawlstatus_view_delete = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 265
+crawlstatus_view_no_previous_crawl = ""
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/seek_quarry//views/elements
+; activity_element.php line: 54
+activity_element_activities = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 76
+configure_element_work_directory = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 82
+configure_element_load_or_create = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 100
+configure_element_component_check = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 104
+configure_element_profile_settings = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 107
+configure_element_toggle_advanced = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 114
+configure_element_default_language = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 121
+configure_element_debug_display = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 126
+configure_element_error_info = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 131
+configure_element_query_info = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 136
+configure_element_test_info = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 141
+configure_element_site_access = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 146
+configure_element_web_access = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 151
+configure_element_rss_access = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 156
+configure_element_api_access = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 161
+configure_element_customizations = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 163
+configure_element_use_wiki_landing = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 170
+configure_element_background_color = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 178
+configure_element_background_image = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 185
+configure_element_background_image = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 194
+configure_element_foreground_color = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 200
+configure_element_topbar_color = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 206
+configure_element_sidebar_color = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 214
+configure_element_site_logo = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 221
+configure_element_site_logo = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 232
+configure_element_mobile_logo = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 239
+configure_element_mobile_logo = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 250
+configure_element_favicon = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 257
+configure_element_favicon = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 267
+configure_element_toolbar = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 278
+configure_element_site_timezone = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 284
+configure_element_cookie_name = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 290
+configure_element_token_name = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 296
+configure_element_auxiliary_css = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 304
+configure_element_reset_customizations = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 311
+configure_element_crawl_robot = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 313
+configure_element_robot_name = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 321
+configure_element_robot_instance = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 328
+configure_element_robot_description = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 338
+serversettings_element_submit = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 55
+crawloptions_element_back_to_manage = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 58
+crawloptions_element_modify_active_crawl = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 60
+crawloptions_element_edit_crawl_options = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 83
+crawloptions_element_web_crawl = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 93
+crawloptions_element_archive_crawl = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 100
+crawloptions_element_load_options = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 105
+crawloptions_element_crawl_order = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 114
+crawloptions_element_restrict_by_url = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 122
+crawloptions_element_allowed_to_crawl = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 129
+crawloptions_element_disallowed_and_quota_sites = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 140
+crawloptions_element_seed_sites = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 144
+crawloptions_element_add_suggest_urls = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 155
+crawloptions_element_inject_sites = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 159
+crawloptions_element_add_suggest_urls = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 176
+crawloptions_element_reindex_crawl = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 185
+crawloptions_element_need_api_for_mix = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 193
+crawloptions_element_save_options = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 58
+editclassifier_back = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 60
+editclassifier_edit_classifier = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 72
+editclassifier_classifier_label = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 77
+editclassifier_change = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 82
+editclassifier_statistics = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 83
+editclassifier_positive_examples = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 86
+editclassifier_negative_examples = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 89
+editclassifier_accuracy = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 94
+crawl_component_na = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 99
+editclassifier_update = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 100
+editclassifier_add_examples = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 109
+editclassifier_source = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 113
+editclassifier_default_crawl = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 123
+editclassifier_label_by_hand = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 125
+editclassifier_all_in_class = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 127
+editclassifier_none_in_class = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 132
+editclassifier_keywords = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 141
+editclassifier_load = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 147
+editclassifier_finalize = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 155
+editclassifier_no_documents = ""
+; editlocales_element.php line: 55
+editlocales_element_back_to_manage = ""
+; editlocales_element.php line: 57
+editlocales_element_edit_locale = ""
+; editlocales_element.php line: 71
+editlocales_element_show = ""
+; editlocales_element.php line: 75
+editlocales_element_filter = ""
+; editlocales_element.php line: 82
+editlocales_element_go = ""
+; editlocales_element.php line: 86
+editlocales_element_no_matching = ""
+; editlocales_element.php line: 119
+editlocales_element_submit = ""
+; editmix_element.php line: 51
+editmix_element_back_to_mix = ""
+; editmix_element.php line: 53
+mixcrawls_element_edit_mix = ""
+; editmix_element.php line: 64
+mixcrawls_element_mix_name = ""
+; editmix_element.php line: 70
+mixcrawls_element_mix_components = ""
+; editmix_element.php line: 77
+mixcrawls_element_too_many = ""
+; editmix_element.php line: 79
+mixcrawls_element_add_fragment = ""
+; editmix_element.php line: 85
+mixcrawls_element_save_button = ""
+; footer_element.php line: 59
+footer_element_blog = ""
+; footer_element.php line: 61
+footer_element_privacy = ""
+; footer_element.php line: 63
+footer_element_terms = ""
+; footer_element.php line: 65
+footer_element_tools = ""
+; footer_element.php line: 67
+footer_element_bot = ""
+; footer_element.php line: 72
+footer_element_developed_seek_quarry = ""
+; footer_element.php line: 75
+footer_element_copyright_yioop = ""
+; footer_element.php line: 77
+footer_element_php_search_engine = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 91
+groupfeed_element_add_group = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 95
+groupfeed_element_request_add = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 122
+groupfeed_element_wiki_page = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 124
+groupfeed_element_back = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 127
+groupfeed_element_back = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 136
+groupfeed_element_group_activity = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 140
+groupfeed_element_wiki_thread = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 159
+groupfeed_element_feed = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 163
+group_view_wiki = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 165
+groupfeed_element_user = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 206
+groupfeed_element_comment = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 238
+manageaccount_element_group_wiki = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 239
+manageaccount_element_group_stats = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 244
+manageaccount_element_last_post = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 286
+groupfeed_element_comment = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 297
+groupfeed_element_start_thread = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 311
+groupfeed_element_start_thread = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 317
+groupfeed_element_no_posts_yet = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 323
+groupfeed_element_thread_no_exist = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 358
+groupfeed_element_edit = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 363
+groupfeed_element_delete = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 385
+groupfeed_element_num_posts = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 395
+groupfeed_element_num_views = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 420
+groupfeed_element_start_thread_in_group = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 422
+groupfeed_element_start_thread_in_group = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 436
+groupfeed_element_last_edited = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 452
+groupfeed_element_post_vote = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 479
+groupfeed_element_last_post_info = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 494
+groupfeed_element_comment = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 547
+fileupload_helper_drag_textarea = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 548
+fileupload_helper_click_textarea = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 572
+groupfeed_element_add_comment = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 586
+groupfeed_element_save = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 625
+groupfeed_element_subject = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 632
+groupfeed_element_post = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 645
+groupfeed_element_save = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 681
+groupfeed_element_edit_post = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 684
+groupfeed_element_subject = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 690
+groupfeed_element_post = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 703
+groupfeed_element_save = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 732
+groupfeed_element_no_longer_update = ""
+; machinelog_element.php line: 54
+machinelog_element_back_to_manage = ""
+; machinelog_element.php line: 59
+machinelog_element_filter = ""
+; machinelog_element.php line: 66
+machinelog_element_log_file = ""
+; machinelog_element.php line: 71
+machinelog_element_refresh_off = ""
+; machinelog_element.php line: 76
+machinelog_element_refresh_on = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 60
+manageaccount_element_lock = ""
+manageaccount_element_edit = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 67
+manageaccount_element_welcome = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 69
+manageaccount_element_what_can_do = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 71
+manageaccount_element_account_details = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 100
+manageaccounts_element_icon = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 110
+manageusers_element_username = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 117
+manageusers_element_firstname = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 123
+manageusers_element_lastname = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 129
+manageusers_element_email = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 138
+manageaccount_element_password = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 145
+manageaccount_element_new_password = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 151
+manageaccount_element_retype_password = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 163
+manageaccount_element_save = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 169
+manageaccount_element_search_lang_settings = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 174
+manageaccount_element_crawl_and_index = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 175
+manageaccount_element_crawl_info = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 176
+manageaccount_element_num_crawls = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 179
+manageaccount_element_manage_crawls = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 185
+manageaccount_element_groups_and_feeds = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 186
+manageaccount_element_group_info = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 188
+manageaccount_element_num_groups = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 191
+manageaccount_element_num_group = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 203
+manageaccount_element_group_wiki = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 204
+manageaccount_element_group_stats = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 209
+manageaccount_element_last_post = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 219
+manageaccount_element_manage_all_groups = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 221
+manageaccount_element_go_to_group_feed = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 223
+manageaccount_element_crawl_mixes = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 224
+manageaccount_element_mixes_info = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 226
+manageaccount_element_num_mixes = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 229
+manageaccount_element_num_mix = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 233
+manageaccount_element_manage_mixes = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 61
+manageclassifiers_available_classifiers = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 69
+manageclassifiers_label_col = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 72
+manageclassifiers_positive_col = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 74
+manageclassifiers_negative_col = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 80
+manageclassifiers_actions_col = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 99
+manageclassifiers_edit = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 102
+manageclassifiers_finalized = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 109
+manageclassifiers_finalize = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 111
+manageclassifiers_finalize = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 115
+manageclassifiers_finalizing = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 119
+confirm_delete_operation = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 123
+manageclassifiers_delete = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 156
+manageclassifiers_manage_classifiers = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 166
+manageclassifiers_classifier_name = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 171
+manageclassifiers_create_button = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 186
+manageclassifiers_element_search = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 187
+manageclassifiers_element_create_form = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 189
+manageclassifiers_classifier_name = ""
+; managecrawls_element.php line: 49
+managecrawls_element_create_crawl = ""
+; managecrawls_element.php line: 58
+managecrawls_element_description = ""
+; managecrawls_element.php line: 65
+managecrawls_element_start_new_crawl = ""
+; managecrawls_element.php line: 69
+managecrawls_element_options = ""
+; managecrawls_element.php line: 75
+managecrawls_element_awaiting_status = ""
+; managecrawls_element.php line: 93
+managecrawls_element_up_longer_update = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 67
+managegroups_element_not_my_groups = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 69
+managegroups_element_groups = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 78
+managegroups_element_groupname = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 79
+managegroups_element_groupowner = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 81
+managegroups_element_registertype = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 82
+managegroups_element_memberaccess = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 83
+managegroups_element_voting = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 84
+managegroups_element_post_lifetime = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 87
+managegroups_element_actions = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 201
+manageaccount_element_group_wiki = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 216
+managegroups_element_join = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 220
+managegroups_element_edit = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 225
+managegroups_element_edit = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 230
+managegroups_element_delete = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 236
+managegroups_element_join = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 241
+managegroups_element_join = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 250
+managegroups_element_decline = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 252
+managegroups_element_unsubscribe = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 257
+confirm_delete_operation = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 260
+managegroups_element_delete = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 289
+managegroups_element_addgroup_form = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 290
+managegroups_element_group_info = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 292
+managegroups_element_create_group = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 296
+managegroups_element_add_group = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 313
+managegroups_element_groupname = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 324
+managegroups_element_browse = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 335
+managegroups_element_register = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 342
+managegroups_element_memberaccess = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 349
+managegroups_element_voting = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 356
+managegroups_element_post_lifetime = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 368
+managegroups_element_group_users = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 372
+managegroups_element_num_users = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 398
+managegroups_element_groupowner = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 400
+managegroups_element_delete = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 410
+managegroups_element_activate = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 416
+managegroups_element_ban = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 422
+managegroups_element_unban = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 430
+managegroups_element_delete = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 459
+managegroups_element_filter = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 480
+managegroups_element_invite = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 491
+managegroups_element_save = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 520
+managegroups_element_group_info = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 521
+managegroups_element_invite_users_group = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 533
+managegroups_element_groupname = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 541
+managegroups_element_usernames = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 548
+managegroups_element_invite = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 566
+managegroups_element_addgroup_form = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 567
+managegroups_element_transfer_group_owner = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 580
+managegroups_element_groupname = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 588
+managegroups_element_new_group_owner = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 595
+managegroups_element_change_owner = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 614
+managegroups_element_discover_groups = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 618
+managegroups_element_search_group = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 620
+managegroups_element_addgroup_form = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 622
+managegroups_element_groupname = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 623
+managegroups_element_groupowner = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 624
+managegroups_element_registertype = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 626
+managegroups_element_memberaccess = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 628
+managegroups_element_post_lifetime = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 59
+managelocales_element_locale_list = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 69
+managelocales_element_localename = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 72
+managelocales_element_localetag = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 73
+managelocales_element_writingmode = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 75
+managelocales_element_enabled = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 80
+managelocales_element_percenttranslated = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 81
+managelocales_element_actions = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 101
+managelocales_element_true = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 102
+managelocales_element_false = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 109
+managelocales_element_edit = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 114
+confirm_delete_operation = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 115
+managelocales_element_delete = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 135
+manageloecales_element_add_locale_form = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 136
+managelocales_element_locale_info = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 138
+managelocales_element_add_locale = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 160
+managelocales_element_localenamelabel = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 173
+managelocales_element_localetaglabel = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 179
+managelocales_element_writingmodelabel = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 189
+managelocales_element_localeenabled = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 200
+managelocales_element_submit = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 218
+managelocales_element_search_locales = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 219
+managelocales_element_addlocale_form = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 221
+managelocales_element_localename = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 222
+managelocales_element_localetag = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 223
+managelocales_element_writingmode = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 224
+managelocales_element_enabled = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 230
+managelocales_element_true = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 231
+managelocales_element_false = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 51
+managemachines_element_add_machine = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 63
+managemachines_element_machine_name = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 68
+managemachines_element_machineurl = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 73
+managemachines_element_is_mirror = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 78
+managemachines_element_parent_name = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 84
+managemachines_element_has_queueserver = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 88
+managemachines_element_num_fetchers = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 93
+managemachines_element_submit = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 98
+managemachines_element_machine_info = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 104
+managemachines_element_awaiting_status = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 123
+managemachines_element_no_longer_update = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 56
+manageroles_element_roles = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 64
+manageroles_element_rolename = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 66
+manageroles_element_actions = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 91
+manageroles_element_edit = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 96
+manageroles_element_delete = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 100
+confirm_delete_operation = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 103
+manageroles_element_delete = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 136
+manageroles_element_addrole_form = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 137
+manageroles_element_role_info = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 139
+manageroles_element_add_role = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 151
+manageroles_element_rolename = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 164
+manageroles_element_role_activities = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 173
+manageroles_element_delete = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 180
+manageroles_element_delete = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 200
+manageroles_element_save = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 218
+manageroles_element_search_role = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 219
+manageroles_element_addrole_form = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 221
+manageroles_element_rolename = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 56
+manageusers_element_users = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 65
+manageusers_element_username = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 67
+manageusers_element_firstname = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 68
+manageusers_element_lastname = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 69
+manageusers_element_email = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 71
+manageusers_element_status = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 73
+manageusers_element_actions = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 135
+manageusers_element_edit = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 139
+manageusers_element_edit = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 146
+manageusers_element_delete = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 150
+confirm_delete_operation = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 153
+manageusers_element_delete = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 194
+manageusers_element_adduser_form = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 195
+manageusers_element_user_info = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 197
+manageusers_element_add_user = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 222
+manageusers_element_username = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 232
+manageusers_element_firstname = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 238
+manageusers_element_lastname = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 244
+manageusers_element_email = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 251
+manageusers_element_status = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 268
+manageusers_element_roles = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 272
+manageusers_element_num_roles = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 287
+manageusers_element_delete = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 297
+manageusers_element_delete = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 340
+manageusers_element_filter = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 352
+manageusers_element_add_role = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 362
+manageusers_element_groups = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 366
+manageusers_element_num_groups = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 387
+manageusers_element_delete = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 427
+manageusers_element_filter = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 439
+manageusers_element_add_group = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 452
+manageusers_element_password = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 458
+manageusers_element_retype_password = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 465
+manageusers_element_save = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 492
+manageusers_element_search_user = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 493
+manageusers_element_adduser_form = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 495
+manageusers_element_username = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 496
+manageusers_element_firstname = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 497
+manageusers_element_lastname = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 498
+manageusers_element_email = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 499
+manageusers_element_status = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 61
+mixcrawls_element_available_mixes = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 68
+mixcrawls_view_name = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 70
+mixcrawls_view_definition = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 74
+mixcrawls_view_actions = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 108
+mixcrawls_view_no_components = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 115
+mixcrawls_view_share = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 118
+mixcrawls_view_edit = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 124
+mixcrawls_set_index = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 127
+mixcrawl_search_index = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 133
+confirm_delete_operation = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 136
+mixcrawls_view_delete = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 146
+mixcrawls_view_back = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 147
+mixcrawls_element_share_mix_group = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 157
+mixcrawls_element_mixname = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 163
+mixcrawls_element_group = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 169
+mixcrawls_element_share = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 193
+mixcrawls_element_make_mix = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 203
+mixcrawls_element_mix_name = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 208
+mixcrawls_element_create_button = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 223
+mixcrawls_element_search_mix = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 224
+mixcrawls_element_createmix_form = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 226
+mixcrawls_element_mixname = ""
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 78
+moreoptions_element_other_searches = ""
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 113
+moreoptions_element_previous = ""
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 119
+moreoptions_element_next = ""
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 126
+moreoptions_element_my_accounts = ""
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 133
+signin_element_settings = "ನಿಗದಿಗಳು"
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 141
+signin_element_signin = "ಒಳಪ್ರವೇಶಿಸಿ"
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 144
+signin_element_admin = "ಕಾರ್ಯ ನಿರ್ವಾಹಕ "
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 156
+signin_view_create_account = ""
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 168
+moreoptions_element_suggest = ""
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 171
+moreoptions_element_wiki_pages = ""
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 182
+moreoptions_element_tools = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 58
+pageoptions_element_crawl_time = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 63
+pageoptions_element_search_time = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 68
+pageoptions_element_test_options = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 80
+pageoptions_element_load_options = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 85
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 91
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 100
+pageoptions_element_max_description = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 106
+pageoptions_element_save_cache = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 116
+pageoptions_element_allow_recrawl = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 123
+pageoptions_element_file_types = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 153
+pageoptions_element_classifiers_rankers = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 169
+pageoptions_element_use_classify = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 171
+pageoptions_element_use_rank = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 200
+pageoptions_element_no_classifiers = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 203
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 209
+pageoptions_element_plugin = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 212
+pageoptions_element_plugin_include = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 229
+pageoptions_element_configure = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 241
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 244
+pageoptions_element_page_rules = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 254
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 261
+pageoptions_element_wd_suggest = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 269
+pageoptions_element_subsearch_link = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 278
+pageoptions_element_signin_link = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 286
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 295
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 304
+pageoptions_element_in_link = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 311
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 320
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 325
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 330
+pageoptions_element_description_weight = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 335
+pageoptions_element_link_weight = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 340
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 345
+pageoptions_element_min_results_to_group = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 351
+pageoptions_element_server_alpha = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 359
+pageoptions_element_test_page = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 363
+pageoptions_element_page_type = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 380
+pageoptions_element_save_options = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 382
+pageoptions_element_run_tests = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 388
+pageoptions_element_test_results = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 391
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 396
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 400
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 404
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 408
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 427
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 464
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 468
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+; resultseditor_element.php line: 51
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+; resultseditor_element.php line: 65
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+; resultseditor_element.php line: 67
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+; resultseditor_element.php line: 78
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+; resultseditor_element.php line: 85
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+; resultseditor_element.php line: 91
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+; resultseditor_element.php line: 97
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+; resultseditor_element.php line: 100
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+; resultseditor_element.php line: 103
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+; resultseditor_element.php line: 115
+resultseditor_element_sites_to_filter = ""
+; resultseditor_element.php line: 121
+resultseditor_element_save_filter = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 58
+searchsources_element_addsource_form = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 59
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 63
+searchsources_element_add_media_source = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 87
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 92
+searchsources_element_sourcename = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 101
+searchsources_element_url = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 107
+searchsources_element_locale_tag = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 112
+searchsources_element_thumbnail = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 122
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 125
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 131
+searchsources_element_itempath = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 137
+searchsources_element_titlepath = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 143
+searchsources_element_descpath = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 149
+searchsources_element_linkpath = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 155
+searchsources_element_image_xpath = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 161
+searchsources_element_submit = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 167
+searchsources_element_media_sources = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 190
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 191
+searchsources_element_mediatype = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 193
+searchsources_element_mediaurls = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 196
+searchsources_element_action = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 212
+searchsources_element_editmedia = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 215
+confirm_delete_operation = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 218
+searchsources_element_deletemedia = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 227
+searchsources_element_addsearch_form = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 229
+searchsources_element_edit_subsearch = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 234
+searchsources_element_add_subsearch = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 249
+searchsources_element_foldername = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 259
+searchsources_element_indexsource = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 265
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 271
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 277
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 287
+searchsources_element_dirname = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 289
+searchsources_element_index = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 292
+searchsources_element_localestring = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 294
+searchsources_element_perpage = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 300
+searchsources_element_actions = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 316
+searchsources_element_editsource = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 323
+searchsources_element_localize = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 327
+searchsources_element_localize = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 334
+searchsources_element_deletesubsearch = ""
+; security_element.php line: 54
+security_element_auth_captcha = ""
+; security_element.php line: 65
+security_element_authentication_type = ""
+; security_element.php line: 77
+security_element_zero_unavailable = ""
+; security_element.php line: 86
+security_element_captcha_type = ""
+; security_element.php line: 100
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+; security_element.php line: 104
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+; security_element.php line: 111
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+; security_element.php line: 116
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+; security_element.php line: 121
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+; security_element.php line: 124
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 57
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 61
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 72
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 80
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 88
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 99
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 110
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 115
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 123
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 158
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 176
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 183
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 189
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 195
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 201
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 208
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 219
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 224
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 230
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 239
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 251
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 255
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 304
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+; signin_element.php line: 74
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+; signin_element.php line: 78
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+; subsearch_element.php line: 67
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+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/seek_quarry//views/helpers
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+; searchform_helper.php line: 120
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+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/seek_quarry//views/layouts
+; rss_layout.php line: 60
+rss_layout_title = "ಪಿಹೆಚಪಿ ಶೋಧನಾ ಯಂತ್ರ - ಯೂಪ್!: %s"
+; rss_layout.php line: 68
+rss_layout_description = "ಈ ಶೋಧನಾ ಫಲಿತಾಂಶಗಳು ನಿಮ್ಮ ಪ್ರಶ್ನೆ: %s  ಯ ಉತ್ತರ"
+; web_layout.php line: 61
+web_layout_title = "ಪಿಹೆಚಪಿ ಶೋಧನಾ ಯಂತ್ರ - ಯೂಪ್!"
+; web_layout.php line: 71
+web_layout_description = "ಪಿಹೆಚಪಿ ಕ್ರಾವ್ಲರ್ ಮತ್ತು ಶೋಧನಾ ಯಂತ್ರದ ತಂತ್ರಾಂಶ "
+; web_layout.php line: 74
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+; web_layout.php line: 214
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+; web_layout.php line: 218
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+; web_layout.php line: 223
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+; machinestatus_view.php line: 52
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+; machinestatus_view.php line: 57
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+; machinestatus_view.php line: 72
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+; machinestatus_view.php line: 74
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+; machinestatus_view.php line: 101
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+; machinestatus_view.php line: 117
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+; machinestatus_view.php line: 125
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+; machinestatus_view.php line: 128
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+; machinestatus_view.php line: 141
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+; machinestatus_view.php line: 143
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+; machinestatus_view.php line: 152
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+; machinestatus_view.php line: 155
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+; machinestatus_view.php line: 165
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+; machinestatus_view.php line: 175
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+; nocache_view.php line: 54
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+; recover_view.php line: 69
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+; recover_view.php line: 105
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+; recover_view.php line: 117
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+; recover_view.php line: 132
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+; recover_view.php line: 147
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+; recover_view.php line: 154
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+; recover_view.php line: 187
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+; recover_view.php line: 206
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+; recover_view.php line: 216
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+; register_view.php line: 74
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+; register_view.php line: 75
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+; register_view.php line: 77
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+; register_view.php line: 78
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+; register_view.php line: 79
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+; register_view.php line: 80
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+; register_view.php line: 81
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+; register_view.php line: 82
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+; register_view.php line: 83
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+; register_view.php line: 84
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+; register_view.php line: 85
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+; register_view.php line: 86
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+; register_view.php line: 87
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+; register_view.php line: 88
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+; register_view.php line: 89
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+; register_view.php line: 90
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+; register_view.php line: 92
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+; register_view.php line: 95
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+; register_view.php line: 96
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+; register_view.php line: 97
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+; register_view.php line: 98
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+; register_view.php line: 99
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+; register_view.php line: 100
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+; register_view.php line: 101
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+; register_view.php line: 102
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+; register_view.php line: 103
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+; register_view.php line: 106
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+; register_view.php line: 107
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+; register_view.php line: 108
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+; register_view.php line: 109
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+; register_view.php line: 110
+register_view_recovery2_less = ""
+; register_view.php line: 111
+register_view_recovery2_choices = ""
+; register_view.php line: 112
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+; register_view.php line: 113
+register_view_recovery3_less = ""
+; register_view.php line: 114
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+; register_view.php line: 115
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+; register_view.php line: 116
+register_view_recovery4_less = ""
+; register_view.php line: 117
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+; register_view.php line: 118
+register_view_recovery5_more = ""
+; register_view.php line: 119
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+; register_view.php line: 120
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+; register_view.php line: 121
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+; register_view.php line: 122
+register_view_recovery6_less = ""
+; register_view.php line: 123
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+; register_view.php line: 152
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+; register_view.php line: 189
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+; register_view.php line: 204
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+; register_view.php line: 219
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+; register_view.php line: 232
+register_view_email = ""
+; register_view.php line: 246
+register_view_password = ""
+; register_view.php line: 261
+register_view_retypepassword = ""
+; register_view.php line: 277
+register_view_account_recovery = ""
+; register_view.php line: 281
+register_view_human_check = ""
+; register_view.php line: 283
+register_view_account_recovery = ""
+; register_view.php line: 315
+register_view_human_check = ""
+; register_view.php line: 330
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+; register_view.php line: 332
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+; register_view.php line: 334
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+; register_view.php line: 336
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+; register_view.php line: 337
+register_view_period = ""
+; register_view.php line: 347
+register_view_create_account = ""
+; register_view.php line: 357
+signin_view_return_yioop = "ಯೂಪ್&#039;ಗೆ ಮರಳಿರಿ"
+; search_view.php line: 86
+search_view_title = "ಯೂಪ್!, ಪಿಹೆಚಪಿ ಶೋಧನಾ ಯಂತ್ರ "
+; search_view.php line: 113
+search_view_input_label = "ನೀವು ಶೋಧಿಸಬೇಕಾದ ಪದ ವನ್ನು ಇಲ್ಲಿ ಬರೆಯಿರಿ "
+; search_view.php line: 117
+search_view_input_placeholder = "ನಿಮ್ಮ ಪ್ರಶ್ನೆಯನ್ನು ಇಲ್ಲಿ ಬರೆಯಿರಿ "
+; search_view.php line: 120
+search_view_search = "ಹುಡುಕು"
+; search_view.php line: 147
+search_view_no_index_set = ""
+; search_view.php line: 152
+search_view_more_statistics = ""
+; search_view.php line: 190
+search_view_calculated = "ಲೆಕ್ಕಾಚಾರದ ಸಮಯ %s ಸೆಕೆಂಡು"
+; search_view.php line: 191
+search_view_results = "ತೋರಿಸುತ್ತಿರುವ ಫಲಿತಾಂಶಗಳು %s - %s ಆಫ್ %s"
+; search_view.php line: 212
+search_view_thesaurus_results = ""
+; search_view.php line: 321
+search_view_word_cloud = ""
+; search_view.php line: 366
+search_view_cache = "ಸಿದ್ಧ ಸ್ಮೃತಿಕೋಶದಿಂದ ನೋಡಿ"
+; search_view.php line: 369
+search_view_as_text = "ಪಠ್ಯ ರೂಪದಲ್ಲಿ ನೋಡಿ"
+; search_view.php line: 382
+search_view_similar = "ಸಮಾನರೂಪದ"
+; search_view.php line: 394
+search_view_inlink = "ಒಳ ಕೊಂಡಿ"
+; search_view.php line: 414
+search_view_rank = "ಸ್ಥಾನ: %s"
+; search_view.php line: 416
+search_view_relevancy = "ಪ್ರಾಸ್ತಾವಿಕ: %s"
+; search_view.php line: 418
+search_view_proximity = "ಸಾನಿಧ್ಯ: %s"
+; search_view.php line: 422
+search_view_thesaurus_score = ""
+; search_view.php line: 431
+search_view_score = "ಅಂಕ: %s "
+; settings_view.php line: 66
+settings_view_settings = "ನಿಗದಿಗಳು"
+; settings_view.php line: 73
+settings_view_results_per_page = "ಪ್ರತಿ ಪುಟದಲ್ಲಿ ಫಲಿತಾಂಶಗಳ ಸಂಖ್ಯೆ:"
+; settings_view.php line: 79
+settings_view_open_in_tabs = ""
+; settings_view.php line: 86
+settings_view_search_index = "ಶೋಧನಾ ಸೂಚಿಕೆ"
+; settings_view.php line: 92
+settings_view_language_label = "ಭಾಷೆ:"
+; settings_view.php line: 108
+settings_view_return_yioop = "ಯೂಪ್&#039;ಗೆ ಮರಳಿರಿ"
+; settings_view.php line: 111
+settings_view_save = "ಈ ಹೊಂದಾಣಿಕೆಯನ್ನು ಉಳಿಸಿ"
+; settings_view.php line: 119
+settings_install_search_plugin = ""
+; signin_view.php line: 65
+signin_view_signin = "ಒಳಪ್ರವೇಶಿಸಿ"
+; signin_view.php line: 78
+sigin_view_signing_in = ""
+; signin_view.php line: 81
+sigin_view_login_failed = ""
+; signin_view.php line: 89
+signin_view_username = "ಬಳಕೆದಾರನ ಹೆಸರು"
+; signin_view.php line: 96
+signin_view_password = "ಪ್ರವೇಶ ಪದ"
+; signin_view.php line: 107
+signin_view_login = "ಒಳಪ್ರವೇಶಿಸಿ"
+; signin_view.php line: 122
+signin_view_recover_password = ""
+; signin_view.php line: 127
+signin_view_create_account = ""
+; signin_view.php line: 132
+signin_view_return_yioop = "ಯೂಪ್&#039;ಗೆ ಮರಳಿರಿ"
+; static_view.php line: 71
+static_view_title = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 63
+statistics_view_statistics = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 68
+statistics_view_calculating = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 82
+statistics_view_error_codes = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 83
+statistics_view_sizes = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 84
+statistics_view_links_per_page = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 85
+statistics_view_page_date = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 86
+statistics_view_dns_time = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 87
+statistics_view_download_time = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 88
+statistics_view_top_level_domain = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 89
+statistics_view_file_extension = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 90
+statistics_view_media_type = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 91
+statistics_view_language = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 92
+statistics_view_server = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 93
+statistics_view_os = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 97
+statistics_view_general_info = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 98
+statistics_view_description = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 100
+statistics_view_timestamp = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 102
+statistics_view_crawl_date = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 104
+statistics_view_pages = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 106
+statistics_view_url = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 109
+statistics_view_number_hosts = ""
+; suggest_view.php line: 68
+suggest_view_suggest_url = ""
+; suggest_view.php line: 70
+suggest_view_instructions = ""
+; suggest_view.php line: 94
+suggest_view_url = ""
+; suggest_view.php line: 110
+register_view_human_check = ""
+; suggest_view.php line: 144
+suggest_view_human_check = ""
+; suggest_view.php line: 167
+suggest_view_submit_url = ""
+; suggest_view.php line: 177
+signin_view_return_yioop = "ಯೂಪ್&#039;ಗೆ ಮರಳಿರಿ"
+; view.php line: 32
+view_locale_version11 = ""
+; view.php line: 81
+view_logo_alt_text = ""
+; wiki_view.php line: 89
+wiki_view_read = ""
+; wiki_view.php line: 90
+wiki_view_edit = ""
+; wiki_view.php line: 93
+wiki_view_pages = ""
+; wiki_view.php line: 132
+wiki_view_feed = ""
+; wiki_view.php line: 133
+wiki_view_wiki = ""
+; wiki_view.php line: 157
+adminview_auto_logout_one_minute = ""
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/sq_data/app/views
+; download_view.php line: 62
+download_view_form = ""
+; download_view.php line: 73
+download_view_thank_you = ""
+; download_view.php line: 76
+download_view_full_name = ""
+; download_view.php line: 82
+download_view_email = ""
+; download_view.php line: 87
+download_view_business = ""
+; download_view.php line: 93
+download_view_interest = ""
+; download_view.php line: 100
+download_view_get_email = ""
+; download_view.php line: 106
+download_view_return_main = ""
+; download_view.php line: 120
+download_view_required_fields = ""
+; download_view.php line: 125
+download_view_name_required = ""
+; download_view.php line: 130
+download_view_valid_email = ""
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/seek_quarry//lib/indexing_plugins
+; wordfilter_plugin.php line: 353
+wordfilter_plugin_settings_saved = ""
+; wordfilter_plugin.php line: 362
+wordfilter_plugin_defaults_restored = ""
+; wordfilter_plugin.php line: 466
+wordfilter_plugin_preferences = ""
+; wordfilter_plugin.php line: 470
+wordfilter_plugin_factory_settings = ""
+; wordfilter_plugin.php line: 483
+wordfilter_plugin_save = ""
diff --git a/locale/kn/resources/locale.js b/locale/kn/resources/locale.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..4defa2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/kn/resources/locale.js
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+ * SeekQuarry/Yioop --
+ * Open Source Pure PHP Search Engine, Crawler, and Indexer
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2009 - 2015  Chris Pollett
+ *
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+ *
+ *
+ * @author Sandhya Vissapragada
+ * @package seek_quarry
+ * @subpackage javascript
+ * @license GPL3
+ * @link
+ * @copyright 2009 - 2015s
+ * @filesource
+ */
+ * The alphabet for this locale (just a stub for now)
+ */
+var alpha = "";
diff --git a/locale/kn/resources/tokenizer.php b/locale/kn/resources/tokenizer.php
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..bc44010
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/kn/resources/tokenizer.php
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+ * SeekQuarry/Yioop --
+ * Open Source Pure PHP Search Engine, Crawler, and Indexer
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2009 - 2015  Chris Pollett
+ *
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+ *
+ * @author Chris Pollett
+ * @package seek_quarry
+ * @subpackage locale
+ * @license GPL3
+ * @link
+ * @copyright 2009 - 2015
+ * @filesource
+ */
+if(!defined('BASE_DIR')) {echo "BAD REQUEST"; exit();}
+ * Kanada specific tokenization code. Typically, tokenizer.php
+ * either contains a stemmer for the language in question or
+ * it specifies how many characters in a char gram
+ *
+ * @author Chris Pollett
+ * @package seek_quarry
+ * @subpackage locale
+ */
+$GLOBALS['CHARGRAMS']['kn'] = 5;
diff --git a/locale/kn/resources1421450887old/locale.js b/locale/kn/resources1421450887old/locale.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..886b6fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/kn/resources1421450887old/locale.js
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+ * SeekQuarry/Yioop --
+ * Open Source Pure PHP Search Engine, Crawler, and Indexer
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2009 - 2014  Chris Pollett
+ *
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+ *
+ *
+ * @author Sandhya Vissapragada
+ * @package seek_quarry
+ * @subpackage javascript
+ * @license GPL3
+ * @link
+ * @copyright 2009 - 2014s
+ * @filesource
+ */
+ * The alphabet for this locale (just a stub for now)
+ */
+var alpha = "";
diff --git a/locale/kn/resources1421450887old/tokenizer.php b/locale/kn/resources1421450887old/tokenizer.php
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..42950ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/kn/resources1421450887old/tokenizer.php
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+ * SeekQuarry/Yioop --
+ * Open Source Pure PHP Search Engine, Crawler, and Indexer
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2009 - 2014  Chris Pollett
+ *
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+ *
+ * @author Chris Pollett
+ * @package seek_quarry
+ * @subpackage locale
+ * @license GPL3
+ * @link
+ * @copyright 2009 - 2014
+ * @filesource
+ */
+if(!defined('BASE_DIR')) {echo "BAD REQUEST"; exit();}
+ * Kanada specific tokenization code. Typically, tokenizer.php
+ * either contains a stemmer for the language in question or
+ * it specifies how many characters in a char gram
+ *
+ * @author Chris Pollett
+ * @package seek_quarry
+ * @subpackage locale
+ */
+$GLOBALS['CHARGRAMS']['kn'] = 5;
diff --git a/locale/kn/statistics.txt b/locale/kn/statistics.txt
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..fe8cd74
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/kn/statistics.txt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/locale/ko/configure.ini b/locale/ko/configure.ini
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..daea63b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/ko/configure.ini
@@ -0,0 +1,4186 @@
+; ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
+;  SeekQuarry/Yioop Open Source Pure PHP Search Engine, Crawler, and Indexer
+;  Copyright (C) 2009 - 2015  Chris Pollett
+;  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;  (at your option) any later version.
+;  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;  GNU General Public License for more details.
+;  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;  along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+;  ***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****
+; configure.ini
+; ko configuration file
+; Strings to translate on various pages
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/seek_quarry//controllers
+; admin_controller.php line: 101
+admin_controller_need_cookies = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 150
+admin_controller_account_not_active = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 156
+admin_controller_login_successful = "로그인 성공!!!"
+; admin_controller.php line: 175
+admin_controller_no_back_button = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 189
+admin_controller_login_failed = "로그인 실패!!!"
+; admin_controller.php line: 195
+admin_controller_login_to_config = "관리 (default: u=root, p=)"
+; admin_controller.php line: 199
+admin_controller_status_updates_stopped = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 342
+admin_controller_account_access = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 343
+admin_controller_social = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 344
+admin_controller_crawl_settings = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 345
+admin_controller_system_settings = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 517
+admin_controller_equal = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 518
+admin_controller_not_equal = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 519
+admin_controller_contains = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 520
+admin_controller_begins_with = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 521
+admin_controller_ends_with = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 524
+admin_controller_equal = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 525
+admin_controller_not_equal = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 528
+admin_controller_no_sort = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 529
+admin_controller_sort_ascending = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 530
+admin_controller_sort_descending = ""
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/seek_quarry//controllers/components
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 132
+accountaccess_component_no_posts_yet = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 146
+accountaccess_component_passwords_too_long = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 155
+accountaccess_component_passwords_dont_match = "비밀 번호가 일치하지 않습니다."
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 162
+accountaccess_component_invalid_password = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 192
+accountaccess_component_unknown_imagetype = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 197
+accountaccess_component_icon_too_big = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 206
+accountaccess_component_no_user_folder = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 215
+accountaccess_component_user_updated = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 259
+accountaccess_component_active_status = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 260
+accountaccess_component_inactive_status = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 261
+accountaccess_component_banned_status = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 264
+accountaccess_component_request_join = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 265
+accountaccess_component_invited = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 266
+accountaccess_component_active_status = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 267
+accountaccess_component_banned_status = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 312
+accountaccess_component_passwords_too_long = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 317
+accountaccess_component_passwords_dont_match = "비밀 번호가 일치하지 않습니다."
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 321
+accountaccess_component_invalid_username = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 325
+accountaccess_component_user_exists = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 354
+accountaccess_component_user_added = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 363
+accountaccess_component_user_doesnt_exist = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 370
+accountaccess_component_cant_edit_public_user = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 412
+accountaccess_component_passwords_dont_match = "비밀 번호가 일치하지 않습니다."
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 418
+accountaccess_component_user_updated = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 424
+accountaccess_component_user_filter_group = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 428
+accountaccess_component_user_filter_role = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 439
+accountaccess_component_username_doesnt_exists = "아이디가 존재 하지 않습니다."
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 444
+accountaccess_component_cant_delete_builtin = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 449
+accountaccess_component_user_deleted = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 458
+accountaccess_component_username_doesnt_exists = "아이디가 존재 하지 않습니다."
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 463
+accountaccess_component_rolename_doesnt_exists = "사용자 권한 이름이 존재하지 않습니다."
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 469
+accountaccess_component_rolename_already_added = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 475
+accountaccess_component_rolename_added = "사용자 권한 이름을 추가하였습니다."
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 485
+accountaccess_component_username_doesnt_exists = "아이디가 존재 하지 않습니다."
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 490
+accountaccess_component_groupname_doesnt_exists = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 496
+accountaccess_component_groupname_already_added = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 504
+accountaccess_component_groupname_added = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 514
+accountaccess_component_username_doesnt_exists = "아이디가 존재 하지 않습니다."
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 519
+accountaccess_component_rolename_doesnt_exists = "사용자 권한 이름이 존재하지 않습니다."
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 528
+accountaccess_component_rolename_deleted = "사용자 권한이름을 삭제하였습니다."
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 538
+accountaccess_component_username_doesnt_exists = "아이디가 존재 하지 않습니다."
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 543
+accountaccess_component_groupname_doesnt_exists = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 552
+accountaccess_component_group_deleted = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 569
+accountaccess_component_username_doesnt_exists = "아이디가 존재 하지 않습니다."
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 575
+accountaccess_component_userstatus_updated = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 733
+accountaccess_component_select_activityname = "엑티비티 이름을 선택해 주십시요."
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 759
+accountaccess_component_rolename_doesnt_exists = "사용자 권한 이름이 존재하지 않습니다."
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 775
+accountaccess_component_activity_added = "엑티비티를 추가했습니다."
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 784
+accountaccess_component_rolename_exists = "동일 권한 이름이 존재 합니다."
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 790
+accountaccess_component_rolename_added = "사용자 권한 이름을 추가하였습니다."
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 794
+accountaccess_component_rolename_blank = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 803
+accountaccess_component_rolename_doesnt_exists = "사용자 권한 이름이 존재하지 않습니다."
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 821
+accountaccess_component_activity_deleted = "엑티비티를 삭제 했습니다."
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 829
+accountaccess_component_rolename_doesnt_exists = "사용자 권한 이름이 존재하지 않습니다."
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 835
+accountaccess_component_rolename_deleted = "사용자 권한이름을 삭제하였습니다."
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 867
+accountaccess_component_role_updated = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 85
+crawl_component_starting_new_crawl = "크롤 시작!!"
+; crawl_component.php line: 102
+crawl_component_stop_crawl = "크롤을 중지합니다.  잠시만 기다려 주십시요."
+; crawl_component.php line: 131
+crawl_component_resume_crawl = "크롤을 다시 시작합니다. 잠시만 기다려 주십시요."
+; crawl_component.php line: 140
+crawl_component_delete_crawl_success = "크롤을 삭제합니다. 잠시만 기다려 주십시요."
+; crawl_component.php line: 144
+crawl_component_delete_crawl_fail = "크롤 삭제 실패!!"
+; crawl_component.php line: 153
+crawl_component_set_index = "크롤을 인덱스로써 사용하기 지정"
+; crawl_component.php line: 187
+crawl_component_no_description = "크롤에 대한 설명이 존재 하지 않습니다."
+; crawl_component.php line: 334
+crawl_component_use_below = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 335
+crawl_component_use_defaults = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 338
+crawl_component_use_below = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 342
+crawl_component_previous_crawl = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 413
+crawl_component_added_urls = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 427
+crawl_component_add_suggest = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 431
+crawl_component_no_new_suggests = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 478
+crawl_component_breadth_first = "너비 우선"
+; crawl_component.php line: 480
+crawl_component_page_importance = "페이지 중요성"
+; crawl_component.php line: 545
+crawl_component_added_urls = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 555
+crawl_component_urls_injected = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 565
+crawl_component_update_seed_info = "씨드 사이트 업데이트"
+; crawl_component.php line: 620
+crawl_component_new_classifier = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 624
+crawl_component_classifier_exists = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 647
+crawl_component_classifier_deleted = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 651
+crawl_component_no_classifier = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 662
+crawl_component_no_classifier = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 680
+crawl_component_finalizing_classifier = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 707
+crawl_component_finalizing_classifier = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 753
+crawl_component_classifier_exists = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 762
+crawl_component_load_failed = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 764
+crawl_component_loading = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 766
+crawl_component_added_examples = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 768
+crawl_component_label_update_failed = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 770
+crawl_component_updating = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 772
+crawl_component_acc_update_failed = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 774
+crawl_component_na = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 776
+crawl_component_no_docs = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 778
+crawl_component_num_docs = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 780
+crawl_component_in_class = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 782
+crawl_component_not_in_class = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 784
+crawl_component_skip = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 786
+crawl_component_prediction = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 788
+crawl_component_scores = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 830
+crawl_component_use_below = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 831
+crawl_component_use_defaults = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 833
+crawl_component_use_below = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 841
+crawl_component_recrawl_never = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 842
+crawl_component_recrawl_1day = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 843
+crawl_component_recrawl_2day = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 844
+crawl_component_recrawl_3day = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 845
+crawl_component_recrawl_7day = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 846
+crawl_component_recrawl_14day = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 854
+crawl_component_basic = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 855
+crawl_component_centroid = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1141
+crawl_component_page_options_updated = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1169
+crawl_component_page_options_running_tests = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1348
+crawl_component_results_editor_update = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1363
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+; system_component.php line: 400
+system_component_localename_doesnt_exists = "로케일이 존재하지 않습니다."
+; system_component.php line: 405
+system_component_localename_deleted = "로케일을 삭제 하였습니다."
+; system_component.php line: 411
+system_component_localename_doesnt_exists = "로케일이 존재하지 않습니다."
+; system_component.php line: 440
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+; system_component.php line: 470
+system_component_localestrings_updated = "로케일 지정 문자열을 업데이트 하였습니다."
+; system_component.php line: 481
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+; system_component.php line: 482
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+system_component_configure_no_change_db = "데이터베이스를 업데이트하는데 문제가 발생했습니다."
+; system_component.php line: 573
+system_component_configure_profile_change = "프로필을 업데이트 했습니다."
+; system_component.php line: 576
+system_component_configure_no_change_profile = "프로필을 업데이트하는데 문제가 발생했습니다."
+; system_component.php line: 598
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+system_component_configure_work_dir_set = "작업 디렉토리가 지정 됐습니다. 다시 로그인이 필요할수 있습니다."
+; system_component.php line: 821
+system_component_name_your_bot = "로봇 이름을 정해 주십시요."
+; system_component.php line: 846
+system_component_configure_work_profile_made = "작업 디렉토리와 프로필이 생성됐습니다."
+; system_component.php line: 850
+system_component_configure_no_set_config = "config.php 파일을  업데이트 실패했습니다."
+; system_component.php line: 857
+system_component_configure_no_create_profile = "프로필을 생성할수 없습니다."
+; system_component.php line: 864
+system_component_configure_work_dir_invalid = "작업 디렉토리가 올바르지 않습니다. 프로필을 생성할수 없습니다."
+; system_component.php line: 871
+system_component_configure_work_dir_invalid = "작업 디렉토리가 올바르지 않습니다. 프로필을 생성할수 없습니다."
+; system_component.php line: 893
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+; system_component.php line: 939
+system_component_configure_no_change_profile = "프로필을 업데이트하는데 문제가 발생했습니다."
+; system_component.php line: 988
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+; system_component.php line: 992
+system_component_configure_no_change_profile = "프로필을 업데이트하는데 문제가 발생했습니다."
+; system_component.php line: 1025
+system_component_describe_robot = "당신의 로봇을 기술해 주십시요."
+; system_component.php line: 1091
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+; register_controller.php line: 331
+register_controller_registration_email_sent = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 333
+register_controller_admin_activation_request = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 334
+register_controller_admin_email_salutation = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 336
+register_controller_email_body = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 369
+register_controller_account_request_made = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 373
+register_controller_admin_activation_request = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 374
+register_controller_admin_activation_message = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 416
+register_controller_email_verification_error = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 422
+register_controller_already_activated = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 429
+register_controller_account_activated = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 432
+register_controller_email_verification_error = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 480
+register_controller_account_recover_fail = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 489
+register_controller_account_recover_fail = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 493
+register_controller_account_recover_email = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 497
+register_controller_recover_request = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 498
+register_controller_admin_email_salutation = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 500
+register_controller_recover_body = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 534
+register_controller_account_recover_fail = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 546
+register_controller_account_recover_fail = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 559
+register_controller_account_recover_fail = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 566
+register_controller_recovered_already = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 570
+register_controller_recovery_expired = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 576
+register_controller_password_changed = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 584
+register_controller_passwords_dont_match = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 598
+register_controller_recovered_already = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 602
+register_controller_recovery_expired = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 728
+register_controller_invalid_url = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 732
+register_controller_error_fields = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 746
+register_controller_failed_hashcode = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 756
+register_controller_failed_human = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 783
+register_controller_failed_graphical_human = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 797
+register_controller_suggest_full = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 801
+register_controller_url_submitted = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 1004
+register_controller_need_cookies = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 1010
+register_controller_failed_human = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 1025
+register_controller_failed_graphical_human = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 1036
+register_controller_failed_hashcode = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 1064
+register_controller_error_fields = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 1067
+register_controller_check_email = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 1074
+register_controller_user_already_exists = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 235
+search_controller_web = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 295
+search_controller_logout_successful = "로그 아웃 성공!!"
+; search_controller.php line: 500
+search_controller_mix_info = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 506
+search_controller_crawl_info = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 542
+search_controller_search = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 646
+search_controller_no_index_set = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 649
+search_controller_no_index_set = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1300
+search_controller_download_fetcher = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1309
+search_controller_no_archive_page = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1358
+search_controller_yioop_cache = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1363
+search_controller_original_page = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1380
+search_controller_extracted_title = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1382
+search_controller_extracted_description = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1384
+search_controller_extracted_links = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1389
+search_controller_extracted_allow_paths = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1395
+search_controller_extracted_disallow_paths = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1401
+search_controller_crawl_delay = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1466
+search_controller_cache_comment = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1477
+search_controller_yioop_cache = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1513
+search_controller_cached_version = "현재 캐시 버젼 %s 은 Yioop 크롤 %s 에 의하여 얻어 졌습니다. "
+; search_controller.php line: 1608
+search_controller_download_fetcher = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1626
+search_controller_header_summaries = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1739
+search_controller_history = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1908
+search_controller_all_cached = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1939
+search_controller_year = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1940
+search_controller_month = ""
+; settings_controller.php line: 115
+settings_controller_crawl_mix = ""
+; settings_controller.php line: 130
+settings_controller_settings_saved = "현재 세팅이 저장됐습니다."
+; static_controller.php line: 67
+static_controller_logout_successful = ""
+; static_controller.php line: 145
+static_controller_complete_title = ""
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/sq_data/app/controllers
+; main_controller.php line: 87
+search_controller_logout_successful = "로그 아웃 성공!!"
+; main_controller.php line: 112
+main_controller_download = ""
+; main_controller.php line: 129
+main_controller_missing_fields = ""
+; main_controller.php line: 164
+main_controller_yioop_download = ""
+; main_controller.php line: 165
+main_controller_click_download = ""
+; main_controller.php line: 178
+main_controller_url_error = ""
+; main_controller.php line: 187
+main_controller_expired_url = ""
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/seek_quarry//views
+; admin_view.php line: 70
+admin_view_admin = "관리자"
+; admin_view.php line: 89
+adminview_auto_logout_one_minute = "1 분내에 자동 로그 아웃 됍니다."
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 52
+crawlstatus_view_currently_processing = "현재 실행중"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 53
+crawlstatus_view_description = "설명:"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 58
+crawlstatus_view_starting_crawl = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 62
+managecrawls_element_stop_crawl = "크롤을 중지합니다.  잠시만 기다려 주십시요."
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 66
+crawlstatus_view_resuming_crawl = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 70
+managecrawls_element_stop_crawl = "크롤을 중지합니다.  잠시만 기다려 주십시요."
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 74
+crawlstatus_view_shutdown_queue = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 77
+crawlstatus_view_closing_dict = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 80
+crawlstatus_view_run_plugins = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 88
+managecrawls_element_stop_crawl = "크롤을 중지합니다.  잠시만 기다려 주십시요."
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 96
+crawlstatus_view_set_index = "인덱스로 정하기"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 99
+crawlstatus_view_search_index = "검색 인덱스"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 107
+crawlstatus_view_changeoptions = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 109
+crawlstatus_view_no_description = "활동하는 크롤이 존재하지 않습니다."
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 114
+crawlstatus_view_timestamp = "타임 스탬프:"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 116
+crawlstatus_view_time_started = "시작한 시간:"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 122
+crawlstatus_view_indexer_memory = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 124
+crawlstatus_view_scheduler_memory = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 127
+crawlstatus_view_queue_memory = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 132
+crawlstatus_view_no_mem_data = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 136
+crawlstatus_view_fetcher_memory = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 141
+crawlstatus_view_no_mem_data = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 144
+crawlstatus_view_webapp_memory = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 149
+crawlstatus_view_no_mem_data = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 152
+crawlstatus_view_urls_per_hour = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 160
+crawlstatus_view_visited_urls = "방문한 주소들 합계:"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 164
+crawlstatus_view_total_urls = "지금까지 본 총 합계 주소들:"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 167
+crawlstatus_view_most_recent_fetcher = "현재까지 본 주소들 합계: "
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 176
+crawlstatus_view_no_fetcher = "아직 호출 퀘리가 없습니다."
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 180
+crawlstatus_view_most_recent_urls = "가장 최근 주소들"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 190
+crawlstatus_view_no_recent_urls = "최근 주소들이 없습니다."
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 193
+crawlstatus_view_previous_crawls = "예전 크롤들 "
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 203
+crawlstatus_view_description = "설명:"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 206
+crawlstatus_view_timestamp = "타임 스탬프:"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 207
+crawlstatus_view_url_counts = "방문한 또는 추출한 주소들"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 211
+crawlstatus_view_actions = "활동들:"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 222
+crawlstatus_view_statistics = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 238
+crawlstatus_view_resume = "재개"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 240
+crawlstatus_view_no_resume = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 247
+crawlstatus_view_set_index = "인덱스로 정하기"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 250
+crawlstatus_view_search_index = "검색 인덱스"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 257
+crawlstatus_view_delete = "삭제"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 265
+crawlstatus_view_no_previous_crawl = "전 크롤들이 없습니다."
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/seek_quarry//views/elements
+; activity_element.php line: 54
+activity_element_activities = "활동들"
+; configure_element.php line: 76
+configure_element_work_directory = "검색 엔진 작업 디렉토리"
+; configure_element.php line: 82
+configure_element_load_or_create = "로드 또는 생성"
+; configure_element.php line: 100
+configure_element_component_check = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 104
+configure_element_profile_settings = "프로필 세팅들"
+; configure_element.php line: 107
+configure_element_toggle_advanced = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 114
+configure_element_default_language = "디폴트 언어:"
+; configure_element.php line: 121
+configure_element_debug_display = "디버그 표시"
+; configure_element.php line: 126
+configure_element_error_info = "에러 정보"
+; configure_element.php line: 131
+configure_element_query_info = "퀘리 정보"
+; configure_element.php line: 136
+configure_element_test_info = "테스트 정보"
+; configure_element.php line: 141
+configure_element_site_access = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 146
+configure_element_web_access = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 151
+configure_element_rss_access = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 156
+configure_element_api_access = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 161
+configure_element_customizations = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 163
+configure_element_use_wiki_landing = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 170
+configure_element_background_color = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 178
+configure_element_background_image = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 185
+configure_element_background_image = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 194
+configure_element_foreground_color = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 200
+configure_element_topbar_color = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 206
+configure_element_sidebar_color = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 214
+configure_element_site_logo = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 221
+configure_element_site_logo = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 232
+configure_element_mobile_logo = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 239
+configure_element_mobile_logo = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 250
+configure_element_favicon = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 257
+configure_element_favicon = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 267
+configure_element_toolbar = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 278
+configure_element_site_timezone = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 284
+configure_element_cookie_name = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 290
+configure_element_token_name = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 296
+configure_element_auxiliary_css = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 304
+configure_element_reset_customizations = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 311
+configure_element_crawl_robot = "크롤 로봇 설정"
+; configure_element.php line: 313
+configure_element_robot_name = "로봇 기술 "
+; configure_element.php line: 321
+configure_element_robot_instance = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 328
+configure_element_robot_description = "크롤 로봇 이름:"
+; configure_element.php line: 338
+serversettings_element_submit = "제출 "
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 55
+crawloptions_element_back_to_manage = "뒤"
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 58
+crawloptions_element_modify_active_crawl = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 60
+crawloptions_element_edit_crawl_options = "크롤 옵션들 편집"
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 83
+crawloptions_element_web_crawl = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 93
+crawloptions_element_archive_crawl = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 100
+crawloptions_element_load_options = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 105
+crawloptions_element_crawl_order = "크롤 순서:"
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 114
+crawloptions_element_restrict_by_url = "사이트들을 주소로 제한:"
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 122
+crawloptions_element_allowed_to_crawl = "크롤을 허가한 사이트들"
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 129
+crawloptions_element_disallowed_and_quota_sites = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 140
+crawloptions_element_seed_sites = "씨드 사이트들"
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 144
+crawloptions_element_add_suggest_urls = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 155
+crawloptions_element_inject_sites = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 159
+crawloptions_element_add_suggest_urls = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 176
+crawloptions_element_reindex_crawl = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 185
+crawloptions_element_need_api_for_mix = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 193
+crawloptions_element_save_options = "옵션들 저장하기"
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 58
+editclassifier_back = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 60
+editclassifier_edit_classifier = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 72
+editclassifier_classifier_label = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 77
+editclassifier_change = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 82
+editclassifier_statistics = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 83
+editclassifier_positive_examples = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 86
+editclassifier_negative_examples = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 89
+editclassifier_accuracy = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 94
+crawl_component_na = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 99
+editclassifier_update = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 100
+editclassifier_add_examples = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 109
+editclassifier_source = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 113
+editclassifier_default_crawl = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 123
+editclassifier_label_by_hand = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 125
+editclassifier_all_in_class = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 127
+editclassifier_none_in_class = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 132
+editclassifier_keywords = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 141
+editclassifier_load = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 147
+editclassifier_finalize = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 155
+editclassifier_no_documents = ""
+; editlocales_element.php line: 55
+editlocales_element_back_to_manage = "뒤"
+; editlocales_element.php line: 57
+editlocales_element_edit_locale = "로케일 편집: %s"
+; editlocales_element.php line: 71
+editlocales_element_show = ""
+; editlocales_element.php line: 75
+editlocales_element_filter = ""
+; editlocales_element.php line: 82
+editlocales_element_go = ""
+; editlocales_element.php line: 86
+editlocales_element_no_matching = ""
+; editlocales_element.php line: 119
+editlocales_element_submit = "제출"
+; editmix_element.php line: 51
+editmix_element_back_to_mix = ""
+; editmix_element.php line: 53
+mixcrawls_element_edit_mix = ""
+; editmix_element.php line: 64
+mixcrawls_element_mix_name = ""
+; editmix_element.php line: 70
+mixcrawls_element_mix_components = ""
+; editmix_element.php line: 77
+mixcrawls_element_too_many = ""
+; editmix_element.php line: 79
+mixcrawls_element_add_fragment = ""
+; editmix_element.php line: 85
+mixcrawls_element_save_button = ""
+; footer_element.php line: 59
+footer_element_blog = ""
+; footer_element.php line: 61
+footer_element_privacy = ""
+; footer_element.php line: 63
+footer_element_terms = ""
+; footer_element.php line: 65
+footer_element_tools = ""
+; footer_element.php line: 67
+footer_element_bot = ""
+; footer_element.php line: 72
+footer_element_developed_seek_quarry = ""
+; footer_element.php line: 75
+footer_element_copyright_yioop = ""
+; footer_element.php line: 77
+footer_element_php_search_engine = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 91
+groupfeed_element_add_group = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 95
+groupfeed_element_request_add = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 122
+groupfeed_element_wiki_page = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 124
+groupfeed_element_back = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 127
+groupfeed_element_back = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 136
+groupfeed_element_group_activity = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 140
+groupfeed_element_wiki_thread = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 159
+groupfeed_element_feed = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 163
+group_view_wiki = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 165
+groupfeed_element_user = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 206
+groupfeed_element_comment = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 238
+manageaccount_element_group_wiki = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 239
+manageaccount_element_group_stats = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 244
+manageaccount_element_last_post = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 286
+groupfeed_element_comment = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 297
+groupfeed_element_start_thread = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 311
+groupfeed_element_start_thread = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 317
+groupfeed_element_no_posts_yet = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 323
+groupfeed_element_thread_no_exist = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 358
+groupfeed_element_edit = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 363
+groupfeed_element_delete = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 385
+groupfeed_element_num_posts = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 395
+groupfeed_element_num_views = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 420
+groupfeed_element_start_thread_in_group = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 422
+groupfeed_element_start_thread_in_group = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 436
+groupfeed_element_last_edited = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 452
+groupfeed_element_post_vote = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 479
+groupfeed_element_last_post_info = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 494
+groupfeed_element_comment = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 547
+fileupload_helper_drag_textarea = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 548
+fileupload_helper_click_textarea = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 572
+groupfeed_element_add_comment = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 586
+groupfeed_element_save = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 625
+groupfeed_element_subject = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 632
+groupfeed_element_post = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 645
+groupfeed_element_save = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 681
+groupfeed_element_edit_post = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 684
+groupfeed_element_subject = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 690
+groupfeed_element_post = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 703
+groupfeed_element_save = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 732
+groupfeed_element_no_longer_update = ""
+; machinelog_element.php line: 54
+machinelog_element_back_to_manage = ""
+; machinelog_element.php line: 59
+machinelog_element_filter = ""
+; machinelog_element.php line: 66
+machinelog_element_log_file = ""
+; machinelog_element.php line: 71
+machinelog_element_refresh_off = ""
+; machinelog_element.php line: 76
+machinelog_element_refresh_on = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 60
+manageaccount_element_lock = ""
+manageaccount_element_edit = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 67
+manageaccount_element_welcome = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 69
+manageaccount_element_what_can_do = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 71
+manageaccount_element_account_details = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 100
+manageaccounts_element_icon = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 110
+manageusers_element_username = "사용자:"
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 117
+manageusers_element_firstname = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 123
+manageusers_element_lastname = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 129
+manageusers_element_email = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 138
+manageaccount_element_password = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 145
+manageaccount_element_new_password = "새 비밀번호:"
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 151
+manageaccount_element_retype_password = "다시 비밀번호를 적어주십시요:"
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 163
+manageaccount_element_save = "저장"
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 169
+manageaccount_element_search_lang_settings = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 174
+manageaccount_element_crawl_and_index = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 175
+manageaccount_element_crawl_info = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 176
+manageaccount_element_num_crawls = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 179
+manageaccount_element_manage_crawls = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 185
+manageaccount_element_groups_and_feeds = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 186
+manageaccount_element_group_info = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 188
+manageaccount_element_num_groups = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 191
+manageaccount_element_num_group = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 203
+manageaccount_element_group_wiki = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 204
+manageaccount_element_group_stats = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 209
+manageaccount_element_last_post = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 219
+manageaccount_element_manage_all_groups = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 221
+manageaccount_element_go_to_group_feed = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 223
+manageaccount_element_crawl_mixes = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 224
+manageaccount_element_mixes_info = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 226
+manageaccount_element_num_mixes = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 229
+manageaccount_element_num_mix = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 233
+manageaccount_element_manage_mixes = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 61
+manageclassifiers_available_classifiers = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 69
+manageclassifiers_label_col = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 72
+manageclassifiers_positive_col = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 74
+manageclassifiers_negative_col = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 80
+manageclassifiers_actions_col = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 99
+manageclassifiers_edit = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 102
+manageclassifiers_finalized = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 109
+manageclassifiers_finalize = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 111
+manageclassifiers_finalize = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 115
+manageclassifiers_finalizing = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 119
+confirm_delete_operation = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 123
+manageclassifiers_delete = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 156
+manageclassifiers_manage_classifiers = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 166
+manageclassifiers_classifier_name = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 171
+manageclassifiers_create_button = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 186
+manageclassifiers_element_search = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 187
+manageclassifiers_element_create_form = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 189
+manageclassifiers_classifier_name = ""
+; managecrawls_element.php line: 49
+managecrawls_element_create_crawl = "크롤 생성하기"
+; managecrawls_element.php line: 58
+managecrawls_element_description = "기술"
+; managecrawls_element.php line: 65
+managecrawls_element_start_new_crawl = "새 크롤 시작하기"
+; managecrawls_element.php line: 69
+managecrawls_element_options = "옵션들"
+; managecrawls_element.php line: 75
+managecrawls_element_awaiting_status = "기다리고 있는 크롤 상태"
+; managecrawls_element.php line: 93
+managecrawls_element_up_longer_update = "크롤 상태를 더이상 업데이트 하지 않습니다."
+; managegroups_element.php line: 67
+managegroups_element_not_my_groups = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 69
+managegroups_element_groups = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 78
+managegroups_element_groupname = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 79
+managegroups_element_groupowner = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 81
+managegroups_element_registertype = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 82
+managegroups_element_memberaccess = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 83
+managegroups_element_voting = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 84
+managegroups_element_post_lifetime = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 87
+managegroups_element_actions = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 201
+manageaccount_element_group_wiki = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 216
+managegroups_element_join = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 220
+managegroups_element_edit = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 225
+managegroups_element_edit = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 230
+managegroups_element_delete = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 236
+managegroups_element_join = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 241
+managegroups_element_join = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 250
+managegroups_element_decline = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 252
+managegroups_element_unsubscribe = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 257
+confirm_delete_operation = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 260
+managegroups_element_delete = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 289
+managegroups_element_addgroup_form = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 290
+managegroups_element_group_info = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 292
+managegroups_element_create_group = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 296
+managegroups_element_add_group = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 313
+managegroups_element_groupname = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 324
+managegroups_element_browse = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 335
+managegroups_element_register = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 342
+managegroups_element_memberaccess = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 349
+managegroups_element_voting = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 356
+managegroups_element_post_lifetime = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 368
+managegroups_element_group_users = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 372
+managegroups_element_num_users = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 398
+managegroups_element_groupowner = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 400
+managegroups_element_delete = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 410
+managegroups_element_activate = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 416
+managegroups_element_ban = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 422
+managegroups_element_unban = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 430
+managegroups_element_delete = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 459
+managegroups_element_filter = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 480
+managegroups_element_invite = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 491
+managegroups_element_save = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 520
+managegroups_element_group_info = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 521
+managegroups_element_invite_users_group = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 533
+managegroups_element_groupname = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 541
+managegroups_element_usernames = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 548
+managegroups_element_invite = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 566
+managegroups_element_addgroup_form = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 567
+managegroups_element_transfer_group_owner = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 580
+managegroups_element_groupname = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 588
+managegroups_element_new_group_owner = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 595
+managegroups_element_change_owner = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 614
+managegroups_element_discover_groups = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 618
+managegroups_element_search_group = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 620
+managegroups_element_addgroup_form = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 622
+managegroups_element_groupname = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 623
+managegroups_element_groupowner = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 624
+managegroups_element_registertype = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 626
+managegroups_element_memberaccess = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 628
+managegroups_element_post_lifetime = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 59
+managelocales_element_locale_list = "로케일 리스트"
+; managelocales_element.php line: 69
+managelocales_element_localename = "로케일 이름"
+; managelocales_element.php line: 72
+managelocales_element_localetag = "로케일 태그"
+; managelocales_element.php line: 73
+managelocales_element_writingmode = "쓰기 모드"
+; managelocales_element.php line: 75
+managelocales_element_enabled = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 80
+managelocales_element_percenttranslated = "번역됀 퍼센트"
+; managelocales_element.php line: 81
+managelocales_element_actions = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 101
+managelocales_element_true = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 102
+managelocales_element_false = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 109
+managelocales_element_edit = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 114
+confirm_delete_operation = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 115
+managelocales_element_delete = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 135
+manageloecales_element_add_locale_form = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 136
+managelocales_element_locale_info = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 138
+managelocales_element_add_locale = "로케일 추가"
+; managelocales_element.php line: 160
+managelocales_element_localenamelabel = "로케일 이름:"
+; managelocales_element.php line: 173
+managelocales_element_localetaglabel = "로케일 태그:"
+; managelocales_element.php line: 179
+managelocales_element_writingmodelabel = "쓰기 모드:"
+; managelocales_element.php line: 189
+managelocales_element_localeenabled = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 200
+managelocales_element_submit = "제출"
+; managelocales_element.php line: 218
+managelocales_element_search_locales = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 219
+managelocales_element_addlocale_form = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 221
+managelocales_element_localename = "로케일 이름"
+; managelocales_element.php line: 222
+managelocales_element_localetag = "로케일 태그"
+; managelocales_element.php line: 223
+managelocales_element_writingmode = "쓰기 모드"
+; managelocales_element.php line: 224
+managelocales_element_enabled = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 230
+managelocales_element_true = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 231
+managelocales_element_false = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 51
+managemachines_element_add_machine = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 63
+managemachines_element_machine_name = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 68
+managemachines_element_machineurl = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 73
+managemachines_element_is_mirror = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 78
+managemachines_element_parent_name = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 84
+managemachines_element_has_queueserver = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 88
+managemachines_element_num_fetchers = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 93
+managemachines_element_submit = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 98
+managemachines_element_machine_info = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 104
+managemachines_element_awaiting_status = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 123
+managemachines_element_no_longer_update = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 56
+manageroles_element_roles = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 64
+manageroles_element_rolename = "롤 이름:"
+; manageroles_element.php line: 66
+manageroles_element_actions = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 91
+manageroles_element_edit = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 96
+manageroles_element_delete = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 100
+confirm_delete_operation = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 103
+manageroles_element_delete = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 136
+manageroles_element_addrole_form = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 137
+manageroles_element_role_info = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 139
+manageroles_element_add_role = "롤 추가"
+; manageroles_element.php line: 151
+manageroles_element_rolename = "롤 이름:"
+; manageroles_element.php line: 164
+manageroles_element_role_activities = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 173
+manageroles_element_delete = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 180
+manageroles_element_delete = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 200
+manageroles_element_save = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 218
+manageroles_element_search_role = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 219
+manageroles_element_addrole_form = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 221
+manageroles_element_rolename = "롤 이름:"
+; manageusers_element.php line: 56
+manageusers_element_users = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 65
+manageusers_element_username = "사용자:"
+; manageusers_element.php line: 67
+manageusers_element_firstname = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 68
+manageusers_element_lastname = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 69
+manageusers_element_email = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 71
+manageusers_element_status = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 73
+manageusers_element_actions = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 135
+manageusers_element_edit = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 139
+manageusers_element_edit = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 146
+manageusers_element_delete = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 150
+confirm_delete_operation = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 153
+manageusers_element_delete = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 194
+manageusers_element_adduser_form = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 195
+manageusers_element_user_info = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 197
+manageusers_element_add_user = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 222
+manageusers_element_username = "사용자:"
+; manageusers_element.php line: 232
+manageusers_element_firstname = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 238
+manageusers_element_lastname = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 244
+manageusers_element_email = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 251
+manageusers_element_status = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 268
+manageusers_element_roles = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 272
+manageusers_element_num_roles = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 287
+manageusers_element_delete = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 297
+manageusers_element_delete = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 340
+manageusers_element_filter = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 352
+manageusers_element_add_role = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 362
+manageusers_element_groups = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 366
+manageusers_element_num_groups = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 387
+manageusers_element_delete = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 427
+manageusers_element_filter = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 439
+manageusers_element_add_group = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 452
+manageusers_element_password = "비밀번호:"
+; manageusers_element.php line: 458
+manageusers_element_retype_password = "비밀번호를 다시 적어주십시요"
+; manageusers_element.php line: 465
+manageusers_element_save = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 492
+manageusers_element_search_user = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 493
+manageusers_element_adduser_form = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 495
+manageusers_element_username = "사용자:"
+; manageusers_element.php line: 496
+manageusers_element_firstname = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 497
+manageusers_element_lastname = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 498
+manageusers_element_email = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 499
+manageusers_element_status = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 61
+mixcrawls_element_available_mixes = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 68
+mixcrawls_view_name = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 70
+mixcrawls_view_definition = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 74
+mixcrawls_view_actions = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 108
+mixcrawls_view_no_components = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 115
+mixcrawls_view_share = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 118
+mixcrawls_view_edit = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 124
+mixcrawls_set_index = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 127
+mixcrawl_search_index = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 133
+confirm_delete_operation = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 136
+mixcrawls_view_delete = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 146
+mixcrawls_view_back = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 147
+mixcrawls_element_share_mix_group = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 157
+mixcrawls_element_mixname = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 163
+mixcrawls_element_group = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 169
+mixcrawls_element_share = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 193
+mixcrawls_element_make_mix = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 203
+mixcrawls_element_mix_name = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 208
+mixcrawls_element_create_button = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 223
+mixcrawls_element_search_mix = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 224
+mixcrawls_element_createmix_form = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 226
+mixcrawls_element_mixname = ""
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 78
+moreoptions_element_other_searches = ""
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 113
+moreoptions_element_previous = ""
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 119
+moreoptions_element_next = ""
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 126
+moreoptions_element_my_accounts = ""
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 133
+signin_element_settings = "세팅"
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 141
+signin_element_signin = "로그 인"
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 144
+signin_element_admin = "관리자"
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 156
+signin_view_create_account = ""
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 168
+moreoptions_element_suggest = ""
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 171
+moreoptions_element_wiki_pages = ""
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 182
+moreoptions_element_tools = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 58
+pageoptions_element_crawl_time = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 63
+pageoptions_element_search_time = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 68
+pageoptions_element_test_options = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 80
+pageoptions_element_load_options = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 85
+pageoptions_element_page_range = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 91
+pageoptions_element_summarizer = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 100
+pageoptions_element_max_description = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 106
+pageoptions_element_save_cache = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 116
+pageoptions_element_allow_recrawl = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 123
+pageoptions_element_file_types = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 153
+pageoptions_element_classifiers_rankers = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 169
+pageoptions_element_use_classify = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 171
+pageoptions_element_use_rank = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 200
+pageoptions_element_no_classifiers = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 203
+pageoptions_element_indexing_plugins = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 209
+pageoptions_element_plugin = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 212
+pageoptions_element_plugin_include = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 229
+pageoptions_element_configure = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 241
+pageoptions_element_no_compatible_plugins = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 244
+pageoptions_element_page_rules = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 254
+page_element_search_page = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 261
+pageoptions_element_wd_suggest = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 269
+pageoptions_element_subsearch_link = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 278
+pageoptions_element_signin_link = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 286
+pageoptions_element_cache_link = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 295
+pageoptions_element_similar_link = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 304
+pageoptions_element_in_link = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 311
+pageoptions_element_ip_link = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 320
+pageoptions_element_ranking_factors = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 325
+pageoptions_element_title_weight = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 330
+pageoptions_element_description_weight = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 335
+pageoptions_element_link_weight = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 340
+pageoptions_element_results_grouping_options = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 345
+pageoptions_element_min_results_to_group = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 351
+pageoptions_element_server_alpha = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 359
+pageoptions_element_test_page = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 363
+pageoptions_element_page_type = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 380
+pageoptions_element_save_options = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 382
+pageoptions_element_run_tests = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 388
+pageoptions_element_test_results = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 391
+pageoptions_element_page_truncated = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 396
+pageoptions_element_after_process = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 400
+pageoptions_element_after_rules = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 404
+pageoptions_element_extracted_words = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 408
+pageoptions_element_extracted_metas = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 427
+page_element_plugin_back = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 464
+pageoptions_element_run_tests = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 468
+pageoptions_element_save_options = ""
+; resultseditor_element.php line: 51
+resultseditor_element_edit_page = ""
+; resultseditor_element.php line: 56
+resultseditor_element_edited_pages = ""
+; resultseditor_element.php line: 65
+resultseditor_element_url_list = ""
+; resultseditor_element.php line: 67
+resultseditor_element_load_page = ""
+; resultseditor_element.php line: 78
+resultseditor_element_page_url = ""
+; resultseditor_element.php line: 85
+resultseditor_element_page_title = ""
+; resultseditor_element.php line: 91
+resultseditor_element_description = ""
+; resultseditor_element.php line: 97
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 110
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 115
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 123
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 130
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 137
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 145
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 158
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 170
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 176
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 189
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 195
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 239
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 251
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+; signin_element.php line: 78
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+adminview_auto_logout_one_minute = "1 분내에 자동 로그 아웃 됍니다."
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/seek_quarry//views/helpers
+; feeds_helper.php line: 63
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+; feeds_helper.php line: 158
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+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/seek_quarry//views/layouts
+; rss_layout.php line: 60
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+; rss_layout.php line: 68
+rss_layout_description = "%s 에 대한 서치 결과:"
+; web_layout.php line: 61
+web_layout_title = "PHP 검색 엔진 - Yioop!"
+; web_layout.php line: 71
+web_layout_description = "찾고자 하는걸 도와드립니다."
+; web_layout.php line: 74
+web_layout_site_author = ""
+; web_layout.php line: 214
+web_layout_query_statistics = "퀘리 분석"
+; web_layout.php line: 218
+web_layout_total_elapsed_time = "퀘리: %s 초."
+; web_layout.php line: 223
+web_layout_query_time = "시간: %s 초."
+; machinestatus_view.php line: 52
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+; machinestatus_view.php line: 57
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+; machinestatus_view.php line: 165
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+; nocache_view.php line: 54
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+; nocache_view.php line: 59
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+; recover_view.php line: 147
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+; recover_view.php line: 154
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+; recover_view.php line: 187
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+; recover_view.php line: 206
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+; recover_view.php line: 216
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+; register_view.php line: 74
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+; register_view.php line: 80
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+; register_view.php line: 83
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+; register_view.php line: 84
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+; register_view.php line: 86
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+; register_view.php line: 89
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+; register_view.php line: 98
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+; register_view.php line: 99
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+; register_view.php line: 100
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+; register_view.php line: 101
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+; register_view.php line: 102
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+; register_view.php line: 103
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+; register_view.php line: 106
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+; register_view.php line: 109
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+; register_view.php line: 110
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+; register_view.php line: 111
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+; register_view.php line: 112
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+; register_view.php line: 113
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+; register_view.php line: 114
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+; register_view.php line: 115
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+; register_view.php line: 116
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+; register_view.php line: 118
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+; register_view.php line: 119
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+; register_view.php line: 120
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+; register_view.php line: 121
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+; register_view.php line: 152
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+; register_view.php line: 189
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+; register_view.php line: 204
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+; register_view.php line: 219
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+; register_view.php line: 232
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+; register_view.php line: 246
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+; register_view.php line: 261
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+; register_view.php line: 277
+register_view_account_recovery = ""
+; register_view.php line: 281
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+; register_view.php line: 283
+register_view_account_recovery = ""
+; register_view.php line: 315
+register_view_human_check = ""
+; register_view.php line: 330
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+; register_view.php line: 332
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+; register_view.php line: 334
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+; register_view.php line: 336
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+; register_view.php line: 337
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+; register_view.php line: 357
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+; search_view.php line: 86
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+; search_view.php line: 113
+search_view_input_label = "검색하고 싶은 단어들을 적어 주십시요."
+; search_view.php line: 117
+search_view_input_placeholder = "찾고자 하는걸 적어 주십시요."
+; search_view.php line: 120
+search_view_search = "검색"
+; search_view.php line: 147
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+; search_view.php line: 152
+search_view_more_statistics = ""
+; search_view.php line: 190
+search_view_calculated = "%s 초 결과 완료"
+; search_view.php line: 191
+search_view_results = "결과 %s - %s 의 %s"
+; search_view.php line: 212
+search_view_thesaurus_results = ""
+; search_view.php line: 321
+search_view_word_cloud = ""
+; search_view.php line: 366
+search_view_cache = "캐시 됀것"
+; search_view.php line: 369
+search_view_as_text = "일반 텍스트로써 보기"
+; search_view.php line: 382
+search_view_similar = "유사성"
+; search_view.php line: 394
+search_view_inlink = "인링크"
+; search_view.php line: 414
+search_view_rank = "랭크: %s"
+; search_view.php line: 416
+search_view_relevancy = "관련성: %s "
+; search_view.php line: 418
+search_view_proximity = ""
+; search_view.php line: 422
+search_view_thesaurus_score = ""
+; search_view.php line: 431
+search_view_score = "점수 %s"
+; settings_view.php line: 66
+settings_view_settings = "세팅"
+; settings_view.php line: 73
+settings_view_results_per_page = "한 페이지 당 결과물 "
+; settings_view.php line: 79
+settings_view_open_in_tabs = ""
+; settings_view.php line: 86
+settings_view_search_index = "인덱스 찾기:"
+; settings_view.php line: 92
+settings_view_language_label = "언어:"
+; settings_view.php line: 108
+settings_view_return_yioop = "Yioop 으로 돌아가기!"
+; settings_view.php line: 111
+settings_view_save = "세팅 저장"
+; settings_view.php line: 119
+settings_install_search_plugin = ""
+; signin_view.php line: 65
+signin_view_signin = "사인인"
+; signin_view.php line: 78
+sigin_view_signing_in = ""
+; signin_view.php line: 81
+sigin_view_login_failed = ""
+; signin_view.php line: 89
+signin_view_username = "아이디"
+; signin_view.php line: 96
+signin_view_password = "비밀 번호"
+; signin_view.php line: 107
+signin_view_login = "로그인"
+; signin_view.php line: 122
+signin_view_recover_password = ""
+; signin_view.php line: 127
+signin_view_create_account = ""
+; signin_view.php line: 132
+signin_view_return_yioop = "Yioop 으로 돌아가기"
+; static_view.php line: 71
+static_view_title = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 63
+statistics_view_statistics = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 68
+statistics_view_calculating = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 82
+statistics_view_error_codes = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 83
+statistics_view_sizes = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 84
+statistics_view_links_per_page = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 85
+statistics_view_page_date = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 86
+statistics_view_dns_time = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 87
+statistics_view_download_time = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 88
+statistics_view_top_level_domain = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 89
+statistics_view_file_extension = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 90
+statistics_view_media_type = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 91
+statistics_view_language = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 92
+statistics_view_server = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 93
+statistics_view_os = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 97
+statistics_view_general_info = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 98
+statistics_view_description = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 100
+statistics_view_timestamp = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 102
+statistics_view_crawl_date = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 104
+statistics_view_pages = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 106
+statistics_view_url = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 109
+statistics_view_number_hosts = ""
+; suggest_view.php line: 68
+suggest_view_suggest_url = ""
+; suggest_view.php line: 70
+suggest_view_instructions = ""
+; suggest_view.php line: 94
+suggest_view_url = ""
+; suggest_view.php line: 110
+register_view_human_check = ""
+; suggest_view.php line: 144
+suggest_view_human_check = ""
+; suggest_view.php line: 167
+suggest_view_submit_url = ""
+; suggest_view.php line: 177
+signin_view_return_yioop = "Yioop 으로 돌아가기"
+; view.php line: 32
+view_locale_version11 = ""
+; view.php line: 81
+view_logo_alt_text = ""
+; wiki_view.php line: 89
+wiki_view_read = ""
+; wiki_view.php line: 90
+wiki_view_edit = ""
+; wiki_view.php line: 93
+wiki_view_pages = ""
+; wiki_view.php line: 132
+wiki_view_feed = ""
+; wiki_view.php line: 133
+wiki_view_wiki = ""
+; wiki_view.php line: 157
+adminview_auto_logout_one_minute = "1 분내에 자동 로그 아웃 됍니다."
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/sq_data/app/views
+; download_view.php line: 62
+download_view_form = ""
+; download_view.php line: 73
+download_view_thank_you = ""
+; download_view.php line: 76
+download_view_full_name = ""
+; download_view.php line: 82
+download_view_email = ""
+; download_view.php line: 87
+download_view_business = ""
+; download_view.php line: 93
+download_view_interest = ""
+; download_view.php line: 100
+download_view_get_email = ""
+; download_view.php line: 106
+download_view_return_main = ""
+; download_view.php line: 120
+download_view_required_fields = ""
+; download_view.php line: 125
+download_view_name_required = ""
+; download_view.php line: 130
+download_view_valid_email = ""
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/seek_quarry//lib/indexing_plugins
+; wordfilter_plugin.php line: 353
+wordfilter_plugin_settings_saved = ""
+; wordfilter_plugin.php line: 362
+wordfilter_plugin_defaults_restored = ""
+; wordfilter_plugin.php line: 466
+wordfilter_plugin_preferences = ""
+; wordfilter_plugin.php line: 470
+wordfilter_plugin_factory_settings = ""
+; wordfilter_plugin.php line: 483
+wordfilter_plugin_save = ""
diff --git a/locale/ko/resources/locale.js b/locale/ko/resources/locale.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..4defa2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/ko/resources/locale.js
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+ * SeekQuarry/Yioop --
+ * Open Source Pure PHP Search Engine, Crawler, and Indexer
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2009 - 2015  Chris Pollett
+ *
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+ *
+ *
+ * @author Sandhya Vissapragada
+ * @package seek_quarry
+ * @subpackage javascript
+ * @license GPL3
+ * @link
+ * @copyright 2009 - 2015s
+ * @filesource
+ */
+ * The alphabet for this locale (just a stub for now)
+ */
+var alpha = "";
diff --git a/locale/ko/resources/tokenizer.php b/locale/ko/resources/tokenizer.php
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..ff59b00
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/ko/resources/tokenizer.php
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+ * SeekQuarry/Yioop --
+ * Open Source Pure PHP Search Engine, Crawler, and Indexer
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2009 - 2015  Chris Pollett
+ *
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+ *
+ * @author Chris Pollett
+ * @package seek_quarry
+ * @subpackage locale
+ * @license GPL3
+ * @link
+ * @copyright 2009 - 2015
+ * @filesource
+ */
+if(!defined('BASE_DIR')) {echo "BAD REQUEST"; exit();}
+ * Korean specific tokenization code. Typically, tokenizer.php
+ * either contains a stemmer for the language in question or
+ * it specifies how many characters in a char gram
+ *
+ * @author Chris Pollett
+ * @package seek_quarry
+ * @subpackage locale
+ */
+$GLOBALS['CHARGRAMS']['ko'] = 3;
diff --git a/locale/ko/resources1421450888old/locale.js b/locale/ko/resources1421450888old/locale.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..886b6fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/ko/resources1421450888old/locale.js
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+ * SeekQuarry/Yioop --
+ * Open Source Pure PHP Search Engine, Crawler, and Indexer
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2009 - 2014  Chris Pollett
+ *
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+ *
+ *
+ * @author Sandhya Vissapragada
+ * @package seek_quarry
+ * @subpackage javascript
+ * @license GPL3
+ * @link
+ * @copyright 2009 - 2014s
+ * @filesource
+ */
+ * The alphabet for this locale (just a stub for now)
+ */
+var alpha = "";
diff --git a/locale/ko/resources1421450888old/tokenizer.php b/locale/ko/resources1421450888old/tokenizer.php
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..797078a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/ko/resources1421450888old/tokenizer.php
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+ * SeekQuarry/Yioop --
+ * Open Source Pure PHP Search Engine, Crawler, and Indexer
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2009 - 2014  Chris Pollett
+ *
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+ *
+ * @author Chris Pollett
+ * @package seek_quarry
+ * @subpackage locale
+ * @license GPL3
+ * @link
+ * @copyright 2009 - 2014
+ * @filesource
+ */
+if(!defined('BASE_DIR')) {echo "BAD REQUEST"; exit();}
+ * Korean specific tokenization code. Typically, tokenizer.php
+ * either contains a stemmer for the language in question or
+ * it specifies how many characters in a char gram
+ *
+ * @author Chris Pollett
+ * @package seek_quarry
+ * @subpackage locale
+ */
+$GLOBALS['CHARGRAMS']['ko'] = 3;
diff --git a/locale/ko/statistics.txt b/locale/ko/statistics.txt
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..8f6a89a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/ko/statistics.txt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/locale/pl/configure.ini b/locale/pl/configure.ini
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..f539128
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/pl/configure.ini
@@ -0,0 +1,4186 @@
+; ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
+;  SeekQuarry/Yioop Open Source Pure PHP Search Engine, Crawler, and Indexer
+;  Copyright (C) 2009 - 2015  Chris Pollett
+;  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;  (at your option) any later version.
+;  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;  GNU General Public License for more details.
+;  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;  along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+;  ***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****
+; configure.ini
+; pl configuration file
+; Strings to translate on various pages
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/seek_quarry//controllers
+; admin_controller.php line: 101
+admin_controller_need_cookies = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 150
+admin_controller_account_not_active = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 156
+admin_controller_login_successful = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 175
+admin_controller_no_back_button = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 189
+admin_controller_login_failed = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 195
+admin_controller_login_to_config = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 199
+admin_controller_status_updates_stopped = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 342
+admin_controller_account_access = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 343
+admin_controller_social = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 344
+admin_controller_crawl_settings = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 345
+admin_controller_system_settings = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 517
+admin_controller_equal = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 518
+admin_controller_not_equal = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 519
+admin_controller_contains = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 520
+admin_controller_begins_with = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 521
+admin_controller_ends_with = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 524
+admin_controller_equal = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 525
+admin_controller_not_equal = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 528
+admin_controller_no_sort = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 529
+admin_controller_sort_ascending = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 530
+admin_controller_sort_descending = ""
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/seek_quarry//controllers/components
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 132
+accountaccess_component_no_posts_yet = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 146
+accountaccess_component_passwords_too_long = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 155
+accountaccess_component_passwords_dont_match = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 162
+accountaccess_component_invalid_password = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 192
+accountaccess_component_unknown_imagetype = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 197
+accountaccess_component_icon_too_big = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 206
+accountaccess_component_no_user_folder = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 215
+accountaccess_component_user_updated = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 259
+accountaccess_component_active_status = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 260
+accountaccess_component_inactive_status = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 261
+accountaccess_component_banned_status = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 264
+accountaccess_component_request_join = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 265
+accountaccess_component_invited = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 266
+accountaccess_component_active_status = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 267
+accountaccess_component_banned_status = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 312
+accountaccess_component_passwords_too_long = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 317
+accountaccess_component_passwords_dont_match = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 321
+accountaccess_component_invalid_username = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 325
+accountaccess_component_user_exists = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 354
+accountaccess_component_user_added = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 363
+accountaccess_component_user_doesnt_exist = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 370
+accountaccess_component_cant_edit_public_user = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 412
+accountaccess_component_passwords_dont_match = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 418
+accountaccess_component_user_updated = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 424
+accountaccess_component_user_filter_group = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 428
+accountaccess_component_user_filter_role = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 439
+accountaccess_component_username_doesnt_exists = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 444
+accountaccess_component_cant_delete_builtin = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 449
+accountaccess_component_user_deleted = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 458
+accountaccess_component_username_doesnt_exists = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 463
+accountaccess_component_rolename_doesnt_exists = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 469
+accountaccess_component_rolename_already_added = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 475
+accountaccess_component_rolename_added = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 485
+accountaccess_component_username_doesnt_exists = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 490
+accountaccess_component_groupname_doesnt_exists = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 496
+accountaccess_component_groupname_already_added = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 504
+accountaccess_component_groupname_added = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 514
+accountaccess_component_username_doesnt_exists = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 519
+accountaccess_component_rolename_doesnt_exists = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 528
+accountaccess_component_rolename_deleted = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 538
+accountaccess_component_username_doesnt_exists = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 543
+accountaccess_component_groupname_doesnt_exists = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 552
+accountaccess_component_group_deleted = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 569
+accountaccess_component_username_doesnt_exists = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 575
+accountaccess_component_userstatus_updated = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 733
+accountaccess_component_select_activityname = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 759
+accountaccess_component_rolename_doesnt_exists = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 775
+accountaccess_component_activity_added = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 784
+accountaccess_component_rolename_exists = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 790
+accountaccess_component_rolename_added = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 794
+accountaccess_component_rolename_blank = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 803
+accountaccess_component_rolename_doesnt_exists = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 821
+accountaccess_component_activity_deleted = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 829
+accountaccess_component_rolename_doesnt_exists = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 835
+accountaccess_component_rolename_deleted = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 867
+accountaccess_component_role_updated = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 85
+crawl_component_starting_new_crawl = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 102
+crawl_component_stop_crawl = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 131
+crawl_component_resume_crawl = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 140
+crawl_component_delete_crawl_success = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 144
+crawl_component_delete_crawl_fail = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 153
+crawl_component_set_index = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 187
+crawl_component_no_description = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 334
+crawl_component_use_below = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 335
+crawl_component_use_defaults = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 338
+crawl_component_use_below = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 342
+crawl_component_previous_crawl = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 413
+crawl_component_added_urls = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 427
+crawl_component_add_suggest = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 431
+crawl_component_no_new_suggests = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 478
+crawl_component_breadth_first = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 480
+crawl_component_page_importance = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 545
+crawl_component_added_urls = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 555
+crawl_component_urls_injected = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 565
+crawl_component_update_seed_info = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 620
+crawl_component_new_classifier = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 624
+crawl_component_classifier_exists = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 647
+crawl_component_classifier_deleted = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 651
+crawl_component_no_classifier = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 662
+crawl_component_no_classifier = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 680
+crawl_component_finalizing_classifier = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 707
+crawl_component_finalizing_classifier = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 753
+crawl_component_classifier_exists = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 762
+crawl_component_load_failed = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 764
+crawl_component_loading = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 766
+crawl_component_added_examples = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 768
+crawl_component_label_update_failed = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 770
+crawl_component_updating = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 772
+crawl_component_acc_update_failed = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 774
+crawl_component_na = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 776
+crawl_component_no_docs = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 778
+crawl_component_num_docs = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 780
+crawl_component_in_class = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 782
+crawl_component_not_in_class = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 784
+crawl_component_skip = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 786
+crawl_component_prediction = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 788
+crawl_component_scores = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 830
+crawl_component_use_below = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 831
+crawl_component_use_defaults = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 833
+crawl_component_use_below = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 841
+crawl_component_recrawl_never = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 842
+crawl_component_recrawl_1day = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 843
+crawl_component_recrawl_2day = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 844
+crawl_component_recrawl_3day = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 845
+crawl_component_recrawl_7day = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 846
+crawl_component_recrawl_14day = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 854
+crawl_component_basic = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 855
+crawl_component_centroid = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1141
+crawl_component_page_options_updated = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1169
+crawl_component_page_options_running_tests = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1348
+crawl_component_results_editor_update = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1363
+crawl_component_edited_pages = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1376
+crawl_component_results_editor_need_url = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1382
+crawl_component_results_editor_page_updated = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1395
+crawl_component_results_editor_page_loaded = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1426
+crawl_component_media_kind = ""
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+; register_controller.php line: 756
+register_controller_failed_human = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 783
+register_controller_failed_graphical_human = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 797
+register_controller_suggest_full = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 801
+register_controller_url_submitted = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 1004
+register_controller_need_cookies = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 1010
+register_controller_failed_human = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 1025
+register_controller_failed_graphical_human = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 1036
+register_controller_failed_hashcode = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 1064
+register_controller_error_fields = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 1067
+register_controller_check_email = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 1074
+register_controller_user_already_exists = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 235
+search_controller_web = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 295
+search_controller_logout_successful = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 500
+search_controller_mix_info = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 506
+search_controller_crawl_info = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 542
+search_controller_search = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 646
+search_controller_no_index_set = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 649
+search_controller_no_index_set = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1300
+search_controller_download_fetcher = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1309
+search_controller_no_archive_page = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1358
+search_controller_yioop_cache = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1363
+search_controller_original_page = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1380
+search_controller_extracted_title = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1382
+search_controller_extracted_description = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1384
+search_controller_extracted_links = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1389
+search_controller_extracted_allow_paths = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1395
+search_controller_extracted_disallow_paths = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1401
+search_controller_crawl_delay = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1466
+search_controller_cache_comment = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1477
+search_controller_yioop_cache = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1513
+search_controller_cached_version = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1608
+search_controller_download_fetcher = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1626
+search_controller_header_summaries = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1739
+search_controller_history = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1908
+search_controller_all_cached = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1939
+search_controller_year = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1940
+search_controller_month = ""
+; settings_controller.php line: 115
+settings_controller_crawl_mix = ""
+; settings_controller.php line: 130
+settings_controller_settings_saved = ""
+; static_controller.php line: 67
+static_controller_logout_successful = ""
+; static_controller.php line: 145
+static_controller_complete_title = ""
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/sq_data/app/controllers
+; main_controller.php line: 87
+search_controller_logout_successful = ""
+; main_controller.php line: 112
+main_controller_download = ""
+; main_controller.php line: 129
+main_controller_missing_fields = ""
+; main_controller.php line: 164
+main_controller_yioop_download = ""
+; main_controller.php line: 165
+main_controller_click_download = ""
+; main_controller.php line: 178
+main_controller_url_error = ""
+; main_controller.php line: 187
+main_controller_expired_url = ""
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/seek_quarry//views
+; admin_view.php line: 70
+admin_view_admin = ""
+; admin_view.php line: 89
+adminview_auto_logout_one_minute = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 52
+crawlstatus_view_currently_processing = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 53
+crawlstatus_view_description = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 58
+crawlstatus_view_starting_crawl = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 62
+managecrawls_element_stop_crawl = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 66
+crawlstatus_view_resuming_crawl = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 70
+managecrawls_element_stop_crawl = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 74
+crawlstatus_view_shutdown_queue = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 77
+crawlstatus_view_closing_dict = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 80
+crawlstatus_view_run_plugins = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 88
+managecrawls_element_stop_crawl = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 96
+crawlstatus_view_set_index = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 99
+crawlstatus_view_search_index = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 107
+crawlstatus_view_changeoptions = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 109
+crawlstatus_view_no_description = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 114
+crawlstatus_view_timestamp = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 116
+crawlstatus_view_time_started = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 122
+crawlstatus_view_indexer_memory = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 124
+crawlstatus_view_scheduler_memory = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 127
+crawlstatus_view_queue_memory = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 132
+crawlstatus_view_no_mem_data = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 136
+crawlstatus_view_fetcher_memory = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 141
+crawlstatus_view_no_mem_data = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 144
+crawlstatus_view_webapp_memory = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 149
+crawlstatus_view_no_mem_data = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 152
+crawlstatus_view_urls_per_hour = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 160
+crawlstatus_view_visited_urls = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 164
+crawlstatus_view_total_urls = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 167
+crawlstatus_view_most_recent_fetcher = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 176
+crawlstatus_view_no_fetcher = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 180
+crawlstatus_view_most_recent_urls = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 190
+crawlstatus_view_no_recent_urls = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 193
+crawlstatus_view_previous_crawls = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 203
+crawlstatus_view_description = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 206
+crawlstatus_view_timestamp = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 207
+crawlstatus_view_url_counts = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 211
+crawlstatus_view_actions = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 222
+crawlstatus_view_statistics = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 238
+crawlstatus_view_resume = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 240
+crawlstatus_view_no_resume = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 247
+crawlstatus_view_set_index = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 250
+crawlstatus_view_search_index = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 257
+crawlstatus_view_delete = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 265
+crawlstatus_view_no_previous_crawl = ""
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/seek_quarry//views/elements
+; activity_element.php line: 54
+activity_element_activities = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 76
+configure_element_work_directory = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 82
+configure_element_load_or_create = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 100
+configure_element_component_check = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 104
+configure_element_profile_settings = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 107
+configure_element_toggle_advanced = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 114
+configure_element_default_language = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 121
+configure_element_debug_display = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 126
+configure_element_error_info = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 131
+configure_element_query_info = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 136
+configure_element_test_info = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 141
+configure_element_site_access = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 146
+configure_element_web_access = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 151
+configure_element_rss_access = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 156
+configure_element_api_access = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 161
+configure_element_customizations = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 163
+configure_element_use_wiki_landing = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 170
+configure_element_background_color = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 178
+configure_element_background_image = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 185
+configure_element_background_image = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 194
+configure_element_foreground_color = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 200
+configure_element_topbar_color = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 206
+configure_element_sidebar_color = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 214
+configure_element_site_logo = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 221
+configure_element_site_logo = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 232
+configure_element_mobile_logo = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 239
+configure_element_mobile_logo = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 250
+configure_element_favicon = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 257
+configure_element_favicon = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 267
+configure_element_toolbar = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 278
+configure_element_site_timezone = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 284
+configure_element_cookie_name = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 290
+configure_element_token_name = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 296
+configure_element_auxiliary_css = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 304
+configure_element_reset_customizations = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 311
+configure_element_crawl_robot = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 313
+configure_element_robot_name = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 321
+configure_element_robot_instance = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 328
+configure_element_robot_description = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 338
+serversettings_element_submit = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 55
+crawloptions_element_back_to_manage = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 58
+crawloptions_element_modify_active_crawl = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 60
+crawloptions_element_edit_crawl_options = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 83
+crawloptions_element_web_crawl = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 93
+crawloptions_element_archive_crawl = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 100
+crawloptions_element_load_options = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 105
+crawloptions_element_crawl_order = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 114
+crawloptions_element_restrict_by_url = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 122
+crawloptions_element_allowed_to_crawl = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 129
+crawloptions_element_disallowed_and_quota_sites = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 140
+crawloptions_element_seed_sites = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 144
+crawloptions_element_add_suggest_urls = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 155
+crawloptions_element_inject_sites = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 159
+crawloptions_element_add_suggest_urls = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 176
+crawloptions_element_reindex_crawl = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 185
+crawloptions_element_need_api_for_mix = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 193
+crawloptions_element_save_options = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 58
+editclassifier_back = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 60
+editclassifier_edit_classifier = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 72
+editclassifier_classifier_label = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 77
+editclassifier_change = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 82
+editclassifier_statistics = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 83
+editclassifier_positive_examples = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 86
+editclassifier_negative_examples = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 89
+editclassifier_accuracy = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 94
+crawl_component_na = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 99
+editclassifier_update = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 100
+editclassifier_add_examples = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 109
+editclassifier_source = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 113
+editclassifier_default_crawl = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 123
+editclassifier_label_by_hand = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 125
+editclassifier_all_in_class = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 127
+editclassifier_none_in_class = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 132
+editclassifier_keywords = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 141
+editclassifier_load = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 147
+editclassifier_finalize = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 155
+editclassifier_no_documents = ""
+; editlocales_element.php line: 55
+editlocales_element_back_to_manage = ""
+; editlocales_element.php line: 57
+editlocales_element_edit_locale = ""
+; editlocales_element.php line: 71
+editlocales_element_show = ""
+; editlocales_element.php line: 75
+editlocales_element_filter = ""
+; editlocales_element.php line: 82
+editlocales_element_go = ""
+; editlocales_element.php line: 86
+editlocales_element_no_matching = ""
+; editlocales_element.php line: 119
+editlocales_element_submit = ""
+; editmix_element.php line: 51
+editmix_element_back_to_mix = ""
+; editmix_element.php line: 53
+mixcrawls_element_edit_mix = ""
+; editmix_element.php line: 64
+mixcrawls_element_mix_name = ""
+; editmix_element.php line: 70
+mixcrawls_element_mix_components = ""
+; editmix_element.php line: 77
+mixcrawls_element_too_many = ""
+; editmix_element.php line: 79
+mixcrawls_element_add_fragment = ""
+; editmix_element.php line: 85
+mixcrawls_element_save_button = ""
+; footer_element.php line: 59
+footer_element_blog = ""
+; footer_element.php line: 61
+footer_element_privacy = ""
+; footer_element.php line: 63
+footer_element_terms = ""
+; footer_element.php line: 65
+footer_element_tools = ""
+; footer_element.php line: 67
+footer_element_bot = ""
+; footer_element.php line: 72
+footer_element_developed_seek_quarry = ""
+; footer_element.php line: 75
+footer_element_copyright_yioop = ""
+; footer_element.php line: 77
+footer_element_php_search_engine = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 91
+groupfeed_element_add_group = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 95
+groupfeed_element_request_add = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 122
+groupfeed_element_wiki_page = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 124
+groupfeed_element_back = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 127
+groupfeed_element_back = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 136
+groupfeed_element_group_activity = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 140
+groupfeed_element_wiki_thread = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 159
+groupfeed_element_feed = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 163
+group_view_wiki = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 165
+groupfeed_element_user = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 206
+groupfeed_element_comment = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 238
+manageaccount_element_group_wiki = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 239
+manageaccount_element_group_stats = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 244
+manageaccount_element_last_post = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 286
+groupfeed_element_comment = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 297
+groupfeed_element_start_thread = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 311
+groupfeed_element_start_thread = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 317
+groupfeed_element_no_posts_yet = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 323
+groupfeed_element_thread_no_exist = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 358
+groupfeed_element_edit = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 363
+groupfeed_element_delete = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 385
+groupfeed_element_num_posts = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 395
+groupfeed_element_num_views = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 420
+groupfeed_element_start_thread_in_group = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 422
+groupfeed_element_start_thread_in_group = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 436
+groupfeed_element_last_edited = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 452
+groupfeed_element_post_vote = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 479
+groupfeed_element_last_post_info = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 494
+groupfeed_element_comment = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 547
+fileupload_helper_drag_textarea = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 548
+fileupload_helper_click_textarea = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 572
+groupfeed_element_add_comment = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 586
+groupfeed_element_save = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 625
+groupfeed_element_subject = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 632
+groupfeed_element_post = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 645
+groupfeed_element_save = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 681
+groupfeed_element_edit_post = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 684
+groupfeed_element_subject = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 690
+groupfeed_element_post = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 703
+groupfeed_element_save = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 732
+groupfeed_element_no_longer_update = ""
+; machinelog_element.php line: 54
+machinelog_element_back_to_manage = ""
+; machinelog_element.php line: 59
+machinelog_element_filter = ""
+; machinelog_element.php line: 66
+machinelog_element_log_file = ""
+; machinelog_element.php line: 71
+machinelog_element_refresh_off = ""
+; machinelog_element.php line: 76
+machinelog_element_refresh_on = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 60
+manageaccount_element_lock = ""
+manageaccount_element_edit = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 67
+manageaccount_element_welcome = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 69
+manageaccount_element_what_can_do = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 71
+manageaccount_element_account_details = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 100
+manageaccounts_element_icon = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 110
+manageusers_element_username = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 117
+manageusers_element_firstname = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 123
+manageusers_element_lastname = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 129
+manageusers_element_email = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 138
+manageaccount_element_password = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 145
+manageaccount_element_new_password = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 151
+manageaccount_element_retype_password = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 163
+manageaccount_element_save = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 169
+manageaccount_element_search_lang_settings = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 174
+manageaccount_element_crawl_and_index = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 175
+manageaccount_element_crawl_info = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 176
+manageaccount_element_num_crawls = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 179
+manageaccount_element_manage_crawls = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 185
+manageaccount_element_groups_and_feeds = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 186
+manageaccount_element_group_info = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 188
+manageaccount_element_num_groups = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 191
+manageaccount_element_num_group = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 203
+manageaccount_element_group_wiki = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 204
+manageaccount_element_group_stats = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 209
+manageaccount_element_last_post = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 219
+manageaccount_element_manage_all_groups = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 221
+manageaccount_element_go_to_group_feed = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 223
+manageaccount_element_crawl_mixes = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 224
+manageaccount_element_mixes_info = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 226
+manageaccount_element_num_mixes = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 229
+manageaccount_element_num_mix = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 233
+manageaccount_element_manage_mixes = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 61
+manageclassifiers_available_classifiers = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 69
+manageclassifiers_label_col = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 72
+manageclassifiers_positive_col = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 74
+manageclassifiers_negative_col = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 80
+manageclassifiers_actions_col = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 99
+manageclassifiers_edit = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 102
+manageclassifiers_finalized = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 109
+manageclassifiers_finalize = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 111
+manageclassifiers_finalize = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 115
+manageclassifiers_finalizing = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 119
+confirm_delete_operation = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 123
+manageclassifiers_delete = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 156
+manageclassifiers_manage_classifiers = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 166
+manageclassifiers_classifier_name = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 171
+manageclassifiers_create_button = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 186
+manageclassifiers_element_search = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 187
+manageclassifiers_element_create_form = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 189
+manageclassifiers_classifier_name = ""
+; managecrawls_element.php line: 49
+managecrawls_element_create_crawl = ""
+; managecrawls_element.php line: 58
+managecrawls_element_description = ""
+; managecrawls_element.php line: 65
+managecrawls_element_start_new_crawl = ""
+; managecrawls_element.php line: 69
+managecrawls_element_options = ""
+; managecrawls_element.php line: 75
+managecrawls_element_awaiting_status = ""
+; managecrawls_element.php line: 93
+managecrawls_element_up_longer_update = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 67
+managegroups_element_not_my_groups = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 69
+managegroups_element_groups = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 78
+managegroups_element_groupname = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 79
+managegroups_element_groupowner = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 81
+managegroups_element_registertype = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 82
+managegroups_element_memberaccess = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 83
+managegroups_element_voting = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 84
+managegroups_element_post_lifetime = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 87
+managegroups_element_actions = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 201
+manageaccount_element_group_wiki = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 216
+managegroups_element_join = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 220
+managegroups_element_edit = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 225
+managegroups_element_edit = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 230
+managegroups_element_delete = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 236
+managegroups_element_join = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 241
+managegroups_element_join = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 250
+managegroups_element_decline = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 252
+managegroups_element_unsubscribe = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 257
+confirm_delete_operation = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 260
+managegroups_element_delete = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 289
+managegroups_element_addgroup_form = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 290
+managegroups_element_group_info = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 292
+managegroups_element_create_group = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 296
+managegroups_element_add_group = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 313
+managegroups_element_groupname = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 324
+managegroups_element_browse = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 335
+managegroups_element_register = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 342
+managegroups_element_memberaccess = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 349
+managegroups_element_voting = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 356
+managegroups_element_post_lifetime = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 368
+managegroups_element_group_users = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 372
+managegroups_element_num_users = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 398
+managegroups_element_groupowner = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 400
+managegroups_element_delete = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 410
+managegroups_element_activate = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 416
+managegroups_element_ban = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 422
+managegroups_element_unban = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 430
+managegroups_element_delete = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 459
+managegroups_element_filter = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 480
+managegroups_element_invite = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 491
+managegroups_element_save = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 520
+managegroups_element_group_info = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 521
+managegroups_element_invite_users_group = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 533
+managegroups_element_groupname = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 541
+managegroups_element_usernames = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 548
+managegroups_element_invite = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 566
+managegroups_element_addgroup_form = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 567
+managegroups_element_transfer_group_owner = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 580
+managegroups_element_groupname = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 588
+managegroups_element_new_group_owner = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 595
+managegroups_element_change_owner = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 614
+managegroups_element_discover_groups = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 618
+managegroups_element_search_group = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 620
+managegroups_element_addgroup_form = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 622
+managegroups_element_groupname = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 623
+managegroups_element_groupowner = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 624
+managegroups_element_registertype = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 626
+managegroups_element_memberaccess = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 628
+managegroups_element_post_lifetime = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 59
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+; managelocales_element.php line: 69
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+; managelocales_element.php line: 72
+managelocales_element_localetag = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 73
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+; managelocales_element.php line: 75
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+; managelocales_element.php line: 80
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+; managelocales_element.php line: 81
+managelocales_element_actions = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 101
+managelocales_element_true = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 102
+managelocales_element_false = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 109
+managelocales_element_edit = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 114
+confirm_delete_operation = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 115
+managelocales_element_delete = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 135
+manageloecales_element_add_locale_form = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 136
+managelocales_element_locale_info = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 138
+managelocales_element_add_locale = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 160
+managelocales_element_localenamelabel = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 173
+managelocales_element_localetaglabel = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 179
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+; managelocales_element.php line: 189
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+; managelocales_element.php line: 200
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+; managelocales_element.php line: 218
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+; managelocales_element.php line: 219
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+; managelocales_element.php line: 221
+managelocales_element_localename = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 222
+managelocales_element_localetag = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 223
+managelocales_element_writingmode = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 224
+managelocales_element_enabled = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 230
+managelocales_element_true = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 231
+managelocales_element_false = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 51
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+; managemachines_element.php line: 63
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+; managemachines_element.php line: 68
+managemachines_element_machineurl = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 73
+managemachines_element_is_mirror = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 78
+managemachines_element_parent_name = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 84
+managemachines_element_has_queueserver = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 88
+managemachines_element_num_fetchers = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 93
+managemachines_element_submit = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 98
+managemachines_element_machine_info = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 104
+managemachines_element_awaiting_status = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 123
+managemachines_element_no_longer_update = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 56
+manageroles_element_roles = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 64
+manageroles_element_rolename = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 66
+manageroles_element_actions = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 91
+manageroles_element_edit = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 96
+manageroles_element_delete = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 100
+confirm_delete_operation = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 103
+manageroles_element_delete = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 136
+manageroles_element_addrole_form = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 137
+manageroles_element_role_info = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 139
+manageroles_element_add_role = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 151
+manageroles_element_rolename = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 164
+manageroles_element_role_activities = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 173
+manageroles_element_delete = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 180
+manageroles_element_delete = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 200
+manageroles_element_save = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 218
+manageroles_element_search_role = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 219
+manageroles_element_addrole_form = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 221
+manageroles_element_rolename = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 56
+manageusers_element_users = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 65
+manageusers_element_username = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 67
+manageusers_element_firstname = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 68
+manageusers_element_lastname = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 69
+manageusers_element_email = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 71
+manageusers_element_status = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 73
+manageusers_element_actions = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 135
+manageusers_element_edit = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 139
+manageusers_element_edit = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 146
+manageusers_element_delete = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 150
+confirm_delete_operation = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 153
+manageusers_element_delete = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 194
+manageusers_element_adduser_form = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 195
+manageusers_element_user_info = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 197
+manageusers_element_add_user = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 222
+manageusers_element_username = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 232
+manageusers_element_firstname = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 238
+manageusers_element_lastname = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 244
+manageusers_element_email = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 251
+manageusers_element_status = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 268
+manageusers_element_roles = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 272
+manageusers_element_num_roles = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 287
+manageusers_element_delete = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 297
+manageusers_element_delete = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 340
+manageusers_element_filter = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 352
+manageusers_element_add_role = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 362
+manageusers_element_groups = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 366
+manageusers_element_num_groups = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 387
+manageusers_element_delete = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 427
+manageusers_element_filter = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 439
+manageusers_element_add_group = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 452
+manageusers_element_password = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 458
+manageusers_element_retype_password = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 465
+manageusers_element_save = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 492
+manageusers_element_search_user = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 493
+manageusers_element_adduser_form = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 495
+manageusers_element_username = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 496
+manageusers_element_firstname = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 497
+manageusers_element_lastname = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 498
+manageusers_element_email = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 499
+manageusers_element_status = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 61
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+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 68
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+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 70
+mixcrawls_view_definition = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 74
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+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 108
+mixcrawls_view_no_components = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 115
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+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 118
+mixcrawls_view_edit = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 124
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+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 127
+mixcrawl_search_index = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 133
+confirm_delete_operation = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 136
+mixcrawls_view_delete = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 146
+mixcrawls_view_back = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 147
+mixcrawls_element_share_mix_group = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 157
+mixcrawls_element_mixname = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 163
+mixcrawls_element_group = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 169
+mixcrawls_element_share = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 193
+mixcrawls_element_make_mix = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 203
+mixcrawls_element_mix_name = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 208
+mixcrawls_element_create_button = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 223
+mixcrawls_element_search_mix = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 224
+mixcrawls_element_createmix_form = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 226
+mixcrawls_element_mixname = ""
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 78
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+; moreoptions_element.php line: 113
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+; moreoptions_element.php line: 119
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+; moreoptions_element.php line: 126
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+; moreoptions_element.php line: 133
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+; moreoptions_element.php line: 141
+signin_element_signin = ""
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 144
+signin_element_admin = ""
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 156
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+; moreoptions_element.php line: 168
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+; moreoptions_element.php line: 171
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+; moreoptions_element.php line: 182
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 58
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 63
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 68
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 80
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 100
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 106
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 116
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 123
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 153
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 169
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 171
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 200
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 203
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 209
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 254
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 261
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 269
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 278
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 286
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 295
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 345
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 351
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 363
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 380
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 382
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 388
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 391
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 408
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 427
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 464
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 468
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+; resultseditor_element.php line: 115
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 58
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 59
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 63
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 87
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 92
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 101
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 107
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 112
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 122
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 125
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 131
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 137
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 143
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 149
+searchsources_element_linkpath = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 155
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 161
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 167
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 190
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 191
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 193
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 196
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 212
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 215
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 218
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 227
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 229
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 234
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 249
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 259
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 265
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 277
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 287
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 289
+searchsources_element_index = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 292
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 294
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 316
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 323
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 327
+searchsources_element_localize = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 334
+searchsources_element_deletesubsearch = ""
+; security_element.php line: 54
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+; security_element.php line: 65
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+; security_element.php line: 77
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+; security_element.php line: 86
+security_element_captcha_type = ""
+; security_element.php line: 100
+security_element_save = ""
+; security_element.php line: 104
+security_element_captcha_recovery_questions = ""
+; security_element.php line: 111
+security_element_edit_recovery = ""
+; security_element.php line: 116
+security_element_edit_captcha = ""
+; security_element.php line: 121
+security_element_edit_recovery = ""
+; security_element.php line: 124
+security_element_edit_captcha = ""
+; serversettings_element.php line: 57
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 61
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 65
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 72
+serversettings_element_name_server_url = ""
+; serversettings_element.php line: 80
+serversettings_element_use_memcache = ""
+; serversettings_element.php line: 88
+serversettings_element_memcache_servers = ""
+; serversettings_element.php line: 99
+serversettings_element_use_filecache = ""
+; serversettings_element.php line: 110
+configure_element_database_setup = ""
+; serversettings_element.php line: 115
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 123
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 130
+serversettings_element_databasehost = ""
+; serversettings_element.php line: 137
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 145
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 158
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 170
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 176
+serversettings_element_use_php_mail = ""
+; serversettings_element.php line: 183
+serversettings_element_mail_server = ""
+; serversettings_element.php line: 189
+serversettings_element_mail_serverport = ""
+; serversettings_element.php line: 195
+serversettings_element_mail_username = ""
+; serversettings_element.php line: 201
+serversettings_element_mail_password = ""
+; serversettings_element.php line: 208
+serversettings_element_mail_security = ""
+; serversettings_element.php line: 219
+serversettings_element_proxy_title = ""
+; serversettings_element.php line: 224
+serversettings_element_tor_proxy = ""
+; serversettings_element.php line: 230
+serversettings_element_use_proxy_servers = ""
+; serversettings_element.php line: 239
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 251
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+; group_view.php line: 139
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+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/seek_quarry//views/helpers
+; feeds_helper.php line: 63
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+; feeds_helper.php line: 158
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+; feeds_helper.php line: 163
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+; feeds_helper.php line: 168
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+; fileupload_helper.php line: 122
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+; pagingtable_helper.php line: 240
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+; searchform_helper.php line: 120
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+; searchform_helper.php line: 149
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+; toggle_helper.php line: 63
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+; toggle_helper.php line: 65
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+; toggle_helper.php line: 69
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+; toggle_helper.php line: 71
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+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/seek_quarry//views/layouts
+; rss_layout.php line: 60
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+; machinestatus_view.php line: 175
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+; nocache_view.php line: 59
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+; recover_view.php line: 69
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+; recover_view.php line: 105
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+; recover_view.php line: 117
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+; recover_view.php line: 132
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+; recover_view.php line: 147
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+; recover_view.php line: 187
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+; recover_view.php line: 206
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+; recover_view.php line: 216
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+; register_view.php line: 74
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+; register_view.php line: 75
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+; register_view.php line: 76
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+; register_view.php line: 77
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+; register_view.php line: 80
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+; register_view.php line: 82
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+; register_view.php line: 84
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+; register_view.php line: 85
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+; register_view.php line: 86
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+; register_view.php line: 87
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+; register_view.php line: 89
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+; register_view.php line: 92
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+; register_view.php line: 93
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+; register_view.php line: 94
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+; register_view.php line: 95
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+; register_view.php line: 96
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+; register_view.php line: 97
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+; register_view.php line: 98
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+; register_view.php line: 99
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+; register_view.php line: 101
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+; register_view.php line: 102
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+; register_view.php line: 103
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+; register_view.php line: 107
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+; register_view.php line: 108
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+; register_view.php line: 109
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+; register_view.php line: 110
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+; register_view.php line: 112
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+; register_view.php line: 113
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+; register_view.php line: 114
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+; register_view.php line: 115
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+; register_view.php line: 116
+register_view_recovery4_less = ""
+; register_view.php line: 117
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+; register_view.php line: 118
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+; register_view.php line: 119
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+; register_view.php line: 121
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+; register_view.php line: 123
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+; register_view.php line: 152
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+; register_view.php line: 189
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+; register_view.php line: 204
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+; register_view.php line: 219
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+; register_view.php line: 232
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+; register_view.php line: 246
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+; register_view.php line: 261
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+; register_view.php line: 277
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+; register_view.php line: 281
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+; register_view.php line: 283
+register_view_account_recovery = ""
+; register_view.php line: 315
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+; register_view.php line: 330
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+; register_view.php line: 332
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+; register_view.php line: 334
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+; register_view.php line: 336
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+; register_view.php line: 337
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+; register_view.php line: 347
+register_view_create_account = ""
+; register_view.php line: 357
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+; search_view.php line: 86
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+; search_view.php line: 113
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+; search_view.php line: 117
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+; search_view.php line: 120
+search_view_search = "Szukaj"
+; search_view.php line: 147
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+; search_view.php line: 152
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+; search_view.php line: 190
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+; search_view.php line: 191
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+; search_view.php line: 212
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+; search_view.php line: 321
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+; search_view.php line: 366
+search_view_cache = ""
+; search_view.php line: 369
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+; search_view.php line: 382
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+; search_view.php line: 394
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+; search_view.php line: 414
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+; search_view.php line: 416
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+; search_view.php line: 418
+search_view_proximity = ""
+; search_view.php line: 422
+search_view_thesaurus_score = ""
+; search_view.php line: 431
+search_view_score = ""
+; settings_view.php line: 66
+settings_view_settings = ""
+; settings_view.php line: 73
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+; settings_view.php line: 79
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+; settings_view.php line: 86
+settings_view_search_index = ""
+; settings_view.php line: 92
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+; settings_view.php line: 108
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+; settings_view.php line: 111
+settings_view_save = ""
+; settings_view.php line: 119
+settings_install_search_plugin = ""
+; signin_view.php line: 65
+signin_view_signin = ""
+; signin_view.php line: 78
+sigin_view_signing_in = ""
+; signin_view.php line: 81
+sigin_view_login_failed = ""
+; signin_view.php line: 89
+signin_view_username = ""
+; signin_view.php line: 96
+signin_view_password = ""
+; signin_view.php line: 107
+signin_view_login = ""
+; signin_view.php line: 122
+signin_view_recover_password = ""
+; signin_view.php line: 127
+signin_view_create_account = ""
+; signin_view.php line: 132
+signin_view_return_yioop = ""
+; static_view.php line: 71
+static_view_title = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 63
+statistics_view_statistics = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 68
+statistics_view_calculating = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 82
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+; statistics_view.php line: 83
+statistics_view_sizes = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 84
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+; statistics_view.php line: 85
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+; statistics_view.php line: 86
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+; statistics_view.php line: 87
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+; statistics_view.php line: 88
+statistics_view_top_level_domain = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 89
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+; statistics_view.php line: 90
+statistics_view_media_type = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 91
+statistics_view_language = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 92
+statistics_view_server = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 93
+statistics_view_os = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 97
+statistics_view_general_info = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 98
+statistics_view_description = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 100
+statistics_view_timestamp = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 102
+statistics_view_crawl_date = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 104
+statistics_view_pages = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 106
+statistics_view_url = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 109
+statistics_view_number_hosts = ""
+; suggest_view.php line: 68
+suggest_view_suggest_url = ""
+; suggest_view.php line: 70
+suggest_view_instructions = ""
+; suggest_view.php line: 94
+suggest_view_url = ""
+; suggest_view.php line: 110
+register_view_human_check = ""
+; suggest_view.php line: 144
+suggest_view_human_check = ""
+; suggest_view.php line: 167
+suggest_view_submit_url = ""
+; suggest_view.php line: 177
+signin_view_return_yioop = ""
+; view.php line: 32
+view_locale_version11 = ""
+; view.php line: 81
+view_logo_alt_text = ""
+; wiki_view.php line: 89
+wiki_view_read = ""
+; wiki_view.php line: 90
+wiki_view_edit = ""
+; wiki_view.php line: 93
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+; wiki_view.php line: 132
+wiki_view_feed = ""
+; wiki_view.php line: 133
+wiki_view_wiki = ""
+; wiki_view.php line: 157
+adminview_auto_logout_one_minute = ""
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/sq_data/app/views
+; download_view.php line: 62
+download_view_form = ""
+; download_view.php line: 73
+download_view_thank_you = ""
+; download_view.php line: 76
+download_view_full_name = ""
+; download_view.php line: 82
+download_view_email = ""
+; download_view.php line: 87
+download_view_business = ""
+; download_view.php line: 93
+download_view_interest = ""
+; download_view.php line: 100
+download_view_get_email = ""
+; download_view.php line: 106
+download_view_return_main = ""
+; download_view.php line: 120
+download_view_required_fields = ""
+; download_view.php line: 125
+download_view_name_required = ""
+; download_view.php line: 130
+download_view_valid_email = ""
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/seek_quarry//lib/indexing_plugins
+; wordfilter_plugin.php line: 353
+wordfilter_plugin_settings_saved = ""
+; wordfilter_plugin.php line: 362
+wordfilter_plugin_defaults_restored = ""
+; wordfilter_plugin.php line: 466
+wordfilter_plugin_preferences = ""
+; wordfilter_plugin.php line: 470
+wordfilter_plugin_factory_settings = ""
+; wordfilter_plugin.php line: 483
+wordfilter_plugin_save = ""
diff --git a/locale/pl/resources/locale.js b/locale/pl/resources/locale.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..6ee9b8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/pl/resources/locale.js
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+ * SeekQuarry/Yioop --
+ * Open Source Pure PHP Search Engine, Crawler, and Indexer
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2009 - 2015  Chris Pollett
+ *
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+ *
+ *
+ * @author Chris Pollett
+ * @package seek_quarry
+ * @subpackage javascript
+ * @license GPL3
+ * @link
+ * @copyright 2009 - 2015s
+ * @filesource
+ */
+ * The alphabet for this locale
+ */
+var alpha = "aąbcćdeęfghijklłmnńoópqrsśtuvwxyzźż";
+ * Transliteration maping for this locale
+ */
+var roman_array = {};
+ * To analyze the query and generate actual input query from the
+ * transliterated query
+ */
+function analyzeQuery()
diff --git a/locale/pl/resources/suggest_trie.txt.gz b/locale/pl/resources/suggest_trie.txt.gz
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..91878f8
Binary files /dev/null and b/locale/pl/resources/suggest_trie.txt.gz differ
diff --git a/locale/pl/resources/tokenizer.php b/locale/pl/resources/tokenizer.php
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..f75bdaf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/pl/resources/tokenizer.php
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+ * SeekQuarry/Yioop --
+ * Open Source Pure PHP Search Engine, Crawler, and Indexer
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2009 - 2015  Chris Pollett
+ *
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+ *
+ * @author Chris Pollett
+ * @package seek_quarry
+ * @subpackage locale
+ * @license GPL3
+ * @link
+ * @copyright 2009 - 2015
+ * @filesource
+ */
+if(!defined('BASE_DIR')) {echo "BAD REQUEST"; exit();}
+ * Polish specific tokenization code. Typically, tokenizer.php
+ * either contains a stemmer for the language in question or
+ * it specifies how many characters in a char gram
+ *
+ * @author Chris Pollett
+ * @package seek_quarry
+ * @subpackage locale
+ */
+$GLOBALS['CHARGRAMS']['pl'] = 5;
diff --git a/locale/pl/resources1421450889old/locale.js b/locale/pl/resources1421450889old/locale.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..eb036b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/pl/resources1421450889old/locale.js
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+ * SeekQuarry/Yioop --
+ * Open Source Pure PHP Search Engine, Crawler, and Indexer
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2009 - 2014  Chris Pollett
+ *
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+ *
+ *
+ * @author Chris Pollett
+ * @package seek_quarry
+ * @subpackage javascript
+ * @license GPL3
+ * @link
+ * @copyright 2009 - 2014s
+ * @filesource
+ */
+ * The alphabet for this locale
+ */
+var alpha = "aąbcćdeęfghijklłmnńoópqrsśtuvwxyzźż";
+ * Transliteration maping for this locale
+ */
+var roman_array = {};
+ * To analyze the query and generate actual input query from the
+ * transliterated query
+ */
+function analyzeQuery()
diff --git a/locale/pl/resources1421450889old/suggest_trie.txt.gz b/locale/pl/resources1421450889old/suggest_trie.txt.gz
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..91878f8
Binary files /dev/null and b/locale/pl/resources1421450889old/suggest_trie.txt.gz differ
diff --git a/locale/pl/resources1421450889old/tokenizer.php b/locale/pl/resources1421450889old/tokenizer.php
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..abbc6ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/pl/resources1421450889old/tokenizer.php
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+ * SeekQuarry/Yioop --
+ * Open Source Pure PHP Search Engine, Crawler, and Indexer
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2009 - 2014  Chris Pollett
+ *
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+ *
+ * @author Chris Pollett
+ * @package seek_quarry
+ * @subpackage locale
+ * @license GPL3
+ * @link
+ * @copyright 2009 - 2014
+ * @filesource
+ */
+if(!defined('BASE_DIR')) {echo "BAD REQUEST"; exit();}
+ * Polish specific tokenization code. Typically, tokenizer.php
+ * either contains a stemmer for the language in question or
+ * it specifies how many characters in a char gram
+ *
+ * @author Chris Pollett
+ * @package seek_quarry
+ * @subpackage locale
+ */
+$GLOBALS['CHARGRAMS']['pl'] = 5;
diff --git a/vn-US/statistics.txt b/locale/pl/statistics.txt
similarity index 100%
rename from vn-US/statistics.txt
rename to locale/pl/statistics.txt
diff --git a/locale/pt/configure.ini b/locale/pt/configure.ini
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..4ae5d9f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/pt/configure.ini
@@ -0,0 +1,4186 @@
+; ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
+;  SeekQuarry/Yioop Open Source Pure PHP Search Engine, Crawler, and Indexer
+;  Copyright (C) 2009 - 2015  Chris Pollett
+;  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;  (at your option) any later version.
+;  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;  GNU General Public License for more details.
+;  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;  along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+;  ***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****
+; configure.ini
+; pt configuration file
+; Strings to translate on various pages
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/seek_quarry//controllers
+; admin_controller.php line: 101
+admin_controller_need_cookies = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 150
+admin_controller_account_not_active = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 156
+admin_controller_login_successful = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 175
+admin_controller_no_back_button = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 189
+admin_controller_login_failed = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 195
+admin_controller_login_to_config = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 199
+admin_controller_status_updates_stopped = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 342
+admin_controller_account_access = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 343
+admin_controller_social = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 344
+admin_controller_crawl_settings = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 345
+admin_controller_system_settings = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 517
+admin_controller_equal = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 518
+admin_controller_not_equal = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 519
+admin_controller_contains = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 520
+admin_controller_begins_with = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 521
+admin_controller_ends_with = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 524
+admin_controller_equal = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 525
+admin_controller_not_equal = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 528
+admin_controller_no_sort = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 529
+admin_controller_sort_ascending = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 530
+admin_controller_sort_descending = ""
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/seek_quarry//controllers/components
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 132
+accountaccess_component_no_posts_yet = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 146
+accountaccess_component_passwords_too_long = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 155
+accountaccess_component_passwords_dont_match = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 162
+accountaccess_component_invalid_password = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 192
+accountaccess_component_unknown_imagetype = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 197
+accountaccess_component_icon_too_big = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 206
+accountaccess_component_no_user_folder = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 215
+accountaccess_component_user_updated = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 259
+accountaccess_component_active_status = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 260
+accountaccess_component_inactive_status = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 261
+accountaccess_component_banned_status = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 264
+accountaccess_component_request_join = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 265
+accountaccess_component_invited = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 266
+accountaccess_component_active_status = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 267
+accountaccess_component_banned_status = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 312
+accountaccess_component_passwords_too_long = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 317
+accountaccess_component_passwords_dont_match = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 321
+accountaccess_component_invalid_username = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 325
+accountaccess_component_user_exists = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 354
+accountaccess_component_user_added = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 363
+accountaccess_component_user_doesnt_exist = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 370
+accountaccess_component_cant_edit_public_user = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 412
+accountaccess_component_passwords_dont_match = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 418
+accountaccess_component_user_updated = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 424
+accountaccess_component_user_filter_group = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 428
+accountaccess_component_user_filter_role = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 439
+accountaccess_component_username_doesnt_exists = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 444
+accountaccess_component_cant_delete_builtin = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 449
+accountaccess_component_user_deleted = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 458
+accountaccess_component_username_doesnt_exists = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 463
+accountaccess_component_rolename_doesnt_exists = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 469
+accountaccess_component_rolename_already_added = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 475
+accountaccess_component_rolename_added = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 485
+accountaccess_component_username_doesnt_exists = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 490
+accountaccess_component_groupname_doesnt_exists = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 496
+accountaccess_component_groupname_already_added = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 504
+accountaccess_component_groupname_added = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 514
+accountaccess_component_username_doesnt_exists = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 519
+accountaccess_component_rolename_doesnt_exists = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 528
+accountaccess_component_rolename_deleted = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 538
+accountaccess_component_username_doesnt_exists = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 543
+accountaccess_component_groupname_doesnt_exists = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 552
+accountaccess_component_group_deleted = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 569
+accountaccess_component_username_doesnt_exists = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 575
+accountaccess_component_userstatus_updated = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 733
+accountaccess_component_select_activityname = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 759
+accountaccess_component_rolename_doesnt_exists = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 775
+accountaccess_component_activity_added = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 784
+accountaccess_component_rolename_exists = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 790
+accountaccess_component_rolename_added = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 794
+accountaccess_component_rolename_blank = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 803
+accountaccess_component_rolename_doesnt_exists = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 821
+accountaccess_component_activity_deleted = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 829
+accountaccess_component_rolename_doesnt_exists = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 835
+accountaccess_component_rolename_deleted = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 867
+accountaccess_component_role_updated = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 85
+crawl_component_starting_new_crawl = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 102
+crawl_component_stop_crawl = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 131
+crawl_component_resume_crawl = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 140
+crawl_component_delete_crawl_success = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 144
+crawl_component_delete_crawl_fail = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 153
+crawl_component_set_index = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 187
+crawl_component_no_description = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 334
+crawl_component_use_below = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 335
+crawl_component_use_defaults = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 338
+crawl_component_use_below = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 342
+crawl_component_previous_crawl = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 413
+crawl_component_added_urls = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 427
+crawl_component_add_suggest = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 431
+crawl_component_no_new_suggests = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 478
+crawl_component_breadth_first = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 480
+crawl_component_page_importance = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 545
+crawl_component_added_urls = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 555
+crawl_component_urls_injected = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 565
+crawl_component_update_seed_info = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 620
+crawl_component_new_classifier = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 624
+crawl_component_classifier_exists = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 647
+crawl_component_classifier_deleted = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 651
+crawl_component_no_classifier = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 662
+crawl_component_no_classifier = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 680
+crawl_component_finalizing_classifier = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 707
+crawl_component_finalizing_classifier = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 753
+crawl_component_classifier_exists = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 762
+crawl_component_load_failed = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 764
+crawl_component_loading = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 766
+crawl_component_added_examples = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 768
+crawl_component_label_update_failed = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 770
+crawl_component_updating = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 772
+crawl_component_acc_update_failed = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 774
+crawl_component_na = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 776
+crawl_component_no_docs = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 778
+crawl_component_num_docs = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 780
+crawl_component_in_class = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 782
+crawl_component_not_in_class = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 784
+crawl_component_skip = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 786
+crawl_component_prediction = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 788
+crawl_component_scores = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 830
+crawl_component_use_below = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 831
+crawl_component_use_defaults = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 833
+crawl_component_use_below = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 841
+crawl_component_recrawl_never = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 842
+crawl_component_recrawl_1day = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 843
+crawl_component_recrawl_2day = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 844
+crawl_component_recrawl_3day = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 845
+crawl_component_recrawl_7day = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 846
+crawl_component_recrawl_14day = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 854
+crawl_component_basic = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 855
+crawl_component_centroid = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1141
+crawl_component_page_options_updated = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1169
+crawl_component_page_options_running_tests = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1348
+crawl_component_results_editor_update = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1363
+crawl_component_edited_pages = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1376
+crawl_component_results_editor_need_url = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1382
+crawl_component_results_editor_page_updated = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1395
+crawl_component_results_editor_page_loaded = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1426
+crawl_component_media_kind = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1427
+crawl_component_video = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1428
+crawl_component_rss_feed = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1429
+crawl_component_html_feed = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1443
+crawl_component_sources_indexes = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1499
+crawl_component_no_source_type = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1512
+crawl_component_missing_type = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1526
+crawl_component_invalid_url = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1533
+crawl_component_missing_fields = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1550
+crawl_component_media_source_added = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1563
+crawl_component_missing_fields = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1571
+crawl_component_subsearch_added = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1577
+crawl_component_no_delete_source = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1583
+crawl_component_media_source_deleted = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1590
+crawl_component_no_delete_source = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1597
+crawl_component_subsearch_deleted = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1632
+crawl_component_subsearch_updated = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1707
+crawl_component_media_source_updated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 85
+social_component_request_join = ""
+; social_component.php line: 86
+social_component_invited = ""
+; social_component.php line: 87
+social_component_active_status = ""
+; social_component.php line: 88
+social_component_banned_status = ""
+; social_component.php line: 91
+social_component_no_join = ""
+; social_component.php line: 92
+social_component_by_request = ""
+; social_component.php line: 93
+social_component_public_request = ""
+; social_component.php line: 94
+social_component_public_join = ""
+; social_component.php line: 97
+social_component_private = ""
+; social_component.php line: 98
+social_component_read = ""
+; social_component.php line: 99
+social_component_read_comment = ""
+; social_component.php line: 100
+social_component_read_write = ""
+; social_component.php line: 101
+social_component_read_wiki = ""
+; social_component.php line: 104
+social_component_no_voting = ""
+; social_component.php line: 105
+social_component_up_voting = ""
+; social_component.php line: 106
+social_component_up_down_voting = ""
+; social_component.php line: 109
+social_component_forever = ""
+; social_component.php line: 110
+social_component_one_hour = ""
+; social_component.php line: 111
+social_component_one_day = ""
+; social_component.php line: 112
+social_component_one_month = ""
+; social_component.php line: 181
+accountaccess_component_user_activated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 186
+accountaccess_component_no_user_activated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 204
+social_component_joined = ""
+; social_component.php line: 208
+social_component_groupname_unavailable = ""
+; social_component.php line: 213
+social_component_name_available = ""
+; social_component.php line: 228
+social_component_user_banned = ""
+; social_component.php line: 233
+social_component_no_user_banned = ""
+; social_component.php line: 254
+social_component_owner_changed = ""
+; social_component.php line: 259
+social_component_not_in_group = ""
+; social_component.php line: 265
+social_component_not_a_user = ""
+; social_component.php line: 275
+social_component_groupname_exists = ""
+; social_component.php line: 302
+social_component_groupname_added = ""
+; social_component.php line: 311
+social_component_groupname_doesnt_exists = ""
+; social_component.php line: 318
+social_component_group_deleted = ""
+; social_component.php line: 322
+social_component_no_delete_group = ""
+; social_component.php line: 335
+social_component_user_deleted = ""
+; social_component.php line: 340
+social_component_no_delete_user_group = ""
+; social_component.php line: 390
+social_component_users_invited = ""
+; social_component.php line: 395
+social_component_no_users_invited = ""
+; social_component.php line: 411
+social_component_joined = ""
+; social_component.php line: 415
+social_component_no_unsubscribe = ""
+; social_component.php line: 457
+social_component_user_reinstated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 462
+social_component_no_user_reinstated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 469
+social_component_request_join = ""
+; social_component.php line: 471
+social_component_invited = ""
+; social_component.php line: 473
+social_component_banned_status = ""
+; social_component.php line: 490
+social_component_unsubscribe = ""
+; social_component.php line: 495
+social_component_no_unsubscribe = ""
+; social_component.php line: 538
+social_component_group_joined = ""
+; social_component.php line: 540
+social_component_group_request_join = ""
+; social_component.php line: 556
+social_component_activate_group = ""
+; social_component.php line: 563
+social_component_activate_body = ""
+; social_component.php line: 567
+social_component_notify_closing = ""
+; social_component.php line: 568
+social_component_notify_signature = ""
+; social_component.php line: 639
+social_component_no_permission = ""
+; social_component.php line: 652
+social_component_group_updated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 660
+social_component_unknown_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 668
+social_component_group_filter_users = ""
+; social_component.php line: 759
+social_component_comment_error = ""
+; social_component.php line: 763
+social_component_no_comment = ""
+; social_component.php line: 775
+social_component_no_post_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 781
+social_component_no_post_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 785
+social_component_join_group = ""
+; social_component.php line: 788
+social_component_join_group_detail = ""
+; social_component.php line: 803
+social_component_upload_error = ""
+; social_component.php line: 816
+social_component_thread_notification = ""
+; social_component.php line: 818
+social_component_notify_body = ""
+; social_component.php line: 821
+social_component_notify_closing = ""
+; social_component.php line: 822
+social_component_notify_signature = ""
+; social_component.php line: 824
+social_component_notify_salutation = ""
+; social_component.php line: 831
+social_component_comment_added = ""
+; social_component.php line: 841
+social_component_groupname_cant_add = ""
+; social_component.php line: 847
+social_component_delete_error = ""
+; social_component.php line: 868
+social_component_item_deleted = ""
+; social_component.php line: 871
+social_component_no_item_deleted = ""
+; social_component.php line: 879
+social_component_vote_error = ""
+; social_component.php line: 888
+social_component_no_vote_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 893
+social_component_no_post_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 897
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+; social_component.php line: 2214
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+; social_component.php line: 2393
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+; social_component.php line: 2396
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+; social_component.php line: 2443
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+; system_component.php line: 79
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+; system_component.php line: 160
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+; system_component.php line: 187
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+; system_component.php line: 208
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+; system_component.php line: 212
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+; system_component.php line: 275
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+; system_component.php line: 308
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+; system_component.php line: 386
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+; system_component.php line: 393
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+; system_component.php line: 400
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+; system_component.php line: 405
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+; system_component.php line: 411
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+; system_component.php line: 440
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+; system_component.php line: 470
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+; system_component.php line: 481
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+; system_component.php line: 598
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+; system_component.php line: 600
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+; system_component.php line: 602
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+; system_component.php line: 604
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+; system_component.php line: 669
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+; system_component.php line: 673
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+; system_component.php line: 678
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+; system_component.php line: 680
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+; system_component.php line: 685
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+; system_component.php line: 710
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+; system_component.php line: 713
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+; system_component.php line: 780
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+; system_component.php line: 785
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+; system_component.php line: 810
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+; system_component.php line: 821
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+; system_component.php line: 846
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+; system_component.php line: 871
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+; system_component.php line: 907
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+; system_component.php line: 939
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+; system_component.php line: 988
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+; system_component.php line: 1025
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+; system_component.php line: 1091
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+; system_component.php line: 1109
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+; system_component.php line: 1148
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+; machine_controller.php line: 172
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+; register_controller.php line: 336
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+; register_controller.php line: 373
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+; register_controller.php line: 374
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+; register_controller.php line: 416
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+; register_controller.php line: 429
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+; register_controller.php line: 432
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+; register_controller.php line: 480
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+; register_controller.php line: 489
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+; register_controller.php line: 493
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+; register_controller.php line: 559
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+; register_controller.php line: 576
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+; register_controller.php line: 598
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+; register_controller.php line: 1010
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+; register_controller.php line: 1036
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+; register_controller.php line: 1064
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+; register_controller.php line: 1067
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+; register_controller.php line: 1074
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+; search_controller.php line: 235
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+; search_controller.php line: 295
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+; search_controller.php line: 1395
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+; search_controller.php line: 1401
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+; search_controller.php line: 1477
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+; search_controller.php line: 1908
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+; search_controller.php line: 1939
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+; search_controller.php line: 1940
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+; settings_controller.php line: 115
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+; settings_controller.php line: 130
+settings_controller_settings_saved = ""
+; static_controller.php line: 67
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+; static_controller.php line: 145
+static_controller_complete_title = ""
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/sq_data/app/controllers
+; main_controller.php line: 87
+search_controller_logout_successful = ""
+; main_controller.php line: 112
+main_controller_download = ""
+; main_controller.php line: 129
+main_controller_missing_fields = ""
+; main_controller.php line: 164
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+; main_controller.php line: 165
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+; main_controller.php line: 178
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+; main_controller.php line: 187
+main_controller_expired_url = ""
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/seek_quarry//views
+; admin_view.php line: 70
+admin_view_admin = ""
+; admin_view.php line: 89
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+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 52
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+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 53
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+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 58
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+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 62
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+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 66
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+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 70
+managecrawls_element_stop_crawl = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 74
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+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 77
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+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 80
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+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 88
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+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 96
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+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 99
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+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 107
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+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 109
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+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 114
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+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 116
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+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 122
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+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 124
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+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 127
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+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 132
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+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 136
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+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 141
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+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 144
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+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 149
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+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 152
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+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 160
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+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 176
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+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 180
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+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 190
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+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 193
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+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 203
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+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 206
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+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 207
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+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 211
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+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 222
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+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 238
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+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 240
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+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 247
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+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 250
+crawlstatus_view_search_index = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 257
+crawlstatus_view_delete = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 265
+crawlstatus_view_no_previous_crawl = ""
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/seek_quarry//views/elements
+; activity_element.php line: 54
+activity_element_activities = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 76
+configure_element_work_directory = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 82
+configure_element_load_or_create = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 100
+configure_element_component_check = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 104
+configure_element_profile_settings = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 107
+configure_element_toggle_advanced = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 114
+configure_element_default_language = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 121
+configure_element_debug_display = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 126
+configure_element_error_info = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 131
+configure_element_query_info = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 136
+configure_element_test_info = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 141
+configure_element_site_access = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 146
+configure_element_web_access = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 151
+configure_element_rss_access = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 156
+configure_element_api_access = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 161
+configure_element_customizations = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 163
+configure_element_use_wiki_landing = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 170
+configure_element_background_color = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 178
+configure_element_background_image = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 185
+configure_element_background_image = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 194
+configure_element_foreground_color = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 200
+configure_element_topbar_color = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 206
+configure_element_sidebar_color = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 214
+configure_element_site_logo = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 221
+configure_element_site_logo = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 232
+configure_element_mobile_logo = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 239
+configure_element_mobile_logo = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 250
+configure_element_favicon = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 257
+configure_element_favicon = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 267
+configure_element_toolbar = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 278
+configure_element_site_timezone = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 284
+configure_element_cookie_name = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 290
+configure_element_token_name = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 296
+configure_element_auxiliary_css = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 304
+configure_element_reset_customizations = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 311
+configure_element_crawl_robot = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 313
+configure_element_robot_name = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 321
+configure_element_robot_instance = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 328
+configure_element_robot_description = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 338
+serversettings_element_submit = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 55
+crawloptions_element_back_to_manage = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 58
+crawloptions_element_modify_active_crawl = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 60
+crawloptions_element_edit_crawl_options = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 83
+crawloptions_element_web_crawl = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 93
+crawloptions_element_archive_crawl = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 100
+crawloptions_element_load_options = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 105
+crawloptions_element_crawl_order = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 114
+crawloptions_element_restrict_by_url = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 122
+crawloptions_element_allowed_to_crawl = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 129
+crawloptions_element_disallowed_and_quota_sites = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 140
+crawloptions_element_seed_sites = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 144
+crawloptions_element_add_suggest_urls = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 155
+crawloptions_element_inject_sites = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 159
+crawloptions_element_add_suggest_urls = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 176
+crawloptions_element_reindex_crawl = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 185
+crawloptions_element_need_api_for_mix = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 193
+crawloptions_element_save_options = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 58
+editclassifier_back = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 60
+editclassifier_edit_classifier = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 72
+editclassifier_classifier_label = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 77
+editclassifier_change = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 82
+editclassifier_statistics = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 83
+editclassifier_positive_examples = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 86
+editclassifier_negative_examples = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 89
+editclassifier_accuracy = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 94
+crawl_component_na = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 99
+editclassifier_update = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 100
+editclassifier_add_examples = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 109
+editclassifier_source = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 113
+editclassifier_default_crawl = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 123
+editclassifier_label_by_hand = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 125
+editclassifier_all_in_class = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 127
+editclassifier_none_in_class = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 132
+editclassifier_keywords = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 141
+editclassifier_load = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 147
+editclassifier_finalize = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 155
+editclassifier_no_documents = ""
+; editlocales_element.php line: 55
+editlocales_element_back_to_manage = ""
+; editlocales_element.php line: 57
+editlocales_element_edit_locale = ""
+; editlocales_element.php line: 71
+editlocales_element_show = ""
+; editlocales_element.php line: 75
+editlocales_element_filter = ""
+; editlocales_element.php line: 82
+editlocales_element_go = ""
+; editlocales_element.php line: 86
+editlocales_element_no_matching = ""
+; editlocales_element.php line: 119
+editlocales_element_submit = ""
+; editmix_element.php line: 51
+editmix_element_back_to_mix = ""
+; editmix_element.php line: 53
+mixcrawls_element_edit_mix = ""
+; editmix_element.php line: 64
+mixcrawls_element_mix_name = ""
+; editmix_element.php line: 70
+mixcrawls_element_mix_components = ""
+; editmix_element.php line: 77
+mixcrawls_element_too_many = ""
+; editmix_element.php line: 79
+mixcrawls_element_add_fragment = ""
+; editmix_element.php line: 85
+mixcrawls_element_save_button = ""
+; footer_element.php line: 59
+footer_element_blog = ""
+; footer_element.php line: 61
+footer_element_privacy = ""
+; footer_element.php line: 63
+footer_element_terms = ""
+; footer_element.php line: 65
+footer_element_tools = ""
+; footer_element.php line: 67
+footer_element_bot = ""
+; footer_element.php line: 72
+footer_element_developed_seek_quarry = ""
+; footer_element.php line: 75
+footer_element_copyright_yioop = ""
+; footer_element.php line: 77
+footer_element_php_search_engine = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 91
+groupfeed_element_add_group = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 95
+groupfeed_element_request_add = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 122
+groupfeed_element_wiki_page = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 124
+groupfeed_element_back = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 127
+groupfeed_element_back = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 136
+groupfeed_element_group_activity = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 140
+groupfeed_element_wiki_thread = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 159
+groupfeed_element_feed = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 163
+group_view_wiki = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 165
+groupfeed_element_user = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 206
+groupfeed_element_comment = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 238
+manageaccount_element_group_wiki = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 239
+manageaccount_element_group_stats = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 244
+manageaccount_element_last_post = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 286
+groupfeed_element_comment = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 297
+groupfeed_element_start_thread = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 311
+groupfeed_element_start_thread = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 317
+groupfeed_element_no_posts_yet = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 323
+groupfeed_element_thread_no_exist = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 358
+groupfeed_element_edit = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 363
+groupfeed_element_delete = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 385
+groupfeed_element_num_posts = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 395
+groupfeed_element_num_views = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 420
+groupfeed_element_start_thread_in_group = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 422
+groupfeed_element_start_thread_in_group = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 436
+groupfeed_element_last_edited = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 452
+groupfeed_element_post_vote = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 479
+groupfeed_element_last_post_info = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 494
+groupfeed_element_comment = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 547
+fileupload_helper_drag_textarea = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 548
+fileupload_helper_click_textarea = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 572
+groupfeed_element_add_comment = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 586
+groupfeed_element_save = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 625
+groupfeed_element_subject = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 632
+groupfeed_element_post = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 645
+groupfeed_element_save = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 681
+groupfeed_element_edit_post = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 684
+groupfeed_element_subject = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 690
+groupfeed_element_post = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 703
+groupfeed_element_save = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 732
+groupfeed_element_no_longer_update = ""
+; machinelog_element.php line: 54
+machinelog_element_back_to_manage = ""
+; machinelog_element.php line: 59
+machinelog_element_filter = ""
+; machinelog_element.php line: 66
+machinelog_element_log_file = ""
+; machinelog_element.php line: 71
+machinelog_element_refresh_off = ""
+; machinelog_element.php line: 76
+machinelog_element_refresh_on = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 60
+manageaccount_element_lock = ""
+manageaccount_element_edit = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 67
+manageaccount_element_welcome = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 69
+manageaccount_element_what_can_do = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 71
+manageaccount_element_account_details = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 100
+manageaccounts_element_icon = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 110
+manageusers_element_username = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 117
+manageusers_element_firstname = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 123
+manageusers_element_lastname = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 129
+manageusers_element_email = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 138
+manageaccount_element_password = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 145
+manageaccount_element_new_password = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 151
+manageaccount_element_retype_password = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 163
+manageaccount_element_save = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 169
+manageaccount_element_search_lang_settings = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 174
+manageaccount_element_crawl_and_index = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 175
+manageaccount_element_crawl_info = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 176
+manageaccount_element_num_crawls = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 179
+manageaccount_element_manage_crawls = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 185
+manageaccount_element_groups_and_feeds = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 186
+manageaccount_element_group_info = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 188
+manageaccount_element_num_groups = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 191
+manageaccount_element_num_group = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 203
+manageaccount_element_group_wiki = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 204
+manageaccount_element_group_stats = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 209
+manageaccount_element_last_post = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 219
+manageaccount_element_manage_all_groups = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 221
+manageaccount_element_go_to_group_feed = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 223
+manageaccount_element_crawl_mixes = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 224
+manageaccount_element_mixes_info = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 226
+manageaccount_element_num_mixes = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 229
+manageaccount_element_num_mix = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 233
+manageaccount_element_manage_mixes = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 61
+manageclassifiers_available_classifiers = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 69
+manageclassifiers_label_col = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 72
+manageclassifiers_positive_col = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 74
+manageclassifiers_negative_col = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 80
+manageclassifiers_actions_col = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 99
+manageclassifiers_edit = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 102
+manageclassifiers_finalized = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 109
+manageclassifiers_finalize = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 111
+manageclassifiers_finalize = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 115
+manageclassifiers_finalizing = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 119
+confirm_delete_operation = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 123
+manageclassifiers_delete = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 156
+manageclassifiers_manage_classifiers = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 166
+manageclassifiers_classifier_name = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 171
+manageclassifiers_create_button = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 186
+manageclassifiers_element_search = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 187
+manageclassifiers_element_create_form = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 189
+manageclassifiers_classifier_name = ""
+; managecrawls_element.php line: 49
+managecrawls_element_create_crawl = ""
+; managecrawls_element.php line: 58
+managecrawls_element_description = ""
+; managecrawls_element.php line: 65
+managecrawls_element_start_new_crawl = ""
+; managecrawls_element.php line: 69
+managecrawls_element_options = ""
+; managecrawls_element.php line: 75
+managecrawls_element_awaiting_status = ""
+; managecrawls_element.php line: 93
+managecrawls_element_up_longer_update = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 67
+managegroups_element_not_my_groups = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 69
+managegroups_element_groups = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 78
+managegroups_element_groupname = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 79
+managegroups_element_groupowner = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 81
+managegroups_element_registertype = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 82
+managegroups_element_memberaccess = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 83
+managegroups_element_voting = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 84
+managegroups_element_post_lifetime = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 87
+managegroups_element_actions = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 201
+manageaccount_element_group_wiki = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 216
+managegroups_element_join = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 220
+managegroups_element_edit = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 225
+managegroups_element_edit = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 230
+managegroups_element_delete = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 236
+managegroups_element_join = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 241
+managegroups_element_join = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 250
+managegroups_element_decline = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 252
+managegroups_element_unsubscribe = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 257
+confirm_delete_operation = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 260
+managegroups_element_delete = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 289
+managegroups_element_addgroup_form = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 290
+managegroups_element_group_info = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 292
+managegroups_element_create_group = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 296
+managegroups_element_add_group = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 313
+managegroups_element_groupname = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 324
+managegroups_element_browse = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 335
+managegroups_element_register = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 342
+managegroups_element_memberaccess = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 349
+managegroups_element_voting = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 356
+managegroups_element_post_lifetime = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 368
+managegroups_element_group_users = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 372
+managegroups_element_num_users = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 398
+managegroups_element_groupowner = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 400
+managegroups_element_delete = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 410
+managegroups_element_activate = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 416
+managegroups_element_ban = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 422
+managegroups_element_unban = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 430
+managegroups_element_delete = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 459
+managegroups_element_filter = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 480
+managegroups_element_invite = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 491
+managegroups_element_save = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 520
+managegroups_element_group_info = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 521
+managegroups_element_invite_users_group = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 533
+managegroups_element_groupname = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 541
+managegroups_element_usernames = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 548
+managegroups_element_invite = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 566
+managegroups_element_addgroup_form = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 567
+managegroups_element_transfer_group_owner = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 580
+managegroups_element_groupname = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 588
+managegroups_element_new_group_owner = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 595
+managegroups_element_change_owner = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 614
+managegroups_element_discover_groups = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 618
+managegroups_element_search_group = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 620
+managegroups_element_addgroup_form = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 622
+managegroups_element_groupname = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 623
+managegroups_element_groupowner = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 624
+managegroups_element_registertype = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 626
+managegroups_element_memberaccess = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 628
+managegroups_element_post_lifetime = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 59
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+; managelocales_element.php line: 69
+managelocales_element_localename = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 72
+managelocales_element_localetag = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 73
+managelocales_element_writingmode = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 75
+managelocales_element_enabled = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 80
+managelocales_element_percenttranslated = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 81
+managelocales_element_actions = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 101
+managelocales_element_true = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 102
+managelocales_element_false = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 109
+managelocales_element_edit = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 114
+confirm_delete_operation = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 115
+managelocales_element_delete = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 135
+manageloecales_element_add_locale_form = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 136
+managelocales_element_locale_info = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 138
+managelocales_element_add_locale = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 160
+managelocales_element_localenamelabel = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 173
+managelocales_element_localetaglabel = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 179
+managelocales_element_writingmodelabel = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 189
+managelocales_element_localeenabled = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 200
+managelocales_element_submit = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 218
+managelocales_element_search_locales = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 219
+managelocales_element_addlocale_form = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 221
+managelocales_element_localename = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 222
+managelocales_element_localetag = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 223
+managelocales_element_writingmode = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 224
+managelocales_element_enabled = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 230
+managelocales_element_true = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 231
+managelocales_element_false = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 51
+managemachines_element_add_machine = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 63
+managemachines_element_machine_name = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 68
+managemachines_element_machineurl = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 73
+managemachines_element_is_mirror = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 78
+managemachines_element_parent_name = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 84
+managemachines_element_has_queueserver = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 88
+managemachines_element_num_fetchers = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 93
+managemachines_element_submit = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 98
+managemachines_element_machine_info = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 104
+managemachines_element_awaiting_status = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 123
+managemachines_element_no_longer_update = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 56
+manageroles_element_roles = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 64
+manageroles_element_rolename = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 66
+manageroles_element_actions = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 91
+manageroles_element_edit = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 96
+manageroles_element_delete = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 100
+confirm_delete_operation = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 103
+manageroles_element_delete = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 136
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+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/seek_quarry//views/helpers
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+wiki_view_edit = ""
+; helpbutton_helper.php line: 121
+wiki_view_not_available = ""
+; helpbutton_helper.php line: 123
+wiki_view_create_edit = ""
+; helpbutton_helper.php line: 125
+wiki_view_page_no_exist = ""
+; helpbutton_helper.php line: 127
+wiki_view_read = ""
+; images_helper.php line: 56
+images_helper_view_image_results = ""
+; pagination_helper.php line: 99
+pagination_helper_previous = ""
+; pagination_helper.php line: 122
+pagination_helper_next = ""
+; pagingtable_helper.php line: 103
+pagingtable_helper_search = ""
+; pagingtable_helper.php line: 125
+pagingtable_helper_show = ""
+; pagingtable_helper.php line: 138
+pagingtable_helper_row_range = ""
+; pagingtable_helper.php line: 214
+pagingtable_helper_row_range = ""
+; pagingtable_helper.php line: 232
+pagingtable_helper_show = ""
+; pagingtable_helper.php line: 240
+pagingtable_helper_search = ""
+; searchform_helper.php line: 120
+searchform_helper_any = ""
+; searchform_helper.php line: 149
+searchform_helper_search = ""
+; toggle_helper.php line: 63
+toggle_helper_on = ""
+; toggle_helper.php line: 65
+toggle_helper_off = ""
+; toggle_helper.php line: 69
+toggle_helper_on = ""
+; toggle_helper.php line: 71
+toggle_helper_off = ""
+; toggle_helper.php line: 75
+toggle_helper_on = ""
+; toggle_helper.php line: 77
+toggle_helper_off = ""
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/seek_quarry//views/layouts
+; rss_layout.php line: 60
+rss_layout_title = ""
+; rss_layout.php line: 68
+rss_layout_description = ""
+; web_layout.php line: 61
+web_layout_title = ""
+; web_layout.php line: 71
+web_layout_description = ""
+; web_layout.php line: 74
+web_layout_site_author = ""
+; web_layout.php line: 214
+web_layout_query_statistics = ""
+; web_layout.php line: 218
+web_layout_total_elapsed_time = ""
+; web_layout.php line: 223
+web_layout_query_time = ""
+; machinestatus_view.php line: 52
+machinestatus_view_no_monitored = ""
+; machinestatus_view.php line: 57
+machinestatus_name_server = ""
+; machinestatus_view.php line: 72
+machinestatus_view_media_updater = ""
+; machinestatus_view.php line: 74
+machinestatus_view_log = ""
+; machinestatus_view.php line: 101
+confirm_delete_operation = ""
+; machinestatus_view.php line: 102
+machinestatus_view_delete = ""
+; machinestatus_view.php line: 117
+machinestatus_view_not_configured = ""
+; machinestatus_view.php line: 125
+machinestatus_view_mirrors = ""
+; machinestatus_view.php line: 128
+machinestatus_view_log = ""
+; machinestatus_view.php line: 141
+machinestatus_view_queue_server = ""
+; machinestatus_view.php line: 143
+machinestatus_view_log = ""
+; machinestatus_view.php line: 152
+machinestatus_view_no_queue_server = ""
+; machinestatus_view.php line: 155
+machinestatus_view_no_fetchers = ""
+; machinestatus_view.php line: 165
+machinestatus_view_fetchers = ""
+; machinestatus_view.php line: 175
+machinestatus_view_log = ""
+; nocache_view.php line: 54
+nocache_view_no_cache = ""
+; nocache_view.php line: 59
+nocache_view_summary_contents = ""
+; recover_view.php line: 69
+recover_view_recover_password = ""
+; recover_view.php line: 105
+register_view_new_password = ""
+; recover_view.php line: 117
+register_view_retypepassword = ""
+; recover_view.php line: 132
+recover_view_username = ""
+; recover_view.php line: 147
+register_view_account_recovery = ""
+; recover_view.php line: 154
+register_view_human_check = ""
+; recover_view.php line: 187
+register_view_human_check = ""
+; recover_view.php line: 206
+recover_view_recover_password = ""
+; recover_view.php line: 216
+signin_view_return_yioop = ""
+; register_view.php line: 74
+register_view_question0_most = ""
+; register_view.php line: 75
+register_view_question0_least = ""
+; register_view.php line: 76
+register_view_question0_choices = ""
+; register_view.php line: 77
+register_view_question1_most = ""
+; register_view.php line: 78
+register_view_question1_least = ""
+; register_view.php line: 79
+register_view_question1_choices = ""
+; register_view.php line: 80
+register_view_question2_most = ""
+; register_view.php line: 81
+register_view_question2_least = ""
+; register_view.php line: 82
+register_view_question2_choices = ""
+; register_view.php line: 83
+register_view_question3_most = ""
+; register_view.php line: 84
+register_view_question3_least = ""
+; register_view.php line: 85
+register_view_question3_choices = ""
+; register_view.php line: 86
+register_view_question4_most = ""
+; register_view.php line: 87
+register_view_question4_least = ""
+; register_view.php line: 88
+register_view_question4_choices = ""
+; register_view.php line: 89
+register_view_question5_most = ""
+; register_view.php line: 90
+register_view_question5_least = ""
+; register_view.php line: 91
+register_view_question5_choices = ""
+; register_view.php line: 92
+register_view_question6_most = ""
+; register_view.php line: 93
+register_view_question6_least = ""
+; register_view.php line: 94
+register_view_question6_choices = ""
+; register_view.php line: 95
+register_view_question7_most = ""
+; register_view.php line: 96
+register_view_question7_least = ""
+; register_view.php line: 97
+register_view_question7_choices = ""
+; register_view.php line: 98
+register_view_question8_most = ""
+; register_view.php line: 99
+register_view_question8_least = ""
+; register_view.php line: 100
+register_view_question8_choices = ""
+; register_view.php line: 101
+register_view_question9_most = ""
+; register_view.php line: 102
+register_view_question9_least = ""
+; register_view.php line: 103
+register_view_question9_choices = ""
+; register_view.php line: 106
+register_view_recovery1_more = ""
+; register_view.php line: 107
+register_view_recovery1_less = ""
+; register_view.php line: 108
+register_view_recovery1_choices = ""
+; register_view.php line: 109
+register_view_recovery2_more = ""
+; register_view.php line: 110
+register_view_recovery2_less = ""
+; register_view.php line: 111
+register_view_recovery2_choices = ""
+; register_view.php line: 112
+register_view_recovery3_more = ""
+; register_view.php line: 113
+register_view_recovery3_less = ""
+; register_view.php line: 114
+register_view_recovery3_choices = ""
+; register_view.php line: 115
+register_view_recovery4_more = ""
+; register_view.php line: 116
+register_view_recovery4_less = ""
+; register_view.php line: 117
+register_view_recovery4_choices = ""
+; register_view.php line: 118
+register_view_recovery5_more = ""
+; register_view.php line: 119
+register_view_recovery5_less = ""
+; register_view.php line: 120
+register_view_recovery5_choices = ""
+; register_view.php line: 121
+register_view_recovery6_more = ""
+; register_view.php line: 122
+register_view_recovery6_less = ""
+; register_view.php line: 123
+register_view_recovery6_choices = ""
+; register_view.php line: 152
+register_view_create_account = ""
+; register_view.php line: 189
+register_view_firstname = ""
+; register_view.php line: 204
+register_view_lastname = ""
+; register_view.php line: 219
+register_view_username = ""
+; register_view.php line: 232
+register_view_email = ""
+; register_view.php line: 246
+register_view_password = ""
+; register_view.php line: 261
+register_view_retypepassword = ""
+; register_view.php line: 277
+register_view_account_recovery = ""
+; register_view.php line: 281
+register_view_human_check = ""
+; register_view.php line: 283
+register_view_account_recovery = ""
+; register_view.php line: 315
+register_view_human_check = ""
+; register_view.php line: 330
+register_view_i_agree = ""
+; register_view.php line: 332
+register_view_terms = ""
+; register_view.php line: 334
+register_view_and = ""
+; register_view.php line: 336
+register_view_privacy = ""
+; register_view.php line: 337
+register_view_period = ""
+; register_view.php line: 347
+register_view_create_account = ""
+; register_view.php line: 357
+signin_view_return_yioop = ""
+; search_view.php line: 86
+search_view_title = ""
+; search_view.php line: 113
+search_view_input_label = ""
+; search_view.php line: 117
+search_view_input_placeholder = ""
+; search_view.php line: 120
+search_view_search = "Pesquisa"
+; search_view.php line: 147
+search_view_no_index_set = ""
+; search_view.php line: 152
+search_view_more_statistics = ""
+; search_view.php line: 190
+search_view_calculated = ""
+; search_view.php line: 191
+search_view_results = ""
+; search_view.php line: 212
+search_view_thesaurus_results = ""
+; search_view.php line: 321
+search_view_word_cloud = ""
+; search_view.php line: 366
+search_view_cache = ""
+; search_view.php line: 369
+search_view_as_text = ""
+; search_view.php line: 382
+search_view_similar = ""
+; search_view.php line: 394
+search_view_inlink = ""
+; search_view.php line: 414
+search_view_rank = ""
+; search_view.php line: 416
+search_view_relevancy = ""
+; search_view.php line: 418
+search_view_proximity = ""
+; search_view.php line: 422
+search_view_thesaurus_score = ""
+; search_view.php line: 431
+search_view_score = ""
+; settings_view.php line: 66
+settings_view_settings = ""
+; settings_view.php line: 73
+settings_view_results_per_page = ""
+; settings_view.php line: 79
+settings_view_open_in_tabs = ""
+; settings_view.php line: 86
+settings_view_search_index = ""
+; settings_view.php line: 92
+settings_view_language_label = ""
+; settings_view.php line: 108
+settings_view_return_yioop = ""
+; settings_view.php line: 111
+settings_view_save = ""
+; settings_view.php line: 119
+settings_install_search_plugin = ""
+; signin_view.php line: 65
+signin_view_signin = ""
+; signin_view.php line: 78
+sigin_view_signing_in = ""
+; signin_view.php line: 81
+sigin_view_login_failed = ""
+; signin_view.php line: 89
+signin_view_username = ""
+; signin_view.php line: 96
+signin_view_password = ""
+; signin_view.php line: 107
+signin_view_login = ""
+; signin_view.php line: 122
+signin_view_recover_password = ""
+; signin_view.php line: 127
+signin_view_create_account = ""
+; signin_view.php line: 132
+signin_view_return_yioop = ""
+; static_view.php line: 71
+static_view_title = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 63
+statistics_view_statistics = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 68
+statistics_view_calculating = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 82
+statistics_view_error_codes = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 83
+statistics_view_sizes = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 84
+statistics_view_links_per_page = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 85
+statistics_view_page_date = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 86
+statistics_view_dns_time = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 87
+statistics_view_download_time = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 88
+statistics_view_top_level_domain = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 89
+statistics_view_file_extension = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 90
+statistics_view_media_type = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 91
+statistics_view_language = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 92
+statistics_view_server = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 93
+statistics_view_os = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 97
+statistics_view_general_info = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 98
+statistics_view_description = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 100
+statistics_view_timestamp = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 102
+statistics_view_crawl_date = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 104
+statistics_view_pages = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 106
+statistics_view_url = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 109
+statistics_view_number_hosts = ""
+; suggest_view.php line: 68
+suggest_view_suggest_url = ""
+; suggest_view.php line: 70
+suggest_view_instructions = ""
+; suggest_view.php line: 94
+suggest_view_url = ""
+; suggest_view.php line: 110
+register_view_human_check = ""
+; suggest_view.php line: 144
+suggest_view_human_check = ""
+; suggest_view.php line: 167
+suggest_view_submit_url = ""
+; suggest_view.php line: 177
+signin_view_return_yioop = ""
+; view.php line: 32
+view_locale_version11 = ""
+; view.php line: 81
+view_logo_alt_text = ""
+; wiki_view.php line: 89
+wiki_view_read = ""
+; wiki_view.php line: 90
+wiki_view_edit = ""
+; wiki_view.php line: 93
+wiki_view_pages = ""
+; wiki_view.php line: 132
+wiki_view_feed = ""
+; wiki_view.php line: 133
+wiki_view_wiki = ""
+; wiki_view.php line: 157
+adminview_auto_logout_one_minute = ""
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/sq_data/app/views
+; download_view.php line: 62
+download_view_form = ""
+; download_view.php line: 73
+download_view_thank_you = ""
+; download_view.php line: 76
+download_view_full_name = ""
+; download_view.php line: 82
+download_view_email = ""
+; download_view.php line: 87
+download_view_business = ""
+; download_view.php line: 93
+download_view_interest = ""
+; download_view.php line: 100
+download_view_get_email = ""
+; download_view.php line: 106
+download_view_return_main = ""
+; download_view.php line: 120
+download_view_required_fields = ""
+; download_view.php line: 125
+download_view_name_required = ""
+; download_view.php line: 130
+download_view_valid_email = ""
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/seek_quarry//lib/indexing_plugins
+; wordfilter_plugin.php line: 353
+wordfilter_plugin_settings_saved = ""
+; wordfilter_plugin.php line: 362
+wordfilter_plugin_defaults_restored = ""
+; wordfilter_plugin.php line: 466
+wordfilter_plugin_preferences = ""
+; wordfilter_plugin.php line: 470
+wordfilter_plugin_factory_settings = ""
+; wordfilter_plugin.php line: 483
+wordfilter_plugin_save = ""
diff --git a/locale/pt/resources/locale.js b/locale/pt/resources/locale.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..00896cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/pt/resources/locale.js
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+ * SeekQuarry/Yioop --
+ * Open Source Pure PHP Search Engine, Crawler, and Indexer
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2009 - 2015  Chris Pollett
+ *
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+ *
+ *
+ * @author Chris Pollett
+ * @package seek_quarry
+ * @subpackage javascript
+ * @license GPL3
+ * @link
+ * @copyright 2009 - 2015s
+ * @filesource
+ */
+ * The alphabet for this locale
+ */
+var alpha = "aåàbcçdeéêfghiîïíjklmnnoôpqrstuûvwxyz";
+ * Transliteration maping for this locale
+ */
+var roman_array = {};
+ * To analyze the query and generate actual input query from the
+ * transliterated query
+ */
+function analyzeQuery()
diff --git a/locale/pt/resources/suggest_trie.txt.gz b/locale/pt/resources/suggest_trie.txt.gz
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..6381c1b
Binary files /dev/null and b/locale/pt/resources/suggest_trie.txt.gz differ
diff --git a/locale/pt/resources/tokenizer.php b/locale/pt/resources/tokenizer.php
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..afbbfc9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/pt/resources/tokenizer.php
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+ * SeekQuarry/Yioop --
+ * Open Source Pure PHP Search Engine, Crawler, and Indexer
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2009 - 2015  Chris Pollett
+ *
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+ *
+ * @author Chris Pollett
+ * @package seek_quarry
+ * @subpackage locale
+ * @license GPL3
+ * @link
+ * @copyright 2009 - 2015
+ * @filesource
+ */
+if(!defined('BASE_DIR')) {echo "BAD REQUEST"; exit();}
+ * Portuguese specific tokenization code. Typically, tokenizer.php
+ * either contains a stemmer for the language in question or
+ * it specifies how many characters in a char gram
+ *
+ * @author Chris Pollett
+ * @package seek_quarry
+ * @subpackage locale
+ */
+$GLOBALS['CHARGRAMS']['pl'] = 5;
diff --git a/locale/pt/resources1421450891old/locale.js b/locale/pt/resources1421450891old/locale.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..5317660
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/pt/resources1421450891old/locale.js
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+ * SeekQuarry/Yioop --
+ * Open Source Pure PHP Search Engine, Crawler, and Indexer
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2009 - 2014  Chris Pollett
+ *
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+ *
+ *
+ * @author Chris Pollett
+ * @package seek_quarry
+ * @subpackage javascript
+ * @license GPL3
+ * @link
+ * @copyright 2009 - 2014s
+ * @filesource
+ */
+ * The alphabet for this locale
+ */
+var alpha = "aåàbcçdeéêfghiîïíjklmnnoôpqrstuûvwxyz";
+ * Transliteration maping for this locale
+ */
+var roman_array = {};
+ * To analyze the query and generate actual input query from the
+ * transliterated query
+ */
+function analyzeQuery()
diff --git a/locale/pt/resources1421450891old/suggest_trie.txt.gz b/locale/pt/resources1421450891old/suggest_trie.txt.gz
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..6381c1b
Binary files /dev/null and b/locale/pt/resources1421450891old/suggest_trie.txt.gz differ
diff --git a/locale/pt/resources1421450891old/tokenizer.php b/locale/pt/resources1421450891old/tokenizer.php
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..2442581
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/pt/resources1421450891old/tokenizer.php
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+ * SeekQuarry/Yioop --
+ * Open Source Pure PHP Search Engine, Crawler, and Indexer
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2009 - 2014  Chris Pollett
+ *
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+ *
+ * @author Chris Pollett
+ * @package seek_quarry
+ * @subpackage locale
+ * @license GPL3
+ * @link
+ * @copyright 2009 - 2014
+ * @filesource
+ */
+if(!defined('BASE_DIR')) {echo "BAD REQUEST"; exit();}
+ * Portuguese specific tokenization code. Typically, tokenizer.php
+ * either contains a stemmer for the language in question or
+ * it specifies how many characters in a char gram
+ *
+ * @author Chris Pollett
+ * @package seek_quarry
+ * @subpackage locale
+ */
+$GLOBALS['CHARGRAMS']['pl'] = 5;
diff --git a/locale/pt/statistics.txt b/locale/pt/statistics.txt
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..8f66b5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/pt/statistics.txt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/locale/ru/configure.ini b/locale/ru/configure.ini
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9767a3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/ru/configure.ini
@@ -0,0 +1,4186 @@
+; ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
+;  SeekQuarry/Yioop Open Source Pure PHP Search Engine, Crawler, and Indexer
+;  Copyright (C) 2009 - 2015  Chris Pollett
+;  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;  (at your option) any later version.
+;  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;  GNU General Public License for more details.
+;  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;  along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+;  ***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****
+; configure.ini
+; ru configuration file
+; Strings to translate on various pages
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/seek_quarry//controllers
+; admin_controller.php line: 101
+admin_controller_need_cookies = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 150
+admin_controller_account_not_active = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 156
+admin_controller_login_successful = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 175
+admin_controller_no_back_button = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 189
+admin_controller_login_failed = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 195
+admin_controller_login_to_config = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 199
+admin_controller_status_updates_stopped = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 342
+admin_controller_account_access = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 343
+admin_controller_social = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 344
+admin_controller_crawl_settings = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 345
+admin_controller_system_settings = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 517
+admin_controller_equal = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 518
+admin_controller_not_equal = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 519
+admin_controller_contains = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 520
+admin_controller_begins_with = ""
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+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/seek_quarry//controllers/components
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 132
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+wiki_js_slide_sample_title = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2136
+wiki_js_slide_sample_bullet = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2138
+wiki_js_slide_resource_description = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2178
+social_component_select_crawl = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2179
+social_component_default_crawl = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2181
+social_component_select_crawl = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2183
+social_component_default_crawl = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2214
+social_component_mix_created = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2217
+social_component_invalid_name = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2225
+social_component_mix_invalid_timestamp = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2229
+social_component_mix_deleted = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2248
+social_component_mix_doesnt_exists = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2256
+social_component_mix_imported = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2270
+social_component_set_index = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2280
+social_component_comment_error = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2286
+social_component_invalid_timestamp = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2304
+social_component_no_post_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2308
+social_component_share_title = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2310
+social_component_share_description = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2315
+social_component_thread_created = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2367
+social_component_mix_invalid_timestamp = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2372
+social_component_mix_not_owner = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2382
+social_component_add_crawls = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2384
+social_component_num_results = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2386
+social_component_del_frag = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2388
+social_component_weight = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2389
+social_component_name = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2391
+social_component_add_keywords = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2393
+social_component_actions = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2395
+social_component_add_query = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2396
+social_component_delete = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2443
+social_component_too_many_fragments = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2454
+social_component_mix_saved = ""
+; system_component.php line: 79
+system_component_select_machine = ""
+; system_component.php line: 145
+system_component_machine_added = ""
+; system_component.php line: 149
+system_component_machine_exists = ""
+; system_component.php line: 153
+system_component_machine_incomplete = ""
+; system_component.php line: 160
+system_component_machine_doesnt_exists = ""
+; system_component.php line: 181
+system_component_stop_service_first = ""
+; system_component.php line: 187
+system_component_machine_deleted = ""
+; system_component.php line: 208
+system_component_media_mode_updated = ""
+; system_component.php line: 212
+system_component_media_update_failed = ""
+; system_component.php line: 275
+system_component_no_machine_log = ""
+; system_component.php line: 304
+system_component_machine_servers_updated = ""
+; system_component.php line: 308
+system_component_machine_no_action = ""
+; system_component.php line: 344
+system_component_select_mode = ""
+; system_component.php line: 386
+system_component_locale_missing_info = ""
+; system_component.php line: 393
+system_component_locale_added = ""
+; system_component.php line: 400
+system_component_localename_doesnt_exists = ""
+; system_component.php line: 405
+system_component_localename_deleted = ""
+; system_component.php line: 411
+system_component_localename_doesnt_exists = ""
+; system_component.php line: 440
+system_component_locale_updated = ""
+; system_component.php line: 470
+system_component_localestrings_updated = ""
+; system_component.php line: 481
+system_component_all_strings = ""
+; system_component.php line: 482
+system_component_missing_strings = ""
+; system_component.php line: 568
+system_component_configure_no_change_db = ""
+; system_component.php line: 573
+system_component_configure_profile_change = ""
+; system_component.php line: 576
+system_component_configure_no_change_profile = ""
+; system_component.php line: 598
+system_component_configure_disable_registration = ""
+; system_component.php line: 600
+system_component_configure_no_activation = ""
+; system_component.php line: 602
+system_component_configure_email_activation = ""
+; system_component.php line: 604
+system_component_configure_admin_activation = ""
+; system_component.php line: 669
+captchasettings_element_text_captcha = ""
+; system_component.php line: 671
+captchasettings_element_hash_captcha = ""
+; system_component.php line: 673
+captchasettings_element_image_captcha = ""
+; system_component.php line: 678
+serversettings_element_normal_authentication = ""
+; system_component.php line: 680
+serversettings_element_zkp_authentication = ""
+; system_component.php line: 685
+serversettings_element_normal_authentication = ""
+; system_component.php line: 710
+system_component_settings_updated = ""
+; system_component.php line: 713
+system_component_no_update_settings = ""
+; system_component.php line: 780
+system_component_configure_use_absolute_path = ""
+; system_component.php line: 785
+system_component_configure_configure_diff_base_dir = ""
+; system_component.php line: 810
+system_component_configure_work_dir_set = ""
+; system_component.php line: 821
+system_component_name_your_bot = ""
+; system_component.php line: 846
+system_component_configure_work_profile_made = ""
+; system_component.php line: 850
+system_component_configure_no_set_config = ""
+; system_component.php line: 857
+system_component_configure_no_create_profile = ""
+; system_component.php line: 864
+system_component_configure_work_dir_invalid = ""
+; system_component.php line: 871
+system_component_configure_work_dir_invalid = ""
+; system_component.php line: 893
+system_component_no_resource_folder = ""
+; system_component.php line: 907
+system_component_invalid_filetype = ""
+; system_component.php line: 912
+system_component_file_too_big = ""
+; system_component.php line: 935
+system_component_configure_profile_change = ""
+; system_component.php line: 939
+system_component_configure_no_change_profile = ""
+; system_component.php line: 988
+system_component_configure_reset_completed = ""
+; system_component.php line: 992
+system_component_configure_no_change_profile = ""
+; system_component.php line: 1025
+system_component_describe_robot = ""
+; system_component.php line: 1091
+system_component_php_version = ""
+; system_component.php line: 1099
+system_component_no_write_config_php = ""
+; system_component.php line: 1104
+system_component_no_write_work_dir = ""
+; system_component.php line: 1109
+system_component_post_size_small = ""
+; system_component.php line: 1115
+system_component_missing_required = ""
+; system_component.php line: 1138
+system_component_missing_optional = ""
+; system_component.php line: 1143
+system_component_check_passed = ""
+; system_component.php line: 1148
+system_component_using_local_config = ""
+; machine_controller.php line: 172
+machine_controller_nolines = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 246
+register_controller_need_cookies = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 313
+register_controller_account_created = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 331
+register_controller_registration_email_sent = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 333
+register_controller_admin_activation_request = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 334
+register_controller_admin_email_salutation = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 336
+register_controller_email_body = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 369
+register_controller_account_request_made = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 373
+register_controller_admin_activation_request = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 374
+register_controller_admin_activation_message = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 416
+register_controller_email_verification_error = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 422
+register_controller_already_activated = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 429
+register_controller_account_activated = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 432
+register_controller_email_verification_error = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 480
+register_controller_account_recover_fail = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 489
+register_controller_account_recover_fail = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 493
+register_controller_account_recover_email = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 497
+register_controller_recover_request = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 498
+register_controller_admin_email_salutation = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 500
+register_controller_recover_body = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 534
+register_controller_account_recover_fail = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 546
+register_controller_account_recover_fail = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 559
+register_controller_account_recover_fail = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 566
+register_controller_recovered_already = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 570
+register_controller_recovery_expired = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 576
+register_controller_password_changed = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 584
+register_controller_passwords_dont_match = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 598
+register_controller_recovered_already = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 602
+register_controller_recovery_expired = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 728
+register_controller_invalid_url = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 732
+register_controller_error_fields = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 746
+register_controller_failed_hashcode = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 756
+register_controller_failed_human = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 783
+register_controller_failed_graphical_human = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 797
+register_controller_suggest_full = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 801
+register_controller_url_submitted = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 1004
+register_controller_need_cookies = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 1010
+register_controller_failed_human = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 1025
+register_controller_failed_graphical_human = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 1036
+register_controller_failed_hashcode = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 1064
+register_controller_error_fields = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 1067
+register_controller_check_email = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 1074
+register_controller_user_already_exists = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 235
+search_controller_web = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 295
+search_controller_logout_successful = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 500
+search_controller_mix_info = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 506
+search_controller_crawl_info = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 542
+search_controller_search = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 646
+search_controller_no_index_set = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 649
+search_controller_no_index_set = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1300
+search_controller_download_fetcher = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1309
+search_controller_no_archive_page = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1358
+search_controller_yioop_cache = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1363
+search_controller_original_page = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1380
+search_controller_extracted_title = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1382
+search_controller_extracted_description = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1384
+search_controller_extracted_links = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1389
+search_controller_extracted_allow_paths = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1395
+search_controller_extracted_disallow_paths = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1401
+search_controller_crawl_delay = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1466
+search_controller_cache_comment = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1477
+search_controller_yioop_cache = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1513
+search_controller_cached_version = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1608
+search_controller_download_fetcher = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1626
+search_controller_header_summaries = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1739
+search_controller_history = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1908
+search_controller_all_cached = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1939
+search_controller_year = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1940
+search_controller_month = ""
+; settings_controller.php line: 115
+settings_controller_crawl_mix = ""
+; settings_controller.php line: 130
+settings_controller_settings_saved = ""
+; static_controller.php line: 67
+static_controller_logout_successful = ""
+; static_controller.php line: 145
+static_controller_complete_title = ""
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/sq_data/app/controllers
+; main_controller.php line: 87
+search_controller_logout_successful = ""
+; main_controller.php line: 112
+main_controller_download = ""
+; main_controller.php line: 129
+main_controller_missing_fields = ""
+; main_controller.php line: 164
+main_controller_yioop_download = ""
+; main_controller.php line: 165
+main_controller_click_download = ""
+; main_controller.php line: 178
+main_controller_url_error = ""
+; main_controller.php line: 187
+main_controller_expired_url = ""
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/seek_quarry//views
+; admin_view.php line: 70
+admin_view_admin = ""
+; admin_view.php line: 89
+adminview_auto_logout_one_minute = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 52
+crawlstatus_view_currently_processing = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 53
+crawlstatus_view_description = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 58
+crawlstatus_view_starting_crawl = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 62
+managecrawls_element_stop_crawl = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 66
+crawlstatus_view_resuming_crawl = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 70
+managecrawls_element_stop_crawl = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 74
+crawlstatus_view_shutdown_queue = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 77
+crawlstatus_view_closing_dict = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 80
+crawlstatus_view_run_plugins = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 88
+managecrawls_element_stop_crawl = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 96
+crawlstatus_view_set_index = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 99
+crawlstatus_view_search_index = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 107
+crawlstatus_view_changeoptions = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 109
+crawlstatus_view_no_description = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 114
+crawlstatus_view_timestamp = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 116
+crawlstatus_view_time_started = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 122
+crawlstatus_view_indexer_memory = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 124
+crawlstatus_view_scheduler_memory = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 127
+crawlstatus_view_queue_memory = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 132
+crawlstatus_view_no_mem_data = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 136
+crawlstatus_view_fetcher_memory = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 141
+crawlstatus_view_no_mem_data = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 144
+crawlstatus_view_webapp_memory = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 149
+crawlstatus_view_no_mem_data = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 152
+crawlstatus_view_urls_per_hour = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 160
+crawlstatus_view_visited_urls = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 164
+crawlstatus_view_total_urls = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 167
+crawlstatus_view_most_recent_fetcher = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 176
+crawlstatus_view_no_fetcher = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 180
+crawlstatus_view_most_recent_urls = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 190
+crawlstatus_view_no_recent_urls = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 193
+crawlstatus_view_previous_crawls = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 203
+crawlstatus_view_description = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 206
+crawlstatus_view_timestamp = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 207
+crawlstatus_view_url_counts = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 211
+crawlstatus_view_actions = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 222
+crawlstatus_view_statistics = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 238
+crawlstatus_view_resume = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 240
+crawlstatus_view_no_resume = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 247
+crawlstatus_view_set_index = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 250
+crawlstatus_view_search_index = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 257
+crawlstatus_view_delete = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 265
+crawlstatus_view_no_previous_crawl = ""
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/seek_quarry//views/elements
+; activity_element.php line: 54
+activity_element_activities = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 76
+configure_element_work_directory = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 82
+configure_element_load_or_create = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 100
+configure_element_component_check = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 104
+configure_element_profile_settings = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 107
+configure_element_toggle_advanced = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 114
+configure_element_default_language = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 121
+configure_element_debug_display = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 126
+configure_element_error_info = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 131
+configure_element_query_info = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 136
+configure_element_test_info = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 141
+configure_element_site_access = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 146
+configure_element_web_access = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 151
+configure_element_rss_access = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 156
+configure_element_api_access = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 161
+configure_element_customizations = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 163
+configure_element_use_wiki_landing = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 170
+configure_element_background_color = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 178
+configure_element_background_image = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 185
+configure_element_background_image = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 194
+configure_element_foreground_color = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 200
+configure_element_topbar_color = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 206
+configure_element_sidebar_color = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 214
+configure_element_site_logo = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 221
+configure_element_site_logo = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 232
+configure_element_mobile_logo = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 239
+configure_element_mobile_logo = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 250
+configure_element_favicon = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 257
+configure_element_favicon = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 267
+configure_element_toolbar = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 278
+configure_element_site_timezone = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 284
+configure_element_cookie_name = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 290
+configure_element_token_name = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 296
+configure_element_auxiliary_css = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 304
+configure_element_reset_customizations = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 311
+configure_element_crawl_robot = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 313
+configure_element_robot_name = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 321
+configure_element_robot_instance = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 328
+configure_element_robot_description = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 338
+serversettings_element_submit = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 55
+crawloptions_element_back_to_manage = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 58
+crawloptions_element_modify_active_crawl = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 60
+crawloptions_element_edit_crawl_options = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 83
+crawloptions_element_web_crawl = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 93
+crawloptions_element_archive_crawl = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 100
+crawloptions_element_load_options = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 105
+crawloptions_element_crawl_order = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 114
+crawloptions_element_restrict_by_url = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 122
+crawloptions_element_allowed_to_crawl = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 129
+crawloptions_element_disallowed_and_quota_sites = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 140
+crawloptions_element_seed_sites = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 144
+crawloptions_element_add_suggest_urls = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 155
+crawloptions_element_inject_sites = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 159
+crawloptions_element_add_suggest_urls = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 176
+crawloptions_element_reindex_crawl = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 185
+crawloptions_element_need_api_for_mix = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 193
+crawloptions_element_save_options = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 58
+editclassifier_back = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 60
+editclassifier_edit_classifier = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 72
+editclassifier_classifier_label = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 77
+editclassifier_change = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 82
+editclassifier_statistics = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 83
+editclassifier_positive_examples = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 86
+editclassifier_negative_examples = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 89
+editclassifier_accuracy = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 94
+crawl_component_na = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 99
+editclassifier_update = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 100
+editclassifier_add_examples = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 109
+editclassifier_source = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 113
+editclassifier_default_crawl = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 123
+editclassifier_label_by_hand = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 125
+editclassifier_all_in_class = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 127
+editclassifier_none_in_class = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 132
+editclassifier_keywords = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 141
+editclassifier_load = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 147
+editclassifier_finalize = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 155
+editclassifier_no_documents = ""
+; editlocales_element.php line: 55
+editlocales_element_back_to_manage = ""
+; editlocales_element.php line: 57
+editlocales_element_edit_locale = ""
+; editlocales_element.php line: 71
+editlocales_element_show = ""
+; editlocales_element.php line: 75
+editlocales_element_filter = ""
+; editlocales_element.php line: 82
+editlocales_element_go = ""
+; editlocales_element.php line: 86
+editlocales_element_no_matching = ""
+; editlocales_element.php line: 119
+editlocales_element_submit = ""
+; editmix_element.php line: 51
+editmix_element_back_to_mix = ""
+; editmix_element.php line: 53
+mixcrawls_element_edit_mix = ""
+; editmix_element.php line: 64
+mixcrawls_element_mix_name = ""
+; editmix_element.php line: 70
+mixcrawls_element_mix_components = ""
+; editmix_element.php line: 77
+mixcrawls_element_too_many = ""
+; editmix_element.php line: 79
+mixcrawls_element_add_fragment = ""
+; editmix_element.php line: 85
+mixcrawls_element_save_button = ""
+; footer_element.php line: 59
+footer_element_blog = ""
+; footer_element.php line: 61
+footer_element_privacy = ""
+; footer_element.php line: 63
+footer_element_terms = ""
+; footer_element.php line: 65
+footer_element_tools = ""
+; footer_element.php line: 67
+footer_element_bot = ""
+; footer_element.php line: 72
+footer_element_developed_seek_quarry = ""
+; footer_element.php line: 75
+footer_element_copyright_yioop = ""
+; footer_element.php line: 77
+footer_element_php_search_engine = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 91
+groupfeed_element_add_group = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 95
+groupfeed_element_request_add = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 122
+groupfeed_element_wiki_page = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 124
+groupfeed_element_back = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 127
+groupfeed_element_back = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 136
+groupfeed_element_group_activity = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 140
+groupfeed_element_wiki_thread = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 159
+groupfeed_element_feed = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 163
+group_view_wiki = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 165
+groupfeed_element_user = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 206
+groupfeed_element_comment = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 238
+manageaccount_element_group_wiki = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 239
+manageaccount_element_group_stats = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 244
+manageaccount_element_last_post = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 286
+groupfeed_element_comment = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 297
+groupfeed_element_start_thread = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 311
+groupfeed_element_start_thread = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 317
+groupfeed_element_no_posts_yet = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 323
+groupfeed_element_thread_no_exist = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 358
+groupfeed_element_edit = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 363
+groupfeed_element_delete = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 385
+groupfeed_element_num_posts = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 395
+groupfeed_element_num_views = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 420
+groupfeed_element_start_thread_in_group = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 422
+groupfeed_element_start_thread_in_group = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 436
+groupfeed_element_last_edited = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 452
+groupfeed_element_post_vote = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 479
+groupfeed_element_last_post_info = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 494
+groupfeed_element_comment = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 547
+fileupload_helper_drag_textarea = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 548
+fileupload_helper_click_textarea = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 572
+groupfeed_element_add_comment = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 586
+groupfeed_element_save = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 625
+groupfeed_element_subject = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 632
+groupfeed_element_post = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 645
+groupfeed_element_save = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 681
+groupfeed_element_edit_post = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 684
+groupfeed_element_subject = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 690
+groupfeed_element_post = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 703
+groupfeed_element_save = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 732
+groupfeed_element_no_longer_update = ""
+; machinelog_element.php line: 54
+machinelog_element_back_to_manage = ""
+; machinelog_element.php line: 59
+machinelog_element_filter = ""
+; machinelog_element.php line: 66
+machinelog_element_log_file = ""
+; machinelog_element.php line: 71
+machinelog_element_refresh_off = ""
+; machinelog_element.php line: 76
+machinelog_element_refresh_on = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 60
+manageaccount_element_lock = ""
+manageaccount_element_edit = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 67
+manageaccount_element_welcome = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 69
+manageaccount_element_what_can_do = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 71
+manageaccount_element_account_details = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 100
+manageaccounts_element_icon = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 110
+manageusers_element_username = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 117
+manageusers_element_firstname = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 123
+manageusers_element_lastname = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 129
+manageusers_element_email = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 138
+manageaccount_element_password = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 145
+manageaccount_element_new_password = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 151
+manageaccount_element_retype_password = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 163
+manageaccount_element_save = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 169
+manageaccount_element_search_lang_settings = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 174
+manageaccount_element_crawl_and_index = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 175
+manageaccount_element_crawl_info = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 176
+manageaccount_element_num_crawls = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 179
+manageaccount_element_manage_crawls = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 185
+manageaccount_element_groups_and_feeds = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 186
+manageaccount_element_group_info = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 188
+manageaccount_element_num_groups = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 191
+manageaccount_element_num_group = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 203
+manageaccount_element_group_wiki = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 204
+manageaccount_element_group_stats = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 209
+manageaccount_element_last_post = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 219
+manageaccount_element_manage_all_groups = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 221
+manageaccount_element_go_to_group_feed = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 223
+manageaccount_element_crawl_mixes = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 224
+manageaccount_element_mixes_info = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 226
+manageaccount_element_num_mixes = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 229
+manageaccount_element_num_mix = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 233
+manageaccount_element_manage_mixes = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 61
+manageclassifiers_available_classifiers = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 69
+manageclassifiers_label_col = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 72
+manageclassifiers_positive_col = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 74
+manageclassifiers_negative_col = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 80
+manageclassifiers_actions_col = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 99
+manageclassifiers_edit = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 102
+manageclassifiers_finalized = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 109
+manageclassifiers_finalize = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 111
+manageclassifiers_finalize = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 115
+manageclassifiers_finalizing = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 119
+confirm_delete_operation = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 123
+manageclassifiers_delete = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 156
+manageclassifiers_manage_classifiers = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 166
+manageclassifiers_classifier_name = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 171
+manageclassifiers_create_button = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 186
+manageclassifiers_element_search = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 187
+manageclassifiers_element_create_form = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 189
+manageclassifiers_classifier_name = ""
+; managecrawls_element.php line: 49
+managecrawls_element_create_crawl = ""
+; managecrawls_element.php line: 58
+managecrawls_element_description = ""
+; managecrawls_element.php line: 65
+managecrawls_element_start_new_crawl = ""
+; managecrawls_element.php line: 69
+managecrawls_element_options = ""
+; managecrawls_element.php line: 75
+managecrawls_element_awaiting_status = ""
+; managecrawls_element.php line: 93
+managecrawls_element_up_longer_update = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 67
+managegroups_element_not_my_groups = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 69
+managegroups_element_groups = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 78
+managegroups_element_groupname = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 79
+managegroups_element_groupowner = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 81
+managegroups_element_registertype = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 82
+managegroups_element_memberaccess = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 83
+managegroups_element_voting = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 84
+managegroups_element_post_lifetime = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 87
+managegroups_element_actions = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 201
+manageaccount_element_group_wiki = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 216
+managegroups_element_join = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 220
+managegroups_element_edit = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 225
+managegroups_element_edit = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 230
+managegroups_element_delete = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 236
+managegroups_element_join = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 241
+managegroups_element_join = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 250
+managegroups_element_decline = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 252
+managegroups_element_unsubscribe = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 257
+confirm_delete_operation = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 260
+managegroups_element_delete = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 289
+managegroups_element_addgroup_form = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 290
+managegroups_element_group_info = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 292
+managegroups_element_create_group = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 296
+managegroups_element_add_group = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 313
+managegroups_element_groupname = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 324
+managegroups_element_browse = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 335
+managegroups_element_register = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 342
+managegroups_element_memberaccess = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 349
+managegroups_element_voting = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 356
+managegroups_element_post_lifetime = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 368
+managegroups_element_group_users = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 372
+managegroups_element_num_users = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 398
+managegroups_element_groupowner = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 400
+managegroups_element_delete = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 410
+managegroups_element_activate = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 416
+managegroups_element_ban = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 422
+managegroups_element_unban = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 430
+managegroups_element_delete = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 459
+managegroups_element_filter = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 480
+managegroups_element_invite = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 491
+managegroups_element_save = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 520
+managegroups_element_group_info = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 521
+managegroups_element_invite_users_group = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 533
+managegroups_element_groupname = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 541
+managegroups_element_usernames = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 548
+managegroups_element_invite = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 566
+managegroups_element_addgroup_form = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 567
+managegroups_element_transfer_group_owner = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 580
+managegroups_element_groupname = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 588
+managegroups_element_new_group_owner = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 595
+managegroups_element_change_owner = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 614
+managegroups_element_discover_groups = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 618
+managegroups_element_search_group = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 620
+managegroups_element_addgroup_form = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 622
+managegroups_element_groupname = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 623
+managegroups_element_groupowner = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 624
+managegroups_element_registertype = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 626
+managegroups_element_memberaccess = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 628
+managegroups_element_post_lifetime = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 59
+managelocales_element_locale_list = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 69
+managelocales_element_localename = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 72
+managelocales_element_localetag = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 73
+managelocales_element_writingmode = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 75
+managelocales_element_enabled = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 80
+managelocales_element_percenttranslated = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 81
+managelocales_element_actions = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 101
+managelocales_element_true = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 102
+managelocales_element_false = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 109
+managelocales_element_edit = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 114
+confirm_delete_operation = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 115
+managelocales_element_delete = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 135
+manageloecales_element_add_locale_form = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 136
+managelocales_element_locale_info = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 138
+managelocales_element_add_locale = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 160
+managelocales_element_localenamelabel = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 173
+managelocales_element_localetaglabel = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 179
+managelocales_element_writingmodelabel = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 189
+managelocales_element_localeenabled = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 200
+managelocales_element_submit = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 218
+managelocales_element_search_locales = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 219
+managelocales_element_addlocale_form = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 221
+managelocales_element_localename = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 222
+managelocales_element_localetag = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 223
+managelocales_element_writingmode = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 224
+managelocales_element_enabled = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 230
+managelocales_element_true = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 231
+managelocales_element_false = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 51
+managemachines_element_add_machine = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 63
+managemachines_element_machine_name = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 68
+managemachines_element_machineurl = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 73
+managemachines_element_is_mirror = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 78
+managemachines_element_parent_name = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 84
+managemachines_element_has_queueserver = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 88
+managemachines_element_num_fetchers = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 93
+managemachines_element_submit = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 98
+managemachines_element_machine_info = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 104
+managemachines_element_awaiting_status = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 123
+managemachines_element_no_longer_update = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 56
+manageroles_element_roles = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 64
+manageroles_element_rolename = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 66
+manageroles_element_actions = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 91
+manageroles_element_edit = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 96
+manageroles_element_delete = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 100
+confirm_delete_operation = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 103
+manageroles_element_delete = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 136
+manageroles_element_addrole_form = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 137
+manageroles_element_role_info = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 139
+manageroles_element_add_role = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 151
+manageroles_element_rolename = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 164
+manageroles_element_role_activities = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 173
+manageroles_element_delete = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 180
+manageroles_element_delete = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 200
+manageroles_element_save = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 218
+manageroles_element_search_role = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 219
+manageroles_element_addrole_form = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 221
+manageroles_element_rolename = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 56
+manageusers_element_users = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 65
+manageusers_element_username = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 67
+manageusers_element_firstname = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 68
+manageusers_element_lastname = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 69
+manageusers_element_email = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 71
+manageusers_element_status = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 73
+manageusers_element_actions = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 135
+manageusers_element_edit = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 139
+manageusers_element_edit = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 146
+manageusers_element_delete = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 150
+confirm_delete_operation = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 153
+manageusers_element_delete = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 194
+manageusers_element_adduser_form = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 195
+manageusers_element_user_info = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 197
+manageusers_element_add_user = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 222
+manageusers_element_username = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 232
+manageusers_element_firstname = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 238
+manageusers_element_lastname = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 244
+manageusers_element_email = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 251
+manageusers_element_status = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 268
+manageusers_element_roles = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 272
+manageusers_element_num_roles = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 287
+manageusers_element_delete = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 297
+manageusers_element_delete = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 340
+manageusers_element_filter = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 352
+manageusers_element_add_role = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 362
+manageusers_element_groups = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 366
+manageusers_element_num_groups = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 387
+manageusers_element_delete = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 427
+manageusers_element_filter = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 439
+manageusers_element_add_group = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 452
+manageusers_element_password = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 458
+manageusers_element_retype_password = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 465
+manageusers_element_save = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 492
+manageusers_element_search_user = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 493
+manageusers_element_adduser_form = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 495
+manageusers_element_username = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 496
+manageusers_element_firstname = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 497
+manageusers_element_lastname = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 498
+manageusers_element_email = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 499
+manageusers_element_status = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 61
+mixcrawls_element_available_mixes = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 68
+mixcrawls_view_name = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 70
+mixcrawls_view_definition = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 74
+mixcrawls_view_actions = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 108
+mixcrawls_view_no_components = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 115
+mixcrawls_view_share = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 118
+mixcrawls_view_edit = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 124
+mixcrawls_set_index = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 127
+mixcrawl_search_index = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 133
+confirm_delete_operation = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 136
+mixcrawls_view_delete = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 146
+mixcrawls_view_back = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 147
+mixcrawls_element_share_mix_group = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 157
+mixcrawls_element_mixname = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 163
+mixcrawls_element_group = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 169
+mixcrawls_element_share = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 193
+mixcrawls_element_make_mix = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 203
+mixcrawls_element_mix_name = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 208
+mixcrawls_element_create_button = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 223
+mixcrawls_element_search_mix = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 224
+mixcrawls_element_createmix_form = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 226
+mixcrawls_element_mixname = ""
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 78
+moreoptions_element_other_searches = ""
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 113
+moreoptions_element_previous = ""
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 119
+moreoptions_element_next = ""
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 126
+moreoptions_element_my_accounts = ""
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 133
+signin_element_settings = ""
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 141
+signin_element_signin = ""
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 144
+signin_element_admin = ""
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 156
+signin_view_create_account = ""
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 168
+moreoptions_element_suggest = ""
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 171
+moreoptions_element_wiki_pages = ""
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 182
+moreoptions_element_tools = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 58
+pageoptions_element_crawl_time = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 63
+pageoptions_element_search_time = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 68
+pageoptions_element_test_options = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 80
+pageoptions_element_load_options = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 85
+pageoptions_element_page_range = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 91
+pageoptions_element_summarizer = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 100
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+register_view_recovery2_choices = ""
+; register_view.php line: 112
+register_view_recovery3_more = ""
+; register_view.php line: 113
+register_view_recovery3_less = ""
+; register_view.php line: 114
+register_view_recovery3_choices = ""
+; register_view.php line: 115
+register_view_recovery4_more = ""
+; register_view.php line: 116
+register_view_recovery4_less = ""
+; register_view.php line: 117
+register_view_recovery4_choices = ""
+; register_view.php line: 118
+register_view_recovery5_more = ""
+; register_view.php line: 119
+register_view_recovery5_less = ""
+; register_view.php line: 120
+register_view_recovery5_choices = ""
+; register_view.php line: 121
+register_view_recovery6_more = ""
+; register_view.php line: 122
+register_view_recovery6_less = ""
+; register_view.php line: 123
+register_view_recovery6_choices = ""
+; register_view.php line: 152
+register_view_create_account = ""
+; register_view.php line: 189
+register_view_firstname = ""
+; register_view.php line: 204
+register_view_lastname = ""
+; register_view.php line: 219
+register_view_username = ""
+; register_view.php line: 232
+register_view_email = ""
+; register_view.php line: 246
+register_view_password = ""
+; register_view.php line: 261
+register_view_retypepassword = ""
+; register_view.php line: 277
+register_view_account_recovery = ""
+; register_view.php line: 281
+register_view_human_check = ""
+; register_view.php line: 283
+register_view_account_recovery = ""
+; register_view.php line: 315
+register_view_human_check = ""
+; register_view.php line: 330
+register_view_i_agree = ""
+; register_view.php line: 332
+register_view_terms = ""
+; register_view.php line: 334
+register_view_and = ""
+; register_view.php line: 336
+register_view_privacy = ""
+; register_view.php line: 337
+register_view_period = ""
+; register_view.php line: 347
+register_view_create_account = ""
+; register_view.php line: 357
+signin_view_return_yioop = ""
+; search_view.php line: 86
+search_view_title = ""
+; search_view.php line: 113
+search_view_input_label = ""
+; search_view.php line: 117
+search_view_input_placeholder = ""
+; search_view.php line: 120
+search_view_search = "Поиск"
+; search_view.php line: 147
+search_view_no_index_set = ""
+; search_view.php line: 152
+search_view_more_statistics = ""
+; search_view.php line: 190
+search_view_calculated = ""
+; search_view.php line: 191
+search_view_results = ""
+; search_view.php line: 212
+search_view_thesaurus_results = ""
+; search_view.php line: 321
+search_view_word_cloud = ""
+; search_view.php line: 366
+search_view_cache = ""
+; search_view.php line: 369
+search_view_as_text = ""
+; search_view.php line: 382
+search_view_similar = ""
+; search_view.php line: 394
+search_view_inlink = ""
+; search_view.php line: 414
+search_view_rank = ""
+; search_view.php line: 416
+search_view_relevancy = ""
+; search_view.php line: 418
+search_view_proximity = ""
+; search_view.php line: 422
+search_view_thesaurus_score = ""
+; search_view.php line: 431
+search_view_score = ""
+; settings_view.php line: 66
+settings_view_settings = ""
+; settings_view.php line: 73
+settings_view_results_per_page = ""
+; settings_view.php line: 79
+settings_view_open_in_tabs = ""
+; settings_view.php line: 86
+settings_view_search_index = ""
+; settings_view.php line: 92
+settings_view_language_label = ""
+; settings_view.php line: 108
+settings_view_return_yioop = ""
+; settings_view.php line: 111
+settings_view_save = ""
+; settings_view.php line: 119
+settings_install_search_plugin = ""
+; signin_view.php line: 65
+signin_view_signin = ""
+; signin_view.php line: 78
+sigin_view_signing_in = ""
+; signin_view.php line: 81
+sigin_view_login_failed = ""
+; signin_view.php line: 89
+signin_view_username = ""
+; signin_view.php line: 96
+signin_view_password = ""
+; signin_view.php line: 107
+signin_view_login = ""
+; signin_view.php line: 122
+signin_view_recover_password = ""
+; signin_view.php line: 127
+signin_view_create_account = ""
+; signin_view.php line: 132
+signin_view_return_yioop = ""
+; static_view.php line: 71
+static_view_title = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 63
+statistics_view_statistics = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 68
+statistics_view_calculating = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 82
+statistics_view_error_codes = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 83
+statistics_view_sizes = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 84
+statistics_view_links_per_page = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 85
+statistics_view_page_date = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 86
+statistics_view_dns_time = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 87
+statistics_view_download_time = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 88
+statistics_view_top_level_domain = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 89
+statistics_view_file_extension = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 90
+statistics_view_media_type = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 91
+statistics_view_language = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 92
+statistics_view_server = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 93
+statistics_view_os = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 97
+statistics_view_general_info = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 98
+statistics_view_description = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 100
+statistics_view_timestamp = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 102
+statistics_view_crawl_date = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 104
+statistics_view_pages = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 106
+statistics_view_url = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 109
+statistics_view_number_hosts = ""
+; suggest_view.php line: 68
+suggest_view_suggest_url = ""
+; suggest_view.php line: 70
+suggest_view_instructions = ""
+; suggest_view.php line: 94
+suggest_view_url = ""
+; suggest_view.php line: 110
+register_view_human_check = ""
+; suggest_view.php line: 144
+suggest_view_human_check = ""
+; suggest_view.php line: 167
+suggest_view_submit_url = ""
+; suggest_view.php line: 177
+signin_view_return_yioop = ""
+; view.php line: 32
+view_locale_version11 = ""
+; view.php line: 81
+view_logo_alt_text = ""
+; wiki_view.php line: 89
+wiki_view_read = ""
+; wiki_view.php line: 90
+wiki_view_edit = ""
+; wiki_view.php line: 93
+wiki_view_pages = ""
+; wiki_view.php line: 132
+wiki_view_feed = ""
+; wiki_view.php line: 133
+wiki_view_wiki = ""
+; wiki_view.php line: 157
+adminview_auto_logout_one_minute = ""
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/sq_data/app/views
+; download_view.php line: 62
+download_view_form = ""
+; download_view.php line: 73
+download_view_thank_you = ""
+; download_view.php line: 76
+download_view_full_name = ""
+; download_view.php line: 82
+download_view_email = ""
+; download_view.php line: 87
+download_view_business = ""
+; download_view.php line: 93
+download_view_interest = ""
+; download_view.php line: 100
+download_view_get_email = ""
+; download_view.php line: 106
+download_view_return_main = ""
+; download_view.php line: 120
+download_view_required_fields = ""
+; download_view.php line: 125
+download_view_name_required = ""
+; download_view.php line: 130
+download_view_valid_email = ""
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/seek_quarry//lib/indexing_plugins
+; wordfilter_plugin.php line: 353
+wordfilter_plugin_settings_saved = ""
+; wordfilter_plugin.php line: 362
+wordfilter_plugin_defaults_restored = ""
+; wordfilter_plugin.php line: 466
+wordfilter_plugin_preferences = ""
+; wordfilter_plugin.php line: 470
+wordfilter_plugin_factory_settings = ""
+; wordfilter_plugin.php line: 483
+wordfilter_plugin_save = ""
diff --git a/locale/ru/resources/locale.js b/locale/ru/resources/locale.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c6f6991
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/ru/resources/locale.js
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+ * SeekQuarry/Yioop --
+ * Open Source Pure PHP Search Engine, Crawler, and Indexer
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2009 - 2015  Chris Pollett
+ *
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+ *
+ *
+ * @author Chris Pollett
+ * @package seek_quarry
+ * @subpackage javascript
+ * @license GPL3
+ * @link
+ * @copyright 2009 - 2015s
+ * @filesource
+ */
+ * The alphabet for this locale
+ */
+var alpha = "абвгдеёжзийклмнопрс" +
+    "туфхцчшщъыьэюяіѳѣѵ";
+ * Transliteration maping for this locale
+ */
+var roman_array = {};
+ * To analyze the query and generate actual input query from the
+ * transliterated query
+ */
+function analyzeQuery()
diff --git a/locale/ru/resources/suggest_trie.txt.gz b/locale/ru/resources/suggest_trie.txt.gz
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..424bce3
Binary files /dev/null and b/locale/ru/resources/suggest_trie.txt.gz differ
diff --git a/locale/ru/resources/tokenizer.php b/locale/ru/resources/tokenizer.php
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..3a345c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/ru/resources/tokenizer.php
@@ -0,0 +1,327 @@
+ * SeekQuarry/Yioop --
+ * Open Source Pure PHP Search Engine, Crawler, and Indexer
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2009 - 2015  Chris Pollett
+ *
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+ *
+ * @author Chris Pollett
+ * @package seek_quarry
+ * @subpackage locale
+ * @license GPL3
+ * @link
+ * @copyright 2009 - 2015
+ * @filesource
+ */
+if(!defined('BASE_DIR')) {echo "BAD REQUEST"; exit();}
+ * Russian specific tokenization code. Typically, tokenizer.php
+ * either contains a stemmer for the language in question or
+ * it specifies how many characters in a char gram
+ *
+ * @author Chris Pollett
+ * @package seek_quarry
+ * @subpackage locale
+ */
+define('CHAR_LENGTH', 2);
+ * This class has a collection of methods for Russian locale specific
+ * tokenization. In particular, it has a stemmer, a stop word remover (for
+ * use mainly in word cloud creation). The stemmer is a modification
+ * (with bug fixes ) of  Dennis Kreminsky's stemmer from:
+ *
+ * Here given a word, its stem is that part of the word that
+ * is common to all its inflected variants. For example,
+ * tall is common to tall, taller, tallest. A stemmer takes
+ * a word and tries to produce its stem.
+ *
+ * @author Chris Pollett
+ * @package seek_quarry
+ * @subpackage locale
+ */
+class RuTokenizer
+    /**
+     * Words we don't want to be stemmed
+     * @var array
+     */
+    static $no_stem_list = array();
+    /**
+     * Stub function which could be used for a word segmenter.
+     * Such a segmenter on input thisisabunchofwords would output
+     * this is a bunch of words
+     *
+     * @param string $pre_segment  before segmentation
+     * @return string should return string with words separated by space
+     *     in this case does nothing
+     */
+    static function segment($pre_segment)
+    {
+        return $pre_segment;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Removes the stop words from the page (used for Word Cloud generation)
+     *
+     * @param string $page the page to remove stop words from.
+     * @return string $page with no stop words
+     */
+    static function stopwordsRemover($page)
+    {
+        $stop_words = array("й", "ч", "чп", "ое", "юфп", "по", "об", "с", "у",
+            "уп", "лбл", "б", "фп", "чуе", "поб", "фбл", "езп", "оп", "дб",
+            "фщ", "л", "х", "це", "чщ", "ъб", "вщ", "рп", "фпмшлп", "ее",
+            "ное", "вщмп", "чпф", "пф", "неос", "еэе", "оеф ", "п", "йъ",
+            "енх", "феретш", "лпздб", "дбце", "ох ", "чдтхз", "мй", "еумй",
+            "хце", "ймй", "ой", "вщфш", "вщм", "оезп", "дп", "чбу", "ойвхдш",
+            "прсфш", "хц", "чбн", "улбъбм", "чедш", "фбн", "рпфпн", "уевс",
+            "ойюезп", "ек", "нпцеф", "пой", "фхф", "зде", "еуфш", "обдп",
+            "оек", "дмс", "нщ", "февс", "йи", "юен", "вщмб", "убн", "юфпв",
+            "веъ ", "вхдфп", "юемпчел", "юезп", "тбъ", "фпце", "уеве", "рпд",
+            "цйъош", "вхдеф", "ц", "фпздб", "лфп", "ьфпф", "зпчптйм", "фпзп",
+            "рпфпнх", "ьфпзп", "лблпк", "упчуен", "ойн", "ъдеуш", "ьфпн",
+            "пдйо", "рпюфй", "нпк", "фен", "юфпвщ", "оее", "лбцефус",
+            "уекюбу", "вщмй", "лхдб", "ъбюен", "улбъбфш", "чуеи", "ойлпздб",
+            "уезпдос", "нпцоп", "ртй", "облпоег", "дчб", "пв", "дтхзпк",
+            "ипфш", "рпуме", "обд", "впмшые", "фпф", "юетеъ", "ьфй", "обу",
+            "ртп", "чуезп", "ойи", "лблбс", "нопзп", "тбъче", "улбъбмб", "фтй",
+            "ьфх", "нпс", "чртпюен", "иптпып", "учпа", "ьфпк", "ретед ",
+            "йопздб", "мхюые", "юхфш", "фпн", "оемшъс", "фблпк", "йн", "впмее",
+            "чуездб", "лпоеюоп", "чуа", "нецдх", 'http', 'https'
+        );
+        $page = preg_replace('/\b('.implode('|',$stop_words).')\b/u', '',
+            strtolower($page));
+        return $page;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Computes the stem of a Russian word
+     *
+     * @param string $word the string to stem
+     * @return string the stem of $words
+     */
+    static function stem($word)
+    {
+        $a = self::rv($word);
+        $start = $a[0];
+        $rv = $a[1];
+        $rv = self::step1($rv);
+        $rv = self::step2($rv);
+        $rv = self::step3($rv);
+        $rv = self::step4($rv);
+        return $start . $rv;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Compute the RV region of a word. RV is the region after the first vowel,
+     * or the end of the word if it contains no vowel.
+     *
+     * @param string $word word to compute rv regions for
+     * @return array pair string before rv, string after rv
+     */
+    static function rv($word)
+    {
+        $vowel = 'аеиоуыэюя';
+        $start = $word;
+        $rv = '';
+        preg_match("/[$vowel]/u", $word , $matches,
+            PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE);
+        $len = strlen($word);
+        $rv_index = isset($matches[0][1]) ? $matches[0][1] +
+            CHAR_LENGTH : $len;
+        if($rv_index != $len) {
+            $start = substr($word, 0, $rv_index);
+            $rv = substr($word, $rv_index);
+        }
+        return array($start, $rv);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Search for a PERFECTIVE GERUND ending. If one is found remove it,
+     * and that is then the end of step 1. Otherwise try and remove a REFLEXIVE
+     * ending, and then search in turn for (1) an ADJECTIVAL, (2) a VERB or
+     * (3) a NOUN ending.
+     * As soon as one of the endings (1) to (3) is found remove it, and
+     * terminate step 1.
+     * @param string $word word to stem
+     * @return string $word after step
+     */
+    static function step1($word)
+    {
+        $perfective1 = array('в', 'вши', 'вшись');
+        foreach($perfective1 as $suffix) {
+            $len = strlen($suffix);
+            if(substr($word, -$len) == $suffix &&
+                (substr($word, -$len -CHAR_LENGTH, CHAR_LENGTH) == 'а' ||
+                substr($word, -$len - CHAR_LENGTH, CHAR_LENGTH) == 'я')) {
+                return substr($word, 0, -$len);
+            }
+        }
+        $perfective2 = array('ив', 'ивши', 'ившись', 'ыв', 'ывши', 'ывшись');
+        foreach($perfective2 as $suffix) {
+            $len = strlen($suffix);
+            if(substr($word, -$len) == $suffix) {
+                return substr($word, 0, -$len);
+            }
+        }
+        $reflexive = array('ся', 'сь');
+        foreach ($reflexive as $suffix) {
+            $len = strlen($suffix);
+            if(substr($word, -$len) == $suffix) {
+                $word = substr($word, 0, -$len);
+            }
+        }
+        $adjective = array('ее', 'ие', 'ые', 'ое', 'ими', 'ыми', 'ей', 'ий',
+            'ый', 'ой', 'ем', 'им', 'ым', 'ом', 'его', 'ого', 'ему', 'ому',
+            'их', 'ых', 'ую', 'юю', 'ая', 'яя', 'ою', 'ею');
+        $participle1 = array('ем', 'нн', 'вш', 'ющ', 'щ');
+        $participle2 = array('ивш', 'ывш', 'ующ');
+        foreach ($adjective as $adj_suffix) {
+            $len = strlen($adj_suffix);
+            if(substr($word, -$len) != $adj_suffix) {
+                continue;
+            }
+            $word = substr($word, 0, -$len);
+            foreach($participle1 as $suffix) {
+                $len = strlen($suffix);
+                if(substr($word, -$len) == $suffix &&
+                    (substr($word, -$len - CHAR_LENGTH, CHAR_LENGTH) =='а'
+                    || substr($word,-$len - CHAR_LENGTH, CHAR_LENGTH) =='я')) {
+                    $word = substr($word, 0, -$len);
+                }
+            }
+            foreach($participle2 as $suffix) {
+                $len = strlen($suffix);
+                if(substr($word, -$len) == $suffix) {
+                    $word = substr($word, 0, -$len);
+                }
+            }
+            return $word;
+        }
+        $verb1 = array('ла','на','ете','йте','ли','й','л','ем','н','ло','но',
+            'ет','ют','ны','ть','ешь','нно');
+        foreach ($verb1 as $suffix) {
+            $len = strlen($suffix);
+            if(substr($word,-$len) == $suffix &&
+                (substr($word,-$len - CHAR_LENGTH, CHAR_LENGTH) == 'а' ||
+                substr($word, -$len - CHAR_LENGTH, CHAR_LENGTH) == 'я')) {
+                return substr($word, 0, -$len);
+            }
+        }
+        $verb2 = array('ила', 'ыла', 'ена', 'ейте', 'уйте', 'ите', 'или',
+            'ыли', 'ей', 'уй', 'ил', 'ыл', 'им', 'ым', 'ен', 'ило', 'ыло',
+            'ено', 'ят', 'ует', 'уют', 'ит', 'ыт', 'ены', 'ить', 'ыть', 'ишь',
+            'ую', 'ю');
+        foreach ($verb2 as $suffix) {
+            $len = strlen($suffix);
+            if(substr($word, -$len) == $suffix) {
+                return substr($word, 0, -$len);
+            }
+        }
+        $noun = array('а', 'ев', 'ов', 'ие', 'ье', 'е', 'иями', 'ями', 'ами',
+            'еи', 'ии', 'и', 'ией', 'ей', 'ой', 'ий', 'й', 'иям', 'ям', 'ием',
+            'ем', 'ам', 'ом', 'о', 'у','ах', 'иях', 'ях', 'ы', 'ь', 'ию', 'ью',
+            'ю', 'ия', 'ья', 'я');
+        foreach ($noun as $suffix) {
+            $len = strlen($suffix);
+            if (substr($word, -$len) == $suffix) {
+                return substr($word, 0, -$len);
+            }
+        }
+        return $word;
+    }
+    /**
+     * If the word ends with и (i), remove it.
+     * @param string $word word to stem
+     * @return string $word after step
+     */
+    static function step2($word)
+    {
+        if(substr($word, -CHAR_LENGTH, CHAR_LENGTH) == 'и') {
+            $word = substr($word, 0, -CHAR_LENGTH);
+        }
+        return $word;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Search for a DERIVATIONAL ending in R2 (i.e. the entire ending must
+     * lie in R2), and if one is found, remove it.
+     * @param string $word word to stem
+     * @return string $word after step
+     */
+    static function step3($word)
+    {
+        $vowel = 'аеиоуыэюя';
+        $r1 = '';
+        $r2 = '';
+        preg_match("/[^$vowel]/u", $word , $matches,
+            PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE);
+        $len = strlen($word);
+        $r1_index = isset($matches[0][1]) ? $matches[0][1] +
+            CHAR_LENGTH : $len;
+        if($r1_index != $len) {
+            $r1 = substr($word , $r1_index);
+        }
+        if($r1_index != $len) {
+            preg_match("/[$vowel][^$vowel]/u", $r1, $matches,
+                PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE);
+            $r2_index = isset($matches[0][1]) ? $matches[0][1] +
+                2 * CHAR_LENGTH : $len;
+            if($r2_index != $len) {
+                $r2 = substr($r1, $r2_index);
+            }
+        }
+        $derivational = array('ост', 'ость');
+        foreach($derivational as $suffix) {
+            $len = strlen($suffix);
+            if(substr($r2, -$len) == $suffix)
+                $word  = substr($word, 0, -$len);
+        }
+        return $word;
+    }
+    /**
+     * 1) Undouble н (n), or, (2) if the word ends with a SUPERLATIVE ending,
+     * remove it and undouble н (n), or (3) if the word ends ь (') (soft sign)
+     * remove it.
+     * @param string $word word to stem
+     * @return string $word after step
+     */
+    static function step4($word)
+    {
+        if(substr($word, -CHAR_LENGTH * 2) == 'нн') {
+            $word = substr($word, 0,  -CHAR_LENGTH);
+        } else {
+            $superlative=array('ейш', 'ейше');
+            foreach($superlative as $suffix) {
+                $len = strlen($suffix);
+                if(substr($word, -$len) == $suffix) {
+                    $word = substr($word, 0, - $len);
+                }
+            }
+            if (substr($word, -CHAR_LENGTH * 2) == 'нн') {
+                $word = substr($word, 0, -CHAR_LENGTH);
+            }
+        }
+        /* should there be a guard flag? can't think of a russian word
+         that ends with ейшь or ннь anyways, though the algorithm states
+         this is an "otherwise" case
+        */
+        if(substr($word, -CHAR_LENGTH, CHAR_LENGTH) == 'ь') {
+            $word = substr($word, 0, strlen($word) - CHAR_LENGTH);
+        }
+        return $word;
+    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/locale/ru/resources1421450892old/locale.js b/locale/ru/resources1421450892old/locale.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..b6694e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/ru/resources1421450892old/locale.js
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+ * SeekQuarry/Yioop --
+ * Open Source Pure PHP Search Engine, Crawler, and Indexer
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2009 - 2014  Chris Pollett
+ *
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+ *
+ *
+ * @author Chris Pollett
+ * @package seek_quarry
+ * @subpackage javascript
+ * @license GPL3
+ * @link
+ * @copyright 2009 - 2014s
+ * @filesource
+ */
+ * The alphabet for this locale
+ */
+var alpha = "абвгдеёжзийклмнопрс" +
+    "туфхцчшщъыьэюяіѳѣѵ";
+ * Transliteration maping for this locale
+ */
+var roman_array = {};
+ * To analyze the query and generate actual input query from the
+ * transliterated query
+ */
+function analyzeQuery()
diff --git a/locale/ru/resources1421450892old/suggest_trie.txt.gz b/locale/ru/resources1421450892old/suggest_trie.txt.gz
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..424bce3
Binary files /dev/null and b/locale/ru/resources1421450892old/suggest_trie.txt.gz differ
diff --git a/locale/ru/resources1421450892old/tokenizer.php b/locale/ru/resources1421450892old/tokenizer.php
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..472a818
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/ru/resources1421450892old/tokenizer.php
@@ -0,0 +1,327 @@
+ * SeekQuarry/Yioop --
+ * Open Source Pure PHP Search Engine, Crawler, and Indexer
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2009 - 2014  Chris Pollett
+ *
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+ *
+ * @author Chris Pollett
+ * @package seek_quarry
+ * @subpackage locale
+ * @license GPL3
+ * @link
+ * @copyright 2009 - 2014
+ * @filesource
+ */
+if(!defined('BASE_DIR')) {echo "BAD REQUEST"; exit();}
+ * Russian specific tokenization code. Typically, tokenizer.php
+ * either contains a stemmer for the language in question or
+ * it specifies how many characters in a char gram
+ *
+ * @author Chris Pollett
+ * @package seek_quarry
+ * @subpackage locale
+ */
+define('CHAR_LENGTH', 2);
+ * This class has a collection of methods for Russian locale specific
+ * tokenization. In particular, it has a stemmer, a stop word remover (for
+ * use mainly in word cloud creation). The stemmer is a modification
+ * (with bug fixes ) of  Dennis Kreminsky's stemmer from:
+ *
+ * Here given a word, its stem is that part of the word that
+ * is common to all its inflected variants. For example,
+ * tall is common to tall, taller, tallest. A stemmer takes
+ * a word and tries to produce its stem.
+ *
+ * @author Chris Pollett
+ * @package seek_quarry
+ * @subpackage locale
+ */
+class RuTokenizer
+    /**
+     * Words we don't want to be stemmed
+     * @var array
+     */
+    static $no_stem_list = array();
+    /**
+     * Stub function which could be used for a word segmenter.
+     * Such a segmenter on input thisisabunchofwords would output
+     * this is a bunch of words
+     *
+     * @param string $pre_segment  before segmentation
+     * @return string should return string with words separated by space
+     *     in this case does nothing
+     */
+    static function segment($pre_segment)
+    {
+        return $pre_segment;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Removes the stop words from the page (used for Word Cloud generation)
+     *
+     * @param string $page the page to remove stop words from.
+     * @return string $page with no stop words
+     */
+    static function stopwordsRemover($page)
+    {
+        $stop_words = array("й", "ч", "чп", "ое", "юфп", "по", "об", "с", "у",
+            "уп", "лбл", "б", "фп", "чуе", "поб", "фбл", "езп", "оп", "дб",
+            "фщ", "л", "х", "це", "чщ", "ъб", "вщ", "рп", "фпмшлп", "ее",
+            "ное", "вщмп", "чпф", "пф", "неос", "еэе", "оеф ", "п", "йъ",
+            "енх", "феретш", "лпздб", "дбце", "ох ", "чдтхз", "мй", "еумй",
+            "хце", "ймй", "ой", "вщфш", "вщм", "оезп", "дп", "чбу", "ойвхдш",
+            "прсфш", "хц", "чбн", "улбъбм", "чедш", "фбн", "рпфпн", "уевс",
+            "ойюезп", "ек", "нпцеф", "пой", "фхф", "зде", "еуфш", "обдп",
+            "оек", "дмс", "нщ", "февс", "йи", "юен", "вщмб", "убн", "юфпв",
+            "веъ ", "вхдфп", "юемпчел", "юезп", "тбъ", "фпце", "уеве", "рпд",
+            "цйъош", "вхдеф", "ц", "фпздб", "лфп", "ьфпф", "зпчптйм", "фпзп",
+            "рпфпнх", "ьфпзп", "лблпк", "упчуен", "ойн", "ъдеуш", "ьфпн",
+            "пдйо", "рпюфй", "нпк", "фен", "юфпвщ", "оее", "лбцефус",
+            "уекюбу", "вщмй", "лхдб", "ъбюен", "улбъбфш", "чуеи", "ойлпздб",
+            "уезпдос", "нпцоп", "ртй", "облпоег", "дчб", "пв", "дтхзпк",
+            "ипфш", "рпуме", "обд", "впмшые", "фпф", "юетеъ", "ьфй", "обу",
+            "ртп", "чуезп", "ойи", "лблбс", "нопзп", "тбъче", "улбъбмб", "фтй",
+            "ьфх", "нпс", "чртпюен", "иптпып", "учпа", "ьфпк", "ретед ",
+            "йопздб", "мхюые", "юхфш", "фпн", "оемшъс", "фблпк", "йн", "впмее",
+            "чуездб", "лпоеюоп", "чуа", "нецдх", 'http', 'https'
+        );
+        $page = preg_replace('/\b('.implode('|',$stop_words).')\b/u', '',
+            strtolower($page));
+        return $page;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Computes the stem of a Russian word
+     *
+     * @param string $word the string to stem
+     * @return string the stem of $words
+     */
+    static function stem($word)
+    {
+        $a = self::rv($word);
+        $start = $a[0];
+        $rv = $a[1];
+        $rv = self::step1($rv);
+        $rv = self::step2($rv);
+        $rv = self::step3($rv);
+        $rv = self::step4($rv);
+        return $start . $rv;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Compute the RV region of a word. RV is the region after the first vowel,
+     * or the end of the word if it contains no vowel.
+     *
+     * @param string $word word to compute rv regions for
+     * @return array pair string before rv, string after rv
+     */
+    static function rv($word)
+    {
+        $vowel = 'аеиоуыэюя';
+        $start = $word;
+        $rv = '';
+        preg_match("/[$vowel]/u", $word , $matches,
+            PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE);
+        $len = strlen($word);
+        $rv_index = isset($matches[0][1]) ? $matches[0][1] +
+            CHAR_LENGTH : $len;
+        if($rv_index != $len) {
+            $start = substr($word, 0, $rv_index);
+            $rv = substr($word, $rv_index);
+        }
+        return array($start, $rv);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Search for a PERFECTIVE GERUND ending. If one is found remove it,
+     * and that is then the end of step 1. Otherwise try and remove a REFLEXIVE
+     * ending, and then search in turn for (1) an ADJECTIVAL, (2) a VERB or
+     * (3) a NOUN ending.
+     * As soon as one of the endings (1) to (3) is found remove it, and
+     * terminate step 1.
+     * @param string $word word to stem
+     * @return string $word after step
+     */
+    static function step1($word)
+    {
+        $perfective1 = array('в', 'вши', 'вшись');
+        foreach($perfective1 as $suffix) {
+            $len = strlen($suffix);
+            if(substr($word, -$len) == $suffix &&
+                (substr($word, -$len -CHAR_LENGTH, CHAR_LENGTH) == 'а' ||
+                substr($word, -$len - CHAR_LENGTH, CHAR_LENGTH) == 'я')) {
+                return substr($word, 0, -$len);
+            }
+        }
+        $perfective2 = array('ив', 'ивши', 'ившись', 'ыв', 'ывши', 'ывшись');
+        foreach($perfective2 as $suffix) {
+            $len = strlen($suffix);
+            if(substr($word, -$len) == $suffix) {
+                return substr($word, 0, -$len);
+            }
+        }
+        $reflexive = array('ся', 'сь');
+        foreach ($reflexive as $suffix) {
+            $len = strlen($suffix);
+            if(substr($word, -$len) == $suffix) {
+                $word = substr($word, 0, -$len);
+            }
+        }
+        $adjective = array('ее', 'ие', 'ые', 'ое', 'ими', 'ыми', 'ей', 'ий',
+            'ый', 'ой', 'ем', 'им', 'ым', 'ом', 'его', 'ого', 'ему', 'ому',
+            'их', 'ых', 'ую', 'юю', 'ая', 'яя', 'ою', 'ею');
+        $participle1 = array('ем', 'нн', 'вш', 'ющ', 'щ');
+        $participle2 = array('ивш', 'ывш', 'ующ');
+        foreach ($adjective as $adj_suffix) {
+            $len = strlen($adj_suffix);
+            if(substr($word, -$len) != $adj_suffix) {
+                continue;
+            }
+            $word = substr($word, 0, -$len);
+            foreach($participle1 as $suffix) {
+                $len = strlen($suffix);
+                if(substr($word, -$len) == $suffix &&
+                    (substr($word, -$len - CHAR_LENGTH, CHAR_LENGTH) =='а'
+                    || substr($word,-$len - CHAR_LENGTH, CHAR_LENGTH) =='я')) {
+                    $word = substr($word, 0, -$len);
+                }
+            }
+            foreach($participle2 as $suffix) {
+                $len = strlen($suffix);
+                if(substr($word, -$len) == $suffix) {
+                    $word = substr($word, 0, -$len);
+                }
+            }
+            return $word;
+        }
+        $verb1 = array('ла','на','ете','йте','ли','й','л','ем','н','ло','но',
+            'ет','ют','ны','ть','ешь','нно');
+        foreach ($verb1 as $suffix) {
+            $len = strlen($suffix);
+            if(substr($word,-$len) == $suffix &&
+                (substr($word,-$len - CHAR_LENGTH, CHAR_LENGTH) == 'а' ||
+                substr($word, -$len - CHAR_LENGTH, CHAR_LENGTH) == 'я')) {
+                return substr($word, 0, -$len);
+            }
+        }
+        $verb2 = array('ила', 'ыла', 'ена', 'ейте', 'уйте', 'ите', 'или',
+            'ыли', 'ей', 'уй', 'ил', 'ыл', 'им', 'ым', 'ен', 'ило', 'ыло',
+            'ено', 'ят', 'ует', 'уют', 'ит', 'ыт', 'ены', 'ить', 'ыть', 'ишь',
+            'ую', 'ю');
+        foreach ($verb2 as $suffix) {
+            $len = strlen($suffix);
+            if(substr($word, -$len) == $suffix) {
+                return substr($word, 0, -$len);
+            }
+        }
+        $noun = array('а', 'ев', 'ов', 'ие', 'ье', 'е', 'иями', 'ями', 'ами',
+            'еи', 'ии', 'и', 'ией', 'ей', 'ой', 'ий', 'й', 'иям', 'ям', 'ием',
+            'ем', 'ам', 'ом', 'о', 'у','ах', 'иях', 'ях', 'ы', 'ь', 'ию', 'ью',
+            'ю', 'ия', 'ья', 'я');
+        foreach ($noun as $suffix) {
+            $len = strlen($suffix);
+            if (substr($word, -$len) == $suffix) {
+                return substr($word, 0, -$len);
+            }
+        }
+        return $word;
+    }
+    /**
+     * If the word ends with и (i), remove it.
+     * @param string $word word to stem
+     * @return string $word after step
+     */
+    static function step2($word)
+    {
+        if(substr($word, -CHAR_LENGTH, CHAR_LENGTH) == 'и') {
+            $word = substr($word, 0, -CHAR_LENGTH);
+        }
+        return $word;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Search for a DERIVATIONAL ending in R2 (i.e. the entire ending must
+     * lie in R2), and if one is found, remove it.
+     * @param string $word word to stem
+     * @return string $word after step
+     */
+    static function step3($word)
+    {
+        $vowel = 'аеиоуыэюя';
+        $r1 = '';
+        $r2 = '';
+        preg_match("/[^$vowel]/u", $word , $matches,
+            PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE);
+        $len = strlen($word);
+        $r1_index = isset($matches[0][1]) ? $matches[0][1] +
+            CHAR_LENGTH : $len;
+        if($r1_index != $len) {
+            $r1 = substr($word , $r1_index);
+        }
+        if($r1_index != $len) {
+            preg_match("/[$vowel][^$vowel]/u", $r1, $matches,
+                PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE);
+            $r2_index = isset($matches[0][1]) ? $matches[0][1] +
+                2 * CHAR_LENGTH : $len;
+            if($r2_index != $len) {
+                $r2 = substr($r1, $r2_index);
+            }
+        }
+        $derivational = array('ост', 'ость');
+        foreach($derivational as $suffix) {
+            $len = strlen($suffix);
+            if(substr($r2, -$len) == $suffix)
+                $word  = substr($word, 0, -$len);
+        }
+        return $word;
+    }
+    /**
+     * 1) Undouble н (n), or, (2) if the word ends with a SUPERLATIVE ending,
+     * remove it and undouble н (n), or (3) if the word ends ь (') (soft sign)
+     * remove it.
+     * @param string $word word to stem
+     * @return string $word after step
+     */
+    static function step4($word)
+    {
+        if(substr($word, -CHAR_LENGTH * 2) == 'нн') {
+            $word = substr($word, 0,  -CHAR_LENGTH);
+        } else {
+            $superlative=array('ейш', 'ейше');
+            foreach($superlative as $suffix) {
+                $len = strlen($suffix);
+                if(substr($word, -$len) == $suffix) {
+                    $word = substr($word, 0, - $len);
+                }
+            }
+            if (substr($word, -CHAR_LENGTH * 2) == 'нн') {
+                $word = substr($word, 0, -CHAR_LENGTH);
+            }
+        }
+        /* should there be a guard flag? can't think of a russian word
+         that ends with ейшь or ннь anyways, though the algorithm states
+         this is an "otherwise" case
+        */
+        if(substr($word, -CHAR_LENGTH, CHAR_LENGTH) == 'ь') {
+            $word = substr($word, 0, strlen($word) - CHAR_LENGTH);
+        }
+        return $word;
+    }
diff --git a/locale/ru/statistics.txt b/locale/ru/statistics.txt
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..8f66b5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/ru/statistics.txt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/locale/te/configure.ini b/locale/te/configure.ini
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..f22bcfd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/te/configure.ini
@@ -0,0 +1,4186 @@
+; ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
+;  SeekQuarry/Yioop Open Source Pure PHP Search Engine, Crawler, and Indexer
+;  Copyright (C) 2009 - 2015  Chris Pollett
+;  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;  (at your option) any later version.
+;  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;  GNU General Public License for more details.
+;  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;  along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+;  ***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****
+; configure.ini
+; te configuration file
+; Strings to translate on various pages
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/seek_quarry//controllers
+; admin_controller.php line: 101
+admin_controller_need_cookies = "లాగిన్ అవడానికి కుకీలు అవసరము!!"
+; admin_controller.php line: 150
+admin_controller_account_not_active = "ఖాతా ఆక్టివ్ గా లేదు. పాస్ వర్డ్ రీసెట్ చెయ్యమని అడగవచ్చు "
+; admin_controller.php line: 156
+admin_controller_login_successful = "లాగిన్ విజయవంతం"
+; admin_controller.php line: 175
+admin_controller_no_back_button = "లాగిన్ అయ్యేటప్పుడు బ్యాక్ బటన్ నోక్కకూడదు!"
+; admin_controller.php line: 189
+admin_controller_login_failed = "యుసర్ నేం లెదా పాస్వర్ద్ సరి లేదు"
+; admin_controller.php line: 195
+admin_controller_login_to_config = "కాంఫిగరేషన్ కొరకు లాగిన్ చేయండి"
+; admin_controller.php line: 199
+admin_controller_status_updates_stopped = "స్టేటస్ అప్డేట్స్ ఆగిపోయినవి. "
+; admin_controller.php line: 342
+admin_controller_account_access = "ఖాతా సదుపాయం"
+; admin_controller.php line: 343
+admin_controller_social = "సోషల్"
+; admin_controller.php line: 344
+admin_controller_crawl_settings = "క్రాల్స్"
+; admin_controller.php line: 345
+admin_controller_system_settings = "సిస్టమ్ సెట్టింగులు"
+; admin_controller.php line: 517
+admin_controller_equal = "సమానం"
+; admin_controller.php line: 518
+admin_controller_not_equal = "సమానం కాదు"
+; admin_controller.php line: 519
+admin_controller_contains = "కలిగిఉన్నది"
+; admin_controller.php line: 520
+admin_controller_begins_with = "దీనితో ప్రారంభమవుతుంది"
+; admin_controller.php line: 521
+admin_controller_ends_with = "దీనితో ముగుస్తుంది"
+; admin_controller.php line: 524
+admin_controller_equal = "సమానం"
+; admin_controller.php line: 525
+admin_controller_not_equal = "సమానం కాదు"
+; admin_controller.php line: 528
+admin_controller_no_sort = "క్రమం లో లేదు "
+; admin_controller.php line: 529
+admin_controller_sort_ascending = "ఆరోహణ క్రమం "
+; admin_controller.php line: 530
+admin_controller_sort_descending = "అవరోహణ క్రమం"
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/seek_quarry//controllers/components
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 132
+accountaccess_component_no_posts_yet = "ఇంకా పోస్ట్లు ఏవీ లేవు"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 146
+accountaccess_component_passwords_too_long = "పాస్&zwnj;వర్డ్ చాలా పొడవుగా ఉంది!"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 155
+accountaccess_component_passwords_dont_match = "పాస్వర్ద్స్ ఒకలాగ లేవు"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 162
+accountaccess_component_invalid_password = "చెల్లని పాస్ వర్డ్!"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 192
+accountaccess_component_unknown_imagetype = "తెలియని ఇమేజ్ ఫైలు రకం!"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 197
+accountaccess_component_icon_too_big = "ఐకాన్ ఫైల్ చాలా పెద్దగా వుంది!"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 206
+accountaccess_component_no_user_folder = "యూజర్ ఫోల్డర్ సృష్టించుట కుదరదు!"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 215
+accountaccess_component_user_updated = "యూజర్ అప్డేట్ అయినది"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 259
+accountaccess_component_active_status = "ఆక్టివ్"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 260
+accountaccess_component_inactive_status = "ఆక్టివ్ లో లేదు "
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 261
+accountaccess_component_banned_status = "నిషేధించారు"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 264
+accountaccess_component_request_join = "పెండింగ్"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 265
+accountaccess_component_invited = "ఆహ్వానించబడినది"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 266
+accountaccess_component_active_status = "ఆక్టివ్"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 267
+accountaccess_component_banned_status = "నిషేధించారు"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 312
+accountaccess_component_passwords_too_long = "పాస్&zwnj;వర్డ్ చాలా పొడవుగా ఉంది!"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 317
+accountaccess_component_passwords_dont_match = "పాస్వర్ద్స్ ఒకలాగ లేవు"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 321
+accountaccess_component_invalid_username = "చెల్లని యూజర్ పేరు!"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 325
+accountaccess_component_user_exists = "యూజర్ ఇప్పటికే ఉంది!"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 354
+accountaccess_component_user_added = "యూజర్ ఆడ్ చేయబడింది"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 363
+accountaccess_component_user_doesnt_exist = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 370
+accountaccess_component_cant_edit_public_user = "పబ్లిక్ యూజర్ ఎడిట్ చేయలేరు!"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 412
+accountaccess_component_passwords_dont_match = "పాస్వర్ద్స్ ఒకలాగ లేవు"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 418
+accountaccess_component_user_updated = "యూజర్ అప్డేట్ అయినది"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 424
+accountaccess_component_user_filter_group = "గ్రూప్ పేరు తో ఫిల్టర్ చేయబడినది!"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 428
+accountaccess_component_user_filter_role = "రోల్ పేరు తో ఫిల్టర్ చేయబడినది!  "
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 439
+accountaccess_component_username_doesnt_exists = "యూసర్ నేం లేదు"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 444
+accountaccess_component_cant_delete_builtin = "బిల్ట్-ఇన్ యూజర్ ని డిలీట్ చేయలేరు! "
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 449
+accountaccess_component_user_deleted = "యూజర్ తీసి వేయబడినది "
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 458
+accountaccess_component_username_doesnt_exists = "యూసర్ నేం లేదు"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 463
+accountaccess_component_rolename_doesnt_exists = "రోల్ నేం లేదు"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 469
+accountaccess_component_rolename_already_added = "రోల్ నేం ఇంతకు ముందే ఆడ్ చేయబడినది!"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 475
+accountaccess_component_rolename_added = "రోల్ నేం క్రియేట్ చేయబడింది"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 485
+accountaccess_component_username_doesnt_exists = "యూసర్ నేం లేదు"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 490
+accountaccess_component_groupname_doesnt_exists = "ఈ గ్రూప్ పేరు లేదు "
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 496
+accountaccess_component_groupname_already_added = "గ్రూప్ పేరు ఇది వరకే జోడించబడింది"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 504
+accountaccess_component_groupname_added = "గ్రూప్ పేరు జోడించబడింది "
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 514
+accountaccess_component_username_doesnt_exists = "యూసర్ నేం లేదు"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 519
+accountaccess_component_rolename_doesnt_exists = "రోల్ నేం లేదు"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 528
+accountaccess_component_rolename_deleted = "రోల్ నేం డిలీట్ చేయబడింది"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 538
+accountaccess_component_username_doesnt_exists = "యూసర్ నేం లేదు"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 543
+accountaccess_component_groupname_doesnt_exists = "ఈ గ్రూప్ పేరు లేదు "
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 552
+accountaccess_component_group_deleted = "గ్రూప్ తీసి వేయబడినది"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 569
+accountaccess_component_username_doesnt_exists = "యూసర్ నేం లేదు"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 575
+accountaccess_component_userstatus_updated = "యూజర్ స్టేటస్ అప్డేట్ అయినది"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 733
+accountaccess_component_select_activityname = "యాక్టివిటి  ఎంచుకోండి"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 759
+accountaccess_component_rolename_doesnt_exists = "రోల్ నేం లేదు"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 775
+accountaccess_component_activity_added = "యాక్టివిటి జోడించారు"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 784
+accountaccess_component_rolename_exists = "రోల్ నేం ఇదివరకే ఉన్నది"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 790
+accountaccess_component_rolename_added = "రోల్ నేం క్రియేట్ చేయబడింది"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 794
+accountaccess_component_rolename_blank = "రోల్ పేరు ఖాళీగా వున్నది!"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 803
+accountaccess_component_rolename_doesnt_exists = "రోల్ నేం లేదు"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 821
+accountaccess_component_activity_deleted = "యాక్టివిటి డిలీట్ చేయబడింది"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 829
+accountaccess_component_rolename_doesnt_exists = "రోల్ నేం లేదు"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 835
+accountaccess_component_rolename_deleted = "రోల్ నేం డిలీట్ చేయబడింది"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 867
+accountaccess_component_role_updated = "రోల్ అప్డేట్ చేయబడింది!"
+; crawl_component.php line: 85
+crawl_component_starting_new_crawl = "కొత్త క్రాల్ మొదలు అవుతున్నది"
+; crawl_component.php line: 102
+crawl_component_stop_crawl = "క్రాల్ ఆగుతున్నది ... కొంత నమయం పట్టవచ్చు"
+; crawl_component.php line: 131
+crawl_component_resume_crawl = "క్రాల్ తిరిగి  మొదలు అవుతున్నది ... కొంత నమయం పట్టవచ్చు"
+; crawl_component.php line: 140
+crawl_component_delete_crawl_success = "క్రాల్ తొలగించ బడుతోంది ... కొంత నమయం పట్టవచ్చు"
+; crawl_component.php line: 144
+crawl_component_delete_crawl_fail = "డిలీట్ క్రాల్ విజయవంతం కాలేదు"
+; crawl_component.php line: 153
+crawl_component_set_index = "క్రాల్ ని సూచిక గా ఉపయోగించడానికి ఏర్పాటు చేయబడినది"
+; crawl_component.php line: 187
+crawl_component_no_description = "క్రాల్ కు వివరణ లేదు"
+; crawl_component.php line: 334
+crawl_component_use_below = "కింది ఆప్సం ఉపయొగిచండి"
+; crawl_component.php line: 335
+crawl_component_use_defaults = "యూప్ డిఫాల్టస ఉపయొగిచండి"
+; crawl_component.php line: 338
+crawl_component_use_below = "కింది ఆప్సం ఉపయొగిచండి"
+; crawl_component.php line: 342
+crawl_component_previous_crawl = "ముందటి క్రాల్"
+; crawl_component.php line: 413
+crawl_component_added_urls = "యుఆరెల్స్ దీని పై  ఇంజెక్ట్ చేయబడినవి %s."
+; crawl_component.php line: 427
+crawl_component_add_suggest = "యూజర్ సజెస్ట్ చేసిన యుఆరెల్స్ ఆడ్ చేయబడినవి!"
+; crawl_component.php line: 431
+crawl_component_no_new_suggests = "సూచించిన డేటా లో క్రొత్త యుఆరెల్స్ ఏమీ లేవు "
+; crawl_component.php line: 478
+crawl_component_breadth_first = "బ్రెడ్త్-ఫస్ట్"
+; crawl_component.php line: 480
+crawl_component_page_importance = "పేజ్ పా్రముఖ్యత"
+; crawl_component.php line: 545
+crawl_component_added_urls = "యుఆరెల్స్ దీని పై  ఇంజెక్ట్ చేయబడినవి %s."
+; crawl_component.php line: 555
+crawl_component_urls_injected = "యుఆరెల్స్ ఇంజెక్ట్ చేయబడినవి!"
+; crawl_component.php line: 565
+crawl_component_update_seed_info = "అప్డేటింగ్ సీడ్ సైట్ ఇన్ఫో!"
+; crawl_component.php line: 620
+crawl_component_new_classifier = "క్రొత్త క్లాసిఫయ్యర్ క్రియేట్ చేయబడినది."
+; crawl_component.php line: 624
+crawl_component_classifier_exists = "ఆ పేరు తో క్లాసిఫయ్యర్ ఇంతకుముందే వుంది."
+; crawl_component.php line: 647
+crawl_component_classifier_deleted = "క్లాసిఫయ్యర్ డిలీట్ చేయబడినది."
+; crawl_component.php line: 651
+crawl_component_no_classifier = "ఆ పేరు తో క్లాసిఫయ్యర్ ఏమీ లేదు"
+; crawl_component.php line: 662
+crawl_component_no_classifier = "ఆ పేరు తో క్లాసిఫయ్యర్ ఏమీ లేదు"
+; crawl_component.php line: 680
+crawl_component_finalizing_classifier = "క్లాసిఫయ్యర్ ఖరారు చేయబడినది."
+; crawl_component.php line: 707
+crawl_component_finalizing_classifier = "క్లాసిఫయ్యర్ ఖరారు చేయబడినది."
+; crawl_component.php line: 753
+crawl_component_classifier_exists = "ఆ పేరు తో క్లాసిఫయ్యర్ ఇంతకుముందే వుంది."
+; crawl_component.php line: 762
+crawl_component_load_failed = "డాక్యుమెంట్స్ లోడ్  ఫెయిల్ అయినది"
+; crawl_component.php line: 764
+crawl_component_loading = "లోడ్ అవుతోంది"
+; crawl_component.php line: 766
+crawl_component_added_examples = "జోడించిన {1}{2} ఉదాహరణలు"
+; crawl_component.php line: 768
+crawl_component_label_update_failed = "లేబెల్స్ అప్డేట్ చెయ్యబడలేదు."
+; crawl_component.php line: 770
+crawl_component_updating = "అప్డేట్ అవుతోంది"
+; crawl_component.php line: 772
+crawl_component_acc_update_failed = "అప్డేట్ ఆక్యురసీ ఫెయిల్ అయినది "
+; crawl_component.php line: 774
+crawl_component_na = "N/A"
+; crawl_component.php line: 776
+crawl_component_no_docs = "డాక్యుమెంట్స్ ఎమీ లేవు"
+; crawl_component.php line: 778
+crawl_component_num_docs = "{1}{2} డాక్యుమెంట్స్"
+; crawl_component.php line: 780
+crawl_component_in_class = "ఇన్ క్లాస్"
+; crawl_component.php line: 782
+crawl_component_not_in_class = "నాట్ ఇన్ క్లాస్"
+; crawl_component.php line: 784
+crawl_component_skip = "దాట వేయి"
+; crawl_component.php line: 786
+crawl_component_prediction = "అంచనా: {1}"
+; crawl_component.php line: 788
+crawl_component_scores = "{1}%% విశ్వాసం,{2}%% అసమ్మతి"
+; crawl_component.php line: 830
+crawl_component_use_below = "కింది ఆప్సం ఉపయొగిచండి"
+; crawl_component.php line: 831
+crawl_component_use_defaults = "యూప్ డిఫాల్టస ఉపయొగిచండి"
+; crawl_component.php line: 833
+crawl_component_use_below = "కింది ఆప్సం ఉపయొగిచండి"
+; crawl_component.php line: 841
+crawl_component_recrawl_never = " ఎప్పుడూ కాదు 	"
+; crawl_component.php line: 842
+crawl_component_recrawl_1day = "1 రోజు"
+; crawl_component.php line: 843
+crawl_component_recrawl_2day = "2 రోజులు"
+; crawl_component.php line: 844
+crawl_component_recrawl_3day = "3 రోజులు"
+; crawl_component.php line: 845
+crawl_component_recrawl_7day = "7 రోజులు"
+; crawl_component.php line: 846
+crawl_component_recrawl_14day = "14 రోజులు"
+; crawl_component.php line: 854
+crawl_component_basic = "ప్రాథమిక"
+; crawl_component.php line: 855
+crawl_component_centroid = "సెన్ట్రోయిడ్"
+; crawl_component.php line: 1141
+crawl_component_page_options_updated = "పేజ్ ఆప్షన్లు అప్డేట్ అయినవి!"
+; crawl_component.php line: 1169
+crawl_component_page_options_running_tests = "టెస్ట్లు నడుస్తున్నవి!"
+; crawl_component.php line: 1348
+crawl_component_results_editor_update = "ఫిల్టర్ పేజీలు నవీకరించబడినవి!"
+; crawl_component.php line: 1363
+crawl_component_edited_pages = "ఇంతకముందు ఎడిట్ చేసిన యుఆరెల్ ని ఎంచుకోండి"
+; crawl_component.php line: 1376
+crawl_component_results_editor_need_url = "ఫలితాల పేజీ అప్డేట్ కోసం యుఆర్ఎల్ పేర్కొనండి!"
+; crawl_component.php line: 1382
+crawl_component_results_editor_page_updated = "ఫలితాల పేజీలు అప్డేట్ అయినవి!"
+; crawl_component.php line: 1395
+crawl_component_results_editor_page_loaded = "పేజ్ లోడ్ అయినది!"
+; crawl_component.php line: 1426
+crawl_component_media_kind = "మీడియా రకం"
+; crawl_component.php line: 1427
+crawl_component_video = "వీడియో "
+; crawl_component.php line: 1428
+crawl_component_rss_feed = "RSS"
+; crawl_component.php line: 1429
+crawl_component_html_feed = "హెచ్ టి యమ్ ఎల్ ఫీడ్ "
+; crawl_component.php line: 1443
+crawl_component_sources_indexes = "సూచిక/మిక్స్ ఉపయోగించడానికి"
+; crawl_component.php line: 1499
+crawl_component_no_source_type = "సోర్స్ టైపు ఇంకా సెట్ చేయలేదు!"
+; crawl_component.php line: 1512
+crawl_component_missing_type = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1526
+crawl_component_invalid_url = "చెల్లని యుఆర్ఎల్!"
+; crawl_component.php line: 1533
+crawl_component_missing_fields = "అన్ని ఖాళీలను భర్తీ చేయాలి!"
+; crawl_component.php line: 1550
+crawl_component_media_source_added = "మీడియా సోర్సు ఆడ్ చేయడమైనది!"
+; crawl_component.php line: 1563
+crawl_component_missing_fields = "అన్ని ఖాళీలను భర్తీ చేయాలి!"
+; crawl_component.php line: 1571
+crawl_component_subsearch_added = "సబ్ సెర్చ్ ఆడ్ చేయడమైనది!"
+; crawl_component.php line: 1577
+crawl_component_no_delete_source = "సోర్స్ డిలీట్ చెయ్యబడలేదు!"
+; crawl_component.php line: 1583
+crawl_component_media_source_deleted = "మీడియా సోర్సు డిలీట్ చేయడమైనది!"
+; crawl_component.php line: 1590
+crawl_component_no_delete_source = "సోర్స్ డిలీట్ చెయ్యబడలేదు!"
+; crawl_component.php line: 1597
+crawl_component_subsearch_deleted = "సబ్ సెర్చ్ డిలీట్ చేయడమైనది!"
+; crawl_component.php line: 1632
+crawl_component_subsearch_updated = "సబ్ సెర్చ్ అప్డేట్ చేయడమైనది!"
+; crawl_component.php line: 1707
+crawl_component_media_source_updated = "మీడియా సోర్సు అప్డేట్ చేయడమైనది!"
+; social_component.php line: 85
+social_component_request_join = "చేరడానికి అభ్యర్థన"
+; social_component.php line: 86
+social_component_invited = "ఆహ్వానించబడ్డారు"
+; social_component.php line: 87
+social_component_active_status = "ఆక్టివ్ "
+; social_component.php line: 88
+social_component_banned_status = "నిషేధించబడినది "
+; social_component.php line: 91
+social_component_no_join = "ఎవరూ లేరు"
+; social_component.php line: 92
+social_component_by_request = "అభ్యర్థన ద్వారా"
+; social_component.php line: 93
+social_component_public_request = "బహిరంగ అభ్యర్థన"
+; social_component.php line: 94
+social_component_public_join = "ఎవరైనా"
+; social_component.php line: 97
+social_component_private = "చదవలేరు "
+; social_component.php line: 98
+social_component_read = "చదవండి"
+; social_component.php line: 99
+social_component_read_comment = "వ్యాఖ్యను చదవండి "
+; social_component.php line: 100
+social_component_read_write = "చదవండి వ్రాయండి"
+; social_component.php line: 101
+social_component_read_wiki = "రీడ్ రైట్ వికీ"
+; social_component.php line: 104
+social_component_no_voting = "నో వోటింగ్"
+; social_component.php line: 105
+social_component_up_voting = "+ వోటింగ్"
+; social_component.php line: 106
+social_component_up_down_voting = "+/- వోటింగ్"
+; social_component.php line: 109
+social_component_forever = "గడువు ఎప్పటికీ ముగియదు"
+; social_component.php line: 110
+social_component_one_hour = "ఒక గంట"
+; social_component.php line: 111
+social_component_one_day = "ఒక రోజు"
+; social_component.php line: 112
+social_component_one_month = "ఒక నెల"
+; social_component.php line: 181
+accountaccess_component_user_activated = "యూజర్ ఆక్టివేట్ చేయబడినది! "
+; social_component.php line: 186
+accountaccess_component_no_user_activated = "యూజర్ ఆక్టివేట్ చేసిలేదు!"
+; social_component.php line: 204
+social_component_joined = "గ్రూప్ లో చేరారు!"
+; social_component.php line: 208
+social_component_groupname_unavailable = "గ్రూప్ పేరు అందుబాటులో లేదు!"
+; social_component.php line: 213
+social_component_name_available = "గ్రూప్ పేరు అందుబాటులో వున్నది!"
+; social_component.php line: 228
+social_component_user_banned = "యూజర్ నిషేధించబడెను! "
+; social_component.php line: 233
+social_component_no_user_banned = "యూజర్ నిషేధించబడలేదు!"
+; social_component.php line: 254
+social_component_owner_changed = "ఓనర్ మార్చబడింది!"
+; social_component.php line: 259
+social_component_not_in_group = "ఈ యూజర్ గ్రూప్ లో లేరు"
+; social_component.php line: 265
+social_component_not_a_user = "ఈ యూజర్ పేరు లేదు!"
+; social_component.php line: 275
+social_component_groupname_exists = "గ్రూప్ పేరు వున్నది"
+; social_component.php line: 302
+social_component_groupname_added = "గ్రూప్ పేరు ఆడ్ చేయబడినది"
+; social_component.php line: 311
+social_component_groupname_doesnt_exists = "ఈ గ్రూప్ పేరు లేదు"
+; social_component.php line: 318
+social_component_group_deleted = "గ్రూప్ డిలీట్ చేయబడినది "
+; social_component.php line: 322
+social_component_no_delete_group = "గ్రూప్ డిలీట్ చేయబడుటలేదు"
+; social_component.php line: 335
+social_component_user_deleted = "యూజర్ డిలీట్ చేయబడినది "
+; social_component.php line: 340
+social_component_no_delete_user_group = "ఈ యూజర్ గ్రూప్ నుంచి డిలీట్ చేయబడుటలేదు"
+; social_component.php line: 390
+social_component_users_invited = "యూజర్స్ ఆహ్వానించబడ్డారు!"
+; social_component.php line: 395
+social_component_no_users_invited = "ఏ యూజర్స్ ఆహ్వానించబడలేదు! "
+; social_component.php line: 411
+social_component_joined = "గ్రూప్ లో చేరారు!"
+; social_component.php line: 415
+social_component_no_unsubscribe = "తొలిగించుట సాధ్యపడలేదు!"
+; social_component.php line: 457
+social_component_user_reinstated = "యూజర్ పునరుద్ధరించబడెను!"
+; social_component.php line: 462
+social_component_no_user_reinstated = "యూజర్ పునరుద్ధరించబడలేదు!"
+; social_component.php line: 469
+social_component_request_join = "చేరడానికి అభ్యర్థన"
+; social_component.php line: 471
+social_component_invited = "ఆహ్వానించబడ్డారు"
+; social_component.php line: 473
+social_component_banned_status = "నిషేధించబడినది "
+; social_component.php line: 490
+social_component_unsubscribe = "విజయవంతంగా తొలిగించబడినది!"
+; social_component.php line: 495
+social_component_no_unsubscribe = "తొలిగించుట సాధ్యపడలేదు!"
+; social_component.php line: 538
+social_component_group_joined = "గ్రూప్ లో చేరారు!"
+; social_component.php line: 540
+social_component_group_request_join = "గ్రూప్ లో చేరడానికి అభ్యర్థన చేయబడినది!"
+; social_component.php line: 556
+social_component_activate_group = "yioop గ్రూప్ %s యాక్టివేషన్ అభ్యర్థన"
+; social_component.php line: 563
+social_component_activate_body = "యూజర్ %s గ్రూప్%s లో చేరడానికి అభ్యర్థన చేసారు. ఈ యూజర్ నిర్వహణకు క్రింది లింక్ ను వాడవచ్చు.  "
+; social_component.php line: 567
+social_component_notify_closing = "ధన్యవాదములు,"
+; social_component.php line: 568
+social_component_notify_signature = "Yioop సాఫ్ట్ వేర్"
+; social_component.php line: 639
+social_component_no_permission = "చాలని యాక్సెస్!"
+; social_component.php line: 652
+social_component_group_updated = "గ్రూప్ అప్డేట్ చేయబడినది!"
+; social_component.php line: 660
+social_component_unknown_access = "తెలియని విలువ యాక్సెస్ మార్చడానికి ప్రయత్నం!"
+; social_component.php line: 668
+social_component_group_filter_users = "యూజర్స్ వడపోత!"
+; social_component.php line: 759
+social_component_comment_error = "వ్యాఖ్య డేటాలో పొరపాటు ఉన్నది!"
+; social_component.php line: 763
+social_component_no_comment = " ఖాళీ వ్యాఖ్య పోస్ట్ చెయ్యలేరు!"
+; social_component.php line: 775
+social_component_no_post_access = "ఆ గ్రూప్ కు పోస్ట్ చెయ్యలేరు!"
+; social_component.php line: 781
+social_component_no_post_access = "ఆ గ్రూప్ కు పోస్ట్ చెయ్యలేరు!"
+; social_component.php line: 785
+social_component_join_group = "%s చేరారు %s!"
+; social_component.php line: 788
+social_component_join_group_detail = "ఈ తేదిన %s, మీరు %s గ్రూప్ లో చేరారు."
+; social_component.php line: 803
+social_component_upload_error = "అప్ లోడ్ పొరపాటు"
+; social_component.php line: 816
+social_component_thread_notification = "థ్రెడ్ లో క్రొత్త పోస్ట్: %s"
+; social_component.php line: 818
+social_component_notify_body = ""
+; social_component.php line: 821
+social_component_notify_closing = "ధన్యవాదములు,"
+; social_component.php line: 822
+social_component_notify_signature = "Yioop సాఫ్ట్ వేర్"
+; social_component.php line: 824
+social_component_notify_salutation = "డియర్ %s, "
+; social_component.php line: 831
+social_component_comment_added = "కామెంట్ ఆడ్ చేయడమైనది!"
+; social_component.php line: 841
+social_component_groupname_cant_add = "ఎంపిక చేసిన గ్రూప్ జోడించడము కుదరదు!"
+; social_component.php line: 847
+social_component_delete_error = "ఐటెం తొలగించడం లో పొరపాటు వచ్చినది"
+; social_component.php line: 868
+social_component_item_deleted = "ఐటెం డిలీట్ చేయబడినది!"
+; social_component.php line: 871
+social_component_no_item_deleted = "ఐటెం ఎదీ డిలీట్ చేయబడలేదు!"
+; social_component.php line: 879
+social_component_vote_error = "వోటింగ్ పొరపాటు!"
+; social_component.php line: 888
+social_component_no_vote_access = "ఈ పోస్ట్ కి వోటింగ్ సదుపాయము లేదు!"
+; social_component.php line: 893
+social_component_no_post_access = "ఆ గ్రూప్ కు పోస్ట్ చెయ్యలేరు!"
+; social_component.php line: 897
+social_component_already_voted = "వోటింగ్ అయిపోయినది!"
+; social_component.php line: 901
+social_component_vote_recorded = "వోటింగ్ నమోదు చేయబడినది!"
+; social_component.php line: 906
+social_component_comment_error = "వ్యాఖ్య డేటాలో పొరపాటు ఉన్నది!"
+; social_component.php line: 911
+social_component_need_title_description = "టైటిల్ మరియు వివరణ రెండూ అవసరం!"
+; social_component.php line: 922
+social_component_no_post_access = "ఆ గ్రూప్ కు పోస్ట్ చెయ్యలేరు!"
+; social_component.php line: 930
+social_component_upload_error = "అప్ లోడ్ పొరపాటు"
+; social_component.php line: 936
+social_component_new_thread_mail = "గ్రూప్ %s లో క్రొత్త థ్రెడ్"
+; social_component.php line: 943
+social_component_new_thread_body = ""
+; social_component.php line: 947
+social_component_notify_closing = "ధన్యవాదములు,"
+; social_component.php line: 948
+social_component_notify_signature = "Yioop సాఫ్ట్ వేర్"
+; social_component.php line: 949
+social_component_notify_salutation = "డియర్ %s, "
+; social_component.php line: 956
+social_component_thread_created = "థ్రెడ్ సృష్టించబడినది!"
+; social_component.php line: 964
+social_component_comment_error = "వ్యాఖ్య డేటాలో పొరపాటు ఉన్నది!"
+; social_component.php line: 968
+social_component_need_title_description = "టైటిల్ మరియు వివరణ రెండూ అవసరం!"
+; social_component.php line: 974
+social_component_post_edited_elsewhere = "పోస్ట్ వేరే చోట ఇప్పుడే సవరించారు (వేరే టేబ్?)"
+; social_component.php line: 982
+social_component_no_update_access = "పోస్ట్ ని అప్డేట్ చేయలేరు!"
+; social_component.php line: 995
+social_component_no_update_access = "పోస్ట్ ని అప్డేట్ చేయలేరు!"
+; social_component.php line: 1004
+social_component_upload_error = "అప్ లోడ్ పొరపాటు"
+; social_component.php line: 1007
+social_component_post_updated = "పోస్ట్ అప్డేట్ చేయబడినది!"
+; social_component.php line: 1014
+social_component_vote_error = "వోటింగ్ పొరపాటు!"
+; social_component.php line: 1023
+social_component_no_vote_access = "ఈ పోస్ట్ కి వోటింగ్ సదుపాయము లేదు!"
+; social_component.php line: 1028
+social_component_no_post_access = "ఆ గ్రూప్ కు పోస్ట్ చెయ్యలేరు!"
+; social_component.php line: 1032
+social_component_already_voted = "వోటింగ్ అయిపోయినది!"
+; social_component.php line: 1036
+social_component_vote_recorded = "వోటింగ్ నమోదు చేయబడినది!"
+; social_component.php line: 1067
+social_component_join_group = "%s చేరారు %s!"
+; social_component.php line: 1070
+social_component_join_group_detail = "ఈ తేదిన %s, మీరు %s గ్రూప్ లో చేరారు."
+; social_component.php line: 1338
+accountaccess_component_no_posts_yet = "ఇంకా పోస్ట్లు ఏవీ లేవు"
+; social_component.php line: 1379
+social_component_search = "శోధన"
+; social_component.php line: 1463
+social_component_no_group_access = "సభ్యుడు కాదు లేదా ఆ గ్రూప్ ని చదవలేరు.పబ్లిక్ గ్రూప్ కి మార్చండి!"
+; social_component.php line: 1466
+social_component_no_group_access = "సభ్యుడు కాదు లేదా ఆ గ్రూప్ ని చదవలేరు.పబ్లిక్ గ్రూప్ కి మార్చండి!"
+; social_component.php line: 1490
+social_component_standard_page = "సగటు"
+; social_component.php line: 1491
+social_component_page_alias = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1492
+social_component_media_list = "మీడియా జాబితా"
+; social_component.php line: 1493
+social_component_presentation = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1496
+social_component_solid = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1497
+social_component_dashed = " "
+; social_component.php line: 1498
+social_component_none = ""
+; social_component.php line: 1538
+social_component_missing_fields = "కొన్ని ఫీల్డ్స్ మిస్ అయినవి!"
+; social_component.php line: 1544
+social_component_wiki_edited_elsewhere = "మీ వెర్షన్ తరువాత వికీ పేజీ సవరించబడింది.మార్చబడిన వెర్షన్ లోడ్ అవుతోంది!"
+; social_component.php line: 1594
+social_component_page_created = "%s వికీ పేజ్ సృష్టించబడినది!"
+; social_component.php line: 1595
+social_component_page_discuss_here = "ఈ థ్రెడ్ లో పేజీ గురించి చర్చించండి!"
+; social_component.php line: 1600
+social_component_page_saved = "పేజ్ సేవ్ చేయబడినది!"
+; social_component.php line: 1612
+social_component_resource_deleted = "రిసోర్స్ డిలీట్ చేయబడినది!"
+; social_component.php line: 1617
+social_component_resource_not_deleted = "రిసోర్స్ డిలీట్ చేయబడలేదు!"
+; social_component.php line: 1634
+social_component_resource_renamed = "రిసోర్స్ పేరు మార్చబడింది!"
+; social_component.php line: 1639
+social_component_resource_not_renamed = "రిసోర్స్ పేరు మార్చలేదు!"
+; social_component.php line: 1649
+social_component_resource_save_first = "రిసోర్సెస్ వాడే ముందు పేజ్ సేవ్ చేయాలి!"
+; social_component.php line: 1661
+social_component_page_created = "%s వికీ పేజ్ సృష్టించబడినది!"
+; social_component.php line: 1663
+social_component_page_discuss_here = "ఈ థ్రెడ్ లో పేజీ గురించి చర్చించండి!"
+; social_component.php line: 1667
+social_component_resource_uploaded = "రిసోర్స్ అప్ లోడ్ అయినది!"
+; social_component.php line: 1672
+social_component_upload_error = "అప్ లోడ్ పొరపాటు"
+; social_component.php line: 1718
+social_component_back = "వెనుకకు"
+; social_component.php line: 1719
+social_component_history_page = "చారిత్రక వెర్షన్ %s నుండి %s."
+; social_component.php line: 1752
+social_component_back = "వెనుకకు"
+; social_component.php line: 1753
+social_component_diff_page = "%s లైన్ తేడాలు%s మరియు %s మధ్"
+; social_component.php line: 1767
+social_component_wiki_edited_elsewhere = "మీ వెర్షన్ తరువాత వికీ పేజీ సవరించబడింది.మార్చబడిన వెర్షన్ లోడ్ అవుతోంది!"
+; social_component.php line: 1775
+social_component_page_revert_to = "తిరిగి వెనుకకు %s"
+; social_component.php line: 1779
+social_component_page_reverted = "పేజీ వెనుకకు మార్చబడింది!&quot;"
+; social_component.php line: 1783
+social_component_revert_error = "పేజీ వెనుకకు మార్చుటలో లోపం!"
+; social_component.php line: 1854
+social_component_main = "ప్రధాన"
+; social_component.php line: 2096
+wiki_js_small = "చిన్న"
+; social_component.php line: 2097
+wiki_js_medium = "మధ్యస్థం"
+; social_component.php line: 2098
+wiki_js_large = "పెద్ద"
+; social_component.php line: 2099
+wiki_js_search_size = "పరిమాణం"
+; social_component.php line: 2100
+wiki_js_prompt_heading = "శీర్షిక పంక్తి:"
+; social_component.php line: 2101
+wiki_js_example = "ఉదాహరణ"
+; social_component.php line: 2102
+wiki_js_table_title = "టేబుల్ పేరు"
+; social_component.php line: 2103
+wiki_js_submit = "మనవి చేయి"
+; social_component.php line: 2104
+wiki_js_cancel = "రద్దు చెయ్యి"
+; social_component.php line: 2105
+wiki_js_bold = "బోల్డ్ టెక్స్ట్"
+; social_component.php line: 2106
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+; social_component.php line: 2107
+wiki_js_underline = "అండర్ లైన్డ్ టెక్స్ట్"
+; social_component.php line: 2108
+wiki_js_strike = "స్ట్రైక్డ్ టెక్స్ట్"
+; social_component.php line: 2109
+wiki_js_heading = "హెడ్డింగ్"
+; social_component.php line: 2110
+wiki_js_heading1 = "లెవెల్ 1 హెడ్డింగ్"
+; social_component.php line: 2111
+wiki_js_heading2 = "లెవెల్ 2 హెడ్డింగ్"
+; social_component.php line: 2112
+wiki_js_heading3 = "లెవెల్ 3 హెడ్డింగ్"
+; social_component.php line: 2113
+wiki_js_heading4 = "లెవెల్ 4 హెడ్డింగ్"
+; social_component.php line: 2114
+wiki_js_bullet = "క్రమం లేని జాబితా అంశం"
+; social_component.php line: 2115
+wiki_js_enum = "క్రమంలో జాబితా అంశం"
+; social_component.php line: 2116
+wiki_js_nowiki = "ఇక్కడ ఫార్మాట్ చేయని టెక్స్ట్ ఇన్సర్ట్ చేయండి"
+; social_component.php line: 2117
+wiki_js_add_search = "శోధన రూపం జోడించండి"
+; social_component.php line: 2118
+wiki_js_search_size = "పరిమాణం"
+; social_component.php line: 2119
+wiki_js_add_wiki_table = "వికీ టేబుల్ ఆడ్ చెయ్యండి "
+; social_component.php line: 2120
+wiki_js_for_table_cols = "కాలమ్ కౌంట్:"
+; social_component.php line: 2121
+wiki_js_for_table_rows = "వరుస కౌంట్:"
+; social_component.php line: 2122
+wiki_js_add_hyperlink = "హైపర్ లింక్ ఆడ్ చెయ్యండి"
+; social_component.php line: 2123
+wiki_js_link_text = "టెక్స్ట్:"
+; social_component.php line: 2124
+wiki_js_link_url = "URL:"
+; social_component.php line: 2125
+wiki_js_placeholder = "ప్లేస్ హోల్డర్ టెక్స్ట్ శోధన"
+; social_component.php line: 2126
+wiki_js_centeraligned = "ఈ టెక్స్ట్ మధ్య సమలేఖనమైంది."
+; social_component.php line: 2127
+wiki_js_rightaligned = "ఈ టెక్స్ట్ కుడి సమలేఖనమైంది. "
+; social_component.php line: 2128
+wiki_js_leftaligned = "ఈ టెక్స్ట్ ఎడమ సమలేఖనమైంది."
+; social_component.php line: 2130
+wiki_js_definitionlist_item = "అంశము"
+; social_component.php line: 2132
+wiki_js_definitionlist_definition = "నిర్వచనం"
+; social_component.php line: 2134
+wiki_js_slide_sample_title = "శీర్షిక"
+; social_component.php line: 2136
+wiki_js_slide_sample_bullet = "స్లయిడ్ అంశము"
+; social_component.php line: 2138
+wiki_js_slide_resource_description = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2178
+social_component_select_crawl = "క్రాల్ ఎంచుకోండి"
+; social_component.php line: 2179
+social_component_default_crawl = "డిఫాల్ట  క్రాల్"
+; social_component.php line: 2181
+social_component_select_crawl = "క్రాల్ ఎంచుకోండి"
+; social_component.php line: 2183
+social_component_default_crawl = "డిఫాల్ట  క్రాల్"
+; social_component.php line: 2214
+social_component_mix_created = "క్రాల్ మిక్స్ సృష్టించబడినది!"
+; social_component.php line: 2217
+social_component_invalid_name = "మిక్స్ పేరు వాడుక లో వుంది లేదా చెల్లదు!"
+; social_component.php line: 2225
+social_component_mix_invalid_timestamp = "టైం స్టాంప్ వేలిడ్ కాదు!"
+; social_component.php line: 2229
+social_component_mix_deleted = "క్రాల్ మిక్స్ డిలీట్ చేయబడినది!"
+; social_component.php line: 2248
+social_component_mix_doesnt_exists = "తొలగించవలసిన మిక్స్ లేదు!"
+; social_component.php line: 2256
+social_component_mix_imported = "మిక్స్ విజయవంతంగా దిగుమతి చేయబడినది!"
+; social_component.php line: 2270
+social_component_set_index = "సూచికగా ఉపయోగించడానికి క్రాల్ సెట్ చేస్తోంది  "
+; social_component.php line: 2280
+social_component_comment_error = "వ్యాఖ్య డేటాలో పొరపాటు ఉన్నది!"
+; social_component.php line: 2286
+social_component_invalid_timestamp = "షేర్డ్ మిక్స్ టైమ్ స్టాంప్ చెల్లదు"
+; social_component.php line: 2304
+social_component_no_post_access = "ఆ గ్రూప్ కు పోస్ట్ చెయ్యలేరు!"
+; social_component.php line: 2308
+social_component_share_title = "ఈ క్రాల్ మిక్స్ ప్రయత్నించండి!"
+; social_component.php line: 2310
+social_component_share_description = "%s పంచుకుంటున్నారు  క్రాల్ మిక్స్%sని!"
+; social_component.php line: 2315
+social_component_thread_created = "థ్రెడ్ సృష్టించబడినది!"
+; social_component.php line: 2367
+social_component_mix_invalid_timestamp = "టైం స్టాంప్ వేలిడ్ కాదు!"
+; social_component.php line: 2372
+social_component_mix_not_owner = "మిక్స్ యజమాని కాదు!"
+; social_component.php line: 2382
+social_component_add_crawls = "క్రాల్ లు జోడించుము"
+; social_component.php line: 2384
+social_component_num_results = "ఫలితాలను చూపించాయి"
+; social_component.php line: 2386
+social_component_del_frag = "తొలగించు"
+; social_component.php line: 2388
+social_component_weight = "బరువు"
+; social_component.php line: 2389
+social_component_name = "పేరు "
+; social_component.php line: 2391
+social_component_add_keywords = "కీపదాలు"
+; social_component.php line: 2393
+social_component_actions = "యాక్సన్ లు"
+; social_component.php line: 2395
+social_component_add_query = "క్వెరి జోడించుము"
+; social_component.php line: 2396
+social_component_delete = "తొలగించు"
+; social_component.php line: 2443
+social_component_too_many_fragments = "చాలా శోధన ఫలిత శకలాలు!"
+; social_component.php line: 2454
+social_component_mix_saved = "క్రాల్ మిక్స్ మార్పులు సేవ్ చేయబడినవి!"
+; system_component.php line: 79
+system_component_select_machine = "మెషిన్ ఎంపిక చేయి"
+; system_component.php line: 145
+system_component_machine_added = "మెషిన్ ఆడ్ చేయబడినది!"
+; system_component.php line: 149
+system_component_machine_exists = "మెషిన్ పేరు ఇదివరకే ఉన్నది;దయచేసి మొదట తొలగించండి!"
+; system_component.php line: 153
+system_component_machine_incomplete = "మెషిన్ ఫార్మ్ లో ఖాళీలు వున్నవి!"
+; system_component.php line: 160
+system_component_machine_doesnt_exists = "మెషిన్ పేరు సరిఅయినది కాదు!"
+; system_component.php line: 181
+system_component_stop_service_first = "మెషిన్ ఉపయోగంలో వున్నది. దయచేసి మొదట సర్వీసెస్ ని ఆపండి!"
+; system_component.php line: 187
+system_component_machine_deleted = "మెషిన్ డిలీట్ చేయబడినది!"
+; system_component.php line: 208
+system_component_media_mode_updated = ""
+; system_component.php line: 212
+system_component_media_update_failed = "వార్తలు అప్డేట్ మోడ్ మార్పు విఫలమైనది!"
+; system_component.php line: 275
+system_component_no_machine_log = "లాగ్ ఫైల్ కనపడలేదు."
+; system_component.php line: 304
+system_component_machine_servers_updated = "మెషిన్ సర్వర్స్ అప్డేట్ చేయబడినవి!"
+; system_component.php line: 308
+system_component_machine_no_action = "ఏ ఏక్సన్ చేయుట కుదరలేదు!"
+; system_component.php line: 344
+system_component_select_mode = "మోడ్ ఎంచుకోండి"
+; system_component.php line: 386
+system_component_locale_missing_info = "ఫీల్డ్  వేల్యూస్ మిస్సింగ్ లేదా చెల్లదు!"
+; system_component.php line: 393
+system_component_locale_added = "లొకేల్ ఆడ్ చేయబడినది!"
+; system_component.php line: 400
+system_component_localename_doesnt_exists = " లొకేల్ పేరు లేదు!"
+; system_component.php line: 405
+system_component_localename_deleted = "లొకేల్ డిలీట్ చేయబడినది"
+; system_component.php line: 411
+system_component_localename_doesnt_exists = " లొకేల్ పేరు లేదు!"
+; system_component.php line: 440
+system_component_locale_updated = "లొకేల్ సమాచారం అప్డేట్ చేయబడినది!"
+; system_component.php line: 470
+system_component_localestrings_updated = "లొకేల్ స్ట్రింగ్స్ అప్డేట్ చేయబడినవి!  "
+; system_component.php line: 481
+system_component_all_strings = "అన్ని స్ట్రింగ్లు "
+; system_component.php line: 482
+system_component_missing_strings = "మిస్సింగ్ స్ట్రింగ్స్"
+; system_component.php line: 568
+system_component_configure_no_change_db = "డేటాబేస్ నవీకరణలో సమస్య!"
+; system_component.php line: 573
+system_component_configure_profile_change = "ప్రొఫైల్ అప్డేట్ చేయబడినది!"
+; system_component.php line: 576
+system_component_configure_no_change_profile = "ప్రొఫైల్ నవీకరణలో సమస్య వున్నది! "
+; system_component.php line: 598
+system_component_configure_disable_registration = "రిజిస్ట్రేషన్ డిసేబుల్"
+; system_component.php line: 600
+system_component_configure_no_activation = "నో ఏక్టివేషన్"
+; system_component.php line: 602
+system_component_configure_email_activation = "ఇమెయిల్ ఏక్టివేషన్"
+; system_component.php line: 604
+system_component_configure_admin_activation = "అడ్మిన్  ఏక్టివేషన్"
+; system_component.php line: 669
+captchasettings_element_text_captcha = "కేప్త్చపదం"
+; system_component.php line: 671
+captchasettings_element_hash_captcha = "హాష్ కేప్త్చ"
+; system_component.php line: 673
+captchasettings_element_image_captcha = "కేప్త్చ చిత్రం"
+; system_component.php line: 678
+serversettings_element_normal_authentication = "సాధారణ ఆతేంటికేషణ్"
+; system_component.php line: 680
+serversettings_element_zkp_authentication = "ZKP ఆతేంటికేషణ్"
+; system_component.php line: 685
+serversettings_element_normal_authentication = "సాధారణ ఆతేంటికేషణ్"
+; system_component.php line: 710
+system_component_settings_updated = "సెట్టింగ్స్ అప్డేట్ చెయ్యబడినవి!"
+; system_component.php line: 713
+system_component_no_update_settings = "ఏ సెట్టింగులు మార్చబడలేదు!"
+; system_component.php line: 780
+system_component_configure_use_absolute_path = "వర్క్ డైరెక్టరీ కోసం సరైన పాత్ ఉపయోగించాలి"
+; system_component.php line: 785
+system_component_configure_configure_diff_base_dir = "వర్క్ డైరెక్టరీ yioop ఫోల్డర్ లో ఉండకూడదు!"
+; system_component.php line: 810
+system_component_configure_work_dir_set = "వర్క్ డైరెక్టరీ సెట్  చేయండి! మీరు తిరిగి లాగిన్ చేయాలి!"
+; system_component.php line: 821
+system_component_name_your_bot = "దయచేసి మీ రోబోట్ కి పేరు పెట్టండి"
+; system_component.php line: 846
+system_component_configure_work_profile_made = "వర్కింగ్ డైరెక్టరీ మరియు ప్రొఫైల్ క్రియేట్ చేయబడినది!"
+; system_component.php line: 850
+system_component_configure_no_set_config = "config.php ఫైల్ అప్డేట్ చేయుట సాధ్యపడలేదు!"
+; system_component.php line: 857
+system_component_configure_no_create_profile = "ప్రొఫైల్ తయారు చేయుట సాధ్యపడలేదు!"
+; system_component.php line: 864
+system_component_configure_work_dir_invalid = "వర్క్ డైరెక్టరీ చెల్లదు! ప్రొఫైల్ సృష్టించలేరు!"
+; system_component.php line: 871
+system_component_configure_work_dir_invalid = "వర్క్ డైరెక్టరీ చెల్లదు! ప్రొఫైల్ సృష్టించలేరు!"
+; system_component.php line: 893
+system_component_no_resource_folder = "రిసోర్స్ ఫోల్డర్ లేదు!"
+; system_component.php line: 907
+system_component_invalid_filetype = "చెల్లని ఫైల్ రకం!"
+; system_component.php line: 912
+system_component_file_too_big = "చాలా పెద్ద ఫైలు!"
+; system_component.php line: 935
+system_component_configure_profile_change = "ప్రొఫైల్ అప్డేట్ చేయబడినది!"
+; system_component.php line: 939
+system_component_configure_no_change_profile = "ప్రొఫైల్ నవీకరణలో సమస్య వున్నది! "
+; system_component.php line: 988
+system_component_configure_reset_completed = "రీసెట్ పూర్తి అయినది"
+; system_component.php line: 992
+system_component_configure_no_change_profile = "ప్రొఫైల్ నవీకరణలో సమస్య వున్నది! "
+; system_component.php line: 1025
+system_component_describe_robot = "మీ రోబోట్ ని దయచేసి వివరించండి"
+; system_component.php line: 1091
+system_component_php_version = "PHP వెర్షన్ 5.3 లేదా ఇంకా క్రొత్తది"
+; system_component.php line: 1099
+system_component_no_write_config_php = ""
+; system_component.php line: 1104
+system_component_no_write_work_dir = ""
+; system_component.php line: 1109
+system_component_post_size_small = ""
+; system_component.php line: 1115
+system_component_missing_required = ""
+; system_component.php line: 1138
+system_component_missing_optional = ""
+; system_component.php line: 1143
+system_component_check_passed = ""
+; system_component.php line: 1148
+system_component_using_local_config = ""
+; machine_controller.php line: 172
+machine_controller_nolines = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 246
+register_controller_need_cookies = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 313
+register_controller_account_created = "అకౌంట్ సక్సస్ గా క్రియేట్ చేయబడినది!!"
+; register_controller.php line: 331
+register_controller_registration_email_sent = "నమోదు ఇమెయిల్ పంపిచబడినది!"
+; register_controller.php line: 333
+register_controller_admin_activation_request = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 334
+register_controller_admin_email_salutation = "ప్రియమైన %s %s,"
+; register_controller.php line: 336
+register_controller_email_body = "ఈ ఇమెయిల్ ఖాతా నమోదు అభ్యర్థనలో ఇవ్వబడింది. మీకు Yioop ఖాతాఫై ఆసక్తి ఉంటే, దయచేసి నమోదు ప్రక్రియ పూర్తి చేయడానికి ఈ క్రింది చిరునామాను ఉపయోగించండి."
+; register_controller.php line: 369
+register_controller_account_request_made = " ఖాతా నమోదు అభ్యర్థన పంపబడింది!"
+; register_controller.php line: 373
+register_controller_admin_activation_request = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 374
+register_controller_admin_activation_message = "యూజర్ %s %s పేరు తో %s వారి ఖాతా ఆక్టివేషన్ అభ్యర్థించారు."
+; register_controller.php line: 416
+register_controller_email_verification_error = "ఇమెయిల్ ధృవీకరణ లోపం!!"
+; register_controller.php line: 422
+register_controller_already_activated = "ఖాతా ఇదివరకే యాక్టివేట్ చేయబడింది!"
+; register_controller.php line: 429
+register_controller_account_activated = "ఖాతా విజయవంతంగా యాక్టివేట్ చేయబడింది"
+; register_controller.php line: 432
+register_controller_email_verification_error = "ఇమెయిల్ ధృవీకరణ లోపం!!"
+; register_controller.php line: 480
+register_controller_account_recover_fail = "ఖాతా పునరుద్ధరించలేకపోయింది!"
+; register_controller.php line: 489
+register_controller_account_recover_fail = "ఖాతా పునరుద్ధరించలేకపోయింది!"
+; register_controller.php line: 493
+register_controller_account_recover_email = "ఖాతా పునరుద్ధరన ఇమెయిల్ పంపిచబడినది!!"
+; register_controller.php line: 497
+register_controller_recover_request = "Yioop ఖాతా పునరుద్ధరన అభ్యర్థన"
+; register_controller.php line: 498
+register_controller_admin_email_salutation = "ప్రియమైన %s %s,"
+; register_controller.php line: 500
+register_controller_recover_body = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 534
+register_controller_account_recover_fail = "ఖాతా పునరుద్ధరించలేకపోయింది!"
+; register_controller.php line: 546
+register_controller_account_recover_fail = "ఖాతా పునరుద్ధరించలేకపోయింది!"
+; register_controller.php line: 559
+register_controller_account_recover_fail = "ఖాతా పునరుద్ధరించలేకపోయింది!"
+; register_controller.php line: 566
+register_controller_recovered_already = "పునరుద్ధరన ఇమెయిల్ ఇదివరకే వాడబడినది!"
+; register_controller.php line: 570
+register_controller_recovery_expired = "పునరుద్ధరన ఇమెయిల్ గడువు ముగిసింది!"
+; register_controller.php line: 576
+register_controller_password_changed = "పాస్ వర్డ్ మార్చబడినది!"
+; register_controller.php line: 584
+register_controller_passwords_dont_match = "పాస్ వర్డ్స్ సరిపోలడం లేదు!"
+; register_controller.php line: 598
+register_controller_recovered_already = "పునరుద్ధరన ఇమెయిల్ ఇదివరకే వాడబడినది!"
+; register_controller.php line: 602
+register_controller_recovery_expired = "పునరుద్ధరన ఇమెయిల్ గడువు ముగిసింది!"
+; register_controller.php line: 728
+register_controller_invalid_url = "యుఆర్ఎల్ యొక్క ఫార్మాట్ చెల్లదు!"
+; register_controller.php line: 732
+register_controller_error_fields = "స్టార్ ఉన్న ఫీల్డ్స్ తప్పని సరిగా పూర్తి చేయాలి!"
+; register_controller.php line: 746
+register_controller_failed_hashcode = "హాష్ కోడ్ సరిపోలడం లేదు!"
+; register_controller.php line: 756
+register_controller_failed_human = "మానవ చెక్ ప్రశ్నలు తప్పు వచ్చాయి!"
+; register_controller.php line: 783
+register_controller_failed_graphical_human = "కాప్చ సరికాదు!"
+; register_controller.php line: 797
+register_controller_suggest_full = "సూచించిన యుఆర్ఎల్ బఫర్ నిండి పోయినది. దయచేసి కాసేపు ఆగి మరలా ప్రయత్నించండి!"
+; register_controller.php line: 801
+register_controller_url_submitted = "సూచించిన యు ఆర్ ఎల్ సేవ్ చేయబడినది!"
+; register_controller.php line: 1004
+register_controller_need_cookies = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 1010
+register_controller_failed_human = "మానవ చెక్ ప్రశ్నలు తప్పు వచ్చాయి!"
+; register_controller.php line: 1025
+register_controller_failed_graphical_human = "కాప్చ సరికాదు!"
+; register_controller.php line: 1036
+register_controller_failed_hashcode = "హాష్ కోడ్ సరిపోలడం లేదు!"
+; register_controller.php line: 1064
+register_controller_error_fields = "స్టార్ ఉన్న ఫీల్డ్స్ తప్పని సరిగా పూర్తి చేయాలి!"
+; register_controller.php line: 1067
+register_controller_check_email = "ఇ-మెయిల్ చిరునామా మరోసారి పరిశీలించండి! "
+; register_controller.php line: 1074
+register_controller_user_already_exists = "ఖాతా సృస్టించలేదు - యూజర్ పేరు వాడుకలో వున్నది!!"
+; search_controller.php line: 235
+search_controller_web = "వెబ్"
+; search_controller.php line: 295
+search_controller_logout_successful = "లాగౌట్ విజయవంతం"
+; search_controller.php line: 500
+search_controller_mix_info = "మిక్స్ క్రాల్ ఉపయోగించబడుతోంది: %s"
+; search_controller.php line: 506
+search_controller_crawl_info = "సూచిక: %s -- పరిమాణము: %s పేజీలు /%s URL లు "
+; search_controller.php line: 542
+search_controller_search = "అన్వేషించు"
+; search_controller.php line: 646
+search_controller_no_index_set = "శోధన సూచిక సెట్ అయి లేదు "
+; search_controller.php line: 649
+search_controller_no_index_set = "శోధన సూచిక సెట్ అయి లేదు "
+; search_controller.php line: 1300
+search_controller_download_fetcher = "డౌన్లోడ్ ఫెచ్చర్: %s"
+; search_controller.php line: 1309
+search_controller_no_archive_page = "ఈ వెబ్ సైట్ ఈ పేజీ ఆర్కైవ్ చేయరాదని  అభ్యర్థించారు "
+; search_controller.php line: 1358
+search_controller_yioop_cache = "Yioop కాష్"
+; search_controller.php line: 1363
+search_controller_original_page = "ఈ చిత్రం  కనిపించిన పేజి:"
+; search_controller.php line: 1380
+search_controller_extracted_title = "సేకరించిన శీర్షిక "
+; search_controller.php line: 1382
+search_controller_extracted_description = "సేకరించిన వివరణ "
+; search_controller.php line: 1384
+search_controller_extracted_links = "సేకరించిన లింకులు "
+; search_controller.php line: 1389
+search_controller_extracted_allow_paths = "సేకరించిన అనుమతి ఉన్న క్రాల్  మార్గాలు"
+; search_controller.php line: 1395
+search_controller_extracted_disallow_paths = "సేకరించిన అనుమతి లేని క్రాల్  మార్గాలు"
+; search_controller.php line: 1401
+search_controller_crawl_delay = "యూప్ బాట్ క్రాల్ అలస్యం"
+; search_controller.php line: 1466
+search_controller_cache_comment = "యూప్కా ష్ పేజ్ ... ఈ పేజీకి, ఒక రోబోట్ ఆదేశం జోడించండి లింకులు సంపూర్ణ తయారు, సేకరించిన సారాంశాలు జోడించడానికి మరియు ప్రశ్న నిబంధనలు హైలైట్ కు మార్చబడింది"
+; search_controller.php line: 1477
+search_controller_yioop_cache = "Yioop కాష్"
+; search_controller.php line: 1513
+search_controller_cached_version = "ఈ కేషెడ్ వెర్షన్ %s యూప్ క్రాలర్ ద్వారా పొందారు %s"
+; search_controller.php line: 1608
+search_controller_download_fetcher = "డౌన్లోడ్ ఫెచ్చర్: %s"
+; search_controller.php line: 1626
+search_controller_header_summaries = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1739
+search_controller_history = "టాగుల్ చరిత్ర"
+; search_controller.php line: 1908
+search_controller_all_cached = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1939
+search_controller_year = "సంవత్సరం:"
+; search_controller.php line: 1940
+search_controller_month = "నెల:"
+; settings_controller.php line: 115
+settings_controller_crawl_mix = "క్రాల్ మిక్స్ "
+; settings_controller.php line: 130
+settings_controller_settings_saved = "సెట్టింగ్స్ సేవ్ చేయబడినవి!!"
+; static_controller.php line: 67
+static_controller_logout_successful = "లాగ్అవుట్ విజయవంతం!"
+; static_controller.php line: 145
+static_controller_complete_title = "Yioop! -%s"
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/sq_data/app/controllers
+; main_controller.php line: 87
+search_controller_logout_successful = "లాగౌట్ విజయవంతం"
+; main_controller.php line: 112
+main_controller_download = ""
+; main_controller.php line: 129
+main_controller_missing_fields = ""
+; main_controller.php line: 164
+main_controller_yioop_download = ""
+; main_controller.php line: 165
+main_controller_click_download = ""
+; main_controller.php line: 178
+main_controller_url_error = ""
+; main_controller.php line: 187
+main_controller_expired_url = ""
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/seek_quarry//views
+; admin_view.php line: 70
+admin_view_admin = "అడ్మిన్ "
+; admin_view.php line: 89
+adminview_auto_logout_one_minute = "ఒక నిమిషం లో ఆటో లాగ్అవుట్ అవుతుంది!!"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 52
+crawlstatus_view_currently_processing = "ప్రస్తుతం ప్రాసెస్ అవుతున్నవి "
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 53
+crawlstatus_view_description = "వివరణ:"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 58
+crawlstatus_view_starting_crawl = "క్రొత్త క్రాల్ మొదలవుతుంది..."
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 62
+managecrawls_element_stop_crawl = "క్రాల్ ఆపటానికి"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 66
+crawlstatus_view_resuming_crawl = "క్రాల్ మరలా ప్రారంభం అవుతుంది "
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 70
+managecrawls_element_stop_crawl = "క్రాల్ ఆపటానికి"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 74
+crawlstatus_view_shutdown_queue = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 77
+crawlstatus_view_closing_dict = "క్రాల్ నిఘంటువు మూసివేయబడుతున్నది..."
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 80
+crawlstatus_view_run_plugins = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 88
+managecrawls_element_stop_crawl = "క్రాల్ ఆపటానికి"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 96
+crawlstatus_view_set_index = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 99
+crawlstatus_view_search_index = "శోధన సూచిక"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 107
+crawlstatus_view_changeoptions = "క్రాల్ ఆప్షన్లు మార్చండి"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 109
+crawlstatus_view_no_description = "ఏ క్రాల్ నూ ఆక్టివ్ గా లేదు "
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 114
+crawlstatus_view_timestamp = "టైం స్టాంప్:"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 116
+crawlstatus_view_time_started = "మొదలుపెట్టిన సమయము:"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 122
+crawlstatus_view_indexer_memory = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 124
+crawlstatus_view_scheduler_memory = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 127
+crawlstatus_view_queue_memory = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 132
+crawlstatus_view_no_mem_data = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 136
+crawlstatus_view_fetcher_memory = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 141
+crawlstatus_view_no_mem_data = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 144
+crawlstatus_view_webapp_memory = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 149
+crawlstatus_view_no_mem_data = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 152
+crawlstatus_view_urls_per_hour = "సందర్శించిన యుఆర్ఎల్స్/గంట:"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 160
+crawlstatus_view_visited_urls = "సందర్శించిన యు ఆర్ ఎల్స్ లెక్క:"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 164
+crawlstatus_view_total_urls = "మొత్తం చూసిన యు ఆర్ ఎల్స్:"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 167
+crawlstatus_view_most_recent_fetcher = "ఇటీవలి ఫెట్చెర్:"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 176
+crawlstatus_view_no_fetcher = "ఇంకా ఎటువంటి ఫెట్చెర్ క్వొర్రీస్ లేవు"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 180
+crawlstatus_view_most_recent_urls = "ఇటీవలి యు ఆర్ ఎల్స్"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 190
+crawlstatus_view_no_recent_urls = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 193
+crawlstatus_view_previous_crawls = "మునుపటి క్రాల్స్ "
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 203
+crawlstatus_view_description = "వివరణ:"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 206
+crawlstatus_view_timestamp = "టైం స్టాంప్:"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 207
+crawlstatus_view_url_counts = "సందర్శించిన/సేకరించిన యు ఆర్ ఎల్స్:"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 211
+crawlstatus_view_actions = "చర్యలు"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 222
+crawlstatus_view_statistics = "గణాంకాలు"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 238
+crawlstatus_view_resume = "పునఃప్రారంభం"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 240
+crawlstatus_view_no_resume = "మూసివేయబడింది"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 247
+crawlstatus_view_set_index = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 250
+crawlstatus_view_search_index = "శోధన సూచిక"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 257
+crawlstatus_view_delete = "తొలగించు"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 265
+crawlstatus_view_no_previous_crawl = "మునుపటి క్రాల్స్ ఏమి లేవు"
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/seek_quarry//views/elements
+; activity_element.php line: 54
+activity_element_activities = "చర్యలు"
+; configure_element.php line: 76
+configure_element_work_directory = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 82
+configure_element_load_or_create = "లోడ్ లేదా సృష్టించు "
+; configure_element.php line: 100
+configure_element_component_check = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 104
+configure_element_profile_settings = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 107
+configure_element_toggle_advanced = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 114
+configure_element_default_language = "డిఫాల్ట్ భాష:"
+; configure_element.php line: 121
+configure_element_debug_display = "డీబగ్ డిస్ప్లే"
+; configure_element.php line: 126
+configure_element_error_info = "లోపాల సమాచారం"
+; configure_element.php line: 131
+configure_element_query_info = "క్వరీ సమాచారం"
+; configure_element.php line: 136
+configure_element_test_info = "టెస్ట్ సమాచారం"
+; configure_element.php line: 141
+configure_element_site_access = "శోధన యాక్సెస్"
+; configure_element.php line: 146
+configure_element_web_access = "వెబ్"
+; configure_element.php line: 151
+configure_element_rss_access = "ఆర్ఎస్ఎస్"
+; configure_element.php line: 156
+configure_element_api_access = "ఎపిఐ"
+; configure_element.php line: 161
+configure_element_customizations = "సైట్ కష్టమైజేషన్"
+; configure_element.php line: 163
+configure_element_use_wiki_landing = "వికీ ప్రధాన పేజీని ల్యాండింగ్ పేజీగా ఉపయోగించండి:"
+; configure_element.php line: 170
+configure_element_background_color = "వెనుకవైపు రంగు:"
+; configure_element.php line: 178
+configure_element_background_image = "వెనుకవైపు చిత్రం:"
+; configure_element.php line: 185
+configure_element_background_image = "వెనుకవైపు చిత్రం:"
+; configure_element.php line: 194
+configure_element_foreground_color = "ముందువైపు రంగు:"
+; configure_element.php line: 200
+configure_element_topbar_color = "టాప్ బార్ రంగు:"
+; configure_element.php line: 206
+configure_element_sidebar_color = "సైడ్ బార్ రంగు:"
+; configure_element.php line: 214
+configure_element_site_logo = "సైట్ చిహ్నం:"
+; configure_element.php line: 221
+configure_element_site_logo = "సైట్ చిహ్నం:"
+; configure_element.php line: 232
+configure_element_mobile_logo = "మొబైల్ చిహ్నం:"
+; configure_element.php line: 239
+configure_element_mobile_logo = "మొబైల్ చిహ్నం:"
+; configure_element.php line: 250
+configure_element_favicon = "ఫవికన్:"
+; configure_element.php line: 257
+configure_element_favicon = "ఫవికన్:"
+; configure_element.php line: 267
+configure_element_toolbar = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 278
+configure_element_site_timezone = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 284
+configure_element_cookie_name = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 290
+configure_element_token_name = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 296
+configure_element_auxiliary_css = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 304
+configure_element_reset_customizations = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 311
+configure_element_crawl_robot = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 313
+configure_element_robot_name = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 321
+configure_element_robot_instance = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 328
+configure_element_robot_description = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 338
+serversettings_element_submit = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 55
+crawloptions_element_back_to_manage = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 58
+crawloptions_element_modify_active_crawl = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 60
+crawloptions_element_edit_crawl_options = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 83
+crawloptions_element_web_crawl = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 93
+crawloptions_element_archive_crawl = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 100
+crawloptions_element_load_options = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 105
+crawloptions_element_crawl_order = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 114
+crawloptions_element_restrict_by_url = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 122
+crawloptions_element_allowed_to_crawl = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 129
+crawloptions_element_disallowed_and_quota_sites = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 140
+crawloptions_element_seed_sites = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 144
+crawloptions_element_add_suggest_urls = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 155
+crawloptions_element_inject_sites = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 159
+crawloptions_element_add_suggest_urls = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 176
+crawloptions_element_reindex_crawl = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 185
+crawloptions_element_need_api_for_mix = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 193
+crawloptions_element_save_options = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 58
+editclassifier_back = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 60
+editclassifier_edit_classifier = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 72
+editclassifier_classifier_label = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 77
+editclassifier_change = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 82
+editclassifier_statistics = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 83
+editclassifier_positive_examples = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 86
+editclassifier_negative_examples = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 89
+editclassifier_accuracy = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 94
+crawl_component_na = "N/A"
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 99
+editclassifier_update = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 100
+editclassifier_add_examples = "ఉదాహరణలు జోడించండి"
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 109
+editclassifier_source = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 113
+editclassifier_default_crawl = "డీఫాల్ట్ క్రాల్"
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 123
+editclassifier_label_by_hand = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 125
+editclassifier_all_in_class = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 127
+editclassifier_none_in_class = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 132
+editclassifier_keywords = "కీ వర్డ్స్:"
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 141
+editclassifier_load = "లోడ్"
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 147
+editclassifier_finalize = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 155
+editclassifier_no_documents = "డాక్యుమెంట్స్ లేవు"
+; editlocales_element.php line: 55
+editlocales_element_back_to_manage = ""
+; editlocales_element.php line: 57
+editlocales_element_edit_locale = ""
+; editlocales_element.php line: 71
+editlocales_element_show = ""
+; editlocales_element.php line: 75
+editlocales_element_filter = ""
+; editlocales_element.php line: 82
+editlocales_element_go = ""
+; editlocales_element.php line: 86
+editlocales_element_no_matching = ""
+; editlocales_element.php line: 119
+editlocales_element_submit = "సేవ్"
+; editmix_element.php line: 51
+editmix_element_back_to_mix = ""
+; editmix_element.php line: 53
+mixcrawls_element_edit_mix = ""
+; editmix_element.php line: 64
+mixcrawls_element_mix_name = ""
+; editmix_element.php line: 70
+mixcrawls_element_mix_components = ""
+; editmix_element.php line: 77
+mixcrawls_element_too_many = ""
+; editmix_element.php line: 79
+mixcrawls_element_add_fragment = ""
+; editmix_element.php line: 85
+mixcrawls_element_save_button = ""
+; footer_element.php line: 59
+footer_element_blog = ""
+; footer_element.php line: 61
+footer_element_privacy = ""
+; footer_element.php line: 63
+footer_element_terms = ""
+; footer_element.php line: 65
+footer_element_tools = ""
+; footer_element.php line: 67
+footer_element_bot = ""
+; footer_element.php line: 72
+footer_element_developed_seek_quarry = ""
+; footer_element.php line: 75
+footer_element_copyright_yioop = ""
+; footer_element.php line: 77
+footer_element_php_search_engine = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 91
+groupfeed_element_add_group = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 95
+groupfeed_element_request_add = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 122
+groupfeed_element_wiki_page = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 124
+groupfeed_element_back = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 127
+groupfeed_element_back = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 136
+groupfeed_element_group_activity = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 140
+groupfeed_element_wiki_thread = "% వికీ పేజీ చర్చ"
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 159
+groupfeed_element_feed = "ఫీడ్"
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 163
+group_view_wiki = "వికీ "
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 165
+groupfeed_element_user = "% యూజర్ ఫీడ్"
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 206
+groupfeed_element_comment = "వ్యాఖ్య"
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 238
+manageaccount_element_group_wiki = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 239
+manageaccount_element_group_stats = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 244
+manageaccount_element_last_post = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 286
+groupfeed_element_comment = "వ్యాఖ్య"
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 297
+groupfeed_element_start_thread = "క్రొత్త థ్రెడ్ మొదలుపెట్టండి"
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 311
+groupfeed_element_start_thread = "క్రొత్త థ్రెడ్ మొదలుపెట్టండి"
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 317
+groupfeed_element_no_posts_yet = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 323
+groupfeed_element_thread_no_exist = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 358
+groupfeed_element_edit = "ఎడిట్"
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 363
+groupfeed_element_delete = "డిలీట్"
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 385
+groupfeed_element_num_posts = "%s పోస్ట్లు"
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 395
+groupfeed_element_num_views = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 420
+groupfeed_element_start_thread_in_group = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 422
+groupfeed_element_start_thread_in_group = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 436
+groupfeed_element_last_edited = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 452
+groupfeed_element_post_vote = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 479
+groupfeed_element_last_post_info = "ఆఖరి పోస్ట్:"
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 494
+groupfeed_element_comment = "వ్యాఖ్య"
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 547
+fileupload_helper_drag_textarea = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 548
+fileupload_helper_click_textarea = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 572
+groupfeed_element_add_comment = "వ్యాఖ్యను జోడించండి"
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 586
+groupfeed_element_save = "సేవ్"
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 625
+groupfeed_element_subject = "విషయం"
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 632
+groupfeed_element_post = "పోస్ట్"
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 645
+groupfeed_element_save = "సేవ్"
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 681
+groupfeed_element_edit_post = "పోస్ట్ లను సవరించు"
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 684
+groupfeed_element_subject = "విషయం"
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 690
+groupfeed_element_post = "పోస్ట్"
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 703
+groupfeed_element_save = "సేవ్"
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 732
+groupfeed_element_no_longer_update = "గ్రూప్ ఫీడ్స్ అప్డేట్ అవడంలేదు!"
+; machinelog_element.php line: 54
+machinelog_element_back_to_manage = "వెనుకకు"
+; machinelog_element.php line: 59
+machinelog_element_filter = "వడపోత:"
+; machinelog_element.php line: 66
+machinelog_element_log_file = "%s లాగ్ ఫైల్"
+; machinelog_element.php line: 71
+machinelog_element_refresh_off = "ఆటో రిఫ్రెష్ ఆఫ్ చేయండి"
+; machinelog_element.php line: 76
+machinelog_element_refresh_on = "ఆటో రిఫ్రెష్ ఆన్ చేయండి"
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 60
+manageaccount_element_lock = "లాక్"
+manageaccount_element_edit = "సవరించు"
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 67
+manageaccount_element_welcome = "స్వాగతం, %s!"
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 69
+manageaccount_element_what_can_do = "ఈ పేజీ నుండి మీరు మీ ఖాతా అంశాలను ఆక్సెస్ మరియు నియంత్రణ చేయవచ్చు."
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 71
+manageaccount_element_account_details = "ఖాతా వివరాలు"
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 100
+manageaccounts_element_icon = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 110
+manageusers_element_username = "యూజర్ పేరు"
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 117
+manageusers_element_firstname = "పేరు"
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 123
+manageusers_element_lastname = "ఇంటి పేరు"
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 129
+manageusers_element_email = "ఇ-మెయిలు "
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 138
+manageaccount_element_password = "పాస్ వర్డ్:"
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 145
+manageaccount_element_new_password = "కొత్త పాస్ వర్డ్:"
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 151
+manageaccount_element_retype_password = "మరలా టైపు చెయ్యండి:"
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 163
+manageaccount_element_save = "సేవ్"
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 169
+manageaccount_element_search_lang_settings = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 174
+manageaccount_element_crawl_and_index = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 175
+manageaccount_element_crawl_info = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 176
+manageaccount_element_num_crawls = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 179
+manageaccount_element_manage_crawls = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 185
+manageaccount_element_groups_and_feeds = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 186
+manageaccount_element_group_info = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 188
+manageaccount_element_num_groups = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 191
+manageaccount_element_num_group = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 203
+manageaccount_element_group_wiki = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 204
+manageaccount_element_group_stats = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 209
+manageaccount_element_last_post = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 219
+manageaccount_element_manage_all_groups = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 221
+manageaccount_element_go_to_group_feed = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 223
+manageaccount_element_crawl_mixes = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 224
+manageaccount_element_mixes_info = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 226
+manageaccount_element_num_mixes = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 229
+manageaccount_element_num_mix = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 233
+manageaccount_element_manage_mixes = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 61
+manageclassifiers_available_classifiers = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 69
+manageclassifiers_label_col = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 72
+manageclassifiers_positive_col = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 74
+manageclassifiers_negative_col = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 80
+manageclassifiers_actions_col = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 99
+manageclassifiers_edit = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 102
+manageclassifiers_finalized = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 109
+manageclassifiers_finalize = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 111
+manageclassifiers_finalize = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 115
+manageclassifiers_finalizing = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 119
+confirm_delete_operation = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 123
+manageclassifiers_delete = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 156
+manageclassifiers_manage_classifiers = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 166
+manageclassifiers_classifier_name = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 171
+manageclassifiers_create_button = "సృష్టించు "
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 186
+manageclassifiers_element_search = "శోధన"
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 187
+manageclassifiers_element_create_form = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 189
+manageclassifiers_classifier_name = ""
+; managecrawls_element.php line: 49
+managecrawls_element_create_crawl = ""
+; managecrawls_element.php line: 58
+managecrawls_element_description = ""
+; managecrawls_element.php line: 65
+managecrawls_element_start_new_crawl = ""
+; managecrawls_element.php line: 69
+managecrawls_element_options = ""
+; managecrawls_element.php line: 75
+managecrawls_element_awaiting_status = ""
+; managecrawls_element.php line: 93
+managecrawls_element_up_longer_update = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 67
+managegroups_element_not_my_groups = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 69
+managegroups_element_groups = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 78
+managegroups_element_groupname = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 79
+managegroups_element_groupowner = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 81
+managegroups_element_registertype = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 82
+managegroups_element_memberaccess = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 83
+managegroups_element_voting = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 84
+managegroups_element_post_lifetime = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 87
+managegroups_element_actions = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 201
+manageaccount_element_group_wiki = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 216
+managegroups_element_join = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 220
+managegroups_element_edit = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 225
+managegroups_element_edit = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 230
+managegroups_element_delete = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 236
+managegroups_element_join = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 241
+managegroups_element_join = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 250
+managegroups_element_decline = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 252
+managegroups_element_unsubscribe = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 257
+confirm_delete_operation = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 260
+managegroups_element_delete = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 289
+managegroups_element_addgroup_form = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 290
+managegroups_element_group_info = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 292
+managegroups_element_create_group = "గ్రూప్ సృష్టించు"
+; managegroups_element.php line: 296
+managegroups_element_add_group = "గ్రూప్ సృష్టించు/చేరు "
+; managegroups_element.php line: 313
+managegroups_element_groupname = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 324
+managegroups_element_browse = "బ్రౌజ్"
+; managegroups_element.php line: 335
+managegroups_element_register = "నమోదు చేయి"
+; managegroups_element.php line: 342
+managegroups_element_memberaccess = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 349
+managegroups_element_voting = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 356
+managegroups_element_post_lifetime = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 368
+managegroups_element_group_users = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 372
+managegroups_element_num_users = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 398
+managegroups_element_groupowner = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 400
+managegroups_element_delete = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 410
+managegroups_element_activate = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 416
+managegroups_element_ban = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 422
+managegroups_element_unban = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 430
+managegroups_element_delete = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 459
+managegroups_element_filter = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 480
+managegroups_element_invite = "మరిన్నియూజర్స్ ని ఆహ్వానించండి"
+; managegroups_element.php line: 491
+managegroups_element_save = "సేవ్"
+; managegroups_element.php line: 520
+managegroups_element_group_info = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 521
+managegroups_element_invite_users_group = "యూజర్స్ ని గ్రూప్ కి  ఆహ్వానించండి"
+; managegroups_element.php line: 533
+managegroups_element_groupname = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 541
+managegroups_element_usernames = "యూజర్ పేర్లు(కామా లేదా ఖాళీ)"
+; managegroups_element.php line: 548
+managegroups_element_invite = "మరిన్నియూజర్స్ ని ఆహ్వానించండి"
+; managegroups_element.php line: 566
+managegroups_element_addgroup_form = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 567
+managegroups_element_transfer_group_owner = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 580
+managegroups_element_groupname = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 588
+managegroups_element_new_group_owner = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 595
+managegroups_element_change_owner = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 614
+managegroups_element_discover_groups = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 618
+managegroups_element_search_group = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 620
+managegroups_element_addgroup_form = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 622
+managegroups_element_groupname = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 623
+managegroups_element_groupowner = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 624
+managegroups_element_registertype = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 626
+managegroups_element_memberaccess = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 628
+managegroups_element_post_lifetime = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 59
+managelocales_element_locale_list = "లొకేల్ లిస్టు "
+; managelocales_element.php line: 69
+managelocales_element_localename = "పేరు "
+; managelocales_element.php line: 72
+managelocales_element_localetag = "ట్యాగు"
+; managelocales_element.php line: 73
+managelocales_element_writingmode = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 75
+managelocales_element_enabled = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 80
+managelocales_element_percenttranslated = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 81
+managelocales_element_actions = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 101
+managelocales_element_true = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 102
+managelocales_element_false = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 109
+managelocales_element_edit = "ఎడిట్ "
+; managelocales_element.php line: 114
+confirm_delete_operation = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 115
+managelocales_element_delete = "డిలీట్"
+; managelocales_element.php line: 135
+manageloecales_element_add_locale_form = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 136
+managelocales_element_locale_info = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 138
+managelocales_element_add_locale = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 160
+managelocales_element_localenamelabel = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 173
+managelocales_element_localetaglabel = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 179
+managelocales_element_writingmodelabel = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 189
+managelocales_element_localeenabled = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 200
+managelocales_element_submit = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 218
+managelocales_element_search_locales = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 219
+managelocales_element_addlocale_form = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 221
+managelocales_element_localename = "పేరు "
+; managelocales_element.php line: 222
+managelocales_element_localetag = "ట్యాగు"
+; managelocales_element.php line: 223
+managelocales_element_writingmode = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 224
+managelocales_element_enabled = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 230
+managelocales_element_true = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 231
+managelocales_element_false = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 51
+managemachines_element_add_machine = "మెషిన్ జోడించు"
+; managemachines_element.php line: 63
+managemachines_element_machine_name = "మెషిన్ పేరు:"
+; managemachines_element.php line: 68
+managemachines_element_machineurl = "మెషిన్ యుఆర్ఎల్ :"
+; managemachines_element.php line: 73
+managemachines_element_is_mirror = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 78
+managemachines_element_parent_name = "పేరెంట్ పేరు:"
+; managemachines_element.php line: 84
+managemachines_element_has_queueserver = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 88
+managemachines_element_num_fetchers = "ఫెచేర్స్ సంఖ్య:"
+; managemachines_element.php line: 93
+managemachines_element_submit = "సబ్మిట్ "
+; managemachines_element.php line: 98
+managemachines_element_machine_info = "మెషిన్ సమాచారం"
+; managemachines_element.php line: 104
+managemachines_element_awaiting_status = "మెషిన్ స్టేటస్ కోసం వేచి ఉన్నాము..."
+; managemachines_element.php line: 123
+managemachines_element_no_longer_update = "మెషిన్ స్టేటస్ అప్డేట్ జరుగుట లేదు..."
+; manageroles_element.php line: 56
+manageroles_element_roles = "రోల్ జాబితా"
+; manageroles_element.php line: 64
+manageroles_element_rolename = "పేరు"
+; manageroles_element.php line: 66
+manageroles_element_actions = "చర్యలు"
+; manageroles_element.php line: 91
+manageroles_element_edit = "ఎడిట్"
+; manageroles_element.php line: 96
+manageroles_element_delete = "డిలీట్"
+; manageroles_element.php line: 100
+confirm_delete_operation = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 103
+manageroles_element_delete = "డిలీట్"
+; manageroles_element.php line: 136
+manageroles_element_addrole_form = "ఆడ్ రోల్ దరఖాస్తు"
+; manageroles_element.php line: 137
+manageroles_element_role_info = "రోల్ సమాచారం"
+; manageroles_element.php line: 139
+manageroles_element_add_role = "ఆడ్ రోల్"
+; manageroles_element.php line: 151
+manageroles_element_rolename = "పేరు"
+; manageroles_element.php line: 164
+manageroles_element_role_activities = "కార్యకలాపాలు"
+; manageroles_element.php line: 173
+manageroles_element_delete = "డిలీట్"
+; manageroles_element.php line: 180
+manageroles_element_delete = "డిలీట్"
+; manageroles_element.php line: 200
+manageroles_element_save = "సేవ్"
+; manageroles_element.php line: 218
+manageroles_element_search_role = "శోధన"
+; manageroles_element.php line: 219
+manageroles_element_addrole_form = "ఆడ్ రోల్ దరఖాస్తు"
+; manageroles_element.php line: 221
+manageroles_element_rolename = "పేరు"
+; manageusers_element.php line: 56
+manageusers_element_users = "యూజర్ జాబితా"
+; manageusers_element.php line: 65
+manageusers_element_username = "యూజర్ పేరు"
+; manageusers_element.php line: 67
+manageusers_element_firstname = "పేరు"
+; manageusers_element.php line: 68
+manageusers_element_lastname = "ఇంటి పేరు"
+; manageusers_element.php line: 69
+manageusers_element_email = "ఇ-మెయిలు "
+; manageusers_element.php line: 71
+manageusers_element_status = "స్టేటస్"
+; manageusers_element.php line: 73
+manageusers_element_actions = "చర్యలు"
+; manageusers_element.php line: 135
+manageusers_element_edit = "ఎడిట్"
+; manageusers_element.php line: 139
+manageusers_element_edit = "ఎడిట్"
+; manageusers_element.php line: 146
+manageusers_element_delete = "డిలీట్"
+; manageusers_element.php line: 150
+confirm_delete_operation = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 153
+manageusers_element_delete = "డిలీట్"
+; manageusers_element.php line: 194
+manageusers_element_adduser_form = "ఆడ్ రోల్ దరఖాస్తు"
+; manageusers_element.php line: 195
+manageusers_element_user_info = "యూజర్ సమాచారం"
+; manageusers_element.php line: 197
+manageusers_element_add_user = "ఆడ్ యూజర్"
+; manageusers_element.php line: 222
+manageusers_element_username = "యూజర్ పేరు"
+; manageusers_element.php line: 232
+manageusers_element_firstname = "పేరు"
+; manageusers_element.php line: 238
+manageusers_element_lastname = "ఇంటి పేరు"
+; manageusers_element.php line: 244
+manageusers_element_email = "ఇ-మెయిలు "
+; manageusers_element.php line: 251
+manageusers_element_status = "స్టేటస్"
+; manageusers_element.php line: 268
+manageusers_element_roles = "రోల్స్"
+; manageusers_element.php line: 272
+manageusers_element_num_roles = "%s రోల్స్"
+; manageusers_element.php line: 287
+manageusers_element_delete = "డిలీట్"
+; manageusers_element.php line: 297
+manageusers_element_delete = "డిలీట్"
+; manageusers_element.php line: 340
+manageusers_element_filter = "ఫిల్టర్"
+; manageusers_element.php line: 352
+manageusers_element_add_role = "ఆడ్"
+; manageusers_element.php line: 362
+manageusers_element_groups = "గ్రూప్స్"
+; manageusers_element.php line: 366
+manageusers_element_num_groups = "%s గ్రూప్స్"
+; manageusers_element.php line: 387
+manageusers_element_delete = "డిలీట్"
+; manageusers_element.php line: 427
+manageusers_element_filter = "ఫిల్టర్"
+; manageusers_element.php line: 439
+manageusers_element_add_group = "ఆడ్"
+; manageusers_element.php line: 452
+manageusers_element_password = "పాస్ వర్డ్"
+; manageusers_element.php line: 458
+manageusers_element_retype_password = "మరలా పాస్ వర్డ్ టైపు చెయ్యండి"
+; manageusers_element.php line: 465
+manageusers_element_save = "సేవ్"
+; manageusers_element.php line: 492
+manageusers_element_search_user = "శోధన"
+; manageusers_element.php line: 493
+manageusers_element_adduser_form = "ఆడ్ రోల్ దరఖాస్తు"
+; manageusers_element.php line: 495
+manageusers_element_username = "యూజర్ పేరు"
+; manageusers_element.php line: 496
+manageusers_element_firstname = "పేరు"
+; manageusers_element.php line: 497
+manageusers_element_lastname = "ఇంటి పేరు"
+; manageusers_element.php line: 498
+manageusers_element_email = "ఇ-మెయిలు "
+; manageusers_element.php line: 499
+manageusers_element_status = "స్టేటస్"
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 61
+mixcrawls_element_available_mixes = "లభ్యంఅయ్యే మిక్షెస్"
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 68
+mixcrawls_view_name = "పేరు"
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 70
+mixcrawls_view_definition = "నిర్వచనం"
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 74
+mixcrawls_view_actions = "చర్యలు"
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 108
+mixcrawls_view_no_components = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 115
+mixcrawls_view_share = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 118
+mixcrawls_view_edit = "ఎడిట్"
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 124
+mixcrawls_set_index = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 127
+mixcrawl_search_index = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 133
+confirm_delete_operation = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 136
+mixcrawls_view_delete = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 146
+mixcrawls_view_back = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 147
+mixcrawls_element_share_mix_group = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 157
+mixcrawls_element_mixname = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 163
+mixcrawls_element_group = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 169
+mixcrawls_element_share = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 193
+mixcrawls_element_make_mix = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 203
+mixcrawls_element_mix_name = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 208
+mixcrawls_element_create_button = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 223
+mixcrawls_element_search_mix = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 224
+mixcrawls_element_createmix_form = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 226
+mixcrawls_element_mixname = ""
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 78
+moreoptions_element_other_searches = ""
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 113
+moreoptions_element_previous = ""
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 119
+moreoptions_element_next = ""
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 126
+moreoptions_element_my_accounts = ""
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 133
+signin_element_settings = "సెట్టింగులు"
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 141
+signin_element_signin = "సైన్ ఇన్ "
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 144
+signin_element_admin = "అడ్మిన్ "
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 156
+signin_view_create_account = ""
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 168
+moreoptions_element_suggest = ""
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 171
+moreoptions_element_wiki_pages = ""
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 182
+moreoptions_element_tools = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 58
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 63
+pageoptions_element_search_time = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 68
+pageoptions_element_test_options = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 80
+pageoptions_element_load_options = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 85
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 91
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 100
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 106
+pageoptions_element_save_cache = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 116
+pageoptions_element_allow_recrawl = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 123
+pageoptions_element_file_types = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 153
+pageoptions_element_classifiers_rankers = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 169
+pageoptions_element_use_classify = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 171
+pageoptions_element_use_rank = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 200
+pageoptions_element_no_classifiers = "క్లాస్సిఫైర్స్ ఏమీ లేవు."
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 203
+pageoptions_element_indexing_plugins = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 209
+pageoptions_element_plugin = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 212
+pageoptions_element_plugin_include = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 229
+pageoptions_element_configure = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 241
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 244
+pageoptions_element_page_rules = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 254
+page_element_search_page = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 261
+pageoptions_element_wd_suggest = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 269
+pageoptions_element_subsearch_link = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 278
+pageoptions_element_signin_link = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 286
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 295
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 304
+pageoptions_element_in_link = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 311
+pageoptions_element_ip_link = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 320
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 325
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 330
+pageoptions_element_description_weight = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 335
+pageoptions_element_link_weight = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 340
+pageoptions_element_results_grouping_options = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 345
+pageoptions_element_min_results_to_group = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 351
+pageoptions_element_server_alpha = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 359
+pageoptions_element_test_page = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 363
+pageoptions_element_page_type = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 380
+pageoptions_element_save_options = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 382
+pageoptions_element_run_tests = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 388
+pageoptions_element_test_results = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 391
+pageoptions_element_page_truncated = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 396
+pageoptions_element_after_process = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 400
+pageoptions_element_after_rules = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 404
+pageoptions_element_extracted_words = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 408
+pageoptions_element_extracted_metas = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 427
+page_element_plugin_back = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 464
+pageoptions_element_run_tests = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 468
+pageoptions_element_save_options = ""
+; resultseditor_element.php line: 51
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+; resultseditor_element.php line: 56
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+; resultseditor_element.php line: 65
+resultseditor_element_url_list = ""
+; resultseditor_element.php line: 67
+resultseditor_element_load_page = ""
+; resultseditor_element.php line: 78
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+; resultseditor_element.php line: 85
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+; resultseditor_element.php line: 91
+resultseditor_element_description = ""
+; resultseditor_element.php line: 97
+resultseditor_element_reset = ""
+; resultseditor_element.php line: 100
+resultseditor_element_save_page = "పేజీ సేవ్ చేయి"
+; resultseditor_element.php line: 103
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+; resultseditor_element.php line: 115
+resultseditor_element_sites_to_filter = ""
+; resultseditor_element.php line: 121
+resultseditor_element_save_filter = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 58
+searchsources_element_addsource_form = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 59
+searchsources_element_edit_media_source = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 63
+searchsources_element_add_media_source = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 87
+searchsources_element_sourcetype = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 92
+searchsources_element_sourcename = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 101
+searchsources_element_url = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 107
+searchsources_element_locale_tag = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 112
+searchsources_element_thumbnail = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 122
+searchsources_element_feed_instruct = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 125
+searchsources_element_channelpath = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 131
+searchsources_element_itempath = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 137
+searchsources_element_titlepath = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 143
+searchsources_element_descpath = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 149
+searchsources_element_linkpath = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 155
+searchsources_element_image_xpath = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 161
+searchsources_element_submit = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 167
+searchsources_element_media_sources = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 190
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 191
+searchsources_element_mediatype = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 193
+searchsources_element_mediaurls = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 196
+searchsources_element_action = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 212
+searchsources_element_editmedia = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 215
+confirm_delete_operation = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 218
+searchsources_element_deletemedia = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 227
+searchsources_element_addsearch_form = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 229
+searchsources_element_edit_subsearch = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 234
+searchsources_element_add_subsearch = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 249
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 259
+searchsources_element_indexsource = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 265
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 271
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 277
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 287
+searchsources_element_dirname = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 289
+searchsources_element_index = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 292
+searchsources_element_localestring = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 294
+searchsources_element_perpage = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 300
+searchsources_element_actions = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 316
+searchsources_element_editsource = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 323
+searchsources_element_localize = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 327
+searchsources_element_localize = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 334
+searchsources_element_deletesubsearch = ""
+; security_element.php line: 54
+security_element_auth_captcha = ""
+; security_element.php line: 65
+security_element_authentication_type = ""
+; security_element.php line: 77
+security_element_zero_unavailable = ""
+; security_element.php line: 86
+security_element_captcha_type = ""
+; security_element.php line: 100
+security_element_save = "సేవ్ చేయి"
+; security_element.php line: 104
+security_element_captcha_recovery_questions = ""
+; security_element.php line: 111
+security_element_edit_recovery = ""
+; security_element.php line: 116
+security_element_edit_captcha = ""
+; security_element.php line: 121
+security_element_edit_recovery = ""
+; security_element.php line: 124
+security_element_edit_captcha = ""
+; serversettings_element.php line: 57
+serversettings_element_server_settings = ""
+; serversettings_element.php line: 61
+serversettings_element_name_server = ""
+; serversettings_element.php line: 65
+serversettings_element_name_server_key = ""
+; serversettings_element.php line: 72
+serversettings_element_name_server_url = ""
+; serversettings_element.php line: 80
+serversettings_element_use_memcache = ""
+; serversettings_element.php line: 88
+serversettings_element_memcache_servers = ""
+; serversettings_element.php line: 99
+serversettings_element_use_filecache = ""
+; serversettings_element.php line: 110
+configure_element_database_setup = ""
+; serversettings_element.php line: 115
+serversettings_element_database_system = ""
+; serversettings_element.php line: 123
+serversettings_element_databasename = ""
+; serversettings_element.php line: 130
+serversettings_element_databasehost = ""
+; serversettings_element.php line: 137
+serversettings_element_databaseuser = ""
+; serversettings_element.php line: 145
+serversettings_element_databasepassword = ""
+; serversettings_element.php line: 158
+serversettings_element_account_registration = ""
+; serversettings_element.php line: 170
+serversettings_element_mail_sender = ""
+; serversettings_element.php line: 176
+serversettings_element_use_php_mail = ""
+; serversettings_element.php line: 183
+serversettings_element_mail_server = ""
+; serversettings_element.php line: 189
+serversettings_element_mail_serverport = ""
+; serversettings_element.php line: 195
+serversettings_element_mail_username = ""
+; serversettings_element.php line: 201
+serversettings_element_mail_password = ""
+; serversettings_element.php line: 208
+serversettings_element_mail_security = ""
+; serversettings_element.php line: 219
+serversettings_element_proxy_title = ""
+; serversettings_element.php line: 224
+serversettings_element_tor_proxy = ""
+; serversettings_element.php line: 230
+serversettings_element_use_proxy_servers = ""
+; serversettings_element.php line: 239
+serversettings_element_proxy_servers = ""
+; serversettings_element.php line: 251
+serversettings_element_adserver_configuration = ""
+; serversettings_element.php line: 255
+serversettings_element_ad_location = ""
+; serversettings_element.php line: 261
+serversettings_element_top = ""
+; serversettings_element.php line: 266
+serversettings_element_side = ""
+; serversettings_element.php line: 271
+serversettings_element_both = ""
+; serversettings_element.php line: 276
+serversettings_element_none = ""
+; serversettings_element.php line: 280
+serversettings_element_global_adscript = ""
+; serversettings_element.php line: 287
+serversettings_element_top_adscript = ""
+; serversettings_element.php line: 294
+serversettings_element_side_adscript = ""
+; serversettings_element.php line: 304
+serversettings_element_submit = ""
+; signin_element.php line: 70
+signin_element_settings = "సెట్టింగులు"
+; signin_element.php line: 74
+signin_element_signin = "సైన్ ఇన్ "
+; signin_element.php line: 78
+signin_element_signout = "సైన్ ఔట్ "
+; subsearch_element.php line: 67
+subsearch_element_more = ""
+; wiki_element.php line: 113
+wiki_view_back = ""
+; wiki_element.php line: 133
+groupfeed_element_feed = "ఫీడ్"
+; wiki_element.php line: 134
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+; wiki_element.php line: 138
+wiki_view_page = ""
+; wiki_element.php line: 142
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+; wiki_element.php line: 143
+wiki_view_edit = ""
+; wiki_element.php line: 146
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+; wiki_element.php line: 221
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+; wiki_element.php line: 223
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+; wiki_element.php line: 224
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+; wiki_element.php line: 237
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+; wiki_element.php line: 243
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+; wiki_element.php line: 246
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+; wiki_element.php line: 248
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+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/seek_quarry//views/helpers
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+; recover_view.php line: 132
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+; register_view.php line: 121
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+; register_view.php line: 204
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+; register_view.php line: 219
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+; register_view.php line: 232
+register_view_email = "ఇ మెయిల్:"
+; register_view.php line: 246
+register_view_password = "పాస్&zwnj;వర్డ్:"
+; register_view.php line: 261
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+; register_view.php line: 277
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+; register_view.php line: 281
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+; register_view.php line: 283
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+; register_view.php line: 315
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+; register_view.php line: 330
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+; register_view.php line: 332
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+; register_view.php line: 334
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+; register_view.php line: 336
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+; register_view.php line: 337
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+; register_view.php line: 347
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+; register_view.php line: 357
+signin_view_return_yioop = "తిరిగి yioop! కి"
+; search_view.php line: 86
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+; search_view.php line: 113
+search_view_input_label = "వెబ్ వెతకడానికి ఎమైనా టైప్ చేయండి"
+; search_view.php line: 117
+search_view_input_placeholder = "వెబ్ వెతకడానికి ఎమైనా టైప్ చేయండి"
+; search_view.php line: 120
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+; search_view.php line: 147
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+; search_view.php line: 190
+search_view_calculated = "%s సెకన్లు"
+; search_view.php line: 191
+search_view_results = "చూపించేది %s - %s of %s"
+; search_view.php line: 212
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+; search_view.php line: 321
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+; search_view.php line: 366
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+; search_view.php line: 369
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+; search_view.php line: 382
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+; search_view.php line: 394
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+; search_view.php line: 414
+search_view_rank = "రేంక్:%s"
+; search_view.php line: 416
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+; search_view.php line: 418
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+; search_view.php line: 422
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+; search_view.php line: 431
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+; settings_view.php line: 66
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+; settings_view.php line: 73
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+; settings_view.php line: 79
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+; settings_view.php line: 86
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+; settings_view.php line: 92
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+; settings_view.php line: 108
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+; settings_view.php line: 111
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+; settings_view.php line: 119
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+; signin_view.php line: 65
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+; signin_view.php line: 78
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+; signin_view.php line: 81
+sigin_view_login_failed = "లాగిన్ ఫెయిల్ అయ్యింది!"
+; signin_view.php line: 89
+signin_view_username = "యూజర్ పేరు"
+; signin_view.php line: 96
+signin_view_password = "పాస్ వర్డ్ "
+; signin_view.php line: 107
+signin_view_login = "లాగ్ ఇన్"
+; signin_view.php line: 122
+signin_view_recover_password = "పాస్&zwnj;వర్డ్ మర్చిపోయారా?"
+; signin_view.php line: 127
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+; signin_view.php line: 132
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+; static_view.php line: 71
+static_view_title = "PHP సెర్చ్ ఇంజిన్ - Yioop!"
+; statistics_view.php line: 63
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+; statistics_view.php line: 68
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+; statistics_view.php line: 82
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+; statistics_view.php line: 83
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+; statistics_view.php line: 85
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+; statistics_view.php line: 86
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+; statistics_view.php line: 87
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+; statistics_view.php line: 88
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+; statistics_view.php line: 89
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+; statistics_view.php line: 90
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+; statistics_view.php line: 93
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+; statistics_view.php line: 97
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+; statistics_view.php line: 98
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+; statistics_view.php line: 100
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+; statistics_view.php line: 102
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+; statistics_view.php line: 104
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+; statistics_view.php line: 106
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+; statistics_view.php line: 109
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+; suggest_view.php line: 68
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+; suggest_view.php line: 70
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+; suggest_view.php line: 94
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+; suggest_view.php line: 110
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+; suggest_view.php line: 144
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+; suggest_view.php line: 167
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+; suggest_view.php line: 177
+signin_view_return_yioop = "తిరిగి yioop! కి"
+; view.php line: 32
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+; view.php line: 81
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+wiki_view_wiki = ""
+; wiki_view.php line: 157
+adminview_auto_logout_one_minute = "ఒక నిమిషం లో ఆటో లాగ్అవుట్ అవుతుంది!!"
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/sq_data/app/views
+; download_view.php line: 62
+download_view_form = ""
+; download_view.php line: 73
+download_view_thank_you = ""
+; download_view.php line: 76
+download_view_full_name = ""
+; download_view.php line: 82
+download_view_email = ""
+; download_view.php line: 87
+download_view_business = ""
+; download_view.php line: 93
+download_view_interest = ""
+; download_view.php line: 100
+download_view_get_email = ""
+; download_view.php line: 106
+download_view_return_main = ""
+; download_view.php line: 120
+download_view_required_fields = ""
+; download_view.php line: 125
+download_view_name_required = ""
+; download_view.php line: 130
+download_view_valid_email = ""
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/seek_quarry//lib/indexing_plugins
+; wordfilter_plugin.php line: 353
+wordfilter_plugin_settings_saved = "వర్డ్ ఫ్యాక్టరీ సెట్టింగులు సేవ్ చేయబడినవి! "
+; wordfilter_plugin.php line: 362
+wordfilter_plugin_defaults_restored = "డీఫాల్ట్స్ పునరుద్ధరించబడినవి! "
+; wordfilter_plugin.php line: 466
+wordfilter_plugin_preferences = "వర్డ్ ఫిల్టర్ ప్రాధాన్యతలు "
+; wordfilter_plugin.php line: 470
+wordfilter_plugin_factory_settings = "ఫ్యాక్టరీ సెట్టింగులు "
+; wordfilter_plugin.php line: 483
+wordfilter_plugin_save = "సేవ్ చేయి"
diff --git a/locale/te/resources/locale.js b/locale/te/resources/locale.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..5099beb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/te/resources/locale.js
@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
+ * SeekQuarry/Yioop --
+ * Open Source Pure PHP Search Engine, Crawler, and Indexer
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2009 - 2015  Chris Pollett
+ *
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+ *
+ *
+ * @author Sandhya Vissapragada
+ * @package seek_quarry
+ * @subpackage javascript
+ * @license GPL3
+ * @link
+ * @copyright 2009 - 2015s
+ * @filesource
+ */
+ * The alphabet for this locale
+ */
+var alpha = "";
+ * Transliteration maping for this locale
+ */
+var roman_array = {
+    "a":"అ","aa":"ఆ","i":"ఇ","ii":"ఈ","u":"ఉ","uu":"ఊ",
+    "ru":"ఋ","e":"ఎ","ee":"ఏ","ai":"ఐ","o":"ఒ","oo":"ఓ",
+    "ou":"ఔ","am":"ం","aha":"అః","k":"క","kh":"ఖ","g":"గ",
+    "gh":"ఘ","ch":"చ","chh":"ఛ","j":"జ","jh":"ఝ","t":"త",
+    "tt":"à° ","d":"à°¡","dd":"à°¢","th":"à°¥","dh":"à°¦","ddh":"à°§",
+    "n":"à°¨","p":"à°ª","ph":"à°«","b":"à°¬","bh":"à°­","m":"à°®","y":"à°¯",
+    "r":"à°°","l":"à°²","v":"à°µ","s":"à°¸","sh":"à°·","h":"à°¹",
+    "+e":"ె","+u":"ు","+uu":"ూ","+ou":"ౌ",
+    "+ai":"ై","+aa":"ా","+ru":"ృ",
+    "+oo":"ో","+ee":"ే","+i":"ి","+o":"ొ","*":"్"
+ * To analyze the query and generate actual input query from the
+ * transliterated query
+ *
+ * @param String query to transliterate (if possible)
+ * @return Array of transliterated characters
+ */
+function transliterate(query)
+    var chunk_array = new Array();
+    var cha2;
+    var cha2_array = new Array();
+    var len = query.length;
+    var ini_chunk = true;
+    for(var i=0; i < len;) {
+        var cons_found = false;
+        var vow_found = false;
+        cnt = 0;
+        vow_cnt = 0;
+        cha2 = '';
+        if (query.length == 1) {
+            cha2 = query.trim();
+            i++;
+        }
+        else {
+            while(cons_found == false) {
+                letter = query.substring(i, i + 1);
+                if (!isVowel(letter)) {
+                    cnt++;
+                    if (cnt > 1) {
+                        if (vow_found == true) {
+                            cons_found = true;
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+                else {
+                    vow_found = true;
+                    vow_cnt++;
+                }
+                if (cons_found == false) {
+                    cha2 += letter;
+                    i++;
+                }
+                if (i >= len) {
+                    cons_found = true;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        cha2_array = cha2.split("");
+        if (cha2_array.length == 2 && !isVowel(cha2_array[0])
+            && (cha2_array[1] == 'a')) {
+            cha2 = cha2_array[0];
+        }
+        if (cha2_array.length == 3 && !isVowel(cha2_array[0])
+            && !isVowel(cha2_array[1]) && (cha2_array[2] == 'a')) {
+            cha2 = cha2_array[0] + cha2_array[1];
+        }
+        cha2_array = [];
+        cha2_array = cha2.split("");
+        if (cha2_array.length == 1){
+            cha2 = cha2_array[0];
+            if (roman_array[cha2] != null) {
+                chunk_array.push(roman_array[cha2]);
+            }
+        }
+        if (cha2_array.length == 2) {
+            if (roman_array[cha2] != null) {
+                chunk_array.push(roman_array[cha2]);
+            } else if (roman_array['+' + cha2] != null) {
+                chunk_array.push(roman_array['+' + cha2]);
+            } else if (cha2.substring(0,1) == cha2.substring(1, 2))
+            {
+                var x = roman_array[cha2.substring(0,1)];
+                chunk_array.push(x + roman_array['*'] + x);
+            }
+            else {
+                for(var j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
+                    cha1 = cha2.substring(j, j + 1);
+                    if (roman_array['+' + cha1] != null && ini_chunk == false) {
+                        chunk_array.push(roman_array['+' + cha1]);
+                    } else  if (roman_array[cha1] != null) {
+                        if (j == 1 && !isVowel(cha1)) {
+                            chunk_array.pop();
+                            chunk_array.push(roman_array[cha2.substring(0, 1)]
+                            + roman_array['*'] + roman_array[cha1]);
+                        }
+                        else {
+                            chunk_array.push(roman_array[cha1]);
+                        }
+                    }
+                    ini_chunk = false;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        if (cha2_array.length == 3 && vow_cnt == 2) {
+            if(roman_array[cha2.substring(0, 1)] != null)
+                chunk_array.push(roman_array[cha2.substring(0, 1)]);
+            if(roman_array['+'+cha2.substring(1, 3)] != null)
+                chunk_array.push(roman_array['+' + cha2.substring(1, 3)]);
+        }
+        if (cha2_array.length == 3 && vow_cnt == 1) {
+            if(roman_array[cha2.substring(0, 2)] != null) {
+                chunk_array.push(roman_array[cha2.substring(0, 2)]);
+            } else {
+                for(var j=0;j<2;j++) {
+                    cha1 = cha2.substring(j, j + 1);
+                    if (roman_array[cha1] != null) {
+                        if (j==1 && !isVowel(cha1)) {
+                            chunk_array.pop();
+                            chunk_array.push(roman_array[cha2.substring(0, 1)]
+                                + roman_array['*'] + roman_array[cha1]);
+                        }
+                        else {
+                            chunk_array.push(roman_array[cha1]);
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            if(roman_array['+' + cha2.substring(2, 3)] != null)
+                chunk_array.push(roman_array['+' + cha2.substring(2, 3)]);
+        }
+        ini_chunk = false;
+    }
+    out_query = chunk_array.join().replace(/,/g,'').trim();
+    return out_query;
diff --git a/locale/te/resources/suggest_trie.txt.gz b/locale/te/resources/suggest_trie.txt.gz
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..5a52e19
Binary files /dev/null and b/locale/te/resources/suggest_trie.txt.gz differ
diff --git a/locale/te/resources/tokenizer.php b/locale/te/resources/tokenizer.php
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..353d245
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/te/resources/tokenizer.php
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+ * SeekQuarry/Yioop --
+ * Open Source Pure PHP Search Engine, Crawler, and Indexer
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2009 - 2015  Chris Pollett
+ *
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+ *
+ * @author Chris Pollett
+ * @package seek_quarry
+ * @subpackage locale
+ * @license GPL3
+ * @link
+ * @copyright 2009 - 2015
+ * @filesource
+ */
+if(!defined('BASE_DIR')) {echo "BAD REQUEST"; exit();}
+ * Telugu specific tokenization code. Typically, tokenizer.php
+ * either contains a stemmer for the language in question or
+ * it specifies how many characters in a char gram
+ *
+ * @author Chris Pollett
+ * @package seek_quarry
+ * @subpackage locale
+ */
+$GLOBALS['CHARGRAMS']['te'] = 5;
diff --git a/locale/te/resources1421450893old/locale.js b/locale/te/resources1421450893old/locale.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..877a0d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/te/resources1421450893old/locale.js
@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
+ * SeekQuarry/Yioop --
+ * Open Source Pure PHP Search Engine, Crawler, and Indexer
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2009 - 2014  Chris Pollett
+ *
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+ *
+ *
+ * @author Sandhya Vissapragada
+ * @package seek_quarry
+ * @subpackage javascript
+ * @license GPL3
+ * @link
+ * @copyright 2009 - 2014s
+ * @filesource
+ */
+ * The alphabet for this locale
+ */
+var alpha = "";
+ * Transliteration maping for this locale
+ */
+var roman_array = {
+    "a":"అ","aa":"ఆ","i":"ఇ","ii":"ఈ","u":"ఉ","uu":"ఊ",
+    "ru":"ఋ","e":"ఎ","ee":"ఏ","ai":"ఐ","o":"ఒ","oo":"ఓ",
+    "ou":"ఔ","am":"ం","aha":"అః","k":"క","kh":"ఖ","g":"గ",
+    "gh":"ఘ","ch":"చ","chh":"ఛ","j":"జ","jh":"ఝ","t":"త",
+    "tt":"à° ","d":"à°¡","dd":"à°¢","th":"à°¥","dh":"à°¦","ddh":"à°§",
+    "n":"à°¨","p":"à°ª","ph":"à°«","b":"à°¬","bh":"à°­","m":"à°®","y":"à°¯",
+    "r":"à°°","l":"à°²","v":"à°µ","s":"à°¸","sh":"à°·","h":"à°¹",
+    "+e":"ె","+u":"ు","+uu":"ూ","+ou":"ౌ",
+    "+ai":"ై","+aa":"ా","+ru":"ృ",
+    "+oo":"ో","+ee":"ే","+i":"ి","+o":"ొ","*":"్"
+ * To analyze the query and generate actual input query from the
+ * transliterated query
+ *
+ * @param String query to transliterate (if possible)
+ * @return Array of transliterated characters
+ */
+function transliterate(query)
+    var chunk_array = new Array();
+    var cha2;
+    var cha2_array = new Array();
+    var len = query.length;
+    var ini_chunk = true;
+    for(var i=0; i < len;) {
+        var cons_found = false;
+        var vow_found = false;
+        cnt = 0;
+        vow_cnt = 0;
+        cha2 = '';
+        if (query.length == 1) {
+            cha2 = query.trim();
+            i++;
+        }
+        else {
+            while(cons_found == false) {
+                letter = query.substring(i, i + 1);
+                if (!isVowel(letter)) {
+                    cnt++;
+                    if (cnt > 1) {
+                        if (vow_found == true) {
+                            cons_found = true;
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+                else {
+                    vow_found = true;
+                    vow_cnt++;
+                }
+                if (cons_found == false) {
+                    cha2 += letter;
+                    i++;
+                }
+                if (i >= len) {
+                    cons_found = true;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        cha2_array = cha2.split("");
+        if (cha2_array.length == 2 && !isVowel(cha2_array[0])
+            && (cha2_array[1] == 'a')) {
+            cha2 = cha2_array[0];
+        }
+        if (cha2_array.length == 3 && !isVowel(cha2_array[0])
+            && !isVowel(cha2_array[1]) && (cha2_array[2] == 'a')) {
+            cha2 = cha2_array[0] + cha2_array[1];
+        }
+        cha2_array = [];
+        cha2_array = cha2.split("");
+        if (cha2_array.length == 1){
+            cha2 = cha2_array[0];
+            if (roman_array[cha2] != null) {
+                chunk_array.push(roman_array[cha2]);
+            }
+        }
+        if (cha2_array.length == 2) {
+            if (roman_array[cha2] != null) {
+                chunk_array.push(roman_array[cha2]);
+            } else if (roman_array['+' + cha2] != null) {
+                chunk_array.push(roman_array['+' + cha2]);
+            } else if (cha2.substring(0,1) == cha2.substring(1, 2))
+            {
+                var x = roman_array[cha2.substring(0,1)];
+                chunk_array.push(x + roman_array['*'] + x);
+            }
+            else {
+                for(var j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
+                    cha1 = cha2.substring(j, j + 1);
+                    if (roman_array['+' + cha1] != null && ini_chunk == false) {
+                        chunk_array.push(roman_array['+' + cha1]);
+                    } else  if (roman_array[cha1] != null) {
+                        if (j == 1 && !isVowel(cha1)) {
+                            chunk_array.pop();
+                            chunk_array.push(roman_array[cha2.substring(0, 1)]
+                            + roman_array['*'] + roman_array[cha1]);
+                        }
+                        else {
+                            chunk_array.push(roman_array[cha1]);
+                        }
+                    }
+                    ini_chunk = false;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        if (cha2_array.length == 3 && vow_cnt == 2) {
+            if(roman_array[cha2.substring(0, 1)] != null)
+                chunk_array.push(roman_array[cha2.substring(0, 1)]);
+            if(roman_array['+'+cha2.substring(1, 3)] != null)
+                chunk_array.push(roman_array['+' + cha2.substring(1, 3)]);
+        }
+        if (cha2_array.length == 3 && vow_cnt == 1) {
+            if(roman_array[cha2.substring(0, 2)] != null) {
+                chunk_array.push(roman_array[cha2.substring(0, 2)]);
+            } else {
+                for(var j=0;j<2;j++) {
+                    cha1 = cha2.substring(j, j + 1);
+                    if (roman_array[cha1] != null) {
+                        if (j==1 && !isVowel(cha1)) {
+                            chunk_array.pop();
+                            chunk_array.push(roman_array[cha2.substring(0, 1)]
+                                + roman_array['*'] + roman_array[cha1]);
+                        }
+                        else {
+                            chunk_array.push(roman_array[cha1]);
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            if(roman_array['+' + cha2.substring(2, 3)] != null)
+                chunk_array.push(roman_array['+' + cha2.substring(2, 3)]);
+        }
+        ini_chunk = false;
+    }
+    out_query = chunk_array.join().replace(/,/g,'').trim();
+    return out_query;
diff --git a/locale/te/resources1421450893old/suggest_trie.txt.gz b/locale/te/resources1421450893old/suggest_trie.txt.gz
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..5a52e19
Binary files /dev/null and b/locale/te/resources1421450893old/suggest_trie.txt.gz differ
diff --git a/locale/te/resources1421450893old/tokenizer.php b/locale/te/resources1421450893old/tokenizer.php
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..78bb197
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/te/resources1421450893old/tokenizer.php
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+ * SeekQuarry/Yioop --
+ * Open Source Pure PHP Search Engine, Crawler, and Indexer
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2009 - 2014  Chris Pollett
+ *
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+ *
+ * @author Chris Pollett
+ * @package seek_quarry
+ * @subpackage locale
+ * @license GPL3
+ * @link
+ * @copyright 2009 - 2014
+ * @filesource
+ */
+if(!defined('BASE_DIR')) {echo "BAD REQUEST"; exit();}
+ * Telugu specific tokenization code. Typically, tokenizer.php
+ * either contains a stemmer for the language in question or
+ * it specifies how many characters in a char gram
+ *
+ * @author Chris Pollett
+ * @package seek_quarry
+ * @subpackage locale
+ */
+$GLOBALS['CHARGRAMS']['te'] = 5;
diff --git a/locale/te/statistics.txt b/locale/te/statistics.txt
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9602e5a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/te/statistics.txt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/locale/th/configure.ini b/locale/th/configure.ini
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e4f9112
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/th/configure.ini
@@ -0,0 +1,4186 @@
+; ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
+;  SeekQuarry/Yioop Open Source Pure PHP Search Engine, Crawler, and Indexer
+;  Copyright (C) 2009 - 2015  Chris Pollett
+;  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;  (at your option) any later version.
+;  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;  GNU General Public License for more details.
+;  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;  along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+;  ***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****
+; configure.ini
+; th configuration file
+; Strings to translate on various pages
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/seek_quarry//controllers
+; admin_controller.php line: 101
+admin_controller_need_cookies = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 150
+admin_controller_account_not_active = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 156
+admin_controller_login_successful = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 175
+admin_controller_no_back_button = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 189
+admin_controller_login_failed = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 195
+admin_controller_login_to_config = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 199
+admin_controller_status_updates_stopped = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 342
+admin_controller_account_access = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 343
+admin_controller_social = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 344
+admin_controller_crawl_settings = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 345
+admin_controller_system_settings = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 517
+admin_controller_equal = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 518
+admin_controller_not_equal = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 519
+admin_controller_contains = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 520
+admin_controller_begins_with = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 521
+admin_controller_ends_with = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 524
+admin_controller_equal = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 525
+admin_controller_not_equal = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 528
+admin_controller_no_sort = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 529
+admin_controller_sort_ascending = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 530
+admin_controller_sort_descending = ""
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/seek_quarry//controllers/components
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 132
+accountaccess_component_no_posts_yet = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 146
+accountaccess_component_passwords_too_long = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 155
+accountaccess_component_passwords_dont_match = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 162
+accountaccess_component_invalid_password = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 192
+accountaccess_component_unknown_imagetype = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 197
+accountaccess_component_icon_too_big = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 206
+accountaccess_component_no_user_folder = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 215
+accountaccess_component_user_updated = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 259
+accountaccess_component_active_status = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 260
+accountaccess_component_inactive_status = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 261
+accountaccess_component_banned_status = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 264
+accountaccess_component_request_join = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 265
+accountaccess_component_invited = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 266
+accountaccess_component_active_status = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 267
+accountaccess_component_banned_status = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 312
+accountaccess_component_passwords_too_long = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 317
+accountaccess_component_passwords_dont_match = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 321
+accountaccess_component_invalid_username = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 325
+accountaccess_component_user_exists = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 354
+accountaccess_component_user_added = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 363
+accountaccess_component_user_doesnt_exist = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 370
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+; social_component.php line: 2395
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+; social_component.php line: 2396
+social_component_delete = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2443
+social_component_too_many_fragments = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2454
+social_component_mix_saved = ""
+; system_component.php line: 79
+system_component_select_machine = ""
+; system_component.php line: 145
+system_component_machine_added = ""
+; system_component.php line: 149
+system_component_machine_exists = ""
+; system_component.php line: 153
+system_component_machine_incomplete = ""
+; system_component.php line: 160
+system_component_machine_doesnt_exists = ""
+; system_component.php line: 181
+system_component_stop_service_first = ""
+; system_component.php line: 187
+system_component_machine_deleted = ""
+; system_component.php line: 208
+system_component_media_mode_updated = ""
+; system_component.php line: 212
+system_component_media_update_failed = ""
+; system_component.php line: 275
+system_component_no_machine_log = ""
+; system_component.php line: 304
+system_component_machine_servers_updated = ""
+; system_component.php line: 308
+system_component_machine_no_action = ""
+; system_component.php line: 344
+system_component_select_mode = ""
+; system_component.php line: 386
+system_component_locale_missing_info = ""
+; system_component.php line: 393
+system_component_locale_added = ""
+; system_component.php line: 400
+system_component_localename_doesnt_exists = ""
+; system_component.php line: 405
+system_component_localename_deleted = ""
+; system_component.php line: 411
+system_component_localename_doesnt_exists = ""
+; system_component.php line: 440
+system_component_locale_updated = ""
+; system_component.php line: 470
+system_component_localestrings_updated = ""
+; system_component.php line: 481
+system_component_all_strings = ""
+; system_component.php line: 482
+system_component_missing_strings = ""
+; system_component.php line: 568
+system_component_configure_no_change_db = ""
+; system_component.php line: 573
+system_component_configure_profile_change = ""
+; system_component.php line: 576
+system_component_configure_no_change_profile = ""
+; system_component.php line: 598
+system_component_configure_disable_registration = ""
+; system_component.php line: 600
+system_component_configure_no_activation = ""
+; system_component.php line: 602
+system_component_configure_email_activation = ""
+; system_component.php line: 604
+system_component_configure_admin_activation = ""
+; system_component.php line: 669
+captchasettings_element_text_captcha = ""
+; system_component.php line: 671
+captchasettings_element_hash_captcha = ""
+; system_component.php line: 673
+captchasettings_element_image_captcha = ""
+; system_component.php line: 678
+serversettings_element_normal_authentication = ""
+; system_component.php line: 680
+serversettings_element_zkp_authentication = ""
+; system_component.php line: 685
+serversettings_element_normal_authentication = ""
+; system_component.php line: 710
+system_component_settings_updated = ""
+; system_component.php line: 713
+system_component_no_update_settings = ""
+; system_component.php line: 780
+system_component_configure_use_absolute_path = ""
+; system_component.php line: 785
+system_component_configure_configure_diff_base_dir = ""
+; system_component.php line: 810
+system_component_configure_work_dir_set = ""
+; system_component.php line: 821
+system_component_name_your_bot = ""
+; system_component.php line: 846
+system_component_configure_work_profile_made = ""
+; system_component.php line: 850
+system_component_configure_no_set_config = ""
+; system_component.php line: 857
+system_component_configure_no_create_profile = ""
+; system_component.php line: 864
+system_component_configure_work_dir_invalid = ""
+; system_component.php line: 871
+system_component_configure_work_dir_invalid = ""
+; system_component.php line: 893
+system_component_no_resource_folder = ""
+; system_component.php line: 907
+system_component_invalid_filetype = ""
+; system_component.php line: 912
+system_component_file_too_big = ""
+; system_component.php line: 935
+system_component_configure_profile_change = ""
+; system_component.php line: 939
+system_component_configure_no_change_profile = ""
+; system_component.php line: 988
+system_component_configure_reset_completed = ""
+; system_component.php line: 992
+system_component_configure_no_change_profile = ""
+; system_component.php line: 1025
+system_component_describe_robot = ""
+; system_component.php line: 1091
+system_component_php_version = ""
+; system_component.php line: 1099
+system_component_no_write_config_php = ""
+; system_component.php line: 1104
+system_component_no_write_work_dir = ""
+; system_component.php line: 1109
+system_component_post_size_small = ""
+; system_component.php line: 1115
+system_component_missing_required = ""
+; system_component.php line: 1138
+system_component_missing_optional = ""
+; system_component.php line: 1143
+system_component_check_passed = ""
+; system_component.php line: 1148
+system_component_using_local_config = ""
+; machine_controller.php line: 172
+machine_controller_nolines = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 246
+register_controller_need_cookies = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 313
+register_controller_account_created = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 331
+register_controller_registration_email_sent = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 333
+register_controller_admin_activation_request = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 334
+register_controller_admin_email_salutation = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 336
+register_controller_email_body = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 369
+register_controller_account_request_made = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 373
+register_controller_admin_activation_request = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 374
+register_controller_admin_activation_message = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 416
+register_controller_email_verification_error = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 422
+register_controller_already_activated = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 429
+register_controller_account_activated = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 432
+register_controller_email_verification_error = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 480
+register_controller_account_recover_fail = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 489
+register_controller_account_recover_fail = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 493
+register_controller_account_recover_email = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 497
+register_controller_recover_request = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 498
+register_controller_admin_email_salutation = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 500
+register_controller_recover_body = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 534
+register_controller_account_recover_fail = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 546
+register_controller_account_recover_fail = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 559
+register_controller_account_recover_fail = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 566
+register_controller_recovered_already = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 570
+register_controller_recovery_expired = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 576
+register_controller_password_changed = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 584
+register_controller_passwords_dont_match = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 598
+register_controller_recovered_already = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 602
+register_controller_recovery_expired = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 728
+register_controller_invalid_url = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 732
+register_controller_error_fields = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 746
+register_controller_failed_hashcode = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 756
+register_controller_failed_human = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 783
+register_controller_failed_graphical_human = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 797
+register_controller_suggest_full = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 801
+register_controller_url_submitted = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 1004
+register_controller_need_cookies = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 1010
+register_controller_failed_human = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 1025
+register_controller_failed_graphical_human = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 1036
+register_controller_failed_hashcode = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 1064
+register_controller_error_fields = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 1067
+register_controller_check_email = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 1074
+register_controller_user_already_exists = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 235
+search_controller_web = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 295
+search_controller_logout_successful = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 500
+search_controller_mix_info = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 506
+search_controller_crawl_info = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 542
+search_controller_search = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 646
+search_controller_no_index_set = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 649
+search_controller_no_index_set = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1300
+search_controller_download_fetcher = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1309
+search_controller_no_archive_page = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1358
+search_controller_yioop_cache = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1363
+search_controller_original_page = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1380
+search_controller_extracted_title = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1382
+search_controller_extracted_description = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1384
+search_controller_extracted_links = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1389
+search_controller_extracted_allow_paths = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1395
+search_controller_extracted_disallow_paths = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1401
+search_controller_crawl_delay = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1466
+search_controller_cache_comment = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1477
+search_controller_yioop_cache = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1513
+search_controller_cached_version = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1608
+search_controller_download_fetcher = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1626
+search_controller_header_summaries = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1739
+search_controller_history = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1908
+search_controller_all_cached = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1939
+search_controller_year = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1940
+search_controller_month = ""
+; settings_controller.php line: 115
+settings_controller_crawl_mix = ""
+; settings_controller.php line: 130
+settings_controller_settings_saved = ""
+; static_controller.php line: 67
+static_controller_logout_successful = ""
+; static_controller.php line: 145
+static_controller_complete_title = ""
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/sq_data/app/controllers
+; main_controller.php line: 87
+search_controller_logout_successful = ""
+; main_controller.php line: 112
+main_controller_download = ""
+; main_controller.php line: 129
+main_controller_missing_fields = ""
+; main_controller.php line: 164
+main_controller_yioop_download = ""
+; main_controller.php line: 165
+main_controller_click_download = ""
+; main_controller.php line: 178
+main_controller_url_error = ""
+; main_controller.php line: 187
+main_controller_expired_url = ""
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/seek_quarry//views
+; admin_view.php line: 70
+admin_view_admin = ""
+; admin_view.php line: 89
+adminview_auto_logout_one_minute = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 52
+crawlstatus_view_currently_processing = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 53
+crawlstatus_view_description = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 58
+crawlstatus_view_starting_crawl = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 62
+managecrawls_element_stop_crawl = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 66
+crawlstatus_view_resuming_crawl = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 70
+managecrawls_element_stop_crawl = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 74
+crawlstatus_view_shutdown_queue = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 77
+crawlstatus_view_closing_dict = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 80
+crawlstatus_view_run_plugins = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 88
+managecrawls_element_stop_crawl = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 96
+crawlstatus_view_set_index = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 99
+crawlstatus_view_search_index = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 107
+crawlstatus_view_changeoptions = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 109
+crawlstatus_view_no_description = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 114
+crawlstatus_view_timestamp = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 116
+crawlstatus_view_time_started = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 122
+crawlstatus_view_indexer_memory = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 124
+crawlstatus_view_scheduler_memory = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 127
+crawlstatus_view_queue_memory = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 132
+crawlstatus_view_no_mem_data = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 136
+crawlstatus_view_fetcher_memory = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 141
+crawlstatus_view_no_mem_data = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 144
+crawlstatus_view_webapp_memory = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 149
+crawlstatus_view_no_mem_data = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 152
+crawlstatus_view_urls_per_hour = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 160
+crawlstatus_view_visited_urls = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 164
+crawlstatus_view_total_urls = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 167
+crawlstatus_view_most_recent_fetcher = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 176
+crawlstatus_view_no_fetcher = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 180
+crawlstatus_view_most_recent_urls = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 190
+crawlstatus_view_no_recent_urls = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 193
+crawlstatus_view_previous_crawls = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 203
+crawlstatus_view_description = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 206
+crawlstatus_view_timestamp = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 207
+crawlstatus_view_url_counts = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 211
+crawlstatus_view_actions = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 222
+crawlstatus_view_statistics = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 238
+crawlstatus_view_resume = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 240
+crawlstatus_view_no_resume = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 247
+crawlstatus_view_set_index = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 250
+crawlstatus_view_search_index = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 257
+crawlstatus_view_delete = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 265
+crawlstatus_view_no_previous_crawl = ""
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/seek_quarry//views/elements
+; activity_element.php line: 54
+activity_element_activities = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 76
+configure_element_work_directory = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 82
+configure_element_load_or_create = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 100
+configure_element_component_check = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 104
+configure_element_profile_settings = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 107
+configure_element_toggle_advanced = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 114
+configure_element_default_language = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 121
+configure_element_debug_display = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 126
+configure_element_error_info = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 131
+configure_element_query_info = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 136
+configure_element_test_info = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 141
+configure_element_site_access = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 146
+configure_element_web_access = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 151
+configure_element_rss_access = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 156
+configure_element_api_access = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 161
+configure_element_customizations = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 163
+configure_element_use_wiki_landing = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 170
+configure_element_background_color = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 178
+configure_element_background_image = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 185
+configure_element_background_image = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 194
+configure_element_foreground_color = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 200
+configure_element_topbar_color = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 206
+configure_element_sidebar_color = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 214
+configure_element_site_logo = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 221
+configure_element_site_logo = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 232
+configure_element_mobile_logo = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 239
+configure_element_mobile_logo = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 250
+configure_element_favicon = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 257
+configure_element_favicon = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 267
+configure_element_toolbar = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 278
+configure_element_site_timezone = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 284
+configure_element_cookie_name = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 290
+configure_element_token_name = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 296
+configure_element_auxiliary_css = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 304
+configure_element_reset_customizations = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 311
+configure_element_crawl_robot = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 313
+configure_element_robot_name = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 321
+configure_element_robot_instance = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 328
+configure_element_robot_description = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 338
+serversettings_element_submit = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 55
+crawloptions_element_back_to_manage = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 58
+crawloptions_element_modify_active_crawl = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 60
+crawloptions_element_edit_crawl_options = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 83
+crawloptions_element_web_crawl = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 93
+crawloptions_element_archive_crawl = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 100
+crawloptions_element_load_options = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 105
+crawloptions_element_crawl_order = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 114
+crawloptions_element_restrict_by_url = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 122
+crawloptions_element_allowed_to_crawl = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 129
+crawloptions_element_disallowed_and_quota_sites = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 140
+crawloptions_element_seed_sites = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 144
+crawloptions_element_add_suggest_urls = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 155
+crawloptions_element_inject_sites = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 159
+crawloptions_element_add_suggest_urls = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 176
+crawloptions_element_reindex_crawl = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 185
+crawloptions_element_need_api_for_mix = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 193
+crawloptions_element_save_options = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 58
+editclassifier_back = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 60
+editclassifier_edit_classifier = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 72
+editclassifier_classifier_label = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 77
+editclassifier_change = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 82
+editclassifier_statistics = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 83
+editclassifier_positive_examples = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 86
+editclassifier_negative_examples = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 89
+editclassifier_accuracy = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 94
+crawl_component_na = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 99
+editclassifier_update = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 100
+editclassifier_add_examples = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 109
+editclassifier_source = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 113
+editclassifier_default_crawl = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 123
+editclassifier_label_by_hand = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 125
+editclassifier_all_in_class = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 127
+editclassifier_none_in_class = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 132
+editclassifier_keywords = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 141
+editclassifier_load = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 147
+editclassifier_finalize = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 155
+editclassifier_no_documents = ""
+; editlocales_element.php line: 55
+editlocales_element_back_to_manage = ""
+; editlocales_element.php line: 57
+editlocales_element_edit_locale = ""
+; editlocales_element.php line: 71
+editlocales_element_show = ""
+; editlocales_element.php line: 75
+editlocales_element_filter = ""
+; editlocales_element.php line: 82
+editlocales_element_go = ""
+; editlocales_element.php line: 86
+editlocales_element_no_matching = ""
+; editlocales_element.php line: 119
+editlocales_element_submit = ""
+; editmix_element.php line: 51
+editmix_element_back_to_mix = ""
+; editmix_element.php line: 53
+mixcrawls_element_edit_mix = ""
+; editmix_element.php line: 64
+mixcrawls_element_mix_name = ""
+; editmix_element.php line: 70
+mixcrawls_element_mix_components = ""
+; editmix_element.php line: 77
+mixcrawls_element_too_many = ""
+; editmix_element.php line: 79
+mixcrawls_element_add_fragment = ""
+; editmix_element.php line: 85
+mixcrawls_element_save_button = ""
+; footer_element.php line: 59
+footer_element_blog = ""
+; footer_element.php line: 61
+footer_element_privacy = ""
+; footer_element.php line: 63
+footer_element_terms = ""
+; footer_element.php line: 65
+footer_element_tools = ""
+; footer_element.php line: 67
+footer_element_bot = ""
+; footer_element.php line: 72
+footer_element_developed_seek_quarry = ""
+; footer_element.php line: 75
+footer_element_copyright_yioop = ""
+; footer_element.php line: 77
+footer_element_php_search_engine = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 91
+groupfeed_element_add_group = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 95
+groupfeed_element_request_add = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 122
+groupfeed_element_wiki_page = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 124
+groupfeed_element_back = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 127
+groupfeed_element_back = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 136
+groupfeed_element_group_activity = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 140
+groupfeed_element_wiki_thread = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 159
+groupfeed_element_feed = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 163
+group_view_wiki = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 165
+groupfeed_element_user = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 206
+groupfeed_element_comment = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 238
+manageaccount_element_group_wiki = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 239
+manageaccount_element_group_stats = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 244
+manageaccount_element_last_post = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 286
+groupfeed_element_comment = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 297
+groupfeed_element_start_thread = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 311
+groupfeed_element_start_thread = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 317
+groupfeed_element_no_posts_yet = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 323
+groupfeed_element_thread_no_exist = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 358
+groupfeed_element_edit = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 363
+groupfeed_element_delete = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 385
+groupfeed_element_num_posts = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 395
+groupfeed_element_num_views = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 420
+groupfeed_element_start_thread_in_group = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 422
+groupfeed_element_start_thread_in_group = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 436
+groupfeed_element_last_edited = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 452
+groupfeed_element_post_vote = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 479
+groupfeed_element_last_post_info = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 494
+groupfeed_element_comment = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 547
+fileupload_helper_drag_textarea = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 548
+fileupload_helper_click_textarea = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 572
+groupfeed_element_add_comment = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 586
+groupfeed_element_save = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 625
+groupfeed_element_subject = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 632
+groupfeed_element_post = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 645
+groupfeed_element_save = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 681
+groupfeed_element_edit_post = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 684
+groupfeed_element_subject = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 690
+groupfeed_element_post = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 703
+groupfeed_element_save = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 732
+groupfeed_element_no_longer_update = ""
+; machinelog_element.php line: 54
+machinelog_element_back_to_manage = ""
+; machinelog_element.php line: 59
+machinelog_element_filter = ""
+; machinelog_element.php line: 66
+machinelog_element_log_file = ""
+; machinelog_element.php line: 71
+machinelog_element_refresh_off = ""
+; machinelog_element.php line: 76
+machinelog_element_refresh_on = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 60
+manageaccount_element_lock = ""
+manageaccount_element_edit = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 67
+manageaccount_element_welcome = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 69
+manageaccount_element_what_can_do = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 71
+manageaccount_element_account_details = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 100
+manageaccounts_element_icon = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 110
+manageusers_element_username = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 117
+manageusers_element_firstname = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 123
+manageusers_element_lastname = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 129
+manageusers_element_email = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 138
+manageaccount_element_password = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 145
+manageaccount_element_new_password = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 151
+manageaccount_element_retype_password = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 163
+manageaccount_element_save = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 169
+manageaccount_element_search_lang_settings = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 174
+manageaccount_element_crawl_and_index = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 175
+manageaccount_element_crawl_info = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 176
+manageaccount_element_num_crawls = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 179
+manageaccount_element_manage_crawls = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 185
+manageaccount_element_groups_and_feeds = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 186
+manageaccount_element_group_info = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 188
+manageaccount_element_num_groups = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 191
+manageaccount_element_num_group = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 203
+manageaccount_element_group_wiki = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 204
+manageaccount_element_group_stats = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 209
+manageaccount_element_last_post = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 219
+manageaccount_element_manage_all_groups = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 221
+manageaccount_element_go_to_group_feed = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 223
+manageaccount_element_crawl_mixes = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 224
+manageaccount_element_mixes_info = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 226
+manageaccount_element_num_mixes = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 229
+manageaccount_element_num_mix = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 233
+manageaccount_element_manage_mixes = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 61
+manageclassifiers_available_classifiers = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 69
+manageclassifiers_label_col = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 72
+manageclassifiers_positive_col = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 74
+manageclassifiers_negative_col = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 80
+manageclassifiers_actions_col = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 99
+manageclassifiers_edit = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 102
+manageclassifiers_finalized = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 109
+manageclassifiers_finalize = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 111
+manageclassifiers_finalize = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 115
+manageclassifiers_finalizing = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 119
+confirm_delete_operation = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 123
+manageclassifiers_delete = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 156
+manageclassifiers_manage_classifiers = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 166
+manageclassifiers_classifier_name = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 171
+manageclassifiers_create_button = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 186
+manageclassifiers_element_search = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 187
+manageclassifiers_element_create_form = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 189
+manageclassifiers_classifier_name = ""
+; managecrawls_element.php line: 49
+managecrawls_element_create_crawl = ""
+; managecrawls_element.php line: 58
+managecrawls_element_description = ""
+; managecrawls_element.php line: 65
+managecrawls_element_start_new_crawl = ""
+; managecrawls_element.php line: 69
+managecrawls_element_options = ""
+; managecrawls_element.php line: 75
+managecrawls_element_awaiting_status = ""
+; managecrawls_element.php line: 93
+managecrawls_element_up_longer_update = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 67
+managegroups_element_not_my_groups = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 69
+managegroups_element_groups = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 78
+managegroups_element_groupname = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 79
+managegroups_element_groupowner = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 81
+managegroups_element_registertype = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 82
+managegroups_element_memberaccess = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 83
+managegroups_element_voting = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 84
+managegroups_element_post_lifetime = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 87
+managegroups_element_actions = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 201
+manageaccount_element_group_wiki = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 216
+managegroups_element_join = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 220
+managegroups_element_edit = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 225
+managegroups_element_edit = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 230
+managegroups_element_delete = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 236
+managegroups_element_join = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 241
+managegroups_element_join = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 250
+managegroups_element_decline = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 252
+managegroups_element_unsubscribe = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 257
+confirm_delete_operation = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 260
+managegroups_element_delete = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 289
+managegroups_element_addgroup_form = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 290
+managegroups_element_group_info = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 292
+managegroups_element_create_group = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 296
+managegroups_element_add_group = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 313
+managegroups_element_groupname = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 324
+managegroups_element_browse = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 335
+managegroups_element_register = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 342
+managegroups_element_memberaccess = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 349
+managegroups_element_voting = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 356
+managegroups_element_post_lifetime = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 368
+managegroups_element_group_users = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 372
+managegroups_element_num_users = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 398
+managegroups_element_groupowner = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 400
+managegroups_element_delete = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 410
+managegroups_element_activate = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 416
+managegroups_element_ban = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 422
+managegroups_element_unban = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 430
+managegroups_element_delete = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 459
+managegroups_element_filter = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 480
+managegroups_element_invite = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 491
+managegroups_element_save = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 520
+managegroups_element_group_info = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 521
+managegroups_element_invite_users_group = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 533
+managegroups_element_groupname = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 541
+managegroups_element_usernames = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 548
+managegroups_element_invite = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 566
+managegroups_element_addgroup_form = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 567
+managegroups_element_transfer_group_owner = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 580
+managegroups_element_groupname = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 588
+managegroups_element_new_group_owner = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 595
+managegroups_element_change_owner = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 614
+managegroups_element_discover_groups = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 618
+managegroups_element_search_group = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 620
+managegroups_element_addgroup_form = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 622
+managegroups_element_groupname = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 623
+managegroups_element_groupowner = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 624
+managegroups_element_registertype = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 626
+managegroups_element_memberaccess = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 628
+managegroups_element_post_lifetime = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 59
+managelocales_element_locale_list = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 69
+managelocales_element_localename = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 72
+managelocales_element_localetag = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 73
+managelocales_element_writingmode = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 75
+managelocales_element_enabled = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 80
+managelocales_element_percenttranslated = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 81
+managelocales_element_actions = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 101
+managelocales_element_true = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 102
+managelocales_element_false = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 109
+managelocales_element_edit = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 114
+confirm_delete_operation = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 115
+managelocales_element_delete = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 135
+manageloecales_element_add_locale_form = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 136
+managelocales_element_locale_info = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 138
+managelocales_element_add_locale = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 160
+managelocales_element_localenamelabel = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 173
+managelocales_element_localetaglabel = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 179
+managelocales_element_writingmodelabel = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 189
+managelocales_element_localeenabled = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 200
+managelocales_element_submit = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 218
+managelocales_element_search_locales = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 219
+managelocales_element_addlocale_form = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 221
+managelocales_element_localename = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 222
+managelocales_element_localetag = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 223
+managelocales_element_writingmode = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 224
+managelocales_element_enabled = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 230
+managelocales_element_true = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 231
+managelocales_element_false = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 51
+managemachines_element_add_machine = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 63
+managemachines_element_machine_name = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 68
+managemachines_element_machineurl = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 73
+managemachines_element_is_mirror = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 78
+managemachines_element_parent_name = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 84
+managemachines_element_has_queueserver = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 88
+managemachines_element_num_fetchers = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 93
+managemachines_element_submit = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 98
+managemachines_element_machine_info = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 104
+managemachines_element_awaiting_status = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 123
+managemachines_element_no_longer_update = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 56
+manageroles_element_roles = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 64
+manageroles_element_rolename = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 66
+manageroles_element_actions = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 91
+manageroles_element_edit = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 96
+manageroles_element_delete = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 100
+confirm_delete_operation = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 103
+manageroles_element_delete = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 136
+manageroles_element_addrole_form = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 137
+manageroles_element_role_info = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 139
+manageroles_element_add_role = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 151
+manageroles_element_rolename = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 164
+manageroles_element_role_activities = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 173
+manageroles_element_delete = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 180
+manageroles_element_delete = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 200
+manageroles_element_save = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 218
+manageroles_element_search_role = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 219
+manageroles_element_addrole_form = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 221
+manageroles_element_rolename = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 56
+manageusers_element_users = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 65
+manageusers_element_username = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 67
+manageusers_element_firstname = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 68
+manageusers_element_lastname = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 69
+manageusers_element_email = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 71
+manageusers_element_status = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 73
+manageusers_element_actions = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 135
+manageusers_element_edit = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 139
+manageusers_element_edit = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 146
+manageusers_element_delete = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 150
+confirm_delete_operation = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 153
+manageusers_element_delete = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 194
+manageusers_element_adduser_form = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 195
+manageusers_element_user_info = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 197
+manageusers_element_add_user = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 222
+manageusers_element_username = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 232
+manageusers_element_firstname = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 238
+manageusers_element_lastname = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 244
+manageusers_element_email = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 251
+manageusers_element_status = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 268
+manageusers_element_roles = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 272
+manageusers_element_num_roles = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 287
+manageusers_element_delete = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 297
+manageusers_element_delete = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 340
+manageusers_element_filter = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 352
+manageusers_element_add_role = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 362
+manageusers_element_groups = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 366
+manageusers_element_num_groups = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 387
+manageusers_element_delete = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 427
+manageusers_element_filter = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 439
+manageusers_element_add_group = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 452
+manageusers_element_password = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 458
+manageusers_element_retype_password = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 465
+manageusers_element_save = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 492
+manageusers_element_search_user = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 493
+manageusers_element_adduser_form = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 495
+manageusers_element_username = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 496
+manageusers_element_firstname = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 497
+manageusers_element_lastname = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 498
+manageusers_element_email = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 499
+manageusers_element_status = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 61
+mixcrawls_element_available_mixes = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 68
+mixcrawls_view_name = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 70
+mixcrawls_view_definition = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 74
+mixcrawls_view_actions = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 108
+mixcrawls_view_no_components = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 115
+mixcrawls_view_share = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 118
+mixcrawls_view_edit = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 124
+mixcrawls_set_index = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 127
+mixcrawl_search_index = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 133
+confirm_delete_operation = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 136
+mixcrawls_view_delete = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 146
+mixcrawls_view_back = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 147
+mixcrawls_element_share_mix_group = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 157
+mixcrawls_element_mixname = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 163
+mixcrawls_element_group = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 169
+mixcrawls_element_share = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 193
+mixcrawls_element_make_mix = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 203
+mixcrawls_element_mix_name = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 208
+mixcrawls_element_create_button = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 223
+mixcrawls_element_search_mix = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 224
+mixcrawls_element_createmix_form = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 226
+mixcrawls_element_mixname = ""
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 78
+moreoptions_element_other_searches = ""
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 113
+moreoptions_element_previous = ""
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 119
+moreoptions_element_next = ""
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 126
+moreoptions_element_my_accounts = ""
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 133
+signin_element_settings = ""
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 141
+signin_element_signin = ""
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 144
+signin_element_admin = ""
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 156
+signin_view_create_account = ""
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 168
+moreoptions_element_suggest = ""
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 171
+moreoptions_element_wiki_pages = ""
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 182
+moreoptions_element_tools = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 58
+pageoptions_element_crawl_time = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 63
+pageoptions_element_search_time = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 68
+pageoptions_element_test_options = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 80
+pageoptions_element_load_options = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 85
+pageoptions_element_page_range = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 91
+pageoptions_element_summarizer = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 100
+pageoptions_element_max_description = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 106
+pageoptions_element_save_cache = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 116
+pageoptions_element_allow_recrawl = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 123
+pageoptions_element_file_types = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 153
+pageoptions_element_classifiers_rankers = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 169
+pageoptions_element_use_classify = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 171
+pageoptions_element_use_rank = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 200
+pageoptions_element_no_classifiers = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 203
+pageoptions_element_indexing_plugins = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 209
+pageoptions_element_plugin = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 212
+pageoptions_element_plugin_include = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 229
+pageoptions_element_configure = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 241
+pageoptions_element_no_compatible_plugins = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 244
+pageoptions_element_page_rules = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 254
+page_element_search_page = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 261
+pageoptions_element_wd_suggest = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 269
+pageoptions_element_subsearch_link = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 278
+pageoptions_element_signin_link = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 286
+pageoptions_element_cache_link = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 295
+pageoptions_element_similar_link = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 304
+pageoptions_element_in_link = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 311
+pageoptions_element_ip_link = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 320
+pageoptions_element_ranking_factors = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 325
+pageoptions_element_title_weight = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 330
+pageoptions_element_description_weight = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 335
+pageoptions_element_link_weight = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 340
+pageoptions_element_results_grouping_options = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 345
+pageoptions_element_min_results_to_group = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 351
+pageoptions_element_server_alpha = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 359
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+; register_view.php line: 110
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+; register_view.php line: 115
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+; register_view.php line: 116
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+; register_view.php line: 118
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+; register_view.php line: 121
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+; register_view.php line: 246
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+; register_view.php line: 277
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+; register_view.php line: 281
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+; register_view.php line: 283
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+; register_view.php line: 315
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+; register_view.php line: 332
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+; register_view.php line: 357
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+; search_view.php line: 113
+search_view_input_label = ""
+; search_view.php line: 117
+search_view_input_placeholder = ""
+; search_view.php line: 120
+search_view_search = ""
+; search_view.php line: 147
+search_view_no_index_set = ""
+; search_view.php line: 152
+search_view_more_statistics = ""
+; search_view.php line: 190
+search_view_calculated = ""
+; search_view.php line: 191
+search_view_results = ""
+; search_view.php line: 212
+search_view_thesaurus_results = ""
+; search_view.php line: 321
+search_view_word_cloud = ""
+; search_view.php line: 366
+search_view_cache = ""
+; search_view.php line: 369
+search_view_as_text = ""
+; search_view.php line: 382
+search_view_similar = ""
+; search_view.php line: 394
+search_view_inlink = ""
+; search_view.php line: 414
+search_view_rank = ""
+; search_view.php line: 416
+search_view_relevancy = ""
+; search_view.php line: 418
+search_view_proximity = ""
+; search_view.php line: 422
+search_view_thesaurus_score = ""
+; search_view.php line: 431
+search_view_score = ""
+; settings_view.php line: 66
+settings_view_settings = ""
+; settings_view.php line: 73
+settings_view_results_per_page = ""
+; settings_view.php line: 79
+settings_view_open_in_tabs = ""
+; settings_view.php line: 86
+settings_view_search_index = ""
+; settings_view.php line: 92
+settings_view_language_label = ""
+; settings_view.php line: 108
+settings_view_return_yioop = ""
+; settings_view.php line: 111
+settings_view_save = ""
+; settings_view.php line: 119
+settings_install_search_plugin = ""
+; signin_view.php line: 65
+signin_view_signin = ""
+; signin_view.php line: 78
+sigin_view_signing_in = ""
+; signin_view.php line: 81
+sigin_view_login_failed = ""
+; signin_view.php line: 89
+signin_view_username = ""
+; signin_view.php line: 96
+signin_view_password = ""
+; signin_view.php line: 107
+signin_view_login = ""
+; signin_view.php line: 122
+signin_view_recover_password = ""
+; signin_view.php line: 127
+signin_view_create_account = ""
+; signin_view.php line: 132
+signin_view_return_yioop = ""
+; static_view.php line: 71
+static_view_title = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 63
+statistics_view_statistics = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 68
+statistics_view_calculating = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 82
+statistics_view_error_codes = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 83
+statistics_view_sizes = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 84
+statistics_view_links_per_page = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 85
+statistics_view_page_date = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 86
+statistics_view_dns_time = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 87
+statistics_view_download_time = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 88
+statistics_view_top_level_domain = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 89
+statistics_view_file_extension = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 90
+statistics_view_media_type = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 91
+statistics_view_language = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 92
+statistics_view_server = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 93
+statistics_view_os = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 97
+statistics_view_general_info = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 98
+statistics_view_description = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 100
+statistics_view_timestamp = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 102
+statistics_view_crawl_date = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 104
+statistics_view_pages = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 106
+statistics_view_url = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 109
+statistics_view_number_hosts = ""
+; suggest_view.php line: 68
+suggest_view_suggest_url = ""
+; suggest_view.php line: 70
+suggest_view_instructions = ""
+; suggest_view.php line: 94
+suggest_view_url = ""
+; suggest_view.php line: 110
+register_view_human_check = ""
+; suggest_view.php line: 144
+suggest_view_human_check = ""
+; suggest_view.php line: 167
+suggest_view_submit_url = ""
+; suggest_view.php line: 177
+signin_view_return_yioop = ""
+; view.php line: 32
+view_locale_version11 = ""
+; view.php line: 81
+view_logo_alt_text = ""
+; wiki_view.php line: 89
+wiki_view_read = ""
+; wiki_view.php line: 90
+wiki_view_edit = ""
+; wiki_view.php line: 93
+wiki_view_pages = ""
+; wiki_view.php line: 132
+wiki_view_feed = ""
+; wiki_view.php line: 133
+wiki_view_wiki = ""
+; wiki_view.php line: 157
+adminview_auto_logout_one_minute = ""
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/sq_data/app/views
+; download_view.php line: 62
+download_view_form = ""
+; download_view.php line: 73
+download_view_thank_you = ""
+; download_view.php line: 76
+download_view_full_name = ""
+; download_view.php line: 82
+download_view_email = ""
+; download_view.php line: 87
+download_view_business = ""
+; download_view.php line: 93
+download_view_interest = ""
+; download_view.php line: 100
+download_view_get_email = ""
+; download_view.php line: 106
+download_view_return_main = ""
+; download_view.php line: 120
+download_view_required_fields = ""
+; download_view.php line: 125
+download_view_name_required = ""
+; download_view.php line: 130
+download_view_valid_email = ""
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/seek_quarry//lib/indexing_plugins
+; wordfilter_plugin.php line: 353
+wordfilter_plugin_settings_saved = ""
+; wordfilter_plugin.php line: 362
+wordfilter_plugin_defaults_restored = ""
+; wordfilter_plugin.php line: 466
+wordfilter_plugin_preferences = ""
+; wordfilter_plugin.php line: 470
+wordfilter_plugin_factory_settings = ""
+; wordfilter_plugin.php line: 483
+wordfilter_plugin_save = ""
diff --git a/locale/th/resources/locale.js b/locale/th/resources/locale.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..4defa2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/th/resources/locale.js
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+ * SeekQuarry/Yioop --
+ * Open Source Pure PHP Search Engine, Crawler, and Indexer
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2009 - 2015  Chris Pollett
+ *
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+ *
+ *
+ * @author Sandhya Vissapragada
+ * @package seek_quarry
+ * @subpackage javascript
+ * @license GPL3
+ * @link
+ * @copyright 2009 - 2015s
+ * @filesource
+ */
+ * The alphabet for this locale (just a stub for now)
+ */
+var alpha = "";
diff --git a/locale/th/resources/tokenizer.php b/locale/th/resources/tokenizer.php
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..cb4e58b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/th/resources/tokenizer.php
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+ * SeekQuarry/Yioop --
+ * Open Source Pure PHP Search Engine, Crawler, and Indexer
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2009 - 2015  Chris Pollett
+ *
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+ *
+ * @author Chris Pollett
+ * @package seek_quarry
+ * @subpackage locale
+ * @license GPL3
+ * @link
+ * @copyright 2009 - 2015
+ * @filesource
+ */
+if(!defined('BASE_DIR')) {echo "BAD REQUEST"; exit();}
+ * Thai specific tokenization code. Typically, tokenizer.php
+ * either contains a stemmer for the language in question or
+ * it specifies how many characters in a char gram
+ *
+ * @author Chris Pollett
+ * @package seek_quarry
+ * @subpackage locale
+ */
+$GLOBALS['CHARGRAMS']['th'] = 5;
diff --git a/locale/th/resources1421450895old/locale.js b/locale/th/resources1421450895old/locale.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..886b6fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/th/resources1421450895old/locale.js
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+ * SeekQuarry/Yioop --
+ * Open Source Pure PHP Search Engine, Crawler, and Indexer
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2009 - 2014  Chris Pollett
+ *
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+ *
+ *
+ * @author Sandhya Vissapragada
+ * @package seek_quarry
+ * @subpackage javascript
+ * @license GPL3
+ * @link
+ * @copyright 2009 - 2014s
+ * @filesource
+ */
+ * The alphabet for this locale (just a stub for now)
+ */
+var alpha = "";
diff --git a/locale/th/resources1421450895old/tokenizer.php b/locale/th/resources1421450895old/tokenizer.php
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..7405408
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/th/resources1421450895old/tokenizer.php
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+ * SeekQuarry/Yioop --
+ * Open Source Pure PHP Search Engine, Crawler, and Indexer
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2009 - 2014  Chris Pollett
+ *
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+ *
+ * @author Chris Pollett
+ * @package seek_quarry
+ * @subpackage locale
+ * @license GPL3
+ * @link
+ * @copyright 2009 - 2014
+ * @filesource
+ */
+if(!defined('BASE_DIR')) {echo "BAD REQUEST"; exit();}
+ * Thai specific tokenization code. Typically, tokenizer.php
+ * either contains a stemmer for the language in question or
+ * it specifies how many characters in a char gram
+ *
+ * @author Chris Pollett
+ * @package seek_quarry
+ * @subpackage locale
+ */
+$GLOBALS['CHARGRAMS']['th'] = 5;
diff --git a/locale/th/statistics.txt b/locale/th/statistics.txt
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..8f66b5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/th/statistics.txt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/locale/tr/configure.ini b/locale/tr/configure.ini
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..01006ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/tr/configure.ini
@@ -0,0 +1,4186 @@
+; ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
+;  SeekQuarry/Yioop Open Source Pure PHP Search Engine, Crawler, and Indexer
+;  Copyright (C) 2009 - 2015  Chris Pollett
+;  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;  (at your option) any later version.
+;  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;  GNU General Public License for more details.
+;  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;  along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+;  ***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****
+; configure.ini
+; tr configuration file
+; Strings to translate on various pages
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/seek_quarry//controllers
+; admin_controller.php line: 101
+admin_controller_need_cookies = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 150
+admin_controller_account_not_active = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 156
+admin_controller_login_successful = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 175
+admin_controller_no_back_button = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 189
+admin_controller_login_failed = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 195
+admin_controller_login_to_config = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 199
+admin_controller_status_updates_stopped = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 342
+admin_controller_account_access = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 343
+admin_controller_social = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 344
+admin_controller_crawl_settings = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 345
+admin_controller_system_settings = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 517
+admin_controller_equal = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 518
+admin_controller_not_equal = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 519
+admin_controller_contains = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 520
+admin_controller_begins_with = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 521
+admin_controller_ends_with = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 524
+admin_controller_equal = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 525
+admin_controller_not_equal = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 528
+admin_controller_no_sort = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 529
+admin_controller_sort_ascending = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 530
+admin_controller_sort_descending = ""
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/seek_quarry//controllers/components
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 132
+accountaccess_component_no_posts_yet = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 146
+accountaccess_component_passwords_too_long = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 155
+accountaccess_component_passwords_dont_match = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 162
+accountaccess_component_invalid_password = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 192
+accountaccess_component_unknown_imagetype = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 197
+accountaccess_component_icon_too_big = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 206
+accountaccess_component_no_user_folder = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 215
+accountaccess_component_user_updated = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 259
+accountaccess_component_active_status = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 260
+accountaccess_component_inactive_status = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 261
+accountaccess_component_banned_status = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 264
+accountaccess_component_request_join = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 265
+accountaccess_component_invited = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 266
+accountaccess_component_active_status = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 267
+accountaccess_component_banned_status = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 312
+accountaccess_component_passwords_too_long = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 317
+accountaccess_component_passwords_dont_match = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 321
+accountaccess_component_invalid_username = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 325
+accountaccess_component_user_exists = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 354
+accountaccess_component_user_added = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 363
+accountaccess_component_user_doesnt_exist = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 370
+accountaccess_component_cant_edit_public_user = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 412
+accountaccess_component_passwords_dont_match = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 418
+accountaccess_component_user_updated = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 424
+accountaccess_component_user_filter_group = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 428
+accountaccess_component_user_filter_role = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 439
+accountaccess_component_username_doesnt_exists = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 444
+accountaccess_component_cant_delete_builtin = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 449
+accountaccess_component_user_deleted = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 458
+accountaccess_component_username_doesnt_exists = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 463
+accountaccess_component_rolename_doesnt_exists = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 469
+accountaccess_component_rolename_already_added = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 475
+accountaccess_component_rolename_added = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 485
+accountaccess_component_username_doesnt_exists = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 490
+accountaccess_component_groupname_doesnt_exists = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 496
+accountaccess_component_groupname_already_added = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 504
+accountaccess_component_groupname_added = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 514
+accountaccess_component_username_doesnt_exists = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 519
+accountaccess_component_rolename_doesnt_exists = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 528
+accountaccess_component_rolename_deleted = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 538
+accountaccess_component_username_doesnt_exists = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 543
+accountaccess_component_groupname_doesnt_exists = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 552
+accountaccess_component_group_deleted = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 569
+accountaccess_component_username_doesnt_exists = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 575
+accountaccess_component_userstatus_updated = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 733
+accountaccess_component_select_activityname = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 759
+accountaccess_component_rolename_doesnt_exists = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 775
+accountaccess_component_activity_added = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 784
+accountaccess_component_rolename_exists = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 790
+accountaccess_component_rolename_added = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 794
+accountaccess_component_rolename_blank = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 803
+accountaccess_component_rolename_doesnt_exists = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 821
+accountaccess_component_activity_deleted = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 829
+accountaccess_component_rolename_doesnt_exists = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 835
+accountaccess_component_rolename_deleted = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 867
+accountaccess_component_role_updated = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 85
+crawl_component_starting_new_crawl = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 102
+crawl_component_stop_crawl = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 131
+crawl_component_resume_crawl = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 140
+crawl_component_delete_crawl_success = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 144
+crawl_component_delete_crawl_fail = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 153
+crawl_component_set_index = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 187
+crawl_component_no_description = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 334
+crawl_component_use_below = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 335
+crawl_component_use_defaults = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 338
+crawl_component_use_below = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 342
+crawl_component_previous_crawl = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 413
+crawl_component_added_urls = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 427
+crawl_component_add_suggest = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 431
+crawl_component_no_new_suggests = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 478
+crawl_component_breadth_first = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 480
+crawl_component_page_importance = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 545
+crawl_component_added_urls = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 555
+crawl_component_urls_injected = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 565
+crawl_component_update_seed_info = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 620
+crawl_component_new_classifier = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 624
+crawl_component_classifier_exists = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 647
+crawl_component_classifier_deleted = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 651
+crawl_component_no_classifier = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 662
+crawl_component_no_classifier = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 680
+crawl_component_finalizing_classifier = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 707
+crawl_component_finalizing_classifier = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 753
+crawl_component_classifier_exists = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 762
+crawl_component_load_failed = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 764
+crawl_component_loading = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 766
+crawl_component_added_examples = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 768
+crawl_component_label_update_failed = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 770
+crawl_component_updating = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 772
+crawl_component_acc_update_failed = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 774
+crawl_component_na = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 776
+crawl_component_no_docs = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 778
+crawl_component_num_docs = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 780
+crawl_component_in_class = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 782
+crawl_component_not_in_class = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 784
+crawl_component_skip = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 786
+crawl_component_prediction = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 788
+crawl_component_scores = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 830
+crawl_component_use_below = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 831
+crawl_component_use_defaults = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 833
+crawl_component_use_below = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 841
+crawl_component_recrawl_never = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 842
+crawl_component_recrawl_1day = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 843
+crawl_component_recrawl_2day = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 844
+crawl_component_recrawl_3day = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 845
+crawl_component_recrawl_7day = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 846
+crawl_component_recrawl_14day = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 854
+crawl_component_basic = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 855
+crawl_component_centroid = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1141
+crawl_component_page_options_updated = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1169
+crawl_component_page_options_running_tests = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1348
+crawl_component_results_editor_update = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1363
+crawl_component_edited_pages = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1376
+crawl_component_results_editor_need_url = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1382
+crawl_component_results_editor_page_updated = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1395
+crawl_component_results_editor_page_loaded = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1426
+crawl_component_media_kind = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1427
+crawl_component_video = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1428
+crawl_component_rss_feed = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1429
+crawl_component_html_feed = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1443
+crawl_component_sources_indexes = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1499
+crawl_component_no_source_type = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1512
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+register_controller_failed_human = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 1025
+register_controller_failed_graphical_human = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 1036
+register_controller_failed_hashcode = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 1064
+register_controller_error_fields = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 1067
+register_controller_check_email = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 1074
+register_controller_user_already_exists = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 235
+search_controller_web = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 295
+search_controller_logout_successful = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 500
+search_controller_mix_info = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 506
+search_controller_crawl_info = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 542
+search_controller_search = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 646
+search_controller_no_index_set = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 649
+search_controller_no_index_set = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1300
+search_controller_download_fetcher = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1309
+search_controller_no_archive_page = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1358
+search_controller_yioop_cache = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1363
+search_controller_original_page = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1380
+search_controller_extracted_title = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1382
+search_controller_extracted_description = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1384
+search_controller_extracted_links = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1389
+search_controller_extracted_allow_paths = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1395
+search_controller_extracted_disallow_paths = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1401
+search_controller_crawl_delay = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1466
+search_controller_cache_comment = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1477
+search_controller_yioop_cache = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1513
+search_controller_cached_version = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1608
+search_controller_download_fetcher = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1626
+search_controller_header_summaries = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1739
+search_controller_history = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1908
+search_controller_all_cached = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1939
+search_controller_year = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1940
+search_controller_month = ""
+; settings_controller.php line: 115
+settings_controller_crawl_mix = ""
+; settings_controller.php line: 130
+settings_controller_settings_saved = ""
+; static_controller.php line: 67
+static_controller_logout_successful = ""
+; static_controller.php line: 145
+static_controller_complete_title = ""
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/sq_data/app/controllers
+; main_controller.php line: 87
+search_controller_logout_successful = ""
+; main_controller.php line: 112
+main_controller_download = ""
+; main_controller.php line: 129
+main_controller_missing_fields = ""
+; main_controller.php line: 164
+main_controller_yioop_download = ""
+; main_controller.php line: 165
+main_controller_click_download = ""
+; main_controller.php line: 178
+main_controller_url_error = ""
+; main_controller.php line: 187
+main_controller_expired_url = ""
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/seek_quarry//views
+; admin_view.php line: 70
+admin_view_admin = ""
+; admin_view.php line: 89
+adminview_auto_logout_one_minute = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 52
+crawlstatus_view_currently_processing = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 53
+crawlstatus_view_description = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 58
+crawlstatus_view_starting_crawl = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 62
+managecrawls_element_stop_crawl = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 66
+crawlstatus_view_resuming_crawl = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 70
+managecrawls_element_stop_crawl = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 74
+crawlstatus_view_shutdown_queue = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 77
+crawlstatus_view_closing_dict = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 80
+crawlstatus_view_run_plugins = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 88
+managecrawls_element_stop_crawl = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 96
+crawlstatus_view_set_index = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 99
+crawlstatus_view_search_index = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 107
+crawlstatus_view_changeoptions = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 109
+crawlstatus_view_no_description = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 114
+crawlstatus_view_timestamp = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 116
+crawlstatus_view_time_started = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 122
+crawlstatus_view_indexer_memory = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 124
+crawlstatus_view_scheduler_memory = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 127
+crawlstatus_view_queue_memory = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 132
+crawlstatus_view_no_mem_data = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 136
+crawlstatus_view_fetcher_memory = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 141
+crawlstatus_view_no_mem_data = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 144
+crawlstatus_view_webapp_memory = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 149
+crawlstatus_view_no_mem_data = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 152
+crawlstatus_view_urls_per_hour = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 160
+crawlstatus_view_visited_urls = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 164
+crawlstatus_view_total_urls = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 167
+crawlstatus_view_most_recent_fetcher = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 176
+crawlstatus_view_no_fetcher = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 180
+crawlstatus_view_most_recent_urls = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 190
+crawlstatus_view_no_recent_urls = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 193
+crawlstatus_view_previous_crawls = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 203
+crawlstatus_view_description = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 206
+crawlstatus_view_timestamp = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 207
+crawlstatus_view_url_counts = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 211
+crawlstatus_view_actions = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 222
+crawlstatus_view_statistics = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 238
+crawlstatus_view_resume = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 240
+crawlstatus_view_no_resume = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 247
+crawlstatus_view_set_index = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 250
+crawlstatus_view_search_index = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 257
+crawlstatus_view_delete = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 265
+crawlstatus_view_no_previous_crawl = ""
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/seek_quarry//views/elements
+; activity_element.php line: 54
+activity_element_activities = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 76
+configure_element_work_directory = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 82
+configure_element_load_or_create = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 100
+configure_element_component_check = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 104
+configure_element_profile_settings = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 107
+configure_element_toggle_advanced = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 114
+configure_element_default_language = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 121
+configure_element_debug_display = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 126
+configure_element_error_info = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 131
+configure_element_query_info = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 136
+configure_element_test_info = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 141
+configure_element_site_access = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 146
+configure_element_web_access = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 151
+configure_element_rss_access = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 156
+configure_element_api_access = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 161
+configure_element_customizations = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 163
+configure_element_use_wiki_landing = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 170
+configure_element_background_color = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 178
+configure_element_background_image = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 185
+configure_element_background_image = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 194
+configure_element_foreground_color = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 200
+configure_element_topbar_color = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 206
+configure_element_sidebar_color = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 214
+configure_element_site_logo = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 221
+configure_element_site_logo = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 232
+configure_element_mobile_logo = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 239
+configure_element_mobile_logo = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 250
+configure_element_favicon = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 257
+configure_element_favicon = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 267
+configure_element_toolbar = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 278
+configure_element_site_timezone = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 284
+configure_element_cookie_name = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 290
+configure_element_token_name = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 296
+configure_element_auxiliary_css = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 304
+configure_element_reset_customizations = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 311
+configure_element_crawl_robot = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 313
+configure_element_robot_name = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 321
+configure_element_robot_instance = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 328
+configure_element_robot_description = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 338
+serversettings_element_submit = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 55
+crawloptions_element_back_to_manage = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 58
+crawloptions_element_modify_active_crawl = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 60
+crawloptions_element_edit_crawl_options = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 83
+crawloptions_element_web_crawl = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 93
+crawloptions_element_archive_crawl = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 100
+crawloptions_element_load_options = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 105
+crawloptions_element_crawl_order = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 114
+crawloptions_element_restrict_by_url = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 122
+crawloptions_element_allowed_to_crawl = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 129
+crawloptions_element_disallowed_and_quota_sites = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 140
+crawloptions_element_seed_sites = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 144
+crawloptions_element_add_suggest_urls = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 155
+crawloptions_element_inject_sites = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 159
+crawloptions_element_add_suggest_urls = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 176
+crawloptions_element_reindex_crawl = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 185
+crawloptions_element_need_api_for_mix = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 193
+crawloptions_element_save_options = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 58
+editclassifier_back = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 60
+editclassifier_edit_classifier = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 72
+editclassifier_classifier_label = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 77
+editclassifier_change = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 82
+editclassifier_statistics = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 83
+editclassifier_positive_examples = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 86
+editclassifier_negative_examples = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 89
+editclassifier_accuracy = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 94
+crawl_component_na = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 99
+editclassifier_update = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 100
+editclassifier_add_examples = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 109
+editclassifier_source = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 113
+editclassifier_default_crawl = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 123
+editclassifier_label_by_hand = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 125
+editclassifier_all_in_class = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 127
+editclassifier_none_in_class = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 132
+editclassifier_keywords = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 141
+editclassifier_load = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 147
+editclassifier_finalize = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 155
+editclassifier_no_documents = ""
+; editlocales_element.php line: 55
+editlocales_element_back_to_manage = ""
+; editlocales_element.php line: 57
+editlocales_element_edit_locale = ""
+; editlocales_element.php line: 71
+editlocales_element_show = ""
+; editlocales_element.php line: 75
+editlocales_element_filter = ""
+; editlocales_element.php line: 82
+editlocales_element_go = ""
+; editlocales_element.php line: 86
+editlocales_element_no_matching = ""
+; editlocales_element.php line: 119
+editlocales_element_submit = ""
+; editmix_element.php line: 51
+editmix_element_back_to_mix = ""
+; editmix_element.php line: 53
+mixcrawls_element_edit_mix = ""
+; editmix_element.php line: 64
+mixcrawls_element_mix_name = ""
+; editmix_element.php line: 70
+mixcrawls_element_mix_components = ""
+; editmix_element.php line: 77
+mixcrawls_element_too_many = ""
+; editmix_element.php line: 79
+mixcrawls_element_add_fragment = ""
+; editmix_element.php line: 85
+mixcrawls_element_save_button = ""
+; footer_element.php line: 59
+footer_element_blog = ""
+; footer_element.php line: 61
+footer_element_privacy = ""
+; footer_element.php line: 63
+footer_element_terms = ""
+; footer_element.php line: 65
+footer_element_tools = ""
+; footer_element.php line: 67
+footer_element_bot = ""
+; footer_element.php line: 72
+footer_element_developed_seek_quarry = ""
+; footer_element.php line: 75
+footer_element_copyright_yioop = ""
+; footer_element.php line: 77
+footer_element_php_search_engine = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 91
+groupfeed_element_add_group = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 95
+groupfeed_element_request_add = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 122
+groupfeed_element_wiki_page = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 124
+groupfeed_element_back = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 127
+groupfeed_element_back = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 136
+groupfeed_element_group_activity = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 140
+groupfeed_element_wiki_thread = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 159
+groupfeed_element_feed = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 163
+group_view_wiki = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 165
+groupfeed_element_user = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 206
+groupfeed_element_comment = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 238
+manageaccount_element_group_wiki = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 239
+manageaccount_element_group_stats = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 244
+manageaccount_element_last_post = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 286
+groupfeed_element_comment = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 297
+groupfeed_element_start_thread = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 311
+groupfeed_element_start_thread = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 317
+groupfeed_element_no_posts_yet = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 323
+groupfeed_element_thread_no_exist = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 358
+groupfeed_element_edit = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 363
+groupfeed_element_delete = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 385
+groupfeed_element_num_posts = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 395
+groupfeed_element_num_views = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 420
+groupfeed_element_start_thread_in_group = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 422
+groupfeed_element_start_thread_in_group = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 436
+groupfeed_element_last_edited = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 452
+groupfeed_element_post_vote = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 479
+groupfeed_element_last_post_info = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 494
+groupfeed_element_comment = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 547
+fileupload_helper_drag_textarea = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 548
+fileupload_helper_click_textarea = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 572
+groupfeed_element_add_comment = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 586
+groupfeed_element_save = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 625
+groupfeed_element_subject = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 632
+groupfeed_element_post = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 645
+groupfeed_element_save = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 681
+groupfeed_element_edit_post = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 684
+groupfeed_element_subject = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 690
+groupfeed_element_post = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 703
+groupfeed_element_save = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 732
+groupfeed_element_no_longer_update = ""
+; machinelog_element.php line: 54
+machinelog_element_back_to_manage = ""
+; machinelog_element.php line: 59
+machinelog_element_filter = ""
+; machinelog_element.php line: 66
+machinelog_element_log_file = ""
+; machinelog_element.php line: 71
+machinelog_element_refresh_off = ""
+; machinelog_element.php line: 76
+machinelog_element_refresh_on = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 60
+manageaccount_element_lock = ""
+manageaccount_element_edit = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 67
+manageaccount_element_welcome = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 69
+manageaccount_element_what_can_do = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 71
+manageaccount_element_account_details = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 100
+manageaccounts_element_icon = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 110
+manageusers_element_username = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 117
+manageusers_element_firstname = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 123
+manageusers_element_lastname = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 129
+manageusers_element_email = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 138
+manageaccount_element_password = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 145
+manageaccount_element_new_password = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 151
+manageaccount_element_retype_password = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 163
+manageaccount_element_save = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 169
+manageaccount_element_search_lang_settings = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 174
+manageaccount_element_crawl_and_index = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 175
+manageaccount_element_crawl_info = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 176
+manageaccount_element_num_crawls = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 179
+manageaccount_element_manage_crawls = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 185
+manageaccount_element_groups_and_feeds = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 186
+manageaccount_element_group_info = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 188
+manageaccount_element_num_groups = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 191
+manageaccount_element_num_group = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 203
+manageaccount_element_group_wiki = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 204
+manageaccount_element_group_stats = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 209
+manageaccount_element_last_post = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 219
+manageaccount_element_manage_all_groups = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 221
+manageaccount_element_go_to_group_feed = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 223
+manageaccount_element_crawl_mixes = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 224
+manageaccount_element_mixes_info = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 226
+manageaccount_element_num_mixes = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 229
+manageaccount_element_num_mix = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 233
+manageaccount_element_manage_mixes = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 61
+manageclassifiers_available_classifiers = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 69
+manageclassifiers_label_col = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 72
+manageclassifiers_positive_col = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 74
+manageclassifiers_negative_col = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 80
+manageclassifiers_actions_col = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 99
+manageclassifiers_edit = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 102
+manageclassifiers_finalized = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 109
+manageclassifiers_finalize = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 111
+manageclassifiers_finalize = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 115
+manageclassifiers_finalizing = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 119
+confirm_delete_operation = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 123
+manageclassifiers_delete = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 156
+manageclassifiers_manage_classifiers = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 166
+manageclassifiers_classifier_name = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 171
+manageclassifiers_create_button = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 186
+manageclassifiers_element_search = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 187
+manageclassifiers_element_create_form = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 189
+manageclassifiers_classifier_name = ""
+; managecrawls_element.php line: 49
+managecrawls_element_create_crawl = ""
+; managecrawls_element.php line: 58
+managecrawls_element_description = ""
+; managecrawls_element.php line: 65
+managecrawls_element_start_new_crawl = ""
+; managecrawls_element.php line: 69
+managecrawls_element_options = ""
+; managecrawls_element.php line: 75
+managecrawls_element_awaiting_status = ""
+; managecrawls_element.php line: 93
+managecrawls_element_up_longer_update = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 67
+managegroups_element_not_my_groups = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 69
+managegroups_element_groups = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 78
+managegroups_element_groupname = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 79
+managegroups_element_groupowner = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 81
+managegroups_element_registertype = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 82
+managegroups_element_memberaccess = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 83
+managegroups_element_voting = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 84
+managegroups_element_post_lifetime = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 87
+managegroups_element_actions = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 201
+manageaccount_element_group_wiki = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 216
+managegroups_element_join = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 220
+managegroups_element_edit = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 225
+managegroups_element_edit = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 230
+managegroups_element_delete = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 236
+managegroups_element_join = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 241
+managegroups_element_join = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 250
+managegroups_element_decline = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 252
+managegroups_element_unsubscribe = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 257
+confirm_delete_operation = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 260
+managegroups_element_delete = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 289
+managegroups_element_addgroup_form = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 290
+managegroups_element_group_info = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 292
+managegroups_element_create_group = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 296
+managegroups_element_add_group = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 313
+managegroups_element_groupname = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 324
+managegroups_element_browse = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 335
+managegroups_element_register = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 342
+managegroups_element_memberaccess = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 349
+managegroups_element_voting = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 356
+managegroups_element_post_lifetime = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 368
+managegroups_element_group_users = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 372
+managegroups_element_num_users = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 398
+managegroups_element_groupowner = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 400
+managegroups_element_delete = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 410
+managegroups_element_activate = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 416
+managegroups_element_ban = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 422
+managegroups_element_unban = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 430
+managegroups_element_delete = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 459
+managegroups_element_filter = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 480
+managegroups_element_invite = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 491
+managegroups_element_save = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 520
+managegroups_element_group_info = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 521
+managegroups_element_invite_users_group = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 533
+managegroups_element_groupname = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 541
+managegroups_element_usernames = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 548
+managegroups_element_invite = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 566
+managegroups_element_addgroup_form = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 567
+managegroups_element_transfer_group_owner = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 580
+managegroups_element_groupname = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 588
+managegroups_element_new_group_owner = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 595
+managegroups_element_change_owner = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 614
+managegroups_element_discover_groups = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 618
+managegroups_element_search_group = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 620
+managegroups_element_addgroup_form = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 622
+managegroups_element_groupname = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 623
+managegroups_element_groupowner = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 624
+managegroups_element_registertype = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 626
+managegroups_element_memberaccess = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 628
+managegroups_element_post_lifetime = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 59
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+; managelocales_element.php line: 69
+managelocales_element_localename = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 72
+managelocales_element_localetag = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 73
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+; managelocales_element.php line: 75
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+; managelocales_element.php line: 80
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+; managelocales_element.php line: 81
+managelocales_element_actions = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 101
+managelocales_element_true = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 102
+managelocales_element_false = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 109
+managelocales_element_edit = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 114
+confirm_delete_operation = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 115
+managelocales_element_delete = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 135
+manageloecales_element_add_locale_form = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 136
+managelocales_element_locale_info = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 138
+managelocales_element_add_locale = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 160
+managelocales_element_localenamelabel = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 173
+managelocales_element_localetaglabel = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 179
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+; managelocales_element.php line: 189
+managelocales_element_localeenabled = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 200
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+; managelocales_element.php line: 218
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+; managelocales_element.php line: 219
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+; managelocales_element.php line: 221
+managelocales_element_localename = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 222
+managelocales_element_localetag = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 223
+managelocales_element_writingmode = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 224
+managelocales_element_enabled = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 230
+managelocales_element_true = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 231
+managelocales_element_false = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 51
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+; managemachines_element.php line: 63
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+; managemachines_element.php line: 68
+managemachines_element_machineurl = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 73
+managemachines_element_is_mirror = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 78
+managemachines_element_parent_name = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 84
+managemachines_element_has_queueserver = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 88
+managemachines_element_num_fetchers = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 93
+managemachines_element_submit = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 98
+managemachines_element_machine_info = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 104
+managemachines_element_awaiting_status = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 123
+managemachines_element_no_longer_update = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 56
+manageroles_element_roles = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 64
+manageroles_element_rolename = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 66
+manageroles_element_actions = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 91
+manageroles_element_edit = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 96
+manageroles_element_delete = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 100
+confirm_delete_operation = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 103
+manageroles_element_delete = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 136
+manageroles_element_addrole_form = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 137
+manageroles_element_role_info = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 139
+manageroles_element_add_role = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 151
+manageroles_element_rolename = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 164
+manageroles_element_role_activities = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 173
+manageroles_element_delete = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 180
+manageroles_element_delete = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 200
+manageroles_element_save = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 218
+manageroles_element_search_role = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 219
+manageroles_element_addrole_form = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 221
+manageroles_element_rolename = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 56
+manageusers_element_users = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 65
+manageusers_element_username = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 67
+manageusers_element_firstname = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 68
+manageusers_element_lastname = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 69
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+; manageusers_element.php line: 71
+manageusers_element_status = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 73
+manageusers_element_actions = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 135
+manageusers_element_edit = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 139
+manageusers_element_edit = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 146
+manageusers_element_delete = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 150
+confirm_delete_operation = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 153
+manageusers_element_delete = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 194
+manageusers_element_adduser_form = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 195
+manageusers_element_user_info = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 197
+manageusers_element_add_user = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 222
+manageusers_element_username = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 232
+manageusers_element_firstname = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 238
+manageusers_element_lastname = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 244
+manageusers_element_email = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 251
+manageusers_element_status = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 268
+manageusers_element_roles = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 272
+manageusers_element_num_roles = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 287
+manageusers_element_delete = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 297
+manageusers_element_delete = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 340
+manageusers_element_filter = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 352
+manageusers_element_add_role = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 362
+manageusers_element_groups = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 366
+manageusers_element_num_groups = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 387
+manageusers_element_delete = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 427
+manageusers_element_filter = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 439
+manageusers_element_add_group = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 452
+manageusers_element_password = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 458
+manageusers_element_retype_password = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 465
+manageusers_element_save = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 492
+manageusers_element_search_user = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 493
+manageusers_element_adduser_form = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 495
+manageusers_element_username = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 496
+manageusers_element_firstname = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 497
+manageusers_element_lastname = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 498
+manageusers_element_email = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 499
+manageusers_element_status = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 61
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+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 68
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+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 70
+mixcrawls_view_definition = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 74
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+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 108
+mixcrawls_view_no_components = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 115
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+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 118
+mixcrawls_view_edit = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 124
+mixcrawls_set_index = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 127
+mixcrawl_search_index = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 133
+confirm_delete_operation = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 136
+mixcrawls_view_delete = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 146
+mixcrawls_view_back = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 147
+mixcrawls_element_share_mix_group = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 157
+mixcrawls_element_mixname = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 163
+mixcrawls_element_group = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 169
+mixcrawls_element_share = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 193
+mixcrawls_element_make_mix = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 203
+mixcrawls_element_mix_name = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 208
+mixcrawls_element_create_button = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 223
+mixcrawls_element_search_mix = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 224
+mixcrawls_element_createmix_form = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 226
+mixcrawls_element_mixname = ""
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 78
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+; moreoptions_element.php line: 113
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+; moreoptions_element.php line: 119
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+; moreoptions_element.php line: 126
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+; moreoptions_element.php line: 133
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+; moreoptions_element.php line: 141
+signin_element_signin = ""
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 144
+signin_element_admin = ""
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 156
+signin_view_create_account = ""
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 168
+moreoptions_element_suggest = ""
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 171
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+; moreoptions_element.php line: 182
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 58
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 63
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 68
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 80
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 100
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 106
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 116
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 123
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 153
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 169
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 171
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 200
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 203
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 209
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 254
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 261
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 269
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 278
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 286
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 295
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 304
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 345
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 351
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 359
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 363
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 380
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 382
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 388
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 391
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 404
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 408
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 427
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 464
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 468
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+; resultseditor_element.php line: 115
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 58
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 59
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 63
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 87
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 92
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 101
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 107
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 112
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 122
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 125
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 131
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 137
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 143
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 149
+searchsources_element_linkpath = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 155
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 161
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 167
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 190
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 191
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 193
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 196
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 212
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 215
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 218
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 227
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 229
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 234
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 249
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 259
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 265
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 277
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 287
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 289
+searchsources_element_index = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 292
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 294
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 316
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 323
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 327
+searchsources_element_localize = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 334
+searchsources_element_deletesubsearch = ""
+; security_element.php line: 54
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+; security_element.php line: 65
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+; security_element.php line: 77
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+; security_element.php line: 86
+security_element_captcha_type = ""
+; security_element.php line: 100
+security_element_save = ""
+; security_element.php line: 104
+security_element_captcha_recovery_questions = ""
+; security_element.php line: 111
+security_element_edit_recovery = ""
+; security_element.php line: 116
+security_element_edit_captcha = ""
+; security_element.php line: 121
+security_element_edit_recovery = ""
+; security_element.php line: 124
+security_element_edit_captcha = ""
+; serversettings_element.php line: 57
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 61
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 65
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 72
+serversettings_element_name_server_url = ""
+; serversettings_element.php line: 80
+serversettings_element_use_memcache = ""
+; serversettings_element.php line: 88
+serversettings_element_memcache_servers = ""
+; serversettings_element.php line: 99
+serversettings_element_use_filecache = ""
+; serversettings_element.php line: 110
+configure_element_database_setup = ""
+; serversettings_element.php line: 115
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 123
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 130
+serversettings_element_databasehost = ""
+; serversettings_element.php line: 137
+serversettings_element_databaseuser = ""
+; serversettings_element.php line: 145
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 158
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 170
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 176
+serversettings_element_use_php_mail = ""
+; serversettings_element.php line: 183
+serversettings_element_mail_server = ""
+; serversettings_element.php line: 189
+serversettings_element_mail_serverport = ""
+; serversettings_element.php line: 195
+serversettings_element_mail_username = ""
+; serversettings_element.php line: 201
+serversettings_element_mail_password = ""
+; serversettings_element.php line: 208
+serversettings_element_mail_security = ""
+; serversettings_element.php line: 219
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 224
+serversettings_element_tor_proxy = ""
+; serversettings_element.php line: 230
+serversettings_element_use_proxy_servers = ""
+; serversettings_element.php line: 239
+serversettings_element_proxy_servers = ""
+; serversettings_element.php line: 251
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 255
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 261
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 266
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 271
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 276
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 280
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 287
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 294
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 304
+serversettings_element_submit = ""
+; signin_element.php line: 70
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+; signin_element.php line: 74
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+; signin_element.php line: 78
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+; wiki_element.php line: 753
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+; group_view.php line: 77
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+; group_view.php line: 99
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+; group_view.php line: 101
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+; group_view.php line: 104
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+; group_view.php line: 139
+adminview_auto_logout_one_minute = ""
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/seek_quarry//views/helpers
+; feeds_helper.php line: 63
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+; feeds_helper.php line: 158
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+; feeds_helper.php line: 163
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+; feeds_helper.php line: 168
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+; fileupload_helper.php line: 76
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+; fileupload_helper.php line: 77
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+; fileupload_helper.php line: 80
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+; fileupload_helper.php line: 122
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+; fileupload_helper.php line: 124
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+; fileupload_helper.php line: 126
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+; fileupload_helper.php line: 128
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+; fileupload_helper.php line: 130
+basic_js_upload_error = ""
+; fileupload_helper.php line: 132
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+; fileupload_helper.php line: 134
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+; helpbutton_helper.php line: 121
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+; pagingtable_helper.php line: 214
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+; pagingtable_helper.php line: 232
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+; pagingtable_helper.php line: 240
+pagingtable_helper_search = ""
+; searchform_helper.php line: 120
+searchform_helper_any = ""
+; searchform_helper.php line: 149
+searchform_helper_search = ""
+; toggle_helper.php line: 63
+toggle_helper_on = ""
+; toggle_helper.php line: 65
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+; toggle_helper.php line: 69
+toggle_helper_on = ""
+; toggle_helper.php line: 71
+toggle_helper_off = ""
+; toggle_helper.php line: 75
+toggle_helper_on = ""
+; toggle_helper.php line: 77
+toggle_helper_off = ""
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/seek_quarry//views/layouts
+; rss_layout.php line: 60
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+; rss_layout.php line: 68
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+; web_layout.php line: 61
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+; machinestatus_view.php line: 52
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+; machinestatus_view.php line: 101
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+; machinestatus_view.php line: 117
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+; machinestatus_view.php line: 125
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+; machinestatus_view.php line: 128
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+; machinestatus_view.php line: 141
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+; machinestatus_view.php line: 143
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+; machinestatus_view.php line: 152
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+; machinestatus_view.php line: 155
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+; machinestatus_view.php line: 165
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+; machinestatus_view.php line: 175
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+; nocache_view.php line: 54
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+; nocache_view.php line: 59
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+; recover_view.php line: 69
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+; recover_view.php line: 105
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+; recover_view.php line: 117
+register_view_retypepassword = ""
+; recover_view.php line: 132
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+; recover_view.php line: 147
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+; recover_view.php line: 154
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+; recover_view.php line: 187
+register_view_human_check = ""
+; recover_view.php line: 206
+recover_view_recover_password = ""
+; recover_view.php line: 216
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+; register_view.php line: 74
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+; register_view.php line: 75
+register_view_question0_least = ""
+; register_view.php line: 76
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+; register_view.php line: 77
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+; register_view.php line: 78
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+; register_view.php line: 79
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+; register_view.php line: 80
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+; register_view.php line: 81
+register_view_question2_least = ""
+; register_view.php line: 82
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+; register_view.php line: 83
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+; register_view.php line: 84
+register_view_question3_least = ""
+; register_view.php line: 85
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+; register_view.php line: 86
+register_view_question4_most = ""
+; register_view.php line: 87
+register_view_question4_least = ""
+; register_view.php line: 88
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+; register_view.php line: 89
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+; register_view.php line: 90
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+; register_view.php line: 91
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+; register_view.php line: 92
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+; register_view.php line: 93
+register_view_question6_least = ""
+; register_view.php line: 94
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+; register_view.php line: 95
+register_view_question7_most = ""
+; register_view.php line: 96
+register_view_question7_least = ""
+; register_view.php line: 97
+register_view_question7_choices = ""
+; register_view.php line: 98
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+; register_view.php line: 99
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+; register_view.php line: 100
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+; register_view.php line: 101
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+; register_view.php line: 102
+register_view_question9_least = ""
+; register_view.php line: 103
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+; register_view.php line: 106
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+; register_view.php line: 107
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+; register_view.php line: 108
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+; register_view.php line: 109
+register_view_recovery2_more = ""
+; register_view.php line: 110
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+; register_view.php line: 111
+register_view_recovery2_choices = ""
+; register_view.php line: 112
+register_view_recovery3_more = ""
+; register_view.php line: 113
+register_view_recovery3_less = ""
+; register_view.php line: 114
+register_view_recovery3_choices = ""
+; register_view.php line: 115
+register_view_recovery4_more = ""
+; register_view.php line: 116
+register_view_recovery4_less = ""
+; register_view.php line: 117
+register_view_recovery4_choices = ""
+; register_view.php line: 118
+register_view_recovery5_more = ""
+; register_view.php line: 119
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+; register_view.php line: 120
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+; register_view.php line: 121
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+; register_view.php line: 122
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+; register_view.php line: 123
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+; register_view.php line: 152
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+; register_view.php line: 189
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+; register_view.php line: 204
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+; register_view.php line: 219
+register_view_username = ""
+; register_view.php line: 232
+register_view_email = ""
+; register_view.php line: 246
+register_view_password = ""
+; register_view.php line: 261
+register_view_retypepassword = ""
+; register_view.php line: 277
+register_view_account_recovery = ""
+; register_view.php line: 281
+register_view_human_check = ""
+; register_view.php line: 283
+register_view_account_recovery = ""
+; register_view.php line: 315
+register_view_human_check = ""
+; register_view.php line: 330
+register_view_i_agree = ""
+; register_view.php line: 332
+register_view_terms = ""
+; register_view.php line: 334
+register_view_and = ""
+; register_view.php line: 336
+register_view_privacy = ""
+; register_view.php line: 337
+register_view_period = ""
+; register_view.php line: 347
+register_view_create_account = ""
+; register_view.php line: 357
+signin_view_return_yioop = ""
+; search_view.php line: 86
+search_view_title = ""
+; search_view.php line: 113
+search_view_input_label = ""
+; search_view.php line: 117
+search_view_input_placeholder = ""
+; search_view.php line: 120
+search_view_search = "Ara"
+; search_view.php line: 147
+search_view_no_index_set = ""
+; search_view.php line: 152
+search_view_more_statistics = ""
+; search_view.php line: 190
+search_view_calculated = ""
+; search_view.php line: 191
+search_view_results = ""
+; search_view.php line: 212
+search_view_thesaurus_results = ""
+; search_view.php line: 321
+search_view_word_cloud = ""
+; search_view.php line: 366
+search_view_cache = ""
+; search_view.php line: 369
+search_view_as_text = ""
+; search_view.php line: 382
+search_view_similar = ""
+; search_view.php line: 394
+search_view_inlink = ""
+; search_view.php line: 414
+search_view_rank = ""
+; search_view.php line: 416
+search_view_relevancy = ""
+; search_view.php line: 418
+search_view_proximity = ""
+; search_view.php line: 422
+search_view_thesaurus_score = ""
+; search_view.php line: 431
+search_view_score = ""
+; settings_view.php line: 66
+settings_view_settings = ""
+; settings_view.php line: 73
+settings_view_results_per_page = ""
+; settings_view.php line: 79
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+; settings_view.php line: 86
+settings_view_search_index = ""
+; settings_view.php line: 92
+settings_view_language_label = ""
+; settings_view.php line: 108
+settings_view_return_yioop = ""
+; settings_view.php line: 111
+settings_view_save = ""
+; settings_view.php line: 119
+settings_install_search_plugin = ""
+; signin_view.php line: 65
+signin_view_signin = ""
+; signin_view.php line: 78
+sigin_view_signing_in = ""
+; signin_view.php line: 81
+sigin_view_login_failed = ""
+; signin_view.php line: 89
+signin_view_username = ""
+; signin_view.php line: 96
+signin_view_password = ""
+; signin_view.php line: 107
+signin_view_login = ""
+; signin_view.php line: 122
+signin_view_recover_password = ""
+; signin_view.php line: 127
+signin_view_create_account = ""
+; signin_view.php line: 132
+signin_view_return_yioop = ""
+; static_view.php line: 71
+static_view_title = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 63
+statistics_view_statistics = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 68
+statistics_view_calculating = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 82
+statistics_view_error_codes = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 83
+statistics_view_sizes = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 84
+statistics_view_links_per_page = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 85
+statistics_view_page_date = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 86
+statistics_view_dns_time = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 87
+statistics_view_download_time = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 88
+statistics_view_top_level_domain = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 89
+statistics_view_file_extension = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 90
+statistics_view_media_type = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 91
+statistics_view_language = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 92
+statistics_view_server = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 93
+statistics_view_os = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 97
+statistics_view_general_info = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 98
+statistics_view_description = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 100
+statistics_view_timestamp = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 102
+statistics_view_crawl_date = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 104
+statistics_view_pages = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 106
+statistics_view_url = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 109
+statistics_view_number_hosts = ""
+; suggest_view.php line: 68
+suggest_view_suggest_url = ""
+; suggest_view.php line: 70
+suggest_view_instructions = ""
+; suggest_view.php line: 94
+suggest_view_url = ""
+; suggest_view.php line: 110
+register_view_human_check = ""
+; suggest_view.php line: 144
+suggest_view_human_check = ""
+; suggest_view.php line: 167
+suggest_view_submit_url = ""
+; suggest_view.php line: 177
+signin_view_return_yioop = ""
+; view.php line: 32
+view_locale_version11 = ""
+; view.php line: 81
+view_logo_alt_text = ""
+; wiki_view.php line: 89
+wiki_view_read = ""
+; wiki_view.php line: 90
+wiki_view_edit = ""
+; wiki_view.php line: 93
+wiki_view_pages = ""
+; wiki_view.php line: 132
+wiki_view_feed = ""
+; wiki_view.php line: 133
+wiki_view_wiki = ""
+; wiki_view.php line: 157
+adminview_auto_logout_one_minute = ""
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/sq_data/app/views
+; download_view.php line: 62
+download_view_form = ""
+; download_view.php line: 73
+download_view_thank_you = ""
+; download_view.php line: 76
+download_view_full_name = ""
+; download_view.php line: 82
+download_view_email = ""
+; download_view.php line: 87
+download_view_business = ""
+; download_view.php line: 93
+download_view_interest = ""
+; download_view.php line: 100
+download_view_get_email = ""
+; download_view.php line: 106
+download_view_return_main = ""
+; download_view.php line: 120
+download_view_required_fields = ""
+; download_view.php line: 125
+download_view_name_required = ""
+; download_view.php line: 130
+download_view_valid_email = ""
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/seek_quarry//lib/indexing_plugins
+; wordfilter_plugin.php line: 353
+wordfilter_plugin_settings_saved = ""
+; wordfilter_plugin.php line: 362
+wordfilter_plugin_defaults_restored = ""
+; wordfilter_plugin.php line: 466
+wordfilter_plugin_preferences = ""
+; wordfilter_plugin.php line: 470
+wordfilter_plugin_factory_settings = ""
+; wordfilter_plugin.php line: 483
+wordfilter_plugin_save = ""
diff --git a/locale/tr/resources/locale.js b/locale/tr/resources/locale.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e86f75e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/tr/resources/locale.js
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+ * SeekQuarry/Yioop --
+ * Open Source Pure PHP Search Engine, Crawler, and Indexer
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2009 - 2015  Chris Pollett
+ *
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+ *
+ *
+ * @author Chris Pollett
+ * @package seek_quarry
+ * @subpackage javascript
+ * @license GPL3
+ * @link
+ * @copyright 2009 - 2015s
+ * @filesource
+ */
+ * The alphabet for this locale
+ */
+var alpha = "abcçdefgğhıijklmnoöprsştuüvyz";
+ * Transliteration maping for this locale
+ */
+var roman_array = {};
+ * To analyze the query and generate actual input query from the
+ * transliterated query
+ */
+function analyzeQuery()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/locale/tr/resources/suggest_trie.txt.gz b/locale/tr/resources/suggest_trie.txt.gz
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..90e51d4
Binary files /dev/null and b/locale/tr/resources/suggest_trie.txt.gz differ
diff --git a/locale/tr/resources/tokenizer.php b/locale/tr/resources/tokenizer.php
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c528295
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/tr/resources/tokenizer.php
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+ * SeekQuarry/Yioop --
+ * Open Source Pure PHP Search Engine, Crawler, and Indexer
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2009 - 2015  Chris Pollett
+ *
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+ *
+ * @author Chris Pollett
+ * @package seek_quarry
+ * @subpackage locale
+ * @license GPL3
+ * @link
+ * @copyright 2009 - 2015
+ * @filesource
+ */
+if(!defined('BASE_DIR')) {echo "BAD REQUEST"; exit();}
+ * Turkish specific tokenization code. Typically, tokenizer.php
+ * either contains a stemmer for the language in question or
+ * it specifies how many characters in a char gram
+ *
+ * @author Chris Pollett
+ * @package seek_quarry
+ * @subpackage locale
+ */
+$GLOBALS['CHARGRAMS']['tr'] = 5;
diff --git a/locale/tr/resources1421450896old/locale.js b/locale/tr/resources1421450896old/locale.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..b1519a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/tr/resources1421450896old/locale.js
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+ * SeekQuarry/Yioop --
+ * Open Source Pure PHP Search Engine, Crawler, and Indexer
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2009 - 2014  Chris Pollett
+ *
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+ *
+ *
+ * @author Chris Pollett
+ * @package seek_quarry
+ * @subpackage javascript
+ * @license GPL3
+ * @link
+ * @copyright 2009 - 2014s
+ * @filesource
+ */
+ * The alphabet for this locale
+ */
+var alpha = "abcçdefgğhıijklmnoöprsştuüvyz";
+ * Transliteration maping for this locale
+ */
+var roman_array = {};
+ * To analyze the query and generate actual input query from the
+ * transliterated query
+ */
+function analyzeQuery()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/locale/tr/resources1421450896old/suggest_trie.txt.gz b/locale/tr/resources1421450896old/suggest_trie.txt.gz
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..90e51d4
Binary files /dev/null and b/locale/tr/resources1421450896old/suggest_trie.txt.gz differ
diff --git a/locale/tr/resources1421450896old/tokenizer.php b/locale/tr/resources1421450896old/tokenizer.php
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..90aa4ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/tr/resources1421450896old/tokenizer.php
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+ * SeekQuarry/Yioop --
+ * Open Source Pure PHP Search Engine, Crawler, and Indexer
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2009 - 2014  Chris Pollett
+ *
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+ *
+ * @author Chris Pollett
+ * @package seek_quarry
+ * @subpackage locale
+ * @license GPL3
+ * @link
+ * @copyright 2009 - 2014
+ * @filesource
+ */
+if(!defined('BASE_DIR')) {echo "BAD REQUEST"; exit();}
+ * Turkish specific tokenization code. Typically, tokenizer.php
+ * either contains a stemmer for the language in question or
+ * it specifies how many characters in a char gram
+ *
+ * @author Chris Pollett
+ * @package seek_quarry
+ * @subpackage locale
+ */
+$GLOBALS['CHARGRAMS']['tr'] = 5;
diff --git a/locale/tr/statistics.txt b/locale/tr/statistics.txt
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..8f66b5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/tr/statistics.txt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/locale/vi-VN/configure.ini b/locale/vi-VN/configure.ini
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..4f01db3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/vi-VN/configure.ini
@@ -0,0 +1,4186 @@
+; ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
+;  SeekQuarry/Yioop Open Source Pure PHP Search Engine, Crawler, and Indexer
+;  Copyright (C) 2009 - 2015  Chris Pollett
+;  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;  (at your option) any later version.
+;  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;  GNU General Public License for more details.
+;  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;  along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+;  ***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****
+; configure.ini
+; vi-VN configuration file
+; Strings to translate on various pages
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/seek_quarry//controllers
+; admin_controller.php line: 101
+admin_controller_need_cookies = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 150
+admin_controller_account_not_active = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 156
+admin_controller_login_successful = "Đăng nhập th&agrave;nh c&ocirc;ng"
+; admin_controller.php line: 175
+admin_controller_no_back_button = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 189
+admin_controller_login_failed = "T&ecirc;n đăng nhập họăc khẩu kh&ocirc;ng đ&uacute;ng"
+; admin_controller.php line: 195
+admin_controller_login_to_config = "đăng nhập để cấu h&igrave;nh"
+; admin_controller.php line: 199
+admin_controller_status_updates_stopped = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 342
+admin_controller_account_access = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 343
+admin_controller_social = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 344
+admin_controller_crawl_settings = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 345
+admin_controller_system_settings = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 517
+admin_controller_equal = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 518
+admin_controller_not_equal = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 519
+admin_controller_contains = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 520
+admin_controller_begins_with = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 521
+admin_controller_ends_with = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 524
+admin_controller_equal = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 525
+admin_controller_not_equal = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 528
+admin_controller_no_sort = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 529
+admin_controller_sort_ascending = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 530
+admin_controller_sort_descending = ""
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/seek_quarry//controllers/components
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 132
+accountaccess_component_no_posts_yet = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 146
+accountaccess_component_passwords_too_long = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 155
+accountaccess_component_passwords_dont_match = "Những mật khẩu đ&atilde; nhập kh&ocirc;ng tr&ugrave;ng nhau"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 162
+accountaccess_component_invalid_password = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 192
+accountaccess_component_unknown_imagetype = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 197
+accountaccess_component_icon_too_big = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 206
+accountaccess_component_no_user_folder = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 215
+accountaccess_component_user_updated = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 259
+accountaccess_component_active_status = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 260
+accountaccess_component_inactive_status = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 261
+accountaccess_component_banned_status = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 264
+accountaccess_component_request_join = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 265
+accountaccess_component_invited = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 266
+accountaccess_component_active_status = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 267
+accountaccess_component_banned_status = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 312
+accountaccess_component_passwords_too_long = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 317
+accountaccess_component_passwords_dont_match = "Những mật khẩu đ&atilde; nhập kh&ocirc;ng tr&ugrave;ng nhau"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 321
+accountaccess_component_invalid_username = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 325
+accountaccess_component_user_exists = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 354
+accountaccess_component_user_added = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 363
+accountaccess_component_user_doesnt_exist = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 370
+accountaccess_component_cant_edit_public_user = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 412
+accountaccess_component_passwords_dont_match = "Những mật khẩu đ&atilde; nhập kh&ocirc;ng tr&ugrave;ng nhau"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 418
+accountaccess_component_user_updated = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 424
+accountaccess_component_user_filter_group = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 428
+accountaccess_component_user_filter_role = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 439
+accountaccess_component_username_doesnt_exists = "T&ecirc;n sử dụng kh&ocirc;ng tồn tại"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 444
+accountaccess_component_cant_delete_builtin = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 449
+accountaccess_component_user_deleted = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 458
+accountaccess_component_username_doesnt_exists = "T&ecirc;n sử dụng kh&ocirc;ng tồn tại"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 463
+accountaccess_component_rolename_doesnt_exists = "Chức vụ kh&ocirc;ng tồn tại"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 469
+accountaccess_component_rolename_already_added = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 475
+accountaccess_component_rolename_added = "Cộng th&ecirc;m chức vụ "
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 485
+accountaccess_component_username_doesnt_exists = "T&ecirc;n sử dụng kh&ocirc;ng tồn tại"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 490
+accountaccess_component_groupname_doesnt_exists = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 496
+accountaccess_component_groupname_already_added = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 504
+accountaccess_component_groupname_added = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 514
+accountaccess_component_username_doesnt_exists = "T&ecirc;n sử dụng kh&ocirc;ng tồn tại"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 519
+accountaccess_component_rolename_doesnt_exists = "Chức vụ kh&ocirc;ng tồn tại"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 528
+accountaccess_component_rolename_deleted = "X&oacute;a chức vụ"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 538
+accountaccess_component_username_doesnt_exists = "T&ecirc;n sử dụng kh&ocirc;ng tồn tại"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 543
+accountaccess_component_groupname_doesnt_exists = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 552
+accountaccess_component_group_deleted = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 569
+accountaccess_component_username_doesnt_exists = "T&ecirc;n sử dụng kh&ocirc;ng tồn tại"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 575
+accountaccess_component_userstatus_updated = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 733
+accountaccess_component_select_activityname = "Lựa chọn họat động"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 759
+accountaccess_component_rolename_doesnt_exists = "Chức vụ kh&ocirc;ng tồn tại"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 775
+accountaccess_component_activity_added = "Bổ sung t&ecirc;n hoạt động "
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 784
+accountaccess_component_rolename_exists = "Chức vụ đ&atilde; đựơc d&ugrave;ng"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 790
+accountaccess_component_rolename_added = "Cộng th&ecirc;m chức vụ "
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 794
+accountaccess_component_rolename_blank = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 803
+accountaccess_component_rolename_doesnt_exists = "Chức vụ kh&ocirc;ng tồn tại"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 821
+accountaccess_component_activity_deleted = "X&oacute;a t&ecirc;n hoạt động"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 829
+accountaccess_component_rolename_doesnt_exists = "Chức vụ kh&ocirc;ng tồn tại"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 835
+accountaccess_component_rolename_deleted = "X&oacute;a chức vụ"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 867
+accountaccess_component_role_updated = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 85
+crawl_component_starting_new_crawl = "Bắt đầu sự b&ograve; mới"
+; crawl_component.php line: 102
+crawl_component_stop_crawl = "Ngừng thu thập dữ liệu"
+; crawl_component.php line: 131
+crawl_component_resume_crawl = "Tiếp tục thu thập dữ liệu"
+; crawl_component.php line: 140
+crawl_component_delete_crawl_success = "X&oacute;a thu thập dữ liệu th&agrave;nh c&ocirc;ng"
+; crawl_component.php line: 144
+crawl_component_delete_crawl_fail = "X&oacute;a thu thập dữ liệu kh&ocirc;ng th&agrave;nh c&ocirc;ng"
+; crawl_component.php line: 153
+crawl_component_set_index = "Thiết lập thu thập dữ liệu để sử dụng l&agrave;m chỉ mục"
+; crawl_component.php line: 187
+crawl_component_no_description = "Kh&ocirc;ng c&oacute; sự m&ocirc; tả n&agrave;o"
+; crawl_component.php line: 334
+crawl_component_use_below = "Sử dụng dưới đ&acirc;y"
+; crawl_component.php line: 335
+crawl_component_use_defaults = "Sử dụng mặc định"
+; crawl_component.php line: 338
+crawl_component_use_below = "Sử dụng dưới đ&acirc;y"
+; crawl_component.php line: 342
+crawl_component_previous_crawl = "trước thu thập dữ liệu"
+; crawl_component.php line: 413
+crawl_component_added_urls = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 427
+crawl_component_add_suggest = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 431
+crawl_component_no_new_suggests = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 478
+crawl_component_breadth_first = "Bề rộng đầu ti&ecirc;n"
+; crawl_component.php line: 480
+crawl_component_page_importance = "Trang quan trọng"
+; crawl_component.php line: 545
+crawl_component_added_urls = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 555
+crawl_component_urls_injected = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 565
+crawl_component_update_seed_info = "Cập nhật th&ocirc;ng tin trang mạng lươi hạt giống"
+; crawl_component.php line: 620
+crawl_component_new_classifier = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 624
+crawl_component_classifier_exists = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 647
+crawl_component_classifier_deleted = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 651
+crawl_component_no_classifier = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 662
+crawl_component_no_classifier = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 680
+crawl_component_finalizing_classifier = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 707
+crawl_component_finalizing_classifier = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 753
+crawl_component_classifier_exists = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 762
+crawl_component_load_failed = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 764
+crawl_component_loading = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 766
+crawl_component_added_examples = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 768
+crawl_component_label_update_failed = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 770
+crawl_component_updating = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 772
+crawl_component_acc_update_failed = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 774
+crawl_component_na = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 776
+crawl_component_no_docs = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 778
+crawl_component_num_docs = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 780
+crawl_component_in_class = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 782
+crawl_component_not_in_class = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 784
+crawl_component_skip = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 786
+crawl_component_prediction = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 788
+crawl_component_scores = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 830
+crawl_component_use_below = "Sử dụng dưới đ&acirc;y"
+; crawl_component.php line: 831
+crawl_component_use_defaults = "Sử dụng mặc định"
+; crawl_component.php line: 833
+crawl_component_use_below = "Sử dụng dưới đ&acirc;y"
+; crawl_component.php line: 841
+crawl_component_recrawl_never = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 842
+crawl_component_recrawl_1day = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 843
+crawl_component_recrawl_2day = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 844
+crawl_component_recrawl_3day = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 845
+crawl_component_recrawl_7day = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 846
+crawl_component_recrawl_14day = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 854
+crawl_component_basic = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 855
+crawl_component_centroid = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1141
+crawl_component_page_options_updated = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1169
+crawl_component_page_options_running_tests = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1348
+crawl_component_results_editor_update = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1363
+crawl_component_edited_pages = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1376
+crawl_component_results_editor_need_url = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1382
+crawl_component_results_editor_page_updated = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1395
+crawl_component_results_editor_page_loaded = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1426
+crawl_component_media_kind = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1427
+crawl_component_video = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1428
+crawl_component_rss_feed = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1429
+crawl_component_html_feed = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1443
+crawl_component_sources_indexes = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1499
+crawl_component_no_source_type = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1512
+crawl_component_missing_type = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1526
+crawl_component_invalid_url = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1533
+crawl_component_missing_fields = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1550
+crawl_component_media_source_added = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1563
+crawl_component_missing_fields = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1571
+crawl_component_subsearch_added = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1577
+crawl_component_no_delete_source = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1583
+crawl_component_media_source_deleted = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1590
+crawl_component_no_delete_source = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1597
+crawl_component_subsearch_deleted = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1632
+crawl_component_subsearch_updated = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1707
+crawl_component_media_source_updated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 85
+social_component_request_join = ""
+; social_component.php line: 86
+social_component_invited = ""
+; social_component.php line: 87
+social_component_active_status = ""
+; social_component.php line: 88
+social_component_banned_status = ""
+; social_component.php line: 91
+social_component_no_join = ""
+; social_component.php line: 92
+social_component_by_request = ""
+; social_component.php line: 93
+social_component_public_request = ""
+; social_component.php line: 94
+social_component_public_join = ""
+; social_component.php line: 97
+social_component_private = ""
+; social_component.php line: 98
+social_component_read = ""
+; social_component.php line: 99
+social_component_read_comment = ""
+; social_component.php line: 100
+social_component_read_write = ""
+; social_component.php line: 101
+social_component_read_wiki = ""
+; social_component.php line: 104
+social_component_no_voting = ""
+; social_component.php line: 105
+social_component_up_voting = ""
+; social_component.php line: 106
+social_component_up_down_voting = ""
+; social_component.php line: 109
+social_component_forever = ""
+; social_component.php line: 110
+social_component_one_hour = ""
+; social_component.php line: 111
+social_component_one_day = ""
+; social_component.php line: 112
+social_component_one_month = ""
+; social_component.php line: 181
+accountaccess_component_user_activated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 186
+accountaccess_component_no_user_activated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 204
+social_component_joined = ""
+; social_component.php line: 208
+social_component_groupname_unavailable = ""
+; social_component.php line: 213
+social_component_name_available = ""
+; social_component.php line: 228
+social_component_user_banned = ""
+; social_component.php line: 233
+social_component_no_user_banned = ""
+; social_component.php line: 254
+social_component_owner_changed = ""
+; social_component.php line: 259
+social_component_not_in_group = ""
+; social_component.php line: 265
+social_component_not_a_user = ""
+; social_component.php line: 275
+social_component_groupname_exists = ""
+; social_component.php line: 302
+social_component_groupname_added = ""
+; social_component.php line: 311
+social_component_groupname_doesnt_exists = ""
+; social_component.php line: 318
+social_component_group_deleted = ""
+; social_component.php line: 322
+social_component_no_delete_group = ""
+; social_component.php line: 335
+social_component_user_deleted = ""
+; social_component.php line: 340
+social_component_no_delete_user_group = ""
+; social_component.php line: 390
+social_component_users_invited = ""
+; social_component.php line: 395
+social_component_no_users_invited = ""
+; social_component.php line: 411
+social_component_joined = ""
+; social_component.php line: 415
+social_component_no_unsubscribe = ""
+; social_component.php line: 457
+social_component_user_reinstated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 462
+social_component_no_user_reinstated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 469
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+; social_component.php line: 471
+social_component_invited = ""
+; social_component.php line: 473
+social_component_banned_status = ""
+; social_component.php line: 490
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+; social_component.php line: 495
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+; social_component.php line: 538
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+; social_component.php line: 540
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+; social_component.php line: 556
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+; social_component.php line: 563
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+; social_component.php line: 567
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+; social_component.php line: 568
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+; social_component.php line: 639
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+; social_component.php line: 652
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+; social_component.php line: 660
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+; social_component.php line: 668
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+; social_component.php line: 759
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+; social_component.php line: 763
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+; social_component.php line: 775
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+; social_component.php line: 781
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+; social_component.php line: 785
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+; social_component.php line: 788
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+; social_component.php line: 803
+social_component_upload_error = ""
+; social_component.php line: 816
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+; social_component.php line: 818
+social_component_notify_body = ""
+; social_component.php line: 821
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+; social_component.php line: 822
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+; social_component.php line: 824
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+; social_component.php line: 831
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+; social_component.php line: 841
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+; social_component.php line: 847
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+; social_component.php line: 868
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+; social_component.php line: 871
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+; social_component.php line: 879
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+; social_component.php line: 888
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+; social_component.php line: 893
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+; social_component.php line: 897
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+; social_component.php line: 901
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+; social_component.php line: 906
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+; social_component.php line: 911
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+; social_component.php line: 943
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+; social_component.php line: 947
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+; social_component.php line: 948
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+; social_component.php line: 949
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+; social_component.php line: 956
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+; social_component.php line: 964
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+; social_component.php line: 982
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+; social_component.php line: 995
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+; social_component.php line: 1004
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+; social_component.php line: 1007
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+; social_component.php line: 1014
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+; social_component.php line: 1023
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+; social_component.php line: 1028
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+; social_component.php line: 1032
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+; social_component.php line: 1036
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+; social_component.php line: 1067
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+; social_component.php line: 1070
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+; social_component.php line: 1338
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+; social_component.php line: 1379
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+; social_component.php line: 1463
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+; social_component.php line: 1466
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+; social_component.php line: 1490
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+; social_component.php line: 1498
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+; social_component.php line: 1639
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+; social_component.php line: 1661
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+; social_component.php line: 1667
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+; social_component.php line: 1672
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+; social_component.php line: 1719
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+; social_component.php line: 1752
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+; social_component.php line: 1753
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+; social_component.php line: 1775
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+; social_component.php line: 1779
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+; social_component.php line: 1783
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+; social_component.php line: 2096
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+; social_component.php line: 2178
+social_component_select_crawl = "Chọn thu thập th&ocirc;ng tin"
+; social_component.php line: 2179
+social_component_default_crawl = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2181
+social_component_select_crawl = "Chọn thu thập th&ocirc;ng tin"
+; social_component.php line: 2183
+social_component_default_crawl = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2214
+social_component_mix_created = "Tạo ra hỗn hợp "
+; social_component.php line: 2217
+social_component_invalid_name = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2225
+social_component_mix_invalid_timestamp = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2229
+social_component_mix_deleted = "X&oacute;a kết hợp "
+; social_component.php line: 2248
+social_component_mix_doesnt_exists = "Kết hợp n&agrave;y kh&ocirc;ng tồn tại"
+; social_component.php line: 2256
+social_component_mix_imported = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2270
+social_component_set_index = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2280
+social_component_comment_error = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2286
+social_component_invalid_timestamp = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2304
+social_component_no_post_access = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2308
+social_component_share_title = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2310
+social_component_share_description = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2315
+social_component_thread_created = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2367
+social_component_mix_invalid_timestamp = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2372
+social_component_mix_not_owner = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2382
+social_component_add_crawls = "Cộng th&ecirc;m thu thập"
+; social_component.php line: 2384
+social_component_num_results = "Số kết quả"
+; social_component.php line: 2386
+social_component_del_frag = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2388
+social_component_weight = "Trọng lượng"
+; social_component.php line: 2389
+social_component_name = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2391
+social_component_add_keywords = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2393
+social_component_actions = "H&agrave;nh động"
+; social_component.php line: 2395
+social_component_add_query = "Cộng th&ecirc;m truy vấn"
+; social_component.php line: 2396
+social_component_delete = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2443
+social_component_too_many_fragments = ""
+; social_component.php line: 2454
+social_component_mix_saved = "Kết hợp đ&atilde; được lưu dữ"
+; system_component.php line: 79
+system_component_select_machine = ""
+; system_component.php line: 145
+system_component_machine_added = ""
+; system_component.php line: 149
+system_component_machine_exists = ""
+; system_component.php line: 153
+system_component_machine_incomplete = ""
+; system_component.php line: 160
+system_component_machine_doesnt_exists = ""
+; system_component.php line: 181
+system_component_stop_service_first = ""
+; system_component.php line: 187
+system_component_machine_deleted = ""
+; system_component.php line: 208
+system_component_media_mode_updated = ""
+; system_component.php line: 212
+system_component_media_update_failed = ""
+; system_component.php line: 275
+system_component_no_machine_log = ""
+; system_component.php line: 304
+system_component_machine_servers_updated = ""
+; system_component.php line: 308
+system_component_machine_no_action = ""
+; system_component.php line: 344
+system_component_select_mode = ""
+; system_component.php line: 386
+system_component_locale_missing_info = ""
+; system_component.php line: 393
+system_component_locale_added = "Miền địa phương th&ecirc;m v&agrave;o"
+; system_component.php line: 400
+system_component_localename_doesnt_exists = "Miền địa phương kh&ocirc;ng tồn tại"
+; system_component.php line: 405
+system_component_localename_deleted = "X&oacute;a miền địa phương"
+; system_component.php line: 411
+system_component_localename_doesnt_exists = "Miền địa phương kh&ocirc;ng tồn tại"
+; system_component.php line: 440
+system_component_locale_updated = ""
+; system_component.php line: 470
+system_component_localestrings_updated = "Chuỗi Địa phương được cập nhật"
+; system_component.php line: 481
+system_component_all_strings = ""
+; system_component.php line: 482
+system_component_missing_strings = ""
+; system_component.php line: 568
+system_component_configure_no_change_db = "Vấn đề cập nhật cơ sở dữ liệu"
+; system_component.php line: 573
+system_component_configure_profile_change = "Hồ sơ được cập nhật"
+; system_component.php line: 576
+system_component_configure_no_change_profile = "C&oacute; sự trở ngaị về việc cập nhật hồ sơ "
+; system_component.php line: 598
+system_component_configure_disable_registration = ""
+; system_component.php line: 600
+system_component_configure_no_activation = ""
+; system_component.php line: 602
+system_component_configure_email_activation = ""
+; system_component.php line: 604
+system_component_configure_admin_activation = ""
+; system_component.php line: 669
+captchasettings_element_text_captcha = ""
+; system_component.php line: 671
+captchasettings_element_hash_captcha = ""
+; system_component.php line: 673
+captchasettings_element_image_captcha = ""
+; system_component.php line: 678
+serversettings_element_normal_authentication = ""
+; system_component.php line: 680
+serversettings_element_zkp_authentication = ""
+; system_component.php line: 685
+serversettings_element_normal_authentication = ""
+; system_component.php line: 710
+system_component_settings_updated = ""
+; system_component.php line: 713
+system_component_no_update_settings = ""
+; system_component.php line: 780
+system_component_configure_use_absolute_path = ""
+; system_component.php line: 785
+system_component_configure_configure_diff_base_dir = ""
+; system_component.php line: 810
+system_component_configure_work_dir_set = "C&ocirc;ng việc thiết lập thư mục bị đ&ocirc;ng cứng (Bạn c&oacute; thể cần phải đăng nhập)"
+; system_component.php line: 821
+system_component_name_your_bot = "Đặt t&ecirc;n cho r&ocirc; b&ocirc; của bạn"
+; system_component.php line: 846
+system_component_configure_work_profile_made = "Thư mục l&agrave;m việc v&agrave; hồ sơ được tạo ra"
+; system_component.php line: 850
+system_component_configure_no_set_config = "Kh&ocirc;ng thể cập nhật hồ sơ config.php"
+; system_component.php line: 857
+system_component_configure_no_create_profile = "Kh&ocirc;ng thể tạo hồ sơ"
+; system_component.php line: 864
+system_component_configure_work_dir_invalid = "C&ocirc;ng t&aacute;c thư mục kh&ocirc;ng hợp lệ"
+; system_component.php line: 871
+system_component_configure_work_dir_invalid = "C&ocirc;ng t&aacute;c thư mục kh&ocirc;ng hợp lệ"
+; system_component.php line: 893
+system_component_no_resource_folder = ""
+; system_component.php line: 907
+system_component_invalid_filetype = ""
+; system_component.php line: 912
+system_component_file_too_big = ""
+; system_component.php line: 935
+system_component_configure_profile_change = "Hồ sơ được cập nhật"
+; system_component.php line: 939
+system_component_configure_no_change_profile = "C&oacute; sự trở ngaị về việc cập nhật hồ sơ "
+; system_component.php line: 988
+system_component_configure_reset_completed = ""
+; system_component.php line: 992
+system_component_configure_no_change_profile = "C&oacute; sự trở ngaị về việc cập nhật hồ sơ "
+; system_component.php line: 1025
+system_component_describe_robot = "Diễn tả r&ocirc; b&ocirc; của bạn"
+; system_component.php line: 1091
+system_component_php_version = ""
+; system_component.php line: 1099
+system_component_no_write_config_php = ""
+; system_component.php line: 1104
+system_component_no_write_work_dir = ""
+; system_component.php line: 1109
+system_component_post_size_small = ""
+; system_component.php line: 1115
+system_component_missing_required = ""
+; system_component.php line: 1138
+system_component_missing_optional = ""
+; system_component.php line: 1143
+system_component_check_passed = "Kiểm tra được th&ocirc;ng qua"
+; system_component.php line: 1148
+system_component_using_local_config = ""
+; machine_controller.php line: 172
+machine_controller_nolines = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 246
+register_controller_need_cookies = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 313
+register_controller_account_created = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 331
+register_controller_registration_email_sent = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 333
+register_controller_admin_activation_request = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 334
+register_controller_admin_email_salutation = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 336
+register_controller_email_body = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 369
+register_controller_account_request_made = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 373
+register_controller_admin_activation_request = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 374
+register_controller_admin_activation_message = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 416
+register_controller_email_verification_error = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 422
+register_controller_already_activated = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 429
+register_controller_account_activated = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 432
+register_controller_email_verification_error = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 480
+register_controller_account_recover_fail = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 489
+register_controller_account_recover_fail = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 493
+register_controller_account_recover_email = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 497
+register_controller_recover_request = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 498
+register_controller_admin_email_salutation = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 500
+register_controller_recover_body = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 534
+register_controller_account_recover_fail = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 546
+register_controller_account_recover_fail = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 559
+register_controller_account_recover_fail = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 566
+register_controller_recovered_already = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 570
+register_controller_recovery_expired = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 576
+register_controller_password_changed = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 584
+register_controller_passwords_dont_match = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 598
+register_controller_recovered_already = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 602
+register_controller_recovery_expired = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 728
+register_controller_invalid_url = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 732
+register_controller_error_fields = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 746
+register_controller_failed_hashcode = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 756
+register_controller_failed_human = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 783
+register_controller_failed_graphical_human = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 797
+register_controller_suggest_full = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 801
+register_controller_url_submitted = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 1004
+register_controller_need_cookies = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 1010
+register_controller_failed_human = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 1025
+register_controller_failed_graphical_human = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 1036
+register_controller_failed_hashcode = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 1064
+register_controller_error_fields = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 1067
+register_controller_check_email = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 1074
+register_controller_user_already_exists = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 235
+search_controller_web = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 295
+search_controller_logout_successful = "Tho&aacute;t th&agrave;nh c&ocirc;ng"
+; search_controller.php line: 500
+search_controller_mix_info = "Bằng c&aacute;ch sử dụng kết hợp thu thập dữ liệu %s"
+; search_controller.php line: 506
+search_controller_crawl_info = "Sử dụng chỉ số %s"
+; search_controller.php line: 542
+search_controller_search = "T&igrave;m Kiếm"
+; search_controller.php line: 646
+search_controller_no_index_set = "Kh&ocirc;ng c&oacute; chỉ mục t&igrave;m kiếm thiết lập để sử dụng"
+; search_controller.php line: 649
+search_controller_no_index_set = "Kh&ocirc;ng c&oacute; chỉ mục t&igrave;m kiếm thiết lập để sử dụng"
+; search_controller.php line: 1300
+search_controller_download_fetcher = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1309
+search_controller_no_archive_page = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1358
+search_controller_yioop_cache = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1363
+search_controller_original_page = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1380
+search_controller_extracted_title = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1382
+search_controller_extracted_description = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1384
+search_controller_extracted_links = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1389
+search_controller_extracted_allow_paths = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1395
+search_controller_extracted_disallow_paths = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1401
+search_controller_crawl_delay = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1466
+search_controller_cache_comment = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1477
+search_controller_yioop_cache = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1513
+search_controller_cached_version = "Trang gốc n&agrave;y: %s đ&atilde; t&igrave;m được bởi c&ocirc;ng cụ t&igrave;m kiẽm Yioop v&agrave;o ng&agrave;y %s."
+; search_controller.php line: 1608
+search_controller_download_fetcher = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1626
+search_controller_header_summaries = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1739
+search_controller_history = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1908
+search_controller_all_cached = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1939
+search_controller_year = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1940
+search_controller_month = ""
+; settings_controller.php line: 115
+settings_controller_crawl_mix = "Thu thập th&ocirc;ng tin hỗn hợp"
+; settings_controller.php line: 130
+settings_controller_settings_saved = "Những c&agrave;i đặt đ&atilde; được lưu lại"
+; static_controller.php line: 67
+static_controller_logout_successful = ""
+; static_controller.php line: 145
+static_controller_complete_title = ""
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/sq_data/app/controllers
+; main_controller.php line: 87
+search_controller_logout_successful = "Tho&aacute;t th&agrave;nh c&ocirc;ng"
+; main_controller.php line: 112
+main_controller_download = ""
+; main_controller.php line: 129
+main_controller_missing_fields = ""
+; main_controller.php line: 164
+main_controller_yioop_download = ""
+; main_controller.php line: 165
+main_controller_click_download = ""
+; main_controller.php line: 178
+main_controller_url_error = ""
+; main_controller.php line: 187
+main_controller_expired_url = ""
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/seek_quarry//views
+; admin_view.php line: 70
+admin_view_admin = "Quản trị"
+; admin_view.php line: 89
+adminview_auto_logout_one_minute = "Tự động tho&aacute;t trong một ph&uacute;t"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 52
+crawlstatus_view_currently_processing = "Hiện tại đang tiến h&agrave;nh"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 53
+crawlstatus_view_description = "M&ocirc; tả:"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 58
+crawlstatus_view_starting_crawl = "Bắt đầu thu thập dữ liệu mới ..."
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 62
+managecrawls_element_stop_crawl = "Dừng thu thập th&ocirc;ng tin"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 66
+crawlstatus_view_resuming_crawl = "Nối lại thu thập dữ liệu"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 70
+managecrawls_element_stop_crawl = "Dừng thu thập th&ocirc;ng tin"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 74
+crawlstatus_view_shutdown_queue = "Đ&oacute;ng h&agrave;ng đợi"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 77
+crawlstatus_view_closing_dict = "Đ&oacute;ng từ điển thu thập dữ liệu"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 80
+crawlstatus_view_run_plugins = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 88
+managecrawls_element_stop_crawl = "Dừng thu thập th&ocirc;ng tin"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 96
+crawlstatus_view_set_index = "C&agrave;i l&agrave;m mục lục"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 99
+crawlstatus_view_search_index = "T&igrave;m mục lục"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 107
+crawlstatus_view_changeoptions = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 109
+crawlstatus_view_no_description = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 114
+crawlstatus_view_timestamp = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 116
+crawlstatus_view_time_started = "Thời gian bắt đầu:"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 122
+crawlstatus_view_indexer_memory = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 124
+crawlstatus_view_scheduler_memory = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 127
+crawlstatus_view_queue_memory = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 132
+crawlstatus_view_no_mem_data = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 136
+crawlstatus_view_fetcher_memory = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 141
+crawlstatus_view_no_mem_data = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 144
+crawlstatus_view_webapp_memory = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 149
+crawlstatus_view_no_mem_data = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 152
+crawlstatus_view_urls_per_hour = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 160
+crawlstatus_view_visited_urls = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 164
+crawlstatus_view_total_urls = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 167
+crawlstatus_view_most_recent_fetcher = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 176
+crawlstatus_view_no_fetcher = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 180
+crawlstatus_view_most_recent_urls = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 190
+crawlstatus_view_no_recent_urls = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 193
+crawlstatus_view_previous_crawls = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 203
+crawlstatus_view_description = "M&ocirc; tả:"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 206
+crawlstatus_view_timestamp = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 207
+crawlstatus_view_url_counts = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 211
+crawlstatus_view_actions = "Những h&agrave;nh động:"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 222
+crawlstatus_view_statistics = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 238
+crawlstatus_view_resume = "Bắt đầu trở lại"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 240
+crawlstatus_view_no_resume = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 247
+crawlstatus_view_set_index = "C&agrave;i l&agrave;m mục lục"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 250
+crawlstatus_view_search_index = "T&igrave;m mục lục"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 257
+crawlstatus_view_delete = "Xo&aacute;"
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 265
+crawlstatus_view_no_previous_crawl = ""
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/seek_quarry//views/elements
+; activity_element.php line: 54
+activity_element_activities = "Những hoạt động"
+; configure_element.php line: 76
+configure_element_work_directory = "T&igrave;m kiếm sự hướng dẫn cơ cấu động cơ"
+; configure_element.php line: 82
+configure_element_load_or_create = "Tải hoặc tạo "
+; configure_element.php line: 100
+configure_element_component_check = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 104
+configure_element_profile_settings = "Những c&agrave;i đặt tiểu sử "
+; configure_element.php line: 107
+configure_element_toggle_advanced = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 114
+configure_element_default_language = "Ng&ocirc;n ngữ thiếu s&oacute;t:"
+; configure_element.php line: 121
+configure_element_debug_display = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 126
+configure_element_error_info = "Th&ocirc;ng tin về lỗi"
+; configure_element.php line: 131
+configure_element_query_info = "Th&ocirc;ng tin thắc mắc"
+; configure_element.php line: 136
+configure_element_test_info = "Th&ocirc;ng tin về kiểm tra"
+; configure_element.php line: 141
+configure_element_site_access = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 146
+configure_element_web_access = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 151
+configure_element_rss_access = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 156
+configure_element_api_access = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 161
+configure_element_customizations = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 163
+configure_element_use_wiki_landing = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 170
+configure_element_background_color = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 178
+configure_element_background_image = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 185
+configure_element_background_image = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 194
+configure_element_foreground_color = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 200
+configure_element_topbar_color = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 206
+configure_element_sidebar_color = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 214
+configure_element_site_logo = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 221
+configure_element_site_logo = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 232
+configure_element_mobile_logo = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 239
+configure_element_mobile_logo = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 250
+configure_element_favicon = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 257
+configure_element_favicon = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 267
+configure_element_toolbar = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 278
+configure_element_site_timezone = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 284
+configure_element_cookie_name = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 290
+configure_element_token_name = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 296
+configure_element_auxiliary_css = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 304
+configure_element_reset_customizations = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 311
+configure_element_crawl_robot = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 313
+configure_element_robot_name = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 321
+configure_element_robot_instance = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 328
+configure_element_robot_description = "M&ocirc; tả r&ocirc;-bốt"
+; configure_element.php line: 338
+serversettings_element_submit = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 55
+crawloptions_element_back_to_manage = "Trở lại"
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 58
+crawloptions_element_modify_active_crawl = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 60
+crawloptions_element_edit_crawl_options = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 83
+crawloptions_element_web_crawl = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 93
+crawloptions_element_archive_crawl = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 100
+crawloptions_element_load_options = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 105
+crawloptions_element_crawl_order = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 114
+crawloptions_element_restrict_by_url = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 122
+crawloptions_element_allowed_to_crawl = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 129
+crawloptions_element_disallowed_and_quota_sites = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 140
+crawloptions_element_seed_sites = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 144
+crawloptions_element_add_suggest_urls = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 155
+crawloptions_element_inject_sites = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 159
+crawloptions_element_add_suggest_urls = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 176
+crawloptions_element_reindex_crawl = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 185
+crawloptions_element_need_api_for_mix = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 193
+crawloptions_element_save_options = "Lưu những lựa chọn"
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 58
+editclassifier_back = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 60
+editclassifier_edit_classifier = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 72
+editclassifier_classifier_label = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 77
+editclassifier_change = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 82
+editclassifier_statistics = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 83
+editclassifier_positive_examples = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 86
+editclassifier_negative_examples = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 89
+editclassifier_accuracy = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 94
+crawl_component_na = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 99
+editclassifier_update = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 100
+editclassifier_add_examples = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 109
+editclassifier_source = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 113
+editclassifier_default_crawl = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 123
+editclassifier_label_by_hand = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 125
+editclassifier_all_in_class = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 127
+editclassifier_none_in_class = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 132
+editclassifier_keywords = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 141
+editclassifier_load = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 147
+editclassifier_finalize = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 155
+editclassifier_no_documents = ""
+; editlocales_element.php line: 55
+editlocales_element_back_to_manage = "Trở lại"
+; editlocales_element.php line: 57
+editlocales_element_edit_locale = ""
+; editlocales_element.php line: 71
+editlocales_element_show = ""
+; editlocales_element.php line: 75
+editlocales_element_filter = ""
+; editlocales_element.php line: 82
+editlocales_element_go = ""
+; editlocales_element.php line: 86
+editlocales_element_no_matching = ""
+; editlocales_element.php line: 119
+editlocales_element_submit = ""
+; editmix_element.php line: 51
+editmix_element_back_to_mix = ""
+; editmix_element.php line: 53
+mixcrawls_element_edit_mix = ""
+; editmix_element.php line: 64
+mixcrawls_element_mix_name = ""
+; editmix_element.php line: 70
+mixcrawls_element_mix_components = ""
+; editmix_element.php line: 77
+mixcrawls_element_too_many = ""
+; editmix_element.php line: 79
+mixcrawls_element_add_fragment = ""
+; editmix_element.php line: 85
+mixcrawls_element_save_button = ""
+; footer_element.php line: 59
+footer_element_blog = ""
+; footer_element.php line: 61
+footer_element_privacy = ""
+; footer_element.php line: 63
+footer_element_terms = ""
+; footer_element.php line: 65
+footer_element_tools = ""
+; footer_element.php line: 67
+footer_element_bot = ""
+; footer_element.php line: 72
+footer_element_developed_seek_quarry = ""
+; footer_element.php line: 75
+footer_element_copyright_yioop = ""
+; footer_element.php line: 77
+footer_element_php_search_engine = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 91
+groupfeed_element_add_group = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 95
+groupfeed_element_request_add = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 122
+groupfeed_element_wiki_page = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 124
+groupfeed_element_back = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 127
+groupfeed_element_back = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 136
+groupfeed_element_group_activity = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 140
+groupfeed_element_wiki_thread = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 159
+groupfeed_element_feed = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 163
+group_view_wiki = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 165
+groupfeed_element_user = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 206
+groupfeed_element_comment = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 238
+manageaccount_element_group_wiki = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 239
+manageaccount_element_group_stats = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 244
+manageaccount_element_last_post = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 286
+groupfeed_element_comment = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 297
+groupfeed_element_start_thread = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 311
+groupfeed_element_start_thread = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 317
+groupfeed_element_no_posts_yet = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 323
+groupfeed_element_thread_no_exist = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 358
+groupfeed_element_edit = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 363
+groupfeed_element_delete = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 385
+groupfeed_element_num_posts = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 395
+groupfeed_element_num_views = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 420
+groupfeed_element_start_thread_in_group = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 422
+groupfeed_element_start_thread_in_group = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 436
+groupfeed_element_last_edited = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 452
+groupfeed_element_post_vote = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 479
+groupfeed_element_last_post_info = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 494
+groupfeed_element_comment = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 547
+fileupload_helper_drag_textarea = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 548
+fileupload_helper_click_textarea = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 572
+groupfeed_element_add_comment = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 586
+groupfeed_element_save = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 625
+groupfeed_element_subject = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 632
+groupfeed_element_post = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 645
+groupfeed_element_save = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 681
+groupfeed_element_edit_post = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 684
+groupfeed_element_subject = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 690
+groupfeed_element_post = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 703
+groupfeed_element_save = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 732
+groupfeed_element_no_longer_update = ""
+; machinelog_element.php line: 54
+machinelog_element_back_to_manage = ""
+; machinelog_element.php line: 59
+machinelog_element_filter = ""
+; machinelog_element.php line: 66
+machinelog_element_log_file = ""
+; machinelog_element.php line: 71
+machinelog_element_refresh_off = ""
+; machinelog_element.php line: 76
+machinelog_element_refresh_on = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 60
+manageaccount_element_lock = ""
+manageaccount_element_edit = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 67
+manageaccount_element_welcome = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 69
+manageaccount_element_what_can_do = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 71
+manageaccount_element_account_details = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 100
+manageaccounts_element_icon = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 110
+manageusers_element_username = "T&ecirc;n sử dụng:"
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 117
+manageusers_element_firstname = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 123
+manageusers_element_lastname = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 129
+manageusers_element_email = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 138
+manageaccount_element_password = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 145
+manageaccount_element_new_password = "Mật khẩu mới:"
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 151
+manageaccount_element_retype_password = "Đ&aacute;nh lại mật khẩu:"
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 163
+manageaccount_element_save = "LÆ°u"
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 169
+manageaccount_element_search_lang_settings = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 174
+manageaccount_element_crawl_and_index = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 175
+manageaccount_element_crawl_info = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 176
+manageaccount_element_num_crawls = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 179
+manageaccount_element_manage_crawls = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 185
+manageaccount_element_groups_and_feeds = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 186
+manageaccount_element_group_info = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 188
+manageaccount_element_num_groups = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 191
+manageaccount_element_num_group = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 203
+manageaccount_element_group_wiki = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 204
+manageaccount_element_group_stats = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 209
+manageaccount_element_last_post = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 219
+manageaccount_element_manage_all_groups = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 221
+manageaccount_element_go_to_group_feed = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 223
+manageaccount_element_crawl_mixes = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 224
+manageaccount_element_mixes_info = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 226
+manageaccount_element_num_mixes = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 229
+manageaccount_element_num_mix = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 233
+manageaccount_element_manage_mixes = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 61
+manageclassifiers_available_classifiers = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 69
+manageclassifiers_label_col = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 72
+manageclassifiers_positive_col = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 74
+manageclassifiers_negative_col = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 80
+manageclassifiers_actions_col = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 99
+manageclassifiers_edit = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 102
+manageclassifiers_finalized = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 109
+manageclassifiers_finalize = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 111
+manageclassifiers_finalize = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 115
+manageclassifiers_finalizing = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 119
+confirm_delete_operation = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 123
+manageclassifiers_delete = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 156
+manageclassifiers_manage_classifiers = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 166
+manageclassifiers_classifier_name = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 171
+manageclassifiers_create_button = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 186
+manageclassifiers_element_search = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 187
+manageclassifiers_element_create_form = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 189
+manageclassifiers_classifier_name = ""
+; managecrawls_element.php line: 49
+managecrawls_element_create_crawl = ""
+; managecrawls_element.php line: 58
+managecrawls_element_description = ""
+; managecrawls_element.php line: 65
+managecrawls_element_start_new_crawl = ""
+; managecrawls_element.php line: 69
+managecrawls_element_options = ""
+; managecrawls_element.php line: 75
+managecrawls_element_awaiting_status = ""
+; managecrawls_element.php line: 93
+managecrawls_element_up_longer_update = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 67
+managegroups_element_not_my_groups = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 69
+managegroups_element_groups = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 78
+managegroups_element_groupname = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 79
+managegroups_element_groupowner = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 81
+managegroups_element_registertype = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 82
+managegroups_element_memberaccess = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 83
+managegroups_element_voting = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 84
+managegroups_element_post_lifetime = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 87
+managegroups_element_actions = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 201
+manageaccount_element_group_wiki = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 216
+managegroups_element_join = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 220
+managegroups_element_edit = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 225
+managegroups_element_edit = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 230
+managegroups_element_delete = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 236
+managegroups_element_join = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 241
+managegroups_element_join = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 250
+managegroups_element_decline = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 252
+managegroups_element_unsubscribe = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 257
+confirm_delete_operation = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 260
+managegroups_element_delete = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 289
+managegroups_element_addgroup_form = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 290
+managegroups_element_group_info = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 292
+managegroups_element_create_group = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 296
+managegroups_element_add_group = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 313
+managegroups_element_groupname = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 324
+managegroups_element_browse = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 335
+managegroups_element_register = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 342
+managegroups_element_memberaccess = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 349
+managegroups_element_voting = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 356
+managegroups_element_post_lifetime = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 368
+managegroups_element_group_users = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 372
+managegroups_element_num_users = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 398
+managegroups_element_groupowner = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 400
+managegroups_element_delete = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 410
+managegroups_element_activate = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 416
+managegroups_element_ban = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 422
+managegroups_element_unban = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 430
+managegroups_element_delete = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 459
+managegroups_element_filter = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 480
+managegroups_element_invite = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 491
+managegroups_element_save = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 520
+managegroups_element_group_info = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 521
+managegroups_element_invite_users_group = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 533
+managegroups_element_groupname = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 541
+managegroups_element_usernames = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 548
+managegroups_element_invite = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 566
+managegroups_element_addgroup_form = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 567
+managegroups_element_transfer_group_owner = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 580
+managegroups_element_groupname = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 588
+managegroups_element_new_group_owner = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 595
+managegroups_element_change_owner = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 614
+managegroups_element_discover_groups = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 618
+managegroups_element_search_group = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 620
+managegroups_element_addgroup_form = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 622
+managegroups_element_groupname = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 623
+managegroups_element_groupowner = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 624
+managegroups_element_registertype = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 626
+managegroups_element_memberaccess = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 628
+managegroups_element_post_lifetime = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 59
+managelocales_element_locale_list = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 69
+managelocales_element_localename = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 72
+managelocales_element_localetag = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 73
+managelocales_element_writingmode = "C&aacute;ch thức viết"
+; managelocales_element.php line: 75
+managelocales_element_enabled = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 80
+managelocales_element_percenttranslated = "Phần trăm đ&atilde; được phi&ecirc;n dịch"
+; managelocales_element.php line: 81
+managelocales_element_actions = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 101
+managelocales_element_true = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 102
+managelocales_element_false = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 109
+managelocales_element_edit = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 114
+confirm_delete_operation = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 115
+managelocales_element_delete = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 135
+manageloecales_element_add_locale_form = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 136
+managelocales_element_locale_info = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 138
+managelocales_element_add_locale = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 160
+managelocales_element_localenamelabel = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 173
+managelocales_element_localetaglabel = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 179
+managelocales_element_writingmodelabel = "C&aacute;ch thức viết:"
+; managelocales_element.php line: 189
+managelocales_element_localeenabled = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 200
+managelocales_element_submit = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 218
+managelocales_element_search_locales = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 219
+managelocales_element_addlocale_form = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 221
+managelocales_element_localename = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 222
+managelocales_element_localetag = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 223
+managelocales_element_writingmode = "C&aacute;ch thức viết"
+; managelocales_element.php line: 224
+managelocales_element_enabled = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 230
+managelocales_element_true = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 231
+managelocales_element_false = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 51
+managemachines_element_add_machine = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 63
+managemachines_element_machine_name = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 68
+managemachines_element_machineurl = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 73
+managemachines_element_is_mirror = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 78
+managemachines_element_parent_name = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 84
+managemachines_element_has_queueserver = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 88
+managemachines_element_num_fetchers = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 93
+managemachines_element_submit = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 98
+managemachines_element_machine_info = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 104
+managemachines_element_awaiting_status = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 123
+managemachines_element_no_longer_update = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 56
+manageroles_element_roles = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 64
+manageroles_element_rolename = "T&ecirc;n chức vụ:"
+; manageroles_element.php line: 66
+manageroles_element_actions = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 91
+manageroles_element_edit = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 96
+manageroles_element_delete = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 100
+confirm_delete_operation = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 103
+manageroles_element_delete = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 136
+manageroles_element_addrole_form = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 137
+manageroles_element_role_info = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 139
+manageroles_element_add_role = "Th&ecirc;m chức vụ"
+; manageroles_element.php line: 151
+manageroles_element_rolename = "T&ecirc;n chức vụ:"
+; manageroles_element.php line: 164
+manageroles_element_role_activities = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 173
+manageroles_element_delete = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 180
+manageroles_element_delete = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 200
+manageroles_element_save = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 218
+manageroles_element_search_role = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 219
+manageroles_element_addrole_form = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 221
+manageroles_element_rolename = "T&ecirc;n chức vụ:"
+; manageusers_element.php line: 56
+manageusers_element_users = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 65
+manageusers_element_username = "T&ecirc;n sử dụng:"
+; manageusers_element.php line: 67
+manageusers_element_firstname = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 68
+manageusers_element_lastname = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 69
+manageusers_element_email = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 71
+manageusers_element_status = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 73
+manageusers_element_actions = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 135
+manageusers_element_edit = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 139
+manageusers_element_edit = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 146
+manageusers_element_delete = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 150
+confirm_delete_operation = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 153
+manageusers_element_delete = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 194
+manageusers_element_adduser_form = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 195
+manageusers_element_user_info = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 197
+manageusers_element_add_user = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 222
+manageusers_element_username = "T&ecirc;n sử dụng:"
+; manageusers_element.php line: 232
+manageusers_element_firstname = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 238
+manageusers_element_lastname = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 244
+manageusers_element_email = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 251
+manageusers_element_status = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 268
+manageusers_element_roles = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 272
+manageusers_element_num_roles = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 287
+manageusers_element_delete = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 297
+manageusers_element_delete = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 340
+manageusers_element_filter = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 352
+manageusers_element_add_role = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 362
+manageusers_element_groups = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 366
+manageusers_element_num_groups = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 387
+manageusers_element_delete = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 427
+manageusers_element_filter = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 439
+manageusers_element_add_group = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 452
+manageusers_element_password = "Mật khẩu:"
+; manageusers_element.php line: 458
+manageusers_element_retype_password = "Đ&aacute;nh lại mật khẩu:"
+; manageusers_element.php line: 465
+manageusers_element_save = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 492
+manageusers_element_search_user = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 493
+manageusers_element_adduser_form = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 495
+manageusers_element_username = "T&ecirc;n sử dụng:"
+; manageusers_element.php line: 496
+manageusers_element_firstname = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 497
+manageusers_element_lastname = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 498
+manageusers_element_email = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 499
+manageusers_element_status = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 61
+mixcrawls_element_available_mixes = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 68
+mixcrawls_view_name = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 70
+mixcrawls_view_definition = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 74
+mixcrawls_view_actions = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 108
+mixcrawls_view_no_components = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 115
+mixcrawls_view_share = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 118
+mixcrawls_view_edit = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 124
+mixcrawls_set_index = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 127
+mixcrawl_search_index = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 133
+confirm_delete_operation = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 136
+mixcrawls_view_delete = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 146
+mixcrawls_view_back = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 147
+mixcrawls_element_share_mix_group = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 157
+mixcrawls_element_mixname = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 163
+mixcrawls_element_group = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 169
+mixcrawls_element_share = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 193
+mixcrawls_element_make_mix = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 203
+mixcrawls_element_mix_name = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 208
+mixcrawls_element_create_button = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 223
+mixcrawls_element_search_mix = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 224
+mixcrawls_element_createmix_form = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 226
+mixcrawls_element_mixname = ""
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 78
+moreoptions_element_other_searches = ""
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 113
+moreoptions_element_previous = ""
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 119
+moreoptions_element_next = ""
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 126
+moreoptions_element_my_accounts = ""
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 133
+signin_element_settings = "Những c&agrave;i đặt"
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 141
+signin_element_signin = "Đăng nhập"
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 144
+signin_element_admin = ""
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 156
+signin_view_create_account = ""
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 168
+moreoptions_element_suggest = ""
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 171
+moreoptions_element_wiki_pages = ""
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 182
+moreoptions_element_tools = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 58
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 63
+pageoptions_element_search_time = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 68
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 80
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 85
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 91
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 100
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 106
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 116
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 123
+pageoptions_element_file_types = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 153
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 169
+pageoptions_element_use_classify = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 171
+pageoptions_element_use_rank = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 200
+pageoptions_element_no_classifiers = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 203
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 209
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 212
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 229
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 241
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 244
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 254
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 261
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 269
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 278
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 286
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 295
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 304
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 311
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 320
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 330
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 335
+pageoptions_element_link_weight = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 340
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 345
+pageoptions_element_min_results_to_group = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 351
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 359
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 363
+pageoptions_element_page_type = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 380
+pageoptions_element_save_options = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 382
+pageoptions_element_run_tests = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 388
+pageoptions_element_test_results = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 391
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 396
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 400
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 404
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 408
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 427
+page_element_plugin_back = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 464
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 468
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+; resultseditor_element.php line: 51
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+; resultseditor_element.php line: 56
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+; resultseditor_element.php line: 65
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+; resultseditor_element.php line: 67
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+; resultseditor_element.php line: 78
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+; resultseditor_element.php line: 85
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+; resultseditor_element.php line: 91
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+; resultseditor_element.php line: 97
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+; resultseditor_element.php line: 100
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+; resultseditor_element.php line: 103
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+; resultseditor_element.php line: 115
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+; resultseditor_element.php line: 121
+resultseditor_element_save_filter = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 58
+searchsources_element_addsource_form = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 59
+searchsources_element_edit_media_source = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 63
+searchsources_element_add_media_source = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 87
+searchsources_element_sourcetype = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 92
+searchsources_element_sourcename = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 101
+searchsources_element_url = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 107
+searchsources_element_locale_tag = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 112
+searchsources_element_thumbnail = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 122
+searchsources_element_feed_instruct = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 125
+searchsources_element_channelpath = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 131
+searchsources_element_itempath = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 137
+searchsources_element_titlepath = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 143
+searchsources_element_descpath = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 149
+searchsources_element_linkpath = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 155
+searchsources_element_image_xpath = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 161
+searchsources_element_submit = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 167
+searchsources_element_media_sources = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 190
+searchsources_element_medianame = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 191
+searchsources_element_mediatype = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 193
+searchsources_element_mediaurls = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 196
+searchsources_element_action = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 212
+searchsources_element_editmedia = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 215
+confirm_delete_operation = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 218
+searchsources_element_deletemedia = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 227
+searchsources_element_addsearch_form = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 229
+searchsources_element_edit_subsearch = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 234
+searchsources_element_add_subsearch = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 249
+searchsources_element_foldername = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 259
+searchsources_element_indexsource = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 265
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 271
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 277
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 287
+searchsources_element_dirname = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 289
+searchsources_element_index = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 292
+searchsources_element_localestring = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 294
+searchsources_element_perpage = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 300
+searchsources_element_actions = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 316
+searchsources_element_editsource = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 323
+searchsources_element_localize = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 327
+searchsources_element_localize = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 334
+searchsources_element_deletesubsearch = ""
+; security_element.php line: 54
+security_element_auth_captcha = ""
+; security_element.php line: 65
+security_element_authentication_type = ""
+; security_element.php line: 77
+security_element_zero_unavailable = ""
+; security_element.php line: 86
+security_element_captcha_type = ""
+; security_element.php line: 100
+security_element_save = ""
+; security_element.php line: 104
+security_element_captcha_recovery_questions = ""
+; security_element.php line: 111
+security_element_edit_recovery = ""
+; security_element.php line: 116
+security_element_edit_captcha = ""
+; security_element.php line: 121
+security_element_edit_recovery = ""
+; security_element.php line: 124
+security_element_edit_captcha = ""
+; serversettings_element.php line: 57
+serversettings_element_server_settings = ""
+; serversettings_element.php line: 61
+serversettings_element_name_server = ""
+; serversettings_element.php line: 65
+serversettings_element_name_server_key = ""
+; serversettings_element.php line: 72
+serversettings_element_name_server_url = ""
+; serversettings_element.php line: 80
+serversettings_element_use_memcache = ""
+; serversettings_element.php line: 88
+serversettings_element_memcache_servers = ""
+; serversettings_element.php line: 99
+serversettings_element_use_filecache = ""
+; serversettings_element.php line: 110
+configure_element_database_setup = "C&agrave;i đặt cơ sở dữ liệu "
+; serversettings_element.php line: 115
+serversettings_element_database_system = "Hệ thống cơ sở dữ liệu:"
+; serversettings_element.php line: 123
+serversettings_element_databasename = "T&ecirc;n cơ cở dữ liệu:"
+; serversettings_element.php line: 130
+serversettings_element_databasehost = ""
+; serversettings_element.php line: 137
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 145
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 158
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 170
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 195
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 201
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 208
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 219
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 224
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 230
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 239
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 251
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+; signin_element.php line: 74
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+; signin_element.php line: 78
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+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/seek_quarry//views/helpers
+; feeds_helper.php line: 63
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+; searchform_helper.php line: 120
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+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/seek_quarry//views/layouts
+; rss_layout.php line: 60
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+; rss_layout.php line: 68
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+; web_layout.php line: 71
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+; web_layout.php line: 74
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+; web_layout.php line: 218
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+; web_layout.php line: 223
+web_layout_query_time = "Thời gian: %s gi&acirc;y"
+; machinestatus_view.php line: 52
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+; machinestatus_view.php line: 57
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+; machinestatus_view.php line: 72
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+; machinestatus_view.php line: 74
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+; machinestatus_view.php line: 117
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+; machinestatus_view.php line: 125
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+; machinestatus_view.php line: 128
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+; machinestatus_view.php line: 143
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+; machinestatus_view.php line: 152
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+; machinestatus_view.php line: 155
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+; machinestatus_view.php line: 165
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+; machinestatus_view.php line: 175
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+; nocache_view.php line: 54
+nocache_view_no_cache = "Kh&ocirc;ng t&igrave;m thấy trang gốc m&agrave; bạn muốn t&igrave;m kiếm."
+; nocache_view.php line: 59
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+; recover_view.php line: 69
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+; recover_view.php line: 105
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+; recover_view.php line: 117
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+; recover_view.php line: 132
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+; recover_view.php line: 147
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+; recover_view.php line: 154
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+; recover_view.php line: 187
+register_view_human_check = ""
+; recover_view.php line: 206
+recover_view_recover_password = ""
+; recover_view.php line: 216
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+; register_view.php line: 74
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+; register_view.php line: 75
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+; register_view.php line: 76
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+; register_view.php line: 77
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+; register_view.php line: 80
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+; register_view.php line: 81
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+; register_view.php line: 82
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+; register_view.php line: 83
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+; register_view.php line: 84
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+; register_view.php line: 85
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+; register_view.php line: 86
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+; register_view.php line: 87
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+; register_view.php line: 88
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+; register_view.php line: 89
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+; register_view.php line: 90
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+; register_view.php line: 91
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+; register_view.php line: 92
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+; register_view.php line: 93
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+; register_view.php line: 95
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+; register_view.php line: 96
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+; register_view.php line: 98
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+; register_view.php line: 99
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+; register_view.php line: 100
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+; register_view.php line: 101
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+; register_view.php line: 102
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+; register_view.php line: 103
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+; register_view.php line: 106
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+; register_view.php line: 107
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+; register_view.php line: 108
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+; register_view.php line: 109
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+; register_view.php line: 110
+register_view_recovery2_less = ""
+; register_view.php line: 111
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+; register_view.php line: 112
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+; register_view.php line: 113
+register_view_recovery3_less = ""
+; register_view.php line: 114
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+; register_view.php line: 115
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+; register_view.php line: 116
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+; register_view.php line: 117
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+; register_view.php line: 118
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+; register_view.php line: 119
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+; register_view.php line: 120
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+; register_view.php line: 121
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+; register_view.php line: 122
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+; register_view.php line: 123
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+; register_view.php line: 152
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+; register_view.php line: 189
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+; register_view.php line: 204
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+; register_view.php line: 219
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+; register_view.php line: 232
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+; register_view.php line: 246
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+; register_view.php line: 261
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+; register_view.php line: 277
+register_view_account_recovery = ""
+; register_view.php line: 281
+register_view_human_check = ""
+; register_view.php line: 283
+register_view_account_recovery = ""
+; register_view.php line: 315
+register_view_human_check = ""
+; register_view.php line: 330
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+; register_view.php line: 332
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+; register_view.php line: 334
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+; register_view.php line: 336
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+; register_view.php line: 337
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+; register_view.php line: 347
+register_view_create_account = ""
+; register_view.php line: 357
+signin_view_return_yioop = "Trở lại trang Yioop"
+; search_view.php line: 86
+search_view_title = ""
+; search_view.php line: 113
+search_view_input_label = "Đ&aacute;nh v&agrave;o những cụm từ m&agrave; bạn muốn t&igrave;m trang web"
+; search_view.php line: 117
+search_view_input_placeholder = "Đ&aacute;nh v&agrave;o c&aacute;i m&agrave; bạn muốn t&igrave;m"
+; search_view.php line: 120
+search_view_search = "T&igrave;m Kiếm"
+; search_view.php line: 147
+search_view_no_index_set = ""
+; search_view.php line: 152
+search_view_more_statistics = ""
+; search_view.php line: 190
+search_view_calculated = "%s gi&acirc;y."
+; search_view.php line: 191
+search_view_results = "Cho kết quả tứ %s - %s của %s"
+; search_view.php line: 212
+search_view_thesaurus_results = ""
+; search_view.php line: 321
+search_view_word_cloud = ""
+; search_view.php line: 366
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+; search_view.php line: 369
+search_view_as_text = "Trang&nbsp;Web&nbsp;Bắng Chữ"
+; search_view.php line: 382
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+; search_view.php line: 394
+search_view_inlink = ""
+; search_view.php line: 414
+search_view_rank = "Thứ Tự: %s"
+; search_view.php line: 416
+search_view_relevancy = "Th&iacute;ch hợp: %s"
+; search_view.php line: 418
+search_view_proximity = "Gần: %s"
+; search_view.php line: 422
+search_view_thesaurus_score = ""
+; search_view.php line: 431
+search_view_score = "Điểm: %s"
+; settings_view.php line: 66
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+; settings_view.php line: 73
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+; settings_view.php line: 79
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+; settings_view.php line: 86
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+; settings_view.php line: 92
+settings_view_language_label = "Ng&ocirc;n ngữ:"
+; settings_view.php line: 108
+settings_view_return_yioop = "Trở lại trang Yioop"
+; settings_view.php line: 111
+settings_view_save = "Giữ sự sắp đặt"
+; settings_view.php line: 119
+settings_install_search_plugin = ""
+; signin_view.php line: 65
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+; signin_view.php line: 78
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+; signin_view.php line: 81
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+; signin_view.php line: 89
+signin_view_username = "T&ecirc;n đăng nhập "
+; signin_view.php line: 96
+signin_view_password = "Mật khẩu"
+; signin_view.php line: 107
+signin_view_login = "Đăng nhập"
+; signin_view.php line: 122
+signin_view_recover_password = ""
+; signin_view.php line: 127
+signin_view_create_account = ""
+; signin_view.php line: 132
+signin_view_return_yioop = "Trở lại trang Yioop"
+; static_view.php line: 71
+static_view_title = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 63
+statistics_view_statistics = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 68
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+; statistics_view.php line: 82
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+; statistics_view.php line: 83
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+; statistics_view.php line: 89
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+; statistics_view.php line: 90
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+; statistics_view.php line: 92
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+; statistics_view.php line: 93
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+; statistics_view.php line: 97
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+; statistics_view.php line: 98
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+; statistics_view.php line: 102
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+; statistics_view.php line: 104
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+; suggest_view.php line: 70
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+; suggest_view.php line: 144
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+; suggest_view.php line: 177
+signin_view_return_yioop = "Trở lại trang Yioop"
+; view.php line: 32
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+; view.php line: 81
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+; wiki_view.php line: 93
+wiki_view_pages = ""
+; wiki_view.php line: 132
+wiki_view_feed = ""
+; wiki_view.php line: 133
+wiki_view_wiki = ""
+; wiki_view.php line: 157
+adminview_auto_logout_one_minute = "Tự động tho&aacute;t trong một ph&uacute;t"
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/sq_data/app/views
+; download_view.php line: 62
+download_view_form = ""
+; download_view.php line: 73
+download_view_thank_you = ""
+; download_view.php line: 76
+download_view_full_name = ""
+; download_view.php line: 82
+download_view_email = ""
+; download_view.php line: 87
+download_view_business = ""
+; download_view.php line: 93
+download_view_interest = ""
+; download_view.php line: 100
+download_view_get_email = ""
+; download_view.php line: 106
+download_view_return_main = ""
+; download_view.php line: 120
+download_view_required_fields = ""
+; download_view.php line: 125
+download_view_name_required = ""
+; download_view.php line: 130
+download_view_valid_email = ""
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/seek_quarry//lib/indexing_plugins
+; wordfilter_plugin.php line: 353
+wordfilter_plugin_settings_saved = ""
+; wordfilter_plugin.php line: 362
+wordfilter_plugin_defaults_restored = ""
+; wordfilter_plugin.php line: 466
+wordfilter_plugin_preferences = ""
+; wordfilter_plugin.php line: 470
+wordfilter_plugin_factory_settings = ""
+; wordfilter_plugin.php line: 483
+wordfilter_plugin_save = ""
diff --git a/locale/vi-VN/resources/locale.js b/locale/vi-VN/resources/locale.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..680b616
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/vi-VN/resources/locale.js
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+ * SeekQuarry/Yioop --
+ * Open Source Pure PHP Search Engine, Crawler, and Indexer
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2009 - 2015  Chris Pollett
+ *
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+ *
+ *
+ * @author Chris Pollett
+ * @package seek_quarry
+ * @subpackage javascript
+ * @license GPL3
+ * @link
+ * @copyright 2009 - 2015s
+ * @filesource
+ */
+ * The alphabet for this locale
+ */
+var alpha = "bcdghklmnpqrstvđaáà" +
+    "ãảạâấầẫẩậăắằẵẳặeéèẽẻ" +
+    "ẹêếềễểệiíìĩỉịoóòõỏọôố" +
+    "ồỗổộơớờỡởợuúùũủụưứừữử" +
+    "ựyýỳỹỷỵ";
+    //put consonants then vowels
+ * Transliteration maping for this locale
+ */
+var roman_array = {};
+ * To analyze the query and generate actual input query from the
+ * transliterated query
+ */
+function analyzeQuery()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/locale/vi-VN/resources/suggest_trie.txt.gz b/locale/vi-VN/resources/suggest_trie.txt.gz
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c65c609
Binary files /dev/null and b/locale/vi-VN/resources/suggest_trie.txt.gz differ
diff --git a/locale/vi-VN/resources/tokenizer.php b/locale/vi-VN/resources/tokenizer.php
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..2892c8a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/vi-VN/resources/tokenizer.php
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+ * SeekQuarry/Yioop --
+ * Open Source Pure PHP Search Engine, Crawler, and Indexer
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2009 - 2015  Chris Pollett
+ *
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+ *
+ * @author Chris Pollett
+ * @package seek_quarry
+ * @subpackage locale
+ * @license GPL3
+ * @link
+ * @copyright 2009 - 2015
+ * @filesource
+ */
+if(!defined('BASE_DIR')) {echo "BAD REQUEST"; exit();}
+ * Vietnamese specific tokenization code. Typically, tokenizer.php
+ * either contains a stemmer for the language in question or
+ * it specifies how many characters in a char gram
+ *
+ * @author Chris Pollett
+ * @package seek_quarry
+ * @subpackage locale
+ */
+/*for Vietnamese neither char gramming or stemming seemed to make sense, so
+  for now this file is blank.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/locale/vi-VN/resources1421450897old/locale.js b/locale/vi-VN/resources1421450897old/locale.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..3760476
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/vi-VN/resources1421450897old/locale.js
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+ * SeekQuarry/Yioop --
+ * Open Source Pure PHP Search Engine, Crawler, and Indexer
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2009 - 2014  Chris Pollett
+ *
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+ *
+ *
+ * @author Chris Pollett
+ * @package seek_quarry
+ * @subpackage javascript
+ * @license GPL3
+ * @link
+ * @copyright 2009 - 2014s
+ * @filesource
+ */
+ * The alphabet for this locale
+ */
+var alpha = "bcdghklmnpqrstvđaáà" +
+    "ãảạâấầẫẩậăắằẵẳặeéèẽẻ" +
+    "ẹêếềễểệiíìĩỉịoóòõỏọôố" +
+    "ồỗổộơớờỡởợuúùũủụưứừữử" +
+    "ựyýỳỹỷỵ";
+    //put consonants then vowels
+ * Transliteration maping for this locale
+ */
+var roman_array = {};
+ * To analyze the query and generate actual input query from the
+ * transliterated query
+ */
+function analyzeQuery()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/locale/vi-VN/resources1421450897old/suggest_trie.txt.gz b/locale/vi-VN/resources1421450897old/suggest_trie.txt.gz
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c65c609
Binary files /dev/null and b/locale/vi-VN/resources1421450897old/suggest_trie.txt.gz differ
diff --git a/locale/vi-VN/resources1421450897old/tokenizer.php b/locale/vi-VN/resources1421450897old/tokenizer.php
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..fdfcc5f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/vi-VN/resources1421450897old/tokenizer.php
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+ * SeekQuarry/Yioop --
+ * Open Source Pure PHP Search Engine, Crawler, and Indexer
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2009 - 2014  Chris Pollett
+ *
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+ *
+ * @author Chris Pollett
+ * @package seek_quarry
+ * @subpackage locale
+ * @license GPL3
+ * @link
+ * @copyright 2009 - 2014
+ * @filesource
+ */
+if(!defined('BASE_DIR')) {echo "BAD REQUEST"; exit();}
+ * Vietnamese specific tokenization code. Typically, tokenizer.php
+ * either contains a stemmer for the language in question or
+ * it specifies how many characters in a char gram
+ *
+ * @author Chris Pollett
+ * @package seek_quarry
+ * @subpackage locale
+ */
+/*for Vietnamese neither char gramming or stemming seemed to make sense, so
+  for now this file is blank.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/locale/vi-VN/statistics.txt b/locale/vi-VN/statistics.txt
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..09559c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/vi-VN/statistics.txt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/locale/zh-CN/configure.ini b/locale/zh-CN/configure.ini
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..23d3890
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/zh-CN/configure.ini
@@ -0,0 +1,4186 @@
+; ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
+;  SeekQuarry/Yioop Open Source Pure PHP Search Engine, Crawler, and Indexer
+;  Copyright (C) 2009 - 2015  Chris Pollett
+;  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;  (at your option) any later version.
+;  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;  GNU General Public License for more details.
+;  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;  along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+;  ***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****
+; configure.ini
+; zh-CN configuration file
+; Strings to translate on various pages
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/seek_quarry//controllers
+; admin_controller.php line: 101
+admin_controller_need_cookies = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 150
+admin_controller_account_not_active = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 156
+admin_controller_login_successful = "登入成功"
+; admin_controller.php line: 175
+admin_controller_no_back_button = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 189
+admin_controller_login_failed = "登入失敗"
+; admin_controller.php line: 195
+admin_controller_login_to_config = "登入管理介面"
+; admin_controller.php line: 199
+admin_controller_status_updates_stopped = "管理員終止更新"
+; admin_controller.php line: 342
+admin_controller_account_access = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 343
+admin_controller_social = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 344
+admin_controller_crawl_settings = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 345
+admin_controller_system_settings = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 517
+admin_controller_equal = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 518
+admin_controller_not_equal = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 519
+admin_controller_contains = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 520
+admin_controller_begins_with = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 521
+admin_controller_ends_with = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 524
+admin_controller_equal = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 525
+admin_controller_not_equal = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 528
+admin_controller_no_sort = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 529
+admin_controller_sort_ascending = ""
+; admin_controller.php line: 530
+admin_controller_sort_descending = ""
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/seek_quarry//controllers/components
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 132
+accountaccess_component_no_posts_yet = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 146
+accountaccess_component_passwords_too_long = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 155
+accountaccess_component_passwords_dont_match = "密碼錯誤"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 162
+accountaccess_component_invalid_password = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 192
+accountaccess_component_unknown_imagetype = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 197
+accountaccess_component_icon_too_big = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 206
+accountaccess_component_no_user_folder = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 215
+accountaccess_component_user_updated = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 259
+accountaccess_component_active_status = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 260
+accountaccess_component_inactive_status = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 261
+accountaccess_component_banned_status = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 264
+accountaccess_component_request_join = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 265
+accountaccess_component_invited = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 266
+accountaccess_component_active_status = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 267
+accountaccess_component_banned_status = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 312
+accountaccess_component_passwords_too_long = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 317
+accountaccess_component_passwords_dont_match = "密碼錯誤"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 321
+accountaccess_component_invalid_username = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 325
+accountaccess_component_user_exists = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 354
+accountaccess_component_user_added = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 363
+accountaccess_component_user_doesnt_exist = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 370
+accountaccess_component_cant_edit_public_user = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 412
+accountaccess_component_passwords_dont_match = "密碼錯誤"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 418
+accountaccess_component_user_updated = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 424
+accountaccess_component_user_filter_group = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 428
+accountaccess_component_user_filter_role = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 439
+accountaccess_component_username_doesnt_exists = "此使用者不存在"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 444
+accountaccess_component_cant_delete_builtin = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 449
+accountaccess_component_user_deleted = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 458
+accountaccess_component_username_doesnt_exists = "此使用者不存在"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 463
+accountaccess_component_rolename_doesnt_exists = "無此暱稱"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 469
+accountaccess_component_rolename_already_added = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 475
+accountaccess_component_rolename_added = "增加暱稱"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 485
+accountaccess_component_username_doesnt_exists = "此使用者不存在"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 490
+accountaccess_component_groupname_doesnt_exists = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 496
+accountaccess_component_groupname_already_added = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 504
+accountaccess_component_groupname_added = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 514
+accountaccess_component_username_doesnt_exists = "此使用者不存在"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 519
+accountaccess_component_rolename_doesnt_exists = "無此暱稱"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 528
+accountaccess_component_rolename_deleted = "刪除暱稱"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 538
+accountaccess_component_username_doesnt_exists = "此使用者不存在"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 543
+accountaccess_component_groupname_doesnt_exists = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 552
+accountaccess_component_group_deleted = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 569
+accountaccess_component_username_doesnt_exists = "此使用者不存在"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 575
+accountaccess_component_userstatus_updated = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 733
+accountaccess_component_select_activityname = "選擇活動名稱"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 759
+accountaccess_component_rolename_doesnt_exists = "無此暱稱"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 775
+accountaccess_component_activity_added = "活動名稱已加入"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 784
+accountaccess_component_rolename_exists = "此暱稱已存在"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 790
+accountaccess_component_rolename_added = "增加暱稱"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 794
+accountaccess_component_rolename_blank = ""
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 803
+accountaccess_component_rolename_doesnt_exists = "無此暱稱"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 821
+accountaccess_component_activity_deleted = "活動已刪除"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 829
+accountaccess_component_rolename_doesnt_exists = "無此暱稱"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 835
+accountaccess_component_rolename_deleted = "刪除暱稱"
+; accountaccess_component.php line: 867
+accountaccess_component_role_updated = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 85
+crawl_component_starting_new_crawl = "開始新的搜尋"
+; crawl_component.php line: 102
+crawl_component_stop_crawl = "停止搜尋,需要一段時間更新"
+; crawl_component.php line: 131
+crawl_component_resume_crawl = "回復搜尋,需要一段時間更新"
+; crawl_component.php line: 140
+crawl_component_delete_crawl_success = "刪除搜尋,需要一段時間更新"
+; crawl_component.php line: 144
+crawl_component_delete_crawl_fail = "刪除搜尋失敗"
+; crawl_component.php line: 153
+crawl_component_set_index = "設置索引"
+; crawl_component.php line: 187
+crawl_component_no_description = "沒有任何項目"
+; crawl_component.php line: 334
+crawl_component_use_below = "以下使用者"
+; crawl_component.php line: 335
+crawl_component_use_defaults = "使用者預設"
+; crawl_component.php line: 338
+crawl_component_use_below = "以下使用者"
+; crawl_component.php line: 342
+crawl_component_previous_crawl = "前一搜尋"
+; crawl_component.php line: 413
+crawl_component_added_urls = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 427
+crawl_component_add_suggest = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 431
+crawl_component_no_new_suggests = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 478
+crawl_component_breadth_first = "深度優先"
+; crawl_component.php line: 480
+crawl_component_page_importance = "網頁重要性"
+; crawl_component.php line: 545
+crawl_component_added_urls = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 555
+crawl_component_urls_injected = "插入網址"
+; crawl_component.php line: 565
+crawl_component_update_seed_info = "更新種子資訊"
+; crawl_component.php line: 620
+crawl_component_new_classifier = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 624
+crawl_component_classifier_exists = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 647
+crawl_component_classifier_deleted = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 651
+crawl_component_no_classifier = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 662
+crawl_component_no_classifier = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 680
+crawl_component_finalizing_classifier = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 707
+crawl_component_finalizing_classifier = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 753
+crawl_component_classifier_exists = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 762
+crawl_component_load_failed = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 764
+crawl_component_loading = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 766
+crawl_component_added_examples = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 768
+crawl_component_label_update_failed = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 770
+crawl_component_updating = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 772
+crawl_component_acc_update_failed = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 774
+crawl_component_na = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 776
+crawl_component_no_docs = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 778
+crawl_component_num_docs = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 780
+crawl_component_in_class = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 782
+crawl_component_not_in_class = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 784
+crawl_component_skip = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 786
+crawl_component_prediction = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 788
+crawl_component_scores = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 830
+crawl_component_use_below = "以下使用者"
+; crawl_component.php line: 831
+crawl_component_use_defaults = "使用者預設"
+; crawl_component.php line: 833
+crawl_component_use_below = "以下使用者"
+; crawl_component.php line: 841
+crawl_component_recrawl_never = "取消重新搜尋"
+; crawl_component.php line: 842
+crawl_component_recrawl_1day = "每日重新搜尋"
+; crawl_component.php line: 843
+crawl_component_recrawl_2day = "兩日重新搜尋"
+; crawl_component.php line: 844
+crawl_component_recrawl_3day = "三日重新搜尋"
+; crawl_component.php line: 845
+crawl_component_recrawl_7day = "一週重新搜尋"
+; crawl_component.php line: 846
+crawl_component_recrawl_14day = "兩週重新搜尋"
+; crawl_component.php line: 854
+crawl_component_basic = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 855
+crawl_component_centroid = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1141
+crawl_component_page_options_updated = "更新頁面選項"
+; crawl_component.php line: 1169
+crawl_component_page_options_running_tests = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1348
+crawl_component_results_editor_update = "編輯者更新結果"
+; crawl_component.php line: 1363
+crawl_component_edited_pages = "編輯頁面"
+; crawl_component.php line: 1376
+crawl_component_results_editor_need_url = "需要網址"
+; crawl_component.php line: 1382
+crawl_component_results_editor_page_updated = "更新頁面"
+; crawl_component.php line: 1395
+crawl_component_results_editor_page_loaded = "載入頁面"
+; crawl_component.php line: 1426
+crawl_component_media_kind = "多媒體類別"
+; crawl_component.php line: 1427
+crawl_component_video = "影片"
+; crawl_component.php line: 1428
+crawl_component_rss_feed = "RSS"
+; crawl_component.php line: 1429
+crawl_component_html_feed = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1443
+crawl_component_sources_indexes = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1499
+crawl_component_no_source_type = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1512
+crawl_component_missing_type = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1526
+crawl_component_invalid_url = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1533
+crawl_component_missing_fields = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1550
+crawl_component_media_source_added = "增加多媒體"
+; crawl_component.php line: 1563
+crawl_component_missing_fields = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1571
+crawl_component_subsearch_added = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1577
+crawl_component_no_delete_source = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1583
+crawl_component_media_source_deleted = "刪除多媒體"
+; crawl_component.php line: 1590
+crawl_component_no_delete_source = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1597
+crawl_component_subsearch_deleted = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1632
+crawl_component_subsearch_updated = ""
+; crawl_component.php line: 1707
+crawl_component_media_source_updated = ""
+; social_component.php line: 85
+social_component_request_join = ""
+; social_component.php line: 86
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+; social_component.php line: 87
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+; social_component.php line: 88
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+; social_component.php line: 91
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+; social_component.php line: 92
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+; social_component.php line: 93
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+; social_component.php line: 94
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+; social_component.php line: 97
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+; social_component.php line: 98
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+; social_component.php line: 99
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+; social_component.php line: 100
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+; social_component.php line: 105
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+; social_component.php line: 106
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+; social_component.php line: 109
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+; social_component.php line: 110
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+; social_component.php line: 181
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+; social_component.php line: 186
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+; social_component.php line: 204
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+; social_component.php line: 208
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+; social_component.php line: 213
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+; social_component.php line: 228
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+; social_component.php line: 233
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+; social_component.php line: 259
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+; social_component.php line: 265
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+; social_component.php line: 275
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+; social_component.php line: 302
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+; social_component.php line: 311
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+; social_component.php line: 318
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+; social_component.php line: 340
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+; social_component.php line: 390
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+; social_component.php line: 395
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+; social_component.php line: 469
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+; social_component.php line: 471
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+; social_component.php line: 473
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+; social_component.php line: 567
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+; social_component.php line: 803
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+; social_component.php line: 906
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+; social_component.php line: 2183
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+; social_component.php line: 2214
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+; social_component.php line: 2382
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+; social_component.php line: 2384
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+; social_component.php line: 2386
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+; social_component.php line: 2388
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+; social_component.php line: 2389
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+; social_component.php line: 2391
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+; social_component.php line: 2393
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+; social_component.php line: 2395
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+; social_component.php line: 2396
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+; social_component.php line: 2443
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+; social_component.php line: 2454
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+; system_component.php line: 79
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+; system_component.php line: 145
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+; system_component.php line: 149
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+; system_component.php line: 153
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+; system_component.php line: 160
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+; system_component.php line: 181
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+; system_component.php line: 187
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+; system_component.php line: 208
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+; system_component.php line: 212
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+; system_component.php line: 275
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+; system_component.php line: 304
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+; system_component.php line: 308
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+; system_component.php line: 344
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+; system_component.php line: 386
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+; system_component.php line: 393
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+; system_component.php line: 400
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+; system_component.php line: 405
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+; system_component.php line: 411
+system_component_localename_doesnt_exists = "語言不存在"
+; system_component.php line: 440
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+; system_component.php line: 470
+system_component_localestrings_updated = "語言更新"
+; system_component.php line: 481
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+; system_component.php line: 482
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+; system_component.php line: 568
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+; system_component.php line: 573
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+; system_component.php line: 576
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+; system_component.php line: 598
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+; system_component.php line: 600
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+; system_component.php line: 602
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+; system_component.php line: 604
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+; system_component.php line: 669
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+; system_component.php line: 671
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+; system_component.php line: 673
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+; system_component.php line: 678
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+; system_component.php line: 680
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+; system_component.php line: 685
+serversettings_element_normal_authentication = ""
+; system_component.php line: 710
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+; system_component.php line: 713
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+; system_component.php line: 780
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+; system_component.php line: 785
+system_component_configure_configure_diff_base_dir = ""
+; system_component.php line: 810
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+; system_component.php line: 821
+system_component_name_your_bot = "取名"
+; system_component.php line: 846
+system_component_configure_work_profile_made = "工作設置已建立"
+; system_component.php line: 850
+system_component_configure_no_set_config = "無設置"
+; system_component.php line: 857
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+; system_component.php line: 864
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+; system_component.php line: 871
+system_component_configure_work_dir_invalid = ""
+; system_component.php line: 893
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+; system_component.php line: 907
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+; system_component.php line: 912
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+; system_component.php line: 935
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+; system_component.php line: 939
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+; system_component.php line: 988
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+; system_component.php line: 992
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+; system_component.php line: 1025
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+; system_component.php line: 1091
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+; system_component.php line: 1099
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+; system_component.php line: 1104
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+; system_component.php line: 1109
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+; system_component.php line: 1115
+system_component_missing_required = "缺少必要項目"
+; system_component.php line: 1138
+system_component_missing_optional = "缺少選擇項目"
+; system_component.php line: 1143
+system_component_check_passed = "通過檢查"
+; system_component.php line: 1148
+system_component_using_local_config = "使用當地語言"
+; machine_controller.php line: 172
+machine_controller_nolines = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 246
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+; register_controller.php line: 313
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+; register_controller.php line: 331
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+; register_controller.php line: 333
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+; register_controller.php line: 334
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+; register_controller.php line: 336
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+; register_controller.php line: 369
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+; register_controller.php line: 373
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+; register_controller.php line: 374
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+; register_controller.php line: 416
+register_controller_email_verification_error = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 422
+register_controller_already_activated = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 429
+register_controller_account_activated = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 432
+register_controller_email_verification_error = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 480
+register_controller_account_recover_fail = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 489
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+; register_controller.php line: 493
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+; register_controller.php line: 497
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+; register_controller.php line: 498
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+; register_controller.php line: 500
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+; register_controller.php line: 534
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+; register_controller.php line: 546
+register_controller_account_recover_fail = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 559
+register_controller_account_recover_fail = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 566
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+; register_controller.php line: 570
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+; register_controller.php line: 576
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+; register_controller.php line: 584
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+; register_controller.php line: 598
+register_controller_recovered_already = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 602
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+; register_controller.php line: 728
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+; register_controller.php line: 732
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+; register_controller.php line: 746
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+; register_controller.php line: 756
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+; register_controller.php line: 783
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+; register_controller.php line: 797
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+; register_controller.php line: 801
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+; register_controller.php line: 1004
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+; register_controller.php line: 1010
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+; register_controller.php line: 1025
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+; register_controller.php line: 1036
+register_controller_failed_hashcode = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 1064
+register_controller_error_fields = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 1067
+register_controller_check_email = ""
+; register_controller.php line: 1074
+register_controller_user_already_exists = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 235
+search_controller_web = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 295
+search_controller_logout_successful = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 500
+search_controller_mix_info = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 506
+search_controller_crawl_info = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 542
+search_controller_search = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 646
+search_controller_no_index_set = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 649
+search_controller_no_index_set = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1300
+search_controller_download_fetcher = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1309
+search_controller_no_archive_page = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1358
+search_controller_yioop_cache = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1363
+search_controller_original_page = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1380
+search_controller_extracted_title = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1382
+search_controller_extracted_description = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1384
+search_controller_extracted_links = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1389
+search_controller_extracted_allow_paths = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1395
+search_controller_extracted_disallow_paths = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1401
+search_controller_crawl_delay = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1466
+search_controller_cache_comment = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1477
+search_controller_yioop_cache = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1513
+search_controller_cached_version = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1608
+search_controller_download_fetcher = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1626
+search_controller_header_summaries = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1739
+search_controller_history = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1908
+search_controller_all_cached = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1939
+search_controller_year = ""
+; search_controller.php line: 1940
+search_controller_month = ""
+; settings_controller.php line: 115
+settings_controller_crawl_mix = ""
+; settings_controller.php line: 130
+settings_controller_settings_saved = "設定已儲存"
+; static_controller.php line: 67
+static_controller_logout_successful = ""
+; static_controller.php line: 145
+static_controller_complete_title = ""
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/sq_data/app/controllers
+; main_controller.php line: 87
+search_controller_logout_successful = ""
+; main_controller.php line: 112
+main_controller_download = ""
+; main_controller.php line: 129
+main_controller_missing_fields = ""
+; main_controller.php line: 164
+main_controller_yioop_download = ""
+; main_controller.php line: 165
+main_controller_click_download = ""
+; main_controller.php line: 178
+main_controller_url_error = ""
+; main_controller.php line: 187
+main_controller_expired_url = ""
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/seek_quarry//views
+; admin_view.php line: 70
+admin_view_admin = "管理者"
+; admin_view.php line: 89
+adminview_auto_logout_one_minute = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 52
+crawlstatus_view_currently_processing = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 53
+crawlstatus_view_description = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 58
+crawlstatus_view_starting_crawl = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 62
+managecrawls_element_stop_crawl = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 66
+crawlstatus_view_resuming_crawl = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 70
+managecrawls_element_stop_crawl = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 74
+crawlstatus_view_shutdown_queue = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 77
+crawlstatus_view_closing_dict = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 80
+crawlstatus_view_run_plugins = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 88
+managecrawls_element_stop_crawl = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 96
+crawlstatus_view_set_index = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 99
+crawlstatus_view_search_index = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 107
+crawlstatus_view_changeoptions = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 109
+crawlstatus_view_no_description = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 114
+crawlstatus_view_timestamp = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 116
+crawlstatus_view_time_started = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 122
+crawlstatus_view_indexer_memory = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 124
+crawlstatus_view_scheduler_memory = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 127
+crawlstatus_view_queue_memory = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 132
+crawlstatus_view_no_mem_data = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 136
+crawlstatus_view_fetcher_memory = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 141
+crawlstatus_view_no_mem_data = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 144
+crawlstatus_view_webapp_memory = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 149
+crawlstatus_view_no_mem_data = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 152
+crawlstatus_view_urls_per_hour = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 160
+crawlstatus_view_visited_urls = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 164
+crawlstatus_view_total_urls = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 167
+crawlstatus_view_most_recent_fetcher = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 176
+crawlstatus_view_no_fetcher = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 180
+crawlstatus_view_most_recent_urls = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 190
+crawlstatus_view_no_recent_urls = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 193
+crawlstatus_view_previous_crawls = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 203
+crawlstatus_view_description = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 206
+crawlstatus_view_timestamp = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 207
+crawlstatus_view_url_counts = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 211
+crawlstatus_view_actions = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 222
+crawlstatus_view_statistics = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 238
+crawlstatus_view_resume = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 240
+crawlstatus_view_no_resume = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 247
+crawlstatus_view_set_index = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 250
+crawlstatus_view_search_index = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 257
+crawlstatus_view_delete = ""
+; crawlstatus_view.php line: 265
+crawlstatus_view_no_previous_crawl = ""
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/seek_quarry//views/elements
+; activity_element.php line: 54
+activity_element_activities = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 76
+configure_element_work_directory = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 82
+configure_element_load_or_create = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 100
+configure_element_component_check = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 104
+configure_element_profile_settings = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 107
+configure_element_toggle_advanced = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 114
+configure_element_default_language = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 121
+configure_element_debug_display = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 126
+configure_element_error_info = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 131
+configure_element_query_info = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 136
+configure_element_test_info = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 141
+configure_element_site_access = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 146
+configure_element_web_access = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 151
+configure_element_rss_access = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 156
+configure_element_api_access = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 161
+configure_element_customizations = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 163
+configure_element_use_wiki_landing = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 170
+configure_element_background_color = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 178
+configure_element_background_image = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 185
+configure_element_background_image = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 194
+configure_element_foreground_color = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 200
+configure_element_topbar_color = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 206
+configure_element_sidebar_color = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 214
+configure_element_site_logo = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 221
+configure_element_site_logo = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 232
+configure_element_mobile_logo = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 239
+configure_element_mobile_logo = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 250
+configure_element_favicon = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 257
+configure_element_favicon = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 267
+configure_element_toolbar = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 278
+configure_element_site_timezone = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 284
+configure_element_cookie_name = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 290
+configure_element_token_name = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 296
+configure_element_auxiliary_css = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 304
+configure_element_reset_customizations = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 311
+configure_element_crawl_robot = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 313
+configure_element_robot_name = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 321
+configure_element_robot_instance = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 328
+configure_element_robot_description = ""
+; configure_element.php line: 338
+serversettings_element_submit = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 55
+crawloptions_element_back_to_manage = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 58
+crawloptions_element_modify_active_crawl = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 60
+crawloptions_element_edit_crawl_options = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 83
+crawloptions_element_web_crawl = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 93
+crawloptions_element_archive_crawl = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 100
+crawloptions_element_load_options = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 105
+crawloptions_element_crawl_order = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 114
+crawloptions_element_restrict_by_url = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 122
+crawloptions_element_allowed_to_crawl = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 129
+crawloptions_element_disallowed_and_quota_sites = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 140
+crawloptions_element_seed_sites = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 144
+crawloptions_element_add_suggest_urls = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 155
+crawloptions_element_inject_sites = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 159
+crawloptions_element_add_suggest_urls = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 176
+crawloptions_element_reindex_crawl = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 185
+crawloptions_element_need_api_for_mix = ""
+; crawloptions_element.php line: 193
+crawloptions_element_save_options = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 58
+editclassifier_back = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 60
+editclassifier_edit_classifier = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 72
+editclassifier_classifier_label = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 77
+editclassifier_change = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 82
+editclassifier_statistics = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 83
+editclassifier_positive_examples = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 86
+editclassifier_negative_examples = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 89
+editclassifier_accuracy = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 94
+crawl_component_na = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 99
+editclassifier_update = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 100
+editclassifier_add_examples = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 109
+editclassifier_source = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 113
+editclassifier_default_crawl = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 123
+editclassifier_label_by_hand = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 125
+editclassifier_all_in_class = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 127
+editclassifier_none_in_class = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 132
+editclassifier_keywords = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 141
+editclassifier_load = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 147
+editclassifier_finalize = ""
+; editclassifier_element.php line: 155
+editclassifier_no_documents = ""
+; editlocales_element.php line: 55
+editlocales_element_back_to_manage = "回到管理頁面"
+; editlocales_element.php line: 57
+editlocales_element_edit_locale = ""
+; editlocales_element.php line: 71
+editlocales_element_show = ""
+; editlocales_element.php line: 75
+editlocales_element_filter = ""
+; editlocales_element.php line: 82
+editlocales_element_go = ""
+; editlocales_element.php line: 86
+editlocales_element_no_matching = ""
+; editlocales_element.php line: 119
+editlocales_element_submit = "完成"
+; editmix_element.php line: 51
+editmix_element_back_to_mix = ""
+; editmix_element.php line: 53
+mixcrawls_element_edit_mix = ""
+; editmix_element.php line: 64
+mixcrawls_element_mix_name = ""
+; editmix_element.php line: 70
+mixcrawls_element_mix_components = ""
+; editmix_element.php line: 77
+mixcrawls_element_too_many = ""
+; editmix_element.php line: 79
+mixcrawls_element_add_fragment = ""
+; editmix_element.php line: 85
+mixcrawls_element_save_button = ""
+; footer_element.php line: 59
+footer_element_blog = ""
+; footer_element.php line: 61
+footer_element_privacy = ""
+; footer_element.php line: 63
+footer_element_terms = ""
+; footer_element.php line: 65
+footer_element_tools = ""
+; footer_element.php line: 67
+footer_element_bot = ""
+; footer_element.php line: 72
+footer_element_developed_seek_quarry = ""
+; footer_element.php line: 75
+footer_element_copyright_yioop = ""
+; footer_element.php line: 77
+footer_element_php_search_engine = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 91
+groupfeed_element_add_group = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 95
+groupfeed_element_request_add = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 122
+groupfeed_element_wiki_page = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 124
+groupfeed_element_back = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 127
+groupfeed_element_back = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 136
+groupfeed_element_group_activity = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 140
+groupfeed_element_wiki_thread = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 159
+groupfeed_element_feed = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 163
+group_view_wiki = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 165
+groupfeed_element_user = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 206
+groupfeed_element_comment = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 238
+manageaccount_element_group_wiki = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 239
+manageaccount_element_group_stats = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 244
+manageaccount_element_last_post = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 286
+groupfeed_element_comment = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 297
+groupfeed_element_start_thread = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 311
+groupfeed_element_start_thread = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 317
+groupfeed_element_no_posts_yet = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 323
+groupfeed_element_thread_no_exist = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 358
+groupfeed_element_edit = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 363
+groupfeed_element_delete = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 385
+groupfeed_element_num_posts = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 395
+groupfeed_element_num_views = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 420
+groupfeed_element_start_thread_in_group = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 422
+groupfeed_element_start_thread_in_group = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 436
+groupfeed_element_last_edited = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 452
+groupfeed_element_post_vote = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 479
+groupfeed_element_last_post_info = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 494
+groupfeed_element_comment = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 547
+fileupload_helper_drag_textarea = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 548
+fileupload_helper_click_textarea = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 572
+groupfeed_element_add_comment = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 586
+groupfeed_element_save = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 625
+groupfeed_element_subject = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 632
+groupfeed_element_post = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 645
+groupfeed_element_save = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 681
+groupfeed_element_edit_post = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 684
+groupfeed_element_subject = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 690
+groupfeed_element_post = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 703
+groupfeed_element_save = ""
+; groupfeed_element.php line: 732
+groupfeed_element_no_longer_update = ""
+; machinelog_element.php line: 54
+machinelog_element_back_to_manage = ""
+; machinelog_element.php line: 59
+machinelog_element_filter = ""
+; machinelog_element.php line: 66
+machinelog_element_log_file = ""
+; machinelog_element.php line: 71
+machinelog_element_refresh_off = ""
+; machinelog_element.php line: 76
+machinelog_element_refresh_on = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 60
+manageaccount_element_lock = ""
+manageaccount_element_edit = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 67
+manageaccount_element_welcome = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 69
+manageaccount_element_what_can_do = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 71
+manageaccount_element_account_details = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 100
+manageaccounts_element_icon = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 110
+manageusers_element_username = "使用者名稱"
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 117
+manageusers_element_firstname = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 123
+manageusers_element_lastname = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 129
+manageusers_element_email = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 138
+manageaccount_element_password = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 145
+manageaccount_element_new_password = "新的密碼"
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 151
+manageaccount_element_retype_password = "再次輸入新的密碼"
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 163
+manageaccount_element_save = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 169
+manageaccount_element_search_lang_settings = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 174
+manageaccount_element_crawl_and_index = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 175
+manageaccount_element_crawl_info = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 176
+manageaccount_element_num_crawls = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 179
+manageaccount_element_manage_crawls = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 185
+manageaccount_element_groups_and_feeds = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 186
+manageaccount_element_group_info = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 188
+manageaccount_element_num_groups = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 191
+manageaccount_element_num_group = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 203
+manageaccount_element_group_wiki = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 204
+manageaccount_element_group_stats = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 209
+manageaccount_element_last_post = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 219
+manageaccount_element_manage_all_groups = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 221
+manageaccount_element_go_to_group_feed = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 223
+manageaccount_element_crawl_mixes = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 224
+manageaccount_element_mixes_info = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 226
+manageaccount_element_num_mixes = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 229
+manageaccount_element_num_mix = ""
+; manageaccount_element.php line: 233
+manageaccount_element_manage_mixes = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 61
+manageclassifiers_available_classifiers = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 69
+manageclassifiers_label_col = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 72
+manageclassifiers_positive_col = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 74
+manageclassifiers_negative_col = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 80
+manageclassifiers_actions_col = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 99
+manageclassifiers_edit = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 102
+manageclassifiers_finalized = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 109
+manageclassifiers_finalize = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 111
+manageclassifiers_finalize = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 115
+manageclassifiers_finalizing = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 119
+confirm_delete_operation = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 123
+manageclassifiers_delete = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 156
+manageclassifiers_manage_classifiers = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 166
+manageclassifiers_classifier_name = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 171
+manageclassifiers_create_button = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 186
+manageclassifiers_element_search = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 187
+manageclassifiers_element_create_form = ""
+; manageclassifiers_element.php line: 189
+manageclassifiers_classifier_name = ""
+; managecrawls_element.php line: 49
+managecrawls_element_create_crawl = ""
+; managecrawls_element.php line: 58
+managecrawls_element_description = ""
+; managecrawls_element.php line: 65
+managecrawls_element_start_new_crawl = ""
+; managecrawls_element.php line: 69
+managecrawls_element_options = ""
+; managecrawls_element.php line: 75
+managecrawls_element_awaiting_status = ""
+; managecrawls_element.php line: 93
+managecrawls_element_up_longer_update = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 67
+managegroups_element_not_my_groups = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 69
+managegroups_element_groups = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 78
+managegroups_element_groupname = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 79
+managegroups_element_groupowner = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 81
+managegroups_element_registertype = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 82
+managegroups_element_memberaccess = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 83
+managegroups_element_voting = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 84
+managegroups_element_post_lifetime = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 87
+managegroups_element_actions = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 201
+manageaccount_element_group_wiki = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 216
+managegroups_element_join = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 220
+managegroups_element_edit = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 225
+managegroups_element_edit = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 230
+managegroups_element_delete = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 236
+managegroups_element_join = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 241
+managegroups_element_join = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 250
+managegroups_element_decline = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 252
+managegroups_element_unsubscribe = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 257
+confirm_delete_operation = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 260
+managegroups_element_delete = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 289
+managegroups_element_addgroup_form = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 290
+managegroups_element_group_info = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 292
+managegroups_element_create_group = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 296
+managegroups_element_add_group = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 313
+managegroups_element_groupname = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 324
+managegroups_element_browse = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 335
+managegroups_element_register = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 342
+managegroups_element_memberaccess = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 349
+managegroups_element_voting = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 356
+managegroups_element_post_lifetime = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 368
+managegroups_element_group_users = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 372
+managegroups_element_num_users = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 398
+managegroups_element_groupowner = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 400
+managegroups_element_delete = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 410
+managegroups_element_activate = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 416
+managegroups_element_ban = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 422
+managegroups_element_unban = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 430
+managegroups_element_delete = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 459
+managegroups_element_filter = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 480
+managegroups_element_invite = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 491
+managegroups_element_save = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 520
+managegroups_element_group_info = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 521
+managegroups_element_invite_users_group = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 533
+managegroups_element_groupname = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 541
+managegroups_element_usernames = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 548
+managegroups_element_invite = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 566
+managegroups_element_addgroup_form = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 567
+managegroups_element_transfer_group_owner = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 580
+managegroups_element_groupname = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 588
+managegroups_element_new_group_owner = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 595
+managegroups_element_change_owner = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 614
+managegroups_element_discover_groups = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 618
+managegroups_element_search_group = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 620
+managegroups_element_addgroup_form = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 622
+managegroups_element_groupname = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 623
+managegroups_element_groupowner = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 624
+managegroups_element_registertype = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 626
+managegroups_element_memberaccess = ""
+; managegroups_element.php line: 628
+managegroups_element_post_lifetime = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 59
+managelocales_element_locale_list = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 69
+managelocales_element_localename = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 72
+managelocales_element_localetag = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 73
+managelocales_element_writingmode = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 75
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+; managelocales_element.php line: 80
+managelocales_element_percenttranslated = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 81
+managelocales_element_actions = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 101
+managelocales_element_true = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 102
+managelocales_element_false = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 109
+managelocales_element_edit = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 114
+confirm_delete_operation = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 115
+managelocales_element_delete = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 135
+manageloecales_element_add_locale_form = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 136
+managelocales_element_locale_info = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 138
+managelocales_element_add_locale = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 160
+managelocales_element_localenamelabel = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 173
+managelocales_element_localetaglabel = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 179
+managelocales_element_writingmodelabel = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 189
+managelocales_element_localeenabled = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 200
+managelocales_element_submit = "完成"
+; managelocales_element.php line: 218
+managelocales_element_search_locales = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 219
+managelocales_element_addlocale_form = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 221
+managelocales_element_localename = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 222
+managelocales_element_localetag = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 223
+managelocales_element_writingmode = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 224
+managelocales_element_enabled = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 230
+managelocales_element_true = ""
+; managelocales_element.php line: 231
+managelocales_element_false = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 51
+managemachines_element_add_machine = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 63
+managemachines_element_machine_name = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 68
+managemachines_element_machineurl = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 73
+managemachines_element_is_mirror = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 78
+managemachines_element_parent_name = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 84
+managemachines_element_has_queueserver = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 88
+managemachines_element_num_fetchers = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 93
+managemachines_element_submit = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 98
+managemachines_element_machine_info = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 104
+managemachines_element_awaiting_status = ""
+; managemachines_element.php line: 123
+managemachines_element_no_longer_update = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 56
+manageroles_element_roles = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 64
+manageroles_element_rolename = "使用者名稱"
+; manageroles_element.php line: 66
+manageroles_element_actions = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 91
+manageroles_element_edit = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 96
+manageroles_element_delete = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 100
+confirm_delete_operation = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 103
+manageroles_element_delete = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 136
+manageroles_element_addrole_form = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 137
+manageroles_element_role_info = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 139
+manageroles_element_add_role = "新增使用者"
+; manageroles_element.php line: 151
+manageroles_element_rolename = "使用者名稱"
+; manageroles_element.php line: 164
+manageroles_element_role_activities = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 173
+manageroles_element_delete = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 180
+manageroles_element_delete = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 200
+manageroles_element_save = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 218
+manageroles_element_search_role = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 219
+manageroles_element_addrole_form = ""
+; manageroles_element.php line: 221
+manageroles_element_rolename = "使用者名稱"
+; manageusers_element.php line: 56
+manageusers_element_users = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 65
+manageusers_element_username = "使用者名稱"
+; manageusers_element.php line: 67
+manageusers_element_firstname = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 68
+manageusers_element_lastname = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 69
+manageusers_element_email = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 71
+manageusers_element_status = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 73
+manageusers_element_actions = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 135
+manageusers_element_edit = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 139
+manageusers_element_edit = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 146
+manageusers_element_delete = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 150
+confirm_delete_operation = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 153
+manageusers_element_delete = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 194
+manageusers_element_adduser_form = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 195
+manageusers_element_user_info = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 197
+manageusers_element_add_user = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 222
+manageusers_element_username = "使用者名稱"
+; manageusers_element.php line: 232
+manageusers_element_firstname = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 238
+manageusers_element_lastname = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 244
+manageusers_element_email = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 251
+manageusers_element_status = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 268
+manageusers_element_roles = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 272
+manageusers_element_num_roles = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 287
+manageusers_element_delete = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 297
+manageusers_element_delete = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 340
+manageusers_element_filter = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 352
+manageusers_element_add_role = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 362
+manageusers_element_groups = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 366
+manageusers_element_num_groups = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 387
+manageusers_element_delete = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 427
+manageusers_element_filter = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 439
+manageusers_element_add_group = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 452
+manageusers_element_password = "密碼"
+; manageusers_element.php line: 458
+manageusers_element_retype_password = "再次輸入密碼"
+; manageusers_element.php line: 465
+manageusers_element_save = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 492
+manageusers_element_search_user = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 493
+manageusers_element_adduser_form = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 495
+manageusers_element_username = "使用者名稱"
+; manageusers_element.php line: 496
+manageusers_element_firstname = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 497
+manageusers_element_lastname = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 498
+manageusers_element_email = ""
+; manageusers_element.php line: 499
+manageusers_element_status = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 61
+mixcrawls_element_available_mixes = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 68
+mixcrawls_view_name = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 70
+mixcrawls_view_definition = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 74
+mixcrawls_view_actions = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 108
+mixcrawls_view_no_components = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 115
+mixcrawls_view_share = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 118
+mixcrawls_view_edit = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 124
+mixcrawls_set_index = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 127
+mixcrawl_search_index = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 133
+confirm_delete_operation = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 136
+mixcrawls_view_delete = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 146
+mixcrawls_view_back = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 147
+mixcrawls_element_share_mix_group = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 157
+mixcrawls_element_mixname = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 163
+mixcrawls_element_group = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 169
+mixcrawls_element_share = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 193
+mixcrawls_element_make_mix = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 203
+mixcrawls_element_mix_name = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 208
+mixcrawls_element_create_button = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 223
+mixcrawls_element_search_mix = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 224
+mixcrawls_element_createmix_form = ""
+; mixcrawls_element.php line: 226
+mixcrawls_element_mixname = ""
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 78
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+; moreoptions_element.php line: 113
+moreoptions_element_previous = ""
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 119
+moreoptions_element_next = ""
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 126
+moreoptions_element_my_accounts = ""
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 133
+signin_element_settings = "設定"
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 141
+signin_element_signin = "登入"
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 144
+signin_element_admin = "管理員"
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 156
+signin_view_create_account = ""
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 168
+moreoptions_element_suggest = ""
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 171
+moreoptions_element_wiki_pages = ""
+; moreoptions_element.php line: 182
+moreoptions_element_tools = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 58
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 63
+pageoptions_element_search_time = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 68
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 80
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 85
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 91
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 100
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 106
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 116
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 123
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 153
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 169
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 171
+pageoptions_element_use_rank = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 200
+pageoptions_element_no_classifiers = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 203
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 209
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 212
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 229
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 241
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 244
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 254
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 261
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 269
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 278
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 286
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 295
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 304
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 311
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 320
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 335
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 340
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 345
+pageoptions_element_min_results_to_group = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 351
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 359
+pageoptions_element_test_page = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 363
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 380
+pageoptions_element_save_options = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 382
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 388
+pageoptions_element_test_results = ""
+; pageoptions_element.php line: 391
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 396
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 400
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 404
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 408
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 427
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 464
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+; pageoptions_element.php line: 468
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+; resultseditor_element.php line: 51
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+; resultseditor_element.php line: 56
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+; resultseditor_element.php line: 65
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+; resultseditor_element.php line: 67
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+; resultseditor_element.php line: 78
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+; resultseditor_element.php line: 85
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+; resultseditor_element.php line: 91
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+; resultseditor_element.php line: 97
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+; resultseditor_element.php line: 100
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+; resultseditor_element.php line: 103
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+; resultseditor_element.php line: 115
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+; resultseditor_element.php line: 121
+resultseditor_element_save_filter = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 58
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 59
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 63
+searchsources_element_add_media_source = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 87
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 92
+searchsources_element_sourcename = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 101
+searchsources_element_url = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 107
+searchsources_element_locale_tag = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 112
+searchsources_element_thumbnail = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 122
+searchsources_element_feed_instruct = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 125
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 131
+searchsources_element_itempath = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 137
+searchsources_element_titlepath = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 143
+searchsources_element_descpath = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 149
+searchsources_element_linkpath = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 155
+searchsources_element_image_xpath = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 161
+searchsources_element_submit = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 167
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 190
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 191
+searchsources_element_mediatype = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 193
+searchsources_element_mediaurls = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 196
+searchsources_element_action = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 212
+searchsources_element_editmedia = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 215
+confirm_delete_operation = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 218
+searchsources_element_deletemedia = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 227
+searchsources_element_addsearch_form = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 229
+searchsources_element_edit_subsearch = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 234
+searchsources_element_add_subsearch = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 249
+searchsources_element_foldername = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 259
+searchsources_element_indexsource = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 265
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 271
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 277
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+; searchsources_element.php line: 287
+searchsources_element_dirname = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 289
+searchsources_element_index = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 292
+searchsources_element_localestring = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 294
+searchsources_element_perpage = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 300
+searchsources_element_actions = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 316
+searchsources_element_editsource = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 323
+searchsources_element_localize = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 327
+searchsources_element_localize = ""
+; searchsources_element.php line: 334
+searchsources_element_deletesubsearch = ""
+; security_element.php line: 54
+security_element_auth_captcha = ""
+; security_element.php line: 65
+security_element_authentication_type = ""
+; security_element.php line: 77
+security_element_zero_unavailable = ""
+; security_element.php line: 86
+security_element_captcha_type = ""
+; security_element.php line: 100
+security_element_save = ""
+; security_element.php line: 104
+security_element_captcha_recovery_questions = ""
+; security_element.php line: 111
+security_element_edit_recovery = ""
+; security_element.php line: 116
+security_element_edit_captcha = ""
+; security_element.php line: 121
+security_element_edit_recovery = ""
+; security_element.php line: 124
+security_element_edit_captcha = ""
+; serversettings_element.php line: 57
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 61
+serversettings_element_name_server = ""
+; serversettings_element.php line: 65
+serversettings_element_name_server_key = ""
+; serversettings_element.php line: 72
+serversettings_element_name_server_url = ""
+; serversettings_element.php line: 80
+serversettings_element_use_memcache = ""
+; serversettings_element.php line: 88
+serversettings_element_memcache_servers = ""
+; serversettings_element.php line: 99
+serversettings_element_use_filecache = ""
+; serversettings_element.php line: 110
+configure_element_database_setup = ""
+; serversettings_element.php line: 115
+serversettings_element_database_system = ""
+; serversettings_element.php line: 123
+serversettings_element_databasename = ""
+; serversettings_element.php line: 130
+serversettings_element_databasehost = ""
+; serversettings_element.php line: 137
+serversettings_element_databaseuser = ""
+; serversettings_element.php line: 145
+serversettings_element_databasepassword = ""
+; serversettings_element.php line: 158
+serversettings_element_account_registration = ""
+; serversettings_element.php line: 170
+serversettings_element_mail_sender = ""
+; serversettings_element.php line: 176
+serversettings_element_use_php_mail = ""
+; serversettings_element.php line: 183
+serversettings_element_mail_server = ""
+; serversettings_element.php line: 189
+serversettings_element_mail_serverport = ""
+; serversettings_element.php line: 195
+serversettings_element_mail_username = ""
+; serversettings_element.php line: 201
+serversettings_element_mail_password = ""
+; serversettings_element.php line: 208
+serversettings_element_mail_security = ""
+; serversettings_element.php line: 219
+serversettings_element_proxy_title = ""
+; serversettings_element.php line: 224
+serversettings_element_tor_proxy = ""
+; serversettings_element.php line: 230
+serversettings_element_use_proxy_servers = ""
+; serversettings_element.php line: 239
+serversettings_element_proxy_servers = ""
+; serversettings_element.php line: 251
+serversettings_element_adserver_configuration = ""
+; serversettings_element.php line: 255
+serversettings_element_ad_location = ""
+; serversettings_element.php line: 261
+serversettings_element_top = ""
+; serversettings_element.php line: 266
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 294
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+; serversettings_element.php line: 304
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+; signin_element.php line: 70
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+; signin_element.php line: 78
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+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/seek_quarry//views/helpers
+; feeds_helper.php line: 63
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+; feeds_helper.php line: 158
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+; feeds_helper.php line: 163
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+; feeds_helper.php line: 168
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+; fileupload_helper.php line: 76
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+; pagingtable_helper.php line: 232
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+; searchform_helper.php line: 120
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+; searchform_helper.php line: 149
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+; toggle_helper.php line: 63
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+; toggle_helper.php line: 65
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+; toggle_helper.php line: 75
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+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/seek_quarry//views/layouts
+; rss_layout.php line: 60
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+; rss_layout.php line: 68
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+; web_layout.php line: 61
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+; web_layout.php line: 71
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+; machinestatus_view.php line: 52
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+; machinestatus_view.php line: 57
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+; machinestatus_view.php line: 74
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+; machinestatus_view.php line: 101
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+; machinestatus_view.php line: 117
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+; machinestatus_view.php line: 155
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+; machinestatus_view.php line: 175
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+; nocache_view.php line: 59
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+; recover_view.php line: 105
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+; recover_view.php line: 117
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+; recover_view.php line: 132
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+; recover_view.php line: 147
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+; recover_view.php line: 154
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+; recover_view.php line: 187
+register_view_human_check = ""
+; recover_view.php line: 206
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+; recover_view.php line: 216
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+; register_view.php line: 74
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+; register_view.php line: 75
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+; register_view.php line: 76
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+; register_view.php line: 80
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+; register_view.php line: 81
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+; register_view.php line: 83
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+; register_view.php line: 84
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+; register_view.php line: 85
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+; register_view.php line: 86
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+; register_view.php line: 87
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+; register_view.php line: 88
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+; register_view.php line: 89
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+; register_view.php line: 90
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+; register_view.php line: 91
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+; register_view.php line: 92
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+; register_view.php line: 93
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+; register_view.php line: 95
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+; register_view.php line: 100
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+; register_view.php line: 101
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+; register_view.php line: 102
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+; register_view.php line: 103
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+; register_view.php line: 106
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+; register_view.php line: 107
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+; register_view.php line: 108
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+; register_view.php line: 109
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+; register_view.php line: 110
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+; register_view.php line: 111
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+; register_view.php line: 112
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+; register_view.php line: 113
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+; register_view.php line: 115
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+; register_view.php line: 116
+register_view_recovery4_less = ""
+; register_view.php line: 117
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+; register_view.php line: 118
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+; register_view.php line: 119
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+; register_view.php line: 120
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+; register_view.php line: 121
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+; register_view.php line: 122
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+; register_view.php line: 123
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+; register_view.php line: 152
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+; register_view.php line: 189
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+; register_view.php line: 204
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+; register_view.php line: 219
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+; register_view.php line: 232
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+; register_view.php line: 246
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+; register_view.php line: 261
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+; register_view.php line: 277
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+; register_view.php line: 281
+register_view_human_check = ""
+; register_view.php line: 283
+register_view_account_recovery = ""
+; register_view.php line: 315
+register_view_human_check = ""
+; register_view.php line: 330
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+; register_view.php line: 332
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+; register_view.php line: 334
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+; register_view.php line: 336
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+; register_view.php line: 337
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+; register_view.php line: 347
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+; register_view.php line: 357
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+; search_view.php line: 86
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+; search_view.php line: 113
+search_view_input_label = ""
+; search_view.php line: 117
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+; search_view.php line: 120
+search_view_search = "搜尋"
+; search_view.php line: 147
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+; search_view.php line: 152
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+; search_view.php line: 190
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+; search_view.php line: 191
+search_view_results = "結果"
+; search_view.php line: 212
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+; search_view.php line: 321
+search_view_word_cloud = ""
+; search_view.php line: 366
+search_view_cache = ""
+; search_view.php line: 369
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+; search_view.php line: 382
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+; search_view.php line: 394
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+; search_view.php line: 414
+search_view_rank = "排名: %s 名"
+; search_view.php line: 416
+search_view_relevancy = "關聯度:  %s 趴"
+; search_view.php line: 418
+search_view_proximity = ""
+; search_view.php line: 422
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+; search_view.php line: 431
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+; settings_view.php line: 66
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+; settings_view.php line: 73
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+; settings_view.php line: 79
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+; settings_view.php line: 86
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+; settings_view.php line: 92
+settings_view_language_label = "語言"
+; settings_view.php line: 108
+settings_view_return_yioop = "回到首頁"
+; settings_view.php line: 111
+settings_view_save = "儲存"
+; settings_view.php line: 119
+settings_install_search_plugin = ""
+; signin_view.php line: 65
+signin_view_signin = "登入"
+; signin_view.php line: 78
+sigin_view_signing_in = ""
+; signin_view.php line: 81
+sigin_view_login_failed = ""
+; signin_view.php line: 89
+signin_view_username = "使用者名稱"
+; signin_view.php line: 96
+signin_view_password = "密碼"
+; signin_view.php line: 107
+signin_view_login = "登入"
+; signin_view.php line: 122
+signin_view_recover_password = ""
+; signin_view.php line: 127
+signin_view_create_account = ""
+; signin_view.php line: 132
+signin_view_return_yioop = "回到首頁"
+; static_view.php line: 71
+static_view_title = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 63
+statistics_view_statistics = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 68
+statistics_view_calculating = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 82
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+; statistics_view.php line: 83
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+; statistics_view.php line: 84
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+; statistics_view.php line: 85
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+; statistics_view.php line: 86
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+statistics_view_top_level_domain = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 89
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+; statistics_view.php line: 90
+statistics_view_media_type = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 91
+statistics_view_language = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 92
+statistics_view_server = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 93
+statistics_view_os = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 97
+statistics_view_general_info = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 98
+statistics_view_description = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 100
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+; statistics_view.php line: 102
+statistics_view_crawl_date = ""
+; statistics_view.php line: 104
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+; statistics_view.php line: 106
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+; statistics_view.php line: 109
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+; suggest_view.php line: 68
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+; suggest_view.php line: 70
+suggest_view_instructions = ""
+; suggest_view.php line: 94
+suggest_view_url = ""
+; suggest_view.php line: 110
+register_view_human_check = ""
+; suggest_view.php line: 144
+suggest_view_human_check = ""
+; suggest_view.php line: 167
+suggest_view_submit_url = ""
+; suggest_view.php line: 177
+signin_view_return_yioop = "回到首頁"
+; view.php line: 32
+view_locale_version11 = ""
+; view.php line: 81
+view_logo_alt_text = ""
+; wiki_view.php line: 89
+wiki_view_read = ""
+; wiki_view.php line: 90
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+; wiki_view.php line: 133
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+; wiki_view.php line: 157
+adminview_auto_logout_one_minute = ""
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/sq_data/app/views
+; download_view.php line: 62
+download_view_form = ""
+; download_view.php line: 73
+download_view_thank_you = ""
+; download_view.php line: 76
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+; download_view.php line: 82
+download_view_email = ""
+; download_view.php line: 87
+download_view_business = ""
+; download_view.php line: 93
+download_view_interest = ""
+; download_view.php line: 100
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+; download_view.php line: 106
+download_view_return_main = ""
+; download_view.php line: 120
+download_view_required_fields = ""
+; download_view.php line: 125
+download_view_name_required = ""
+; download_view.php line: 130
+download_view_valid_email = ""
+; /Library/WebServer/search_engine/seek_quarry//lib/indexing_plugins
+; wordfilter_plugin.php line: 353
+wordfilter_plugin_settings_saved = ""
+; wordfilter_plugin.php line: 362
+wordfilter_plugin_defaults_restored = ""
+; wordfilter_plugin.php line: 466
+wordfilter_plugin_preferences = ""
+; wordfilter_plugin.php line: 470
+wordfilter_plugin_factory_settings = ""
+; wordfilter_plugin.php line: 483
+wordfilter_plugin_save = ""
diff --git a/locale/zh-CN/resources/locale.js b/locale/zh-CN/resources/locale.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..17f2162
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/zh-CN/resources/locale.js
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+ * SeekQuarry/Yioop --
+ * Open Source Pure PHP Search Engine, Crawler, and Indexer
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2009 - 2015  Chris Pollett
+ *
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+ *
+ *
+ * @author Sandhya Vissapragada
+ * @package seek_quarry
+ * @subpackage javascript
+ * @license GPL3
+ * @link
+ * @copyright 2009 - 2015s
+ * @filesource
+ */
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\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/locale/zh-CN/resources/tokenizer.php b/locale/zh-CN/resources/tokenizer.php
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..43f14e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/zh-CN/resources/tokenizer.php
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+ * SeekQuarry/Yioop --
+ * Open Source Pure PHP Search Engine, Crawler, and Indexer
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2009 - 2015  Chris Pollett
+ *
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+ *
+ * @author Chris Pollett
+ * @package seek_quarry
+ * @subpackage locale
+ * @license GPL3
+ * @link
+ * @copyright 2009 - 2015
+ * @filesource
+ */
+if(!defined('BASE_DIR')) {echo "BAD REQUEST"; exit();}
+ * Chinese specific tokenization code. Typically, tokenizer.php
+ * either contains a stemmer for the language in question or
+ * it specifies how many characters in a char gram
+ *
+ * @author Chris Pollett
+ * @package seek_quarry
+ * @subpackage locale
+ */
+class ZhTokenizer
+    /**
+     * Removes the stop words from the page
+     * @param string $page the page to remove stop words from.
+     * @return string $page with no stop words
+     */
+    static function stopwordsRemover($page)
+    {
+        return $page;
+    }
+    /**
+     * A word segmenter.
+     * Such a segmenter on input thisisabunchofwords would output
+     * this is a bunch of words
+     *
+     * @param string $pre_segment  before segmentation
+     * @return string with words separated by space
+     */
+    static function segment($pre_segment)
+    {
+        return PhraseParser::reverseMaximalMatch($pre_segment, "zh-CN");
+    }
+    /**
+     * For a language with word stems computes a stem of a word. For
+     * Chinese just returns false.
+     *
+     * As an example of the stem of a word consider: jumps, jumping, jumpy,
+     * all have jump as a stem
+     *
+     * @param string $word the string to stem
+     * @return string the stem of $words
+     */
+    static function stem($word)
+    {
+        return false;
+    }
diff --git a/locale/zh-CN/resources1421450899old/locale.js b/locale/zh-CN/resources1421450899old/locale.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c822692
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/zh-CN/resources1421450899old/locale.js
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+ * SeekQuarry/Yioop --
+ * Open Source Pure PHP Search Engine, Crawler, and Indexer
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2009 - 2014  Chris Pollett
+ *
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+ *
+ *
+ * @author Sandhya Vissapragada
+ * @package seek_quarry
+ * @subpackage javascript
+ * @license GPL3
+ * @link
+ * @copyright 2009 - 2014s
+ * @filesource
+ */
+ * The alphabet for this locale (just a stub for now)
+ */
+var alpha = "";
diff --git a/locale/zh-CN/resources1421450899old/ b/locale/zh-CN/resources1421450899old/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..d547ffc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/zh-CN/resources1421450899old/
@@ -0,0 +1,335 @@
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\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/locale/zh-CN/resources1421450899old/tokenizer.php b/locale/zh-CN/resources1421450899old/tokenizer.php
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..5aca520
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/zh-CN/resources1421450899old/tokenizer.php
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+ * SeekQuarry/Yioop --
+ * Open Source Pure PHP Search Engine, Crawler, and Indexer
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2009 - 2014  Chris Pollett
+ *
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+ *
+ * @author Chris Pollett
+ * @package seek_quarry
+ * @subpackage locale
+ * @license GPL3
+ * @link
+ * @copyright 2009 - 2014
+ * @filesource
+ */
+if(!defined('BASE_DIR')) {echo "BAD REQUEST"; exit();}
+ * Chinese specific tokenization code. Typically, tokenizer.php
+ * either contains a stemmer for the language in question or
+ * it specifies how many characters in a char gram
+ *
+ * @author Chris Pollett
+ * @package seek_quarry
+ * @subpackage locale
+ */
+class ZhTokenizer
+    /**
+     * Removes the stop words from the page
+     * @param string $page the page to remove stop words from.
+     * @return string $page with no stop words
+     */
+    static function stopwordsRemover($page)
+    {
+        return $page;
+    }
+    /**
+     * A word segmenter.
+     * Such a segmenter on input thisisabunchofwords would output
+     * this is a bunch of words
+     *
+     * @param string $pre_segment  before segmentation
+     * @return string with words separated by space
+     */
+    static function segment($pre_segment)
+    {
+        return PhraseParser::reverseMaximalMatch($pre_segment, "zh-CN");
+    }
+    /**
+     * For a language with word stems computes a stem of a word. For
+     * Chinese just returns false.
+     *
+     * As an example of the stem of a word consider: jumps, jumping, jumpy,
+     * all have jump as a stem
+     *
+     * @param string $word the string to stem
+     * @return string the stem of $words
+     */
+    static function stem($word)
+    {
+        return false;
+    }
diff --git a/locale/zh-CN/statistics.txt b/locale/zh-CN/statistics.txt
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1bdc2c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/zh-CN/statistics.txt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
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index 1ce2a54..0000000
--- a/rn-US/.svn/text-base/configure.ini.svn-base
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@@ -1,612 +0,0 @@
-; ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
-;  SeekQuarry/Yioop Open Source Pure PHP Search Engine, Crawler, and Indexer
-;  Copyright (C) 2009, 2010  Chris Pollett
-;  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-;  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-;  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-;  (at your option) any later version.
-;  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-;  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-;  GNU General Public License for more details.
-;  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-;  along with this program.  If not, see <>.
-;  ***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****
-; configure.ini
-; rn-US configuration file
-; Strings to translate on various pages
-; /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/seek_quarry//controllers
-; admin_controller.php line: 100
-admin_controller_login_successful = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 104
-admin_controller_login_failed = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 234
-admin_controller_passwords_dont_match = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 241
-admin_controller_invalid_old_password = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 245
-admin_controller_change_password = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 267
-admin_controller_select_username = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 302
-admin_controller_select_rolename = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 326
-admin_controller_passwords_dont_match = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 331
-admin_controller_username_exists = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 336
-admin_controller_username_added = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 344
-admin_controller_username_doesnt_exists = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 349
-admin_controller_username_deleted = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 355
-admin_controller_username_doesnt_exists = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 359
-admin_controller_rolename_doesnt_exists = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 363
-admin_controller_rolename_added = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 371
-admin_controller_username_doesnt_exists = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 375
-admin_controller_rolename_doesnt_exists = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 382
-admin_controller_rolename_deleted = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 402
-admin_controller_select_rolename = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 433
-admin_controller_select_activityname = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 463
-admin_controller_rolename_exists = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 471
-admin_controller_rolename_added = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 480
-admin_controller_rolename_doesnt_exists = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 486
-admin_controller_rolename_deleted = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 491
-admin_controller_rolename_doesnt_exists = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 495
-admin_controller_activityname_doesnt_exists = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 501
-admin_controller_activity_added = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 506
-admin_controller_rolename_doesnt_exists = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 511
-admin_controller_activityname_doesnt_exists = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 518
-admin_controller_activity_deleted = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 540
-admin_controller_starting_new_crawl = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 555
-admin_controller_no_description = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 575
-admin_controller_stop_crawl = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 585
-admin_controller_resume_crawl = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 603
-admin_controller_delete_crawl_success = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 605
-admin_controller_delete_crawl_fail = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 610
-admin_controller_set_index = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 621
-admin_controller_breadth_first = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 622
-admin_controller_page_importance = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 647
-admin_controller_update_seed_info = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 698
-admin_controller_select_localename = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 735
-admin_controller_locale_added = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 741
-admin_controller_localename_doesnt_exists = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 748
-admin_controller_localename_deleted = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 764
-admin_controller_localestrings_updated = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 823
-admin_controller_configure_work_dir_set = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 831
-admin_controller_name_your_bot = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 836
-admin_controller_configure_work_profile_made = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 840
-admin_controller_configure_no_set_config = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 847
-admin_controller_configure_no_create_profile = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 853
-admin_controller_configure_work_dir_invalid = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 860
-admin_controller_configure_work_dir_invalid = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 898
-admin_controller_configure_no_change_db = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 909
-admin_controller_configure_profile_change = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 917
-admin_controller_configure_no_change_profile = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 942
-admin_controller_describe_robot = ""
-; search_controller.php line: 108
-search_controller_logout_successful = "Logout Successful!"
-; search_controller.php line: 305
-search_controller_cached_version = ""
-; settings_controller.php line: 109
-settings_controller_settings_saved = ""
-; /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/seek_quarry//views
-; admin_view.php line: 74
-admin_view_admin = ""
-; admin_view.php line: 91
-adminview_auto_logout_one_minute = ""
-; crawlstatus_view.php line: 59
-crawlstatus_view_currently_processing = ""
-; crawlstatus_view.php line: 60
-crawlstatus_view_description = ""
-; crawlstatus_view.php line: 64
-managecrawl_element_stop_crawl = ""
-; crawlstatus_view.php line: 67
-crawlstatus_view_no_description = ""
-; crawlstatus_view.php line: 70
-crawlstatus_view_time_started = ""
-; crawlstatus_view.php line: 72
-crawlstatus_view_no_crawl_time = ""
-; crawlstatus_view.php line: 74
-crawlstatus_view_total_urls = ""
-; crawlstatus_view.php line: 75
-crawlstatus_view_most_recent_fetcher = ""
-; crawlstatus_view.php line: 81
-crawlstatus_view_no_fetcher = ""
-; crawlstatus_view.php line: 84
-crawlstatus_view_most_recent_urls = ""
-; crawlstatus_view.php line: 91
-crawlstatus_view_no_recent_urls = ""
-; crawlstatus_view.php line: 95
-crawlstatus_view_previous_crawls = ""
-; crawlstatus_view.php line: 101
-crawlstatus_view_description = ""
-crawlstatus_view_time_started = ""
-; crawlstatus_view.php line: 102
-crawlstatus_view_total_urls = ""
-; crawlstatus_view.php line: 103
-crawlstatus_view_actions = ""
-; crawlstatus_view.php line: 109
-crawlstatus_view_resume = ""
-; crawlstatus_view.php line: 113
-crawlstatus_view_set_index = ""
-; crawlstatus_view.php line: 116
-crawlstatus_view_search_index = ""
-; crawlstatus_view.php line: 121
-crawlstatus_view_delete = ""
-; crawlstatus_view.php line: 128
-crawlstatus_view_no_previous_crawl = ""
-; /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/seek_quarry//views/elements
-; activity_element.php line: 57
-activity_element_activities = ""
-; configure_element.php line: 61
-configure_element_work_directory = ""
-; configure_element.php line: 64
-configure_element_load_or_create = ""
-; configure_element.php line: 75
-configure_element_profile_settings = ""
-; configure_element.php line: 76
-configure_element_default_language = ""
-; configure_element.php line: 81
-configure_element_debug_display = ""
-; configure_element.php line: 84
-configure_element_error_info = ""
-; configure_element.php line: 86
-configure_element_query_info = ""
-; configure_element.php line: 88
-configure_element_test_info = ""
-; configure_element.php line: 92
-configure_element_database_setup = ""
-; configure_element.php line: 93
-configure_element_database_system = ""
-; configure_element.php line: 96
-configure_element_databasename = ""
-; configure_element.php line: 100
-configure_element_databaseurl = ""
-; configure_element.php line: 103
-configure_element_databaseuser = ""
-; configure_element.php line: 106
-configure_element_databasepassword = ""
-; configure_element.php line: 112
-configure_element_queue_server = ""
-; configure_element.php line: 113
-configure_element_queue_server_key = ""
-; configure_element.php line: 116
-configure_element_queue_server_url = ""
-; configure_element.php line: 121
-configure_element_crawl_robot = ""
-; configure_element.php line: 122
-configure_element_robot_name = ""
-; configure_element.php line: 125
-configure_element_robot_description = ""
-; configure_element.php line: 132
-configure_element_submit = ""
-; crawloptions_element.php line: 60
-crawloptions_element_back_to_manage = ""
-; crawloptions_element.php line: 62
-crawloptions_element_edit_crawl_options = ""
-; crawloptions_element.php line: 70
-crawloptions_element_crawl_order = ""
-; crawloptions_element.php line: 73
-crawloptions_element_restrict_by_url = ""
-; crawloptions_element.php line: 75
-crawloptions_element_allowed_to_crawl = ""
-; crawloptions_element.php line: 79
-crawloptions_element_disallowed_to_crawl = ""
-; crawloptions_element.php line: 83
-crawloptions_element_seed_sites = ""
-; crawloptions_element.php line: 87
-crawloptions_element_save_options = ""
-; editlocales_element.php line: 60
-editlocales_element_back_to_manage = ""
-; editlocales_element.php line: 62
-editlocales_element_edit_locale = ""
-; editlocales_element.php line: 81
-editlocales_element_submit = ""
-; manageaccount_element.php line: 56
-manageaccount_element_change_password = ""
-; manageaccount_element.php line: 64
-manageaccount_element_old_password = ""
-; manageaccount_element.php line: 66
-manageaccount_element_new_password = ""
-; manageaccount_element.php line: 68
-manageaccount_element_retype_password = ""
-; manageaccount_element.php line: 71
-manageaccount_element_save = ""
-; managecrawl_element.php line: 55
-managecrawl_element_create_crawl = ""
-; managecrawl_element.php line: 62
-managecrawl_element_description = ""
-; managecrawl_element.php line: 63
-managecrawl_element_start_new_crawl = ""
-managecrawl_element_options = ""
-; managecrawl_element.php line: 66
-managecrawl_element_awaiting_status = ""
-; managecrawl_element.php line: 81
-managecrawl_element_up_longer_update = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 58
-managelocales_element_add_locale = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 66
-managelocales_element_localenamelabel = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 69
-managelocales_element_localetaglabel = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 72
-managelocales_element_writingmodelabel = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 79
-managelocales_element_submit = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 84
-managelocales_element_delete_locale = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 92
-managelocales_element_delete_localelabel = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 93
-managelocales_element_submit = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 98
-managelocales_element_locale_list = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 100
-managelocales_element_localename = ""
-managelocales_element_localetag = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 101
-managelocales_element_writingmode = ""
-managelocales_element_percenttranslated = ""
-; manageroles_element.php line: 55
-manageroles_element_add_role = ""
-; manageroles_element.php line: 63
-manageroles_element_rolename = ""
-; manageroles_element.php line: 64
-manageroles_element_submit = ""
-; manageroles_element.php line: 69
-manageroles_element_delete_role = ""
-; manageroles_element.php line: 77
-manageusers_element_delete_rolename = ""
-; manageroles_element.php line: 78
-manageroles_element_submit = ""
-; manageroles_element.php line: 82
-manageroles_element_view_role_activities = ""
-; manageroles_element.php line: 89
-manageusers_element_select_role = ""
-; manageroles_element.php line: 104
-manageusers_element_add_activity = ""
-; manageroles_element.php line: 106
-manageroles_element_submit = ""
-; manageusers_element.php line: 57
-manageusers_element_add_user = ""
-; manageusers_element.php line: 65
-manageusers_element_username = ""
-; manageusers_element.php line: 67
-manageusers_element_password = ""
-; manageusers_element.php line: 69
-manageusers_element_retype_password = ""
-; manageusers_element.php line: 71
-manageusers_element_submit = ""
-; manageusers_element.php line: 76
-manageusers_element_delete_user = ""
-; manageusers_element.php line: 84
-manageusers_element_delete_username = ""
-; manageusers_element.php line: 85
-manageusers_element_submit = ""
-; manageusers_element.php line: 90
-manageusers_element_view_user_roles = ""
-; manageusers_element.php line: 97
-manageusers_element_select_user = ""
-; manageusers_element.php line: 112
-manageusers_element_add_role = ""
-; manageusers_element.php line: 114
-manageusers_element_submit = ""
-; signin_element.php line: 56
-signin_element_settings = ""
-; signin_element.php line: 59
-signin_element_signin = ""
-; signin_element.php line: 63
-signin_element_admin = ""
-; signin_element.php line: 64
-signin_element_signout = ""
-; /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/seek_quarry//views/helpers
-; pagination_helper.php line: 86
-pagination_helper_previous = ""
-; pagination_helper.php line: 99
-pagination_helper_next = ""
-; /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/seek_quarry//views/layouts
-; web_layout.php line: 68
-web_layout_description = ""
-; web_layout.php line: 80
-web_layout_query_statistics = ""
-; web_layout.php line: 81
-web_layout_total_elapsed_time = ""
-; web_layout.php line: 84
-web_layout_query_time = ""
-; nocache_view.php line: 65
-nocache_view_no_cache = ""
-; search_view.php line: 85
-search_view_input_label = ""
-; search_view.php line: 86
-search_view_input_placeholder = ""
-; search_view.php line: 87
-search_view_search = "Search"
-; search_view.php line: 97
-search_view_query_results = ""
-search_view_calculated = ""
-; search_view.php line: 98
-search_view_results = ""
-; search_view.php line: 114
-search_view_rank = ""
-; search_view.php line: 115
-search_view_relevancy = ""
-; search_view.php line: 116
-search_view_score = ""
-; search_view.php line: 121
-search_view_cache = ""
-; search_view.php line: 124
-search_view_as_text = ""
-; search_view.php line: 126
-search_view_similar = ""
-; settings_view.php line: 70
-settings_view_settings = ""
-; settings_view.php line: 75
-settings_view_results_per_page = ""
-; settings_view.php line: 78
-settings_view_language_label = ""
-; settings_view.php line: 80
-settings_view_return_yioop = ""
-; settings_view.php line: 81
-settings_view_save = ""
-; settings_view.php line: 88
-setting_install_search_plugin = ""
-; signin_view.php line: 61
-signin_view_signin = ""
-; signin_view.php line: 66
-signin_view_username = ""
-; signin_view.php line: 70
-signin_view_password = ""
-; signin_view.php line: 76
-signin_view_login = ""
-; signin_view.php line: 82
-signin_view_return_yioop = ""
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/rn-US/.svn/text-base/statistics.txt.svn-base b/rn-US/.svn/text-base/statistics.txt.svn-base
deleted file mode 100755
index fdbc9d3..0000000
--- a/rn-US/.svn/text-base/statistics.txt.svn-base
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/rn-US/configure.ini b/rn-US/configure.ini
deleted file mode 100755
index 5dc2782..0000000
--- a/rn-US/configure.ini
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,500 +0,0 @@
-; ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
-;  SeekQuarry/Yioop Open Source Pure PHP Search Engine, Crawler, and Indexer
-;  Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, 2011  Chris Pollett
-;  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-;  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-;  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-;  (at your option) any later version.
-;  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-;  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-;  GNU General Public License for more details.
-;  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-;  along with this program.  If not, see <>.
-;  ***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****
-; configure.ini
-; rn-US configuration file
-; Strings to translate on various pages
-; /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/git/seek_quarry//controllers
-; admin_controller.php line: 105
-admin_controller_login_successful = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 110
-admin_controller_login_failed = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 229
-admin_controller_passwords_dont_match = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 239
-admin_controller_invalid_old_password = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 246
-admin_controller_change_password = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 278
-admin_controller_select_username = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 315
-admin_controller_select_rolename = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 341
-admin_controller_passwords_dont_match = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 348
-admin_controller_username_exists = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 355
-admin_controller_username_added = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 364
-admin_controller_username_doesnt_exists = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 371
-admin_controller_username_deleted = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 378
-admin_controller_username_doesnt_exists = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 384
-admin_controller_rolename_doesnt_exists = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 390
-admin_controller_rolename_added = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 401
-admin_controller_username_doesnt_exists = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 407
-admin_controller_rolename_doesnt_exists = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 417
-admin_controller_rolename_deleted = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 446
-admin_controller_select_rolename = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 481
-admin_controller_select_activityname = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 514
-admin_controller_rolename_exists = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 524
-admin_controller_rolename_added = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 535
-admin_controller_rolename_doesnt_exists = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 543
-admin_controller_rolename_deleted = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 549
-admin_controller_rolename_doesnt_exists = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 555
-admin_controller_activityname_doesnt_exists = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 565
-admin_controller_activity_added = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 571
-admin_controller_rolename_doesnt_exists = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 578
-admin_controller_activityname_doesnt_exists = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 590
-admin_controller_activity_deleted = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 618
-admin_controller_select_localename = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 662
-admin_controller_locale_added = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 669
-admin_controller_localename_doesnt_exists = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 678
-admin_controller_localename_deleted = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 687
-admin_controller_select_staticpages = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 706
-admin_controller_staticpage_updated = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 729
-admin_controller_localestrings_updated = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 807
-admin_controller_configure_work_dir_set = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 829
-admin_controller_configure_work_profile_made = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 835
-admin_controller_configure_no_set_config = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 846
-admin_controller_configure_no_create_profile = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 856
-admin_controller_configure_work_dir_invalid = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 867
-admin_controller_configure_work_dir_invalid = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 919
-admin_controller_configure_no_change_db = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 933
-admin_controller_configure_profile_change = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 946
-admin_controller_configure_no_change_profile = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 980
-admin_controller_describe_robot = ""
-; main_controller.php line: 92
-search_controller_logout_successful = "Logout Successful!"
-; main_controller.php line: 136
-main_controller_download = ""
-; main_controller.php line: 153
-main_controller_missing_fields = ""
-; main_controller.php line: 182
-main_controller_email_sent = ""
-; main_controller.php line: 196
-main_controller_yioop_download = ""
-; main_controller.php line: 197
-main_controller_click_download = ""
-; main_controller.php line: 208
-main_controller_url_error = ""
-; main_controller.php line: 217
-main_controller_expired_url = ""
-; /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/git/seek_quarry//views
-; admin_view.php line: 77
-admin_view_admin = ""
-; admin_view.php line: 97
-adminview_auto_logout_one_minute = ""
-; download_view.php line: 62
-download_view_form = ""
-; download_view.php line: 73
-download_view_thank_you = ""
-; download_view.php line: 76
-download_view_full_name = ""
-; download_view.php line: 82
-download_view_email = ""
-; download_view.php line: 87
-download_view_business = ""
-; download_view.php line: 93
-download_view_interest = ""
-; download_view.php line: 100
-download_view_get_email = ""
-; download_view.php line: 106
-download_view_return_main = ""
-; download_view.php line: 120
-download_view_required_fields = ""
-; download_view.php line: 125
-download_view_name_required = ""
-; download_view.php line: 130
-download_view_valid_email = ""
-; /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/git/seek_quarry//views/elements
-; activity_element.php line: 57
-activity_element_activities = ""
-; configure_element.php line: 81
-configure_element_work_directory = ""
-; configure_element.php line: 86
-configure_element_load_or_create = ""
-; configure_element.php line: 99
-configure_element_profile_settings = ""
-; configure_element.php line: 101
-configure_element_default_language = ""
-; configure_element.php line: 107
-configure_element_debug_display = ""
-; configure_element.php line: 112
-configure_element_error_info = ""
-; configure_element.php line: 117
-configure_element_query_info = ""
-; configure_element.php line: 122
-configure_element_test_info = ""
-; configure_element.php line: 127
-configure_element_database_setup = ""
-; configure_element.php line: 129
-configure_element_database_system = ""
-; configure_element.php line: 135
-configure_element_databasename = ""
-; configure_element.php line: 142
-configure_element_databaseurl = ""
-; configure_element.php line: 148
-configure_element_databaseuser = ""
-; configure_element.php line: 155
-configure_element_databasepassword = ""
-; configure_element.php line: 164
-configure_element_queue_server = ""
-; configure_element.php line: 166
-configure_element_queue_server_key = ""
-; configure_element.php line: 175
-configure_element_submit = ""
-; editlocales_element.php line: 62
-editlocales_element_back_to_manage = ""
-; editlocales_element.php line: 64
-editlocales_element_edit_locale = ""
-; editlocales_element.php line: 76
-editlocales_element_static_pages = ""
-; editlocales_element.php line: 110
-editlocales_element_submit = ""
-; editstatic_element.php line: 64
-editlocales_element_back_to_manage = ""
-; editstatic_element.php line: 78
-editstatic_element_locale_name = ""
-; editstatic_element.php line: 82
-editstatic_element_page = ""
-; editstatic_element.php line: 89
-editstatic_element_savebutton = ""
-; manageaccount_element.php line: 56
-manageaccount_element_change_password = ""
-; manageaccount_element.php line: 66
-manageaccount_element_old_password = ""
-; manageaccount_element.php line: 71
-manageaccount_element_new_password = ""
-; manageaccount_element.php line: 76
-manageaccount_element_retype_password = ""
-; manageaccount_element.php line: 82
-manageaccount_element_save = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 59
-managelocales_element_add_locale = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 69
-managelocales_element_localenamelabel = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 75
-managelocales_element_localetaglabel = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 79
-managelocales_element_writingmodelabel = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 92
-managelocales_element_submit = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 98
-managelocales_element_delete_locale = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 108
-managelocales_element_delete_localelabel = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 112
-managelocales_element_submit = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 117
-managelocales_element_locale_list = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 120
-managelocales_element_localename = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 121
-managelocales_element_localetag = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 122
-managelocales_element_writingmode = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 124
-managelocales_element_percenttranslated = ""
-; manageroles_element.php line: 57
-manageroles_element_add_role = ""
-; manageroles_element.php line: 67
-manageroles_element_rolename = ""
-; manageroles_element.php line: 71
-manageroles_element_submit = ""
-; manageroles_element.php line: 76
-manageroles_element_delete_role = ""
-; manageroles_element.php line: 86
-manageusers_element_delete_rolename = ""
-; manageroles_element.php line: 90
-manageroles_element_submit = ""
-; manageroles_element.php line: 94
-manageroles_element_view_role_activities = ""
-; manageroles_element.php line: 103
-manageusers_element_select_role = ""
-; manageroles_element.php line: 123
-manageusers_element_add_activity = ""
-; manageroles_element.php line: 128
-manageroles_element_submit = ""
-; manageusers_element.php line: 57
-manageusers_element_add_user = ""
-; manageusers_element.php line: 67
-manageusers_element_username = ""
-; manageusers_element.php line: 71
-manageusers_element_password = ""
-; manageusers_element.php line: 75
-manageusers_element_retype_password = ""
-; manageusers_element.php line: 80
-manageusers_element_submit = ""
-; manageusers_element.php line: 86
-manageusers_element_delete_user = ""
-; manageusers_element.php line: 96
-manageusers_element_delete_username = ""
-; manageusers_element.php line: 100
-manageusers_element_submit = ""
-; manageusers_element.php line: 105
-manageusers_element_view_user_roles = ""
-; manageusers_element.php line: 114
-manageusers_element_select_user = ""
-; manageusers_element.php line: 135
-manageusers_element_add_role = ""
-; manageusers_element.php line: 140
-manageusers_element_submit = ""
-; signin_element.php line: 59
-signin_element_signin = ""
-; signin_element.php line: 65
-signin_element_admin = ""
-; signin_element.php line: 67
-signin_element_signout = ""
-; /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/git/seek_quarry//views/layouts
-; web_layout.php line: 66
-web_layout_open_seekquarry = ""
-; web_layout.php line: 73
-web_layout_description = ""
-; web_layout.php line: 94
-web_layout_open_source = ""
-; web_layout.php line: 96
-web_layout_about_sq = ""
-; web_layout.php line: 102
-web_layout_query_statistics = ""
-; web_layout.php line: 103
-web_layout_total_elapsed_time = ""
-; web_layout.php line: 108
-web_layout_query_time = ""
-; main_view.php line: 71
-main_view_home = ""
-; main_view.php line: 73
-main_view_demo = ""
-; main_view.php line: 75
-main_view_downloads = ""
-; main_view.php line: 77
-main_view_documentation = ""
-; main_view.php line: 79
-main_view_discussion = ""
-; main_view.php line: 81
-main_view_resources = ""
-; signin_view.php line: 62
-signin_view_signin = ""
-; signin_view.php line: 69
-signin_view_username = ""
-; signin_view.php line: 75
-signin_view_password = ""
-; signin_view.php line: 84
-signin_view_login = ""
-; signin_view.php line: 91
-signin_view_return_main = ""
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/rn-US/statistics.txt b/rn-US/statistics.txt
deleted file mode 100755
index fdbc9d3..0000000
--- a/rn-US/statistics.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/vi-VN/configure.ini b/vi-VN/configure.ini
deleted file mode 100755
index c4a392c..0000000
--- a/vi-VN/configure.ini
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,500 +0,0 @@
-; ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
-;  SeekQuarry/Yioop Open Source Pure PHP Search Engine, Crawler, and Indexer
-;  Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, 2011  Chris Pollett
-;  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-;  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-;  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-;  (at your option) any later version.
-;  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-;  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-;  GNU General Public License for more details.
-;  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-;  along with this program.  If not, see <>.
-;  ***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****
-; configure.ini
-; vi-VN configuration file
-; Strings to translate on various pages
-; /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/git/seek_quarry//controllers
-; admin_controller.php line: 105
-admin_controller_login_successful = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 110
-admin_controller_login_failed = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 229
-admin_controller_passwords_dont_match = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 239
-admin_controller_invalid_old_password = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 246
-admin_controller_change_password = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 278
-admin_controller_select_username = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 315
-admin_controller_select_rolename = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 341
-admin_controller_passwords_dont_match = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 348
-admin_controller_username_exists = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 355
-admin_controller_username_added = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 364
-admin_controller_username_doesnt_exists = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 371
-admin_controller_username_deleted = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 378
-admin_controller_username_doesnt_exists = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 384
-admin_controller_rolename_doesnt_exists = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 390
-admin_controller_rolename_added = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 401
-admin_controller_username_doesnt_exists = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 407
-admin_controller_rolename_doesnt_exists = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 417
-admin_controller_rolename_deleted = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 446
-admin_controller_select_rolename = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 481
-admin_controller_select_activityname = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 514
-admin_controller_rolename_exists = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 524
-admin_controller_rolename_added = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 535
-admin_controller_rolename_doesnt_exists = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 543
-admin_controller_rolename_deleted = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 549
-admin_controller_rolename_doesnt_exists = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 555
-admin_controller_activityname_doesnt_exists = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 565
-admin_controller_activity_added = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 571
-admin_controller_rolename_doesnt_exists = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 578
-admin_controller_activityname_doesnt_exists = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 590
-admin_controller_activity_deleted = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 618
-admin_controller_select_localename = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 662
-admin_controller_locale_added = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 669
-admin_controller_localename_doesnt_exists = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 678
-admin_controller_localename_deleted = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 687
-admin_controller_select_staticpages = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 706
-admin_controller_staticpage_updated = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 729
-admin_controller_localestrings_updated = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 807
-admin_controller_configure_work_dir_set = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 829
-admin_controller_configure_work_profile_made = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 835
-admin_controller_configure_no_set_config = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 846
-admin_controller_configure_no_create_profile = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 856
-admin_controller_configure_work_dir_invalid = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 867
-admin_controller_configure_work_dir_invalid = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 919
-admin_controller_configure_no_change_db = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 933
-admin_controller_configure_profile_change = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 946
-admin_controller_configure_no_change_profile = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 980
-admin_controller_describe_robot = ""
-; main_controller.php line: 92
-search_controller_logout_successful = ""
-; main_controller.php line: 136
-main_controller_download = ""
-; main_controller.php line: 153
-main_controller_missing_fields = ""
-; main_controller.php line: 182
-main_controller_email_sent = ""
-; main_controller.php line: 196
-main_controller_yioop_download = ""
-; main_controller.php line: 197
-main_controller_click_download = ""
-; main_controller.php line: 208
-main_controller_url_error = ""
-; main_controller.php line: 217
-main_controller_expired_url = ""
-; /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/git/seek_quarry//views
-; admin_view.php line: 77
-admin_view_admin = ""
-; admin_view.php line: 97
-adminview_auto_logout_one_minute = ""
-; download_view.php line: 62
-download_view_form = ""
-; download_view.php line: 73
-download_view_thank_you = ""
-; download_view.php line: 76
-download_view_full_name = ""
-; download_view.php line: 82
-download_view_email = ""
-; download_view.php line: 87
-download_view_business = ""
-; download_view.php line: 93
-download_view_interest = ""
-; download_view.php line: 100
-download_view_get_email = ""
-; download_view.php line: 106
-download_view_return_main = ""
-; download_view.php line: 120
-download_view_required_fields = ""
-; download_view.php line: 125
-download_view_name_required = ""
-; download_view.php line: 130
-download_view_valid_email = ""
-; /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/git/seek_quarry//views/elements
-; activity_element.php line: 57
-activity_element_activities = ""
-; configure_element.php line: 81
-configure_element_work_directory = ""
-; configure_element.php line: 86
-configure_element_load_or_create = ""
-; configure_element.php line: 99
-configure_element_profile_settings = ""
-; configure_element.php line: 101
-configure_element_default_language = ""
-; configure_element.php line: 107
-configure_element_debug_display = ""
-; configure_element.php line: 112
-configure_element_error_info = ""
-; configure_element.php line: 117
-configure_element_query_info = ""
-; configure_element.php line: 122
-configure_element_test_info = ""
-; configure_element.php line: 127
-configure_element_database_setup = ""
-; configure_element.php line: 129
-configure_element_database_system = ""
-; configure_element.php line: 135
-configure_element_databasename = ""
-; configure_element.php line: 142
-configure_element_databaseurl = ""
-; configure_element.php line: 148
-configure_element_databaseuser = ""
-; configure_element.php line: 155
-configure_element_databasepassword = ""
-; configure_element.php line: 164
-configure_element_queue_server = ""
-; configure_element.php line: 166
-configure_element_queue_server_key = ""
-; configure_element.php line: 175
-configure_element_submit = ""
-; editlocales_element.php line: 62
-editlocales_element_back_to_manage = ""
-; editlocales_element.php line: 64
-editlocales_element_edit_locale = ""
-; editlocales_element.php line: 76
-editlocales_element_static_pages = ""
-; editlocales_element.php line: 110
-editlocales_element_submit = ""
-; editstatic_element.php line: 64
-editlocales_element_back_to_manage = ""
-; editstatic_element.php line: 78
-editstatic_element_locale_name = ""
-; editstatic_element.php line: 82
-editstatic_element_page = ""
-; editstatic_element.php line: 89
-editstatic_element_savebutton = ""
-; manageaccount_element.php line: 56
-manageaccount_element_change_password = ""
-; manageaccount_element.php line: 66
-manageaccount_element_old_password = ""
-; manageaccount_element.php line: 71
-manageaccount_element_new_password = ""
-; manageaccount_element.php line: 76
-manageaccount_element_retype_password = ""
-; manageaccount_element.php line: 82
-manageaccount_element_save = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 59
-managelocales_element_add_locale = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 69
-managelocales_element_localenamelabel = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 75
-managelocales_element_localetaglabel = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 79
-managelocales_element_writingmodelabel = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 92
-managelocales_element_submit = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 98
-managelocales_element_delete_locale = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 108
-managelocales_element_delete_localelabel = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 112
-managelocales_element_submit = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 117
-managelocales_element_locale_list = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 120
-managelocales_element_localename = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 121
-managelocales_element_localetag = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 122
-managelocales_element_writingmode = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 124
-managelocales_element_percenttranslated = ""
-; manageroles_element.php line: 57
-manageroles_element_add_role = ""
-; manageroles_element.php line: 67
-manageroles_element_rolename = ""
-; manageroles_element.php line: 71
-manageroles_element_submit = ""
-; manageroles_element.php line: 76
-manageroles_element_delete_role = ""
-; manageroles_element.php line: 86
-manageusers_element_delete_rolename = ""
-; manageroles_element.php line: 90
-manageroles_element_submit = ""
-; manageroles_element.php line: 94
-manageroles_element_view_role_activities = ""
-; manageroles_element.php line: 103
-manageusers_element_select_role = ""
-; manageroles_element.php line: 123
-manageusers_element_add_activity = ""
-; manageroles_element.php line: 128
-manageroles_element_submit = ""
-; manageusers_element.php line: 57
-manageusers_element_add_user = ""
-; manageusers_element.php line: 67
-manageusers_element_username = ""
-; manageusers_element.php line: 71
-manageusers_element_password = ""
-; manageusers_element.php line: 75
-manageusers_element_retype_password = ""
-; manageusers_element.php line: 80
-manageusers_element_submit = ""
-; manageusers_element.php line: 86
-manageusers_element_delete_user = ""
-; manageusers_element.php line: 96
-manageusers_element_delete_username = ""
-; manageusers_element.php line: 100
-manageusers_element_submit = ""
-; manageusers_element.php line: 105
-manageusers_element_view_user_roles = ""
-; manageusers_element.php line: 114
-manageusers_element_select_user = ""
-; manageusers_element.php line: 135
-manageusers_element_add_role = ""
-; manageusers_element.php line: 140
-manageusers_element_submit = ""
-; signin_element.php line: 59
-signin_element_signin = ""
-; signin_element.php line: 65
-signin_element_admin = ""
-; signin_element.php line: 67
-signin_element_signout = ""
-; /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/git/seek_quarry//views/layouts
-; web_layout.php line: 66
-web_layout_open_seekquarry = ""
-; web_layout.php line: 73
-web_layout_description = "Giúp tìm caí mà bạn muốn tìm kiếm"
-; web_layout.php line: 94
-web_layout_open_source = ""
-; web_layout.php line: 96
-web_layout_about_sq = ""
-; web_layout.php line: 102
-web_layout_query_statistics = ""
-; web_layout.php line: 103
-web_layout_total_elapsed_time = ""
-; web_layout.php line: 108
-web_layout_query_time = ""
-; main_view.php line: 71
-main_view_home = ""
-; main_view.php line: 73
-main_view_demo = ""
-; main_view.php line: 75
-main_view_downloads = ""
-; main_view.php line: 77
-main_view_documentation = ""
-; main_view.php line: 79
-main_view_discussion = ""
-; main_view.php line: 81
-main_view_resources = ""
-; signin_view.php line: 62
-signin_view_signin = "Đăng nhâp"
-; signin_view.php line: 69
-signin_view_username = "Tài khoản"
-; signin_view.php line: 75
-signin_view_password = "Mật khẩu"
-; signin_view.php line: 84
-signin_view_login = "Tài khoản"
-; signin_view.php line: 91
-signin_view_return_main = ""
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/vi-VN/statistics.txt b/vi-VN/statistics.txt
deleted file mode 100755
index d6e1ed4..0000000
--- a/vi-VN/statistics.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/views/download_view.php b/views/download_view.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e3fd73a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/views/download_view.php
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+ *  SeekQuarry/Yioop --
+ *  Open Source Pure PHP Search Engine, Crawler, and Indexer
+ *
+ *  Copyright (C) 2009 - 2014  Chris Pollett
+ *
+ *
+ *  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ *  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ *  (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *  GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ *  along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+ *
+ *
+ * @author Chris Pollett
+ * @package seek_quarry
+ * @subpackage view
+ * @license GPL3
+ * @link
+ * @copyright 2009 - 2014
+ * @filesource
+ */
+if(!defined('BASE_DIR')) {echo "BAD REQUEST"; exit();}
+ * This View is responsible for drawing the download
+ * information request form for the Seek Quarry app
+ *
+ * @author Chris Pollett
+ * @package seek_quarry
+ * @subpackage view
+ */
+class DownloadView extends View
+    /** This view is drawn on a web layout
+     *  @var string
+     */
+    var $layout = "web";
+    /**
+     *  Draws the download yioop web page.
+     *
+     *  @param array $data  contains the anti CSRF token YIOOP_TOKEN
+     *  the view
+     */
+    function renderView($data) {
+   <div  class="download">
+  <h1 class="logo"><a href="."><img src="./?c=resource&amp;a=get&amp;f=resources&amp;g=2&amp;p=11&amp;n=SeekQuarry.png"
+    alt="SeekQuarry" /></a><span> - <?php e(tl('download_view_form'));
+    ?></span></h1>
+<form  method="post" onsubmit="return checkFields();">
+<input type="hidden" name="YIOOP_TOKEN" value="<?php
+        e($data['YIOOP_TOKEN']); ?>" />
+<input type="hidden" name="a" value="download" />
+<input type="hidden" name="arg" value="step1" />
+<input type="hidden" name="version" value="<?php e($data['version'])?>" />
+    <table>
+    <tr><td colspan="2"><?php
+    e(tl('download_view_thank_you')); ?></td></tr>
+    <tr>
+    <th class="table-label" ><label for="full-name"><?php
+        e(tl('download_view_full_name')); ?></label>:</th>
+        <td class="table-input"><input id="full-name" type="text"
+            class="narrowfield" maxlength="80" name="full_name"/>
+    </td></tr>
+    <tr>
+    <th class="table-label" ><label for="e-mail"><?php
+        e(tl('download_view_email')); ?></label>:</th>
+        <td class="table-input"><input id="e-mail" type="text"
+        class="narrowfield" maxlength="80" name="e_mail" /></td>
+    <tr>
+    <th class="table-label" ><label for="business-id"><?php
+        e(tl('download_view_business')); ?></label>:</th>
+        <td class="table-input"><input id="business-id" type="text"
+        class="narrowfield" maxlength="80" name="business" /></td>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+    <th class="table-label" colspan="2"><label for="yioop-use"><?php
+        e(tl('download_view_interest')); ?></label></th>
+    </tr>
+    <tr><td colspan="2">
+    <textarea class="shorttextarea" name="interest" ></textarea></td>
+    </tr>
+    <tr><td colspan="2" class="center">
+    <button  type="submit" name="c" value="main"><?php
+        e(tl('download_view_get_email')); ?></button>
+    </td></tr>
+    </table>
+<div class="center"><a href="?c=static&p=Downloads"><?php
+    e(tl('download_view_return_main')); ?></a></div>
+<script type="text/javascript" />
+function checkFields()
+    var full_name = elt('full-name');
+    var email = elt('e-mail');
+    var email_regex =
+        /^([a-zA-Z0-9_\.\-])+\@(([a-zA-Z0-9\-])+\.)+([a-zA-Z0-9]{2,4})+$/;
+    var email_good = email_regex.test(email.value);
+    if(full_name.value == "" && !email_good) {
+ = 'red';
+ = 'red';
+        doMessage('<h1 class="red"><?php
+            e(tl("download_view_required_fields"))?></h1>');
+        return false;
+    } else if(full_name.value == "") {
+ = 'red';
+        doMessage('<h1 class="red"><?php
+            e(tl("download_view_name_required"))?></h1>');
+        return false;
+    } else if(!email_good) {
+ = 'red';
+        doMessage('<h1 class="red"><?php
+            e(tl("download_view_valid_email"))?></h1>');
+        return false;
+    }
+    return true;
+    }
diff --git a/views/elements/footer_element.php b/views/elements/footer_element.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6ed53ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/views/elements/footer_element.php
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+        <div class="current-activity-footer">
+            <div class="footer" >
+(c) 2014 Seekquarry, LLC - <a href="">Open
+Source Search Engine Software</a>. <a href="?c=static&amp;p=About">About
+Seekquarry</a>	.
diff --git a/vn-US/configure.ini b/vn-US/configure.ini
deleted file mode 100755
index 6c20c60..0000000
--- a/vn-US/configure.ini
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,500 +0,0 @@
-; ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
-;  SeekQuarry/Yioop Open Source Pure PHP Search Engine, Crawler, and Indexer
-;  Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, 2011  Chris Pollett
-;  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-;  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-;  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-;  (at your option) any later version.
-;  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-;  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-;  GNU General Public License for more details.
-;  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-;  along with this program.  If not, see <>.
-;  ***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****
-; configure.ini
-; vn-US configuration file
-; Strings to translate on various pages
-; /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/git/seek_quarry//controllers
-; admin_controller.php line: 105
-admin_controller_login_successful = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 110
-admin_controller_login_failed = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 229
-admin_controller_passwords_dont_match = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 239
-admin_controller_invalid_old_password = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 246
-admin_controller_change_password = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 278
-admin_controller_select_username = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 315
-admin_controller_select_rolename = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 341
-admin_controller_passwords_dont_match = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 348
-admin_controller_username_exists = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 355
-admin_controller_username_added = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 364
-admin_controller_username_doesnt_exists = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 371
-admin_controller_username_deleted = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 378
-admin_controller_username_doesnt_exists = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 384
-admin_controller_rolename_doesnt_exists = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 390
-admin_controller_rolename_added = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 401
-admin_controller_username_doesnt_exists = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 407
-admin_controller_rolename_doesnt_exists = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 417
-admin_controller_rolename_deleted = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 446
-admin_controller_select_rolename = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 481
-admin_controller_select_activityname = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 514
-admin_controller_rolename_exists = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 524
-admin_controller_rolename_added = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 535
-admin_controller_rolename_doesnt_exists = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 543
-admin_controller_rolename_deleted = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 549
-admin_controller_rolename_doesnt_exists = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 555
-admin_controller_activityname_doesnt_exists = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 565
-admin_controller_activity_added = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 571
-admin_controller_rolename_doesnt_exists = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 578
-admin_controller_activityname_doesnt_exists = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 590
-admin_controller_activity_deleted = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 618
-admin_controller_select_localename = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 662
-admin_controller_locale_added = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 669
-admin_controller_localename_doesnt_exists = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 678
-admin_controller_localename_deleted = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 687
-admin_controller_select_staticpages = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 706
-admin_controller_staticpage_updated = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 729
-admin_controller_localestrings_updated = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 807
-admin_controller_configure_work_dir_set = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 829
-admin_controller_configure_work_profile_made = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 835
-admin_controller_configure_no_set_config = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 846
-admin_controller_configure_no_create_profile = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 856
-admin_controller_configure_work_dir_invalid = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 867
-admin_controller_configure_work_dir_invalid = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 919
-admin_controller_configure_no_change_db = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 933
-admin_controller_configure_profile_change = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 946
-admin_controller_configure_no_change_profile = ""
-; admin_controller.php line: 980
-admin_controller_describe_robot = ""
-; main_controller.php line: 92
-search_controller_logout_successful = ""
-; main_controller.php line: 136
-main_controller_download = ""
-; main_controller.php line: 153
-main_controller_missing_fields = ""
-; main_controller.php line: 182
-main_controller_email_sent = ""
-; main_controller.php line: 196
-main_controller_yioop_download = ""
-; main_controller.php line: 197
-main_controller_click_download = ""
-; main_controller.php line: 208
-main_controller_url_error = ""
-; main_controller.php line: 217
-main_controller_expired_url = ""
-; /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/git/seek_quarry//views
-; admin_view.php line: 77
-admin_view_admin = ""
-; admin_view.php line: 97
-adminview_auto_logout_one_minute = ""
-; download_view.php line: 62
-download_view_form = ""
-; download_view.php line: 73
-download_view_thank_you = ""
-; download_view.php line: 76
-download_view_full_name = ""
-; download_view.php line: 82
-download_view_email = ""
-; download_view.php line: 87
-download_view_business = ""
-; download_view.php line: 93
-download_view_interest = ""
-; download_view.php line: 100
-download_view_get_email = ""
-; download_view.php line: 106
-download_view_return_main = ""
-; download_view.php line: 120
-download_view_required_fields = ""
-; download_view.php line: 125
-download_view_name_required = ""
-; download_view.php line: 130
-download_view_valid_email = ""
-; /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/git/seek_quarry//views/elements
-; activity_element.php line: 57
-activity_element_activities = ""
-; configure_element.php line: 81
-configure_element_work_directory = ""
-; configure_element.php line: 86
-configure_element_load_or_create = ""
-; configure_element.php line: 99
-configure_element_profile_settings = ""
-; configure_element.php line: 101
-configure_element_default_language = ""
-; configure_element.php line: 107
-configure_element_debug_display = ""
-; configure_element.php line: 112
-configure_element_error_info = ""
-; configure_element.php line: 117
-configure_element_query_info = ""
-; configure_element.php line: 122
-configure_element_test_info = ""
-; configure_element.php line: 127
-configure_element_database_setup = ""
-; configure_element.php line: 129
-configure_element_database_system = ""
-; configure_element.php line: 135
-configure_element_databasename = ""
-; configure_element.php line: 142
-configure_element_databaseurl = ""
-; configure_element.php line: 148
-configure_element_databaseuser = ""
-; configure_element.php line: 155
-configure_element_databasepassword = ""
-; configure_element.php line: 164
-configure_element_queue_server = ""
-; configure_element.php line: 166
-configure_element_queue_server_key = ""
-; configure_element.php line: 175
-configure_element_submit = ""
-; editlocales_element.php line: 62
-editlocales_element_back_to_manage = ""
-; editlocales_element.php line: 64
-editlocales_element_edit_locale = ""
-; editlocales_element.php line: 76
-editlocales_element_static_pages = ""
-; editlocales_element.php line: 110
-editlocales_element_submit = ""
-; editstatic_element.php line: 64
-editlocales_element_back_to_manage = ""
-; editstatic_element.php line: 78
-editstatic_element_locale_name = ""
-; editstatic_element.php line: 82
-editstatic_element_page = ""
-; editstatic_element.php line: 89
-editstatic_element_savebutton = ""
-; manageaccount_element.php line: 56
-manageaccount_element_change_password = ""
-; manageaccount_element.php line: 66
-manageaccount_element_old_password = ""
-; manageaccount_element.php line: 71
-manageaccount_element_new_password = ""
-; manageaccount_element.php line: 76
-manageaccount_element_retype_password = ""
-; manageaccount_element.php line: 82
-manageaccount_element_save = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 59
-managelocales_element_add_locale = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 69
-managelocales_element_localenamelabel = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 75
-managelocales_element_localetaglabel = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 79
-managelocales_element_writingmodelabel = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 92
-managelocales_element_submit = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 98
-managelocales_element_delete_locale = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 108
-managelocales_element_delete_localelabel = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 112
-managelocales_element_submit = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 117
-managelocales_element_locale_list = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 120
-managelocales_element_localename = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 121
-managelocales_element_localetag = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 122
-managelocales_element_writingmode = ""
-; managelocales_element.php line: 124
-managelocales_element_percenttranslated = ""
-; manageroles_element.php line: 57
-manageroles_element_add_role = ""
-; manageroles_element.php line: 67
-manageroles_element_rolename = ""
-; manageroles_element.php line: 71
-manageroles_element_submit = ""
-; manageroles_element.php line: 76
-manageroles_element_delete_role = ""
-; manageroles_element.php line: 86
-manageusers_element_delete_rolename = ""
-; manageroles_element.php line: 90
-manageroles_element_submit = ""
-; manageroles_element.php line: 94
-manageroles_element_view_role_activities = ""
-; manageroles_element.php line: 103
-manageusers_element_select_role = ""
-; manageroles_element.php line: 123
-manageusers_element_add_activity = ""
-; manageroles_element.php line: 128
-manageroles_element_submit = ""
-; manageusers_element.php line: 57
-manageusers_element_add_user = ""
-; manageusers_element.php line: 67
-manageusers_element_username = ""
-; manageusers_element.php line: 71
-manageusers_element_password = ""
-; manageusers_element.php line: 75
-manageusers_element_retype_password = ""
-; manageusers_element.php line: 80
-manageusers_element_submit = ""
-; manageusers_element.php line: 86
-manageusers_element_delete_user = ""
-; manageusers_element.php line: 96
-manageusers_element_delete_username = ""
-; manageusers_element.php line: 100
-manageusers_element_submit = ""
-; manageusers_element.php line: 105
-manageusers_element_view_user_roles = ""
-; manageusers_element.php line: 114
-manageusers_element_select_user = ""
-; manageusers_element.php line: 135
-manageusers_element_add_role = ""
-; manageusers_element.php line: 140
-manageusers_element_submit = ""
-; signin_element.php line: 59
-signin_element_signin = ""
-; signin_element.php line: 65
-signin_element_admin = ""
-; signin_element.php line: 67
-signin_element_signout = ""
-; /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/git/seek_quarry//views/layouts
-; web_layout.php line: 66
-web_layout_open_seekquarry = ""
-; web_layout.php line: 73
-web_layout_description = ""
-; web_layout.php line: 94
-web_layout_open_source = ""
-; web_layout.php line: 96
-web_layout_about_sq = ""
-; web_layout.php line: 102
-web_layout_query_statistics = ""
-; web_layout.php line: 103
-web_layout_total_elapsed_time = ""
-; web_layout.php line: 108
-web_layout_query_time = ""
-; main_view.php line: 71
-main_view_home = ""
-; main_view.php line: 73
-main_view_demo = ""
-; main_view.php line: 75
-main_view_downloads = ""
-; main_view.php line: 77
-main_view_documentation = ""
-; main_view.php line: 79
-main_view_discussion = ""
-; main_view.php line: 81
-main_view_resources = ""
-; signin_view.php line: 62
-signin_view_signin = ""
-; signin_view.php line: 69
-signin_view_username = ""
-; signin_view.php line: 75
-signin_view_password = ""
-; signin_view.php line: 84
-signin_view_login = ""
-; signin_view.php line: 91
-signin_view_return_main = ""
\ No newline at end of file