Tweaking to rankingdocs , a=chris

Chris Pollett [2013-04-26 00:Apr:th]
Tweaking to  rankingdocs , a=chris
diff --git a/en-US/pages/ranking.thtml b/en-US/pages/ranking.thtml
index 94a8e0b..c09f2fd 100644
--- a/en-US/pages/ranking.thtml
+++ b/en-US/pages/ranking.thtml
@@ -792,12 +792,12 @@ the inverse of the sizes of the spans:</p>
 `mbox(pscore)(d) = sum(frac(1)(v_i - u_i + 1))`.
 <p>This formula comes from Clark et al. [<a href="#CCT2000">CCT2000</a>]
-except they use covers which ignore repeats. It is the starting point of our
-proximity calculation. For a page item, Yioop calculates separate pscores with
-respect to its ad hoc title and the rest of a summary. It then adds
-them with the same weight as was done for the BM25F relevance score.
-Similarly, link item pscores also have a weight factor multiplied against
-them. Finally, Yioop normalizes the pscore calculated
+except they use covers, rather than spans, where covers ignore repeats. It is
+the starting point of our proximity calculation. For a page item, Yioop
+calculates separate pscores with respect to its ad hoc title and the rest of a
+summary. It then adds them with the same weight as was done for the BM25F
+relevance score. Similarly, link item pscores also have a weight factor
+multiplied against them. Finally, Yioop normalizes the pscore calculated
 with these weights by item length to get:</p>
 <p class='center'>
 `mbox(Prox)(d) = (100 times mbox(weighted-pscore)(d))/l_d`.
@@ -831,8 +831,7 @@ links have already contributed to the given url being crawled; whereas,
 some have not, so the score of 1/2 was arbitrarily chosen to adjust for
-<p>This completes our description of the Yioop scoring mechanism
-in the conjunctive query case. Given a url u let `[u]` denote
+<p>Given a url `u` let `[u]` denote
 the set of all items in an index that might be grouped with `u`.
 For a query `q` many items in `[u]` might not contain all the terms
 in `q` and so by Yioop's score mechanism not contribute to the score of
@@ -854,7 +853,8 @@ with the following equations:
 \mbox{DR}(q, [u]) &=& \sum_{i\in[u]}\mbox{DR}(i)\cdot \mbox{wt}(\mbox{type}(i)).
+<pThis completes our description of the Yioop scoring mechanism
+in the conjunctive query case. </p>

     <p><a href="#toc">Return to table of contents</a>.</p>
     <h2 id="references">References</h2>