Delete code to restart a process if seems fown due to log file activity

Chris Pollett [2023-09-04 01:Sep:th]
Delete code to restart a process if seems fown due to log file activity
diff --git a/src/executables/QueueServer.php b/src/executables/QueueServer.php
index 6fa62ba23..28d315efa 100644
--- a/src/executables/QueueServer.php
+++ b/src/executables/QueueServer.php
@@ -613,7 +613,7 @@ class QueueServer implements CrawlConstants
      * Checks to make sure the given process (either Indexer or Scheduler) is
-     * running, and if not, restart it.
+     * running.
      * @param string $process should be either self::INDEXER or self::SCHEDULER
      * @param array $info information about queue server state used to
      *      determine if a crawl is active.
@@ -705,31 +705,8 @@ class QueueServer implements CrawlConstants
         } else {
             file_put_contents($error_log, $out_msg, FILE_APPEND);
-        /*$init_args =
-            ["QueueServer.php", "start", $process, "{$this->channel}"]; */
         L\crawlLog( "!!!!Writing to $error_log ".
             "crash message about $process...");
-        //CrawlDaemon::init($init_args, "QueueServer", -3);
-        L\crawlLog(
-            "!!!!This message will be repeated till process restarted...");
-        if ($info[self::STATUS] != self::WAITING_START_MESSAGE_STATE) {
-            L\crawlLog("Sleeping before sending restart message other process");
-            sleep(2 * C\QUEUE_SLEEP_TIME);
-            $crawl_params = [];
-            $crawl_params[self::STATUS] = "RESUME_CRAWL";
-            $crawl_params[self::CRAWL_TIME] = $this->crawl_time;
-            $crawl_params[self::CRAWL_TYPE] = $this->crawl_type;
-            $crawl_params[self::REPEAT_TYPE] = $this->repeat_type;
-            $crawl_params[self::SLEEP_START] = $this->sleep_start;
-            $crawl_params[self::SLEEP_DURATION] = $this->sleep_duration;
-            $crawl_params[self::CHANNEL] = $this->channel;
-            $info_string = serialize($crawl_params);
-            $process_message_file = C\SCHEDULES_DIR . "/" .
-                $this->process_name . "Messages.txt";
-            file_put_contents($process_message_file, $info_string);
-            chmod(C\SCHEDULES_DIR . "/" . $this->process_name .
-                "Messages.txt", 0777);
-        }
      * Check for a repeating crawl whether it is time to swap between