viewgit/inc/functions.php:22 Function utf8_encode() is deprecated [8192]
<?php /** * SeekQuarry/Yioop -- * Open Source Pure PHP Search Engine, Crawler, and Indexer * * Copyright (C) 2009 - 2019 Chris Pollett * * LICENSE: * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * END LICENSE * * Main web interface entry point for Yioop! * search site. Used to both get and display * search results. Also used for inter-machine * communication during crawling * * @author Chris Pollett * @license GPL3 * @link * @copyright 2009 - 2019 * @filesource */ namespace seekquarry\yioop; use seekquarry\yioop\configs as C; use seekquarry\yioop\library as L; /** * Main entry point to the Yioop web app. * * Initialization is done in a function to avoid polluting the global * namespace with variables. * @param object $web_site * @param bool $start_new_session whether to start a session or not */ function bootstrap($web_site = null, $start_new_session = true) { //check if mobile css and formatting should be used or not if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) { $agent = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; if ((stristr($agent, "mobile") || stristr($agent, "fennec")) && !stristr($agent, "ipad") ) { $_SERVER["MOBILE"] = true; } else { $_SERVER["MOBILE"] = false; } } else { $_SERVER["MOBILE"] = false; } /** * Did we come to this index.php from ../index.php? If so, rewriting * must be on */ if (!C\nsdefined("REDIRECTS_ON")) { C\nsdefine("REDIRECTS_ON", false); } /** * Check if doing url rewriting, and if so, do initial routing */ configureRewrites($web_site); if ((C\DEBUG_LEVEL & C\ERROR_INFO) == C\ERROR_INFO) { set_error_handler(C\NS_CONFIGS . "yioop_error_handler"); } /** * Load global functions related to localization */ require_once __DIR__ . "/library/LocaleFunctions.php"; ini_set("memory_limit","500M"); if (!empty($web_site)) { if ((empty($_REQUEST['c']) || $_REQUEST['c'] != 'resource')) { $web_site->header("X-FRAME-OPTIONS: DENY"); //prevent click-jacking } $web_site->header("X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff"); /* Let browsers know that we should be setting the mimetype correctly -- For non dumb browsers this should help prevent against XSS attacks to images containing HTML. Also, might help against PRSSI attacks. */ if ($start_new_session) { $options = ['name' => C\SESSION_NAME]; $web_site->sessionStart($options); } } /** * Load global functions related to checking Yioop! version */ require_once C\BASE_DIR."/library/UpgradeFunctions.php"; if (!function_exists('mb_internal_encoding')) { echo "PHP Zend Multibyte Support must be enabled for Yioop! to run."; exit(); } /** * Make an initial setting of controllers. This can be overridden in * local_config */ $available_controllers = ["admin", "api", "archive", "cache", "classifier", "crawl", "fetch", "group", "jobs", "machine", "resource", "search", "settings", "static", "tests"]; if (function_exists(C\NS_CONFIGS . "localControllers")) { $available_controllers = array_merge($available_controllers, C\localControllers()); } if (in_array(C\REGISTRATION_TYPE, ['no_activation', 'email_registration', 'admin_activation'])) { $available_controllers[] = "register"; } if (!C\WEB_ACCESS) { $available_controllers = ["admin", "archive", "cache", "crawl", "fetch", "jobs", "machine"]; } //the request variable c is used to determine the controller if (!isset($_REQUEST['c'])) { $controller_name = "search"; if (C\nsdefined('LANDING_PAGE') && C\LANDING_PAGE && !isset($_REQUEST['q'])) { $controller_name = "static"; $_REQUEST['c'] = "static"; $_REQUEST['p'] = "Main"; } } else { $controller_name = $_REQUEST['c']; } if (!in_array($controller_name, $available_controllers)) { if (C\WEB_ACCESS) { $controller_name = "search"; } else { $controller_name = "admin"; } } // if no profile exists we force the page to be the configuration page if (!C\PROFILE || (C\nsdefined("FIX_NAME_SERVER") && C\FIX_NAME_SERVER)) { $controller_name = "admin"; } $locale_tag = L\getLocaleTag(); if (C\PROFILE && L\upgradeDatabaseWorkDirectoryCheck()) { /** * Load global functions needed to upgrade between versions * (note only do this if need to upgrade) */ require_once C\BASE_DIR . "/library/VersionFunctions.php"; L\upgradeDatabaseWorkDirectory(); } if (C\PROFILE && L\upgradeLocalesCheck($locale_tag)) { L\upgradeLocales(); /* upgrade manipulations might mess with global local, so set it back here */ L\setLocaleObject($locale_tag); } /** * Loads controller responsible for calculating * the data needed to render the scene * */ $controller_class = C\NS_CONTROLLERS . ucfirst($controller_name) . "Controller"; $controller = new $controller_class($web_site); $controller->processRequest(); } /** * Used to setup and handles url rewriting for the Yioop Web app * * Developers can add new routes by creating a Routes class in * the app_dir with a static method getRoutes which should return * an associating array of incoming_path => handler function * @param object $web_site */ function configureRewrites($web_site) { $route_map = [ 'advertise' => 'routeDirect', 'blog' => 'routeBlog', 'bot' => 'routeDirect', 'privacy' => 'routeDirect', 'terms' => 'routeDirect', 'admin' => 'routeController', 'register' => 'routeController', 'settings' => 'routeController', 'tests' => 'routeController', 'trending' => 'routeTrending', 's' => "routeSubsearch", 'more' => 'routeMore', 'suggest' => 'routeSuggest', 'group' => 'routeFeeds', 'thread' => 'routeFeeds', 'user' => 'routeFeeds', 'p' => 'routeWiki' ]; if (class_exists(C\NS. "Routes")) { $route_map = array_merge($route_map, Routes::getRoutes()); } /** * Check for paths of the form index.php/something which yioop doesn't * support */ $s_name = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] . "/"; $path_name = substr($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"], 0, strlen($s_name)); if (strcmp($path_name, $s_name) == 0) { $_SERVER["PATH_TRANSLATED"] = C\BASE_DIR; $script_info = pathinfo($s_name); $_SERVER["PATH_INFO"] = ($script_info["dirname"] == "/") ? "" : $script_info["dirname"] ; $error = directUrl("error"); $web_site->header("Location: $error"); L\webExit(); } if (!isset($_SERVER["PATH_INFO"])) { $_SERVER["PATH_INFO"] = "."; } if (!C\REDIRECTS_ON) { return; } /** * Now look for and handle routes */ $index_php = "index.php"; if ((php_sapi_name() == 'cli')) { $script_path = "/"; } else { $script_path = substr($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], 0, -strlen($index_php)); } $request_script = ""; if (empty($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])) { $request_script = rtrim( substr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], strlen($script_path)), "?"); } else { $q_pos = strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], "?"); if ($q_pos !== false) { $request_script = substr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 0, $q_pos); } $request_script = substr($request_script, strlen($script_path)); } $request_script = ($request_script == "") ? $index_php : $request_script; if (in_array($request_script, ['', '/', $index_php])) { return; } $request_parts = explode("/", $request_script); $handled = false; if (isset($route_map[$request_parts[0]])) { if (empty($_REQUEST['c']) || $_REQUEST['c'] == $request_parts[0]) { $route = C\NS . $route_map[$request_parts[0]]; $handled = $route($request_parts); } else if (!empty($_REQUEST['c'])) { $handled = true; } } if (!$handled) { $route_args = ["error"]; routeDirect($route_args); } } /** * Used to route page requests to pages that are fixed Public Group wiki * that should always be present. For example, 404 page. * * @param array $route_args of url parts (split on slash). * @return bool whether was able to compute a route or not */ function routeDirect($route_args) { $_REQUEST['route']['c'] = true; $_REQUEST['c'] = "static"; $_REQUEST['route']['p'] = true; $_REQUEST['p'] = $route_args[0]; return true; } /** * Given the name of a fixed public group static page creates the url * where it can be accessed in this instance of Yioop, making use of the * defined variable REDIRECTS_ON. * * @param string $name of static page * @param bool $with_delim whether it should be terminated with nothing or * ? or & * @return string url for the page in question */ function directUrl($name, $with_delim = false) { if (C\REDIRECTS_ON) { $delim = ($with_delim) ? "?" : ""; return C\BASE_URL . $name . $delim; } else { $delim = ($with_delim) ? "&" : ""; return C\BASE_URL . "$name.php$delim"; } } /** * Used to route page requests to for the website's public blog * * @param array $route_args of url parts (split on slash). * @return bool whether was able to compute a route or not */ function routeBlog($route_args) { $_REQUEST['route']['c'] = true; $_REQUEST['c'] = "group"; $_REQUEST['route']['a'] = true; $_REQUEST['a'] = "groupFeeds"; $_REQUEST['route']['just_group_id'] = true; $_REQUEST['just_group_id'] = 2; return true; } /** * Used to route page requests for pages corresponding to a group, user, * or thread feed. If redirects on then urls ending with /feed_type/id map * to a page for the id'th item of that feed_type * * @param array $route_args of url parts (split on slash). * @return bool whether was able to compute a route or not */ function routeFeeds($route_args) { $handled = true; if (isset($route_args[1]) && $route_args[1] == intval($route_args[1])) { $_REQUEST['c'] = "group"; if (!empty($route_args[2])) { $_REQUEST['a'] = 'wiki'; if ($route_args[2] == 'pages') { $_REQUEST['arg'] = 'pages'; $_REQUEST['route']['arg'] = true; } else { $_REQUEST['page_name'] = $route_args[2]; $_REQUEST['route']['page_name'] = true; if (empty($_REQUEST['sf']) && !empty($route_args[3]) ) { $rest = array_slice($route_args, 3); $_REQUEST['sf'] = implode("/", $rest); $_REQUEST['route']['sf'] = true; } } } $_REQUEST['a'] = (isset($_REQUEST['a']) && $_REQUEST['a'] == 'wiki') ? $_REQUEST['a'] : "groupFeeds"; $_REQUEST['route']['c'] = true; $_REQUEST['route']['a'] = true; $end = ($route_args[0] == 'thread') ? "" : "_id"; if ($_REQUEST['a'] == 'wiki') { $_REQUEST['group_id'] = $route_args[1]; $_REQUEST['route']['group_id'] = true; } else { $just_id = "just_" . $route_args[0] . $end; $_REQUEST[$just_id] = $route_args[1]; $_REQUEST['route'][$just_id] = true; } } else if (!isset($route_args[1])) { $_REQUEST['c'] = "group"; $_REQUEST['a'] = (isset($_REQUEST['a']) && $_REQUEST['a'] == 'wiki') ? $_REQUEST['a'] : "groupFeeds"; $_REQUEST['route']['c'] = true; $_REQUEST['route']['a'] = true; } else { $handled = false; } return $handled; } /** * Given the type of feed, the identifier of the feed instance, and which * controller is being used creates the url where that feed item can be * accessed from the instance of Yioop. It makes use of the * defined variable REDIRECTS_ON. * * @param string $type of feed: group, user, thread * @param int $id the identifier for that feed. * @param bool $with_delim whether it should be terminated with nothing or * ? or & * @param string $controller which controller is being used to access the * feed: usuall admin or group * @return string url for the page in question */ function feedsUrl($type, $id, $with_delim = false, $controller = "group") { if (C\REDIRECTS_ON && $controller == 'group') { $delim = ($with_delim) ? "?" : ""; $path = ($type == "") ? "group" : "$type/$id"; return C\BASE_URL ."$path$delim"; } else { $delim = ($with_delim) ? "&" : ""; $begin = (C\REDIRECTS_ON && $controller == "admin") ? "admin?" : "?c=$controller&"; $query = "{$begin}a=groupFeeds"; $end = ($type == 'thread') ? "" : "_id"; if ($type != "") { if ($begin == "admin?" && $type == "group") { $query = "admin/$id"; $delim = "?"; } else { $query .= "&just_{$type}$end=$id"; } } return C\BASE_URL . "$query$delim"; } } /** * Used to route requests for the more and tools link on the landing page. * If redirects on, then /more routes to this more tools page. * * @param array $route_args of url parts (split on slash). * @return bool whether was able to compute a route or not */ function routeMore($route_args) { $_REQUEST['c'] = "search"; $_REQUEST['a'] = "more"; $_REQUEST['route']['c'] = true; $_REQUEST['route']['a'] = true; return true; } /** * Used to route requests to the trending page page. * If redirects on, then /trending routes to this trending page. * * @param array $route_args of url parts (split on slash). * @return bool whether was able to compute a route or not */ function routeTrending($route_args) { $_REQUEST['c'] = "search"; $_REQUEST['a'] = "trending"; $_REQUEST['route']['c'] = true; $_REQUEST['route']['a'] = true; return true; } /** * Return the url for the more and tools link on the landing page making use of * the defined variable REDIRECTS_ON. * * @param bool $with_delim whether it should be terminated with nothing or * ? or & * @return string url for the page in question */ function moreUrl($with_delim = false) { if (C\REDIRECTS_ON) { $delim = ($with_delim) ? "?" : ""; return C\BASE_URL ."more$delim"; } else { $delim = ($with_delim) ? "&" : ""; return C\BASE_URL . "?a=more$delim"; } } /** * Used to route page requests to end-user controllers such as * settings, register, admin. urls ending with /controller_name will * be routed to that controller. * * @param array $route_args of url parts (split on slash). * @return bool whether was able to compute a route or not */ function routeController($route_args) { $_REQUEST['c'] = $route_args[0]; $_REQUEST['route']['c'] = true; if (isset($route_args[1]) && intval($route_args[1]) == $route_args[1]) { if (isset($_REQUEST['a']) && $_REQUEST['a'] == 'wiki') { $_REQUEST['group_id'] = $route_args[1]; } else if (!empty($route_args[2])) { $_REQUEST['a'] = 'wiki'; $_REQUEST['group_id'] = $route_args[1]; if ($route_args[2] == 'pages') { $_REQUEST['arg'] = 'pages'; $_REQUEST['route']['arg'] = true; } else { $_REQUEST['page_name'] = $route_args[2]; if (empty($_REQUEST['sf']) && !empty($route_args[3]) ) { $rest = array_slice($route_args, 3); $_REQUEST['sf'] = implode("/", $rest); $_REQUEST['route']['sf'] = true; } $_REQUEST['route']['page_name'] = true; } $_REQUEST['route']['page_name'] = true; $_REQUEST['route']['a'] = true; } else { $_REQUEST['a'] = 'groupFeeds'; $_REQUEST['just_group_id'] = $route_args[1]; } $_REQUEST['route']['group_id'] = true; } return true; } /** * Given the name of a controller for which an easy end-user link is useful * creates the url where it can be accessed on this instance of Yioop, * making use of the defined variable REDIRECTS_ON. Examples of end-user * controllers would be the settings, admin, and register controllers. * * @param string $name of controller * @param bool $with_delim whether it should be terminated with nothing or * ? or & * @return string url for the page in question */ function controllerUrl($name, $with_delim = false) { if (C\REDIRECTS_ON) { $delim = ($with_delim) ? "?" : ""; $_REQUEST['route']['c'] = true; return C\BASE_URL . $name . $delim; } else { $delim = ($with_delim) ? "&" : ""; return C\BASE_URL . "?c=$name$delim"; } } /** * Used to route page requests for subsearches such as news, video, and images * (site owner can define other). Urls of the form /s/subsearch will * go the page handling the subsearch. * * @param array $route_args of url parts (split on slash). * @return bool whether was able to compute a route or not */ function routeSubsearch($route_args) { $handled = true; if (isset($route_args[1])) { $_REQUEST['route']['c'] = true; $_REQUEST['route']['s'] = true; $_REQUEST['c'] = "search"; $_REQUEST['s'] = $route_args[1]; } else { $handled = false; } return $handled; } /** * Given the name of a subsearch creates the url where it can be accessed * on this instance of Yioop, making use of the defined variable REDIRECTS_ON. * Examples of subsearches include news, video, and images. A site owner * can add to these and delete from these. * * @param string $name of subsearch * @param bool $with_delim whether it should be terminated with nothing or * ? or & * @return string url for the page in question */ function subsearchUrl($name, $with_delim = false) { if (C\REDIRECTS_ON) { $delim = ($with_delim) ? "?" : ""; return C\BASE_URL ."s/$name$delim"; } else { $delim = ($with_delim) ? "&" : ""; return C\BASE_URL . "?s=$name$delim"; } } /** * Used to route requests for the suggest-a-url link on the tools page. * If redirects on, then /suggest routes to this suggest-a-url page. * * @param array $route_args of url parts (split on slash). * @return bool whether was able to compute a route or not */ function routeSuggest($route_args) { $_REQUEST['c'] = "register"; $_REQUEST['a'] = "suggestUrl"; return true; } /** * Return the url for the suggest-a-url link on the more tools page, making use * of the defined variable REDIRECTS_ON. * * @param bool $with_delim whether it should be terminated with nothing or * ? or & * @return string url for the page in question */ function suggestUrl($with_delim = false) { if (C\REDIRECTS_ON) { $_REQUEST['route']['c'] = true; $_REQUEST['route']['a'] = true; $delim = ($with_delim) ? "?" : ""; return C\BASE_URL ."suggest$delim"; } else { $delim = ($with_delim) ? "&" : ""; return C\BASE_URL . "?c=register&a=suggestUrl$delim"; } } /** * Used to route page requests for pages corresponding to a wiki page of * group. If it is a wiki page for the public group viewed without being * logged in, the route might come in as yioop_instance/p/page_name if * redirects are on. If it is for a non-public wiki or page accessed with * logged in the url will look like either: * yioop_instance/group/group_id?a=wiki&page_name=some_name * or * yioop_instance/admin/group_id?a=wiki&page_name=some_name&csrf_token_string * * @param array $route_args of url parts (split on slash). * @return bool whether was able to compute a route or not */ function routeWiki($route_args) { $handled = true; if (isset($route_args[1])) { if ($route_args[1] == 'pages') { $_REQUEST['c'] = "group"; $_REQUEST['a'] = 'wiki'; $_REQUEST['arg'] = 'pages'; $_REQUEST['route']['c'] = true; $_REQUEST['route']['a'] = true; $_REQUEST['route']['arg'] = true; } else { $_REQUEST['c'] = "static"; $_REQUEST['p'] = $route_args[1]; $_REQUEST['route']['c'] = true; $_REQUEST['route']['p'] = true; if (empty($_REQUEST['sf']) && !empty($route_args[2]) ) { $rest = array_slice($route_args, 2); $_REQUEST['sf'] = implode("/", $rest); $_REQUEST['route']['sf'] = true; } } } else { $handled = false; } return $handled; } /** * Given the name of a wiki page, the group it belongs to, and which * controller is being used creates the url where that feed item can be * accessed from the instance of Yioop. It makes use of the * defined variable REDIRECTS_ON. * * @param string $name of wiki page * @param bool $with_delim whether it should be terminated with nothing or * ? or & * @param string $controller which controller is being used to access the * feed: usually static (for the public group), admin, or group * @param int $id the group the wiki page belongs to * @return string url for the page in question */ function wikiUrl($name, $with_delim = false, $controller = "static", $id = C\PUBLIC_GROUP_ID) { $q = ($with_delim) ? "?" : ""; $a = ($with_delim) ? "&" : ""; $is_static = ($controller == "static"); if (C\REDIRECTS_ON) { $q = ($with_delim) ? "?" : ""; if ($is_static) { if ($name == "") { $name = "Main"; } return C\BASE_URL ."p/$name$q"; } else { $page = ($name== "") ? "?a=wiki$a" : "/$name$q"; return C\BASE_URL . $controller . "/$id$page"; } } else { $delim = ($with_delim) ? "&" : ""; if ($name == 'pages') { if ($is_static) { $controller = "group"; } return C\BASE_URL . "?c=$controller&a=wiki&arg=pages&group_id=$id$a"; } else { if ($is_static) { if ($name == "") { $name = "main"; } return C\BASE_URL . "?c=static&p=$name$a"; } else { $page = ($name== "") ? "" : "&page_name=$name"; return C\BASE_URL . "?c=$controller&a=wiki&group_id=$id$page$a"; } } } } if (php_sapi_name() != 'cli' && (empty($web_site) && !defined("seekquarry\\yioop\\configs\\REDIRECTS_ON"))) { /** * For error function and yioop constants if we are in non-cli * non-redirects situation */ require_once __DIR__ . "/library/Utility.php"; $web_site = new L\WebSite(); bootstrap($web_site); }