Last commit for src/locale/en_US/configure.ini: c342934e7c723fccbc56a8d95d29d20fee50df46

Improve DescriptionUpdateJob so path matching uses regex, update example search sources and wiki

Chris Pollett [2024-04-13 05:Apr:th]
Improve DescriptionUpdateJob so path matching uses regex, update example search sources and wiki
;  SeekQuarry/Yioop Open Source Pure PHP Search Engine, Crawler, and Indexer
;  Copyright (C) 2009 - 2017  Chris Pollett
;  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
;  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;  (at your option) any later version.
;  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;  GNU General Public License for more details.
;  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;  along with this program.  If not, see <>.
;  ***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****
; configure.ini
; en_US configuration file
; Strings to translate on various pages
; /src/controllers
; AdminController.php
admin_controller_need_cookies = "Cookies needed to login!!"
admin_controller_account_not_active = "Account not active. Maybe request password reset?"
admin_controller_login_successful = "Login Successful!!"
admin_controller_no_back_button = "No Back Button During Login!"
admin_controller_login_failed = "Username or Password Incorrect!"
admin_controller_login_to_config = "Login to continue configuration (default: u=root, p=)"
admin_controller_status_updates_stopped = "Status updates have stopped."
admin_controller_account_access = "Account Access"
admin_controller_social = "Social"
admin_controller_crawl_settings = "Crawls"
admin_controller_system_settings = "System Settings"
admin_controller_advertisement = "Advertisements"
admin_controller_equal = "Equals"
admin_controller_not_equal = "Not equals"
admin_controller_contains = "Contains"
admin_controller_begins_with = "Begins with"
admin_controller_ends_with = "Ends with"
admin_controller_no_sort = "No sort"
admin_controller_sort_ascending = "Ascending"
admin_controller_sort_descending = "Descending"
; /src/controllers/components
; AccountaccessComponent.php
accountaccess_component_no_posts_yet = "No Posts Yet"
accountaccess_component_passwords_too_long = "Password is too long!"
accountaccess_component_passwords_dont_match = "Typed passwords do not match."
accountaccess_component_invalid_password = "Invalid Password!"
accountaccess_component_unknown_imagetype = "Unknown Image File Type!"
accountaccess_component_icon_too_big = "Icon File Too Big!"
accountaccess_component_no_user_folder = "User Folder Could Not be Created!"
accountaccess_component_user_updated = "User Updated"
accountaccess_component_active_status = "Active"
accountaccess_component_inactive_status = "Inactive"
accountaccess_component_suspended_status = "Suspended"
accountaccess_component_request_join = "Pending"
accountaccess_component_invited = "Invited"
accountaccess_component_invalid_username = "Invalid Username!"
accountaccess_component_user_exists = "User Already Exists!"
accountaccess_component_user_added = "User Added"
accountaccess_component_user_doesnt_exist = "Can&#039;t edit -- that username doesn&#039;t exist!"
accountaccess_component_cant_edit_public_user = "Cannot Edit Public User!"
accountaccess_component_user_filter_group = "Filtering by Group!"
accountaccess_component_user_filter_role = "Filtering by Role!"
accountaccess_component_username_doesnt_exists = "Username Does Not Exist"
accountaccess_component_cant_delete_builtin = "Cannot Delete Built-in User!"
accountaccess_component_user_deleted = "User Deleted"
accountaccess_component_rolename_doesnt_exists = "Role Name Does not Exist"
accountaccess_component_rolename_already_added = "Role Name Already Added!"
accountaccess_component_rolename_added = "Role Name Added"
accountaccess_component_groupname_doesnt_exists = "Group Name does not exists"
accountaccess_component_groupname_already_added = "Group Name Already Added!"
accountaccess_component_groupname_added = "Group Name Added"
accountaccess_component_rolename_deleted = "Role Name Deleted"
accountaccess_component_rolenames_deleted = "Roles Deleted"
accountaccess_component_group_deleted = "Group Deleted"
accountaccess_component_groups_deleted = "Groups Deleted"
accountaccess_component_userstatus_updated = "User Status Updated"
accountaccess_component_select_activityname = "Select Activity"
accountaccess_component_activity_added = "Activity Added"
accountaccess_component_rolename_exists = "Role Name Exists"
accountaccess_component_rolename_blank = "Role Name Blank!"
accountaccess_component_activity_deleted = "Activity Deleted"
accountaccess_component_role_updated = "Role updated!"
; AdvertisementComponent.php
advertisement_component_credit_amounts = "Number of Credits to Buy"
advertisement_component_ten_in_credits = "1000 credits for $10 US"
advertisement_component_twenty_in_credits = "2000 credits for $20 US"
advertisement_component_fifty_in_credits = "5000 credits for $50 US"
advertisement_component_hundred_in_credits = "10000 credits for $100 US"
advertisement_component_month = "Month"
advertisement_component_year = "Year"
advertisement_component_script_failure = "No Working Credit Card Script Found!"
advertisement_component_invalid_credit_quantity = "Invalid Credit Purchase Quantity"
advertisement_buy_credits = "Buy Credits"
advertisement_init_ledger = "Starting Balance"
advertisement_component_credit_token_empty = "Error: No Credit Token Received!"
advertisement_component_processing_error = "Payment Processing Error %s"
advertisement_component_credits_purchased = "Credit purchase complete!"
advertisement_component_num_days = "Number of Days"
advertisement_component_one_day = "1 day"
advertisement_component_seven_days = "7 days"
advertisement_component_thirty_days = "30 days"
advertisement_component_ninety_days = "90 days"
advertisement_component_one_eighty_days = "180 days"
advertisement_component_fields_cannot_be_empty = "Name, Description, Destination URL cannot be empty"
advertisement_component_duration_cannot_be_empty = "Ad Duration Cannot Be Empty!"
advertisement_component_enter_keywords = "Please enter keywords"
advertisement_component_bid_too_low = "Bid too low! Calculate and bid  again!"
advertisement_component_too_few_credits = "Insufficient ad credits! Please purchase more credits! "
advertisement_buy_ad = "Buy Ad"
advertisement_component_ad_created = "Advertisement created"
advertisement_component_status_changed = "Ad status changed!"
advertisement_component_ad_updated = "Advertisement Updated"
; CrawlComponent.php
crawl_component_delete_crawl_success = "Deleting Crawl. . .This will take a moment to refresh."
crawl_component_delete_crawl_fail = "Delete Crawl Failed!!"
crawl_component_set_index = "Setting Crawl To Use as Index"
crawl_component_resume_crawl = "Resuming crawl. . .This will take a moment to refresh."
crawl_component_starting_new_crawl = "Starting New Crawl!"
crawl_component_recomputing_stats = "Recomputing Statistics for Index %s!"
crawl_component_stop_crawl = "Stopping crawl. . .This will take a moment to refresh."
crawl_component_no_description = "No Description for Crawl"
crawl_component_use_below = "Use options below"
crawl_component_use_defaults = "Use Yioop defaults"
crawl_component_previous_crawl = "Previous Crawl:"
crawl_component_added_urls = "Urls injected on %s."
crawl_component_add_suggest = "User suggested URLS added!"
crawl_component_no_new_suggests = "No new urls in suggest data"
crawl_component_breadth_first = "Breadth First"
crawl_component_page_importance = "Page Importance"
crawl_component_urls_injected = "Urls Injected!"
crawl_component_update_seed_info = "Updating Seed Site Info!"
crawl_component_description = "Index Description:"
crawl_component_timestamp = "Timestamp:"
crawl_component_crawl_date = "Crawl Start Time:"
crawl_component_pages = "Downloaded Pages:"
crawl_component_url = "Seen Urls:"
crawl_component_number_hosts = "Hostnames Seen:"
crawl_component_error_codes = "Error Codes Seen"
crawl_component_sizes = "File Sizes Downloaded"
crawl_component_links_per_page = "Average Links per Page"
crawl_component_page_date = "Page Modified Dates"
crawl_component_dns_time = "DNS Lookup Time"
crawl_component_download_time = "Page Download Time"
crawl_component_top_level_domain = "Top Level Domains"
crawl_component_file_extension = "File Extension"
crawl_component_media_type = "Media Type"
crawl_component_language = "Web Page Language"
crawl_component_server = "Web Server"
crawl_component_os = "Operating System (if detected)"
crawl_component_new_classifier = "New classifier created."
crawl_component_classifier_exists = "A classifier with that name already exists."
crawl_component_classifier_deleted = "Classifier deleted."
crawl_component_no_classifier = "No classifier with that name."
crawl_component_finalizing_classifier = "Finalizing classifier."
crawl_component_load_failed = "Failed to load documents"
crawl_component_loading = "Loading"
crawl_component_added_examples = "Added {1} {2} examples"
crawl_component_label_update_failed = "Failed to update labels."
crawl_component_updating = "Updating"
crawl_component_acc_update_failed = "Failed to update accuracy"
crawl_component_na = "N/A"
crawl_component_no_docs = "No documents"
crawl_component_num_docs = "{1}{2} documents"
crawl_component_in_class = "In Class"
crawl_component_not_in_class = "Not In Class"
crawl_component_skip = "Skip"
crawl_component_prediction = "Prediction: {1}"
crawl_component_scores = "{1}%% confidence, {2}%% disagreement"
crawl_component_recrawl_never = "Never"
crawl_component_recrawl_1day = "1 days"
crawl_component_recrawl_2day = "2 days"
crawl_component_recrawl_3day = "3 days"
crawl_component_recrawl_7day = "7 days"
crawl_component_recrawl_14day = "14 days"
crawl_component_basic = "Basic"
crawl_component_centroid = "Centroid"
crawl_component_centroid_weighted = "Centroid-Weighted"
crawl_component_graph_based = "Graph-Based"
crawl_component_page_options_updated = "Page Options Updated!"
crawl_component_page_options_running_tests = "Running Tests!"
crawl_component_scraper_missing = "Missing Scraper Fields!"
crawl_component_scraper_added = "Scraper added!"
crawl_component_no_delete_scraper = "Scraper not deleted!"
crawl_component_scraper_deleted = "Scraper deleted!"
crawl_component_scraper_updated = "Scraper Updated!"
crawl_component_results_editor_update = "Filter Pages Updated!"
crawl_component_edited_pages = "Select a Previously Edited URL"
crawl_component_results_editor_need_url = "Result Page Update needs to Specify the URL!"
crawl_component_results_editor_page_updated = "Result Page Updated!"
crawl_component_results_editor_page_loaded = "Page Loaded!"
crawl_component_media_kind = "Media Kind"
crawl_component_video = "Video"
crawl_component_rss_feed = "RSS"
crawl_component_json_feed = "JSON Feed"
crawl_component_html_feed = "Html Feed"
crawl_component_regex_feed = "Regex Feed"
crawl_component_sources_indexes = "Index/Mix to Use"
crawl_component_no_source_type = "Type of Source Not Set!"
crawl_component_missing_type = "Must set media type!"
crawl_component_invalid_url = "Invalid URL!"
crawl_component_missing_fields = "All Fields Need to be Filled!"
crawl_component_media_source_added = "Media Source Added!"
crawl_component_subsearch_added = "Subsearch Added!"
crawl_component_no_delete_source = "Source Was Not Deleted!"
crawl_component_media_source_deleted = "Media Source Deleted!"
crawl_component_subsearch_deleted = "Subsearch Deleted!"
crawl_component_subsearch_updated = "Subsearch Updated!"
crawl_component_media_source_updated = "Media Source Updated!"
; SocialComponent.php
social_component_request_join = "Request Join"
social_component_invited = "Invited"
social_component_active_status = "Active"
social_component_suspended_status = "Suspended"
social_component_no_join = "No One"
social_component_by_request = "By Request"
social_component_public_request = "Public Request"
social_component_public_join = "Anyone"
social_component_private = "No Read"
social_component_read = "Read"
social_component_read_comment = "Read Comment"
social_component_read_write = "Read Write"
social_component_read_wiki = "Read Write Wiki"
social_component_no_voting = "No Voting"
social_component_up_voting = "+ Voting"
social_component_up_down_voting = "+/- Voting"
social_component_forever = "Never Expires"
social_component_one_hour = "One Hour"
social_component_one_day = "One Day"
social_component_one_month = "One Month"
social_component_user_activated = "User activated!"
social_component_no_user_activated = "User was not activated!"
social_component_joined = "Group Joined!"
social_component_groupname_unavailable = "Group name unavailable!"
social_component_name_available = "Group name available!"
social_component_user_banned = "User banned!"
social_component_users_banned = "Users banned"
social_component_no_user_banned = "User was not banned!"
social_component_owner_changed = "Owner Changed!"
social_component_not_in_group = "User not in group!"
social_component_not_a_user = "Username does not exist!"
social_component_groupname_exists = "Group Name Exists"
social_component_groupname_added = "Group Name Added"
social_component_groupname_doesnt_exists = "Group Name does not exists"
social_component_group_deleted = "Group Deleted"
social_component_no_delete_group = "Cannot Delete Group"
social_component_user_deleted = "User Deleted"
social_component_users_deleted = "Users deleted"
social_component_no_delete_user_group = "Cannot Delete User from Group."
social_component_users_invited = "Users Invited!"
social_component_no_users_invited = "No Users Invited!!"
social_component_hour = "Hour"
social_component_day = "Day"
social_component_month = "Month"
social_component_jan = "Jan"
social_component_feb = "Feb"
social_component_mar = "Mar"
social_component_apr = "Apr"
social_component_may = "May"
social_component_jun = "Jun"
social_component_jul = "Jul"
social_component_aug = "Aug"
social_component_sep = "Sep"
social_component_oct = "Oct"
social_component_nov = "Nov"
social_component_dec = "Dec"
social_component_visits = "Visits per %s"
social_component_user_reinstated = "User reinstated!"
social_component_users_reinstated = "Users reinstated"
social_component_no_user_reinstated = "User was not reinstated!"
social_component_banned_status = "Banned"
social_component_unsubscribe = "Successfully Unsubscribed!"
social_component_no_unsubscribe = "Could not Unsubscribe!"
social_component_originally_posted = "Originally Posted By: %s"
social_component_originally_dated = "Original Date: %s"
social_component_group_joined = "Group joined!"
social_component_group_request_join = "Join Group Request Made!"
social_component_activate_group = "Yioop Group %s Activation Request"
social_component_activate_body = "The user %s has requested to join group %s."
social_component_notify_closing = "Best regards,"
social_component_notify_signature = "Yioop Software"
social_component_no_permission = "Insufficient Access!"
social_component_group_updated = "Group updated!"
social_component_unknown_access = "Attempt to change access to unknown value!"
social_component_group_filter_users = "Filtering Users!"
social_component_comment_error = "Error in comment data!"
social_component_no_comment = "Cannot post blank comment!"
social_component_no_post_access = "Cannot post to that group!"
social_component_join_group = "%s joined %s!"
social_component_join_group_detail = "On %s, you joined the group  %s."
social_component_upload_error = "Upload Error!"
social_component_thread_notification = "New Post to Thread: %s"
social_component_notify_body = "We thought you would be interested in a new post to the thread:"
social_component_notify_salutation = "Dear %s,"
social_component_comment_added = "Comment Added!"
social_component_groupname_cant_add = "Cannot add selected group!"
social_component_delete_error = "Error Deleting Item"
social_component_item_deleted = "Item Deleted!"
social_component_no_item_deleted = "No Item Deleted!"
social_component_vote_error = "Voting Error!"
social_component_no_vote_access = "No vote access to that post! "
social_component_already_voted = "Already Voted!"
social_component_vote_recorded = "Vote Recorded!"
social_component_need_title_description = "Need both title and description!"
social_component_new_thread_mail = "New Thread in Group %s"
social_component_new_thread_body = "As the owner of %s we thought you would like to know of the following thread recently created in your group:"
social_component_thread_created = "Thread Created!"
social_component_post_edited_elsewhere = "Post was just edited elsewhere (another tab?)"
social_component_no_update_access = "Cannot Update Post!"
social_component_post_updated = "Post Updated!"
social_component_no_group_access = "Not a member or can&#039;t read that group. Switching to public group!"
social_component_no_posts_yet = "No Posts Yet"
social_component_signin_to_access = "Please log in to an account with access to this group!"
social_component_back = "Back"
social_component_history_page = "Historical Version of %s from %s."
social_component_diff_page = "%s line differences between %s and %s."
social_component_wiki_edited_elsewhere = "Wiki Page Has Been Edited Since Your Version. Loading Changed Version!"
social_component_page_revert_to = "Revert to %s."
social_component_page_reverted = "Page Reverted!"
social_component_revert_error = "Error Reverting Page!"
social_component_main = "Main"
social_component_missing_fields = "Missing Fields!"
social_component_resource_saved = "Resource Saved!"
social_component_resource_not_saved = "Resource Not Saved!"
social_component_page_created = "%s Wiki Page Created!"
social_component_page_discuss_here = "Discuss the page in this thread!"
social_component_page_saved = "Page Saved!"
social_component_resource_deleted = "Resource Deleted!"
social_component_resource_not_deleted = "Resource Not Deleted! "
social_component_resource_extracted = "Resource Extracted!"
social_component_resource_not_extracted = "Resource Not Extracted!"
social_component_clip_folder_set = "Clip Folder Set!"
social_component_copy_fail = "Clip Folder Copy Failed!"
social_component_copy_success = "Clip Folder Copy Succeeded!"
social_component_resource_renamed = "Resource Renamed!"
social_component_resource_not_renamed = "Resource not Renamed!"
social_component_resource_created = "Resource Created!"
social_component_resource_not_created = "Resource Not Created!"
social_component_resource_save_first = "Need to Save Page Before Using Resources!"
social_component_resource_uploaded = "Resource Uploaded!"
social_component_doc_sections = "Doc Sections"
social_component_standard_page = "Standard"
social_component_page_and_feedback = "Page and Feeback"
social_component_page_alias = "Page Alias"
social_component_media_list = "Media List"
social_component_presentation = "Presentation"
social_component_solid = "Solid"
social_component_dashed = "Dashed"
social_component_none = "None"
social_component_actions = "Actions"
social_component_new_folder = "New Folder"
social_component_new_file = "New File"
social_component_search = "Search"
wiki_js_small = "Small"
wiki_js_medium = "Medium"
wiki_js_large = "Large"
wiki_js_search_size = "Size"
wiki_js_prompt_heading = "Header row:"
wiki_js_example = "Example"
wiki_js_table_title = "Table Title"
wiki_js_submit = "Submit"
wiki_js_cancel = "Cancel"
wiki_js_bold = "Bold text"
wiki_js_italic = "Italic text"
wiki_js_underline = "Underlined text"
wiki_js_strike = "Striked text"
wiki_js_heading = "Heading"
wiki_js_heading1 = "Level 1 Heading"
wiki_js_heading2 = "Level 2 Heading"
wiki_js_heading3 = "Level 3 Heading"
wiki_js_heading4 = "Level 4 Heading"
wiki_js_bullet = "Unordered list item"
wiki_js_enum = "Ordered list item"
wiki_js_nowiki = "Insert non-formatted text here"
wiki_js_add_search = "Add Search Bar Form"
wiki_js_add_wiki_table = "Add Wiki Table"
wiki_js_for_table_cols = "Column Count:"
wiki_js_for_table_rows = "Row Count:"
wiki_js_add_hyperlink = "Add Hyperlink"
wiki_js_link_text = "Text:"
wiki_js_link_url = "URL:"
wiki_js_placeholder = "Search Placeholder Text"
wiki_js_centeraligned = "This text is centered."
wiki_js_rightaligned = "This text is right-aligned."
wiki_js_leftaligned = "This text is left-aligned."
wiki_js_definitionlist_item = "Item"
wiki_js_definitionlist_definition = "Definition"
wiki_js_slide_sample_title = "Title"
wiki_js_slide_sample_bullet = "Slide Item"
wiki_js_slide_resource_description = "Resource Description for "
social_component_select_crawl = "Select Crawl"
social_component_default_crawl = "Default Crawl"
social_component_mix_created = "Crawl Mix Created!"
social_component_invalid_name = "Mix Name in Use or Invalid!"
social_component_mix_invalid_timestamp = "Invalid Timestamp!"
social_component_mix_deleted = "Crawl Mix Deleted!"
social_component_mix_doesnt_exists = "Mix to Delete Does not Exist!"
social_component_mix_imported = "Mix Successfully Imported!"
social_component_set_index = "Setting Crawl To Use as Index"
social_component_invalid_timestamp = "Shared Mix Has An Invalid Timestamp"
social_component_share_title = "Try out this crawl mix!"
social_component_share_description = "%s is sharing the crawl mix %s!"
social_component_mix_not_owner = "Not Mix Owner!"
social_component_add_crawls = "Add Crawls"
social_component_num_results = "Results Shown"
social_component_del_frag = "Remove"
social_component_weight = "Weight"
social_component_name = "Name"
social_component_add_keywords = "Keywords"
social_component_add_query = "Add Query"
social_component_delete = "Delete"
social_component_too_many_fragments = "Too Many Search Result Fragments!"
social_component_mix_saved = "Crawl Mix Changes Saved!"
; SystemComponent.php
system_component_select_machine = "Select Machine"
system_component_machine_added = "Machine Added!"
system_component_machine_exists = "Machine Name Already Exists; Please Delete First!"
system_component_machine_incomplete = "Missing Fields From Machine Form!"
system_component_machine_doesnt_exists = "Machine Name does not Exists!"
system_component_stop_service_first = "Machine in use. Please stop the service running on it!"
system_component_machine_deleted = "Machine Deleted!"
system_component_updatemode_toggled = "Media Update Mode Toggled!"
system_component_no_machine_log = "No Log File Found."
system_component_machine_servers_updated = "Machine&#039;s Servers Updated!"
system_component_machine_no_action = "Unable to Perform Action!"
system_component_select_mode = "Select Mode"
system_component_locale_missing_info = "Field values missing or invalid!"
system_component_locale_added = "Locale Added!"
system_component_localename_doesnt_exists = "Locale Does Not Exist!"
system_component_localename_deleted = "Locale Deleted"
system_component_locale_updated = "Locale Information Updated!"
system_component_localestrings_updated = "Locale Strings Updated!"
system_component_all_strings = "All Strings"
system_component_missing_strings = "Missing Strings"
system_component_configure_no_change_db = "Problem Updating Database!"
system_component_configure_profile_change = "Profile Updated!"
system_component_configure_no_change_profile = "There was a Problem Updating Profile!"
system_component_configure_disable_registration = "Disable Registration"
system_component_configure_no_activation = "No Activation"
system_component_configure_email_activation = "Email Activation"
system_component_configure_admin_activation = "Admin Activation"
system_component_configure_no_advertisements = "No Advertisements"
system_component_configure_keyword_advertisements = "Keyword Advertisements"
system_component_configure_external_advertisements = "External Ad Server"
system_component_enable_bot_users = "Enable Bot Users"
system_component_disable_bot_users = "Disable Bot Users"
system_component_text_captcha = "Text Captcha"
system_component_hash_captcha = "Hash Captcha"
system_component_image_captcha = "Image Captcha"
system_component_no_recovery = "No User Password Recovery Link"
system_component_email_recovery = "Email Link Password Recovery"
system_component_email_questions = "Email Link and Check Questions Recovery"
system_component_normal_authentication = "Normal Authentication"
system_component_zkp_authentication = "ZKP Authentication"
system_component_settings_updated = "Settings Updated!"
system_component_no_update_settings = "No Settings Were Changed!"
system_component_no_resource_folder = "No Resource Folder!"
system_component_invalid_filetype = "Invalid File Type!"
system_component_file_too_big = "File Too Big!"
system_component_configure_reset_completed = "Reset Completed"
system_component_configure_use_absolute_path = "Must use an Absolute path for Work Directory"
system_component_configure_configure_diff_base_dir = "Work Directory cannot be contained in Yioop folder!"
system_component_configure_work_dir_set = "Work Directory Set! You may need to re-login!"
system_component_name_your_bot = "Please Name Your robot"
system_component_configure_work_profile_made = "Working Directory and Profile Created!"
system_component_configure_no_set_config = "Unable to Update config.php File!"
system_component_configure_no_create_profile = "Unable to Create Profile!"
system_component_configure_work_dir_invalid = "Work Directory is Invalid! Cannot Create Profile!"
system_component_describe_robot = "Please Describe Your Robot"
system_component_php_version = "PHP Version 5.4 or Newer"
system_component_no_write_config_php = "configs/config.php not web server writable."
system_component_no_write_work_dir = "Work directory needs to be writable by web server. "
system_component_post_size_small = "php.ini file variable post_max_size should be at least 2M"
system_component_missing_required = "The following required items were missing:"
system_component_missing_optional = "The following optional items were missing:"
system_component_check_passed = "Check Passed."
system_component_using_local_config = "Using configs/LocalConfig.php so changing work directory above may not work."
; Controller.php
search_controller_logout_successful = "Logout Successful!!"
; MachineController.php
machine_controller_nolines = "No Lines Match Filter!"
; RegisterController.php
register_controller_need_cookies = "Cookies need to be enabled to register or log in to a Yioop!"
register_validator_js_valid_email = "Valid email"
register_validator_js_invalid_email = "Invalid email"
register_validator_js_more_characters = "More characters needed"
register_validator_js_strong_password = "Strong password"
register_validator_js_weak_password = "Weak password"
register_validator_js_enter_username = "Enter username"
register_validator_js_enter_firstname = "Enter your first name"
register_validator_js_enter_lastname = "Enter your last name"
register_validator_js_retype_password_matched = "Password&#039;s match"
register_validator_js_retype_password_not_matched = "Password do not match"
register_controller_account_created = "Account created successfully!!"
register_controller_account_request_made = "Account registration request has been sent!"
register_controller_admin_activation_request = "Yioop User Has Requested Activation"
register_controller_admin_activation_message = "User %s %s with username %s has requested activation of their account."
register_controller_registration_email_sent = "Registration email sent!"
register_controller_admin_email_salutation = "Dear %s %s,"
register_controller_email_body = "This email was given in a Yioop account creation request. If you are interested in a Yioop account please use the address below to complete the registration process."
register_controller_email_verification_error = "Email verification error!!"
register_controller_already_activated = "Account has already been activated!"
register_controller_account_activated = "Account successfully activated!!"
register_controller_account_recover_fail = "Unable to recover account!"
register_controller_account_recover_email = "Recover Account Email Sent!!"
register_controller_recover_request = "Yioop Account Recovery Request"
register_controller_recover_body = "A request was made to recover your Yioop password. If this is correct, please paste the link below into a browser and complete the form presented."
register_controller_recovered_already = "Recover email already used!"
register_controller_recovery_expired = "Recover email has expired!"
register_controller_password_changed = "Password changed!"
register_controller_passwords_dont_match = "Passwords don&#039;t match!"
register_controller_email_resend_fail = "Resend Registration Fail!"
register_controller_user_active_fail = "User Account Already Active!"
register_controller_invalid_url = "Format of URL is invalid!"
register_controller_error_fields = "Starred fields need to be filled in correctly!"
register_controller_failed_hashcode = "Hash Code Did Not Match!"
register_controller_failed_human = "Got human check questions wrong!"
register_controller_failed_graphical_human = "Captcha Mis-entered!"
register_controller_suggest_full = "Suggest URL buffer is full! Please try again later!"
register_controller_url_submitted = "Suggested URL saved!"
register_controller_check_email = "Check Email Address!"
register_controller_user_already_exists = "Account not created - Username already in use!!"
; SearchController.php
search_controller_web = "Web"
search_controller_mix_info = "Using Crawl Mix: %s"
search_controller_crawl_info = "Index: %s -- Size: %s pages/%s urls"
search_controller_search = "Search"
search_controller_no_index_set = "No Search Index Set For Use!"
search_controller_get_keyword_ads = "Advertise for %s"
search_controller_ad_keyword_description = "Do keyword advertising on Yioop!"
search_controller_download_fetcher = "Download Fetcher: %s"
search_controller_no_archive_page = "The website in question has requested this page not be archived."
search_controller_site_cache = "Yioop Cache"
search_controller_original_page = "This image appeared on the page:"
search_controller_extracted_title = "Extracted Title"
search_controller_extracted_description = "Extracted Description"
search_controller_extracted_links = "Extracted Links"
search_controller_extracted_allow_paths = "Extracted Allowed To Crawl Paths"
search_controller_extracted_disallow_paths = "Extracted Disallowed To Crawl Paths"
search_controller_crawl_delay = "YioopBot Crawl Delay"
search_controller_cache_comment = "Yioop Cache Page... This page has been modified to add a robots directive,  make links absolute, add extracted summaries, and to highlight query terms."
search_controller_cached_version = "This cached version of %s was obtained by the Yioop crawler on %s."
search_controller_header_summaries = "Toggle Extracted Headers and Summaries"
search_controller_history = "Toggle History"
search_controller_all_cached = "All Cached Versions - Change Year and/or Months to see Links"
search_controller_year = "Year:"
search_controller_month = "Month:"
; SettingsController.php
settings_controller_crawl_mix = "crawl mix"
settings_controller_settings_saved = "Settings Saved!"
; StaticController.php
static_controller_logout_successful = "Logout Successful"
static_controller_complete_title = "Yioop - %s"
; /src/views
; AdminView.php
admin_view_admin = "Admin"
admin_view_auto_logout_one_minute = "Auto-logout in One Minute!!"
; CrawlstatusView.php
crawlstatus_view_currently_processing = "Currently Processing"
crawlstatus_view_description = "Description:"
crawlstatus_view_starting_crawl = "Starting New Crawl..."
crawlstatus_view_stop_crawl = "Stop Crawl"
crawlstatus_view_resuming_crawl = "Resuming Crawl"
crawlstatus_view_shutdown_queue = "Shutting Down Queue..."
crawlstatus_view_closing_dict = "Closing Crawl Dictionary..."
crawlstatus_view_run_plugins = "Running Post Processing Plugins..."
crawlstatus_view_set_index = "Set as Index"
crawlstatus_view_search_index = "Search Index"
crawlstatus_view_changeoptions = "Change Crawl Options"
crawlstatus_view_no_description = "No active crawl"
crawlstatus_view_timestamp = "Timestamp:"
crawlstatus_view_time_started = "Time started:"
crawlstatus_view_indexer_memory = "Indexer Peak Memory:"
crawlstatus_view_scheduler_memory = "Scheduler Peak Memory:"
crawlstatus_view_queue_memory = "Server Peak Memory:"
crawlstatus_view_no_mem_data = "No Memory Data Yet"
crawlstatus_view_fetcher_memory = "Fetcher Peak Memory:"
crawlstatus_view_webapp_memory = "Web App Peak Memory:"
crawlstatus_view_urls_per_hour = "Visited Urls/Hour:"
crawlstatus_view_visited_urls = "Visited Urls Count:"
crawlstatus_view_total_urls = "Total Urls Seen:"
crawlstatus_view_most_recent_fetcher = "Most Recent Fetcher:"
crawlstatus_view_no_fetcher = "No Fetcher Queries Yet"
crawlstatus_view_most_recent_urls = "Most Recent Urls"
crawlstatus_view_no_recent_urls = "No Recent Urls (Could mean only link data)"
crawlstatus_view_previous_crawls = "Previous Crawls"
crawlstatus_view_query_stats = "Query Statistics"
crawlstatus_view_url_counts = "Visited/Extracted Urls:"
crawlstatus_view_actions = "Actions"
crawlstatus_view_statistics = "Statistics"
crawlstatus_view_resume = "Resume"
crawlstatus_view_no_resume = "Closed"
crawlstatus_view_delete = "Delete"
crawlstatus_view_no_previous_crawl = "No Previous Crawls"
; /src/views/elements
; ActivityElement.php
activity_element_activities = "Activities"
; AppearanceElement.php
appearance_element_use_wiki_landing = "Use Wiki Public Main Page as Landing Page:"
appearance_element_background_color = "Background Color:"
appearance_element_background_image = "Background Image:"
appearance_element_foreground_color = "Foreground Color:"
appearance_element_topbar_color = "Top Bar Color:"
appearance_element_sidebar_color = "Side Bar Color:"
appearance_element_site_logo = "Site Logo:"
appearance_element_mobile_logo = "Mobile Logo:"
appearance_element_favicon = "Favicon:"
appearance_element_toolbar = "Search Toolbar"
appearance_element_site_timezone = "Timezone:"
appearance_element_cookie_name = "Web Cookie Name:"
appearance_element_token_name = "Web Token Name:"
appearance_element_auxiliary_css = "Auxiliary Style Directives"
appearance_element_reset_customizations = "Reset Customizations"
appearance_element_save = "Save"
; ConfigureElement.php
configure_element_work_directory = "Search Engine Work Directory"
configure_element_load_or_create = "Load or Create"
configure_element_component_check = "Component Check"
configure_element_profile_settings = "Profile Settings"
configure_element_default_language = "Default Language:"
configure_element_debug_display = "Debug Display"
configure_element_error_info = "Error Info"
configure_element_query_info = "Query Info"
configure_element_test_info = "Test Info"
configure_element_site_access = "Search Access"
configure_element_web_access = "Web"
configure_element_rss_access = "RSS"
configure_element_api_access = "API"
configure_element_crawl_robot = "Crawl Robot Set-up"
configure_element_robot_name = "Crawl Robot Name:"
configure_element_robot_instance = "Robot Instance:"
configure_element_robot_description = "Robot Description"
configure_element_save = "Save"
; CrawloptionsElement.php
crawloptions_element_back_to_manage = "Back"
crawloptions_element_modify_active_crawl = "Modify Active Crawl"
crawloptions_element_edit_crawl_options = "Edit Crawl Options"
crawloptions_element_web_crawl = "Web Crawl"
crawloptions_element_archive_crawl = "Archive Crawl"
crawloptions_element_load_options = "Get Crawl Options From:"
crawloptions_element_crawl_order = "Crawl Order:"
crawloptions_element_restrict_by_url = "Restrict Sites By Url:"
crawloptions_element_allowed_to_crawl = "Allowed To Crawl Sites"
crawloptions_element_disallowed_and_quota_sites = "Disallowed Sites/Sites with Quotas"
crawloptions_element_seed_sites = "Seed Sites"
crawloptions_element_add_suggest_urls = "Add User Suggest data"
crawloptions_element_inject_sites = "Sites to Inject into Current Crawl"
crawloptions_element_reindex_crawl = "Crawl or Arc Folder to Re-index:"
crawloptions_element_need_api_for_mix = "Yioop API access required for mix archive crawls  "
crawloptions_element_save_options = "Save Options"
; EditclassifierElement.php
editclassifier_element_back = "Back"
editclassifier_element_edit_classifier = "Edit Classifier"
editclassifier_element_classifier_label = "Classifier Label:"
editclassifier_element_change = "Change"
editclassifier_element_statistics = "Statistics"
editclassifier_element_positive_examples = "Positive Examples:"
editclassifier_element_negative_examples = "Negative Examples:"
editclassifier_element_accuracy = "Accuracy:"
editclassifier_element_na = "N/A"
editclassifier_element_update = "Update"
editclassifier_element_add_examples = "Add Examples"
editclassifier_element_source = "Source:"
editclassifier_element_default_crawl = "Default Crawl"
editclassifier_element_label_by_hand = "Label By Hand"
editclassifier_element_all_in_class = "All In Class"
editclassifier_element_none_in_class = "None In Class"
editclassifier_element_keywords = "Keywords:"
editclassifier_element_load = "Load"
editclassifier_element_finalize = "Finalize"
editclassifier_element_no_documents = "No Documents"
; EditlocalesElement.php
editlocales_element_back_to_manage = "Back"
editlocales_element_edit_locale = "Edit Locale: %s"
editlocales_element_show = "Show:"
editlocales_element_filter = "Filter:"
editlocales_element_go = "Go"
editlocales_element_no_matching = "No Matching Strings Left To Translate!"
editlocales_element_save = "Save"
; EditmixElement.php
editmix_element_back_to_mix = "Back"
editmix_element_edit_mix = "Edit Crawl Mix"
editmix_element_mix_name = "Mix Name"
editmix_element_mix_components = "Mix Components"
editmix_element_too_many = "At Maximum Number of Search Fragments!"
editmix_element_add_fragment = "Add Search Result Fragment"
editmix_element_save_button = "Save"
; FooterElement.php
footer_element_blog = "Blog"
footer_element_privacy = "Privacy"
footer_element_terms = "Terms"
footer_element_tools = "Tools"
footer_element_bot = "ThisSiteBot"
footer_element_developed_seek_quarry = "Developed at SeekQuarry"
footer_element_copyright_site = "(c) This Site"
footer_element_this_search_engine = "This Search Engine"
; GroupfeedElement.php
groupfeed_element_add_group = "Add Group"
groupfeed_element_request_add = "Request Add Group"
groupfeed_element_group_activity = "Group Activity"
groupfeed_element_page_thread = "%s Page at %s Group Discussion "
groupfeed_element_page_thread_rss = "%s Page at %s Group Discussion RSS"
groupfeed_element_wiki_page = "%s Page at %s Group"
groupfeed_element_rss = "%s RSS"
groupfeed_element_groupfeed = "%s Feed"
groupfeed_element_userfeed = "User: %s"
groupfeed_element_userrss = "User: %s RSS"
groupfeed_element_comment = "Comment"
groupfeed_element_group_wiki = "Wiki"
groupfeed_element_group_stats = "%s posts, %s threads"
groupfeed_element_last_post = "Last Post:"
groupfeed_element_start_thread = "Start New Thread"
groupfeed_element_no_posts_yet = "No posts yet!"
groupfeed_element_thread_no_exist = "Thread does not exist! Maybe it was deleted?"
groupfeed_element_edit = "Edit"
groupfeed_element_delete = "Delete"
groupfeed_element_num_posts = "%s posts"
groupfeed_element_num_views = "%s views"
groupfeed_element_start_thread_in_group = "Start New Thread in %s"
groupfeed_element_last_edited = "Last Edited: %s"
groupfeed_element_post_vote = "Vote:"
groupfeed_element_last_post_info = "Last Post:"
groupfeed_element_feedplaces = "My Feed Places"
groupfeed_element_mygroups = "All Feeds"
groupfeed_element_userplaces = "User Places"
groupfeed_element_groupplaces = "%s Group Places"
groupfeed_element_wiki_name = "%s Wiki"
groupfeed_element_recent_threads = "Recent Threads"
groupfeed_element_recent_groupfeeds = "Recent Feeds"
groupfeed_element_drag_textarea = "Drag items into the textarea to add them..."
groupfeed_element_click_textarea = "or click to select them."
groupfeed_element_add_comment = "Add a Comment"
groupfeed_element_save = "Save"
groupfeed_element_subject = "Subject"
groupfeed_element_post = "Post"
groupfeed_element_edit_post = "Edit Post"
groupfeed_element_no_longer_update = "Group Feeds No Longer Updating!"
; MachinelogElement.php
machinelog_element_back_to_manage = "Back"
machinelog_element_filter = "Filter:"
machinelog_element_log_file = "%s Log File"
machinelog_element_refresh_off = "Turn Auto Refresh Off"
machinelog_element_refresh_on = "Turn Auto Refresh On"
; ManageaccountElement.php
manageaccount_element_edit_or_no_text = "Toggle whether account information is editable"
manageaccount_element_welcome = "Welcome, %s!"
manageaccount_element_what_can_do = "From this page you can access and control aspects of your account."
manageaccount_element_account_details = "Account Details"
manageaccount_element_icon = "User Icon"
manageaccount_element_username = "Username"
manageaccount_element_firstname = "First Name"
manageaccount_element_lastname = "Last Name"
manageaccount_element_email = "Email"
manageaccount_element_is_advertiser = "Advertise With Us"
manageaccount_element_is_bot = "Bot User"
manageaccount_element_bot_unique_token = "Bot Unique Token"
manageaccount_element_bot_callback_url = "Bot Callback URL"
manageaccount_element_password = "Password:"
manageaccount_element_new_password = "New Password: "
manageaccount_element_retype_password = "Retype: "
manageaccount_element_new_recovery_qa = "Recovery Answers:"
manageaccount_element_save = "Save"
manageaccount_element_search_lang_settings = "Language and Search Settings"
manageaccount_element_crawl_and_index = "Crawls and Indexes"
manageaccount_element_crawl_info = "Crawl and index the web or an existing archive and create a searchable index."
manageaccount_element_num_crawls = "You have %s active crawls, %s previous crawl indexes."
manageaccount_element_manage_crawls = "Manage Crawls and Indexes"
manageaccount_element_query_statistics = "Search Query Statistics"
manageaccount_element_groups_and_feeds = "Groups and Feeds"
manageaccount_element_group_info = "Create or subscribe to groups to communicate with friends."
manageaccount_element_num_groups = "You belong to %s groups."
manageaccount_element_num_group = "You belong to 1 group."
manageaccount_element_manage = "Manage"
manageaccount_element_statistics = "Statistics"
manageaccount_element_group_wiki = "Wiki"
manageaccount_element_group_stats = "%s posts, %s threads"
manageaccount_element_last_post = "Last Post:"
manageaccount_element_manage_all_groups = "Join/Manage All Groups"
manageaccount_element_go_to_group_feed = "See Combined Group Feeds"
manageaccount_element_crawl_mixes = "Crawl Mixes"
manageaccount_element_mixes_info = "Present search results from multiple indexes in the order you prefer. Share your search creations with groups of friends."
manageaccount_element_num_mixes = "You have %s crawl mixes."
manageaccount_element_num_mix = "You have %s crawl mix."
manageaccount_element_manage_mixes = "Create/Manage Crawl Mixes"
; ManageadvertisementsElement.php
manageadvertisements_element_list = "Advertisement List"
manageadvertisements_element_adname = "Ad Name"
manageadvertisements_element_username = "Username"
manageadvertisements_element_keywords = "Keywords"
manageadvertisements_element_budget = "Budget"
manageadvertisements_element_dates = "Date"
manageadvertisements_element_viewclicks = "Views/Clicks"
manageadvertisements_element_status = "Status"
manageadvertisements_element_actions = "Actions"
manageadvertisements_element_active = "Active"
manageadvertisements_element_deactivated = "Deactivated"
manageadvertisements_element_suspended = "Suspended"
manageadvertisements_element_completed = "Completed"
manageadvertisements_element_edit = "Edit"
manageadvertisements_element_deconfirm = "Deactivate this ad?"
manageadvertisements_element_deactivate = "Deactivate"
manageadvertisements_element_suspend = "Suspend"
manageadvertisements_element_reconfirm = "Reactivate this ad?"
manageadvertisements_element_reactivate = "Reactivate"
manageadvertisements_element_addadvertisement_form = "Create Advertisement Form"
manageadvertisements_element_ad_info = "Advertisement Information"
manageadvertisements_element_purchase_ad = "Purchase Ad Listing"
manageadvertisements_element_ad_user = "Ad Creator"
manageadvertisements_element_displayname = "Ad Title"
manageadvertisements_element_text = "Ad Body"
manageadvertisements_element_ad_url = "Destination URL"
manageeadvertisement_element_ad_duration = "Campaign Duration"
manageeadvertisement_element_start_day = "Start day is day of purchase."
manageeadvertisement_element_keywords = "Keywords"
manageadvertisements_element_keyword_help = "Campaign Duration"
manageadvertisements_element_keyword_bid_amount = "Minimum Bid Required"
manageadvertisements_element_expensive_word = "Expensive word"
manageadvertisements_element_calculate_bid = "Calculate Bid"
manageadvertisements_element_update = "Update"
manageadvertisements_element_buy_info = "Using the Purchase button deducts the Budget field amount from your %s available ad credits."
manageadvertisements_element_buy_credits = "Buy more ad credits"
manageadvertisements_element_edit_ad = "Edit Ad"
manageadvertisements_element_purchase = "Purchase"
manageadvertisements_element_preview = "Preview"
manageadvertisements_element_search_advertisement = "Search"
manageadvertisements_element_description = "Description"
manageadvertisements_element_destination_url = "Destination URL"
manageadvertisements_element_start_date = "Start Date"
manageadvertisements_element_end_date = "End Date"
; ManageclassifiersElement.php
manageclassifiers_element_available_classifiers = "Available Classifiers"
manageclassifiers_element_label_col = "Label"
manageclassifiers_element_positive_col = "Positive"
manageclassifiers_element_negative_col = "Negative"
manageclassifiers_element_actions_col = "Actions"
manageclassifiers_element_edit = "Edit"
manageclassifiers_element_finalized = "Finalized"
manageclassifiers_element_finalize = "Finalize"
manageclassifiers_element_finalizing = "Finalizing"
manageclassifiers_element_confirm = "Are you sure you want to delete?"
manageclassifiers_element_delete = "Delete"
manageclassifiers_element_manage_classifiers = "Manage Classifiers"
manageclassifiers_element_classifier_name = "Name"
manageclassifiers_element_create_button = "Create"
manageclassifiers_element_element_search = "Search"
manageclassifiers_element_element_create_form = "Search"
; ManagecrawlsElement.php
managecrawls_element_create_crawl = "Create Crawl"
managecrawls_element_description = "Name"
managecrawls_element_start_new_crawl = "Start New Crawl"
managecrawls_element_options = "Options"
managecrawls_element_awaiting_status = "Awaiting Crawl Status"
managecrawls_element_up_longer_update = "Crawl Status No Longer Updating"
; ManagecreditsElement.php
managecredits_element_purchase_credits = "Purchase Ad Credits"
managecredit_element_num_credits = "Quantity"
managecredit_element_card_number = "Credit Card Number"
managecredit_element_cvc = "CVC"
managecredit_element_expiration = "Expiration"
managecredits_element_charge_warning = "Using the Purchase button charges the above card the Quantity field&#039;s amount in US dollars and agrees to the "
managecredits_element_program_terms = "Ad Program Terms"
managecredits_element_purchase = "Purchase"
managecredits_element_script_failure = "No Working Credit Card Script Found!"
managecredits_element_balance = "Balance: %s credits"
managecredits_element_transactions = "Ad Credit Transactions"
managecredits_element_type = "Type"
managecredits_element_amount = "Amount"
managecredits_element_date = "Date"
managecredits_element_total = "Total"
; ManagegroupsElement.php
managegroups_element_not_my_groups = "Not Subscribed to Groups"
managegroups_element_groups = "Subscribed Groups"
managegroups_element_groupname = "Name"
managegroups_element_groupowner = "Owner"
managegroups_element_registertype = "Register"
managegroups_element_memberaccess = "Access"
managegroups_element_voting = "Voting"
managegroups_element_post_lifetime = "Post Lifetime"
managegroups_element_actions = "Actions"
managegroups_element_num_users = "%s users"
managegroups_element_statistics = "Statistics"
managegroups_element_group_wiki = "Wiki"
managegroups_element_join = "Join"
managegroups_element_edit = "Edit"
managegroups_element_delete = "Delete"
managegroups_element_decline = "Decline"
managegroups_element_unsubscribe = "Unsubscribe"
managegroups_element_delete_operation = "Are you sure you want to delete?"
managegroups_element_addgroup_form = "Create/Join Group"
managegroups_element_group_info = "Edit Group"
managegroups_element_create_group = "Create Group"
managegroups_element_add_group = "Create/Join Group"
managegroups_element_browse = "Browse"
managegroups_element_register = "Register"
managegroups_element_feed = "Feed"
managegroups_element_import_discussions = "Import Discussions"
managegroups_element_group_users = "Members"
managegroups_element_with_selected = "With Selected"
managegroups_element_ban = "Ban"
managegroups_element_unban = "Reinstate"
managegroups_element_name = "Name"
managegroups_element_join_date = "Join Date"
managegroups_element_status = "Status"
managegroups_element_action = "Action"
managegroups_element_activate = "Activate"
managegroups_element_filter = "Filter:"
managegroups_element_invite = "Invite More Users"
managegroups_element_save = "Save"
managegroups_element_invite_users_group = "Invite Users to Group"
managegroups_element_usernames = "Usernames (space/comma delimited)"
managegroups_element_transfer_group_owner = "Transfer Group Owner"
managegroups_element_new_group_owner = "New Owner"
managegroups_element_change_owner = "Change Owner"
managegroups_element_group_statistics = "%s Group Statistics"
managegroups_element_go = "Go"
managegroups_element_group_views = "Group Views"
managegroups_element_thread_views = "Thread Views"
managegroups_element_wiki_views = "Wiki Views"
managegroups_element_last_hour = "Last Hour"
managegroups_element_last_day = "Last Day"
managegroups_element_last_month = "Last Month"
managegroups_element_last_year = "Last Year"
managegroups_element_all_time = "All Time"
managegroups_element_no_activity = "No Activity"
managegroups_element_discover_groups = "Discover Groups"
managegroups_element_search_group = "Search Subscribed Groups"
managegroups_element_back = "Back"
managegroups_element_hour = "Hour"
managegroups_element_day = "Day"
managegroups_element_month = "Month"
managegroups_element_num_visits = "Number of Visits"
; ManagelocalesElement.php
managelocales_element_locale_list = "Locale List"
managelocales_element_localename = "Name"
managelocales_element_localetag = "Tag"
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managelocales_element_enabled = "Enabled"
managelocales_element_percenttranslated = "Percent"
managelocales_element_actions = "Actions"
managelocales_element_true = "true"
managelocales_element_false = "false"
managelocales_element_edit = "Edit"
managelocales_confirm_delete = "Are you sure you want to delete?"
managelocales_element_delete = "Delete"
managelocales_element_add_locale_form = "Add Locale Form"
managelocales_element_locale_info = "Edit Locale"
managelocales_element_add_locale = "Add Locale"
managelocales_element_localenamelabel = "Locale Name:"
managelocales_element_localetaglabel = "Locale Tag:"
managelocales_element_writingmodelabel = "Writing Mode:"
managelocales_element_localeenabled = "Locale Enabled:"
managelocales_element_submit = "Submit"
managelocales_element_search_locales = "Search Locales"
managelocales_element_addlocale_form = "Add Locale Form"
; ManagemachinesElement.php
managemachines_element_add_machine = "Add Machine"
managemachines_element_machine_name = "Machine Name:"
managemachines_element_machineurl = "Machine Url:"
managemachines_element_is_mirror = "Is Mirror:"
managemachines_element_parent_name = "Parent Name:"
managemachines_element_has_queueserver = "Has Queue Server:"
managemachines_element_num_fetchers = "Number of Fetchers:"
managemachines_element_submit = "Submit"
managemachines_element_machine_info = "Machine Information"
managemachines_element_awaiting_status = "Awaiting statuses of machines..."
managemachines_element_no_longer_update = "Machine status no longer updating..."
; ManagerolesElement.php
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pageoptions_element_no_compatible_plugins = "No compatible indexing plugins found!"
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; QuerystatsElement.php
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; SecurityElement.php
security_element_auth_captcha = "Authentication and Captcha Types"
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; ServersettingsElement.php
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; SigninElement.php
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signin_element_signout = "Sign Out"
; StatisticsElement.php
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statistics_element_recompute_stats = "Recompute"
statistics_element_stats_scheduled = "Crawl statistics have been scheduled to be computed next time MediaUpdater run. "
statistics_element_already_scheduled = "Crawl statistics have already been scheduled to be computed next time MediaUpdater run. "
; SubsearchElement.php
subsearch_element_more = "More"
; WikiElement.php
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wiki_element_use_form_below = "Or you can use the form below to create or edit a different page."
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wiki_element_signin_edit = "If you have sufficient access you might be able to create the page by logging in and navigating back here."
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; GroupView.php
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group_view_auto_logout_one_minute = "Auto-logout in One Minute!!"
; /src/views/helpers
; FeedsHelper.php
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feeds_helper_view_hourdate = "%s hours ago"
; FileuploadHelper.php
fileupload_helper_drag_textarea = "Drag items into the textarea to add them..."
fileupload_helper_click_textarea = "or click to select them."
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basic_js_too_many_files = "Trying to add too many files!"
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helpbutton_helper_not_available = "Unable to load Help article!"
helpbutton_helper_create_edit = "You can create this page by selecting edit from the dropdown above."
helpbutton_helper_page_no_exist = "%s page does not exist."
helpbutton_helper_read = "Read"
; ImagesHelper.php
images_helper_view_image_results = "View More Image Results..."
; PaginationHelper.php
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pagination_helper_next = "Next"
; PagingtableHelper.php
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; /src/views/layouts
; RssLayout.php
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rss_layout_description = "Search results for: %s"
; WebLayout.php
web_layout_title = "This Search Engine - This Site"
web_layout_description = "This Search Engine Site needs to be described. Software from"
web_layout_site_author = "Chris Pollett"
web_layout_query_statistics = "Query Statistics"
web_layout_total_elapsed_time = "Total Elapsed Time for Queries: %s seconds."
web_layout_query_time = "Time: %s seconds."
; MachinestatusView.php
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machinestatus_view_delete = "Delete"
machinestatus_view_not_configured = "Machine Not Configured!"
machinestatus_view_mirrors = "Mirrors"
machinestatus_view_queue_server = "Queue Server"
machinestatus_view_no_queue_server = "Machine has no queue server"
machinestatus_view_no_fetchers = "Machine has no fetchers"
machinestatus_view_fetchers = "Fetchers"
; NocacheView.php
nocache_view_no_cache = "Did not have cache of requested item."
nocache_view_summary_contents = "Summary Data stored in Yioop for Item"
; RecoverView.php
recover_view_recover_password = "Recover Account"
recover_view_new_password = "New Password"
recover_view_retypepassword = "Re-type password:"
recover_view_username = "Username:"
recover_view_account_recovery = "Recovery Info"
recover_view_human_check = "Human Check:"
recover_view_return = "Return to Yioop"
; RegisterView.php
register_view_question0_most = "Which lives or lasts the longest?"
register_view_question0_least = "Which lives or lasts the shortest?"
register_view_question0_choices = "lightning,bacteria,ant,dog,horse,person,oak tree,planet,star,galaxy"
register_view_question1_most = "Which is more abundant?"
register_view_question1_least = "Which is less abundant?"
register_view_question1_choices = "continents,countries,subways,cities,doctors,people,hair,cells,molecules,atoms,protons"
register_view_question2_most = "Which is usually more pricey?"
register_view_question2_least = "Which is usually less pricey?"
register_view_question2_choices = "a postage stamp,cup of coffee,movie ticket,shoes,bicycle,one month&#039;s rent,car,house,a power plant"
register_view_question3_most = "Which is more round?"
register_view_question3_least = "Which is less round?"
register_view_question3_choices = "a chair,the letter T,a banana,a pear,an apple,an orange,a sphere"
register_view_question4_most = "Which is usually the largest?"
register_view_question4_least = "Which is usually the smallest?"
register_view_question4_choices = "a coin,a baseball,a milk gallon,shopping cart,refrigerator,giraffe,house,volcano,the Moon,the Earth"
register_view_question5_most = "Which is taller?"
register_view_question5_least = "Which is shorter?"
register_view_question5_choices = "ladybug,mouse,cat,toddler,man,horse,elephant,giraffe,tall building,mountain"
register_view_question6_most = "Which takes longer?"
register_view_question6_least = "Which takes less time?"
register_view_question6_choices = "blink,lick envelope,comb hair,apply makeup,watch a movie,run marathon,olympics,summer vacation,year"
register_view_question7_most = "Which is hotter sounding?"
register_view_question7_least = "Which is colder sounding?"
register_view_question7_choices = "Pluto,polar exploring,skating,swimming pool,tea,steam,molten iron,sun"
register_view_question8_most = "Which is the oldest?"
register_view_question8_least = "Which is the newest?"
register_view_question8_choices = "fresh milk,current president,your grandparents,Flight at Kitty Hawk,the Black Death,Egyptian Pyramids,writing,cave paintings,dinosaurs"
register_view_question9_most = "Which holds more?"
register_view_question9_least = "Which holds less?"
register_view_question9_choices = "teaspoon,saucer,cup,bowl,teapot,wash basin,barrel,pickup truck,moving van,oil tanker"
register_view_recovery1_more = "Animal you like the best:"
register_view_recovery1_less = "Animal you like the least:"
register_view_recovery1_choices = "ant,bunny,cat,cockroach,dog,goldfish,hamster,horse,snake,spider,tiger,whale"
register_view_recovery2_more = "Color you like the most:"
register_view_recovery2_less = "Color you like the least:"
register_view_recovery2_choices = "no color,aquamarine,blue,brown,gold,green,gray,mauve,pink,periwinkle,purple,red,silver,turquoise,yellow"
register_view_recovery3_more = "Food you like the most:"
register_view_recovery3_less = "Food you like the least:"
register_view_recovery3_choices = "apple,banana,chicken,fish,lamb,nuts,orange,pork,potato,tomato,steak"
register_view_recovery4_more = "Drink you like the most:"
register_view_recovery4_less = "Drink you like the least:"
register_view_recovery4_choices = "apple juice,beer,coffee,hot tea,ice tea,lemonade,orange juice,soda,sparkling water,still water,wine"
register_view_recovery5_more = "Game you like the most:"
register_view_recovery5_less = "Game you like the least:"
register_view_recovery5_choices = "basketball,backgammon,checkers,chess,football,hockey,skate,ski,tennis,volleyball"
register_view_recovery6_more = "Sound you like the most:"
register_view_recovery6_less = "Sound you like the least:"
register_view_recovery6_choices = "accordian,drum,flute,guitar,harmonica,harp,horn,oboe,piano,triangle,trumpet,violin,whistle,xylophone"
register_view_create_account = "Create Account"
register_view_firstname = "First Name:"
register_view_lastname = "Last Name:"
register_view_username = "Username:"
register_view_email = "Email:"
register_view_password = "Password:"
register_view_retypepassword = "Re-type password:"
register_view_account_recovery = "Recovery Info:"
register_view_human_check = "Human Check:"
register_view_i_agree = "By using Create Account button, I agree to the"
register_view_terms = "Yioop Terms"
register_view_and = "and"
register_view_privacy = "Privacy Policy"
register_view_period = "."
register_view_return = "Return to Yioop"
; ResendEmailView.php
resendemail_view_resend_activation = "Resend Activation"
resendemail_view_username = "Username:"
resendemail_view_human_check = "Human Check:"
resendemail_view_resend_email = "Resend Email"
resendemail_view_return = "Return"
; SearchView.php
search_view_title = "Yioop - PHP Search Engine"
search_view_input_label = "Enter the terms you would like to search the web for"
search_view_input_placeholder = "Type what to find"
search_view_search = "Search"
search_view_no_index_set = "No Default Index Set"
search_view_calculated = "%s seconds."
search_view_results = "Showing %s - %s of %s"
search_view_thesaurus_results = "Thesaurus Results"
search_view_possible_answer = "Possible Answer:"
search_view_word_cloud = "Words:"
search_view_cache = "Cached"
search_view_as_text = "View&nbsp;as&nbsp;text"
search_view_similar = "Similar"
search_view_inlink = "Inlinks"
search_view_rank = "Rank:%s "
search_view_relevancy = "Rel:%s "
search_view_proximity = "Prox:%s"
search_view_thesaurus_score = "Thesaurus: %s"
search_view_score = "Score:%s"
; SettingsView.php
settings_view_settings = "Settings"
settings_view_results_per_page = "Results/Page:"
settings_view_open_in_tabs = "Open in Tabs:"
settings_view_search_index = "Search Index:"
settings_view_language_label = "Language:"
settings_view_return = "Return"
settings_view_save = "Save Settings"
settings_view_install_plugin = "Install Yioop Open Search Plugin"
; SigninView.php
signin_view_signin = "Signin"
signin_view_signing_in = "Logging on"
signin_view_login_failed = "Login Failed!"
signin_view_username = "Username"
signin_view_password = "Password"
signin_view_login = "Login"
signin_view_recover_password = "Forgot Password?"
signin_view_create_account = "Create Account"
signin_view_resend_activation = "Resend Activation Email"
signin_view_return = "Return"
; StaticView.php
static_view_title = "PHP Search Engine - Yioop!"
static_view_places = "Places:"
; SuggestView.php
suggest_view_suggest_url = "Suggest A URL"
suggest_view_instructions = "Suggest a site for the next web crawl. Up to ten sites per day can be accepted."
suggest_view_url = "URL:"
suggest_view_human_check = "Human Check:"
suggest_view_submit_url = "Submit"
suggest_view_return = "Return to Yioop"
; View.php
view_locale_version15 = "Version 15"
view_logo_alt_text = "Yioop"
; WikiView.php
wiki_view_page_places = "%s Page at %s Group Places"
wiki_view_read_page = "%s Page at %s Group"
wiki_view_edit_page = "Edit %s Page"
wiki_view_page_history = "%s Page History"
wiki_view_page_source = "%s Page Source"
wiki_view_page_relationships = "What relates to %s Page"
wiki_view_page_discuss = "%s Page Discussion"
wiki_view_page_list = "%s Group Page List"
wiki_view_group_feed = "%s Group Feed"
wiki_view_auto_logout_one_minute = "Auto-logout in One Minute!!"
; /src/library/indexing_plugins
; WordfilterPlugin.php
wordfilter_plugin_settings_saved = "Word Filter Settings Saved!"
wordfilter_plugin_defaults_restored = "Defaults restored!"
wordfilter_plugin_preferences = "Word Filter Preferences"
wordfilter_plugin_factory_settings = "Factory Settings"
wordfilter_plugin_save = "Save"