viewgit/inc/functions.php:22 Function utf8_encode() is deprecated [8192]
<?php /** * SeekQuarry/Yioop -- * Open Source Pure PHP Search Engine, Crawler, and Indexer * * Copyright (C) 2009 - 2018 Chris Pollett * * LICENSE: * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * END LICENSE * * @author Mallika Perepa, Chris Pollett * @license GPL3 * @link * @copyright 2009 - 2018 * @filesource */ namespace seekquarry\yioop\models; use seekquarry\yioop as B; use seekquarry\yioop\configs as C; use seekquarry\yioop\library as L; use seekquarry\yioop\library\MediaConstants; use seekquarry\yioop\library\VersionManager; use seekquarry\yioop\library\WikiParser; use seekquarry\yioop\library\processors\ImageProcessor; use seekquarry\yioop\models\ImpressionModel; /** * This is class is used to handle * db results related to Group Administration. Groups are collections of * users who might access a common blog/news feed and set of pages. This * method also controls adding and deleting entries to a group feed and * does limited access control checks of these operations. * * @author Mallika Perepa (creator), Chris Pollett (rewrite) */ class GroupModel extends Model implements MediaConstants { /** * Associations of the form * name of field for web forms => database column names/abbreviations * In this case, things will in general map to the GROUPS, or USER_GROUP * or GROUP_ITEM tables in the Yioop database * @var array */ public $search_table_column_map = ["access"=>"G.MEMBER_ACCESS", "group_id"=>"G.GROUP_ID", "post_id" => "GI.ID", "join_date"=>"UG.JOIN_DATE", "name"=>"G.GROUP_NAME", "owner"=>"O.USER_NAME", "pub_date" => "GI.PUBDATE", "parent_id"=>"GI.PARENT_ID", "register"=>"G.REGISTER_TYPE", "status"=>"UG.STATUS", "user_id"=>"P.USER_ID", "voting" => "G.VOTE_ACCESS", "lifetime" => "G.POST_LIFETIME", "key" => "G.GROUP_ID"]; /** * These fields if present in $search_array (used by @see getRows() ), * but with value "-1", will be skipped as part of the where clause * but will be used for order by clause * @var array */ public $any_fields = ["access", "register", "voting", "lifetime"]; /** * Used to determine the select clause for GROUPS table when do query * to marshal group objects for the controller mainly in mangeGroups * @param mixed $args We use $args[1] to say whether in browse mode or not. * browse mode is for groups a user could join rather than ones already * joined */ public function selectCallback($args = null) { if (!is_array($args) || count($args) < 2) { return "*"; } list($user_id, $browse, ) = $args; if ($browse) { $join_date = ""; $status = ""; } else { $join_date = ", UG.JOIN_DATE AS JOIN_DATE"; $status = " UG.STATUS AS STATUS,"; } $select = "DISTINCT G.GROUP_ID AS GROUP_ID, G.GROUP_NAME AS GROUP_NAME, G.OWNER_ID AS OWNER_ID, O.USER_NAME AS OWNER, REGISTER_TYPE, $status G.MEMBER_ACCESS, VOTE_ACCESS, POST_LIFETIME $join_date"; return $select; } /** * {@inheritDoc} * * @param mixed $args any additional arguments which should be used to * determine these tables (in this case none) */ public function fromCallback($args = null) { return "GROUPS G, USER_GROUP UG, USERS O"; } /** * Used to restrict getRows in which rows it returns. Rows in this * case corresponding to Yioop groups. The restrictions added are to * restrict to those group available to a given user_id and whether or * not the user wants groups subscribed to, or groups that could be * subscribed to * * @param array $args first two elements are the $user_id of the user * and the $browse flag which says whether or not user is browing * through all groups to which he could subscribe and read or * just those groups to which he is alrady subscribed. * @return string a SQL WHERE clause suitable to perform the above * restrictions */ public function whereCallback($args = null) { $db = $this->db; if (!is_array($args) || count($args) < 2) { return ""; } list($user_id, $browse, ) = $args; if ($browse) { $where = " UG.GROUP_ID=G.GROUP_ID AND G.OWNER_ID=O.USER_ID AND NOT ". "EXISTS (SELECT * FROM USER_GROUP UG2 WHERE UG2.USER_ID = ". $db->escapeString($user_id)." AND UG2.GROUP_ID = G.GROUP_ID)"; } else { $where = " UG.USER_ID='".$db->escapeString($user_id). "' AND UG.GROUP_ID=G.GROUP_ID AND G.OWNER_ID=O.USER_ID"; } return $where; } /** * Get an array of users that belong to a group * * @param string $group_id the group_id to get users for * @param string $filter to LIKE filter users * @param array $sorts directions on how to sort the columns of the * results format is column_name => direction * @param int $limit first user to get * @param int $num number of users to return * @return array of USERS rows */ public function getGroupUsers($group_id, $filter = "", $sorts = [], $limit = "", $num = C\NUM_RESULTS_PER_PAGE) { $db = $this->db; if ($limit !== "") { $limit = $db->limitOffset($limit, $num); } $like = ""; $param_array = [$group_id]; if ($filter != "") { $like = "AND U.USER_NAME LIKE ?"; $param_array[] = "%" . $filter . "%"; } $order_by = ""; if (!empty($sorts)) { $sort_fields = ["JOIN_DATE", "STATUS", "USER_NAME"]; $directions = ["ASC", "DESC"]; foreach ($sorts as $column_name => $direction) { if (in_array($column_name, $sort_fields) && in_array($direction, $directions)) { if (empty($order_by)) { $order_by = " ORDER BY "; } else { $order_by .= ","; } $order_by .= " $column_name $direction"; } } } $users = []; $sql = "SELECT UG.USER_ID, U.USER_NAME AS USER_NAME,". " UG.GROUP_ID, G.OWNER_ID, U.EMAIL, UG.STATUS AS STATUS,". " UG.JOIN_DATE AS JOIN_DATE". " FROM USER_GROUP UG, USERS U, GROUPS G". " WHERE UG.GROUP_ID = ? AND UG.USER_ID = U.USER_ID AND" . " G.GROUP_ID = UG.GROUP_ID $like $order_by $limit"; $result = $db->execute($sql, $param_array); $i = 0; while ($users[$i] = $db->fetchArray($result)) { $i++; } unset($users[$i]); //last one will be null return $users; } /** * Get the number of users which belong to a group and whose user_name * matches a filter * * @param int $group_id id of the group to get a count of * @param string $filter to filter usernames by * @return int count of matching users */ public function countGroupUsers($group_id, $filter="") { $db = $this->db; $users = []; $like = ""; $users = ""; $param_array = [$group_id]; if ($filter != "") { $like = "AND UG.USER_ID = U.USER_ID AND U.USER_NAME LIKE ?"; $users = ", USERS U"; $param_array[] = "%".$filter."%"; } $sql = "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT UG.USER_ID) AS NUM ". " FROM USER_GROUP UG $users". " WHERE UG.GROUP_ID = ? $like"; $result = $db->execute($sql, $param_array); if ($result) { $row = $db->fetchArray($result); } return $row['NUM']; } /** * Add a groupname to the database using provided string * * @param string $group_name the groupname to be added * @param int $user_id user identifier of who owns the group * @param int $register flag that says what kinds of registration are * allowed for this group NO_JOIN, REQUEST_JOIN, PUBLIC_JOIN * @param int $member flag that says how members other than the owner can * access this group GROUP_READ, GROUP_READ_COMMENT (can comment * on threads but not start. i.e., a blog), GROUP_READ_WRITE, * (can read, comment, start threads), GROUP_READ_WIKI, (can read, * comment, start threads, and edit the wiki) * @param int $voting flag that says how members can vote on each others * posts: NON_VOTING_GROUP, UP_VOTING_GROUP, UP_DOWN_VOTING_GROUP * @param int $post_lifetime specifies the time in seconds that posts should * live before they expire and are deleted * @param int $encryption 0 means don't encrypt group, 1 means encrypt * group * @return int id of group added */ public function addGroup($group_name, $user_id, $register = C\REQUEST_JOIN, $member = C\GROUP_READ, $voting = C\NON_VOTING_GROUP, $post_lifetime = C\FOREVER, $encryption = 0) { $db = $this->db; $private_db = $this->private_db; $timestamp = L\microTimestamp(); $sql = "INSERT INTO GROUPS (GROUP_NAME, CREATED_TIME, OWNER_ID, REGISTER_TYPE, MEMBER_ACCESS, VOTE_ACCESS, POST_LIFETIME, ENCRYPTION) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"; $db->execute($sql, [$group_name, $timestamp, $user_id, $register, $member, $voting, $post_lifetime, $encryption]); $sql = "SELECT G.GROUP_ID AS GROUP_ID FROM ". " GROUPS G WHERE G.GROUP_NAME = ?"; $result = $db->execute($sql, [$group_name]); if (!$row = $db->fetchArray($result)) { $last_id = -1; } $last_id = $row['GROUP_ID']; $now = time(); $sql= "INSERT INTO USER_GROUP (USER_ID, GROUP_ID, STATUS, JOIN_DATE) VALUES ($user_id, $last_id, " . C\ACTIVE_STATUS . ", $now)"; $db->execute($sql); ImpressionModel::initWithDb($user_id, $last_id, C\GROUP_IMPRESSION, $db); ImpressionModel::initWithDb(C\PUBLIC_GROUP_ID, $last_id, C\GROUP_IMPRESSION, $db); if ($encryption != 0) { $sql = "INSERT INTO TYPE_KEYS (TYPE_ID, KEY_NAME) VALUES (?, ?)"; $encrypt_key = openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(32); $private_db->execute($sql, [$last_id, $encrypt_key]); } return $last_id; } /** * Takes the passed associated array $group representing changes * fields of a GROUPS row, and executes an UPDATE statement to persist * those changes fields to the database. * * @param array $group associative array with a GROUP_ID as well as the * fields to update */ public function updateGroup($group) { $db = $this->db; $group_id = $group['GROUP_ID']; unset($group['GROUP_ID']); unset($group['GROUP_NAME']); unset($group['OWNER']); //column not in table unset($group['STATUS']); // column not in table unset($group['JOIN_DATE']); // column not in table $sql = "UPDATE GROUPS SET "; $comma =""; $params = []; foreach ($group as $field => $value) { $sql .= "$comma $field=? "; $comma = ","; $params[] = $value; } $sql .= " WHERE GROUP_ID=?"; $params[] = $group_id; $db->execute($sql, $params); } /** * Check is a user given by $user_id belongs to a group given * by $group_id. If the field $status is sent then check if belongs * to the group with $status access (active, invited, request, banned) * * @param int $user_id user to look up * @param int $group_id group to check if member of * @param int $status membership type * @return bool whether or not is a member */ public function checkUserGroup($user_id, $group_id, $status = -1) { $db = $this->db; $params = [$user_id, $group_id]; $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS NUM FROM USER_GROUP UG WHERE UG.USER_ID=? AND UG.GROUP_ID=?"; if ($status >=0) { $sql .= " AND STATUS=?"; $params[] = $status; } $result = $db->execute($sql, $params); if (!$row = $db->fetchArray($result)) { return false; } if ($row['NUM'] <= 0) { return false; } return true; } /** * Change the status of a user in a group * * @param int $user_id of user to change * @param int $group_id of group to change status for * @param int $status what the new status should be */ public function updateStatusUserGroup($user_id, $group_id, $status) { $db = $this->db; $sql = "UPDATE USER_GROUP SET STATUS=? WHERE GROUP_ID=? AND USER_ID=?"; $db->execute($sql, [$status, $group_id, $user_id]); } /** * Get group id associated with groupname (so groupnames better be unique) * * @param string $group_name to use to look up a group_id * @return int group_id corresponding to the groupname. */ public function getGroupId($group_name) { $db = $this->db; $sql = "SELECT G.GROUP_ID AS GROUP_ID FROM ". "GROUPS G WHERE G.GROUP_NAME = ? "; $result = $db->execute($sql, [$group_name]); if (!$row = $db->fetchArray($result)) { return -1; } return $row['GROUP_ID']; } /** * Get group id associated with groupname (so groupnames better be unique) * * @param int $group_id to use to look up a group name * @return string group_name corresponding to the id. */ public function getGroupName($group_id) { $db = $this->db; $sql = "SELECT G.GROUP_NAME AS GROUP_NAME FROM ". "GROUPS G WHERE G.GROUP_ID = ? "; $result = $db->execute($sql, [$group_id]); if (!$row = $db->fetchArray($result)) { return false; } return $row['GROUP_NAME']; } /** * Check whether group's encryption is enabled or not * * @param int $group_id to check for encryption value * @return boolean whether thte group is encrypted or not */ public function isGroupEncrypted($group_id) { $db = $this->db; $sql = "SELECT ENCRYPTION FROM GROUPS WHERE GROUP_ID = ? "; $result = $db->execute($sql, [$group_id]); if (!$row = $db->fetchArray($result)) { return false; } return ($row['ENCRYPTION'] != 0); } /** * Delete a group from the database and any associated data in * GROUP_ITEM and USER_GROUP tables. * * @param string $group_id id of the group to delete */ public function deleteGroup($group_id) { $db = $this->db; $private_db = $this->private_db; $params = [$group_id]; $sql = "DELETE FROM GROUPS WHERE GROUP_ID=?"; $db->execute($sql, $params); $sql = "DELETE FROM GROUP_ITEM WHERE GROUP_ID=?"; $db->execute($sql, $params); $sql = "SELECT ID FROM GROUP_PAGE WHERE GROUP_ID=?"; $result = $db->execute($sql, $params); if ($result) { while ($row = $db->fetchArray($result)) { list($folder, $thumb_folder, ) = $this->getGroupPageResourcesFolders($group_id, $row['ID'], "", false, false); if (file_exists($folder)) { $db->unlinkRecursive($folder); } if (file_exists($thumb_folder)) { $db->unlinkRecursive($thumb_folder); } } } $sql = "DELETE FROM GROUP_PAGE WHERE GROUP_ID=?"; $db->execute($sql, $params); $sql = "DELETE FROM GROUP_PAGE_HISTORY WHERE GROUP_ID=?"; $db->execute($sql, $params); $sql = "DELETE FROM TYPE_KEYS WHERE TYPE_ID=?"; $private_db->execute($sql, $params); } /** * Return the type of the registration for a group given by $group_id * This says who is allowed to register for the group (i.e., is it * by invitation only, by request, or anyone can join) * * @param int $group_id which group to find the type of * @return int the numeric code for the registration type */ public function getRegisterType($group_id) { $db = $this->db; $groups = []; $sql = "SELECT REGISTER_TYPE FROM GROUPS G WHERE GROUP_ID=?"; $result = $db->execute($sql, [$group_id]); if (!$result) { return false; } $row = $db->fetchArray($result); if (!$row) { return false; } return $row['REGISTER_TYPE']; } /** * Returns information about the group with id $group_id provided * that the requesting user $user_id has access to it * * @param int $group_id id of group to look up * @param int $user_id user asking for group info * @param bool $require_root_or_member require the $user_id to be in the * group or root * @return array row from group table or false (if no access or doesn't * exists) */ public function getGroupById($group_id, $user_id, $require_root_or_member = false) { $db = $this->db; $group = $this->getRows(0, 1, $total_rows, [["group_id", "=", $group_id, ""]], $user_id); if (!is_numeric($user_id)) { //Postgres strict about types so being safe $user_id = C\PUBLIC_USER_ID; } $where = " WHERE "; $params = [":group_id" => $group_id]; if ($user_id != C\ROOT_ID) { if ($require_root_or_member) { $where .= " (UG.USER_ID = :user_id) AND "; } else { $where .= " (UG.USER_ID = :user_id OR G.REGISTER_TYPE IN (". C\PUBLIC_BROWSE_REQUEST_JOIN. ",". C\PUBLIC_JOIN .")) AND "; } $params[":user_id"] = $user_id; } $where .= " UG.GROUP_ID= :group_id". " AND UG.GROUP_ID=G.GROUP_ID AND OWNER_ID = O.USER_ID"; $sql = "SELECT G.GROUP_ID AS GROUP_ID, G.GROUP_NAME AS GROUP_NAME, G.ENCRYPTION AS ENCRYPTION, G.OWNER_ID AS OWNER_ID, O.USER_NAME AS OWNER, REGISTER_TYPE, UG.STATUS AS STATUS, G.MEMBER_ACCESS AS MEMBER_ACCESS, G.VOTE_ACCESS AS VOTE_ACCESS, G.POST_LIFETIME AS POST_LIFETIME, UG.JOIN_DATE AS JOIN_DATE FROM GROUPS G, USERS O, USER_GROUP UG $where " . $db->limitOffset(1); $result = $db->execute($sql, $params); $group = false; if ($result) { $group = $db->fetchArray($result); if (!$group) { return false; } if (!$require_root_or_member) { $sql = "SELECT STATUS FROM USER_GROUP WHERE USER_ID=? AND GROUP_ID=? ".$db->limitOffset(1); $params = [$user_id, $group_id]; $result = $db->execute($sql, $params); if ($result) { $row = $db->fetchArray($result); if ($row) { $group['STATUS'] = $row['STATUS']; } else { $group['STATUS'] = C\NOT_MEMBER_STATUS; } } else { $group['STATUS'] = C\NOT_MEMBER_STATUS; } } } if (!$group) { return false; } return $group; } /** * Get a list of all groups which user_id belongs to. Group names * are not localized since these are * created by end user admins of the search engine * * @param int $user_id to get groups for * @param string $filter to LIKE filter groups * @param array $sorts directions on how to sort the columns of the * results format is column_name => direction * @param int $limit first user to get * @param int $num number of users to return * @return array an array of group_id, group_name pairs */ public function getUserGroups($user_id, $filter, $sorts, $limit, $num = C\NUM_RESULTS_PER_PAGE) { $db = $this->db; $groups = []; $limit = $db->limitOffset($limit, $num); $like = ""; $param_array = [$user_id]; if ($filter != "") { $like = "AND G.GROUP_NAME LIKE ?"; $param_array[] = "%".$filter."%"; } $order_by = ""; if (!empty($sorts)) { $sort_fields = ["GROUP_NAME", "STATUS"]; $directions = ["ASC", "DESC"]; foreach ($sorts as $column_name => $direction) { if (in_array($column_name, $sort_fields) && in_array($direction, $directions)) { if (empty($order_by)) { $order_by = " ORDER BY "; } else { $order_by .= ","; } $order_by .= " $column_name $direction"; } } } $sql = "SELECT UG.GROUP_ID AS GROUP_ID, UG.USER_ID AS USER_ID," . " G.GROUP_NAME AS GROUP_NAME, UG.STATUS AS STATUS ". " FROM USER_GROUP UG, GROUPS G" . " WHERE USER_ID = ? AND UG.GROUP_ID = G.GROUP_ID $like ". " $order_by $limit"; $result = $db->execute($sql, $param_array); $groups = []; while ($group = $db->fetchArray($result)) { $groups[] = $group; } return $groups; } /** * Get a count of the number of groups to which user_id belongs. * * @param int $user_id to get groups for * @param string $filter to LIKE filter groups * @return int number of groups of the filtered type for the user */ public function countUserGroups($user_id, $filter="") { $db = $this->db; $users = []; $like = ""; $param_array = [$user_id]; if ($filter != "") { $like = "AND G.GROUP_NAME LIKE ?"; $param_array[] = "%".$filter."%"; } $sql = "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT G.GROUP_ID) AS NUM ". " FROM USER_GROUP UG, GROUPS G". " WHERE UG.USER_ID = ? AND UG.GROUP_ID = G.GROUP_ID $like"; $result = $db->execute($sql, $param_array); if ($result) { $row = $db->fetchArray($result); } return $row['NUM']; } /** * Get the key of the group. * * @param int $group_id to get key for * @return string key of the group */ public function getGroupKey($group_id) { $private_db = $this->private_db; $sql = "SELECT KEY_NAME FROM TYPE_KEYS WHERE TYPE_ID=?"; $result = $private_db->execute($sql, [$group_id]); if ($result) { $row = $private_db->fetchArray($result); } return $row['KEY_NAME']; } /** * To update the OWNER_ID of a group * * @param string $user_id the id of the user who becomes the admin of group * @param string $group_id the group id to transfer admin privileges */ public function changeOwnerGroup($user_id, $group_id) { $db = $this->db; $sql = "UPDATE GROUPS SET OWNER_ID=? WHERE GROUP_ID=?"; $db->execute($sql, [$user_id, $group_id]); } /** * Add an allowed user to an existing group * * @param string $user_id the id of the user to add * @param string $group_id the group id of the group to add the user to * @param int $status what should be the membership status of the added * user. Should be one of ACTIVE_STATUS, INACTIVE_STATUS, * SUSPENDED_STATUS, INVITED_STATUS */ public function addUserGroup($user_id, $group_id, $status = C\ACTIVE_STATUS) { $join_date = time(); $db = $this->db; $sql = "INSERT INTO USER_GROUP VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)"; $db->execute($sql, [$user_id, $group_id, $status, $join_date]); } /** * Checks if a user belongs to a group but is not the owner of that group * Such a user could be deleted from the group * * @param int $user_id which user to look up * @param int $group_id which group to look up for * @return bool where user is deletable */ public function deletableUser($user_id, $group_id) { $db = $this->db; $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS NUM FROM USER_GROUP UG, GROUPS G WHERE UG.USER_ID != G.OWNER_ID AND UG.USER_ID=? AND UG.GROUP_ID=?"; $result = $db->execute($sql, [$user_id, $group_id]); if (!$row = $db->fetchArray($result)) { return false; } if ($row['NUM'] <= 0) { return false; } return true; } /** * Delete a user from a group by userid an groupid * * @param string $user_id the userid of the user to delete * @param string $group_id the group id of the group to delete */ public function deleteUserGroup($user_id, $group_id) { $db = $this->db; $sql = "DELETE FROM USER_GROUP WHERE USER_ID=? AND GROUP_ID=?"; $db->execute($sql, [$user_id, $group_id]); } /** * Returns the GROUP_FEED item with the given id * * @param int $item_id the item to get info about * @return array row from GROUP_FEED table */ public function getGroupItem($item_id) { $db = $this->db; $sql = "SELECT * FROM GROUP_ITEM WHERE ID=? " . $db->limitOffset(1); $result = $db->execute($sql, [$item_id]); if (!$result) { return false; } $row = $db->fetchArray($result); if ($this->isGroupEncrypted($row['GROUP_ID'])) { // Decrypt group's title and description $key = $this->getGroupKey($row['GROUP_ID']); $row['TITLE'] = $this->decrypt($row['TITLE'], $key); $row['DESCRIPTION'] = $this->decrypt($row['DESCRIPTION'], $key); } return $row; } /** * Returns the id of the relationship between wiki pages with the given name * * @param string $relationship_type the relationship type to get id about * @return array row from PAGE_RELATIONSHIP table or false (if no access * or doesn't exist) */ public function getRelationshipId($relationship_type) { $db = $this->db; $sql = "SELECT ID AS RELATIONSHIP_ID FROM " . "PAGE_RELATIONSHIP WHERE NAME=? " . $db->limitOffset(1); $result = $db->execute($sql, [$relationship_type]); if (!$result) { return false; } $row = $db->fetchArray($result); return $row['RELATIONSHIP_ID']; } /** * Returns an array of user information about users who have contributed * to a thread or own the group a thread belongs to * * @param int $thread_id the id of the thread that want users for * @param int $owner_id owner of group thread belongs to * @param int $exclude_id an id of a user to exclude from the array * returned * @return array user information of users following the thread */ public function getThreadFollowers($thread_id, $owner_id, $exclude_id = -1) { $db = $this->db; $params = [$thread_id, $owner_id]; $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT U.USER_NAME AS USER_NAME, U.EMAIL AS EMAIL ". "FROM GROUP_ITEM GI, USERS U ". "WHERE GI.PARENT_ID=? AND (GI.USER_ID=U.USER_ID OR U.USER_ID=?)"; if ($exclude_id != -1) { $sql .= " AND U.USER_ID != ?"; $params[] = $exclude_id; } $result = $db->execute($sql, $params); if (!$result) { return false; } $i = 0; $rows = []; while ($row = $db->fetchArray($result)) { $rows[] = $row; } return $rows; } /** * Creates a new group item * * @param int $parent_id thread id to use for the item * @param int $group_id what group the item should be added to * @param int $user_id of user making the post * @param string $title title of the group feed item * @param string $description actual content of the post * @param int $type flag saying what kind of group item this is. One of * STANDARD_GROUP_ITEM, WIKI_GROUP_ITEM (used for threads discussing * a wiki page) * @param int $post_time timstamp for when this group item was created * default to the current time * @return int $id of item added */ public function addGroupItem($parent_id, $group_id, $user_id, $title, $description, $type= C\STANDARD_GROUP_ITEM, $post_time = 0) { $db = $this->db; if ($post_time == 0) { $post_time = time(); } if ($this->isGroupEncrypted($group_id)) { $key = $this->getGroupKey($group_id); $title = $this->encrypt($title, $key); $description = $this->encrypt($description, $key); } $sql = "INSERT INTO GROUP_ITEM (PARENT_ID, GROUP_ID, USER_ID, TITLE, DESCRIPTION, PUBDATE, EDIT_DATE, TYPE) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"; $db->execute($sql, [$parent_id, $group_id, $user_id, $title, $description, $post_time, $post_time, $type]); $id = $db->insertID("GROUP_ITEM"); if ($parent_id == 0) { $sql = "UPDATE GROUP_ITEM SET PARENT_ID=? WHERE ID=?"; $db->execute($sql, [$id, $id]); ImpressionModel::initWithDb($user_id, $id, C\THREAD_IMPRESSION, $db); } return $id; } /** * Encrypts data based on provided key. * * @param string $data what data to encrypt * @param string $key what key to use to encrypt * @param string $cipher_method a cipher encrypt/decrypt method * supported by OpenSSL * @return string $out_data the encrypted string */ public function encrypt($data, $key, $cipher_method = 'aes-256-cbc') { $iv = openssl_random_pseudo_bytes( openssl_cipher_iv_length($cipher_method )); $encrypted = openssl_encrypt($data, $cipher_method, $key, 0, $iv); // append value of $IV to the encrypted data with a separator // so this can be used during decryption return $iv . str_repeat("0", 10) . $encrypted; } /** * Decrypts data based on provided key. * * @param string $data what data to decrypt * @param string $key what key to use to decrypt * @param string $cipher_method a cipher encrypt/decrypt method * supported by OpenSSL * @return string $out_data the decrypted string */ public function decrypt($data, $key, $cipher_method = 'aes-256-cbc') { $out_data = ""; $pos = strpos($data, str_repeat("0", 10)); if ($pos !== false) { $data_parts = explode(str_repeat("0", 10), $data); $out_data= openssl_decrypt($data_parts[1], $cipher_method, $key, 0, $data_parts[0]); } return $out_data; } /** * Updates a group feed item's title and description. This assumes * the given item already exists. * * @param int $id which item to change * @param string $title the new title * @param string $description the new description */ public function updateGroupItem($id, $title, $description) { $db = $this->db; $edit_date = time(); $group_item = $this->getGroupItem($id); if ($this->isGroupEncrypted($group_item['GROUP_ID'])) { $key = $this->getGroupKey($group_item['GROUP_ID']); $title = $this->encrypt($title, $key); $description = $this->encrypt($description, $key); } $sql = "UPDATE GROUP_ITEM SET TITLE=?, DESCRIPTION=?, EDIT_DATE=? WHERE ID=?"; $db->execute($sql, [$title, $description, $edit_date, $id]); } /** * Removes a group feed item from the GROUP_ITEM table. * * @param int $post_id of item to remove * @param int $user_id the id of the person trying to perform the * removal. If not root, or the original creator of the item, * the item won't be removed */ public function deleteGroupItem($post_id, $user_id) { $db = $this->db; $params = [$post_id]; if ($user_id == C\ROOT_ID) { $and_where = ""; } else { $and_where = " AND USER_ID=?"; $params[] = $user_id; } $sql = "DELETE FROM GROUP_ITEM WHERE ID=? $and_where"; if ($result = $db->execute($sql, $params)) { $affected_rows = $db->affectedRows(); ImpressionModel::deleteWithDb($user_id, $post_id, C\THREAD_IMPRESSION, $db); ImpressionModel::deleteWithDb(C\PUBLIC_USER_ID, $post_id, C\THREAD_IMPRESSION, $db); } else { $affected_rows = $db->affectedRows(); } return $affected_rows; } /** * Gets the group feed items visible to a user with $user_id * and which match the supplied search criteria found in $search_array, * starting from the $limit'th matching item to the $limit+$num item. * * @param int $limit starting offset group item to display * @param int $num number of items from offset to display * @param array $search_array each element of this is a quadruple * name of a field, what comparison to perform, a value to check, * and an order (ascending/descending) to sort by * @param int $user_id who is making this request to determine which * @param int $for_group if this value is set it is a assumed * that group_items are being returned for only one group * and that they should be grouped by thread * @return array elements of which represent one group feed item */ public function getGroupItems($limit = 0, $num = 100, $search_array = [], $user_id = C\ROOT_ID, $for_group = -1) { $db = $this->db; $limit = $db->limitOffset($limit, $num); $any_fields = ["access", "register"]; $is_thread = false; foreach ($search_array as $search_item) { if ($search_item[0] == 'parent_id') { if ($search_item[2] > 0) { $is_thread = true; } break; } } list($where, $order_by) = $this->searchArrayToWhereOrderClauses($search_array, $any_fields); $add_where = " WHERE "; if ($where != "") { $add_where = " AND "; } $user_id = $db->escapeString($user_id); if ($for_group > 0 || $for_group == -2) { //-2 is just_thread case) $non_public_where = " (UG.USER_ID='$user_id' OR ". " G.REGISTER_TYPE IN ('" . C\PUBLIC_JOIN . "','". C\PUBLIC_BROWSE_REQUEST_JOIN."') ) AND "; if (!$is_thread) { $non_public_where .= "TYPE = " . C\STANDARD_GROUP_ITEM. " AND "; } } else { $non_public_where = " UG.USER_ID='$user_id' AND "; } $non_public_status = ($user_id != C\PUBLIC_GROUP_ID) ? " UG.STATUS='" . C\ACTIVE_STATUS . "' AND " : ""; $where .= $add_where. $non_public_where . "GI.GROUP_ID=G.GROUP_ID AND GI.GROUP_ID=UG.GROUP_ID AND (( $non_public_status G.MEMBER_ACCESS IN ('".C\GROUP_READ."','".C\GROUP_READ_COMMENT. "','".C\GROUP_READ_WRITE."', '". C\GROUP_READ_WIKI ."'))OR (G.OWNER_ID = UG.USER_ID OR UG.USER_ID = '".C\ROOT_ID."'))"; if ($for_group >= 0) { $group_by = " GROUP BY GI.PARENT_ID"; $order_by = " ORDER BY E.PUBDATE DESC "; $select = "SELECT E.*, I.TITLE AS TITLE, I.DESCRIPTION AS DESCRIPTION, I.USER_ID AS USER_ID, II.USER_ID AS LAST_POSTER_ID, U.USER_NAME AS USER_NAME, P.USER_NAME AS LAST_POSTER, IIS.NUM_VIEWS AS NUM_VIEWS, IIS.FUZZY_NUM_VIEWS AS FUZZY_NUM_VIEWS, IIS.TMP_NUM_VIEWS AS TMP_NUM_VIEWS"; $sub_select = "SELECT DISTINCT MIN(GI.ID) AS ID, MAX(GI.ID) AS LAST_ID, COUNT(DISTINCT GI.ID) AS NUM_POSTS, GI.PARENT_ID AS PARENT_ID, MIN(GI.GROUP_ID) AS GROUP_ID, MAX(GI.PUBDATE) AS PUBDATE, MIN(G.OWNER_ID) AS OWNER_ID, MIN(G.MEMBER_ACCESS) AS MEMBER_ACCESS, MIN(G.GROUP_NAME) AS GROUP_NAME, MIN(GI.PUBDATE) AS RECENT_DATE, MIN(GI.TYPE) AS TYPE"; $sub_sql = "$sub_select FROM GROUP_ITEM GI, GROUPS G, USER_GROUP UG $where $group_by"; $sql = "$select FROM ($sub_sql) E, GROUP_ITEM I, GROUP_ITEM II, USERS U, USERS P, ITEM_IMPRESSION_SUMMARY IIS WHERE E.ID = I.ID AND E.LAST_ID = II.ID AND I.USER_ID = U.USER_ID AND IIS.ITEM_TYPE=" . C\THREAD_IMPRESSION . " AND IIS.USER_ID=" . C\PUBLIC_USER_ID . " AND IIS.ITEM_ID = E.PARENT_ID AND II.USER_ID = P.USER_ID AND IIS.UPDATE_PERIOD=" . C\FOREVER . " $order_by $limit"; } else { $where .= " AND P.USER_ID = GI.USER_ID"; $select = "SELECT DISTINCT GI.ID AS ID, GI.PARENT_ID AS PARENT_ID, GI.GROUP_ID AS GROUP_ID, GI.TITLE AS TITLE, GI.DESCRIPTION AS DESCRIPTION, GI.PUBDATE AS PUBDATE, GI.EDIT_DATE AS EDIT_DATE, G.OWNER_ID AS OWNER_ID, G.MEMBER_ACCESS AS MEMBER_ACCESS, G.GROUP_NAME AS GROUP_NAME, P.USER_NAME AS USER_NAME, P.USER_ID AS USER_ID, GI.TYPE AS TYPE, GI.UPS AS UPS, GI.DOWNS AS DOWNS, G.VOTE_ACCESS AS VOTE_ACCESS "; $sql = "$select FROM GROUP_ITEM GI, GROUPS G, USER_GROUP UG, USERS P $where $order_by $limit"; } $result = $db->execute($sql); $i = 0; $read_only = ($user_id == C\PUBLIC_GROUP_ID); if ($read_only) { while ($groups[$i] = $db->fetchArray($result)) { $groups[$i]["MEMBER_ACCESS"] = C\GROUP_READ; $i++; } } else { while ($groups[$i] = $db->fetchArray($result)) { $i++; } } unset($groups[$i]); //last one will be null $i = 0; foreach ($groups as $group_key => $group_value) { if ($this->isGroupEncrypted($group_value['GROUP_ID'])) { $keys = $this->getGroupKey($group_value['GROUP_ID']); $groups[$i]['TITLE'] = $this->decrypt( $group_value['TITLE'], $keys); $groups[$i]['DESCRIPTION'] = $this->decrypt( $group_value['DESCRIPTION'], $keys); } $i++; } return $groups; } /** * Gets the number of group feed items visible to a user with $user_id * and which match the supplied search criteria found in $search_array * * @param array $search_array each element of this is a quadruple * name of a field, what comparison to perform, a value to check, * and an order (ascending/descending) to sort by * @param int $user_id who is making this request to determine which * @param int $for_group if this value is set it is a assumed * that group_items are being returned for only one group * and that the count desrired is over the number of threads in that * group * @return int number of items matching the search criteria for the * given user_id */ public function getGroupItemCount($search_array = [], $user_id = C\ROOT_ID, $for_group = -1) { $db = $this->db; $any_fields = ["access", "register"]; $is_thread = false; foreach ($search_array as $search_item) { if ($search_item[0] == 'parent_id') { if ($search_item[2] > 0) { $is_thread = true; } break; } } list($where, $order_by) = $this->searchArrayToWhereOrderClauses($search_array, $any_fields); $add_where = " WHERE "; if ($where != "") { $add_where = " AND "; } $user_id = $db->escapeString($user_id); if ($for_group > 0 || $for_group == -2) { //-2 is just_thread case $non_public_where = " (UG.USER_ID='$user_id' OR ". " G.REGISTER_TYPE IN ('".C\PUBLIC_JOIN."','". C\PUBLIC_BROWSE_REQUEST_JOIN."') ) AND "; if (!$is_thread) { $non_public_where .= "TYPE = " . C\STANDARD_GROUP_ITEM. " AND "; } } else { $non_public_where = " UG.USER_ID='$user_id' AND "; } $non_public_status = ($user_id != C\PUBLIC_GROUP_ID) ? " UG.STATUS='" . C\ACTIVE_STATUS."' AND " : ""; $where .= $add_where. $non_public_where . "GI.USER_ID=P.USER_ID AND GI.GROUP_ID=G.GROUP_ID AND GI.GROUP_ID=UG.GROUP_ID AND (( $non_public_status G.MEMBER_ACCESS IN ('".C\GROUP_READ."','".C\GROUP_READ_COMMENT. "','".C\GROUP_READ_WRITE."', '" . C\GROUP_READ_WIKI . "')) OR (G.OWNER_ID = UG.USER_ID OR UG.USER_ID = '".C\ROOT_ID."'))"; if ($for_group >= 0) { $count_col = " COUNT(DISTINCT GI.PARENT_ID) "; } else { $count_col = " COUNT(DISTINCT GI.ID) "; } $sql = "SELECT $count_col AS NUM FROM GROUP_ITEM GI, GROUPS G, USER_GROUP UG, USERS P $where"; $result = $db->execute($sql); $row = $db->fetchArray($result); return $row['NUM']; } /** * Deletes Group Items which are older than the expiry date for posts * for that group */ public function cullExpiredGroupItems() { $time = time(); $sql = "DELETE FROM GROUP_ITEM WHERE ID IN ( SELECT GI.ID AS ID FROM GROUP_ITEM GI, GROUPS G WHERE GI.GROUP_ID=G.GROUP_ID AND G.POST_LIFETIME > 0 AND ($time - GI.PUBDATE) > G.POST_LIFETIME)"; $this->db->execute($sql); } /** * Returns true or false depending on whether a given user has voted on * a given post or not * * @param int $user_id id of user to check if voted * @param int $post_id id of GROUP_ITEM to see if voted on * @return bool whether or not the user has voted on that item */ public function alreadyVoted($user_id, $post_id) { $db = $this->db; $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS NUM FROM GROUP_ITEM_VOTE WHERE USER_ID = ? AND ITEM_ID = ?"; $result = $db->execute($sql, [$user_id, $post_id]); if (!$result) { return false; } $row = $db->fetchArray($result); if (!$row || !isset($row['NUM'])) { return false; } return ($row['NUM'] > 0); } /** * Casts one up vote by a user to a post * * @param int $user_id id of user to cast vote for * @param int $post_id id of post on which to cast vote */ public function voteUp($user_id, $post_id) { $sql = "INSERT INTO GROUP_ITEM_VOTE VALUES (?, ?)"; $this->db->execute($sql, [$user_id, $post_id]); $sql = "UPDATE GROUP_ITEM SET UPS = UPS + 1 WHERE ID=?"; $this->db->execute($sql, [$post_id]); } /** * Casts one up vote by a user to a post * * @param int $user_id id of user to cast vote for * @param int $post_id id of post on which to cast vote */ public function voteDown($user_id, $post_id) { $sql = "INSERT INTO GROUP_ITEM_VOTE VALUES (?, ?)"; $this->db->execute($sql, [$user_id, $post_id]); $sql = "UPDATE GROUP_ITEM SET DOWNS = DOWNS + 1 WHERE ID=?"; $this->db->execute($sql, [$post_id]); } /** * Used to add a wiki page revision by a given user to a wiki page * of a given name in a given group viewing the group under a given * language. If the page does not exist yet it, and its corresponding * discussion thread is created. Two pages are used for storage * GROUP_PAGE which contains a parsed to html version of the most recent * revision of a wiki page and GROUP_PAGE_HISTORY which contains non-parsed * versions of all revisions * * @param int $user_id identifier of who is adding this revision * @param int $group_id which group the wiki page revision if being done in * @param string $page_name title of page being revised * @param string $page wiki page with potential wiki mark up containing the * revision * @param string $locale_tag locale we are adding the revision to * @param string $edit_comment user's reason for making the revision * @param string $thread_title if this is the first revision, then this * should contain the title for the discussion thread about the * revision * @param string $thread_description if this is the first revision, then * this should be the body of the first post in discussion thread * @param string $base_address default url to be used in links * on wiki page that use short syntax * @param array $additional_substitutions list of pairs additional wiki * page rewrites to do when parsing wiki pages * @return int $page_id id of added or updated page */ public function setPageName($user_id, $group_id, $page_name, $page, $locale_tag, $edit_comment, $thread_title, $thread_description, $base_address = "", $additional_substitutions = []) { $db = $this->db; $pubdate = time(); $parser = new WikiParser($base_address, $additional_substitutions); $links_relationships = $parser->fetchLinks($page); $parsed_page = $parser->parse($page); if ($page_id = $this->getPageId($group_id, $page_name, $locale_tag)) { //can only add and use resources for a page that exists $parsed_page = $this->insertResourcesParsePage($group_id, $page_id, $locale_tag, $parsed_page); $sql = "UPDATE GROUP_PAGE SET PAGE=? WHERE ID = ?"; $result = $db->execute($sql, [$parsed_page, $page_id]); } else { $discuss_thread = $this->addGroupItem(0, $group_id, $user_id, $thread_title, $thread_description." ".date("r", $pubdate), C\WIKI_GROUP_ITEM); $sql = "INSERT INTO GROUP_PAGE (DISCUSS_THREAD, GROUP_ID, TITLE, PAGE, LOCALE_TAG) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"; $result = $db->execute($sql, [$discuss_thread, $group_id, $page_name, $parsed_page, $locale_tag]); $page_id = $db->insertID("GROUP_PAGE"); ImpressionModel::initWithDb($user_id, $page_id, C\WIKI_IMPRESSION, $db); ImpressionModel::initWithDb(C\PUBLIC_USER_ID, $page_id, C\WIKI_IMPRESSION, $db); } $sql = "DELETE FROM GROUP_PAGE_LINK WHERE FROM_ID = ?"; $db->execute($sql, [$page_id]); $template_prefix = "template:"; if (substr($page_name, 0, strlen($template_prefix)) == $template_prefix) { $sql = "INSERT INTO GROUP_PAGE_LINK (LINK_TYPE_ID, FROM_ID, TO_ID)". " VALUES (?, ?, ?)"; $db->execute($sql, [C\WIKI_TEMPLATE_LINK, $page_id, $group_id]); } $sql = "INSERT INTO GROUP_PAGE_LINK (LINK_TYPE_ID, FROM_ID, TO_ID) ". "SELECT LINK_TYPE_ID, FROM_ID, ? FROM GROUP_PAGE_PRE_LINK ". "WHERE TO_GROUP_ID = ? AND TO_PAGE_NAME = ?"; $db->execute($sql, [$page_id, $group_id, $page_name]); $sql = "DELETE FROM GROUP_PAGE_PRE_LINK WHERE TO_GROUP_ID = ? AND " . "TO_PAGE_NAME = ?"; $db->execute($sql, [$group_id, $page_name]); $sql = "DELETE FROM GROUP_PAGE_PRE_LINK WHERE FROM_ID = ?"; $db->execute($sql, [$page_id]); $link_sql = "INSERT INTO GROUP_PAGE_LINK ". "(LINK_TYPE_ID, FROM_ID, TO_ID) VALUES (?, ?, ?)"; $pre_link_sql = "INSERT INTO GROUP_PAGE_PRE_LINK ". "(LINK_TYPE_ID, FROM_ID, TO_GROUP_ID, TO_PAGE_NAME) ". " VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)"; foreach ($links_relationships as $links_relationship) { //extract link and relation type from $links_relationship list($link_page_name, $relationship_type) = explode('|', $links_relationship); if (!$relationship_type) { $relationship_id = C\WIKI_STANDARD_LINK; } else if (!($relationship_id = $this->getRelationshipId( $relationship_type))) { $sql = "INSERT INTO PAGE_RELATIONSHIP (NAME) VALUES (?)"; $db->execute($sql, [$relationship_type]); $relationship_id = $this->getRelationshipId( $relationship_type); } //get page id $linked_page_id = $this->getPageId($group_id, $link_page_name, $locale_tag); //insert into GROUP_PAGE_LINK values of parent and child links if (!$linked_page_id) { $db->execute($pre_link_sql, [$relationship_id, $page_id, $group_id, $link_page_name]); } else { $db->execute($link_sql, [$relationship_id, $page_id, $linked_page_id]); } } $sql = "INSERT INTO GROUP_PAGE_HISTORY (PAGE_ID, EDITOR_ID, GROUP_ID, TITLE, PAGE, LOCALE_TAG, PUBDATE, EDIT_COMMENT) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"; $result = $db->execute($sql, [$page_id, $user_id, $group_id, $page_name, $page, $locale_tag, $pubdate, $edit_comment]); return $page_id; } /** * Returns an array page_id => page_name of all templates for a given * Group for a given language * * @param int $group_id id of group to produce template map for * @param string $locale_tag of language to produce template map for * @return array page_id => page_name for each template for the given * group in the provided language */ public function getTemplateMap($group_id, $locale_tag) { $db = $this->db; $sql = "SELECT GP.ID AS ID, GP.TITLE AS PAGE_NAME FROM GROUP_PAGE GP, GROUP_PAGE_LINK GPL WHERE GPL.LINK_TYPE_ID = ? AND GPL.FROM_ID = GP.ID AND GP.LOCALE_TAG= ? AND GPL.TO_ID = ?"; $result = $db->execute($sql, [C\WIKI_TEMPLATE_LINK, $locale_tag, $group_id]); $templates = []; if ($result) { while ($template = $db->fetchArray($result)) { $templates['t'.$template['ID']] = $template['PAGE_NAME']; } } return $templates; } /** * Looks up the page_id of a wiki page based on the group it belongs to, * its title, and the language it is in (these three things together * should uniquely fix a page). * * @param int $group_id group identifier of group wiki page belongs to * @param string $page_name title of wiki page to look up * @param string $locale_tag IANA language tag of page to lookup * @return mixed $page_id of page if exists, false otherwise */ public function getPageId($group_id, $page_name, $locale_tag) { $db = $this->db; $sql = "SELECT ID FROM GROUP_PAGE WHERE GROUP_ID = ? AND TITLE=? AND LOCALE_TAG= ?"; $result = $db->execute($sql, [$group_id, $page_name, $locale_tag]); if (!$result) { return false; } $row = $db->fetchArray($result); if ($row) { return $row["ID"]; } return false; } /** * Gets all the pages that are linked to a particular wiki page * by providing a particular relationship type. * * @param int $page_id identifier for the current page * @param int $group_id group that wiki page belongs * @param string $page_name name of the current page (in case page didn't * exist before) * @param string $relationship the type of relationship * linking the wiki pages * @param string $limit first row we want from the result set * @param string $num number of rows we want starting from the * first row in the result set * @return two arrays of elements which represent all pages linked * to and from the given wiki page with a particular relationship */ public function pagesLinkedWithRelationship($page_id, $group_id, $page_name, $relationship, $limit, $num) { $db = $this->db; //get data from group pre link and insert to group link $sql = "INSERT INTO GROUP_PAGE_LINK (LINK_TYPE_ID, FROM_ID, TO_ID) ". "SELECT LINK_TYPE_ID, FROM_ID, ? FROM GROUP_PAGE_PRE_LINK ". "WHERE TO_GROUP_ID = ? AND TO_PAGE_NAME = ?"; $db->execute($sql, [$page_id, $group_id, $page_name]); $sql = "DELETE FROM GROUP_PAGE_PRE_LINK WHERE TO_GROUP_ID = ? AND " . "TO_PAGE_NAME = ?"; $db->execute($sql, [$group_id, $page_name]); $sql = "DELETE FROM GROUP_PAGE_PRE_LINK WHERE FROM_ID = ?"; $db->execute($sql, [$page_id]); //get the count of pages that link to the given page $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS NUM FROM GROUP_PAGE_LINK L, PAGE_RELATIONSHIP P WHERE L.TO_ID = ? AND P.NAME = ? AND (L.LINK_TYPE_ID = P.ID)"; $result = $db->execute($sql, [$page_id, $relationship]); if ($result) { $row = $db->fetchArray($result); $total_to_pages = $row['NUM']; } //get the count of pages that link from the given page $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS NUM FROM GROUP_PAGE_LINK L, PAGE_RELATIONSHIP P WHERE L.FROM_ID = ? AND P.NAME = ? AND (L.LINK_TYPE_ID = P.ID)"; $result = $db->execute($sql, [$page_id, $relationship]); if ($result) { $row = $db->fetchArray($result); $total_from_pages = $row['NUM']; } //get the array of all pages linking to this page $pages_that_link_to = []; $sql = "SELECT G.TITLE AS PAGES_LINKING_TO, G.ID AS PAGE_ID FROM GROUP_PAGE_LINK L, GROUP_PAGE G, PAGE_RELATIONSHIP P WHERE L.TO_ID = ? AND P.NAME = ? AND (L.FROM_ID = G.ID) AND (L.LINK_TYPE_ID = P.ID)" .$db->limitOffset($limit, $num); $result = $db->execute($sql, [$page_id, $relationship]); if ($result) { while ($tmp = $db->fetchArray($result)) { $pages_that_link_to[] = $tmp; } } // get the array of all pages that link from $pages_that_link_from = []; $sql = "SELECT G.TITLE AS PAGES_LINKING_FROM, G.ID AS PAGE_ID FROM GROUP_PAGE_LINK L, GROUP_PAGE G, PAGE_RELATIONSHIP P WHERE L.FROM_ID = ? AND P.NAME = ? AND (L.TO_ID = G.ID) AND (L.LINK_TYPE_ID = P.ID)" .$db->limitOffset($limit, $num); $result = $db->execute($sql, [$page_id, $relationship]); if ($result) { while ( $tmp = $db->fetchArray($result)) { $pages_that_link_from[] = $tmp; } } return [$total_to_pages, $pages_that_link_to, $total_from_pages, $pages_that_link_from]; } /** * Gets all the relationship types between this particular wiki page * and all other pages that it is linked to. * * @param int $page_id identifier for the current page * @param string $limit first row we want from the result set * @param string $num number of rows we want starting from the * first row in the result set * @return array of relationship types which represent all relationships * between the given wiki page and all other linked wiki pages */ public function getRelationshipsToFromPage($page_id, $limit, $num) { $total = $this->countPageRelationships($page_id); $db = $this->db; $i = 0; $relationships = []; $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT R.NAME AS RELATIONSHIP_TYPE FROM PAGE_RELATIONSHIP R, GROUP_PAGE_LINK G where (G.FROM_ID = ? OR G.TO_ID = ?) AND (R.ID = G.LINK_TYPE_ID)".$db->limitOffset($limit, $num); $result = $db->execute($sql, [$page_id, $page_id]); if ($result) { while ($relationships[$i] = $db->fetchArray($result)) { $i++; } unset($relationships[$i]); } return [$total, $relationships]; } /** * Gets if there is any page related to this particular wiki page. * * @param int $page_id identifier for the current page */ public function countPageRelationships($page_id) { if (!$page_id) { return 0; } $db = $this->db; $sql = "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT LINK_TYPE_ID) AS NUM FROM GROUP_PAGE_LINK WHERE TO_ID = ? OR FROM_ID = ?"; $result = $db->execute($sql, [$page_id, $page_id]); if ($result) { $row = $db->fetchArray($result); $total = $row['NUM']; } return $total; } /** * Return the page id, page string, and discussion thread id of the * most recent revision of a wiki page * * @param int $group_id group identifier of group wiki page belongs to * @param string $name title of wiki page to look up * @param string $locale_tag IANA language tag of page to lookup * @param string $mode if "edit" we assume we are looking up the page * so that it can be edited and so we return the most recent non-parsed * revision of the page. Otherwise, we assume the page is meant to be * read and so we return the variant of the page where wiki markup * has already been replaced with HTML * @return array (page_id, page, discussion_id) of desired wiki page */ public function getPageInfoByName($group_id, $name, $locale_tag, $mode) { $db = $this->db; if (in_array($mode, ['api', 'edit', 'source'])) { $sql = "SELECT HP.PAGE_ID AS ID, HP.PAGE AS PAGE, GP.DISCUSS_THREAD AS DISCUSS_THREAD FROM GROUP_PAGE GP, GROUP_PAGE_HISTORY HP WHERE GP.GROUP_ID = ? AND GP.TITLE = ? AND GP.LOCALE_TAG = ? AND HP.PAGE_ID = GP.ID ORDER BY HP.PUBDATE DESC ".$db->limitOffset(0, 1); } else { $sql = "SELECT ID, PAGE, DISCUSS_THREAD FROM GROUP_PAGE WHERE GROUP_ID = ? AND TITLE=? AND LOCALE_TAG = ?"; } $result = $db->execute($sql, [$group_id, $name, $locale_tag]); if (!$result) { return false; } $row = $db->fetchArray($result); if (!$row) { return false; } return $row; } /** * Returns the group_id, language, and page name of a wiki page * corresponding to a page discussion thread with id $page_thread_id * @param int $page_thread_id the id of a wiki page discussion thread * to look up page info for * @return array (group_id, language, and page name) of that wiki page */ public function getPageInfoByThread($page_thread_id) { $db = $this->db; $sql = "SELECT GROUP_ID, LOCALE_TAG, TITLE AS PAGE_NAME FROM GROUP_PAGE WHERE DISCUSS_THREAD = ?"; $result = $db->execute($sql, [$page_thread_id]); if (!$result) { return false; } $row = $db->fetchArray($result); if (!$row) { return false; } return $row; } /** * Returns the group_id, language, and page name of a wiki page * corresponding to $page_id * @param int $page_id to look up page info for * @return array (group_id, language, and page name) of that wiki page */ public function getPageInfoByPageId($page_id) { $db = $this->db; $sql = "SELECT GROUP_ID, LOCALE_TAG, TITLE AS PAGE_NAME, DISCUSS_THREAD AS DISCUSS_THREAD FROM GROUP_PAGE WHERE ID = ?"; $result = $db->execute($sql, [$page_id]); if (!$result) { return false; } $row = $db->fetchArray($result); if (!$row) { return false; } return $row; } /** * Returns an historical revision of a wiki page * * @param int $page_id identifier of wiki page want revision for * @param int $pubdate timestamp of revision desired * @return array (id, non-parsed wiki page, page_name, * group id, locale_tag, discussion thread id) of page revision */ public function getHistoryPage($page_id, $pubdate) { $db = $this->db; $sql = "SELECT HP.PAGE_ID AS ID, HP.PAGE AS PAGE, HP.TITLE AS PAGE_NAME, HP.GROUP_ID AS GROUP_ID, HP.LOCALE_TAG AS LOCALE_TAG, GP.DISCUSS_THREAD AS DISCUSS_THREAD FROM GROUP_PAGE GP, GROUP_PAGE_HISTORY HP WHERE HP.PAGE_ID = ? AND HP.PUBDATE=? AND HP.PAGE_ID=GP.ID"; $result = $db->execute($sql, [$page_id, $pubdate]); if (!$result) { return false; } $row = $db->fetchArray($result); if (!isset($row["PAGE"])) { return false; } return $row; } /** * Returns a list of revision history info for a wiki page. * * @param int $page_id identifier for page want revision history of * @param int $limit first row we want from the result set * @param int $num number of rows we want starting from the first row * in the result set * @return array elements of which are array with the revision date * (PUBDATE), user name, page length, edit reason for the wiki pages * revision */ public function getPageHistoryList($page_id, $limit, $num) { $db = $this->db; $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS TOTAL, MIN(H.TITLE) AS PAGE_NAME FROM GROUP_PAGE_HISTORY H, USERS U WHERE H.PAGE_ID = ? AND U.USER_ID= H.EDITOR_ID"; $page_name = ""; $result = $db->execute($sql, [$page_id]); if ($result) { $row = $db->fetchArray($result); $total = ($row) ? $row["TOTAL"] : 0; $page_name = ($row) ? $row["PAGE_NAME"] : ""; } $pages = []; if ($total > 0) { $sql = "SELECT H.PUBDATE AS PUBDATE, U.USER_NAME AS USER_NAME, LENGTH(H.PAGE) AS PAGE_LEN, H.EDIT_COMMENT AS EDIT_REASON FROM GROUP_PAGE_HISTORY H, USERS U WHERE H.PAGE_ID = ? AND U.USER_ID= H.EDITOR_ID ORDER BY PUBDATE DESC ". $db->limitOffset($limit, $num); $result = $db->execute($sql, [$page_id]); $i = 0; if ($result) { while ($pages[$i] = $db->fetchArray($result)) { $i++; } unset($pages[$i]); //last one will be null } } return [$total, $page_name, $pages]; } /** * Returns the folder and thumb folder associated with the resources of * a wiki page. Also returns base folders of these which may be different * if there is a sub_path. * * @param int $group_id group identifier of group wiki page belongs to * @param int $page_id identifier for page want folder paths for * @param string $sub_path file system path within the resource folder * to get the folder name for * @param bool $create if folder doesn't exist whether to create it or not * @param bool $check_redirect whether to check the default group page * folder for a redirect to a different folder * @return array (page_folder, thumb_folder, base_page_folder, * base_thumb_folder) */ public function getGroupPageResourcesFolders($group_id, $page_id, $sub_path = "", $create = false, $check_redirect = true) { $redirect_filename = "redirect.txt"; $sub_path = ($sub_path == "/" || $sub_path == "") ? "" : "/$sub_path"; $group_page_folder = L\crawlHash( "group" . $group_id. $page_id . C\AUTH_KEY); $old_thumb_page_folder = L\crawlHash( "thumb" . $group_id. $page_id . C\AUTH_KEY); $group_prefix = substr($group_page_folder, 0, 3); $old_thumb_prefix = substr($old_thumb_page_folder, 0, 3); $resource_path = C\APP_DIR . "/resources"; $group_prefix_path = $resource_path."/$group_prefix"; $old_thumb_prefix_path = $resource_path."/$old_thumb_prefix"; $group_path = "$group_prefix_path/$group_page_folder"; $redirect_path = $group_path . "/$redirect_filename"; $thumb_path = "$group_prefix_path/t$group_page_folder"; $old_thumb_path = "$old_thumb_prefix_path/$old_thumb_page_folder"; $redirected = false; if (file_exists($group_path)) { if ($check_redirect && file_exists($redirect_path)) { $tmp_path = file_get_contents($redirect_path); if (is_dir($tmp_path)) { $group_path = $tmp_path; $group_hash = L\crawlHash($group_path); $group_prefix = substr($group_hash, 0, 3); $group_prefix_path = $resource_path."/$group_prefix"; $no_redirect_thumb_path = $thumb_path; $thumb_path = "$group_prefix_path/t$group_hash"; if (!file_exists($group_prefix_path) && file_exists($group_path . $sub_path) && $create) { L\makePath($group_prefix_path); } $redirected = true; } } if (file_exists($group_path . $sub_path) && file_exists($thumb_path . $sub_path)) { return [$group_path . $sub_path, $thumb_path . $sub_path, $group_path, $thumb_path]; } elseif (!$create) { return false; } } elseif (!$create) { return false; } /* The naming convention for the thumb folder directory has evolved. The current version allows one to compute the thumb folder based on the group-page resource folder. It also satisfies that if a two pages have redirects to the same resource folder their thumb folders will be the same. The code below also attempts to move pre-existing thumbs folders of old yioop version to the new locations */ if (file_exists($group_path) || L\makePath($group_path)) { if (!$redirected && file_exists($group_path . "/$redirect_filename")) { $tmp_path = file_get_contents($group_path . "/$redirect_filename"); if (is_dir($tmp_path)) { $group_path = $tmp_path; $group_hash = L\crawlHash($group_path); $group_prefix = substr($group_hash, 0, 3); $group_prefix_path = $resource_path."/$group_prefix"; $no_redirect_thumb_path = $thumb_path; $thumb_path = "$group_prefix_path/t$group_hash"; if (!file_exists($group_prefix_path)) { L\makePath($group_prefix_path); } } } if (!file_exists($thumb_path)) { if (!empty($no_redirect_thumb_path) && file_exists($no_redirect_thumb_path)) { rename($no_redirect_thumb_path, $thumb_path); } else if (file_exists($old_thumb_path)) { rename($old_thumb_path, $thumb_path); } } $full_group_path = $group_path . $sub_path; $full_thumb_path = $thumb_path . $sub_path; if ((file_exists($full_group_path) || L\makePath($full_group_path)) && (file_exists($full_thumb_path) || L\makePath($full_thumb_path))) { return [$full_group_path, $full_thumb_path]; } } return false; } /** * Given a wiki page that has been parsed to html except for wiki syntax * related to resource, this method add the html to include these resources * * @param int $group_id group identifier of group wiki page belongs to * @param int $page_id identifier for page want to parse resources for * @param string $locale_tag the locale of the parsed page. * @param string $parsed_page the parsed wiki page before resources added * @param string $csrf_token to prevent cross-site request forgery * @param string $controller name of controller (admin or group) that * inserted urls should be for * @param string $include_charts_and_spreadsheets * @return string resulting html page */ public function insertResourcesParsePage($group_id, $page_id, $locale_tag, $parsed_page, $csrf_token = "", $controller = 'admin', $include_charts_and_spreadsheets = false) { $default_folders = $this->getGroupPageResourcesFolders($group_id, $page_id); $autoplay = "autoplay='autoplay'"; if (substr($page_id, 0, 4) == 'post') { $autoplay = ""; } if ($default_folders) { list($folder, $thumb_folder,) = $default_folders; } else { $folder = ""; $thumb_folder = ""; } if (!preg_match_all('/\(\(resource(\-?[a-z]+)?\:(.+?)\|(.+?)\)\)/ui', $parsed_page, $matches)) { return $parsed_page; } $num_matches = count($matches[0]); for ($i = 0; $i < $num_matches; $i++) { $match_string = $matches[0][$i]; $resource_namespace_name = $matches[2][$i]; $namespace_parts = explode(":", $resource_namespace_name); $sub_path = ""; $thumb_resource = ($matches[1][$i] == "-thumb") ? true : false; $chart_resource = (in_array($matches[1][$i], ["-bargraph", "-linegraph", "-pointgraph"])) ? true : false; $data_resource = ($matches[1][$i] == "-data") ? true : false; $resource_description = $matches[3][$i]; $resource_description_parts = explode("|", $matches[3][$i]); if (!empty($resource_description_parts[1])) { $resource_description = $resource_description_parts[1]; $sub_path = $resource_description_parts[0]; } $spreadsheet_rectangle = false; $rect_parts = explode("#", $resource_namespace_name); $data_chart = false; if (count($rect_parts) > 1) { if ($chart_resource) { $num_rect_parts = count($rect_parts); $data_chart = empty($rect_parts[0]) && $num_rect_parts > 2; if ($data_chart || $num_rect_parts == 6) { $resource_name = ""; if ($data_chart) { $points = array_slice($rect_parts, 2); $x_values = []; $y_values = []; foreach ($points as $point) { preg_match("/^\s*\((.+)\,(.+)\)\s*$/", $point, $point_matches); if(empty($point_matches[2])) { break; } $x_values[] = $point_matches[1]; $y_values[] = $point_matches[2]; } } else { list($resource_name, $chart_config, $x_start, $x_end, $y_start, $y_end) = $rect_parts; } $chart_type = ($matches[1][$i] == '-bargraph') ? "BarGraph" : (($matches[1][$i] == '-linegraph') ? "LineGraph" : "PointGraph"); if (!empty($chart_config)) { $chart_config = json_decode($chart_config, true); } else { $chart_config = []; } $chart_config['type'] = $chart_type; $chart_config = json_encode($chart_config); } else { $resource_name = implode("#", $rect_parts); $chart_resource = false; } } else { $spreadsheet_rectangle = $this->convertSpreadsheetRectangle( array_slice($rect_parts, 2)); if ($spreadsheet_rectangle === false) { $resource_name = implode("#", $rect_parts); } else { $resource_name = $rect_parts[0]; $sheet_config = ($rect_parts[1] == 'noheadings') ? "{'headings': false}" : "{}"; } } } if (count($namespace_parts) > 1) { $current_namespace = array_shift($namespace_parts); $current_page_id = $this->getPageId($group_id, $current_namespace, $locale_tag); if ($current_page_id === false || $current_page_id === null) { continue; } $current_folders = $this->getGroupPageResourcesFolders( $group_id, $current_page_id); if ($current_folders) { list($current_folder, $current_thumb_folder,) = $current_folders; } else { continue; } } else { $resource_name = (isset($rect_parts[0])) ? $rect_parts[0] : $resource_namespace_name; $current_page_id = $page_id; $current_folder = $folder; $current_thumb_folder = $thumb_folder; } $is_dir = false; if ($data_chart) { $mime_type = "text/csv"; $resource_url = ""; } else if ($data_resource) { $resource_url = "data://$resource_name"; $url_parts = explode(";", $resource_name); $mime_type = $url_parts[0]; $file_name = $resource_url; /* PHP can do file_get_contents on data uri's*/ } else { $current_folder = realpath($current_folder); $resource_name = html_entity_decode($resource_name, ENT_QUOTES); $file_name = "$current_folder/$sub_path/$resource_name"; $resource_pos = strpos($file_name, "resources"); if ($resource_pos === false) { $resource_path = "resources/".substr($current_folder, strrpos($current_folder, "/") + 1). "/$sub_path/$resource_name"; } else { $resource_path = substr($file_name, $resource_pos); } $mime_type = L\mimeType($file_name); $mime_type_parts = explode(";", $mime_type); $mime_type = $mime_type_parts[0]; $resource_url = $this->getGroupPageResourceUrl($csrf_token, $group_id, $current_page_id, $resource_name, $sub_path); if (is_dir($file_name)) { $is_dir = true; $is_static = ($controller == 'static') ? true : false; $page_info = $this->getPageInfoByPageId($current_page_id); if (empty($page_info['PAGE_NAME'])) { continue; } $resource_url = htmlentities(B\wikiUrl($page_info['PAGE_NAME'] , true, $controller, $group_id)); if ($csrf_token != "") { $resource_url .= "&". C\CSRF_TOKEN . "=" . $csrf_token; } else { $resource_url .= "&[{token}]"; } } } $video_type_extensions = ['video/mp4' => "mp4", 'video/ogg' => "ogv", 'video/avi' => 'avi', 'video/quicktime' => 'mov', 'video/x-flv' => 'flv', 'video/x-ms-wmv' => 'wmv', 'video/webm' => 'webm', 'application/ogg' => 'ogv']; if ($is_dir) { $new_sub_path = ($sub_path) ? "$sub_path/$resource_name" : "$resource_name"; $resource_url .= "&sf=" . urlencode($new_sub_path); $replace_string = "<a href='$resource_url' >". "$resource_description</a>"; $parsed_page = preg_replace('/'.preg_quote($match_string, '/') .'/u', $replace_string, $parsed_page); } else if (($matches[1][$i] == "-link")) { $replace_string = "<a href='$resource_url' >". "$resource_description</a>"; $parsed_page = preg_replace('/'.preg_quote($match_string, '/') .'/u', $replace_string, $parsed_page); } else if (in_array($mime_type, ['image/png', 'image/gif', 'image/jpeg', 'image/bmp', 'image/svg+xml'])) { if ($thumb_resource) { $replace_string = "<a class='image-list' ". "href='$resource_url' >". "<img src='$resource_url' ". " alt='$resource_description' /></a>"; } else { $replace_string = "<img src='$resource_url' ". " alt='$resource_description' class='photo' />"; } $parsed_page = preg_replace('/'. preg_quote($match_string,'/').'/u', $replace_string, $parsed_page); } elseif (in_array($mime_type, array_keys($video_type_extensions))) { $replace_string = "<video class='video' ". "controls='controls' $autoplay id='". L\crawlHash($resource_name)."' >\n". "<source src='$resource_url' type='$mime_type'/>\n"; $multi_source_types = ["mp4", "webm", "ogg"]; $current_extension = $video_type_extensions[$mime_type]; $add_sources = []; if (empty($data_resource) && !in_array($current_extension, $multi_source_types)) { $add_sources = array_diff($multi_source_types, [$current_extension]); } $pre_name = substr($resource_name, 0, -strlen($current_extension) -1); // add subtitles file if exists $subtitle_file = "$pre_name-subtitles-$locale_tag.vtt"; $all_subtitle_files = glob( "$current_folder/$pre_name-subtitles-*.vtt"); if (empty($data_resource) && !empty($all_subtitle_files)) { foreach ($all_subtitle_files as $sub_file) { preg_match("@$pre_name-subtitles-(.+).vtt@", $sub_file, $matches); if (!empty($matches[1])) { $resource_url = $this->getGroupPageResourceUrl( $csrf_token, $group_id, $current_page_id, $matches[0], $sub_path); $default = ($sub_file == "$current_folder/$subtitle_file") ? "default" : ""; $tag = $matches[1]; $replace_string .= "<track src='$resource_url' " . "label='$tag' kind='subtitles' " . "srclang='$tag' $default />\n"; } } } $captions_file = "$pre_name-captions-$locale_tag.vtt"; $all_captions_files = glob( "$current_folder/$pre_name-captions-*.vtt"); if (empty($data_resource) && !empty($all_captions_files)) { foreach ($all_captions_files as $cap_file) { preg_match("@$pre_name-captions-(.+).vtt@", $cap_file, $matches); if (!empty($matches[1])) { $resource_url = $this->getGroupPageResourceUrl( $csrf_token, $group_id, $current_page_id, $matches[0], $sub_path); $default = ($cap_file == "$current_folder/$captions_file") ? "default" : ""; $tag = $matches[1]; $replace_string .= "<track src='$resource_url' " . "label='$tag' kind='captions' " . "srclang='$tag' $default />\n"; } } } foreach ($add_sources as $extension) { if (file_exists("$current_folder/$pre_name.$extension")) { $resource_url = $this->getGroupPageResourceUrl( $csrf_token, $group_id, $current_page_id, "$pre_name.$extension", $sub_path); $replace_string .= "<source src='$resource_url' ". "type='video/$extension'/>\n"; } } $replace_string .= $resource_description."\n"."</video>"; $parsed_page = preg_replace('/'. preg_quote($match_string, '/').'/u', $replace_string, $parsed_page); } elseif (in_array($mime_type, ['audio/aiff', 'audio/basic', 'audio/L24', 'audio/mpeg', 'audio/mpeg3', 'audio/mp4', 'audio/ogg', 'audio/opus', 'audio/vorbis', 'audio/vnd.rn-realaudio', 'audio/vnd.wave', 'audio/webm'])) { $replace_string = "<audio controls='controls' $autoplay". " class='audio' id='". L\crawlHash($resource_name)."' >\n". "<source src='$resource_url' >\n". $resource_description."\n". "</audio>"; $parsed_page = preg_replace('/'.preg_quote($match_string, '/') .'/u', $replace_string, $parsed_page); } elseif (($mime_type =='application/epub+zip' && file_exists(C\APP_DIR. "/scripts/epub.js")) || ($mime_type =='application/pdf' && file_exists(C\APP_DIR. "/scripts/pdf.js"))) { $book_name = "b" . str_replace("-", "_", L\crawlHash($resource_description)); $replace_string = "<script type='text/javascript'>\n". "{$book_name}_url = '" . html_entity_decode( $resource_url) . "';\n</script>\n". "<div class='ebook-controls'>". "<button onclick='previousMediaPage($book_name);'>". "<</button>". "<input type='range' class='ebook-range' ". "id='range-$book_name' ". "onchange='setMediaLocationFromRange($book_name);'/>". "<button onclick='nextMediaPage($book_name);'>". "></button>". "<span id='pos-$book_name' >-/-</span> "; if ($mime_type =='application/pdf') { $replace_string .= "[<a href='javascript:rotatePdf($book_name)'>@</a>] "; } $replace_string .= "[<a href='$resource_url'>+</a>]</div>"; if ($mime_type =='application/epub+zip') { $replace_string .= "<div class='ebook' id='area-$book_name'></div>"; } else { $replace_string .= "<canvas class='ebook' id='area-$book_name'></canvas>"; } $parsed_page = preg_replace('/'.preg_quote($match_string, '/') .'/u', $replace_string, $parsed_page); } elseif (in_array($mime_type, ['text/html', 'application/pdf'] )) { $replace_string = "<iframe class='wiki-resource-object' ". "src='$resource_url' >$resource_description</iframe>"; $parsed_page = preg_replace('/'.preg_quote($match_string, '/') .'/u', $replace_string, $parsed_page); } elseif ($mime_type == 'text/csv') { if (!$include_charts_and_spreadsheets) { continue; } if (!$data_chart && !isset($resource[$file_name])) { $resource = file_get_contents($file_name); $resources[$file_name] = L\parseCsv($resource); } if ($chart_resource) { if (!$data_chart) { $pre_x_vals = $this->evalRangeExpression( "$x_start:$x_end", 0, $resources[$file_name]); $x_values = $pre_x_vals[1]; $pre_y_vals = $this->evalRangeExpression( "$y_start:$y_end", 0, $resources[$file_name]); $y_values = $pre_y_vals[1]; } $resource_data = json_encode(array_combine($x_values, $y_values)); $replace_string = "<script type='text/javascript'>\n" . "if (typeof chart_data === 'undefined') {\n" . " chart_data = [];\n". " chart_config = [];\n}\n". "chart_data[$i] = $resource_data;" . "chart_config[$i] = $chart_config;" . "\n</script><div id='chart_$i'> </div>"; $parsed_page = preg_replace('/' . preg_quote($match_string, '/') .'/u', $replace_string, $parsed_page, 1); } else { $resource_data = json_encode( $this->spreadsheetRectangleData( $spreadsheet_rectangle, $resources[$file_name])); if (isset($sheet_config)) { $spread_config = "spreadsheet_config[$i] = $sheet_config;"; } else { $spread_config = "spreadsheet_config[$i] = {};"; } if (!empty($spreadsheet_rectangle[0]) && $spreadsheet_rectangle[0] != [0, 0]) { $spread_config .= "spreadsheet_config[$i]['offset'] =". json_encode($spreadsheet_rectangle[0]) .";"; } if (!empty($_SESSION['USER_NAME'])) { $spread_config .= "spreadsheet_config[$i]['user_name'] =". json_encode($_SESSION['USER_NAME']) .";"; } $replace_string = "<script type='text/javascript'>\n" . "if (typeof spreadsheet_data === 'undefined') {\n" . " spreadsheet_data = [];\n". " spreadsheet_config = [];\n}\n". "spreadsheet_data[$i] = $resource_data;" . $spread_config . "\n</script><div id='spreadsheet_$i'> </div>"; $parsed_page = preg_replace('/' . preg_quote($match_string, '/') .'/u', $replace_string, $parsed_page, 1); } } elseif (substr($mime_type, 0, 4) == 'text') { $resource = file_get_contents($file_name); $replace_string = "<pre>\n".htmlentities($resource)."\n</pre>"; $parsed_page = preg_replace('/'.preg_quote($match_string, '/') .'/u', $replace_string, $parsed_page); } else { $replace_string = "<a href='$resource_url' >". "$resource_description</a>"; $parsed_page = preg_replace('/'.preg_quote($match_string, '/') .'/u', $replace_string, $parsed_page); } } return $parsed_page; } /** * Used to convert a pair of spreadsheet coordinates into a pair * of integer rectangular coordinates. For example [A3, B4] into * [[0,2], [1, 3]] * * @param array $spreadsheet_coords a pair of spreadsheet cell coordinates * @return array rectangular integer pair corresponding to these coordinates */ public function convertSpreadsheetRectangle($spreadsheet_coords) { if ($spreadsheet_coords && is_array($spreadsheet_coords) && count($spreadsheet_coords) <= 2) { if(count($spreadsheet_coords) == 1) { $spreadsheet_coords[] = $spreadsheet_coords[0]; } } else { return false; } $rect = []; for ($i = 0; $i < 2; $i++) { $num_matches = preg_match("/^([A-Z]+)(\d+)$/", $spreadsheet_coords[$i], $cell_parts); if ($num_matches == 0 || count($cell_parts) != 3) { return false; } $column_string = $cell_parts[1]; $len = strlen($column_string); $column = 0; $shift = 1; for ($j = 0; $j < $len; $j++) { $column += (ord($column_string[$j]) - 65) * $shift; $shift = 26; } $rect[$i] = [(int)$cell_parts[2] - 1, $column]; } return $rect; } /** * Given a pair of coordinates [top-left, bottom-right] in a spreadsheet * returns the rectangular portion of the data in the spreadsheet * corresponding to these coordinates. * * @param array $rectangle coordinates to use when getting data out of * spreadsheet * @param array 2D array of spreadsheet data * @return array 2D array corresponding to the portion of the spreadsheet * defined by the rectangle given. */ public function spreadsheetRectangleData($rectangle, $data) { if (!$rectangle) { return $data; } $out_data = []; $eval_data = $data; $k = 0; for ($i = 0; $i <= $rectangle[1][0]; $i++) { $m = 0; for ($j = 0; $j <= $rectangle[1][1]; $j++) { if (!empty($data[$i][$j]) && $data[$i][$j][0] == '=') { list(, $eval_data[$k][$m]) = $this->evaluateCell( $data[$i][$j], 1, $eval_data); } else { $eval_data[$k][$m] = $data[$i][$j]; } if ($i >= $rectangle[0][0] && $j >= $rectangle[0][1]) { $out_data[$k][$m] = $eval_data[$k][$m]; $m++; } } if ($i >= $rectangle[0][0]) { $k++; } } return $out_data; } /** * Used to evaluate a cell of a CSV spreadsheet. This code * runs on the server. In scripts folder there is almost identical * Javascript code in spreadsheet.js that runs on the client. * * @param string cell_expression a string representing a formula to * calculate from a spreadsheet file * @param int location character position in cell_expression to start * evaluating from * @param int operator_pos a position in the array of binary operators * ['*', '/', '+', '-', '%'] (used to compute operators with preference) * @param array array to evaluate cell in * @return array [new_loc, the value of the cell or the String 'NaN' if * the expression was not evaluatable] */ public function evaluateCell($cell_expression, $location, $data, $operator_pos = 0) { $out = [$location, false]; $operators = ['%', '-','+', '/', '*']; if ($location >= strlen($cell_expression)) { return $out; } if ($operator_pos >= count($operators)) { $out = $this->evaluateFactor($cell_expression, $location, $data); return $out; } $operator = $operators[$operator_pos]; $left_out = $this->evaluateCell($cell_expression, $location, $data, $operator_pos + 1); if ($left_out[0] >= strlen($cell_expression)) { return $left_out; } $left_out[0] = $this->skipWhitespace($cell_expression, $left_out[0]); if ($cell_expression[$left_out[0]] != $operator) { return $left_out; } $right_out = $this->evaluateCell($cell_expression, $left_out[0] + 1, $data, $operator_pos); $out[0] = $this->skipWhitespace($cell_expression, $right_out[0]); $out[1] = eval("return ". $left_out[1] . $operator . $right_out[1] . ";"); return $out; } /** * Used to evaluate the left hand factor of a binary operator * appearing in a CSV spreadsheet cell * * @param string $cell_expression cell formula to evaluate * @param int $location start offset in cell expression * of factor protion that this method needs to evaluate * @param array $data array of spreadsheet data to be used for * evaluation * @return array [new_loc, the value of sub-expression] */ public function evaluateFactor($cell_expression, $location, $data) { $out = [$location, false]; if ($location >= strlen($cell_expression)) { return $out; } $location = $this->skipWhitespace($cell_expression, $location); $out = $this->evalFunctionInvocation($cell_expression, $location, $data); if ($out[1] !== false) { return $out; } $out = $this->evalParenthesizedExpression($cell_expression, $location, $data); if ($out[1] !== false) { return $out; } $out = $this->evalRangeExpression($cell_expression, $location, $data); if ($out[1] !== false) { return $out; } $out = $this->evalNegatedExpression($cell_expression, $location, $data); if ($out[1] !== false) { return $out; } $out = $this->evalNumericExpression($cell_expression, $location, $data); if ($out[1] !== false) { return $out; } $out = $this->evalCellNameExpression($cell_expression, $location, $data); if ($out[1] !== false) { return $out; } $out = $this->evalStringExpression($cell_expression, $location, $data); if ($out[1] !== false) { return $out; } return $out; } /** * Used to evaluate a function call * appearing in a CSV spreadsheet cell formula * * @param string $cell_expression cell formula to evaluate * @param int $location start offset in cell expression * of function call that this method needs to evaluate * @param array $data array of spreadsheet data to be used for * evaluation * @return array [new_loc, the value of sub-expression] */ public function evalFunctionInvocation($cell_expression, $location, $data) { $out = [$location, false]; $rest = substr($cell_expression, $location, C\NAME_LEN); $pattern = "/^(avg|ceil|cell|col|exp|floor|log|min|max|pow|" . "row|sqrt|sum|username)\\(/i"; $num_matches = preg_match($pattern, $rest, $matches); if (!$num_matches) { return $out; } $location += strlen($matches[0]); $arg_values = $this->evaluateArgListExpression($cell_expression, $location, $data); if ($arg_values[1] == "NaN") { return $arg_values; } if ($arg_values[1] == false) { $arg_values[1] = []; } $num_args = count($arg_values[1]); if ((in_array($matches[1], ["ceil", "floor", "exp", "log", "sqrt"]) && $num_args != 1) || (in_array($matches[1], ["cell", "pow"]) && $num_args != 2) || (in_array($matches[1], ["min", "max"]) && $num_args == 0) || (in_array($matches[1], ["col", "row"]) && $num_args != 4) || $cell_expression[$arg_values[0]] != ')') { $out[0] = $arg_values[0]; $out[1] = "NaN"; return $out; } $out[0] = $arg_values[0] + 1; switch ($matches[1]) { case "ceil": $out[1] = ceil($arg_values[1][0]); break; case "cell": $args = $arg_values[1]; $row_col = $this->cellNameAsRowColumn("{$args[1]}{$args[0]}"); $out[1] = $data[$row_col[0] - 1][$row_col[1]]; break; case "col": $args = $arg_values[1]; $tmp = $this->cellNameAsRowColumn("{$args[2]}0"); $start = max($tmp[1] - 1, 0); $tmp = $this->cellNameAsRowColumn("{$args[3]}0"); $end = min($tmp[1] - 1, count($data[0]) - 1); $out[1] = -1; for ($j = $start; $j <= $end; $j++) { if ($data[max($args[1] - 1, 0)][$j] == $args[0]) { $out[1] = $this->letterRepresentation($j); break; } } break; case "exp": $out[1] = exp($arg_values[1][0]); break; case "floor": $out[1] = floor($arg_values[1][0]); case "log": $out[1] = log($arg); break; case "min": $minnands = $arg_values[1]; $min = $minnands[0]; for ($i = 0; $i < count($minnands); $i++) { if ($minnands[i] < $min) { $min = $minnands[$i]; } } $out[1] = $min; break; case "max": $maxands = $arg_values[1]; $max = $maxands[0]; for ($i = 0; $i < count($maxands); $i++) { if ($maxands[$i] > $max) { $max = $maxands[$i]; } } $out[1] = $max; break; case "pow": $out[1] = pow($arg_values[1][0], $arg_values[1][1]); break; case "row": $args = $arg_values[1]; $tmp = $this->cellNameAsRowColumn("{$args[1]}0"); $col = $tmp[1]; $start = max($args[2] - 1, 0); $end = min($args[3] - 1, count($data) - 1); $out[1] = -1; for ($i = $start; $i <= $end; $i++) { if ($data[i][$col] == $args[0]) { $out[1] = $i + 1; break; } } break; case "sqrt": $out[1] = sqrt($arg_values[1][0]); break; case "sum": case "avg": $sum = 0; $summands = $arg_values[1]; for ($i = 0; $i < count($summands); $i++) { $summand = $summands[$i]; $sum += $summand; } $out[1] = ($matches[1] == 'sum') ? $sum : $sum/count($summands); break; case "username": $out[1] = (empty($_SESSION['USER_NAME'])) ? 'anonymous': $_SESSION['USER_NAME']; break; } return $out; } /** * Used to evaluate a spreadsheet expression surrounded by * parentheses appearing in a CSV spreadsheet cell formula * * @param string $cell_expression cell formula to evaluate * @param int $location start offset in cell expression * of parentheses expression that this method needs to * evaluate * @param array $data array of spreadsheet data to be used for * evaluation * @return array [new_loc, the value of sub-expression] */ public function evalParenthesizedExpression($cell_expression, $location, $data) { $out = [$location, false]; if ($location >= strlen($cell_expression)) { return $out; } $location = $this->skipWhitespace($cell_expression, $location); if ($cell_expression[$location] == "(") { $out = $this->evaluateCell($cell_expression, $location + 1, $data); if ($cell_expression[$out[0]] != ')') { $out[1] = "NaN"; return $out; } $out[0] = $this->skipWhitespace($cell_expression, $out[0] + 1); return $out; } return $out; } /** * Used to evaluate the expressions in a list of arguments to * a function call appearing in a CSV spreadsheet * cell formula * * @param string $cell_expression cell formula to evaluate * @param int $location start offset in cell expression * of argument list that this method needs to * evaluate * @param array $data array of spreadsheet data to be used for * evaluation * @return array [new_loc, array of arg-list] */ public function evaluateArgListExpression($cell_expression, $location, $data) { $out = [$location, false]; if ($location >= strlen($cell_expression)) { return $out; } $location = $this->skipWhitespace($cell_expression, $location); $more_args = true; $out = [$location, []]; while ($more_args) { $more_args = false; $sub_out = $this->evaluateCell($cell_expression, $location); if ($sub_out[1] == 'NaN' || $sub_out[1] === false) { return $sub_out; } if (is_array($sub_out[1])) { for($i = 0 ; $i < count($sub_out[1]); $i++) { array_push($out[1], $sub_out[1][$i]); } } else { array_push($out[1], $sub_out[1]); } $location = self.skipWhitespace($cell_expression, $sub_out[0]); $out[0] = $location; if ($location < strlen($cell_expression) && $cell_expression[$location] == ',') { $more_args = true; $location++; } } return $out; } /** * Used to convert range expressions, cell_name1:cell_name2 into a * sequence of cells, cell_name1, ..., cell_name2 so that it may be * used as part of an argument list to a function call * appearing in a CSV spreadsheet cell formula * * @param string $cell_expression cell formula to evaluate * @param int $location start offset in cell expression * of range expression that this method needs to * evaluate * @param array $data array of spreadsheet data to be used for * evaluation * @return array [new_loc, array of range cells] */ public function evalRangeExpression($cell_expression, $location, $data) { $out = [$location, false]; if ($location >= strlen($cell_expression)) { return $out; } $location = $this->skipWhitespace($cell_expression, $location); $rest = substr($cell_expression, $location, C\NAME_LEN); $num_matches = preg_match("/^([A-Z]+)(\d+)\s*\:\s*([A-Z]+)(\d+)/", $rest, $matches); $col_flag = (!empty($matches[3]) && $matches[1] == $matches[3]); if ($num_matches && ($col_flag || $matches[2] == $matches[4])) { $out[0] = $this->skipWhitespace($cell_expression, $location + strlen($matches[0])); $out[1] = []; if ($col_flag) { for ($i = intval($matches[2]); $i <= intval($matches[4]); $i++) { $row_col = $this->cellNameAsRowColumn("{$matches[1]}$i"); if (!isset($data[$row_col[0] - 1]) || !isset($data[$row_col[0] - 1][$row_col[1]]) || $data[$row_col[0] - 1][$row_col[1]] == 'NaN') { $out[1] = "NaN"; return $out; } $cell_value = $data[$row_col[0] - 1][$row_col[1]]; if (!empty($cell_value[0]) && $cell_value[0] == '=') { $cell_value = $this->evaluateCell($cell_value, 1, $data); $cell_value = $cell_value[1]; } array_push($out[1], $cell_value); } } else { $row_col1 = $this->cellNameAsRowColumn("" . $matches[1] . $matches[2]); $row_col2 = $this->cellNameAsRowColumn("" . $matches[3] . $matches[4]); $i = $row_col1[0]; for ($j = $row_col1[1]; $j <= $row_col2[1]; $j++) { if (!isset($data[$i - 1]) || !isset($data[$i - 1][$j]) || $data[$i - 1][$j] == 'NaN'){ $out[1] = "NaN"; return $out; } $cell_value = $data[$i - 1][$j]; if (!empty($cell_value[0]) && $cell_value[0] == '=') { $cell_value = $this->evaluateCell($cell_value, 1, $data); $cell_value = $cell_value[1]; } array_push($out[1], $cell_value); } } } return $out; } /** * Used to parse expression of the form: -expr * appearing in a CSV spreadsheet cell formula * * @param string $cell_expression cell formula to evaluate * @param int $location start offset in cell expression * of negated expression that this method needs to * evaluate * @param array $data array of spreadsheet data to be used for * evaluation * @return array [new_loc, the value of sub-expression] */ public function evalNegatedExpression($cell_expression, $location, $data) { $out = [$location, false]; if ($location >= strlen($cell_expression)) { return $out; } $location = $this->skipWhitespace($cell_expression, $location); if ($cell_expression[$location] == "-") { $sub_out = $this->evaluateCell($cell_expression, $location + 1); if ($sub_out[1] == 'NaN' || $sub_out[1] == false) { return $sub_out; } $out[0] = $this->skipWhitespace($cell_expression, $sub_out[0]); $out[1] = - $sub_out[1]; return $out; } return $out; } /** * Used to parse a integer or float expression * appearing in a CSV spreadsheet cell formula * * @param string $cell_expression cell formula to evaluate * @param int $location start offset in cell expression * of integer or float expression that this method needs to * evaluate * @param array $data array of spreadsheet data to be used for * evaluation * @return array [new_loc, the value of sub-expression] */ public function evalNumericExpression($cell_expression, $location, $data) { $out = [$location, false]; if ($location >= strlen($cell_expression)) { return $out; } $location = $this->skipWhitespace($cell_expression, $location); $rest = substr($cell_expression, $location, C\NAME_LEN); $num_matches = preg_match("/^\-?\d+(\.\d*)?|^\-?\.\d+/", $rest, $matches); if ($num_matches) { $out[0] = $this->skipWhitespace($cell_expression, $location + strlen($matches[0])); $out[1] = (preg_match('/\./', $matches[0]))? floatval($matches[0]): intval($matches[0]); return $out; } return $out; } /** * Used to parse an expression of the form letter sequence followed by * number sequence corresponding to the name of a spreadsheet cell * appearing in a CSV spreadsheet cell formula * * @param string $cell_expression cell formula to evaluate * @param int $location start offset in cell expression * of cell name expression that this method needs to * evaluate * @param array $data array of spreadsheet data to be used for * evaluation * @return array [new_loc, the value of sub-expression] */ public function evalCellNameExpression($cell_expression, $location, $data) { $out = [$location, false]; if ($location >= strlen($cell_expression)) { return $out; } $location = $this->skipWhitespace($cell_expression, $location); $rest = substr($cell_expression, $location, C\NAME_LEN); $value = preg_match("/^[A-Z]+\d+/", $rest, $matches); if ($value) { $out[0] = $this->skipWhitespace($cell_expression, $location + strlen($matches[0]) ); $row_col = $this->cellNameAsRowColumn(trim($matches[0])); $out[1] = $data[$row_col[0] - 1][$row_col[1]]; } return $out; } /** * Used to parse a string expression, "some string" or 'some string', * appearing in a CSV spreadsheet cell formula * * @param string $cell_expression cell formula to evaluate * @param int $location start offset in cell expression * of string expression that this method needs to * evaluate * @param array $data array of spreadsheet data to be used for * evaluation * @return array [new_loc, the value of sub-expression] */ public function evalStringExpression($cell_expression, $location, $data) { $out = [$location, $false]; if ($location >= strlen($cell_expression)) { return out; } $location = $this->skipWhitespace($cell_expression, $location); $rest = substr($cell_expression, $location, C\NAME_LEN); $value = preg_match('/^\"([^\"]*)\"/', $rest, $matches); if (!$value) { $value = preg_match("/^\'([^\']*)\'/", $rest, $matches); } if ($value) { $out[0] = $this->skipWhitespace($cell_expression, $location + strlen($matches[0])); $out[1] = $matches[1]; return $out; } return $out; } /** * Finds the next non-whitespace location in the provided spreadsheet * $cell_expression after position $location * * @param string $cell_expression cell formula to search in * @param int $location start offset to bbegin search at * @return int location of non-whitespace character or the length of * the cell expression */ public function skipWhiteSpace($cell_expression, $location) { while (isset($cell_expression[$location]) && trim($cell_expression[$location]) == '') { $location++; } return $location; } /** * Converts a string of the form letter sequence followed by * number sequence to an array of int's of the form [row, column] * * @param string $cell_name name of spreadsheet cell to convert * @return array [row, column] name corresponds to */ public function cellNameAsRowColumn($cell_name) { if (!preg_match('/^([A-Z]+)(\d+)$/', $cell_name, $matches)) { return null; } $column_string = $matches[1]; $len = strlen($column_string); $column = 0; $old_column = 0; $shift = 26; for ($i = $len - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) { $column = $old_column + (ord($column_string[$i]) - 65); $old_column = $shift * $column; } return [intval($matches[2]), $column]; } /** * Converts a decimal number to a base 26 number string using A-Z for 0-25. * Used where drawing column headers for spreadsheet * @param int $number the value to convert to base 26 * @return string result of conversion */ public function letterRepresentation($number) { $pre_letter; $out = ""; do { $pre_letter = $number % 26; $number = floor($number/26); $out .= chr(65 + $pre_letter); } while ($number > 25); return $out; } /** * Creates a new version of a wiki page in the GROUP_PAGE_HISTORY * without changing the page contents, but with an edit reason. This * function might be called when a resource has been added to the page * so that one can restore to a variant of the page with earlier resource * lists. * * @param int $user_id of user responsible for version being created * @param int $page_id of page that new version is being made for * @param string reason new version is being created */ public function versionGroupPage($user_id, $page_id, $version_reason) { list(, $page_name, $pages) = $this->getPageHistoryList($page_id, 0, 1); $pubdate = $pages[0]['PUBDATE']; $latest_page_info = $this->getHistoryPage($page_id, $pubdate); $page = $latest_page_info["PAGE"]; $locale_tag = $latest_page_info["LOCALE_TAG"]; $group_id = $latest_page_info["GROUP_ID"]; $sql = "INSERT INTO GROUP_PAGE_HISTORY (PAGE_ID, EDITOR_ID, GROUP_ID, TITLE, PAGE, LOCALE_TAG, PUBDATE, EDIT_COMMENT) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"; $this->db->execute($sql, [$page_id, $user_id, $group_id, $page_name, $page, $locale_tag, time(), $version_reason]); } /** * Called to revert a wiki pages resources to those that existed for * the wiki page at a give time * * @param int $page_id of page that new version is being made for * @param int $group_id of group wiki page belongs to * @param int $timestamp of when to revert resources back to */ public function revertResources($page_id, $group_id, $timestamp) { $folders = $this->getGroupPageResourcesFolders($group_id, $page_id); if (!$folders) { return; } list($folder, $thumb_folder, $base_folder,) = $folders; $vcs = new VersionManager($base_folder); $vcs->restoreVersion(intval($timestamp) + 1); } /** * Deletes a resource (image, video, etc) associated with a wiki page or * group feed post belong to a group * * @param string $resource_name name of resource to delete * @param int $group_id group identifier of group wiki page belongs to * @param int $page_id identifier for page want to delete resource from * @param string $sub_path path to a subfolder of default resource folder * if desired * @return bool whether the deletion was successful */ public function deleteResource($resource_name, $group_id, $page_id, $sub_path = "") { $folders = $this->getGroupPageResourcesFolders($group_id, $page_id, $sub_path); if (!$folders) { return false; } list($folder, $thumb_folder, $base_folder) = $folders; $file_name = "$folder/$resource_name"; $thumb_name = "$thumb_folder/$resource_name.jpg"; if (file_exists($file_name)) { $this->db->unlinkRecursive($file_name); $vcs = new VersionManager($base_folder); $vcs->createVersion($file_name); } if (file_exists($thumb_name)) { unlink($thumb_name); } return true; } /** * Uncompresses a compressed resource associated with a wiki page or * group feed post belong to a group * * @param string $resource_name name of resource to delete * @param int $group_id group identifier of group wiki page belongs to * @param int $page_id identifier for page want to delete resource from * @param string $sub_path path to a subfolder of default resource folder * if desired * @return bool whether the deletion was successful */ public function extractResource($resource_name, $group_id, $page_id, $sub_path = "") { $folders = $this->getGroupPageResourcesFolders($group_id, $page_id, $sub_path); if (!$folders) { return false; } list($folder,,$base_folder,) = $folders; $file_name = "$folder/$resource_name"; $zip_extractor = new \ZipArchive(); if (!$zip_extractor) { return false; } $zip_extractor->open($file_name); $zip_extractor->extractTo($folder); $zip_extractor->close(); $vcs = new VersionManager($base_folder); $vcs->createVersion($folder); return true; } /** * Deletes all resources (image, video, etc) associated with a wiki page * belonging to a group. * * @param int $group_id group identifier of group wiki page belongs to * @param int $page_id identifier for page want to delete resource from * @param string $sub_path path to a subfolder of default resource folder * if desired * @return bool whether the deletion was successful */ public function deleteResources($group_id, $page_id, $sub_path = "") { $folders = $this->getGroupPageResourcesFolders($group_id, $page_id, $sub_path); if (!$folders) { return false; } list($folder, $thumb_folder, $base_folder,) = $folders; if ($folder && file_exists($folder)) { $this->db->unlinkRecursive($folder); $vcs = new VersionManager($base_folder); $vcs->createVersion($folder); } if ($thumb_folder && file_exists($thumb_folder)) { $this->db->unlinkRecursive($thumb_folder); } return true; } /** * Create a new resource in the given group and page's * resource folder/sub_path of the type requests. * * @param string $resource_type either new-file or new-folder * @param int $group_id group identifier of group wiki page belongs to * @param int $page_id identifier for page want to delete resource from * @param string $sub_path path to a subfolder of default resource folder * if desired * @return bool whether the deletion was successful */ public function newResource($resource_type, $group_id, $page_id, $sub_path = "") { $folders = $this->getGroupPageResourcesFolders($group_id, $page_id, $sub_path); if (!$folders) { return false; } list($folder, $thumb_folder, $base_folder,) = $folders; if (!file_exists($folder)) { return false; } $i = 0; $base_name = ($resource_type == 'new-text-file') ? "untitled%d.txt" : (($resource_type == 'new-csv-file') ? "untitled%d.csv" : "untitled_folder%d"); do { $file_name = sprintf($folder."/".$base_name, $i); $i++; } while (file_exists($file_name)); $vcs = new VersionManager($base_folder); if ($resource_type == 'new-text-file') { return ($vcs->headPutContents($file_name, "") == VersionManager::SUCCESS); } if ($resource_type == 'new-csv-file') { $csv = ",,,,\n,,,,\n,,,,\n,,,,\n,,,,\n"; return ($vcs->headPutContents($file_name, $csv) == VersionManager::SUCCESS); } return ($vcs->headMakeDirectory($file_name) == VersionManager::SUCCESS); } /** * Renames a resource (image, video, etc) associated with a wiki page * belonging to a group. * * @param string $old_resource_name name of resource before renaming * @param string $new_resource_name name of resource after renaming * @param int $group_id group identifier of group wiki page belongs to * @param int $page_id identifier for page want to delete resource from * @param string $sub_path path to a subfolder of default resource folder * if desired * @return bool whether the deletion was successful */ public function renameResource($old_resource_name, $new_resource_name, $group_id, $page_id, $sub_path = "") { $folders = $this->getGroupPageResourcesFolders($group_id, $page_id, $sub_path); if (!$folders) { return false; } list($folder, $thumb_folder, $base_folder, ) = $folders; $vcs = new VersionManager($base_folder); $old_file_name = "$folder/$old_resource_name"; $old_thumb_name = "$thumb_folder/$old_resource_name.jpg"; if (file_exists($old_file_name)) { $vcs->headRename($old_file_name, "$folder/$new_resource_name"); } else { return false; } if (file_exists($old_thumb_name)) { rename($old_thumb_name, "$thumb_folder/$new_resource_name.jpg"); } return true; } /** * Moves a file that has been uploaded via a wiki pages resource form * to its correct position in the resources folder so it shows up for * that page. For images and video (if FFMPEG configued) thumbs are * generated. For video if FFMPEG is configured then a schedule is * added to the media_convert folder so that the media_updater can produce * mp4 and webm files corresponding to the video file. * * @param string $tmp_name tmp location that uploaded file initially stored * at * @param string $file_name file name of file that has been uploaded * @param string $mime_type mime type of uploaded file * @param int $group_id group identifier of group wiki page belongs to * @param int $page_id identifier for page want copy a page resource for * @param string $sub_path used to specify sub-folder of default resource * folder to copy to * @param string $data string data for file to use instead of filename * (only used in case run non-empty) */ public function copyFileToGroupPageResource($tmp_name, $file_name, $mime_type, $group_id, $page_id, $sub_path = "", $data = "") { $folders = $this->getGroupPageResourcesFolders($group_id, $page_id, $sub_path, true); if (!$folders) { return false; } list($folder, $thumb_folder, $base_folder,) = $folders; $vcs = new VersionManager($base_folder); if (empty($data)) { $file_size = filesize($tmp_name); if (!move_uploaded_file($tmp_name, "$folder/$file_name")) { return; } $vcs->createVersion("$folder/$file_name"); } else { $file_size = strlen($data); $vcs->headPutContents("$folder/$file_name", $data); } $this->makeThumbStripExif($file_name, $folder, $thumb_folder, $mime_type); if (C\nsdefined('FFMPEG') && in_array($mime_type, [ 'video/mp4', 'video/webm', 'video/ogg', 'video/avi', 'video/quicktime'])) { if ($file_size < C\MAX_VIDEO_CONVERT_SIZE) { $convert_folder = C\WORK_DIRECTORY. self::CONVERT_FOLDER; if (!file_exists($convert_folder) && !mkdir($convert_folder)) { return; } $num_convert_files = count(glob($convert_folder. "/*.txt")); $video_directory = $convert_folder."/". L\crawlHash($file_name) . time(); mkdir($video_directory); if (!file_exists($video_directory) && !mkdir($video_directory)) { return; } if (file_exists($video_directory)) { $split_file = $video_directory . self::SPLIT_FILE; file_put_contents($split_file, "split this!"); $file_info = $video_directory . self::FILE_INFO; file_put_contents($file_info, "$page_id\n$folder\n$thumb_folder\n$file_name"); } } } } /** * Reads in and returns as a string the contents of a resource that has been * associated to a page. * * @param string $file_name file name of page resource desired * @param int $group_id group identifier of group wiki page belongs to * @param int $page_id identifier for page want copy a page resource for * @param string $sub_path subpath with the resource folder that should be * used to look up filename in * @return string desired page resource */ public function getPageResource($file_name, $group_id, $page_id, $sub_path = "") { $folders = $this->getGroupPageResourcesFolders($group_id, $page_id, $sub_path); if (!$folders) { return false; } list($folder, $thumb_folder) = $folders; $contents = file_get_contents("$folder/$file_name"); $name_parts = pathinfo($file_name); if (!empty($name_parts['extension']) && $name_parts['extension'] == 'csv') { $contents = json_encode(L\parseCsv($contents)); } return $contents; } /** * Saves the string for an page resource that has been updated * to the appropriate folder for that wiki page. * * @param string $file_name file name of page resource desired * @param string $resource_data the data to be saved * @param int $group_id group identifier of group wiki page belongs to * @param int $page_id identifier for page want copy a page resource for * @param string $sub_path subpath with the resource folder that should be * add to resource path and filename */ public function setPageResource($file_name, $resource_data, $group_id, $page_id, $sub_path = "") { $folders = $this->getGroupPageResourcesFolders($group_id, $page_id, $sub_path, true); if (!$folders) { return false; } list($folder, $thumb_folder) = $folders; $vcs = new VersionManager($folder); $name_parts = pathinfo($file_name); if (!empty($name_parts['extension']) && $name_parts['extension'] == 'csv') { $lines = json_decode($resource_data); if (!is_array($lines)) { return false; } $resource_data = ""; foreach ($lines as $line) { $resource_data .= L\arraytoCsv($line) ."\n"; } } return ($vcs->headPutContents("$folder/$file_name", $resource_data) == VersionManager::SUCCESS); } /** * Makes a thumbnail for files of a type that thumbs can be generated for * and strips exif data on jpegs images (only if PHP has exif functions * enabled). * * @param string $file_name name of file to create thumb for * @param string $folder the folder in which the file lives * @param string $thumb_folder the folder in which to save thumbs * @param string $mime_type the mime type of the file * @return bool whether a thumb was made or not */ function makeThumbStripExif($file_name, $folder, $thumb_folder, $mime_type = "") { if ($mime_type == "") { $mime_type = L\mimeType($file_name, true); } $image_types = ['image/png', 'image/gif', 'image/jpeg', 'image/bmp']; $video_types = [ 'video/mp4', 'video/webm', 'video/ogg', 'video/avi', 'video/quicktime']; if (!in_array($mime_type, $image_types) && !in_array($mime_type, $video_types)) { return false; } if (in_array($mime_type, $image_types)) { $file_string = file_get_contents("$folder/$file_name"); $image = @imagecreatefromstring($file_string); if (function_exists("exif_read_data")) { set_error_handler(null); ob_start(); $exif = @exif_read_data("$folder/$file_name"); ob_end_clean(); set_error_handler(C\NS_CONFIGS . "yioop_error_handler"); if (!empty($exif['Orientation'])) { switch ($exif['Orientation']) { case 8: $image = imagerotate($image, 90, 0); break; case 3: $image = imagerotate($image, 180, 0); break; case 6: $image = imagerotate($image, -90, 0); break; } } // writing the jpeg with strip exif data if (!empty($exif)) { imagejpeg($image, "$folder/$file_name", 100); } } $thumb_string = ImageProcessor::createThumb($image); file_put_contents("$thumb_folder/$file_name.jpg", $thumb_string); clearstatcache("$thumb_folder/$file_name.jpg"); return true; } if (C\nsdefined('FFMPEG') && in_array($mime_type, $video_types)) { $make_thumb_string = C\FFMPEG . " -ss 3 -i \"$folder/$file_name\"". " -vframes 1 -map 0:v:0" . " -vf \"thumbnail,scale=".C\THUMB_DIM.":".C\THUMB_DIM."\" ". "\"$thumb_folder/$file_name.jpg\" 2>&1"; if (function_exists("exec")) { exec($make_thumb_string); } clearstatcache("$thumb_folder/$file_name.jpg"); return true; } return false; } /** * Used to copy from a resource in the provided folder to * the current clip folder * * @param array $clip_folder data about the folder to make a hard link of * file resource in * @param string $resource_name what to link * @param int $group_id id of group the file resource belongs to * @param int $page_id id of page the file resource belongs to * @param string $sub_path path within the page resource folder to * the folder that contains the resource to link */ public function copyResourceToClipFolder($clip_folder, $resource_name, $group_id, $page_id, $sub_path="") { $folders = $this->getGroupPageResourcesFolders($group_id, $page_id, $sub_path); if (!$folders) { return false; } list($folder, , $base_folder, ) = $folders; $file_path = "$folder/$resource_name"; if (!file_exists($file_path)) { return false; } if (empty($clip_folder['GROUP_ID']) || empty($clip_folder['PAGE_ID']) || !isset($clip_folder['SUB_PATH']) ) { return false; } $folders = $this->getGroupPageResourcesFolders($clip_folder['GROUP_ID'], $clip_folder['PAGE_ID'], $clip_folder['SUB_PATH']); list($clip_folder, , $base_clip_folder, ) = $folders; if (!is_dir($clip_folder)) { return false; } $clip_path = "$clip_folder/$resource_name"; $vcs = new VersionManager($base_clip_folder); return ($vcs->headCopy($file_path, $clip_path) == VersionManager::SUCCESS); } /** * Gets all the urls of resources belonging to a particular groups wiki * page. * * @param int $group_id group identifier of group wiki page belongs to * @param int $page_id identifier for page want to get page resources for * @param string $sub_path additional path beneath the default folder used * for the resource folder * @param bool $create if folder doesn't exist whether to create it or not * @return array (url_prefix - prefix to apply to all urls, thum_prefix * prefix to apply to a resource name to get its thumb, list of * resources). Each resource is an pair (name - string * file name of the resource, has_thumb a boolean as to whether the * resource has a thumb) */ public function getGroupPageResourceUrls($group_id, $page_id, $sub_path="", $create = false) { $folders = $this->getGroupPageResourcesFolders($group_id, $page_id, $sub_path, $create); if (!$folders) { return false; } list($folder, $thumb_folder) = $folders; $folder_len = strlen($folder) + 1; $thumb_len = strlen($thumb_folder) + 1; $pre_resources = glob(preg_quote($folder) . "/*"); $pre_thumbs = glob(preg_quote($thumb_folder) . "/*"); $thumbs = []; foreach ($pre_thumbs as $pre_thumb) { $thumbs[] = substr($pre_thumb, $thumb_len); } $resource_info['default_folder_writable'] = false; if (is_writable($folder)) { $resource_info['default_folder_writable'] = true; } $resource_info['url_prefix'] = C\BASE_URL . "?c=resource&a=get&f=resources". "&g=$group_id&p=$page_id"; $resource_info['thumb_prefix'] = C\BASE_URL . "?c=resource&a=get&". "f=resources&g=$group_id&p=$page_id&t=thumb"; $sub_path = htmlentities(str_replace(".", "", $sub_path)); if ($sub_path != "" && $sub_path != "/") { $resource_info['url_prefix'] .= "&sf=".urlencode($sub_path); $resource_info['thumb_prefix'] .= "&sf=".urlencode($sub_path); } $resource_info['default_thumb'] = "resources/file-icon.png"; $resource_info['default_editable_thumb'] = "resources/editable-resource.png"; $resource_info['default_folder_thumb'] = "resources/folder.png"; $resources = []; $time = time(); foreach ($pre_resources as $pre_resource) { if (!file_exists($pre_resource)) { continue; } $resource = []; $name = substr($pre_resource, $folder_len); $resource['name'] = $name; $resource['size'] = filesize($pre_resource); $resource['modified'] = filemtime($pre_resource); $resource['has_thumb'] = false; $resource['is_dir'] = false; $resource['is_compressed'] = false; $resource['is_writable'] = false; $resource['media_type'] = false; if (is_dir($pre_resource)) { $resource['is_dir'] = true; } else { $mime_type = L\mimeType($pre_resource); $mime_parts = explode('/', $mime_type); if (in_array($mime_parts[0], ['video', 'audio'])) { $resource['media_type'] = $mime_parts[0]; } if (in_array($mime_type, ["application/zip"])) { $resource['is_compressed'] = true; } } if (is_writable($pre_resource)) { $resource['is_writable'] = true; } if (in_array($name.".jpg", $thumbs)) { $resource['has_thumb'] = true; } else if (!$resource['is_dir'] && time() < $time + C\PAGE_TIMEOUT/2) { $resource['has_thumb'] = $this->makeThumbStripExif($name, $folder, $thumb_folder); } $resources[] = $resource; } $resource_info['resources'] = $resources; return $resource_info; } /** * Return the url needed to get a resource of a given resource name that * belongs to the provided group and page. * * @param string $csrf_token a token used to prevent CSRF attacks * @param int $group_id group identifier of group wiki page belongs to * @param int $page_id identifier for page want to get page resources for * @param string $resource_name file name of resource * @param string $sub_path additional path beneath the default folder used * for the resource folder * @return string relative url to get resource */ public function getGroupPageResourceUrl($csrf_token, $group_id, $page_id, $resource_name, $sub_path = "") { $folders = $this->getGroupPageResourcesFolders($group_id, $page_id); if (!$folders) { return false; } list($folder, ) = $folders; $resource_name = urlencode($resource_name); $sub_path = urlencode($sub_path); $token_string = ($csrf_token) ? C\CSRF_TOKEN . "=" . $csrf_token : "[{token}]"; if (C\REDIRECTS_ON && $csrf_token) { $url = C\BASE_URL ."/wd/resources/$token_string/$group_id/". $page_id; if ($sub_path) { $url .= "/".urlencode($sub_path)."/$resource_name"; } else { $url .= "/$resource_name"; } } else { $url = C\BASE_URL ."/?c=resource&a=get&f=resources". "&g=$group_id&p=$page_id&n=". $resource_name; if (!empty($sub_path)) { $url .= "&sf=". $sub_path; } $url .= "&$token_string"; } return $url; } /** * Returns the number of non-empty wiki pages a group has (across all * locales) * @param int $group_id id of group to return the number of wiki pages for * @return int number of wiki pages for that group */ public function getGroupPageCount($group_id) { $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS TOTAL FROM GROUP_PAGE WHERE GROUP_ID = ? AND LENGTH(PAGE) > 0"; $result = $this->db->execute($sql, [$group_id]); $row = $this->db->fetchArray($result); $total = ($row) ? $row["TOTAL"] : 0; return $total; } /** * Returns a list of applicable wiki pages of a group * * @param int $group_id of group want list of wiki pages for * @param string $locale_tag language want wiki page list for * @param string $filter string we want to filter wiki page title by * @param string $limit first row we want from the result set * @param string $num number of rows we want starting from the first row * in the result set * @return array a pair ($total, $pages) where $total is the total number * of rows that could be returned if $limit and $num not present * $pages is an array each of whose elements is an array corresponding * to one TITLE and the first 100 chars out of a wiki page. */ public function getPageList($group_id, $locale_tag, $filter, $limit, $num) { $db = $this->db; $filter_parts = preg_split("/\s+/", $filter); $like = ""; $params = [$group_id, $locale_tag]; foreach ($filter_parts as $part) { if ($part != "") { $like .= " AND LOWER(TITLE) LIKE LOWER(?) "; $params[] = "%$part%"; } } $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS TOTAL FROM GROUP_PAGE WHERE GROUP_ID = ? AND LOCALE_TAG= ? AND LENGTH(PAGE) > 0 $like"; $result = $db->execute($sql, $params); if ($result) { $row = $db->fetchArray($result); } $total = (isset($row) && $row) ? $row["TOTAL"] : 0; $pages = []; if ($total > 0) { $sql = "SELECT TITLE, PAGE AS DESCRIPTION FROM GROUP_PAGE WHERE GROUP_ID = ? AND LOCALE_TAG= ? AND LENGTH(PAGE) > 0 $like ORDER BY LOWER(TITLE) ASC ". $db->limitOffset($limit, $num); $result = $db->execute($sql, $params); $i = 0; if ($result) { $seperator_len = strlen("END_HEAD_VARS"); $stretch = ($_SERVER["MOBILE"]) ? 5 : 9; $max_title_len = $stretch * C\NAME_TRUNCATE_LEN; while ($pages[$i] = $db->fetchArray($result)) { $head_pos = strpos($pages[$i]['DESCRIPTION'], "END_HEAD_VARS"); if ($head_pos) { $head = substr($pages[$i]['DESCRIPTION'], 0, $head_pos); if (preg_match('/page_type\=(.*)/', $head, $matches)) { $pages[$i]['TYPE'] = $matches[1]; if (preg_match('/page_alias\=(.+)/', $head, $matches)) { $pages[$i]['ALIAS'] = $matches[1]; } elseif ($pages[$i]['TYPE'] == 'page_alias') { $pages[$i]['TYPE'] = "standard"; } } else { $pages[$i]['TYPE'] = "standard"; } if ($pages[$i]['TYPE'] == 'page_alias') { $pages[$i]['DESCRIPTION'] = $pages[$i]['ALIAS']; } else { $pages[$i]['DESCRIPTION'] = mb_substr( $pages[$i]['DESCRIPTION'], $head_pos + $seperator_len); } } else { $pages[$i]['TYPE'] = "standard"; } $ellipsis = (mb_strlen($pages[$i]["DESCRIPTION"]) > self::MIN_SNIPPET_LENGTH) ? "..." : ""; $pages[$i]['DESCRIPTION'] = mb_substr( $pages[$i]['DESCRIPTION'], 0, self::MIN_SNIPPET_LENGTH) . $ellipsis; $ellipsis = (mb_strlen($pages[$i]["TITLE"]) > $max_title_len) ? "..." : ""; $pages[$i]["SHOW_TITLE"] = mb_substr( $pages[$i]["TITLE"], 0, $max_title_len) . $ellipsis; $i++; } unset($pages[$i]); //last one will be null } } return [$total, $pages]; } /** * Get an array of bots that belong to a group * * @param string $group_id the group_id to get bots for * @return array of bot rows */ public function getGroupBots($group_id) { $db = $this->db; $sql = "SELECT CB.USER_ID, U.USER_NAME, CB.BOT_TOKEN, CB.CALLBACK_URL". " FROM USER_GROUP UG, USERS U, CHAT_BOT CB". " WHERE UG.GROUP_ID = ? AND UG.USER_ID = U.USER_ID AND" . " CB.USER_ID = UG.USER_ID"; $result = $db->execute($sql,[$group_id]); $bots = []; while ($bot = $db->fetchArray($result)) { $bots[] = $bot; } return $bots; } }