viewgit/inc/functions.php:22 Function utf8_encode() is deprecated [8192]
/** * SeekQuarry/Yioop -- * Open Source Pure PHP Search Engine, Crawler, and Indexer * * Copyright (C) 2009 - 2020 Chris Pollett * * LICENSE: * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * END LICENSE * * @author Akash Patel (edited by Chris Pollett * Ideas adapted Leemon Baird's bigint.js * @license GPL3 * @link * @copyright 2009 - 2020 * @filesource */ /* * Constant for number of bits per element */ var bits_per_element = 15; /* * Constant to mask the overflow value */ var mask = 32767; /* * Constant to define radix */ var radix = mask + 1; /* * To add BigInt and int number * * @param BigInt x first operand * @param int n second operand * @return BigInt result */ function addInteger(x, n) { var new_x = expandBigInt(x, x.length + 1); addBigIntToInt(new_x, n); return trimBigInt(new_x, 1); } /* * Returns the BigInt with given number of leading zeroes * * @param BigInt x input number * @param int k expected number of leading zeroes * @return BigInt result */ function trimBigInt(x, k) { var i = x.length; while(i > 0 && !x[i - 1]) { i--; } var y = new Array(i + k); copyBigIntFromBigInt(y, x); return y; } /* * Expands a BigInt to at least an n element array, * adding zeroes if needed * * @param BigInt x first operand * @param int n expected number of elements * @return BigInt result */ function expandBigInt(x, n) { var bits = (x.length > n ? x.length : n) * bits_per_element; var result = int2BigInt(0, bits, 0); copyBigIntFromBigInt(result, x); return result; } /* * Converts a normal int to BigInt. It pads the array with leading zeros so * that it has at least minSize elements * * @param int t input number * @param int bits expected number of bits * @param int min_size minimum size of the BigInt. * @return Array stores the BigInt in bits_per_element-bit chunks, * little endian */ function int2BigInt(t, bits, min_size) { var size_of_array = Math.max( Math.ceil(bits / bits_per_element) + 1, min_size); var buffer = new Array(size_of_array); copyBigIntFromInt(buffer, t); return buffer; } /* * Copies one BigInt to another BigInt * x must be an array at least as big as y * * @param BigInt x input number * @param BigInt bits expected number of bits * @return BigInt result */ function copyBigIntFromBigInt(x, y) { var len = (x.length < y.length) ? x.length : y.length; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { x[i] = y[i]; } for (var i = len; i < x.length ; i++) { x[i] = 0; } } /* * Makes a Big Integer out of the supplied int * * @param BigInt x input number * @param int n input number * @return BigInt result */ function copyBigIntFromInt(x, n) { var c = n; for (var i = 0; i < x.length; i++) { x[i] = c & mask; c >>= bits_per_element; } } /* * To perform x = x + n where x is a BigInt and n is an integer * * @param BigInt x input number * @param int n input number * @return BigInt result of the summation */ function addBigIntToInt(x, n) { var i, c, b; x[0] += n; c = 0; for (i = 0; i < x.length; i++) { c += x[i]; b = 0; if (c < 0) { b =- (c >> bits_per_element); c += b * radix; } x[i] = c & mask; c = (c >> bits_per_element) - b; if (!c) { return; } } } /* * Converts a string into a BigInt. It pads the array with leading zeros * so that it has at least min_size elements. * The array will always have at least one leading zero, unless base=-1 * If base is less than 36 we use the digit_str below to convert (say for hex * or decimal numbers). Otherwise, we assume the base is 256 and just use * charCode * * @param String s input string * @param int base base of the output number * @param int min_size minimum size of the BigInt * @return BigInt */ function str2BigInt(s, base, min_size) { var d, i, j, x, y, kk; var digits_str = '0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'; var k = s.length; var x = int2BigInt(0, base * k, 0); for (i = 0; i < k; i++) { d = (base > 36) ? s.charCodeAt(i) : digits_str.indexOf(s.substring(i, i + 1), 0); if (base <= 36 && d >= 36) { d -= 26; //lower to upper } if (d >= base || d < 0) { break; } multInt(x, base); addBigIntToInt(x, d); } k = x.length; while(k > 0 && !x[k - 1]) { k--; } k = min_size > k + 1 ? min_size : k + 1; y = new Array(k); kk = k < x.length ? k : x.length; for (i = 0; i < kk; i++){ y[i] = x[i]; } // copy rest as 0 for (j = i; j < k; j++) { y[j] = 0; } return y; } /* * Converts a BigInt into a string in a given base, from base 2 up to base 95 * * @param BigInt x input number * @param int base base of the output number * @return String result */ function bigInt2Str(x, base) { var i = ""; var t = ""; var s = ""; var digits_str = '0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'; var temp_array = new Array(); if (temp_array.length != x.length){ temp_array = dup(x); } else { copyBigIntFromBigInt(temp_array, x); } while (!isZero(temp_array)) { t = divInt(temp_array, base); //t=s % base; s=floor(s/base); s = digits_str.substring(t, t + 1) + s; } if (s.length == 0){ s = "0"; } return s; } /* * Makes a copy of a BigInt * * @param BigInt x input number * @return BigInt buffer copy of the BigInt x */ function dup(x) { var buffer = new Array(x.length); copyBigIntFromBigInt(buffer, x); return buffer; } /* * Checks whether BigInt is zero or not. * Returns 0 if the BigInt is zero otherwise return 1 * @param BigInt x input number * @return int */ function isZero(x) { for (var i = 0; i < x.length; i++){ if (x[i]) { return 0; } } return 1; } /* * Computes x = floor(x/n) for BigInt x and integer n, and * * @param BigInt x numerator * @param int n denomenator * @return int r reminder */ function divInt(x, n) { var r = 0; var s; for (var i = x.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { s = r*radix + x[i]; x[i] = Math.floor(s/n); r = s % n; } return r; } /* * Multiplies BigInt with Int. * * @param BigInt x input number * @param int n input number */ function multInt(x, n) { if (n == 0){ return; } var i, carry, borrow; carry = 0; for (i = 0; i < x.length ; i++) { carry += x[i] * n; borrow = 0; if (carry < 0) { borrow =- (carry >> bits_per_element); carry += borrow * radix; } x[i] = carry & mask; carry = (carry >> bits_per_element) - borrow; } } /* * Performs x * y on BigInt's. * * @param BigInt x input number * @param BigInt y input number * @return BigInt ans result of multiplication */ function mult(x, y) { var ans = expandBigInt(x, x.length + y.length); multEquals(ans, y); return trimBigInt(ans, 1); } /* * Performs x *= y (so the result is x) * * @param BigInt x input number * @param BigInt y input number */ function multEquals(x, y) { var result = new Array(2 * x.length); copyBigIntFromInt(result, 0); for (var i = 0; i< y.length; i++) { if (y[i]) { linearCombShift(result, x, y[i], i); } } copyBigIntFromBigInt(x, result); } /* * Computes x += y*b*d^{ys}, where d is our base. * This correponds to one row of table needed to compute x*y * * @param BigInt x to store the result * @param BigInt y input number * @param integer b digit position in the second number * @param integer ys to get bit shift operator */ function linearCombShift(x, y, b, ys) { var i, c, k; k = x.length < ys + y.length ? x.length : ys + y.length; for (c = 0, i = ys; i < k; i++) { c += x[i] + b * y[i - ys]; x[i] = c & mask; c >>= bits_per_element; } for (i = k; c && i < x.length; i++) { c += x[i]; x[i] = c & mask; c >>= bits_per_element; } } /* * Performs BigInt divide operation * * @param BigInt x Dividend * @param BigInt y Divisor * @param BigInt q to store the quotient * @param BigInt r to store the reminder */ function divide(x, y, q, r) { var kx, ky; var i, j, y1, y2, c, a, b; var tmp, out_check; copyBigIntFromBigInt(r, x); ky = y.length; while(y[ky - 1] == 0) { // find first non-zero position ky--; } b = y[ky - 1]; a = 0; while(b > 0) { b >>= 1; a++; } a = bits_per_element - a; leftShift(y, a); leftShift(r, a); kx = r.length; while(r[kx - 1] == 0 && kx > ky) { // find first non-zero position kx--; } copyBigIntFromInt(q, 0, x.length); while (!greaterShift(y, r, kx - ky)) { subShift(r, y, kx-ky); q[kx - ky]++; } for (i = kx - 1; i >= ky; i--) { if (r[i] == y[ky-1]) { q[i - ky] = mask; } else { q[i - ky] = Math.floor((r[i] * radix + r[i-1]) / y[ky-1]); } while(true) { y2 = (ky > 1 ? y[ky - 2] : 0) * q[i-ky]; c = y2 >> bits_per_element; y2 = y2 & mask; y1 =c + q[i-ky] * y[ky-1]; c = y1 >> bits_per_element; y1 = y1 & mask; if (c == r[i]) { if (y1 == r[i - 1]) { tmp = (i > 1) ? r[i - 2] : 0 out_check = (y2 > tmp); } else { out_check = (y1 > r[i - 1]); } } else { out_check = (c > r[i]); } if (out_check) { q[i - ky]--; } else { break; } } linearCombShift(r, y, -q[i - ky], i - ky); if (negative(r)) { addShift(r, y, i - ky); q[i-ky]--; } } rightShift(y, a); rightShift(r, a); } /* * Performs left shift operation on BigInt by given number of bits * * @param BigInt x input number * @param integer n number of bits to be shifted */ function leftShift(x, n) { var i; var len = Math.floor(n / bits_per_element); if (len) { for (i = x.length; i >= len; i--){ x[i] = x[i - len]; } for (;i >= 0; i--) { x[i] = 0; } n %= bits_per_element; } if (!n) { return; } for (i = x.length - 1; i > 0; i--) { x[i] = mask & ((x[i] << n) | (x[i-1] >> (bits_per_element - n))); } x[i] = mask & (x[i] << n); } /* * Performs right shift operation on BigInt by given number of bits * @param BigInt x input number * @param integer n number of bits to be shifted */ function rightShift(x, n) { var i; var len = Math.floor(n / bits_per_element); if (len) { for (i = 0; i< x.length - len; i++) { x[i] = x[i + len]; } for (; i< x.length; i++){ x[i] = 0; } n %= bits_per_element; } for (i = 0; i < x.length - 1; i++) { x[i] = mask & ((x[i + 1] <<(bits_per_element - n)) | (x[i] >> n)); } x[i] >>= n; } /* * To check whether BigInt is negative or not * * @return integer output 1 if it is negative otherwise 0 */ function negative(x) { var result = (x[x.length - 1] >> (bits_per_element - 1)) & 1; return result; } /* * To perfrom shift operation on y and add it to the x * * @param BigInt x first input number * @param BigInt y second input number * @return integer output 1 if it is negative otherwise 0 */ function addShift(x, y, ys) { var i, sum; len = x.length < ys + y.length ? x.length : ys + y.length; for (i = ys; i < len; i++) { sum += x[i] + y[i-ys]; x[i] = sum & mask; sum >>= bits_per_element; } for (i = len; sum && i < x.length; i++) { sum += x[i]; x[i] = sum & mask; sum >>= bits_per_element; } } /* * Right shifts the x by given number of bits and check * whether it is greater than y * * @param BigInt x nonnegative input number * @param BigInt y nonnegative input number * @param integer shift nonnegative integer * @return integer output 1 if the check passes otherwise returns 0 */ function greaterShift(x, y, shift) { var i; var len = ((x.length + shift) < y.length) ? (x.length + shift):y.length; for (i = y.length - 1 - shift; i < x.length && i >= 0; i++) { if (x[i] > 0) { return 1; } } for (i = x.length - 1 + shift; i < y.length; i++) { if (y[i] > 0) { return 0; } } for (i = len - 1; i >= shift; i--) { if (x[i-shift] > y[i]) { return 1; } else if (x[i-shift] < y[i]) { return 0; } } return 0; } /* * Left shift y by given number of bits and performs * subtraction operation. The result is stored in x * * @param BigInt x BigInt number * @param BigInt y BigInt number * @param integer shift number of shift bits */ function subShift(x, y, ys) { var i, sum; var len = x.length < ys + y.length ? x.length : ys + y.length; for (i = ys; i < len; i++) { sum += x[i] - y[i - ys]; x[i] = sum & mask; sum >>= bits_per_element; } for (i = len; sum && i < x.length; i++) { sum += x[i]; x[i] = sum & mask; sum >>= bits_per_element; } } /* * Computes x mod n * * @param BigInt x argument to modr * @param integer n modulus * @return result which equals x mod n */ function bigMod(x, n) { var ans = dup(x); modCalculation(ans, n); var result = trim(ans, 1); return result; } /* * Computes x mod n with the result stored in x * * @param BigInt x argument to mod * @param BigInt n modulus */ function modCalculation(x, n) { var dividend = new Array(0); var divisor = new Array(0); if (dividend.length != x.length) { dividend = dup(x); } else { copyBigIntFromBigInt(dividend, x); } if (divisor.length != x.length) { divisor = dup(x); } divide(dividend, n, divisor, x); } /* * Returns x with exactly k leading zeroes * * @param BigInt x BigInt number * @param integer k expected number of leading zeroes in x * @return result result=x mod n */ function trim(x, k) { var i, y; for (i= x.length; i > 0 && !x[i-1]; i--); y = new Array(i + k); copyBigIntFromBigInt(y, x); return y; } /* * Computes modulus x*y mod n using BigInt's * * @param BigInt x first parameter in above expression * @param BigInt y second parameter in above expression * @param BigInt n modulus * @return BigInt x * y mod n */ function multMod(x, y, n) { var result = expand(x, n.length); multModOperation(result, y, n); return trim(result, 1); } /* * Computes modulus x*y mod n using BigInt's stores the result in x potential * leaving the output untrimmed (this is an auxiliary method for multMod) * * @param BigInt x first parameter in above expression * @param BigInt y second parameter in above expression * @param BigInt n modulus * @return BigInt x * y mod n */ function multModOperation(x, y, n) { var input_number = new Array(2 * x.length); copyBigIntFromInt(input_number, 0); for (var i = 0; i < y.length; i++){ if (y[i]) { linearCombShift(input_number, x, y[i], i); } } modCalculation(input_number, n); copyBigIntFromBigInt(x, input_number); } /* * Expands BigInt to the given number of elements. * Leading zeros are added * * @param BigInt x BigInt number * @param integer n expected number of elements * @return ans x * y mod n */ function expand(x, n) { var ans = int2BigInt(0, (x.length > n ? x.length : n) * bits_per_element, 0); copyBigIntFromBigInt(ans, x); return ans; }