viewgit/inc/functions.php:22 Function utf8_encode() is deprecated [8192]
/** * SeekQuarry/Yioop -- * Open Source Pure PHP Search Engine, Crawler, and Indexer * * Copyright (C) 2009 - 2020 Chris Pollett * * LICENSE: * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * END LICENSE * * @author Chris Pollett * @license GPL3 * @link * @copyright 2009 - 2020s * @filesource */ /** * Implements the client interface for finding and labeling documents. * * Classifier behaves like a static class with some private variables and * functions. The setup work is all done in the intitialize method, and after * that all work is done in response to timeouts or user actions, such as * button clicks. * * @author Shawn Tice */ var Classifier = (function() { /* * Maximum size of the document candidate pool. This constant is used to * decide when to display, e.g., 50+ instead of just 50. * @var int */ var MAX_UNLABELLED_BUFFER_SIZE = 51; /* * The maximum number of previously-labeled document records to display. * @var int */ var MAX_LABELLED = 20; /* * How long to wait before adding another '.' to the end of a loading * message. The advantage of choosing 333 is that the time to display three * periods is roughly one second. * @var int */ var LOADING_REDRAW = 333; // We return this at the bottom, so this is Classifier's public interface. var self = {}; /* * Gathers references to all relevant DOM elements, initializes state, and * adds event handlers. Because AJAX requests to the administrative areas * of Yioop must be authenticated, this method expects to be called with * its first authentication token; each request will then yield a new token * good for one more request. * * @param string classLabel label for the classifier being trained * @param string authSession authentication token good for one request * @param int authTime timestamp associated with the auth token */ self.initialize = function(classLabel, authSession, authTime) { self.classLabel = classLabel; self.authTime = authTime; self.authSession = authSession; self.elt = { 'positive_count': elt('positive-count'), 'negative_count': elt('negative-count'), 'accuracy': elt('accuracy'), 'update_accuracy': elt('update-accuracy'), 'label_docs_form': elt('label-docs-form'), 'label_docs_source': elt('label-docs-source'), 'label_docs_type': elt('label-docs-type'), 'label_docs_keywords': elt('label-docs-keywords'), 'label_docs_status': elt('label-docs-status'), 'label_docs_queue': null, }; self.docCounter = 1; self.documents = {}; self.activeDocument = null; self.labelledDocQueue = []; self.lastSource = null; self.lastSourceType = null; self.lastKeywords = null; self.lastStatus = ''; self.loadingTimer = null; self.elt.label_docs_form.onsubmit = function() { self.requestDocuments(); return false; } self.elt.update_accuracy.onclick = function() { if (!hasClass('disabled', self.elt.update_accuracy)) { self.requestAccuracyUpdate(); } return false; } }; /* * Event handler called when the user clicks on any of the "In class", "Not * in class", and "Skip" links associated with a document. This method * updates the display and sends a request to the server to inform it of * the user's decision and get the next document to be labeled. * * @param int docid key for the associated document * @param string action 'inclass', 'notinclass', or 'skip' */ self.handleAction = function(docid, action) { var doc = self.documents[docid]; var label; switch (action) { case 'inclass': label = 1; break; case 'notinclass': label = -1; break; case 'skip': label = 0; break; } // Only send a request if something has changed. if (doc.label === undefined || doc.label != label) { self.sendNewLabel(doc, label); } // Update the class for benefit of the CSS doc.element.className = 'labelled ' + action; doc.label = label; /* If the labelled (or skipped) document was the active document, then push it down on the labeled queue, shifting off the oldest document if the queue is full. */ if (doc == self.activeDocument) { self.activeDocument = null; if (self.labelledDocQueue.length == MAX_LABELLED) { var droppedDoc = self.labelledDocQueue.shift(); droppedDoc.element.parentNode.removeChild(droppedDoc.element); } self.labelledDocQueue.push(doc); } return false; } /* PRIVATE INTERFACE */ /* * Sends a request to load up a new candidate pool based on the selected * index, index action, and optional query. The response behavior differs * according to whether the index action specifies marking all candidates * as positive or negative examples, or manual labeling. In the latter case * the number of candidate documents (up to MAX_UNLABELLED_BUFFER_SIZE) is * displayed, while in the former case the number of documents added to the * pool is displayed. */ self.requestDocuments = function() { self.lastSource = self.elt.label_docs_source.value; self.lastSourceType = self.elt.label_docs_type.value; self.lastKeywords = self.elt.label_docs_keywords.value; var loading = loadingText(self.elt.label_docs_status, tl['crawl_component_loading']); sendRequest({ 'url': '?c=classifier&a=classify&arg=getdocs', 'postdata': { 'session': self.authSession, 'time': self.authTime, 'label': self.classLabel, 'index': self.lastSource, 'type': self.lastSourceType, 'keywords': self.lastKeywords }, 'onSuccess': function(response) { loading.clear(); self.authSession = response.authSession; self.authTime = response.authTime; self.clearActiveDocument(); if (response.new_doc) { self.setActiveDocument(response.new_doc); } if (response.add_count) { // Only present when mass-labeling. msg = format(tl['crawl_component_added_examples'], response.add_count, self.lastSourceType); self.setStatus(msg); self.drawStatistics(response); } else { self.drawDocumentCount(response.num_docs); } }, 'onFailure': function() { loading.clear(); self.setStatus(tl['crawl_component_load_failed']); } }); } /* * Encodes any labels stored in the labels var as POST data, and sends a * request to add these labels (using the document url as a key) to * the classifier controller on the server. This method is called by the * handleAction method in order to actually send the new label (or skip) to * the server. * * @param object doc document to send a label for * @param int label user-assigned label */ self.sendNewLabel = function(doc, label) { var loading = loadingText(self.elt.label_docs_status, tl['crawl_component_loading']); sendRequest({ 'url': '?c=classifier&a=classify&arg=addlabel', 'postdata': { 'session': self.authSession, 'time': self.authTime, 'label': self.classLabel, 'index': self.lastSource, 'type': self.lastSourceType, 'keywords': self.lastKeywords, 'doc_to_label': { 'docid':, 'key': doc.key, 'label': label } }, 'onSuccess': function(response) { loading.clear(); self.authSession = response.authSession; self.authTime = response.authTime; if (response.new_doc) { /* There may still be an active document in the case that we were re-labelling an old document, but now we want to replace it. */ self.clearActiveDocument(); self.setActiveDocument(response.new_doc); } self.drawStatistics(response); self.drawDocumentCount(response.num_docs); }, 'onFailure': function() { loading.clear(); self.setStatus(tl['crawl_component_label_update_failed']); } }); } /* * Sends a request to the server to initiate an accuracy update, and on * response updates the statistics (which includes reporting the current * accuracy estimate, if any). Normally, the accuracy is only estimated * each time a set number of documents have been added to the training set. * The update accuracy functionality lets the user request an update * without having to actually add more documents. */ self.requestAccuracyUpdate = function() { var updating = tl['crawl_component_updating']; var loading = loadingText(self.elt.update_accuracy, updating, { 'dots': false, 'className': 'disabled' }); sendRequest({ 'url': '?c=classifier&a=classify&arg=updateaccuracy', 'postdata': { 'session': self.authSession, 'time': self.authTime, 'label': self.classLabel, 'index': self.lastSource, 'type': self.lastSourceType, 'keywords': self.lastKeywords, }, 'onSuccess': function(response) { self.authSession = response.authSession; self.authTime = response.authTime; self.drawStatistics(response); loading.clear(); }, 'onFailure': function() { loading.clear(); self.setStatus(tl['crawl_component_acc_update_failed']); } }); } /** * Builds and displays a new active document record for the document data * received from the server. This method both registers the document data * in internal data structures, and creates the DOM structure to display * the document to the user. If this is the very first document to be * labeled since page load, then the table that holds documents is created * before the new document is inserted into the DOM. * * @param object doc data structure representing the new active document */ self.setActiveDocument = function(doc) { = self.docCounter++; self.documents[] = doc; self.activeDocument = doc; // Create table if it doesn't yet exist. if (!self.elt.label_docs_queue) { var queue = document.createElement('table'); = 'label-docs-queue'; self.elt.label_docs_form.parentNode.insertBefore( queue, self.elt.label_docs_form.nextElementSibling); self.elt.label_docs_queue = queue; } var newRow = self.buildDocumentRow(doc); doc.element = newRow; var topDoc = self.elt.label_docs_queue.firstChild; if (topDoc) { self.elt.label_docs_queue.insertBefore(newRow, topDoc); } else { self.elt.label_docs_queue.appendChild(newRow); } } /* * Removes the active document from the DOM and from the internal set of * documents completely. This is done when abandoning the current candidate * pool for another, and is NOT the same as skipping the active document. */ self.clearActiveDocument = function() { if (self.activeDocument) { var topDoc = self.activeDocument.element; self.elt.label_docs_queue.removeChild(topDoc); delete self.documents[]; } self.activeDocument = null; } /* * Updates the display of the counts of positive and negative examples and * the estimated accuracy. Each time the server responds to a request, it * passes along the classifier's current counts and accuracy estimate to * keep the client presentation of these statistics in sync. * * @param object response data from the last server request */ self.drawStatistics = function(response) { self.elt.positive_count.innerHTML = response.positive; self.elt.negative_count.innerHTML = response.negative; if (response.accuracy === null) { self.elt.accuracy.innerHTML = tl['crawl_component_na']; } else { self.elt.accuracy.innerHTML = format('{1}%', (response.accuracy * 100).toFixed(1)); } } /* * Updates the display of the number of documents currently in the * candidate pool. Since candidates are being iterated over on the server * rather than loaded in all at once, it is unknown exactly how many there * are until the pool has been exhausted. To reflect this situation, when * there are more candidates than will fit in the current pool, a plus sign * is appended to the current count. * * @param int num_docs number of documents in the server's candidate pool */ self.drawDocumentCount = function(num_docs) { var msg; if (!num_docs) { msg = tl['crawl_component_no_docs']; } else { var count, plus; if (num_docs == MAX_UNLABELLED_BUFFER_SIZE) { count = MAX_UNLABELLED_BUFFER_SIZE - 1; plus = '+'; } else { count = num_docs; plus = ''; } msg = format(tl['crawl_component_num_docs'], count, plus); } self.setStatus(msg); } /* * A shortcut for setting the HTML of the element that displays document * counts. */ self.setStatus = function(msg) { self.elt.label_docs_status.innerHTML = msg; } /* * Builds the DOM element representing a document. Each document is * represented by a row in a table, where the row has two cells, the first * dedicated to action links (e.g., for marking a document as a positive * example) and the second to summarizing the document. * * @param object doc data structure representing the new document * @return object table row DOM element representing the document */ self.buildDocumentRow = function(doc) { var tr = document.createElement('tr'); = 'doc-' +; tr.innerHTML = tags('td', {'class': 'actions'}, self.buildActionLinkHTML(tl['crawl_component_in_class'], 'inclass', doc), self.buildActionLinkHTML(tl['crawl_component_not_in_class'], 'notinclass', doc), self.buildActionLinkHTML(tl['crawl_component_skip'], 'skip', doc) ) + tags('td', {'class': 'info'}, tags('p', {'class': 'page-link'}, tags('a', {'href': doc.cache_link}, doc.title)), tags('p', {'class': 'echo-link'}, doc.url), tags('p', {'class': 'prediction'}, self.buildPredictionHTML(doc)), doc.description && doc.description.length > 0 ? tags('p', {'class': 'description'}, doc.description) : '' ); return tr; } /* * Builds an anchor element used to allow a user to mark a document as a * positive or negative example, or to skip it. The anchor has an onclick * attribute that calls the handleAction method with the document id and * action. * * @param string label anchor text displayed to the user * @param string action action associated with this anchor * @param object doc data structure representing the document the action * should be applied to * @return object paragraph DOM element wrapping the created anchor */ self.buildActionLinkHTML = function(label, action, doc) { var onclick = 'return Classifier.handleAction(' + + ",'" + action + "')"; var link = tags('a', { 'class': action, 'href': '#' + action, 'onclick': onclick }, label); return tags('p', {}, '[', link, ']'); } /* * Builds an HTML string that displays the classification confidence and * disagreement score associated with a document, using data sent from the * server. * * @param object doc data structure representing the document * @return string HTML string to be used to display confidence and * disagreement */ self.buildPredictionHTML = function(doc) { label = (doc.positive ? '' : 'not ') + self.classLabel; var prediction = format(tl['crawl_component_prediction'], label); var scores = format(tl['crawl_component_scores'], (doc.confidence * 100).toFixed(1), (doc.disagreement * 100).toFixed(1)); return format('<b>{1}</b> ({2})', prediction, scores); } /* UTILITY FUNCTIONS */ /* * Builds a string containing a pair of HTML tags with optional attributes * and nested elements. All arguments but the tag name are optional, but if * nested elements are to be supplied, then attributes for the opening tag * must be supplied as well, even if they're empty. Attributes are * specified as an object where the keys are attribute names and their * values are strings. Each nested element may be either an HTML string or * an array of HTML strings, all of which will be concatenated together. * This function creates ONLY closed HTML tags (e.g., <td>...</td>, and not * <img.../>); the tag function should be used to create self-closing HTML * tags. * * @param string tagname opening and closing tag name * @param object attributes optional object for which the keys are * attribute names, and the values are attribute values (may be empty) * @param string|array nested... optional sequence of HTML strings or * arrays of HTML strings to be nested within the opening and closing tags * @return string HTML string for the described element */ function tags(tagname, attributes /* ... */) { var element = [makeOpenTag(tagname, attributes, '>')]; for (var i = 2; i < arguments.length; i++) { var type = typeof(arguments[i]); switch (type) { case 'object': element = element.concat(arguments[i]); break; case 'string': if (arguments[i].length > 0) element.push(arguments[i]); break; } } element.push('</' + tagname + '>'); return element.join(''); } /* * This function is just like the tags function, but creates a self-closing * tag (e.g., <img.../>), which by necessity cannot contain nested * elements. * * @param string tagname opening tag name * @param object attributes optional object for which the keys are * attribute names, and the values are attribute values (may be empty) * @return string HTML string for the described element */ function tag(tagname, attributes) { return makeOpenTag(tagname, attributes, ' />'); } /* * A utility function to construct the opening tag of an HTML element, or a * self-closing tag, along with optional attributes. * * @param string tagname opening tag name * @param object attributes optional object for which the keys are * attribute names, and the values are attribute values (may be empty) * @return string HTML string for the opening (or self-closing) tag */ function makeOpenTag(tagname, attributes, endtag) { var tag = ['<' + tagname]; if (attributes) { for (key in attributes) { tag.push(' ' + key + '=' + '"' + attributes[key] + '"'); } } tag.push(endtag); return tag.join(''); } /* * A simple string formatter that substitutes string arguments into a * template string. The template string should contain substrings with the * pattern '{\d+}' (e.g., {1}, {2}, ...), which will be replaced with the * corresponding arguments passed to the format function. For example, any * occurrence of '{1}' will be replaced by the first argument after the * template string. * * @param string template template string that optionally contains sentinel * sequences of the form '{\d+}' to be replaced * @param string arg... positional arguments to be substituted into the * template string * @return string the template string with each sentinel pattern replaced * by the appropriate argument */ function format(template /* ... */) { var args = arguments; return template.replace(/\{(\d+)\}/g, function(match, i) { var arg = args[parseInt(i)]; return typeof arg == 'object' ? JSON.stringify(arg) : arg; }); } /* * Builds an XmlHttpRequest with optional POST data to be sent to the * server, and calls the appropriate continuation function when the request * completes or fails. The request is carried out asynchronously, and the * response handlers are defined by the onSuccess and onFailure keys of the * options object passed into this function. If the response content-type * is set to application/json, then the response is JSON-decoded before * being passed to the onSuccess handler. The options object supports the * following keys: * * string url: URL to send the request to (required) * * string method: HTTP method to use (default GET, but changes to POST * if postdata is specified without also setting the method) * * object postdata: object containing key/value pairs of POST arguments * to be sent with the request; the values are automatically * URI-encoded (optional) * * function onSuccess: function to be called upon the completion of a * successful request; the response body is passed as the first and * only argument, JSON-decoded if the response content-type was * application/json (optional) * * function onFailure: function called if the request times out or * otherwise can't be completed (optional) * * Example: * * sendRequest({ * 'url': '?c=classifier&a=classify&arg=getdocs', * 'postdata': { * 'time': self.authTime, * 'session': self.authSession, * 'label': self.classLabel, * 'mix': label_docs_source.value * 'keywords': label_docs_keywords.value * }, * 'onSuccess': function(response) { * ... * }, * 'onFailure': function() { * ... * } * }); * * @param object options request options. */ function sendRequest(options) { if (!options.url) { throw "sendRequest: 'url' option is required" } var method = options.method || 'GET'; var onSuccess = options.onSuccess || function() {}; var onFailure = options.onFailure || function() {}; var request = makeRequest(); if (!request) { onFailure(); return false; } request.onreadystatechange = function() { if (request.readyState == 4 && request.status == 200) { var response = request.responseText; var type = request.getResponseHeader('content-type'); if (type.match(/application\/json/)) { response = JSON.parse(response); } onSuccess(response); } } if (options.postdata) { var postdata = buildQueryString(options.postdata); if (!options.method) { method = 'POST'; } }, options.url, true); if (postdata) { request.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); request.send(postdata); } else { request.send(); } } /* * Recursively builds a query string from an object, URI-encoding any * strings. Nested objects are handled using the standard HTTP notation for * nested arrays; for example, the element accessed in object notation by * a.b.c would be converted to a[b][c] in the query string. * * @param object obj optionally-nested object to be converted to a query * string * @param string prefix optional prefix to prepend to keys in obj (used in * recursive calls) * @return string query string representation of obj */ function buildQueryString(obj, prefix) { var str = []; for (var p in obj) { p = encodeURIComponent(p); var k = prefix ? prefix + "[" + p + "]" : p; v = obj[p]; str.push(typeof v == "object" ? buildQueryString(v, k) : encodeURIComponent(k) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(v)); } return str.join("&"); } /* * Removes a particular class from the passed-in element if it's present; * otherwise does nothing. * * @param string className class name to remove * @param object el DOM object to modify */ function removeClass(className, el) { var re = RegExp('(^| )'+className+'( |$)'); el.className = el.className.replace(re, '$1'); } /* * Adds a particular class to the passed-in element; if the element already * has the class then it is deleted and the re-added, which should have no * significant effect. * * @param string className class name to add * @param object el DOM object to modify */ function addClass(className, el) { removeClass(className, el); el.className += ' ' + className; } /* * Returns true if the passed in element has a particular class, and false * otherwise. * * @param string className the class to check for * @param object el DOM object to query * @return bool true if el has class className, and false otherwise */ function hasClass(className, el) { var re = RegExp('(^| )'+className+'( |$)'); return != -1; } /* * Places an element into a loading state, optionally adding a class and * setting some text, and provides a method to call in order to cancel the * loading state. The basic use case is to replace some text element with * 'Loading...' text at the beginning of an asynchronous request, then to * revert back to the pre-loading state once the request completes. This * function returns an object with a clear method, which may be called in * order to cancel the loading state. The options object may contain the * following fields: * * bool dots: whether to automatically append dots to the loading text * with the passage of a set time interval; the dots start over * each time they reach three (default true) * * int dotsInterval: how long to wait before drawing the next dot * (default 333ms) * * string className: class name to add to the element when loading * starts, and to remove when it completes (default none) * * Example: * * var loading = loadingText(el, 'Loading'); * someAsynchronousAction({ * onComplete: function() { * loading.clear(); * ... * } * }); * * @param object el DOM object to be manipulated * @param string text loading text with which to replace el's innerHTML * @param object options loading options * @return object object with a clear method, which can be called in order * to cancel the loading state, restoring everything to the way it was * before loading started */ function loadingText(el, text, options) { if (options == undefined) { options = {}; } var oldHTML = el.innerHTML; var drawDots = options.dots !== false; var interval = options.dotsInterval || 333; var timer; if (drawDots) { timer = window.setInterval(function() { if (el.innerHTML.match(/\.{3}$/)) { el.innerHTML = text; } else { el.innerHTML += '.'; } }, interval); } if (options.className) { addClass(options.className, el); } el.innerHTML = text; return obj = { 'clear': function() { if (drawDots) { window.clearInterval(timer); } el.innerHTML = oldHTML; if (options.className) { removeClass(options.className, el); } } }; } return self; })();