viewgit/inc/functions.php:22 Function utf8_encode() is deprecated [8192]
<?php /** * SeekQuarry/Yioop -- * Open Source Pure PHP Search Engine, Crawler, and Indexer * * Copyright (C) 2009 - 2021 Chris Pollett * * LICENSE: * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * END LICENSE * * @author Chris Pollett * @license GPL3 * @link * @copyright 2009 - 2021 * @filesource */ namespace seekquarry\yioop\tests; use seekquarry\yioop\configs as C; use seekquarry\yioop\library\VersionManager; use seekquarry\yioop\library\UnitTest; /** * UnitTests for the VersionManager class. * * @author Chris Pollett */ class VersionManagerTest extends UnitTest { /** * our dbms manager handle so we can call unlinkRecursive * @var object */ public $db; /** * Folder to use for test repository * @var string */ public $version_test_folder = C\TEST_DIR . "/test_files/version_manager_test"; /** * Sets up a miminal DBMS manager class so that we will be able to use * unlinkRecursive to tear down the files created bby our tests */ public function __construct() { $db_class = C\NS_DATASOURCES . ucfirst(C\DBMS)."Manager"; $this->db = new $db_class(); if (!file_exists($this->version_test_folder)) { mkdir($this->version_test_folder); } } /** * Does nothing */ public function setUp() { } /** * Delete the files created associated with the VersionManager tests */ public function tearDown() { $this->db->unlinkRecursive($this->version_test_folder, false); } /** * Test the ability to create a new version of a folder within the * VervionManager archive. */ public function createVersionFolderTestCase() { file_put_contents($this->version_test_folder . "/test.txt", "hi there"); $this->assertTrue(file_exists($this->version_test_folder . "/test.txt"), "Write anything test folder"); $vcs = new VersionManager($this->version_test_folder); $this->assertTrue(file_exists($this->version_test_folder . "/.archive"), "Archive sub-folder created"); $archive_info = $vcs->headInfo(); $this->assertTrue(!empty($archive_info), "HEAD info file exists and not empty"); $this->assertTrue(!empty($archive_info['TIMESTAMP']), "HEAD version timestamp exists"); $this->assertTrue(!empty($archive_info['FILES']['test.txt']), "First test file is in stored in HEAD info"); } /** * Tests that we can put and get files from the head version of * the managed folder's version archive. */ public function getPutContentsTestCase() { $test_files = []; $timestamps = []; $vcs = new VersionManager($this->version_test_folder); foreach (["test1.txt", "test2.txt", "test3.txt"] as $test_file) { $file_name = $this->version_test_folder . "/$test_file"; $vcs->headPutContents($file_name, $test_file); $head_info1 = $vcs->headInfo(); $data = $vcs->headGetContents($file_name); $this->assertEqual($test_file, $data, "head put followed by get returns same data"); $head_info2 = $vcs->headInfo(); $this->assertEqual($head_info1['TIMESTAMP'], $head_info2['TIMESTAMP'], "get shouldn't change version timestamp"); $timestamps[$test_file] = $head_info1['TIMESTAMP']; } $old_test_file = ""; foreach (["test1.txt", "test2.txt", "test3.txt"] as $test_file) { $file_name = $this->version_test_folder . "/$test_file"; list($type, $data) = $vcs->versionGetContents($file_name, $timestamps[$test_file]); $this->assertEqual('f', $type, "versionGetContents read back correct type."); $this->assertEqual($test_file, $data, "versionGetContents can get data written by a given version."); if (!empty($old_test_file)) { $lookup = $vcs->versionGetContents("$file_name", $timestamps[$old_test_file]); $this->assertEqual(VersionManager::HASH_LOOKUP_FAIL, $lookup, "can't find file in too early a version"); } $old_test_file = $test_file; } } /** * Tests file manipulations that can be done on files in the head version * of the repository. (copy a file, rename a file, delete a file). */ public function copyDeleteRenameTestCase() { $vcs = new VersionManager($this->version_test_folder); $file_name = []; $timestamp = []; for($i = 1; $i <= 3; $i++) { $file_name[$i] = $this->version_test_folder . "/test$i.txt"; } $vcs->headPutContents($file_name[1], "hi"); $head_info = $vcs->headInfo(); $timestamp[1] = $head_info["TIMESTAMP"]; $this->assertTrue(file_exists($file_name[1]), "Make test file succeeded"); $vcs->headRename($file_name[1], $file_name[2]); $head_info = $vcs->headInfo(); $this->assertTrue(!file_exists($file_name[1]), "Test file rename succeeded - file not in old location"); $this->assertTrue(file_exists($file_name[2]), "Test file rename succeeded - file is in new location"); $timestamp[2] = $head_info["TIMESTAMP"]; $vcs->headCopy($file_name[2], $file_name[3]); $this->assertTrue(file_exists($file_name[2]), "Test file copy succeeded - file is in old location"); $this->assertTrue(file_exists($file_name[3]), "Test file copy succeeded - file is in new location"); $head_info = $vcs->headInfo(); $timestamp[3] = $head_info["TIMESTAMP"]; $vcs->headDelete($file_name[2]); $this->assertTrue(!file_exists($file_name[2]), "Test file delete succeeded - file is no longer present in head"); $this->assertTrue(file_exists($file_name[3]), "Test file delete succeeded - the files still exist head"); for ($i = 1; $i <= 3; $i++) { list(, $data) = $vcs->versionGetContents($file_name[$i], $timestamp[$i]); $this->assertEqual($data, "hi", "Can still read old version $i"); } $sub_folder = $this->version_test_folder . "/sub"; $sub_file = "$sub_folder/foo.txt"; $sub2_folder = $this->version_test_folder . "/sub2"; $sub2_file = "$sub2_folder/foo.txt"; $vcs->headMakeDirectory($sub_folder); $vcs->headPutContents($sub_file, "lala"); $head_info = $vcs->headInfo(); $timestamp = $head_info['TIMESTAMP']; list(, $data) = $vcs->versionGetContents($sub_file, $timestamp); $this->assertEqual($data, "lala", "Can read version from subfolder"); $vcs->headRename($sub_folder, $sub2_folder); $this->assertTrue(!file_exists($sub_file), "Test sub folder file doesn't exist after rename"); $vcs->restoreVersion(1); $this->assertTrue(!file_exists($sub2_file), "Test sub folder file correctly deleted on version restore"); } /** * Tests restoring a folder to a given timestamp, making sure the * correct files are present after the restore. */ public function restoreVersionTestCase() { $timestamps = []; $vcs = new VersionManager($this->version_test_folder); $head_info = $vcs->headInfo(); $timestamps["initial"] = $head_info['TIMESTAMP']; foreach (["test1.txt", "test2.txt"] as $test_file) { $file_name = $this->version_test_folder . "/$test_file"; $vcs->headPutContents($file_name, $test_file); $head_info = $vcs->headInfo(); $timestamps[$test_file] = $head_info['TIMESTAMP']; } $dir = $this->version_test_folder . "/test"; $vcs->headMakeDirectory($dir); $this->assertTrue(file_exists($dir), "headMakeDirectory succeeded"); symlink(C\TEST_DIR . "/test_files/test.pdf", $dir . "/test.pdf"); $vcs->createVersion($dir . "/test.pdf"); $head_info = $vcs->headInfo(); $timestamps["symlink"] = $head_info['TIMESTAMP']; $vcs->restoreVersion($timestamps["initial"]); clearstatcache(); $this->assertTrue(!file_exists($this->version_test_folder . "/test1.txt"), "After Restore later file not present 1"); $vcs->restoreVersion($timestamps["test1.txt"]); clearstatcache(); $this->assertTrue(file_exists($this->version_test_folder . "/test1.txt"), "After restore file that should be present is"); $this->assertTrue(!file_exists($this->version_test_folder . "/test2.txt"), "After Restore later file not present 2"); clearstatcache(); $vcs->restoreVersion($timestamps["symlink"]); $this->assertTrue(file_exists($dir . "/test.pdf"), "After Restore symlink restored"); } /** * Tests getting the active version of the repository at a given * timestamp and between a range of timestamps */ public function versionGettersTestCase() { $vcs = new VersionManager($this->version_test_folder); $file_name = $this->version_test_folder . "/test.txt"; $timestamps = []; $shift_timestamps = []; for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) { $vcs->headPutContents($file_name, $i); $head_info = $vcs->headInfo(); $timestamps[$i] = $head_info['TIMESTAMP']; usleep(20000); $shift_timestamps[$i] = microtime(true); $active_timestamp = $vcs->getActiveVersion($shift_timestamps[$i]); $this->assertEqual("$active_timestamp", "{$timestamps[$i]}", "Active Timestamp $i correct"); } $range_timestamps = $vcs->getVersionsInRange($shift_timestamps[1], $shift_timestamps[3]); $this->assertEqual("{$range_timestamps[0]}", "{$timestamps[2]}", "Range Timestamp 0 correct"); $this->assertEqual("{$range_timestamps[1]}", "{$timestamps[3]}", "Range Timestamp 1 correct"); $this->assertEqual(count($range_timestamps), 2, "Correct Number of Range Timestamps"); } }