
Mini-class (so not own file) used to hold encode decode info related to Mod9 encoding (as variant of Simplified-9 specify to Yioop).

Mod9 is used to incode a sequence of positive (greater than 0) integers as a string. WARNING: do not expect is to work/decode correctly if sequence has a 0 as the decoding process assumes 0 indicates end of sequence.


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Used in Modified 9 encoding. The ith array entry represents the number of i bit elements that can be stored in a word using modified 9 (0th index location is a dummy value 0 as can't store 0 bit numbers)




Used in Modified 9 encoding. Key values are the number of elements we would like to store in the current word. Values are the bit prefix to use on first byte of word. Notices bits 7 and 6 (128 and 64) are not parts of prefixes as used for continuation bits.




Keys of this array are prefix codes from the high order byte of a word encoded using Modified 9, values are the number of bits used to encode an element if that prefix code was used.




Keys of this array are prefix codes from the high order byte of a word encoded using Modified 9, values are the number of elts stored in the remaining bits of the word
