

DisjointIterator Used to iterate over the documents which occur in a set of disjoint iterators all belonging to the same index
DocIterator Used to iterate through all the documents and links associated with a an IndexArchiveBundle. It iterates through each doc or link regarless of the words it contains. It also makes it easy to get the summaries of these documents.
GroupIterator This iterator is used to group together documents or document parts which share the same url. For instance, a link document item and the document that it links to will both be stored in the IndexArchiveBundle by the QueueServer. This iterator would combine both these items into a single document result with a sum of their score, and a summary, if returned, containing text from both sources. The iterator's purpose is vaguely analagous to a SQL GROUP BY clause
IndexBundleIterator Abstract classed used to model iterating documents indexed in an IndexArchiveBundle or set of such bundles.
IntersectIterator Used to iterate over the documents which occur in all of a set of iterator results
NegationIterator Used to iterate over the documents which don't occur in a set of iterator results
UnionIterator Used to iterate over the documents which occur in any of a set of WordIterator results
WordIterator Used to iterate through the documents associated with a word in an IndexArchiveBundle. It also makes it easy to get the summaries of these documents.