

AddressesPlugin Used to extract emails, phone numbers, and addresses from a web page.
IndexingPlugin Base indexing plugin Class. An indexing plugin allows a developer to do additional processing on web pages during a crawl, then after the web crawl is over do post processing on the additional data that was collected. For example, during a crawl one might by analysing web pages mark pages that have recipes on them with the meta word recipe:all, then after the crawl is over do post processing such as clustering the recipe's found and add additional meta words to retrieve recipe's by principle ingredient.
MaxWeightedEdgeHeap Heap used during clustering to select next edge to use to cluster
MinWeightedEdgeHeap Heap used to compute minimal spanning tree
Queue Queue for the BFS traversal
RecipeClusterer Class to define Minimum Spanning tree for recipes. constructMST constructs the minimum spanning tree using heap. formCluster forms clusters by deleting the most expensive edge. BreadthFirstSearch is used to traverse the MST.
RecipePlugin This class handles recipe processing.
Vertex Vertex class for used for Recipe Clustering
WeightedEdge Directed Edge class for Recipe Clustering
WordfilterPlugin WordFilterPlugin is used to filter documents by terms during a crawl.



e(string  $text) 

shorthand for echo


string $text

string to send to the current output



import a tl function into Controller Namespace