



AdminView View used to draw activity list and current activty for a logged in user
ApiView View used to draw and allow editing of wiki page when not in the admin view (so activities panel on side is not present.) This is also used to draw wiki pages for public groups when not logged.
ComponentView Base class for views created by adding elements to top, sub-top, same, opposite, center columns, or bottom possitions
CrawlstatusView This view is used to display information about crawls that have been made by this seek_quarry instance
FeedstatusView This view is drawn to refresh a group feed that has recently been posted to. Redrawing is invoked from a client script every so many seconds.
FetchView This view is displayed by the fetch_controller.php to send information to a fetcher about things like what to crawl next
GroupView View used to draw and allow editing of group feeds when not in the admin view (so activities panel on side is not present.) This is also used to draw group feeds for public feeds when not logged.
MachinestatusView This view is used to display information about the on/off state of the queue_servers and fetchers managed by this instance of Yioop.
NocacheView This view is drawn when someone clicks on the cached link of a web-page for which no cache is available
RecoverView This View is responsible for drawing the screen for recovering a forgotten password
RegisterView Draws the page that allows a user to register for an account
ResendEmailView This View is responsible for drawing the screen for resending the confirm account link
RssView Web page used to present search results It is also contains the search box for people to types searches into
SearchView Web page used to present search results It is also contains the search box for people to types searches into
SigninView This View is responsible for drawing the login screen for the admin panel of the Seek Quarry app
StaticView This View is responsible for drawing forward-facing wiki pages in a more static cleaned up way
SuggestView View responsible for drawing the form where a user can suggest a URL
TestsView Draws the view on which people can control their search settings such as num links per screen and the language settings
View Base View Class. A View is used to display the output of controller activity



e(string  $text) 

shorthand for echo


string $text

string to send to the current output


tl() : string

Translate the supplied arguments into the current locale.

This function is a convenience copy of the same function


string —

translated string